#to THEM
lethargicluv · 11 months
The plot of MW3 was clearly written by a man. A woman would have never let this happen.
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vessel-token · 5 months
not to be obsessed at 7 am but god sleep token is just such a beautiful band??? their songs are so poetic and emotional and reverent and i’ll never get over it????
vessel is such a fantastic singer, his range is just insane, and he sings so fucking BEAUTIFULLY. he brings the lyrics to life and adds feeling to them in a way that just decimates me. and II, III, and IV are never anything less either, they’re so fucking talented and fun with what they do
you can see how they’ve all grown over the years and the love they have for each other. it’s vessel watching IV go on with oli, it’s them reposting each other’s stories to fuck around, it’s them being all over each other on stage, it’s just them
man i could rant for hours, but i’m just so fucking glad i found this band. their music is so unique and undefinable and underrated and i am so in love with everything about sleep token
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Can we just talked about how fucked up it was that Percy had to be the one to tell Nico about Bianca. Like we must remember yes Nico was a kid but Percy was too. Mans was literally THIRTEEN. Just Percy having Nico yelling and being upset at him then finding out he was a child of Hades and having to keep that in for Nico's safety while Nico was resenting him. And look Percy didn't even promise, we can see at the start Percy is already not sure if he can make sure Biance will make it. So he doesn't actually promise. Also like in like battle of the labyrinth Percy having to see Nico go from a happy kid obsessed with a game for CHILDREN to see him become this depressed person who just wants his sister back and doesn't even care about mythomagic is heart wrenching. Point is: Percy and Nico make me want to vomit out my insides but I love them and dear God someone just give them both a hug (Me to them: 🫂)
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s4nkyy · 23 days
Happy birthday to these two!!!! i love them grgrgrgr
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tabl3 · 8 months
the villains don't know Kaz's name lol
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dallonwrites · 2 years
my autistic ass when i would try to explain to my non-autistic writer friends how my ocs don’t just feel like characters/plot devices/narrative tools, they feel like fully fledged people that just live inside my brain who i just have access to for some reason and the stories i write are merely a snapshot into their fully fledged personhood/lives. and that that these feelings don’t mean i’m unaware of my role/agency/responsibility as the writer who has the final say in these characters and how they are written it just means that my writing process feels very intuitive and i can only describe it as “listening” and “getting to know” these people that just live inside my brain in a way that i don’t feel like i can completely elaborate on. and because of this i would actually consider these characters “real” in their own way because the impact and influence they have had on me as a person beyond just my writing is so real and not having them would feel like i’m missing a part of myself 
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mimisempai · 1 year
A Sunday in the Park
It was a quiet, peaceful Sunday afternoon. 
Crowley and Aziraphale taken a picnic to the near by park. They treasured these peaceful moments together. When all was beautiful with light and colors dancing about. When they had the day off from saving humanity. 
Crowley had brought frozen peas with him to feed the ducks which were lazily swimming in the lake and lounging about in the shade of the large sycamore trees. 
A duck cautiously approached Crowley who had his hand out very still holding some peas. The duck grabbed a mouthful and waddled away happily back over to the other ducks. Crowley smiled. It was such a simple thing but always brought Crowley happiness. Aziraphale was too busy setting out the eccle cakes that he didn’t notice the duck feeding from Crowley’s hand. He was startled out of his concentration when Crowley gave him a tap on the shoulder. 
“You’re lucky” Crowley said pridefully.
“What?” Aziraphale replied puzzled. 
“You’re lucky. You’re my ducky.” 
Aziraphale let out a chuckle. 
“I am indeed very very lucky.” 
Aziraphale handed Crowley a glass of champagne.
“To being your ducky” Aziraphale said grinning. 
“To a sunday afternoon in the park with you” Crowley responded. 
They clinked their glasses together, as the warm sun shown down on them, creating a reminiscent glow.
Thank you !! Absolutely adorable! Absolutely them!
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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BELLAMY + ECHO - Waiting by the transport ship for the rest of their family, not budging an inch until they've made it to safety
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sancastarcs · 7 months
I just love usopp so much you guys, the fact that he dressed up as someone else because he felt so ashamed that he left the strawhats just so he could help Robin. The fact that he went to Robin's cabine to tell her to save her and to tell her that no mater who she is up against the strawhats will have her back. The fact that he took immediate action and took Robin by force to save her, even though she kept saying she doesn't want to be saved. Goddd I love him so much
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Mark 2:27-28 (NKJV) - And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.  Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”
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kcuf-ad · 8 months
What Is Yusaku Fujiki To You?
Theodore: My friend! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have enjoyed dueling again! Oh and...
Skye: Well, to be honest, I don't really know that much about him, but I can say this though...
Shima: Egotistical, stubborn, a wall to talk to.
Kolter: Well, I owe him my life after he saved my brother. And also, I'm not the only one, but-
Ai: Jerk, a loser, but...
Ryoken: Need I say more? He is...
Theodore: The strongest!
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lucidiferneedssleep · 9 months
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"Do you ever reminisce about when we were younger, brother? Back when things were simpler."
Y'all win. I love you so much. I want to hug them, the scrunklies. I can't believe it's almost Christmas dhwjdhwjhejwjejwje
Here's your regularly scheduled angst as per the usual with these two (I cannot stop talking about them, someone sedate me. It is unfathomable the amount of love I have for these two.)
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midi-wizard · 10 months
roommate who just moved out of the country yesterday decided to take all the forks in the kitchen with them, including all of my forks, why would you do that?
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 10 months
My only TS11 thought is that Midnights was a very Eras inspired album so it made extra sense to release during The Eras Era. Not sure TS11 will be?
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myinterestsvary-writes · 10 months
I’m sorry but I just have this nagging thought about the “super sperm” comment and how they might switch around that one controversial plotline from the late 70s issues from the comics and put it on Amber instead because of it. Why bring it up other than for the absurdity of it? Yet, we don’t have a solid answer to Mark and Eve’s dilemma on why that happened twice accidentally between them other than speculation. This is anxiety-inducing.
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