#tmnt ​salamandrian
fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
Do you think the salamanders have like their own traditional foods on their home planet and if so, what do you think their favorite ones would be like? (Bonus if you wanna: their favorite earth food)
Considering while in space we see do see the galaxy’s types of food occasionally in the space arc, like for instance Bellybomb’s buffet.
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As another example these muffins from the first ep of S4, you can eat them and they are sold to eat but they are also sentient.
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For real life Salamanders, their average diet is bugs such as crickets, slugs, earthworms etc. Some other salamanders also eat types of small fish or even other creatures like mice, shrews and frogs.
For Salamandrians, they can and have eaten sentient creatures. It kinda seems to be treated as a common normal thing in space for all aliens. Newtralizer was seen eating a Kraang in his first episode and Mona Lisa even threatened to eat Bishop after he insulted her.
So in the galaxy, I’d assume Salamandrians eat what all other aliens typically eat that we’ve seen in the show, but they probably also have their own versions of meals a normal Salamander eats. Maybe giant versions of bugs that they eat like humans would eat a steak or burger. What I have in mind is that bug meal from Emperor’s New Groove
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As for earth food, I like to think Mona can easily eat Earth’s food. If the Turtle can naturally digest pizza, even though real life turtles should not be eating pizza, then I think Mona can also eat and digest earth food. I think her favorite foods would be hot chili peppers. I headcanon that Mona can easily withstand spicy foods so she enjoys spicy/hot foods. For Sal, he’d be a soup guy. He also adore Mikey’s cooking. Newt probably would enjoy a good steak.
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
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Shell Shocked AU
Hmmmmm Y’Thcorrin and Y’Ntherancino with their boyfriends Jay and Z’Pheimdn! I don’t think I’ve talked about these two having bf’s in the AU but they do!! Despite how it looks the two brothers are both bi/demi/ace so I might draw Corrin and his crush on Kendra later on!
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renae-the-turtle · 4 months
Idea for a tmnt separated au that's - surprisingly - not a rise au. It's a 2012 au
Mikey grows up in dimension X. He's either raised by the utroms and thus has a breathing implement, or he grows up feral and since he was so young, he adapted to be able to breathe the air. Idk what exactly I'd go with but something like that.
Leo is definitely still living on earth with Splinter because his obsession with Space Heroes is adorable and I want him to be able to keep that. Also just. Something something multiversal constant that Leo idolizes/looks up to Splinter in some way in every universe (doesn't apply to all AUs obviously, but it's a very Leo trait, y'know?)
Now I'm not sure if I wanna send any of the turtles to live in space (maybe with Professor Honeycutt or the triceratons or salamandrians) or have one of them live with humans (O'Neil or Jones or a shockingly-not-dead Tang Shen) because there is options, you know? And who knows, maybe Splinter keeps two of the turtles.
If I pick Salamandrians then it'll be Donnie living with them, he'd be best friends with Y'gthba and I guess he'd be in the army too? But as like a tech guy idk. Need some way for him to get off-planet and meet his long-lost brothers, duh.
Or I could have Donnie raised by Professor Honeycutt? Not sure how that would work with the timeline. I'd need to go rewatch the episode where Fugitoid info-dumps his backstory, and depending on the timeline maybe I'd prefer it to have Raph raised by him.
If I decided I wanted a turtle to be raised by Mr O'Neil then I'd probably pick Donnie, neatly erasing the possibility of that awkward crush by having him grow up as April's brother.
If I picked the Jones' then it'd be Raph with them, because Raph & Casey brotp but make them actually brothers haha
If I pick Triceratons.... probably Raph? And then he might get to meet Y'gthba/Mona Lisa early. Or they'd get an enemies-to-lovers arc lol.
On the other hand I could do both Triceratons and Salamandrians, in which Donnie somehow ends up with the Triceratons, is raised by them for a few years, but then gets abandoned on some planet and picked up by Commander Sal.
I could also have Tang Shen survive but without Yoshi or Saki knowing, and without her knowing Yoshi is alive, and she moves to New York and finds one of the turtles and raises him. I'm following a fic in which she raises Miwa and Mikey and I love the idea. (It's called A Mother's Love on ao3 btw) But obviously she'd raise either Raph or Donnie, and Miwa still gets taken by Shredder and raised as Karai. I also don't know if I'd mutate Tang Shen or leave her human.
If I were to pick only one of the above options for Donnie and Raph, and have the other one stay with Leo and Splinter... hmmmm idk who I'd pick actually. It'd be interesting if it were Raph, because of how much Leo and Raph tend to argue, and explore how that dynamic would change with only two of them. Leo and Donnie.... mmm well I asked my sister for a second opinion and she pointed out that those two would likely be too efficient. Not enough drama lol. Leo and Raph would be way more interesting.
Anyway. Gonna think about this more but I like the idea of Mikey growing up in Dimension X and thus being even more of a genius there. Leo still gets raised by Splinter but he's got that Big Brother Sense tm that tells him something is missing and it drives him nuts. Raph and Donnie... it's up in the air (or space) where they're at lol.
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sailorb00 · 1 year
*throws down another doodle dump of rottmnt au stuff + fake screenshots* Guess who rewatched ROTTMNT for like the billionth time and has Y'Gythgba/Mona Lisa hyperfixation again? ME 👋✨
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 6 months
~ Courting A Salamandrian ~
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Courting a Salamandrian, or CAS for short, revolves around Raphael wanting to propose to Mona Lisa. They have been dating for many years and he believes it's time to take their relationship to the next step. However though, unfortunately for him, many obstacles come towards their way. Because a guy who's name literally starts with bish can't seem to handle happy couples and needs to be a controllive freak. Luckily everything works out in the end and Raphael and Mona lisa can finally have their wedding.
The fanfic was created by @fabuloustrash05
As of now, the fanfic is finally coming to it's end. With the epilogue yet to be released as of the time I'm writing this. This fanfic brought me immense amount of joy and it's probably one of the only real TMNT fanfics I enjoyed and stuck around to read. When I first discovered it, I didn't think much of it but then picked up on it. I red it from the beginning and ever since then I have waited patiently for every chapter to release. I can see that genuine passion was put into this work and this whole fanfic just felt like a love letter to the Ramona ship.
Overall in general just, I'm gonna be sad and upset after the fanfic is finished. Although I'm definetelly gonna come back and reread it whenever I have the time and or energy. I never thought to feel so many things over just one fanfic.
To Maria, a.k.a the creator, thank you for this. I can tell you are very passionate when it comes to how you write your fanfics, you clearly take it seriously, and I respect you for it. Even outside of being a writer, you are genuinely a wonderful person and I love talking to you and seeing your posts on my dashboard. Even when the fanfic finishes, I'm gonna stick around to read your other future fanfics. I gotta catch up with turtles in the roaring 20s ngl...
So uhm.. yeah-!
Amazing fanfic, I love it, even if you aren't a massive ramona shipper you can still enjoy the fanfic.
If you do want to read it, links are right here:
Anyways that's all for now. Until next time my dear bunnies and foxies. YEET-
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shadow-turtle-234 · 7 months
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A pair of K'Vathgba art I did recently. The first image, I referenced @bodykunposeoftheday for the pose. It was goofy and fit them in a weird way lol. The second image just has the pair at a party of sorts, but know they are judging you.
Art (c) @shadow-turtle-234
TMNT (c) Nick
Reblogs & Likes are appreciated!
No reposting onto other sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.,)
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rahumyk · 9 months
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An old drawing (I guess) of Iggy being welcomed by her little girls after going out on intergalactic missions and beating some Triceratons, probably. The Salamandrian babies belong to the Next Gen of my TMNT AU series. And yes, K'Vathrak is the father. 🤗
Blue one is Zephyria and belongs to me. The other one is Imoria and belongs to Shade-Tee and King-Guerreira on DA. Excited to finally introduce these cuties here on Tumblr. 👀
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foxsoulart · 7 months
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Tmnt February day 9! Prompt 'space'
Aww look my favorite space salamander!
For my first time drawing Mona, I think it turned out quite well
Have a blessed day/night!
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camarilla-arts · 11 months
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Tmnt Iteration. Still unnamed. some mostly naked alien species. Character ref sheets in sketchy form. I am slowly working on content for this idea but trying to prioritize a comic I started first. So sorry if more of this is slow.
Other two posts about this so far: 1 and 2
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malewifevenom · 2 years
Okay so since the Ramona brainrot is strong rn I’ve calculated the scientific amount of kids these two would have.
So I’m going with the assumption that mona is closest to a komono dragon and that Raph would be a species of box turtle.
So box turtles will have a clutch ranging from 3-8, that’s an average of 5.5 eggs per clutch.
Komono dragons lay anywhere between 20-30 eggs in a clutch, that’s an average of 25. (If we ignore the fact that salamanders often Cannibalise their own young, but since both Mona and Raph are mutants with high intelligence I’m going to assume that Mona will not stress snack her own kids)
If we calculate the average between 5.5 and 25, we get 15.25 eggs, if the average clutch number for both species mixed perfectly.
So when Raph and Mona have kids, nothing goes wrong that would result in infanticide, they would have 15 kids.
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homieharbor · 2 years
They're hot
(My cat - jack off hill)
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fabuloustrash05 · 11 days
WIP of my upcoming TMNT 2012 fanfic When Worlds Collide (Rewritten)
As G’throkka waited for his lieutenant, he couldn’t help but overhear nearby conversations of his other fellow soldiers. He could tell they were the newer troops, seemingly all close to around Y’Gythgba’s age along with their more advanced armor they wore compared to the Commander’s old outdated attire. G’throkka is often not one to pry on private conversations, but this one caught his attention regarding the subject at hand.
“Once again, Y'Gythgba proves she’s the best,” one soldier says to the small group. “No wonder G’throkka picked her to be his second in command.”
G’throkka humphs with pride at that comment, assuming he would continue overhearing more indirect praise for his Lieutenant, but another female soldier gave a snicker that caught the commander off guard.
“I beg to differ,” she tells them smugly, leaning closer to her comrades, her voice more quiet, but thankfully G’throkka’s metal eye can not only enhance his eyesight, but his hearing as well. Helping listen in more clearly without them suspecting a thing as he sat many feet away from where they stood.
“Did you hear the rumors about Y'Gythgba?”
“I did,” the third one said.
“What rumors?” the first one asked, very intrigued.
“Apparently, a nexton ago she was courted by an outworlder,” the female tells them.
“Y'Gythgba?!” the soldier gasps. “You must be joking.”
The female shakes her head, giving a snarky smile, “I heard he was from a low level planet, so far behind on its technology that its own inhabitants are completely unaware of other planets beyond their galaxy, let alone life on their neighboring planets.”
“How embarrassing,” the soldier snickers, “I can’t believe she’d stoop that low.”
The commander sighs, he’s heard enough.
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franzwantscoffee · 2 years
I wonder which of my likes is responsible for affording me a glimpse into whatever this is
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swagreecrow · 4 months
Leo 2012 x Stefany 2012 (formación gata mutante)
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@inspiredwriter @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @razzy-zaz @raphy-the-turtle @raphaelsrightarm @donatello-writes @donnies-fake-eyebrows @rainbow-squirrels-7 @raisans-art @akarihamato04 @wolfroks @another-tmnt-writer @angel-of-the-redacted @android-cap-007 @androgynousenemydetective @lordfreg @psiquic-a-blog @imaginashon @imababblekat @imthegreenfairy86 @angelicdavinci @all-things-tmnt @red-knight-raphael @kathaynesart @rexim-djm @reptile-eye @red-knight-raphael @reddenedsais-inactive @lazyafgurl @theroachsalad-blog @thelostandforgottenangel @mikey-angelo-hamato @mikeyshulagirl @miss-andromeda @mishacakes @mishajeans @venisdemilo @baraturts @foulbonkcolorempath-blog @dragonfairy19 @tmnt-life-of-a-terrapin @tmntvenisxleo @nomonoma @notjustdragonspages @lyzuka @coffeestation @donnies-the-encyclopedia @rl800 @cthonyxa @silverwatergalaxy @s1eepy-0 @the-paty-dude
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sailorb00 · 2 years
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Just a few doodles.... that turned into a few mini comic panels 🤭
I'll look to maybe continue this in the near future, but who knows... 🤷
OH. And I've included a partial summary of this AU that I've been brewing in my noggin just below💡y'know, in case anybody was interested fsdf
So basically this is the premise for my Salamandrian Encounter AU (still thinking of a better title tbh 🤔) or at least the beginnings of it — somewhere between a few months to a year following the aftermath of the ROTTMNT movie, a strange meteor flies across the NYC skyline before crashing in the middle of Central Park. Witnessing the sight while doing their usual nightly patrol, the "Mad Dogs" go to investigate. At the crashsite, they find a strange frog-shaped alien spacecraft (I gotta doodle it some more, but drawing mechanical is hard orz. A mini doodle of it can be found here) and its pilot, knocked unconscious.
Before the boys can do much of anything, besides freak out about a another possible alien invasion, men in black suits and armoured vans arrive—i.e. the EPF/Earth Protection Force—with Agent Bishop at the helm, and the two parties have a stand off. Finding it hard to not only keep the government agents at bay, but also to keep them from seizing the unconscious alien, the Mad Dogs make a hasty retreat, leaving the spacecraft to be collected and contained by the EPF.
Taking the pilot back to the lair, the boys patch her up, remove the two strange half-spherical objects from her temples—of which Donnie's interest is immediately piqued. I mean, c'mon, mysterious alien tech?! Boy's brain would be ABUZZ with all the possibilities!—and leave her in the medbay to recover while they debrief the crazy events of the night. Unbeknown to them, not long after they begin to discuss the EPF, with supporting security camera footage and drone shots taken thanks to Donnie—who is multitasking: fiddling with the strange alien tech in his hands mid-discusssion/info-dumping about the information he's found about the EPF—the pilot stirs in the medbay.
POV switch to Y'Gythgba—a young, intelligent, earnest but socially naive Salamandrian warrior/engineer on a mission, awakes not only to a pounding headache and a couple of cracker ribs—made worse by the bright flourescent lights and her lack of psionic amplifiers/holovisor, which have mysteriously gone missing—but also to an unfamiliar environment, with no sign of her AMPHIBAMECH (if anyone can come up with a better name, please pass along your suggestions lol). Immediately on alert, Y'Gythgba goes into full on Solid Snake stealth and begins to sneak about the lair, not sure of what to make of her strange 'alien' surroundings.
Silently, she stalks from tunnel to tunnel, passing a sleeping rat-man in a lazy boy recliner as a projector plays an archaic holovid of a strange humanoid in a jumpsuit and large optic lenses, fighting several adversaries. Y'Gythgba pauses to observe the old rat, trying to assess if he is an immediate threat or harmless, until raised voices—faintly familar yet unintelligible to her ears—grab her attention. Summoning/'pulling' her NovaBlaster from its pocket dimension with a wave of her hand and a trail of pink alien code and light ribbons (think Tron Legacy 😉), Y'Gythgba confronts her 'captors' from the doorway, catching them by surprise as she demands to know where her ship/AMPHIBAMECH is.
Obviously, neither the Mad Dogs or Y'Gythgba can understand one another, so as the boys take a step towards her, Y'Gythgba raises her blaster and fires a warning shot on its lowest setting... just inches above poor Raph's head 🥲
And voila! SHENANIGANS ENSUSE. That's all that I really have set in stone ATM, but I'll probably add more in the future if I do more doodles (...maybe)
OH. And the alien language that Y’Gythgba/Mona is using can be found here
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PLEASE- Someone tell me I'm not the only one who thought the salamandrians from tmnt 2012 were SO HOT. LIKE-
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I'll admit with no shame that I was DOWN BAD for Newtralizer and wanted that man as my husband lmao. Same with Sal Commander and Mona. Though I'll probably go with simping with Sal and Newt since Mona has her own simping red turtle 😏
Okay but be for real I can't be the only one who thought this way and had a fat crush on the salamanders.
I officially deem Sal and Newt the all time salamander dilfs
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