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Lo-Fi Prototype: Privacy is Important. They Don’t Need to Know Everything An old fashioned physical cipher in the form of a grille
Learn more about ciphers and cryptography here!
Link to medium iteration thoughts and story iteration
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Discovery Log Week 11: V O I D This week during my research for my future dystopia project, I was on the hunt for things that might generally involve a “creepy” or “unsettling” aesthetic. That’s when I stumbled on V O I D, an interactive experience that takes you through multiple artistic dimensions, all of which have a very ambient and sufficiently “creepy” aesthetic. I recommend going through all the chapters wearing stereo headphones and actually trying to follow the directions!
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Discovery Log Week 10: Ex Machina - AVA Session
This week, I was doing some reading on computer vision for my future dystopia project while I was sick and I discovered a neat little bot that uses your webcam to create a “portrait” of your face. What’s neat about this is that you can see what’s going on under the hood from a computational perspective, as well as an emotional analysis in real time, according to your facial expression. The emotional spectrum is split into axes of Anger, Surprise, Happiness and Sadness. Needless to say my face was pretty surprised! Give it a try on the link below!
A portrait drawn by AVA.
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Brainstorming session for Future Dystopia narrative. MVP themes:
(1) Brain Washing/Propaganda
(2) Bliss/Ignorance
(3) Surveillance
(4) Information Control/Censorship
(5) Loss of Privacy
Vsauce Video was what got all this started...
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I Find it Hard to Eat Healthy
Why? Because I eat fast food and junk food too much.
Why? Because it is easy and tasty.
Why? Because I can get whatever I want. Delivered.
Why? Because there are services like Grubhub and Seamless.
Why? Because there is demand for these services from people like myself
The 5-why’s did not help me become a healthy eater. I have purposefully not written how my problem can be solved (but really, if I could solve this I wouldn’t be here). A “solution” (re: monkey’s paw) to this kind of problem might end up being one of the driving points behind my future dystopia project. Stay tuned.
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Narrative timeline for popular offline media storage devices: from punch cards to DNA. To be used as inspiration material for the future Dystopia project.
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aDiscovery Log Week 9: JR Schmidt
While browsing reddit this weekend I came across this beautiful piece of art created by JR Schmidt. Something about the choice of polygons as the foundation of the aesthetic of this piece really resonated with me, as well as his amazing color selection. Needless to say, this is now my new phone background.
I would highly recommend checking out more of his work here and here. A set of works that caught my eye specifically are titled “Geometric Landscapes” that I highly suggest people take a look at
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What I found most fascinating about Glass’s talk is his theory on storytelling and how he analyzes what makes up a good story. Glass a system for writing stories that differs from that of a more traditional, argumentative writing style in which the main building blocks are what he calls “anecdotes” and “moments of reflection”.
I find this fascinating because it reflects certain aspects of my writing and storytelling style and I hadn’t actually realized this. Having gotten a philosophy degree during my undergraduate studies, I would like to think that I am adequately versed in the more traditional, argumentative writing, and by extension, speaking style but I often find myself utilizing Glass’s rubric of storytelling in place of the style I’ve been (in theory) formally trained to use. However, I find that I rely on Glass’s storytelling “building blocks” more often when I need to convince people of things during presentations, emails or in general everyday interactions. This seems a little bit counterintuitive since even Glass refers to the more traditional writing and speaking style as “argumentative”.
I believe that Glass’s analytical approach to storytelling also hints at a very profound piece of information concerning the stance that most would adopt when being on the receiving end of a story, speech, presentation or even conversation. Personally, I’ve experienced much more argumentative success when I’m in storytelling mode, so to speak, and I think that has to do with how much more relatable a storytelling style like the one Glass describes, is.
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Discovery log week 8: Beauty and the Beast (and the amazing CGI)
This week I watched the new Beauty and the Beast movie Although I don’t generally enjoy Disney movies because of the excessive singing and dancing, the CGI in this movie was simply AMAZING and gave me something to focus on during the extremely corny musical numbers.
I recommend this movie to any Disney fan or any person who is interested in cutting edge CGI. Overall it was a very interesting spin on a Disney classic and it was a success in my opinion
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Discovery Log Week 7: Quake Champions Debut and Closed Beta
This week, it was brought to my attention that there’s soon going to be a sequel for Quake, one of my favorite games ever. Quake is a multiplayer focused first person shooting game that falls into the sub-genre of “arena shooters”, where players enter a deathmatch arena and duke it out with just one purpose: be the last one standing. Quake is known for its intense, high-speed action and skill-focused gameplay. To put it simply, players have access to the same weapons, armor and abilities so quite literally, the best man wins.
This is a game that’s actually very important to me since I grew up watching my older brother play it against his friends and in turn when I grew up, I spent many hours in LAN cafes playing Quake with my friends. It wasn’t even that uncommon to settle bets and disagreements in a best of 5 series of Quake! The closed beta trailer was sent to me by one of my friends back in Greece who I’d gradually lost touch with. Needless to say, the entire gang has signed up for the closed beta and is waiting for the release of Quake champions!
I highly recommend signing up for the closed beta of the game here and checking out the Quake series in general!
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Discovery Log Week 6: Extra Credits Youtube Channel
As a game design enthusiast, I love analyzing games and finding out what makes them enjoyable. To do this, one can always play the games, watch other people play them or even do research on the designers and their processes and figure out their design process.
One thing that was always missing was good educational content on game design since when it comes to people talking about games, it’s always a review or an overview of gameplay (like a walkthrough, for example). Extra Credits as a channel run by a game designer James Portnow and features great segments such as “Design Club”, that dissects and analyzes design decisions made in popular games, and the appropriately named “Extra Credits”, that discusses popular tangential topics around gaming like RPG progression systems and gamification of everyday habits!
I highly recommend the channel to anyone interested in game design as a topic! Whether you’re an enthusiast like me, a professional, or you’re simply interested in learning more about game design, Extra Credits is a great resource!
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Discovery Log Week 5: Chinatown Fair Arcade
This week, I was assigned to do field research for a class I’m in called “Beyond the Joystick”. The objective was to find games and installations that quite literally go “beyond the joystick”. I knew I had to go to an arcade but Dave and Busters was too mainstream and I wasn’t in the mood. Instead I found this little gem! It’s quite smaller than Dave and Busters but it has that ol’timey arcade feel that immediately reminded me of when I used to tag along with my brother to go to our local arcade when I was a kid. Apparently, the Chinatown Fair Arcade was quite the legendary place back in the day and has since fallen from grace according to some, but I thought it was great fun!
Yelp Link
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