#to be a free country OH suddenly this isn’t a safe space
cyberrat · 1 year
71st Batch Of Fics: 5th Fill
Hanzo/Genji – Inheritance AU – Part 2 – fem!Hanzo – Genji just doesn't give a fuck about being hot for his big sis okkkk.
“Are you… going to kill me?” Genji asks after five minutes of sitting in the back and anxiously watching the yakuza drive.
The guy is still wearing his dark sunglasses but he gets the feeling that he briefly looks at Genji over the rearview mirror before focusing back on the road.
“...is someone else going to kill me?” Genji asks after a moment.
The guy takes a little too long to answer that which does not exactly put him at ease.
“Not if you behave, Mister Shimada.” His leather gloved fingers lightly drum the steering wheel and Genji gets the feeling that he is speaking ‘out of turn’ when he continues: “I advise you to behave.”
Genji has no fucking clue what ‘behaving’ entails. He nervously bounces one leg and stares out of the tinted windows of the car. He is ready to see visuals of the country side popping up, still believing that he is being driven out into the middle of nowhere to be executed there.
They remain in the city, though, and he quickly enough recognizes that they are indeed driving toward the Shimada estate.
Which is weird.
His father has been pretty clear in that he expects Genji to stay as far away as possible in exchange for the money he gets. Each is just living their life, which suits him perfectly fine. In all honesty, Sojiro has been freaking him the fuck out the handful of times he actually got to see him, so he’s been more than happy to oblige the rule.
Yet here they are, waiting for the ornate doors to be opened so the car can drive up a stupidly gorgeous looking driveway to a stupidly gorgeous and opulent house.
Even looking through the window Genji can see guards on every damn corner. He’d bet that there isn’t even a mouse that they don’t know about.
The car halts in front of the main doors. He watches as his driver gets out and circles around the back of the car to open the door for him. Another guy, dressed the same as the first, is already getting in the driver’s seat to take the car away. Genji feels decidedly underdressed in his own getup. He keeps carding his fingers through his hair, pushing it back some, though without any product there’s no way it’ll stay like that for long.
The yakuza tells him to follow and he does, stomach feeling queasy as he looks about the place. Not that there is much to see other than gorgeous works of art and flowers that are probably being exchanged every single day so they wouldn’t start to wilt in plain sight of the owner.
He stops when the other stops, watching as he raps his knuckles against a door. He waits for half a second, then opens it and announces: “I brought him here, my lady.”
“Send him in, Kenta. And wait outside.”
Genji blinks a few times, having trouble computing the voice that came floating out of the room. It’s deep and smokey but very unmistakably female. He has… really no idea what the fuck is happening.
Barely noticing Kenta hesitating before bowing and stepping aside, he is ushered into the room. The door closes with a gentle click behind him. Not that it is of any importance given the fact that he is staring at an absolute babe behind the huge desk taking up a good part of the space.
Long, glossy black hair is pulled back tightly in a pony tail. If it weren’t for a few grey strands visible, he would think her just a hand full of years older than him as her face is free of wrinkles… safe the very steep fold between her brows as she stares at him with a moue of absolute distaste.
He opens his mouth but she suddenly stands, slamming one hand on the surface of her desk. She says something, he’s pretty sure but he is completely distracted by the bounce of her tits beneath a few sports bandages she has wrapped around her chest in lieu of an actual bra.
Oh… oh that’s nice. Fuck she got a nice pair right there. They’d swallow his cock up like nothing if he fucked it between them. He just knows the space will be hot and a bit humid with sweat and absolutely perfect-
“What do you think you’re doing?” her cold voice pushes through the haze in his head. His gaze flicks up to her face. He had not really thought it possible, but she looks even more mad now. Her plump lips are pursed into a tight line, the corners pulled down ever so slightly.
He smiles back, easy and attractive; just the way that has gotten him laid a million times before. “Just enjoying the view. I’m sorry… we have not been introduced yet.” He comes closer, extending one hand.
She slaps it away without looking at it, dark eyes boring into Genji like daggers.
“Stop this. Do you even know who I am?!”
Drop dead gorgeous and more than hot to be riding my cock for a few nights, he thinks, his smile unwavering as he smoothly lowers his hand down, unperturbed by her slap.
“You’re a lady. I would love to treat you like one on a nice night out.”
Her gaze turns murderous but that only gets Genji more excited. He likes it when they’re not just simpering bimbos that gag for an opportunity to suck his dick. It’s so much more exciting when they pretend to hate him. Makes it all the sweeter when he gets to spread their legs and they beg him to put his dick in.
She visibly has to reign her temper in as her face smooths out and she stands up straighter. Her personality makes her seem like she had to be taller than Genji – which… hot – but she’s actually shorter. Which is also hot. He doesn’t discriminate.
“My name is Shimada Hanzo. My father’s name is Sojiro. I am your half sister. Unfortunately.” The last she says after briefly looking him up and down, disgust once more creasing her nose.
Genji’s brows shoot up. It is now his turn to look her up and down, though his attention keeps being drawn to her chest, soft tits jiggling beneath the bandaging with every little motion.
Hanzo, noticing his stares, slowly slides her arms back into the sleeves of her kimono and pulls it up; not particularly hurried, but with a distinct look of annoyance.
“You’re Hanzo…” Genji slowly says, mulling over what she just said. Finally the meaning clicks and he blinks profusely. “Wait… what? I had a sister this whole time?”
Her mouth turns down again. “Half sister,” she corrects like it is important to her.
Genji stares at her lovely face, gorgeous despite her looking at him like he is something disgusting stuck to her undoubtedly cute little foot. Oh fuck he wouldn’t mind sucking on her toes. Or having her step on him. Oh wow… shit…
“How old are you?” he asks.
“Thirty-three,” she replies, voice dry and expressionless once more.
“Eleven years older,” he whispers, arousal curling in his stomach. “I got a gorgeous big sister. Oh… that’s perfect.”
Hanzo narrows her eyes. She stares at him like he lost his mind. He leans forward over the table, wanting to grasp her hand – but she leans back just the same, out of reach, then tells him in that same, dry voice: “Father is dead. You are eligible for part of the inheritance. That is why you are here. You will leave as soon as we have concluded our business.”
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zemodaddy · 3 years
Hey so i finally completed the first chapter of the zemo x reader fanfic. Make sure to read the authors note at the end and i hope you enjoy.!
Y/n is an ex-avenger who, after the blip was forced to work for the US government. You trained to be an assassin/spy and your gifts of wielding flames made you invaluable. When you were assigned to follow Bucky you find him helping Helmut Zemo escape from his prison cell. What is he up to? Should you stop him?
Warnings: violence, lots of swearing, angst, fluff and in later chapters extreme acts of hatred towards John Walker :)
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Shades of Him
They replaced him. They replaced him with a random guy and stuck Steve’s shield on him. You were staring at the TV in disbelief. You thought of Steve like a brother and he definitely wouldn’t have wanted this.
After the blip you had no job, the avengers pretty much all separated and that left you without anything to do, and that meant no income and no income meant no home or food. You couldn’t exactly find a normal job because most people were afraid of you. A trained assassin and spy who could wield flames wasn’t really considered normal. That left you with no choice but to accept the deal the US government offered you. Do their dirty work and you wont end up homeless.
Your newest mission was to track Bucky to make sure he followed the rules set upon him for his pardon. You are close to him, like you were close to Steve. Hiding the fact that you were following him everywhere he went was kind of hard but you managed. You had to manage.
So finding him and Sam visiting a German prison kind of surprised you. Had this got to do with his therapy? Surely not. They left around an hour later and from then nothing more suspicious happened. A quick google search and a deep dive into some public records showed that a high security prisoner resided at this prison. Not just anyone. Zemo.
Interesting you thought. Later that night you followed Bucky and Sam to an old garage. You waited outside for 5 minutes before entering, trying to keep to the shadows of the room. The two men seemed to be in the midst of a heated discussion. “You want Zemo to help us?” Sam looks exasperated. Bucky looks a bit apprehensive as he says “Look let me walk you through a hypothetical, can I do that?” He begins to explain an elaborate escape plan for Zemo. Your mind was wizzing with thoughts as you tried to figure out your next move. He really isn’t in the right headspace, same old Bucky, you roll your eyes. “What are you guys doing?” You step out of the darkness. The two seemed to jump out of their skin, clearly not expecting you to be there.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Bucky asks. They both looked so shocked by your sudden appearance that you had to suppress a laugh. “I was following you.” He doesn’t look happy. “YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME?” He raises his voice. You weren’t scared because you knew he loved you really. Keeping the same tone as him you shout back “YES AND YOU’RE HELPING A CRIMINAL” “I SAID HYPOTHETICALLY DIDN’T I”. Sam looks like he could start laughing any moment. You weren’t even sure if you should laugh or arrest them. Suddenly your phone buzzes. “Then please explain to me why I just got a message saying that ZEMO HAS ESCAPED FROM PRISON?” Sam looks mad now. “You’re kidding me Bucky” he says. “Look we don’t have any other leads, we were at a dead end.”
You knew that the two were looking for information on the new super soldiers serum. “He blew up the UN, he killed king T’Chaka!” Before Bucky could reply to Sams argument, the sound of a door shutting sounds through the garage and guess who walks in. Helmut fucking Zemo. Your hand flies immediately to the dagger on the side of your thigh. “Woah woah woah” Sam starts walking towards him as Bucky tries to hold him back. Too bad he didn’t see you slip past them and push Zemo against the wall with said dagger against his throat. “Your going back to prison” you pass him a sickly sweet smile. He looked surprised by you holding him against that wall but didn’t fight back. Not with the blade in your hand starting to heat up against his skin. “y/n let him go” Bucky looks frustrated.
“He can lead us closer to the serum, just let him breath for a second” Zemo did start to look a little breathless. Good, he should be scared of you. Reluctantly you let him go. He starts to talk “if I may”. At the same time the three of you go “NO”. He looked a little displeased by the response but didn’t have any other option but to oblige. “Apologies”. After further debating and a lot of disagreements you and Sam finally agree to trust Zemo.. for the time being anyways. “Alright Zemo, where do we start”
You mentally set a reminder to always have an eye on Zemo, how could you not with a guy like him. He seemed to be sending you anxious glances in return, which to be fair you did nearly choke him to death. He leads you to a large warehouse containing numerous cars of different ages, sizes and colours. Probably stolen you think. After grabbing a case full with clothes for zemo you all head to an airstrip. In the middle of which was a private jet. You look at it in awe. “So you were rich all this time?” Sam asks. “I’m a baron Sam, my family was royalty before your friends destroyed my country”. Shit. Those cars weren’t stolen then..
The mention of his country makes you think back to that battle against ultron. You were very tempted to leave the avengers after nearly wiping out the entirety of a population of a country. But they convinced you to stay, where else could you have gone anyway? You think a little longer about the aftermath, when you helped after the battle with the injured, and loved ones finding their dead. It was one of the saddest moment of your life, until the blip. No one else helped from the avengers, they didn’t even visit the memorial..
“Y/n you coming?” Sam was saying from the top of the stairs. Lost in thought you were stood in front of the plane. Maybe I should stop getting distracted you thought. Entering the jet the seats on the right were already occupied by Sam and Bucky, leaving the only other seat opposite Zemo free. Great. As a gentle reminder you check your dagger on your thigh, almost like a warning that if he tries anything he’ll know what’s coming. Zemo swallows looking where it would be and ask his butler person for a drink. Was that his butler or the pilot? Rich people problems you thought. The plane sets off and you look out of the window daydreaming a little.
The other three talk lightly until the mention of Buckys list, which ends in zemo being choked yet again. You smile a little, enjoying the mini acts of revenge for the people he’s hurt and killed. You feel a bit sleepy but then they start to discuss where you were going. “Do we want to live in a world full of people like the red skull” Zemo shakes his head lightly “that’s why we’re going to Madripoor”. Confused, Bucky explains the place’s history in the Indonesian archipelago. “It’s kept its lawless ways but we cannot go in as our selves” Zemo says. Uh oh that can’t be good.
You were right. Zemo had handed you a bag full of clothes and a pair of heels. You stared at yourself in the full length mirror that resided in the toilets. “You have got to be kidding me” you say aloud. Your were wearing a dark purple silky dress that reached only just halfway down your thigh. It exposed most of your arms, shoulders and a lot of your chest. Thankfully there was a black leather jacket in the bag too, however on the shoulders sat a blanket of fur, similarly to Zemos coat that he took from the warehouse. Your heels were also purple. You thank the lord you took the time to train in heels too because you never know when the situation arises when you happen to find yourself in those monstrous shoes.
“This” you point at yourself “is not happening”. “Ah my baroness has arrived” Zemo says, amusement glinting in his eyes. You glared at the word ‘baroness’. “Here put this on darling, to finish it off”. He holds what seems to be a lipstick in his hand. You already knew what shade it was before taking it from him. “Do you have some thing for purple or is that just me?” Sam and Bucky both laughed.
You had to admit, the dress didn’t look bad, in fact it looked expensive. To say you were uncomfortable was an understatement, not necessarily for what you were wearing, but for the hand now draped around your waist. Zemos hand. He said that no matter what, you couldn’t break character. Bucky was playing the role as the winter soldier; you felt bad for him, the memories this must bring up. You can’t even begin to imagine. Sam however, wore an extravagant and abstract red suit that kind of looked like a dress. It was funny to see his reaction to which he comments that he looked like a “pimp”.
A car pulls up beside you and you all pile in. Of course you were sat next to zemo in the back. After around five minutes you arrive in lowtown. A place where you could apparently find a gall called Selby. That hand snaked back around you as you intermingle with the crowded streets. The high density of the crowd forced you even closer to Zemos side leaving practically no space between you now. You could feel his warm body against yours, sending a shiver down your spine. He looks down on you. His eyes seem to be softer now than they were before and he gives you a quick kiss on the temple as if to reassure you that you’re safe. You tried to keep yourself from shaking him off of you but as you carried on walking, you got used to him a bit more. Sam and Bucky followed the two of you, both with grim faces.
Finally, you come to a bar, most people around you watching carefully as you all enter. Zemo orders the both of you a shot and Sam gets his usual. This turned out to be something containing whatever the barman cutout of a snake. The sight of it made your stomach drop, and to your astonishment, Sam actually drank it. He looked like he wanted to be sick but, no matter what he had to stay in character. Bucky gave a slight nod, he didn’t get a drink, not as the winter soldier.
You had let it be known of who you wanted to see and as you waited a man came up behind Zemo and you. He immediately guided you away from this man so he was in front of you and Zemo in front of the man. He knew you could hold your own, you had made that clear already, but he wanted to protect you. For the act of course. “You ain’t welcome here” the man stated, placing a hand roughly on zemos shoulder as he turned to face him. “I have no business with the powerbroker, but if he insists he can either talk to me” Zemo points at Bucky. His hand then slipped to yours, holding it tightly. “Or bring Selby for a chat”. The man looks displeased and walks away. You had many things you wanted to say to Zemo at this moment, but sticking to your character was more important. As he continued to grip your hand, other men started to menacingly prowl towards you all. Zemo gave Bucky the order to attack and so he did. A fight quickly broke out between them all but Bucky was far too strong for them all. This ended in Bucky holding one of the guys that remained standing against the bar table. Finally someone called to say selby was ready to see your group. This was going to be interesting.
Okay i left this on a little bit of a cliffhanger but the next chapter should be out in a day or so. This is my first fanfic i have published so I’m interested to see what everyone thinks. If there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes then umm you didn’t see anything. I hope you enjoyed!
@killsandthrills @aisling1985 @booklover2929 @arianalilyblack @your-pixels-are-showing @kenna-1904
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
(Dianakko Week) There’s no way she- (3): “There’s no way she tamed that.”
A/N: Okay! So I’m really sorry if day 2 confused y’all ;-;. I just couldn’t reveal as much info to be clear as I thought ;-; I dunno if this chapter will do any good of explaining, but here’s to hoping  that it does! T-T Also apologies if the whole story goes south or off the rails since I’m really running on fumes this week and am at peak exhaustion capacity woo! So these chapters/days might just be getting weird and incoherent idk. Sorry. This is kind of like... going back and forth between days 2-4 in terms of theme, I think. But well. uh... Idk anymore.
~Shintori Khazumi
Day 3: Familiars/Animals
“There’s no way she tamed that.”
“I’m just glad you’ve all settled in just fine.”
“Honestly? Same.” Barbara sighed, looking into the orb that showed Lotte and Sucy’s faces. “I guess it’s just that we’ve been here for a few months- two? Three? It’s a good start.”
“How’s her majesty holding up?” Sucy asked teasingly, but with concern clear in her visible eye.
Barbara bit her lip, not really sure of the answer herself. “She never showed me or Han, but I know that she’s cried to Akko-with Akko” Barbara shook her head fondly, recalling their sweet dork. “-when we all went to bed. It went on for a few weeks. Right now, she’s... she’s holding up. She’s tough, we all know.”
“Yes. You all are.” Lotte said with a smile that quickly melted away into a deep frown. “I can’t believe they burned down the mansion.”
“I can’t believe they were able to get through Diana’s cloaking spell.” Sucy commented. “Something isn’t right, but no one can pinpoint just what it is yet.” She said, swirling an ominous-looking fluid in one of her flasks.
Barbara nodded. “Well, anyway, I’ll get back to you later. I’m on dinner duty and the sun has been sending me warnings.” She chuckled, noticing the changing hues of the horizon. “Talk to you again sometime?”
“We’ll update you on the situation.” Lotte assured, waving to her friend before the connection cut and the orb turned blank.
Barbara sighed, standing up from the table to return the orb on their shelf in the living room of the cozy stone cottage they had settled in, deep in a forest of some unknown country far away from home.
It was a new world with so many unknowns. Maybe too many. Including why Diana and Akko had been targeted this way. Diana had told them that she’d been stripped of her position on the magic council, and had been ‘warned’ that she would someday suffer the consequences of not complying with the other members. So far, that was all they knew. They just found that Diana had a hunch that they needed to leave soon. They were so glad they did.
Barbara began prepping in the kitchen, getting all her ingredients from the fridge that she’d need for the dish she wanted to cook. Suddenly, a chorus of yells from her two teammates caught her attention, telling her that they were close to home, along with their other friend whose name was pronounced loud on their lips-
“What?” Akko shrugged, clearly not getting why this was such a big deal. Florence was one of her sweetest familiars!
“No, no, no. Not ‘what?’, Akko... how... why? Who? Where did you even-” Hannah stammered. “There’s no way she tamed that. Right, Diana?” She turned to their team leader, still staring up at the very real, and very large griffin.
“Akko... how did you even... you say this is your familiar??? A gryphon of this size? We all know that contracting familiars are difficult, but you just-”
She and Hannah watched as Akko continued to play with the somehow puppy-like griffin, Akko rubbing it’s belly as it rolled on the grass in front of their home.
“Diana.” Akko deadpanned. “You literally kept a Kelpie at home.” She saw Diana open her mouth about to deny the statement, and cut her off. “Don’t lie. I saw you feeding it by the lake the other day.”
“I watched you train it the other day.”
“I’ve also seen it playing in the fountain in the yard back at home-” As that word slipped, Akko realized her mistake, seeing Hannah giving her a disproving look as Diana’s face looked momentarily downcast, before masking it with a smile.
“Diana-” Akko tried to reach out, but her girlfriend had taken a careful step back, leaving a pang in Akko’s heart. “I’m sor-”
“I’ve been caught red-handed, I suppose.” Diana laughed mirthlessly, a hand rubbing up and down her opposite arm as she looked off into the distance. “Oh look at that! The sun is setting. We should go inside.” She quickly changed the topic, being the first one to turn around and head for their house, not waiting for her companions to follow.
Hannah groaned, smacking the back of Akko’s head. “Nice going, Akko.”
“Make sure to hide that familiar somewhere and wash your hands before dinner! Barbara’s going to have your head the next time you touch her table with those filthy hands.” She warned before disappearing into the cottage after Diana.
“I already know that. You don’t have to tell me.” Akko scoffed, crossing her arms before getting nuzzled by her Griffin, a cute confused look on his face. She smiled, petting it’s side before doing what Hannah had told her to do. “Come on, Florence. Let’s get you back in with the others?”
Reaching into her shirt, Akko pulled out a locket, casting a spell on it that made it larger, revealing a briefcase that looked like any other. However, as she turned the dials of it’s lock code, multiple sounds spring forth from it as the case shook.
Florence nuzzled against her back, whining about her actions. Akko got the message. “Sorry, buddy. I know it’s been a while since I let you out free, but I don’t have anywhere better to keep you all yet. Hang on just a bit more? For me?” She rubbed the Griffin’s head before holding the briefcase closer to him and Florence disappeared into the container. “Thank you.” She patted the lid.
After closing it securely, she spun the numbers to form a different code that brought about silence before shrinking it back into the size that she kept around her neck.
“I hope they waited for me for dinner.”
“Are you alright?”
Diana looked up from her seat on the small porch, gaze warming as she was met by the sight of her old friend with two mugs in hand, steaming and warm. She simply nodded, patting the seat next to her.
Hannah nodded, settling down next to Diana and handing her her drink. Before Diana could even greet and thank her, a thick blanket was draped across her shoulders from her other side. Barbara promptly took seat on that free space, leaning her weight against Diana and closing her eyes.
“You can trust us with your pain as much as you do with Akko, you know?” Hannah murmured, Barbara nodding against Diana’s side.
“...I know.” Biting her lip, Diana tried her best to form the appropriate words. Seconds slipped by and she continued failing at being open to her best friends. “I’m sorry. It’s still a little difficult.” She felt the pair sigh on each side of her, and felt a little bad.
“We suppose that one is on us for constantly placing you up on a pedestal. Both then and now.” Barbara chuckled, the statement supposedly lighthearted despite all three knowing it was the heavy truth. “Just know that when you’re ready, we will always be willing to listen, yes?” She turned her body around, enough to embrace Diana, Hannah mirroring the action as they both squeezed her tight.
Diana squeaked as they planted a kiss on each side of her face before laughing at how bashful she was being.
“Well, that’s all from us. We’ll be heading in now.”
Diana had wanted a few more minutes of time with them, but as she followed them with her eyes, she saw someone else waiting by the door.
“Fix this.” She heard Hannah whisper to the dejected-looking Akko, loud enough for all of them to hear. Barbara giggled as she entered the house first, and Diana found her own chuckles slipping out as Akko grumbled her way towards Diana until she stood face to face with her.
“Hello, dear.”
Diana felt her heart ache in a bittersweet way as she saw tears form in Akko’s eyes, and the girl kneeled in front of her, relocating Diana’s mug of hot chocolate somewhere safe on the wooden porch before taking both of her hands in hers and kissing each knuckle.
“I love you...” She whispered, holding Diana’s hands to her forehead as Akko bowed her head to hide her face from her. “And I’m sorry...”
“Darling...” Diana sighed with a smile. “Come here.”
Diana watched Akko briefly hesitate before gingerly snaking her arms round about Diana, snuggling into her fully.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. You didn’t mean to hurt me or anything.”
“But I did.” Akko sniffled, remembering that Diana had entrusted her sorrows and fears to her for nights and nights since they lost their old home, and how carelessly Akko had mentioned it while Diana was still touchy about the subject. “So I’m still sorry.”
Diana turned her head slightly to the side, enough to place a tender kiss on Akko’s cheek, “Then, Thank you. Thank you for apologizing, Love.”
They stayed that a way a few moments before Akko pulled away, a big grin plastered over her face.
“I have something to show you. Just to make it up to you.” She’d said, turning to the sky with lips pursed to release a unique whistling sound that Diana was not so familiar with.
She decided to face where Akko had been directing her attention, squinting at the night sky dotted with stars she knew all too well. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so what was Akko trying to do-
There was a flash of gold and of a passionate color. It wasn’t lightning, Diana knew; neither was it the twinkling of the stars overhead.  So what exactly...
Then it came closer, perching on Akko’s arm that she had left outstretched.
Diana’s mouth gaped, a surprise much similar to what she had experienced earlier today, returning.
“Akko, this is a...”
Akko scratched the back of her head sheepishly, smiling adorably awkward as she attempted to ‘introduce’ them. “Alfred, this is Diana. Diana, this is Alfred.”
Diana nodded at the creature that stared at her with it���s bright beady eyes. Literally bright, it was in its entirety.
“He’s a baby phoenix.”
Diana nodded solemnly, still in awe. Of both the creature and Akko who was currently petting it with a magically protected hand.
Diana knew that Akko always had a strange affinity for communicating with animals. Even back in her years as ‘Luna Nova’s Dunce’- or so many had labeled her as (Diana was forever mad at that fact)- Akko had already shown her uncanny ability to empathize with non-human beings. She so easily befriended fae, was able to get along with both of Chariot’s own familiars: Alcor and Arcas of all creatures. There was also the fact that she had learned fish language in her own unconventional way and had become increasingly fluent in it and other magical creature languages over the next few years.
Now that she really about it, she realized that she usually saw Akko tending to the magical animals used by the security sector of the council, or doing work related to that. She had at first seen it as them pushing all the mucky work onto her like cleaning stables for pegasi, or feeding the more exotic research birds.
Seeing Akko right now, she felt like it should explain a whole lot more than she thought she knew about her. It made Diana feel slightly ashamed and insecure that she had yet to uncover this fact about her own lover that she had been with for so long now.
Diana shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. This wasn’t the time to doubt their relationship with one another.
In this new light she was now viewing Akko in, Diana now suspected one of the reasons why the council desperately tried to keep Akko from quitting back then despite not making much use of her at her actual supposed job. They had probably realized all too quickly, and for reasons Diana doubted were good.
But did Akko know this? Was she aware?
Diana fiddled with her hands. Maybe she should ask.
“Akko?” She tugged on the girl’s shirt sleeve.
Diana took a breath. “I know... that one of the reasons you left your old duties behind was because you didn’t really love the job at the council... and all that.” She watched Akko nod slowly, hands stilling from caressing Alfred.
“Go on?”
“But I can’t help but think now that there’s another reason... you know, something more?” Diana looked at her dearest friend and lover with hopeful eyes, wondering if she’d tell her something she didn’t know. Something that wasn’t in the written letters Akko’s various familiars had brought to her during the moments they were apart, something that she couldn’t have observed despite having worked in generally the same establishment because they had been firmly kept apart.
Why did it suddenly feel like Diana... didn’t know a lot about Akko?
She felt a pang in her heart, only supplemented by the silence that Akko had met her with.
“Sorry.” She quickly said. “Maybe it wasn’t right of me to ask.” She was about to get up when Akko stopped her, a hand holding onto Diana’s, silently bidding her to stay.
Diana sat back down and Akko rested her head on her shoulder, rubbing patterns on Diana’s hand with her thumb as she began to speak.
“Diana, did you know? That magical creatures have so much more magical energy stored in their bodies than any other living things? So much so that a magical sparrow could probably power Luna Nova for almost a week, maybe.” Akko chuckled and Diana smiled at the lovely sound.
Nodding, she responded. “Well, I knew something of that nature, yes. Did Pisces teach you that? Chariot?” She asked, squeezing Akko’s hand gently in hers.
“Partially... but...” Akko sighed. “I also found it out myself.”
Diana nodded, not wanting to interrupt anything.
“You know me so well Diana, so I’m sure that you’ve noticed by now that I have...” Akko paused, in thought of how she should word it. “Quite a few? Familiars?”
Diana snorted, bringing their joined hands up to her lips and kissing the back of Akko’s hand. “A lot, dear. A whole lot.”
Akko giggled alongside her before calming and adopting a more serious look. Diana lent her ears once more, preparing herself for what was to come.
“It started when they discovered I could easily befriend them. The magical beasts and creatures.” Akko frowned, surely remembering things she did not want to. “They sent me out to catch, acquire, and well tame magical beasts. Pfft-Like I could do that.”
Diana was about to argue that Akko could- as could clearly be observed, but was beaten to the punch.
“It was much easier than I believed it should be.” She admitted. “At first, I had no clue what they needed it for. I assumed more research on animals, extending our knowledge, and all that good stuff, you know?” Akko huffed, lifting her other hand up to guide her little phoenix into flight so that it would return to where it came from.
Diana guessed it was because Akko didn’t want it understanding what she was about to reveal next.
“Of course, I had felt bad about intruding into their habitats and taking one of their kind, but I had hoped that after whatever observations the council and researchers had, I could just return them to their families and homes.”
Diana felt Akko’s grip tightening around her hand, breathing shallowing.
“Then one day, I saw these beautiful, beautiful creatures in one of the outer courtyards...” Akko squeezed her eyes shut, painfully recalling the memory of what she saw that day.  “They killed them, Diana. Killed them in order to power some device that I have no clue about. I saw it in passing when I accompanied the secretary around before I was shut out.” Akko confessed.
Diana leaned her head on Akko’s, mind flying to places she had tried forgetting about because of the pain they caused her as she tried to make sense of what Akko knew, and what she had also found out.
“That’s when I decided to quit and go to the places I believed more beasts resided in...  especially the more endangered and possibly more powerful ones from what I had looked into, and what Chariot and Pisces had told me. I thought that maybe I could keep them safe that way. I’m sure the council had someone replace me in my... ‘work’.”
Akko allowed herself to fall over and lay herself on Diana’s lap, turning around to bury her face in the woman’s stomach.
Diana felt arms wrap around her waist, and she brought her hands atop Akko’s head to comb through silky chocolate strands. She felt the tension in Akko’s body release, before hearing another quiet, “I’m sorry”.
Diana would have asked what for, but they both already knew that.
“I just couldn’t tell you at that time. Not when you were also trying your best to establish your position in that very same council. I thought it would put you at risk of losing your job... or worse.”
Diana could just hear her choke up on that word, having now been acquainted with the ‘worse’ bit.
“So I decided to distance myself for a bit. I’m sorry, Diana. I’m sorry.” Akko murmured against her stomach. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Diana could feel a wet patch growing on her stomach. She continued to gently run her fingers through Akko’s hair in hopes of soothing her lover and reassuring her that it was all alright. That she understood. That she was grateful that Akko did it to protect her.
“I just wish I had told you back then, now that all of this happened. It’s still very much my fault, isn’t it?” Akko sniffled, turning away to wipe her nose on her sleeve. “Aaagghh, I really am sorry. To you, to Hannah and Barbara, and to everyone else.” Akko tried to slow her breathing in order to stop crying as she looked straight up at the night sky. “This is all my fault.”
Her view of the starry sky was obstructed, but replaced with the blues of a summery morning, even though it was the dead of night.
She was entranced, just like she’d always been since a long time ago.
Akko felt her eyelids flutter shut as Diana leaned down, closer, closer, and closer...
Akko’s eyes shot open as she was met with a stern Diana.
“Don’t just take all the blame like that and treat this whole thing as your decision solely. We all came here on our own accord. Hannah, Barbara, and I. Actually, didn’t we drag you hear in the first place?” Diana scolded a thoroughly shocked Akko.
Diana’s expression relaxed as she chuckled, finally giving Akko the kiss she’d been expecting. “That’s why, my love, please. Continue to trust us.”
Diana could swear she could read a million I love you’s written all over Akko’s face. The sweetheart.
“Besides. I have things I need to discuss with you all as well. And I think- no. I know that it is connected with what you’ve just told me tonight.”
Diana nudged Akko up, guiding them both back on their feet.
“But for now, can we finally get some shut-eye?” She looked at Akko with a pleading face that the latter dared not say no to.
Diana squealed as she was hoisted up into strong arms and carried into the house, across their small living room and into their shared bedroom, careful not to make as much noise when they passed by their friends’.
As Akko lay Diana down on the soft sheets, she peppered kisses about her face, the pair giggling and whispering until they were all out of mirth.
Tomorrow was another day, and it might just be another frightful one.
But well, they had each other and it didn’t matter as much anymore.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Snuggled beneath the covers, to the soft cooing of the breezes of the forest, they began to drift to slumber-
“Oh, that’s right, Love.”
“Do you mind showing me your other animals?”
“Not at all, dear.”
“Any reason why?”
“I just want to see Hannah’s shocked face again if we ever find something like a manticore or minotaur with you, haha.”
“I’m jesting, Love- Akko... why are you wearing that expression? Akko... no way... No. Really?!”
“...You see...”
“There’s no way you tamed that!”
A/N: If you’ve seen fantastic beasts- I just loved the suitcase concept. Also I dunno, I thought of the whistling thing and wondered if it was an actual summoning technique and found a transcendental- was it- whistling. Welp. It’s almost 2am and I’m doing this while also doing my lab reports skgmdsoigndfngsdr okay. Time to di-p. Time to dip into work. Ciao!
~Shintori Khazumi
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #6
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/32370130
{Peter Parker’s Field Trip to Stark Industries}
Ships: peppertony, wandanat, sambucky
Warnings: mild anxiety, swearing
Status: married or dating
Wc: 3,281
“-and so that wraps up this lesson. Your homework is to do this worksheet, please hand a sheet back to everyone. I have a quick announcement, and it is very exciting. Given that this is one of the most advanced classes we offer, the school has arranged for us to have a field trip!”
Peter refocused on the word field trip. He didn’t have a good track record for those.
“We will be going to Avenger’s Tower! This is a very exclusive opportunity and you all should be very excited-”
No, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening to Peter. Not now. Oh god. He had a suspicion this was set up by his basically-father. He was going to kill Tony. His teacher went on to blabber about permission slips and NDAs.
“Class dismissed. Please hand your forms in tomorrow as the field trip is on Friday.”
FRIDAY? How could it be so soon. Peter wanted to die. He headed for the door, but was stopped in his tracks by Mr. Blaze calling his name.
“Yes?” he said, turning around. The class had mainly cleared out by now.
“Peter, you're a good kid, and I understand not being the most popular student in school, but we need to talk about the lie you made up about working at Stark Industries.”
“But the internship is re-”
“This field trip is a great opportunity, and I do not want your lies ruining it for yourself or your classmates. Please do not mention it whilst we are there, or there will be serious consequences.”
“It’s a real intern-”
“Please Peter. You should know better than this. See you tomorrow.”
He was tired and fed up of school when he headed into the hallways to see his best friend.
“Hey,” Ned said, meeting him in the hallway.
“Hey,” Peter replied weakly.
“What’s up? Something happened?”
“Nah, just that field trip.”
“Oh the one to Stark Tower! It’s going to be so fun!”
“You’re not excited? I know you work there and stuff, but still.”
“Hmn uh yeah. No it was more Mr. Blaze being a bitch,” he replied, half lying.
“Still thinks you're lying about the internship?”
“Wanna come over to mine? Build some lego?”
“Nah, got to be home. Too much work to catch up on with all the patrolling I’ve been doing.”
“Gotcha. Well, see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah see you.”
Peter walked to the carpark expecting to find Happy in his black SUV. He was, instead, met by Black Widow.
“Hey spider boy.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Figured I’d pick ya up and bring you home. Had a second free.”
He jumped into the passenger seat of the jet black convertible.
“How was school паук?”
“Не очень хорошо,” he said easily slipping into Russian. (Not very good)
“Зачем? что-то случилось? (Why? Did something happen?”)
“Да. У нас есть производственная практика в Stark Industries. Что было бы не так уж и плохо, но мой глупый учитель не думает, что я действительно проходил там стажировку, поэтому он отругал меня. Плюс мое паучье чутье сегодня сильно пошло на убыль.” (Yes. We have a field trip to Stark Industries. Which wouldn't be so bad, but my stupid teacher doesn't think I really have an internship there, so he told me off. Plus my spider sense were going off so much today.)
“бедный ребенок. Я могу чем-нибудь помочь?” (Poor kid. Anything I can do to help?)
“Убить Tony за это? (Kill Tony for setting this up?”)
“Нет, детка. Сожалею." (No can do kiddo. Sorry.)
“Разве ты не можешь рассказать другим Мстителям? Особенно папа.” (Can you not tell the other Avengers? ‘Specially Dad.)
“Я не обещаю.” (I won’t, promise.)
"Спасибо.” (Thanks.)
They’d arrived at the tower. There was more to it than he was telling. Ever since he’d moved into the tower, he’d been his safe space. It was his and his families. And he knew it was supid because so many people used it, but still. It felt awful for people from his school to come there. Peter pulled his security card out of his bag, scanning it.
“Peter Parker-Stark, clearance level Alpha 5, all access. Hi baby boss,” Friday, the building's AI called out, “Shall I tell Mr. Stark you’re home?”
“Yeah sure. I’m going straight to my lab, though.”
“Okay sir. Morgan would also like to inform you that she is looking for you.”
“Send her down to the lab.”
“As you wish.”
He hopped in the lift and allowed Friday to take him to floor 89. It was his personal lab. Oren, he’d reprogram Karen, allowed him entry through the glass door.
“Hello Peter, welcome back. What would you like to work on?”
“I’m going to do some work on my web shooters. Play my “workin after school” playlist on, please.”
“Yes, sir.”
He worked peacefully on his shooters design and mechanics for about 30 minutes before Oren alerted him that Morgan was coming up.
“Morgan Stark is requesting entry.”
The door opened and revealed his basically little sister.
“Hey Mo,” he said, picking up the little girl, “Who let you roam around all on your own?”
“Mummy sent me up,” she smiled.
Peter nodded.
“What are you working on Petey.”
“I’ll show you,” he said, placing Morgan on his work table. He’d quickly made sure there was nothing that could hurt her.
“Web shooters?” she guessed.
“Yep. See I wanted to make them even more efficient so I changed the gears and trigger mechanism.”
She nodded knowingly. She was very smart for her age.
“Nice! Can we build our robot?”
“Sure thing. Oren, pull up the files for Petey-Pie and Morgana’s Robot.” He’d let Morgan handle the name for their creation.
Peter went and grabbed the box that had all their pieces in it. Being careful around the young girl, they continued to work on building the robot, Peter teaching her little things on the way.
So he had a normal evening. Did some fun work, some homework, ate dinner with the lunatics called the avengers, and went to bed.
“If it isn’t my two favorite small children!” Tony said, entering his lab.
“Daddy!” Morgan said, running into her father’s arms.
“Oren, I thought I told you to lock Dad out.”
“Unfortunately your father runs the building, so I could not follow your wanted protocol.”
“Love you too kid.”
“You set up the field trip.”
“Field trip?”
“Yeah. My school’s coming here on Friday!” Peter said, looking up from his work.
“Really? Nope wasn’t me. It was likely someone from PR, kiddo. You do go to one of the best STEM schools in the country.”
Tony had a point.
“It’s good, kid. What’s got you so wound up about it?”
“Daddy, I’m going to Mummy.”
“Okay kiddo, Friday take little Potts to bigger Potts,” he said with a smile.
“Yes sir.”
Once Morgan left, Tony asked again, “So wanna talk about it?”
“Just, just this is home. My home. And I know that’s stupid because it’s a fuckin 100 floor tower, but I know it. I know it so well, and I just don’t really want kids from my school here. I know I can’t gatekeep a building bu-”
“Hey, hey, it’s not stupid. It makes sense. This place is home and you don’t want them messing with any part of it. I bet most kids in your class wouldn’t love it if people came into their home for a field trip.”
“Yeah. And i-its my safeplace. From everything.” Everything being all the people he lost. His parents and uncle and aunt.
“I get it. Want me to have Pep cancel the trip?”
“N-no, no. All the kids in my class were so excited.”
“Always so selfless,” Tony smiled, “When is it again?”
“Kiddo, I promise it’ll be fine. If anything, anything happens just get Fri to call me or Pep. Most of the avengers will be around too so you can call ‘em too.”
“Yeah. Thanks. They’ll just try to embarrass me, though,” Peter laughed.
“They will. Do I need to sign something?”
“I’m just going to have Mum do it because her signature is less recognizable.”
“Yeah, okay. Your teachers still don’t believe you?”
“How did you know th-”
“Come on kid, I’m Tony Stark.”
Peter smiled, “Fair enough. Yeah they don’t. I mean they will after the trip.”
“Yeah, that’s the bright side.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it then. Don’t stay in here too late.”
The night before the field trip he was so nervous. He ended up eating dinner in his lab. Pepper complained but Tony just told her he’d had a long day and deserved a break.
He knew he should have gone to bed but as each hour passed, he got more and more anxious about the trip. He needed something to take his mind off it, so he just kept working and working. Suddenly it was seven in the morning and he needed a shower. Finishing his eighth coffee of the eve, he headed to the 91st floor where he stayed. Hoping that neither of his parents would notice his all nighter he crept into his room.
After getting ready for school, he made his way back out of his room.
“Morning,” Pepper greeted him, “How was last night?” She wore a knowing smile as she continued to tap on her computer, presumably doing work.
“Fine,” he smiled, “Don’t tell dad.”
“I won’t. You're turning into him, though.”
“What else was expected?”
Pepper just smiled, “Sam and Bucky had loads of pastry delivered to the main kitchen if you wanna pop in there.”
“Yeah, sounds good. Thanks.”
“By sweetie, have a good day at school.”
“Thanks. Love you.”
“Love you too, hun.”
Peter jumped in the lift taking him up two floores to the Avengers hang out space.
“Spiderling!” Sam and Bucky greeted
“Old Man, bird boy,” he smirked.
“You look like shit, паук,” Nat said from the sofa.
“Thanks,” he said, putting a few of the delicious looking treats onto his plate. He also grabbed himself another cup of coffee. He plops himself down next to Nat on the sofa.
“Did you not sleep again? You look like hell.” Tony said, entering the kitchen to get himself another cup of coffee.
“Right back at you dad.”
Steve entered, coming back from his run.
“Hey,” he said, addressing the room, “God kid, you look like yo-”
“Oh sorry,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. Clint came in with Pietro at his side, “What’s this about Peter looking shit?”
“I hate you all,” he said, finishing his last bite. He laid down on the sofa.
“Oh ah kid, something I needed to tell you. Right, you can stay here. No need to go to school and back. Pepper wrote a note saying you’d meet at the school because you had a doctor's appointment or some shit.”
“Why is spider boy here?” Sam asked.
“School field trip.”
“Only you Parker,” the White Wolf laughed.
“No embarrassing me, please,” he begged.
“Hell no, this is a great opportunity,” Sam said, looking over to bucky.
“I won’t,” Nat said with her hands up.
“I’m in, team embarrass Peter,” Clint said, high fiving Bucky and Sam. At that moment, Wanda walked in heading straight for her girlfriend’s arms. Nat happily let her fall into her lap.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Nat asked with some level of concern.
“Everything,” Wanda said.
“Drama queen,” Pietro scoffed. Peter closed his eyes and let the conversation happen around him. At some point, Tony had left. Clint had gone off to train with the Dumb and Dumber, and Steve claimed he had a mission brief.
Friday’s voice startled him, “Peter, I recommend you head downstairs as your class is arriving in 5.”
“Five what?” Peter questioned.
“Four,” The AI continued.
Peter grabbed his shit and jumped into the private elevator as fast as he could. Luckily, he was in the lobby mere moments before the class entered. He pretended just to be standing around.
“Peter,” Mr. Blaze called, “Please come and join the class.”
Peter nodded, spotting his best friend amongst the crowd.
“Hey,” Ned greeted.
“Good morning everyone,” said the tour guild, “My name is Tamiko Hiroki and I will be taking you on your tour today. To start, I will be giving you all badges. When I call your name please step up and collect it.”
She made her way through the basket and by the time she was done only one student had not received a badge.
“Hey, Peter didn’t get a badge,” Cindy Moon, a kind girl in his physics class, called.
“Apologies, there doesn’t seem to be one in here for a Peter.”
“Uh I-i, I have m-my own. Thanks Tamiko.”
“Oh okay, cool. Please follow me to security.” The class seemed shocked. Was the kid telling the truth about his internship?
“So, there are many different levels of pass here. Guests get Beta levels 1-5 depending on what they are doing. Then there’s Omega’s who are interns and such. Next is the scientist and important employees with Zeta. Finally there’s Alpha for major important roles such as department heads. The top level, Alpha 5, contains the most important people like the Avengers who live in the tower and CEO Pepper Pots.
“Tamiko Hiro, Clearance level Beta 5.”
“Don’t worry everyone, that's Friday, the AI who runs the building. Just keep passing through.”
“Philip Maiko, Clearance level Beta 1.”
“Michelle Jones, Clearance level Beta 1.”
Peter headed towards the back, allowing all the students to go in front of him. He prayed they didn’t hear his security protocol. The rest passed through with Beta 1. Then, Peter came up.
“Peter Parker-Stark, clearance level Alpha 5, all access. Hi baby boss,” Friday, the building's AI called out, “Shall I tell Mr. Stark you’re home early?”
“I’m on a field trip, Fri. No need to tell D-Mr. Stark. Thanks.”
The class, once again, looked shocked.
“Why does Penis Parker have all access?” Flash called to Tamiko.
“I do not believe I have clearance to disclose that information, but Peter here may answer,” Tamiko said, glaring at Flash.
“I mean I’ve said it before. I am a personal intern of-”
“PETEY!” Bucky yelled, giving him a hug from behind.
Deflated, he responded, “Hey Buck.”
“Is that all I get?
The two settled on one of the many sofas in the lab. Pete’s head in Tony’s lab.
“Sorry about that, Pepper explicitly told all tours to stay off this level, but it seems as though her assistant made an exception because she thought it was okay as you were on the tour. Pepper fired her.”
Only his mum, “She didn’t have to do that.”
“She was furious.”
“Oh I’m sure.”
“I know this is your safe space, so-”
“It’s okay. No one came in.”
“You feeling any better?”
“Just tired. Thanks.”
“Always kiddo. You wanna go upstairs? Take a nap?”
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twilighthiro · 3 years
Scales and Feathers
So, this was how he would die.
Not by a demon, old age, or even keeping his brothers companions alive.
Just a stupid CLIFF.
Glancing down, Legend spotted a faint line of blue.
In the Island, the suit had worked perfectly, unlike how in reality it always took a moment before saving him. Just another way how he should've known the Island was merely a dream.
That moment's delay would kill him now.
Legend closed his eyes, forcing himself to relax.
It would be over soon.
A voice screaming his name shot Legend's eyes open.
Green, red, blond-
"What the-"
Warriors caught up with him, suddenly blocking Legend's vision with gold-brown.
The general's hands felt like vices on his shirt and he was sure he was gripping just as hard on Warriors' tunic and chainmail.
The weightless feeling of approaching death slowed down.
Legend twisted his neck, spotting the second of the two giant brown-gold things.
Although Legend's head is smashed between Warriors' wing and his head, he can imagine the general's face: eyes constantly moving. Mind whirring to find the best way to escape. Face frozen in a stern scowl.
Despite Warriors' obvious skill with his wings and a massive redirection in the air, they hit the water.
Wars' wings splash and his legs kick, releasing one arm to begin a treading motion.
Legend pushes with the mer-tail, keeping his head high above the water to see the boulders and trees in the way.
They jerk to a stop, ignoring Warriors' cry of pain. While Legend had spotted all things IN the river and had successfully kept the two of them free, he hadn't seen the surprisingly solid tree snagged in the cliff.
Warriors pulls, releasing his other arm to grab the boulder. Legend pushes against the river, boosting both him and the captain up.
They succeed, gasping and laughing and wheezing as Warriors wraps his free wing around Legend.
The feather-covered limbs are soaked, as are the two of them. This, combined with the magic of the mermaid suit, prevents the tail from forming back into legs.
"So.. Wings, huh?"
"Mermaid tail, Leg. You're... just as strange as I."
They stay perched there for a long time, although it was mostly Legend trying to stay on without legs and Warriors trying to dry the wing not ensnared.
He had nearly finished with the one when thunder rolled and Legend hissed a curse.
"Let's get the other wing free."
"I won't be able to keep grip in the rain." Warriors says, even as he turns toward his stuck-and definitely injured-wing.
"The river should slow down-or at least, get down this mountain. I can get us down a waterfall safely, if one comes."
That gets a chuckle out of Warriors. "I wonder what needed THAT kind of skill."
"Oh, the normal way. A friend make me learn after I saved the country."
A snap and a curse, and Warriors is free.
He flaps his freed wing, checking for the damage and brushing off the water despite himself.
The first drops of rain come, and Legend took a deep breath.
Warriors, now perched dangerously, pulled his wings in, as if he were to be walking around.
Strong hands on his shoulders signal Legend to kick off, going faster and faster down the river as he tries to stay just below the water's surface.
Legend was right. He DID know how to navigate a waterfall.
Through the blindness from getting constantly getting smacked in the face by a drinkable liquid, Warriors admired the blue-orange detail of Legend's tail.
Not that he would tell the veteran. The guy hadn't quite reach the level of getting vocalized personal thoughts just yet.
And he was sure Legend was thinking the same thing.
Silently, Warriors thanked the Hero's Spirit that bound them all together for the ability to communicate without words.
It was quite effective when Legend needed a quick alert on what was ahead, like a freefloating log.
The storm eventually stopped, (long after the waterfall) and with it came the time.
When the river FINALLY calmed to the point of Legend poking his head above it, Warriors indicated the approaching sand.
"We can rest there. When my wings dry I can search for the others from above."
Legend replied when they got onto the shore. "Got experience with that?"
"A vast amount of the war was trivialized by me just flying over the battlefield and torching the place with my rod. It was quite simple to answer SOS calls."
"No wonder you were antsy about anyone leaving your sight when you started caring."
"You noticed?!"
The pair laughed at that.
With a quick tug, Warriors pulled Legend the two inches he needed to revert his tail to legs.
"So that's why you don't like pants."
"No, that's an entirely different story involving dresses with fantastic buffs. The tail appears regardless of pants or not without hiccups."
They fell into silence after that, simply recovering.
"Are you aware your nails hurt?"
"Was I gripping hard enough to get through your tunic?"
Legend nodded, before falling asleep.
Warriors felt himself tip, and decided to tempt fate by sleeping himself.
Wings were quite useful umbrellas, even while waterlogged.
The pair woke simultaneously, blinking in the afternoon sunlight.
The first sound was of Legend, snapping to himself as he breathed feathers and whatever Warriors missed last time he cleaned.
Chuckling, Warriors sat up, lifting his wings by proxy.
"Those things are heavy, pretty boy."
"Not my fault someone fell asleep where they could land on you."
Their banter lasted a while longer, until they remembered they weren't back in camp.
Warriors stood up, shaking the dust from his wings.
"I'll search from the air."
Legend rolled to his side to give more space as Warriors prepared to lift off.
One giant flap was all it took for Warriors to become a speck in the sky.
As Legend waited, his mind began cooking thoughts that were saved for times like this.
Like what was the name of that language of that word he understands and used to describe that thing. And other such nonsense, like how his Hytopian counterparts were doing.
Considering the pair, they'd probably take out any black-blooded monster with the power of the legendary dress and that other outfit, plus other physics-breaking item combinations they undoubtedly came up with when he left.
The loud sound of wings breaks his train of thought, and he glances to the sky and spots the brown-gold of Warriors' wings.
The captain landed smoothly, a grin on his face.
"Found 'em."
Harpy!Warriors isn’t mine. He belongs to @reine-does-things, and you can find it on the LU discord if you search bar.
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The Tragic and Magic about You. Modern day bounty hunter Din Djarin x F!reader #Writer Wednesday 05/12/21
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Summary: You’ve been running away, and trying to start a new, but suddenly you’re captured in a car with a mysterious bounty hunter that has to deliver you to your old boss. But the road can be a dangerous place and the journey will change both your fates forever.
Words: 4,6
Warning: swearing, guns and murder. “there’s only one sleeping bag” trope. Fluff at the end.
A/N: Hi! Another week another thank you to all the amazing writers that participate and everybody that read, comment, like, reblog etc. And of course to @autumnleaves1991-blog for creating this and bring a platform to smaller blogs like myself. Sorry for any bad grammar, misspelling etc and excuse my zero imagination to create fictional names for characters. This is vaguely inspired by Hozier “From Eden” song and specifically the video.
The Tragic and Magic about you
“So you don’t talk much huh?” you say, it’s been a few hours since he’s taken you and he hasn’t said a word. His dark brown eyes fixed on the road and he doesn’t even react when you talk.
“Can I turn on the radio?” before he answers you’re already touching the buttons. A few notes escape from the stereo and in a second it’s gone, he has reached the device and has turn it off. “Not a big fan of music, gotcha” you reply with a huff. Bored, you observe his profile, his hair is disheveled, a chocolate brown as his eyes; he has a striking beauty you think: strong jaw line, aquiline nose and a stern expression. Gosh, you always on the look for bad men and you laugh at yourself for being as simple as to being attracted to the bounty hunter that has finally catch you.
“So you’re kinda nostalgic? Cool car” you brush your hand over the beige leather inside the silver blue Cadillac. “And expensive, you must be really good at this bounty hunt thing, well, you got me and I’ve been running for a few months. I really thought I was safe to be honest, it’s been a long time since somebody got close so I became a little bit too comfortable, I must admit. God! I’m going to miss my apartment” you pout” I had plans for the weekend, and even bought all the ingredients to make a cake. I was almost there! Shit! Now my flat is going to stink with all that food expiring and probably my landlord is going to steal all my stuff, fucking prick, I hate him so much” The bounty hunter reaches for the radio and turns it on. You smirk watching as he has adjusted his posture and his index taps rapidly on the steering wheel.
“Oh I love this song!” you turn it up to the maximum and start singing clearly not knowing the lyrics you just mutter the final syllables of each word, watching him intently as his eyelid trembles and he’s breathing deeply now, his knuckles white holding the wheel so hard that you think he’s about to break it “Isn’t it beautiful this country? look at this, we really don’t appreciate it much, look at the red and oranges of these mountains, the vastness, the sand and how you cannot reach the horizon with your eyes. You must love this, just riding solo with your cool car just doing whatever you want. Real freedom”
For the first time since he arrested you, he turns to you giving you a warning look and you bite your lip, he’s intimidating, a big man and you know if he’s in the business he’s capable of anything, but here you are pressing all his buttons until, if it works, he’s going to snap.
“What’s your name?” He sighs deeply and keeps on driving ignoring you once more “I mean you know many things about me, it’s only fair”
“Mm, let me guess” you tap your finger over your chin “Tom?” no, too posh for you. Jack? you could be a Jack but no. Oh! oh!” you move nervously on your seat and slap on his arm with both your hand handcuffed together “I’m going to call you Clint. You know why?” you wait a few seconds “Clint Eastwood, my friend, a man of a few words. You know who he is, right? Dirty Harry? All those westerns? They’re really not my thing, but he’s a legend, you surely must know him”
The few following hours you asked him about many things and you don’t know anybody this strong, if you were in his place you would be already dead or inside the trunk.
The sun is getting down and the desert starts to be submerged in a violet light and there’s nothing around. You wonder if he’s really going on until he has to give you up without stopping. You’re hungry and thirsty (after too much talking) and you really could use a bathroom.
“So Clint, we ain’t stopping just for bit? I really need to pee, and it would be great if you take this off for a bit” you shake your handcuffs close to his face, and finally you have achieved his limit. He stops the car abruptly and opens his door without saying a word. You follow him with your eyes and when he comes to your door you think of begging mercy knowing that you don’t deserve it, poor guy must have had it.
You turn on your seat and face him. Clint bends down a little and grabs you by your hip taking you out of the car by a swift movement.
“Careful!” you scream
“Shut up” he doesn’t raise his voice. It’s the second time he has said something. The first time being when he stopped you on the middle of the road and after confirming your identity, he had caught you and handcuffed you but he hadn’t said a thing, until now. His voice is deep and low and you wish to hear more but he opens the door to the back seat and throws you on it. He reaches for his jeans and you actually freeze thinking he’s reaching for his gun but he takes out a black bandana and comes close to you. His large broad body occupies all your space, his leather jacket making his shoulders look stronger than you had thought at first glance.
He’s surprisingly gentle, his big hands circling your head while he adjusts the fabric over your mouth “Really it’s not necessary” you say before he reaches your mouth with two fingers and pushes the black bandana between your lips. He ties it a little bit tighter. Your head is on his chest over his white shirt and you scold yourself when you feel you have closed your eyes smelling him: leather, fresh soap and something else that it’s entirely his, once the knot is done on your nape he looks at you and raises one eyebrow “Too tight?”
“i-f not nefecessary f-really” you say and he stays too close to your face for a bit, probably thinking if he should just shove the thing inside your throat and shut you forever. You feel your cheeks burning because you’ve been looking straight into his eyes, they’re surprisingly gentle, there’s warmth in them that you haven’t seen in anybody in this kind of business.
“Just be good and stay quiet for the rest of the journey. We will arrive soon” Clint then proceeds to grab you by your legs and puts you in a more comfortable position on the seat and takes the precaution of fastening your seatbelt. He is extremely careful on his movements and he barely brushes his hands on your hip while doing it, but his neck is so close, shining in a thin layer of perspiration and you are lost again thinking things any sensible person would never have in mind while you’re been taken against your will to answer for messing with the wrong people.
You moan in disappointment when he gets away and closes the door. Then you are left there alone, his scent lingering over your body and you think about how your life had come to this but then...
You feel the air hitting your right side first and the projectile breaking the sound close to your ear second, then the million small pieces of the glass. Some other gunshots hit the trunk and you’re already screaming and trying to get down but the handcuffs and your trembling hands don’t find the way to unlock the seatbelt.
Clint is pressed against the car, you see the top of his head and he’s firing back to whomever is attacking you. You throw your body on the back seat and in the second your back hits the leather, two gun shots blast both windows and many sparkling bits of glass hits your face.
“Release me!” you shout “I can f-helpf” your chin is covered in your saliva but who fucking cares when you’re about to die. Clint raises and you see through the door how he’s attacking back with two guns, his face contorted and sweaty and then you hear the sound of tires screeching the road and your captor lowers his guns.
“Are you okay?” he says through the broken glass on the door
He opens it and what was left of the glass windows crashes to the ground. Clint looks at it for a second; his cool vintage car is destroyed. He climbs over you and takes out the wet fabric out of your mouth
“Are you okay?” he asks again, with the gentlest touch of his fingers he shakes off of your face the small crystals
“Yeah” you whisper. It’s sad that this is the kindest anybody has been to you in a long time.
He reaches for your hands and turns them softly seeing that a red line has formed on your wrists. Clint then lowers the collar of his shirt to reveal a long silver chain with what looks like a skull with horns and one small key to the side, he takes it out and you hear the small clic sound once you’re free.
“Come on we have to go”
When you get out of the car, you curse seeing that they have completely destroyed the tires and the smell of gas and the dark puddle on the road assures you that the car is useless. But there’s nothing around and zero traffic. The vast desert is now covered in the blue shadow of the night and the temperature is beginning to sink.
“So what’s the plan?” Clint has taken a big duffle bag on his shoulder and pushes you from your lower back to the side of the road
“We will spend the night here, if we stay in the open they could find us easily” he says walking towards the darkness where only the shadow of the sharp bushes and cacti cover the space.
“Who are they?” you ask and try to fix your feet on the ground but he still pushes you towards the emptiness of the desert
“Probably competing bounty hunters, you have a big price on your head, you know?” he responds
“But spending the night in the desert, we will be dead by the morning” you protest. The few lights on the road are getting farther and farther away as you both walk towards some indeterminate point. He walks slowly by your side, actually not paying much attention to you, his hand now lies lazily on his side and so you decide in a rush to run away towards the only thing you deem safe, the road. You hear him sigh before he starts running behind you
“Stop, please” he shouts but you go on. You feel your legs as if they were made of iron, heavy and stiff. You gasp the air in your lungs exiting all at once, once he catches you and raise you over his shoulder. You become a little dizzy with your head upside down grabbing the belt on his jeans for your dear life
“Let me down!” he ignores you and keeps on walking, his hand are strong lock on your thighs and the other in your calf so you cannot kick him “I said let me down!”
“Are you going to run again?” he stops
“No” you sigh
“Great” and he bends down so your feet can touch the ground.
He gave you a bottle of warm water and some energetic cereal bar while he prepares a small camp. He knows his ways in all this, searching for a specific place in the wilderness where you two could be safe. Two tall red rocks shield you from the night and he is now cleaning the ground so he can lay down the sleeping bag.
“I guess you did well in the Boys Scouts” you comment, he’s been silent again
“I’ve never been one” you open your eyes widely; it’s the first time he has answered one of your stupid comments.
“It comes with the Master Degree in Bounty Hunt, huh Clint?” you laugh
“My name is not Clint”
“Alright, so what’s your name?” you cross your arm over your legs waiting for an answer but he doesn’t give you one. He sits opposite you with his eyes on the road far away
“You know we could talk a little, we have a bond now with this near death experience”
“Rest in the sleeping bag, I’m going to stand guard” he cuts you
“I’m not that tired” even in the dark you see his eyes glaring at you, and you obey. The bag is on his right side and you get inside it feeling the hard ground on your back. Your muscles protest feeling all the tension going away and even if you try not to your eyes begin to close begging for a few hours of sleep.
You curl and make a ball out of your body, when you open your eyes is a dark pitch nothingness in front of you and you tremble for a second until the stars and the moon cast enough light to see a few meters away. It’s so cold now, your jeans and basic cotton shirt are not enough and even the fabric of the sleeping bag couldn’t protect you from this. So you turn and watch your captor’s shape huddled down pressed against the stone.
“Aren’t you cold?” you teeth chatter and he doesn’t answer and the worst possible scenario begins to form on your head “Clint tell me you’re not dead for fuck sake! what would I do in this shithole?”
“I’m not” he simply says, you see that he has zip up his leather jacket, his hands protected inside his armpits
“Come here, we need to stay warm” you get your arm out and blindly trying to reach for his body
“I’m okay”
“Come on, I’m freezing, do you really want to bring me in dead?”
“They actually didn’t care, I could bring in you in cold or I could bring in you in warm”
“Well, be kind and bring me warm” you guess he’s thinking about it or actually it’s going to be brave and spend the night like that, but you hear him moving towards you and lie down against you with a huff.
“Don’t be shy, Clint” you say pressing your body against him. He tenses for a second but then agrees to put his arm around you and his warm breath brushes the hair on your neck
“My name is not Clint” he mutters
“Then why don’t you tell me your name and we will be over it, Clint?”
“I don’t tell anybody, especially those who I catch and deliver”
“I bet you’d never lied down spooning with anyone you caught in the middle of the desert, Clint, but here we are” you whisper
“You never shut up, right?”
“I bet your tongue must be tired for all this talking, Clint” he exhales deeply and moves a little. His big body is surprisingly warm and you think that maybe he could have survived the night out in the open, but you’re thankful that he did join you. You relax your body feeling how tense it was once the temperature lowered “I guess it must be a very horrible name and that’s why you don’t want to tell anybody. But I don’t judge, I mean if anything it’s your parents fault and I will never judge a parent, I’m a very shitty mum myself”
“You are a mum?” his voice sound surprised
“Yeah...I was young when I had him” you feel a warm tear rolling on your otherwise froze cheek
“Wh-where is he?” he tentatively asks
“Far away, with a family I thought would take good care of him, but they’re assholes” you cough before actually starting to cry
“You cannot get him back?”
“I was trying to, that’s why I took the money from my old boss. To start a life with him far away from all this shit and the things I did in the past” you feel how he turns abruptly and raises his upper body to look over at you
“You’re not making that up to get yourself out of this, right?” his words are harsh and the moonlight hit his serious face “I take very seriously anything that has to be with children, it’s part of my creed”
“I’m not lying” you mutter he doesn’t move for a bit but then you see him fluster when he’s aware that you’re very close and he’s on top of you.
Then you’re both in silence you press your eyelids shut trying to regain sleep or maybe to control the urge to cry.
He was actually right. The gas station was not far away, he looks at you from the payphone while you devour a doughnut he has paid and a cup of coffee.
“One of my associates is going to pick us up in a bit” he leaves the duffle bag over one of the gas pump and searches something until he has taken a black plastic clamp “I’m sorry I have to” he takes your hands and brushes his thumb over the marks, you hiss and he looks at you with warm eyes “it would be loose, but don’t do anything stupid” when he ties it, it barely touches your skin “Is it okay?”
“Yes, thanks”
While in the car, with the other man driving, Clint doesn’t say a word and he’s back to the brooding and mysterious bounty hunter. You want to ask him a million questions, know his name, what his creed is or what the collar he hides is and you know that time’s up. You will be delivered to Mr. Horzag and then...you actually don’t know what he’s going to do to you. You have been avoiding those thoughts but now it’s time to face your fate.
His club looks completely different in the daylight. The liquor and the suspicious stains on the velvet couches are visible and the dark paint is chipped, all the frames and lamps dusty, you think that you’ve been lucky the time you’ve worked for him not catching anything bad from touching this sticky place.
“So you are as efficient as they told me” he says with that slow and deep voice of his
Clint nods and softly grabs your forearm bringing you towards the table where the old man smokes.
“Oh, my sweet runaway, it’s a pleasure to have you back” he smiles and you shiver
“Unfortunately I can’t say the same”
“Where’s the money?” he changes his fake smile to a violent expression
“I don’t have it” you shrug
“That’s inconvenient you know that, don’t you?”
“I told you I needed the money, I deserved it for many long hours in this shithole and doing jobs you never actually paid for. I told you I needed it as soon as possible and you ignore me. I just took what I was owed” you replied
“Oh! Yes! To finally play the mummy you actually never wanted to be. How sweet!” he laughs. The two men by his side laugh with him but it sounds faked. Everybody dances at the sound of Mr. Herzog music in this hell; you must always do what he does. “And if you needed the money to get your baby back, where is he? Oh! Maybe you got lost on your way as always, right? And actually expended it on yourself, poor baby is better off without you. Who would want a hoe like you as a mum?”
Again the sound and the air hit you first before you could even process what’s going on. Clint has his two guns out and he has hit Mr. Herzog just in the middle of his forehead, the faster man of the two lies dead with a similar shot and the other, being slower falls down to the ground with his gun on his hand that he hasn’t had the chance to use.
“What?” you shout
“We have to go, is there any other way out? The men at the entry will arrive soon” he says and grabs your arm to rush you when you are still gasping looking at the scene
“Over there” you point to the bathrooms
There was a small door, with a warning claiming that behind it there was just the electric panel but it was actually a door out to run away in case of police raids. You grab Clint‘shand and run through the dark corridor knowing your way in the dark
“We will arrive few streets away” you announce
You try to catch your breath once you get out but he doesn’t give you that time to rest and grabs you and keeps on running gathering insults and screams while you bump into people. He doesn’t stop until you’re on a parking lot on some supermarket; he walks casually until he stops beside the door of a car.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting us a transport. Go to the other door” he covers himself with his body, and you hear the clic when the doors unlock.
A few miles after, you have already caught your breath but still your body is shaking
“Why did you do it?” you mumble. Clint looks at the road, his face is dirty and his jacket dusty, he looks at you before he answers, his eyes glow and you can see tears forming at the corner of his eyes. “A child should be with their parents. They should be loved and taking care of” he says and nods “Where’s your son?”
The neighborhood is dead silent; you drive slowly watching the white fences, white painted houses.
“That’s the one” you say
“Let’s go” he stops the car in the middle of the road and you follow Clint not knowing exactly what is he planning to do.
“We should wait until the morning and ask for him”
“They tried to blackmail you into paying them for getting your son back, what do you think they’re going to do?” he mutters and you sigh knowing it’s true. They didn’t even let you see him after hours of driving if you didn’t gave them something.
He works his magic hands again as he did with the car and opens the door without a sound. He turns his head to both sides until he finds the small panel of the alarm. “Go to his room, I will work the alarm. Don’t make a sound”
You climb the stairs and they creak a little but you’re swift and enter the small room where you know he will be on his crib. You have to cover your mouth to prevent you from crying.
He has a white shirt too big for him and he is cuddling the soft frog plushie you bought him last time you visited him.
“Sh, sh, I’m here, ranita” (little frog) you take him with the small white blanket he has over him, and press his small body to your chest. He protest a little and holds tight his soft toy but doesn’t make another sound or wakes up. So with all the care in the world you climb down and Clint is at the door and waves his hand to rush you.
“Probably the alarm will go off in a few minutes. C’mon”
You could sleep, your body and mind begs you for it, but you can’t take your eyes off of your precious baby. His small lips parted in a relaxed slumber, in a way he knows his at home, his with you and that makes your heart beat faster and bring tears to your eyes. “Thank you” you say, he drives slowly, the light from the cars illuminates his smiling face “It’s a beautiful baby”
“Greg, that’s his name, told you I will not judge if you have a horrible name. I should have thought about other but I wanted to please my boyfriend at the time, just for him to run away...fucker”
“It’s Din” he says
“Din?” you say back and repeat it a few times loving the way it sounds on your lips “It’s beautiful”
“Thank you”
All the waitresses stop to smile and say a few sweet words to your son and you feel proud, in this horrible and ungrateful life you made something so pure and beautiful, he smiles at them once he’s awake and one of them even makes the effort of pressing some fruits to make something for him to eat. Din has his arms crossed over the table eating his breakfast but keeps his eyes on you. You see him observing you and the baby from the corner of your eye and when you get him he blushes and keeps on eating.
“Say hi to Din, ranita. He saved us” you grab his chubby hand and waves it to Din that smiles back at him. Greg opens his toothless mouth at him and laughs “Oh you like him! Enough to lend him your froggy, huh?” you ask the baby and he smiles while eating another spoon of his purée “Take the frog and look inside” you motion to the soft toy that is over the table. Greg actually pouts when he takes it but doesn’t cry.
The toy has a small white Velcro slot where normally there would be a small battery to make sounds but inside there’s a plastic bag with a thick bundle of bills.
“Your payment. I guess it’s only fair. I went to those fuckers’s house to get my baby but they asked for more money. So I looked for a job, a proper one, to pay the rest and well, the rest of what I’ve stolen couldn’t be in a bank and what’s a better place for hiding than a place in plain sight, huh?
“I cannot accept it” he says pressing the Velcro “You have to provide for your baby” he shakes his head and puts the frog back to its place much to Greg content.
“And what would you do? You cannot possible be back to bounty hunting”
“I can move to other place, start somewhere new. Nobody really knows me” he shrugs
“We do, I do” you whisper and then there’s silence between you two, and it feels the cafeteria is silent, there’s nobody around except for you and the invisible string that ties you together, a string full of dreams and longing for a home, for love and acceptance, to truly belong somewhere. “If you starting a new, and I too...I...well”
“That’s no life for a baby...” his voice shakes and he’s back to fix his eyes on his plate
“A baby deserves to be love and taking care of, you said it. And Din, you’re the first person that has cared for us”
“I guess I could protect you until you’re both safe and settle” he says softly like he’s trying to convince himself “For a bit...”
You smile and nod tears gathering on your eyes. It’s the happiest you’ve been since forever “For a bit” you agree.
(As you saw I have zero imagination for names and called baby Grogu, Baby Greg and Mr Harzog is the name of the actor for The Client in The Mandalorian 🤦)
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madsthewordclown · 4 years
Fire Lily | Pt. 13
warnings: some angst?
summary: y/n is surprised to run into a person from her past. 
a/n: AGH I’m so so sorry this chapter took so much time and isn’t very long :/ I really struggled with motivation and inspiration this past week with my classes picking up again. But! I am back! This chapter takes place during “Sokka’s Master.” Hope you guys enjoy!
reminder: my taglist is OPEN! send me a message or ask to be added :)
Fire Lily Masterlist
Y/N had barely managed to fall asleep when she felt someone jostle her shoulder.
“Y/N, get up,” Katara said gently. Y/N groaned, rolling over uncomfortable on the lumpy ground.
“Y/N,�� Katara repeated. “You need to see this.”
Y/N yawned, slowly coming to sit up, blinking slowly. She absentmindedly lit a fire in her palm to illuminate the space.
“No, we don’t need fire. Come on.”
Y/N reluctantly stood, letting the fire in her hands flicker out. Katara led Y/N out of the tree-covered area they had camped into a clearing on a hill, where Sokka, Aang, and Toph were waiting.
“What exactly am I looking at?” Y/N mumbled. What time was it? Two in the morning?
“Just look up,” Katara giggled. Y/N obeyed and raised her head to see the bright streaks painting the sky.
“Oh,” Y/N breathed, watching the spots of light soar across her vision. Y/N felt the tension leave her shoulders as she watched the sky. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Aang agreed, reaching his arms out to invite them all to throw their arms around each other. Y/N moved closer and felt Katara’s arm settle across her shoulders, but she never took her eyes away from the sky.
Y/N had never seen a meteor shower before. It was better than she had imagined—the stars were so bright here, not like Ba Sing Se. The night sky went on forever, meteors leaving trails of brightness across the comforting deep blanket of darkness the sky provided.
Tiny stars blinked down at her, and Y/N felt the warmth growing in her stomach. It made her think of the tea shop, if only for a moment.
Something about staring up at the sky made her feel small, but it wasn’t an unwelcome feeling. There were so many small people in the world, and even though she was traveling with the Avatar, even though she was on the run, and even though her life had been upended, she could be one of those small people, if only for a moment.
“Um, guys,” Sokka pointed up at the sky. “That one looks a bit close.”
“Oh, really? Which one?” Toph panned sarcastically. Y/N suddenly remembered that Toph couldn’t see the meteor shower. The girl was sitting on the ground with her arms crossed a few feet away. “You’ve seen nothing once, you’ve seen it a million times.”
“You’ve never not seen anything like this,” Sokka said. The ground seemed to shake for a moment, and Y/N watched as the meteor dipped out of view behind some trees. The ground seemed to shake, a loud crash echoing.
“Oh,” Toph started, standing. “You’re right, Sokka.”
Y/N followed the others through the trees, seeing the meteor, a ball of flame that was already beginning to catch the surrounding grass.
“The fire is going to destroy that town!” Katara shouted. Y/N could see the rooftops in the distance. Katara was right, and before Y/N could come up with any sort of response, they were rushing into action.
Katara was already heading to a nearby creek, bending the water towards the flames while Aang and Toph lifted large chunks of earth from the ground.
“What can I do?” Sokka asked. Y/N could tell how much he wanted to be helpful.
“Umm…” Aang replied, continuing to create a trench, “watch Momo?”
Sokka turned to Y/N. “Aren’t you going to help?”
“I barely know how to make fire, Sokka,” Y/N replied, sighing as they watched their friends go to work. “I haven’t figured out how to stop it. Plus,” Y/N smiled, “this is space fire.”
“Pretty sure it’s just regular fire,” Sokka grumbled, but Y/N saw the corners of his mouth upturn slightly. It was better than nothing.
Sokka was a shopaholic, Y/N decided. He’d been in a sour mood since the night before, when he was left to babysit Momo. But Katara had offered to let him look around in a weaponry store, and suddenly he was acting like a giddy little kid.
Y/N wandered around on her own in the shop. She could hear Sokka’s giggles from across the store. She looked around at the distinctly Fire Nation items—swords with red accents in the hilt, armor pieces made of dark, gleaming metal. It was much different from the craftsmanship of Jet’s swords. These were made with aesthetic in mind, with the time to add the red embellishments and tassels and inscriptions.
Jet’s swords were finely made, but they weren’t things to marvel at. They were made to work, work well, and nothing more. The blades were getting dull—she’d have to figure out how to sharpen them later. Y/N ran a finger along the inscription of a dagger on the wall—Honor and country—and started when someone coughed behind her.
Y/N whipped around, hands poised on the swords at her waist. Behind her stood a boy, with dark hair and a little bit of stubble on his jaw. He looked oddly familiar, and then the realization hit.
“Jain!” Y/N cried. She didn’t move her hands from her swords. He was dressed in a dark red tunic and black pants, his hair in a bun on top of his head.
“So, it is you.” Jain gave Y/N a once-over, his dark eyes taking in the blades and the Fire Nation clothes. “I wondered where you went off to.”
“What are you doing here, Jain?” Y/N couldn’t decide whether or not to be angry. She wasn’t sure if Jain was an enemy or not.
“Just visiting my homeland,” Jain drawled, as if it was obvious. Y/N supposed it was. Jain glanced around, assuring no one was near.
“Look,” he sighed, “I can’t here, but if you want to talk, I can meet you later.”
“What?” Y/N gaped. She still couldn’t process the fact that Jain was here. In front of her. Right now. More handsome than she remembered, though she’d never admit it. He wasn’t a string bean anymore.
“I can catch you up on what’s happening back home,” Jain offered. “I can take a message back for you, if you want.”
“Okay.” Y/N didn’t hesitate to answer. Jain would know about her parents. Maybe Bihun was back. Y/N hadn’t heard anything about her colony since she had left.
“I can meet you in the marketplace this afternoon,” Jain said, already turning away. Y/N diverted her eyes back to the dagger in front of her. Honor and country.
“Alright,” Y/N agreed, listening to Jain’s footsteps fade.
“You what?!” Katara cried. “Y/N, we can’t trust Fire Nation.”
“Why are you just telling us now?” Aang added in agreement.
“I knew Sokka wouldn’t like it,” Y/N admitted. She had been relieved when she learned that Sokka would be away to train under a master, and not just because she was happy for him. He wouldn’t have let her go meet with Jain. Or worse; he’d insist on coming along.
“Well, we don’t like it either,” Toph piped in. “Why do you need to go talk to this guy anyway?”
“He was a friend of my brother’s,” Y/N explained. She could remember Jain from Bihun’s first years at school. He was one of the few friends that Y/N’s parents allowed to visit the house. “He lives in the colony. He can tell me what’s happening at my home.”
“I don’t know…” Katara trailed off, her eyes sharp.
“He can tell me about my parents, Katara,” Y/N pleaded. “I… I don’t know what happened to them after I left.”
Katara thought for a moment, but Aang spoke for her.
“Okay,” he said. “If it’s important to you, it’s important to us. But if you aren’t back by sundown, we’ll come to look for you.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Y/N surged forward, pulling Aang into a hug. “I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“I still don’t like it,” Katara said, and Toph nodded, “but we’re here for you. Be safe.”
“I will,” Y/N promised. She didn’t think Jain would hurt her, but the words kept ringing through her head. Honor and country. Would they outweigh his care for her? She thought of Zuko.
Y/N tried to remember that she had no reason to hide while she walked through the marketplace, keeping an eye out for Jain. He was taller than she remembered, and definitely looked older. She wondered if that was how old Bihun would look, if he were here.
She spotted Jain by a food stand and did her best to approach casually. Jain turned around and faced her, two bags of fire flakes in his hands.
“Why are you walking like that?” Jain gave her an odd look, an eyebrow raised. Y/N immediately straightened her posture, her cheeks warming. So much for being casual.
“Come on,” Jain beckoned after a moment, leading Y/N around a street corner. He handed her one of the bags of fire flakes, using his now free hand to fumble with the doorknob on the nearest home.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “I hope you’re not breaking in.”
“No, I—” Jain jimmied the handle some more, and it finally turned, the door opening. “There we go.”
Y/N followed Jain inside, her nerves building. It was a nice enough place. Small. Flammable, if it came down to that. Y/N hoped it wouldn’t.
“Whose house is this?” Y/N asked, looking around at the many potted plants that filled the room.
“My aunt’s,” Jain replied, stuffing a handful of fire flakes in his mouth. He noticed Y/N looking at the greenery. “I know, she has a ton of plants. She’s a little crazy.”
“I think they’re nice,” Y/N frowned, gently touching the leaf of a small, white-flowering plant by the window. She still hadn’t taken a bite from her fire flakes. “Why did you buy me these?”
“Hospitality,” Jain answered simply, like it wasn’t weird. Y/N was fairly sure it was weird. They were in the Fire Nation, and the Fire Nation would be anything but hospitable if they knew she were here, with the Avatar, no less. “Don’t tell me you’ve never had them.”
“I have,” Y/N scoffed. She took small handful of flakes and popped them into her mouth. Damn, they were spicy. She tried to stifle her reaction, taking a seat across from him at the table. “What are you doing here?”
“Like I said, visiting the homeland.” Jain took a seat at the small wooden table in the center of the room. “My aunt is gone to the capital for a few weeks, so she said I should come here to ‘experience the true national culture.’” Jain made air quotes with his hands. “I think she just wanted a plant sitter.”
Y/N nodded, looking down at her hands that were still wrapped around the back of fire flakes.
“What are you, doing here, Y/N? I thought…”
Y/N wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he had thought. He probably thought she was dead or imprisoned like her brother.
“I went to Ba Sing Se,” Y/N explained. “And I met friends. We’re traveling together.”
It wasn’t a total lie. Really, it wasn’t a lie at all, Y/N rationalized. Just an omission of some details. Jain had a look on his face that said he knew that wasn’t the whole story.
“Do…” Y/N trailed off, unsure of how to continue. “Does everyone know? About me?”
“You nearly burned down your parents’ house and singed the eyebrows off of two soldiers, Y/N.” Jain chomped down another handful of fire flakes.
“Oh.” Yes, she had done that. Of course everyone knew.
“Not much has changed since you left,” Jain reassured. “Well, it did at first. A lot of soldiers came through at first, looking for you. The village is doing well enough.”
“What about my parents?”
Jain’s expression darkened. “The Fire Nation believes that your parents committed a crime by hiding you from them. Your… father is looking for you.” Jain shimmied uncomfortably at the word ‘father,’ and Y/N felt her stomach churn.
“Are they okay?” They had to be okay. That was the whole point of her leaving. If they weren’t okay… it was all for nothing.
“Yeah, for now. There are soldiers stationed at your house, in case you try to return. But your parents are safe. Your father was too close to the Earth King before Ba Sing Se fell, and he’s still got powerful allies in the smaller cities that are left. They won’t touch them until they know where you are. Some people are dead set on finding you, Y/N.”
“And you aren’t going to turn me in?”
“Of course not, Y/N.” Jain’s expression seemed hurt. “Bihun is my best friend, and he’d want me to help you. And you haven’t done anything wrong.”
Y/N wanted to correct him. I’m helping the Avatar to defeat your nation. We’re planning to invade your capital as we speak. She tried to hold back the question at the tip of her tongue. “Have you heard anything about my brother?”
Jain frowned and shook his head. “I’ve actually managed to do some asking around, but I haven’t found anything. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N stared at the table as her eyes stung.
“I miss him, too.” Jain put his hand out, resting it on the table in front of her. “He’d be happy for you, you know. That you made it out of that house. I know you’ve struggled,” Jain eyed the scars on her hands from her months of traveling and fighting that hadn’t been there before, “but he’d be happy. And I’m not going to stop trying to find him.”
“Neither will I.” A warm tear traveled its way down Y/N’s face. “Will you check in on my parents for me, when you can?”
“Yes, anything,” Jain offered a smile. “I can bring back a message for them?”
Y/N shook her head. “I think it’s best they don’t hear from me until it’s all over.”
Jain nodded understandingly. “Y/N, I want you to know that my allegiance is to my family first. Bihun is like a brother to me, so you’re my family too. If you ever need anything, you can ask.”
“Thank you, Jain.” Y/N glanced out the window, the sun beginning to dip in the sky. “I should go.”
“Alright,” Jain said, standing. Y/N stood with him, leaving her fire flakes on the table. She’d pass on those. Before she could convince herself not to, Y/N pulled Jain in for a hug, letting out a shaky breath when he wrapped his arms around her. “Take care of yourself, Y/N,” Jain whispered softly.
“I will,” Y/N promised again. “You too.”
“How did it go?” Katara asked as soon as Y/N came into view of their camp outside of town.
“Good.” She noticed Sokka pouting on the ground. “How was Sokka’s training?”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this!” Sokka cried indignantly. “It’s not safe to be talking to the Fire Nation!”
“She’s obviously fine,” Toph groaned. “And no one followed her here. And we all look like Fire Nation anyway!”
“Hmph,” Sokka grumbled.
“What did he tell you?” Aang asked curiously. Y/N recounted what Jain had told her, about her parents. About her father. When she was done, Katara smiled.
“I’m glad you went to talk to him, Y/N. It’s great that your parents are safe.”
“Yeah,” Aang agreed. “And after we defeat the Fire Lord, you’ll be able to go back home. I promise.”
Fire Lily Masterlist
taglist: @kaylove12, @akariblue, @wolfiemichele, @aquatickanye, @sunflowerr-mami, @nadiblue. @la3divine, @sarsky, @aangsupremacy, @good-ones-are-taken
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 11
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 11 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 11/? SUMMARY: With the Doctor newly regenerated, he and Elise must now navigate their new relationship. The Doctor is an old man and Elise is a headstrong young woman. She is no longer the scared little girl the Doctor saved all those years ago. Will Clara be able to keep them from killing each other?
[A/N - This one’s a bit longer, but there was no good ending point.]
Clara opened the door to her bedroom, only for it to collide with something.
“You just have to squeeze through,” the Doctor told her. He was sitting at her vanity.
“Why do you have three mirrors? Why don't you just turn your head?”
“What are you doing in here?”
“You said you had a date. I thought I'd better hide in the bedroom in case you brought him home.”
Clara looked at Elise who was lounging on her bed. “I tried telling him, but he didn’t listen,” the redhead told her.
“Bit early, aren't you? Did it all go wrong, or is this good by your standards?” the Doctor asked.
Clara collapsed on the bed next to Elise and put her head on the redhead’s stomach. Elise played with the ends of Clara’s ponytail.
“It was a disaster and I am extremely upset about it, since you didn't ask,” Clara told them.
“Fine. I need you, for a thing,” the Doctor said.
Clara sighed. “I can't.”
“Oh, of course you can. Come on, you're free. More than usually free, in fact.”
Clara pulled out her phone. “No, it's just possible that I might get a phone call.”
“From the date guy? It's too late. You've taken your make-up off.”
“No, I haven't. I'm still wearing my make-up.”
“Oh, right. Well, you probably just missed a bit. Come on, come on, come on, come on.”
Clara groaned and rolled off the bed, while Elise elegantly stood up. Clara walked into the TARDIS carrying her shoes. “I haven't actually said yes.”
“Yes, you know sometimes when you talk to yourself, what if you're not?”
“Not what?”
“What if it's not you you're talking to? Proposition. What if no one is ever really alone? What if every single living being has a companion, a silent passenger, a shadow? What if the prickle on the back of your neck, is the breath of something close behind you?”
Clara looked at Elise, who shrugged. The Doctor lead Clara up the stairs and showed her the blackboard with the word “Listen.”
“It looks like your handwriting,” Clara told him.
“Well, I couldn't have written it and forgotten, could I?”
“Have you met you?” Clara walked over to a table covered in books. “What's all this?”
“Dreams. Accounts of dreams, by different people, all through history. You see, I have a theory.”
“I'll bet you have. What theory?”
“I think everybody, at some point in their lives, has the exact same nightmare. You wake up, or you think you do, and there's someone in the dark, someone close, or you think there might be. So you sit up, and turn on the light. And the room looks different at night. It ticks and creaks and breathes. And you tell yourself there's nobody there, nobody watching, nobody listening, nobody there at all. And you very nearly believe it. You really, really try and then…” The Doctor reached out a hand and made a grabbing motion. “There are accounts of that dream throughout human history. Time and time again, the same dream.”
“It’s called Universal Consciousness,” Elise said.
“Don’t interrupt, Elise.” The Doctor turned back to Clara. “Now, there is a very obvious question I'm about to ask you. Do you know what it is?”
“Have you had that dream?”
“No, that was me asking you. Have you had that dream?”
“I asked first.”
“No, I did.”
“You really didn't.”
“Okay, yeah, probably. Yes. But everyone dreams about something under the bed.”
“Why?” The Doctor led her down to the console and placed Clara’s fingers into a squishy section. “Just hold on tight. If anything bites, let it.”
“What is it?”
“TARDIS telepathic interface. You are now in mental contact with the TARDIS, so don't think anything rude.”
“Why not?”
“It might end up on all of the screens. The TARDIS is extrapolating your entire timeline, from the moment of your birth, to the moment of your death.”
Clara leaned in towards the rotor and whispered, “Which I do not need a preview of.”
“I'm turning off the safeguards and navigation, slaving the TARDIS to you. Focus on the dream. Focus on the details. Picture them, feel them. The TARDIS will track on your subconscious and extract the relevant information. It should be able to home in on the moment in your timeline when you first had that dream. And then, we'll see.”
“What will we see?”
“What's under your bed.” He gave her a crazy grin and put the TARDIS in flight. “Okay, now don't get distracted. Remember, you are flying a time machine.”
Clara closed her eyes and tried to focus, but her phone starting ringing. Clara gasped and flinched, trying to refocus.
“No, no. Don't you dare. No, don't. Don't, don't. Just ignore it.” He grabbed her phone and tossed it behind him.
The TARDIS finally landed.
“Okay, that's good. That worked. We're here.”
“Sorry, I think I got distracted.”
“No, no, no, no, no. The date's fine. Come on.” The Doctor walked over to the doors.
“Come on where?”
“Your childhood.” The Doctor left the TARDIS.
Clara tried pulling her fingers out of the interface, but she was stuck.
Elise walked over and wrap a hand around her wrist. She gently pulled Clara’s fingers from the interface.
“Thanks,” Clara said.
Elise shrugged. “No problem.”
Clara was suddenly aware of how close Elise was to her. She looked into Elise’s green eyes, so much like her father’s previous regeneration. Clara blushed as she pulled away from Elise. “Come on. We should go before he gets himself into trouble.”
They left the TARDIS, but not before Elise looked back at the interface. She shook her head. No, she could try later. She didn’t want to leave Clara and her father on their own.
They found themselves standing outside a building at night.
“The West Country Children's Home. Gloucester. By the ozone level and the drains, mid-nineties. You must have been here when you had the dream,” the Doctor explained.
“Never been to Gloucester in my life, and I've never lived in a children's home.”
“You've probably just forgotten. Have you seen the size of human brains? They're hilarious. Little you must be in here somewhere, with your little brain.”
“Isn't it bad if I meet myself?”
“It is potentially catastrophic.”
Elise rolled her eyes. “The last time you met yourself, the universe ended.”
“Of course you’d bring that up now.”
“So why did you bring me out here?” Clara asked.
“I was still talking. I needed someone to nod. Probably best for you to wait in the TARDIS.”
“Doctor, I…”
“See you in a minute. TARDIS.” He pointed at the blue box.
“Doctor. If I had have been distracted, what would have happened?”
“We would probably have ended up in the wrong place. But don't think we have, because the time zone's right. I won't be long.”
The Doctor walked away.
Clara looked up and saw a little boy in a window.
He waved at Clara and Elise. He opened the window. “What are you doing down there?” he asked them.
“Nothing. Er, we’re just. What's your name?”
“Oh. Okay. Hello, Rupert.”
“Rupert Pink. It's a stupid name.”
“No, it isn't. I know somebody called Pink.”
“I meant Rupert. I'm going to change it.”
“Why are you awake? Are you scared?”
Clara and Elise quietly snuck past the office where the Doctor was talking to the caretaker.
They wandered upstairs and down a long corridor. They entered a room and saw Rupert sitting on the floor by the window.
“Hello,” Clara said.
“Hello,” Rupert echoed.
“Nice room.” Clara pulled up a chair and sat in it, while Elise stood next to her. “You know, you should have more than one chair. What do you do when people come round?”
“Sit on the bed.”
“Why aren't you sitting on it, then? Do you think that there's something underneath it?”
Rupert nodded.
“Hey, everyone thinks that, sometimes. That's just how people think at night.”
“Did you have a dream? A hand grabbing your foot? You have, haven't you? You've had that exact dream.”
“How did you know?”
“Do you know why dreams are called dreams?”
“Because they're not real. If they were, they wouldn't need a name.”
Clara got up and walked over to the bed.
“What are you doing?”
Clara looked underneath it. “Do you know what's under there?”
Elise laughed.
Clara rolled under the bed and laid on her back. “Come on, it's perfectly safe.”
Rupert laid next to her.
Clara put her hand out and wiggled her fingers. “C’mon Ellie! You know you want to.”
Elise playfully rolled eyes, before crawling under the bed with them, lacing her fingers with Clara’s.
“See? Nobody here, except us,” Clara reassured Rupert.
“Sometimes I hear noises.”
“It's a house full of people. Of course you hear noises.”
“They're all asleep.”
“They're all dreaming.”
“Can you hear dreams?”
Clara nodded. “If you're clever enough. But they can't harm you. You know, sometimes we think there's something behind us. And the space under your bed is what's behind you at night. Simple as that. There's nothing to be afraid of.”
The bed creaked as if someone sat on it. It sagged under the weight until the mattress nearly touched Elise and Clara’s noses.
Rupert started panting softly and Elise squeezed Clara’s hand.
“Who else is in this room?” Clara asked, softly.
“Nobody,” Rupert answered, just as soft.
“Someone must have come in.”
“Nobody came in.”
Elise and Clara rolled out and stood up. Something was sitting on the bed, covered in a red crocheted blanket.
“Hello?” Clara asked. She helped Rupert stand up. “Who's this? This is a friend of yours playing a game.”
Rupert shook his head.
“Playing a trick, are you, hey? A little trick on Rupert here?”
The bed creaked as the figure sat up taller.
“Okay. It's not funny this, you know.”
A light switched on. They all turned to see the Doctor sitting the chair by the desk flipping through a book.
“Where is he?” the Doctor asked.
“Doctor?” Clara asked.
“I can't find him. Can you find him?”
“Find who?”
“He's nowhere in this book.”
“It's not a Where's Wally one.”
“Well, how would you know? Maybe you just haven't found him yet.”
“He's not in every book.”
“Really? Well, that's a few years of my life I'll be needing back.”
Normally Elise would have been happy that the Doctor was acting like his silly self again, but there were more pressing matters. Like what the hell was sitting on Rupert’s bed for instance.
“Are you scared? The thing on the bed, whatever it is, look at it. Does it scare you?” the Doctor asked.
“Yes,” Rupert answered.
“Well, that's good. Want to know why that's good?”
“Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard, I can feel it through your hands. There's so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain, it's like rocket fuel. Right now, you could run faster and you could fight harder, you could jump higher than ever in your life. And you are so alert, it's like you can slow down time. What's wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower. It's your superpower. There is danger in this room and guess what? It's you. Do you feel it? Do you think he feels it? Do you think he's scared? Nah. Loser. Turn your back on him.”
“Yeah, turn your back on him. Come on. You too, Clara, Elise.”
Every instinct was telling Elise to keep her eye on the thing.
“Elise, your back, now.”
Clara grabbed Elise’s hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
Elise finally turned around to look out the window.
“Do it. Just do it now. Turn your back. Do it now, turn your back. Lovely view out this window.”
Rupert came to stand between them. 
“Yeah. Come and see all the dark.”
“The deep and lovely dark. We'd never see the stars without it. Now, there are two possibilities. Possibility one, it's just one of your friends standing there, and he's playing a joke on you. Possibility two, it isn't.”
“So, plan? Plans are good,” Clara said.
“You on the bed, I'm talking to you now. Go in peace. We won't look. Just go. If all you want to do is stay hidden, it's okay. Just leave.”
The figure came closer to them.
“Is it gone?” Clara asked.
“Don't look round. Not yet,” the Doctor told them.
“I can't hear anything,” Rupert said.
“Don't look round.”
Rupert started to turn around.
“Look away! Look away now! Don't look at it! Don't look round. Don't look round. Don't look at the reflection.”
“What is it?” Rupert asked.
“Imagine a thing that must never be seen. What would it do if you saw it?”
“I don't know.”
“Neither do I. Close your eyes.”
“Close your eyes. You too, Clara and Elise. Give it what it wants. Prove to it that you're not going to look at it. Make a promise. A promise you're never going to look at it.”
“I promise never to look.”
“The breath on the back of your neck, like your hair's standing on end. That means, don't look round.”
The door slammed shut, signaling the departure of the thing.
Clara and Rupert spun around, while Elise reached out and grabbed onto the window to keep from collapsing.
“Gone?” Clara asked.
“Gone,” the Doctor confirmed.
Rupert frowned. “He took my bedspread.”
“Oh, the human race. You're never happy, are you?”
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junghosunshine · 5 years
Shut In
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pairing: Kim Taehyung X reader
word count: 4k+
summary: Without a place to stay after you are kicked out of your dorm amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, you have no choice but to stay with Kim Taehyung (the son of one of your moms friends whom you have never met). You worry that it will be awkward but you are pleasantly surprised by the bond you end up forming with the overly welcoming man.
warnings: Smut, Fluff, overprotective, slightly dom!tae, mentions of covid19 and quarantine, age gap (5 years), unprotected sex (please use protection guys) 
notes: This was written to calm me down while being stuck in my house in no way am I trying to offend anyone. Please go easy on me i’m sensitive :)
You should probably be thankful that you have somewhere to stay during quarantine but at this particular moment you were dreading the next few weeks.
“Mom, why can’t I just stay in a hotel?” You asked over the phone. You knew you were being irrational and that this was much better than paying a hundred dollars a night (even if you would feel much more comfortable). Ever since your classes had been canceled, you had been living in the dorms at your college but they had begun to kick students out. Going to school overseas seemed like such a fun idea, and it probably would have been, but because you were in another country during the corona virus outbreak, there was no way you could get home especially with the travel restrictions. You had called your mom sobbing, worried that you would be homeless through the pandemic in a country you barely knew. Luckily, within an hour your mom had reached out to one of her friends who had a son living in Seoul and you suddenly had a place to stay. “Mom, that is going to be so weird. I don’t know him and now I’m going to live with him. Alone. For who knows how long?!”
“Y/N, I’m not paying money for you to stay in a hotel when there is a perfectly good, free place for you to stay. This is the only option.”
You gave in knowing your arguments were useless against this woman. You just wanted to go home and see your family and to be honest you were scared at how big this whole thing had become.
“Okay. Stay safe mom. Love you.”
“I love you too sweetie. Be careful and make sure you thank Taehyung for giving up his space.”
After you hung up with your mom you felt a bit empty. This much change in only a few days was a lot to take in and processing it all was near impossible. ‘Its going to be okay’ you told yourself.Your had mom told you that Taehyung was 24 and she had seen him a few times when he had just been born but didn’t know much about him other than that he apparently worked as a graphic designer for a popular art company. She had gone to college with his mom and they had been very close until mom moved to the US after college. Regardless of your mom’s connection, it felt awkward to be moving into some complete stranger’s space.
Pulling up the email your mom had sent you, you found the address to Taehyung’s house and his phone number. Sighing, you forced yourself to send him a text to let him know you were coming to his place.
iMessage: Hi, this is Y/N… my mom just sent me your address. I should be there in about an hour. Thanks for letting me stay with you.
You put your phone back in your pocket and gathered you bags. Struggling to stand upright you wobbled out of your dorm and made your way to the subway.
Thanks to the virus the subway was not crowded and you had a place to rest all of your stuff. Once you sat down your phone vibrated and you pulled it out to see a response from Taehyung.
iMessage: Y/N, it is my pleasure! My mom told me to treat you well since you are her best friend’s daughter. Ill see you soon!
He was sweet. You felt yourself relax a bit. Maybe it wouldn’t be as awkward as you had thought it would be. You certainly hoped you were right otherwise this was going to be the most uncomfortable period of time you have ever experienced.
Once you were off the subway you lugged your bags up to the street level. Looking around your confidence wavered a bit. You had only been living in Korea for the last few months for college and while you went out a lot but you rarely ventured outside of the college area. The fact that there was no one outside made it even harder because you couldn’t ask anyone for directions. Oh no, there was no way you were going to find his building. You typed the address into Maps and attempted to both hold all of your stuff and navigate.
You were having very little luck and you were afraid your phone was going to die if you continued like this. As you stopped to calm yourself down, your phone rang.
“Oh hi, is this Taehyung?”
“Yeah, Im just calling to make sure you’re okay. You said you’d be here in an hour two hours ago and my mom would kill me if anything happened to you.”
“Oh… Uh…” As much as you didn’t want to cry you couldn’t help yourself. It had been a long few days and the fact that you couldn’t even navigate was infuriating. “Im a little lost.” You managed to say through tears.
“Are there any restaurants or stores near you?” He asked. Looking around you found you were next to a pet store.
“There is pet store near me and I’m right across from a park.”
You heard shuffling from his end of the line. “Okay,” He said finally. “Wait there I’m coming to get you.”
Exhausted, you sank to the ground and rested your head on your knees. It was embarrassing that Taehyung had to go out of his way to find you before you had even met him. He probably thought you were incompetent. And it was even worse that there was an outbreak going on.
Only a few minutes had passed when a black Hyundai pulled up next to you. A guy got out and walked toward you.
“Y/N?” You looked up at him as he came to a stop above you. You nodded and embarrassed yourself by pouting a little. Something you did at home when you were sad or angry. You noticed immediately how striking he was with dark hair that fell into his eyes. He was distractingly handsome and as you stood up, you noticed, very tall as well. Taehyung smiled warmly and reached for your bags. “Go sit in the car, i'll load these in the back.” You complied grateful that he didn’t seem upset with you. He loaded your bags into the trunk and returned to the drivers seat.
“Im Tae by the way.” You took his extended hand.
“I am so sorry for inconveniencing you like this especially now. I promise i’ll make it up to you. I’m not usually this helpless.” Taehyung chuckled. “No problem. I’m glad I had an excuse to go out one last time before the lockdown.” You blushed at his kindness and were relieved when he began to drive.
Taehyung’s apartment was very clean and well decorated. You could immediately tell he was into art as his walls were covered in it. It was an open concept and the living room was only separated from the kitchen by a large kitchen island. He led you across the flat to a door on the far side, opening it to a small bedroom. It looked as if it had never been used and it smelled very clean. There was a large window overlooking the city and you gasped at how pretty it was.
“I’m glad I finally have someone here to use the guest bedroom. It was getting kinda lonely here.” It was shocking how welcoming he was considering you were dumped on him at the last possible moment.
“Thank you so much.” You walked in and he helped place your bags on the bed before leaving you to unpack.
That night, He made you dinner. It was so odd since it had been months since you’d eaten like a normal human. College life was certainly not luxurious. He waited for you to take the first bite and hum with pleasure before he was satisfied enough to eat.
“So, you were attending college here.”  He said. You nodded. “Yeah I’m in my second year at Yonsei. Er- was.”
“This virus is kinda fucking things up isn’t it?”
“Yeah, Im kinda pissed off that I can’t even see my family during it.” Taehyung nodded. “Well I’m lucky that you are keeping me company right now.” You coughed and he watched amusedly as you tried to cover up your awkwardness by taking a sip of water.
“How old are you?” He asked you. “Nineteen.” You replied. He smiled a secret smile before taking another bite of his food.
“Thank you so much for dinner.” You said when you had both finished. He shrugged like it was nothing. “Im happy to do it.”
You tried to help him with dishes but he insisted that you get some rest after your long day.
Usually you woke up around seven the morning so that you could get started on the day but with nothing to do, it seemed a bit unnecessary. Still, your internal clock was hard to reset so despite your empty schedule, you were up. You assumed that Taehyung was probably asleep so you made your way into the kitchen and put on some hot water for tea. This was a ritual of yours. That you had been taught by your mother.
Unconsciously you began humming and you didn’t notice that Taehyung had exited his bedroom or that he was standing shirtless at the kitchen island smiling as he watched you work. You looked cute with your little shorts and oversized t-shirt he was going to have a hard time not thinking about that all day. Turning, you let out a yelp when you saw him, spilling hot tea on your had and causing the mug to break on the ground.
Taehyung immediately rushed over to you and grabbed your wrist before you could pick up any of the pieces of ceramic. “Are you hurt?” The way he looked at you with so much concern made your cheeks flush.
“No, I’m fine, I just got a little surprised.” He chuckled and continued to hold your wrist “Sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you, you looked like you were meditating.”
You tried to pick up the pieces again but he stoped you. “I’ll get it, let’s treat your burn first.” He led you to the bathroom and sat you. on the edge of the tub. Rummaging through the medicine cabinet he found some gauze. You cringed a bit. “Taehyung, it’s not that serious, it’s just a little red that’s all.” Taehyung shook his head. “Better to be safe than sorry. Give me your hand.” You were a bit too happy to have him hold your hand as he ran it under cold water. He was so careful and the way he touched you made you want him to never stop. He dried your hand before wrapping it with gauze, clearly pleased with his work. “There!” He smiled. “Good as new.”
“Thank you.” You laughed and the two of you locked eyes. With him looking at you, you suddenly became hyper aware of his bare chest. He wasn’t super buff but he was lean and toned. He looked very strong and it was hard to look away but you made yourself.
For the next few days, you continued to get up early and make tea, careful not to drop it again.
It was getting really fucking hard for Taehyung to not look at you. It seemed like the only thing you owned were little shorts and huge ass t-shirts. Every time he saw you he wanted to push you against a wall and destroy you. Taehyung had take showers very frequently because of you.
Quarantine was not the most fun and besides meal time, you and Taehyung had not interacted very much. He was very sweet and funny but you were too shy to ask him to hang out.
He must have been going stir crazy too because eventually there was a knock on your door.
“Come in.” You said. Taehyung slowly opened the door. He was wearing sweats and a dark blue sweatshirt. It was annoying that he looked good in even the lumpiest clothes.
“Hey, Im really fucking bored out here can you come watch a movie with me.”
“Sure.” You followed him out to the living room “What movie?” “Im not sure.” He said sitting down. “What do you like to watch?”
You shrugged, to be honest you. Weren’t really a movie person. You. Spent a lot of time listening to music and reading but movies weren’t something you did too often. Being away from your family was making you a bit nostalgic and you recalled movies you watched with them.
“When I was little I really liked Howls Moving Castle.” Taehyung raised an eyebrow at you. “Out of every movie you want to watch a cartoon?” He asked.
“What?!” You giggled. “Howl was like my dream guy when I was younger.” You looked at him as earnestly as you could. “Please can we watch it. I really want to now.” He sighed dramatically but didn’t object.
Once it started you were immediately spellbound. You had forgotten how beautiful Miyazaki movies were. At one point without thinking you said “Howl kind of reminds me of you.” Taehyung looked at you but you were too entranced to notice. His eyes roamed the curves of your face and made their way down your neck, to your shoulder which was bare as your huge shirt slipped off of it. He cleared his throat and returned to watching the movie. There was no way he would let himself think about you. That wasn’t fair to you at all.
Yo had forgotten how sad and intense Miyazaki movies got and you hated when there was conflict in stories. A couple of times you reached out for tae’s arm and he let you. He hated how much he liked the feeling that you needed him there. After your fourth time grabbing onto him, He took your hand and laced his fingers through yours. He watched you register this and look at him. Your eyes were so big and innocent. God, he wanted to ruin you. You smiled at him and continued to watch the rest of the movie. He stopped himself from doing anything stupid. He couldn’t help but be a little disappointed when the film was over and you released his hand. “Thanks for watching with me.” He said. You nodded “Thanks for letting me choose the movie, I forgot how much I loved it.”
There was a silence as he looked at you in the now dark living room. You let him allowing yourself to observe him as well.
“Y/N.” Taehyung’s gaze was filled with a sudden intensity. It scared you a little.
“Yes?” Taehyung pulled you into his arms and buried his head in your hair breathing you in. “I would be so goddamn lonely if you weren’t here.” He said his voice a bit muffled. You were taken aback by his sudden affection that it took you a moment to return it. You gently wrapped your arms around his neck. He smelled so good it was hard for you to think about letting go. Lucky for you Taehyung didn’t. He stayed like that for a long time, so long that you fell asleep and then he fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up still wrapped around each other. He was observing you when you opened your eyes and grinned when he noticed you had woken up.
“Good morning.” You felt a bit awkward that you had ended up in this situation.
“Morning.” You replied avoiding is stare. Taehyung only released you when he was worried you’d be able to feel him. When you finally untangled your limbs from his, he rushed to the shower.
You had started to notice the Tae had become very touchy with you. Not that you were complaining, you loved it. You were definitely starting to develop a crush on him and as much as you hated to admit it you were definitely flirting with him. If you were cooking he would find ways to pass behind you and touch your waist. At the dinner table he began to sit next to you and would knock his knee against yours. He’d even started to put his arm around you when you watched movies which had become a very frequent thing. Regardless of how much you enjoyed his touches you decided not to put too much weight behind it. Tae was like an older brother and in this short time you had been living together, he looked after you. You refused to get his affection confused with attraction.
“Hey, my mom just sent an old picture of her and your mom in college.” Tae called from the living room. You ran out to see jumping on the couch next to him and looking over his shoulder.  You immediately recognize your mom which made you miss her a lot. The woman next to her in the picture looked like she had just stepped off a runway, you could see where Tae had gotten his good looks.
“Wow, She’s beautiful you look so much like her.” You said. He leaned back into your lab and looked up at you grinning. “Y/N, are you calling me beautiful?” You choked on the air. “No! Um, er- you are beautiful, but- I wasn’t..” Tae turned towards you and poked your nose. “You’re so cute.” You felt yourself turn completely red.
“Im not cute.” You mumbled, punching him in the shoulder.
“You are ridiculously cute. It’s almost too much.” You found yourself pouting again and you crossed your arms. Reached up and pulled your face towards him. “See? Thats cute. If you keep doing that I’m not going to be able to stop myself from doing bad things to you.”
You found yourself at a loss for words. Tae rand is thumb over your bottom lip before laughing. Anger overwhelmed you. “You’re an asshole!” You shoved him away from you. He continued to laugh “Oh yeah? Am I?” He tickled your side and you shrieked jumping off the couch and running away from him. He chased you around the apartment and when he caught up to you he threw you over his shoulder. “Tae!” You giggled. He threw you onto the couch and plopped down next to you. “Don’t deny who you are.”
“Shut up.”
Tae picked the movie tonight. It was the notebook and apparently he was a huge fan of Rachel McAdams. You didn’t blame him, she was very pretty but you did feel weirdly jealous. You noticed he didn’t put his arm around you like he normally did which kinda disappointed you. You wondered if he was mad at you which made it hard for you relax. You sat with your arms wrapped around your legs. In your head you started to go through everything you had done during the day that could have upset him but you weren’t finding anything he had seemed happy all day which is why it was weird that he wasn’t acting like he usually did. You were about to start crying until you felt him touching your thigh. He looked like he didn’t know he was doing it as he continued to watch the movie.You couldn’t focus at all, his touches felt so good and you closed your eyes accidentally sighing with pleasure. You felt his hand travel closer to the line of your shorts until they ghosted over your core. Taken aback you looked at tae, worried that he was unaware of what he was doing but he was looking right at you now, his eyes full of something dark and wild. He pulled you closer to him and applied more pressure which made you moan more and you leaned your head against his chest. His other hand caressed your head. “You are so pretty.” He mumbled. “You have no idea how much I want to ruin you.” As he rubbed harder you could feel yourself building up to something you bit your lip and felt your hips roll against his hand. “Do you like that?” Taehyung asked
“Mhmn.” Was the most you could say. “Do you want to come?” You nodded but tae wasn’t satisfied. “I asked if you want to come.” He said.
“Yes! I want to come!” You shouted and almost instantly you felt yourself reach the edge. He continued to move his hand against you as you shook. “Oh my god.”You exhaled. Once you came down from your high you couldn’t bare to look at him and kept your head buried in his shirt. He kissed your hair and then your forehead, your eyes cheeks, nose, before making his way to your lips. It was soft and too brief you almost felt like it hadn’t happened. But he didn’t offer anything more. He got off the couch and walked to the bathroom. You heard him start the shower and you fell asleep before he opened the door again.
It had been three days since whatever happened between you two had happened. You weren’t sure what to call it just as much as you weren’t sure what it meant. You were so confused and too afraid to ask him. Tae seemed just as goofy as he always was which was a relief though he didn’t touch you as much. In fact you had tried to hug him earlier and you could swear you saw him flinch. This was infuriating! He was the one who has initiated the whole thing and now he wasn’t even going to acknowledge it. There was no way you were letting him get away with this. If he was going to make you mad then you were going to mess with him.
“Hey Y/N I’m bored come play cards with me.”
You were sitting in your room reading. You smiled to yourself as you ignored his request.
“Y/N?” Again no response. You. Could hear him walking to your room. He stood in the doorway looking at you.
“Y/N, did you hear me?” You put on your most innocent face before looking at him. “No, did you call me?” He scratched his head clearly confused before sighing. “No, never mind.” You stuck your tongue out at him when he walked away.
When he made dinner that night you told him you had already eaten. “When?” He asked. You shrugged, “I had some crackers earlier and I’m full.”  You could tell that he was getting frustrated. But he still didn’t ask you what was going on.
You didn’t watch a movie that night but you hadn’t in three days so it wasn’t that weird. When  He closed his bedroom door you waited an hour before leaving your room and slipping into his. He was definitely asleep when you got under the covers. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and you were pleased when he moved to wrap his arms around you groaning into you.
In the morning he was not in the room and the door was opened. You got up and found him at the island waiting for you. You liked the way he looked in the morning his har disheveled hid voice incredibly deep.
“Y/N.” He spoke. You shivered at the way he said it. He was angry and it was very hot.
“Tae.” You responded. He shook his head at you and you went on pretending to be oblivious.
“Can you make me pancakes?” You asked sweetly. “‘Im, hungry.” You opened one of the cabinets and got a glass for water. Before you could open the fridge Tae moved grabbed you and pushed you against the counter placing a hand on either side of you.
“Y/N, why are you doing this to me?” Although you were a bit shocked you forced yourself to continue the act. “Doing what Tae, I just asked for pancakes.” Then he actually growled, leaning his head onto your shoulder. You felt blood rush to your core you were so turned on. “Goddamn it, Y/N. I keep convincing myself that this is a bad idea but you keep doing things that make me want to teach you a lesson.”
“Then teach me.” You say. He lifted his head from your shoulder and looked into your eyes. The darkness had returned and his eyes seemed heavy as he looked down at your lips. Suddenly he was devouring you. This kiss was nothing like the ghost one from before. This one felt like he was trying to suck all of the life out of you. And it was working. Your knees went weak and you had to hold onto his shoulders to help yourself stay upright. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and you moaned into him. He tasted so good and just as you felt like he was giving himself to you he pulled away. You whined. “Y/N, tell me what you want.” You rolled your eyes and he gripped your face with his hands. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you.” He kissed you smiling against your mouth. “Where do you want me?”
“Everywhere.” You moved his hands to your breasts and he quickly lifted up your shirt to reveal your breasts.
“Holy fuck I can’t believe you slept next to me like this.” He moved his mouth down your neck before latching onto you nipple and sucking hard.
“Oh my god.” You ran your fingers though his hair. Tae slipped his fingers down to the waistline of your shorts and you let him pull them down along with your underwear. “Such a pretty little cunt.” He said before slapping it making you gasp. He turned you around and licked your folds your eyes rolling back. He began to suck on your clit and you lost it. “Fuck, oh my god! Yes!” Without warning tae pushed you to the ground and stood up you could see the bulge that had formed in his sweats. He placed your hand over it and rolled his head back while you massaged it. Then he pulled down his sweats to reveal a very large very erect cock. You swallowed and looked up at him. ‘Fuck, Y/N you have no idea how pure you look. I can’t wait to fucking ruin you.” Grabbing onto your hair he pushed his dick into your mouth. “Good girl.” He said gently. Tae watched as you tried not to choke on him. “You're doing so good.” He began to buck his hips into you and you gagged on him getting saliva all over his length. When you almost couldn’t take it he pulled out and picked you up placing you on the counter.
“Are you ready for me baby?” He asked and you nodded. He didn’t move. “I need an answer.”
“Yes, Please fuck me.” You beg. And then the pushed into you stretching you out so much you stoped breathing for a second. But as he pulled out you immediately wanted him back inside. Tae grabbed your neck. “I want you to look at me when I’m fucking you.” He pounded into you and when he thrusted at just the right angle your eyes started to water but you kept looking at him. “You feel so fucking good, Y/N. I’ve thought about this so much and you are even tighter than I expected.” The lack of oxygen was heightening your pleasure and you started to feel your orgasm coming on. “Im going to come!” You screamed. He pounded into you harder. “Not yet baby, Not until I say so.” You bit your lip in an effort to hold it back but your vision blurred and there was no stopping it. Tae kept thrusting as you rode it out and as you squeezed around him he reached his climax. He pulled out and his juices poured out of you. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you for a long time. After some time he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and pulled you inside. As the water ran he took your face in his hards and kissed you softly. He kissed your shoulders and your breasts. He knelt kissing your stomach, thighs, knees and feet. You grabbed his face and pulled him back up into your lips. He felt safe and secure. You let him wash your body and he let you wash his. Finally he stepped out of the shower and dried off before opening the bathroom door.
“Where are you going?” You asked him.
“To make you pancakes.”
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tradgicworks · 3 years
Heartfelt:P-1 A World of Sorrow
When a student of a private school disappears during stormy night, three strangers come together to look for her and end up discovering the dark secrets of the world around them. WORD COUNT - 3134
The light of the setting sun peered into the old diner. Black clouds dotted the sky. Sophie took a long sip from her milkshake and stared wistfully at the horizon. Her golden bangle bracelet slid down her arm as she did.
“What’s wrong?” Gwyneth asked as she noticed her gaze.
Gwyneth brushed her bangs aside. Her dark brown colored eyes were filled with concern. She had voluminous long black hair that covered her shoulders like a fluffy mane. She wore a uniform which consisted of a long skirt, a simple tucked in blouse, and a blazer- all in different shades of purple.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just thinking about some stuff,” Sophie said with a meek smile.
"What kinda stuff?" Gwyneth asked.
"Midterms, winter vacation, piano practice. The usual," Sophie replied.
“Wow, not even trying to hide the fact that you weren’t paying attention to my story, huh?" Gwyneth gave an exaggerated sigh.
"I'm sorry," Sophie awkwardly smiled.
 “It's okay, I forgive you. Anyways, remember that girl that went missing a couple months ago, she was a freshman, um, vice president of the chess club or something. Well some of the older students have been talking about how this isn’t the first time that it has happened,” Gwyneth ate one of her few remaining fries. “Near the end of last year’s spring semester a different freshman suddenly moved away. This normally wouldn't have been seen as strange except for the fact that it was right in the middle of finals. Supposedly, one of her friends decided to call her parents to ask about what happened only to be told that the phone number had been out of service for weeks.”
“Spooky,” Sophie commented simply.
“Mhm. So, the older girls started talking and it turned out that a lot of students went missing over the years. They say that it's been about fifteen students in total that have suddenly disappeared. For every single one of them there was a convenient excuse for why, but all of it just seems too coincidental,” Gwyneth leaned in for dramatic effect. “Me thinks there’s a conspiracy afoot.”
“Really? I suppose it is strange, but it could just be that the seniors get overactive imaginations with how much free time they have during finals,” Sophie sighed.
“Aw come on, humor me at least," Gwyneth leaned back. “Don’t you think it’s weird that the academy has a dedicated security team that answers directly to Capital City’s police department? We even have a creepy name for them- Wardens- that’s not normal!”
“Well, given the kind of students that attend it’s not that strange,” Sophie said.
“You really are playing devil's advocate today, huh?” Gwyneth gave a friendly smile.
“Sorry,” Sophie lowered her gaze.
Gwyneth’s smile turned to a face of concern. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay-'' Gwyneth started before she was interrupted by the chimes of their phones.
“Curfew,” Sophie swiped at her smartphone. “It’s time to head back.”
“Right...” Gwyneth gazed at her for a few seconds as she packed up her things and got ready to leave before following suit.
The two left a tip for the waiter and headed out into the cold air of the coming winter. The sleepy sky matched the energy of the few students that remained outside, all of them in a quiet hurry to get back to the main campus of Dorothy Elaine Atham's Private Academy for Young Women, or “the academy” as the students plainly referred to it. It was originally constructed in the early 1940s, yet it managed to remain one of the most prestigious high schools in Capital City. This was mostly due to the academy having the support of the Capital City Police Department. They would employ off-duty officers to act as the academy’s security team, or ‘Wardens’ as they were officially referred to. As a result the academy set itself apart as one of the safest private high schools in the entirety of the United States. Strict curfews, no relationships, mandatory dorms, quarterly inspections by the Wardens, uniforms and an arduous curriculum were some of the measures taken to keep the students safe. Wealthy families from all over the country enrolled their children with peace of mind that they would be safe, allowing the school to afford top of the line facilities, staff, and to further its reputation even more. It was said that the academy was so stern with its policies that even the lightest violation could lead to expulsion. Of course that was just a rumor.
Sophie and Gwyneth eventually found themselves back at the main entrance of the academy. Tall walls made of brick and black fencing led to two large half open gates. A flower bed filled with wilting violet roses that matched the student’s outfits sat underneath them. A tall Warden stood at the side of the entrance. Her bright green eyes filled with overwhelming sternness locked with Sophie’s. Sophie averted her gaze and made her way in alongside Gwyneth.
“W-Well, see you tomorrow,” Sophie said to Gwyneth as she took out a pair of wireless earbuds.
“Wait,” Gwyneth gently grabbed her arm before she left. “How about we walk back to your dorm together? I got some more spooky stories I want to tell you about.”
“You won’t make it back to your dorm in time if we do that, you’re on the other side of campus.” Sophie replied.
“I could just stay at your place, y’know like a sleepover,” Gwyneth doubled down as she let go of her arm.
“We both know you can’t do that,” Sophie let out a long breath and held Gwyneth’s shoulders. “I’m fine, really. I know you’re worried about me but I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep. That’s all.”
“Are you sure?” Gwyneth asked.
“I’m sure,” Sophie looked her in the eyes. “I promise that I’m okay.
“Breakfast?” Gwyneth asked dejectedly.
“Of course, breakfast sounds great,” Sophie gave a convincing enough smile. “Now let’s hurry, before the dorm doors lock.” She said as she let go of her.
“Yeah, goodnight,” Gwyneth smiled slightly.
“Goodnight,” Sophie replied before putting in her earbuds and selecting a classical music playlist.
The sun was halfway nestled into the horizon by the time they split. Night was rapidly approaching. The pitch black clouds moved as a mound, thunder rumbled in the distance. The academy resembled a small college more than a high school. Four buildings took up the majority of the campus, each housing their respective grade. A well decorated plaza rested in the middle of the four buildings, where the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors could interact with each other during lunch or after classes. The dorms sat a few hundred feet from their respective buildings. Wilting but mostly green grass took the majority of the empty space in the campus. Trees and flower beds stood beside the lamp posts that lit up the sprawling walkways. The campus barely had enough room for everything that was built on it, but it was efficient nonetheless.
Sophie’s brows furrowed as the freshmen dorm came into view. It was tucked away in the farthest corner of the campus. While the other dorms enjoyed a nice view of the academy, the freshmen dorms were greeted with the old auditorium. It was by far the oldest building on campus and in a desperate need for renovation. Unfortunately, the construction was inexplicably postponed until the end of the semester- leaving the freshmen with the sight of an ugly, half finished, and decaying building.
Sophie glanced at the front doors. A girl leaned against the doors as she chewed gum. Sophie overlapped the ends of her blazer together and averted her eyes. The girl stopped chewing as Sophie walked to the entrance. Sophie quickly took out her ID card and pressed it against the door’s scanner. The girl swatted her ID to the ground as it finished scanning.
“Whoops,” The girl, Eva, leered in a pretentious tone as she put her arm around her shoulder. “Didn’t see you there princess.”
Eva blew a bubble with her gum and popped it with a sharp snap. Her dyed ash blonde hair was tied into a messy bun. Her hazel colored eyes were flecked with dull orange blemishes. She wore a thick black hoodie and a short skirt which barely fell within the academy’s dress code. A faint but irritatingly smug smirk stretched across her face.
“What do you want, Eva?” Sophie said meekly.
“Nothing much, nothing much at all. I just wanted to talk to my dear friend for uh,” Eva glanced at her wrist watch. “Five minutes.”
“We’re not friends,” Sophie kept her gaze glued to the floor.
“It hurts me to hear you say that,” Eva squeezed her shoulder until she winced from the pain. “Listen, I need a little favor. As you know, winter break is in a week and I’m running low on funds, so I was wondering if you can help me. It’ll run you about five thousand dollars, but of course that’s nothing compared to all the allowance money your mommy and daddy are giving you, right?”
“No,” Sophie muttered.
“Excuse me?,” Eva tilted her head until she met her gaze. “You need to speak up, I can’t hear you through your teeth.”
“I’m not giving you anything,” Sophie pushed her off of herself. “Leave me alone or I’ll report you to the Wardens!”
“Oh, really now?” Eva chuckled dryly. “I think you and I both know you can’t follow up on such a threat, not without putting that friend of yours in a whole lot of trouble…Well you do have a point, I can’t take what’s not in my hands after all…” She glanced at her watch and gave a sadistic smirk.
“But neither can you,” Eva said before sweeping Sophie’s legs and causing her to trip backwards.
Sophie yelped in pain as she just managed to catch herself. By the time she got up Eva was already inside of the dorm with her ID in hand. She rushed to the doors only to find that they were already locked. The sound of a grandfather clock chimed through the PA system signaling the start of the curfew. 
“It’s a good thing you managed to scan the door before you dropped your ID, huh? That way it's on record that you got in here before curfew. Your perfect attendance is not in danger, though it was a real shame you lost your ID. Don’t worry though I’ll turn it in to the lost and found in the morning. Have a nice night, princess! I hear it's going to be a dark and stormy one,” Eva laughed while waving Sophie’s ID in the air. 
“Wait!” Sophie pleaded as she desperately tried to open the door, but no matter how much she pushed against them, the doors refused to budge.
She froze as she felt a cold drop of rain fall down her neck. She looked up at the rumbling dark sky. It began to pour. Sophie clung to what little shelter could find at the side of the building. She took out her phone and tried to call Gwyneth, only to find that her screen had shattered completely from when she tripped. She looked around for a Warden but found none. She yanked out her earbuds and angrily threw them into her bag in frustration. Pathetically faint music leaked out of them. She leaned against the wall and sunk until she was sitting with her knees to her chest.
Despite its claims to security, the reality is that the school can’t keep everyone safe. With the majority of students coming from wealthy backgrounds, treating one too harshly could lead to the parents withdrawing their donations. Without those funds, the school would cease to function- something the academy avoided at all costs. As such, there was an unwritten rule that the wealthier the family, the more lenient the punishment. Though many students did not take advantage of this reality, after all attending the academy was a privilege. All except for Eva. Nobody really knows why, but the school would turn a blind eye to her many misdeeds. Some speculated that it was due to her role as one of the academy’s star athletes, others thought that she was secretly related to the headmaster. Regardless of the rumors, the reality was that she was cruel, spiteful, and above all, manipulative. She made a habit of harassing students that had unfortunately drawn her attention. Whether it be through blackmail, harassment, or slander, she would abuse her victim until they were forced to do whatever she wanted. No matter how much students tried to retaliate she always seemed to have the upper hand and the academy would turn the other way. As a result she had gained an infamous reputation amongst the freshmen and sophomores as someone to be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately for Sophie, Eva seemed to be obsessed with making her time at the academy as miserable as possible. Eva’s persistence was so overwhelming that Sophie ended up being isolated from the rest of her class out of fear of Eva alone. The only person brave enough to still talk to her was her closest friend Gwyneth. She did her best to make sure that Sophie was rarely alone and felt safe. However, even that backfired. Eva had somehow managed to take a photo of Gwyneth that would lead to her expulsion if revealed to the public. Ever since then, Eva has hung that threat over Sophie’s head and she couldn’t let anything happen to her best friend. As such, Sophie felt so alone. She felt as if she was left to fend for herself against the clutches of a monster.
Sophie pressed her face against her knees, frustration weighing at her heart, and began to cry. Harsh winds began to pick up and slam waves of rain against her. Sophie took a shaky deep breath and slowly rose to her feet. She looked at her surroundings to try to find better shelter. Her gaze eventually lingered on the auditorium. She choked down a cough before grabbing her bag and heading towards the unfinished building.
. . .
The outside of the auditorium was a mix of moldy wood and peeling paint. Its towering size gave it the imposing essence of a Victorian mansion. Overgrown vines and unkept leaves dressed the entirety it’s walls. Sophie steeled herself as she approached the entrance. She stopped under a small awning that hung over the front doors where no rain seemed to fall. Lightning followed by thunder struck as she gripped her rain soaked skirt and wrung out the excess water. She shivered from the cold as she dried herself the best she could. When she finished, she leaned against the door. 
“The dorms open up at 6 am, I’ll be able to get my ID back then,” She thought to herself as she stared at the hole riddled awning. “Maybe father will buy me a new phone, it was pretty old anyways.”
She grabbed her wrist and felt for her bracelet, her only reminder of warmth. A wave of sadness surged through her.
“Mom, Dad, I want to go back home,” She whispered to herself.
Chills spread out through her entire body as the door she braced herself against suddenly flung open with a sharp clang. She regained her balance and turned around. The door’s handle laid on the floor completely broken. The darkness of the auditorium greeted her with a gust of musty, but warm, air. She took a step back only to have the freezing rain fall on the back of her neck. Sophie looked at the entrance with an uneasy face. After a few moments she hesitantly walked in.
The building was much larger than it appeared. A few work-lights left turned on lit the auditorium with sheets of inconsistent light. Door frames to rooms that were used for the construction’s storage lined the walkways. The long hallways on either side of Sophie curved out of view. In front of her sat two large doors. She pushed the heavy doors open and stepped inside. She found herself in the academy’s theater. Rows of weathered red fabric seats stepped down into the center stage. The stage’s walnut flooring was scuffed from years of use and subsequent neglect. Two large maroon curtains blocked the view to the backstage.  A small podium sat at the front of it, its paint flaking off to the bare wood. She climbed onto the stage, its visage faintly lit by the work-lights that peered through the half opened doors.
Sophie stared at the seats in a silent awe. She imagined what the theater would look like if it were full of people and wondered why the academy refused to finish renovations. As she pondered, her gaze lowered to the podium. Her eyes narrowed. Faint scratches lined the bottom of it. She wiped a layer of dust off with her hand and revealed a string of faintly recognizable letters.
“Save me?” Sophie slowly read out loud.
“Heard.” A breathy and raspy voice that stretched out every syllable echoed through the theater. “You.”
The doors slammed shut, snuffing out the work-lights and leaving her in complete darkness.
“W-Who’s there?” Sophie stammered.
A bittersweet melody of hums snaked through the dark and into Sophie’s ears in reply.
“Show y-yourself,” Fear gripped at her heart, she clutched her school bag ready to swing it whatever was lurking in the darkness.
“Heard,” The voice repeated, this time more strained. “You.”
“T-This isn’t f-funny, please stop!” She said with a slight whimper.
“Save. You. You. Want. Me. To. Save...” The voice called from behind her causing her to jump in fear.
She swung her schoolbag wildly but it collided against nothing.
“Go. Somewhere. Safe. You. Want. To. Go. Somewhere. Safe. Somewhere. Home...” The voice grew louder.
“Stay away…” She said silently.
Her breaths grew frantic. An overwhelming dread welled in her gut. Panic coursed through her entire body.
“I. Can. Help.” The voice whispered.
A raspy strand of flesh wrapped around her feet before she could react. Her horrified scream was cut short as another strand that gagged her mouth shut. More and more threads wrapped around her body until she was stuck in an airtight cage. She shrieked in muffled terror as she was yanked behind the curtains. Lightning flashed illuminating the theater in a pang of white before decaying back into darkness. Silence followed. The night continued as normal as a stormy night could. Though a few freshmen swore that they heard strange noises coming from the old auditorium that night. Screams of struggles, pleads for help, and a blood curdling shriek to name a few. Of course nobody took it too seriously. It was just a rumor after all.
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Stars Made Us (Part 18)
Prompt: In this world, you’re one of the “lucky” ones who got a soulmate, but what if the universe gives you more than you bargained for?
(Prompt challenge – You live in a world where your soulmate can write on their skin and you will get the writing on your own and vice versa. Where they can wash away the ink on their own skin, however, the writing is forever scarred onto your skin until you meet face to face)
Word Count: 1939
Warnings: angst and language throughout, mention of suicide
Notes: This was supposed to be for @sorryimacrapwriter​​​​  and their challenge like a year ago, I think? I still loved the prompt though and have been working on this story for quite some time. This aesthetic was made by @quailliamfears thank you so much! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​​​​, couldn’t have done it without you, as well as @carryonmyswansong​​​​ and @arrow-guy​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​
Also, I’ve never really liked the whole soulmate AU thing idea, but this felt so right and it was amazing to write. I hope y’all love it too!!
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Once you arrived at Stephen’s place, you helped him through his morning routine before stating, “If I’m going to stay here nearly all day, I’ll need to get some work done. Is that alright with you?”
“Oh, please, by all means, don’t let me get in the way of your pseudoscience,” he said, making a gesture of moving out of the way. “You can use my office.” 
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your suitcase full of things. “Thanks.” You went in there and made a small work space and began calling patients, trying to schedule them for therapy in the city. You could use another space nearby to start seeing them, depending on how long you would be here. 
When you took a break, you made lunch for you and Stephen. 
“New song today,” you said as you turned on the music, skipping to a random song in your library. 
“You make this so easy,” he boasted before nailing the artist, album name, and release year. 
“I will get you, one day,” you vowed with a grin. 
You went back to your office after the two of you ate, and talked quickly of current events in the news. While you were on the phone with one of your more unstable, and new patients, you had to calm him down. 
“Randy, Randy, take a deep breath for me. There’s nothing we can’t figure out,” you coaxed on the phone, standing up and pacing. 
“You’re two hours away! My father has cancer and I--” He started to sob and you continued to pace. 
“I know. This puts you in a very difficult position.” 
“No, no it doesn’t. It makes everything clearer. I can’t be here.” 
“Be where? Randy, where are you?” 
“It doesn’t matter. You don’t care. No one fucking cares!” he cried out. 
“Yes they do,” you insisted, your heart hammering in your chest. “I do.”
“You’re paid to!”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t care. Randy, tell me where you are. When did you find out your father had cancer?” 
“A few hours ago,” he said. 
“So where are you now?” 
“I’m not going to tell you anything. This is all too much. I just lost my mom a year ago, and now my dad… He might be an abusive son of a bitch, but he’s all I’ve got.” 
You took a deep breath, trying to think of what to say. 
“Randy, are you in danger of hurting yourself or anyone else?” 
He paused, silent a long time before saying, “Just me.” He began crying again. 
You began searching for his address on your laptop from the forms he’d filled out. You marched out of the temporary office and over to Stephen who was sitting on his couch, reading. “Randy, why do you want to hurt yourself?” you asked, making Stephen look up at you. You grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled a message that said to do a welfare check on Randy Smith, with his address. 
“Because I don’t have any body.”
“You told me you have some cousins, how would they feel if you ended your life?” 
“They wouldn’t even know. If they did find out they’d just say, ‘that’s a shame.’.”
You shoved the paper at Stephen with the instructions on it. He nodded and got up, grabbing his phone and going into his bedroom. 
“No friends? Girlfriend? Coworkers? Randy, everyone has something to live for. People aren’t the only thing that make a life go round. You told me you’re a computer programmer, yeah? What do you want to do with that?” 
“Well, I work for a medical software company.” 
“Is that your dream job?” 
“Not really. I mean, I love the programming, but it’s not all I want to do.”
“Tell me about what you do want to do.” 
“I want to program planes, for the military.” 
“See? That’s a noble cause. It’ll help your country. Randy, if you end your life now, that’s your choice, but you won’t get the chance to tell your father what he has done to you. You won’t get the chance to talk with me, to work through problems I know you can work through. You sought me out for help, please, let me help. Don’t miss this opportunity to take control of your life, and make it what you want to be.” 
Stephen walked back in the room and he said, “They went to the house, there was no one there.” 
“Randy?” you said again. “Randy, please, don’t make a mistake based on how you’re feeling right now in this moment. We know that all feelings pass, and you may be in the dark right now, I know you might be very far in there, in a pit you feel like you can’t climb out of. But that’s why you hired me, isn’t it? This cancer situation with your father is just that, it’s a situation we need to navigate together. I’ll help you every step of the way. You just need to tell me where you are and we can begin therapy as soon as you'd like.” 
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally said, “I’m in the parking garage… Oh, god, Dr. Y/L/N, please help me.” 
You held in your sigh of relief and replied, “I will, Randy, I will. I’ll be right there.” You hung up and called the police, telling them where he was. 
“I’m so sorry, Stephen, but I have to go,” you said hurriedly. 
He merely nodded as you grabbed your purse and ran out the door. 
Once the crisis was averted, you got him checked into the hospital, and you talked with him for a bit. Once he felt safe and secure, you left him in the capable hands of the hospital. You came back to the apartment, drained. 
“That was, uh, impressive,” Stephen noted. “Guess it’s more than just a pseudo science.”
“Guess so,” you responded tiredly. 
“So what made you decide to do this work?” he asked.
You scoffed. “Oh, so now you’re suddenly interested?” 
“Now that I saw you save a man’s life over the phone? Yes, I am. I’m very impressed. I can only save lives with my own hand. You did it with nothing but your own words, your own voice.” 
“I suppose I did. Well, if you must know, I simply want to help people. I love making sure people are okay and knowing I had a hand in that.”
“That’s rather noble.” 
You laughed. “That’s what Charles said when I told him when we first started corresponding.” 
“It’s true though.”
“So how about you? Saving lives, that’s quite noble. Is that why you do what you do?”
He laughed now. “Far from it. I just love the thrill.” 
You nodded slowly. “Ah, yes, people love holding other people’s lives in their hands for the thrill of it. I would say correct me if I’m wrong, but I know I’m not, and the only people who do that are those with antisocial personality disorder. You don’t strike me as the type, despite your best efforts.” 
Stephen smiled widely at this. “Touche. Uh, if you really want to know. I had a tragedy happen when I was younger. The thing you said when we first met, about losing someone close, someone family… you were right. Long story short, I wanted to save lives. That’s all I want to say on it.”
You pressed your lips together before nodding and saying, “Thank you, for sharing with me. I bet that was hard.”
“Don’t use your psychiatrist voice on me. I don’t need to be pitied or patronized.” 
“I’m not. I’m simply being sympathetic. I truly believed you went through something hard and I appreciate you telling me. Opening up to me is a great honor, I feel.” 
He semi-rolled his eyes. You realized you needed to take a different approach here. Stephen didn’t like talking about his past, in regards to his family. But Christine made it clear that he was arrogant, so maybe you should talk about his achievements. 
“Christine told me you were driving to a convention when your crash happened, to speak at a conference.” 
“Yes, I was.”
“Do you enjoy it? Speaking, that is, about your work?” 
“I do, I love it actually. Have you ever done it?” 
You shrugged slightly. “I’ve done it a handful of times but she said you did it often and were very good at it.”
“I’d like to say so, but she said she didn’t ever enjoy it.” 
“That’s too bad. I wish I could’ve been your date,” you admitted. “You seem like you’d actually have fun at those things.”
“I did. I wish I could still do it.” 
“You will, one day, I know it.” You grinned at him and the two of you ordered take-out. 
Things turned south for Stephen though. He couldn’t afford the high price of his Manhattan penthouse without his job. He’d burned through all of his money trying to chase every cure. When he finally realized this, he went nuts.
“I’m losing my home!” he shouted as he ran around his room in a robe, looking like a mad man.
“It’s just an apartment, Stephen. We can find you a new one.”
“Oh, yes, because you have so much free time.”
“I do. I came here to help you, didn’t I?” you challenged. 
“I don’t need you to be a realtor.”
“Why not? You’ve made me a nurse, a cook, a maid. It’s clear you don’t want me as a soulmate, and friend is still even up for debate. Why not just make me your realtor?” 
“You’ve never lost anything, have you? Otherwise you wouldn’t be so heartless about this.”
You stopped, staring at him. “I’ve lost something before. I’m not being heartless, Stephen. I’m being realistic. You spent all of your money. You aren’t making any more. You have to move out of a place you can no longer afford. You’re always raving about logic and statistics and things you can see, well look at the statistics if you keep trying to live here.” 
“This is everything I’ve worked for.”
“No, it’s not. It’s a side effect of what you can do. There is more to life than just your work. You dedicated yourself like this once before, you can do it again. You didn’t work for a fancy palace in a shining city. You worked to be the best god damn neurosurgeon you can be and it paid off and it got you this. But you don’t have this any more. You don't have the means. I know it hurts, I know it sucks. But crying about it, getting pissed off about it, isn’t going to change the fact that your hands are beyond repair.”
He looked at you as if he hated you and your nerves just steeled. You couldn’t waiver from him, from this, not now. Not when he needed you most. 
“I’m here to help you. So help me help you, before you end up on the streets. Alright?” 
He sat down on his bed, his head in his hands. You were standing on the opposite side of the bed before you got on it and crawled over, putting your hands on his shoulders and resting your cheek against his back. 
“We will figure this out. Okay?” 
A long silence passed before he said, “I never wanted to end up like this.” 
“I know, sweetheart, I know.” You kissed his robe clad shoulder. “We’ll get you another apartment, another job. You’re still a doctor. It’s not the end of the world.”
Forever Tag:
Charles Xavier
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skamamoroma · 4 years
Skam Italia S4: The Hide and Seek Scene
I was asked to write about my favourite scenes from Skam Italia s4 and this one specifically first which is a risk because, so far, I haven’t been able to watch it without crying, to the point where I am 100% sure the music is emotionally coded or I have eventually gone mad.
Anyway, this post was inevitable because if you know me, you know I adore Marti and Nico so much and have written long posts all those months ago that, I guess, this had to be done! And it’s long but it’s me, it was never going to be short! (I type fast)
Before I go through the song... at this point in the season, it’s kind of heartbreaking watching Nico sit there and look at Marti with so much longing and emotion. You can tell he misses him desperately. And Marti? Ah my favourite idiot. We KNOW how upset he is. I think at this point, he is telling himself he’s fine and that he’s drawing a line and he hasn’t got anything left to say to Nico… mainly out of sheer stubbornness. Nico’s lies and the way he tried to hide things clearly hurt and frightened him, triggering worries of loss and being left behind, of not being good enough, of Nico’s past changing what they have, of Nico’s past actions with Maddalena being something that could happen again. Neither of them are NOT understandable. I look at them both and I see the foundation they built back when they first got together and how that can only have strengthened immeasurably because of how long they’ve been together… I am reminded that the look in Nico’s eyes spells out what he told Marti on that balcony - “i’m thinking about the fact that I’m in love with you and I’ve never felt this way before”. Marti isn’t a stop gap or a second best because he couldn’t have Luai… Marti is hugely important to him. Nico adores him and not only that, adores him FOR who Marti is. I think it’s that basis that didn’t once make me feel anxious when episode 7 arrived. I feel I know these characters and their hearts. We know Marti’s so well and know that when he loves you, you’re his family. We know he considers Nico to be that�� he left his father and step family behind, reconciling his past anger and walked away towards those he considers his family: his mamma, Gio/Luchino/Elia and Nico… he chose them and he specifically walked towards Nico with so much honesty to tell him he was by his side. The idea that ANY of that could be disrupted and that Nico perhaps isn’t who he thought he was… “somebody that I used to know” - not only an amazing song choice for Nico/Luai but also for Marti/Nico. Marti’s face screamed “I don’t know all of you” when he realised Nico’s past had been hidden from him. Marti’s fear of losing Nico caused him to cut and run and he effectively broke his own heart… but at the same time, Nico didn’t help himself. By trying to do the right thing, he made it worse and I think the bottom line is that eventually Marti felt left behind, felt that Nico’s extended secrecy and lies were a reflection of their relationship…
But he didn’t have all of the facts and his own fear and freak out meant he wasn’t seeing clearly. We know Nico loves Marti with his whole heart not only because he told us but because of that comfort they give off as a couple… it’s just a FACT. 
And this is where this clip makes me weepy. Because we know Nico’s past now. We know 3 pretty important things
Nico always felt spoken for and lost in his relationship with Maddalena. He wasn’t trusted, was spoken over, was belitted at times and felt he lost his voice. He was subject to all of that but put up with it. She wasn’t a bad person… their relationship just wasn’t healthy. His extended Last Man metaphor was his own way to ‘escape’ and be with Marti, someone who made him feel safe and listened to and cared for. Marti is his safe space.
Luai wasn’t just a mistaken kiss. He meant something. He may not have meant what Marti means or even close to it but that doesn’t matter. He was SOMETHING and if Nico’s eyes and smile in the piano video are any clue, Nico was so fond of him. That became dark and upsetting and ultimately damaging for both of them and poor Luai. Poor poor soul. Poor Nico for having that so cruelly removed from him, perhaps wondering if he was to blame or if he’d stayed away all would have been fine. It makes sense now why Nico was so unwilling for Marti to see the real him, to give in to what he felt with Marti because, ultimately, Nico internalises. His worries must have been overwhelming. He must have feared that history would repeat or that somehow HE was the one who was toxic… which we know is so untrue. 
By meeting Marti, Nico suddenly has this whole group of lovely, fun, ridiculous, warm and inclusive friends who show so much love and support. It is SO TELLING that Nico is still there at Silvia’s birthday party. Nico is NOT simply Marti’s boyfriend. He is a part of their group and they care about him so much too.
Knowing those 3 things is why the song that Ludo chose will FOREVER make me cry the second I hear the words. How he found a song SO perfect for Nico’s story is astounding to me. Every lyric works and I think the only way to talk about this scene is to track it with the lyrics… I suggest listening to it as you read (if you’ve even got this far because IT IS JUST SO PRETTY). 
This scene is, if nothing else, a moment to honour Nico as a character and his relationship with Marti and I swear I’ll never be over it. 
I lived my life alone before you
We see Nico alone with his eyes closed. The idea that we KNOW Nico felt alone before he met Marti. He told him he felt alone in his head, in a crowd and alone with people he loved. Marti changed that. 
And with those that I’d never succeeded to love
Maddalena. Luai. Neither of them worked out. The first being unhealthy and damaging and the second being a tentative step into a hopeful romance which resulted in trauma.
But we know Nico is someone with a huge heart. He still wants to love and be loved in return… but he feared it so much because of his mental illness but also, we now understand, because of what happened to Luai
And I grew so accustomed to that kind of solitude
We saw he had. He told us that when he and Marti were in his bed. He lives his life feeling alone… so much so that the thought of being the Last Man frightened him so much.
I fought you, I did not know how to give it up
Well, even writing that made me cry. We WATCHED him fight his feelings for Marti. His own worries and fears making his route to falling for Marti full of bumps in the road. He felt unworthy and frightened… and yet he still couldn’t give Marti up. Time and time again he fought his way back to Marti - Halloween, Bracciano, by his plan for the apocalypse, on the balcony when Marti came out of the twinkle lights and then finally accepting to live life minute by minute despite his fear. 
Before you, had I ever known love or had I only known misuse of the power another had over me? The power another had over me.
Oh. This line. This is the one that gets me. Full on tears. The fact that Nico, as a lovely kind gentle creative beautiful soul knew more pain than most his age by the time he met Marti. Not only did it come from parents and a girlfriend who failed to listen to him, who always decided his feelings for him, his battle with his mental illness causing him to feel shame and as if he couldn’t be loved and listened to as Nico and not a product of his mind. As Stefano Benni and La Giraffa helped him find strength that he could know real feelings despite his brain being poorly, he kept trying and fighting. 
He watched a boy he liked, Luai, subject to significant mistreatment and trauma and no doubt partially blamed himself… never received closure for that and was left with clear scars from it
“Had i ever known love or had I only known misuse” - those words are so emotional for me. Had he? I don’t know if he had. It makes what he found with Marti so fundamental and meaningful. How safe Marti must have made him feel. No WONDER he tried to hard to cling on. 
I crossed the country and I carried no key, couldn’t I look up at the stars from anywhere?  And sometimes I did, I felt ancient but I still sought peace and it never came to me
I heard this and immediately thought of his mental health and also his path through his struggles. That idea of ENDURING and going through so much… never being able to see the stars or a way out. That overwhelming shame. That feeling of being weary and exhausted. The fact that he DID always keep going, always seeking peace and comfort and contentment but “it never came”….
They often spoke as thought I had been set free, but I travelled only in service of my dreams. I stood before them all, I was a sleepwalker
AH. Oh god this song. Every line, man. The idea that Nico has had people who have told him how to behave or have caused him to question his own mind… the fact he must have been told time and time again that he’s getting better or that he’s being monitored… but he chose to keep going if anything, for his passions. We KNOW he is a renaissance guy, a creative quirky soul. He plays piano and draws and sculpts and is a lover of film and the arts as a whole. All of that makes him deeply passionate and he uses it to help him, often to cope. But the idea of being a sleepwalker… the idea that he walked through life half asleep a lot of the time because of his past experiences even in the face of those who told him they cared.
Couldn’t hold my misery down, not even for you. 
Nico can’t change who he is. He was never able to and nor should he. But he felt he wasn’t good enough for Marti. Meeting Marti made him want to change… but ultimately he realised that meeting Marti meant the opposite. He didn’t need to, he was loved as he is. 
But I long for you now even when you just leave the room
OH my. Tears again. We have just watched him stare at Marti across the room with so much love in his eyes, so much longing for his best friend, his love. Not having Marti must hurt and hurt badly.
And of all of the roads and cities that I passed through, of all of the eyes I have searched inside, the one sense of permanence that I came to feel was mine, only beneath your gaze
FUCK ME. Haha. That last line. Marti is his person. Of all of the things he has experienced, the people he has encountered and tried to love or tried to make connections with, none of them worked out and never once did he feelable to be himself entirely… until Marti. Beneath Marti’s gaze, he could feel that sense of permanence… he could see and be himself. 
I can’t even tell you how stunned I am at this song and how truly PERFECT it is for Nico… but that this last line… the fact the song tracks Nico through the house alone and ends with him finding Marti makes me want to weep into a cushion! 
The fact he’s helped by those who also love him. They orchestrated this because Nico means something to them and so does Marti. They want them to be happy and he’s helped to find his way back to Marti by true friends. 
The thing that CANNOT be ignored is that this whole thing happens because of Gio. Of COURSE it does. He spends this season trying to keep peace: with the girls, Nico/Marti and with Marti/la rosa squad. His heart is enormous and he just likes people to get along. My dude, how I love him.
As for the way the clip unfolds and the specifics, I love that it is the boys only who point Nico in the right direction. It had to be them. Gio being the one to lock the door. Gio’s smiles as he does it. It is SO reminiscent of the fact Gio left the cabin in Bracciano for them. He’s always there for Marti but that also means he’s there for Nico too and he won’t allow them to be unhappy. 
I can’t handle how small Nico look, how cuddly in his sweater with his tumbly curls. He’s just the most endearing. The warmth of the lighting and of the house is a classic Skam Italia thing and is, as ever, like a comfort blanket.
The fact that Marti is under the bed makes me laugh with Nico having to bend down to see him… not to mention the “bastardi”. Oh my sweet idiot boy. He was never going to be able to get away with his self destruction and stubbornness forever and his boys won’t let him. I love that it’s so Marti. The whole exchange is so in character… Marti’s “I can jump out of the window” is his ever sarcastic self at play and I adore him for it and so does Nico because in the face of everything, Nico laughs. There’s just this overwhelming send of comfort and sweetness, I can’t explain it.
The fact that Nico asks “can I come closer?”. The softness of his voice, the way he ASKS and doesn’t just do it, the way he KNOWS he must go to Marti and that Marti’s stubbornness is fierce but also that he fell in love with Martino Rametta… he needs to spell things out for Marti and let him know what he wants. 
What is also REALLY sweet is that it’s kind of Gio AND Elia who stand at the front of the door with Elia looking to Gio and celebrating their little trick. Their unspoken words and communications throughout Nico and Marti’s story was fundamental and we see it again. The characterisation is just so unbelievably consistent and meaningful. Their little high five at the end is adorable.
The fact they’re all outside, all hopeful and full of love for both boys is so heartwarming. I can’t! 
I also LOVE the way Filo is there cuddled into Gio’s arm. THE SWEETNESS. Everyone must love cuddles from Gio. But Filo being a part of it is just PERFECT as he’s fundamental to them both too. 
Then the ending being so so so sweet with Sana being so filled with love for her friends and for Marti and Nico that she uses that to spur her on to make a big decisions of her own. How I adore and cherish this scene so very very much. 
I think their story in s4 carries on so well with so many ideas from s2, not just filling in the gaps about Nico’s past. It adds SO much to s2 and things we see, heard and experienced with both Nico and Marti.
The thing that most surprises me is that we are effectively handling an Evak couple “breaking up” in this season. Yes, it wasn’t a proper break up but still, in Evak terms that could be catastrophic. It isn’t and it wasn’t and I hold Ludo entirely responsible for the fan’s ability to understand and appreciate why he chose to test them. He didn’t allow them to become background mannequins, didn’t allow them to be unrealistically perfect, didn’t villainise either of them and made them both understandable. This would have, in other circumstances, caused a total fandom meltdown but all I’ve seen are insightful posts about why YES it hurt to see them upset and going through a rough time but NO it didn’t ruin them and, if anything, made them feel more real and more connected and determined to be better. The way Ludo  loves Marti and Nico is all over this season despite it being Sana’s and, for me, it never takes away from her story. All anyone wanted from the inclusion of Nico’s past was that he was gifted some focus to honour his experiences and Ludo tried in so many ways to give him that and… well, this scene, to me, is a gift for Nico as a character.
If you got this far then GOD BLESS YOU but it is a testament to Ludo that I can always write damn essays on his work. I am so grateful to him for finding a moment in Sana’s season to do this and for it to mean SO MUCH despite it being so simple.
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missperfectlyfine13 · 4 years
A Bandaid For Your Bullet Hole (Chp. 6/?)
Read Below or on AO3
The shrill sound of Chloe’s phone pierces the air, launching the red head upward out of sleep. Beca’s arms fall limply from around her as she moves to grab her phone from the nightstand. She can feel the younger girl yawn and shift next to her, the sound slowly waking her as well.
“Hello?” Chloe answers with a scratchy morning voice, she barely sounds awake.
“Hey, it’s Dan, your mom is awake,” the man sounds emotional but speaks quietly enough that Chloe has to strain to hear, “she’s, well she’s been asking for you.”
The part she heard loud and clear, her hands shake as she struggles to end the call, “Ok, thanks I’ll be there soon.”
Chloe’s phone practically slides from her grasp and she stands up quickly from the warm, safe cocoon she was lying in. Beca looks up at her with a confused expression, “What’s going on?”
“My mom is awake…and asking for me,” Chloe chokes out, wringing her hands anxiously.
“Oh shit,” Beca looks like she just had ice water dumped over her head, any trace of sleep now gone.
She sits back down suddenly as a wave of emotion crashes over her, “I thought I’d lost her,” she sobs, her entire body shakes as she cries. All the pent-up anger and sadness from the last three years finally bubbling up to the surface. Years of pain wash over her as she cries, as she finally lets herself feel the gravity of the situation, “I’d never forgive myself if I lost her too.”
A few minutes later, when she finally calms down, she can feel Beca scoot to sit next to her. The brunette wraps her arms tightly around Chloe, who leans into the embrace. No words are spoken but Chloe can feel exactly what Beca is meaning to say.
“Hey, let’s go see her, ok?” Beca says softly into her ear before pulling out of her arms.
Chloe nods, wiping any stray tears away, “Ok.”
Chloe takes a deep breath before stepping into her mom’s hospital room, she’s not sure she’s ready to deal with this yet. Not ready for the conversation she’s going to have. When she finally walks into the room, her mom immediately turns to look at her. She looks exhausted, weak but her eyes sparkle in a way Chloe hasn’t seen in years at the sight of her daughter.
“Chloe,” she smiles weakly, motioning for her to sit down in the chair by her bedside.
“Hey mom,” Chloe reaches her hand out to grasp her mom’s as she sits down.
The two women sit in silence, Chloe studying her mom’s face carefully. She looks older, more tired, even for being in the hospital. The past few years must have been rough.
Chloe’s just about to speak when her mom opens her mouth, completely surprising Chloe, “I’m sorry sweet pea, I’m so so sorry.”
Chloe swallows hard, a lump already in her throat, her mom hasn’t used that name for her since before dad died, “It’s ok.”
The older woman shakes her head vehemently, “No, it’s not ok. I haven’t seen my daughter or my son in three years, all because I can’t seem to get control of myself.”
“I’m sorry I stopped coming around,” Chloe can feel tears pricking the edges of her eyes.
“Don’t be, I deserved it,” her mom squeezes her hand, “I didn’t need to drag you down too.”
Chloe almost doesn’t know what to say. It’s like her mom woke up a whole new person. Something about this time must have spoken to her and Chloe is so happy about it she could cry.
“You need to get help mom,” Chloe manages to choke out, holding back her tears.
Again, to her surprise, her mom shakes her head yes, “You’re right I do.”
At her mom’s admittance, Chloe actually does let a little sob free, but it’s a happy one. She pulls herself back together quickly, looking at her mom through watery eyes.
For the first time since she stepped in the room, her mom’s eyes drift past her, to the figure standing near the door. Chloe’s eyes track her gaze over to Beca, who has been patiently waiting, giving the mother and daughter their space.
“Is that your girlfriend?” her mom asks innocently enough, but Chloe’s eyes widen dramatically at the question.
“No!” she defends herself quickly, ripping her own gaze away from the younger girl, whose cheeks have turned a subtle shade of red as well.
Her mom lifts her hands up in defense, “Ok, sorry just checking. Dan said you two seemed cozy, so I just assumed…you know I don’t care right? I don’t care if you’re gay.”
Chloe nods, still a little embarrassed her mom would ask that in front of Beca, “Yea I know, but we’re not…together, Beca has a boyfriend.”
Beca clears her throat from across the room, “I’m just going to step out for a second Chloe.”
Chloe looks over at the other girl and nods before looking back at her mom.
“If she didn’t have a boyfriend would you be together?” her mom raises an eyebrow, it’s crazy all her sass and wit is still seemingly present after everything that has happened.
“Mom, seriously,” Chloe looks at her sternly.
“You didn’t deny it.”
Chloe sighs, “Ok, maybe…we might be.”
“So you like her, does she like you?” her mom fires back almost immediately.
“Oh god, no one would ever know you were comatose yesterday,” Chloe looks up at the ceiling exasperatedly, “I don’t know if she does or not, she’s confusing.”
Even though she feels like she’s under the bare bulb right now, Chloe couldn’t be happier. This is the realest conversation she’s had with her mom in years. Her humor is back, she seems to care about Chloe’s life. Her mom three years ago wouldn’t have given two shits who the small girl in the corner was. She wouldn’t have been able to pull herself from the bottle long enough to be able to inquire about her daughter’s personal life. This is everything she’s dreamt about.
“If she’s willing to be here with you right now…I think she might,” her mom says genuinely, “she seems to care about you a lot, from what I’ve seen and from what Dan has said.”
“Yea, then why is she still with Jesse?” Chloe asks almost sadly, but her mom isn’t wrong, with everything that has happened, Chloe would assume Beca wanted more if it wasn’t for her boyfriend.
“Maybe it isn’t so black and white for her…maybe she needs to hear how you feel first.”
“You’re crazy, I can’t do that, not while she’s still in a relationship,” Chloe scoffs at her mother’s idea.
“Hey it might be crazy but it might work too…did I ever tell you that’s how I got your dad?” her mom smiles softly as she says it.
Chloe shakes her head no, “No you’ve never told me that.”
“He had a girlfriend and it was our last day of high school,” her mom looks like she’s far away as she tells the story, “I knew I loved him, we were friends all through school. We were set to go to colleges on opposite sides of the country, so I knew I had to take my chance before it was all over.”
“Oh wow,” Chloe loves hearing about her dad and she’s surprised neither of her parents had divulged this story before.
“So, on our graduation day, after the ceremony, I told him. He broke up with his girlfriend the very next day. The rest is history,” her mom says the last bit almost dreamily, and Chloe actually hurts for her mom that she lost her very best friend and her love, “but my point is Chloe, sometimes you have to do something a little wild to get what you want.”
Chloe suddenly has a brilliant idea, “Ok, how about this, we make a deal.”
“I’m listening,” her mom folds her hands in her lap and looks at her seriously.
“If you go and get help…and take it seriously,” Chloe sighs, “I’ll tell Beca how I feel.”
Her mom nods and holds out her hand to shake Chloe’s, “You’ve got a deal.”
Shortly after her mom was released from the hospital, she checked into one of the best rehab centers in the area, with the help of Chloe and her brother. For the first time is years Chloe felt at ease, knowing that her mom is ok and she’s finally getting the help she needs. She feels completely calm, except for the fact that she made her mom a promise. She still has to tell Beca about her feelings…
Chloe’s sat on it for weeks, trying to come up with a way to tell her best friend how she really feels. She’s considered giving up, but the few phone calls she’s gotten from her mom, she never fails to bring it up, that Chloe still has a deal to uphold. Chloe only knows it’s for her benefit, her mom really cares. She wants her daughter to be happy, but that doesn’t stop Chloe from being scared shitless. The longer she waits though, the closer Beca and Jesse will get. The more serious they get, the worse telling her will be.
Which is why, Chloe decided that tonight is the night. Aubrey is going to be out of the house and Chloe knows for a fact that Jesse is working, so Beca will be free. She’s already invited the short brunette over to the house for a movie night. This could go terribly, or it could go great. Chloe’s preparing for the worst.
When the doorbell rings later that night, Chloe practically flies off the sofa, too lost in her own thoughts. When she opens the door, Beca smiles back at her, a box of cupcakes from Chloe’s favorite bakery in hand. She really has to make this hard, doesn’t she?
“Hey Chlo,” Beca walks in swiftly, making herself at home, “we haven’t hung out in a while, thought I’d make it special with cupcakes.”
“That’s great, thanks Bec,” Chloe replies shakily, sitting down on the sofa next to Beca, who has already ripped the box open, grabbing out a sinfully delicious cupcake.
Beca holds the open box over to her, “Here have one, you look like you need it.”
She’s not wrong, so Chloe grabs a cupcake and starts to carefully peel the wrapping away. Normally she would be three bites in by now. Beca eyes her curiously, she’s already picked up on the strange behavior.
“So, what are we watching?” Beca cocks an eyebrow, looking at her best friend incredulously as she takes her first bite of cake.
Chloe doesn’t think she can bear to sit through a movie and worry about this, so it’s now or never, “Actually, can we talk first?”
Beca looks concerned, she moves to face her best friend, setting the cupcake box down on the coffee table, “Sure, what’s up?”
Chloe closes her eyes for a moment, focusing on her breathing, trying to will her hands to shake less or her heart to pound quieter. Chloe has never had a hard time sharing her feelings. She’s a bit of an open book. Something about this particular situation has her stomach in knots and her tongue tied. Maybe it’s because this is the strongest she’s felt about anyone in a long time.
“Hey Chloe, what’s wrong? You can tell me anything,” her eyes are still closed but she can feel Beca’s hand settle on her leg.
She opens her eyes slowly and takes in Beca’s worried expression, “I don’t want to ruin this,” she motions vaguely in between the two of them.
“Nothing you say will ruin what we’ve got,” Beca tries her best to reassure the older girl.
Chloe’s not so sure that’s true but she carries on anyways, “You mean a lot to me Bec, you’ve been there for me through so much. I haven’t had something this special with anyone in a long time.”
“I feel the same way,” Beca smiles back at her sweetly, clearly not seeing where this is headed yet.
“You make me so happy, and I think that I really feel something for you,” Chloe can’t bear to look into the other girl’s eyes, “like something more than friendship.”
She doesn’t look at Beca, but the room goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Beca’s hand slowly slithers off her leg, the action makes Chloe want to cry. From what she can tell, things aren’t going as well as she planned.
“I don’t know what you feel, if you’ve felt this thing between us,” Chloe can feel herself start to ramble, “and I know you’re with Jesse and this isn’t really fair of me to tell you, but I just had to Bec…”
She finally looks up at Beca, who is staring at the floor, a stunned look on her face.
“Beca?” Chloe finally asks after a couple minutes of agonizing silence.
“I…umm,” Beca opens her mouth, but snaps it shut almost as quick, Chloe can tell she’s thinking.
Chloe doesn’t think rejection has ever stung worse than right now. She truly thought she felt something happening between them, but apparently she was wrong. She swallows hard, trying to keep the impending tears at bay.
She knows she shouldn’t push it any further but she can’t seem to help herself, “Do you really feel nothing?”
Chloe watches hopefully as Beca’s face seems to soften. The two make fleeting eye contact, but she sees a glimmer of something in those steely blue eyes she didn’t a couple minutes ago. The longer she waits…well for anything to happen, the more her heart tears.
What she truly doesn’t expect though, is for Beca to abruptly lunge towards Chloe. The petite brunette pulls Chloe into her, their lips colliding in a fiery kiss. Chloe feels like the wind is knocked out of her, she gasps into the kiss before moving her lips just as passionately against Beca’s, who has been kissing the red head like her life depends on it. Chloe feels like her insides are melting as Beca skillfully deepens the kiss. After a few moments the younger girl’s tongue swipes her bottom lip and Chloe eagerly opens her mouth. The second their tongues meet, a zap of electricity courses through Chloe. But all too quickly, she feels Beca pull back. She leans her forehead against Chloe’s, breathing hard.
“I started to feel something for you when I took you home for Christmas,” Beca says breathily, still trying to regain composure, “but I’ve got Jesse and I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
Jesse. Chloe seemingly forgot about Beca’s boyfriend for a few moments. Forgot that the woman she was kissing so ferociously, is taken. Chloe wonders what Beca’s current relationship means for the two, she already starts to feel her gut coiling uncomfortably so, “So, where does this leave us?”
“I like you, like a lot,” Beca sighs deeply, “but I’ve got…Jesse. Shit.”
Beca looks immensely conflicted, her brow furrowing and her hands balling into fists. Chloe hates being the one that put her in this situation. At the same time though, she couldn’t be happier, knowing that Beca feels exactly like she does. Beca likes her, Beca kissed her…but she can’t realistically expect anything from the other girl.
“As much as I hate to say it, I don’t want you to regret anything. I don’t want you to leave Jesse if you truly think he’s the one,” Chloe’s voice quivers betrayingly, she wishes she could hold her emotions in better, “I just want you to be happy. I’ll be ok.”
“I just need to think about things for a bit,” Beca replies quietly.
“Take all the time you need,” Chloe plasters a little smile onto her face, in attempt to reassure the brunette, “or we can forget this happened, if that makes things easier.”
Beca shakes her head no, “I don’t want to forget. Not at all.”
The words leave Chloe dangerously hopeful, her stomach erupting in butterflies, “Ok good.”
Beca turns back around on the sofa, looking over at the blank TV, “Um, so do you still want to watch a movie?”
“Do you?”
Beca nods, “Yea, let’s see what you picked out here.”
The girl leans over and grabs a few DVD cases off the coffee table. Chloe doesn’t really care what they watch, her thoughts too consumed by everything that’s happened. She figures Beca’s in a similar situation. The girl just kissed her best friend, who she’s been harboring feelings for, for a while and she has a boyfriend. Maybe a movie with her best friend would be a good distraction.
Normally, Beca would cuddle up next to Chloe, pulling a blanket over them while watching a movie. This time, as soon as the movie starts, both girls stay on their respective sides of the sofa, eyes trained intently on the TV screen. Chloe hopes that this isn’t what their future will look like, if Beca chooses Jesse. It makes her heart drop to think that the closeness the two share could be gone, depending on which way this goes. Maybe Chloe should have kept her mouth shut. Maybe she just should have been grateful for what she had.
But maybe, just maybe, Beca will pick her. Beca will pick her and all this will be worth it.
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sakuwriteshere · 4 years
One-shot: Re-Enchanted
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Summary: After a hunt that didn’t end as good as she wanted, Y/N spends a movie night with her friend, Gabriel. The Archangel has an idea to cheer her up and maybe push Dean and Y/N to realize their feelings. But nothing goes as it was supposed to be.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Other characters: Sam WInchester, Gabriel
Words count: 8656 words
Warnings: Reader feeling down, FLUFF, cursed words (one or two I think?), did I say FLUFF?, mutual pining, FLUUUFFF
Beta-reader: @ireblogcauseiappreciateyou Thank you so much 💖You’re the best!
A/N: Originally written for @alleiradayne​‘s 2020 Supernatural Summer Shut-in Challenge but I thought it didn’t really fit the genre and the prompt so I didn’t use it as an entry. However, I really liked the story and I wanted to write something about the movie Enchanted so I thought it could be great to post it anyway.
You don’t need to have watched the movie Enchanted, but it’s highly recommended! There’s a lot of references. Also it’s very cheesy and I apologize for it ^^”
Enjoy and feel free to reblog and/or comment ;)
Main Masterlist
After several months of running all over the country, jumping from one case to another, you could finally spend a lazy night in the bunker. No demons, no monsters, no witches to hunt. Just you, a big bowl of popcorn, and a TV. You loved Dean for choosing such a huge screen.
“Hi there, Sugar!” Gabriel jumped into the couch, right next to you, bumping you slightly in the process, making you grunt at the sudden weight against you. The archangel simply ignores you as he plunges his hand into the popcorn, stuffing his mouth with the sweets.
“Long time no see, Gabe. How have you been?” You asked as you shift more comfortably into the couch.
“Same old, same old,” Gabriel waved his hand before he let his arm fall over your shoulders, pulling your body into his. You moved again, your head resting against his shoulder, leaning on Gabriel a bit more as you tucked your legs underneath you.
You let out a content sight, feeling carefree for the first time since a long time. Gabriel was one of your best friends, he spent his time with you whenever he could, which was a lot if you were honest, and you wouldn’t complain about it. The archangel was someone very funny and nice, and it was a pleasure to be near him. You loved his humor and his little pranks, especially when you weren’t on the receiving end.
The both of you fell silent as your attention fell back onto the movie. Once in a while, Dean would let you use his Dean cave and you had to admit the man outdid himself with the room. Everything you would need to spend the perfect movie night was here. Well, almost everything.
You loved Gabriel to death, really. But there was someone else you were closer to, and you smiled fondly when you thought about what he would say about your movie choices.
“Oh man, come on! You’re watching that chick-flick? Again?” Dean asked as he entered the room. Not you nor Gabriel moved, your eyes still focused on the screen.
“Patrick Dempsey.” Gabriel and you said at the same time, like it was the only natural explanation.
You didn’t see Dean rolling his eyes at your comment, as you were too focused on the screen. You watched Gisele landing in the middle of Manhattan while you put some caramelized popcorn in your mouth, the sweet treat melting on your tongue.
This movie was your guilty pleasure and you weren’t shy of showing it. Yes, you were a hunter. Yes, you were a badass. Yes, you knew the horrible truth, monsters existed in this world, killing innocent people and turning their insignificant and boring lives into nightmares. That was exactly why you needed your chick-flick moments. You were a hunter but you were also a human being before everything. Since you were a kid, you loved fairy tales and happy endings. You knew you would never have a happy ending with this life but it didn’t hurt to still hope and dream about it.
Dean’s groans broke your concentration and you spared him an angry glance, sticking out your tongue at him before you turned back into your movie.
“You’re one to speak, Dean-o,” Gabriel smirked at Dean. “We all know you have a soft spot for handsome doctors.”
Dean scoffed at Gabriel’s words, shifting from one foot to the other, crossing and uncrossing his arms, not really knowing what to do with his body.
“This guy is not, Dr. Sexy!” Dean stressed the words, pointing at the screen when Patrick Dempsey appeared on the screen. “They are totally different characters,” Dean added firmly. His favorite TV show has nothing in common with the other supposed medical drama show Patrick Dempsey was in.
“Hush you two. It’s the interesting part,” You say to the two men, adjusting your head on Gabriel’s shoulder.
You saw Dean’s body coming into your peripheral vision, as the man was looking for something. You ignored his presence as you concentrated on your movie, you let out a happy sigh as Gabriel started to thread his fingers in your hair. This was a perfect night: best movie, best candies, bestie at your side. You were totally oblivious of what was going on around you.
Gabriel wasn’t really watching the movie, he knew it by heart, for having watched it so many times. No, something more funny and interesting was going on in the room. He glanced secretly at Dean who suddenly stopped in his quest of whatever he was looking for when he heard your sigh.
The hunter looked at you and Gabriel, not so discreetly, his jaw clenching when he saw the intimate gestures the archangel was giving you. It was totally friendly but Dean didn’t know that.
An amused smile stretched Gabriel’s lips and he quickly hid it behind your head as he kissed it, his thumb brushing your cheekbone. It wasn’t rare for Gabriel to be so touchy with you, the archangel loved cuddles and it didn’t take him too long to know you craved it too. It was totally platonic, the both of you knew it.
But Dean didn’t.
And Gabriel was enjoying every second of this sweet torture. He loved how Dean’s fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, how his eyes darkened as his gaze zoomed on the spot where Gabriel’s lips rested on your head, how his body was slightly trembling with jealousy or how tight his lips were sealed to prevent himself from saying something.
“Need something?” Gabriel asked casually.
Dean jumped slightly at his question, unaware that he was staring at the both of you. He licked his lips and searched around him, grabbing the nearest thing: a pair of earphones. He waved the thing, as a way to tell Gabriel he had found what he was looking for, then left the room in a hurry.
A cheshire cat’s smile appeared on Gabriel’s lips while you remained totally oblivious, you were too deeply focused on your movie to notice anything.
You woke up feeling dizzy and your head hurting as if a herd of elephants had stepped on it the whole night. Carefully you opened your eyes, squeezing them shut quickly as the bright light assaulted you. You blinked a few times before you opened them once and for good. The first thing that hit you was that you didn’t recognize where you were. The last thing you remembered was spending the night with Gabriel. You don’t even remember falling asleep.
“Are you alright?” You heard a strange, chipmunk voice asking you.
That’s when your fuzzy brain registered something you haven’t noticed yet. As you looked around the room, searching for the owner of the voice, you felt that something was wrong. The place and the furniture around you didn’t look like what you were used to. Everything was so colorful and...cartoonish?
“Someone dreamed of her prince, right?” The chipmunk voice giggled and that’s when your eyes fell on the little squirrel standing at your feet.
Your eyes widened, your mouth slack opened as you saw the tiny creature climbing along your legs, finally sitting on your lap, big, brown eyes staring at you.
You jumped from the bed you were sitting on and ran towards the nearest mirror, not believing your own eyes. Your cartoonish reflection looking back at you.
“What the hell?!” You asked your own reflection, your fingers pressed against your face.
It took you a bit of time to comprehend what was going on. Apparently you were right in the middle of your favorite movie and for whatever reason, you were the main character, Gisele. Except that the cartoonish characters around you knew your real name, and this little detail didn’t seem to bother them. You stood in the middle of the room, totally speechless as you watched the many (too many) cartoonish forest animals dancing and singing around you. If they wanted you to sing along, it would be over your dead body!
Despite your refusal to play along, the movie kept on going and soon, too soon, the deers and birds looked at something behind you, stuttering and suddenly afraid. Uh-oh...
Being chased by a giant troll isn’t something funny. Within your career as a hunter you’ve seen a lot of weird things, but this had to top everything else.
“Get the hell out of here!” You yelled at the monster who was crawling on the same tree branch you were currently using as a safe space.
And just like in the movie that you knew by heart, the weight of the little chipmunk sent the troll far, far away and leaving you alone holding onto the frail branch as if your life depended on it. There was no way, the tiny creature could save you, you knew what was going to happen next. You closed your eyes and reluctantly let go of the branch, feeling your body falling quickly and heavily. You screamed through the fall because let’s be honest it was scary and the branches that hit you in your fall weren’t leaving a nice feeling to your body. Finally, you landed on something soft and warm, and felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around you.
“Oh my gosh…” You sighed, feeling relieved to still be alive, being an immortal cartoon character had its perks. You lifted your eyes slowly, ready to see Prince Edward from Andalasia for the very first time, and more particularly the one who played the character.
“Sam?” You said, totally bewildered as you were expecting James Marsden instead.
But Sam Winchester, your friend and hunting partner, was the one wearing the burgundy outfit instead. He was a cartoon as well but you could recognize his face easily.
“Yes, it’s me! And you are?” Sam asked you, a strange look written all over his face as if it was the first time he saw you.
“Y/N. Come on this isn’t funny. I don’t know what’s going on but we need to do something.” You said, as you tried to climb down from the horse you fell onto but Sam held you tight, keeping you in place.
“Oooh Y/N! You’re right. We shall be married in the morning!” As if his sudden (and not romantic at all) wedding proposal wasn’t surprising you enough, you fell speechless when you heard him starting to sing.
“You were made…” Sam sang, expecting you to finish the song.
“I’m not singing.” You said plainly, pushing against his chest to free yourself.
Everything froze around you, as if the time had stopped. You looked around and quickly your eyes fell onto the only thing that was still moving.
“Gabriel.” You should have known it was because of him. Who else would have enough power to create all of this?
“Come on, Sugar. Sing along!” The archangel said with energy, coming closer to you and holding out his hand to help you get down from the horse.
“What does all of this mean?” You asked, feeling furious and you weren’t going to let his funny cartoonish look disturb you.
“Consider it as a well-needed break.” Gabriel started to explain. “Don’t be mad. I know you’re feeling down lately-”
“Of course I’m feeling down, we lost an innocent on our last hunt.” You reminded him, you had explained everything the night before. “The guy is dead because of me.”
It was Gabriel’s turn to stop you. “That is not your fault. Those things happen.”
You rolled your eyes at that and crossed your arms upon your chest, showing Gabriel your back. You were going to give him the silent treatment, and you were not in the mood to play in his stupid pranks.
“It’s just a dream, I swear. I wanted to do something nice for you, that’s all.”
“Really?” You turned around, hearing the defeat in his tone. Your arms fell at your sides as you relaxed a bit.
“Well,” You didn’t need to look at him to know there was a mischievous smile curling his lips. Gabriel’s arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Just play along, enjoy it while you can and once you wanna get out of it, all you have to do is to realize what you truly want,” he told you, not even an ounce of wickedness in his voice. He was genuinely worried about you and wanted only your well-being.
“What I truly want?” You parrotted as you broke the embrace, feeling something fishy behind those words.
The Archangel wiggled his eyebrows before disappearing. You called his name several times but he was already gone and you could only count on yourself to get out of here.
“Great…” Was the last thing you had time to say before everything turned black.
And the story started all over again.
And again and again.
After the fifth time, you realized that if you wanted to reach the end of the movie, or this dream or whatever it was, you had to play along just like what Gabe said. Well, you better start doing it, the faster you would reach the end, the faster you would wake up. After all, it was just a dream, nothing could go wrong right? And the fact that Patrick Dempsey was waiting for you was another good reason to keep moving.
“So, get this,” Sam entered the library, throwing a newspaper into Dean’s lap.
“Come on man! We’ve just got back, can’t we have a little break?” Dean groaned but picked up the newspaper anyway.
“It’s not that far and there’s already three vics. Looks like a simple salt and burn, it would only take us one day, two at tops.”
Dean kept on reading the article, nodding absentmindedly at his little brother’s words. Sam was right, the three vics were from the same family and each of them died in the same house within weird circumstances. And after the last hunt, Dean knew an easy win was what you needed to cheer you up. With one look, Dean knew that was also the main reason for Sam to go.
Dean slapped his thighs as he stood up. “Alright! Get ready, we’re leaving in ten.”
Sam nodded and headed for his room to get ready, though Dean stopped him in his tracks when he asked him to go and tell you they were leaving.
“She’s still in her room?” Sam asked, a bit surprised when he checked the time. It was already one in the afternoon and now that he thought about it, he hasn't seen you since the night before. There was only one reason for you to stay inside your room for so long. You were more depressed than what Sam thought.
The soft and gentle knock on your door didn’t get any response from you, so Sam knocked again, a bit more firmly. When he still got no answer from you, Sam brought his face closer to the door.
“Y/N? Uh...we found a case. A simple salt and burn case so don’t pack too heavy, ok? We’re leaving in ten,” Sam told you from his side of the door. He turned around, already thinking about what he needed to pack but after a second he glanced at your door again. You still haven’t answered him.
Sam knocked again. “Y/N? You’re awake?” His hand was already turning the doorknob. The door opened a crack, leaving enough room for Sam to take a look inside.
“Y/N?” Sam opened the door completely and entered your room. He came closer to your bed when he spotted you still soundly asleep.
Gently he shook your shoulder, hopeful that the movement would be enough to stir you awake.
“Come on, this is not funny.” Sam tried to chuckle but something deep down his stomach told him you weren’t faking it. “Dean!”
It didn’t take long for Dean to come in. The urgency in his brother’s voice was enough of a warning and when he realized that Sam was in your room, Dean feared the worst. They had tried everything to wake you up but failed miserably. Your chest was moving up and down which meant you were asleep, and more importantly still alive. There was no trace of pain on your face, on the contrary, a small smile adorned your peaceful face.
“What’s going on?” Dean walked back and forth in front of your bed while Sam kept staring at you, thinking deeply.
“Do you think it’s a curse?” Sam offered but both brothers were quick to ditch the possibility, it’s been a few months since your last encounter with a witch.
“I don’t know. A demon maybe?” Dean tried but he didn’t know what could have put you in this state. The bunker was the safest place in the world, nothing could enter and hurt them here.
“Why does it always have to be something evil with you two?” Gabriel asked from the corner of the room, his sudden appearance making both Winchesters jump.
“Gabe! You have to do something. You have to help her.” Dean was quick to reach the Archangel, not bothering about the fact that he just appeared for no reason.
“Oh I’m already helping her, don’t worry,” Gabriel pushed Dean slightly on the side so he could come closer and sit at your feet. A fond smile on his lips as he watched you sleep peacefully.
The Winchesters remained silent, staring at Gabriel expectantly, waiting for more information from him. The archangel rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, how could those two idiots be still alive, after so many years was beyond him. They were so slow sometimes.
“I’m the one who put her under the sleeping spell.” Sometimes it was better to say it straight if you wanted to get to the main point quickly.
“What?” The Winchester brothers said in sync.
“She’s having the time of her life! Well...she’s going to if she relaxes and lets go.” Gabriel announced, proud of himself. Though his own satisfaction disappeared quickly when Dean grabbed him by the collar and pushed him strongly against the nearest wall.
“Wake. Her. Up.” Dean seethed lowly, he was ready to beat the hell out of Gabriel if he needed to. Super powerful archangel or not.
“Now, now,” Gabriel easily freed himself from Dean’s tight grip. “That’s not my job.”
“And whose job is it?” Sam asked, he was calmer than his older brother but he needed just one more tiny push before feeling the need to kill Gabriel himself.
“Prince Not So Charming over here,” Gabriel replied, his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at Dean.
“What?” Dean’s eyes widened. He didn’t have time to react when Gabriel stopped in front of him, pressing two fingers to his forehead.
“One rule: play along and be honest,” he whispered before Dean fell unconscious.
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her (That's how you know)
He didn’t know what was going on anymore. One second he was inside your room, ready to give Gabriel the death sentence, and the other he was sitting in a white carriage in the middle of who knows where.
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader (That's how you know)
Dean didn’t know what was the craziest. The fact that he was sitting in a carriage, wearing a monkey suit, or that he was watching you singing and dancing with people, too many people. And you were wearing a dress too! As far as he could, he didn’t remember seeing you in a dress. He had to admit that it suited you. You should wear it more often even though it wouldn’t be practical during a hunt.
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you know that you love her
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted (He's your love)
The crowd cheered happily once the song was over. It took a few seconds for Dean to understand what was going on. He's heard this song so many times, the monstrous melody was engraved into his brain forever.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You were giggling and clapping enthusiastically as you sat down, sitting in front of Dean. You still were a bit surprised to see Dean instead of Patrick Dempsey. You knew Gabriel was having fun with the three of you, and you had to admit that seeing Sam wearing tights was particularly funny but you still were wondering why Gabriel thought having Dean here as well would be funny. Strangely, you didn’t complain about it. Sure Dean wasn’t Patrick Dempsey but he was still Dean Winchester and you would be lying to yourself if you said that Dean wasn’t easy on the eyes. It was difficult to play at first, having the face of your friend in front of you but you quickly realized that he wasn’t truly Dean, just a dreamy representation, just like Sam.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him when you noticed something different in his eyes. There was a kind of glint in them that wasn’t there before.
“Where the hell are we?” Dean exclaimed grumpily. “And since when are you singing?”
You blinked several times, surprised by his outburst. “Dean? Is that really you?”
“Son of a bitch!” He yelped, shoving away the two doves over his head.
Well, things just get more complicated.
“Really, Gabriel?” Sam gave the archangel his best bitchy face, the latter only shrugged, not seeing where the problem was.
Sam grunted as he tried to lift Dean’s unconscious body from the ground. When he cast the spell, Gabriel didn’t see the need to prevent Dean from the heavy fall, it was even a little funny if he was honest. Once Dean was securely thrown over his shoulder, Sam glared at the angel.
“You mind telling me what this is about?”
“She needed a break, ok? She was feeling really, really down yesterday night.” Gabriel started to explain, a mix between seriousness and worry written all over his face.
“We know.” Sam agreed, his anger slowly replaced by sadness. “We were working on it.”
Gabriel scoffed at that. “Right! Another hunt, huh? It worked so well before.”
“Because you think your way is better?” Sam shifted from one foot to another, his brother was kind of heavy.
Gabriel shrugged. He didn’t know if his little plan would work but it was worth the shot. Truth to be told, you and Dean were really stubborn, and if you didn’t play his little game like how Gabriel expected, who knew what would happen.
Dean was standing in the middle of a living room, wearing only a bathrobe. He did as you told him and followed your lead. You’ve spent half of the day together, acting like the characters of your movie, and he would lie if he said that he didn’t enjoy the time he had spent with you at the restaurant but he had enough of all this shit already. He didn’t know why he ended up here and he couldn’t care less, what mattered the most was to get you and him out of here, as soon as possible.
“You have to wake up, Y/N.” He told you sharply, keeping his voice low so he didn’t wake up the little girl sleeping in the next room.
“Don’t you think I’m trying?” You hissed, using a cushion to hide your bare legs. You were only wearing a shirt, and you wouldn’t feel as embarrassed as you were feeling now if it was Patrick Dempsey instead of Dean. “Gabe told me to play along and that’s what I’m doing.”
“He told me that too,” Dean remembered the last words from Gabriel before he was sent into this nightmare.
“Every time I refuse to follow the movie, it starts all over again. I think if I reach the end of it, I’ll wake up but as for you, I have no idea why you’re here. I mean, you were here but it wasn’t really you before, if you know what I mean?”
“I don’t know the movie. How am I supposed to stop this?” Dean groaned then started to pace in the middle of the room. To be honest, he knew the movie, the big lines anyway. Whenever he watched it with you, Dean was more focused on you than the movie. He loved the fact that it brought a smile to your face every time. Of course, he wasn’t going to admit this out loud.
You sighed and scratched the back of your head. “Just follow my lead.” You stood up and stood in front of him, trying to ignore the fact that Dean Winchester was naked under that bathrobe. “Let’s start a fight.”
“I’m sorry?” Dean blinked several times, totally lost with your plan.
“Come on, yell at me or something.” You encouraged him, waving your hands in the air.
“Yeah, that’s not happening.” Dean scoffed and took a step aside.
“Really?” You defied, knowing you were heading exactly where you wanted.
“No?” Perfect. You were back on track! “Is that the only word that you know? No?”
“What? No!”
“Yeah? No! Over and over again. Every word out of your mouth is ‘no’! It makes me so...angry!” You forced a laugh with the last word, you weren’t in the mood at all, but the show must go on as they say.
“Are you alright?” Dean asked, worried about your sanity. He knew what Gabriel’s tricks could do to a human mind.
You punched him in the chest lightly before calming down. “I’m...I’m wonderful.”
Dean’s face told you he wasn’t buying it.
You were far from wonderful, you perfectly knew what was going to happen next, and it was going to be awkward. Why did it have to be Dean in front of you? Playing your part just became ten times worse. You swallowed hard as you brought your fingers near Dean’s bare chest. Dean froze when he felt your fingers against his skin, just over his heart. It took all his willpower to control the beating as calmly as possible. You glanced at his lips then his eyes, oblivious of Dean doing exactly the same thing. Slowly you brought your face closer, Dean doing the same. You shouldn’t feel so scared, you knew what was going to happen, everything was fake. So why were you so thrilled suddenly? Did Dean know he had to walk away?
Apparently yes, because the next second Dean cleared his throat and walked away. This was a real torture to him, he needed to get out of here before he would do something you would regret. You didn’t have to pretend you were feeling disappointed with him leaving you alone, and you really were confused about what just happened and what you were starting to feel.
Once he had laid down Dean on his bed, Sam came back into your room where Gabriel was still watching over you. He was expecting this to be over already, what was taking them so long?
“This is your worst idea, ever, Gabe,” Sam said grumpily as he sat next to the archangel, a hand rubbing his face.
“I know they’re kind of slow but-” Gabriel agreed, knowing his plan wasn’t perfect but he had little time to think about it.
“Slow? That’s an understatement.” Sam scoffed, shaking his head. “My brother thinks it’s one-sided or that he doesn’t deserve her or some crap, while Y/N is too scared to admit she’s head over heels in love with Dean.”
“You knew?” Gabriel was surprised. He had just realized there might be something between them, the night before. How come Sam knew before him?
“You spend as much time with those two idiots as I do and you’ll know,” Sam smirked, before he became serious again, wanting to know more about Gabriel’s next move. “So what are you going to do to fix this mess if none of them admit their feelings?”
Gabriel’s lack of an answer wasn’t reassuring. He hadn’t thought about that.
As if being stuck in this movie wasn’t enough already, Dean had to be wearing this stupid royal outfit. The material was scratching his skin and he wasn’t thinking about the pair of tights. This was humiliating, really. Gabriel was so dead once they were back. If they ever came back.
All his negative thoughts flew away when Dean spotted you at the top of the giant stairs. You were once again wearing a dress. If there was one thing that he enjoyed with this mess, it was the dresses, they looked really good on you. Though, right now you were stunning. The dress was really simple contrary to the royal dresses the folks around him were wearing but you were the most beautiful woman in the room to Dean’s eyes. Honestly, he didn’t need you to wear a dress to find you beautiful and attractive. You gave him the most beautiful and biggest smile as your eyes made contact with his. Even though he didn’t know the movie as best as you, Dean recognized that part of the movie. It was your favorite part, you told him that every time you’ve reached that particular scene. The way your face would brighten saying this, how carefree and innocent you looked when you admitted it, Dean loved every fucking second of it and that’s why he accepted to watch the movie with you every time you asked him to.
As he was fondly thinking about those precious moments he had shared with you back in the bunker, his eyes followed your form elegantly walking down the stairs. This scene was becoming his favorite too, but only because you both were in it. You stopped just a few inches from him, and Dean was still lost in his thoughts, his lips slightly parted and totally speechless.
Someone cleared his throat and broke the magical spell between you two. That was when Dean noticed Sam next to you.
“Nice tights, Sammy,” Dean mumbled, trying to focus on something else than you.
“Thank you, peasant.” Sam thanked him, genuinely.
“Still not the real Sam.” You whispered to Dean.
“Right.” Dean nodded, still thinking about his first encounter with this weird Sam, and more particularly the moment he heard him sing. He will make fun of his little brother for the rest of his life.
A voice resonated into the huge ballroom. “Well folks, it’s that time of the night. I would like to ask each gentleman to invite a lady he did not accompany this evening to dance the King and Queen’s Waltz.”
Sam invited the woman who was Dean’s partner, the latter more than happy he did. Dean had tried the whole evening to get rid of her, refusing to dance with her or whatever crap the movie expected him to do. It was during that time when Dean realized that Y/N was the only one who had to follow the movie. The rule was only meant for you apparently. She accepted and walked with Sam in the middle of the room, getting ready to dance and leaving you and Dean alone and very awkward. He knew what was going to happen next and he was so not ready for this.
“Y/N,” Dean stuttered, licking his dry lips before giving you an apologetic look. “I don’t dance.”
You came closer, holding his hand in yours. “Please. Humor me,” you whispered, your eyes roaming over his. Dean obliged because there was no way he was going to say no to you when you looked at him like that.
The soft music started as you walked, hand in hand towards the middle of the room. Feeling insecure and totally out of your comforting zone you stood face to face. Dean exhaled softly before grabbing your right hand in his and resting his other one on your hip while yours found the perfect place over his left shoulder. Slowly the both of you started to sway from left to right, the moves awkward but soon you let yourselves go and started to properly waltz. Sure, it didn’t look as professional as it was in the movie, but to you, it was still perfect. Slowly you got closer, Dean brought his lips near your ear, hot breath tickling your skin.
When you heard Dean’s soft but offkey voice singing the lyrics, exactly like in the movie, you felt your heart skipping a beat and realized what all of this was about. You finally understood what Gabriel wanted you to know. All those strange feelings you’ve had since you’ve met him, it was more than friendship. If you were honest with yourself, you secretly knew what it was but you were too scared to admit it, even to yourself. Ignorance is bliss, particularly in your lifestyle. You smiled as Dean pulled you closer to him, feeling his warmth against your skin and you let yourself enjoy the moment, a soft smile on your face as you rested your head against his shoulder.
Too soon, someone broke the moment. Nancy, Dean’s date, interrupted you and asked for Dean’s attention, while Sam did the same with you. Regrettably, you let Dean go and accepted Sam’s awaiting hand. The two of you shared one last longing look before you started to climb up the stairs. Once you were at the top, Sam went to get your wrap after he made sure you were fine. You were far from being fine contrary to what you had assured him. You weren’t even pretending to play along anymore, you were truly devastated because you knew that it was only a dream, and once everything would be over, it would only remain a dream. There was no way Dean Winchester would be in love with you. The lyrics of the song fitted perfectly ‘So close and still so far.’
You jumped when an old lady appeared behind your back. It was the old witch, the one who wanted to kill you and you tried your best to not roll your eyes as you let her speak and pretend that she has been looking for you. If only you had your gun with some witch killing bullet with you but you could only cringe as you felt her wrinkled hands covering your bare shoulders as she forced you to look at Dean.
“To never be with the one you love.” She said, and you were hit by the truth behind those words.
Then she offered a red apple. “Just one bite, my love, and all of this will go away.” If only it was true.
You glanced one more time at Dean who was looking at you as well. Judging by his face you could tell he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. That was when a strange, and very stupid thought crossed your mind. Maybe you could stay like this? Maybe if you refused to finish the movie over and over again it would only restart to the beginning, and never end?
“But you must hurry. The magic will not work unless you take a bite before the clock strikes 12.” The witch warned you, pushing the apple into your hands. You didn’t need to think twice and took a tiny bite, falling unconscious the next second.
“No!” Dean screamed, witnessing the whole scene. How could he forget that part? He had made fun of it with you, saying it was too cliché. He started to run towards you as the witch took you away, kicking into the stupid apple as he climbed up two steps at a time. Fortunately, Sam was quicker than him and stopped the witch to leave with you.
Someone brought a small couch for you and Sam laid you down gently before taking his sword out from its sheath and pointing it right against the witch’s throat.
“Y/N.” Dean knelt next to you, fearing the worst when he saw how pale your face was. He had seen enough dead people to know how death looked like. And right now, he was living one of his deepest fears.
The witch started to explain what happened but Dean didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t have time for this stupid drama.
“Shut up!” Dean shouted, leaving everyone speechless. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, he would do anything to bring you back.
“Kiss her,” Dean asked Sam in a whisper. He knew what needed to be done.
“A true love’s kiss, all of this is about this stupid crap so now kiss her and bring her back to me!” Dean yelled, he didn’t care if it followed the movie or not, he just wanted to bring you back. That was all that mattered.
“Yes of course!” Sam exclaimed, before pushing Dean on the side and kneeling in front of you. “I knew that,” Sam added, matter of factly. He clearly forgot about that.
Sam pressed his lips against yours, there was nothing romantic in the gesture. A simple brush of his lips against yours, as if there was no feeling at all. He parted and waited for you to open your eyes but nothing happened. So Sam tried again, pressing his lips a bit more forceful, again and again.
“Why isn’t it working?” Dean whispered, feeling more desperate as the seconds ticked by. Speaking of seconds, the clock chimed, announcing midnight. The witch laughed evilly, giving Dean a weary feeling.
“When the clock strikes 12, she will be dead.” The witch informed Sam and Dean, she was glad that her plan worked perfectly.
“Somebody as a gun?” He asked no one in particular. If the kiss didn’t work, maybe killing the witch would break the spell?
“Unless…” Sam started to say, thinking deeply before turning his gaze towards Dean.
“No, no, no. It couldn’t be me.” Dean shook his head, he knew you weren’t feeling anything for him. You were just friends. It was one-sided. It wouldn’t work and you were running out of time, he needed to find something else.
“Kiss her, Dean! It’s ok.” Nancy cut him short, urging him to do it.
Dean shifted from one foot to another, not liking the sudden attention on him. The clock chimed again and Dean finally moved. He knelt once again and brushed the hair that fell in front of your eyes. Gently his hand cupped the back of your neck and brought your face closer to his.
“Please, please, please.” Dean murmured as he lowered his own face.
The clock struck 12 as he pressed his lips against your cold ones, in a chaste kiss. Reluctantly he broke the kiss and looked at you, praying for your eyes to open but as he was fearing nothing happened and you remained still. You weren’t feeling the same, he knew it.
The crowd fell silent and the air around was filled with sadness as they lowered their heads.
A soft gasp left your lips as you slowly regained consciousness, your eyes falling over Dean’s teary ones. You gave him a soft smile as your hand cupped his cheek.
“I thought that I had lost you.” Dean breathed, tightening his hold around your waist.
You shook your head no before you pressed your forehead against his.
“Come on, let’s finish this movie, and let’s go back.” Dean smiled at you as he helped you to stand up.
Gently you pushed him away, giving him an apologetic smile. “I’m not coming back, Dean.”
“What?” Dean chuckled, thinking you were joking but his smile fell when he saw how serious you looked.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to live knowing this is not true. Gabriel gave me this gift and I intend to keep it. Now that I know how it feels like, I can’t let it go, Dean.” You tried to explain.
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked, totally lost. Why did you change your mind? Why now, after all of this? This was not supposed to go that way.
“Everything is so perfect, too perfect to be true. I don’t even think you’re really you.” You walked around the couch, stopping a few feet from the witch.
“I’m real, alright,” Dean argued, his eyes following your every move.
“Yeah, right.” You chuckled and picked up the sword on the floor. “Dean Winchester, the badass hunter who doesn’t like chick-flick moments dancing and singing? Come on…”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Dean held out his hands, silently begging you to stop what you were going to do. “Look at me, please. It’s me, I swear.”
“I’m tired of this. I don’t want to feel bad because I screwed up a case. I have enough of this burden and if I’m being honest, I can’t go back and just be friends. This, here, is better. It’s all I ever wanted without knowing it.” You said more to yourself than him. You were totally lost in your thoughts. “If I don’t end this movie, it will start again and again. It’s not perfect but it’s still better than nothing.”
“Y/N, don’t!” Dean warned but it was in vain and he could only watch you helplessly as you killed the witch. She wasn’t supposed to die like that, even Dean knew it. Everything froze around you and you gave one last glance at Dean before everything became black.
Dean woke up with a start. It took a few seconds for his brain to register that he was back into the bunker. Without wasting another second, Dean rushed out of his room and headed for yours. Sam and Gabriel jumped from surprise when Dean barged into the room.
“Dean!” Sam exclaimed, relieved that his brother was safe but Dean didn’t care, his attention focused on your still sleeping form.
“Wait. If you’re awake, why isn’t she?” Sam asked, suspecting there was a problem.
Dean licked his lips as he took a step closer to your bed. “She...she doesn’t want to.”
“What? Why?” Gabriel and Sam exclaimed at the same time.
“I don’t know, ok?” Dean yelled at them, they were too loud and he needed to think, he needed to find a way to bring you back. “Send me in there again. I’ll make her change her mind.”
Gabriel remained silent and simply stared at him. He couldn’t send him back once again. There were no more ingredients for the spell. It was only meant for two.
“Send me back, Gabriel! Now!” Dean roared, pushing the archangel hard against the wall.
“I can’t!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sam put himself between the both of them, stopping the fight before it became really serious. “What happened, there? What did you do?”
Dean tried to compose himself, giving Gabriel one last murder look. “We were in this movie, her favorite one.”
“Enchanted?” Sam asked for more precision, knowing perfectly your guilty pleasure. You weren’t shy about it.
“Yeah. We played the roles, just like Gabriel wanted. We thought that if we reached the end of the movie we would be back. Everything worked perfectly until I kissed her and…”
“You two kissed?” Sam and Gabriel asked, once again in sync. A huge smile on their faces, it did work as they expected in the end.
“Not really the main event right now!” Dean tried to keep the guys focused. “Then she said she wanted to stay and living it over and over again was better than nothing. I don’t know what she meant.” Dean added before he sat next to you, his head between his hands. He didn’t know what else he could do.
Gabriel weighed the pros and cons, all of this went too far. Without wasting another second he walked towards your bed and pressed two fingers against your forehead. You didn’t really understand what Gabriel meant but keeping you in this state for too long isn't safe anymore. He needed to wake you up. He would find another way to make you realize anyway.
However nothing happened, you were still sleeping. Watching you carefully, Gabriel noticed that your eyelids weren’t moving anymore, meaning you weren’t even dreaming.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked, noticing how Gabriel’s body tensed up.
“I erased the dream but she still won’t wake up. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s not supposed to go this way.” Gabriel explained, worried filling his voice.
“So what now? She’s not even in the dream? Where is she?” Dean asked, fearing the worst.
“Like a coma, or something? I don’t know!” The archangel yelled, he was not used to this kind of problem.
“Alright,” Sam tried to put the pieces back in order. “Gabriel, is it a spell or your own magic?”
“A bit of both, I guess? But mainly a spell.” Gabriel answered.
“So there must be a cure, right?” Sam said, already leaving the room and heading for the library.
Gabriel and Dean were right behind him. The three men started to research through the many books in the library.
“Where did you find that spell?” Sam asked, they needed as much information as possible if they wanted to find the cure.
“I’ve spent a wonderful night with that witch, name was Zahia. Geez, she was wicked!” Gabriel smiled mischievously as he remembered that particular night. Quickly he cleared his throat and became serious all over again when he noticed the brothers weren’t interested in those details.
“Great, call her and tell her to bring her ass here,” Dean ordered.
“It was one hundred years ago! In Casablanca. I don’t know if she’s even alive.”
“Then start reading,” Sam mumbled, throwing Gabriel the nearest book before opening the one in front of him.
It has been two days and they were still clueless. Gabriel did try to find Zahia but as he suspected she was nowhere to be found. For the first time Gabriel, the Archangel was feeling desperate. Because of him, one of his best human friends (the only one) was sleeping peacefully, waiting for her death and he couldn’t not do anything to help her.
“Did you try to kiss her?” Gabriel asked Dean who closed his book, quite noisily.
“What? You believe in true love’s kiss?” Dean scoffed, having enough of it.
Sam, who came with more coffee, stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, pointing the coffee pot at his brother. “You know what? It might be worth a shot.”
“Are you crazy? There’s no way it will be that easy!” Dean argued, jumping to his feet.
“There’s always a part of truth in the legends, Dean,” Sam said calmly. “It won’t hurt to try.”
Dean shook his head, and exited the library, fuming. This was the dumbest idea they came with. After everything they went through, they should know that all that crap didn’t work. There was no such thing as ‘love is the most powerful thing in the world’ or ‘a true love’s kiss’. No, their lives were full of curses, hurt, and death. Period.
Unknowingly Dean walked into the bunker until he reached your room and was now pacing in front of your closed door. Dean remained silent for a moment, thinking hard about it. He didn’t really believe in it but Sam was right, he had nothing to lose if he tried. Dean ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily before opening your door.
Silently he walked inside and sat on the edge of your bed, taking a few minutes to look at you. You were becoming paler as the days passed, Gabriel tried his best to keep your health in good condition but the curse seemed to block most of his powers. It was just a matter of hours before you would be gone for good.
He caressed your cheek with the back of his fingers while he held one of your hands with his free one. Dean took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
“I know our lives are far from perfect. To be honest they are crappy and I understand that you don’t want to live it anymore. Staying in your little dream was more appealing, believe me, I know how you felt. But look at what happened now, you still went down the bad path and didn’t get what you really wanted. It’s not fair.”
His voice was only a whisper, as if he was scared of waking you up when it was only what he truly wanted. He was such a mess! You were dying, without even knowing it and Dean couldn’t do anything to save you.
“I should have told you earlier, I know that. And I won’t make the same mistake, so I’m gonna tell you how I really feel about you, I hope you can hear me.”
Dean moved a bit, taking a more comfortable position.
“I’m so mad at you right now. I don’t hate you, because I can’t hate you, let’s be honest. But I’m mad, Y/N. You choose the easy way, you stopped fighting, this is not you. You’re the cool chick who fights tooth and nail and who never gives up.”
He had to stop for a short second, sniffing as he fought against the tears. His grip around your hand tightened before he kept on going.
“And that’s why I love you. You’re always reminding me there’s hope. You’re my hope, Y/N. I can’t promise you the moon or the happy endings but I can promise you that I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you. I’ve already made this promise a few years ago, I just never told anyone.”
Dean stopped stroking your cheek, cupping the back of your head instead, the exact same move that he had done earlier in your dream.
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you,” Dean whispered, bringing your face closer to his before he pressed his lips against yours in another chaste kiss. Praying with all his heart that the magic would strike again.
Slowly Dean parted, his hands refusing to let go as he held his breath. He couldn’t believe it when he felt your body twitching, your eyes fluttering open slowly.
“Hey…” You smiled sleepily. “What did I miss?”
Dean smiled back at you, breathing once again as you were finally awake.
“The most heartbreaking declaration of love I’ve ever heard. A bit too cheesy but who cares?” Gabriel’s voice came from the other side of the closed door, quickly followed by a thumping noise and a cry of pain.
Dean was already planning five ways to kill him and make him suffer but your voice broke his concentration.
“Oh, I don’t know. I kind of like it.” You smirked when his eyes fell on you, a blush covering your cheeks.
“You heard it? All of it?” Dean asked, he wanted to be sure.
You nodded and your smile fell. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I thought it wouldn’t be possible for you to...you know?” You trailed off, looking at the wall instead of him.
“Oh, I know,” Dean said, his hand cupping your cheek and forcing you to look at him. “But let me show you how wrong you were instead, hum?” He whispered, bringing his face closer and kissing you again.
This one was more passionate, all of his feelings poured into the kiss. Everything he wanted to tell you but couldn’t. This kiss wasn’t chaste as the few ones you shared, in your dream or in reality. This one was needy and a little something more than what you could expect for a fairy tale movie.
Pour Toujours tags:  @drakelover78​​​​​, @akshi8278​
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erics-meep-morps · 4 years
Stars in the Daytime Part 2
A self-ship fic with Lapis and Peridot
Part 1 here. 
Summary: I’ve always wanted to see space, and with the help of Peridot and Pearl they build me a spacesuit. Lapis carries me and Peridot comes along as we fly into the cosmos. I will note this fic isn’t quite scientifically accurate, but I hope it’s still a good story for you to read. 💙💚
We swiftly flew through up in the air, and I made sure not to look down so I wouldn’t get anxiety. I don’t have a fear of heights, but being so high in an open environment makes me a little tense. Of course it was highly unlikely I would somehow fall, and even if I did Lapis or Peridot could easily catch me long before I was anywhere near the ground.
“Doing okay,” Lapis asked me.
I looked at her and felt my heart jump a little seeing her hair blow gracefully in the breeze. “Never better,” I said with a smile and blushing.
Lapis blushed and giggled.
After a little bit we broke through some cloud cover.
“Hm, there’s a plane over there,” Lapis pointed out.
I looked in the direction she was looking and noticed it right away. It was a safe distance away, but still close enough that I could see what airline it was and the type of plane.
“Empire Airlines. Since it’s an Airbus A350 it’s probably on its way from London or Paris to Empire City.”
“Powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent XWB turbofans,” Peridot added.
Lapis and I were surprised when she said this and looked at her curiously.
“What? Eric’s interest in jet propulsion passenger carriers got me curious in them.”
“I just realized this trip will probably be boring for both of you since, you know, you two can easily fly into space anytime. Plus it’s going to take awhile with not much to see besides that plane,” I said.
“Oh it’s no problem. We’ve done long trips before, and there’s nothing wrong with peaceful quietness,” Lapis said.
“But feel free to start a conversation anytime,” Peridot mentioned.
“And obviously if something’s wrong let us know,” Lapis added.
“Will do,” I replied. I think they had said that a few times already, but I knew they wanted to keep me safe.
An hour later the sky was becoming darker. “Pretty soon we’ll be in space,” Lapis said.
“Technically speaking anything around us is space,” Peridot pointed out.
Lapis grunted. “Okay, we’re almost in the space above Earth with a bunch of stars and stuff.”
“That’s... slightly more accurate.”
“Doing okay, Eric,” Lapis asked.
“I sure am,” I replied while staring at the sky as it became darker. Soon after I could start to see stars, a slightly weird feeling since it was 12 PM. I then looked to Lapis, as I always enjoyed watching her hair flow through the breeze. She looked down at me and smiled, and I smiled back while nestling into her for comfort.
“Welcome to the cosmos,” Lapis said and kissed me on the forehead.
“I’ve been on many adventures before, but this is something entirely new,” I said.
“We’re happy to give you this experience,” Peridot said and kissed me on the forehead too. She then checked the oxygen level in the tank. “There’s enough to get a decent ways out so you get a good view of Earth.”
“I really wish I could kiss you both right now, but for obvious reasons I can’t do that,” I said with a chuckle.
Lapis and Peridot smiled. “When we get back to Earth you can give us as many kisses as you want,” Lapis said.
For a few hours as we gracefully flew through space we talked about all the stars, planets, and galaxies Lapis and Peridot had seen before they started living on Earth. For them it was like seeing other countries; far away but no problem to get to by flight, or sometimes in their case warp pad.
“When I was a kid I wanted to visit Saturn, but of course under the conditions on that planet I probably wouldn’t last a minute. The next best thing for me was buying a telescope so I could see Saturn’s rings from Earth, which is pretty huge for me in itself.”
“Even though we can’t get you to Saturn, we can show you planets that are accessible via warp pad and have hospitable conditions for humans,” Peridot offered.
“That would be amazing,” I said with a few tears starting to form in my eyes.
“You okay,” Lapis asked with slight concern.
“I just wish I could show you two something amazing, but I don’t think there’s anything that comes close to this.”
“Awww babe, what about Earth? You’ve seen many places there that we haven’t,” Lapis pointed out.
“Yeah! We’ve only visited a microscopic amount of Earth’s surface. I’m sure you can show us the diverse places Earth has to offer,” Peridot added.
“That’s true. I would love to show all the places I’ve seen and visit new places with you two.”
“We look forward to it, but right now we want to show you something,” Lapis said. Her and Peridot stopped flying and turned towards Earth.
There it was before my eyes, the blue and green ball that is humanity’s home and the only home we’ve ever known.
“And now you can be one-hundred percent certain Earth isn’t flat,” Peridot commented.
“Peridot, sometimes I wonder if you spend too much time on the internet,” Lapis said.
“Hey, I’m getting better at not debating people on the internet who are clearly wrong.”
“I suppose. Anyways, what do you think Eric?”
“I remember you two telling me about previously thinking Earth was a miserable rock, and to be honest... sometimes I’ve felt that way too. Earth and especially humanity are far from perfect, and I’ve done my best to accept those imperfections about the planet and humans including myself. I think seeing Earth from this perspective with my own eyes definitely helps for me to view my home more positively. I’m rambling at this point, but it’s just... beautiful. I don’t know what else to say about what I see right now.”
“I’m sure it’s a little overwhelming seeing something that only a small number of humans have seen,” Peridot said.
“It is. I’ve always seen my home planet from the ground or from a plane so it’s always been huge, but from here it’s like a grain of sand on the beach. From a universal perspective it’s insignificant, but for humanity it’s everything to us. It feels wonderful to experience this, and you know what’s more wonderful? The fact that out of all the places in the cosmos you two could’ve been, it ended up being Earth and we managed to cross paths.”
Peridot sniffled. “If your objective was to make us cry then consider it accomplished,” she said while wiping away tears.
Lapis let go of me for a quick second and then tightly hugged Peridot and I. “That was beautiful Eric. I had a rough beginning on Earth, but I came out of it smiling and feeling glad to be here. Thank you, both of you.” For a minute we floated in silence and embraced each other. 
“Not to break up this beautiful moment, but didn’t Pearl want us to take a picture,” Peridot asked.
Lapis and I laughed. “We might look a little gross after this emotional moment, but sure let’s do it,” Lapis said and took out her phone. With smiles and Earth in the background we took a picture.
“Want to record a short video so you can always look back on this,” Peridot asked.
“That’s a good idea, even though I’ll probably be awkward since I’m not sure what to say.”
“It’s alright. Just speak your mind,” Lapis said and started recording.
“Hello friends and family. As you can see behind me, that is Earth, and I’m in a spacesuit. No this is not a green screen, this is real even if you don’t believe it. With the assistance of my two wonderful partners Lapis and Peridot-”
“Sup,” Lapis said simply and then pointed the camera at Peridot.
“Greetings,” Peridot said, and then Lapis pointed the camera back at me.
“As well as the assistance of our good friend Pearl, I have achieved something I wanted to do at least once in my life, and it’s something not many humans have done. I’m in space, out in the infinite cosmos looking down at the only home humanity has ever known. It’s been an amazing and emotional experience for us.”
“I only cried a little,” Peridot mentioned.
I chuckled. “Anyways, thank you to them, and I hope this video finds you well. Take care.”
“Very nice,” Lapis said after stopping the recording.
“So uhh, now what,” Peridot asked.
“If you want we can just float around out here until you’re ready to go back to Earth,” Lapis said.
“That sounds good, as long as there’s enough oxygen,” I said.
Peridot checked the oxygen level. “Yep, you’re good.”
“You know what would be fun? Space cuddling,” I suggested with a slight blush.
Lapis giggled. “No matter where you are you’re in the mood for cuddling,” she said and held me. With me in the middle and Lapis and Peridot holding me, we looked around at the cosmos. There wasn’t any significant stars or planets to see, but it was still a beautiful view and the setting felt right for cuddling. Best of all was virtually no chance of our peaceful snuggling being interrupted.
It was so peaceful that we ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms. Peridot was the first to wake up, smiling at the fact all three of us were still holding each other. However, she suddenly became concerned and looked at my oxygen level. It took around 6 hours to get where we were, and now there was enough supply for 5 hours.
“Psst, guys, wake up,” Peridot said and shook Lapis and I.
For a moment I forgot we were in space, but it was nice opening my eyes to the stars and my partners by my side.
“I don’t want to alarm you but... Eric doesn’t have enough oxygen to make it back to Earth unless we fly a little faster and Eric is conservative with his breathing.”
“Oh jeez. Alright, let’s get you home,” Lapis said and once again held me tight. We sped towards Earth, and very slowly the planet grew bigger.
“See you later cosmos,” I said.
Lapis smiled. “Pretty amazing, right?”
“Oh my stars it was everything I could’ve hoped for. Well, besides my oxygen running low,” I said with a forced chuckle. I was slightly panicking but I knew I couldn’t breathe heavily.
“Do your best to remain calm, okay,” Peridot instructed.
I nodded, and nestled into Lapis to help myself remain relaxed. She took my hand and squeezed it gently.
The stars didn’t fade however, as it was night time when we were close to Earth.
Peridot checked the oxygen level again, and it was close to empty. We still had about an hour before reaching a level of the atmosphere where I wouldn’t need an oxygen tank.
Even though it was a scary situation, it was also exhilarating as we flew through the air at an incredible speed. If the human body could handle it I’m sure Lapis would be flying at supersonic speed.
“We’re almost there, buddy. Hang on,” Lapis said.
I nodded. “Not to be dramatic but I love you both so much,” I said calmly.
“There will be plenty of time to express your love for us when we get to a safe altitude,” Peridot said.
We were very close, but it was beginning to get difficult to breathe. Not terribly difficult, but I definitely noticed a change as the oxygen tank was nearly empty.
Soon after Peridot noticed a red light blinking, which indicated there was no more oxygen. “Just a little bit closer,” Peridot said nervously.
I tried holding my breath but it didn’t work for long, and I began coughing.
“Are we close enough now,” Lapis asked Peridot hastily.
“I hope so. Take his helmet off,” Peridot replied.
They slowed down and Lapis carefully took off the helmet. “Are you still with us Eric,” Lapis asked as she stroked my cheek.
I was still coughing a little but it felt relieving getting that helmet off. I nodded and tried to give a thumbs up but I was too weak. The further down we went the easier it became to breathe, and my cough eventually subsided. We were close enough to the surface that we could see Beach City clearly.
“Fuck that was scary,” Lapis said and sighed.
“Ugh, I knew we should’ve built an extra oxygen tank just in case. I could’ve easily carried it,” Peridot said frustratingly. 
“That was fucking incredible,” I said lightly with a smirk.
Lapis and Peridot looked at me with a surprised expression. Lapis giggled and then began to laugh. Her laugh was always contagious and I started laughing too.
“Are you clods out of your minds?! This was insane,” Peridot shouted.
After I calmed from laughing I took Peridot’s hand. “It’s okay. I’m here. It was a little bit of a close call, but we’re all okay,” I said and gently squeezed Peridot’s hand.
She sighed and hugged me. “If we ever do this again we’re bringing three oxygen tanks and one of us has to stay awake the whole trip.”
I chuckled and returned the hug. “Of course. Though I think I’ll take a break from space travel for awhile.”
“We should probably get you some food. Aren’t you hungry,” Lapis asked.
“Absolutely starving,” I replied.
Lapis chuckled. “Alright, there’s some leftover Fish Stew Pizza with your name on it.”
“Literally, since I wrote your name on it before we left,” Peridot said.
After landing on the beach Lapis set me down, but as I tried to stand my legs wobbled. I was hungry, dehydrated, and weak from the intense return trip to Earth. Lapis quickly picked me back up. “Let’s get you inside,” she said and gave me a soft smile.
After getting food and a lot of water in me, we chatted with Pearl about our space adventure. Although she was horrified when we told her about the close call coming back to Earth, she was relieved and happy that I still had an amazing experience. Even though I said I was going to take a break from space travel for awhile, I was still thinking about how amazing it’ll be to set foot on other planets. For now though, I just wanted to snuggle with my partners on the couch and have a deep and long sleep. With how exhausting the trip was it didn’t take long for all of us to fall asleep. 
Thank you for reading!
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okmingyu · 5 years
[to love only once.]
(reincarnation!au) in every life, hongjoong will always find his treasure.
pairing: khj x reader
genre: angst, fluff
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The first time he came into your life, it was less because of anything either of you did but instead because of the world’s most sociable mutt.
“Oh hello handsome! Who are you? Aren’t you the cutest! Where did you come from? Let me look at your collar!” you coo, trying to wrangle the large golden dog that sprinted toward you from across the park before he covers your face in kisses. After about three minutes of scratches and pets you’re able to get a hold of his name tag when he lays his head on your lap.
“Yunho. Is that your name big guy? Someone must be looking for you, handsome. You’re too sweet and way too cute to be a stray.” You scratch at his ears and flip over the name tag, finding a phone number on the back and are just about to dial when you hear someone yell across the park. 

“Yunho!” both you and Yunho turn your heads to the source of his name, orange-haired and running towards you from across the park, leash in one hand and car keys in the other. Unlike other dogs that would run to their owner at the sound of their name, Yunho just thumps his tail on the ground and continues to rest his head in your lap as if he has nowhere else in the world to be.
“Yunho, you gotta stop running from me every time I take off your leash!” He kneels on the ground and looks towards you while Yunho contently wags his tail as you scratch on his neck. “I’m so sorry about him. Did he knock you over? He’s a puppy and I’m still trying to get him to not go exploring around wherever he wants to as soon as he gets out of my grasp.” You lightly laugh at the thought of this man having to constantly run after this huge golden blur of fur and tongue.
“You’re fine. I was already on the ground when this handsome boy came barreling towards me, isn’t that right, Yunho?” He thumps his tail in response and the man crouched on the ground next to you looks relieved. You glance up at him, “puppy love makes everyone’s day a little brighter. I’m just glad you came when you did, I was just about to call and inform you that I was going to steal your dog.”
He smiles and laughs and you swear you can feel your body temperature increase.
“Oh really? You hear that Yunho? The pretty lady was about to take you home, even though at this point I think I should let her, since I’m pretty sure you like her more than me.” He looks down at the dog that is still lying in your lap and then back at you. All you can do is try not to focus on the fact that he called you pretty.
He offers you a hand. “I’m Hongjoong.” 

You respond and firmly shake his hand. “Y/N.”  
(They do say that dogs are a great judge of character.)
You feel a warm hand clasp around your wrist. “Princess. You can’t do this. Please think clearly, there has to be a better way.”
You use your free hand to pull out your blade, turning on your heel and pressing it into his neck. “If there was a better way, don’t you think I would have thought of it by now? I am not letting that man hypnotize my father into taking my god given right from me. I am the Crown and I will be Queen no matter what it takes. Now, let me go, Captain.”
He looks at you with those starry eyes of his, begging you to stop, to turn around, to listen to the orders that will be given by the Council and to be safe, sound. For him. But to listen to those orders was to give everything up, your crown, your country, him. You couldn’t do that. You’d rather be beheaded.
“You know I can’t do that, Princess. Not when I know your plan is to kill the Royal Advisor. It’s treason. Please. Think with your brain, not with your heart.”
“Captain Kim. It is your duty to protect and serve the Crown. My duty as the Crown is to protect and serve my country. I outrank you. This is an order. Let. Me. Go.”
He grips your arm harder as his free hand reaches toward the blade at his neck. “Listen to me. If he has gotten to the King the way you think he has, and you try to kill him and fail, the King will have you beheaded, whether you are the Princess or not. If you succeed, we will both be charged with treason and beheaded because it is my duty to stop you, the Crown, from doing something reckless and putting both of our lives at stake. Please put down the knife. Please think about what you’re doing.”
“Hongjoong—” You begin to plead with him but he cuts you off.
“What do you think is going to happen if you kill him and the King lets you live? That suddenly he won’t have the idea to marry you off to some other country and you can become Queen and that they’ll let you have me, a member of the Guard, rule by your side as your King? You know that won’t ever happen. Best-case scenario? You have blood on your hands and you still don’t get to have what you really want. What will you do then? Kill the King when he orders you marry a man that’s not me? Abdicate the throne and leave the country without a Crown? Kill yourself? You know you can't do any of those things.”
Your heart drops and you move your hand from his neck, letting your blade clatter to the floor. You never could have hurt him anyway.
 Tears well up in your eyes and he pulls you into his neck, holding you in his arms while you cry.
"My love," he says, voice low in his attempt to both give you comfort and hide his feelings from any prying ears, "you and I both know that in this life I was never destined to stay by your side forever. Wherever you end up, you will be a great Queen. Look at me."
You lift your head from its spot in his neck, fat tears spilling down your cheeks. He puts his hands on your face, using his thumbs to wipe at the wetness on your face. "I love you. I will find you again, every time. I promise. Please trust me." (You do. You always will.)
The third time, you realized that he always had a habit of coming into your life when you least expected it.
 You had just politely dismissed the waiter for the fourth time when he slides into the chair across from you.
“Hi baby, sorry I’m late. Traffic was insane.” He says barely loud enough for the waiter to hear and grabs the wine list.
“Um, who are you?” You ask, perplexed as to why this handsome stranger, but a stranger altogether is sitting across from you and calling you baby of all things.
He lowers his voice. “Not to sound like a Joe Goldberg, but, I am the guy who has spent the last hour of my time at the bar with my friends watching you wave off the waiter at least three separate times, check your phone no less than six times, and try to convince yourself that you are not getting stood up when you are unfortunately getting stood up.”
You feel a wave of shame wash over you and well up in your eyes. He was right. You were getting stood up.
He watches your eyes fill with water and immediately regrets being so blunt. “Please don’t cry. I never meant for you to cry. I came over here because that person is an idiot for standing you up when you look this beautiful. Nobody should be left sitting here all alone. So, at least until you can breathe through your mouth without sobbing, do you mind if I sit here? Then you can decide if I can stay.” He goes to hold your hand but puts it back on the menu at the last minute. It’s too intimate of a gesture when he doesn’t even know your name.
You nod, taking a sip of the water on the table, hoping it can cure the redness in your face. Once your nose stops burning from holding back your tears, you watch him read through the menu. He has sparkly eyes, high cheekbones, and a kind of pointy nose that crinkles when he smiles. If you’re being honest with yourself, he’s way more attractive than the guy you were originally supposed to meet here. You don’t know if it’s the wine you’ve already had, or what, but somehow he makes you feel warm and some little voice in your head is chanting for you to let him stay.
“You can stay.” You say loud enough for him to hear but soft enough to not catch anyone's attention. His eyes go wide, as shocked to hear it as you were to say it.
“Really? Are you sure? I’m sorry I called you baby.” He sets down the menu and rubs at his neck. “I don’t normally do things like this, I just felt like I needed to be here for you, for some reason. I needed the staff to not judge you for waiting and instead put the blame on me for showing up so late. Are you okay?”
You sniff. “I’m better now. Thank you—”
“Hongjoong.” You repeat. His name feels good sliding off your tongue, like you were always supposed to say it. “Shall we order then?”

(He takes you to the same restaurant the night he proposes two years later.)
“You’re one of the lucky ones,” the fortune teller says, holding your hands in her wrinkled ones. You look up at her, wondering what could have possibly led her to say that but she steals the question right from your eyes and answers it before you can open your mouth, “you have loved the same person in all of your lives. Every time, without fail, he found his way to you, just when you thought he wouldn’t. He’ll do it again. He promised.” You fiddle with the empty space on your ring finger and you sincerely hope she’s right. (She is.)
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