#tma reference more like spooky
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heycerulean · 10 months ago
john is a computer gay but you could convince john to get in a kayak. kayne, on the other hand, is so kayak coded he might as well be the kayak. kayneak. arthur, however, is so computer coded that he is permanently and irrevocably welded to a usb drive at this current moment.
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drdrizzey · 4 months ago
Late Halloween drawing!!
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The good old Creepypastas from the mid 2017s are what basically got me into drawing and art in general. I quite literally started off just to make fanarts of them and boy, I made so much. I know some of those characters are outdated now but I don't want anyone to feel offended from me drawing them, that's really just a really nostalgic Fanart for me with the classic found family dynamic we loved!! Then later on I really got into those slenderverse ARGs and especially marble hornets and again, I filled sketchbooks just with marble hornets comics and fanarts so thats also something lmao
I had a hard time choosing who to draw here arggh
My inner child heals a bit more every time I draw any Slenderverse and Creepypasta character or even my old Creepypasta ocs
Also I want to add a disclaimer that I do not ship Creepypasta characters with anyone and that to me, they always acted all like siblings to each other! (Saying that because I know some people are really sensitive about ship art in this peculiar fandom and I agree that's a tricky one, but for me they've always just been a big silly family in their spooky manor, having fun)
Here's some dynamics I love and loved picturing them with :
- sally is the cute little sister that nobody can say no to and she KNOWS it, she WILL make everyone play dress up with pink ribbons and no one can do anything about it
- Jeff is a really good big brother to her and really tries his best for that
- Masky is 100% the tired big brother having to care for all of his annoying siblings. Since he's a proxy, Slenderman especially asked him to keep an eye on them and to quote, "give them what they ask for and not letting them break stuff or argue too much" which leads him quite often to having to drive to MacDonalds at 3am, because one of them whined for it. He also pretends he hates it but in reality he really cares about them. Also headcanon, this is some alternative version of Tim/Masky from marble hornets because we'll, obviously this is supposed to be Masky and somehow some people literally dont know where he comes from and just twinkifies him (which is a jumpscare to me because tim is literally amazing, hello?but a lot of people seemed to not know where he came from, well go watch marble hornets if you havent its awesome (i'm looking at yall tma and mouthwashing fans, you WILL love it too)
- my HC for Toby is that the guy has a lot going on but he's also not a kid, i like seeing him in his twenties or so. And he loves ranting about really random stuff just to annoy pretty much anyone and especially Masky because he doesn't complain much, and if he does then Toby will just find it even funnier and follow him around, explaining to him like...I don't know random stuff like describing his whole feed of cat videos or something or internet drama
(also that's not a mischaracterization of them as characters it's just my version of them in the way my little autistic brain in sixth grade pictured them, which means very non canon inaccurate)
Here's the fun reference I used :
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 21 days ago
john malevolent doe but he's doing the tma fears thing
(aka arthur lester fears list: the squeakquel)
@if-loki-was-a-fox and @princessbadassofbadassia were talking about it in the comments of this post and it got me thinking and well. ive already done one of these for arthur. so it felt appropriate to do john too. there's a lot of crossover here so i might skip over some things that got mentioned in that list and happened to them both. for the sake of time
in the interest of symmetry i'm just gonna run down the whole list again. up top tho, one thing that i think is Really Neat, and maybe this is just the way i've decided to read things, but arthur's list contained a lot of him being acted on by the fears, whereas john seems to just as, if not more often be the actor. which fits the way tma fears work, with john being more eldritch spooky thing and arthur just being A Guy. ok anyway let's get to it
the eye
...he's eyes. girl he's eyes.
is the Designated Witness for everything that happens to them. is not allowed to look away. the eye is often associated with a fear of being watched but it often positions people in the role of watcher as well, even ppl who aren't necessarily avatars (see: that dude who animorphed into a security system) and there is also. like. the avatars. sooo
per discussion of the dark world, he's unable to break down mentally and so makes for a perfect eternal observer to horror and violence. a ceaseless watcher, if you will
faust. faust faust witness this over and over and you cannot stop it you cannot escape you can't look away you can't even blink if you want to live you have to watch again and again and-
the spiral
not to do the same bit twice in a row but. girl he's madness. he was a madness god.
the distortion is also more specifically associated with deception, manipulating someone's perception of reality, making them trust you over their own senses, which john, much to his own shame and regret, happens to be very predisposed to
season 1 "i'm a friend arthur. also you murdered parker that was all you and i have no idea why you did that haha why did you do that arthur"
and also season 4's lying about anything and everything up to and including shit that was directly in front of their face. the distortion is in his nonexistent fuckin' blood, baby
the end
hm. i'm tempted to count the dark world here, but i'm not sure if that qualifies since while he obviously associates it with death it's not really death in the traditional sense as the end implies it? like it's not an End. it's just different. and worse.
it is Removal From The World though so maybe it counts i am not sure. and like, the dark world is apparently the terminus of all realities, which. makes it feel pretty end aligned?
regardless it does make him very very afraid of the notion of dying, or rather of arthur dying, on account of that means he has to go Back. so.
the stranger
is not human. wants to be human. is trying very hard to be human. sometimes fucking it up. yeah.
using parts of arthur's body as a meat puppet even tho the guy who owns the place is still in there. i still think this is a stranger aligned feature and you can't talk me out of it
him vs the KIY also feels very like a very the stranger conflict to me. "you and i are similar and yet so different as to be almost incomparable, in a way that feels almost paradoxical. and you desire to unmake me and remake me into something Like You, thereby making me unrecognizable to myself. i know you, i do not know you."
edit: apparently the KIY was also literally referred to as "the stranger" for part of the play?? that's fun ty luci
the lonely
isolated from basically all all human connection outside of arthur. that's some lonely shit
on the other side of the coin, tries to intentionally isolate arthur as a response to the above fear, meaning he both gives and receives the lonely in some sense
former isolation in the dark world, too!! yay!!
the month long coma where he just had to sit there, perceiving others but unable to communicate with them in any way. again, an acutely The Lonely experience
the desolation
idk man, hate to sound like a broken record but the dark world seems pretty Desolate
this one's tough with what we have in canon on account of john is both fairly insulated from being harmed, and unable to harm or destroy others directly, while he's with arthur. so.
actually what probably DOES fit here is how he tried to deal with oscar. knowingly trying to destroy something important and meaningful to his friend. yeah.
cauterized his finger too i guess
edit: ALSO the constant threats on arthur's life. the looming fear that he'll lose his friend, the most important person in his world, and be utterly powerless to stop it. and on the flipside, the fact that he's effectively burned arthur's life down once already, just by meeting him (ty loki)
the slaughter
the dark world. again. this time as an endless wheel of indifferent violence that demands submitting to the cycle in order to survive
also killed emily and an unspecified number of others who picked up his book for no real reason
then he escaped and killed parker. also for no reason.
the vast
"As the King In Yellow, I was not hostile towards your kind – I was indifferent. I did not hate or despise you, no more than you despise an ant. You are meaningless." (from part 13)
it's about the intimate understanding of how small a single life appears from the perspective of the gods they face, pressing up against the equal understanding that now he is one of those ants. i think he probably grasps a fear of the Vast more clearly than possibly any human could, because he's seen it from both sides.
has some awareness of timelines even pre-kayne so he's gotta deal with knowing That too as like, a fun bonus
edit: possibly also the dark world AGAIN lmao, considering its nature as something able to contain the refuse of so many realities and as something all-consuming and virtually inesapable (ty luci)
the buried
...actually i don't really have anything for this one
this is his version of arthur's buddying up with the vast i guess
is being confined to small parts of another body claustrophobic? i feel like it might be
he's been through a lot of shit while underground obv but he doesn't really seem specifically bothered by the undergroundness of it in the same way arthur is. he's accepted their lot in life. they're just gonna be underground going through horrible things, apparently. c'est la vie.
edit: ty luci and loki for reminding me about the metaphorical angle here!! you've also got the crushing weight of his past mistakes, the burden of the lies and secrets, the metaphorical mud in his lungs and throat choking him with the equal tension of wanting and not wanting to confess, to be truthful...
the dark
this is the thing that kicked off this whole analysis so i feel like i can just sort of gesture vaguely at it. you get it.
the dark world Is Dark and he is Scared Of The Dark because he Does Not Like Remembering It. before almost anything else, he fears the dark. he knows what it can herald.
also all he can DO is observe. so when he suddenly Can't Observe that is like, extra terrifying for that reason too
the corruption
he's living in his bff's body stealing pieces of it from him destroying his life hurting him and the things he cares about being constantly argued with and belittled and for some reason they love each other regardless. corruption ass relationship
he had to Watch the witch do her thing so, also that,
the web
the web and the KIY are both very associated with plays, puppets, stages, etc. and the idea of pulling another to dance on their strings, maybe even letting the victim believe they're in control while they do
and actually that's another thing he personally does to arthur in s1/s4!
and then kayne is playing him right back 👍
very similar to the Lonely, arthur can more or less revoke his agency whenever he wants and then john is just stuck going along with whatever bullshit he's decided to pull today. which feels web aligned though i may be miscategorizing it i'm not sure
the flesh
also arthur bit his finger off and now one of his fingers is a fucking tree. this too is the flesh
the hunt
he and arthur get to share in the constant terror of being a target for much larger, more dangerous things that want very badly to kill them. they sure do get Hunted an awful lot
aw hey the dark world's back too did you miss it. yeah i imagine this involved a lot of being both the predator and the prey
the extinction
wait i have something for this one this time actually. the dark world is canonically composed at least partially of dead realities right. he's personally witnessed the end of everything. he's been personally privy to extinction. yippee
CONCLUSION: lord almighty this guy is just fears all the way down huh
i know i said this up top but now that i've actually gone thru the whole thing. again. it does feel really fitting, given his nature, that john is often both the recipient of the fears and the vector through which they act on others. like yeah, he's a god turned mortal. of course they can't seem to decide what to do with him. that's fun we love to see it
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atlitudes · 7 months ago
What The Fuck is an "External"?
The following is a theory for TMAGP containing major spoilers for currently released episodes (about up to 22), as well as semi-vague implied spoilers for TMA. Read at your own discretion!
So far, I, and I presume other listeners, had assumed that the word "externals" was used specifically to refer to the supernatural hitmen hired by the OIAR. This is informed by the way Lena speaks about them, Gwen's title as "externals liaison," and the duties we see her perform in this role, such as delivering a name and address to Mr. Bonzo in episode 10. It also helps that "externals" could easily be corporate speak for outsourced work/employees-- help hired from outside the company to assist with a specific demand.
However, I think this assumption is false. In episode 22, When Lena is speaking with Gwen after her encounter with Ink5oul and the [ERROR], she refers to both of them as "uncontrolled externals." Ink5oul very distinctly does not work for the OIAR or the government-- Gwen was approaching them with an offer to do exactly that, and they declined. Additionally, seeing as Lena did not know the [ERROR] or anything about it, she did not have its contact details, and it has been attacking OIAR staff, it is reasonable to assume the OIAR is not employing the [ERROR] as a hitman. Neither of these two entities work for the OIAR. Despite this, Lena still refers to them as externals.
I went back to see if there was anything like this that stood out to me in the previous episodes, and I noticed that when talking about externals, Lena always refers to the OIAR's spooky assassins as "our externals," which could just refer to the outsourced employees but could also imply that there are other externals that are not working for the OIAR-- that this term is not specific to this organization, and to its hitmen.
From this, I conclude that "externals" is a blanket term for supernatural persons/entities/individuals, and not just those hired by the OIAR. Specifically, I think "external" is this world's closest equivalent to the word "avatar," or a more general name for any supernatural entity.
So far I'm pretty confident about all of this. However, from here on out the logic beomes a bit of a reach.
So, "external" refers to something supernatural. Well... why are they called "externals" specifically? Why is that the name that was chosen? Within the context of the OIAR, it makes some sense, but since it's not just entities associated with the organization, where does that name come from? The word "external" connotes some level of outsider status, of foreignness-- If the supernatural in question aren't specifically from outside of the OIAR, what/where are they external to?
What if they were called that, not because they were external to the OIAR but because they were external from this world, this dimension, this universe? Fundamentally from (or influenced by things from) Somewhere Else?
I think you can see what I'm getting at here.
If that is actually the true meaning of "external," that also means someone gave them that name. Someone knew that there were supernatural forces at play, and knew well enough what they were, and where they were from, enough to name them "external." Do they know about the other universes? Do you think they knew that these things perhaps... came from somewhere specific?
I dunno. There is the distinct possibility that the "foreignness" that the word external implies is simply referring to the supernatural. That these things are "otherworldly" less in the literal sense that they came from somewhere else, but in the way that they defy the average person's understanding of the world. But I think it's more interesting to speculate that they might be alien in some way or another, and that whoever named them "external" knew. Let me know what you think!
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the-one-and-only-duckduckgo · 11 months ago
As I see the word around me turning pink (or, in some cases, purple), I've decided that it's time to make a sequel to that tma post. Yes, I'm at episode 20. No, I'm not okay (I promise). Perhaps, I need therapy. Anyways, enjoy:
The Magnus Archives but I've met the fandom (and am even more confused)
There's an Archivist (you have to use the capital letter if you want to survive), his name is Jon,sometimes Jonathan and sometimes Jalapeño.
He is also somehow the author of the podcast, and the guy speaking. I don't know how. Nothing feels real anymore.
Apparently, he brings the romantic side of the podcast. I'm glad. He should think about bringing the "makes sense" side too.
Get. Sasha. And. Tim. Some. Fucking. Representation.
There's Gerard Keay, who doesn't have anything to do with Gerard Way (I checked), and I love him.
He's also very dead. My point still stands.
There's a guy named Evan Lukas, whose name reminds me of another guy. Was it James Lukas? Peter Lukas? George Lukas? Not a single idea.
Five people told me to be scared of the Mikes.
Who are they?
Is that a sect? A typo? A secret level you unlock once you understand what that vase joke refers to?
There's a secret link between everything.
Is it that every one of the stories involves being scared of something, and being alone?
Wait. Nevermind. That's a horror podcast, people are usually scared in these. I'm trying to be logical here.
I miss Gerard Keay.
Michael is not okay. Do they need help?
I don't know their pronouns, and people answered with really disturbing and unhelpful things. Could someone help?
I kinda like Michael. Even if they're blonde.
Unless they're part of the Mikes. I have a bad feeling about the Mikes.
Uhh lots of blood, spiders, worms, death, spooky nights, people being alone, eyes everywhere, insanity, blood sacrifices, the Unknown, and evil books.
Oh, and drugs. Very important, the drugs
Leaving you with that, hope I didn't miss a very important point. May the stars shine in your direction, or whatever.
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vibinginthedreamlands · 7 months ago
I'm not saying you can't listen to TMP before hearing TMA. But, a little bit due to the fact that I *have* heard the original and am now unable to not hear the references and connections, what is TMP about outside of all the old gays and their updated nonsense? Like, obviously this world has its whole own thing going on (the Protocol is like if Gerry's book burning got big in superstitious circles and what's going on with the OIAR is its whole own thing) but also??? Sam is hunting down the Magnus Institue, Gwen is a Bouchard and just got compelled (alongside which the OG music played), there's a statis buzz, The Computers have Their Voices, and Celia is, she's, WELL SHE'S FREAKING CELIA Y'ALL. And her stories are all about universal doubles. And we've met Gerry, Gertrude, heard about alternate universe Jon and Martin, I've seen mention of Basira and Helen???
This show has to be such a fun spooky mystery for those that don't know and came in fresh but I swear every week I lose my mind a little more and I can't imagine anyone experiencing this as a lone show because I have been cursed with Knowing.
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jazzically · 3 months ago
magp 8
ugggh even though im listening for it i dont always notice norris slipping into human voice till ex post facto it's completely seamless which is just AGAIN ITS SO SO COOL I ADORE THIS IDEA
brilliant. fabulous lovely fantastic. i havent written much bc ive been concentrating too hard on understanding the academic paper lol but it's sooo goood i love this
hell yeah metaphorical hunger and spooky parking lots
UGH OK SORRY (im only apologizing to myself bc i keep pausing per every 10 seconds audio) but like another reason this episode is gorgeous is that even throughout the description of the experience, the author maintains a mostly academic tone and references the original purpose of telling the story when appropriate. in short, this new format — and every such new medium of storytelling brought to the series through each episode — is not some flimsy shell covering up a spooky statement, some excuse to tell the tale that needs to be conveyed. this case actually sounds like a scholar's genuine description of the events that led him to begin a scientific study and OOOGH THATS!!!! MARVELOUS
k back to listeni Oh another thing — alex does really well with controlling the amount of subtle pauses and inflections in speech (decreasing their frequency when robotic, increasing their frequency when speaking as a human)
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OOOOH IS THIS ONE A CALLBACK TO MAG 48: LOST IN THE CROWD MAYHAPS..... (i love that episode did you know i love that episode)
with the matching clothes and eVERYthing god
ykw i see it now. valid. the stranger. as far as im concerned theres still a case for the lonely so these two are giving more of like a mashup of both i think
AUGH im doing it again. stop trying to categorize!!!!!
i dunno i just really like that at the beginning alice assigns these names to the computer's various voices and we just start calling them that. it feels so natural, like another office shtick, that you forget we don't actually know their names
oh wait he actually did lose his finger!!!? whoa
god i just love alice
alice's and gwen's personalities are very interesting
aw man i miss teddy dude. he seemed like a great guy. i didn't quite register fully that bro was leaving (although now that i can sort of see the larger structure of the story unfolding, i understand the setting up of plot in ep 1 better. it feels cool to think about)
geez this is a long one
ok so is this an actual alternate universe??? or did this just happen before gerry died ???????? huh???????? then how do they have jonny's and martin's voices on some random old computers????? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO screams and fixates and yells
GERTRUDE YAAAAASSSSSSSSS i hope she gets to cackle i really really do
ok wait this can't possibly be in the past because the ep about the voyeur blog post movie thing had entries from like 2022 iirc
oh yea i nearly forgot gerry paints!!!
This is so fricking funny i bet gerry keeps calling gertrude "gigi" just to annoy her
WAIT is he actually her grandson?? was that mentioned in the original series ???
gertrude answer the question
AWW GERRYS HAPPY he sounds so joyful and it makes me wanna cry he was so cool and awesome and deserved better in tma
wHEW ok that was a long (and amazing) one. lot of HMMMs goin on in my head rn. EEEEE
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foxy-alien · 7 months ago
ERROR/The Archivist
This is my attempt and compiling everything we know about The Archivist as of episode 26!
This got very long so the rest is under the cut!
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They find a key in a filing cabinet, which… why is the key to the Archivist in a filing cabinet, but I digress. Also poor Alice
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Like our universe the Archivist was a position. Were they turned into what they are now by someone? Why were they locked away underneath their office?
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This is a stage direction that confuses me. How can the key be on top of the trap door – something that presumably the archivist is trapped within – and be moved by the Archivist to the lock. Does the Archivist have the power to control objects?
But the Archivist is freed, by Sam and Alice. 
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In the very next episode Alice feels like she is being followed by someone she can't see.  Thus begins the encounters with ERROR/The Archivist
We have the Drowning victim, The Wanderer, and The Runner, each of their statements have been recorded within a month of each other. 
With the Drowning Victim her "Statement" and appearance give us the basis for what the Archivist does to you. You seem to wander oblivious to the world outside of you as your greatest fear takes place in your head. It eventually causes your death.
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The wanderer's body is affected as if she has been walking through a house until she died. It's the same for the drowning victim. What is happening to them is not just psychosomatic.
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The wanderer speaks after death retelling her being trapped in the house on Church Street. She mentions meeting who we can assume is the Archivist
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It's interesting that for Jarred we don't learn what fear he is trapped in. I assume that this line is his fear, but it also might be about the Archivist who appears right after. 
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Now the line An Archivist is interesting, implying that they are not singular. I’ve seen this compared to the others from the panopticon. 
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But this universe Archives and Archivists are different!
Jons victims recount something that happened to them and this one causes your biggest fear to happen to you. Jon soaked up the latent fear from a previous experience making it more palpable. This Archivist causes you to experience your fear first hand.
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The Archivist is also able to compel others. At first I thought Gwen was telling Ink5oul’s story, like how Elias did to Daisy, but it’s Gwen telling her own. It cuts off before we can tell if what she saw as a kid was supernatural or not. 
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Their conversation reminds me of The Fears marking a person. Also the Archivist is much more spooky than Jon was.  
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Again, hard to tell if the Archivist is saying everyone is theirs or if they are referring to the other OAIR employees. I’m leaning towards the other employees as cases keep cropping up around them. 
It’s also interesting how… possessive the archivist seems over them. It presumably could have killed Gwen here, It was close to Alice, why leave them alive? What other motivations does it have?
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So now they know what we know, that they let something out in the institute ruins and now it’s following them. 
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This to me is further proof that this archivist is acting differently than the ones in the Panopticon. If it is TMA Celia then she would have had first experience with them. Or if she is referring to Jon it still is acting very differently than he did. 
To Wrap Up
This Archivist used to be a person with an office and at some point was turned into what we know now and locked underneath the ruins. 
The Archivist now causes people to be trapped in their worst nightmare, this has effects on the body as well and will eventually pass from these injuries. It seems that their body will keep giving their statement after they die. 
The Archivist can compel others to tell their story like Jon. 
It is stalking the employees of the OAIR but has not hurt them yet even though it has had the opportunity too. 
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kazperthegh0st · 10 months ago
RaTing TMA season 1 episodes
001: Angler Fish, the cigarette and disappearance one. Not very memorable. 5/10
002: Do Not Open, the will power this one man contains is greater than God, i swear. I probably would have opened that coffin tbh. 10/10
003: Across the Street, to be Grahm or Not to be Grahm, that is the question. Eating paper is not really my thing but you do you. 8/10
004: Page Turner, kinda boring to me but it introduces important people. 4/10
005: Thrown Away, it reminds me of that one short FNAF story where the girl finds her real body cut up in garbage bags. I liked this episode. 9/10
006: Squirm, I have no memory of this episode. 2/10
007: The Piper, All i remember is rats, a dead dude in a dumb ditch, and The Great War. It was a good read tho. 4/10
008: Burned Out, There was a Spooky Tree, an apple, and a box ( i think it had a necklace in it??). There is also the religious dude— i think hes also the jesuit dude that killed two people in a later episode but i could be wrong. 5/10
009: A Fathers Love, this one was so sad to me ngl. I have two questions: What happened to the mother (i know she died but theres gotta be more)? and also whats the necklace all about ( i might be crazy but wasn’t it in the box in burned out?)? I do think the dad is somehow innocent, like he was possessed or smth. 10/10
010: Vampire Killer, this was a cool, fun episode and I enjoyed the different approach to Vampires. 9/10
011: Dreamer, We hear some new stuff about what happened to Jon’s predecessor, outside of that its an ok episode. Elias is mentioned. 5/10
012: First Aid, don’t remember this episode at all but i looked at the episode tag on here and Gerry is in it so on principle it gets a 5/10
013: Alone, my mind is so blank about this episode. Jon was nice tho. 2/10
014: Piecemeal, i don’t remember it well but Tumblr tells me it was good. 5/10
015: Lost Johns’ Cave, this reminded me of those tiktok videos about idiots who get stuck in caves. But at the same time this episode was deeply unsettling and sad. 10/10
016: Arachnophobia, proof that spiders do not die no matter what you do. Lazy ass cat ( Major Tom, great name, unintended David Bowie reference ) 8/10
***All previous thoughts were made well after the episodes were read so i could be wrong or forgetful regarding some details.***Future thoughts will be made immediately after, or the same day as reading the episodes.***
017: The Boneturners Tale, more of the weird books. I think there was arson in this episode (?) 5/10
018: The Man Upstairs, This one was absolutely disgusting (in a good way?!?!) it made me want to throw up but at the same time was sooo cool. 8/10
019: Confession and 020: Desecrated Host, putting these two together. Why is there such a strong theme of cannibalism and removal of body parts in this podcast? It was really interesting and well written. 8/10
021: Freefall, not that interesting to me ngl. It wasnt bad tho 5/10
022: Colony, MARTIN!!! A real character! He is a sweet innocent baby who can do no wrong. The episode itself was super unsettling. Who is the woman again tho?
023: Schwartzwald, this was boring, sorry. I know i should have found it more interesting cause its a letter for Jonah Magnus but it just wasn’t appealing to me. 2/10
024: Strange Music, I love the aesthetic of Pipe Organs, always have. (Why is it now in the institute?!?!) the creepy dolls and the circus clowns were cool. I love that the movers came back again, kinda odd but thats expected. 10/10
025: Growing Dark, not too memorable but there is now another missing person. (Yay). 4/10
026: A Distortion, SASHA!!! Another Real Character! Nothing had better happen to Jon or Martin or else. I love them too much. Micheal seems interesting too. 8/10
027: A Sturdy Lock, the first episode I listened to while reading the transcript. Is there or is there not a lock on that door? Bro should invest in a pet tho. Average episode but still good. 7/10
028: Skin Tight, wasn’t Cambridge Military Hospital in another episode? Also who is the archivist? The voice ( im listening and reading ) is different from Jon’s and is not female so not Gertrude. Sarah Baldwin is also a familiar name. Skin peeling. Lovely. (Sarcasm) 10/10
029: Cheating Death, reminds me of 007. I think its neat that the person making the statement had the Institute write it for him. This was a cool story. I like how much of it was a folktale and then it took a turn. 10/10
030: The killing floor, oh the delights of the meat industry. What was up with Tom Haan tho? Why did he kill himself? Why is there a living meat pile?!?! 10/10
Shortly after listening to that episode i made steak. While making steak i listened to the next two.
031: First Hunt, I kept thinking of that “Run Rabbit” song. Im glad humans dont have natural predators. But as an American (unfortunately) as soon as I heard where this was and the guy made note of the whistling… I knew he was screwed. Jon is so dissmissive tho. First episode where i only listened to it. 10/10
I have no idea why the previous story made me decide to cook steak.
032: Hive, this wasn’t much of a real statement but proof that Jane is crazy. It was just “insects do be buzzing” the noises in the background were upsetting. (Listened only while cooking a steak) 10/10
033: Boatswain’s Call, We meet Peter Lukas ( who may or may not be Elias’s Husband? I saw it in a Tiktok ) and I think it was slightly unsettling how they all loaded into the lifeboat. Did they vote the dude out or something? (Read and listened) 8/10
034: Anatomy Class, body snatchers named John/Jane Doe traumatize a professor. I love how they’re all trying to pump their hearts to figure out how they’re supposed to beat. Im a big fan of anatomical sciences. (Read only) 10/10
035: Old Passages, It’s Gerry on the hunt for Leitners books! Another dead person and some secret passages. What happened to Jon. Why did the Delivery Duo Dudes show up with a package for him??? (Read only) 10/10
036: Taken Ill, the episode itself was boring to me but the end was interesting. Why is there a lighter, that i assume has connections to The Web? What does Elias want with it? (Read only) 7/10
037: Burnt Offering, boring. Sorry. Could the wicca and voodoo stuff in the woods be related to Jane? (Read only) 5/10
038: Lost and Found, This was Sad. Important things go missing, more so they cease to exist, until eventually its the Husband. Jons fear of spiders returns. And now for the end of Season 1. (Read only) 10/10
039: Infestation, I did find it funny when Jon called himself an idiot. Martin just needs to let my boy Jon be in (SEVERE) denial. Jon is being watched (the eye!) Tim is so excited that he almost died. Its odd. Oooh its Not Sasha! “Archivist.” “Shit.” (I listened to it and then read the transcript) 9/10
040: Human Remains, what did Not Sasha do with the tape… I do know what happened to Gertrude so Elias acting the way he does in this scene is funny. (I listened to it then read the transcript) 9/10
Really good podcast. I liked it.
— are the secret passages from 038 connected in anyway to the tunnels around the archives?
— what was it that got sasha in the end and is real sasha dead?
— does gerard start to pop up more often? As an actual cast member?
— what was Jane looking for in the written files?
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bittermedicinespitter · 2 months ago
my honest thoughts about tmagp 1-5 (written whilst listening)
tmagp 1 - first shift
i like alice !! she seems so cool so far.
THIS is what y’all meant by martin and jon are trapped in a computer??
i guess lena is like this universes elias? i guess alice is also this universes georgie?? and sam is jon??
i have forgotten half of the characters names already
im definitely gonna forget what the OIAR is called. also, redcanary? canary in a coal mine? tcw reference?
does this episode EVER END???? jesus fuck every single time i thought it’d end it kept going
i like the intro/outro music! its a lot more threatening than tmas.
tmagp 2 - making adjustments
wow there are.. a LOT of categories
sam is so me
gwen’s lowk mean but i understand why
yeah i DEFINITELY understand gwen
therapy!!! wooo!!!
okay so she’s.. not delusional? in court-ordered therapy?
instagram and hashtags mentioned im ill (in a bad way) (i HATE it when hashtags are used in ANY media.. at least it's not a book!)
is it bad that i thought ink5oul was a real brand??
okay get that tattoo daria (i forgot her name twice already)
…evil tattoo? by evil artist?
ofc they’re playing dubstep
symbols you don’t recognize.. probably evil symbols or something
okay yeah that tattoo did SOMETHING to you
ink5oul is gonna come up again aren’t they?
is the painting changing her face???
okay so basically evil tattoo makes you paint evil art that changes how you look
oiar crew returns!
banger advice alice
every gwen clip makes me understand her more
luke. probably gonna come up again soon
magnus institute mentioned !!
tmagp 3 - putting down roots
i’m hungry (this has nothing to do with the episode)
why IS alice here. is this apart of her job?? (i did NOT realize collin was fixing her computer. i thought it was just like. a regular computer)
i like colin. he is very
i thought the read alouds were rare,, do they like automatically record or smth??
i’m not paying attention AT ALL 🔥🔥
ooh drama with collin..
“you’ve made a powerful enemy tonight 😈”
i still, unashamedly understand gwen
tmagp 4 - taking notes
oohh restricted files..
magnus.. protocol.. i think i’ve heard that somewhere!
okay sam get AWAY from the magnus protocol (heh..)
stop being such a hater gwen :(
ugh shut up jonah
“to you i leave my violin!” 🤓
“this last fortnight!” 🤓
idc about your spooky violin i hope it eats you vase style
okay so spooky violin plays spooky music without being played and made your tutor kill himself??
burnt meat from english guy who speaks german?? i don’t even care if the meat is Scary Meat youre gonna get some sort of disease
Eviler Scarier Violin that Hurts You?
“i have cut my fingertip upon the string!” 🤓
Evil Scary violin that Makes You Play Bad?
i think this is a skill issue atp.
bye bye fingers!
why are you giving Finger Cutting Violin to your nephew
flesh violin that eats anyone’s fingers. okay.
so classical grifters bone, basically.
me and my girlfriend??? what the hell are alice and gwen
“ta ta gwendoline darling! ciao!”
what the hell is right
tmagp 5 - personal screening
hi lena
is colin turning into s2 jon??
lena this is INSANITY wdym
“the problem will resolve itself” lena youre just as bad as elias
“that.. is paper! it’s made from trees!”
“welcome to my twisted mind 😈”
h-h-h-h-HALLOWEEN 2????
“bye !!!”
let me guess—Evil Tumblr User recommends Evil Lost Media Horror Movie that Probably Kills You
Evil Contest lets you into Evil q&a with Evil Guy
ENOUGH with the ko-fi page
finishing a whole bucket of popcorn before a movie starts is crazy (or maybe im just an american)..
okay so Evil Lost Media has Your Memories for Some Reason
okay damn that was a quick one
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theendorisit · 5 months ago
magnus protocol season 1 final part - praise and credits
all right my haunted maggot clowns, Season 1 is OVER, we are at our Magnus protocol hiatus until FEB 2025 and you know what that means?
No, not hysterical weeping! 
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It’s time to recap the last ten episodes, epilogue and fluff of Season 1, so SPOILERS AHOY!! Including TMA Spoilers. If you haven’t listened, come back later! Ok? Ok!
Part 1 (eps 1-20) is here:
All praises to the guest writers:
Harlan Guthrie, for more of his work visit https://www.malevolent.ca/
Alex C Telander, for more of his work visit https://ostiumnetwork.com/
Muna Hussen, for more of her work visit https://www.thesiltverses.com/ I honestly cannot rave enough about how much I adore The Silt Verses, strongly recommend to everyone. 
If you have enjoyed the guest writers, I also recommend the Nine To Midnight annual series, lots of writers, all brought together by Harlan Guthrie: https://linktr.ee/ninetomidnight - Check it out! This years halloween episode is GOING TO BE AMAZING!
The Magnus Protocol Episode 21 – Breaking Ground
CAT2RBC4254-04011998-12042024 Architecture (landmark) -/- corruption (entropy)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Intriguing case, I enjoyed it thoroughly, though as a Brit it is very disconcerting hearing about the millennium dome in a horror context. It’s like a fleshy bouncy castle. Spooky, but also plain weird. Hello, Dr Welling. Of course the star of this episode is the consequences of Gwen trying (failing) to be authoritarian. Delightful escalation of Ink5oul’s powers, as the mere presence of a tattoo can be manipulated. I adore Magnus stories for the implications they provide - what might a scorpion tattoo do, hmmm? Crawl under the skin? After all, some scorpions can burrow up to 2m underneath the surface, using complex tunnels. Sting and sting and sting again until death? Mind you, some scorpions only paralyse their prey, before they feast. The compulsion scene is delightful, amazing performance by Anusia, and ALL OF THEM, MINE: So amazing, giving me shivers. All of them: All people? All normies? All OIAR? We’re back in the terror, the horror, the mystery, compelling statements again. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 22 - Mixed Signals
CAT13RBC4488-14121924-15042024 Experiment (brain) -/- imprisonment (existential)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: I love existential horror. What makes a person a person after all? If there’s someone screaming in pain and terror and loneliness but you never hear them, see them, know of them - do you know, or care, of their personhood at all? Also, as with Archives, the question of why we’re hearing about certain cases is floating in the air. There are certainly voices speaking in the void, yet unable to make themselves heard. Office tensions are rising, we are getting some juicy backstory hints. Shahan and Billie getting some real frustration into their voices, Sarah and Anusia have all the terse company-line bullshit vibes and I love Lowri’s conspiratorial name-dropping bombshell to a mood-killing baffled response.
The Magnus Protocol Episode 23 - A New You
CAT13RBC3536-20062018-18042024 Transformation (dysmorphic) -/-doppleganger (infection)
Written by Harlan Guthrie, for more of his work visit https://www.malevolent.ca/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: One of my top three episodes in Season 1. This case makes my heart sing. It’s delightful, insidious body horror, with a sweet side of social commentary. What’s not to adore? And a piece of coral (a living skeleton with multiple identical lifeforms inside) being referred to as She is so intriguing to me. I feel I could spent a long time trying to unpick the nuances of this piece. Especially as there’s a key story element in the fact that something goes wrong at the end, and the forum mods don’t want other people to know. So far things have felt every individual and separate… but maybe things are more connected than we think? Do we have cults and followings like in Archives? On a related note, ngl I cackled when JS and MB’s fates were revealed because I know Jonny and Alex had fun writing that. However, I don’t trust such suspiciously merciful deaths, at all. (Also, were those deaths a Koji Suzuki reference? Hmm) Wonderful performances from Anusia and Billie in the final scene. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 24 - Raising Issues
CAT1RBC1375-29022024-23042024 Baby (demonic) -/- Delusion (exhaustion)
Written by Alex C Telander, for more of his work visit https://ostiumnetwork.com/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: This is the first time a Magnus episode has made me physically cringe in sympathetic pain. Please keep the demon child that wants to chew through my tit and into my chest cavity far away from me. Nope, no, nuh-uh, nah mate, f* off with that nonsense. The medical gaslighting, the exhaustion and the dark acceptance of pain, oof. Plus the new parent not-knowing-if-this-normal? Brutal. Painful realism came in kicking with this one, and it’s very good. Also, demon baby likes Celia. Lady Mowbray likes Celia. Celia is an external magnet. I enjoy the multi-person dialogues in Protocol, everyone giving their best, reminds me of the intervention scene in early Archives. Also, yay, Basira! I love Plummy Teacher Basira, she’s so baffled by these two randomers. Great performance by Frank Voss.
The Magnus Protocol Episode 25 - Gut Feelings
CAT2RB2474-07022024-24042024 Food (Gorging ) -/- compulsion (disgust)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Ah, the McWeevil episode. Tasty. There are all sorts of wonderful implications here that I dare not type in case someone is eating while reading. Also I love the dance we’re doing with the old consent/compulsion/choice dynamic. In Archives many people tried and failed to escape from horrors (shout out to Robin Lennox), but there have been quite a few cases in Protocol with the victim struggling and managing to walk away (though with unclear consequences - the OIAR team aren’t doing follow-up in the same way as Archives). Also Colin, Colin my sweet, you might be the most sensible person in this universe, but this sort of thing will only get you murderised. I love Ryan’s acting, such a desperately agonised breakdown, which you can see a bit of here: https://youtu.be/xlERmS-okTI The universe persists in teleporting Celia towards Oxford for shits and giggles. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 26 - Catching Up
CAT1RBC4463-14042024-02052024 Exhaustion (athletic) -/- compulsion (tape)
Written by Muna Hussen, for more of her work visit https://www.thesiltverses.com/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: Magnussing - creator approved! I really enjoyed this case, because Mr Jarrod is set up as a mysterious figure, like what’s this guys deal - nvm, he’s fucked. The character narration (as a witness statement) is engaging and draws you in, right down to the horrible end. I can’t recommend Muna’s writing enough. Alice connects all the dots together, and we get the wonderful Imogen Harris as Helen again. I am increasingly wondering why some people seem identical to their Archives counterparts, and others are quite different. Is it a natural variation? Does it mean something. Also, while I love Helen’s laugh, I kind of wanted Helen to finish with ‘come back anytime, my door is always open!’ (too on the nose perhaps). Celia, get the tory baby to sleep, it’s sexy time. “with additional voices from Jonathan Sims.” Alright, it’s official that Jonny’s making the baby burbling noises (/silly). 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 27 - Driven
CAT3RB5535-18021845-10052024 Kidnapping (carriage) -/- consumption [letter]
Written by Jonathan Sims
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Another one of my top three episodes in Season 1! On the same theme as above, Jonah is a twat in this universe too! I wonder who ’N’ is. Victorian Paranormal Monster Pursuit? Yes please, more please! Such delightful gore, very delectable, much fun. So many thoughts on how such a monster would hide in our world. And ‘no cost too great’ indeed. The ancient Magnus rite of sacrificing assistants reigns eternal. Curious emphasis on ‘if there are already such monsters in this world’. Hmmm. Maybe the gap in reality has been discovered? Ooh, weird emails. Sam, now Gwen. Very interesting that Celia, having been repeatedly teleported towards Oxford, now wants to take Sam to Oxford. Something will get revealed…
The Magnus Protocol Episode 28 - Interruptions
CAT2RB2578-17081998-13052024 Transmutation (human) -/- ceremony (academic)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Goodbye Dr Welling. And this, children, is why we don’t roll a critical fail when casting reanimate dead. It’s spooky scary skeleton time, and Sam dun fucked up. Though honestly, if I had experienced something this traumatic as a result of wandering off into a place I wasn’t supposed to be, I don’t know, I think I might have a severe aversion to doing that? Sam, wtf is wrong with your trauma response? Though I am curious on the mechanics of statements - are people only saying things they know, or can information they’ve long forgotten be brought up? 10/10 case, superb, love it. Every episode is getting me hyped. Gwen doesn’t take shit lying down, and while corralling externals is not her forte, backstabbing office politics clearly is. I love Ian’s brusque minster, it’s pretty damn accurate and really gets me in the room with the characters. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 29 - Keyed In
CAT2RB4254-30012020-13052024 Drowning (subterranean) -/- key (metaphor)
Written by Alexander J Newall
Script Editing by Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: Now something else (not Celia) is pushing Sam to go to Oxford. Interesting. Alex makes Jonny try to pronounce things in Czech. This is a curious case, and I think it’s speaking to keeping secrets, unlocking doors you can’t close again, and the floodwaters are rising. All things Gwen needs to hear. The fact that Lena considers that the Visit went well, ouch. Also, I am convinced Teddy is working for the Response part of the OIAR, and he’s the one dropping off Sam’s weird paperwork. That ending: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN…. (Alice, just pop over to Victoria, get the Oxford Tube, it’ll drop you off in Headington, it’s fiiiiiine). Presumbly the archivist got the train down from Manchester in the first time. Perhaps it has a (Communications) Network Railcard?
The Magnus Protocol Episode 30 - Dead End Job
CAT2RS3366-13052024-13052024  Transmutation (human) -/- Isolation (urban) 
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Light a candle for the Scottish in the Magnus Multiverse, they are doomed. Ryan’s performance broke my heart. Robin as the custodian is a gem, and then he’s the hilltop golem. Spectacular sound design. Turns out the Welsh aren’t doing so hot either. Lena moonwalks backwards out of the whole situation, Gwen, yer fucked, luv. IT IS MINE  - Is this Celia being an external magnet or is the rift what the Archivist is actually after? Makes sense, an entire multiverse of suffering would definitely be satisfying! Plus see previous comment about Magnus Institute and the rift.
London Exclusion Zone has a delightful 28 days later ring to it. I do hope this means what I think it does: that Celia is wrong and the wound is not a pathway to her world but to any world. Which means we’re in Magnus Mk 3, and there could be ANOTHER Jonathan Sims here. In fact, wouldn’t it be something amazing, if here was a world where the Archivist succeeded in taking over as the conduit, and managed to control the horrors into a smaller area, namely London? If so, fucking brilliant, cannot wait… a few weeks until the premiere, and my relentless hunger for lore is satiated.   
The Magnus Protocol Season 1 Epilogue
Written by Jonathan Sims
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Anusia and Billie smashed this one, some great emotional beats and as they now comprise 66% of the office staff (assuming Celia doesn’t just book it), I’m looking forward to watching their dynamic change over the next season. Important point: apparently there was a full description of the horrors that were seen, but we don’t get to hear it. Yet. Maybe. So until we do, all that happened was that Gwen yanks out a server rack, the phone rings, and Alice says ‘oh Colin...’ because she can see that Colin has been relentlessly ringing his exes and sending dick pics to everyone. Gwen screams because she spots Colin, drunk out of his mind and naked on the floor, having broken into Lena’s other secret alcohol stash (she has like 5 of them). 
Colin in Season 1: Dinnae fash yersel', I'll sort out this machine!
Epilogue: Did ye, aye?
(But yeah, I’m mid way between gruesome flesh packed inside the servers, with hairy skin peeling off the circuits like lichen on tree bark, or Colin being in the phone, like the ringing brings up a picture of his face that’s been flensed and matrixed with wires and LEDs, because whatever happened, it was a) not immediately obvious, aka the room isn’t splattered with gore, and b) immediately obvious that it was Colin. So either his face is on show, or a defining feature like a tattoo.)
The Magnus Protocol Season 1 Fluff
Written by Jonathan Sims (except that intro and ending, that is clearly all Alex) 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Alex, you are a delight. Never change. All the characters are absolute train wrecks, and we are here for them (and their pain and suffering)
Featuring (in order of appearance), and where you can support them:
Lowri Ann Davies as Celia Ripley (https://x.com/lowritweets?lang=en)
Shahan Hamza as Samama Khalid (https://linktr.ee/shahanhamza)
Billie Hindle as Alice Dyer (want to support gender affirming treatment for a trans creator? https://ko-fi.com/F1F2XMJRD plus check out Billie’s latest role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDt3bYqDT0) 
Sarah Lambie as Lena Kelley (https://x.com/baabuzz)
Anusia Battersby as Gwendolyn Bouchard (@anouchard, https://x.com/AnusiaBattersby)
Vera Chok as Ink5oul (https://x.com/Vera_Chok)
Callum Dougherty as Bystander (https://rustyquill.com/crew/callum-dougherty/)
Beth Eyre as Archivist/[ERROR] (https://x.com/BethEyre)
Tim Fearon as Augustus (I think: https://www.mandy.com/u/tim-fearon/)
Jonathan Sims as Chester (@jonnywaistcoat, @macguffinandco, https://www.patreon.com/macguffinandcompany/posts)
Alexander J Newall as Norris (@rqbossman)
Faye Derham as Mother (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8335409/)
Frank Voss as Basira Hussain (https://x.com/AvoidedDrowning)
Ryan Hopevere-Anderson as Colin Becher (https://linktr.ee/ryanhopevereanderson)
Mark Nicolson as Ticket Attendant 
Imogen Harris as Helen Richardson (https://x.com/ImogenCHarris)
Ian Hayles as Trevor Herbert MP (https://x.com/IanHayles)
Kazeem Tosin Amore as Teddy Vaughn (https://x.com/KazeemAmore)
Kai Partenie as Ticket Officer (https://www.instagram.com/kai0997)
Pip Gladwin as Taxi Driver (https://x.com/pip_gladwin)
Robin Hellier as Custodian (I think: https://robinhellier.com/#qualifications-credits)
Executive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton
Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice
Produced by April Sumner
Dialogue Editor – Lowri Ann Davies
Sound Designer – Tessa Vroom
Mastering Editor - Catherine Rinella
Music by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson)
Art by April Sumner
Fabulous work everyone! See you at the Premiere!
Official transcripts:
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Alright people, just got my early access of the Magnus Protocol Premiere. Been thinking about whether I should do a live blog like I did for Magnus Archives. Still not sure but we're just gonna start it and see where it's going. Tbh I've been so out of the loop with the podcast I didn't even know the premiere episode was coming and I have no idea when further episodes are getting released. I thought it would start next year! Anyway, I'm gonna put all my reactions down below under the read more so I'm not accidentally spoiling anyone.
That intro music is amazing. Love it.
So glad they included a transcript, I would've already been lost with all these voices. That's what I loved about tma, never got confused there because the introduction to the characters was so nice and slow
Oh, here we are then! Jumpscared by Alex already. Did not expect him to turn up so soon. I'm certain there's nothing sinister going on here. Not me already theorizing that it's Martin who got stuck in the system or something after Mag200. But that means Jonny is one of the other voices who occasionally reads out the statements, right? Gotta be. So Chester or Augustus, who do you think he is? Putting my money on Augustus I think. Why? Because why not.
First look at the Fears?? Is it the Stranger? That's got to be the Stranger, right?
The transcript has these little stage directions and I gotta say I'm in love with "Lena's office is pristine, sterile and has nothing that might indicate its occupant would be brash enough to have a personality"
Btw don't know the in universe reason for the recording yet but friends, your microphones are shit. Jon's recordings were never as bad! Your voices do that thing where it gets frizzy. Might I suggest using a tape recorder?
Is that more static in the background I'm hearing when Gwen says "I'm not most people." Oh, I kinda missed overanalysing sound cues.
We have great vegetarian sausages in Germany too, Colin. I already like that poor IT guy
Sam I really don't think this is the job if you're "just trying to get back on your feet" There must be more going on there
Damn, had a 50/50 chance and didn't get it. So you're Chester then, Jonny? Really can't decide if I would love it more if these voices had some connection to tma or if there's just no reason at all.
I actually read a fanfic like that before. Immediatly though about it when I heard Alex's voice. Jon was sorta trapped in the tape recorder. All Martin and co had were his recorded statements on tape and at some point Jon got like powerful enough to be able to communicate through the tape recorder I think. Was a really great read. Would be funny if this turns out to be similar
Oh, Magnus Archives ruins!! What are you gonna find there RedCanary?? This is exciting
Of course you've been having trouble uploading the pictures, RedCanary! And I don't think that's you're normal getting paranoid either. Oh, I love this. It's like my old friend, spooky Magnus Institute is back
An Archive, you say?? And it's empty. Interesting.
Side note, the music during this is fantastic. Like loved it from the beginning but right now? Amazing.
"What the hell is that? Are those eyes?" Never thought I'd actually be happy about eyes getting mentioned. But eyes, people!! This statement has everything: Magnus Institute, some poor bugger who's descending into paranoia and madness, weird symbols, an artefact (?), ominous texts ("Canaries should stay above ground", okay obviously a reference to the user name red canary but also do you think that has anything to do with like mining. Weren't birds used to detect gas?), eyes and were those the last few notes of the tma intro in the background music?
Oh, who is listening then? Can't mean me, Colin
The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution non commercial sharer like 4.0 international license
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shinesurge · 7 months ago
I'm doing one of my semi-regular re-reads of Kidd Commander, and saw the hover-text on this page: https://kiddcommander.com/?comic=gts-page-62 ("i would posit that the desert is equally eerie and terrifying but in a less 'develop a puritanical dogma' way and more 'i worship The Vast now' way")
I didn't have the context at my first reading, but is this by any chance a reference to The Magnus Archives?
It is! The Vast sort of gave a cool spooky name to a lot of personal feelings I'd already had for a long time so I really latched onto it, I still carry it around with me pretty closely even if I don't super visibly participate in TMA these days. There's The Eye and all, but I feel like The Vast does a good job describing the type of fear I associate with religion specifically so it comes to mind a lot when I'm working on Kidd Commander hehe
I really vibed with the entire concept of the fear entities for probably obvious reasons. It's a pretty big departure from my usual writing style but I even wrote a very small tma au fic for KC that I add to infrequently, the entities are so much fun for character study.
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pixelated-pancakes · 2 years ago
Here’s Why Things Are the Way They Are
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The Overall Layout
Let me start off by stating that one of the characters (read: Oliver Banks), in podcast, describes the Magnus Institute (TMI) as small. SMALL. 
Suffice it to say that I respectfully decline and offer you (what I deem) a medium sized building instead. Before you ask me, 'did you even try', I attempted to make two other layouts in the ‘small’ category that just. Did. Not. Work. So yeah. No small Magnus Institute for you.
The only reason I didn’t make it 'large' is because of a bit of research I did into probable locations of TMI, where none of the buildings were taller than four floors, or could be considered large by any stretch of the imagination. In terms of facade and size, I think TMI is kind of like a Starbucks on a college campus. It isn’t distractingly out of place, but you can find it easily enough.
Most of the more interesting shapes in the various floor layouts are the result of scouring Google maps and historical images for architecture typical of the 1800s. While it’s entirely possible for the building to have been gutted between now and then, I like to think of the Magnus Institute as being a preserved historical building, one that can’t be completely replaced without losing that status. Which is, unfortunately, why it doesn’t have an elevator/lift either.
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Ground Floor Rooms
On this floor lies the rooms that gave me the greatest trouble: the Boiler Room and Artefact Storage. 
The source of my difficulties? MAG 038-040, three episodes wherein the amount of setting descriptions provided is greater than the sum of the descriptions found in the other 197 episodes. The entire Prentiss scene is extremely difficult to justify in a building with a feasible layout that can be designated as ‘small’ or even ‘medium’. 
Here are the most important points I used making this floor, just for easy reference:
Elias and Sasha have to find the boiler room ‘a few floors down’ 
The worms are on the upper floor (possibly the ground floor, one floor above the basement)
Elias and Sasha have to ‘turn a corner’ to see a ‘tidal wave of filth’ rushing towards them
Elias has to 1) lose Sasha, who finds her way into Artefact Storage and 2) take a roundabout route that requires 10-15 minutes to reach the boiler room (with one close call)
There are multiple corridors, only one of which contains the filth mass
Artefact Storage does not have any windows.
I spent so much time considering whether the Artefact Storage and the Boiler Room were in the basement or not — and I have been working on an alternate layout somewhere to do just that, if anyone’s interested — but ended up settling on the first floor because a lot of the descriptions didn’t line up with the idea of either of those rooms being in the basement. Elias’ ‘alternate route’ and ‘corridors’ from MAG 040 were one such description.
I also couldn’t bring myself to justify lugging a table all the way down to the basement.
(The reception, break room, toilets, and an administrative office are all located on this floor largely due to convenience and/or logic.) 
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First Floor Rooms
This was the easiest floor to design. I didn’t want it to be too far from the research floor or Artefact Storage, and I knew that the library deserved its own floor. Simple, effective, and logical. I gave the head librarian an office, too. It’s what Diana deserves.
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Second Floor Rooms
So, as it turns out, to run a business you need more than just the spooky parts. This includes offices for workers that are essential to keeping the company running. Marketing, accounting, the like. I also read on the wiki that the Magnus Institute has approximately 80 workers and couldn’t justify not having this floor. 
If you’ll notice, the HR department has an office smaller than the toilets. This is because Jonah Magnus deems it nonessential. The janitorial staff, however, are both very important and very well stocked, so they get one of the larger rooms. 
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Third Floor Rooms
TMA explicitly states that researchers work on the third floor. Therefore, the research room is on the third floor. What is not explicitly stated is whether or not the floor levels are based on the British English floor system (which would make sense), where the ground floor is street level and the first floor is one level above, or the American English floor system (which would not make sense), where the first floor is on street level. I went for the obvious choice.
As for Elias’ office being on the third floor, in MAG 039 Elias states that there’s a manual release for the Archive’s fire suppression system “a few floors down”. Originally, I wanted his office to be on the second floor, or the first. In the end, I got a bit stuck on the idea of “a few”, which seems like it’s more than two, so all the way up to the top went Elias’ office. It stayed up there for character purposes — namely, the idea of Jonah Magnus being able to watch the city from his office.
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Basement Rooms
In the basement is, of course, the Archives. Surprisingly, despite how much of the podcast takes place in the Archives, the layout is just as nebulous as the rest of TMI. 
Here are a few notable details I used in planning, all from MAG 038-040:
In the Archives, there is an office (likely small and intended for statement recording)
There’s an entrance to the tunnels in the Archives
There’s a storeroom intended for statements/files that need more care
From the storeroom, the office is visible, as is the door to the Archives.
While the second break room and toilets are not mentioned in the podcast, I thought I’d include them because it makes sense to me that a spacious area with only one exit has options in case of an emergency.
I am almost absolutely certain that I misinterpreted the description of the Archives, but alas, I won’t be remaking it for a while. The new version can wait until I’ve regained my sanity.
About the Stairs
The odd positions for the stairs are the result of trying to reason my way through the descriptions provided in MAG 038-040. My idea was that he and Sasha would descend all the way to the ground floor using the stairs closest to his office, only to run back up after meeting with a wall of corruption. 
At first, I thought that Elias’ “roundabout” route to reach the Boiler Room (MAG 040) would have him dashing through the library and down the other set of stairs, so that particular set of stairs by the Boiler Room only went up to the library floor. 
Then I thought it would be hysterical if Elias didn’t even bother running through the library because he is genuinely terrified of the librarians. (He tries to justify his actions by stating he wanted to extend Jon’s exposure to the corruption and Sasha’s encounter with the table, but he’s lying.) So in went another set of stairs.
The Magnus Archives is a wonderful podcast with descriptions that are highly immersive while allowing for a lot of interpretation by fans, which is something I've always appreciated in storytelling. Although I’m certain those at the Rusty Quill have their own layout, unless they choose to release all the specific details, the Magnus Institute truly is what we make of it.
Also, Elias’ description of the Prentiss invasion can get burrowed into by worms :) 
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Me trying to explain the Magnus Institute layout according to the Prentiss Incident™
A Few Sources
Thoughts on layout and location of Magnus Institute
Robert Smirke (architect) - Wikipedia
Donald Insall Associates | Historic Buildings Research - Donald Insall Associates
Mostly Google Images of random 1800s buildings located in Britain and searches for reasonable building dimensions. (Never thought I'd Google, 'how big does a restroom need to be', but here we are.)
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the-spooky-archives · 2 years ago
Intros, among other things.
Cocoa Beane
Hello hello! Cocoa Beane (Any Pronouns), Head Archivist, at your service! Currently in the process of attempting to reorganize the archives while also keeping up with all the new statements that keep pouring in from Research. Scared of spiders. Just a tad.
catch me over at @the-better-archivist for daily liveblogs about the reorganization efforts, among other things. My posts here are denoted by #archivist speaks.
Vinny Seraph
Hi everyone, names Vinny Seraph, She/her. I’m yet another archival assistant here, and I also help Cocoa out with her organization efforts if I can. I like coffee, music, and more coffee. I’m not addicted, I swear. I just like the taste.
My personal blog is @magnus-coffee-shop and the tag I use for my posts here is #Vinny Coffee Talk.
Hello. My name is Kairos, and I’m an archival assistant here at the Institute. I handle most of the tech side, because it’s abundantly obvious how much Cocoa needs it. If you need to reach me, I’ll probably ignore you. And don’t touch my plants.
But if you must ask me something, you can find me at @clock-weaver for…my own efforts in archival work. All posts written by me here will be signed off with the tag #clock’s ticking
Minty Mori
Hello Hello! My name is Minty Mori (He/him) and archival assistant. I do a lot of filing, paperwork, I handle a lot of miscellaneous tasks but really just standard paper things. I have narcolepsy and I wholly apreciate the patience of the archival staff. I'm not entirely sure what to write honestly, Hopefully this will be alright with the Cocoa.
You'll find me occasionally posting at @minty-mori-archival-assistant (gosh it's so long.) And my tag is: #Sleep talking Minty.
Michael (Angelo?)
Hi there! I'm Michael, short for a myriad of things! I go by Mikey usually. I'm an archival assistant, brought on by Elias. I used to know Gertie, my guardian used to bring me out to see her! I'm not telling what I do here, as I find it fun to keep it secret. I like to refer to myself as "Michael 2" as my guardian is also named Michael (part of why he adopted me in the first place). My blog is @a-second-smaller-door, and I post with the tag #Michael..... 2!
What is The Spooky Archives?
The Spooky Archives, aka TSA, is a TMA AU created by all the mods on this blog and a few others who haven't been introduced yet. In this AU, our own OCs/sonas take the place of the s1 archival crew (though of course they all still exist, they just aren't working in the Archives).
About the Mods
Names Mod Cocoa (Any pronouns). A few of my friends (who are also mods on this blog) told me I should listen to Magnus. I gave in after a few weeks and proceeded to listen to the entire podcast in two weeks, so that gives you an idea of my level of insanity.
My main blog is @ihavenohotcocoa, and I kinda just post whatever I want so like. Maybe some magnus, maybe not.
Hi! Mod Vinny here! (She/her pronouns) I’m a bit of a newbie to the series, and pretty much still am. I started listening to TMA and then my progress grinded to a halt around 107(?) because I was too anxious for everyone. And then I just got Mod!Cocoa to tell me everything because I was tired. And honestly? I would have not survived. So please forgive me if I do things contradictory to canon because everything I got is from word of mouth.
My blog is @vinegar-on-main, but don’t expect me to post only TMA stuff. I post whatever I feel like.
HI HI HELLO my name’s Llama (she/her)!! I was one of said friends who bugged Cocoa to listen to tma and I don’t think any of us have been the same ever since, I know I haven’t :D
My main blog is @constellama, I post art and sometimes random thoughts on different fandoms I’m a part of :D Feel free to follow !!
Y O U. Hello! I'm Minty (He/him or any), and I was also bugged to listen to it!! It really spread like a plague/pos ofc. I post about a couple things?? DC and Spiderverse have me in a chokehold at the time of writing so you may see a lot of that.
My main blog is at: @hyperspix and yeah! Chilling and vibing. Always free to yell about something to me because I love hearing them! Have a lovely day <3.
HI! My name is Mikey (He/They/It). I listened to tma back before s4 even ended. I like transformers a lot. like so much. so so so much. please someone talk to me about transformers. my main blog is @snowybookwyrm !
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saym0-0 · 1 year ago
trying again. okay.
polymechs is very much a thing i think,, basira gets called to the institute to investigate a very serious murder and stuff but also has to avoid eye contact with jon(ny) so they dont start giggling
after basira gets hired/held ransom tim starts coming in and bringing lunch for the whole archives for no reason beyond wanting to fuck with the other assistant who before this didnt know jon and basira even knew each other. maybe they do the funny bit where he pretends to cheat w jonny but its really healthy happy poly. the possibilities are endless
i think tim would take her name also (tim hussain) this is not because i dont want to figure out how to contort gunpowder into a real last name nope definitely not (it is)(also i think its funny)
also they exclusively refer to him as her wife, when asked why they say its bc tim wore the dress at the wedding and thus deserves the title. also i think basira/ashes will use she/they bc theres something uncomfortable using she/her for ashes exclusively
simply because im not in the mood for angst im gonna say ts was always a Stranger, only they didnt notice for like a week because they were sleep deprived college students and by that point they decided collectively that it was good enough company to Just Not Really Think About It. so they know its some kind of sentient wooden doll with potentially nefarious intentions but they dont really care very much?
as for the other mechs, i dont think any of them are really involved with The Spooky beyond a mark from the stranger each and probably also noticing a little more than the average person off the street
marius is in med school, and takes great glee in adding 'yet!!' after he gets not-a-doctored
ivy works in a library and is consistently mad about jonnys job as archivist ('one day, jonny. one day im going to follow you to work and get that damn archive sorted.. >:(' )
tbh i Dont Know what most of them r doing in their own lives. they show up to perform shows, torment jon(ny) in fromt of his coworkers, and have like cute romance or smth then disappear again
i think jonny and nastya are childhood friends (maybe met a couple years after the web leitner thing) but they've been calling each other siblings since before any of the others met them
with georgie i think shes monogamous but since the mechs polycule is like. open im not sure the exact terminology she dated jon(ny) in college just like. separately from the rest. shes homies w all of them though
maybe they shared a flat in college and carmilla was their landlord & neighbour that sounds really funny actually
atp im more making a regular human mechs au instead of a tma crossover but we ball im having fun
also!! with the exception of jon(ny) and basira/ashes their names & personalities are exclusively based on mechs canon, im not gonna start using actual names because that just leans a little close to rpf for me (mcyt fandom trauma 😔) and they all have mostly human first and last names anyway so im keeping them
like with the georgie bit any tma ships are also possible!! idk which ones i want to include yet (probably jmart or polychives) if any but i do think it would be funny for someone to be like 'shit! hes taken! :(' like four times with different people over the course of a few months then realising 'wait a minute.. maybe my boss doesn't go through partners like candy and is actually polyam. maybe i do have a chance!'
okay this is actually making less sense the more i write so im stopping here you get the jist
need more mechs x tma aus with mechs ships, i feel like this is an unexploited form of comedy. this is entirely because i think ashes-is-basira and ashes-and-tim-are-married are two things that can and should coexist
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