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mon-ster-chen · 9 months ago
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💫..pls help S*O*S...😛❣️😛❣️😛❣️😛
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football356 · 2 years ago
เตรียมตัวให้พร้อมสู่การปฏิวัติธุรกิจ 5G ผ่านงาน BYOND MOBILE
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เตรียมตัวให้พร้อมสู่การปฏิวัติธุรกิจ 5G ผ่านงาน BYOND MOBILE วันที่ 28-29 กันยายน 2565 กรุงเทพฯ อ่านข่าวเพิ่มเติมได้ที่นี่ คลิ๊กได้เลย  >>> https://bit.ly/3QD8vhP
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bloojayoolie · 6 years ago
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Christmas, Group Chat, and Jesus: 49% 9% (convenience) 8. 2s DECEMBER 2018 an yoU help Me out BH SI petition? http:lIchng.it/YrEmnR7 07:57 28 DECEMBER 2018 +852 5110 2086 ta im not signing that +852 5110 2086 changed this group's icon 29 DECEMBER 2018 hrek is byond systems of capit alism bestowed upon man, beyond religions created to explain lst centuryu mysteries and beuond what we as humanity deserve, yet here he is. his love so great he forgives us tor our sins, He need not out his son on a cross or rely on faith to prove his ex- istence, and yet the world celebrates Christmas, a day of giving, on a day where a religion built on taking. Please look past false idols, don't thank a Spirit never SBen, for good has done little back. Thank humanity, thank the people in life who to can be seen, the people who give back. Shrek taught me this and can teach this to the wor 18:05 +852 5633 4408 Since man could talk stories have been shared, stories to distract one om suttering. stories to empowe man stories. none have captivated as much as the story of Jesus, a mortal among us with power lst century people craved and yet charismatic and humble. This storu has beCOME so comtorting. tor its ability to explain creation, tor its reassurance ofeternal life and the idea of a benevolent 6od that it has become a religion, holidays each year revolve around it. Yet delve into the story and realise just like all other tales that of the Bible are flawed, the life after death is an empty claim, as with the bod and miracles of Jesus On the other hand modern tales can onlu dream to be in the ranks of Shrek, a story loved by all, a timeless classic to be forever enjoyed. Unlike the Bible the story of Shrek has no intentions ot making a cult or religion, Shrek is there to entertain and empower to celebrate the birth of Jesus is to celebrate the birth of a religion that killed millions in wars, to celebrate the millions burnt on a stake for bein different and to leave out all those no t Lhristian on l Christmas et us make the best day of the year celebrate something something all can relate to the story o who proved it's what's on the inside that truly counts Sign this petition. t an ogre 18:27 12 JANUARY 2019 +852 5110 2086 A 19:22 19:22 What 1923 OU S I ypea messagiE
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wseigneur · 6 years ago
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A WSEIGNEUR cha com tudo em Fortaleza trazendo nossa coleções pela primeira vez a grande capital nordestina, estaremos com nosso stand hoje dia 29 na festa BYOND, dia 31 Festa da LILI Réveillon & dia 1 @joypartybrasil BEACH PARTY. Estaremos em horários específicos em cada festa! . A WSEIGNEUR deseja um Primeiro Sol incrível pra todos em 2019 . #wseigneur #ws #wstand #newcollection #fortaleza #primeirosolfestival #reveillon2019 #feliz2019 #joias #jewelry (em Fortaleza, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-pZisBgzc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u1sdu5i5uxtu
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topicprinter · 7 years ago
Visit the site Discuss on Product Hunt
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kaylinchiao · 3 years ago
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【心覺醒揚升 初/進階一日工作坊】 進入心的密室 找到生命的七把鑰匙系列 心的密室,就是我們每個人的靈性所在之處。進入心的密室過程,就是我們的靈性本源,透過與我們的頻率共振而與我們連結。這過程是身心靈合一現象的一部份,這現象會從引領導師,帶領進入心的密室開始,靈性開始自動調頻後發生。 我們會透過彩光調頻、光語啟動、靈性書寫(繪畫)、天語唱誦、靈性舞動、靜坐冥想、音樂共振等方式。讓每位天賦家人找到最適合的調頻方式,進入心的密室,看見自己的生命樹或花(靈性成長學習歷程),重新憶起累世天賦、喚醒生命的意義與找到回天之路,與靈性本源連結 ! 真修實煉能量啟動的七個方式 : 啟動身心靈療癒的七個密碼,找到內外轉化的七把鑰匙,喚醒我們本有的創造力、直覺和內在力量,看見與連結生命的實相。 [ 心導師 :VaVa 麥可 ] 身心健康管理碩士 身心靈全人療育師 音療師 靈性管道 心教練 空中花園 身心靈幸福空間 執行長 [歡音光臨] 音療空間 創辦人 分享過近百場的療癒工作坊及活動 一位自小擁有特殊天賦的訊息管道 ! 透過真修實煉,逐漸憶起累世以來天賦,除了可以解讀人體彩光,靈性書寫外,還可以分析每個人獨一無二的聲音訊息能量 ! 平日藉由各種身心靈的課程或活動,和有緣家人分享生命轉化的方法與概念 ! 但是如今因緣俱足,他願意以一位天使心的單純初衷,秉持傾聽的心為愛發聲,陪伴有需求的家人們, 重新轉化自己,看見自己生命的力量,找回生活的最適頻率 ! [ 心畫師 :Kaylin 喬慶文 ] 能量藝術工作者 插畫‧臉譜彩繪‧水彩教學‧塔羅牌占卜‧身體能量引導 外婆是城市綠手指,母親是花草鍊金術師,因承襲她們的基因而喜愛親近自然。繪畫作品以植物花草、水晶為靈感發想,再結合星空、曼陀羅、禪繞畫元素與自身新創的圖騰花樣。大學時期主修英語文學,奠定西洋魔法知識基礎。 2017年起在阿尼與數位老師的引領下,展開精神層面的學習與提升,包含學習魔杖、植物溝通、塔羅牌占卜、Access Consciousness系統(觸碰式能量引導)等等。2018至2019年間,得到四個療癒師的指引,決定以自身力量為生命服務。2019在提升意識的道路上相識許多朋友,並在其鼓勵下將繪畫與靈性結合,開始發展自己的療癒系統。至今仍向多位老師與友人持續學習,並施展創作的力量為大家服務。 ・工作坊時間 : 2022/5/22(日) 第二、三把鑰匙~進入薩滿世界 連結植物與動物能量(先決條件:需完成啟動與第一把鑰匙課程) 2022/5/28(六) 啟動 進入心的密室 2022/5/29(日) 第一把鑰匙 ~ 進入水晶聖殿 連結水晶能量 ・地點 : 飛躍空中花園(捷運大坪林站三號出口斜對面) ・注意事項:午餐自理。場地有限,且持續配合政府疫情措施 (戴口罩、量額溫),每場人數限制在10人以下 ! ・費用 : 非常佛心~費用相關請私訊,採現場收費制 聯絡人:Byond 彼岸 會主��聯絡 Line ID : 0906866933 連絡手機 : 0906-866-933 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVvG3VPGe3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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