#tmnt 1987 michelangelo x reader
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Wheel Request: The Attention of a Crush (Fluff?/Cracky?)
1987!Raphael x reader x 1987!Michelangelo
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A/N: I SPUN THE WHEELS! Wheel one said 1987! Second wheel said Raphael! Third wheel said “+ one more turtle”, so I went back to the second wheel and it said Michelangelo! And then the third wheel said fluff! Hope you’ll enjoy!❤️🧡
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Warnings: None❤️🧡
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At this point, Raph and Mikey was in a constant fight for your attention, whenever you were around. You, one of the turtles’ best friends, had become a point of interest for the two brothers, especially your personal attention - which the two brothers wanted all for themselves.
When exactly Raph and Mikey developed a crush on you, no one knew. But seemingly everyone knew, with the exception of you, that the two brothers were hopelessly enamored by you, with comical large hearts in their eyes whenever they saw you. How you didn’t notice was a mystery on its own. But it did prove to be good entertainment for everybody watching.
Whenever you were around, Raph and Mikey would make an attempt to sabotage the other’s attempt to woo you over. Had one gotten totally out of character and brought you chocolate and flowers, the other would steal it before they had the chance to give them to you. There was even a time where Mikey, for some mysterious reason, thought it would be an amazing idea to ask if you wanted him to train you in martial arts. However Raph was quick to take him down, “proving” that Mikey wasn’t fit to train you. But when Raph then insisted that he sound train you, Mikey was quick to kick his legs out underneath him. You ended up asking Leo and Donnie for lessons, as Raph and Mikey’s strange attempts to fight over you, had driven you to believe that neither of them were able to train you. Both Donnie and Leo had found that quite amusing.
But by far, the most amusing thing for Leo and Donnie with this whole situation, was to watch Mikey and Raph’s silent fights over who got to sit next to you. Whether it was a seat next to you on the couch or by the kitchen table, Raph and Mikey would push and pull each other, until one was able to seat their butt firmly next to you. There had been times where Donnie, Leo, April and Master Splinter would just stand by the side line and watch the two fight, all without you noticing a thing. The best thing was when one of them then decided to take the seat next to you, shouldn’t either Mikey or Raph have gotten to it first. The comical looks of betrayal on their faces was always worth it.
There were times when Raph and Mikey wondered if you would ever notice anything. If you would ever notice how one of them kept looking at you, hoping that you would see how they pretty much floated through the air when they followed you, and how you would hopefully one day, give one of them a chance.
But for the time being, you were totally oblivious to any of their attempts of romantic gestures towards you, or how they kept a close eye on each other whenever you were around. The only thing you seemed to notice was two of your best friends, wanting to hang out with you more and more often, and you believed that it was for simple platonic reasons.
And though both Raph and Mikey wished you would look at one of them differently, neither of them could deny how happy they were to have you in their lives. They would much rather just have you as a friend instead of not at all. So if you one day decided to choose one over the other, they wouldn’t get mad at you. You were their best friend, and in the end they would always love you, no matter what… even if you chose their other brothers to train you.
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faetaiity · 2 years
my brain somehow decided that I need to use the rest of my active braincells to do this, Hyperfixations are wild when you write, man. I also feel like I need to explain this because I overthink
Basically, what's about to go down in this post: Adult! Platonic/Familial Yandere! 1987, 2003, 2012, Bayverse and Last ronin! TMNT x Male! ROTTMNT! Reader (With slight Familial Yandere! from them for the Rise! Turtles)
the ages are mostly bullshit/made up in this ig except for Ronin! Michelangelo because he's canonically 31 or older
Reader is the same age as ROTTMNT! Michelangelo (Birthyear: 2005)
This is set during 2020, a few months after the Kraang Invasion. (The ROTTMNT ages are color-coded: 17, 16, 16, 15 and 15. every other iteration of the TMNT are implied to be 20-26, with an exception for Ronin! Michelangelo)
Why did I explain the premise? Because I want to make sure you guys understand. THIS. IS. NOT. ROMANTIC. and If I see anyone who adds more to this story or makes jokes about the OLDER turtles being attracted to the reader (Illegal due to Reader being a Minor.) or the ROTTMNT turtles (Illegal due to the Rise! Turtles being minors and being related to them.), you're getting blocked. no questions.
Minor Notes: While this is platonic, I understand if someone misinterprets some of the HC's due to the fact that each family is different with affection, some (like mine) make me feel guilty if I don't cuddle/hug them, some of this is inspired by my own family, Familial yandere writers (or at least me lol) tend to make stories relate to their own experiences with their family, If you read this and complain that it has 'romantic' aspects (which, affection isn't even exclusively romantic what??), I'm going to get a little mad since this is my experience with family, lol.
TW/CW: minor(?) Spoilers for The Last Ronin, Kidnapping, Abuse (Physically and mentally from 'Punishments'), manipulation, guilt tripping, possible gaslighting(?), Implied Murder, Infantilization, Stalking, Mentions of Panic attacks, stress tics (scratching/clawing at the skin), Yandere Behavior, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Extreme Overprotective behavior, OOC Older TMNT Iterations (Specifically 1987! and Bayverse!), Forced Affection, Surprise Adoption from the older versions of your best friends, mentions of Scars, missing limbs and Trauma from Rise! Shredder and Rise! Kraang (reader is mentioned to have scars and a missing eye) (Yeah that's long as shit because this post is probably gonna be long as shit)
On a scale from 1 to 10 my friends, you're FUCKED /ref
Now I'm gonna start off with you meeting them a specific way and branch out to more options down the line.
Donnie ended up making a machine that COULD send someone or an object across to a separate universe if he was correct.
Unfortunately, you ended up getting sucked up into the Machine-Made portal due to being close to it
To make this easier on my brain, let's say the other iterations of the turtles are already together, through a similar device that was used by the Kraang/Utroms
And your dumbass landed right in the middle of a huge argument between Ronin! Michelangelo and 2003! Raphael
Everyone freezes, including you, they LOOK like your best friends but are clearly not, there's differences between them and your friends, height is a big noticeable difference that tips you off.
Weapons are drawn almost instantaneously, multiple different sets of Katanas, Nun chucks, and Sai's are pointed at you
And oddly, just as quickly as they raised their weapons, they put them back down
In their minds, they quickly draw together than you're unarmed and a lot younger than they are
You get up on your legs, unsure of how to respond to them, you remember the photos of you and your turtles on your phone
You slowly pull out your phone, knowing they could mistake it for a weapon, you scroll through your phone until you find the photo of you, Donnie and Leo in Run of the Mill Pizza, they calm down at the sight of it
They sheathed their weapons, studying your body warily, you feel weirded out at the fact that they haven't said anything; you could understand that behavior from Donnie or Raph, but not the other two
You swallow your nervousness and shakily say "I'm [Y/N]"
You notice one of the Michelangelo's runs right up to you, clearly excited at the Idea of someone from another universe that isn't in theirs
He noticed your eyepatch as soon as he gets up to your face and winces "Jeez, what happened to your eye?" he blurts out, Surprisingly, Leo smacks upside the head, Mikey mutters out a small apology, you laugh softly, not taking offense to it
They all introduce themselves with the year they're from and their age, you immediately notice all of them are adults
They're already wincing at your scars from life-threatening injuries and clearly injured or missing eye, but they just kind of.... freeze when you say "Wow! You guys are a lot older than My versions of y'all!"
They stay quiet for a second before you embarrassedly mumble out: "Oh... I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you avert your eyes
2012! Leo is the first one to speak "No... Offense taken; we were just caught off guard.... how old are you and your versions of us?" "Oh! Well Raph's 17, Leo and Donnie are 16, Me and Mikey are 15"
Silence, before Bayverse! Raphael bursts out laughing "I'M THE OLDEST?!" clearly, he's happy at that, and so are the other Raphs, apparently, since you can see their smirks at their respective Leos, who frown
You nod nervously, his volume scaring you slightly, He noticed you flinching and quiets down
Your age kind of takes a minute for them to process, considering your scars made them assume you're a little older, they end up asking you when you got the scars
"Oh! The giant scar is from the Shredder, the missing eye and the other smaller scars are from the kraang!" you breathed out for a few seconds, calming yourself down from remembering those unhappy situations "I got the big one when I was 13, everything else happened a few months ago."
They all.... look at you in a weird manner, it was a mix of pure anger, pity, and.... self-loathing, oddly enough? "Ah, I'm sorry if I reminded you guys of any..... unhappy situations..." you shyly said, they stayed quiet, feeling uncomfortable with the stares, you changed the subject "I need to be able to get back home! Donnie's probably freaking the absolute fuck out by now"
Ronin! Michelangelo takes initiative to tell you that you are welcome here as long as it takes, the others nod, you thank them all profusely
It scares all of them over the next few weeks when you'd tell them stories about your adventures, they've come to understand that, well, in a blunt way, you and their younger counterparts clearly aren't able to take care of yourselves
And they've actually come to loathe Rise! Splinter, they've come to understand that their dad wasn't the best, but it makes their blood boil at how badly it can be for you and the Rise! Turtles.
Even they didn't fight the Shredder at that age!
However, they do feel a little better knowing you five defeated him, but not by much considering how close you all were to dying
especially you.
I'm gonna be honest, there is three ways it can go when your friends come to bring you back to your Universe
1: The other iterations come back with you guys, being delusional in the fact that you guys can't take care of yourselves
2: They don't let you go back with them, and they tell the Rise! Turtles to leave (This would be most likely if you share unfavorable stories of the Turtles, while forgetting to add where you guys talk it out or the reason why it happened, they become very attached to you specifically in the few weeks they've known you!)
3: (This is the one we will be explaining in this Post) They keep all of you in the Universe that you fell into. (This is the one most likely to occur due to ROTTMNT! Reader and Turtles are injured severely from the Kraang Invasion)
It is not a good time for the first few weeks, You and your best friends fight tooth and nail at every point through them keeping you guys
They're beyond delusional, chalking it up to teenage rebellion and the nature of the Rise! Turtles
You five end up being locked up in a room, a few hidden cameras being placed in there
y'all aren't allowed out usually (and NEVER out of the lair) since to the Older! Turtles, you five are ungrateful brats who can't think for themselves
You and Mikey are babied, you two are the youngest and have been through so much!
It's suffocating
They always want to be near you, because in their words "You're the one who needs protection the most"
Donnie is allowed keep his battle shell due to the nature of his species (Also because they don't know about all the weaponry in it)
There isn't much room for escape, almost none, actually
17 Adult Mutant Ninja Turtles guarding the lair, at least 2 home at all times?
yeah, good luck, even Rise! Donnie is stumped.
In order of Importance (Most to Least) It's You and Mikey, Leo, Donnie and then Raph
Donnie and Raph are mostly ignored because they suffered the least number of injuries, and they're the oldest.
Previous Leos don't approve of yours, saying he's not Mature or Serious enough, often taking him for training/sparring
Don't let that fool you, your Leo has come back in worse shape than he was to begin with, often coming back trying to hide his tears, you guys stopped letting him go with them once it was found that his shell was starting to crack more. I wonder why
Donnie comes up with a plan to escape with Raph to regroup and find out how to get back home
and, to their credit, they manage to leave the lair, about 15 minutes later, Ronin! Mikey comes in, once he sees they're gone, he starts breaking objects in the room and yells at You, Mikey and Leo.
The others quickly come in and try to pull Ronin! Mikey away, which he resists until he sees you having a panic attack, Rise! Mikey trying to console you and Rise! Leo in a defensive position, around you
He leaves the room and announces that he's going to find them, some of the other turtles try to get near you to comfort you but Leo isn't letting it happen, he actually tries to attack one of them, making them back off
Oh, Raph and Donnie are fucked, by the way.
Now, Lemme tell you WHY you never want a Yandere! Ronin! Mikey hunting you down
He's the oldest, the most skilled and canonically in the books, the mutagen that is still in his system makes him stronger, bigger and more durable, plus the trauma of losing his brothers has made this situation strike a nerve with him.
he could probably break Rise! Raph's leg
Which he does.
About an hour or two later, he comes back with them, they're both knocked out, Raph's leg is bent unnaturally, and Donnie's Battle shell is ripped to shreds and he has bruises all over him.
Ronin! Mikey comes in and throws them back into the room, Donnie's battle shell in his hands "Found out the main reason why he wanted that damn thing to stay on his back." he stated bluntly, pointing at the drone wings and the spider-like claws, giving it to 2003! Donnie, who marvels at it
You're picked up by one of them, Rise! Leo starts freaking out and trying to get you away from them, until someone else enters the room and keeps him away until you're out
You're placed in a separate room, fearing that they're going to hurt you, you try to cover your head, curling into a fetal position, separation anxiety already kicking in due to the circumstances.
You feel someone rub your back reassuringly, making you cry and hyperventilate more.
"Hey, hey, you're okay, nobody's going to do anything to you" you whimper as you hear 1987! Raph attempt to calm you down
he tells you that you being taken away is the Rise! Turtles' punishment, and that nothing is going to happen to you
"What about My friends?" you sob out, he doesn't respond, he just pulls you close to him and hugs you; you try to pull away only to hear him say "I'm trying to make you feel BETTER, stop resisting! don't you know how much effort we're putting in to help you five out?! To take care of you guys?!" his yelling makes you stiffen, allowing him to pull you back closer to him.
I'm gonna be honest, you get the least severe punishments compared to your turtle friends, you're weak, regardless of if you're human or mutated (Mostly because the mutagen hasn't improved your strength as much as it did theirs yet.), you're WEAK.
They could, especially Ronin! Mikey, end up KILLING you if they gave you the same punishments.
Very few mutations would even get the harsher punishments anyways, all of them being Reptilian or large Mammalians.
Humans, Insect mutants, Bird Mutants and other mutants that could get hurt easier due to their physiology get special treatment.
At worst your punishments leave you with shallow claw marks, maybe a fractured bone or two (This one was unintentional, though, just a testament to how much stronger they are compared to you.), bruises and panic attacks from separation.
Awfully enough, they try to separate you from your friends on a regular basis
Saying your Raph might get a rage fit and hurt you, or your Mikey accidentally getting too excited and hurting you
Any excuse they can pull out of their ass to keep you away from them
They don't tell them where they keep you, of course
It's mostly in Donnie's lab though, where you spend time with them
Rise! Donnie isn't allowed in there because that's where they keep the Rise! Turtles' mystic weapons (Mainly studying them)
The only reason why you're never permanently kept from the Rise! Turtles is because you have panic attacks from being away from them, the Turtles also get hyper confrontational, even more so than usual when you're gone.
You always get returned by the end of the day.
Now, let's go onto say that you guys ACTUALLY managed to escape back to your universe through a sheer stroke of luck.
Staying that way is gonna be hard.
Donnie immediately destroys the portal, but that doesn't mean the others can't build their own
Depending on if you move to another part of the sewer again, is how likely you are to stay uncaptured
If you guys stay at the same spot, they'll find y'all in another few months
if y'all move maybe they won't find you guys.
Staying? They're going to find you guys in as little as a few weeks, but they won't immediately grab you guys
They stalk you five, they're delusional and try to rationalize why you five left.
Staying might be the initial response, you five come back down, hoping to see Splinter, but you just see those 17 figures, some covered in blood
"What did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" your Leo would sob out, assuming the worst
All you five get back are cold stares
Instead of taking you back to the other universe, they stay here and keep you locked in your own home.
But they make sure that y'all can't leave for a while.
The turtles get broken bones, and you get a shock collar
If you think they were bad before, you haven't seen shit
They're always around you five now, never letting any of you out of their sight.
It's hell.
It's pure torture.
and they're never letting you guys go.
I didn't go into as much detail as I would've liked, maybe this will be like a series idk??
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Fem!Singer!Y/N x Insecure!Bayverse!Leonardo
Genre: Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
⚠️: NSFW suggestive themes
Let me know if you want to be part of my taglist!
🗣️ taglist: @sharpwindow @pheradream-15 @m1dnyt3-w0lf
Imagines # 2: Happily Blue for You
Prompt: You’re a university student and a passionate musician who’s always on the hunt for gigs. Leo knows that he’s a mutant turtle and having a human girlfriend like Y/N L/N sometimes makes him question whether or not it’s right to her at all. So after a much heated argument, Y/N sets out to make it right for her leader in blue…
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🎶: “Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending (Nightcore Version) | Check it out here!
Leo slammed the door behind him. As far as he knows, you are not aware of the insecurity that he harbored in you relationship. As far as you’re concerned, you definitely are. You sighed, sitting at the edge of his bed with your head in your hands. You were tired and at your wit’s end. You always thought of your boyfriend as someone so calm, cool, and collected that you never would have realized the true extent of his emotions.
“Maybe… we shouldn’t be together…” He said to you quitely, his eyes cast to the floor.
“Love…” He always loves it when you call him that, but he hated it whenever he saw your eyes glisten because of him. “What are you talking about? Why shouldn’t we? Do you not feel the same for me as you did before?”
“Of course I do!” He finally burst. “I have loved you since the first time I saw you and even more intensely as I got to know you. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever known, Y/N and it’s not right that you should have somebody like me! I can’t take you out on dates! You can’t show me off to your friends! I can’t-“
“Does it ever matter to you, that what matters to me is what you can do and not what you can’t?” You cut him off, your voice straining. “Not to mention what you already did! You’re-“
“A turtle! Who lives in the sewers and fights bad guys! I can’t give you a future without endangering you! I want-“
“What about what I want, Leo does that not matter to you too?”
“No! It doesn’t!”
Your argument ended in a silent rage. You wiped the tears that had slipped from your eyes and breathed deeply as you composed herself. You knew that Leo had uttered those hurtful sentiments out of his own feelings, and that feelings were temporary. Of course he was in his right to feel insecure, what wasn’t right was that he felt that he didn’t deserve you. Him, a brave and lethal warrior to his enemies; a strong and desicive leader to his brothers; and a kind and gentle lover to you. In your eyes, he was perfect despite his flaws. But eyes can only ever see themselves in relfections. Then it dawned on you. You quickly got up from his bed, exited the Lair, headed to the streets, and whipped out your phone.
It had been days since your argument with Leo and hopefully tonight was finally the time that you could make this right on your end. You accepted that gig at Central Park for a night show where, fortunately, you and your band were invited by a popular organizer to play. The band on stage only had two more songs before you finish their set and you were dreadfully nervous. You tucked your hair deeper into the pocket of your denim hoodie and wringed your hands as you peered into the crowd. You can only hope that Mikey was able to convince his brother enough to come along, for your grand gesture severely depended on it. Your long-time friend, Ash, the band’s lead guitarist noticed your anxiety and comforted you with a firm but reassuring grasp on your shoulder.
“Hey,” She said to you. “It’ll be alright. Whether this Leonardo is coming or not, you know you’ve done what you can to show him how you truly feel. You’re a good person Y/N, and I’m sure he feels just as intensely as you do, if not more.”
“Thank you,” you smiled as you took your her hand and squeezed it. “Look, he’s a little-“
“Unusual,” Ash finished. “Yes, I promise I won’t tell anyone about him and that I won’t freak out when I meet him. You’re basically my sister Y/N, if this Leonardo means so much to you. I’ll do what I promise.”
Your eyes met and just then… your band was called to the stage. The lights were dimmed as you proceeded to take your places. Ash, Milton, and Gray to their guitars, Tamara to her drums, Casper to his keys, and you to the mike centerstage. For the first five songs of your set, you let your love for music sustain you. Everything was smooth sailing. Thanks to your brillant technician Seb, light and sound was without technical error. In addition, the crowd was accomodating and your fellow bandmates performed just as deliciously as they did every night. Milton and Gray were just eating up the attention they received from their young fans, Tamara didn’t miss a beat, and you observed Casper and Ash were being gawked at by so many musicians from the sidelines. You could feel so many eyes placed on you, and yet… the only pair that mattered to you, you wouldn’t know if they were there at all.
Before your final song, you and Ash met gazes. She nodded her head affirmitively and you smiled in an attempt to bolster your confidence. You have been developing this song for only a week, and it wasn’t often that you created your own originals for the band. Ash was the true genius, and with her guidance you could only hope that that this song… your heartful ode to your one true beloved would be enough to make him feel that he was enough.
“This song…” You said into the mike. “…is for someone really special to me.”
Your eyes looked for his desperately in the sea of faces.
“Leo love,” You uttered his name fearlessly. “This one’s for you.”
The crowd hooted as Tamara banged her drumsticks and began a beat.
“Let it out
Been building up, you better let it out
Say everything that you've been meaning now
I want it to burn…”
“But everything you do makes my heart race
I can't even think straight
Is this just a game to you?
Reruns every night
It's always the same fight
And I think you should know”
“I hate your touch, I hate your mouth
I can't stand every single word that falls out
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love”
“I hate your voice, I hate your lips
I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love..”
Every fiber in your being was vibrating with the music, hoping it could reach him, wherever he was. Sweat dripped down your face, your voice was sore, and your body ached, but your heart was beating and open and free. You began to approach the final verse.
“The sky fades from blue to gray
Inside he's just like an ocean, still I'm drowning
How bad I wanna sink and let it take me away
I don't know why I come back, I do every time
We get close to the end, it's a finish line
Sing these words for the man I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?”
There was a pause before the bridge and the final repeat of the chorus. The lights dimmed momentarily and the crowd gasped, thinking the power had been cut. You unsheathed your locks in the darkness, and when the lights had been turn on again, it was all blue. Your bandmates with the exception of Ash, oggled at your hair. It had been given full, dark blue highlights that seemed to glimmer in the lights. For one moment, time stood still, and you had finally found those ocean eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes. You smiled at his gaping expression, hidden far beind the crowd. Mikey basically had to collect his brother’s jaw from the floor because you were that stunning. You felt like it was just you and Leo in the world, immortal and together forever.
“Let it out
Been building up, I better let it out
Say everything that I've been meaning now
Dreaming 'bout
I need it now!
I need you now!”
“I need your touch, I have no doubt
I want your love 'til it all runs out
'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?”
“I need your voice, I need your lips
I need you bad, I wanna steal your kiss
'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is just another song about
Another song about love…”
And as the song ended, you could feel your tears gather in your eyes. The crowd was going crazy, but it wasn’t because of them. It was him. Just him. Your bandmates exited from the stage gracefully, but you just ran. They were calling out your name as you ran towards the far end of the crowd. They were starting to notice you and began to approach, when Ash intervened, following you as she blocked off your new fans. But you didn’t care. You ran so much that you ended up far from the stage and into the dark wilderness of the park.
“Leo!” You called, out of breath. “Lov-!”
Just then, a pair of arms pulled you behind some tall hedges and you were in his embrace. He pressed you tightly against his plastron and you could feel his hands in your hair. As you came a apart, you could see that both of your eyes were wet and gleaming underneath the pale moonlight. He lifted you to him and leaned his forehead against yours. Your palms held his scaly cheeks lovingly.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered back.
“I didn’t mean it.”
“I know you didn’t.” You breathed.
“I want you,” your eyes met intensely. “I want you very much, and I’m so damn lucky that you want me too.”
“I need you, Leo.” You gasped as he placed his lips on yours. You savored how he tasted on your tongue. Your lips moved in unison but neither of you didn’t need to express anymore words. He churred under his breath and began to knead the flesh of your ass. When you moaned it turned on something feral in him and began to mark your neck with his teeth. You came apart again, flushed and breathless as he tucked his head beneath your neck and above your breasts. He littered sweet kisses up the length of where he placed his mark as he caressed his head. Just then, you heard someone stumble through the bushes. Leo looked to you alarmingly.
“You’re right,” You sighed. “You can’t meet my friends, but I want you to get to know at least just one and she’s the best I ever had.”
“Y/N!” Ash beckoned.
“Over here!” You replied. Ash stumbled into the scene just as Leo put you down. She stared at him for a little while, before proceeding what Leo experienced to be the most normal introduction in his life.
“So!” Ash smiled. “This Y/N’s ultimate muse, eh? Finally nice to meet you in the flesh Leonardo.” She outstretched her hand to him. Leo hesitated and then shook it gently, as Y/N nodded encouragingly at him.
“Ditto,” Leo breathed. “Ashley, was it?”
“Ash is fine! By the way! Do you happen to have any brothers?”
“Ashley!” You gasped, slapping her arm as Leo chuckled.
“Come on! Hook a girl up here!” Ash pouted. “If you have any sisters, I’m down with that too.”
You all laughed.
“Well it was really great meeting you Leo! See you around Y/N!”
You both bid goodbyes to Ash as she stepped out of the hedges. Leo turned to you and curled a lock of your hair around his finger.
“I thought you never wanted to dye your hair,” Leo teased.
“I can’t help it if it’s for you,” you smirked. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” he said softly. “It makes feel like you’re a little more mine.”
“Oh love,” you wrapped your arms around him. “I’m happily all yours.”
That night, you went home to your apartment instead of the Lair. Please! With your hair in his color and his mark on your neck? He’s going to be keeping you up all night and you’ll singing his name until morning 💙🔥
Like this imagine? What should I write next? Please reblog and like you enjoyed this 💕✨ Yes you! 👀
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temmtamm · 2 years
omg hi i also currently have donnie brain rot and will totally dump some requests in your asks! also just wanna say thank you for your service there’s not many rottmnt blogs active, your doing gods work <3
anyways can i request some hc of donnie with a reader who speaks a diff language? (spanish to be specific if you want) like would he try and learn it? would he be annoyed he doesn’t know what they’re saying? would he shit talk with them in secret? inside jokes?
please and thanks you!
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(Asks are temporarily closed until I can finish them all)
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Both him and Mikey speak a little bit of Spanish, so he can understand most of what you're saying, but likes to play dumb so that way you don't stop.
Took special notice to your use of "Mi luchador" when you're tired of his antics.
Just something about the way you say that as you're trying your best not to chew him out for whatever stupid shit he did today just makes him fall in love with you all over again.
Whenever you have trouble with an English word, surprisingly he won't tease or poke fun as he usually does and would instead correct you as quiet as possible.
One day it somehow slipped out that he really knew what everything you're saying meant, as one night after a particularly long battle he sleeping mumbled "Mi mundo" to you while you two were cuddling. He definitely had some explaining to do after.
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Look, I love him but I think we can all agree he wouldn't know what the he you are saying.
It's not that he doesn't know Spanish or what it is, he definitely heard some of it and learned a few words of it thanks to Ghost bear.
He is unlikely to understand all of the little nicknames you give him until Leo decides to be a little menace and translates you one day.
His favorite of all the nicknames is "Mi héroe", not only cause it feeds into his hero complex but it makes him feel like his leadership skills are actually being appreciated by someone.
He never corrects you when you get anything wrong in englisj- Matter of fact, even if you pronounce a word so terribly wrong he's convinced the way you said it is the right way and will pronounce it like that too.
He loves it when you cuss people out in Spanish, he doesn't know why but he is absolutely smitten when you get so deep into an argument or conversation that you start speaking your mother tongue without realizing.
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He, like Leo, can speak spanish although only a little. He mostly knows just pet names and a few curses in Spanish.
He loves to call you "Vida Mia/Mio" and in return you usually call him the same, though you still also save a few pet names for when it's just you two and you want a cuter more intimate pet name for him.
He is quick to correct you whenever you incorrectly say something in English, even offering to help you with the words you struggle with.
He sometimes likes to mimic things you've said- Like if you stubbed your toe and said, "Oh, hijos de puta. Te comeré vivo." He'd repeat it himself when angry or hurt. This has resulted in Leo and Raph chewing you out for turning their baby brother into a cussing machine.
He doesn't really mind though, if anything he fines it fun restarting some choice words you say to his brothers whenever they get into a fight, even if it always results in you trying to get him to stop by not cussing.
The attempt is futile though, as he had a taste of the bad boy life, and he wants more swears and devious behavior
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You'd think with how smart he is he'd know a multitude of languages, but you'd be wrong.
He was much more busy with his tech and being enamored with science than languages.
Though, he knew that his lack of knowledge on other languages would bite him in the ass one day, and bite him in the ass it did!!
He sometimes automatically thinks that whenever you're talking in Spanish, you're talking shit about him but after building a translator for himself he was surprised to see that when you were ranting in Spanish, it was really about mushy lovey stuff that you thought he wouldn't enjoy but still wanted to say.
You love to call him "Tesoro" and although it's cheesy and a bit overused, he likes to call you "Mi Amor" whenever he's having a lovely moment.
Unfortunately, he is a stickler for grammer and will constantly correct and tease you whenever you have trouble with an English word.
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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batvaughn · 1 year
you want a large?? Or a small personal??
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taffycandyqt · 8 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do tmnt 1987 Donnie x a fem trad goth reader and he’s just enamored with her and his brothers are just confused asf as to why a “vampire” is dating their brother
OMG YES! there is a severe lack of 87' content in the TMNT fanbase and it makes me sad. Not to mention I dress goth occasionally so this request got me really excited!
Who in the Halloween is That?!
87' Donatello x fem trad goth reader
Fluff, crack
Donnie Brings his goth girlfriend to finally meet his family. His brothers are happy for him but Donnie is a little to enamored with his girl to realize that they're also a little concerned.
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Donatello and you have been dating for a little more than three months. He had been out on a mission to find a missing part for his next invention when you instantly caught his eye with your unique style. You were an employee where he was looking and he was fascinated by your choice in clothing, it was so different than anything he had seen before. So he approached you. And with the confidence of a shy fangirl meeting her celebrity crush, asked you if you knew where he could find what he was looking for.
You, of course, helped him find it but right before you went on your way, he complemented your outfit and asked you out. Then the rest is history. There were a couple of things to smooth out as with all relationships, but you guys were a match made in heaven.
Now, you both were at a place in your relationship where Donatello felt like it was finally time to introduce you to his family. He actually introduced you to April first, to ease you into it. She was surprised to say the least but really happy for you guys. Honestly, she was proud of him.
Nows not the time to reminisce however. Not while your sitting at a table with Donatello's family staring at you like your the mutant.
"Umm, Donatello, who's this again?" Raphael said gesturing to you.
"I'll introduce you all in a minute, I want everyone to be here so let's wait for Master Splinter." Donatello replied as he was setting the table.
Leonardo sat down next to Raphael as Michelangelo brought out the pizza and sat it in front of the others. Michelangelo side eyed you curiously but looked back fast once you noticed.
Safe to say, it was a little awkward.
When Master Splinter entered the room he greeted you and then sat down and situated his sushi. Once everyone was seated the began to eat. Donatello quickly snatched you a slice before it all went missing. You smiled at him as a quite 'thank you' and he smiled back.
"So, gonna introduce us to your new bud Donatello?" Michelangelo flopped his pizza around to gesture before punctuating his sentence with a large bite.
"Yes!" He answered, almost like he forgot, "Everyone, this is Y/N L/N, my girlfriend."
Everyone except Splinter choked on their food at the sudden news.
"G- girlfriend?" Leonardo coughed out.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend Donatello?" Raphael questioned.
"Well we've been together for a couple of months and-"
"Months?! And you never told us?!" Michelangelo interrupted.
"Well I'm telling you now aren't I?" Donatello crossed his arms.
"Now my students, relationships are a complicated thing. They take time and Donatello and y/n have decided to tell us when they felt the time was right." Splinter explained, "It is good to meet you. I am glad my son was able to find someone that brings him happiness."
"Thank you. I'm glad I get to finally meet all of you." You said.
After that the dinner became much more comfortable and you enjoyed the conversations you were able to strike up with Donatello's family.
After dinner, Donatello wanted to give you a tour around the lair and show you some of the inventions in his lab. Master Splinter decided to leave them be and meditate in his room while the rest of the brothers congregated in the living room per Michelangelo's request.
"Okay dudes, I know how this is gonna sound, but I need you to listen to me here."
"Just get on with it Michelangelo." Raphael responded, already wishing he could watch his comedy skits on the television.
"Donatello's girlfriend is a... VAMPIRE!" Michelangelo emphasized by raising his arms.
"A vampire. Really."
"I'm serious dudes!"
"Michelangelo, I get that y/n might dress a little differently but that's no reason to assume that shes a vampire."
"It's true! Let me show you!"
Michelangelo began to pull out their movies and display the covers of each.
"Observe, exhibit A. 'The Vampire Girlfriend', the vampire dates her prey to not only to eat him but to get access to more meals through his family!"
"Oh, oh no Michelangelo! I think your right! Not!"
"Come on Michelangelo a movie?"
"Wait theres more! Exhibit B. 'The Vampire Alien Next Door', the vampire comes off as a friendly person to gain their neighbors trust before they suck their blood!"
"Again, Michelangelo, it's just a movie!"
"Do any of these 'vampires' even dress like y/n?"
"Pay attention mi amigos! Exhibit C. "Attack of the Goth Vampire Clan'."
Leonardo and Raphael studied the cover before looking at one another.
"Whelp, I'm convinced." replied Raphael.
"Yup, that's pretty solid evidence." Leonardo agreed.
"So dudes, now that we all see the truth, the question is, how do you expose her?" Michelangelo asked.
"Well we can't just let her stay with Donatello." Leonardo answered, "We will need separate them."
"Okay, how are we gonna do that fearless leader?"
"I'm thinking," Leonardo responded, "I got it! Michelangelo, break the oven!"
"What?! No way dude, how are we gonna make pizza!"
"Don't destroy it, just, ya know, break it a little so Donatello has to come in and fix it. That way we can distract him long enough to test y/n."
"Okay, sure sure." Raphael nodded along, "but now my question is, how do we test y/n?"
"Oh don't you worry brother of mine, I have a great idea." Michelangelo smiled.
"I don't know Donatello, I think one of your brothers was glaring at me during dinner." You weren't sure what to think, they all seemed to like you just fine except the one. It made you nervous to think one of his brothers didn't like you.
"Oh that's ridiculous, my family loves you! And I mean, how could they not? Your amazing!" Donatello saw nothing but smiles and good food. To him it felt like you belonged there. How could one of his brothers not see that?
"I guess." You sighed, you love Donatello but he tends to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to you. It's caused a few minor spats in the past, but nothing that wasn't easily fixable. Overall, though, it was pretty good for your selfesteem. You've never felt more like a catch in your entire life.
"Hey, don't worry okay? If one of them really doesn't like you I'm sure it just because they haven gotten to know you yet! They'll see how wonderful you are with time. So don't stress okay?"
You couldn't help but smile at your sweet boyfriend. Gosh, you loved him so much.
"Yeah, your probably right."
"I usually am. Now that that's been settled, let me show you the Turtle Van! It's my prized invention and I've wanted to show it to you for forever!"
And with that you were lead along and shown every beep and gizmo that the Turtle Van had to offer. Your boyfriend's creativity and ingenuity never ceased to amaze you.
"And if you just put your hand here-" Donatello moved you hand to a small scanner, "there! Now your hand print has been entered into the vans main frame. You should have access to all it's central controls." As he turned back to you it donned on him just how close the two of you were. Donatello blushed as he gave you some space.
"A- anyways I, uh."
"Donatello! Duuude! I need some of your brains amigo!" called Michelangelo from another room.
You and Donnie left the van to stand at the door way of his lab.
"Does it haft to be me?" Donatello yelled down the hall. This was the first time you had been in the lair. Can't he relish on you presence in peace?
"Afraid so compadre! Your the only one who can fix the busted oven!"
"Oh for the love of-" Donatello rolled his eyes, "looks like Michaelangelo broke something again. It may not be the most interesting thing in the world but we can still talk while I fix the oven if you want."
"Sounds good to me!" You reply. In all honesty you enjoyed watching him work. It was something that made him happy, and how could you to be upset with a happy turtle.
As you entered the kitchen you sat at the table while Donnie inspected the damage.
"Is it bad?"
"No, it shouldn't take me too long to fix this."
"That's a RELIEF." Michelangelo responded putting extra emphasis on 'relief'.
Donatello got to work while you asked him to tell you what happened. He loved explaining the technical stuff to you.
"I said. THAT'S A RELIEF!"
Donatello paused, "Yes Michelangelo, we heard you the first time."
"Oh, ummm. Y-yeah dude. Sorry." Michelangelo then turned to the doorway of the kitchen and gave Raphael and Leonardo a look.
"What does that bozo expect us to do?" Raphael whispered, "She wasn't supposed to follow him!"
"We'll just have to carry on with the plan anyways." Leonardo shrugged.
Raphael sighed but continued anyways.
"Look at this neat new necklace I found Leonardo!" He faked as he walked into the room.
"WOAW Raphael! That's amazing, what's it made of?"
"Oh you know, just garlic woops!" as Raphael pretended to slip he made sure to throw the garlic so it landed on you.
"Oh my goodness!" All three of them turned to look at you, "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?"
You stood up and pulled the garlic off as you hurried to Raphael's side.
"What's going on?" Donatello stood up and surveyed the situation in the kitchen, "is everyone okay?"
"Uhhhh, yeah yeah. How are you y/n, sorry that garlic got you, hehe." Raphael rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to act suspicious.
"It's fine, it's just garlic. Your the one who slipped flat on your face."
"I'm okay, don't worry about it." Raphael waved you off.
"Why did you have a thing of garlic in the first place Raphael?" Donatello asked.
"Oh, uh... I... just... found, it."
"Oh. Would you like help washing them then?" You offered.
"Uhhhhh, s- sure."
"Okay!" Your turned and went back to where you had let the garlic fall. Donatello gave his brothers a weird look but continued on with the oven.
"There has to be another way!" Michelangelo exclaimed.
"She touched the garlic Michelangelo, what Vampire can touch garlic?!"
"Maybe that's something the movies just added to give them another weakness." He responded, not willing to except that you weren't a vampire.
"Michelangelo, I think its time to give this a rest. Y/n being a vampire is a little ridiculous." Leonardo placed his hand on Michelangelo's shoulder.
"No dudes! I can prove it, this time for sure!"
"Here we go." Raphael rolled his eyes.
It didn't take long for Donatello to fix the oven. After he did he led you back to his lab so you both could spend some time together.
"I also wanted to give you this!" Donatello handed you a hand held device designed like a turtle shell.
"Thank you! ... What is it?"
"It's a Turtle Comm! Each of us have it and all our friends too, now you have one! I didn't want to give it to you before because it contacts through an interconnected line. I didn't want anyone thinking you stole one of our Turtle Comms. But now you can contact me directly at the click of a button if you need anything."
"Wow! Thank you Donatello, it's amazing!"
"Oh it's nothing I-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"I-I-I, um, oh, well, I-"
"Oh Donatello. You got a minute?" Raphael asked as he knocked on the labs entrance.
Both you and Donatello jumped a little bit but you weren't to startled. You put your hands in front of you as you looked anywhere but Raphael, you hoped that he didn't see you do that.
Donatello on the other hand sighed and turned to his brother, not to pleased with the constant interruptions.
"Does it have to be right now?" he asked.
"Hey listen. I'm just checking to see if this is y/n's." As he said this Raphael shoved a cross necklace in your face. Why he had to do the brunt of the work for these plans, he had no idea. He just wanted to get it done quickly.
Donatello separated Raphael from you, as he was in your personal space, and turned to you.
"Is it yours y/n?" He asked.
"No I don't think so."
"Great, so Raphael, you can-"
"Well in that case y/n, you can have it." Raphael said as he tossed it to you, "It doesn't belong to any of us and finding the original owner in New York of all places is out of the question."
"Oh. Thank you, I guess?" You had caught the cross and looked at it. It want anything special, just a regular silver cross on a cheap necklace chain.
"Well I'll leave you two be." and with that he winked at Donatello and left the lab.
"There Michelangelo, she held the cross with both hands and nothing."
"She's still a vampire dudes I'm sure of it!"
"You get one more test to convince us Michelangelo. Then Raphael and I are done and you put this whole vampire thing behind you and be happy for Donatello."
"And if she is a vampire?"
"Let em' date." answered Raphael.
"Unless she wants to suck his blood, right?" Leonardo questioned.
"My turtles, what are you doing?"
"Michelangelo over here thinks that Donatello's new girlfriend is a vampire and has had Leonardo and I running around with him trying to prove it."
"I see. And what is your basis for this assumption Michelangelo?"
"It's because- OH! Master Splinter do you mind if we borrow your long mirror? It's the only one in the lair that can we move and everybody knows that vampires don't have reflections!"
"Hm." He thought for a moment, "Yes. But if you would wait my students. I have some business to attend to before I can lend it to you."
"But sensei! Time is of the essence!"
"And patience is a virtue."
"Okay my sons, here is the mirror." Splinter hands Michelangelo his long mirror. He had informed them before that he would like stay to make sure they don't break it. So that's what led Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo hiding in the living room waiting to jump y/n.
"Donatello! Can you come here for a minute? I need a sparring partner to practice my katas but Raphael and Michelangelo are busy!"
"Sorry Leonardo, but I'm busy too!" He called back.
"Please Donatello! It's only one move, it shouldn't take too long!"
It was quite for a little bit and that's when they heard foot steps.
"-but what are katas?" They heard you ask.
"Oh it's a typ-"
"AHA!" Michelangelo said as he jumped out of his hiding spot to put the mirror in front of y/n. As he looked at the mirror there was very clearly no reflection.
"Wait what?!" Raphael said as he and Leonardo ran to take a look at the mirror.
"It seems your intuition was correct my son." Splinter told him.
"Yes, it seems it was." You said menacingly, "And now that you know, I hope your aware that I can't leave you alive."
"Wh-what are you saying y/n?!" Donatello exclaimed.
"It's been fun Donatello, but a girls gotta eat." You lunged at him and his brothers were all to slow to stop you before you reached him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started...
Both you and Donatello were laughing.
"Umm, dude, most people scream when they're being attacked by a vampire." Michelangelo said, stunned and very confused.
"Uhh, Michelangelo, look in the mirror." Leonardo instructed.
"Dude nows not the time for-" as he turned around to face Leonardo he saw that he didn't have a reflection either.
"Is Michelangelo a vampire too?!" Asked Raphael still freaked from the whole ordeal.
"No my students. When you told me about your belief in y/n being a vampire, I took the mirror you wanted to use to Donatello. I informed them of the situation and what you planned on doing."
"We decided to have a little fun since you've all been pulling our legs all day. I switched the mirror out of the frame with a screen. I uploaded a scan of the entire lair and programed it to simulate a reflection of the spaces based on its positioning. However because it is a screen projecting a pre-performed scan, instead of reflecting light, no one standing in front of it would have a reflection." Donatello explained.
"Then all we had to do was implement a bit of expert acting and you were fully convinced!" You finished.
The three of them stood there stunned.
"S-so you really aren't a vampire?" Michelangelo asked.
You held up a compact mirror to your face and angled it towards Michelangelo so he could see your reflection.
"No, I'm really not." You smiled.
"My students, let this be a lesson to you on judging someone based on appearances. In some cases it is necessary for your safety. However, for most situations, especially one like this, it is important to give someone the chance to demonstrate the content of their character before jumping to conclusions on who or what they are."
"You're right sensei. Y/n, I'm sorry, I guess I just got too caught up in my movies."
"We're sorry too." Raphael started.
"We didn't believe you were a vampire as much as Michelangelo did but we still contributed to his antics." Leonardo finished.
"Aww, that okay guys. You aren't the first people to think I'm a vampire though, so don't worry about it." You told them, "Though usually the people who think so are around the age of five."
"Well that makes sense, Michelangelo stopped maturing after age five!" Raphael snarked.
"Hey! I am very mature!"
"Now Michelangelo, you shouldn't repeat everything you hear on TV!"
Michelangelo began to chase Raphael.
"OH BOY, television really is making today's youth more violent!"
As the kept running around Leonardo turned back to you.
"I do hope that this first impression doesn't scare you off. We're glad your here and want you to know that your always welcome in our home."
"Oh don't worry about it, it's totally fine. But thank you." You smiled at him then turned to Donatello and grabbed his hand, "I should probably go home now though, I told my parents I was at a friend's house and it's getting close to when they want me home. Can't have them calling her house, afterall you have yet to meet my family."
"Oh boy." Donatello nervously chuckled in response. That would definitely be an adventure for another day.
------------------------------------------------------------ This took me so long but I really like it! The dialogue might be a bit fast paced but it think it's still fun. One good thing about writing for 87' is that a lot of the humor in the series is derived from ridiculous situations and things that don't make sense. So it was pretty easy to come up with situations for this one because it didn't need to make logical sense🤣🤣
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6mommymilkers9 · 2 years
Somebody I Used To Know
Summary: Memory gone, you live your new life, until you spot someone on the television
The Shredder x GN! Reader
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Lonely; without companions; solitary. The definition fit you well. Throughout your life you made friends, lost them, so forth and so on. You weren’t unfriendly or anything, but rather empty. Your heart, soul, yearned for something, but you couldn’t scratch even the surface.
You made due, pushing through the school days and work. Finding if you were always busy, you could push your ghosts away. Until one day, you had a day off, and decided to relax for a bit. A little tv wouldn’t hurt, would it?
Screen flashing, you switched channel after channel. Landing on a kids show, a certain character caught your eye. His voice was like static, dawning a metal suit with a purple cape. Setting the remote down, you let yourself drown episode after episode.
You never crushed on anyone, so why is your chest beating so hard now? Was it his charisma? Possibly his physique? You couldn’t really pinpoint it. All you knew, you didn’t feel as empty, like something was filling the void.
As weeks went by, you had a new routine, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles taking over your free time. You couldn’t help it, Shredder captivated you. It was strange, turning off the television made your heart pause, but when you saw his face, heard his voice, it pressed play.
You felt so…alive. People didn’t matter anymore, you were happy, in some ways, but still happy. Your chest didn’t hurt as much, pangs here and there. Today was no different, turning on the television just in time for a new episode. Singing along with the theme song, you couldn’t help but smile, eyes never leaving the villains view.
‘God he’s cute.’ Thinking to yourself, leaning back into your chair, palm supporting your head. Your cheeks formed a pink hue, toothy smile written onto your face, watching a new scheme play out on screen.
“Where did you take them!?” Shredder screamed, nearly pleading to the turtles. It made been years since his lover disappeared. Shredder knew the turtles were harmless, but they must’ve taken them. Right?
“We don’t know where they are!” Raphael replied, sais twirling in his hands. “We cared for them too Shred-Head!”
The Shredder wanted to scream, tear Raphael’s throat out, but all he managed was a snarl, eyebrows nearly touching. “Lies! Where is Y/n?!” Pointing his index finger, commanding his henchmen to attack.
“Wait, what?” Sitting up in your chair, you couldn’t believe what you heard. He said your name. Your..name? It must’ve been a coincidence. There’s millions of people with the same name. You couldn’t shake the feeling away, the one you had grown accustomed to, was now growing, molding into something different, forming into a headache.
Groaning, you rubbed your temples, eyes glued to the screen. As scenes went by, the fight came and went, the episode ending with Oroku Saki holding a picture. Was that you? “Oh my god.” Your voice, barely above a whisper, pain overtaking your body, forcing you to your knees, hands pressing against your head.
Then, the pain went away, replacing itself with pictures, videos….memories. You realized they were memories. Shredder holding you close at night, wrapping his arms around you. Setting you a plate at dinner. Your first kiss. All of it, flashing before your eyes.
You saw it; the day you disappeared. It was any other day, working on the techno-drone, drilling in some metal. Your head hurt, like it had moments ago, then, you were here. A small child with a new mother and father.
As quickly as the memories came, they left, leaving you a mess on the ground. You had lived a lie, believing you were just a no one, but you were someone, to him, to everyone there.
And there was nothing you could do. You were stuck, dimensions away from your lover, your family. “Why?” Your words forming into sobs. Hands covering your face as you mourned. “I wanna go home.” Begging did nothing, pleading did nothing. You were a ghost in a shell, lost in time.
For years you wished the void in your heart was filled, now, you regretted it. The only way you could find peace in your life was through a plastic screen. There, you could see a glimpse of your old life, watching Shredder as the days went by. You weren’t there anymore, but maybe, he could feel you here, through the screen.
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Does anyone know if the rottmnt series will continue? I'm afraid were gonna loose our turtle brothers forever :''''(
(can someone please respond ?)
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strictlytmnt · 3 years
Welcome To My New Blog!...
I am gonna be posting a fic everyday starting today!, I will have angst, Nsfw, Fluff, Any incarnation is accepted, I will also keep my inbox open for requests/match-ups/anything of the like indefinitely 😁. Love y'all!❤️.
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crazedtmnt · 4 years
Turtles X Autistic F!Reader
Hello! So, this is something I’ve been working on for a while. Fun fact about me, but I’m actually autistic. I didn’t find out until I was in college, though, since my mom was terrified to find out the truth (she’s much better about it now). As such, this caused me a lot of trouble growing up. I was constantly missing signals and making people mad without realizing. And I had no way of knowing what was wrong with me.
So I wrote a little self-indulgent thing about that! It was kind of an experiment, so it came out more abstract than I was expecting. I hope that’s okay. I focused mostly on the hyper-fixations, since that caused me the most problems, but I tried to get more in there. It’s a little hard to describe everything. Hope you enjoy!
[y/n] = Your name
We tuck our hearts behind logic and manners, but every now and again someone’s pokes out, showing the world their true feelings. At the sight of one, we smile and laugh. Its appearance indicates further understanding between us—a bond of trust. Some wear their hearts more readily, while others keep it under lock and key, even as their logic falls apart. But whether a heart is social or shy, one thing remains constant: the more we view each other’s hearts, the more we learn.
“No, no one understands what you’re saying.”
But sometimes a heart is misshapen. Not due to cruelty or malice, but due to life. Not every heart can be made the same. Everyone has cuts or lumps along their veins, but some are born with entirely new designs, foreign and strange to the average person. The sight of these hearts confuses and even angers others.
“I’m sorry. I was just—”
“You were just being annoying! Can’t you read the room?!”
Even if their appearance marks a display of love, trust, or wonder, the twisted form screams a meaning unheard by its owner. The misshapen heart will parade this misinformation happily, unaware of the contempt boiling beneath the surface. That is, until the earth cracks open and reveals what all other hearts could already see.
“I-I… I didn’t mean to…”
“Of course you didn’t. You never think of anyone but yourself. You’re always babbling on about whatever you’re into and never stop to consider others. Do you know how exhausting that is?”
“I’m sorry, I… I’m sorry…”
A misshapen heart can stare itself in the mirror all day long, but even if it realizes that its design is unusual, it cannot change what it already is. The bumps and cuts are familiar—comforting—and the heart itself works just fine. Whatever could be wrong with it? The misunderstanding it keeps exclaiming is just that: a misunderstanding. Its true feelings should be easily heard. It can hope that other hearts hear the truth behind the oddities, but if not…
“God! All you do is apologize! You never actually try to be better! Do you seriously think we enjoy listening to you talk about the same two things every single day? You never even let us get a word in! How would you feel if we ignored your interests to only talk about our own?”
“What? You won’t even look at us anymore? …Oh God, now you’re crying. You’re such a pain. Learn some social skills and maybe realize that you aren’t the center of the universe. Other people want to talk too.”
“Stop crying! You just… Ugh! Nevermind. Come on. Let’s leave her to feel sorry for herself.”
A misshapen heart can break just the same as any other.
[Y/n] could barely see her friends leaving through the torrent of tears cascading down her face. She couldn’t even stand straight. Under the weight of her shame, guilt, and confusion she was practically doubled over. And once the slam of a door pierced her ear, echoing its hatred through her very soul, she completely broke down.
Sobs wrenched through her body, her chest heaving as she barely managed to hold back full-blown wails. As crying overtook all other functions, [y/n] collapsed on the ground, her hands thrown out to prop her up. All she could do was watch as teardrops fell to the ground at a growing rate and feel a burning sorrow choke her lungs.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with me?!” she screamed into the void, knowing no one was listening—nor did anyone care to listen. After all, she was an annoying little child whose passions drove away the few people who could stand her. She should know exactly what’s wrong with her… right?
“What is…? What is…?” [y/n] hiccupped, her squinting eyes forcing out more tears so that maybe reality would slip away. If even the floor was blurred, she could imagine she was home in her bed. She could escape to a familiar place where routine was king.
Escape… Escape… Pretend the world worked in a way that made sense. Pretend that every sentence that fell from a stranger’s lips had an obvious tone—no one hid their feelings behind passive aggressive words that slipped her notice. Pretend that background noises didn’t drown out everything else until all that’s left is a sense of anxiety and the realization that she couldn’t breathe. Pretend that she could laugh at jokes thrown at her instead of wondering later if it was even a joke.
Pretend the world’s normal… Not her normal that was weird, boring, or disruptive. No matter how she bent it, it never matched everyone else’s that they fought tooth and nail for. It had to be the normal that suffocated her with expectations she could never hope to meet, since the starting line was nowhere in sight. Her normal was wrong.
…But in the end, it was all she knew.
“What did I… do wrong?”
[Y/n] gasped, feeling a warm hand sliding up and down her back. She was still doubled over, but another shadow combined with hers. How long had it been there?
The soothing voice spoke again. “You’re absolutely perfect. It’s not your fault.”
[Y/n] tightened her hands into fists. It was so comforting to hear that… Too comforting.
“No. I… I made them mad…” She wiped her eyes and tried to stand up—tried to escape the calming presence before she forgot her place. She was a broken human who deserved to be hurt. Obviously, she wasn’t working hard enough to be a better person. “I act like a child… and… and ignore… ignore everyone around me.”
The tears had slowed, but it was impossible to catch her breath. Hell, the lump in her throat made her more likely to choke than speak. So she needed to leave before her selfishness made her accept his comfort.
Her love. Her turtle hero. [Y/n] couldn’t let him indulge her any further.
But those strong hands were persistent. In one smooth motion, he had wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. Once seated on the floor with him, all desire to flee left. [Y/n] merely gave in, though her gaze was fixated on the floor.
He hummed in somber amusement, the rumble of his chest almost tickling her. It was hard to believe this was the same [y/n] he had fallen in love with. She was so passionate about whatever caught her interest. It was his favorite thing to watch the sparkles in her eyes as she talked for hours over her obsessions. Now, she lay against him like a hollow doll, ready to obey whatever order her owner gave her.
Gently, he wiped her tear tracks with his thumb. “Love, I saw everything. You were just excited to talk to them. They could have stopped you and explained what was wrong, but they chose to get mad at you. It wasn’t your fault.”
“But I… But I should have tried to… be better. Be nicer and more considerate. I’m such a terrible—”
“No,” he cut in firmly, his grip around her tightening. “Don’t you dare say anything bad about yourself. You’re wonderful. My angel and my love. If they don’t appreciate you, then they don’t deserve you.”
He used his finger to gently push up [y/n]’s chin, guiding her gaze towards his. For a few seconds, [y/n] tensed and closed her eyes. That was the hardest thing in the world: looking someone in the eye. She didn’t deserve his comfort, much less his love. How could she ever meet his eyes?
“[Y/n], look at me.”
His breath caressed her cheek while his hands rubbed her face softly. It was so warm… So familiar and safe. [Y/n] gave in and opened her eyes.
Her gaze was met with calm kindness. It didn’t matter how excited or anxious she got. He always looked at her like she was a princess. His princess. Despite the circumstances, his smile was beautiful, lighting a fire within her heart. Suddenly, [y/n] felt a weight lift from her chest. He was here and he still loved her. He had seen her at her worst and yet he never showed any hint of regret. Instead, he made allowances. It didn’t matter what he was doing—if [y/n] called him in a fit of anxiety, he was there in minutes. He even altered his routine when she was around to better match hers. The stubborn, no-nonsense leader changed his routine out of love for her… And here Leo was right now: smiling that handsome smile, whispering sweet words into her ear, and gently rubbing circles into her back. In spite of all her supposed flaws, he wasn’t going anywhere. On the contrary, he loved every minute he spent with her. She was a blessing and he would do anything to listen to her pour her heart out. In those moments, he could forget all the bad in the world and stare into his love’s eyes.
The first thing she noticed was the solemn expression of understanding. He got it. He also had issues with driving people away. However, that was because of his temper, not unrestrained passion. If anything, his issue was much worse because, while he always regretted it, he purposefully drove people away. [Y/n] was only doing it on accident. She meant no harm. And yet she still chose him, the hothead, to love. With all the words in the world, he couldn’t explain how much that meant to him. So screw those other people. If they couldn’t see how wonderful [y/n] was, then they didn’t deserve to know her. He would keep her all to himself anyway, if he could. She deserved the world, but if she couldn’t have that then she would get all the love he could give. As Raph pulled her closer, inhaling her sweet scent, a wave of relief fell over [y/n]. No matter what, she had her strong protector right beside her. He didn’t care if she rambled on about nonsense; having her care enough to stay by his side meant the world to him. To both of them.
It wasn’t hard to tell what he was thinking with that big grin. Every day, if he didn’t get to hear her lovely voice rant on about whatever, it was a failed day. He loved it, every minute of it. She had the most beautiful mind and could see things from angles others never even knew existed. To society, the world was a 2D image on a piece of paper—simple, clean, and always the same no matter the view point. But to her, the world was 3D and bursting with possibilities. Each day, she viewed it at a new angle, discovering a new story or truth. And each day, she came to him with a surplus of ideas bursting out of her very being. [Y/n] was his muse, his light, and most importantly the love of his life. She needed moderation sometimes, but so did he. That didn’t make her a bad person. [Y/n] was overflowing with passion and potential, if only the right people encouraged her. So that’s exactly what Donnie would do. He gently kissed her forehead, reminding her that her “strange” mind was his favorite thing.
Love. Just endless love. It was all she could see on his face—that warm smile and those bright eyes holding all the love in the world. It was like he was radiating sunshine. Suddenly, the weight on her heart seemed to dissolve. He looked at [y/n] like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. A goddess that owned his heart and all he could give her. If there was ever a moment when he got annoyed at her rambling, he couldn’t remember it. He could only remember all the late nights of them snuggled together, enthusiastically whispering to each other about everything under the sun until Splinter showed up to shush them. Mikey leaned his forehead against hers, brushing some hair behind her ears. Watching [y/n] get excited and analyze her newest obsession was always the highlight of his day. He got to see her gorgeous smile and how her eyes sparkled with delight. In those moments, nothing stood in her way. She shined like a star and graced him, a mutant turtle, with her light. What more could he want?
It was almost too much. Tears filled [y/n]’s eyes again, but for a completely different reason than before. Her heart clenched with love… and the hope that maybe she wasn’t a broken person after all. If her turtle could look at her in such a way, without a hint of regret, then…
“I’ll always be here for you,” he whispered in her ear. Slowly, his lips brushed passed her cheek, settling on her lips. It was a short kiss, but one filled with promises she knew he’d keep. “…I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Then maybe her misshapen heart had found its match.
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artsyblkkid · 4 years
I want to do a funny cringe TMNT fanfic review, starting with my own from middle school. Anybody wanna send me some of their old TMNT fics (can be SFW or NSFW, idc) so Poopy and I can have a laugh on YouTube? You’ll be credited!
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Unrequited Love (Angst?)
1987!Michelangelo x reader
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A/N: Felt for some very mild angst, so here ya go🧡
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Warnings: None🧡
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Michelangelo sat on the edge of the lair’s main living area, the glow of the television casting a soft light on his pensive face. The usual vibrant energy he carried was dimmed, replaced by a quiet, almost solemn demeanor, as he sat there on the pink couch, watching the movie play out in front of him. But those his eyes were locked on the pictures moving across the screen, his attention and interest was far from the movie he had put on.
Mikey’s brothers were scattered around, engaged in their own activities, oblivious to the turmoil brewing inside their youngest brother. Totally unaware of how Mikey had to force himself to continue staring at the screen, and not turn himself in order to catch a glimpse of what was going on in the kitchen.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, laughing at something Donatello said. You attempted to cover your mouth to stifle your laughter, letting out a snort as you did so, making Mikey’s heart skip a beat at the sound. The sound of your laughter was like music to Michelangelo’s ears, and he once again had to silently restrain himself on the couch, wanting nothing more than to watch you more often than not, soaking in every moment you were near.
Mikey sighed, his gaze dropping to his hands in his lap, the pit in his stomach growing by the minute. How badly he wanted to be with you, to share his feelings, but the fear of rejection kept him silent. It wasn’t just a simple crush anymore; it was a deep, consuming love that made his chest ache with longing. Michelangelo was the fun-loving one, the jokester, always ready with a quip or a prank. But when it came to you, he felt vulnerable, unsure. You forced him out of his comfort zone, and you had no idea that you were doing it.
Every moment spent with you was both a blessing and a curse to poor Mikey. He cherished your friendship, the easy camaraderie that came naturally, but it also highlighted the chasm between what he felt and what he feared he would never have. He recalled the countless nights he lay awake, thoughts of you filling his mind, wondering if you could ever see him as more than a friend. And when he finally closed his eyes and fell asleep, you would still be all he saw, smiling at him in his dreams.
Dreams of you could either be amazing or the absolute worst. In his dreams, you would either hug and kiss him, telling him that you loved him just as much as he loved, before holding him close on the couch as you watched a movie together. Or his dreams would turn into nightmares, where you would reject him, push him away, scream at him or laugh at him. And it was those exact nightmares that seemed to fuel Mikey’s fear, making the thought of ever expressing his feelings for you impossible.
“Hey, Mikey, you okay?” Leonardo’s voice broke through his reverie, and Michelangelo forced a smile, nodding at his big brother.
“Yeah, just thinking,” Mikey replied, trying to sound casual. Leo raised a skeptical eyebrow but didn’t press the matter any further. Instead he settled down next to Mikey, with the intention of enjoying the movie.
Now Michelangelo couldn’t stop his eyes from drifting to you, turning just enough to see you in the kitchen, where you once again started laughing at something Donnie said. Your bright smile making Mikey’s insides erupt with butterflies and his breath hitch for a moment.
Mikey remembered the day he first realized his feelings were more than just friendly affection. It was a day like any other, filled with laughter and shared jokes, but something in the way you smiled at him, the light in your eyes, had struck a chord deep within him. Since then, every glance, every touch, every shared moment had only deepened his feelings.
But with those feelings came fear. Fear that if he confessed, it would change everything. Fear that you might not feel the same way, and even if you did, what kind of life could he offer you? He was a mutant turtle living in the sewers; you deserved so much more.
“Michelangelo, can you pass me the remote?” your voice brought him back to the present. Mikey looked up at you in shock. Having been so caught up in his own thoughts, he did not notice both you or Donnie had made your way into the living area, intending to watch your favorite show. Mikey quickly handed it to you, trying to ignore the way his heart rate started picking up, your fingers brushing against his. That brief contact sent a shiver down his spine, and he hoped you didn’t notice his slight tremble.
“Thanks,” you said with a warm smile, and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Anytime,” he replied, his voice a little softer than usual.
Mikey wished he could find the courage to tell you how he felt, to open his heart and lay bare his emotions. But every time he tried to muster the words, they got stuck in his throat. What if you laughed? What if you felt awkward and pulled away from him? The thought of losing what he already had with you was unbearable.
Michelangelo often found solace in his hobbies, skating, video games, and of course, pizza. But lately, even those distractions couldn’t keep his mind off you. He skated through the tunnels, imagining you by his side, laughing and sharing the thrill of the ride. He played games, wishing you were there to join in the fun. Every slice of pizza reminded him of the times you shared meals together, talking and laughing as if the world outside didn’t exist. The weight of his unspoken feelings grew heavier each day. He yearned for a sign, something to give him hope, to push him to take that leap. But until then, he would continue to cherish the moments he had, hiding his love behind his usual smile, loving you from afar, and dreaming of a day when he might find the courage to tell you how much you meant to him.
Mikey took a deep breath, forcing himself to join the conversation you and the others had engaged in. If he couldn’t express his feelings, he would at least make the most of every moment with you, hoping that one day, he’d find the strength to reveal the depths of his heart. Until then, he would be your friend, your confidant, your Mikey, loving you in silence and treasuring every second you shared.
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brightlotusmoon · 5 years
Respecting TMNT Michelangelo
The Fandom: LOL Mikey doesn't do science and knowledge, he just reads comics and plays games, what does he know about esoteric stuff?
Me: So, through comics, video game lore, and pop culture, Michelangelo has absorbed knowledge about various sciences including psychology, astrophysics, chemistry, neurology, medicine, and biology, has dutifully studied folk tales and mythologies, can quote Shakespeare and Tolkien as appropriate jokes, and has studied enough on quantum energy to quietly increase his spiritual ninja powers to match Master Splinter, secretly reading his family's chi and aura energy as well as his environment while keeping up his goofball appearance because if they realized his skills they would expect so much more and he's scared of having too much responsibility over the lives of his team, which is a double edged sword since he would already be responsible for the upkeep of their well being and good humor.
Fandom: Haha, he talks in slang and flirts with all the girls and acts stupid.
Me: He tries his own type of meditation for his confirmed ADHD and it can be hard to grasp concepts quickly, and his slang might as well be vocal stimming, echolalia. He feels weird enough being a mutant turtle, he feels even weirder being a pansexual mutant turtle and he tries to compensate.
Fandom: He acts way too happy and silly all the time.
Me: So did Robin Williams.
I blame David Wise and Peter Laird. They made their writers keep Mikey from getting too angsty. In 2003 he almost had Don's mutation arc, and his greatest desire would have been an amusement park. He boasted about being Battle Nexus Champion because it was basically all he had. 1987 turned him into a surfer stoner stereotype because Wise told me he preferred the character that way.
Tagging @ulisabarbic-blog (ThickerThanLove on FF and AO3) because she's the one who reminded me of those initial 2003 script ideas. And the way she writes Empathic Therapist Mikey for 1987 and 2003 is inspiring and beautiful.
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methealicefromkwa · 3 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: TMNT (2007), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Bay Movies), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 1987), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Comics), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever (2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonardo (TMNT)/Original Female Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT) & Original Female Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT)/Original Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT)/You, Leonardo (TMNT) & Reader Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Splinter (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Original Female Character(s), Original Characters Series: Part 7 of TMNT x female reader Summary:
A short story about anger issues and how to overcome them. IMPORTANT: It is a part of my whole au, but can be read independently.
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imma-lil-teapot · 6 years
Each TMNT Incarnation and Where They Stand With Me :)
(Nervous chuckle) ... Yeah no, I suck at titles. Moving on! 
Y’all can go ahead and skip this part if you’re not interested in senseless rambling and just wanna get to the TMNT fun~ ;) 
Soooooo, I’ve recently updated my Tumblr page to a blog dedicated to all my fandoms (musing, headcanons, writing, gifs, pics, the works, basically anything and everything in relation to them) since I wasn’t really ever doing anything with it other than using it to share pics mostly. But ever since I stumbled back into the TMNT fandom, I’ve been searching Tumblr for fan content and OMGOSH, did I hit the jackpot! Headcanons, fanfics, Turtle x reader stories, so much juicy stuff! Am hooked! Dunno why I never tried searching for similar stuff in the past for my other fandoms! I guess I just... didn’t realize there was so much content here. :O But anyway, I always wanted a place to share ideas and thoughts regarding my fandoms outside of sites like Deviantart and Fanfiction.net, and heck, it’s been here under my nose all this time... Y’all gonna have to forgive me; I’m an old fart. ;P (Insert image of Slowpoke for reference) So without further ado... 
Imma start this blog off really simple and, as the title states, just give you all a small-ish idea of where each TMNT universe stands (or ranks?) with me, personally... Note the ‘personally’ part so please don’t feel offended if I don’t share the same opinion as you on a particular verse. ^^; I have my own tastes and will respect the next person’s when it comes to them. ;) Also, please beware the typos (which there most definitely will be)...
IN RELEASE DATE ORDER: (Hopefully they’re right)
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Imma just say it: I haven’t read any of them yet. :/ There probably are sites out there that would allow you to view them online for free, but in truth, I’ve been a little slack about trying to find any... That may however change someday as I always tell myself I should really seek out the source material so it’s only a matter of time. What I do know, however, is that they’re of course a lot darker than most incarnations (which I don’t have a problem with personally) and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious as to exactly how much darker. X’D The closest I’ve come to ‘knowing’ these Turts comes from watching the Turtles Forever movie and they weren’t in it for a long time so it’s very difficult to say what they actually mean to me, so we’ll just put these guys down in the ‘not sure’ column for now. ;)
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HAHA~ I think any fan of the franchise as a whole knows this little gem! The series that really hit it off and spawned over a 190 eps! Quite an impressive feat for a Saturday morning cartoon! It made its way to TVs the year before I was born, but it would take another few before it would reach our tubes (we’re always a few years behind the rest of the world :/ ) so I was around four when I was first introduced to it and needless to say, I loved it back then! Michelangelo was initially my fav due to him being my older brothers’ fav and the one they mainly spoke of, but it didn’t take long before my favering gravitated towards Leonardo (even at such a young age) and has been that way ever since. ;) But where exactly does the series stand with me as an adult nowadays with so many other verses we’ve been exposed to? I do hold a lot of nostalgia (as many older do) for it, and I mean, come on, that theme song is ageless, and I even started watching a lot of vids involving the original VAs and the shenanigans they get up to and seriously, it’s so heartwarming and fun to see them! But I have to be honest...
It’s not my fav verse, honestly. I will always adore them, of course, because of the nostalgia and the goofiness... But it’s the latter that’s mostly the reason for it being placed a bit lower on the favoritism ladder. While its a fun watch if you want something lighthearted, I still prefer the idea of the darker undertones that comes with being associated with ninjas. It’s just a preference. Plus, the Turtles designs are big one for me, and I’m sorry to say, but I keep seeing these fellas as more frog-like than turtle, despite the shells. X’D So yeah, no big reasoning for it, and even if someone were to ask me if I like these guys, I’ll still say yes, just that they’re not my ultimate fav is all. ;)
Also, we won’t talk about the Japanese Anime Ninja Turtles: Superman Legend or something to that extent... We’ll just let that one be gently swept under the carpet. ;) Only ever saw the trailer for it and that’s all I’ll ever need to see in my lifetime.
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Now funny enough, I really don’t remember ever seeing these movies as a kid, though it’s possible I did and just maybe blocked the memory, but I highly doubt it... So yeah, I saw these movies as an adult already. The first is praised by most fans, and honestly, I can see why: it’s pretty good! :D The acting is very decent and the humour’s brilliant! The two sequels... not so much but still okay. ;) Where they sit with me... Not too far on the ladder again I’m afraid. :/ While I do really enjoy and appreciate the acting and that humour (”I made a funny.” X’D) it mostly comes down to the Turtles designs again... I really can’t see past them being actors in costumes rather than characters. :’( Granted, good actors. ;) And heck, Jim Henson did a phenomenal job! They’re just not really the movies for me is all, even if I do go back and watch ‘em every now and then. X’D I do however melt every time at the scene in the first movie where Raph wakes up in the bath and Leo’s there and apologizing and all... Makes me all gooey inside! X’D The feels are real! Speaking of Leo, though, he sounds even younger than Mikey. Small nitpick, that, but... why? X’D
But yeah, let’s just say, they’re good movies, just, not my favs.
Also, Coming Out Of Their Shells tour... Yeah, I’m gonna just... pretend that doesn’t exist for a minute. 
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Saw one ep as a kid and am not interested in seeing anymore.
Although, VA Matt Hill voices Raph. That’s one good thing.
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Well it wasn’t already apparent by my avatar... Ladies and gents, I present to you... My fav TMNT verse to date! Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with this delicious series?! :D Firstly, animation: so appealing, comic book-y style! Their designs: without sounding pervy, veeeeeeeery appealing (hehehehehe), no seriously, they sometimes have a bitta bulk to them but it honestly works, and dem muscles, and the cool eyes! The VAs: spot on! Perfect! Wouldn’t have ‘em any other way! Make me melt, Mr. Michael Sinterniklaas~ (cough) Their personalities: Omgosh, just yes! So perfect! They’re easily differentiated and yet still work together so well. Leo’s mature and level-headed (well, most of the time ;P ) yet still gets tested a lot and even has a fun side that’s shown on occasion. Raph’s grouchy and violent but is shown on more than one occasion that’s he’s total softie and really does care. Don’s just a sweetheart and freakishly smart and even has slips ups from time to time. Mikey... omgosh, best Mikey ever! So much fun! So hilarious! And just a bundle of energy, but not at all an idiot like he’s sometimes portrayed in other verses. He’s witty, mischievous and just so adorable! Heck, even Master Splinter, April, Casey, the lot of them are just awesome in this series! And wow, they really do lean more towards the source material (or so I’m told) when it comes to the plots! It’s darker than the other previous verses yet still remaining kid-friendly (although I question it at times XD) and omgosh, it’s just everything I want in a TMNT universe! Granted, it’s not perfect perfect, but it nailed it for me. ;) It really showed so lovely character developments, alsortsa different genres, the humour will leave you in stitches, the Turts are all just so lovable, I can’t get enough of them! This series was really my high point and I’ve yet to find one that tops it~
Btw, this even includes Fast Forward and Back to the Sewer (BTTS). The former being my least fav of the series simply due to the setting and again, it’s just preference. I even liked BTTS, even though I’m not overly fond of a cyberspace setting, but I found myself really liking the art style and the general plot. :D 
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As with the last, if you’ve picked up on the page’s header/banner, you’d have probably guessed that the 2007 movie is also a good candidate for one my favs... And you’d be correct. ;) I’m actually very fond of this movie, and it’s largely due to the Turtles designs. I love how they were done! They just look so cool! <3 Subtle differences tell the viewer who’s who even if they didn’t have a mask or weapons. The VAs were also pretty good~ Now, the story isn’t the greatest, I’ll admit. Personally I thought it was okay, but know many fans think otherwise. But I did like the confrontation between Leo and Raph! It got real there, peeps! :O Now here’s also where it falls a little on its face for me: I didn’t really like how they handled Leo’s personality (if you haven’t already picked up on it, yes, I’m a Leo fangirl and I’m picky when it comes to how they handle his personality) but it’s a nitpick again, yet, I still feel compelled to state my opinion: the whole “I’m better than you.” comment really took me back and made me think they pushed it. I honestly like to believe he’d never actually say something like that... at least, 2003!Leo wouldn’t. X’D But that’s just my problem: I’m comparing a different verse’s Leo to this one and whether I like it or not, he said it. :/ Oh well, it still made for some fun action scenes and I’ll still always like the movie.
Bit of a goof on my side: I honestly thought that this movie was made to tie in with the 2003!verse due to the timeline in which it was produced, but turns out, it’s actually closer to the 1990′s timeline although still considered it’s own verse.
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Oooh boy, lemme prepare for the backlash real quick... I’m uhhhh... not a fan of these boys. :/ I don’t mind them, but I’m honestly never gonna watch the series again. It’s hard to top your fav when you’ve kinda already hit your high point, ya know. Now before you light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks, hear me out: I will never bash the series, or make fun of anyone who likes it! Or anything to that extent! It’s just wasn’t for me, plain and simple, and it’s got nothing to do with it being ‘new’ or I’m just an old fart stuck in my ways. Heck, If you’re still reading, you would’ve found out that even nostalgia couldn’t beat the series that grasped me in my teens! So no, it has nothing to do with age. But if you do need a reason: I wasn’t overly fond of how they handle the characters. For one, they look and act a bit too young, Mikey is just... wow, something else. Donnie’s... sheesh, pretty snappy and antagonising. Raph’s well... okay, he’s meant to be angry half the time, and they did give him some more layers with Spike and Mona Lisa and whatnot, but he still kinda never learns his lesson if I can say that? He’ll learn that he shouldn’t cause issues with others, yet next episode he’s back at it again. :/ Leo’s... wow, just not like other Leos. X’D Best way I can describe him is... young? Very childlike. And even when he was progressing to becoming this better leader, I honestly couldn’t even see the change. My mind was just stuck on this “He’s a babeh.” notion. Also, I’m not even gonna start on this April and Casey. Just. No. Most of the characters were annoying and I just kept seeing recycled plot after plot. What I did like was the romance that blossomed between Raph and Mona (albeit far too rushed) and even Donnie liking April was adorable (but seriously Donnie, you can do so much better), and there were some really heartfelt moments, like Splinter telling Leo to leo his brothers with his heart and not his head, and the scenes when they were Tots will always make me squeal... But yeah... without leaving any spoilers.... about Splinter... just... thanks, Nickelodeon. Y’all know what I mean. Not once... But twice.... Really? So yeah, look, I realized some of those reasons might even be petty, but again, it’s just not the series for me, but anyone who’s a fan... You keep being a fan! ;) I’m glad you can enjoy something I can’t. ;)
2014/2k14/2016/2k16 AKA BAYVERSE~
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HAHA~ Every fan’s favorite... If only. X’D Jokes aside, despite many fans claiming the Bay movies ruined the franchise, these two films gathered a small following... And I’m apart of it. :) Funny enough, I honestly didn’t know what to think of them when the movie first came out. I think I was just taken aback by the sheer amount of detail and all that went into their designs. I didn’t not like them, but again, their designs were a lot to take in. :O Even now after seeing the movies quite a few times over, I find myself constantly discovering something I didn’t notice on them before, be it a strap or a scar etc. And it honestly took some getting use to their sizes, I mean, sheesh! :O Not to mention the different background story, and Megan Fox’s wooden, expressionless acting, but despite all that... I found myself actually growing attached to these hulks of Turtles. They still have a lot of that heart in them and plus they’re just so much fun, I mean, can we say ‘Elevator scene’? X’D Now again, not perfect by anys mean, but still fun and pretty decent incarnations to add to the franchise. Again, Leo’s been given this ‘Better than you’ a bit which irked me to be frank. Not always but it’s there sometimes, but otherwise alright. Raph’s a decent Raph. Even had some tender moments. Donnie’s adorable! X’D This slightly potty mouthed geek that you just gotta love. And Mikey... although given that bitta ‘idiot’ feel, is also just as lovable and you want to hug him every time he’s onscreen! 
In short, I like ‘em. :) They’re actually closer to the top of the ladder than some others.
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Yeeeeeeeeuuuuuuh... no. Sorry. Not for me. :/ Again, gonna remind y’all, nothing to do with age. Nothing to do with change. I will say that the fluid animation is nice, and the fact that they chose 2D animation. :) Buuuuuut, wow, they were certainly a lot to take in. Almost as much as Bay’s Turtles. After watching a few eps, I will conclude that they really just aren’t what I’m looking for. I found that the constant joking, while sometimes funny, got a little bit much, plus such short eps. Raph being leader was a switch and one that took awhile to get use to and honestly, I’m just not for it, I don’t even know where to begin with Donnie, Mikey’s okay, Leo... (deep breath) I don’t know what they were thinking... Let’s not even go to Master Splinter. But anyways, I get that change was what they were going for and that it was more so based on the 1987 toon with the silliness so that’s fine. I’m glad it’s got so many fans. :) And honestly, I wanna end off just by saying...
That no matter what your thoughts on what I’ve said, I hope you can respect my opinions and choices cause at the end of the day, they’re just my own, and I will always respect yours! :D If you adore the verses I’m not too crazy about, that’s great! :D I want you all to love the heck out of them! And honestly, this is what’s so great about this franchise: there are so many verses to choose from! So many options and tastes to suit any and all! You don’t have to follow the masses! You go enjoy whichever incarnation(s) you want to! ;) 
And there we have it, my first fandom bloggy thingy~ Hope there’ll be many more where that came from! :D
This is Drag0n-Mistr3ss signing off~
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Hidden Feelings (Slight Angst/Fluff)
1987!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: The lucky wheel said 1987 Leo, so here is some 1987 Leo💙 PS. It’s still cold af in Copenhagen.
Leonardo is feeling stressed and anxious because of his feelings for you, so his brothers decides to do something about it💙
Warnings: Spelling and stress over feelings.
Leonardo had always been the calm and collected leader of the ninja turtles. Unless you asked Raphael. He would often sigh and call his oldest brother “such a downer”. But Leo liked to see himself as someone much stronger. His blue bandana, paired with his strong sense of responsibility, set him apart from his brothers. He was known for his patience and mental control. However, there was one thing he couldn't quite control no matter how hard he tried - his growing feelings for you. You, he and his brothers’ long time friend.
You were an inseparable part of their team, joining the turtles in their adventures, sharing laughter and hardship alike. But as the months passed by, Leonardo found himself stealing glances at you when he thought no one was looking, not hearing his brothers giggling or seeing Master Splinter’s small smiles. But Leo tried to push away those feelings, convincing himself that it was wrong to think of you in any other way than friendly. After all, you were like family to him and his brothers, and he couldn't risk jeopardizing the bonds that held the team together. It was selfish to let his feelings get in the way of that, so therefore he kept them hidden, settling for watching you from afar.
But the weight of his hidden emotions began to take a toll on poor Leonardo. Late at night, if he wasn’t lying in his bed and staring at the ceiling thinking of you, he would find himself training tirelessly, the clang of his swords echoing through the sewer lair, all in the hope of creating some distance between you and his thoughts. Leo brothers noticed the change in his behavior, looking at each other with knowing eyes. He couldn’t keep going like this, hiding himself away from you. Something had to be done. They had to do something. Leo was losing sleep, and he was starting to get jumpy. He was always on edge, sitting deep in thought, and quick to lash out if someone walked up on him, catching him off guard. Just the fact that they were able to catch him off guard, was reason to worry for both the turtles and their master.
One day, Leonardo found himself alone in the training room, his katanas flowing through the air. He was so concentrated that he did not notice his brothers urging you to go in there. Slightly confused, you did as they asked, and walked into the room where Leo moved on the mat, while the three turtles hid just by the opening in the wall, watching you and Leo. It took a moment before he noticed you, but when he did, he froze, staring at you. The dim lights accentuated the exhaustion etched on both your faces. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Leo did something you had never experienced before. He jumped in surprise, seeming shocked to see you there, his face burning hot.
"H- hey, (Y/N)", he stammered, his voice cracking, causing his brothers to bite their own hands, making sure they won’t laugh out loud. “W- what are you doing here?”
“You’re brothers said you wanted to talk to me about something important”, you said, concern painted in your eyes. "What's on your mind, Leo?"
For a moment Leo looked fearful, as if the world as he knew it was gone, crumbling before his very eyes. He shook slightly as he put katanas away in the back of his belt, avoiding your eyes.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about”, Leo muttered, looking at the wall just next to your head, biting the inside of his cheek. “What did they tell you? Are you sure they’re not trying to prank you?”
“Leo”, you said softly, stepping closer to him. Leo cursed himself for liking the way you said his name, and hoping you would say it again. Your soft smile made his heart jump in his chest. He wanted to run away. Find his brothers and yell at them, asking them why they brought you to him while he was unprepared. “What’s going on? The others said that you haven’t been yourself recently”.
Snitches! Those airheads ratted him out! Just they wait for training tomorrow morning. Leo would give them the worst!
Leo took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. You waited patiently for him to speak, not pushing him for anything. Why did you have to be so lovely? So nice and so sweet to him. You made it impossible for him not to fall head over heels for you. The poor guy felt like he had no control whenever you were around, leaving him confused and unsure. Control was his thing. How were you able to take it from him so easily? Maybe this would be the way he could gain control back. He could at least try.
"I…”, Leo started. “They are right. I need to tell you something".
Your brows furrowed with curiosity, and you motioned for him to continue.
"I… I have feelings for you, (Y/N)", he admitted, his gaze fixed on the ground. The words lifted a huge weight off of his shoulders, yet he didn’t dare to meet your eyes. “I can’t get you off of my mind, and I feel like I’m going crazy. I feel like a horrible friend for viewing you in such a way, as if I take advantage of you by having such feelings for you. I’ve tried to push it away, or at least tried to make them smaller in some way, but nothing has worked. I’m so sorry, (Y/N)”.
For a moment, the room fell silent. Outside the room, Leo’s brothers stood quiet, waiting for what would happen next. The weight of Leonardo's confession hung in the air, and he feared that he had ruined everything. Surely you would find him disgusting and tell him so, before leaving the lair. That was the last time you would ever talk to him, he was sure of it.
But then you giggled. "Leo”, you said softly, grabbing a hold of his hand. “Had you ever stopped to think that I might be feeling the same?"
Leo’s eyes widened in surprise, and he finally met your gaze. The realization that his feelings were reciprocated washed over him like a wave of relief and shock. He almost did not dare to believe you, fearing it was his mind playing tricks on him. That he finally had gone crazy and was now seeing and hearing things.
“Really?”, he asked, still not sure if he could believe his own senses.
“Yes, really”, you smiled. "I’ve liked you for quite some time Leo, and was sort of just waiting for you to see it. But I’m sorry if it caused you more distress than joy. But the truth is, I do have feelings for you too, Leonardo".
As the truth sank in, Leonardo felt a weight lifting off his shoulders and his chest becoming light. The angst that had plagued him for so long gave way to a newfound sense of happiness and relief. So much relief and happiness, that Leo couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up into a spinning hug. You laughed and held on to him, bringing your face so close to him, it only seemed natural to press your lips together in a kiss. Leo stopped spinning, still holding you up high, as he happily leaned into the sweet kiss.
Confused by the sudden silence after so much laughter, Leo’s brothers looked into the room, only to find you and Leo in a tight embrace, your feet off the ground, and your lips together.
“Well”, Raphael said, looking at his brothers. “Seems like our job is done here”.
“Finally!”, Michelangelo sighed exhausted. “He has been so tense that I couldn’t sleep! I could literally feel his angst through the walls!”
“Well, hopefully he will relax now”, Donatello said, throwing one last glance at you and Leo smiling at each other.
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