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sancastarcs · 1 day ago
you can think whatever you want about lottie's death but you can't deny that it's not another example of how the show treats their woc. like, explain to me what has happened to taissa's character and why her entire story has been whittled down to nothing but her white ex gf. explain to me where the hell simone and sammy have gone meanwhile callie gets upped to a series regular. this has been a problem that i have been talking about since last season was literally airing. taissa's literal wife and son reduced to a single phone call in the first episode and the career that was her entire driving force in s1 to a throwaway line.
it doesn't make sense and it's also fucking boring. taivan is literally my favorite pairing and they're afraid to do anything interesting with them. tai has no plot outside of van and van has no plot outside of tai. it took one episode for them to get back together. that's so BORING. and yes marking people for murder is boring when we could have gotten taissa clinging to her carefully constructed perfect life by her fingernails. you could argue part of that is because i'm sure sammy's actor has grown up considerably, but simone? and this show looooves recasting their minor characters, they really couldn't have just recast him? be so serious.
but jeff needs to donate shit to goodwill and randy needs to doordash on his scooter, right? we need to throw away characters who have been there since season one to make room for more white characters, right?
"it's only episode four, give them time!" i have been giving them time since season two.
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sancastarcs · 1 day ago
it's crazy to me that lottienat in s2 had the most important and conflicting dynamic in both timelines yet in s3 they barely even have scenes together in teen timeline AND the killed off lottie without a reason. Like you would think with s3 having Nat as the Queen or with Lottie and Travis bonding, Lottienat would have more scenes together. Or that Lottie would be haunted by Natalie more. It's like s2 YJ was written by completely different teams.
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sancastarcs · 1 day ago
"the whole season is not finished they could explain lottie's death later on and have her appear more" okay her death still fucking sucks given how her actress herself thought it didn't make sense for he character lolz. Top 20 most badly executed character deaths.
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sancastarcs · 4 days ago
wow that has to be one of the most insignificant and narratively purposeless character deaths for the sake of subversive expectations and shock value i have seen in a hot minute good job yellowjackets!
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sancastarcs · 8 days ago
"misty is just misunderstood and insecure and was bullied her entire life that's why she is the way she is " okay why was she a total cunt towards jackie who was probably the only person in the entire cabin that actually said nice words towards her??
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sancastarcs · 8 days ago
rewatching s1 finale and yeah the Yellowjackets truly deserved everything that happened to them and i hope they keep suffering for what they did to Jackie ❤️
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sancastarcs · 8 days ago
while laura lee's death was disturbing and sad, i feel the entire storyline should be more than three scenes in the end of episode 8. How come only Ben disagreed with Laura Lee's decision and if he disagreed why did he help in the end with the woods? Why didn't literally ANY OTHER YELLOWJACKET and especially taissa and jackie question the fact that a 17 year old girl thought she was able to fly a damn plane on her own??? This whole storyline should have been more in focus than Travnat's cw show couple problems
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
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Tiassa and Shauna - love as being seen
Trista Mateer // Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage // Alain de Botton, On Love // @flintcoded, 08–15–21 // Georges Bataille – The Dead Man // Yellowjackets (2021-)
how the yellowjackets love - part 10
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
jackie being insanely jealous of taissa is a trope that's never really explored in jackieshauna modern/non crash fanfics and that pisses me off bc its excellent! Not only Tai is out and proud but she and Shauna have a connection that Jackie and Shauna could never really reach (bc they are in love with one another). In general there's not enough Tai in Jackieshauna or Shauna centric fics and that pisses me off! Thats Shauna's best friend and soulmate!
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
I think Nat is the only one from the adults timeline that not only mentions soccer but actually really really likes it??? Which i really love. Unlike the rest of the girls, natalie actually really liked football :(((
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
season's 3 biggest crime is actually the lack of taishauna scenes. give me back adult and teen taishauna you COWARDS
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
unfortunately adult timeline kinda peaked in season 1 and outside from certain new additions ( such as s2 Lottie) it can never fully recover. The trio of Nat Shauna and Tai was simply too good to be here for only one season.
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
when misty and shauna have psychotic breakdowns or they are being evil or doing heinous acts, they are complex female characters that are traumatized and god you can't handle evil women!! when lottie, who is confirmed by episode 2 to have schizophrenia and who has went through the worst experience imaginable after the rescue, is delusional or have psychotic breakdown, she is a manipulative psychopath predator that is absolutely batshit insane and doesn't deserve any type of sympathy bc she is insane ❤️. Yellowjackets fandom i simply do not understand you.
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
yellowjackets twitter says that most lottie and lottienat fans mischarachterize lottie while they are outhere calling lottie a predator and trying to say she wants to ....check notes...groom romantically callie. lottie get behind me????
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sancastarcs · 10 days ago
the contrast between Shauna loving her Wilderness boy vs being so extremely cold towards Callie and not even liking her 💔💔💔
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sancastarcs · 11 days ago
the day yellowjackets goes fully supernatural it's the day they will fully lose me and the essence of what the show was supposed to be i am sorry. I don't have problems with the characters IN teh show believing it ( see for example, Lottie or Tai) but the thought taht everything that happened to these girls and the actions they took was from some short of magic shenanigans completely invalidates everything about it. Why would i care that they ate Jackie and Javi or that Laura Lee died if it wasn't the inherent tragedy but a random supernatural entity? I am hoping i am proven wrong bc s3 episode 3 from what i have seen tries to incorporate some type of magic system and it simply doesn't work or fit for the show. Supernatural OUT of my cannibal show!!!
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sancastarcs · 11 days ago
mari nolastname and coach ben having looney tune shenanigans together was definitely not on my yj s3 bingo but i am thankful nevertheless
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