#to NOT have Nico survive then. would defeat the fucking point
sandersgrey · 2 years
"Nico solo book should be a tragedy" disagree.
Nico was Rick Riordan's first canonically queer character, and the first book queer character a lot of my generation knew about as kids- it would be a huge slap on the face of his audience if his story ended as a tragedy, and Riordan knows that. Thats why solangelo has such a solid, healthy dynamic in the background of toa.
Of now, he's also one of very few pjo-verse characters to be basically confirmed mentally ill, and he's also really disabled in the text, whether its said or not.
Nico is a queer orphan who's entire storyline til toa was just tragedy after tragedy after goddamn tragedy, and who has JUST begun to heal. He deserves a happy ending.
More importantly, the audience- the queer, disabled, mentally ill kids who see themselves in him- deserve to see him be happy at the end.
To make his story a tragedy would be to validate Nico's (and Hades') belief that kids like him don't get a happy ending. That all we're made for is tragedy.
Rick Riordan first wrote The Lightning Thief so his adhd son could finally see himself in a hero. He keeps writing after his son is grown because he knows how much other kids need those stories- his students, even. He knows.
It's even in the narrative itself: it tells us upfront that Percy's mother called him Perseus because he was the only greek hero who got a happy ending.
Nico is the queer kid's original Perseus.
The reasoning follows that he must be happy.
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Thinking about how Michael Yew presumably drowned and then Percy dragged Will away to heal Annabeth.
Will reflects back on the moment several weeks later like "huh. Y'know if Annabeth drowned Percy would've absolutely gone beserk and flooded the entirety of Long Island. Not to mention he could've used his powers to sense where Michael was in the water and save him. Oh well. Priorities I guess."
But Will can't voice thoughts like that. Not without every other camper jumping down his throat about how "Percy is a hero! He made a tough call! It was a war! Michael was his friend!"
And that's fine. He didn't blame Percy for Lee or Michael's death, not really.
Heck, for a while it was as if Percy could do no wrong. Always cool. Always cute. Power couple on camp with Annabeth. And yeah, Percy was a little self-righteous at times. Still, he was an annoyingly good person. He was only ever nice to Will.
So Will never found it in himself to hate Percy, not really.
Then he disappears. A new prophecy is being fulfilled. Apparently Roman campers exist and try to attack camp. And Will finally gets the attention of someone he lowkey had a crush on shortly after the Battle of Manhattan: Nico di Angelo. Score.
And then. Oh, and then. Nico confesses he used to have a crush on- no. Used to be in love with Percy. Well. Isn't that interesting.
It takes a minute for Nico to convince Will he isn't a second choice, that he isn't just some consolation prize, runner up, since Nico can't have the great and powerful Son of Poseidon. (Aka the "strongest demigod Nico has ever met")
Still, Will wasn't jealous of Percy, not really. Not any more than anyone else at camp at least
But then... then Will hears stories. He gets every tale, every detail from everyone's point of view. Not always directly, but eventually all info gets passed around the infirmary. The medics hear all the gossip. And Nico opens up and confesses to Will as well.
And Will hears how Percy treated Nico. Over and over how their complicated relationship and Nico's crush and Percy's short temper... the time Percy choked Nico. The threats. Percy saying they should leave Nico to suffocate to death in the jar. The gossip aboard the Argus II spread by Percy, leading the others of the 7 to find Nico "creepy" and not trust him. The horrible way he was treated again and again... All the while Nico sacrificed everything for him, multiple times. Percy would have never defeated Kronos or survived Tartarus without Nico.
And yeah, it was more complicated than that. Yeah, Will was biased. Nico wasn't exactly perfect either, but that didn't matter.
Because suddenly Will did blame Percy for Michael's death. His jealousy turns to resentment. Percy didn't deserve to have Nico's affections, past or present. Percy who acts like he's always in the right, Percy who everyone fawns over, Percy the hero of every story he's in, Percy who hurt the person Will Solace loves more than anyone...
Fuck Percy.
Will smiles when they interact, all jokes and singalongs and sunny laughter and friendly conversation. But deep down the anger keeps growing.
Will Solace hates Percy Jackson.
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Breaking Bonds || Morgan & Bea
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @beatrice-blaze & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Bea invites Morgan over to share a new discovery. The world will not consent to be fixed, but somebody has to try.
CONTAINS: references to Bea’s, Morgan’s, and Adam’s deaths
There were not many people in this world who understood life and death in the same manner Bea did. They may never have been close before either of their deaths, but after, Morgan and Bea were implicitly connected. This connection made Morgan the clearest person to go to about what Bea had found through her research. The kettle let out a shrill cry for attention as the witch finished lining up the tomes she had flagged for this discussion. It was good timing that Bea’s bracelet informed her that Morgan had crossed into the Vural’s property as she began steeping the tea. She went to the porch with a smile, Dia weaving between her legs as she waited for Morgan. “The tea should be ready soon! I hope you don’t mind that I tried to find something you’d like to eat, though I wasn’t completely sure what would be palatable,” She told the zombie, thinking of the container of meat that she had waiting for Morgan, if she wanted it.
It was no small relief to visit Bea at her place. Morgan didn't know her as well as she did Luce and Nell, but she had an ease with Bea that she couldn’t have with the others either. They had died and come back around the same time, and they were both determined to have a whole life as their altered selves. As she came up to the porch to meet her friend, she sighed and let that ease pull away some of the tension her body carried.
“I don’t mind,” she said, smiling with gratitude. “I will try any and everything you have prepared. I literally can’t get food poisoning, so there’s not much to lose. And thanks for having me over. I want to hear all about New York and Felix and whatever else people who haven’t seen each other in a while swap. But uh, you said there was something you wanted to talk about, right?”
Small talk, Bea had almost forgotten that she should be engaging in small talk because she was so excited by what she had found. “Oh yes! I need to hear all about what you’ve been doing too, I’m sure things have been very exciting over here.” And she did, just like she wanted to see how Morgan was, especially since Morgan was taking care of so many people at the moment. Still, that could wait until after.
Bea invited Morgan in, before walking over to the table and lightly touching a book. “But, first, you should see what I found in here,” She couldn’t help the excited tilt her voice took. Flipping open to the first tab in the book she pointed to a line and read,“‘I have found that some of the new undead can be controlled, tamed if the right-hand guides them.’ The wording is awful, but doesn’t that read like I could help people who are struggling with this? You were the first person who seemed right to call about this.”
“Oh, you know,” Morgan said dismissively. “Been better, been worse. Still kind of a mess. But as long as we have each other, or as much of each other as we can, and if we can keep trying to make hope…” She smiled, weighed down by every terrible thing that had happened over the past month, though no less genuine for it. “We have to get to ‘okay’ eventually, right?”
She followed Bea in eagerly. Distractions were good, learning and projects were better. If she was moving toward something, she might still be able to make something better, or at least be better. She came over to the book and looked at the words. Controlled and tamed were two different things, but maybe this meant that there was an under-utilized conditioning process. Use magic at first to mitigate the damage and get them used to things, Let them choose the right thing for themselves later. “With--by ‘this’ you mean undead hunger cravings, right? Like, if I lost myself in front of a dead body, or a vampire was trying to stay off people. Do you think…” Her hand went to her lips as she thought of Ashley the zombie last year and Nico Jemisin in the thrift store. She shouldn’t get too excited, she shouldn’t brew hope over just a stray phrase and an untested experiment. She shouldn’t, she shouldn’t. And yet. “How far have you gotten on this? This could be…it could save so many people.”
A small, sad smile took Bea’s lips as Morgan spoke. She knew that hope as well as she knew her shadows. Before all of this, the necromancer had never had to worry about being okay, she had simply trusted in the universe to balance itself again. Being hit with hardship after hardship had created that doubt in the world’s ability to allow her to have a break. “We’ll be okay eventually, Morgan,” She said softly, “We’ll be able to create our own okay, you’re strong enough for that.” Anyone who had survived what Morgan had already was more than capable of bending the world to her whims.
She nodded eagerly, “That’s what I would intend to find out at the very least. I’d like to think that the word ‘tamed’ would imply that, though I do hate the implication that the undead needs to be tamed.” She had found herself drawn to the power of necromancy at the beginning, the ability to twist death itself to what she wanted. Now, though, after experiencing that power, she had found something softer, something that could change lives, save them. That part of herself she felt had left in death was returning, the part that could help and care for others without asking what they could do for her. She could grant people some form of comfort again, she could help facilitate something beautiful from a hardship. “I’ve marked every mention I’ve found of it, but there’s not much I’ve seen. I think we can write something together on this, we can find a way to get this information out there to help others.”
A piece of Morgan’s heart unclenched at Bea’s reassuring words. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding something in, but she was swallowing tears and so loose in her bones she felt like she might fall over. It had been a while since someone had tried to comfort her, and even longer when she was able to accept their gift without any guilt. Morgan smiled, lips quivering, and whispered, “thank you,” before putting her attention back on the main subject.
“What would you need? In terms of resources or experiments?” Morgan asked. She was self-conscious enough about her now-constant discoloring at all times, but as she considered the possibilities, she felt the hollowness of her stomach too. Morgan shouldn’t be this excited for Bea’s idea. Fuck Odell, and fuck her hold on this cursed town. “Would it...I mean, you’re the expert, so you would know whether it’s safe or too dangerous if you...tested it on me?” She met Bea’s eyes with trepidation. “I’m not high risk or anything, obviously, and a year does a lot for a girl’s impulse control around viscera, but...I wouldn’t say no to some extra help.”
There were many forms of strength that Bea has seen over the years, many of them represented by the women she surrounded herself with. Morgan, she found, had one of the softest forms she had seen yet, but that did not mean she didn’t respect it. If anything, it proved to Bea that she could be strong without violence and anger. Her sisters, for as strong as they were, often hurt themselves from it. Luce with her anger, an all too powerful storm that untethered her, but kept others aware of who they were dealing with. Nell with her fierce strikes, hunting beasts and controlling demons that left her all too vulnerable to the world’s evil. Bea couldn’t always be like them, but she could be softer, she could adopt some of Morgan and create her own brand of strength that did not always mean striking first.
“Well, we’d need an area far from anyone else just in case something went wrong.” Bea wouldn’t risk doing it at her home when her sisters were so close by. She looked at Morgan for a long moment, she trusted the zombie, but it put Morgan in a hard situation if something were to happen. “We can try it on you, but I would want other people there, just in case. Who would you feel comfortable with helping?” Bea had her own list of who they could call, but Morgan was the one being controlled. She was certainly in a much more vulnerable spot. “I think we should start with small portions and then work our way up.” This would be a long process, but it would be worth it to explore the possibility.
“Well, there’s plenty of spots in the woods,” Morgan sighed. “If screaming moose can hide, so can we. Especially on the outskirts, near the border, I don’t think there’ll be anyone for miles.” She wasn’t that worried. White Crest liked to keep its secrets to itself as much as possible. But Bea’s second question was another beast. Deirdre came to her mind briefly, but her love had promised to never physically harm her on purpose and refused to be released. And then, Bea wouldn’t want to endanger her sisters after all they’d been through. Who did that leave? Mina, who barely spoke to her anymore?
At last, Morgan had to admit defeat. “I...don’t know. If you know someone or have ideas, I trust your judgement. You know about discretion as much as anyone, so. But, little bits at a time! That sounds good. Reasonable. It’ll, you know, probably come in handy some time. Even with someone like me.” Or especially, with how things stood at the moment. “You’re the one channeling big magic, so you should probably set the pace. I’ve got that infinite stamina going for me. So I...I can take it. Whatever might happen, I can take it. I want to, if it means having more control over myself.”
With everything, Bea had good and bad days. With the woods, she had bad far more often. She controlled her face as well as she could, only hesitating for a moment. “Let me pick the spot in the forest? I’ll find something in the outskirts for us.” She would pick somewhere far from the place it happened, where even on her bad day she could hold herself together. Her first thought would be to ask Leah to help, but that could be very dangerous for the phoenix. Her sisters weren’t an option. Maybe this wasn’t as easy as she had originally thought it would be. “I could see if Kaden was willing to help.” She trusted him to behave with Morgan, but she had no idea if they were on good terms anymore. “If you are feeling comfortable with that.” That was a good point, Bea had no idea how much energy this was going to take. If it was anything like the other necromancy magic she had done, she was going to need to work her way up. “We’ll go slow, there’s no need to rush what’s going to happen. Especially as we need to get more people on board to help.”
“Of course,” Morgan said. To her shame, she only remembered how much the woods had taken from Bea when she saw the look on the woman’s face. Morgan, for her part, never lingered on the part of main street where she’d felt the sun on her back for the last time, and ice cream trucks made her feel sick and bitter. But these were small things, specific. As much as the spot where Bea died was cursed ground, for all Morgan knew, every dark cluster of trees held the shadow of her trauma. Too late now.
Morgan considered Kaden. She didn’t want him to know she was struggling. She didn’t know how much of his fear and disappointment she could bear. And would he feel guilty for helping? Would he doubt himself? Or feel as though he were betraying himself? But a hunter was a clear and obvious choice, for Bea’s safety as well as Morgan’s own. And the only other hunter Morgan trusted was dead. “It makes sense. If you think he would, and that he wouldn’t...feel wrong or bad about it, yeah. That sounds like a good idea. And you’re right about needing others, strong muscle-y others probably, but don’t know who else is left.” She met Bea’s eyes slowly, knowingly, and ached as Adam’s loss stung once again. She cleared her throat and let the spectre of his memory pass. “Later, when we’ve got the basics down, I’ll be of more help. I’ve got lots of fresh experience with my muscle strength, and fighting off people, living and undead. But, slow and steady first.” With difficulty, she summoned a smile. “Who’d have figured it would take two people like us to make a new magic discovery?”
Oh, Bea thought, Of course Morgan knows. A fragile, brittle smile made its way onto her face. As the days went on, as his loss compounded, the closer she felt to slipping away. She was teetering on a precipice, close to falling over the edge of understanding grief as other people had. Her understanding before had been abstracted at best, a twisted and strange version of an emotion that everyone around her seemed to understand better than she did. A necromancer who had faced death, danced with her, but did not comprehend her affects seemed like an oxymoron. The room was spinning, twisting around her as she tried to focus on Morgan’s words. “Oh, I don’t know it makes sense, doesn’t it?” She replied weakly, “We like pushing and figuring stuff out. We’re fixers.” Fixers in a world that could not be fixed, would not consent to be fixed. Adam had been a fixer too, it was why he was gone.
“Fixers, huh,” Morgan repeated, her own smile turning sad as well. She didn’t think of that word often except in terms of her own shame and desperation. She broke something, therefore she had to fix it. But to hear Bea say it, they were doing something better than hastily atoning; they were solving the world. Not all of it, because no one could do that. But little hurts, difficulties, problems. They knew how to seal cracks in people’s hearts and put in new supports where old ones had snapped. And it didn’t have to mean that any of it was their fault or their responsibility. Just that they happened to know how. They happened to have the strength to try. And when everything broke all over again, they would fix it again. On and on.
The future stretched out in her mind’s eye, a line of patch jobs into centuries. Nothing holding or staying for long. She wondered if Adam had ever seen the future that way, and if he ever let himself dream of a green field and a quiet existence where the only things that needed fixing were fence posts and kitchen appliances, as she often did. She didn’t know which answer was sadder.
“I guess we are,” she said quietly. “I guess somebody has to be.”
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: None
15. Running out of supplies
We were running out of water, that's what Eun-Hyuk told me, there was a small Secret group meeting We had. I was Currently in the Storage room packing and dividing the rations.
With Ji-Su, Jae-Heon, Eun-Hyuk's and Hyun-Su he was finally able to come out and Socialize with others. I was happy he didn't have to stay Cooped up in that small room.
Coming out from the closet I saw Ji-Soo carrying a pack of water bottles it must have been heavy because she looked like she was in pain. And her face was more Paler now than before.
Going over I picked them up for her, this time I asked, I was getting concerned. " are you okay?" I whispered, laying the water down. She was caught off guard by the question.
" Pardon?"
I stopped at what I was doing, " I know there something wrong you should tell someone." We packed food and other Essentials, putting them in small crates and boxes. " I'm fine plus if there was something wrong no one will be able to help-"
She was interrupted when someone busted in through the door. It was Seung-wan he started to yell, getting angry. " Stop!" We all looked up at him.  Has he gone nuts already?
" did you think I wouldn't notice if you guys, ran away?"  I raised an eyebrow, we aren't Secretly running away, where did he hear this from?
Eun-Hyuk and came in, as did the other guys. " give me my share!" He ran towards Jae-Heon grabbing the food he was holding. Trying to take it away from him. " Fuck I can't trust anyone anymore!"
He screamed out like a mad man, Jae-Heon grabbed him trying to calm him down. " clam down, let's talk!" But Seung-Wan pushed him against the glass Freezer. " don't touch me!!" He pulled out a box cutter knife pointing it Jae-Heon's neck.
My eyes widened thinking he was going to cut him. " I'm not going to die here like this! I'm going to leave here by myself!" He then pointed it at Eun-Hyuk I started to walk forward but Hyun-Su grabbed my hand and shook his head.
"  give me the car keys." He pushed something pasted him it hitting the wall getting closer to Eun-Hyuk with the knife. " Give me the car keys you asshole! Give me the car keys you son of a-" he screamed, his hand shaking with the knife.
He was about to get cut Eun-Hyuk but was stopped by Sang-Woo. He pulled him away and punched him straight in the face. He fell, groaning in pain, but he grabbed him pulling the mad man up.
Dragging him away, I should have been shocked by what I just saw but in this world it was normal I wasn't Surprised but we humans shouldn't act like this towards each other, we should at least have some common courtesy.
Following them Seung-Wan was on the floor. " why don't you go out there then?" Sang-Wook Insisted, Seung-wan started to scream like crazy. " you don't know how it feels. To have your life and someone else's hands!!"
" what are you doing?" Gil-Seob came in to view. " do you want the kids seeing this?" He questioned, I turned my head to them. " Who cares what the kids see you're not? We're all going to die anyway!!" It all got quiet for a moment.
We all were staring at him until Gil-Seob began to walk towards him. " No... not all of us will." He crouches down to Seung-Wan level. " people who act stupid As you do. Just because they're afraid are the ones who die first!"
He then slapped his knee, " get a grip, and more importantly Take care of your own life." He told him the guy looked like he was about to cry. After that, it was silent and very awkward.
Like the air was on thin ice if you stepped on it, it could break at any given moment. Everyone then began to leave because of it. But before I went, I hadn't realized I was holding Hyu-Su's hand the entire time.
It was Firmly gripped in mine. Did Hyun-Su know we were holding hands? I mean it's not that hard to Acknowledge plus he was holding it tight. Taking a glance at him his eyes were peering down at our interlocked fingers.
A blush formed on his cheeks, eyes wide and big. Letting go, I was kinda embarrassed. He looked up my way, but I left before he could say anything. My stomach was feeling queasy like I needed to throw up.
I knew why though I was getting feeling for Hyun-Su and it was too many feelings for my stomach to handle. I said that I should live life but it's hard when you don't know when you're time is up and that you're gonna turn into a monster anytime soon.
Going to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face, trying to calm myself down. I can like him right? Even though we were both infected he just didn't know it yet. Is it worth it though, I would just end up getting my hopes up? 
Why is this so complicated, I grumbled.  Knowing liking someone in this Situation leads to trouble and never turns out good. When I was done having a two-sided conversation with myself I went back into the day-care-Center to clear my head.
But Eun-Hyuk stopped me, " I need to talk it's important." He insisted, Motioning for me to follow him we walked into the office and I saw, Gil-Seob and Du-Sik. What were they doing here?
" We need more supplies," Eun-Hyuk began, " food is running sort so is the water as you know it's Been Contaminated we need to get outside resources." He said this writing it all on a Chalkboard.
" first Mr. An has been scouting out the area to make sure it's safe for the person that goes out, Mr. Han is fixing the car and Reinforcing it. And Lastly Soo-Nico you will go out and get the supplies we need."
He explained as if the others already knew about this and volunteered me for the job. " I'm not doing this to use you Soo-Nico you are the best chance we have out there." He said as if I was the only one to do it.
I guess I was the only one able to do the job since I knew were every monster out there, including their whereabouts, how they kill, and how to escape if necessary.
Thinking it over, it was for everyone's survival including mine. So I agreed to it, not seeing I had a choice either. We all made our way to the Day-Care-Center telling everyone we were having a meeting.
I sat in the left corner of the room on a desk. While everyone piled in, seeing Hyun-Su he sat next to me on a stool. Things were still kinda awkward soon we didn't say anything to each other.
Soon Eun-Hyuk brought in the chalkboard I saw just a few moments before he stood in front of it, " we need to Venture outside, we only have five days' worth of food. We'll search the Convenient store first."
He told us, good for him I know a store that still tons of food. " isn't too dangerous?" Jae-Heon, questioned, well yes it was. " we've been preparing, Mr. An has scouted out the area And Mr. Han is working on the car." He explained.
" Hang on there, four eyes who's going then, I mean are we going to draw straws?" Byeong-ll wondered, wanting to know who will go out.
" it's an important mission only Who is likely to succeed will go and knows what it likes out there." He finished, they didn't have to guess they all knew. " Soo-Nico will go out there with her experience."
Everyone's eyes landed on me, including Hyun-Su. " but didn't she get caught up in that spider web?" Someone I didn't even know the name if asked. Eun-Hyuk nodded, " Yes but she got out on her own."
He defeated me, which I was shocked by. Soon the meeting was over and they all left, telling me good luck. I didn't expect it though. Going back outside, I don't know if I was ready?
" So you're going out there?" Hyun-Su spoke, it Startled me when he did. Getting over my mini heart attack I told him yeah. "I'm the only one so who else?" I laughed
I was expecting him to but he wasn't. His face was blank. " but do you want to?" As if he read my mind a few minutes ago, I didn't but there are some things you have to do. " I wouldn't do it if it wasn't necessary but it is." And it was, but Hyun-Su seemed to understand.
" Just be careful."
I smiled, " sure, whatever you say." I was happy he was genuinely concerned, but he shouldn't be, leaving him alone I walked out but saw Ji-Soo running to the restroom she was sweating badly, and she looked deadly pale.
Clutching her side, I knew something was wrong. Going after her, she was banging on the only working stall door. " hurry up, you're still not done?" She was bending over in pain Groaning.
Eun-Yoo was in the stall. She began to talk but there was a short pause. " –yeah I need more time." She said making her wait on purpose. Shaking my head I went over there.
Grabbing the doorknob I shook it violently. " hey open up she needs to go in there it's urgent!" I demanded, hitting the door. Ji-Soo wasn't looking so good.
" that's too bad for her, she should have come yesterday if it was so urgent." I couldn't believe her words, " Hey, do you have a death wish!!" I threatened, " what I'm using the bathroom to survive, you know." I rolled my eyes she didn't understand the situation.
" Hey, Eun-Yoo hey! Hurry up! Come on." She banged on the door. Leaning against it, like she couldn't keep herself up. I have enough of this bullshit. " Eun-Yoo! Open the door right now, she in pain." I heard her sign from the other side.
" I would be careful how your talking to me don't want a little Secret to get out." She laughed, Just as I said that she fell to the floor.
I let out a scream, moving next to her, " Ji-Soo?! Ji-Soo?!" I shook her trying to get her to wake up. Soon Eun-Yoo came out, staring at her she gazed over letting out a small scream.
She ran over, " Hey, what's wrong? Come on wake up!" Now that she was on the floor pasted out did she care? " are you turning too? Because you couldn't take a shit?"
She shook her harder, " Hey, wake up, Yoon Ji-Soo. W he acts wrong wake up!!" She cried, screaming, I was too tears fell my cheeks not knowing if she was dying or not.
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Konosuba
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(Short for: KonoSuba - God's Blessing on This Wonderful World)
How did I get into this anime? As you all know, I’m being an absolute lazy-ass when it comes to Isekai animes and have only gotten into the recent hits as of 2019. I already finished the suffer edition and the struggle edition. Let’s check out the light-hearted, wonk-fest! But before that…
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Let’s go back to the mid-1990s and rewatch the first episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. We all remember Yusuke Urameshi sacrificing his life in order to save a child about to be hit by a truck followed by being told that the child would have survived regardless if Yusuke interfered or not. So dude just wasted his fucking life for nothing! Let’s amp this trope up to 483 with the way our main lead in Konosuba dies. Kazuma Satou was on his way back home from purchasing a video game when he noticed a girl about to be hit by a car. He pushes her out of the way and yada, yada, yada he’s dead!
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He is now in a limbo setting, standing before a goddess named Aqua who tells Kazuma that his death was absolutely meaningless. Not only would the girl have survived, it wasn’t even a car, it was a slow-moving tractor. And Kazuma didn’t get hit by the tractor, he suffered a heart attack due to shock, followed by pissing his pants, followed by doctors, family, and relations laughing at Kazuma’s humiliating experience. And then he dies!
Aqua tells Kazuma that he has two options. He can either go to Heaven or be transported to a fantasy world (much like a game) and try to defeat a demon king. Choosing the fantasy world, Kazuma is given the opportunity to take an item with him on his travels. Now at this point, Kazuma has been annoyed by this goddess’s attitude towards him and decides to be a dick. So Kazuma chooses Aqua to be with him on his journey. Sucks for Kazuma however, because Aqua is useless! And unlike the video games Kazuma’s used to, he and Aqua must do manual labor and pay off expenses in the first town. So they might be there for a while.
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Kazuma ends up with two more members in his crew including a witch named Megumin that uses explosive magic and a masochistic crusader named Lalatina Dustiness Ford (or Darkness for short). But don’t get too excited! Megumin’s magic can only be used once a day, wiping away her energy. And while Darkness has a mean sword, she misses every time with it. So yeah, this is a rag-tag team of useless dopes. Let’s watch the wacky misadventures of Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness as they go on missions, drink until they puke, explode castles, and steal underwear.
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Yes, Kazuma occasionally does this.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Crunchyroll has been able to bless the masses with an English dub. Can’t let FUNimation have all the Isekai hits. So far it’s been alright and I’m hearing more Erica Mendez and Cristina Vee. All good things here! Plus it gives me a chance to hear the voices of Kazuma, whom up to this point I have minimal time listening to either person who plays him. And annoying as Aqua may be, Faye Mata does a really good job with that range Sora Amamiya set in the original. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Kazuma is played by Jun Fukushima (known for Naruko on Yowamushi Pedal and Makoto on Fruits Basket 2019)
*Aqua is played by Sora Amamiya (known for Touka on Tokyo Ghoul, Chizuru on Rent A Girlfriend, Miia on Monster Musume, Yachiyo on Magia Record, Akame on Akame ga Kill, and Elizabeth on Seven Deadly Sins)
*Megumin is played by Rie Takahashi (known for Emilia on Re:Zero)
*Darkness is played by Ai Kayano (known for Alice on SAO: Alicization, Menma on Anohana, Nana on Golden Time, Ryouko on Food Wars, Itsuwa on Index, Yukika on My Love Story, and Mayaka on Hyouka)
ENGLISH CAST: *Kazuma is played by Arnie Pantoja (known for Watchdog-Man on One Punch Man and Kanbarry on Re:Zero)
*Aqua is played by Faye Mata (known for Rin on Love Live, Aluminum Siren on Sailor Moon Stars, Yukako on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 4, Frederica on Re:Zero, and a bitch on Shield Hero)
*Megumin is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Sailor Uranus on Sailor Moon S [redub], Raphtalia on Shield Hero, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, Nico on Love Live, and Emma on The Promised Neverland)
*Darkness is played by Cristina Vee (known for Homura on Madoka Magica, Rei/Sailor Mars on Sailor Moon, Mio on K-ON, Sakura on Fate/Stay Night UBW, Kotori on Love Live, and Kanaria on Rozen Maiden: Traumend)
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FAVORITE CHARACTER: Darkness is best girl, don’t at me!
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SHIPPING (sorta): Can we just all agree that Darkness is just a sober version of Cheryl from Archer?
Whoever ends up with her will end up choking her either because she tells you to or she annoys you with her masochistic nature! I seriously do not know how you want me to turn this shipping discussion into anything other than a comment about a bitch getting choked.
ENDING TO SEASON ONE: Kazuma has been able to get a little good luck in his other world as he was finally able to move out of the stables and into a house with the rest of his crew. Although, it didn’t come easy! Then again, what has in this series? In the final episode of the first season, all of the adventures of the town were called to take on a scary foe. Up to this point, we’ve seen these guys take out mutant cabbages and an idiot dullahan. Today we’ve got…
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A giant, mechanical spider!
Why do the stupidest stories always rely on a giant, mechanical spider? Kazuma and the rest were able to stop the spider from moving. However, this monstrosity is set to explode and the impact could take out the entire town. Darkness wants to repay the town for all it has done for her and her family. The adventurer men want to repay the town because of all the succubus taverns they love. And Kazuma just wants to continue his journey so he can take out the demon king. Now, because Megumin already used her explosion magic for the day, she’s down for the count. But she was able to do it a second time thanks to Kazuma transferring some magic from Aqua through his spell and with a little help from Wiz. The day is saved, Kazuma and his crew got a hefty reward, and then Kazuma is immediately charged with treason for sending the evidence to a higher up and it exploded.
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Believe it or not, but a lot of these quests end with a giant middle finger to them. Almost like Curb Your Enthusiasm!
EPISODE 11: The special episode that followed came with some more misfortune for Kazuma. A trip to Wiz’s shop ends with a choker around Kazuma’s neck that’s going to strangle him in three days if his wish doesn’t come true. So to figure out what Kazuma’s wish is, Kazuma has all of these girls fulfill his greatest desires in the hopes of one of these humiliating tasks will release Kazuma from the choker.
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As you can guess, because this is an OVA, it will be filled to the brim with degeneracy compared to the television series. Fuck yeah it was! Kazuma used this opportunity to use Wiz’s tits as comfy pillows, have Megumin play “Strip Rock/Paper/Scissors” with Yunyun, have Aqua fetch him food, and watch Darkness jiggle her breasts. Even when he thought he was at death’s door, he uses this special time to tell each girl with him at this dramatic moment that they are nothing more than tits and ass. All except for Aqua! No love for her. Not even a pity erection! So when the spell on the choker was released due to a simple wish, Kazuma was then killed by Aqua and quite possibly everyone else and Kazuma was sent back to the goddess chamber as he learned a powerful lesson.
Don’t ever do that again!
Damn…Kazuma died 3 times so far in 11 episodes. Subaru got you beat by a country mile. He’s probably looking at you like, “You damn, lucky dumbass. I got frozen, shanked, stabbed, sliced, maced, and eaten by bunnies”.
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SEASON TWO: As I mentioned at the end of season one, Kazuma is charged with treason and usually that comes with a death sentence. Unfortunately for Kazuma, his unintentional crime was against this big, fat, smelly noble who has many higher-ups wrapped around his finger. The townspeople can’t really help him out otherwise they’d risk being charged as well. And you have a prosecutor wanting Kazuma’s head on a pike not only for the major charge, but for being a pervert. The writing is on the wall, Kazuma is screwed. However, thanks to Darkness (and her family lineage) she was able to take one for the team by saving Kazuma (for now) and have that big, fat, smelly noble do God knows what to her. Also, the kingdom repossessed a lot of things from Kazuma’s crew.
So they’re worse than “square one” at this point. They’re at “square -57” with how much debt they’ve all accumulated.
ENDING TO SEASON TWO: Things are starting to look up for Kazuma and his crew. They were able to abolish their debt, got the treason charges lifted, and they were able to gain back some respect around the village. So what better way to celebrate then to go on a bit of vacation. The gang decided to head off to another town for some rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, the town they spent their time off at is full of religious wackos. And what I mean by religious wackos, I mean WORSE than Jehova Witnesses, Evangelical Christians, and the Heaven’s Gate cult all rolled into one.
…Okay, I’m obviously embellishing here. I just really fucking hate all of those ones I just mentioned. This cult is so fucking annoying! At every turn they’re trying to convert Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness into their fold.
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Oh wait, it gets better! This cult worships the goddess Aqua! And of course our favorite idiot Aqua was using this to her advantage. That is until a priest didn’t believe her, starting a chain reaction with the townsidiots all leading up to them chasing Kazuma and crew out with pitchforks and fire. Apparently, Aqua did a big no-no by purifying the hot spring water and now it’s just regular water.
Unfortunately at that same time, a general to the dark lord was in area poisoning all of the water in this town. Yeah, this guy is serious trouble since he’s on a higher level than Wiz (back when she was working under the demon king). But he’s a slime and works with poison. In this world, Kazuma doesn’t stand a chance. Surprisingly, this battle went well (albeit Kazuma dying inside the slime), but we got to see Aqua at her baddest of ass. Now you’d think the town would be grateful to Kazuma and his team for ridding them of a demon king general. Hahaha, never trust religious nutjobs! They still found fault with Aqua purifying their hot springs and they were thrown out.
In the 11th episode (or second side-story), Kazuma thought he was meeting a new fan in town. So he regales her with tales of his expoditions to woo her. Turns out the girl is a new member of the local tavern and one of her jobs is to listen to useless adventurers to boost their morale. And this girl was totally not digging Kazuma. I think this hurt Kazuma more than all the times he’s died in this series.
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MOVIE: We head off to the land where Megumin and Yunyun were born and raised. While there was some miscommunication into if the town and their families were in trouble to begin with, trouble sure found Kazuma and the gang once they arrived. Another general of the demon king ends up causing quite a stir in the town. Sylvia was extra hard to take down in this story. Just when you thought she was dead, she returns from death’s door and brings the poison slime from season two and the dullahan from season one to wreck havoc all across the land. Luckily, Kazuma, his crew, Wiz, Yunyun, and the rest of the townspeople were able to put an end to Sylvia and her cohorts.
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But man, Kazuma got some really shitty deals in this movie. His trashy and perverted reputation isn’t any better. Megumin’s father wanted to kill him. Megumin’s mother locked Kazuma and Megumin in a room together in hopes of doing the nasty, was messed with by a chimera of two genders, and was killed in a gruesome way that even the angels had to throw up when they saw the state of Kazuma.
On a positive note, Megumin seemed to have grown a little with this adventure as she was even thinking of putting her explosive magic on hold and give a whirl at other options. But she still gave a giant explosion that’s worth 120 points.
Konosuba was amusing. Definitely worth a few chuckles! I know it won’t be for everyone as comedy in anime can often be hit-or-miss. But the combination of characters with many quirks, the animation, the setting, the tasks, and misunderstandings, you’ve got yourself an anime version of Curb Your Enthusiasm. So…yeah, not for everyone, hit-or-miss! But in the big five isekai animes, this one is a little more light compared to some of the others. Overlord can get quite gory. Shield Hero will anger any sane person to a point of madness. And Re:Zero is just a misery blanket! Konosuba is that light-hearted comedy where sometimes the main protagonist dies horrificly in battle, but will return like Kenny from South Park. So if Shield Hero and Re:Zero depress you, maybe you might need a break with the silly, zany antics of Kazuma’s crew in Konosuba.
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Results may vary on your views of Aqua.
If you would like to watch Konosuba, the entire series is available on Crunchyroll. That’s the first season, second season, both OVA’s, and the movie in several different languages!
Okay, let’s pick our next Netflix, Crunchyroll, or Amazon exclusive!
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Alright! An anime like Black Lagoon if it involved gay boys! Banana Fish time.
7 notes · View notes
amiandthechaos · 4 years
fire has no shadow, but you have me
Leo is not hiding this personal moment with a mask of light-hearted comments or jokes. So Nico won't shy away from it, either.
"I'm glad you want to come back." He summons courage harder than it takes him to summon an army of skeletons, and he leans his head on Leo's shoulder.
They remain like that for a while, Leo's hand covering his and Nico's head resting on Leo, and Nico had never felt so safe outside of camp and he wonders if it can last.
It starts with a blinding flash of light. And at this point, Nico has seen enough of those to know that it can't be anything good.
And he couldn't be less prepared for it. He was just lying on the grass under the sun, getting more vitamin D on doctor's orders.
And of course, his doctor is right there next to him. Will insists Nico needs more sun, and Nico begrudgingly agrees because at least his skin color is returning to normal and he sleeps better at night. Not well, but better.
He feels warm and drowsy while Will's voice fills the silence by talking about music and bands. Nico hasn't really had time to listen to music in the last… decade. But he appreciates Will's suggestions, however disconcerting they may be.
And then he feels it. The sun's getting hotter, which doesn't make sense since it was supposed to be going down soon, and when he opens his eyes, it's there.
His senses heighten, every nerve suddenly into overdrive, and Will is already on his feet, hauling him up and dragging him away.
But it's too late, Nico thinks. It's coming way too fast.
He still runs, but not for long before the crash is heard. It's not as big as he imagined. It's not Armageddon, it's not the end of the world, but it is something.
Nico spins around, making Will stumble, but he's glad he did because he immediately recognizes something that makes his heart thud painfully.
A bronze wing.
He breaks free from Will's grip and runs back towards the mess of fire that's still burning in a big pile. Will yells out his name but then he and some others are right behind him, slow realization dawning on all the campers.
Even among the flames and smoke, Nico can see the broken-down body of Festus the dragon.
"Where's Leo?" Will asks and Nico was thinking the same thing but with each passing second his heart sinks more and more. Leo's fireproof, his mind supplies, and still the fear that he might have burnt to a crisp seems far more real.
Nico looks around wildly. "Can't anyone summon water?! Where's fucking Percy Jackson when you need him?!"
Everyone seems to click into motion, moving around to help. Nico focuses back on the fire. Perhaps he can make a hole on the earth below and pull Leo out?
He tries to feel the presence and a more sinister thought enters his mind. Maybe he was never alive. Maybe Festus just brought Leo's body here.
The fire is receding a bit, but it's still hard to see beyond the flames and reflective bronze. A moment later, three different people shout to make room. From the right, Chris Rodríguez and a bunch of dryads are bringing in buckets of water from the lake. From the left, Leo's siblings from the Hephaestus cabin are running with Harley at the front, all dressed up in a full metal welding suit that the others are still trying to attach to him.
And then, from very far away there's Paolo Montes waving a hose.
Harley gets there first, and he would have thrown himself on the fire if Nyssa Barrera hadn't stopped him.
"Wait! The suit is not sealed yet!"
And then it came. Nico gasps and almost stumbles backwards with the force of it and everyone looks at him, alarmed.
But Nico's eyes are fixed on the blazing heat.
The metal rumbles and pieces fall to the floor, and from the very center of Festus' belly, Leo Valdez's head pops up, his hair wild and moving along with the flames.
He looks around at the dozens of shocked faces and finally settles for a toothy grin.
"Hello. Bit hot today, no?"
This time Will had to stop Nico from jumping into the fire and slapping Leo in the face.
Nico had been spending some of his time hanging out in the infirmary since Will was there a lot, teaching healing practices to other campers because, in his words 'With the number of dangerous situations demigods get into, the Apollo cabin can't be the only ones who know basic first aid.'
And now he was there a lot because he was in charge of organising the queue to punch Leo and Leo was there getting patched up.
He had never been very close to Leo. At least not the way he was close to Hazel or even Percy at some point. But over their time aboard the Argo II, they had at least shared some kind of kinship a few times, especially when Nico realized how much of a seventh wheel Leo had been feeling, and how similar that was to how Nico himself felt in that ship. An eight wheel, to be precise.
And by Gods, did Nico want to hate him. He was insufferably obnoxious, always cracking stupid jokes, and with no shame whatsoever. Nico's worst nightmare.
Until Nico saw through all that for what it really was; Leo's way of keeping people at bay. Diametrically opposed to Nico's way, but a way nonetheless.
Plus, a few times Nico had walked in on Leo sleeping curled up next to the engine and it was hard to hate him after that.
"What happened to Calypso?" Nico asks one morning after the first shift of punchers. Leo had just finished explaining everything he went through, the physician's cure, the trip to Ogygia, rescuing the forgotten sorceress.
His face reddens somewhat. "I dropped her off inland in Europe. I think it was Croatia. She um… She wanted to see the world."
Nico doesn't want to push it if Leo's reluctant to discuss it but he had imagined that after all of that he and Calypso would be together.
Leo shrugs and then winces as his left shoulder is still injured from the fall. His skin was thankfully all untouched thanks to his abilities but his clothes all turned to ashes. That was the most awkward part of the rescue. "I get it. She was tied to that island for thousands of years, I can't blame her for wanting to be free and not tied to something or someone else now." He sounds sad, but also braver than Nico had ever seen him. "I promised to rescue her and I'm glad I did."
Nico nodded. He raised his hand, planning to pat Leo's shoulder but regretting it at the last second and landing awkwardly on the pillow next to him. "That's the demigod life."
Leo smiles one of his huge smiles and nudges Nico's hand with his shoulder. "That, and catapulting annoying augurs up in the sky. Tell me again how you launched Octavian up to meet me."
Nico rolls his eyes. "I didn't launch him."
Since communication was still down on all fronts, Leo couldn't let anyone at Camp Jupiter know that he hadn't actually died, so he decided to just make the journey.
Him and a few other campers sat at a table trying to figure out the best method to get him there.
"Festus would take at least a month to rebuild again," Leo sighs, genuinely depressed about the topic. "I can't let the others wait that long for Admiral Valdez's resurrection."
Everyone groans. Leo had been bragging for days about how he was basically the modern version of Jesus of Nazareth.
"What about a jetpack? My design is nearly ready!" Harley exclaims excitedly.
Leo ruffles Harley's hair. "Oh Harley, I'd rather let Zeus zoom me halfway across the globe again. I saw your designs and I think fuel tanks like those would send me on my way to an explosion even I couldn't survive."
"You could take a bus?" Kayla says. "Cheaper than an airplane."
"I will take you."
It almost takes Nico a second to realize the words came out of his mouth, especially when they all look at him like that.
"Nico, are you sure that's a good idea?" Will asks, his golden eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"I shadow-travelled from Europe with a ten-foot statue and two others. I think I can handle Leo from here to California."
"I feel like that was a jab at my stature," Leo says into the silence.
Nico smirks.
The Hephaestus cabin organized a congratulations-for-not-being-dead/going-away campfire for Leo. Nico usually didn't attend campfires, but Will had dragged him to a couple and this one seemed to be more up his alley, with less corny songs and more people making fun of Leo.
Plus, Pollux had appeared with a few bottles of homemade wine and the results were entertaining.
Will was, no surprise, a very touchy drunk, which made Nico uncomfortable but not as much as he would have thought. He lets Will rest his head on his shoulder when he says that the world is spinning.
Leo chugs more wine and tells another joke and people laugh harder even though it makes no sense, and that's when Sherman Yang decides they've all had too much.
"Okay, let's pack it up, people. Leo has a long day tomorrow and we all have target practice."
Some groan, a few giggle, most don't react and just let themselves be dragged away after patting Leo on the back and wishing him luck.
No one tells Leo to leave, perhaps because after helping defeat Gaia, coming back from the dead, rescuing an unrescuable ancient sorceress and then surviving yet another explosion, no one felt like they had much authority over him.
Will, held by Kayla on one side, turns around to look at Nico. "Are you coming?"
Nico looks over at Leo, who chooses that moment to fall backwards from his log. "I think I'll stay and make sure he doesn't die."
Will smiles crookedly. "Aw, you're taking care of someone. I've taught you well."
"Shut up."
Leo manages to sit up and realizes he and Nico are alone, the fire slowly dying between them. "Are you cold? I can make more fire."
He opens his palms towards the flames but Nico rushes over and stops him. "No no. Don't drink and summon fire. Didn't you see the safety video on your first day here? Dionysus had a whole section about wine safety."
Leo snorts a laugh. "No. When I arrived everything was very rushed. I never met Mr. D"
Nico nods. Leo must have heard that name from Percy. Nico wonders if Percy got the letter they sent telling him that Leo was alive. It was Will's idea to use regular mortal mail, but even being in the same estate as Percy wouldn't guarantee that he'll receive the letter. Strange things happened to demigods' correspondence in the postal service.
"You know, this is the first time I drink wine." Leo waves his plastic cup, stained burgundy.
"Really?" Nico asks. "Not even sips as a kid?"
Leo shakes his head and his curls move with it. "Mexican moms don't really believe in that."
Nico had been drinking wine since he was very young. "I always used to have dinner with my family."
"Maybe that's why you're not drunk."
"Or maybe because I'm not eighty pounds and had ten glasses"
"Hey!" Leo protests and then he is silent as he sizes Nico up with a look that makes Nico wish he could blend in with the shadows. "How are you already taller than me? It's not fair."
That makes Nico smile. "Get used to it, Valdez."
They stay in silence for a while longer, which must be a record coming from Leo. He pulls out a small device from his pocket and starts to tinker with it, not even looking at it. He seems thoughtful, as though he's trying to figure out a different device than the one in his hands.
"I heard something from Drew yesterday," Leo says, a little too quiet to be the start of a joke. Nico's heart starts racing. He knew people would talk, and he knew Leo and all his friends would find out eventually, but he never thought Leo would want to talk to him about it.
He presents Nico with his closed fist as if he wanted Nico to bump it and Nico can only frown.
"This is for telling Percy he isn't your type. What a boss move."
It takes a second, but Nico throws his head back and laughs. The first time he's properly laughed in a long time, but it just takes him completely by surprise that this is what Leo has to say on the subject.
He bumps Leo's fist as his laughter dies down and he shakes his head in disbelief.
Leo can't seem to stop smiling, but in this drunk, lazy way that makes him seem a bit more down to earth.
This isn't a mask, Nico thinks.
Leo sways and his shoulder grazes Nico's. "If it makes you feel any better, I get it. Like, who hasn't thought Percy's hot? Like, objectively, you know? They're tall and conventionally attractive and stupidly heroic-"
"They?" Nico asks, not really wanting to interrupt Leo's tirade but confused by his wording.
"Percy and Jason. Everyone has crushes on them, right? And you kind of want to hate them because like, shit man, you look like that and you fly, and you're ridiculously friendly and like noble and stuff? Just stop it. You know? But you can't hate them because they're really nice to you and they don't deserve it. But it's nothing to be ashamed of, you know?"
Nico blinks a few times, Leo's confession of basically having a crush on Jason in particular, hitting him like an electrical shock that left him short-circuited. If Leo was sober he probably wouldn't have said anything, so Nico wonders if he should feel bad for letting Leo say something so personal in this state of vulnerability.
But he doesn't. Because it's the first time someone tells him they understand him and actually give reasons and examples why, not just an empty attempt at empathy. He hopes Leo doesn't regret telling him this.
"They are so stupidly noble. I hate that," Nico says.
Leo stands up on wobbly legs. "Oh look at me I'm the son of a famous, powerful God and I can control the elements and I have light-colored eyes and a dreamy smile. Who am I?"
Nico has to laugh again because Leo is pulling a full-on performance pretending to fly like Jason or raise the sea like Percy and it makes Nico feel lighter than he has in probably years. He can laugh about it now. He can let it go.
Leo stumbles around the fire and even though he'd be fine if he falls in, it still doesn't seem right to let him, so Nico grabs his arm and pulls him away from the danger zone as they both keep laughing.
They sit back down and their knees knock together and Nico doesn't mind.
"Some of that could also describe you," Leo says breathlessly. "Son of a major God. Powerful."
Nico nudges Leo with his arm in acknowledgement. "And you. You can control the elements." He nods towards the fire.
Leo seems relaxed in a way he hadn't seemed to be since he came back.
They remain like that for a while longer, watching the flames get smaller and sitting in comfortable silence. Nico's favorite kind of silence.
"We should probably get some sleep." Nico hates to be the one to say it, but shadow-travelling really is easier when he's rested.
Damn Will. He got inside Nico's head.
Leo lets Nico help him up and then Nico does something that he only does when someone is injured in battle; he wraps one arm around Leo's waist and helps him walk. Leo throws his arm over Nico's shoulders.
As they walk away from the campfire, Leo sighs happily. "Have you ever noticed that fire doesn't have a shadow?"
Nico was right when he thought that travelling with Leo would be less tiring than the last shadow trip he had done.
That didn't mean it was easier.
"Y'all should've told me we'd be coming here." Leo digs into his plate of ribs, sauce all over his face. "I'd've made some reservations."
Nico sends him a death glare. He's good at those.
Leo had decided to adopt a heavy southern accent ever since they landed in Oklahoma instead of Kansas like Nico had been planning. Nico's ears were going to bleed from over-stimulation.
The food was good, though.
Leo inhales deeply and sighs contentedly. "We're so close to Texas, I can feel it."
"We're always close to Texas. That state is inescapable. I think its gravity drew us off course."
Leo pulls out two wet hand towels from his magic pouch- as Nico has started to call it much to Leo's annoyance- and then he warms them up by heating his hands. He has a much more sophisticated control on his fire abilities than Nico remembered.
Leo hands one to Nico while he himself wipes basically his entire face and arms. "Well, we're here now so let's find a spot to sleep tonight. I hope you like camping, Neeks!"
Nico frowns. "You should know I don't. Also, stop it with the Neeks."
Leo smiles. "You have barbecue on your nose."
Nico groans and wipes it off.
They end up finding a not-so-terrible spot to spend the night, but the heat in this Hades-forsaken place was so insufferable that they decided not to use sleeping bags and instead hang hammocks, of which Leo procured two from his magic pouch.
"Why in the world do you have hammocks on hand?" Nico asks as he unsuccessfully attempts to tie his to a tree.
"Hammocks are an incredible feat of engineering. You need fabric and weaving that are strong enough to hold you but not so tough that it's hard to sleep. It minimises your travelling load while maximising sleeping space, and it works on all surfaces because it precisely keeps you away from surfaces." Leo comes over and ties Nico's hammock for him. "It also keeps you away from snakes."
Nico blinks at him. "You have a lot of feelings about hammocks."
"They are perfect and need to be more appreciated."
"I've never actually slept in one."
Leo's eyes seem to light up with fire. "Oh I can't believe you're a hammock virgin!"
"Please don't call it that."
"This is going to be great. Shed all your preconceived notions right now and prepare for the best sleeping experience of your life."
Nico would hardly call swinging in the air the best sleeping experience of his life, but considering the things he's been through, it also could be far, far worse.
Leo is too delighted with the swinging and even pushes off against the tree with his foot to go even faster, his hands busy with a mechanical box he's been tinkering with since West Virginia. The movement is making Nico slightly dizzy so he lies as still as possible until the soft swaying actually feels nice, and it seems to be lulling him to sleep faster than anticipated.
He's almost gone when Leo speaks into the silence.
"Mm?" He opens his eyes and turns to see Leo still swinging madly, almost nervously, under the orange light of the lantern he hung on a branch above. Thank the Gods they're on different trees or the movement would rock Nico's hammock as well. He also decided to remove his t-shirt, which is fine by Nico because then all the mosquitoes would get Leo instead of him.
"You're fifteen, right?" Leo asks.
"Last I checked."
Another pause. "How did you, um… how did you know?"
It takes Nico's sleepy brain a bit to process the question but it still doesn't make much sense. "How did I know what?"
Leo keeps his eyes on his box. "You know… how did you know you… liked boys?"
Suddenly Nico is as alert as the day Leo came crashing down above them.
Usually, Nico would say something snarky and then refuse to discuss the matter entirely, possibly adding about a day's worth of brooding and death glares.
But this question seemed to be a lot less about prying into Nico's business and a lot more about something else.
Nico looked away from Leo nonetheless and kept his eyes on the dark canopy above. "It's kind of hard to ignore when you, you know… when you like someone and that someone is, well, a boy."
Leo's swinging sounds less intense. "Sure. I suppose when it's the only kind of attraction that happens to you, you can't really miss it, can you?"
"Nope," Nico confirms. He could see where Leo's mind was at. "But I guess that if someone was attracted to a lot of different people… it'd be harder to recognize."
"I guess so."
Nico thinks of all the things he wished someone had said to him when he was driving himself mad with questions and confusion, and out of everything, the thing that would have meant the most was very simple.
"And it'd be okay. It'd be more than okay, actually, it'd be great."
Nico can't see it, but he can hear the soft exhale that Leo does when he smiles. The rustling and thudding of his magic pouch follow and then the light is turned off.
"Thank you, Neeks."
"I'm going to murder you."
This was the first time in Nico's life that he has managed to leave a camp for more than five minutes without encountering a single being that wanted to kill him. He had been prepared for attacks from the get-go, especially since Leo literally couldn't go two breaths without doing something demigod-like such as warming up their chilaquiles with his bare hands or making weird artefacts appear as if out of thin air.
But this had been the most peaceful trip of his life and it almost felt akin to a vacation. Camping, taking dips in rivers and lakes, eating something different every day (Leo even agreed to go to McDonald's once) and keeping the worrying to a minimum.
It was even nice to be around Leo most of the time. Ever since the other night, he seemed to be making fewer jokes and nervous tinkering than usual. He still did it, because it's part of him, but he seemed more relaxed about it. It wasn't a necessity but a choice.
"What are you going to do once we arrive?" Nico asks one afternoon as they sit on top of a hill and take in the view. They're most likely just a jump away from getting to their destination, and in all honesty, Nico's rested enough that he could manage it that same day.
But he decided to drag this out a bit longer. They stopped just outside of San Francisco at some unknown mountains with enough trees to make it the perfect spot to tie hammocks and, damn it, Nico loves them by now, and he just wants another opportunity to use them while he's still with company. His return trip will be a lot lonelier.
Leo shrugs. "I don't know what Pipes and Jason might be up to. Jason had his plan to make shrines for all the Gods, so I might help him with that. But honestly, I wish they'd come back to Camp Half-Blood."
Nico raises his eyebrows. "Really?"
"Sure. It's the camp me and Piper were meant to be in, all my siblings are there, plus there's the bunker and Festus… I don't want to give it all up."
Nico feels a spark of hope in his chest. Perhaps he won't have to return alone. It's still bittersweet, though, because once Leo rejoins Piper and Jason, things will be different. Piper and Jason are very nice and all, and Nico gets along very well with Jason in particular, but he has a feeling Leo won't be the same with them around.
"And you're there, also," Leo adds.
Nico feels some heat rise to his cheeks and he tries to push it down.
Thankfully, Leo doesn't press it. "What about you? How do you decide which Camp to be in? You were in Camp Jupiter for a while, you have Hazel there, but you're originally Half-Blood and you have Will over there…"
"Will?" Nico asks, surprised that Leo would put him on the same level of importance to Nico as Hazel.
"Well, yes. I assumed you two-"
"Oh, no." Nico must be properly blushing now. "I mean, I don't know. But we're not. He's very nice and I'm glad to have a close friend there but…"
"Well okay, so you'll have two close friends there, then." Leo puts his hand over Nico's and it's the first time they're so purposefully touching like that.
Leo is not hiding this personal moment with a mask of light-hearted comments or jokes. So Nico won't shy away from it, either.
"I'm glad you want to come back." He summons courage harder than it takes him to summon an army of skeletons, and he leans his head on Leo's shoulder.
They remain like that for a while, Leo's hand covering his and Nico's head resting on Leo, and Nico had never felt so safe outside of camp and he wonders if it can last.
It turns out it can last. They manage to make it to Camp Jupiter without a single unpleasant encounter. And just when Nico thought they may break Percy's rule about feeling safe, they cross the gates and they are actually safe. Hazel sees them first. She's in full uniform and looking tiny but powerful as always, and her eyes go wide and shiny like dark gemstones.
She drops everything, her spatha, shield, and a book she'd been carrying and she sprints at them. She crushes Leo in a hug and starts weeping immediately.
"You! How? I was- Jason and Piper- ugh!" Each word is punctuated by a sob and a slap on Leo's chest.
Then there's Frank, who is so surprised that he turns into a ferret by mistake but then seizes the opportunity to climb onto Leo's head and claw at his hair with tiny, shrill yelps.
"I missed you too, buddy," Leo says, only grimacing slightly.
When he's back in human form, the bear hug is so engulfing that Leo almost disappears from sight.
Apparently, Piper and Jason are around somewhere but Hazel and Frank are too busy with their new duties that they can't keep track of them. Hazel summons Arion and writes a note, tying it around his neck.
"If you find Piper or Jason, get them here as soon as possible."
And off he goes.
Hazel spends a while telling Leo how much they looked for him the days after the battle back in Camp-Half Blood, which Nico had already done, but not in so much detail. Especially about the extent to which Jason and Piper in particular had driven themselves mad trying to find him, to the point where after weeks of futile search, Percy and Annabeth had to drag them back to camp and eventually convince them to come to California and get their minds off it.
Of course Nico wanted Leo to know they didn't give up on him, that he was missed, but he didn't want him to feel as guilty as he looks right now.
Other people also greeted them, including Reyna who Nico was glad to see. She was looking healthier than before.
Just as they were about to go to the Fifth Cohort to see if anyone knew about Jason or Piper, a loud zoom fills Nico's ears and a blurry second later, Leo is on the ground, tackled by Piper.
Arion neighs and stomps his front legs down before taking off again.
It takes about two minutes of Piper holding onto Leo and crying "I hate you!" before they can stand up. Leo's eyes and face are red too and he can't stop sniffling.
"Explain. Now," Piper orders him, wiping tears off her face.
"I thought we'd wait for Jason," Leo tells her.
Piper sighs. "He's been so moody lately I can't even tell you when he'd be coming back. He's been hard to read."
"Jason? Moody? Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?"
Piper hits Leo.
And then, it happens again. This time is a whooshing sound that gets progressively louder and Nico barely has time to catch a glance of Jason flying at them at full speed before Leo is lifted off his feet and carried away.
Nico typically refrains from showing any emotion other than annoyance in front of others, but even he can't keep a straight face upon seeing Jason and Leo embracing up in the air, clearly crying and laughing at the same time as Jason slowly lowers them to the ground.
Everyone is at least tearing up by the time they make their way towards them, but Nico is okay with it. He's happy for Leo and he doesn't care who sees. Hazel grabs Nico's hand and he squeezes it.
"So," Leo says with a rough voice. "Ready to hear the Tales of Tio Leo?"
Nico hadn't realized how much he missed this camp, especially Hazel. He wishes he could be with her year-round or at least visit more often. There should be a faster way to get from one camp to the other.
Eventually, though, the time to return was drawing nearer and it was hard to acknowledge it. Nico still didn't know if Leo was coming back or not and he didn't want to ruin his reunion. He was still so happy to be around Piper and Jason.
Nico sits outside at a table after dinner. They all managed to squeeze in a dinner together before their respective duties took them in different directions. Of course, the only ones who didn't have anything to attend to were Nico and Leo, so it isn't a surprise when Leo returns to the table after saying goodbye to the others.
Leo plays with the candles there, lighting them on and then putting them out over and over. "I was wondering…" he begins and for some reason Nico's heart speeds up.
He lights the candles again. "Is Nico short for Nicholas? And if it is, can I call you Saint Nicholas?"
Nico kicks him under the table.
"Is Leo short for Leonardo? And if so, can I call you Da Vinci?" Nico asks, trying to sound as stupid as Leo had.
"Definitely!" Leo answers, a big smile while still rubbing his leg. "Da Vinci works, though I think I look more like a Di Caprio."
Leo is still smiling even after a few seconds. "Da Vinci and Di Angelo. We should form a band."
"Over my dead body," Nico says, but he has to really bite back a smile.
Silence ensues and Nico thinks this would be the right moment to tell Leo that he plans to return the next day. He opens his mouth to speak but as it often happens with speaking, Leo beats him to it.
"So when do we leave, Hermano Hamaca?"
Nico is so confused by that last bit that he doesn't even process the first. "What?"
"Hammock Bro," Leo translates.
"Oh." Leo wants to go back with him? "I thought you'd want to stay with them a bit longer."
He shrugs. "Well, you're the shadow-travelling boss, but if it was up to me I could leave tomorrow. Piper and Jason are working on the shrines and they'll be at Camp Half-Blood soon. I can help from there. I'll miss Hazel and the big guy, but I'll see them again. Plus, it'd be nice to see Percy and Annabeth too, if they got the letter."
Nico nods. "Sure. We can leave tomorrow." He doesn't let it show how happy he is not to be travelling alone, but he still hopes Leo can see it a little bit.
"Hey," Leo puts out a candle with his right hand and lights up another with his left. "Thank you for bringing me here. I know it's a long road trip for something that could have been a phone call in normal circumstances. But even if I could have contacted them somehow, I think I needed to come. See them for myself. So, thank you."
Nico does smile then. "You're welcome. I know I would have liked to see you in person if you hadn't almost killed me on impact when you arrived."
"It's settled, then. We leave tomorrow. Maybe we can stop in Houston this time? I'll show you my mom's old repair garage and the best gorditas you'll ever have in your life."
"Sure," Nico agrees. It might take them a bit longer but it's not as if they have anything else to do. No prophecies to fulfill, no quests to carry out, no world-destruction to stop.
Leo puts his hand over Nico's again and this time Nico turns his hand over and laces their fingers together. Leo's hand is downright hot from playing with the candles so much, but Nico thinks it's nice.
As the candlelight dances in the wind along with Leo's hair, Nico realizes that even though he has always felt safest in the shadows, fire is not too bad either.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein fancy Nero gets schooled by V. 🖤
~ That's my Bloody Palace screenshot ( What level am I now? Nah, I'm not telling ). 🖤
~ I hope you enjoy this part, @heaven-on-a-landslide and @acieoj ! 🖤
"She's just tired as hell. You'll see her in the morning."
At least, that's what Nico said.
But then, V should've known better.
The next morning, the girl left a note on the glass top table, saying something about going to a friend's and staying there until Saturday. Somehow, the chit got past him without making any noise to wake any of them ( that's him, Nero, Griffon, and Shadow ) up, who all snoozed on the living room in sleeping cots provided by Nico, who spent the rest of the night on the guest room. V, being the most alert among all of them inside the unit, didn't hear her footsteps, even the creak of the door. What's more, Nico found out that the formal wear she provided for her was also gone.
Which meant that, to V's frustration, they will not be able to see her until the event, itself, which would take place the next day.
And so, the day finally arrived.
Nero was struggling with the lacy jabot on his neck, grimacing at it, and how he looked as a whole, in the mirror every once in a while.
And to add further insult to the injury, Griffon, who was flapping his wings non stop above his head, was laughing at him really hard.
The young and dashing Devil Hunter, who recently became famous for defeating the infamous Demon King Urizen, who almost plunged Red Grave with Qliphoth roots, let out a loud curse and threw the jabot on the floor.
Nico, who just finished putting on her dress and makeup on the guest room, heard this and came out, curious as to the source of that very colorful language.
And when she finally saw what Nero looked like, she could not help but double over in stomach pain as she failed to suppress her laughter.
"FUCK!" Nero cursed, angry at the tattooed woman who was still laughing her ass off at his appearance. "You think this is funny?!"
"What the hell are you wearin'?!" Nico bursted out through her uncontrolled fits of laughter.
"I bet it's her grandma's dress!" Insulted Griffon, which only made Nico laugh even more, and Nero angrier.
"W-w-wait, don't tell me your granny wore that to snag herself a boyfriend in the eighteenth century?!" Nico added.
"I swear if you don't stop - " Nero warned, then clicked his tongue, unable to stop the woman and the bird from laughing. It's true. With the heavy, lace coat of powder blue and purple ensemble, the equally lacy white undershirt, the pair of black breeches, the white knee - high socks, and the high - heeled pair of dancing shoes, Nero absolutely looked like a bratty, noble kid who came directly from the French Revolution era, or earlier.
"What? You'll hit me?" Nico taunted, pointing at Nero with a finger, flaunting her carefully manicured nail.
Griffon picked the jabot from the floor, graciously, if not mockingly, giving it back to Nero. "Here, you forgot this, Your High Nobleness."
Nero snatched the jabot from Griffon's talon, almost damaging it, and said, "Just to inform you, Credo owned this, not me!"
"Kyrie's older brother, huh?" Nico asked.
"Yes, him!" Nero answered, almost wrongfully getting mad at someone who was innocently and peacefully resting six feet under the grounds of Fortuna. "And, I'm not wearing this FUCKING thing!" he announced through gritted teeth, starting to remove the offensive - smelling coat. Apparently, Kyrie found it proper to drench the thing with an awful amount of floral fabric conditioner, making Nero reek of fresh flowers.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" Nico held her hands up, stopping Nero's movements. "I'm telling Kyrie if you do that! You'll make her cry, man!"
"No! Don't you dare tell her."
"Stop being a bitch! It isn't that,..." Nico said, failing in her attempt to lie at him with her mirthful eyes. "... bad."
"Ha! You think I look bad? Just wait for V!" Nero mocked, hands on his hips like the "nobleman" that he was. "He crammed yesterday looking for one, since he didn't find any last Thursday."
"Ya think?" Griffon maliciously asked, his eyes devilishly looking down at Nero's pitiful and funny form. He flew towards the bathroom and shouted, "Hey, Shakespeare, you done now, or what? The pimple kid is mocking you! Come out already!"
"You'll see." Nero mouthed at Nico with a sinister smile, so sure that V would look even worse than him.
Oh, how very wrong he was.
When V finally came out, Nico's mouth dropped open in shameless admiration, and Griffon beamed with pride for his boy. Shadow, who was patiently waiting for V to come out, stretched her forelegs, yawned, baring her fangs at Nero, and went to her master with a proud swish of her tail. She was getting tired looking at the boy for an hour, and the sight of V changed into his formal wear was a real fresh change.
Nero, in an infernal kind of frustration, took off his coat and flung it to the other end of the room, knocking off one of the painted vases, making it plummet to the ground and break into tiny little pieces.
"Hey, psycho!" Nico shrieked at him. "Watch the furniture!"
The massive ballroom that held about a hundred people was, indeed, the topic of every male and female guests. The three crystal chandeliers that shone illuminated the pleasant below. The black - clad musicians mainly played jazz, and would sometimes add in classical numbers for the dances like the foxtrot and the waltz. The food was great, courtesy of the best chefs in the city, and the rich vintage, matched by the sparkling ones for the ladies, that was being offered by the maroon - liveried servants, never warmed, always cool and ready for some hot - headed guests.
The head of the house, who sat at the tallest box with some servants at his tow, watched in admiration for his feat of bringing together the country's most powerful Demon Hunters. He chuckled at the sight of the two most powerful ladies in the room, lively chatting with some noobs. He grunted at the sight of that lone man who was pestering the servants with more wine. But, most of all, he was getting anxious, for his most awaited guest have yet to arrive -
"Sire," a servant whispered to his ear. "Nero of the Devil May Cry Agency has finally arrived with his, ah, entourage."
The lord of the house rubbed his hands. "Perfect. Kindly inform the musicians to sound in their classics. I want to make this dramatic."
"Naturally." the servant nodded and left at once.
But, Nero and company was not aware of this, and the importance the lord actually held for him. So, when he descended the stairs, fancy coat, lacy jabot, sleek hair, and all, he could not help but miss a few steps at the sudden change of music, almost stumbling down if it weren't for Nico who helped him by holding unto his arm as tight as she could to prevent him from falling to the carpeted ground.
"Get a grip, man!" Nico, who began sweating, whispered savagely at him. "Hold it together."
"How coud I - !" Nero whispered back. "They didn't have to change the goddamn music!"
Nero was right. Now that the rest of the Demon Hunters in the room noticed his fanciness, and the matching harpsichordy - classical music, they couldn't help but giggle at his grand entrance.
"Stomach in, chest out." V, who was descending beside him, whispered to him in that velvety - low voice of his, subtly slamming the tip of his cane on Nero's back. "Chin,... up and proud."
Nero, who was honestly mad at V for wearing a less fancy formal attire and seriously thinking that he was just being mocked by the man, retorted angrily. "Stop embarrassing the hell outta me!" he gritted.
V gave him a sideways glance, jade eyes dangerously narrow and wicked grin deathly threatening. "I'm teaching you how not to embarrass yourself even further with that,... attitude of yours." he warned. "Now, if you do not want to stumble all the way down and sully the name of your great father, and his even greater father before him, I suggest you follow,..." then, as if by one last ounce of threat, V pushed the tip of his cane harder unto Nero's back, hurting him and making him stand up straight in the process as a gentleman should. "... my unsolicited and valuable pieces of instruction."
"Damn you, V - " angrily whispered Nero, gaining him a painful pinch from Nico, who was still holding unto his right arm. "Ouch!"
"Do as the man says or I'll hurt you!"
And so, with so much struggle, Nero finally made it down the stairs, surviving Nico's vicegrip and V's cold stare. And once he was down, the younger, less experienced Demon Hunters, who came there before them, started bugging him with questions regarding the Demon King he recently defeated.
V, having isolated himself from the crowd that started to form near Nero and Nico, breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned on the wall, watching them from a safe distance, when the classical music came to a halt.
If it weren't for the boy's lovely attitude, V would've enjoyed the evening. It was a fine event, after all, not considering the danger they would possibly get into later.
Some refined Demon Hunters, who actually bothered to listen to the otherwise boring music, clapped their hands, giving the artists enough motivation to start a new one. The leader signalled for a change of genre and a turn of a page, and when the musicians started playing once more, the room was filled with the most beautiful bossa nova that V has ever heard. These men really do have talent, he admitted.
And as if by some magical and wild form of chance, a very familiar scent made its way towards his nostrils.
Flowers. Freshly blooming in the morning.
He looked up at the staircase,...
... and became wide - eyed at the spectacle that was unfolding right before him.
For there, clad in something that only rivalled the stars above, was the most beautiful female he has ever seen in his entire, miserable, demonic and non - demonic existence.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
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“She’s just tired as hell. You’ll see her in the morning.”
At least, that’s what Nico said.
But then, V should’ve known better.
The next morning, the girl left a note on the glass top table, saying something about going to a friend’s and staying there until Saturday. Somehow, the chit got past him without making any noise to wake any of them ( that’s him, Nero, Griffon, and Shadow ) up, who all snoozed on the living room in sleeping cots provided by Nico, who spent the rest of the night on the guest room. V, being the most alert among all of them inside the unit, didn’t hear her footsteps, even the creak of the door. What’s more, Nico found out that the formal wear she provided for her was also gone.
Which meant that, to V’s frustration, they will not be able to see her until the event, itself, which would take place the next day.
And so, the day finally arrived.
Nero was struggling with the lacy jabot on his neck, grimacing at it, and how he looked as a whole, in the mirror every once in a while.
And to add further insult to the injury, Griffon, who was flapping his wings non stop above his head, was laughing at him really hard.
The young and dashing Devil Hunter, who recently became famous for defeating the infamous Demon King Urizen, who almost plunged Red Grave with Qliphoth roots, let out a loud curse and threw the jabot on the floor.
Nico, who just finished putting on her dress and makeup on the guest room, heard this and came out, curious as to the source of that very colorful language.
And when she finally saw what Nero looked like, she could not help but double over in stomach pain as she failed to suppress her laughter.
“FUCK!” Nero cursed, angry at the tattooed woman who was still laughing her ass off at his appearance. “You think this is funny?!”
“What the hell are you wearin’?!” Nico burst out through her uncontrolled fits of laughter.
“I bet it’s his grandma’s dress!” Insulted Griffon, which only made Nico laugh even more, and Nero angrier.
“W-w-wait, don’t tell me your granny wore that to snag herself a boyfriend in the eighteenth century?!” Nico added.
“I swear if you don’t stop - ” Nero warned, then clicked his tongue, unable to stop the woman and the bird from laughing. It’s true. With the heavy, lace coat of powder blue and purple ensemble, the equally lacy white undershirt, the pair of black breeches, the white knee - high socks, and the high - heeled pair of dancing shoes, Nero absolutely looked like a bratty, noble kid who came directly from the French Revolution era, or earlier.
“What? You’ll hit me?” Nico taunted, pointing at Nero with a finger, flaunting her carefully manicured nail.
Griffon picked the jabot from the floor, graciously, if not mockingly, giving it back to Nero. “Here, you forgot this, Your High Nobleness.”
Nero snatched the jabot from Griffon’s talon, almost damaging it, and said, “Just to inform you, Credo owned this, not me!”
“Kyrie’s older brother, huh?” Nico asked.
“Yes, him!” Nero answered, almost wrongfully getting mad at someone who was innocently and peacefully resting six feet under the grounds of Fortuna. “And, I’m not wearing this FUCKING thing!” he announced through gritted teeth, starting to remove the offensive - smelling coat. Apparently, Kyrie found it proper to drench the thing with an awful amount of floral fabric conditioner, making Nero reek of fresh flowers.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!” Nico held her hands up, stopping Nero’s movements. “I’m telling Kyrie if you do that! You’ll make her cry, man!”
“No! Don’t you dare tell her.”
“Stop being a bitch! It isn’t that,…” Nico said, failing in her attempt to lie at him with her mirthful eyes. “… bad.”
“Ha! You think I look bad? Just wait for V!” Nero mocked, hands on his hips like the “nobleman” that he was. “He crammed yesterday looking for one, since he didn’t find any last Thursday.”
“Ya think?” Griffon maliciously asked, his eyes devilishly looking down at Nero’s pitiful and funny form. He flew towards the bathroom and shouted, “Hey, Shakespeare, you done now, or what? The pimple kid is mocking you! Come out already!”
“You’ll see.” Nero mouthed at Nico with a sinister smile, so sure that V would look even worse than him.
Oh, how very wrong he was.
When V finally came out, Nico’s mouth dropped open in shameless admiration, and Griffon beamed with pride for his boy. Shadow, who was patiently waiting for V to come out, stretched her forelegs, yawned, baring her fangs at Nero, and went to her master with a proud swish of her tail. She was getting tired looking at the boy for an hour, and the sight of V changed into his formal wear was a real fresh change.
Nero, in an infernal kind of frustration, took off his coat and flung it to the other end of the room, knocking off one of the painted vases, making it plummet to the ground and break into tiny little pieces.
“Hey, psycho!” Nico shrieked at him. “Watch the furniture!”
The massive ballroom that held about a hundred people was, indeed, the topic of every male and female guests. The three crystal chandeliers that shone illuminated the pleasant below. The black - clad musicians mainly played jazz, and would sometimes add in classical numbers for the dances like the foxtrot and the waltz. The food was great, courtesy of the best chefs in the city, and the rich vintage, matched by the sparkling ones for the ladies, that was being offered by the maroon - liveried servants, never warmed, always cool and ready for some hot - headed guests.
The head of the house, who sat at the tallest box with some servants at his tow, watched in admiration for his feat of bringing together the country’s most powerful Demon Hunters. He chuckled at the sight of the two most powerful ladies in the room, lively chatting with some noobs. He grunted at the sight of that lone man who was pestering the servants with more wine. But, most of all, he was getting anxious, for his most awaited guest have yet to arrive -
“Sire,” a servant whispered to his ear. “Nero of the Devil May Cry Agency has finally arrived with his, ah, entourage.”
The lord of the house rubbed his hands. “Perfect. Kindly inform the musicians to sound in their classics. I want to make this dramatic.”
“Naturally.” the servant nodded and left at once.
But, Nero and company was not aware of this, and the importance the lord actually held for him. So, when he descended the stairs, fancy coat, lacy jabot, sleek hair, and all, he could not help but miss a few steps at the sudden change of music, almost stumbling down if it weren’t for Nico who helped him by holding unto his arm as tight as she could to prevent him from falling to the carpeted ground.
“Get a grip, man!” Nico, who began sweating, whispered savagely at him. “Hold it together.”
“How could I - ?!” Nero whispered back. “They didn’t have to change the goddamn music!”
Nero was right. Now that the rest of the Demon Hunters in the room noticed his fanciness, and the matching harpsichordy - classical music, they couldn’t help but giggle at his grand entrance.
“Stomach in, chest out.” V, who was descending beside him, whispered to him in that velvety - low voice of his, subtly slamming the tip of his cane on Nero’s back. “Chin,… up and proud.”
Nero, who was honestly mad at V for wearing a less fancy formal attire and seriously thinking that he was just being mocked by the man, retorted angrily. “Stop embarrassing the hell outta me!” he gritted.
V gave him a sideways glance, jade eyes dangerously narrow and wicked grin deathly threatening. “I’m teaching you how not to embarrass yourself even further with that,… attitude of yours.” he warned. “Now, if you do not want to stumble all the way down and sully the name of your great father, and his even greater father before him, I suggest you follow,…” then, as if by one last ounce of threat, V pushed the tip of his cane harder unto Nero’s back, hurting him and making him stand up straight in the process as a gentleman should. “… my unsolicited and valuable pieces of instruction.”
“Damn you, V - ” angrily whispered Nero, gaining him a painful pinch from Nico, who was still holding unto his right arm. “Ouch!”
“Do as the man says or I’ll hurt you!”
And so, with so much struggle, Nero finally made it down the stairs, surviving Nico’s vice grip and V’s cold stare. And once he was down, the younger, less experienced Demon Hunters, who came there before them, started bugging him with questions regarding the Demon King he recently defeated.
V, having isolated himself from the crowd that started to form near Nero and Nico, breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned on the wall, watching them from a safe distance, when the classical music came to a halt.
If it weren’t for the boy’s lovely attitude, V would’ve enjoyed the evening. It was a fine event, after all, not considering the danger they would possibly get into later.
Some refined Demon Hunters, who actually bothered to listen to the otherwise boring music, clapped their hands, giving the artists enough motivation to start a new one. The leader signaled for a change of genre and a turn of a page, and when the musicians started playing once more, the room was filled with the most beautiful bossa nova that V has ever heard. These men really do have talent, he admitted.
And as if by some magical and wild form of chance, a very familiar scent made its way towards his nostrils.
Flowers. Freshly blooming in the morning.
He looked up at the staircase,…
… and became wide - eyed at the spectacle that was unfolding right before him.
For there, clad in something that only rivalled the stars above, was the most beautiful female he has ever seen in his entire, miserable, demonic and non - demonic existence.
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Can you write something about Niccoli being depressed/ having an episode and boys trying to make him feel better?
He doesn't even know how it started.
Well, he has been feeling low for a couple of days could barely get out of bed to eat something and shower but... It has happened before, and it has always helped to have Martino with him. Not lately.
Usually he blames the weather - it's worse when outside it's all dark and rainy - but he can't even have that, now. There isn't a cloud in the sky, as he looks out the window. It adds insult to injury, as if there was some kind of higher power telling him 'How can you feel so unhappy, when the sun is shining and everything is fine out there?'
Rationally, he knows that it must have something to do with the exams fast approaching in June but it has never been so bad.
He is fucking tired of being told "Stop worrying about the future."
It’s not something he does on purpose, and it’s always too late when he realizes that his mind drifted where it wasn't allowed to.
Does Martino know how exhausting it is to persuade himself that his fears have no reason to exist?
How dumb his inability to take things as they come, minute by minute, makes him feel?
Sooner or later, he will have to choose what to do with this life. Postponing the decision doesn’t make it disappear. It’s always there, at the back of his mind. With all its potential downfalls.
He hasn’t even brought up the topic of moving to Milan, because he dreads both a positive (‘so you can’t wait for me to leave, uh?) and a negative reaction (it’s my future we’re talking about, stop making it about you!’) from Marti.
He can’t see himself living in Rome for another year, but he can't be without Martino.
That's absurd. It's not healthy to be so co-dependent on someone. He needs to learn how to survive without him. Besides, Martino deserves better than dating a nutjob that keeps on dragging him down, with his weird moods and paranoid fears of being abandoned. And it doesn't matter how many times he will tell Nico that he isn't going anywhere. Eventually, he will walk away. Niccolò will do something to fuck this up, like he always does.
Martino will get tired of having to talk sense into him, of his love being doubted and put to test all the fucking time. Of fighting about money, of telling him that he can pay for himself and doesn’t need Niccolò to cover all his expenses.
He will soon understand that they don’t have much in common, that they rarely listen to the same music or appreciate the same movies, books or tv shows. That they don’t even work that well as friends.
He can’t have Marti here, when he’s clearly not taking proper care of himself. Studying when he should be sleeping, eating too little, because babysitting Niccolò is a full time job.
It makes everything worse.
He hates that Martino turn down invitations from the boys just to spend time with him. Hates himself for letting that happen.
"Why don't you just go? Get lost. Stop wasting your time with a depressed fuck like me, Marti! There’s nothing you can do…”
It's a low blow, and he knows it. He regret those words as soon as they are out of his mouth, but it’s too late to take them back. Those are the very same words Martino in that bathroom, all those months ago, when he talked about his own mother. They are like a slap to his face, but Marti still refuses to back down.
“I was wrong, and you know it. Nico, please. Don’t shut me out.”
And he wants to open the door and surrender to his soft touch, to break down in his arms. Put his mind to rest for a while. But he can’t be that selfish.
“Go. I’m begging you, Marti. Leave.” He bites back his tears, holding tighter onto his pillow.
"As you wish." Martino chokes out, defeated, walking away.
Martino is persistent, and stubborn.
It's both a blessing and a curse.
He's glad to know that he cares, that he won't give up on him when things get tough. That he can sense when Niccolò is self-sabotaging himself and he won't have any of that.
It's a painful reminder of how little Nico is giving back, how he should be the better man and let Marti find someone who can hand him the world.
He keeps trying to reach out to him, with a few 'hey, call me when you feel better' and a 'thinking about you
'I know you’re trying, but... you're not helping.' He texts back, resorting to half-truths.
It works, but it doesn’t take too long before he starts to regret it.
It has been barely more than 24 hours since he last got a text from Martino, but it feels like a week.'Well done, Niccolò. You drove him away. Mission accomplished.'He mutters to himself, throwing the phone against the wall so violently that its pieces go flying all over the room.
Giovanni is the first to show up. He doesn’t ask about their fight, doesn’t even mention Martino.
He sits in front of the door and starts making small talk, telling him about the last movie he has seen and the book he’s reading at the moment.
“I never thought I would like Nick Hornby, you know, but then Eva got Slam for me, because you know, she figured it was about skateboarding… it isn’t, but that’s okay, it’s good… and I actually liked it so much I went looking for more. I bet you’d love Juliet, naked. It’s about music, but it’s nowhere as pretentious as High Fidelity is. It’s a book against pretentiousness when it comes to art, really. I have it here, with me, if you want to give it a try.”
Niccolò doesn’t contribute much to the conversation, but Giovanni doesn’t seem to mind.
He moves on to the latest news from school, about Luchino and how disappointed he was to find out there are plenty of girls crushing on Gio and Elia but none interested in him.
“Can you believe he handed out an anonymous survey?”
“Well. It’s Luca we’re talking about…” They both laugh at that, and Niccolò finally feels comfortable enough to ask if Martino asked him to come and check on him.
“No, zi’… He didn’t have to. I am here for you, is that so hard to believe?” Yes. Yes, it is. “And I’m not leaving until you read this and tell me what you think about this.” He waves his latest essay in front of the yellow tinted glass. He’s just about to try sliding it under the door, when Niccolò finally gives up and lets him in.
“Wow, you look like you haven't slept in a week.”
“Thanks.” He looks up, only to feel crushed by the weight of Giovanni’s concerned glare. How can he be calm, so composed, when Niccolò just broke his best friend’s heart again? “Would you like some coffee, while I read this?”
It’s good. Nico doesn’t agree with half of the things he wrote, but Gio knows how to make a compelling argument and make him go ‘Okay, you have a point there.” His essay is informative, never patronizing or sounding like the same old propaganda. It’s hard to believe he didn’t get a 10 for it. ‘8 for overuse of semi-colons, inconsistencies in style and voice.’
Bullshit. Galante couldn’t give mark that essay with a 10 because he couldn’t stand to read opinions different from his own, couldn’t have students thinking they should pursue writing as a career only to end up like him, teaching Italian literature to a bunch of idiots who couldn’t tell the difference between a metaphor and a metonymy.
“Ha! They keep telling me I’m projecting, that I’m the teacher’s pet but I knew you’d understand! He is lenient with those who can barely write down a coherent and grammatically correct thought, but God forbid if he actually acknowledges excellence! Not that I’m that good, but…”
Hey, hey, hey. No self-deprecation allowed in this room, unless it’s coming from Niccolò himself.
“You are. I mean, I’m no literary critic but I think you’re great. This is great.”
“Says Mr. 9/10.”
“I’m no better than you, I just mastered the art of telling people what they want to hear.”
“Ever thought about getting into politics?”
It’s Elia, next.
He doesn’t even knock, just walks in to tell him that he’s gonna cook him something because he looks like death warmed over.
It doesn’t matter if he’s not hungry, at the moment. He can save the food for later, and learn an invaluable life skill in the process.
“I can’t believe you’re losing your shit over moving to Milan, in a couple of months. I mean, if you are afraid you’re not gonna survive due to your non-existent culinary abilities, which is understandable, I am here to help.”
He isn’t bothered at all by Niccolò’s apparent lethargy and lack of focus, he shows him the ropes and then lets him take his time. He slaps his nape when he gets something wrong, but then he smiles at him and helps him fix his mistake. Encourages him to start all over from scratch, if needed.
So what if it takes them hours to bake a quiche, to make an omelette or a tiramisu? It’s not like they’ve got better things to do.
Elia talks much less than one would expect, content to spend an entire afternoon just giving out orders and tips to Nico. Fishing for some advice on how to improve his chances to get laid, by the time they are putting the tiramisu in the fridge.
“Take them somewhere romantic. Cook them a fancy meal. Show them that you never take them for granted and think about the two of you together whenever you are apart.” He has never been one for meaningless one-night stands, and it shows.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure that worked like magic with Martino.” Elia sighs, ruffling Nico’s hair. “But I’m interested in making them fall in love with me… I’m trying to get into their pants, here, man.”
“I’m afraid I can’t help you, then.” He shrugs, grinning when Elia flops dramatically into the sofa and demands a FIFA match. If he assumes him to be worse than Luchino, at this game… Well, he’s in for quite the surprise.
“Well, of course. I don’t know what I expected from someone who can take their shirt off and have people falling over him.”
“Maybe you could come to the gym with me, next time?”
Luca storms into his room, with a bag full of junk food and a USB in his hand.
“I don’t know what you’re into, so I’m just sharing my favourite ones…” Of course, he would come bringing porn as a gift.
He’s got no filter, so he doesn’t shy away from a topic just because it would be inappropriate to ask Niccolò if he’s got a food kink – no, because there’s a lady on Twitter that could fit an apple in her ass and that got him wondering how does it feel… - and looks a bit disappointed when Nico moves on to another topic without giving him a proper answer.
It’s probably the first time he found someone willing to hear him out, because he can’t shut up for a second. Mooning over Slivia, moaning about his 4 in Physics - “I know you’re gonna tell me that being held back a year isn’t the end of the world, but… My mom is going to kill me, if I fail” – complaining about his little brother and the lack of a girlfriend.
Niccolò finds it invigorating, to finally have a friend who’s like ‘I’m telling you how pathetic my life is and if you wanna share your woes you’re more than welcome to. If you don’t, I can talk for both of us. We’re not here to compare who’s got it worse.’
When Niccolò think he’s done, that he’s run out of things to say… Luca recalls the last time his mother almost caught him and Martino smoking weed and he had to hand him the joint and hide him under his bed. Only for his mother to say ‘Say hi to Martino for me’ before she left.
“Now she thinks I’m dating him, but that I feel too uncomfortable to come out and she’s dropping hints about how she wouldn’t love me or my brother any less if we were into boys… And I can’t bring myself to tell her the truth… But yeah, I’m glad you find this entertaining.” He huffs, but the smile on his lips tell a different story: he’s quite proud of himself, for making him laugh.
He’s the first not to tiptoe around Marti, to say be brave enough to say “You’re miserable. He’s miserable, so why don’t you both apologize to each other and get it over with?”
“It’s not that simple, Luchì.”
“Yes it is. Now give me your phone.”
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keeroo92 · 5 years
Crimson Tide Ch3 (V x Reader)
Chapter 3 - Amber Hum
Soundtrack here, battle starts at 3:13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU0rowyzjCY
September 12th, 2:05 pm
The fifty-seven minute drive to the portal passed in a blur. You sat beside V on the worn couch, idly stroking his palm as your other hand held on for dear life as Nico’s driving made the van careen wildly across the road. You were as used to her driving as you would get at this point and easily compensated for her panic-inducing style.
Nero… Dante… please be okay. We’re coming.
A low hum echoed in your mind, growing in intensity until you cringed. You’d never heard a sound like it, the audible vibration making your head pulse alarmingly. No one else seemed aware of it, to your shock.
We must be close.
Nico confirmed your suspicion with a squeal of rubber as she slammed the brakes. The van lurched to a full stop, leaving skid marks on the asphalt in its wake. The instant the vehicle was still, Lady took off, her thudding boots racing to the door and darting outside before you even rose to stand. You shared a glance with Kyrie as you hastily followed, gripping your sword in readiness for whatever awaited you.
Oh shit.
As you exited the van, you easily spotted the monstrous amber outline on the horizon. It glowed with a malevolent light as a massive demon wriggled through. The five story fiend resembled a satyr, his lower half goat like and hooved. Horns wrapped around his masculine face, ending in harsh points two feet over his slimy forehead. More pointed extensions of bone grew from his elbows, the dark flesh meeting white in a gradual blend of coloration. His skin was close to black and glistened in the afternoon sun as if the beast was wet.
“Thadeus,” Trish growled as she took in the sight. She already had her twin pistols drawn.
You stood beside your friends, taking a moment to memorize their faces before leaping into battle. V, focused and ethereal as he summoned his three demonic allies at once with a dark glare. Lady, teeth bared as she heaved her huge bazooka onto her shoulder to aim. Trish, her blonde hair flying as she stepped forward and cocked both guns as one. Adrenaline surged through your veins, blood-lust pooling low in your belly.
Lady and Trish fired in the same heartbeat, long years of working together on display in their cohesion. You leaped skyward to land beside V on Nightmare’s back, wrapping an arm around the poet’s abdomen for purchase. He steered the golem forward, its steps quickening until it was full on sprinting at the demon before you. Just as you reached the foe, you released V’s waist and sprang up with a roar, slicing your sword deep into the demon’s shimmering flesh.
You used the last of your momentum to flip backward, landing on Nightmare as it shot its signature laser, the familiar explosion following soon after alongside Lady’s second ferocious blast. A wave of heat blasted past you as flames lit the demon.
“How dare you!” Thadeus roared. His clawed hands rose, swiping across the space where you and V perched atop the golem. He released his hold instantly, the bubbling ooze dissipating and lowering you both out of harm’s way just in time. Griffon flapped forward and you raised your arm in preparation as he drew closer to lift you.
“As high as you can!” you instructed him. His wings heaved, bringing you to the demon’s shoulder before dropping you. Using your sword, you cleaved the flesh below the beast’s clavicle. Deep purple blood spilled from the wound, splashing you as you fell a dozen feet before Griffon caught you. Shadow shifted from below, her limbs multiplying and forming stakes and lunging forward to poke holes in the creature’s ankle.
“You shall perish!” his grotesque mouth howled.
“No way, asshat!” Griffon cackled.
The mouthy bird flew back with you in tow as Lady fired again, the fresh round of explosions sending pillars of flame roaring into the sky. As the flames faded, Trish streaked forward in a blur of buttery light to land a flurry of high-speed kicks against the massive foe. Thadeus extended one clawed hand to grapple the blonde, but with a second flash of gold she darted out of his range. She shot more yellow tendrils of energy forward to wrap around Thadeus’ extended wrist and tug him to his knees.
Lady took the opportunity to land an additional explosive blow directly in his face. Thadeus screamed, his uninjured arm belatedly trying to cover his pained features. The taste of victory began to flood your senses as the enormous demon pathetically tried to rise.
That was too easy.
As if your thoughts had triggered it, Thadeus shifted. His horns grew another few feet, his wounds healed and a horrible grin stretched his cracked lips as he stood tall once more.
God damn it.
Demonic energy crackled around his hands as black lightning burst from his fingertips towards you. The training you’d focused so heavily on over the last three months kicked in and you pirouetted away with ease. Another tendril of dark force was headed right at V, but Trish blocked it with a glowing line of her own yellow light.
“Take this bastard down!” Lady screamed, firing another booming shot at Thadeus as her features twisted in fury.
With a simple gesture, you signaled to V your intention. He nodded, positioning his fingers in preparation to snap at the perfect moment. You sprinted forward, heart pounding as you zoomed within ten feet of the demon. With a powerful push of your legs, you went airborne just as Nightmare materialized beneath you. The golem rose swiftly, far more swiftly than it had during the Qlipoth crisis. Its massive arm was preemptively lifted high for you to spring off of and with another mighty jolt, you reached Thadeus’ chest.
You heard Griffon’s wings beating nearby as you thrusted your sword deep into the demon’s body, your weight dragging it downward to leave a gaping wound. Hot blood gushed forth, coating you in its violet hue as you descended. You tilted your body, angling your hips so your feet could push off the dark flesh while your arms ripped your blade free. The motion sent you into a flip as Griffon streaked forward to catch you.
With a fierce caw of triumph, the blue bird flapped away to bring you back to terra firma. Even as you retreated, Lady directed three quick blasts straight into the fresh hole you’d made for her. Trish’s yellow lightning struck a heartbeat later as Shadow and Nightmare clobbered the beast from ground level.
The joint assault was too much for Thadeus and he hit the earth with an echoing thud. V ran forward, cane at the ready to deal the death blow. You watched in nervous anticipation as he paused near Thadeus’ forehead.
“What have I to do with thee?” he recited, and with a sick squelch he plunged the tip of his cane into the demon’s face, purging him from your plane with a familiar smirk.
You wiped the still-wet blood from your face as your panting breath slowed. The purple fluid drenched you, staining your clothing irrevocably. Trish and Lady approached, stowing their weapons away as they joined you.
“Thadeus… I haven’t seen him in many years,” the blonde commented.
Before anyone had the chance to respond, the hum from before reached a fever pitch and abruptly stopped. Instantly, your eyes flicked to the open portal to see its status.
It was closing.
“Guys, we gotta go!”
As if a child were on the other side slamming it, the vast amber gateway shrank. You started running, not bothering to check if your friends followed you as you pumped your limbs.
The gap was only forty feet across when a yellow blur darted past you as Trish empowered herself with speed, her eyes fixed on the now narrow entrance.
It was thirty feet wide as you heard Lady curse beside you, her own sprinting legs a mere step behind your own.
Twenty feet. There was V, in Griffon’s purple talons. He swooped overheard in a blue and black blur, easily outpacing you.
Ten feet. You heard Nico’s van galloping by, Kyrie’s strained face in the passenger seat as Nico drove like the devil himself was chasing her.
Five feet. You reached out, straining to even touch the light as it vanished entirely with a soft pop.
“God fucking damn it!” Lady shouted. Her fists clenched, her fury rolling off her in waves.
“We’ll find another portal,” Trish tried to reassure the enraged brunette, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. Lady glared at her in response, her voice nearing a growl as she responded.
“What does it matter, they’re dead for all we know!”
Trish sighed, unable to refute her remarks. Her blue eyes looked to you for help, not knowing what phrases to use to ease her friend’s suffering. You walked closer to look Lady in her multicolored eyes, giving her a grim smile. Your thoughts have echoed her words several times as time went by, your hope dimming with each passing day. Yet you refused to give in to despair.
We kept V alive. Maybe we can manage two miracles.
“Considering the fact that Dante survived a month unconscious right next to Urizen, and you and Trish both recovered from being inside demons, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say they’re alive.”
Lady sighed, her angry energy dissipating into sadness.
“Let’s just go home.”
The drive back was silent. Even Nico seemed upset by the failure, driving almost like a normal person in her distress. You’d never seen everyone look so glum, not that you could blame them. Defeat was… painful, and vanquishing Thadeus was cold comfort. You sighed, turning your head to settle more comfortably against V’s dark chest. His hand stroked your side as Nico drove on, the silence unbearable in its loudness.
It was still light outside when Nico pulled into the dirt path leading to Sparda manor. She put the vehicle in park and sighed as she took the keys out. None of you moved for a few minutes, still struggling to rekindle your hope.
“I’ll go make something to eat,” Kyrie murmured, breaking the spell as she left the van.
You followed her inside after a beat, the others not far behind. You stayed in the kitchen to help Kyrie cook and to keep her company, waving V off when he offered to stay. Trish went straight to the phone and called Morrison, digging for intel. You didn’t see where Lady went, but you would’ve bet your left arm she was by the computer, waiting for the next portal to form and for the screen to light up in announcement.
You sat at the island counter, drumming your fingernails against the marble countertop you had helped V install last month. It made you smile to remember his enthusiasm for renovation, his excitement whenever a new idea struck him. You had to admit, he had a knack for it. The kitchen felt so comforting, its gentle yellow walls a haven from chaos amongst the white cupboards. The day spent painting felt like something out of a cheesy made-for-tv film, every cliché coming true as you and V enjoyed the time together.
A soft sigh shattered your reminiscing. You lifted your eyes to watch Kyrie, reminding yourself to wake up extra early so she didn’t have to make breakfast tomorrow. Following Dante and Nero’s descent, you initially cooked almost as often as she did. For those first few weeks she had been chipper and full of hope, but as the weeks kept ticking by her joy faded. The only times you found her smiling were when she cooked, so you had backed off and let her take over the role.  
Now, the sadness that stained Kyrie’s eyes as she rummaged about for ideas broke your heart. You couldn’t imagine what it felt like to be in her position, not knowing if the one you loved was still alive and barely holding on to the hope of bringing him home.
I should help her more.
You stood and headed to the sink to wash your hands, tearing off a paper towel a moment later and rubbing them dry. Without a word, you picked up a knife and took some of the bell peppers she was hollowing out and helped complete the task. You glanced at her sparingly, catching the tremble in her hands as she methodically chopped an onion.
“Hey, I can finish up if you want to lie down or something,” you said, worried she might cut herself if she continued. Kyrie shook her head, refusing to stop. Another few minutes passed silently before the first sniffle from the gentle woman. Her hands were outright shaking, her grip on the knife perilous. You set your own blade upon the cutting board and turned to face her.
“Kyrie… stop. Please.”
You reached out and grasped her forearms, forcing her to halt the repetitive motion. She met your eyes with another sniffle.
“It’s just the onions, I’m fine,” she insisted. You gave her a doubtful look, gently taking the knife from her hands.
“No you aren’t.”
She sighed heavily, her eyes swimming as her composure cracked at last. She looked back at the cutting board as the words began tumbling from her mouth.
“It’s just that… this is all I can do. I’m not a fighter, I’m not a demon or a nurse or anything. I feel so helpless, and cooking is the best I can do to make sure Nero comes home. It doesn’t feel like enough.”
You turned around and pulled your hips up so you were sitting on the counter beside the young woman. You crossed your arms and hummed thoughtfully.
“You undervalue yourself. When we were dealing with the Qlipoth, I was the only one who cooked. It was rare for the four of us to share a meal, and each of us kinda just ate whenever we felt like it since I’d leave the food in the fridge afterward.”
You chuckled wryly, uncrossing your arms and leaning back to stare her dead in the eye.
“But with you, it’s different. I mean, first off you’re a way better cook than I am, and second… you have this way of bringing people together. Having the whole team eat together, it’s helped me stay hopeful and helped V adjust to his new life so much. Sure, maybe you aren’t the best asset during a fight, but after the fight’s over? When everyone gets back exhausted and heartsick? That’s when you shine. You help us remember what we’re fighting for.”
Kyrie looked at the floor shyly, listening to your earnest words as her shaking subsided. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear to meet your eyes with a soft smile.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
You hopped off the counter, turning around again to pick up the knife before she had the chance.
“No problem. How about you cook the meat and I’ll do the parts that involve sharp objects?”
Kyrie nodded and turned to the stove as you pulled the cutting board in front of yourself and started chopping. A snippet of music played in your head, the rhythm matching the strokes of the knife in your hands as you hummed it. Kyrie smiled, joining in whenever she recognized the tune. Together, the two of you prepare stuffed peppers and a loaf of sourdough bread within half an hour.
The wafting aroma of cooking meat summoned the others as if you had cast a spell. Lady still looked downcast, but her anger had faded and she helped V set the table with a smile. Trish helped Kyrie carry over the food itself as Nico brought out a collection of sauces and a butter dish, reaching over Lady’s head to set them on the centerpiece of the table.
As you took your seat, you whispered to Kyrie under your breath and winked.
“Shine on, you crazy diamond.”
For the first time, you saw Kyrie truly smile.
11:12 pm
The full moon cast a pale glow upon the balcony extending from the French doors, your bed barely visible around the corner. You sat wrapped in a blanket with V in the light as he read, your mind occupied with your troubled thoughts as he stroked your hair. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t think of a way to respond faster to the next portal or how to deal with whatever threat may have crossed over.
You briefly toyed with the idea of asking someone to stay behind, but losing any of the team’s firepower was too great a risk. Maybe you’d get lucky and the next door would open near a military base?
Fat chance.
You huffed in frustration, making V’s tattooed fingers pause as they explored your scalp.
“What’s on your mind, little fox?”
You shifted to find a more comfortable position as you formulated your answer. The soft fabric covering your pajama-clad body slipped away and goosebumps erupted on your arms as you moved, the autumn air colder than usual.
“Do you really think we can still bring them home?”
You heard a soft thud as V closed his book and set it aside. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer, shielding you from the chilly air. His obsidian hair fluttered in the breeze as he gazed at you with a conflicted expression.
“I can’t say for sure. I want to believe that we can, but it’s been a few months and there’s no way to know for sure. All I can say is I won’t believe Dante is dead until I view his corpse myself.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, but not agreement.
What if this only leads to more of us dying?
What if, in trying to get Dante and Nero home alive, we end up dead ourselves?
V’s voice pulls you back to reality to find his emerald eyes staring at you in concern. You sat up and leaned closer to press your lips against his, letting his soft mouth soothe away your worries as he pulled you closer. He pulled away to plant a tender peck on your forehead and you snuggled into his chest once more, enjoying the view of his writhing tattoos as he held you.
“One way or another, we’ll find them.”
V hummed his agreement, resting his chin on the crown of your head. Another cold breeze blew past you and you shivered, despite his warm embrace.
“Come, my love. Let’s get to bed. Tomorrow will be a fresh start.”
You smiled and stood, V following a moment behind as you stepped toward bed and collapsed upon the soft sheets with one last sigh. You heard him close the French doors before all faded to black.
September 13th, 1:18 am
The pale glow of the screen cast an ethereal light upon Lady’s sleeping form as her face rested on the table beside the keyboard. Her eyes twitched beneath her closed lids as her dreams played a movie in her resting mind. A high-pitched chime broke her soft snoring as an alert lit the screen, but the young brunette didn’t stir.
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He had finished collecting the glass and brushed past her to put it in the bin.
“Let me see, you might have a bit of glass in it.” He spoke softly, treading carefully.
“I don’t.” Abrupt.
“How do you know? You a doctor?”
“No, but I’d know if there was glass under my skin because I’m not an idiot.” She snapped.
“Right, well, clearly my assistance isn’t wanted.” He walked off again. “Fucking try to help even when you’re being a little bitch and all I get is shit in return.” He mumbled but she heard him.
“Don’t call me a bitch!” She screamed, turning towards him again.
“You are though. You’re using a fucking party as an excuse to start shit between me and Gabby because you don’t like her. You’ve never liked her, you never will like her. I get that, Eva, okay? But I do, and I like having her in my life because she makes me happy, and if you want to stay in my life then start respecting that.” He yelled, it was time he lay down the law, he would tell Gabby the same as well, but he wouldn’t let Eva know that just now.
“So, what about all the times when I tried to be happy? With Nico, with Lucien, with Jack. You couldn’t respect any of them. You made it your mission to make it known to them that I was yours and only ever would be yours.” She was crying now and now he was the one avoiding eye contact because he knew she was right, he was selfish.
“I could be engaged right now. Possibly even have a baby. But I don’t. All because I’m sitting on my arse, waiting about for you. But, I’ve waited nine years and I’m not doing it anymore.” She concluded, walking towards the door. She tried to pull it open but he slammed it shut and pressed her against it. His eyes were demonic as his hands went to her throat, she knew there was a possibility that he would hurt her, psychically, he’d done it before.
“Go on then. Do it. Do it.” She taunted. “Fucking do it!” She screamed as tears raced down her face.
“I’m fucking sick of you!” He raged, grabbing the side of her arms and forcefully swinging her away from the door and pushing her so she fell on the bed.
She watched him apprehensively as he paced back and forth in front of her. She sat up slightly, adjusting the strap of her dress that had fallen off her shoulder due to the force of his push.
“You know what, Eva, you’re right. This has gone on for nine years now and that’s far too long. It’s time to stop. We’ll end everything here right now and you can go get all those things that you think I’ve stopped you from having, when really, it’s you that’s stopped yourself from having all this fucking shit.” She became wide-eyed. As much as she wanted this to end, she was hoping for him to beg for her, claim that he would end everything with Gabby and finally be with her, not for him to put an end to it himself.
His words triggered something within her. She wasn’t serious about all of this. She knew that subconsciously, she just didn’t want to believe it. But, she wanted to be strong, she just wanted to scare him a little bit, show him that he couldn’t survive without her. But, ultimately, it was him that scared her, it was her that couldn’t survive without him. The thought of not having him in her life terrified her. He was all she had ever known. He was all she ever wanted to know. At the same time, though, it was just another reason for her to hate him and hate the hold he had over her.
“You’re so fucking quick to blame me for all of this when I can never remember having to force you against your will to get your knickers off. No, in fact, many times you did that quite willingly without me even having to ask.” He was seething, she could tell, and that only meant one thing. When Matthew got angry, he just simply could not control what came out of his mouth, it was like he refused to listen to himself. Maybe he did refuse because he knew he could be vicious, he knew he could say the right things to hurt her.
“Do you know what I think your problem is with Gabby? I think you’re jealous of her.” He shrugged.
“Don’t be fucking stupid.” With tears streaming down her face, she pulled a shit façade of trying to prove that she was dismissing what he was saying. Grudgingly, she would have to admit - but never to him or Gabby – that maybe she was jealous. Constantly comparing herself to Gabby – looks, body, even the most minor details of who was more tan, who had the whiter teeth.
“You are. You see it as her having what you want, what you’ll never have, because unlike you, E, Gabby has respect for herself.”
“Oh yeah, basically stripping off in some shit indie music video and basically riding the guy’s cock is respecting herself isn’t it!” She knew what he was entailing. Again, he was calling her a slut. He ignored her though, continuing on with his outburst.
“Do you know how long it was before I could even get a finger inside her? Fucking three months. Any time I got off with her I’d have to come find you because I knew she wouldn’t give me anything but you would.” He was being crude, she didn’t want to imagine him with his tongue down her throat, desperately trying to get his hand down her knickers and getting sexually frustrated when she pushed him off. She also knew what times he was talking about, they were dating but not officially together and she found that he was coming to her quite a lot which she found suspicious because, usually, when he got a new girlfriend, like Gemma, they probably wouldn’t have sex for a good couple of months, him claiming that he was going to try and be faithful, but he just couldn’t. So, he came to her, and she allowed him, not complaining, instead misreading the situation for him not really being that into Gabby. Maybe that’s why she was so shocked when she had heard Caroline, George and Daniel mumbling about how she was going to be pissed when she found out. Apparently everyone knew before she did, which really did piss her off.
“And all of those times I was thinking about her. I almost actually said her name a couple of times.” He bent down to look at her in her eyes but she was avoiding his stare, instantly becoming timid and very self-conscious.
“You’re lying.” She whispered. She wouldn’t believe that anything he was saying was true. He was just trying to hurt her.
“I’m not though, love. I was thinking about her when I was with you because I wanted to be with that girl and I wanted to imagine what she was like. I want to be with her now. I want to be with her for a very long time. I don’t ever want to be with you, because, you’re a slag, Eva.” She slapped him then, standing up she punched at his chest proclaiming him to be a liar.
“All I’ve ever did was love you!” She screamed as she continuously slapped and punched as his chest. He amused her for a few minutes before pushing her down again on the bed.
“But, I don’t fucking love you!” It was the words that had left his mouth that caused him to somewhat come to his senses, to realise what it was that he was doing. He didn’t mean it, but it was too far gone now. He watched as her eyes revealed how she was feeling. Broken. Again. Because of him. Again.
“Alright?! I know I told you that I did but I only said that because I felt sorry for you. I don’t want you. I don’t want to ever be with you. And, even if you did fuck things up for me and Gabby tonight it would never change anything. It wouldn’t make me want you. I’d try to get back with her because I love her and if it didn’t work I’d be broken but I’d hopefully get over and I’d find someone else but it would never be you. So, really, Eva, what’s the fucking point?” He puffed. He himself couldn’t believe the lies that were coming out of his mouth. It was too late, though.
He waited for her next outburst, but it never came. Instead, she looked defeated, as though he had just clarified her worst fear. And, he had. She was taken aback, hurt, broken by his words. But, she supposed she always knew what he was saying was true. And, he was right. What would the point be now in trying to ruin his relationship? He’s just admitted that it wouldn’t make any difference to her. She would never get what she wanted.
“Finally. Matthew Healy finally tells me something true.” She smiled sadly as she stood up and walked past him and back to her wine, she needed it now more than ever. She stood there, gulping it down when she heard the room door slam shut. He was gone. She broke down then, falling to her knees, sobbing her broken heart out. After nine years she now finally knew where she stood with him.
As he walked to the elevator, the tears brimmed his eyes and he wiped them harshly with his suit jacket sleeve. If only she knew how ironic and untrue her last words to him were. He was too stubborn though, and in his current mind set he didn’t want to go back and take everything back, he wanted to go and get his girlfriend and his mates and get battered.
Third part, hope you all like! 
Thanks very much for all the likes on the last two posts as well, I’m glad that you lovelies are enjoying so far! 
I’ll try and get the next part up within a few days. I’m doing this thing where, currently, I’m just about to be snowed under with college coursework like fucking essays and exams so with each essay I complete/exam I study for I’m going to write a bit more and try to keep up to speed with updates so that I’m (somewhat) motivated to do the coursework and I also get to post this nonsense for you gorgeous people! 
Anyways, please let me know what you guys think of it and if you have any ideas please don’t hesitate to tell me! 
Until next time xo
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petite-neko · 8 years
An Interesting Proposal
Fanfiction: An interesting Proposal Story Summary: If anybody told Smoker that he would have a casual conversation with his boss at a pirate's wedding, he would have thought them beyond insane. Characters: Smoker, Luffy, Law, Tashigi, Sengoku, Garp Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, alcohol use, A/N: I had this written awhile ago, but I finally typed it up and edited it xD
Read on Ao3
There was something unusual as of late. And by unusual, Smoker really did mean unusual.
Mugiwara no Luffy was missing.
There was no sign of him. It had been weeks since anybody had heard from this rambunctious supernova. (And how he hated that term. It was as if they were trying to praise him. A pirate!) And, knowing Mugiwara no Luffy, there was just no way somebody like him could go without hearing about the idiotic or crazy things he was up to.
And to make matters worse, there had been sightings of his ship, but the rambunctious captain was nowhere in sight. And even the Polar Tang that typically followed the Strawhats’ ship was gone. And to make things even more confusing, Nico Robin – the devil child – was also gone. (While it wasn’t too difficult for that woman to disappear from sight, it was the timing that was unusual.)
There were rumours of course. Ones of Nico Robin and Monkey D. Luffy eloping off somewhere. About how there was a fight and the Strawhats and Hearts pirate alliance was over. Or even the craziest of things involving Robin and the Hearts pirates. Typically either a kidnapping or another mention of eloping.
Smoker, however, knew better.
No, there were no eloping or potential kidnappings, and he doubted that there were any disputes of any kind.
For he had caught the captains far too many times making out in some elusive place. (Typically forests. Why forests, he didn’t fucking know. He wasn’t being paid to figure out why pirates made out in forests, just to capture them, and evidently while making out in said forests.)
If anything, it was Mugiwara and Trafalgar that were probably off eloping, in his opinion anyway.
Although that begged the question: just where was Nico Robin? For some reason, Smoker knew if he found Mugiwara no Luffy he’d find her.
Mugiwara no Luffy wasn’t the type of person to abandon his crew or friends after all.
When Smoker had a lead that there were two men who resembled the two captains, he followed it.
Of course their ship – the Thousand Sunny – was nowhere in sight, but after weeks of sheer nothingness… Well Smoker couldn’t just turn it down.
(And besides, Mugiwara hadn’t been spotted on his ship anyway so it wasn’t a sure dissuading sign anyway.)
After wandering the villages, he finally did find the couple. (Oddly enough, not in a forest – and yes, he checked there first.) No, they were in a tailor’s shop. Apparently Trafalgar Law was being measured for something.
The tailor was just putting away the tape when he stormed into the shop, jutte at the ready.
“Ah! Torao!” Mugiwara piped up when he saw him, pointing at him. “We gotta go! Smokey’s here!”
…How he hated that god damned nickname.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Trafalgar had grabbed Mugiwara by the collar. (Don’t fucking start making out god damn it!) “Room.”
He was not going to let Trafalgar use his powers to…
His jutte ended up attacking a damn rock.
“Mugiwara! Trafalgar!” He hollered out before rushing on outside. He wasn’t going to let these pirates get away!
Oddly enough however, neither pirate seemed interested in fighting him today… No Trafalgar was just using his Room to keep moving them away from him. And considering that both captains were capable with Haki (especially Trafalgar being able to defeat Vergo…) it baffled him. It wasn’t like in Paradise when Mugiwara couldn’t attack him…
“Oh!” It was Mugiwara who piped up again, being dragged from behind by Trafalgar and their linked arms. “Smokey!” His other arm moved, tossing something at him.
It wasn’t laced with Haki so it couldn’t be an attack… and instinctively, he caught it. It was a piece of paper…
“Luffy-ya did you just—” Trafalgar sounded pissed. Irritated. Annoyed.
“Shishishi!” But Mugiwara was just laughing. “Of course, it’s Smokey after all!” Totally ignorant to his… boyfriend’s agitation and turned back to him. “We’re getting married in a week, and you’re invited!”
…They’re getting what?
And did they just—
(It was said with great irritation, that Shambles.)
…And they were fucking gone. The Polar Tang. Of course. It was all making so much fucking sense now. They were planning their wedding and they were using the Polar Tang for subterfuge and who better to use than Nico Robin for such things….
Fucking pirates. Mother fucking pirates. And they had the fucking gall too…
He opened the crumpled piece of paper and there it was:
You are invited to the wedding of Trafalgar D. Law and Monkey D. Luffy! Bring food, you’ll need it. Please meet us at…
Really? Really?!
“But sir! You have to go! It’s a wedding invitation! You just can’t refuse!”
Smoker groaned. Of course Tashigi would say that.
When he had returned to the ship he had been furious. He slammed the invite on the table, ranting about how insulting those pirates were by sending him this invite because he couldn’t just go there with ships to capture them. (That was just cowardice and had no honour.) And so they just basically told him that he can’t chase them down for at least a week.
And of course Tashigi…
“…they had thought of you while doing so! I mean we’ve been chasing them this long it only is right that we see this important event in their lives!”
Sometimes he wonders why he even kept her.
“You’re not going to shut up about this until I agree to go.”
It wasn’t a question; he already knew the answer,
“Nope! Now what are you going to wear? We need to find you…”
Smoker let out a large sigh. Just what had he gotten himself tangled up into?
The damned suit Tashigi had stuff him into was uncomfortable and stuffy and no matter what he said about this being a pirate’s wedding, she insisted that they dress appropriately.
And when they walked in, well he momentarily had forgotten about the suit.
To say he felt unnumbered was putting it lightly.
This was probably the most wanted area in history. Trafalgar Law and his crew. The Strawhats. If that wasn’t enough, the fucking Red Hair pirates were here too. Oh and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates were here to see Ace’s little brother get married.
…How many fucking people did these guys know?
There also was a huge list of pirates that had escaped Dressrosa the same time of Doflamingo’s fall. A few of the warlords…
…And was that the fucking Princess of Alabasta in disguise over there?
(Never mind the revolutionary army for a moment.)
Tashigi went to put the food on one of the many tables when Smoker nearly had a heart attack as he continued to inspect the area.
Garp was to be expected but Sengoku? What the hell was Sengoku doing here?
“Now behave sir, like you promised.”
(Even if he brought the entire fucking Navy here, he wasn’t too certain they’d win. No wonder why Luffy was so confident in giving him the invite.)
(Not that he’d even consider ratting them out anyway, and Mugiwara would have known that too.)
“…I don’t know what I was expecting…”
Mugiwara had just… catapulted himself over in his direction, and Trafalgar had appeared next to him, sighing.
“I told you he’d come Torao!”
“I hope you realise this changes nothing.” Smoker spoke with annoyance. Why was he even here? He had better things to do with his time than to spend it at a pirate’s wedding…
“Shishishi I know! Thanks for coming!” And then the couple went off in some other direction.
Smoker sighed before he sat down next to the only other Marines in the area.
“Smoker? What brings you here?”
That was Sengoku. “No fucking idea. This brat decided it was a brilliant idea to invite the Marine who has been on his tail since Logue Town. You?”
(Who would’ve ever thought he’d have such a casual conversation with the ex-Fleet Admiral at a pirate’s wedding…)
“Trafalgar Law is my son’s son. I guess. And Garp dragged me here.”
Sengoku had a son? He had no idea. Although it must be some indirect bonds binding them as family.
(He glanced at Sabo.)
Yeah something like that.
Tashigi was talking to Nami. Probably about those children from Punk Hazard.
“So why’s Tashigi here?”
Smoker sat back and unbuttoned his shirt – these were fucking pirates dammit – and lit a few cigars. “She insisted on ensuring I’m ‘on my best behaviour’ as she puts it.”
…Great Garp and Sengoku were laughing at him now.
“How is any of this funny!”
“Nah, nah son.” Garp said through his fits of laughter. “I was just remembering back when I was your age and chasing Roger all over the place.”
He grumbled. How he was ever going to survive the wedding… well it would be a miracle.
Things were crazy as the pirates often made them. Sabo had come over and virtually interrogated him about Luffy before wandering off. Nami had tried to blackmail him with a picture before Garp scolded and threatened her.
Tashigi and Roronoa got into a verbal spat again – she had too much alcohol in her system – and she was the one trying to make sure he was behaving properly? Pah!
Mugiwara would occasionally pop by and ask a few questions before getting distracted by other things.
What really got him though was when Red Hair came over and just… laughed at the prospect of the Marines being at a pirate’s wedding.
It took the grooms, Sabo, and Sengoku to stop the spat between Garp and Red Hair.
That definitely would have ruined the wedding.
When everything was said and done, Smoker took a rather intoxicated Tashigi away from Zoro before getting onto their ship.
The last thing he wanted was to be around a bunch of hung over pirates.
“He shaid he wash gunna…”
“Enough about the damn swords Tashigi. Go drink some water and get to bed.” He groaned. The party was still going on; he could see the bonfires as they sailed away.
“So how was it Smokey?”
He could only groan again. “Chaotic.”
He would give them a week before he started his manhunt again. The couple deserved a honeymoon after all…
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yeehawdante · 4 years
First Meeting
Blair was never going on a job with Dante again, she had decided after what felt like the 100th demon she tried to take down had been slashed in half before she could even blink. She had never been so bored in her life, watching the jackass wipe out everything with obnoxious efficiency. It had lost its impressiveness years ago, now she just couldn’t stand him. An occupational hazard, Lady had told her once. Finding the legendary asshole annoying was inevitable after a while. 
The raven haired woman had been too busy glaring holes into a certain leather coat to notice the hell caina quickly striding in her direction, the sound of steel scraping against the concrete closing in until it was too loud to ignore. She turned her head just in time to see the scythe swinging up and slicing through her side. 
“Blair!” Lady called out to her, bringing Dante’s attention away from the empusa he had been busy humiliating to his companion nearly bleeding out on the ground. Kalina Ann made quick work of the culprit, allowing the two devil hunters to check on their young companion.
She didn’t waste any time in muttering out a healing spell, the gash in her side already closed by the time her companions moved to stand over her like scolding parents. 
“Am I grounded?” She let out a weak laugh, dizzy from the blood loss. 
“That’s it kid, I’m done watching you get smacked to next week,” Dante glared down at her. 
“The hell do you want me to do when they get close? Papercut them with my cards?” She waved a tarot card around in the air to further her point. “You guys are supposed to keep them away from me!” 
“It wouldn’t hurt to get a real-” Blair glared at Lady, and she rolled her eyes before correcting herself, “another weapon, something good for close quarters. I know a good gunsmith.” 
Dante hauled Blair to her feet. She dusted herself off before letting out a defeated sigh. “Where can I find them?” 
Fortuna. It just had to be Fortuna. 
Blair’s mind had been nothing but an endless choir of curses as she trudged through the snowy streets of possibly the most off putting place she’d ever set foot in. There was no way the residents could  have known she was a witch (among other things), but she still felt at any moment the people she had passed were going to pull out torches and burn her at the stake. 
The crippling anxiety she had been feeling could have very well been her ancestors trying to warn her to turn back, but the familiar blue glow of a tacky neon sign had her pushing on. 
An orphanage was definitely a strange place for a gunsmith to keep her van parked, but Blair tried not to question it as she rapped her knuckles against the freezing metal of the door. Soft music emanated from the inside as she bounced on the balls of her feet, futilely trying to shake off the cold. 
The door finally swung open and immediately unleashed an assault of cigarette smoke on Blair’s nostrils. She stifled a cough as she looked up to see possibly the prettiest girl she’d ever seen in her life. The cold was long forgotten when the heat settled on her cheeks as her eyes scanned over all of the woman’s seemingly perfect features. She had been so caught up in her big brown eyes she hadn’t realized the other girl was giving her the same exact look. 
“Uh, can I help ya?” The southern drawl that fell from her lips had Blair’s tongue sitting heavy and useless in her mouth. Now she knew why Lady had wanted to tag along, the asshole knew Blair was going to make a fool of herself and she had wanted front row tickets. 
“I’m uh-” she mentally shook herself, trying to look past the remarkably attractive woman in hopes that her coherent thoughts would return to her. “I need a new weapon.” 
“Come on in,” she ignored her rapid heartbeat and stepped into the van, happy to find that the heat was on. Nico walked past her towards what looked like a workbench in the back, stopping for a moment to kick the ancient jukebox that had stopped playing. The music picked back up once again and she broke into a satisfied smile. 
“Whaddya need hunnie?” Blair’s stomach did a backflip at the nickname that Nico probably used on everybody.
“I’m uh-I’m not sure, I’m kinda clueless when it comes to weapons. I was thinking a sword but I don’t know anything beyond that,” she nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
“I got ya covered. A girl with nice ass arms like that needs something big,” Blair nearly choked on the air she had sucked in, mismatched eyes going wide as she looked at Nico’s smug face. 
“That sweater ain’t hidin’ anything sweetie,” she definitely wasn’t going to survive this encounter. She decided to do anything but look at Nico, busying herself with looking around the van while the flirty gunsmith worked. 
Blair was half asleep on the couch when the door swung open, a white haired guy stepping inside-seemingly unbothered by the cold. He gave the odd looking girl a strange look before Nico called from the back. 
“She’s a client, don’t be a jackass,” he threw his hands out in offense. 
“I wasn’t,” he approached the workbench, his light eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. “The fuck are you making? This thing’s huge!” He lifted it from the workbench like it weighed nothing, a devilish grin forming on his lips. 
“Put it down psycho! It ain’t yours!” Nico snapped and he set it down on the table with a slight glare. He leaned against the wall, watching his friend curiously as she worked. Her eyes kept flicking to the girl on the couch, her cheeks tinted pink as her eyes wandered obviously over the girl's body. He stifled a laugh when she nearly smashed one of her fingers and let out a hiss. 
“You alright, Nico? Seem a little distracted,” a teasing smirk played on the white haired man’s face, and she gave him a warning glare-silently daring him to say anything more. “Hey lady, what’s your name?” Nero asked the girl on the couch. 
“Blair,” she answered politely. 
“You got a number?” She blinked in surprise and he could see Nico giving him an appalled look out of the corner of his eye. 
“I, uh-I’m flattered but I...like girls,” he shrugged nonchalantly with a smile, leaning slightly over to Nico to whisper. 
“Knew it,” she lifted a hammer threateningly, only to have her attention drawn to Blair, who was stretching out her legs with a slight groan. Nero barely managed to fight off the laugh bubbling in his chest when her mouth fell open slightly, damn near drooling over the goth lounging on her couch. 
Half an hour later and Blair was stepping out of the van, a comically large sword stowed on her back. Nico’s eyes didn’t leave her for a second until the door was shut, and Nero finally let out the fit of laughter he’d been holding in-doubling over with his hands on his knees. 
“Holy shit, that was hard to watch Nico,” she tried to scowl at him but her tomato red cheeks made it hard to take it seriously. 
“The hell are you talkin’ about?” 
“Come on Nico, you looked like you were writing your vows,” she pursed her lips, choosing to ignore his teasing. “Look, just promise me next time you see her you’ll get her number,” she threw her head back with a frustrated groan. He wasn’t going to let it go.
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