#to be clear: we've finished the dlc now
boydyker · 6 months
roommate and i loved meeting the owlks :) had a great time!
transcript below cut:
person 1: this is not the room we need.
person 2: is it not?
person 1, confidently: no. the room we need is all the way at the bottom, with--
person 2 rounds the corner in game and yells loudly as an owlk turns towards and begins pursuing the player
person 1, delayed, screams at a much higher pitch. the camera shakes as the phone is thrown into the air.
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seldaryne · 7 months
"Wyll's quest regarding the Wyrmway is now a subquest instead of part of his main quest."
"Wyll's quest regarding Ravengard will now more reliably and frequently receive updates in Act III."
so mechanically speaking then, was the demotion of quest status in the first point required for them to implement the functionality of the second or??? because i genuinely don't understand why it became a subquest, especially when the game's structure already allows you to just ignore quests & move on to the next area if you want. most of the patch notes that directly mention wyll are bug-related or scripting flow, which i don't have a problem with (bug fixes are great, we love those). i'd love to hear any thoughts about this, though, because i really can't think of a reason why it had to become a subquest?
i also initially read that second point as planning for future updates to wyll's content but at a second glance i think it may just be referring to journal updates? i don't know, i'd like to believe my initial reaction was the correct one but... yknow. anyway i maintain that this is yet Another example of some really goddamn weird choices on the developmental end of things. if the companion quests exist on a sliding scale of 'most related to current main storyline to least,' wyll is very much at the top end of things. optimistic thought is that a lot of his scrapped content existed in the parts of act 3 that were cut, but i would think that as a studio you'd see that & make an effort to level things out with how much screentime the other companions have. at the bare minimum, your player base shouldn't be able to clock so many weird holes in his story arc where it's clear that something else was supposed to be offered.
i'm also not saying that the other companion arcs weren't clunky in some areas & didn't need a bit of help, but the disparity here makes deprioritizing those edits seem like a more logical course of action. like there's a difference between some slightly unpolished scenes vs. something that feels fundamentally lacking in a lot of structural ways, especially when you get into the finer points of the comparisons. act 3 imo is the one that feels the most bare-bones to me. like yes, there's Stuff there visually and quests too but it doesn't feel as lived-in as acts 1 & 2. i would say that the underdark to ketheric section feels the most dense, content-wise, and i don't think it's a coincidence that it's the bracket of the game i enjoy the most. i maintain that giving wyll's storyline the attention it needs would not only help with the character arc itself, but also pad out the quieter stretches of act 3. at this point i don't really see how they'd be able to add in the upper city without either completely changing the trajectory of the third act (so like, almost definitely something we Will Not See Happen & understandably so from a production standpoint. weird post-release editing aside, it is still a finished game.) & i'm also not sure what a DLC would look like here because the main story feels pretty complete too. off the top of my head, maybe one where you follow wyll & karlach into avernus would work, but that's worldstate dependent & probably wouldn't get made for that reason.
all that to say, from where i'm standing it really seems like giving wyll the same respect other companions are offered would by extension fix some of the act 3 issues, without having to release an entirely new area of the game (i'd love it i just don't think it's realistic lmao). like i know why/what the factors are that led to wyll getting the short end of the stick, it's bullshit but it's not the first time we've seen black characters handled unfairly by devs (& fans), but beyond that it's literally just. so confusing to me on the basis of writing alone. why wouldn't you use the character with that many ties to the titular city of the game more? why isn't he more integral to the story when it really seems like he has every reason to take the spotlight in certain areas?? like that's a fantastic resource of a character to use to move the narrative along and Yet.
idk. this started off as just a reaction to patch notes but it's so unbelievably frustrating to watch it keep happening every patch.
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escapismblue · 1 year
hi. look, if you don't want any negative opinions on the new Frontiers DLC, then just skip this. I do have some positive things to say, but mostly? not really! anyway, full opinion under the read more thing.
Alright, I'm going all in on this. I've kept my mouth mostly shut about my gripes about recent Sonic stuff but no. Nope, I'm not keeping my mouth shut when the games are my favorite part of this entire franchise.
I love the base game of Frontiers. I have sunk so many fucking hours into it. I genuinely think it's close to 80 hours. It still had some issues, but nothing that really... stuck out to me worse than like "well that wasn't perfect" or "that was kind of annoying." Mainly because I absolutely saw the base game as a step in the right direction. It wasn't perfect, but it was fun and it was getting there. Mainly the story was not great, (had a lot of good concepts but was very underdeveloped in those ideas,) but. But but but. Then they said the DLC would basically fix the story and oh my god I was so excited.
I spent days thinking about what they might do. I didn't think any of my ideas would be even close to canon, but it was fun. Honestly, my only hope for DLC was that there would be some level of emotional payoff. I didn't expect the kind of payoff we've gotten before, but anything more than what we got originally. Well, okay, we got a little more than the base game but you know what I mean. There were basically no emotional payoff.
There were emotional beats, don't get me wrong, but absolutely no payoff for said beats. And it wasn't like the emotional beats were bad! They were basically the best part of the story, but nothing came of them. Sage literally told Sonic that his friends weren't handling the cyber corruption well and what does he do in response in the cutscene? FUCKING NOTHING. Maybe a grimace, but no words, no nothing.
I will be 100% transparent, I didn't finish the DLC myself. I'm not gonna go on about how fucking hard it was because that's been covered before, but I watched the cutscenes to see if the absolute frustration I was feeling while playing was worth it. I didn't think it was.
Though, actually, I will complain about how fucking hard it is to unlock the map because literally why is so hard? Is it because they just wanted to make it harder to unlock fast travel because that's honestly bullshit in my opinion. Whatever, some of the harder map challenges were fun but most of them were just absurd.
Anyway, back to my point. Because I didn't play it myself, there may have been optional cutscenes or more dialogue while you're playing that gives a little more than just the main cutscenes, but that's not good enough for me!
That was a gripe for the base game too! Important context and lore should not be optional! And even still, it makes it clear, that the story is still not a main concern. And look, I get it, it hasn't been a main concern in a long time, but it is disappointing that the main draw was 1. the story fixes and 2. getting to play as Amy, Tails, and Knuckles (and god Knuckles does not control well.)
Another positive thing though, I did like playing as the other characters and I do hope that playing as other characters stays for more games. Sonic is my boy, but it is fun to have other characters.
But hoo boy I'm getting to my biggest point now. One that I think a lot of people are gonna disagree with, but honestly I just need to get this out.
I do not like how Amy, Tails, and Knuckles were connected to the Ancients. Now hold on, let me explain. At first, I thought this wasn't even a valid complaint, because I thought I wanted Sonic to be unique and have all the special things, but no. This actively makes Amy, Tails, and Knuckles less interesting! It puts even more focus on Sonic.
I like Sonic being connected to the Ancients because he's already extremely connected to the Emeralds. And look, I know they were already hinting at it in the base game, (all four being connected,) but the DLC made it obvious enough that I can't ignore it.
And look, I know it's probably just trying to be a "history repeats itself" story but that's not clear and I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
First, let me just say, that you did not need to connect Knuckles to the Ancients because he already was. There is already plenty of connections between the echidnas and the Ancients. (ahem ahem Chaos) but my main point is that it makes Sonic's supporting cast even more connected to him. It makes even more of their lives revolve around him.
I fucking love Sonic, almost everything I write is focused on him, but oh my god his cast is not there just for him.
Look, if you like it, cool, but I just. I worry about the future of these characters if this is their fix for Frontiers. Out of all the characters (minus Sonic because I cannot objectively judge his character,) Knuckles is written the best. Because his story didn't have anything to do with Sonic specifically. Him deciding to go off on his own had nothing to do with Sonic, it had everything to do with his own life. He was going off on his own because he's taking control of his life instead of letting his duty control him. (Which was, again, sort of ruined by tying him to Sonic directly through the Ancients.)
Tails, I will say, is inherently connected to Sonic and that's okay. He's a kid and Sonic's brother. I like him becoming his own character that is less connected to Sonic, but they can't seem to decide if that's what they're doing or not. And like. It really just feels like they're trying to fix the criticism modern Tails gets in a super roundabout way.
I'm not even going to touch Amy. I've never really liked what they've done with her and I'm not even. Nope. I don't think they know what to do with her and I will continue to just do whatever I want with her in my fics.
Also I hate Eggman being any sort of ally, but that's mostly because the games I tend to focus on have him be an absolute asshole and I like him that way.
Anyway, some more positive things to round this out:
The voice acting is very good! Sonic's deeper voice makes me want to go feral, Amy's voice actor conveyed her emotions really well, and god Knuckles laughing scene is literally I think the best cutscene second only to Sonic's new form.
On that note, I really do like Sonic's new cyber form. I wish they did more with it, but that's not a new problem so I'm not gonna harp on it. They rarely give forms a lot of time besides normal Super.
I really liked that the final fight was basically only Sonic. It's not that I don't like people helping him, but for final fights I tend to like it being just Sonic or like. Shadow or Silver.
This DLC did make me appreciate Sage more and that's not nothing. Because I didn't love her at first. Then again, that also could've been because I like how some fans handle her.
Music slaps.
Alright, anyway. I might do a rewrite for Frontiers now. Until then. o7
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aberooski · 2 years
Because I've been enabled once again, I've returned to my bullshit.
Once again, thank you to my favorite enabler/mutual @chazz-is-a-zelda-fan 💜
Today I present, a full and comprehensive tier list of every fanfic I've written and posted as well as a sneak at some WIP's and such 👀
Whether you've read everything or just a few of these, I'm curious to hear your thoughts and whether you agree or disagree with any of my placements of these works 🤔
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Now that we've seen said list, allow me to briefly voice some thoughts on my placements 😌
Firstly, I've gone on record several times saying that I firmly believe that Favorite and Best are not mutually exclusive things. Just because something may be the "best" doesn't mean it has to be your favorite, and conversely, just because something may be your favorite thing doesn't necessarily mean you think it's the best of that thing either. But in this instance it just so happens my favorite fic, OUAD, is also the one I think is the best aksks.
OUAD is just brilliant. The combination of 4 of my favorite things: my favorite movie, my favorite Disney couple and just individually favorite prince and princess, my favorite show, and my favorite ship. A loose yet still fairly faithful adaptation of the film that brings me so much joy while also tearing my soul into shreds. And the casting? Phenomenal on my part. When I clear some stuff from my plate, I swear I'll be working on a sequel 😤
Salt In The Wound also got to sneak up into Best because in my opinion it's my best one shot. And also I just legitimately like the actual writing in it, I think it's some of my best work. Also I just needed it. I emotionally need that aftermath to Zane and Syrus's duel, I needed the comfort of them caring for Sy and catharsis from airing frustrations with Zane and the show didn't give it to me, so it's kinda a fulfillment that's on a totally different level than anything else I've done before.
Now Sons of The Stars. The fully crafted from the ground up, fully designed wardrobe, 130k fantasyish au that all stemmed from a throwaway joke in Angel's Tears. I love this one, especially the new updated version, I fixed so many things and just improved it so much from how it was originally. But I have some beef with it that keeps it from Best but still at the very top. The execution of Jaden and Jesse's romance isn't my favorite and I wrote it under a time crunch originally so you could tell towards the end I was rushing. That's been fixed a bit now but I still have a lingering disappointment with the idea that if I waited to write it originally I could've just done a better job overall with it. But as it stands I still think that fic is fantastic and it's my pride and joy.
Deviating from GX quick, my FFXV fic. What Goes In, this is just a good ass fic imo. Taking a segment from the game and answering for myself questions both the main game and Prompto's dlc raised and didn't answer, incorporating a lot of twists and turns and my own spin on what happens in that segment of the game, while incorporating actual game dialog and moments and shit too GAH it's good 😭 Also indulging in Promptis and Gladnis on the DL In the middle of all the pain and angst 🤭 biggest problem is that I haven't posted in it since March of 2020 and there's only 1 chapter left 😭 I promise I'm working on revising it right now and I'm finishing it by the end of 2023 that's my goal!
Might be controversial placement, but I put Sustained By Hate in the "Good" category......
Listen I love it. Camula coming back for revenge is an S+ idea. My problems lie with some of the execution, also me not really having the characterization of my version of Chazz's mom on lock yet. There's a lot of revisions I wanna do to that fic bro. Nothing too drastic or anything but still. There's also just so much happening in that one it feels a little messy to me now going back and re reading it. But Lexi usurping the main character role towards the end is brilliant and I actually wrote a duel which was hard as shit and I'm so proud of it and myself so extra bonus points for that! Overall, I love that fic but still as it stands I only think it's good. Perhaps a revised version would get bumped up on my list 🤔
Traffic Lights, my 5Ds one shot that's just Carly sitting in her car trapped in traffic 😂 not a lot to gripe about or say here, it's just a cute little work. I like it, I think it's good, but I feel like most of what I've written is better, it's that simple. I still really like it a lot though!
Angel's Tears, the first GX fic I ever wrote....... listen I thought this was my magnum opus for the LONGEST time..... if you've read the original version, that's embarrassing for me to say. Now the revised version I did recently? That's less embarrassing. But still this fic's only alright in my opinion. It was good at the time, I was 18 when I first wrote it and like I said, it was the 1st GX fic I ever wrote. But I've just improved so much as a writer, the newer version supports that better now akaksk and well, it's just not my best work in my opinion. I also don't really like the title anymore but it's been too long I can't change it now. But this fic was what got me started with writing these kids so I owe it a debt of gratitude for that. We wouldn't have all the rest of these works without it.
A Friend In Need, my Bastion one shot. Like the Carly one, not much to say about it. I like it, but it's just old and I need to revise it. It's cute and appropriately upsetting and a good idea to address Bastion's feelings of invisibility and inadequacy in season 2, the execution just needs to be given a face lift in my opinion.
Before I sneak at my WIPS, I'm gonna jump down to Rewriting.
Alice was an old fic I did that was basically an episode rewrite for episode 80, you know. The filler episode after they get back from Domino. With Alice... hence the title.... well if you read that story before I deleted it to rewrite it well you're entitled to compensation of some sort. It wasn’t good if you ask me. And rereading it there were a couple moments in it that made even me uncomfortable now that didn't back then. Literally I lost the plot while I was writing it like I jumped off the deep end a few chapters in and it dips so hard in quality. I'm just redoing it from like chapter 2 or 3 on, It has to be done.
Anyway now a quick roll call of my current WIPS for you babies because I like you and they're all S+ concepts 😌
We ALL know about Chazerella. My stormshipping Cinderella au riding the coattails of OUAD. I'll be starting writing that once we cross into the new year 👍
My Stormshipping + Alexis crossover with Mario.... yeah that started as a joke but isn't a joke anymore. I've posted about that so much you all know akakaka Chazz hanging out in Bowser's dungeon with Peach while Atticus and Alexis traverse the Mushroom Kingdom with Mario and Luigi to go rescue them??? Yes please!!
The GX/Fatal Frame 5: Maiden of Black Water crossover, I said that would be the next one after OUAD but well it's just gonna happen whenever it happens, that one is purely for me. I have actually started writing it and once I get a little further I think I'll be posting that one as I write it 😌 it'll take as long as it takes and y'all will have to deal with the suspense and cliffhangers while Alexis teams up with Yuri and the camera crew to find Atticus and rescue him from ghosts aksks (also I'm actually using the Japanese names for once in this one be proud of me!!)
And finally, So Take Hold of Me, And Hang On 'Till The Hurt Is Gone. You guys remember that one little snippet excerpt whatever you wanna call it with Chazz and Atty I posted I believe in like November or something? Yeah, this is that 🤭 I haven't touched it really since then but I'll make a full thing out of it mark my words! (Also the title comes from one of my favorite Yellowcard songs, "The Hurt Is Gone", that was actually the initial inspiration for that work 😊 that song, and the word "stay")
Anyways y'all, that's my tier list of my fanfiction! This was actually really fun but also really hard to make I'm so indecisive I went back and forth on a lot of these for so long akakksksksksks
But anyways hope y'all had some mindless fun with me, and I'm curious to hear any thoughts if y'all have any thoughts to share!
Keep your chins up and smile! 💜
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cruelfeline · 1 year
I couldn't look at your blog till after I finished the DLC but I KNEW you'd have so much to say about it and I am not disappointed! You were spot on about so many of your main game deductions, it was delightful to play the DLC and fully understand what was happening, so thank you! So: What do you think of the "magical ore" that seems to power all the Rheddig magic? It seems to be what allows all mundane soldiers to do magic that the tantas can do without aid, but beyond that...?
Ah, welcome back, then! I hope you enjoyed the DLC as much as I did c:
I've been meaning to discuss the magic we've seen, and your ask is a perfect starting point!
So... the Rheddig magic we get to witness seems to come in two forms: the ore-based, blue-colored magic and the golden, apparently blood-sacrifice-sourced magic that constitutes Susurrus.
The ore-based magic is what we see the soldiers - and Aldacor, in retrospect - use both on their weapons and on themselves. This magic strikes me as very different for what we're used to seeing. The Tantas' magic, and indeed Frey's magic, appears to come from within. It looks to be an intrinsic part of the user; they don't need ores or other materials to cast it... they just need themselves. Their own energy, their own power.
So that's a huge difference, and honestly not something I was expecting. I was expecting for the Rheddig, should they have magic-users, to be using the same style and color of magic that Susurrus uses. I thought Rheddig magic would be metallic gold.
Thats obviously not the case, and right now, we don't know why that is. Why are there two clearly different form is magic in play, not only in terms of color and style, but in terms of source?
One theory I have is that the golden magic originates with that Other Thing the Rheddig Tanta spoke of... that "terrifying power" Susurrus owes his existence to. I wonder if that thing, if it's an actual entity, is potentially what th Rheddig's cult centers around. I wonder if they made some sort of deal with an ancient god-creature, and in return for sacrifices and worship, it gave them access to its golden magic in addition to whatever ore-based power they have. I don't have much evidence for it, but... well, a cult has to center around something or someone. And a "terrifying power" would fit the role.
Now, another aspect of this that is potentially more disturbing: our Tantas' powers. They come from within, not without. The style of magic the Tantas used is similar not to the ore-based magic of the mundane Rheddig, but to Susurrus' magic. The blood-sacrifice-based magic. Which... well! That brings up some interesting questions!
We still don't know where Tanta magic came from. We know where Frey's came from: she inherited from her mother and from each of the other Tantas in turn. But where did these powers originate? Where did the first Tanta get them?
My concern is that concentrating this level of magical power into one person, this style of magical power, may well be done through sacrifice. Like... there is a non-zero chance that our Tantas got their magic handed down from a source that received it the same way Susurrus received his: through blood sacrifice. Knowing that Tantas exist, or existed, in Rheddah provides a connection to a place and people that practices that sort of sacrifice.
So this longstanding conflict between Rheddah and Athia, this talk of an "unforgivable crime," this similarity between the magics of the Tantas and a creature we now know gains his power from human lives... I wonder if it has something to do with where magic comes from, how it's granted to an individual, and the sort of infighting that information might cause. Back in the day, when I first started playing this game, I was very wary of the Tantas. One of the things I was wary of was the possibility that the way they gained their magic was by essentially "eating" people. Obviously, there's no clear indication of that, but knowing that such magical sourcing is possible...
I mean... can you imagine if that was true? If Frey should learn that her powers, which she obviously wants to use to help people, actually came at the expense of hundreds, if not thousands, of lives?
Again: pure speculation. And we'll probably never know. But the difference between the two magics the Rheddig use, and the similarity of Suss' style of magic to the Tantas'... it makes me wonder.
It all makes me feel like something isn't quite right.
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sapphim · 2 years
Sibling Rivalry - Malcolm's Will (Legacy)
The last post about approval-specific sibling dialogue in DA2. Other posts are tagged #sibling rivalry. The Malcolm's Will sidequest in Legacy DLC prompts a nice long conversation with your sibling, and Carver's conversation is almost completely split with separate lines of dialogue between his friendly and rival dispositions. Also, absolutely tickled by how rival blue Hawke and friendly red Hawke share a dialogue option here.
Malcolm's Will - Legacy (Warden/Templar Carver)
Carver: Father didn't want a child with magic? He got that one wrong twice over.
Carver: He sure didn't show any regret back home. The attention he gave you and Bethany…
Carver: Well, I guess he figured the worst that could happen to me was tripping on my sword.
Blue Hawke: [He had confidence in you.] He knew you didn't need protecting. You were the strongest of us.
Carver: Sure, it's easy to believe that now. But I think… I just wanted to help.
Purple Hawke: [And he was right, clumsy.] You did trip on your sword. A lot.
Carver: My weapon's not a walking stick. And the first time I wore armor it was like strapping a topsy water barrel to my head.
Carver: Just as dangerous as your demons. Sort of.
Red Hawke: [You'll never understand mages.] Like we've seen in here, what my kind have to deal with every day is just beyond you.
Templar Carver: Yes, that is the excuse your lot tend to trot out.
Warden Carver: That does loom heavy, but everything's in the shadow of the Blight.
Carver: Maker, it's like we're back in Lothering, sniping for no reason.
Carver: Father didn't want a child with magic? He got that one wrong twice over.
Templar Carver: I guess the templar's not such a disappointment now.
Warden Carver: I guess the Warden's looking pretty good right about now.
Blue Hawke: [You don't understand mages.] Like we've seen in here, what my kind have to deal with every day is just beyond you.
Templar Carver: Yes, that is the excuse your lot tend to trot out.
Warden Carver: That does loom heavy, but everything's in the shadow of the Blight.
Carver: Maker, it's like we're back in Lothering, sniping for no reason.
Purple Hawke: [Guess again, ass.] And with that, the goodwill of our reunion vanishes.
Carver: Look, I didn't mean… no, you're right. I'll just stop talking.
Hawke: Praise be.
Carver: Stop that. I agreed.
Hawke: Good.
Carver: You don't always need the last word.
Hawke: Good.
Carver: Can we just… I want to get this over with.
Red Hawke: [Shut up.] We heard the voice of our father. Maybe today isn't about Carver.
Carver: Fine. Let's just get this over with, whatever it's all about.
Carver: Father started this, I'll finish it. Good enough?
Hawke: [Why did you join the templars?] Carver, shouldn't all this make you want to, I don't know, offer a reason for joining the order?
Carver: I have to defend the one moment I stopped waiting and did something?
Hawke: If you wanted to spite me…
Carver: I'd hoped those wounds were at least scabbed. It wasn't you. It never was.
Carver: No! See, right there is the problem. For the longest time, I thought it was you, but it wasn't.
[friendly, or following rival Blue Hawke option above]
Carver: I did worry sometimes, for you two. Bethany just wanted to be "normal." As if I made a good case for it.
Blue Hawke: [She saw the best in us both.] She knew what we could be. Glad to see you're starting to see it too.
Carver: We'll see, I suppose.
Purple Hawke: [More like abnormal.] Nobody thinks you're normal, don't worry about that.
Carver: (Laughs.) Fine, I suppose I deserved that.
Red Hawke: [Doubt has killed this family.] And thanks to that kind of backtracking, most of us are gone.
Red Hawke: Including you, [templar/Warden].
Carver: I suppose it's best if we just clear this up and go our separate ways.
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pokeblader3 · 1 year
I think there's something to be said about how Pokemon SwSh was literally priced out of a lot of people's ability to get it around launch (60 dollars for an unfinished game, and it's now clear that the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra were just the postgame of Galar that got pushed back to be 30$ DLC bc they knew pokemon fans would buy it to get their single complete game).
It's not DLC that's optional to enjoying the experience, exploring side areas and hunting down legendary Pokemon is a core part of the pokemon game loop enough that it's been a part of every region in this decades-long series, the fact that there's only 10 routes and 4 route themes (1 with no pokemon, several being laughably short and not really considerable as routes) + the 2 Wild Areas and their 2 themes (some of the only real "routes" in the game), vs the avg of 18+ routes and 6+ themes in the base region of every pokemon game, it's apparent that these were meant to be the side areas of the game but weren't finished in time and/or were purposefully paywalled (if Celeste and Shovel Knight can make entire game modes and chapters as free DLC, the literal most profitable series on the damn planet can too and still pay their workers lots, if that's what they actually were interested in doing). The only legendaries in Galar at base are the 3 story legendaries (only 2 catchable), that's less than the original Kanto games. The 9 legendaries (and every other legendary in the game) introduced in the Crown Tundra and Isle of Armor are just the standard side area legendaries of each region.
These games were literally shipped unfinished and the full game cost over twice as much as a game in the series previously cost. A lot of people couldn't play them at launch, and a lot of the hate towards them were for that reason and totally justified. It never fails to get me just how vehemently people defended these games on launch, like nobody is making you kiss the most profitable series in the world's boots, you don't have to defend this. Pokemon would be a lot better if they weren't restricted to their 3 year release schedule and could actually finish their games on time, and we've seen the natural endpoint of this problem we were warning about with how buggy and rushed the games since SwSh have been.
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