adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Photos: Adam Shane Lawes: My 4th August 2021 Birthday Photos With Me Home Alone Again This Year On My Birthday Due To The Melbourne, Victoria Necessary No Visitor COVID-19 Coronavirus Rule - However I Am Gratefully Healthy, Alive And Fully Vaccinated By The Safe And Effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine - After I Had My First Dose Of The mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine on the 1st of June 2021 - And Then 28 Days Later I Had My Second Dose Of The Safe And Effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine On The 29th June 2021 - And I Still Always Face Mask Whenever I Am Not Alone - Along With Photos Today Both Before And After I Shaved My Head Today With A Razor Blade For "Homelessness Week 2021" - Which Is Exactly 12 Years To The Day I Last Shaved My Head With A Razor Blade When I Was Homeless In 2009 - When I Was Made Homeless After I Necessarily Publicly Exposed The Corporate Crime And Organised Crime Of Australia's Largest Corporation - However 12 Years Later I Am Still Alive And I Am Still Fighting For Justice - Also The Hand Symbol I Am Using In My Photos Is Not About Evil - It Is The Exact Opposite - As It Is Against The Evil Jesus-Christ And Another Evil Spirit I Am Showing Being Necessarily Held Down To Be Removed For Evilly Deceiving People That They Are God And Also Because They Evilly Started The COVID-19 Coronavirus - Whilst My Two Pointed Fingers Show That There Is A Male God And A Female God Who Created Our Earth And Our Universe - And My Hand Symbol I Am Showing Is Also The Universal Hand Sign Symbol For Love. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Photo: Adam Shane Lawes (Me And My Australian Organ Donor Register Card - No Filters And No Special Effects Have Been Added To This Photo). As this week in Australia it is "DonateLife Week 2021". So please support science, and "Donate Life", and other people and our planet earth by donating your organs, and like I have, your whole body for research to medical science when you die. As your organ donation alone can save one or more lives. And also too much precious space on our precious planet earth is taken up by increasingly overcrowded cemeteries and their expensive and unnecessary environmentally harmful graves, which are a waste of space and prevent suitable and sustainable development on our planet earth, and it is also a waste of human organs that could have saved one or more lives through organ donation. And cremation, like cemeteries, are also environmentally harmful and a waste of your organs when you die, that can save one or more lives. As when we physically die our soul then leaves our physical deceased body. So your soul is not trapped in a rotting corpse and skeleton in an increasingly overcrowded and expensive and environmentally harmful grave in a cemetery, and nor is your soul trapped in a burning corpse or the remaining ashes during cremation. And neither is your soul trapped inside your corpse when you donate your body to medical science and your organs are being removed for transplant to save lives, and also the remainder of your corpse is then also necessarily used for medical research to further our evolution and to save more lives. However in both the expensive and environmentally harmful and waste of space of graves in a cemetery burial, and also the expensive environmentally harmful process of cremation, your organs are wasted when instead they could have been used to save lives, and for further research in medical science. So remember the most important memories you leave behind are the emotional and mental ones, and instead of a physical graveyard or urn, as both are a waste of space, expensive and environmentally harmful, the other memories you leave behind are what you create, like here on social media for example, where each website is a source and memorial to what you are about and achieved and created in your life. So today in "Donate Life Week 2021" please register as an organ donor at "Donate Life" so when you physically die your organs can be used to save lives, and what remains of your body after that can then also be used for medical research to advance evolution, and help protect our precious planet earth, and to save more lives. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Our COVID-19 Coronavirus Lockdown Laws
There Are 5 Legal Reasons To Leave Your Home:
Reason 1: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Food And Essential Supplies.
Reason 2: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Care Or Care Giving.
Reason 3: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Work Or Education That You Cannot Do From Home.
Reason 4: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Exercise For Up To Two Hours A Day And No More Than 5 Kilometres From Your Home.
Reason 5: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Vaccinated Against The COVID-19 Coronavirus.
And You Must Wear A Face Mask By Law
And You Must Obey The Law By Scanning A QR Code Wherever You Go - As A QR Code Is Necessary By Law For Contact Tracing To Save Lives - So You Must Necessarily Scan A QR Code Now By Law - Because Without A QR Code No One Can Buy Or Sell
So everyone who attended the illegal anti-vaccine anti-lockdown protests, have all criminally broken public health and safety orders in a necessary lockdown, by deliberately and criminally violating lockdown laws in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Including whilst there are people as young as their teens in Intensive Care Units in hospitals in Australia, and also people who are dying, including as young as in their thirties in Australia, from the COVID-19 Coronavirus. So every anti-vaccine anti-lockdown protestor who has broken public health and safety orders, by deliberately and criminally violating COVID-19 Coronavirus lockdown laws, in illegal anti-lockdown protests during necessary COVID-19 lockdowns, have now all created immense contact tracing COVID-19 Super-Spreader Exposure Sites. So now every anti-vaccine anti-lockdown protestor needs to be contact traced, and fully criminally charged for breaching COVID-19 health and safety orders and lockdown laws, and then immediately locked in hotel quarantine at their own expense. In order to protect the public that they've all now endangered, and that they are still endangering, until they are all locked in hotel quarantine, because of their criminal COVID-19 public health and safety order violations in a COVID-19 Coronavirus Lockdown.
As we must never forget, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days. Because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic public health and safety laws, including especially lockdown laws, is vital in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians, and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So it is vital now that the anti-vaxxers who participated in an anti-vaccine anti-lockdown march are all now contact traced, and fully criminally charged for breaching public health and safety orders in a necessary lockdown. Because they have endangered and are still endangering the lives of the public, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. So the anti-vaccine anti-lockdown marchers now need to be immediately locked in hotel quarantine at their own expense, to protect the public from their criminal public health and safety order violations. Because they have all now created and attended massive new COVID-19 Coronavirus Super-Spreader Exposure Sites, during a necessary public health and safety order lockdown, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
The Evil Organised Crime Of The 'Ndrangheta In The Food Industry And How The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic And The Current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic Both Started From Australian Supermarkets - And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Bacteria, Infections, Viruses, And Diseases - And The Reason Supermarkets Are An Unhealthy, Unpractical, Environmentally Harmful And Expensive Way To Buy Food And Other Essential Items - And A Necessary Practical And Economical And Environmental And Hygienic And Healthier And Safer Alternative To Supermarkets In And Beyond This Extremely Infectious And Deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic
Part One: How The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic Started From A Supermarket And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Infections, Viruses And Diseases
Woolworths Group Australia is Australia's largest corporation, and they are also Australia's largest food supermarket, Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, an Australian media corporation, an Australian banking credit card finance corporation, an Australian fossil fuel corporation, and they were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation until the 24th of June 2021, when Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group so they would no longer be publicly seen as Australia's largest alcohol corporation. As Woolworths Group Australia, as Australia's largest alcohol corporation and owner of the most hotels and gambling poker machines in Australia, have been publicly stating since July 2019 that they were going to stop selling alcohol and owning hotels and poker machines, in order to focus only upon selling healthy food. So on the 24th of June 2021 Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group to stop selling alcohol, however Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia still own 14.6% of Endeavour Group and Woolworths Group Australia also gave one Endeavour Group share for every share they have in Woolworths to every Woolworths Group Australia share holder. And this is my legal statement against the corporate crime and organised crime that I witnessed and I was a victim of whilst working for 12 years for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
And I Adam Shane Lawes, hereby make the following public legal statement against Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, who I worked for a total of 12 years for until January 2009. And during the 12 years that I worked for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, I was employee of the month three times, and I also did managerial duties. However from the period 2007 to 2009 I then uncovered corporate corruption and corporate crime and organised crime whilst working for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
As whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065. When Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation. I caught Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff alcoholic employees drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. And this is a reoccurring and continual problem at Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. Because at the first Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store that I worked in, a total of 18 Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store staff employees were terminated in one day for drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. However when the police are ever involved, then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then criminally lie to the police and say they are going to terminate the staff for stealing meat, when they are actually deliberately drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. So when I tried to stop the drunken alcoholic staff when I worked for Woolworths Group Australia at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065, including after being continually verbally violently attacked by them. The Woolworths Group Australia alcoholic employees lied about me, including a Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff member who is an evil vile alcoholic called Meto Zumberic, who gets so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely attack me and other staff members for necessarily hygienically washing our hands at work. Whilst Meto Zumberic every shift would also get so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely defecate himself in the food aisles whilst he was working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Food Supermarket Store. So when I tried to stop Meto Zumberic and also the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store Night Manager Shane Peels, and also the other Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff from criminally and abusively working drunk on alcohol at work, Meto Zumberic then used an illegal phone voice recording that he had made, where he twisted the legal soft drink coke/coca-cola, that I legally purchased and was drinking visibly on the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store surveillance cameras before my shift started, to the illegal drug coke/cocaine. So then when I confronted Meto Zumberic for making an illegal phone voice recording to falsely accuse me of using the illegal drug coke/cocaine at work, which is defamation of character by libel or slander, I was forcefully physically escorted out of the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store and permanently banned from the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store, and at first permanently terminated, but then two days later I was temporarily terminated from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
So then two days later I was reinstated to work for Woolworths Group Australia at their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. So then the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics then got a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur (who would gloat about a warehouse size amount of alcohol stolen by Woolworths Group Australia employees, where someone was shot for the alcohol), to say I threw a heavy wooden pallet at her to try discredit me and have me terminated and criminally charged and jailed. However I was fortunately saved by a recently fixed surveillance camera that they had previously broken, and that they were going to try to use to have me terminated and criminally charged with believing it was still broken. Which if it had not of been fixed without the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics knowing, I would have been criminally charged and jailed for a violent crime against a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur that I did not commit.
So then in 2008 whilst I continued to work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. Including being made to do unpaid managerial duties, including illegally being made to do unpaid night shifts, and also 3 hours per shift in unpaid overtime, including 12 hour shifts without being allowed to have meal breaks or toilet breaks. And after I necessarily sent a Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store employee home from work called Nicholas Roberts because he was violently drunk on alcohol at work and he extremely drunkenly violently threw a box of tuna at my head, which I still get painful reoccurring headaches from, and which he then illegally drunkenly bragged he could get away with because his grandfather was a former Victorian Police Commissioner. So because Nicholas Roberts was illegally and violently and staggering drunkenly intoxicated on alcohol at work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, as the night-fill manager, I had to legally send him home from work. However I was then continually verbally attacked and threatened by Nicholas Roberts and his group of friends at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, who were Melbourne University chemical and computer science students, including operating illegally out of Melbourne University, including illegally downloading and criminally stealing art from the internet, and also making pornography websites for money of girls being sexually fisted.
And Woolworths Group Australia as Australia's largest corporation are criminal and corrupt in every aspect and way that they operate. As the staff, including the store management and the Head Office of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia is mostly constituted of uneducated and alcoholic former checkout females and alcoholic males, who as part of their sexist fascist false 'feminist' and criminal alcoholic-constructed discriminatory and criminal 'health and safety rules', they are not allowed to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and damaging manual labour lifting of thousands of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies each and every shift, in order to necessarily provide food and other essential supplies for the population. So someone like me who topped at business college with 98% and got first class honours at university, and I also have personally sacrificed status and wealth for time so I could necessarily self-educate myself, is instead made to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and physically damaging manual labour lifting of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies for the population all night and each and every shift, including being illegally made to work three hours a day unpaid, and 10 hour to 12 hour shifts without meal breaks or toilet breaks, and also illegally made to work full unpaid shifts. So the mostly uneducated former checkout females and alcoholic males who largely constitute the management of Woolworths Group Australia, which is Australia's largest corporation, and it is also Australia's largest food supermarket, and it is also Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, and until the 24th of June 2021 it was also Australia's largest alcohol corporation, all get 'high off their own supply', as the staff of Woolworths Group Australia is constituted of greedy, gambling-addicted, gluttonous, obese, alcoholics who drunkenly defecate and urinate and deliberately infect my and other staff members and customers food to cause sickness, infections, viruses and diseases.
And whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, I then uncovered corporate fraud being committed by Woolworths Group Australia and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. So after repeatedly reporting and trying to stop the corporate fraud being done by the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. I then used the world's largest social media website at that time, to necessarily publicly expose on the internet, the corporate crimes of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, including alcoholic staff who deliberately drunkenly defecate and urinate in my and other staff members and customers food causing infections, viruses and diseases, and also the corporate fraud and organised crime of Woolworths Group Australia. As the corporate fraud and other corporate crime, including organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, which I was a victim of needs to be held just as equivalently criminally responsible for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, as any of the corporate fraud that occurred on Wall Street and the NYSE American Stock Exchange in the United States Of America.
So then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then committed defamation of character by libel or slander by accusing me of being a criminal accomplice of a physically dead organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin who was shot and killed at the La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton, close to their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store. When I did not know Andrew Veniamin at all, and instead at that time I was living and working in the city for the government as a public servant. However Woolworths Group Australia, including the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager who was an Indian-Australian called Kevin Kilpady, and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Evening Manager who is a Lebanese-Australian called John, twice brought people who were either plain clothes Victoria Police or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over organised crime and what I thought of the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed. Which along with the fact that the worst and many of Melbourne's organised criminals, including of the international 'Ndrangheta Mafia in Melbourne, started out working in supermarkets, including one being shot dead in a Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store carpark on his way to work for Woolworths Group Australia in the Melbourne Gangland Killings. Along with Woolworths Group Australia twice bringing people into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed, including people claiming to be Victoria Police, or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, proves the organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. Who then tried to physically murder me with an evilly and criminally poisoned with pork and infected with swine flu pizza that they told me to eat as they lied and said it was a vegetarian pizza that was safe to eat, when I was given it to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at the end of 2008. Which before I nearly fainted within minutes of eating it, and then would have died from eating it, I managed to put my fingers down my throat, and I forcefully made myself vomit up the vegetarian pizza that Woolworths Group Australia, and whoever has been evilly and criminally assisting them, had deliberately infected with poisoned and infected swine flu pork that they put on my vegetarian pizza. And then I was extremely ill, as I was struggling to breathe and I had a sharp pain in my lungs, and I also had a high temperature and a burning hot sweating fever. Which happened at the end of 2008 at the time that Barack Obama was first elected as the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden was first elected as the Vice President Of The United States Of America in 2008. And then when I physically survived their physical murder attempt on my life, that physical attack on me, which then also included violent psychic-telepathic attack on me, from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia and whoever is evilly and criminally assisting them, including people stating or illegally pretending to be Victoria Police, was so severe and so violent, and for so many nights and days, that it ended up nearly physically killing me, and it made me homeless by the time of Barack Obama's Inauguration to become the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden to become the Vice President Of The United States Of America in January 2009. And then my social media website, on what was then the world's largest social media company was then shut down (not by the social media company). And then the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic began.
Part Two: How The COVID-19 Coronavirus Started From A Supermarket And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Infections, Viruses And Diseases
In August 2019, I ate Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was bought in Melbourne, Australia from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Essendon, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. And later that night, within six hours of eating it, I woke up from my sleep extremely physically ill. As after eating it I woke up with severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me. And I also had uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and I also had uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and I also had a slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever, with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And the severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me, and the uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and the uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and the slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me would not stop, as it kept painfully continuing and nearly killing me. So I went to my doctor and he immediately sent me for full pathology tests including on my blood, urine and faeces. However those full pathology test results dated the 3rd September 2019 could not detect the virus that was causing it as every test came back as unknown. But back at home bed-ridden I remained extremely physically ill, shivering in physical pain with a painful extremely shivering cold fever then slightly hot fever, and continual uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and continual uncontrollable constant diarrhoea. So I stayed at home, shivering in physical pain with an extremely shivering cold and slightly hot fever, and continual vomiting, and with constant and uncontrollable diarrhoea, and with a slightly hot but mostly extremely painfully shivering cold fever, with painful physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And then after 28 days and nights of lying in bed with constant uncontrollable vomiting and constant uncontrollable diarrhoea, and a slightly hot but mostly continual painfully shivering extremely cold fever, and deadly physical jolts continually going through me that kept nearly physically killing me, eventually I thankfully finally got better. And I was then able to leave my home again 28 days later once I was fully recovered. And despite the fact that every pathology test that I had said the viral cause was unknown, because at that time it was an unknown virus. This was the first case of the COVID-19 Coronavirus that has now horrifyingly turned into the COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And then the following year on the 11th March 2020 the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization. With the COVID-19 Coronavirus initially having already spread on a national level in Italy, with Italy wrongfully and falsely blaming China. As it was from Italian-Australian goats milk feta food from Melbourne, Australia that the COVID-19 Coronavirus started and then spread globally, and turned into this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And by August last year in 2020 here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, a State Of Emergency and a State Of Disaster was declared, with necessary stage four restrictions, including the wearing of mandatory masks, and necessary public stay at home orders, and a necessary night curfew, and our military necessarily patrolling our streets. And today Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is still in a necessary state lockdown due to this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
Part Three: The Reason Supermarkets Are An Unhealthy, Unpractical, Environmentally Harmful And Expensive Way To Buy Food And Other Essential Items
Humans are far too intelligent to have to do manual labour and manual labour is far too physically harmful and physically damaging to the human body. And supermarkets are a very mentally mundane, and very physically harmful and physically damaging manual labour way, that is both expensive and inefficient, to get food and other essential supplies to the population of any community, state or territory and country.
As firstly, products are transported by trucks to a supermarket supply warehouse where they are unloaded at the warehouse. Then each day, each order comes in from every individual supermarket. So every box of products, which weighs on average 25 kilograms, is then manually hand lifted and loaded onto pallets, with approximately 2500 to 4000 boxes and 25 to 40 pallets per store. And then the 2500 to 4000 boxes on the 25 to 40 pallets are then transported each day by truck to each supermarket store. And then at each supermarket store the 2500 to 4000 boxes, weighing at approximately 25 kilograms each, are then unloaded by hand-lifting them off the 25 to 40 pallets at each supermarket store, onto large metal transport trolleys. And then the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25kg each are then wheeled out on large metal trolleys and then hand lifted off the metal trolleys and placed on the ground in front of where they are then sold in the supermarket aisles. And then once all the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25kg each are then wheeled out on large metal trolleys, and then hand lifted off the metal trolleys and placed on the ground in front of where they are sold in the supermarket aisles, they are then cut open and each product from each box weighing approximately 25 kilograms is then stacked onto the supermarket shelves. And then once the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25 kilograms each that are filled with products are stacked onto the supermarket shelves, the 2500 to 4000 empty cardboard boxes in hundreds of trolleys are then loaded by hand into a cardboard crushing machine, and then crushed and tied up in many cardboard bails with metal wires. Whilst every supermarket shelf in every supermarket aisle is then faced, as all products are brought forth and lined up for presentation for sale on every supermarket shelf in every supermarket aisle. For customers to then travel to the supermarket and take the products off the shelves that they want to purchase, and then scan each product through the supermarket checkouts, and then travel home with the products from each individual supermarket.
So to supply and purchase products from supermarkets, it can be seen that there is a massive amount of transportation and a massive amount of manual labour required, in the multiple loading and unloading and heavy hand lifting of thousands of heavy boxes weighing approximately 25 kilograms each, at the supermarket warehouse, and then also repetitively again and again at every supermarket store. Which is a lot of unnecessary fossil fuel use in transporting products by trucks to the warehouse, and then transporting products from the warehouse to the individual supermarket stores, and then customers travelling to and from the supermarket stores. As the use of fossil fuels is not only harming and destroying the environment and our entire planet earth, but carcinogens from fossil fuel transportation is also destroying people's health and lungs and causing cancer and death in people. And also it is a massive amount of multiple hand lifting of very mentally mundane and very physically painful and hard and horrible manual labour. And all of this also makes supermarkets an expensive way to buy and sell products - which is why supermarkets are so expensive. And it is also one of the main reasons why supermarkets are a breeding ground for infections, viruses and diseases, including especially the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus, in this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
Part Four: A Necessary Practical And Economical And Environmental And Hygienic And Healthier And Safer Alternative To Supermarkets In And Beyond This Extremely Infectious And Deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic
So in and beyond this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic there is a necessary practical alternative to the expensive and environmentally harmful and extremely unhealthy fossil fuel multiple transportation of products. And also the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again at each individual supermarket store. Which is also all a breeding ground for infections, viruses and diseases, especially in this current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So the necessary practical alternative to the above mentioned problems of supermarkets, is for all food and other essential items and all products from supermarket stores, to now necessarily transition to online only retail sales. Whereby supermarket warehouses no longer require people to have to do the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again, costly, harmfully and repetitively at each individual supermarket store. As instead all loading and unloading and lifting boxes of products now can and needs to be done by automation and manufacturing through robotic mechanisation. In the same way the British online supermarket delivery corporation Ocado uses automated robotics warehouse distribution centres. And also in the same way that the Japanese FamilyMart supermarket has necessarily begun using a robot resembling a kangaroo invented by the Telexistence company, that is able to do the very mentally mundane and very physically heavy and harmful, but necessary manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population hygienic, healthy and safe food and other essential items and all supermarket products. And then instead of the environmentally harmful transporting of products from supermarket warehouses to supermarket stores. And then the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again at each supermarket store. And also instead of supermarket customers then environmentally harmfully travelling to and from supermarket stores. Instead supermarket customers purchase food and other essential items and all products online on the internet, and then the products are mechanically packed and then transported to their home using the home delivery service. Which is a much more cost-effective and less expensive, and also a necessarily more environmentally friendly and hygienic and healthy transition to online sales and automated robotic mechanisation, in this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So everyone please safely shop online instead, including when purchasing food and other essential items for home delivery. As online sales are the most efficient, economical, practical and safest and hygienic and healthy way to sell and purchase not just food and other essential items, but also the most productive, efficient, safest and hygienic way to buy and sell anything.
And we must be stricter with food and food safety hygiene laws. As this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. And everyone please always use a legal strong sterilising hand sanitiser and a strong surface steriliser, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is now also extremely infectious and contagious through infected and contaminated contact surfaces.
And it is vital for people globally to stop blaming China for this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As in June 2021 Facebook necessarily further banned Donald Trump for endangering public health, by deliberately misleading people, for falsely blaming China for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, in order to deceivingly try start a trade war with China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus did not originate in China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus originally started in Australia in August 2019 from either evilly deliberately or criminally negligently contaminated Italian-Australian goats milk feta food purchased from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, with the first pathology test done on the 3rd September 2019. And then the COVID-19 Coronavirus was proven to then be also in Italy in 2019, including before the COVID-19 Coronavirus was in China.
And it is also now necessary for all businesses to necessarily mandatorily move to an online sales model and a digital cashless society, using only electronic payment for hygienic safety, and to also necessarily end all organised crime and corporate fraud, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also to outlaw organised crime, and for the health and safety of Australia and our entire planet earth, no one can now necessarily visit anywhere, nor buy or sell anything, unless they use a mandatory QR Code. As due to the severity and the immediate transmission of the current COVID-19 Delta, this is now necessary and vital for accurate and precise contact tracing in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So if you are permitted outside, please always use a mandatory State QR Code App, when visiting any venue. This includes using a mandatory State QR Code App when purchasing food from supermarkets and any other food stores, including restaurants and cafes, and when visiting any venue including all shopping centres, all sporting venues, including necessarily all sporting stadiums, and also in all pubs, clubs and places of worship. As a State QR Code contact tracing App is now necessary for all venues and businesses, especially where people buy food and other essential items, for the purposes of contact tracing to protect people's health and safety, and to save lives. By being able to necessarily contact trace people as quickly as possible during any COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, to detect the COVID-19 Coronavirus transmission as thoroughly and properly and as efficiently and as quickly as possible. In order to then necessarily quickly isolate people to prevent further transmission and infections of this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus.
As it must never be forgotten, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days. Because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
And the Australian Federal Government needs to make the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for all frontline quarantine staff and border staff and all other essential workers, including interstate truck drivers and other essential interstate workers, just as the Western Australian State Government Premier Mark McGowan, has already necessarily done for essential workers in Western Australia. And also countries, such as France, are now necessarily making the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine mandatory for all workers. Whilst countries globally are necessarily making a COVID-19 Vaccination mandatory for entry into any venue for public health and safety and to save lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So everyone please get vaccinated as soon as you can, with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. As I have now necessarily been fully vaccinated with two vaccinations of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. With my first COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine occurring on the 1st of June 2021. And then I had my second dose of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine 28 days later on the 29th of June 2021. So I am now fully vaccinated with two doses of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine and I had no side-effects at all.
And also after being fully vaccinated with the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine, I still necessarily also continue to wear a face mask at all times and social distance at all times. And I also necessarily went from being vegetarian to becoming vegan.
As the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic started from evilly and criminally deliberately poisoned pork that was infected with swine flu and evilly and criminally cooked in a vegetarian pizza that I was given to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store by Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. And this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food, that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and which was purchased from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
So everyone please go vegan, and continue to wear a face mask, and please get fully vaccinated as soon as you possibly can with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine.
In order to necessarily help end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Victoria COVID-19 Coronavirus Lockdown Laws
There Are 5 Legal Reasons To Leave Your Home:
Reason 1: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Food And Essential Supplies.
Reason 2: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Care Or Care Giving.
Reason 3: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Work Or Education That You Cannot Do From Home.
Reason 4: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Exercise For Up To Two Hours A Day And No More Than 5 Kilometres From Your Home.
Reason 5: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Vaccinated Against The COVID-19 Coronavirus.
And You Must Wear A Face Mask By Law
And You Must Obey The Law By Scanning A QR Code Wherever You Go - As You Must Necessarily Scan A QR Code Now By Law To Buy Or Sell Goods And Services
As we must never forget, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days. Because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So Please Stay Safe And Obey The Victoria Lockdown Laws In This Extremely Infectious And Deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
How The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic And The Current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic Both Started From Australian Supermarkets - And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Bacteria, Infections, Viruses, And Diseases - And The Reason Supermarkets Are An Unhealthy, Unpractical, Environmentally Harmful And Expensive Way To Buy Food And Other Essential Items - And A Necessary Practical And Economical And Environmental And Hygienic And Healthier And Safer Alternative To Supermarkets In And Beyond This Extremely Infectious And Deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic
Part One: How The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic Started From A Supermarket And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Infections, Viruses And Diseases
Woolworths Group Australia is Australia's largest corporation, and they are also Australia's largest food supermarket, Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, an Australian media corporation, an Australian banking credit card finance corporation, an Australian fossil fuel corporation, and they were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation until the 24th of June 2021, when Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group so they would no longer be publicly seen as Australia's largest alcohol corporation. As Woolworths Group Australia, as Australia's largest alcohol corporation and owner of the most hotels and gambling poker machines in Australia, have been publicly stating since July 2019 that they were going to stop selling alcohol and owning hotels and poker machines, in order to focus only upon selling healthy food. So on the 24th of June 2021 Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group to stop selling alcohol, however Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia still own 14.6% of Endeavour Group and Woolworths Group Australia also gave one Endeavour Group share for every share they have in Woolworths to every Woolworths Group Australia share holder. And this is my legal statement against the corporate crime and organised crime that I witnessed and I was a victim of whilst working for 12 years for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
And I Adam Shane Lawes, hereby make the following public legal statement against Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, who I worked for a total of 12 years for until January 2009. And during the 12 years that I worked for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, I was employee of the month three times, and I also did managerial duties. However from the period 2007 to 2009 I then uncovered corporate corruption and corporate crime and organised crime whilst working for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
As whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065. When Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation. I caught Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff alcoholic employees drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. And this is a reoccurring and continual problem at Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. Because at the first Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store that I worked in, a total of 18 Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store staff employees were terminated in one day for drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. However when the police are ever involved, then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then criminally lie to the police and say they are going to terminate the staff for stealing meat, when they are actually deliberately drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. So when I tried to stop the drunken alcoholic staff when I worked for Woolworths Group Australia at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065, including after being continually verbally violently attacked by them. The Woolworths Group Australia alcoholic employees lied about me, including a Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff member who is an evil vile alcoholic called Meto Zumberic, who gets so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely attack me and other staff members for necessarily hygienically washing our hands at work. Whilst Meto Zumberic every shift would also get so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely defecate himself in the food aisles whilst he was working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Food Supermarket Store. So when I tried to stop Meto Zumberic and also the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store Night Manager Shane Peels, and also the other Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff from criminally and abusively working drunk on alcohol at work, Meto Zumberic then used an illegal phone voice recording that he had made, where he twisted the legal soft drink coke/coca-cola, that I legally purchased and was drinking visibly on the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store surveillance cameras before my shift started, to the illegal drug coke/cocaine. So then when I confronted Meto Zumberic for making an illegal phone voice recording to falsely accuse me of using the illegal drug coke/cocaine at work, which is defamation of character by libel or slander, I was forcefully physically escorted out of the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store and permanently banned from the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store, and at first permanently terminated, but then two days later I was temporarily terminated from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
So then two days later I was reinstated to work for Woolworths Group Australia at their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. So then the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics then got a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur (who would gloat about a warehouse size amount of alcohol stolen by Woolworths Group Australia employees, where someone was shot for the alcohol), to say I threw a heavy wooden pallet at her to try discredit me and have me terminated and criminally charged and jailed. However I was fortunately saved by a recently fixed surveillance camera that they had previously broken, and that they were going to try to use to have me terminated and criminally charged with believing it was still broken. Which if it had not of been fixed without the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics knowing, I would have been criminally charged and jailed for a violent crime against a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur that I did not commit.
So then in 2008 whilst I continued to work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. Including being made to do unpaid managerial duties, including illegally being made to do unpaid night shifts, and also 3 hours per shift in unpaid overtime, including 12 hour shifts without being allowed to have meal breaks or toilet breaks. And after I necessarily sent a Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store employee home from work called Nicholas Roberts because he was violently drunk on alcohol at work and he extremely drunkenly violently threw a box of tuna at my head, which I still get painful reoccurring headaches from, and which he then illegally drunkenly bragged he could get away with because his grandfather was a former Victorian Police Commissioner. So because Nicholas Roberts was illegally and violently and staggering drunkenly intoxicated on alcohol at work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, as the night-fill manager, I had to legally send him home from work. However I was then continually verbally attacked and threatened by Nicholas Roberts and his group of friends at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, who were Melbourne University chemical and computer science students, including operating illegally out of Melbourne University, including illegally downloading and criminally stealing art from the internet, and also making pornography websites for money of girls being sexually fisted.
And Woolworths Group Australia as Australia's largest corporation are criminal and corrupt in every aspect and way that they operate. As the staff, including the store management and the Head Office of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia is mostly constituted of uneducated and alcoholic former checkout females and alcoholic males, who as part of their sexist fascist false 'feminist' and criminal alcoholic-constructed discriminatory and criminal 'health and safety rules', they are not allowed to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and damaging manual labour lifting of thousands of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies each and every shift, in order to necessarily provide food and other essential supplies for the population. So someone like me who topped at business college with 98% and got first class honours at university, and I also have personally sacrificed status and wealth for time so I could necessarily self-educate myself, is instead made to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and physically damaging manual labour lifting of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies for the population all night and each and every shift, including being illegally made to work three hours a day unpaid, and 10 hour to 12 hour shifts without meal breaks or toilet breaks, and also illegally made to work full unpaid shifts. So the mostly uneducated former checkout females and alcoholic males who largely constitute the management of Woolworths Group Australia, which is Australia's largest corporation, and it is also Australia's largest food supermarket, and it is also Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, and until the 24th of June 2021 it was also Australia's largest alcohol corporation, all get 'high off their own supply', as the staff of Woolworths Group Australia is constituted of greedy, gambling-addicted, gluttonous, obese, alcoholics who drunkenly defecate and urinate and deliberately infect my and other staff members and customers food to cause sickness, infections, viruses and diseases.
And whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, I then uncovered corporate fraud being committed by Woolworths Group Australia and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. So after repeatedly reporting and trying to stop the corporate fraud being done by the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. I then used the world's largest social media website at that time, to necessarily publicly expose on the internet, the corporate crimes of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, including alcoholic staff who deliberately drunkenly defecate and urinate in my and other staff members and customers food causing infections, viruses and diseases, and also the corporate fraud and organised crime of Woolworths Group Australia. As the corporate fraud and other corporate crime, including organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, which I was a victim of needs to be held just as equivalently criminally responsible for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, as any of the corporate fraud that occurred on Wall Street and the NYSE American Stock Exchange in the United States Of America.
So then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then committed defamation of character by libel or slander by accusing me of being a criminal accomplice of a physically dead organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin who was shot and killed at the La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton, close to their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store. When I did not know Andrew Veniamin at all, and instead at that time I was living and working in the city for the government as a public servant. However Woolworths Group Australia, including the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager who was an Indian-Australian called Kevin Kilpady, and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Evening Manager who is a Lebanese-Australian called John, twice brought people who were either plain clothes Victoria Police or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over organised crime and what I thought of the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed. Which along with the fact that the worst and many of Melbourne's organised criminals, including of the international 'Ndrangheta Mafia in Melbourne, started out working in supermarkets, including one being shot dead in a Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store carpark on his way to work for Woolworths Group Australia in the Melbourne Gangland Killings. Along with Woolworths Group Australia twice bringing people into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed, including people claiming to be Victoria Police, or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, proves the organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. Who then tried to physically murder me with an evilly and criminally poisoned with pork and infected with swine flu pizza that they told me to eat as they lied and said it was a vegetarian pizza that was safe to eat, when I was given it to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at the end of 2008. Which before I nearly fainted within minutes of eating it, and then would have died from eating it, I managed to put my fingers down my throat, and I forcefully made myself vomit up the vegetarian pizza that Woolworths Group Australia, and whoever has been evilly and criminally assisting them, had deliberately infected with poisoned and infected swine flu pork that they put on my vegetarian pizza. And then I was extremely ill, as I was struggling to breathe and I had a sharp pain in my lungs, and I also had a high temperature and a burning hot sweating fever. Which happened at the end of 2008 at the time that Barack Obama was first elected as the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden was first elected as the Vice President Of The United States Of America in 2008. And then when I physically survived their physical murder attempt on my life, that physical attack on me, which then also included violent psychic-telepathic attack on me, from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia and whoever is evilly and criminally assisting them, including people stating or illegally pretending to be Victoria Police, was so severe and so violent, and for so many nights and days, that it ended up nearly physically killing me, and it made me homeless by the time of Barack Obama's Inauguration to become the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden to become the Vice President Of The United States Of America in January 2009. And then my social media website, on what was then the world's largest social media company was then shut down (not by the social media company). And then the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic began.
Part Two: How The COVID-19 Coronavirus Started From A Supermarket And Why Supermarkets Are A Community Transmission Breeding Ground For Infections, Viruses And Diseases
In August 2019, I ate Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was bought in Melbourne, Australia from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Essendon, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. And later that night, within six hours of eating it, I woke up from my sleep extremely physically ill. As after eating it I woke up with severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me. And I also had uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and I also had uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and I also had a slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever, with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And the severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me, and the uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and the uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and the slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me would not stop, as it kept painfully continuing and nearly killing me. So I went to my doctor and he immediately sent me for full pathology tests including on my blood, urine and faeces. However those full pathology test results dated the 3rd September 2019 could not detect the virus that was causing it as every test came back as unknown. But back at home bed-ridden I remained extremely physically ill, shivering in physical pain with a painful extremely shivering cold fever then slightly hot fever, and continual uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and continual uncontrollable constant diarrhoea. So I stayed at home, shivering in physical pain with an extremely shivering cold and slightly hot fever, and continual vomiting, and with constant and uncontrollable diarrhoea, and with a slightly hot but mostly extremely painfully shivering cold fever, with painful physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And then after 28 days and nights of lying in bed with constant uncontrollable vomiting and constant uncontrollable diarrhoea, and a slightly hot but mostly continual painfully shivering extremely cold fever, and deadly physical jolts continually going through me that kept nearly physically killing me, eventually I thankfully finally got better. And I was then able to leave my home again 28 days later once I was fully recovered. And despite the fact that every pathology test that I had said the viral cause was unknown, because at that time it was an unknown virus. This was the first case of the COVID-19 Coronavirus that has now horrifyingly turned into the COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And then the following year on the 11th March 2020 the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization. With the COVID-19 Coronavirus initially having already spread on a national level in Italy, with Italy wrongfully and falsely blaming China. As it was from Italian-Australian goats milk feta food from Melbourne, Australia that the COVID-19 Coronavirus started and then spread globally, and turned into this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And by August last year in 2020 here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, a State Of Emergency and a State Of Disaster was declared, with necessary stage four restrictions, including the wearing of mandatory masks, and necessary public stay at home orders, and a necessary night curfew, and our military necessarily patrolling our streets. And today Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is still in a necessary state lockdown due to this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
Part Three: The Reason Supermarkets Are An Unhealthy, Unpractical, Environmentally Harmful And Expensive Way To Buy Food And Other Essential Items
Humans are far too intelligent to have to do manual labour and manual labour is far too physically harmful and physically damaging to the human body. And supermarkets are a very mentally mundane, and very physically harmful and physically damaging manual labour way, that is both expensive and inefficient, to get food and other essential supplies to the population of any community, state or territory and country.
As firstly, products are transported by trucks to a supermarket supply warehouse where they are unloaded at the warehouse. Then each day, each order comes in from every individual supermarket. So every box of products, which weighs on average 25 kilograms, is then manually hand lifted and loaded onto pallets, with approximately 2500 to 4000 boxes and 25 to 40 pallets per store. And then the 2500 to 4000 boxes on the 25 to 40 pallets are then transported each day by truck to each supermarket store. And then at each supermarket store the 2500 to 4000 boxes, weighing at approximately 25 kilograms each, are then unloaded by hand-lifting them off the 25 to 40 pallets at each supermarket store, onto large metal transport trolleys. And then the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25kg each are then wheeled out on large metal trolleys and then hand lifted off the metal trolleys and placed on the ground in front of where they are then sold in the supermarket aisles. And then once all the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25kg each are then wheeled out on large metal trolleys, and then hand lifted off the metal trolleys and placed on the ground in front of where they are sold in the supermarket aisles, they are then cut open and each product from each box weighing approximately 25 kilograms is then stacked onto the supermarket shelves. And then once the 2500 to 4000 boxes weighing approximately 25 kilograms each that are filled with products are stacked onto the supermarket shelves, the 2500 to 4000 empty cardboard boxes in hundreds of trolleys are then loaded by hand into a cardboard crushing machine, and then crushed and tied up in many cardboard bails with metal wires. Whilst every supermarket shelf in every supermarket aisle is then faced, as all products are brought forth and lined up for presentation for sale on every supermarket shelf in every supermarket aisle. For customers to then travel to the supermarket and take the products off the shelves that they want to purchase, and then scan each product through the supermarket checkouts, and then travel home with the products from each individual supermarket.
So to supply and purchase products from supermarkets, it can be seen that there is a massive amount of transportation and a massive amount of manual labour required, in the multiple loading and unloading and heavy hand lifting of thousands of heavy boxes weighing approximately 25 kilograms each, at the supermarket warehouse, and then also repetitively again and again at every supermarket store. Which is a lot of unnecessary fossil fuel use in transporting products by trucks to the warehouse, and then transporting products from the warehouse to the individual supermarket stores, and then customers travelling to and from the supermarket stores. As the use of fossil fuels is not only harming and destroying the environment and our entire planet earth, but carcinogens from fossil fuel transportation is also destroying people's health and lungs and causing cancer and death in people. And also it is a massive amount of multiple hand lifting of very mentally mundane and very physically painful and hard and horrible manual labour. And all of this also makes supermarkets an expensive way to buy and sell products - which is why supermarkets are so expensive. And it is also one of the main reasons why supermarkets are a breeding ground for infections, viruses and diseases, including especially the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus, in this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
Part Four: A Necessary Practical And Economical And Environmental And Hygienic And Healthier And Safer Alternative To Supermarkets In And Beyond This Extremely Infectious And Deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic
So in and beyond this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic there is a necessary practical alternative to the expensive and environmentally harmful and extremely unhealthy fossil fuel multiple transportation of products. And also the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again at each individual supermarket store. Which is also all a breeding ground for infections, viruses and diseases, especially in this current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So the necessary practical alternative to the above mentioned problems of supermarkets, is for all food and other essential items and all products from supermarket stores, to now necessarily transition to online only retail sales. Whereby supermarket warehouses no longer require people to have to do the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again, costly, harmfully and repetitively at each individual supermarket store. As instead all loading and unloading and lifting boxes of products now can and needs to be done by automation and manufacturing through robotic mechanisation. In the same way the British online supermarket delivery corporation Ocado uses automated robotics warehouse distribution centres. And also in the same way that the Japanese FamilyMart supermarket has necessarily begun using a robot resembling a kangaroo invented by the Telexistence company, that is able to do the very mentally mundane and very physically heavy and harmful, but necessary manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population hygienic, healthy and safe food and other essential items and all supermarket products. And then instead of the environmentally harmful transporting of products from supermarket warehouses to supermarket stores. And then the very costly and very mentally mundane and very physically hard and horrible and harmful repetitive manual labour lifting of thousands of boxes at the warehouse, and then again and again at each supermarket store. And also instead of supermarket customers then environmentally harmfully travelling to and from supermarket stores. Instead supermarket customers purchase food and other essential items and all products online on the internet, and then the products are mechanically packed and then transported to their home using the home delivery service. Which is a much more cost-effective and less expensive, and also a necessarily more environmentally friendly and hygienic and healthy transition to online sales and automated robotic mechanisation, in this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So everyone please safely shop online instead, including when purchasing food and other essential items for home delivery. As online sales are the most efficient, economical, practical and safest and hygienic and healthy way to sell and purchase not just food and other essential items, but also the most productive, efficient, safest and hygienic way to buy and sell anything.
And we must be stricter with food and food safety hygiene laws. As this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. And everyone please always use a legal strong sterilising hand sanitiser and a strong surface steriliser, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is now also extremely infectious and contagious through infected and contaminated contact surfaces.
And it is vital for people globally to stop blaming China for this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As in June 2021 Facebook necessarily further banned Donald Trump for endangering public health, by deliberately misleading people, for falsely blaming China for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, in order to deceivingly try start a trade war with China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus did not originate in China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus originally started in Australia in August 2019 from either evilly deliberately or criminally negligently contaminated Italian-Australian goats milk feta food purchased from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, with the first pathology test done on the 3rd September 2019. And then the COVID-19 Coronavirus was proven to then be also in Italy in 2019, including before the COVID-19 Coronavirus was in China.
And it is also now necessary for all businesses to necessarily mandatorily move to an online sales model and a digital cashless society, using only electronic payment for hygienic safety, and to also necessarily end all organised crime and corporate fraud, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also to outlaw organised crime, and for the health and safety of Australia and our entire planet earth, no one can now necessarily visit anywhere, nor buy or sell anything, unless they use a mandatory QR Code. As due to the severity and the immediate transmission of the current COVID-19 Delta, this is now necessary and vital for accurate and precise contact tracing in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So if you are permitted outside, please always use a mandatory State QR Code App, when visiting any venue. This includes using a mandatory State QR Code App when purchasing food from supermarkets and any other food stores, including restaurants and cafes, and when visiting any venue including all shopping centres, all sporting venues, including necessarily all sporting stadiums, and also in all pubs, clubs and places of worship. As a State QR Code contact tracing App is now necessary for all venues and businesses, especially where people buy food and other essential items, for the purposes of contact tracing to protect people's health and safety, and to save lives. By being able to necessarily contact trace people as quickly as possible during any COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, to detect the COVID-19 Coronavirus transmission as thoroughly and properly and as efficiently and as quickly as possible. In order to then necessarily quickly isolate people to prevent further transmission and infections of this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus.
As it must never be forgotten, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days. Because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
And the Australian Federal Government needs to make the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for all frontline quarantine staff and border staff and all other essential workers, including interstate truck drivers and other essential interstate workers, just as the Western Australian State Government Premier Mark McGowan, has already necessarily done for essential workers in Western Australia. And also countries, such as France, are now necessarily making the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine mandatory for all workers. Whilst countries globally are necessarily making a COVID-19 Vaccination mandatory for entry into any venue for public health and safety and to save lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So everyone please get vaccinated as soon as you can, with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. As I have now necessarily been fully vaccinated with two vaccinations of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. With my first COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine occurring on the 1st of June 2021. And then I had my second dose of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine 28 days later on the 29th of June 2021. So I am now fully vaccinated with two doses of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine and I had no side-effects at all.
And also after being fully vaccinated with the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine, I still necessarily also continue to wear a face mask at all times and social distance at all times. And I also necessarily went from being vegetarian to becoming vegan.
As the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic started from evilly and criminally deliberately poisoned pork that was infected with swine flu and evilly and criminally cooked in a vegetarian pizza that I was given to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store by Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. And this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food, that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and which was purchased from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
So everyone please go vegan, and continue to wear a face mask, and please get fully vaccinated as soon as you possibly can with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine.
In order to necessarily help end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Victoria COVID-19 Coronavirus Lockdown Laws
There Are 5 Legal Reasons To Leave Your Home:
Reason 1: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Food And Essential Supplies.
Reason 2: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Care Or Care Giving.
Reason 3: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home For Work Or Education That You Cannot Do From Home.
Reason 4: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Exercise For Up To Two Hours A Day And No More Than 5 Kilometres From Your Home.
Reason 5: You Are Only Allowed To Leave Your Home To Get Vaccinated Against The COVID-19 Coronavirus.
And A Face Mask Must Be Worn Indoors And Outdoors By Law
Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
The Origins Of The COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic From Adam Shane Lawes
In August 2019, I ate Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was bought in Melbourne, Australia from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Essendon, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. And later that night, within six hours of eating it, I woke up from my sleep extremely physically ill. As after eating it I woke up with severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me. And I also had uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and I also had uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and I also had a slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever, with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And the severe and painful deadly physical jolts going through me that were painfully physically nearly killing me, and the uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and the uncontrollable and constant diarrhoea, and the slightly hot but mostly painful extremely shivering cold fever with painful terrifying physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me would not stop, as it kept painfully continuing and nearly killing me. So I went to my doctor and he immediately sent me for full pathology tests including on my blood, urine and faeces. However those full pathology test results dated the 3rd September 2019 could not detect the virus that was causing it as every test came back as unknown. But back at home bed-ridden I remained extremely physically ill, shivering in physical pain with a painful extremely shivering cold fever then slightly hot fever, and continual uncontrollable and constant vomiting, and continual uncontrollable constant diarrhoea. So I stayed at home, shivering in physical pain with an extremely shivering cold and slightly hot fever, and continual vomiting, and with constant and uncontrollable diarrhoea, and with a slightly hot but mostly extremely painfully shivering cold fever, with painful physical deadly jolts that kept going through me that kept nearly physically killing me. And then after 28 days and nights of lying in bed with constant uncontrollable vomiting and constant uncontrollable diarrhoea, and a slightly hot but mostly continual painfully shivering extremely cold fever, and deadly physical jolts continually going through me that kept nearly physically killing me, eventually I thankfully finally got better. And I was then able to leave my home again 28 days later once I was fully recovered. And despite the fact that every pathology test that I had said the viral cause was unknown, because at that time it was an unknown virus. This was the first case of the COVID-19 Coronavirus that has now horrifyingly turned into the COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And then the following year on the 11th March 2020 the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization. With the COVID-19 Coronavirus initially having already spread on a national level in Italy, with Italy wrongfully and falsely blaming China. As it was from Italian-Australian goats milk feta food from Melbourne, Australia that the COVID-19 Coronavirus started and then spread globally, and turned into this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And by August last year in 2020 here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, a State Of Emergency and a State Of Disaster was declared, with necessary stage four restrictions, including the wearing of mandatory masks, and necessary public stay at home orders, and a necessary night curfew, and our military necessarily patrolling our streets.
So everyone please focus on HEALTH and stay strict and stay safe, especially with food. Because this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, which was bought from the Italian-Australian supermarket LaManna in Melbourne, Australia, and which nearly physically killed me before it then caused this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And everyone please wear a face mask at all times, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is now able to be spread through infected air droplets. However the COVID-19 Coronavirus is still the most transmissible through the way it started, which was through either negligently contaminated or criminally deliberately infected food, and also now through infected and contaminated contact surfaces.
So it is vital for people globally to stop blaming China for this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As in June 2021 Facebook necessarily further banned Donald Trump for endangering public health, by deliberately misleading people, for falsely blaming China for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, in order to deceivingly try start a trade war with China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus did NOT originate in China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus originally started in Australia in August 2019 from either evilly deliberately or criminally negligently contaminated Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, with the first pathology test done on the 3rd September 2019. And then the COVID-19 Coronavirus was proven to then be also in Italy in 2019, before it was then recorded in China from Chinese tourists who had travelled to Italy.
So from now on tourism, which is a dangerous and horrible, and environmentally harmful, and unnecessary and unhealthy industry that contributed to the spreading and continuing of this current extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, must now necessarily end. As all inessential travel must now cease, and in this information age of the world-wide-web global internet we must now use digital diplomacy instead.
And we now please need an allied global investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, in order to necessarily find out how Italian-Australian goats milk feta food became infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, that then caused this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And I understand China rightfully and necessarily banning Australian animal exports and other unhealthy exports from Australia, including climate change causing coal from Australia. However I please ask that China, as Australia's largest trading partner, will remain as Australia's trading partner in exports essential to technologies and industries to evolve and save our planet earth. Such as the Australia Government Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)which recently invested $US7 million dollars in the Chinese Solar Corporation "Sunman", which will hopefully increase even further, Australia and China's diplomatic trading relationship. As there is already a close alliance between China and Australia that needs to be globally created with the help of Australia, China, the United States Of America and Russia. As Australia has recently signed the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)", which is the world's largest trade deal covering 30% of the global economy, with 15 countries involved including Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and the ten members of ASEAN The Association Of South East Asia Nations. So now it will be extremely beneficial to the global economy and world peace, and the United States Of America's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, if the United States Of America and Russia were to be part of the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership" with China and Australia. As we now need to create a close global alliance with China and Russia, and also increasingly create an allied global economy, by getting the United States Of America and Russia to please also join the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership". And also include China and Russia in future War Games with Australia and the United States Of America and all of our allies, which along with the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership", will also help prepare us all for a necessary war against our evil enemy Iran and Shia Islam. As Iran has abandoned the JCPOA Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action and illegally enriched uranium to develop nuclear weapons to destroy our planet earth and eternally destroy all of our souls in Armageddon. So we must now globally end our use of fossil fuels and our use of uranium and nuclear energy, and instead quickly begin to transition now to clean renewable energy.
So until this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic is over, everyone needs to please stop all non-essential travel and stay at home, including when legally told to mandatorily do so. As until this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic is over, it is necessary to legally globally outlaw all nonessential travel. Which includes a necessary transition for all students to online learning instead, because many students learn more studying online, and also because the COVID-19 Delta is extremely infectious, harmful and dangerous to children. And in this information age of the world-wide-web global internet, it is now necessary to transition, for both practicality and health and safety reasons, to global political digital diplomacy instead. And people must work from home whenever possible, including for health and safety reasons in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also because it is better for the employer as they save on expenses, and it is also much better for the employee, as they get to work at home in their own environment, so they are more productive, including because it also saves employees on travel time and travel expenses, and it is also better for the environment as it saves on the use of fossil fuels. As the use of fossil fuels are not only harming and destroying the environment and our entire planet earth, but carcinogens from fossil fuel cars are also destroying people's health and lungs and causing cancer and death in people.
And it is also now necessary for all businesses to necessarily mandatorily move to an online sales model and a digital cashless society, using only electronic payment for hygienic safety, and to also necessarily end all organised crime and corporate fraud, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also to outlaw organised crime, and for the health and safety of Australia and our entire planet earth, no one can now necessarily visit anywhere, nor buy or sell anything, unless they use a mandatory QR Code. As due to the severity and the immediate transmission of the current COVID-19 Delta, this is now necessary and vital for accurate and precise contact tracing. And also now in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, and also because humans are far too intelligent to have do manual labour, and also because manual labour is far too physically harmful and damaging to the human body. We now need all food and other essential item manufacturing stores, to now necessarily transition to online retail sales, and also automation and manufacturing through robotic mechanisation. In the same way the British online supermarket delivery corporation Ocado uses automated robotics warehouse distribution centres. And also in the same way that the Japanese FamilyMart supermarket has necessarily begun using a robot resembling a kangaroo invented by the Telexistence company, that is able to do the mentally mundane and physically heavy and harmful, but necessary manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population hygienic, healthy and safe food and other essential items. As it is vitally necessary mentally mundane and very physically heavy and horrible manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population of any state, territory and country, the hygienic, healthy and safe food and also other essential items in and beyond this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. So everyone please safely shop online instead, including when purchasing food and other essential items. As online sales are the most efficient, economical, practical and safest and hygienic way to sell and purchase not just food and other essential items, but also the most productive, efficient, safest and hygienic way to buy and sell anything.
And please necessarily mandatorily use an appropriate country's government COVID-19 Contact Tracing App, which for Australia is the Australian Government COVIDSafe App. And the Australia Federal Government now needs to update the Australian Government COVIDSafe App so it necessarily records every contact, due to the immediate transmission capability of the current extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Delta Coronavirus Lineage Variant that is now spreading rapidly through our entire planet earth, including rapidly through the state of New South Wales and also here in Victoria right now. And then the Australian Government COVIDSafe App can be necessarily made mandatory for all Australians for contact tracing, otherwise the Australian Government COVIDSafe App is unfortunately virtually useless for contact tracing.
And if you are permitted outside, please always use a mandatory State QR Code App, when visiting any venue. This includes using a mandatory State QR Code App when purchasing food from supermarkets and any other food stores, including restaurants and cafes, and when visiting any venue including all shopping centres, all sporting venues, including necessarily all sporting stadiums, and also in all pubs, clubs and places of worship. As a State QR Code contact tracing App is now necessary for all venues and businesses, especially where people buy food and other essential items, for the purposes of contact tracing to protect people's health and safety, and to save lives. By being able to necessarily contact trace people as quickly as possible during any COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, to detect the COVID-19 Coronavirus transmission as thoroughly and properly and as efficiently and as quickly as possible. In order to then necessarily quickly isolate people to prevent further transmission and infections of this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus.
And the Australian Federal Government now needs to necessarily suspend all repatriation flights into Australia, except for compassionate reasons only, until the Australian Government has finished necessarily building purpose built quarantine facilities for repatriating Australians, most of which are dual citizen Australians who only want to temporarily return to Australia because the countries that they migrated to are currently now much worse than Australia is, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And the temporary suspension of repatriation flights into Australia is a decision that has to be made. As it is vital to protect the health and safety and lives of Australians, and to prevent otherwise inevitable continually reoccurring lockdowns, like most Australian states and territories are continually in. So Australia must now necessarily immediately temporarily suspend all repatriation flights of returning Australians to Australia except for compassionate circumstances. And also for health, safety and humanitarian reasons, we must now make sure those returning Australians are still preparing for when it is their time to again be able to get on a repatriation flight to be able to return to Australia, by legally requiring them whilst they are waiting overseas, to have a mandatory safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine before they are allowed to return to Australia. Which is vital for the health and safety of their life, and also the health and safety of the lives of Australians, and to prevent the otherwise inevitable continuing cycle of state lockdowns in Australia. And the quarantining of anyone for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, now needs to be extended to a minimum period of 28 days, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus lasts for a minimum of 28 days. And this necessary 28 day quarantine period includes current COVID-19 Coronavirus facilities, and also the purpose built quarantine facilities, that now need to be quickly built in each Australian state and territory. And obviously the cost of now necessarily quickly building specific purpose-built quarantine facilities in each Australian state and territory, is much more economical than what an even short state lockdown costs the economy of our states and territories and our country.
And it must never be forgotten, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days, because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
And we must also now be stricter with food and food safety hygiene laws. As this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. And everyone please always use a legal strong sterilising hand sanitiser and a strong surface steriliser, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is now also extremely infectious and contagious through infected and contaminated contact surfaces.
So everyone needs to be fully vaccinated as soon as they are able to with the safest and most effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. Which in Australia is the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. And there are now thankfully more and continuing shipments of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccines that will soon be arriving here in Australia. So besides necessarily following the medical advice from both the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and the Therapeutic Goods Administration. It is best for people to necessarily stay strict and to stay safe, and necessarily wait until it is there time to be able to go and get vaccinated with the safest and most effective COVID-19 Vaccine available to them, which in Australia is the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. As in the last 21 weeks since Australia's COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccinations necessarily started on the 22nd Of February this year, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine has caused three deaths in Australia and 77 Australians to be hospitalised from the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots, that the cheaper, inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. Including after Christian students at St Joseph's College private school in New South Wales were allegedly accidentally vaccinated in May, which was much earlier than other priority age groups, with the slightly more expensive, but necessarily safer and far more effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccine. Because in the past 21 weeks since the 22nd of February, there has now been a third death in Australia that has occurred, and a total of 77 Australians who have been hospitalised in 21 weeks, from the Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that the cheaper, inferior, dangerous and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. So the Australian Federal Government, like it necessarily did during the trials of the Queensland University COVID-19 Vaccine, that unfortunately proved to be unsafe. And also like many countries already necessarily have, for public health and safety and to save lives, now needs to also necessarily immediately stop using and ban the inferior and hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clot causing Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. And the Australian Federal Government now needs to necessarily quickly build the infrastructure required here in Australia to manufacture the safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. So because it will now take until next year to finish building the infrastructure required to then manufacture the production of the mRNA vaccines here in Australia. The Australia Federal Government now needs to necessarily continue to purchase from Pfizer, the required amount of slightly more expensive, but importantly necessarily safer and much more effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccines to quickly necessarily vaccinate the population of Australia as soon as possible. As over 3 billion people have now been necessarily vaccinated globally against the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus. And the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccine has been proven to be the safest and most effective COVID-19 Vaccine, including with no cases of the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots.
And the Australian Federal Government needs to make the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for all frontline quarantine staff and border staff and all other essential workers, including interstate truck drivers and other essential interstate workers, just as the Western Australian State Government Premier Mark McGowan, has already necessarily done for essential workers in Western Australia. And also countries, such as France, are now necessarily making the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine mandatory for all workers. Whilst countries globally are necessarily making a COVID-19 Vaccination mandatory for entry into any venue for public health and safety and to save lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
So everyone please get vaccinated as soon as you can, with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. As I have now necessarily been fully vaccinated with two vaccinations of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. With my first COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine occurring on the 1st of June 2021. And then I had my second dose of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine 28 days later on the 29th of June 2021. So I am now fully vaccinated with two doses of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine and I had no side-effects at all.
And also after being fully vaccinated with the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine, I still necessarily also continue to wear a face mask at all times and social distance at all times. And I also necessarily went from being vegetarian to becoming vegan.
As this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
So everyone please go vegan, and continue to wear a face mask, and please get fully vaccinated as soon as you possibly can with a safe and effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine.
In order to necessarily end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
My Public Legal Statement Regarding The Corporate Crime Including Organised Crime Of Australia's Largest Corporation Woolworths Group Australia And How They Started The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic By Adam Shane Lawes
Woolworths Group Australia is Australia's largest corporation, and they are also Australia's largest food supermarket, Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, an Australian media corporation, an Australian banking credit card finance corporation, an Australian fossil fuel corporation, and they were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation until the 24th of June 2021, when Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group so they would no longer be publicly seen as Australia's largest alcohol corporation. As Woolworths Group Australia, as Australia's largest alcohol corporation and owner of the most hotels and gambling poker machines in Australia, have been publicly stating since July 2019 that they were going to stop selling alcohol and owning hotels and poker machines, in order to focus only upon selling healthy food. So on the 24th of June 2021 Woolworths Group Australia did a demerger with Endeavour Group to stop selling alcohol, however Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia still own 14.6% of Endeavour Group and Woolworths Group Australia also gave one Endeavour Group share for every share they have in Woolworths to every Woolworths Group Australia share holder. And this is my legal statement against the corporate crime and organised crime that I witnessed and I was a victim of whilst working for 12 years for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
I Adam Shane Lawes, hereby make the following public legal statement against Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, who I worked for a total of 12 years for until January 2009. And during the 12 years that I worked for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, I was employee of the month three times, and I also did managerial duties. However from the period 2007 to 2009 I then uncovered corporate corruption and corporate crime and organised crime whilst working for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
As whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065. When Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia were also Australia's largest alcohol corporation. I caught Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff alcoholic employees drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. And this is a reoccurring and continual problem at Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia. Because at the first Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store that I worked in, a total of 18 Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store staff employees were terminated in one day for drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food, causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. However when the police are ever involved, then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then criminally lie to the police and say they are going to terminate the staff for stealing meat, when they are actually deliberately drunkenly defecating and urinating in my and other staff members and customers food causing sickness, infections, viruses and diseases. So when I tried to stop the drunken alcoholic staff when I worked for Woolworths Group Australia at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store at 243 Smith Street, Victoria, 3065, including after being continually verbally violently attacked by them. The Woolworths Group Australia alcoholic employees lied about me, including a Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff member who is an evil vile alcoholic called Meto Zumberic, who gets so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely attack me and other staff members for necessarily hygienically washing our hands at work. Whilst Meto Zumberic every shift would also get so drunk as an alcoholic at work that he would vilely defecate himself in the food aisles whilst he was working at the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Food Supermarket Store. So when I tried to stop Meto Zumberic and also the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store Night Manager Shane Peels, and also the other Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store staff from criminally and abusively working drunk on alcohol at work, Meto Zumberic then used an illegal phone voice recording that he had made, where he twisted the legal soft drink coke/coca-cola, that I legally purchased and was drinking visibly on the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store surveillance cameras before my shift started, to the illegal drug coke/cocaine. So then when I confronted Meto Zumberic for making an illegal phone voice recording to falsely accuse me of using the illegal drug coke/cocaine at work, which is defamation of character by libel or slander, I was forcefully physically escorted out of the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store and permanently banned from the Woolworths Group Australia Fitzroy Supermarket Store and at first permanently terminated, but then two days later I was temporarily terminated from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
So then two days later I was reinstated to work for Woolworths Group Australia at their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. So then the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics then got a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur (who would gloat about a warehouse size amount of alcohol stolen by Woolworths Group Australia employees, where someone was shot for the alcohol), to say I threw a heavy wooden pallet at her to try discredit me and have me terminated and criminally charged and jailed. However I was fortunately saved by a recently fixed surveillance camera that they had previously broken, and that they were going to try to use to have me terminated and criminally charged with believing it was still broken. Which if it had not of been fixed without the Woolworths Group Australia alcoholics knowing, I would have been criminally charged and jailed for a violent crime against a Woolworths Group Australia female employee called Penny Mathur that I did not commit.
So then in 2008 whilst I continued to work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at Lygon Court 368-380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053. Including being made to do unpaid managerial duties, including illegally being made to do unpaid night shifts, and also 3 hours per shift in unpaid overtime, including 12 hour shifts without being allowed to have meal breaks or toilet breaks. And after I necessarily sent a Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store employee home from work called Nicholas Roberts because he was violently drunk on alcohol at work and he extremely drunkenly violently threw a box of tuna at my head, which I still get painful reoccurring headaches from, and which he then illegally drunkenly bragged he could get away with because his grandfather was a former Victorian Police Commissioner. So because Nicholas Roberts was illegally and violently and staggering drunkenly intoxicated on alcohol at work at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, as the night-fill manager, I had to legally send him home from work. However I was then continually verbally attacked and threatened by Nicholas Roberts and his group of friends at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store.
And also whilst doing managerial duties at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, I then uncovered corporate fraud being committed by the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. So after repeatedly reporting and trying to stop the corporate fraud being done by the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager Kevin Kilpady. I then used the world's largest social media website at that time, to necessarily publicly expose on the internet, the corporate crimes of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, including alcoholic staff who deliberately defecate and urinate in my and other staff members and customers food causing infections, viruses and diseases, and also the corporate fraud and organised crime of Woolworths Group Australia.
So then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then committed defamation of character by libel or slander by accusing me of being a criminal accomplice of a physically dead organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin who was shot and killed at the La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton, close to their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store. When I did not know Andrew Veniamin at all, and instead at that time I was living and working in the city for the government as a public servant. However Woolworths Group Australia, including the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager who was an Indian-Australian called Kevin Kilpady, and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Evening Manager who is a Lebanese-Australian called John, twice brought people who were either plain clothes Victoria Police or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over organised crime and what I thought of the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed. And then they tried to physically murder me with an evilly and criminally poisoned with pork and infected with swine flu pizza that they told me to eat as they lied and said it was a vegetarian pizza when I was given it to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at the end of 2008. Which before I nearly fainted within minutes of eating it, and then would have died from eating it, I managed to put my fingers down my throat, and I forcefully made myself vomit up the vegetarian pizza that Woolworths Group Australia, and whoever has been evilly and criminally assisting them, had deliberately infected with poisoned and infected swine flu pork that they put on my vegetarian pizza. And then I was extremely ill, as I was struggling to breathe and I had a sharp pain in my lungs, and I also had a high temperature and a burning hot sweating fever. Which happened at the end of 2008 at the time that Barack Obama was first elected as the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden was first elected as the Vice President Of The United States Of America in 2008. And then when I physically survived their physical murder attempt on my life, that physical attack on me, which then also included violent psychic-telepathic attack on me, from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia and whoever is evilly and criminally assisting them, including people stating or pretending to be Victoria Police, was so severe and so violent, and for so many nights and days, that it ended up nearly physically killing me, and it made me homeless by the time of Barack Obama's Inauguration to become the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden to become the Vice President Of The United States Of America in January 2009. And then my social media website, on what was then the world's largest social media company was then shut down (not by the social media company). And then the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic began.
So I now please need Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, to be investigated, including their deliberately infecting of food with viruses and diseases, and their attempted physical murder attempt on my life, and all of their corporate crime, and all of their organised crime.
As the corporate fraud of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, which I was a victim of in 2008, needs to be held just as criminally responsible for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, as any of the corporate fraud that occurred on Wall Street and the NYSE American Stock Exchange in the United States Of America. As the corporate fraud in any country simultaneously destroys the global economy as it also destroys the health, safety and lives of employees working for the corporation. And healthy, safe and lawful working conditions, which corporate crime destroys by forcing workers to do unpaid overtime and unpaid shifts in unhealthy working conditions, along with a legal appropriate award wage, in our current day and age, are legal issues that are so severe that unions are unqualified and unable to help with. As unions take worker's wages through their union fees, but unions do not have the power or legal ability to stop corporate corruption and corporate crime, and to be able to create necessary legislation so employees are given an appropriate minimum award wage. And the working environment and harmful working pace working for Woolworths Group Australia was the exact opposite to working for the government in the public service. As working for the government in the public service I was told by alcoholic rogue union trouble causing public servants that my working pace was too fast for the public service good government job that I was working at the time. And I repeatedly diplomatically explained to the alcoholic rogue union trouble causing government public servants to stop coming to work intoxicated on alcohol, and also that I was not working too fast, and if I was working at the pace I was in the government public service for Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, then it would be considered too slow and I would be terminated. But the alcoholic rogue union government public servants would not stop attacking me, so in the end I had them removed from the public service and government. As there is a huge disparity between the workload and health and safety conditions of working in the public service for the government, when compared to the private sector because of the corporate crime and organised crime of corporations like Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia.
And Woolworths Group Australia as Australia's largest corporation are criminal and corrupt in every aspect and way that they operate. As the management of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia is mostly constituted of uneducated and alcoholic former checkout females and alcoholic males, who as part of their sexist fascist false 'feminist' and criminal alcoholic-constructed discriminatory and criminal 'health and safety rules', they are not allowed to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and damaging manual labour lifting of thousands of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies each and every shift, in order to necessarily provide food and other essential supplies for the population. So someone like me who topped at business college with 98% and got first class honours at university, and I also have personally sacrificed status and wealth for time so I could necessarily self-educate myself, is instead made to do the extremely mentally mundane and extremely physically heavy and horrible and physically harmful and physically damaging manual labour lifting of 25 kilogram boxes of food and other essential supplies for the population all night and each and every shift, including being illegally made to work three hours a day unpaid, and 10 hour to 12 hour shifts without meal breaks or toilet breaks, and also illegally made to work full unpaid shifts. So the mostly uneducated former checkout females and alcoholic males who largely constitute the management of Woolworths Group Australia, which is Australia's largest corporation, and it is also Australia's largest food supermarket, and it is also Australia's largest owner of hotels and poker machines, and until the 24th of June 2021 it was also Australia's largest alcohol corporation, all get 'high off their own supply', as the staff of Woolworths Group Australia is constituted of greedy, gambling-addicted, gluttonous, obese, alcoholics who drunkenly defecate and urinate and deliberately infect my and other staff members and customers food to cause sickness, infections, viruses and diseases.
So at the end of 2008 and whilst still employed by them, I then necessarily used the world's largest social media site at the time to publicly expose Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia for the deliberate drunken infecting of food with virus and diseases, and their corporate fraud and their organised crime. So then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia lied and committed defamation of character by libel or slander by accusing me of being a criminal accomplice of a physically dead organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin who was shot and killed at the La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton, close to their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton store. When I did not know Andrew Veniamin at all, and instead at that time I was living and working in the city for the government as a public servant. However Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia twice brought people into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket to question me over the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed. Which along with the fact that the worst and many of Melbourne's Mafia started out working in supermarkets, including one being shot dead in a Woolworths Group Australia Supermarket Store carpark on his way to work for Woolworths Group Australia in the Melbourne Gangland Killings, along with Woolworths Group Australia twice bringing people into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed, including people claiming to be Victoria Police, or organised criminals illegally impersonating Victoria Police, proves the organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, who then tried to physically murder me with evilly and criminally deliberately poisoned and infected with swine flu pork put on a vegetarian pizza that I was given to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket, which nearly killed me, and then went onto cause the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic. As whilst working at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store, before I fainted and then would have died from minutes of eating the vegetarian pizza that was deliberately poisoned and infected with swine flu pork, I managed to put my fingers down my throat, and I forcefully made myself vomit up the deliberately poisoned and infected with swine flu pork put on the vegetarian pizza that I was give to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket. And then I was extremely ill, as I was struggling to breathe and I had a sharp pain in my lungs, and I also had a high temperature and a burning sweating fever.
So the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic was started by the organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, who after 12 years of working for them, they then tried to physically murder me when I necessarily publicly exposed their organised crime and their corporate fraud on the world's largest social media website at that time at the end of 2008. So then Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia then lied and committed defamation of character by libel or slander by accusing me of being a criminal accomplice of a physically dead organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin, who was shot and killed at the La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton close to their Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store. When I did not know Andrew Veniamin at all, and instead at that time I was living and working in the city for the government as a public servant. However Woolworths Group Australia, including the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Manager who was an Indian-Australian called Kevin Kilpady, and the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store Evening Manager who is a Lebanese-Australian called John, twice brought people who were either plain clothes Victoria Police or organised criminals pretending to be Victoria Police, into the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store to question me over organised crime and what I thought of the Italian La Porcella restaurant where the organised crime hitman murderer called Andrew Veniamin was shot and killed. And then they tried to physically murder me with an evilly and criminally poisoned with pork and infected with swine flu pizza that they told me to eat as they lied and said it was a vegetarian pizza when I was given it to eat at the Woolworths Group Australia Carlton Supermarket Store at the end of 2008. Which before I nearly fainted within minutes of eating it, and then would have died from eating it, I managed to put my fingers down my throat, and I forcefully made myself vomit up the vegetarian pizza, that Woolworths Group Australia, and whoever has been evilly and criminally assisting them, had deliberately infected with poisoned and infected swine flu pork that they put on my vegetarian pizza. And then I was extremely ill, as I was struggling to breathe and I had a sharp pain in my lungs, and I also had a high temperature and a burning hot sweating fever. Which happened at the end of 2008 at the time that Barack Obama was first elected as the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden was first elected as the Vice President Of The United States Of America in 2008. And then when I physically survived their physical murder attempt on my life, that physical attack on me from Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia and whoever is evilly and criminally assisting them, including people stating or pretending to be Victoria Police, was so severe and so violent, and for so many nights and days, that it ended up nearly physically killing me, and it made me homeless by the time of Barack Obama's Inauguration to become the President Of The United States Of America and Joe Biden to become the Vice President Of The United States Of America in January 2009. And then my social media website, on what was then the world's largest social media company was then shut down (not by the social media company). And then the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic began.
And also whilst still employed by them, Woolworths Group Australia also criminally and evilly stated to me that they were going to poison and infect the food at my closest Coles Company Supermarket Store in the Melbourne CBD City. So I please need the evil and criminal corporate organised crime of Australia's largest corporation Woolworths Group Australia, and also whoever is evilly and criminally assisting them, to be necessarily lawfully investigated, especially in connection with food being deliberately infected with viruses and diseases, including the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus that then caused the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
The politicalisation of this COVID-19 Global Pandemic has happened precisely because the political role of any government is to help its citizens in every way that is required and necessary until this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic ends.
And regarding the role of the Federal Government to necessarily purchase and distribute the safest and most effective COVID-19 Vaccines to the people of Australia. There are now thankfully more and continuing shipments of the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccines that will soon be arriving here in Australia. So besides necessarily following the medical advice from both the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and the Therapeutic Goods Administration. It is best for people to necessarily stay strict and to stay safe, and necessarily wait until it is there time to be able to go and get vaccinated with the safest and most effective COVID-19 Vaccine available to them, which in Australia is the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine. As in the last 20 weeks since Australia's COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccinations necessarily started on the 22nd Of February this year, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine has caused three deaths in Australia and 77 Australians to be hospitalised from the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots, that the cheap, inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. Including after Christian students at St Joseph's College private school in New South Wales were allegedly accidentally vaccinated in May, which was much earlier than other priority age groups, with the slightly more expensive, but necessarily safer and far more effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccine. Because in the past 20 weeks since the 22nd of February, there has now been a third death in Australia that has occurred, and a total of 77 Australians who have been hospitalised in 20 weeks, from the Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that the cheap, inferior, dangerous and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. So the Australian Federal Government, like it necessarily did during the trials of the Queensland University COVID-19 Vaccine, that unfortunately proved to be unsafe. And also like many countries already necessarily have, for public health and safety and to save lives, the Australian Federal Government now needs to also necessarily immediately stop using and ban the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clot causing Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. And the Australian Federal Government now needs to necessarily quickly build the infrastructure required here in Australia to manufacture the safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. So because it will now take until next year to finish building the infrastructure required to then manufacture the production of the mRNA vaccines here in Australia. The Australia Federal Government now needs to necessarily continue to purchase from Pfizer, the required amount of slightly more expensive, but importantly necessarily safer and much more effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccines to quickly necessarily vaccinate the population of Australia as soon as possible. As over 3 billion people have now been necessarily vaccinated globally against the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus. And the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccine has been proven to be the safest and most effective COVID-19 Vaccine, including with no cases of the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots.
And the Australian Federal Government needs to make the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for all frontline quarantine staff and border staff and all other essential workers, including interstate truck drivers and other essential interstate workers, just as the Western Australian State Government Premier Mark McGowan, has already necessarily done for essential workers in Western Australia. And also countries, such as France, are now necessarily making the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for all workers.
And the Australian Federal Government now needs to necessarily suspend all repatriation flights into Australia, until they have finished building purpose built quarantine facilities for repatriating Australians, most of which are dual citizen Australians who only want to temporarily return to Australia because the countries that they migrated to are currently now much worse than Australia is, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And the temporary suspension of repatriation flights into Australia is a decision that has to be made. As it is vital to protect the health and safety and lives of Australians, and to prevent otherwise inevitable continually reoccurring lockdowns, like most Australian states and territories are continually in. So Australia must now necessarily immediately temporarily suspend all repatriation flights of returning Australians to Australia. And also for health, safety and humanitarian reasons, we must now make sure those returning Australians are still preparing for when it is their time to again be able to get on a repatriation flight to be able to return to Australia, by legally requiring them whilst they are waiting overseas, to have a mandatory safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine before they are allowed to return to Australia. Which is vital for the health and safety of their life, and also the health and safety of the lives of Australians, and to prevent the otherwise inevitable continuing cycle of state lockdowns in Australia. And the quarantining of anyone for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, now needs to be extended to a minimum period of 28 days, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus lasts for a minimum of 28 days. And this necessary 28 day quarantine period includes current COVID-19 Coronavirus facilities, and also the purpose built quarantine facilities, that now need to be quickly built in each Australian state and territory. And obviously the cost of now necessarily quickly building specific purpose-built quarantine facilities in each Australian state and territory, is much more economical than what an even short state lockdown costs the economy of our states and territories and our country.
So closed international borders are necessary for Australia, in order to protect the health and safety and lives of Australians, and to prevent otherwise inevitable continually reoccurring lockdowns, like most Australian states and territories are now continually in. And at the start of last year when the COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic was declared, many countries globally told their citizens that they had to either return immediately, or they would have to wait until the COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic ended. For example the Melbourne CBD apartment I am now living in only became available because the previous tenant had to break their lease and leave here at the start of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Because at the start of last year, their Asian country of origin gave them the necessary ultimatum, where they were told by their Asian country of citizenship, that they would have to return immediately to their Asian country of citizenship, or they would have to wait until the COVID-19 Global Pandemic ended. So now as an example, making this necessary decision to tell citizens globally that are living overseas, that they need to immediately return to their country of citizenship if they want to, or they will have to otherwise wait until a global pandemic ends, now needs to become part of both a national and global rule book in the outbreak of any future global pandemics. So Australian international borders must remain closed until at least mid-2022. And obviously it would be great if Australia could open its international borders at the start of 2022, including to allow international students back into Australia, so they can start studying again here in Australia at the beginning of next year. However unfortunately international students will not be able to begin their studies in Australia before mid-2022, and only then if then we are able to safely open our international borders again. However in this digital information age and having personally studied at university online where I was still able to get first class honours in essays and exams. Besides now necessarily moving all school studies online for the health and safety of our students in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Australia can safely and economically beneficially offer both national and international university students online university studies, both during and after this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Global Pandemic ends. However at this stage, unfortunately it is necessary that all international travel to and from Australia must not be allowed to begin again before at least mid-2022.
As until this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic is over, Australia must necessarily legally outlaw all nonessential travel. Which includes a necessary transition for all students to online learning instead, because many students learn more studying online, and also because the COVID-19 Delta is extremely infectious, harmful and dangerous to children. And in this information age of the world-wide-web global internet, it is now necessary to transition, for both practicality and health and safety reasons, to global political digital diplomacy instead. And Australia please needs to encourage people to work from home whenever possible, including for health and safety reasons in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also because it is better for the employer as they save on expenses, and it is also much better for the employee, as they get to work at home in their own environment, so they are more productive, including because it also saves employees on travel time and travel expenses, and it is also better for the environment as it saves on the use of fossil fuels. As the use of fossil fuels are not only harming and destroying the environment and our entire planet earth, but carcinogens from fossil fuel cars are also destroying people's health and lungs and causing cancer and death in people.
And it is also now necessary for all businesses to necessarily mandatorily move to an online sales model and a digital cashless society, using only electronic payment for hygienic safety, and to also necessarily end all organised crime and corporate fraud, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And also to outlaw organised crime, and for the health and safety of Australia and our entire planet earth, no one can now necessarily visit anywhere, nor buy or sell anything, unless they use a mandatory QR Code. As due to the severity and the immediate transmission of the current COVID-19 Delta, this is now necessary and vital for accurate and precise contact tracing. And also now in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, and also because humans are far too intelligent to have do manual labour, and also because manual labour is far too physically harmful and damaging to the human body. We now need all food and other essential item manufacturing stores, to now necessarily transition to online retail sales, and also automation and manufacturing through robotic mechanisation. In the same way the British online supermarket delivery corporation Ocado uses automated robotics warehouse distribution centres. And also in the same way that the Japanese FamilyMart supermarket has necessarily begun using a robot resembling a kangaroo invented by the Telexistence company, that is able to do the mentally mundane and physically heavy and harmful, but necessary manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population hygienic, healthy and safe food and other essential items. However it is vitally necessary mentally mundane and very physically heavy and horrible manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population of any state, territory and country, the hygienic, healthy and safe food and also other essential items in and beyond this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And I thank the Premier Of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian for publicly encouraging people to buy food and other essential items online on the internet instead of travelling. As online sales are the most efficient, economical, practical and safest and hygienic way to sell not just food and other essential items, but also the most productive, efficient, safest and hygienic way to buy and sell anything.
And it is vital that Australia's international borders remain closed until at least mid-2022. As Australia must not make the same mistake as so many other countries globally have made, by opening our international borders too soon. Because every time a country has re-opened their international borders, or relaxed their health and safety rules and laws in other ways, as a result those countries have then had to go back into even stricter and longer lockdowns, because a large amount of their population again became infected with the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus.
And the Australia Federal Government now needs to update the Australian Government COVIDSafe App so it necessarily records every contact, due to the immediate transmission capability of the current extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Delta Coronavirus Lineage Variant that is now spreading rapidly through our entire planet, including rapidly through the state of New South Wales here in Australia right now. As then the Australian Government COVIDSafe App can be necessarily made mandatory for all Australians for contact tracing, otherwise the Australian Government COVIDSafe App is unfortunately virtually useless for contact tracing.
And it is vital that we necessarily immediately police a hard border to any Australian state or territory that has a large COVID-19 Coronavirus community outbreak, like New South Wales is unfortunately going through now, and which Victoria went through last year. And it must never be forgotten, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days, because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. So the Australian Federal Government needs to offer any Australian state and territory, any assistance that they may request for Australian Defence Force personnel, to assist state police with necessary border closures, as we continue to battle this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
And this current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic is doing a similar pattern along a similar timeline as the 1918 A/H1N1 Influenza Global Pandemic that infected a third of the world's population and killed more people, especially young adults, in half the time than those that were killed in World War I. However unlike in the 1918 A/H1N1 Influenza Global Pandemic, this time and at this stage of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, we now thankfully have vaccines to help end it. And in this current COVID-19 Global Pandemic, with the COVID-19 Coronavirus being especially dangerous and deadly to the elderly, especially those in aged care nursing homes. And with an ageing population here in Australia and throughout much of the world, and also with many elderly in aged care nursing homes increasingly suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia, where they are not only unable to look after themselves, but are also existing in a state which is like living in a conscious like coma, where they can still sometimes physically function, but they are unaware of their own thoughts and behaviour and are unable to look after themselves. So in this COVID-19 Global Pandemic, if we were to be deliberately complacent and politically apathetic regarding saving people's lives, especially those most vulnerable, because for example we are aware that if left untreated, then the COVID-19 Coronavirus is going to kill a large group of elderly people in aged care homes that are suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia, who are not only unable to look after themselves, but are also completely unaware with no functioning memory, then we would be acting extremely inhumanely and illegally. Because even though every Australian state and territory is planning to necessarily pass euthanasia voluntary assisted dying laws, with Victoria being the first to do so in 2019 and Queensland being the latest to necessarily put forth the euthanasia voluntary assisted dying bill to their Queensland State Parliament. Especially as before euthanasia voluntary assisted dying laws were necessarily passed, it was already necessarily happening in Australian hospitals anyway. So it is evident that euthanasia assisted dying is necessary, and the right to die by euthanasia assisted dying could also be morally applied to people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia in aged care nursing homes, where they are not only unable to look after themselves, but they are also unaware of who they are or what they are doing. And in such cases the right and dignity to die by humane euthanasia assisted dying, for someone suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia could only be done if it was granted by a loved one, or legal medical carer, or written in a legal document by a person before they had the severe onset of Alzheimer's Disease Dementia. However regarding the elderly suffering with Alzheimer's Disease Dementia, there is a pharmaceutical treatment company using the currently trialled medication called Biarcamesine ANAVEX2-73 that is being trialled here in Melbourne, Victoria that is now in stage three trials and has thankfully proven to be successful, to the point where a woman with Alzheimer's Disease Dementia who had completely lost her memory and who was unable to look after herself, after treatment with Biarcamesine ANAVEX2-73 regained her memory to the point where she was able to again care for herself, and could even remember how to play the piano again. So it is evident that medical treatment with a pharmaceutical drug like Biarcamesine ANAVEX2-73 is not only humane, as it necessarily gives someone suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia their memory back so they are conscious and aware of who they are again and their own behaviour. (Continued) Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
But it is also necessary as otherwise it becomes inhumane to keep people alive if they are suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Dementia, and they are not aware of who they are or their own behaviour and actions, and they cannot look after themselves, and the amount of care required for them in an aged care nursing home is so extreme and difficult that it almost becomes both practically and economically impossible. So it is vital that we treat illnesses, infection and disease as soon as possible whenever medical treatment is suitable and necessary.
And because Australia has been slow so far to quickly vaccinate our own population, I please request America and China's help, so they can use their COVID-19 Vaccines to please vaccinate the Asia-Pacific region, as Australia does not have the capability to do this yet. And now we also need to prevent any form of Cold War returning against Russia or happening against China, and instead create a close alliance with China and Russia, including necessarily a close global trade alliance. As Australia and China already have a close relationship, as China is Australia's largest trading partner. And I now please ask China and America and Russia and all good governments, and the World Health Organisation, and all good journalists and good people globally to please now investigate the true origins of the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. So it is vital now in this context that the President Of The People's Republic Of China Xi Jinping and the President Of The United States Of America Joe Biden please steer clear of any accusations of laboratory viral biological warfare against each other. As it was neither China nor America. As last year when Donald Trump was the President Of The United States Of America he wrongfully blamed China to wrongfully try start a trade war with China, which must not happen as the COVID-19 Coronavirus did not originate in China. As we now please need an allied global investigation into the true origins of the COVID-19 Coronavirus that caused this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And I understand China rightfully and necessarily banning Australian animal exports and other unhealthy exports from Australia, including climate change causing coal from Australia. However I please ask that China, as Australia's largest trading partner, will remain as Australia's trading partner in exports essential to technologies and industries to evolve and save our planet earth. Such as the Australia Government Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)which recently invested $US7 million dollars in the Chinese Solar Corporation "Sunman", which will hopefully increase even further, Australia and China's diplomatic trading relationship. As there is already a close alliance between China and Australia that needs to be globally created with the help of Australia, China, the United States Of America and Russia. As Australia has recently signed the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)", which is the world's largest trade deal covering 30% of the global economy, with 15 countries involved including Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and the ten members of ASEAN The Association Of South East Asia Nations. So now it will be extremely beneficial to the global economy and world peace, and the United States Of America's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, if the United States Of America and Russia were to be part of the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership" with China and Australia. As we now need to create a close global alliance with China and Russia, and also increasingly create an allied global economy, by getting the United States Of America and Russia to please also join the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership". And also include China and Russia in future War Games with Australia and the United States Of America and all of our allies, which along with the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership", will also help prepare us all for a necessary war against our evil enemy Iran and Shia Islam. As Iran has abandoned the JCPOA Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action and illegally enriched uranium to develop nuclear weapons to destroy our planet earth and eternally destroy all of our souls in Armageddon.
So it is now necessary for everyone globally to stop blaming China for this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As in June Facebook necessarily further banned Donald Trump for endangering public health, by deliberately misleading people, by falsely blaming China for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, in order to deceivingly try start a trade war with China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus did NOT originate in China. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus originally started in Australia from either evilly deliberately or criminally negligently contaminated goats milk Italian feta food that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, with the first pathology test done on the 3rd September 2019. And then the COVID-19 Coronavirus was proven to then be also in Italy in 2019, before it was then recorded in China from Chinese tourists who had travelled to Italy.
So from now on tourism, which is a dangerous and horrible, and environmentally harmful, and unnecessary and unhealthy industry that contributed to the spreading and continuing of this current extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, must now necessarily end. As all inessential travel must now cease, and in this information age of the world-wide-web global internet we must now use digital diplomacy instead.
As we now please need Australia, China and America and Russia and all good governments, and the World Health Organisation, and all good journalists and good people globally to please now investigate the true origins of the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus first originated from either evilly deliberately or criminally negligently contaminated goats milk Italian feta food in Melbourne Australia, that was somehow infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and which now needs to be please investigated.
And besides a necessary global allied investigation into the original cause of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, we must apply stricter food hygiene safety laws, and also be necessarily stricter with people's health and safety now. So I please need people to stop eating meat, including all milk products, and to immediately please become vegan, and also make other necessary healthy changes to their lives and to our planet earth, in order to survive and to now help end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, and to also prevent future global pandemics.
As we must all now necessarily please stop our wrongful ways and end our evil ways, in order for our planet earth to be able to survive. So I please necessarily need everyone to stop using recreational drugs, including most importantly to stop drinking the criminally and immorally illegal and extremely evil recreational drug alcohol, as alcohol must become illegal as a recreational drug. As alcohol is the world's worst drug that kills more people each year than every illegal drug death each year all combined together. And it has also been proven that alcohol causes cancer, and thus alcohol should long ago have necessarily had cancer warnings on it like cigarettes, so it is publicly known that alcohol causes cancer and death. And besides causing cancer, the recreational drug alcohol also causes low blood platelets, which are also the cause of the the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots, that the cheap, inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. And alcohol is also extremely unhealthy in every way, so alcohol necessarily needs to be made illegal. As the only reason that alcohol, the world's worst drug, was criminally excluded from the war on drugs, which was declared in the year that I was born, is because the Christian religion evilly applied false morality to alcohol so they could evilly keep drinking the drug alcohol in their Christian rituals. So now it is time to remove the false morality of alcohol and to prevent water from being turned into wine, in order to keep people healthy, safe and alive, especially as climate change is increasingly causing a drought-ridden planet where so many people lack clean, safe and healthy drinking water. And in a world where so many people lack healthy food and are starving, we now need to stop healthy food from being destroyed by being turned into alcohol. As alcohol creates a state of abusive, tormenting, shallow, superficial, fake 'fun' and hurtful horrible 'happiness' and a deceitful, delusional state, including either temporary or permanent schizophrenia in people. And alcohol has now reached the point where it is destroying the environment and everyone and everything on our planet earth, including individuals, relationships, families, workplaces, homes, and our streets. As alcohol is only meant to be used as a legal, strong, sterilising hand sanitiser and not to be drunk as a recreational drug.
So everyone please focus on HEALTH and stay strict and stay safe, especially with food. Because this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, started from either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian goats milk feta food in Australia. And everyone please wear a face mask at all times, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is now able to be spread through infected air droplets. However the COVID-19 Coronavirus is still the most transmissible through the way it started, which was through either negligently contaminated or deliberately infected food, and also now through infected and contaminated contact surfaces. So everyone please always use a legal strong sterilising hand sanitiser and strong surface steriliser. And also everyone please needs to get vaccinated as soon as they can, with the safest and most effective COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. And I thank the Deputy Chairman Of The Government Of The Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova for necessarily publicly telling people not to drink alcohol after their COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine. As we now need to necessarily ally together and help each other, in order to save our planet earth, by making the necessary changes that are required to end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
To Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA: (Part 1 Of 3): There has now been a third death in Australia in less than 20 weeks from the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causing fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots. As a 72 year old woman has now died in South Australia from the fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots, that the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. Along with a 52 year old woman in New South Wales who also died from the fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. And also a previous third death has occurred in Australia from the fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that the inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine causes. So in total there has now been 77 Australians who have been hospitalised in less than 20 weeks from the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clot causing inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. Since Australia started necessarily first vaccinating Australians against the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus, when our Australian COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccination Program necessarily began on the 22nd Of February this year. So now Australia, like many countries already necessarily have for public safety and to save lives, needs to necessarily immediately stop using and ban the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clot causing Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. So the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) now needs to immediately end the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine here in Australia. Because in less than 20 weeks, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine has caused three deaths and 77 people to be hospitalised in Australia, from the fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that it causes. And also in publicly trialling the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, it has now proven to be approximately 20% less effective than the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in preventing the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus. And also the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is also increasingly ineffective and often ineffective in preventing various lineage variant types of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. So in the trial and errors that have unfortunately inevitably resulted in having to deal with a Global Pandemic. After trialling the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine here in Australia, and also now realising that it is far too statistically and increasingly ineffective in preventing the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Whilst the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is also causing an increasing amount of Australians to be hospitalised, and also now three Australians have tragically died from the hospitalising and fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots that it causes. So now Australia needs to necessarily immediately discontinue the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. And as we now necessarily quickly build the infrastructure required here in Australia to manufacture the safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. And because it will now take until next year to finish building the infrastructure required to then manufacture the production of the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines here in Australia. The Australia Federal Government now needs to necessarily immediately purchase from Pfizer, the required amount of safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccines to quickly necessarily vaccinate the population of Australia. As over 3 billion people have now been necessarily vaccinated globally against the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus. And the safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccine has been proven to have had no cases of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clots. (Continued) Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
To Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA: (Part 2 Of 3): And the Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA now also needs to please continue testing the mRNA Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. And it is also now necessary for Australia to make the globally and nationally proven statistically safe and effective mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Comirnaty Vaccination mandatory for all frontline quarantine staff and border staff and other frontline workers, just as the Western Australian State Government Premier Mark McGowan has already necessarily done. And also the Australia Federal Government needs to update the Australian Government COVIDSafe App so it records every contact, due to the immediate transmission capability of the current extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Delta Coronavirus Variant that is now spreading rapidly through our entire planet, including rapidly through the state of New South Wales here in Australia right now. As then the Australian Government COVIDSafe App can be necessarily made mandatory for all Australians for contact tracing, otherwise the Australian Government COVIDSafe App is virtually unfortunately useless for contact tracing. And it is also necessary to make it mandatory for all venues and all customers and patrons of any venue, including necessarily shopping centres, supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, and also especially all sporting venues and places of worship, to mandatorily use a State Contact Tracing QR Code App in each Australian state and territory. Which is vital now to protect the health, safety and lives of people in Australia, and also globally. And it must never be forgotten, that before Victoria Police began necessarily guarding quarantine hotels here in Victoria, people escaping hotel quarantine here in Victoria resulted in a strict state lockdown last year that also required the assistance of Defence Australia and which lasted 112 days, because over 20,000 Victorians contracted the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus that then killed 820 Victorians. So the use of Police Officers to necessarily ensure QR code compliance and all other COVID-19 public health and safety laws, must never be viewed as a waste of police resources to fight crime. As the use of Police Officers to ensure and enforce COVID-19 health and safety orders and laws is necessary to protect the health and safety of Australians and to save Australian lives, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And it is now necessary for all supermarkets and other businesses to necessarily mandatorily move to an online sales model and a digital cashless society, using only electronic payment for hygienic safety, and to also now end all organised corporate crime and corporate fraud, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Global Pandemic. And Australia's international borders must remain closed until mid-2022. As Australia must not make the same mistake as so many other countries globally have made, by opening our international borders too soon. Because every time a country has re-opened their international borders, or relaxed their health and safety rules and laws in other ways, as a result those countries have then had to go back into even stricter and longer lockdowns, because a large amount of their population again became infected with the extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus. So now with 77 Australians having been hospitalised, and a third death occurring from the fatal Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) blood clot causing Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, it is now necessary for Australia to immediately ban the inferior and deadly Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. And it is also now necessary to find the original cause of this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. So we now please need an allied global political and law enforcement investigation into the food industry. (Continued) Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
To Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA: (Part 3 Of 3): Because the current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic was caused by either negligently contaminated or deliberately criminally infected Italian-Australian goats milk feta food, which was bought from the Italian-Australian LaManna Supermarket in Essendon, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and which was infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. So we must apply stricter food hygiene safety laws, and also be necessarily stricter with people's health and safety now. So everyone please continue to wear a face mask at all times, as the COVID-19 Coronavirus is also now able to be easily spread through infected air droplets. And the COVID-19 Coronavirus is also extremely transmissible through infected and contaminated contact surfaces, so please make sure everyone continues to use a legal strong sterilising hand sanitiser and a necessary strong surface steriliser. So until this COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic is over, please everyone stay safe and stay strict. And please get vaccinated as soon as possible with a safe and effective mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine, in order to help end this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
To The Prime Minister Of Australia Scott Morrison (ScoMo), The Premier Of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian, The Premier Of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, The Premier Of Western Australia Mark McGowan, The Chief Minister Of The Northern Territory Michael Gunner, The Chief Minister Of The Australian Capital Territory Andrew Barr, The Premier Of South Australia Steven Marshall, The Premier Of Tasmania Peter Gutwein, and The Premier Of Victoria Dan Andrews: Due to the severe and worsening COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak in New South Wales, and the difficulties involved in current contact tracing. Could you please now necessarily make it mandatory in New South Wales, and also for the whole of Australia, for everyone to mandatorily have and use the Australian Government COVIDSafe App. And also could you please have the Australian Government COVIDSafe App necessarily updated so it will now contact trace every single contact. As this is now vital due to the severe rapidity and increasingly immediate transmission ability of the current main COVID-19 Coronavirus lineage variant COVID-19 Delta, that is now the main and dominant form of COVID-19 Coronavirus globally. And can you please make it mandatory in each Australian State, including New South Wales, to have a state contact tracing app that now necessarily uses a mandatory QR code on every venue a person visits. Including especially on every supermarket and other food venue, which now also necessarily includes all cafes and restaurants, and also all shopping centres, and also on every sporting stadium, and on all places of worship. So for the health and safety of the nation, no one can necessarily visit anywhere, nor buy or sell anything unless they use a mandatory QR code. As due to the severity and immediate transmission of the current COVID-19 Delta, this is now necessary and vital for accurate and precise contact tracing. And also now in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic, and also because humans are far too intelligent to have do manual labour, and also because manual labour is far too physically harmful and damaging to the human body. We please now need all food and other essential item manufacturing and stores, to now necessarily transition to online retail sales, and also automation and manufacturing through robotic mechanisation. In the same way the British online supermarket delivery corporation Ocado uses automated robotics warehouse distribution centres. And also in the same way that the Japanese FamilyMart supermarket has necessarily begun using a robot resembling a kangaroo invented by the Telexistence company, that is able to do the mentally mundane and physically heavy and harmful, but necessary manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population hygienic, healthy and safe food and other essential items. As at the end of 2014 Japan publicly stated that they would necessarily and thankfully begin inventing and manufacturing robots to do all manual labour. So we now please need all food and other essential item companies to now necessarily transition to using automated robotics in their warehouse distribution centres, and also in their food and other essential items supermarket stores and deliveries. And also like the Japanese FamilyMart food store has now necessarily begun doing, by pioneering the use of a robot resembling a kangaroo to do the work that is far too mentally mundane and far too physically heavy and harmful for humans to have to mentally and physically do. However it is vitally necessary mentally mundane and very physically heavy and horrible manual labour supermarket work that is required to necessarily get the population of any state, territory and country, hygienic, healthy and safe food and also other essential items in and beyond this extremely infectious and deadly current COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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Today on the 4th Of July in the United States Of America I wish all Americans the very best to celebrate American Independence Day and the hard fought success of the American Revolution, where they bravely fought for their freedom from the cruel, colonial, 'commonwealth' control of the British Monarchy. And also today on the 4th Of July for NAIDOC - The National Aborigines And Islanders Observance Committee - I wish all Aboriginal Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders the very best, as here in Australia we must also all fight for our freedom to be finally free of the British Monarchy, and the centuries of harm that the evil British Christian colonisation has done to all Indigenous Australians and non-Christian Australians. And also obviously the harm that British Monarchy Christian colonisation has done to every country that has been evilly colonised globally by the British Monarchy. Because in 1770 the British Monarchy criminally stole Australia from Indigenous Australians, who have been here in Australia for more than 60,000 years. With recorded diary entries of George Forster who accompanied the British Monarchist Coloniser Captain Cook and his crew, stating that the girls Captain Cook and his crew were taking as sex slaves on their voyage and during the colonisation of countries including Australia, were as young as nine and ten years old. Which makes the British Monarchist Colonist Captain Cook and his crew pedophiles and rapists, which during that time period in history, rape would have still not have been necessarily viewed as immoral and illegal. And also most people, if not everyone would of have been a pedophile, especially as we were having children at the onset of puberty at the age of 12 years and 13 years. However the British Monarchy Colonist Captain Cook and his crew were rapists and pedophiles in the most violating and hurtful type of way, which is as colonisers and invaders who stole Australia and committed rape and pedophilia against Indigenous Australians, which is something we must now as a nation necessarily talk about, and also say sorry for in order to necessarily help heal our nation. And Australia awarding "Australian Of The Year" to Grace Tame for her extreme bravery in speaking out publicly about the rape and pedophilia done to her through sexual grooming done by an older male, shows we are ready as a nation to now bravely take the necessary steps to begin to stop and heal our country on this painful issue. And earlier this year on Australia Day, Australia also thankfully rewarded Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM as "Senior Australian Of The Year", for her teaching and work in health and towards reconciliation in Australia, making this another necessary step we have begun to take to begin healing as a nation. Whilst also this year on Australia Day, Australia has also necessarily rewarded with the "Public Service Medal" Caroline Edwards from the Australian Government Department of Health for her work helping to fight the extremely dangerous and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus here in Australia, as she now also helps to lead the necessary rollout of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine here in Australia, in this extremely infectious and deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus Global Pandemic. And my first girlfriend was an Aboriginal Indigenous Torres Strait Islander Australian and she was 12 years old and I was 13 years old, and at the time 'our song' was a song by INXS called "Original Sin". So now in Australia we must now continue to bravely necessarily keep healing our nation, including by democratically having a national referendum vote by the people of Australia to become a republic, in order to rightfully remove ourselves from the British Monarchy, and their cruel colonial convict 'commonwealth' control of our country. (Continued) Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
And Australia has already necessarily taken the first steps to healing our nation, by rightfully changing the lyrics to our Australian national anthem "Advance Australia Fair", in order to recognise that Indigenous Australians were here for more than 60,000 years, before the arrival and cruel convict 'commonwealth' colonisation by the British Monarchy. As the British Monarchy turned Australia into a cruel convict colonised country and prison island, when they stole Australia from Indigenous Australians who have been here for more than 60,000 years. So we now please need more from the rest of Australia in the 4th Of July for NAIDOC. For as the United States Of America celebrates the success of their American Revolution today on the 4th Of July on American Independence Day. Australia must also now plan to become free of the British Monarchy and become a republic, so we can then rightfully write our own new constitution, and in it give Indigenous Australians real recognition with land rights, and also their divine right to write their own Indigenous laws in our new Republic of Australia constitution. Especially in order to begin to heal what has been cruelly done to them by the colonisation of Australia by the British Monarchy. Whilst we also need to change the Australian flag to remove the evil British Monarchy Union Jack Christian Cross symbol and replace it with the Indigenous Australian Flag Sun Symbol in the left corner of our new Australian Flag, along with our Australian Southern Cross Stars still there, but instead coloured gold on a new beautiful black flag to recognise Indigenous Australians and to then and only then properly heal Australia for Indigenous Australians, and also then for all other citizens of Australia who have arrived or were since born here to create a new Australia, which must now become finally free of the cruel colonisation of the British Monarchy. For as Australians it is time now to necessarily take control of our own country and remove Australia from the cruel, colonial, convict, 'commonwealth' control of the British Monarchy, whilst we still maintain close ties and as an ally with England. And also offer all assistance required to help England to also be free of the cruel colonial 'commonwealth' control of the British Monarchy, along with all other British Monarchy countries that they cruelly colonially control with their 'commonwealth'. Which in fact is not a 'commonwealth' at all, as the British Monarchy takes up to 30% of the economy of England alone. And the British Monarchy also raped the resources of India and stole $44 trillion from India alone, which horrifyingly harmed and set back their socio-economic development. As the British Monarchy has harmed all 'commonwealth' countries that are still or have been cruelly colonially controlled by the British Monarchy. And that includes the cruel British Monarchy's slavery and evil slave ships from Kenya, Africa. Where Kenyans were cruelly enslaved and shipped to the United States Of America, where modern day America was then built on the genocide of Indigenous people and the cruel slavery of African-Americans. And recently I had a very emotionally powerful vision shown to me of the previous President Of The United States Of America Barack Obama, and a past life he had as a slave, where he was evilly murdered by being horrifyingly lynched. And in that vision I was made to feel his hurt when he was cruelly and evilly murdered by lynching, and I was also made to feel his overwhelmingly hurt at not only losing his life to the horrific cruelty of slavery, but also I was made to see and feel his overwhelming amount of hurt that he felt after he was horrifyingly and violently murdered, because he had lost his life early and before he had accomplished what he had wanted and dreamed of doing with his life if he could be free from the evil cruelty of slavery. (Continued) Thank-You From Adam Shane Lawes.
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