#tmnt ffr craft fair event
chaos-potat · 3 months
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"Would you like a jar of hearts? They're uh-they're origami!"
Seems like mutant mayhem Leo from Pure Soul (Cabin 13) is handing out jars of origami hearts to all the campers! Wonder how he got so many jars...
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Origami sounded like a different word to Casey
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Well, now that the campfire has died down and the sun has come up... what will happen the next day of camp? If the sound of several Mikey's squealing and the faint whispers of paint are anything to go off of... I'd say it's a craft fair! Who will be representing us during this craft fair, you might ask? Well, let's give our new cabin representatives a big round of applause!
Cabin One: @just-another-wren
Cabin Two: @theawesomeninja-xd
Cabin Three: @allyssl
Cabin Four: @trixanimations
Cabin Five: @overthinkingspark-blue
Cabin Six: @the-honey-lemon
Cabin Seven: @hitwiththetmnt
Cabin Eight: @liya4kar
Cabin Nine: @tmnt-reticent
Cabin Ten: @orangepawn39
Cabin Eleven: @whyamiheretumbled
Cabin Twelve: @tmntforeverinmyheart
Cabin Thirteen: @the-apple-juice
Cabin Fourteen: @chessman-protocol
Cabin Fifteen: @probably-not-a-rutabaga
Cabin Sixteen: @veearrifarrariboom
If any representing members feel they are unable to properly represent for their cabin during this event, please send us an ask, comment, or message a mod and we can find a replacement for you! We tried to check with as many people as possible, but sadly could not get to everyone in time.
- Moth and Ally
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itzzaira · 3 months
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Misa from Cabin 2 has made floating lanterns for the crafts, would you like one? @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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Was not as easy.
As Mikey remembered it being.
The poor turtle gasped, out of breath and leaning against a wall, trying to steady his shaky legs and catch his breath. After having cried himself out, Mikey had decided it would be best to just... leave. Stuck in his cabin until the craft fair was over. He was probably bringing everyone's mood down, and it's not like he was being useful. He couldn't make pretty crafts like everyone else and didn't want his family fussing over him when they could be having fun. So he would just. Stay inside. Keep Ice Cream Kitty company.
What the box turtle forgot was the fact he wasn't able to walk long distances on his own anymore. He was still too weak. Which, okay, fine, made sense- the reason however was stupid. Like seriously? He didn't do much! He just opened a mystic portal that almost killed him twice for Leo! And he didn't even do it on his own! No big deal.
Try telling his body that.
The turtle prepared himself mentally before letting go, and taking unsteady steps again. But once his legs started hurting with the strain Mikey decided it was probably for the best to take a break. So at the first shaded area he found, he sat down. Leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.
...Oh, who was he kidding.
He wouldn’t get up for a while. So the box turtle could only pray his brothers wouldn’t notice his abs- Michelangelo.
His eyes snapped open.
He had promised Michelangelo to make bracelets and pass them around.
He grumbled, leaning his head against his knees. Michelangelo would understand. He was a version of him, he would get the idea. Tiredly, Mikey opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.
Being greeted by many, colorful, floating lanterns.
His eyes lit up, forgetting his misery for a moment.
Blue, red, yellow, green, pink... every color floated around beautifully, decorating the ceiling with pretty sparkles, lighting up the cave, and matching with the crystals. Woah... how had he not seen the lanterns before? They were beautiful.
Now that he actually looked... Mikey saw many versions of them with the lanterns, laughing and smiling as they let the objects float into the air... getting the lanterns from a stall Mikey sat pretty close to.
"Hello!" He yelped at the sudden voice, flinching back and turning around. A young child dressed in red was standing in front him, holding a yellow lantern in her hands. Wait, she looked familiar... Misa! Right! The one who gave Raph that plush turtle. Mikey had been too tired to say hi. "Are you okay?"
"..." Mikey smiled softly. Aw. Oh that voice was cute. "Misa, right? I'm okay. Just tired."
She smiled brightly and held out the lantern she was holding. "Would you like a lantern? Misa made them herself!"
"You did?" He looked impressed, sitting up straighter and holding out his hands to grab it- but stopped, just before he touched the lantern.
His hands shook too much. It... would be best to not accidentally destroy the art she had worked so hard on. She Mikey lowered his hands, admiring the piece with his eyes instead. "It's very pretty! Did you make it all on your own?"
Misa giggled sweetly, and nodded. Mikey looked over the lantern again.
The details... the craftsmanship, the colors, the lights, how had she even managed to make them float-? And they glowed! The sun was painted on so nicely too. Oh they were so pretty. She had done an amazing job. "They're very pretty." He complimented. "Could you throw that one into the air for me? I can't do it."
Hey, he might not be able to make art anymore... but he could still appreciate it.
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3mutantsinatrenchcoat · 3 months
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Hello fellow camper! Sector 1 Cabin 1 lets gooooo! You ready for the @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion ?
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"it matches me.."
(sector 1 cabin 1)
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Who won?
Well, firstly, we have to say that MY GOSH did the points sky rocket. You guys have been busy!
Our first award goes to cabin 9, and their representative @tmnt-reticent who through their mass ask earned the award "Most Points Earned For All Cabins". Being a representative, anyone who answered their post gained 2 points, and a LOT of you answered.
Our "Up and Comer" award is a new one, for the cabin(s) that did incrementally better this event than in prior ones! This event, the winner of this award is Cabin Four!! You sillies made the leaderboard this event! Kudos!
And now... what you've all been waiting for, the winner of the event! Drumroll, please...
Winning with a whopping THIRTY-NINE POINTS, is...
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(art by @bigmoneysniffler)
Event Points by Cabin:
Cabin One: 27
Cabin Two: 28
Cabin Three: 39
Cabin Four: 34
Cabin Five: 11
Cabin Six: 9
Cabin Seven: 28
Cabin Eight: 6
Cabin Nine: 21
Cabin Ten: 15
Cabin Eleven: 20
Cabin Twelve: 23
Cabin Thirteen: 16
Cabin Fourteen: 36
Cabin Fifteen: 38
Cabin Sixteen: 12
Congratulations to everyone, you all did amazing!!
We will announce the next event very soon! Gotta keep you all on your toes! Relish in your victories!!
- Moth and Ally
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chaos-potat · 3 months
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The boys from No Fun in Fungus from cabin 1 made you this friendship ring at a craft table! Don’t worry about the glowing I’m sure it’s fine.
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chaos-potat · 3 months
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TTL au Mikey, Raph, and Donnie from cabin 11 are here with some charms for craft week!!
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Raph is a bit panicked right now
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chaos-potat · 3 months
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You have been invited to be covered in paint and pain at the Paint Gun Campus! Will you accept?
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itzzaira · 3 months
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As the campers walk around the craft fair and look at all the stands, they notice golden origami birds flying around, golden sparkles following their trail. A turtle with beautiful, cracked hands making them fly as a tiny child laughs and cheers at the beautiful show he puts on for all around.
Oohhhh these two represent cabin 10 for the Craft fair event! :D maybe my Mikey can learn a thing or two from his future counterpart...
Little Mikey future and Maria Hamato belong to @orangepawn39
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chaos-potat · 3 months
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Welcome to the camp craft fair from Teenage Mutant Beetle Teetles! Feel free to choose a bandana or t-shirt. Mikey is also still handing out friendship bracelets upon request :] 
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Mikey's having a bad time with those spores....
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itzzaira · 3 months
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Hey! This is TMNT: Children of the Sky Mikey and Leo from Cabin 16 with a survey: who's the most artistic member of your AU/iteration's family?
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Mikey smiled brightly. None of his brothers were around right now- Michelangelo and Leo had been driving Raphael insane while Donnie and Raph slept. He had no idea where Donatello had gone-
And Mikey had been the first person to hear they would be holding a craft fair.
He had only woken up a couple days ago and this was the absolute best thing he could wake up to!! Well, other than Leo being alive- that had been a tad bit nicer.
Right now, he was looking at this mini-version of himself and his brothers- so tiny!! So adorable! And they looked so cool!!! -and the box turtle couldn't help but notice that none of his counterparts had stickers. Ohhh he should make stickers during the fair and give them to all versions of himself! Because he was nice like that.
"Hey! We're taking a survey! Who's your most artistic family member?"
"Come on, there's gotta be other artistic Leo's right?"
Well. If the destruction Leo could cause in a kitchen counted, consider him the biggest artist of all. But alas.
Mikey hated to disappoint this tiny version of his brother, but not his fault Leo just didn't have it. He smiled sweetly, holding out his hand. "Well-"
-only for the limb to immediately cramp up, muscle freezing and spasming, his fingers getting stuck in that position and ow-
"Ow!" He hissed, immediately pulling his back to squeeze it with his (thankfully pain-free) other hand. He saw the concerned expressions on the other turtles, but smiled anyway. "I'm fine, this is fine-"
Was it?
This was new.
Granted, the mystic scars were new altogether, and they had ached, that was true. But the random pain as soon as he moved his hand was new.
He tried to flex his fingers- nope, fingers didn't respond.
He tried to move his arm- nuh-uh, hurt, ow ow ow-
He couldn't- his hand was stuck.
Slowly, the pain faded away. Mikey opened his eyes that he had apparently closed, then slowly, carefully, let go of his arm. It still tingled, but it didn't hurt anymore. That was... odd.
"Are you okay?" The other Mikey asked again, relaxing and smiling again once they saw the pain fading away- this time, however, the box turtle didn't smile. He looked confused.
Surely, if something was wrong with his hands, Donnie would have found it by now?
Like, okay, he thought, as he held his arm a bit closer to his face. He couldn't move his fingers still. The muscles were cramped, and it bothered him, and his hands were hard to use sometimes, that is true- but he was still the artist of the family! That was his thing! Even if his hands hurt, and they cramped up, and wouldn't... move...
Okay, sure, he hadn't exactly drawn ever since he woke up from his coma, but talent doesn't just disappear!
Who needs hands to draw anyway?! Mikey didn't! He just struggled to hold stuff, dropped items all the time and couldn't touch anyone other then his brothers or else it hurt! That wouldn’t stop...
A look of horror appeared on his face as the realization sunk in.
You need working hands to make art.
Currently, Mikey's hands shook so much that he hadn't even been able to hold his own cup so he could have a drink. It had taken him three tries back home before he had been able to grab a spoon to eat ice cream, only to immediately drop it afterward. He didn't even want to imagine the chaos of holding paints would cause.
He... wouldn’t be able to draw anymore? The one thing he was good at? He wouldn’t be able to do anything anymore?!
As if failing to open the portal- twice- wasn't enough! He fails to open a portal, he had help from Donnie and Raph and still couldn't keep it open. He isn't smart, he's not quiet, he's definitely not the best ninja and most certainly wasn't the leader-
He cooked. He made art. That was the one thing he was good for.
Mikey's breath hitched. In cold horror, he stared at his bandaged hands.
His shaking, ugly, useless hands.
What good was he for if he couldn't make art?
Well. The answer was simple. He wasn't. Just lime how he couldn't protect Leo, or Raph, or Donnie- not to mention, his stupid hands caused this pain to his family.
His hands were the reason Michelangelo and Donatello had burnwounds.
His hands were the reason Leonardo cracked his shell open getting thrown against a wall.
His hands were the reason the Purple Dragons were even able to hurt them so bad.
His hands were the reason they lost Raph and caused him to go savage-
His hands were the reason Leo was lost.
His ears rang.
Ever since he was little 'But at least I can do art' he had told himself. 'I may not be smart, or strong, but I can cook. I can make art. That's my talent. No one else's. Mine.'
...But it wasn't his talent anymore, was it?
"Mikey?" He snapped out of it when the other Leo called his name- ohh the kids looked terrified. Crap. Oh no. "Are you okay?"
"Raph." He answered quickly, the haunted look on his face disappearing, trying to look happy again as he lowered his arms, unable to meet their gaze. "Uhm- not my Raph. Raphael. The angry box turtle with a crack in his carapace. He's the most artistic family member." Because Mikey sure as heck wasn't. Not anymore.
"Is something-"
"I gotta go." He didn't want to scare these kids any more than he already had, so Mikey smiled as brightly as he could manage, turned around, heart pounding as he tried to run- but stumbled instead, as fast as he could, away from there.
He shouldn't bring his stupid hands and ruin the craft fair.
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chaos-potat · 3 months
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Casey and S from Cabin Three offer bookmarks and homemade notebooks! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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Don't worry, Donnie promptly put him down for this (kidding but he got an earful)
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itzzaira · 3 months
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TTL au Mikey, Raph, and Donnie from cabin 11 are here with some charms for craft week!!
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2012: Leonardo, Raphael
2018: Leo, Raph
"Oohhhh Raph! Come here!"
"Get over here, Fearless."
"Wait what-?" The oldest two were confused, but had no time to ask questions as their younger brothers dragged them away. Leo quickly thanked the other Mikey and sat on Raph's shell while Raphael pushed Leonardo down, and tied something into his bandana without a word. The two stepped back once done, and bumped their fists. "And?"
Raph's eyes sparkled, tail wagging as he admired the charm now tied to his mask. Leonardo snickered, shaking his head with a quiet laugh.
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itzzaira · 3 months
TMNT Fandom Family Reunion - Craft Fair Event || Short story
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Cabin 10 - The Besties
Little Mikey Future - @orangepawn39
The Wrong Side of the Portal - Me!
I will be referring to the future Michelangelo as Michelangelo.
And to my Mikey as Mikey.
Today was a nice day.
It wasn't too hot or too cold, there was no fighting, they had slept well the night before- Michelangelo had even managed to entertain Maria and multiple more versions of himself and others with the origamis he had been making fly around.
Buuut he had been using his mystic abilities all morning and afternoon- he needed a little break. Thankfully, the other Raph from his cabin had offered to watch over Maria- so with his charge safe, Michelangelo was now walking back towards their cabin.
He had heard the other versions of himself talk about decorating the place. He couldn't wait to see it.
...Actually, wouldn’t his counterpart's cat be inside now? He should say hi, then take a nap. Then he could go back to the craft fair. Yeah. That sounded nice.
Michelangelo closed the door behind him, not all fazed by the dark. He didn't bother turning on the lights as he wouldn’t need them. Just say hi to Ice Cream Kitty, then go take a nap. Simple. Easy.
...Or, at least. That was the plan. Until he heard the quiet sniffles from the bathroom.
The turtle froze. He held his breath, not even moving an inch as he listened... yep, that was a sob. Uh-oh.
He changed directions from the kitchen to the bathroom, getting more concerned by the minute. Why would anyone be sad? Everyone had been having fun as far as Michelangelo was aware. Making crafts, paints...
"...Hello?" He knocked on the door of the bathroom once in front of it- and the hiccups stopped at once. He frowned. That wouldn’t do. "Anyone inside?"
No answer.
"..." Michelangelo pretended to walk away, then kept silent. He heard a shuddering breath behind the door, before a soft sob. He sighed. Okay, so maybe he didn't know everyone very well yet- but these were versions of his family. It could be one of the kids. Someone could be hurt. "I'm coming in bud, okay?"
He heard a panicked breath. "Wait no-"
Michelangelo opened the door. The sight perplexed him.
All the lights were out... yet, despite the lights not being on, a soft, golden light illuminated the room. The source of the light sat on the floor, blue shirt he had been wearing previously thrown away, bandages surrounding the figure from all around... a 15-year-old version of himself sitting on the floor, looking up at him with wide, wet eyes. Tears soaking his bandana and slipping down his cheeks.
His arms covered in bright, golden scars, all the way up to his shoulders, shaking like crazy.
Michelangelo put a hand on his mouth in shock.
Not even his own scars reached that far.
At the look he received Mikey teared up- and Michelangelo panicked. "Ah, no, I'm sorry- it's okay, okay-"
He closed the door behind him. Then locked it. Mikey curled up further into himself.
Michelangelo's mind went a 100 miles an hour.
Okay, think. There... hadn't been any versions of him with mystic scars in the cabin, right? There were the kids, the one with- four different versions of each of them? And the one where there had been two of each of them, Ice Cream Kitty came from that world, so no-
"-yeah, little orange is still sleeping all day!" The version of himself with Ice Cream Kitty explained as he held the bowl, Maria gushing over the little cat licking her face. "He was tired- but he would love to meet you!"
Realization dawned slowly. Michelangelo's expression softened immensely.
Right. Mikey had been asleep all day at first. And then Michelangelo hadn't seen him without his bandages or shirt. He was tired. And cold.
Which meant the scars must be recent.
"...Hey, kiddo." He mumbled, slowly walking over and sitting next to him. Mikey didn't respond, trying to muffle his sobs.
"Do they hurt?" The older one asked worriedly, looking them over. What on earth had happened for them to spread so far? Let alone at such a young age?
Yet, Mikey shook his head. Michelangelo looked away.
"...Doesn't seem like it, bub."
"They don't hurt... much." The younger one mumbled, sniffling. The mystic warrior frowned.
"...Then, what's wrong? Surely you would have way more fun at the craft fair than locked in a bathroom."
Mikey flinched.
He mumbled something under his breath, too soft to hear. "Could you repeat that?"
"...I can't join."
Odd. "Anyone can join, mini-me."
"Well I can't."
"Why not?"
Mikey grumbled, frustrated and clearly about to say something-... but then his expression shattered. He teared up again. And closed his eyes as he held out his left arm in front of the other in defeat.
It shook like crazy. Too unstable to hold anything.
"..." Carefully, gently, Michelangelo took hold of the younger one's arm. Sucking in a breath when he felt the amount of mystic energy radiating from it. "...What on earth did you do to gain these scars?" He mumbled, gently twisting his arm around. When Mikey didn't answer, the older one continued. "You have trouble holding stuff."
Not a question. A statement.
Michelangelo had experience, after all.
"I can't do anything anymore." Mikey said bitterly, looking away- yet, he didn't take his arm back. So Michelangelo's touch didn't hurt. Good to know. "I can't stand, I can't walk, I can't stay awake, I can't hold stuff, I can't cook, I can't make art-" he forced himself to stop. "...It would be better if I just. Stayed gone. My hands are useless."
"Hey, no." The older one frowned disapprovingly. "You gained those scars for a reason. I bet those hands did some very important stuff-"
"-I had help and still failed." Mikey cut him off, and groaned. "Donnie held on with everything he had. Made me tech to help. Raph left to protect us so I could concentrate- on his own. And I still failed to open a proper portal-"
"A what now-?"
"-I got us stuck in some random universe, I was useless!" Mikey gritted his teeth, scars lighting up in reaction to his anger. Yet Michelangelo didn't let go. "And now I can't do the one thing I'm supposed to be good at?"
He would have said more. But Mikey seemed to remember he wasn't talking to one of his brothers. And bit his lip to keep quiet.
"..." Michelangelo sighed. He shifted his position so he was sitting on his knees in front of the younger one, taking hold of both of his shaky hands so so carefully. He looked at them, for a moment, his thumbs stroking over the other's fingers... before he closed his eyes...
His own scars lit up gold. He could feel the way his younger counterpart tensed but didn't move. He concentrated as gold swirls and sparkles started surrounding the two, his own mystic magic starting to lift objects so they floated around- his hair included. When he cracked his eyes open, just a tiny bit- they were completely gold.
"It takes time to get used to them." He murmured, still petting Mikey's hands. Mikey didn't respond, looking at him with awe- especially when a gold butterfly seemed to appear out of thin air, and land on his snout.
Michelangelo's mystic magic was... warm.
Mikey's had been too. It had been burning hot, painful, eating him alive and melting his being away. But this was different. This was the warmth of a home-cooked meal, of a hug-
Of brothers.
Of home.
"Sometimes, it feels like they'll never get better." The older one continued, letting go of one hand so he could open his palm- the butterfly illusion he had created landed in it. "Sometimes, they'll feel like the uggliest things you've looked at. But you need to remember why they look this way."
"...I failed to save Leo." Came the heartbreaking reply. Michelangelo tisked.
"Did you?" The butterfly flew away to land on Mikey's snout. "He seemed pretty alive to me."
"And you did all that without any practice, at such a young age?"
Michelangelo grabbed both his hands again, and smiled gently. "I know it seems like they're useless right now. But trust me when I say... they will get better."
"..." Mikey looked away to look at his hands uncertainly, still not convinced. Michelangelo's smile softened.
"Once you learn everything you can do with those hands, mini-me." He started. "You'll see. Just because you can't make art now the way you're used to doesn't mean they're useless."
"And someday." He lowered their hands. The warmth intensified in a pleasant way- a way Mikey hadn't known before, as he finally met his counterpart's eyes. Looking more hopeful then he had moments ago, with tears in his eyes.
'The way you're used to'
...There were other ways he could make art?
"Trust me when I say... like everyone else, you'll learn to love your hands too."
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chaos-potat · 3 months
Misa from cabin 2 would like to off her craft of floating lanterns to you! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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It's nice to feel that inner child again but he can't help but feel almost empty when it's over
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chaos-potat · 3 months
Greetings from the Cabin 9 Craft Fair! Ret Mikey is running a bracelet making workshop and is wondering if you’d be interested in taking part! He has all sorts of beads and bands for you to use!
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(This is @tmnt-reticent btw! This is just my main blog!)
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Tim asked if he could make some bracelets with some girls at his school when he was younger, they made fun of him but let him, they didn't help him and he messed it up and they laughed at him
He hasn't tried again since then :(
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