#to be fair haiku in particular is super damn hard to write
heart-ruled-moved · 6 years
@rxll-the-dxce ll From here
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“Don’t do yourself a disservice, Kazuichi-kun.. Y-You are a fine mechanic a-and inventor.”
His stammer had eased a lot since they’d become closer friends, and though it still lingered in his speech, Hideaki was far less nervous and agitated in Kazuichi’s company than than before. Both of them had come so far, and now the Strategist respected the Ultimate Mechanic highly, for continuing to stick up for him despite their setbacks and issues.
Of course, he wasn’t that unobservant. From right away Hideaki could sense that this gift that Kazuichi had, inparticular the date he had chosen to give it to him was more than enough of a giveaway, had a much, much deeper meaning than just friendship. Was he.. even allowed to feel more than that? Until recently he hadn’t even known what friendship felt like, but this? This was.. was what Tanaka had punished him for. This was forbidden, taboo. He couldn’t simply admit that he felt the same way could he? That easily?
And what if Kazuichi just denied it and brushed off the gift as being one between friends? What would he do then?
Trying not to get his thoughts tangled in his head, and pushing away any worried emotions threatening to bubble forth,  Hideaki turns his gaze quickly to the box. Scarlet eyes widen as he admires the intricacy of the lid and sides, the careful attention to details and the proud, shiny finish of the varnish. It’s gorgeous, absolutely delicate and beautiful. Not something he ever deserved - it would have to stay hidden at Hope’s Peak to have any chance of survival.
But gods he would treasure it!
“This…. This is…”
He cant form the words. But Hideaki very carefully touches the box’s lid and feels along the sides. Finding where Kazuichi pressed to trigger the secret drawer and testing it himself. He’s awestruck, mouth hanging open a little as he inspects every part.
“It’s the perfect size for m-my logbook..” he confesses, a small laugh. “And then..”
He takes out the pocketwatch that Kazuichi gave him last time. It still ticked gently, soft and calming. And Hideaki placed it carefully into the secret compartment.
“Now I know that it will be safe….Th-Thank you, Kazuichi-kun I… I don’t even know where to begin w-with how grateful I am..”
Now it was his turn, wasn’t it?
Carefully, Hideaki reached for his gift. Now hesitation gripped him, as he wondered if his friend.. well.. more than friend perhaps, would even like it. A small black box tied with a grey paw-print ribbon that he found whilst looking for the gift. It’s not much, but he’s done his best.
A silver earring, bedecked in cogs and springs, he’d noticed the love for clockwork Kazuichi had after all. The mechanic’s own earring looked more like he’d just hammered a nail through his ear (he hoped that it was fake), so this would be a fun change. And beneath it? Hideaki blushed even more.
A simple. handwritten haiku.
“I th-think y-you.. w-were trying to say.. H-Happy V-Valentines.. r-right?”
🔧 - The mechanic gave a dismissive and unconfident shrug at Hidekai’s first comment, though he has neither the focus nor the courage to argue with him right now about how useless it was to call him any good at inventing when Miu Iruma was in the same building. 
He could feel his mouth run dry, his heart thundering against his chest louder than he thought he had ever heard it before. While he had stayed up most of last night making this for him out of a burst of passion, he hadn’t really thought this through....what the hell had he been thinking? Didn’t matter what he felt, there was no way Hideaki would feel the same way, right? Not with amount of times he’d screwed up and thrown him into panic attacks to add to his already messed up life...he was lucky he could still be his friend at all after all that.
If he was lucky, maybe Hideaki just wouldn’t read this like that....just as a gift between good friends. Fuck, he wasn’t aware his hands had started shaking. His nerves were really starting to get to him. Thankfully, he was still able to finish the demonstration of the true intent behind the gift. 
And god, the look on the other boy’s face makes this whole thing worth it, regardless of what would come next. Kazuichi was able to even shake his nerves a little as he replied: “Yeah...that’s what I was thinking too...about your logbook, I mean.” His expression softened at the watch he brought out of his pocket, giving a shaky sigh “I’m...really glad you got so much use out of that. Makes me happy to know I didn’t screw up for once.”
But his heart began beating faster again as he saw Hideaki reach for something himself. He’d tried to think of a number of things he could have said if things went wrong today, but...god, he wasn’t prepared for this at all. The earring did get an excited smile out of him for a few moments, already eager to try it out.
Hideaki’s blush went right over his head, eyes completely fixed on the Haiku he had written for him. It’s only a piece of 3 lines, and he knew he wasn’t that smart....but he was pretty sure he understood now.
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“H...Hideaki-kun...” He stammered, looking up with a reddening face as their eyes locked for a moment. He didn’t want to leave him hanging, but he suddenly felt like he had forgotten how to talk all together. Everything around him was fading and unimportant - focused only on the person in front of him. He was so nervous, it felt like he’d be sick - but he couldn’t let this slip by. He’s a damn coward, but he was probably only going to get one shot at this.
“I...guess you....you feel the same way, huh?” he made a pathetic attempt at a nervous laugh, tentatively reaching to touch the tip of Hideaki’s fingers. “I-I...I’m sorry I keep messing up all the damn time. That’s why I never told you. I mean....that I like you. And...not in the way guys usually ‘like’ each other.” Heart was beating even faster now, and he tried not to make it as obvious that he was shaking. But he had to keep going. 
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“I...want you to be happy. So if you don’t feel like putting up with my dumb ass and the other times I’m probably going to screw up....don’t feel like you have accept what I’m saying. Not to bring up bad memories...but I remember what you said about your brother when he found out about this kind of stuff so....if you’re not ready, that’s fine too. I’ll pretend this never happened. But....I’d really like to.... ” He could barely make eye contact again, knowing there was no going back after he said it - and he couldn’t resist the temptation of trying to interlock his fingers with his  “I’d really like to give this a chance, if that’s alright with you...”
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