#to avoid confusion XD
archesa · 5 months
WIP Whenever !
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I was tagged by the lovely @redwayfarers aka Nero aka @i-mybrunettelady 🥰 Currently still slowly making progress on "Starlight and Fireworks"... so here's an excerpt! ... a still kinda "safe for saplings" excerpt!
His [Galaëd] hands fumbled uselessly with the bark plates, questing fingers failing to find a fasten or a stem in the seemingly unbreachable rampart of armour. Canach broke the kiss and straightened, his left hand never relinquishing his hold of the Valiant while his right ran in a furrow of his shoulder piece. Galaëd let out a frustrated huff. "Tease.", he groaned, earning a chuckle from the sylvari above him. "Eager, Valiant?" Any witty comeback Galaëd had turned to ash on his lips when the warrior unfurled the four long leaves crossing his chest and holding the armour in place, and his pauldron fell to the floor, his chestplate following suit. His eyes roamed the expense of familiar leaves, bark and flesh forming the warrior's chest. A few tufts of new leaves, soft and green in stark contrast to his burnished steel bark marred unlikely places on his torso and shoulders, a wide line growing past the edge of his greaves, where they shied in the crook of his hip. Galaëd traced the unusual softness with near fascination, a sudden tension seizing the warrior betraying the origin of these leaves. Scars. Galaëd's glow dimmed as he considered whether any of these were of his doing...
Okay, hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna hide forever a while now!😅(it's a super power when you think about it! I can read graphic nsfw in public without betraying anything, but I'm a flustered mess when I write anything distantly resembling citrus!...)
I tag in this... *takes a deep breath* @monaskydancer @curiousartemis @kerra-and-company @dumb-dumb-mander @just-eyris-things @thorns-and-brambles and everyone I've forgotten!
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klarion-the-witch-boy · 9 months
I only just figured out what a dsmp was. What's a qsmp? Why are a bunch of names the same across both?? Is this something I'm going to end up researching because I feel haunted and underinformed??? More Minecraft SMP research??
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layalu · 11 months
Haaate that my brain is so susceptible to getting disoriented from movement (<- outer wilds is cool af but it fucks with my brain) 😔
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momochanners · 8 months
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"I was so worried we would have had to hurt you."
Him, Jaheira?? WHAT ABOUT US?!!
During Baldur's Gate 3's third act, you've given the chance to rescue Minsc from mind-control BUT must avoid killing him during combat (or else Jaheira will leave permanently). To do that, 'Non-lethal Damage' must be toggled on for the fight (and only with non-ranged weapons....projectiles and offensive spells can still kill him).
So imagine my confusion when Astarion and my MC still killed him with their teeny daggers & rapiers. Several reloads later I realized, for some reason (a bug???), the party had to go completely unarmed to successfully down him. So fisticuffs with Strength 8 weaklings it was then...against Minsc's Dexterity score of 17 (meaning constant dodging) so you can imagine how long that brawl went XD;;
As long as Granny Jaheira is happy, I suppose.
Thanks to my patrons for their support in making this comic possible ^w^
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darqx · 7 days
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 11 months
Less Talk | Part VIII
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: Wooooh we're finally back! Hope y'all enjoy this infuriating little tale of will they won't they XD
Summary: Jake can't stand Bradley's best friend. What's more, he's probably in love with her, which really pisses him off.
CW: Swearing, suggestive dialogue and actions, it's an angsty one
Masterlist | Part I
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Jake senses Bradley stiffen in the seat to his right and suppresses a scowl. He's been regulating the outward expression of his feelings for you since the day you met, so what's a couple more hours?
Bradley cranes his neck, watching you step out of the car while Mustang examines his taillights with a frown. You shut your own door and join him near the trunk when he finally straightens his back. Then the two of you head for the entrance.
“I fucking knew it,” Bradley mutters.
Jake releases a steady breath, trying his best to mask his own misery. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on with her?” he says casually.
Bradley looks at Jake with a sour expression. “You spend more time with her than I do these days. You tell me.”
Jake swears under his breath as Bradley rises from his chair. For a moment, he considers completely ignoring you and your piece of shit excuse for a boyfriend. ­Ex-boyfriend, he reminds himself adamantly, finally getting out of his seat. He's not sure why Bradley's so distraught by Mustang's presence, but he's getting tired of all the mystery.
He looks up when you walk into the restaurant, his eyes meeting yours the moment you enter. You’ve got your arm hooked through Mustang’s and Jake nearly sits back down.
But the smug look on Mustang’s face makes him reconsider. Jake Seresin isn’t one to shy away from a fight, if that’s what it comes down to. And whatever your reason is for arriving with this jackass, Jake deserves to know it. He steps around the table and marches alongside Bradley as he approaches the two of you.
You glance between Bradley and Jake innocently, as though you’ve absolutely no idea why the two men are stopping you before you even reach the table.
“Is everything okay here?” Bradley asks commandingly, his eyes sliding between you and Mustang.
You give him a jolly smile that is so far from genuine, it borders on comical, and say, “Of course.” Jake narrows his eyes at you, but you avoid his gaze and blink up at Mustang instead. “Shall we find a seat?” You're carrying a gift bag that's big enough to fit a small toddler and you look as though it might tip you over at any moment.
“Hold it,” Jake says sternly.
Mustang gives him a sharp look, but Jake keeps his eyes on you. You meet his gaze reluctantly.
For a split second, Jake wonders if he’s the crazy one. If he’s been so infatuated with you that he’s completely misread the situation. Maybe he’s got no reason to be upset. Maybe it was just a kiss. Two, he reminds himself adamantly. It was two.
You transfer the gift bag from one hand to the other impatiently and shake out the unburdened arm.
Jake reaches for the gift bag and takes it out of your grasp, holding it out to Mustang pointedly. This idiot can't take a hint, apparently.
Mustang stares at the bag and then blinks up at Jake, so Jake shoves it forcefully into his stomach. “Try to make yourself useful, son,” he says flatly.
Mustang takes the bag obediently even though his features are still twisted in confusion.
“Can I steal you for a minute?” Jake asks, returning his attention to you.
Mustang snaps out of his trance and steps forward as if to assert his dominance, but you place a hand on his arm and nod mutely. “I'll meet you at the table,” you say gingerly.
Jake gestures for you to lead the way, not even bothering to grace Mustang with a farewell.
You take a few steps away and stop, but Jake is right behind you and gives you a slight nudge to keep you moving. You glance up at him and he nods toward the back of the restaurant. You oblige, navigating the narrow spaces between the tables on your way to the rear while Jake keeps a couple of fingers on your lower back.
You round the corner into the corridor leading into the kitchen and turn to look at him with a blank expression. Jake studies you quietly for a moment, wondering if you might try to explain yourself before he has to ask. When you raise your eyebrows questioningly, he scoffs, saying, “What the fuck?”
You appear taken aback by his brusqueness, but he isn’t overly concerned with hurting your delicate feelings. In fact, riling you is probably the easiest way to get you to talk.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” he asks, taking a step forward.
You compensate by taking a step back. “We’re working things out,” you respond nonchalantly, as though Jake should have seen this coming.
Jake watches you broodingly until you finally lower your gaze. “No, you’re not,” he says finally.
You look up at him abruptly and he can sense the hostility in your eyes. “What do you want, Seresin?” you ask irritably, like he’s getting on your last nerve.
“I want you to tell me what he’s doing here,” he repeats, taking another step toward you.
You swallow uncomfortably but don’t retreat again. “We decided to give it another shot,” you say, shrugging.
Jake shakes his head when you avert your gaze once more. “You’re lying,” he says. He knows you, and something about you feels off.
You let out a frustrated sigh but obstinately keep your eyes on the ground.
“What about yesterday?” he asks.
You glance up at him reproachfully. “What about it?” you say with a grimace.
Jake takes a final step forward, towering over you while you lift your face to maintain eye contact. “Want me to remind you?” he says quietly, each strike of his accelerating heartbeat growing closer to his throat.
You roll your eyes, apparently completely unfazed by his advances. “It was just a kiss, Seresin,” you say. “It didn’t mean anything.”
Jake makes another attempt. “It was two,” he points out.
You sigh, glancing over Jake’s shoulder anxiously to check that the two of you are still alone. “One, two, twenty – who cares?” you say jadedly.
Jake tightens his jaw, not even attempting to conceal the bitterness in his voice. “Are you really just gonna stand here and pretend like you don’t feel it too?” he says. Normally, he’d have walked away by now. But he’ll be damned if this doesn't work out on account of your stupid ego. Or his, for that matter.
“Come on, Jake,” you say cynically, crossing your arms. “You’re not the feeling type.”
Jake exhales forcefully; you’re not wrong, but he doesn't want to get into it. How could he possibly explain that this assessment is no longer as accurate as he’s led you to believe? How could he tell you that things have changed in recent weeks – that he’s changed?
He can’t. Not without baring his soul. And he’s not prepared to do that for anybody.
“You’re right,” he murmurs, taking your elbow gently and drawing you forward. He detects a hint of citrus as you near and it dizzies him. “I actually don’t give a shit about you at all.”
He sees the twitch of your lips as you attempt to hold back a smile and lowers his head to rest it over yours. “There he is,” you mutter softly.
“Couldn't care less,” he adds, coasting his fingers up your arms as you unfold them.
“Sounds about right,” you breathe, and he can feel your fingers slowly twist into the material of his dress shirt. It’s all he can do not to steer you backward into the wall and run his hands up the curves of your waist and capture your mouth in his and –
He lets the tip of his nose brush the bridge of yours lightly while the torrent inside him rages on. “You drive me up the wall, I swear,” he admits, his voice cracking as a short-lived chuckle escapes with his words.
“It comes naturally,” you respond, and he can hear your smile without having to see it.
“I bet.”
“I can’t stand you,” you mutter as your fingers tangle further into the gaps between the buttons of his shirt.
Jake closes his eyes when said fingers make contact with his skin. “I don’t blame you,” he whispers, his mouth hovering just above yours.
Your hands relax slightly as your fingers graze his stomach through the slits of his shirt. “Anything else?” you ask, your eyes lifting to meet his gaze.
Jake nods slowly. “You’re really fucking annoying,” he says, bringing his hand up to trace the outline of your face.
Your smile widens. “I’m sorry about that.”
Jake shakes his head. “Don’t be,” he whispers, sliding his hand behind your head and pulling you forward. But, being the complete idiot he is, just before kissing you, he asks again, “Why’d you bring him?”
You let your face fall slightly, so that your forehead lands right on his lips. He doesn’t miss this opportunity to kiss it. “He and I aren’t together anymore, Jake,” you respond. “We’re just here as friends,” you add, but you still withdraw slightly.
Jake isn’t sure how to respond and his hands fall away from you as you retreat. Your message is fairly straightforward, but your tone has an air of ambiguity to it which gives him pause.
“He’s trying to be nice,” you continue. “He offered me a ride.”
“I could’ve given you a ride,” Jake says impulsively; defensively. There’s no way this asshole is here because you were short on a mode of transportation.
You sigh. “There’s more to it.”
“No shit,” he responds.
“Look, I don’t have to explain myself to you,” you snap. “Just – don’t get involved. Please.”
Jake fixes you with a defiant sort of scowl. “Did he threaten you?” he asks, his voice somewhat gravelly as he tries to suppress his anger.
“It’s not like that,” you say quickly. “Let it go.”
Jake juts out his jaw and sucks in his cheeks, nodding. “Okay,” he says finally. “Go ahead and enjoy your friend’s company, then.” He gestures for you to go back into the dining room.
You give him a sardonic look and approach him with a small smile. “Try to behave,” you say in a soft, sultry voice that sends a ripple through his body.
He turns to follow you and lowers his head to mutter, “Did you give Mustang the same instructions?” just as the two of you enter the dining room.
You glance up at him with a chuckle. “I’m far more concerned about you.”
Jake grins. “You’re concerned about me?” He claps a hand to his chest. “I’m touched.”
You roll your eyes as the two of you approach the table. “Behave,” you repeat.
Jake pulls a chair out for you as you greet the rest of the party. He leans in to whisper, “No promises,” as you lower yourself into the seat beside Bradley.
“They’re not together,” Bradley states with a hint of skepticism as he observes your interaction with Mustang at the bar.
Jake watches the two of you sourly. “They’re just friends,” he confirms as Mustang aims a broad grin in your direction and hands you a tropical looking drink.
“He’s a chauffeur,” Bradley adds with a shrug.
Jake nods, still staring you down as you take a sip and smile, pretending to enjoy the beverage. “She hates orange juice,” Jake states.
Bradley raises his eyebrows and looks over at him.
“Why doesn’t she just tell him that she hates orange juice?” Jake asks irritably, shifting his weight restlessly as he debates walking right up to Mustang and communicating the information, himself.
Bradley glances back at you. “She doesn’t seem to mind it.”
Jake narrows his eyes, marvelling at how easily you carry out the charade, wondering what your angle is.
“Is that cake?” Bradley says suddenly, interrupting Jake’s train of thought.
Impassively, Jake looks over at the table where the party guests have begun to help themselves to the assortment of desserts. “It’s from the bakery across the street,” he mutters, returning his attention to the bar where Mustang appears to be sliding closer and closer to you, nearly pinning you to the counter.
“You brought cake?” Bradley sounds bemused.
Jake sighs loudly. “Of course, I brought cake, Bradshaw. It’s a damn birthday.” Meanwhile, he sees you laughing at something Mustang said as though you actually think he’s funny.
“What kind?”
Jake looks back at Bradley absently. “What?”
“The cake?” Bradley asks.
Jake grimaces. “How should I know?”
Bradley stares at him in confusion. “Are you okay?”
“Is he flirting with her?” Jake says distractedly, watching as Mustang places his hand on your back and leans his head in to whisper something in your ear.
Bradley looks back over at you and shrugs. “I wasn’t buying the whole friend thing, anyway,” he says.
Jake grunts in response. “You want cake?” he asks, seeing you pull Mustang toward the table of sweets.
Bradley hesitates. “It depends what kind –”
But Jake doesn’t let him finish. “Yeah, me too,” he says, starting to shove Bradley in the direction of the dessert table. He arrives at the same time you do and gives you a tarty look while Bradley clears his throat uncomfortably.
“How’s it going?” Bradley flashes a quick grin in Mustang’s direction.
You eye Jake nervously before lowering your gaze and it nearly kills him that Mustang’s got his hand planted snugly on your hip. Just friends don’t grope one another, and Jake is about to point this little tidbit out when Mustang speaks. “I think we need to start over,” he says in a grandiose tone, extending his hand to Jake.
Jake slowly tears his eyes away from you to give Mustang a stony look. “I don’t think that’s necessary,” he responds coldly. He can feel your aggravation without even looking at you, but this doesn’t discourage him in the slightest. Your soft spot for Mustang is slowly eating away at him and he can’t help the animosity that’s burning up his veins.
Mustang laughs off Jake’s curt response and puts a second arm around you, as though he means to claim his territory. Jake narrows his eyes at him, clenching his jaw as he watches you pat Mustang on the belly before casually squirming out of his embrace. You give Jake a stern expression and then aim a gracious smile at Mustang. “Don’t mind him,” you say. “Jake doesn’t play nice with anybody.”
Jake rolls his eyes despite the pointed glance he receives from Bradley.
“Can’t we all just get along?” Mustang offers, shooting Jake a smarmy grin.
You nod your head at Mustang, apparently completely missing the blatant insincerity of his statement, and Jake could swear this gesture makes his blood boil. He shifts closer to you and, before he can stop himself, he lifts his hand and hooks a finger through one of the belt loops on the back of your shorts, giving you a small, but purposeful tug.
You glance at him over your shoulder but, otherwise, act like nothing is amiss. Of course, despite being amply aware that this sort of stunt isn’t altogether becoming, the fact that you don’t seem overly opposed to his discreetly possessive behavior gives him a fair bit of comfort. So much so that he even gives the loop another soft pull, bringing your back into his chest. It’s a microscopic movement since the four of you are already jammed so close together in the midst of the crowd, but he swears that you lean into him for a moment, letting your shoulder blades rest on his pecs before you straighten your posture.
“Want to catch a movie tonight?” Mustang asks you, grabbing a plate for himself once he reaches the table.
“She’s busy,” Jake responds before you can say anything. He takes a plate from the stack and hands it to you, ignoring your arching eyebrows as you give him an incredulous look.
He also ignores Bradley’s amused expression even as the latter turns away, pretending not to have heard the exchange.
When you open your mouth to protest, Jake meets your gaze and says, “Trust me, you’re busy.”
You purse your lips, but Jake can tell that you’re suppressing a smile, so he swipes his thumb over the delicate skin of your lower back, just above the waistband of your shorts. He savors the fleeting lapse in your façade; the subtle flutter of your eyelids as you experience the thrill of his touch – however faint it might be. And it rattles him. Your momentary slip, the nearly imperceptible manifestation of pleasure that hijacks your features, rattles him, as though the arousal had been his own.
And he wants more. He wants to witness every cadence of bliss on your face. He wants to savor every single intake of breath. He wants you, alone, uninhibited.
His grasp constricts around the loop of your waistband, tightening its circumference around your waist. You submit willingly to this additional tug, letting your backside connect with his body as if you want him to pull you closer. To hold you firmer. To grip you harder.
“Can I buy you a proper drink?” Jake asks, approaching your seated figure at the bar.
Your gaze drifts up Jake’s body as he situates himself on the stool beside you. You let out a humorless laugh, pointedly pushing away the Screwdriver you’ve been nursing for the past hour.
“Having a good time?” he asks after hailing over the bartender to put in the drink order.
You eye him warily before dropping your gaze into your lap and dragging your teeth over your bottom lip. Jake glances around to confirm that there’s nobody nearby. He hooks a hand behind your calf and rotates you to face him on your stool. You lift your eyes carefully. “Are you?”
Jake holds your gaze. “Not particularly.”
You lift your eyebrows unsympathetically. “You should work on your people skills. Might make social gatherings more enjoyable.”
Jake suppresses a grin. “Are you lecturing me on people skills?”
“As a matter of fact, I get along with everybody but you,” you respond haughtily.
Jake smiles, his gaze drifting down to your mouth as you try to keep a straight face. “That’s because you’re not comfortable being yourself with anybody else.” His hand is still tucked into the crevice behind your knee, and he squeezes the muscle of your leg gently.
You scoff, shaking your head. “You’re so fucking full of yourself.”
Jake skims his fingers along the underside of your thigh. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Your eyes slide over Jake’s shoulder. “He’s just outside,” you say, your voice suddenly on edge.
Jake tilts his head to the side as though he’s puzzled. He’s not; in fact, he was waiting for this reaction. “Your driver?” he asks brazenly.
You give him a flat look. “Oh, you’re being a dick. What a surprise.”
Jake shrugs, curbing the nausea in the pit of his stomach – which definitely doesn’t need a label – with a gulp of beer. He’s not the jealous type. “Why would ‘just a friend’ take issue with our conversation?”
You watch him coolly without responding. Finally, you turn back to the counter and Jake drops his hand from your leg.
Despite his frequent quips about your tendency to distribute your opinion like it’s a courtesy to mankind, the irony of finding himself wondering what’s actually on your mind is not lost on him. Not your stance on the import of exotic fruit or the numerous ways he could reduce his carbon footprint. Not even your unfortunate disdain for his beloved truck, although he might circle back to that one at a later date.
No. These aren’t the things that matter. Not immediately, anyway. What you’re holding back is far more personal. And, with an unpleasant – and therefore significant – pang, Jake realizes that he wants to know. That he isn’t just a stand-in, waiting for Bradley to swoop in and provide timely emotional support. He isn’t an acquaintance making small talk just to pass the time. He isn’t a friend of a friend. Not anymore. Not for a long time. And he cares. He cares about you and your feelings and he cares about your ridiculous principles. He’s unplugged his goddamn table fan, for crying out loud. He mowed his lawn.
“Why did you bring him?” he asks. It’s the same question as before but it’s vulnerable this time around. He’s not demanding an answer. He’s begging for one.
Absently, you twist the stem of your fresh glass between your fingers. For a moment, Jake thinks you might ignore the question. Then, you let out a heavy sigh. “I need him,” you say.
Jake narrows his eyes. Need can take on many forms and he could use an elaboration. “In what sense?” he asks, a little hurt that you don’t seem to need him.
“Can we just move on?” you say irritably, taking a sip of your drink.
Jake shifts his jaw, considering your request. Finally, he shakes his head. “I can’t.”
You look over at him sharply and he can tell that his response has taken you by surprise. If he’s being honest, it’s a bit of a shock to him as well. He’s not one to dwell on matters that don’t concern him. He’s not one to pry. So why won’t he just drop it?
But he’s on his feet before he can process his own actions. He’s speaking before he can gather his thoughts. “You know where I stand, princess,” he says in a low, but assertive voice, somewhere far too close to your ear to resemble a friendly exchange. His hand drifts along the hem of your shorts before he finally turns to walk away.
It takes exactly two seconds for you to call out, “Jake!”
He rotates slowly to look at you, swallowing uncomfortably as he awaits your next move. He watches you calmly, trying his best to quell the hope that’s disturbing his breathing.
You’re gazing at him anxiously, as though the last thing you want is for him to depart. And the regret on your face makes him believe you might reconsider keeping him in the dark. So, against his better judgement, he takes a step back toward you.
And what a relief this brings; as though you’ve got him hooked on a tension cable. But before he can take another step, he hears the front door open, and Mustang’s voice carry confidently over the other patrons’ conversations.
“There’s something I need to get off my chest!” he announces as he makes his way toward the bar.
Jake witnesses the lightning transformation of your face as he nears: confusion – alarm – a forced but terrified smile.
Mustang crashes into the counter clumsily and throws a heavy arm over your shoulders, the weight of which makes you wince. You whisper something indiscernible to him, but he waves a dismissive hand at you before you even finish.
“We wanted to wait until after the party,” he continues in a booming voice as your eyes slide nervously to Jake and then search the restaurant for Bradley. “Because we didn’t want to take away from Mickey’s birthday celebration…”
“What the fuck is going on?” Jake turns to see Bradley at his side.
Jake shakes his head. “He’s hammered.”
Bradley looks down at his watch. “It’s barely noon.”
Jake narrows his eyes as he watches you fidget under Mustang’s arm. This can’t be what you want out of life. It just can’t.
“But I suck at keeping secrets,” Mustang continues with a chuckle.
This piques Jake’s interest. If you’re not going to share with the class, perhaps he can get the necessary intel from Mustang. And he’s almost pleased with this turn of events. Until, that is, Mustang speaks again. And shortly thereafter, Jake feels like he might just throw up.
Mustang grins broadly and looks down at you lovingly. He cups your cheek with his hand tenderly. He kisses your forehead. And then he turns back to the growing crowd of spectators. “We’re engaged!” he declares. “We’re getting married!”
Read Part 9
A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sometimes I wanna shake these two and say, in my best Mav voice, "Don't think just talk!" They still have a ways to go.. Until next time! xoxo
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atalienart · 5 months
What are your tips on improving writing?
I don't think I'm at the level to give such tips. I myself try to read a lot of different books and learn from the authors that way. I watch youtube writing channels that talk about story structure, character development, or give advice how to improve prose and what to avoid. It's good to have someone who can look at your writing and give some feedback too. Also, I write. After some time, when I go back to my writing, I can see the mistakes better.
I can share some things that I've learnt from others and I think are good advice, for example:
use strong verbs (the person may walk but may also stroll, march or tiptoe);
there are more interesting verbs than to be;
weave description into action (The building was big. She walked towards it. ➜ She lifted her head as the stone walls grew before her. or He took the book in his hand nervously. He was tall, had brown hair and was wearing glasses. ➜ He reached for the high shelf without an effort. Book in hand, he pushed glasses up his nose to read the title - "Magic spells to improve writing." "This is it," he murmured, nervously running fingers through his brown hair.) (or some shit like that);
write sentences of different length so they don't sound monotonous;
If you want to write quick scenes. Short sentences. Actually. Make them slower. Why? Because periods. Are. Long. Pauses. xD
leave the most important words for the end of the sentence (He was thinking about the woman, while drinking his tea. ➜ He was drinking his tea, thinking about the woman.)
avoid filter words like hear, feel, see, etc. (She heard the noise that startled her. ➜ The noise startled her. or She was startled by the noise. or She jumped at the noise.)
be careful with time shifts (She noticed him behind the trees and smiled. Her beautiful monster. She runs to him and takes his hand and all of a sudden everything is all right. "Where is your hat?" she asks, but he just stares at her. He's always been a monster of few words, soft and quiet, but the lack of answer still surprised her. - is this present or past tense? confusion)
every scene should have a purpose - advance the plot, develop the character, add some conflict; ideally it will do all these things;
white room syndrom is bad - avoid;
use as many characters as you need; if one character can do the work of two, you need only one, scrap the other;
every character should want something!
give a character a desire, fear and misbelief;
Here are some of them. I hope they're useful. (They were useful for me even if I write in Polish :)) Of course some of these are optional but I think they make my writing better. I read somewhere that you should write only necessary words, so I'm trying to go by this rule. This is rather hard btw xD
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ratsonastick · 5 months
Can you do more ex!clarisse la rue x ex!reader but instead they are a bit more aggressive. They broke up because they were always fighting and getting jealous. After a really explosive fight they break up. They are so bitter towards each other during training they would spar together since no one else would challenge them and when they attacked it was like they were actually fighting. The words they spoke to each other are mostly about how they are the superior one or the stronger on or the right one. During a bonfire the reader decided to get under clarisse’s skin and flirt with her best friend . She see this and it sets sadness and a fire inside of her. She was going to win you back, after that day she would be nicer to you she would compliment you and you take notice of this. You ask her after sparring with each other while she was saying how amazing you were and how you were improving and the reader gets annoyed and said “Why are you acting like?!?” the reader is mad because she was the one who said to break up. Clarrise tells the reader that she still loves her and wants to get back together but the reader is still so upset and tells clarrise to stay out of her life breaking clarrise’s heart. The reader storms away so frustrated and confused. The reader and another camper and hit it off and goes on a eats dinner with them clarrise sees you with her about and gets so angry but doesn’t do anything because of what you said. Clarrise then notices that she doesn’t see you at training that often she barely see you at all even. One day she’s going to training and sees you with the camper. When she sees this it make her heart feel like it’s shattering, she always thought that you guys would get over this that you guys would get back together and spend the rest of your life together. She then realized that she couldn’t just stand there and watch fall in love with someone else. She went to talk to you while you were going to your cabin but you are also with the camper and she kind of shoos her away. The reader is upset that she just sent her away and tries to walk away but clarrise calls the reader but the reader just ignores her after a while clarrise just picks the reader up and bring them to her cabin with them kicking and screaming on her shoulder. Clarrise then apologizes to the reader and she has a whole speech on why they should get back together one of them being is because she hasn’t felt that way with anyone before and she never wants to she only wants to feel that way for you and telling the reader not to continue dating the camper. You just sit there shocked and confused because the camper that you were talking to you weren’t interested in at all they were your cabin sibling you were just helping her get more comfortable with the camp. You tell her that this was one of the main reasons why they broke up that they were so overprotective. Clarrise a little embarrassed says that she’s sorry for overreacting but she felt like she was losing you and just kind of rambles. And you stop her with a kiss and tell her that they can get back together but they have to start at square one and reintroduce each other.
The end
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LEGEND YOU GAVE SO MUCH DETAIL!!! I had to pause at breakfast and show my friends sorry XD I'm pretty sure you wrote more than I did
But anyways ... Clarisse La Rue x Ex!Reader (Happy ending) Warnings - Blood, fighting, make out ...
AND requests are still open!
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
You and Clarisse broke up a week ago, due to always fighting and getting jealous. And the way the two of you broke it off was, well, messy. 
For the first time, you truly believed you hated her, and she thought the same thing about you. 
You try to ignore her, going separate ways, avoiding the Ares cabin. You thought that once you guys broke up you wouldn't be bothered anymore. That you could finally escape her claws, but no. 
Of course, you had to be partners with her in sparring, and you hated it. She once was so gentle with you, trying her best to not hurt you like she did with the other campers. But now it was almost like sudden death like you were fighting an actual monster. 
When she pushed you down and you rolled away to avoid her sword that came crashing down she let out a laugh “Where are you going stupid ass.” 
You'd quickly got up and threw a punch into her stomach so you could throw her off guard and be able to take a breather. When you looked at her it truly was like seeing someone else. It was like looking at the man in a horror show who was about to kill you, someone you once trusted. 
“You little-” She yelled, taking her sword and clashing it down onto yours, she met your eyes and for a second you thought you saw something change. But she kicked your knee causing you to fall and her sword cut into your skin. 
You fell to the floor, your hand reaching up to feel the blood pooling down your chin. You looked up at her as she took a step back, her arms falling to her side, her movements slow and breathing heavy. 
“I can't believe – I can't believe you.” You stuttered, out of breath and hurt you stood up. Cover the wound with your hand as the blood starts to cover your fingers and slide down your arm. 
You walked off to find Will in the Apollo cabin, tears mixing with the wound which made everything sting more.   
A few days later you walked to the bonfire and sat down with some friends. You saw Clarisse standing by a tree with a drink in her hands and her siblings, you noticed how her gaze flickered to the stitching on your face. 
You ignored her, turning your gaze to look at your friends. 
It is strange to think though, how you once would run up to her during these fires, and ask her to help you roast your marshmallow and she'd roll her eyes but you could she loved it. 
Now you two were just trying to be strangers. 
You saw her friend Selena sitting across from you, on the other side of the fire and you decided to be friendly. 
You walked over and said hello and she smiled at you, you never realized how pretty she was even though you've seen her so many times. 
“How you holding up?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders “I've been getting through it … But Clarisse she takes her anger out on me.” you pointed to your face and looked back towards the fire. 
“Yikes” Selena mumbled bringing her fingers up to touch the skin around the stitching “Makes you look tough though.” She mumbled which made you turn to look at her “Yeah?” and she hummed in response. 
You smiled, feeling a small burning sensation in your stomach, or maybe it was coming from the back of your head where Clarisse had been burning lasers into. 
Clarisse couldn't help herself but be annoyed by you, especially with you trying to be smitten with her friend. You were trying to get under her skin, maybe to get back at her for cutting you.
But either way, she didn't like it. 
She knew it wasn't right for her to want to win you back, that the reason why you guys broke up was because of her jealousy in the first place, and now it was what fueled her to get you back. 
She started slowly, sneaking in extra portions of food for you, leaving anonymous notes and flowers. 
She hoped you knew it was her, but unfortunately, you only believed it was Selena. She caught you talking to her friend thanking her for the things, leaving Selena a bit confused before noticing Clarisse in the corner with her arms crossed and a scowl. 
“Wait, who is it then?” you asked confused, Selena shrugged her shoulders and walked off leaving you standing there. You looked around and noticed Clarisse, but she just shook her head and walked off. 
A few days later you were back on the field with her. 
Clarisse wouldn't admit this out loud, but seeing you in front of her waiting for the timer to start was just like seeing you for the first time again. She liked how you stood there with your hands on your hips, looking around out into the distance at the forest admiring the colors, and trying to ignore the awkward tension. 
Maybe this is all the two of you needed, was to fall in love again, to realize you needed each other. 
And she wanted you to notice this is all you needed. 
When the timer started she took a stance and allowed you to hit her first. She wanted you to impress her just like the first time you did. She wanted you to see how good she is, and forget Selena. 
She wanted so much. 
When you both finished, out of breath and unfocused Clarisse spoke up “You did good, I liked that thin-” But she was cut off by you, “What is this?” 
“What?” Clarisse asked, getting defensive, “This new positive attitude … remember when you sliced my face open the last time, and now you're trying to be all buddy!” You spoke, waving your hands around in frustration. 
“I'm sorry, would you prefer me to cut your leg this time?” She spoke with furrowed brows. “No! But I want you to stop acting like things between us are normal.” 
You wanted the conversation to end so you walked away, wiping some of the sweat off your forehead. Clarisse turned to look at you but then sighed and chased after you “Argh come on Y/n just … I want you back in my life please!” you never heard Clarisse beg, even when you guys broke up. So for a moment you almost faltered, but then kept walking “Just stay out of my life!” you yelled, and finally she stopped following you. 
Later that night Clarisse sat on her cabin steps, tossing a ball back and forth between her hands. She wanted to wait for you to get back to your cabin so maybe she could try again. 
But then she heard your laughs and noticed you standing with some girl. 
Oh. The reason why she said no was because you moved on. 
She stayed still, trying to blend into the shadows so she wouldn't be seen. She felt like she was about to throw up, watching as you clung onto the girl's hand and swung it back and forth like you once did with hers. 
The next few days it was almost like you were nonexistent, like you never went to camp because no one questioned it. You didn't go to the training field, you didn't go to dinner, you were gone. 
Or maybe just just disappeared from Clarisse. 
After a few more days she saw you on the field with that girl and she scoffed. Before she could think she found her legs moving towards you “Look who finally showed up” Clarisse spoke bitterly as she kept her gaze on you. Then she finally looked at the girl “Get lost … she's my partner.” 
The girl wanted to protest, but Clarisse didn't look away from her until she started to walk away. You watched Clarisse and took notice of how she seemed so angry. “Where have you been” 
“Why does it matter?” you spoke up and Clarisse scoffed “Because I care.” you shook your head turning around to walk away and letting out a sigh.
Clarisse pretty much growled at your behavior and picked you up, throwing you over her shoulder. Her hand found their placement right under your butt which caused you to gasp at the sudden baldness. 
“Clarisse! Put me down!” you yelled trying to kick your way out, But Clarisse was stronger, she kept walking until she reached her cabin, placing you down on her bunk and yelling at the few campers to Scram. 
“Will you stop being stubborn and listen to me!” She shouted which got you to stop talking, as you crossed your arms and looked away like a toddler. 
“I still love you! And I always will! And I'm sorry I am always so jealous and protective I just can't help it! You are so beautiful and when I see you trying to be friendly with other people I just can't help myself but get angry.” 
She huffed out bringing her hand up to brush your cheek softly “I love you.” she almost chuckled as she looked at your cheeks turn slightly warm. 
Clarisse felt hers get warm as well, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I'm so sorry for hurting you … I just couldn't control myself. You know I'll never do it again.” She spoke softly, brushing your scar, but at the same time, she was also talking about your feelings. 
“I don't think I can handle seeing you and that girl together anymore,” she spoke and she took notice of how you smiled slightly, tilting your head down to ignore her gaze but Clarisse tilted your head back up to look at her. 
She was squatting in front of your knees and a feeling of butterflies entered your stomach. “Will you plea-” 
But she was cut off by you kissing her harshly, your legs separating so she would kneel between your legs as you both kissed. 
Your fingers tangled into her hair, and you both let out soft gasps into each other's mouths. Clarisse’s hands found your hips and pulled you forward so her chest was hitting your stomach. 
She pulled away and smiled as she noticed how red your face was “So do you forgive me” 
You nodded your head and kissed her once more.
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harusaki-hugo · 5 months
Hello! I uhm wanted to ask you if we can get another part of being like takemitches twin? Like specifically how the other gangs would react to you fighting and being a girl? Thank you 🫶💗
Fandom; Tokyo Revengers
Hcs; What's it's like to be Tokyo Revengers younger/older siblings .
Note; i didn't expect it to be this popular lmao. Also. warning might contain some spoiler for those who just start the anime. i thought about putting brahman too but it's still not out in anime yet. Also, you can my favorite and my least favorite here XD.
Being Takemichi twin sister part two:-
Black Dragon:
You just want to have one day without you being drag into Takemichi problem but no, you got a call from Takuya saying Takemichi got his ass beaten in church.
Just one day, but no, seem like holy spirit want to see you suffering because your mom told you to drag Takemichi back home so you guys can have dinner together.
So here you are, ignoring the fight happening around you as you go straight to the church. Yamagishi about to cheer your name when he sees the pissed expression on your face, and he start praying for taiju.
Imagine Taiju who about to punch Yuzuha stop when someone push the door open and yell out, "Hanagaki Takemichi!!" and Takemichi like, "Oh shit, full name. I f*ck up."
Inui already know who you are, he sees you dragging Takemichi back home one day by ear. See, he once tries to stop you since he wants to talk to Takemichi but you kick him between his legs, so he politely steps aside to avoid not able to produce heir anymore.
But Taiju is another story, he sneers at you and stop you from taking another step, "who the hell are you, can you see that-"
Just before he can say anything, you rush toward him, Taiju let out a small gasp not expecting you to rush head on. He throws a right punch, but you slip underneath him, clenching your left fist you aim for his family jewel and punch it hard that all male in the church share the same pain.
Taiju falls on the ground holding his crotch, he lifts his head up to yell at you, but you already pull your arm back, without any mercy you start repeatedly punching Taiju in the face, not giving him a chance to recover.
Inui now start thinking whether he should just join toman as he stares at you beating the shit out of Taiju, Kokonoi have a second thought about this event. And Taiju, he, well might need a ride to hospital.
"Takemichi sister is stronger than him." Inui say as he looks at you drag your brother away, " Wait, what?" Koko look at Inui with a wide eye, "Oh right, that's [name], takemichi twin sister." Yuzuha looks at the unconscious Taiju, "Well, damn. I think i like her more now."
Overal: Yuzuha now has a girl crush, Inui start planning on calling takemichi brother-in-law, Kokonoi will literally buy you anything because Inui like you, Taiju has a second thought; wondering if his siblings as strong as you will he end up in hospital sooner?
Bonus: Mikey who about to help the other stare in confusion when he sees you dragging Takemichi out by an ear, yelling and scolding him. He peeks inside the church and see Taiju laying on the floor, beaten up to pulp. "Gotta marry her someday." He thought.
Izana knows about you because Mikey like you, so he thought about, why don't we have a chat with you for a bit.
On your way back home from school, you see a group of males hogging around in front of your house. Curious you step closer to them and ask why they here.
Haitani brothers point out at how similar you are to Takemichi, which you answer with duh, obviously. But then you see Kakucho and you recognize him, you greet him saying it's been long time since last you see him. kakucho can't help but blush when you step closer to him because he *cough*haveacrushonyouonce*cough*.
Izana notice this obviously want the best for his servant and take the lead, he asks you a few questions. Mostly about your relationship with Mikey. Which the answers are no.
You sigh and tell them to leave you alone since you are not really an official member of Toman. You about to walk away when Ran stop you, without much thought you flip Ran over your shoulder making him crash on the ground.
Silence. Pure silence.
Izana being curious piece of art he is wanted to test your strength because why not? When you busy apologize to stunned Ran, Izana throws a fake punch at you, but you dodge it by reflex. Oh, now he really interested.
You two start fighting, well, more like you dodging and he is attacking. Much to the other surprise you manage to dodge every single one of it.
"What are you guys doing?" Takemichi who just come back from meeting Mikey look at you guys confusedly and worryingly.
You two stop the fight because Takemichi ruin the fun, izana word not you. Izana whisper something toward you before he walks away with the other following him.
'If Mikey want you then i want you too.' is what he whispers and you like, wtf? aren't you like eighteen? red flags much?
"[Name] never change. She still looks like her brother." Kakucho said out loud making them all look at him. "...That's a girl?" Izana asks, "Yeah? Don't you see she wear girl uniform?"-"...Well, damn!"
Overall: stay away from izana if you want to survive, kakucho want to see you again and maybe you two can get a drink together, Ran is intrigue and wonder if you are stronger than you look and Rindou wonder if you willing to go out with him.
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Summary: You had a dream but unfortunately there was a misunderstanding.
Characters: Valtor x Reader (she/her) / Bloom
Words: 1091
Warnings: Implied smut/Nsfw, some spice but nothing detailed. Cuddling with a friend. Secret relationship. Enemy to lovers. Kind of betrayal. (Please let me know if I should add anything)
A/n: Hey Ho. Well, this is only the second fandom for which I post fanfiction and I haven’t written for a while. And my native language is not English, so please forgive me for any mistakes and it was more of a spontaneous idea I had. Please just don’t expect a Jane Austen novel. (I'm not nervous, you are xD) Okay, I’ll stop talking now and just hope that at least one person will kind of enjoy this here. Have a great day/evening/night.
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"Y/N! Hey, Y/N, wake up. You’re having a nightmare." The voice of bloom breaks through the wonderful dream you just had.
"Y/N, come on, please, you have to wake up, it’s all right, I’m here, it’s just a bad dream."
Confused, you slowely open your eyes but the second after you closed them again, blinded by the bright light of the lid lamp.
"Ugh," escapes your mouth while you press your face into the pillow.
"Y/N, finally! Everything is fine." Bloom’s deliberate calming words only add to your confusion. More carefully this time you turn your head to look at her.
The brightness lets small tears shimmer in your eyes, quickly you try to blink them away.
"What’s the matter?" you ask without really opening your mouth but Bloom understood you anyway.
She carefully puts a hand on your cheek, stroking a tear from your skin with her thumb. "Hey, don’t cry. Everything's okay, it was just a nightmare, don’t worry, Valtor’s not here."
Suddenly your eyes widen, "What? Valtor?" Your voice sounds nervous as you're pushing yourself up to sit, capturing her gaze with your own.
"Hey, I told you everything was okay. It was just a bad dream. You called Valtor’s name in your sleep, I can understand it, I often dream about him. But we’re with you, we protect each other, don’t worry."
The Guardian of the Dragon Flame moved closer to hug you. Still overwhelmed you let it happen, placing your head on her shoulder.
You can’t find the right words to get yourself out of this uncomfortable situation. And the only option you have is to play along and just agree.
You close your eyes, still not accustomed to the brightness and two more small tears roll over your cheeks, your chin and finally land on Bloom’s arm.
Your friend sighs, "Back a little, I can sleep next to you, maybe we’ll both dream better."
In your head you hear the laughing of the lord of evil. He's laughing at you for this situation. Gloatingly, teasingly.
You nod indecisively but at the same time shake your head to banish the magician from your thoughts, which rather ends in a strange circular movement.
The fairy lets you go and crawls behind you on the bed, patting on the mattress next to her and slowly you lie down.
With a snap, the light goes out. Bloom approaches you, wraps an arm around you before snuggling up to you.
You grab her hand to cross your fingers with hers.
"Try to sleep a bit more, I’m here now," she whispered.
Your heart is racing incessantly as you can do nothing but nod again, it has absolutely taken your breath away.
For the next few minutes it is quiet, you do not dare to move. Not until you are aware of the regular breath of the fairy. She fell asleep.
You sigh and are sure that your cheek must be red like a tomato from shame.
Your mind worked at full speed to realize and process the things that have just happened. You must summon all self-control to avoid giggling. At the same time, however, you feel your guilty conscience eating through your body, burying cell by cell.
Your friends were always there for you, they helped you every second without asking questions, they trusted you blindly, just like you trusted them. They made every effort to protect and support you.
You all had nightmares about all the things you had to go through and survive. But since Valtor came into your lives, everything has gotten worse. Hardly anyone can sleep for a whole night. Hardly anyone can dream of anything beautiful.
Hardly anyone can feel something like true joy.
But while all your friends were plagued with nightmares and are not allowed to have a careless second because of the dark wizard, he is the reason that you can sleep well. That you still feel something like satisfaction or happiness and can forget all that terrible things for a moment.
It was pure irony.
While they all suffered because of the wizard, every night you dream of his hands gliding over your entire body when you sneaked out of Alfea to meet him in the cloud tower again. How his lips invade every spot of your body, leading you into another dimension. How his rough voice sounds musically in your ears when he groans your name or tells you how perfect you are for him. How his hot breath flits over your skin when you lie in front of him on the desk. How he makes you feel as good as no other has done before.
What was your dream, was their nightmare.
What became your joy, became their sadness.
What deprived them of all their powers was what made you feel more alive than ever.
Valtor was their curse, but he was your blessing.
The more you thought about it, the more your mind became weary. And as soon as your eyes closed, you were back at the sport you were before Bloom woke you up.
In a storeroom in the cloud tower, without clothes, while the magician knelt in front of you, throwing your head back in pleasure.
In the cloud tower, Valtor laughed deeply as he turned his gaze away from the sphere through which he had observed you and your friend.
He could hardly wait to make you blush with the events of today and evoke your shy side the next time you would come to him, your enemy, to wind under him in passion.
He had taken off his coat and pulled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. Sitting in the big desk chair he turned in a semicircle. He looked through the large windows of Miss Griffin’s office into the dark night. Then he leaned back, closing his eyes as well before mentally diving into the same memories you are exploring.
This little fairy had fallen for him, just like he had fallen for her.
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Thanks for reading. 💚
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joanquill · 4 months
Confession time + "Surprise!"
Hello thanks for the opportunity *-* I would like to request : - After reader came back badly hurt from a mission(but will survive) -> 5 (if you do not like it maybe 25) - Albert - well then romantic x) - fluff (And I'll wait next year to ask 28 or 4 xD haha) Thanks <3
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Albert James Moriarty
A/N: I kind of made Albert more on the teasing side if that's okay ^^"
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You gasped as you shot upright, cold sweat trickling down your forehead as you panted, finding yourself on a bed and covered in bandages.
'What-Ow!'  you flinched as a sharp pain shot through your side.
You groaned as you looked around, seeing you were inside a hospital room and found a vase of red roses on your bedside table.
"...What happened in the mission?..." you muttered, trying to recall what led you here.
"Excuse me-" the door opened, and you saw a doctor walk in, a shocked expression on his face when he saw you.
You awkwardly waved your hand, snapping him out of it, and called for a nurse in a hurry, making you more nervous.
'How long was I out?'
"Four weeks!?" you repeated, stunned by the answer as the doctor confirmed.
"Aside from a traumatic brain injury, you also had a couple of broken ribs and numerous cuts all over your arms, legs, and torso," the doctor listed as he wrote on his clipboard, making you look down at your bandage-covered body.
"You will need to stay in the hospital for at least two more weeks so we can monitor your recovery," he added, making you internally sigh.
"Okay..." you muttered, processing this new information.
"You're quite lucky," the doctor added, pocketing his pen, "If you were brought just a minute too late, you might not have survived,"
"Yes! You have quite the loving husband," the nurse happily added, making you blink at her in confusion.
"I-I'm sorry... husband?"
"A man brought you in. It was quite the sight, seeing a noble covered in blood while carrying someone in his arms," the doctor mused, making you freeze.
'A noble... That means...'  you thought, knowing only two people who can fit the title.
"E-Excuse me..." you called out, catching the two's attention, "The man who brought me here... What color was his hair?"
'That's what I thought...!'  you thought in horror, already hearing the teasing and jokes from a mile away.
"He's quite the devoted husband, too! Visiting you every day with roses in hand," the nurse happily sighed as if congratulating you.
You felt your face flush at her comment, making you quickly deny it.
"N-No, you've got it all wrong!"
"Speaking of him," the doctor quipped, pulling out his pocketwatch as he ignored your protests, "He should be arriving soon,"
The door opened as if on cue, revealing a tired Albert holding a bouquet of roses.
His eyes slowly looked up and landed on you, making him gasp as his eyes widened.
"We'll take this as a sign to leave," the nurse whispered, winking at you as she pulled the doctor along and left the room, unable to give you a second to protest.
As the door closed, you could feel the heavy awkwardness in the air.
"S-Surprise...!" we weakly greeted, wanting to feel the silence with something while Albert kept quiet.
"S-Sorry, I guess that's not the first you should say when you wake up from a-" you felt Albert hug you tightly, not applying pressure on your injuries as you saw the roses he had a second ago fall on the floor.
"You're awake..." he whispered, his whole body trembling as he kept you close.
You took a deep breath as you hugged him back.
"Yeah... I'm back..."
"I can feed myself," you grumbled with flushed cheeks, avoiding the apple slice Albert was trying to feed you.
"You shouldn't move so much," he warned with a glare, making you sigh and reluctantly take the slice.
As you chewed, you looked over to the roses Albert brought in, now replacing the roses from before.
"Say... The flowers," you turned around to him, making him look at the vase.
"...I've been changing them whenever I visit," he confirmed, giving you another slice.
"I see..." you replied, remembering the nurse's comment as you looked away in embarrassment.
"Is something wrong?" Albert quickly got up from his seat, touching your forehead as he checked your temperature.
"I'm fine! I'm okay!" you quickly confirmed, pulling his hand off as he sighed in relief.
"That's good to hear..." he muttered, grabbing the fruits again.
You raised a brow as you looked at him, not used to seeing this side of him.
"...Since when have you been this caring?" you bluntly asked, catching him off guard.
He breathed out a smirk as he peeled another apple.
"Since I almost lost the person I love," he confessed, making you freeze.
"Don't joke about that," you grumbled, feeling your face warm up as Albert chuckled with a teasing grin.
"Who said it was a joke?"
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secretmellowblog · 9 months
i just dont really understand why theyd target les mis? and like. its interrupting the work of actors and crew and house staff who dont have anything to do with fossil fuel corps. people who just paid to see the show who dont have anything to do with it.
i understand les mis is a show about rebellion and humanity but to me it doesnt make any sense.
( i say this as someone whos probably very unaware and very slow to realize the deeper meaning of things so i apologize if it comes off snobby i am just confused !! /genuine )
I'm very sorry if this comes off as rude but like.... "I don't understand why people would use Les Mis as the symbolic centerpiece of an act of protest/rebellion against the government" is just a very strange thing to say, and I'm genuinely not quite sure how to begin to respond XD. Like....it's literally Les Mis. It is Do You Hear the People Sing. The original novel was written to be a political rallying cry, it was written to bind together activists, and it has been used that way thousands of times since its publication in 1862. It's Les Mis, I don't know what else to tell you XD. Also I know this next comparison isn't perfect, but:
“I don’t understand why Les Amis interrupted Lamarque’s funeral.  Obviously I agree with Les Amis’s goals, but was this really the right way to protest? Obviously the government is doing something bad— but was this symbolic event really the right place to talk about it? Why even choose to interrupt this event, and the lives of the workers leading it and everyday people attending it? It wasn’t responsible for what was happening! 
Okay, yeah, I get the funeral is ‘symbolically significant.’  I get that Lamarque has become, in popular culture, a symbol of rebellion and resistance against a government’s unfair policies.  I get Lamarque’s funeral is a pretty big public event that has a lot of symbolic significance ties to ideas of rebellion against the state.
I get that Lamarque’s words are often seen as a rebellious call to action, so illegally interrupting his funeral could be a statement about resisting tyranny. It could be a call to action playing off the popularity and symbolic role that Lamarque has in the public consciousness.
 But at the same time— shouldn’t Les Amis have just gone to the palace and attacked the king directly? Why disrupt this symbolic event instead? They’re not really going after the people responsible! 
After all, there were so many people there who just wanted a normal day. They weren’t responsible for what the government was doing and had nothing to do with it.  They wanted to see the procession, to hear Lafayette’s speech and grieve a political figure they cared for. They wanted to hear people praise ‘resistance’ in the abstract, without actually doing it.
 Weren’t Les Amis disrupting that?  
Aren’t Les Amis bad activists? Isn’t disrupting people’s everyday lives for the sake of 'activism' always inherently a bad thing? I’m not against activism, but isn’t doing that kind of disruptive activism rude? Isn’t disrupting the lives of ordinary people just doing their jobs or going out for a special event evil— no matter why you’re doing it, or what your goals are, or whether the government actually is doing something vile that we should start to stage great events rallying against?
Even if this Lamarque's funeral has special significance because of its symbolic pop cultural ties to rebellion against tyranny—shouldn’t they have just avoided rudely interrupting some regular people’s everyday lives? 
Protests shouldn’t disrupt things. they should be big parades that don’t make anyone uncomfortable, don’t interrupt anything, and don’t disrupt any aspects of ‘normal people’s daily life.’ No one should ever target symbolic events— like a funeral for a political figure or a musical about revolution—  to make a political statement. Protests should be little quiet festivals that cause absolutely no interruption in everyday life so that we can all just safely ignore them, until the climate catastrophe they’re warning us about arrives.”  
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damagedcoda6669 · 1 month
hiiiii!!!! i was wondering if u could share some of the most common to least common bpd symptoms?….and maybe ones u struggle with??? <:3
ive been thinking i have bpd for awhile,, (since i was 15,i’m almost 18 now) BUT i dont wanna self diagnose bc i don’t wanna offend anyone……is that offensive? to self diagnose? idek <:p
there isnt rlly least 2 most common, bpd is a spectrum and has a wide range of experiences!!! but i will list the diagnostic criteria 4 u, and explain it in a way some1 first learning abt bpd can understand ^w^
u must experience at least 5 of the 9 symptoms from the criteria in order 2 be diagnosed!!!
1: frantic efforts 2 avoid real or imagined abandonment; this does not include suicidal or self mutilating behavior covered in criteria 5.
this means an intense fear of abandonment. if u have bpd, being abandoned by those u love is most likely ur biggest fear. ik its mine!!! xD this can look like a number of things. this can include an avoidant attachment style, pushing ppl away becuz u feel a need 2 abandon them first b4 it happens 2 u. u might do the opposite and cling rlly hard. u might resort 2 manipulation tactics n threats 2 try 2 get them 2 stay even if its not in their best interest (not every1 w bpd does this, and not every1 w bpd doing this is doing it on purpose. ive done this in the past b4 i reflected on my own behavior and realized it was wrong. we r not abusers by default and we dont have bad intentions.) u might beg them 2 stay, promise them things, try 2 change urself 4 them, yell at them 4 wanting 2 leave. its terrifying what the fear might do 2 u.
2: a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by extremes of idealization and devaluation.
this ones pretty simple, consistently unstable relationships throughout ur life!!! but it might get a lil confusing at "extremes of idealization and devaluation", so ill try 2 explain that using a term from the bpd community, "splitting". splitting is when u switch from one extreme view of a person, object, character, pretty much anything, 2 the opposite. it USUALLY means going from loving some1 2 hating them, but it can mean the opposite (hating 2 loving), and it can apply 2 anything, not just a person. a good example of splitting is when ur fp (favorite person, another term from the bpd community) disagrees with u abt smth, or u see them hanging out with other ppl, u mightve viewed them as perfect b4 and now u feel an intense hatred and can only see them as a bad person. 2 other ppl, experiencing such a drastic change in perception over smth so small is seen as ridiculous, but rlly its entirely valid. its part of the disorder, its okay.
3: markedly and persistently unstable self image or sense of self.
u dont rlly know who u r a lot of the time, u dont have a strong sense of identity, if any at all. u might change styles often, change the way u talk, the jokes u make, ur beliefs, ur interests, ur hobbies. u might find urself basing ur entire personality on those around u. a common experience is that when ur favorite person or favorite ppl leave u, u dont know who u r anymore, becuz ur entire sense of self was mirrored from them. its like being a chameleon, but ur constantly mirroring other ppl, and ur nevr rlly ur own person.
4: impulsivity in at least two areas that r potentially self damaging (the examples listed in the DSM-5 include spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating, but i will provide moar examples!!!); this does not include suicidal or self mutilating behavior covered in criteria 5.
this ones also pretty simple!!! but personally i find that i become moar impulsive while in a bad headspace, or while im having a bpd episode/suicidal outburst. moar impulsive actions may include property damage, physical fights, running away, cutting contact with ppl, getting in contact with ppl who u know r dangerous, etc. those r all i could think of off the top of my head and they may not be the best examples, srry!!! :(
5: recurrent suicidal behaviors, gestures, threats, or self mutilating behavior.
i would like 2 say that self harm doesnt just mean cutting!!! self harm includes burning, hitting, ripping out hair, picking at skin, stabbing, and many moar. personally ive always been a cutter and i started when i was 9 or 10, but i want every1 2 know that all self harm is valid and this is a safe space 2 discuss it. im not gonna make any1 feel ashamed of it <3 also!!! suicidal threats and gestures may come across as manipulative, but that is almost NEVR our intention. we may act out in suicidal ways becuz its the only thing that gets us any sort of attention or care that we desperately need. i dont give a shit abt "ew theyre threatening suicide 4 attention, lets ignore them" becuz attention is a basic human need, and some1 threatening suicide REGARDLESS of their intentions is always a concern. whether its a call 4 help or not, they need help. dont disregard their mental health becuz their suicidal ideation doesnt present in an "acceptable" manner. all suicidal ideation, IS suicidal ideation. whether its passive, 4 attention, active w a plan, its all valid and requires attention and care.
6: affective instability due 2 a marked reactivity of mood (eg, intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely moar than a few days)
intense mood swings!!! u can feel happy one moment, and then switch 2 being depressed or anxious, and then go back 2 "normal" 10 minutes later. sometimes it just happens 4 no reason!!! absolutely fucking sucks
7: chronic feelings of emptiness.
this one is hard 2 explain and can mean varying things 4 different ppl. 4 me, it means i will never be happy in the long term (maybe with medication, but.. rawdogging life? bad idea) nothing gives me any sort of long term joy and i dont feel like i have a purpose. its like theres a hole in my chest that will nevr be filled. nothing will make me complete.
8: inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (eg, frequent displays of temper, constant anger, or recurrent physical fights)
(also not every1 w bpd gets in2 physical fights or r angry at other ppl often, some ppl r moar angry at themselves)
9: transient, stress related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
paranoia is a symptom of bpd!!! although its shortlived in nature, and as stated above, stress related. dissociative symptoms can also present in a variety of ways!!! u can present with a fractured sense of self which may actually lead 2 u developing headmates iirc, but with them usually appearing as other versions of urself. or u might just dissociate due 2 stress or ur brain wanting 2 remove traumatic memories, 4 me dissociating feels like the whole world is fuzzy and blurry and i cant form any thoughts or emotions. i have dissociative amnesia and experience memory loss when this happens, which sucks becuz i dissociate at least once everyday. my memories r incredibly spotty and unreliable, its liek my brain is made of swiss cheese!!!
personally, i experience all of the symptoms from the diagnostic criteria, and they all effect my life on a daily basis. but that isnt 2 say that u need all of them in order 2 have bpd, as i said b4, u only need at least 5!!! there r also different types of bpd (not medically, theyre labels created by the bpd community) look in2 it if u resonate with some of the symptoms but not all of them!!! a lot of ppl who suspect they have bpd but dont present in a stereotypical way often relate 2 the term "quiet bpd", i recommend looking in2 it!!!
self diagnosis is entirely valid, and most of the ppl who r offended by it r neurotypical or they dont have the disorders that ppl r self diagnosing with. it stems mostly from ableism towards autistic ppl, specifically autistic ppl who self diagnose becuz they know theyre autistic but dont have the resources/time 2 get a diagnosis from a professional. if u believe ur borderline, and u've done ur research, i believe u. self diagnosis is not actually offensive 2 those who have mental disorders, im pretty sure the bpd community is accepting of self diagnosis!!! and if u cant find a community of ppl who r accepting of ur self diagnosis, just know that i believe u and this is a safe space 4 self diagnosis and ppl w bpd :3
bpd is also incredibly hard 2 get diagnosed with. its one of the most stigmatized disorders and often mental health professionals have a bias against it. sometimes, professional diagnosis is not an option 4 us. i knew i had bpd 4 years b4 i was able 2 get diagnosed. good luck!!!!
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misstycloud · 4 months
Haii!! I've read your work before! And I absolutely adore all your fics < 3
If possible, may I request a yandere actor x background actor reader? (Like they have no speaking role, just their role is to stand there?) And somehow the reader caught the yandere's attention? XD
A/n: sup’ I’ve been gone a while. Sry for not being so active but here’s this.
She didn’t do anything; nothing except standing there quietly in the background, melting into it like one tree among many in a forest. She was worth a penny compared to him- she didn’t even have any lines! So why were his eyes always drawn to her?
Perhaps it was because she didn’t try to cover his attention like all the others. It was offensive, really, how they thought he didn’t notice; they believed he couldn’t se through their over the top compliments and fake smiles.
But it was a small price to pay for such success. ‘You can’t have everything’, his father told him that. ‘You can either be rich, or you can be happy. There is no in between.’
(They were neither, but that hardly seems important)
He had to admit his father’s judgement to be correct.
“Shooting in ten!” Someone yelled.
There was no time for him to ponder over useless things, he was there to work, not to waste away inside the trailer. After having the makeup artist give him a touch-up, the tall man went over to the set(while reviewing the script inside his head one last time) in order to film the next scene.
“It’s all thanks to Gareth’s amazing, awesome, fantastic performance and quick thinking we’ve been able to stay on time of schedule - I really did think we were gonners’ after that last prop broke.” The employee guiltily admitted before his collueges. “But luckily-“ he swung his arm around Gareth’s shoulders “- our dear ‘X- city’s Top Actor’ was here to save us, and to that I propose a toast!”
Gareth held back a sneer. It didn’t matter how enticing it sounded like, he could not do it. Because if he did, then his perfect facade would be torn apart by these…people. That couldn’t happen. Ever. Too much sweat and blood has been shed for his position and there was no fucking way he would let anyone ruin that; that included himself.
Gareth wished for nothing more than to lock himself up inside his trailer and read in blissful silence, however that appeared to be near impossible. The team of employees had all joined forces to throw an ‘almost done’- party, where he was the star. Escaping was not possible.
With a sigh, he drank from his glass of wine. It was not the expensive kind he was now used to, but it would have to do. At least he managed to get some privacy at the party since most were currently drunk, throwing up in the bathroom or busy comverimg about-no doubt- stupid stuff. In a way, it was almost better this way. Despite what his line of work would say, he felt more comfortable when no one was looking at him- searching for faults and broken pieces.
“Enjoying the party?” A curious voice poked a hole in his bubble of isolation.
What surprised Gareth first was the owner of the voice, and secondly that it didn’t sound drunk at all. It was her, the extra from some of the scenes. The third surprise that grazed his mind was the thought:
‘She’s pretty.’
The actor was close to smacking himself in the face. What was he thinking so suddenly? He must’ve had too much to drink as well. Yes, that was surely it. But he found it hard to avoid the kind yet perceptive eyes.
“Ehem,” He cleared his throat, choosing to look straight ahead. “Of course, I enjoy it very much.”
It was but wishful thinking she’d accept his answer and move on.
She sounded genuinely confused now. Why did she sound like the surprised one? It was starting to get on Gareth’s nerves. Who did she think she was, coming here and questioning him?
“Should I not be?” It came off a little harsher than he’d imagined, but if she noticed she didn’t comment.
“Ah, that’s not what I meant, sorry.”
He sighed. She apologised which meant he must do it too if he didn’t want to come across as an asshole.
“No, it is I who have not been in the best mood tonight, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
She laughed in response, pulling some out-of-control hair away from her face. Strangely, a part of him wished she didn’t do that, it was cute and framed her face well. Gareth was always a man of perfection and he enjoyed it on others as well. He was a star, why would he waste time on someone who didn’t even take into consideration to be presentable in front of others. But it’s not like he could voice these opinions to the public, or he’ll be done for.
Maybe he’d still get jobs(celebrities often gets a pass for things), but it would definitely change the view on him.
“I just didn’t think you liked these kind of events- with all the booze and social pressure and fakeness, I mean.”
Gareth turned to her in slight awe, listening as she continued.
“You usually have a detached look in your eyes, like you’re not really there? I don’t know how to explain it, but I just assumed you didn’t like parties. Besides, - I might not be an A-list celebrity- but I can see how it must be hard for you too. People come flocking around you, hoping to gain your favour, and you don’t know who to trust. Who is truly there for you, and who is only there for something else?” The young woman breathed out a sigh of relief. “Sorry if I rambled by the way, it can happen sometimes.”
Gareth, still in awe, stood silently and stared at her. Honestly, what the fuck? How did she- a mere background actor- manage to see through and tear apart the strong wall he’d spent so many hours to perfect? He was an actor for god’s sake, it was his job to pretend, and someone saw the true him anyway. But he was sure he’d never let his face betray him. So, how……?
“Hey are you okay?”
Snapping out of it, the man dismissed any previous thought and focused on the matter at hand. “Yes, I am fine. Thank you.” It was then he recalled something important he forgot to ask. “What is your name? I didn’t ask earlier, how rude of me.”
She smiled back at him, pointing at herself as she said, “I’m (y/n), it’s nice to meet you.” She proceeded to shake his hand politely. When their skin touched, all Gareth felt was the warmth that came with it.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too… (Y/n).”
It was after that night Gareth found himself seeking out (y/n) more. Though he’d tell himself that it was for job purposes and nothing else. He simply wanted to see that there was nothing bad going on and everything was running smoothly. It was a movie he started in, of course it had to be flawless; nothing short of perfect; absolutely splendid.
But whenever trouble arose or someone needed some sort of help, it made it easier for Gareth to sneak off and find his new friend. Were they friends? At least, that’s what he thought. He and (y/n) had shared many more conversations after that fateful party and she never wore a disgusted(maybe he’s exaggerating) expression when talking to him. So they have to be friends, right? It would be strange if they weren’t.
(Y/n) was, in fact, lovely. He’d had that suspicion about her since the beginning and it turned out to be accurate. She always asked how he felt that day, and it wasn’t in the superficial, polite way, she meant it. The thoughtfulness brought a new kind of ache to his chest. It hurt in some ways, yet he couldn’t get enough of it.
Other times she even came to him with a box of home cooked food. She said that he was free to throw it away if he didn’t like it and she wouldn’t hunt him down or anything. Gareth was stunned. Why would he wish to throw out the food she’s so carefully prepared for him? No way. He’d eat all of it. It didn’t matter if he liked it or not, he couldn’t dishonour her like that. It wasn’t polite. (He actually loved the food)
Gareth had at first felt goddy at the prospect that (y/n) willingly spent her free time to cook something for him. He must be special to her then; only that thought was later crushed. The actor was on his way outside to take a breather after a longer shoot, and in the corner of his eye he saw two of his colleagues sitting on a staircase. He paused. In their laps’ were plastic containers - lunch boxes- but that wasn’t what drew in his attention; they looked oddily familiar.
‘Wait a little…this is..?’
Oh, he definitively recognised the pink notes and the same-collection of stickers that attached it to the box. If he looked even closer, he was certain the handwriting would be familiar as well.
How could he be so stupid? Of course (y/n) made lunch for all her close colleagues, not just him. Why would she treat him any special? Yes, he was considered a star on the rise for more success, but he knew that hardly mattered to her. Although he tried convincing himself it hardly meant anything as long as he’s getting good meals and they’re still friends, it made things different. The meals weren’t the only thing he noticed afterwards. There were smiles, plenty of them, all wasted on pathetic nobodies. There were also the affection, the hugs, the hand holding. They were given to crew members feeling down and in need of comfort.
It was good that (y/n) cared about others; a quality many perceived as positive. However, Gareth himself could not see this as a good thing. Instead it left a sour taste in his mouth, just like the meal-donation.
Gareth grumbled over this for a long time and tried to figure out why he felt this way. It was stupid, he thought, that he was this worked up over some woman. Gareth a couple months ago would scoff at his current situation and tell him he was being ridiculous and had to stop grovelling in the dirt over some background actor.
The Gareth from a few months ago wouldn’t believe he had the ability to resort to something so childish, either. He was avoiding her like the plague, and barely glanced in her direction. If he absolutely had to talk to her then his answers would be curt and ‘don’t-bother-me-like’. What the hell was he doing? Giving (y/n) the silent treatment, like a child not getting the attention from his parents as he would’ve liked. He could tell the change in his behaviour made her sad, and she probably didn’t understand why either, which was even more sad. But the saddest part of all was that Gareth’s pride was stronger than his feeling of guilt.
A result from the prince-treatment he’d been getting for years.
It wasn’t until the day she approached him during break and said, “I wanted to say goodbye.” that he broke out of his bubble.
“What do you mean?” He asked, immediately straightening his back.
(Y/n) smiled melancholy, “the scenes I’m in-standing in the background, that is- are all over. It’s time for me to go home now. There’s nothing else for me to do here.”
The gears turned in the actors head. She was leaving? This place? Him?
“No, you can’t leave.” He blurted out without thinking. It came off as desperate and breathless, like a whining kid. He hated himself.
(Y/n) chuckled lightly, “Yeah, I wish I could stay longer, but I’m just a background character. I don’t have that privilege.”
Gareth though he heard her mutter under her breath, ‘-not like you.’
“Well this is goodbye then, it was fun to get to know you Gareth and be your friend.” She said before turning around and leaving him alone.
It wasn’t true. They hadn’t been friends at all the last weeks, and it was all his fault. Because he felt some petty competitiveness. And now (yn) was going away forever. What if he never gets to see her again? The idea hurt more than anything he’s felt before. It definitively hurt more than the time he broke his toe, or the time he slipped and got a concussion. None of it was close to the pain he experienced with the thought of losing her.
His sweet little background actor.
Now he understood. It was love. All of it was love. That’s why he was threatened by others taking up (y/n)’s time and why he enjoyed her company so much. He loved her. It was that simple.
There’s no way he could let her slip out of reach now. Not when she belongs to him.
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beanibon · 1 year
I see you’ve got requests open and your Mermaid AU has me hooked 👀 Could you write about Mer!VashOr Mer!Knives with an s/o that’s part human (whatever the other part is can be up to you :})? literally go nuts with this request tbh-
Oml yesss!!! Also I have to stay true to my mermaidness, so reader is gonna be half-mermaid!
So reader essentially is human appearance, but with colourful webbed fingers and feet to help swim, and when they're in the water gills will open on their necks. This is how Mer!Vash and Mer!Knives children would look like in their respective lil headcanons (not saying that reader is their children, let this be separate from those ones xD)
TW: none really, just mating bites, a little suggestive in Vash's :3
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You were a bizarre sight, unlike the other humans who overlooked him and his brother. You had a kind of aura that intrigued Knives, that seemed oddly familiar as you went about your work, following Rem as you assisted her in regards to the brother's.
The moment you revealed what you actually were, as Knives dragged your unaware body into the freezing depths, pausing as gills opened along your neck.
Curious chirps sounded as Knives squinted at you, flipping you this way and that as he studied your now prominent mermaid features.
You were patient, laughing as the usually aggressive mermaid circled you, poked and prodded you in his confusion. Not to mention Rem had made no effort to help you, the woman remaining at the observation pools edge.
When his own webbed hands grabbed your webbed hand, Knives huffed. Boredly swimming away, he made his presence scarce around you since then.
It wasn't until weeks later, being informed the news of a severely injured Knives who got into a scuffle with another of his species, defending Vash who 'stole' a prized shell, that you had to look after him.
No one else was allowed in the recovery tank, Rem tried at times but Knives' aggression was too much for her this time, and she didn't want another oxygen tank exploding within the tank and shattering it. That's where you came in.
Entering the tank, you slowly approached the injured Knives, flinching at his high-pitched shriek. It wasn't until you replied with your own did he simmer down, reluctantly allowing you to treat his wounds.
This continued on for a couple weeks and each visit resulted in Knives slowly looking forward to your visits, so much so he'd curl around you while you just kept him company, updating him on his worried brother.
The moment he could return to the ocean, Knives missed you already, knowing you couldn't visit as often now that he's recovered. So he gives himself minor injuries, pathetic scrapes, or even purposely slapping a sea urchin or two onto his tail and presenting it to you with no evidence of it hurting.
Rem was quick to catch on, offering you longer breaks to be with Knives so he'd stop injuring himself no matter how minor the wound was it was making other employees wary whenever he appeared. And Knives couldn't be more happy when Vash dragged him away from a toxic jellyfish to you, instantly having the larger twin latch onto you with excited chirps and purrs.
Eventually Knives and you marked each other, sealing your mateship as he nuzzled contently into you, purring non-stop while you combed his hair.
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Vash tends to wander, his favourite place is a large reef just a few kilometres from the observatory, where he collects shells, avoids getting into fights with other mermaids and just harasses the local fish.
That's where he bumped into you, literally. You were diving along with some close friends, friends that knew what you were and made sure to keep you safe. So you can imagine their surprise when a curious mermaid collided into you chasing a parrot fish.
Vash startled very quickly, hiding between some coral when he realised the group was staring at him, you were rather curious going to follow only to stop when Meryl stopped you. She signed it probably wasn't a good idea, but you at least wanted to apologise for startling him.
Approaching his hiding place, you gained his attention by sliding an iridescent shell between the spines of coral, to which the quivering mermaid chirped, revealing himself as he studied the gift. You gained Vash's attention, frowning as you chirped back at him, broken merfolk language in form of an apology.
You were very inexperienced with your father's tongue, but you knew enough to form small conversations.
The look Vash gave you was full of astonishment, eyes sparkling as his lips formed a massive smile. Placing his shell into his seaweed satchel, Vash spun you around, tugging you upside as he admired your legs. You yelped when he innocently spread your legs, trying to communicate how inappropriate it was, only this new friend didn't listen. Not until your closest friend, Wolfwood stepped in.
The overly friendly mermaid screeched at the burly man putting him in a headlock, signing if you were okay. Of course you were, just startled this curious creature was so forward.
Asking Nicholas to free the distressed mermaid, he obliged yelling as Vash hid behind you, rapid chirps and shrill clicks shot his way. You knew they were a lecture of sorts, with some colourful language that made you snort, but that's how Vash made a friend of you.
You frequented the reef often, as it was home to your father before he was poached, now the reef was under protection of the observatory a little further out. So you often visited Vash, allowing him to appropriately admired your legs and any other features he took interest in.
He'd bring you colourful shells and pearls as gifts, whereas you'd bring him either food or items he'd be allowed to keep in the ocean. It became a small tradition, one that lead to Vash making a bold move on his part.
It was another day that your friends took you for a dive, also befriending the blonde mermaid. It wasn't until you entered the water, instantly seeing Vash making a beeline for you. You were happy to see him, yelping as he collided with you, growling the moment his fangs sunk into your shoulder.
Your friends had never seen you be aggressive, not in your mermaid half way at least. When your eyes slitted, teeth forming sharp points as you screeched at the mermaid, causing Vash to return the sudden aggression as he felt justified in his actions.
Nicholas and Meryl tried separating you two, but when you surged forward sinking your own teeth a little too painfully into Vash's neck. Only then did the two settle, Vash's annoyed pouting and clicks turning into happy wiggles and nibbles of your flesh.
You still held a small grudge to being marked without warning, not that you opposed the idea, a heads up would've been nice. Now you endured endless teasing from Nicholas, proudly showing your other friends Vash's mating mark with no shame.
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
Second part of my translation comments (and half meta) for Gray Shelter [Episode 5], you can find the first post here!
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"You gave the choice/decision to me, didn't you? (reference to the earlier scene)" "So your decision is to give me some money and tell me to get out of your sight?"
꺼져 is quite a rude word, like 'get the hell away from me', Yoondae is clearly pissed rephrasing/interpreting Soohyuk's intentions, he's using informal tone too
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"Because I live like this? Because I idle/fool around here and there without doing anything, not able to get myself together (cannot get a grip on myself and my life)? Because you still see me as a child?!" "Yes. That's why I'm confused. Because it doesn't matter who is by your side (anyone will do), right?" "And (what's the problem)? You can be by my side. Why is everything so complicated for you? Just... (in softest pleading voice) ...Watch me. I will live like all the other people. Then it'll all be good (it's solved), no? You can watch over me while being by my side. Mmhm? Don't care about the situation, once again I'm telling you, just look only right at me."
I actually really like the usage of 'focus on me' in all the sentences because the translator keeps the leitmotif and it works in all contexts, the entire conversation was translated nicely. Even "- What's the most difficult thing about me and this situation for you? - That I'm your home (the place you return to now)."
I just gave you more literal translation... idk, for fun xD Maybe you'll catch more nuances that I tried to put in here. It's just devastating. Soohyuk sees and feels that Yoondae is clinging to him like to a lifeline, and he doesn't want to be one, he's got enough of people burdening him, his life is hard enough.
He tried to think simply like Yoondae and just live in the moment, give in to his impulses as well, but he just can't. He's sinking on his own and he can't chain himself to another person because even if he's a safe place for Yoondae, he won't be able to save him in this situation, it means they'll both drown. Yoondae has to find his own ground to stand on, he has to get a grip and find a new home on his own so he won't circle his entire life and attention on Soohyuk. Only then it'll work.
"If I find another home, can I call you? You won't avoid me then?"
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They don't kiss here – they can't. It won't work. But such short distance is a promise, it's a possible future happy ending hanging between them both like a life vest and a heavy rock.
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I'm not sure he means it as 'we get together again'. More like
"If we meet again, will we become okay?"
Like, they agreed it won't work out now, they need some time, and Yoondae now will be holding onto that hope that Soohyuk might accept him and his feelings once Yoondae finds his own home, his own meaning in life. But he's still afraid it won't happen, that's why he needs to hear some affirmation. Will things between them become alright (and the fact that he doesn't really say 'better' or 'good', he uses 괜찮다 - fine, alright, okay and asks if they will be able to even reach that). Which means they both know their relationship is less than 'okay' now.
And in a very Gray Shelter melancholic satisfying-unsatisfying way, Soohyuk only replies: "It'd at least be better than now."
That's the only thing Yoondae is left with. This, and a daring request to pretend he didn't steal that goodbye kiss.
And we're getting a time skip which starts on a sound of a ringing telephone. ("If I find another home, can I call you? ) And surprisingly, it doesn't seem that Yoondae is the one calling this time, as he wanted to. It seems like Yoondae accepted the call but he wasn't holding it or answering, yet Soohyuk called him and invited him for a dinner and is waiting for the answer. Now, the decision is up to Yoondae.
There is a calendar on the wall but I honestly didn't track if there were any other calendars in the show so we can tell how long was the time skip.
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"Alright. I'll be waiting."
To be honest, in the ending I wished they showed at least one scene of Yoongdae coming home in a work-like uniform or doing something to indicate he started sorting his life out before that call came through. Because even though the ending is hopeful – they lived separately for some time, Yoondae has his own place, Soohyuk is reaching out to spend time with him now and they both agreed their next meeting will be more hopeful – but will it be enough? Was the problem actually solved?
We all should think that yes, but I wish the ending supported it a little bit more confidently. After such a rollercoaster of emotions and complicated situation, I want to see them heading towards the truly happy ending Т_т (give me the second season!)
In any case, the acting is great and the melancholic atmosphere for a BL was so unusual, I loved the edgy dialogues and emotionally raw writing. For such a short story, Gray Shelter certainly will go under many people's radar but it still touched my soul.
And, well, now I understand the title. Soohyuk is a shelter, he shouldn't be a home. Shelter is a place they seek temporarily comfort in when they have nowhere else to go. And it's not a bright happy couple place, and it's not an abusive family house either, gray is neither black nor white. It's something in between, and it's up to Soohyuk and Yoondae to try and build an actual equal bond, have a place to return to and person to eat dinner with.
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