#tlt rp
the-haunted-office · 3 months
Also, this post is for the TLT fandom. How many of ya'll would be interested in rping? I have an age minimum of 27 on my blog, but I might lower it considering a lot of TLT peeps seem to be a bit younger than that. Maybe down to 24-25, but not much lower than that for my own comfort. Anybody out there interested? I still need to read the third book, but after that I'm absolutely 100% taking on some TLT muses!
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icarusplunged · 2 months
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ICARUS PLUNGED INTO THE DEEP, and the fire was extinguished, and the wax had melted, and all was quiet.
independent oc / canon multi. private + low effort. canons from the magnus archives, the amelia project, the locked tomb, six of crows, midnight burger, probably more at some point.
featured original: keon derege (the scion), anah tannar (the rose), rusalka kalypsos (the heart)
featured canon: inej ghafa (the wraith)
test: melinoë (the time-slayer) rules   ||   muses || graphic
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findroleplay · 4 months
haii there! i’m lili, 19NBY, it/its, EST ^^ semi-lit to lit writer looking to rp canon characters from the locked tomb (TLT) with another 18+ writer or several !!
most comfortable playing harrowhark nonagesimus OR harrow nova, but i can also try my hand at gideon nav. especially interested in griddlehark. possibly sixth house/69ers (no campal 👍). modern AUs encouraged <3
i tend to enjoy heavy angst, hurt/comfort, & themes of recovery ! please be ok with headcanons of all kinds incl. gender, disability (I Am Disabled), mental health issues, etc.
wld prefer to take all rp to discord — just interact w this here first !! tysm 🥹
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1flesh-a · 2 years
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unhealthily devoted queer rep. gothic hyper-devotion codependent lovers. dysfunctional enemy-to-lover lesbians with something deeply deeply deeply wrong with them dethroning god. affiliated sideblogs @1flesh & @1end
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frstflwr · 2 years
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                             indie & selective Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb 
“The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee,” said Gideon. -- “See you on the flip side, sugarlips.”
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mercymornpropaganda · 2 years
Desperately need a RP partner ;-;
Howdy y’all! Back again with the begging lol. 
So, as you may or may not have guessed if you’ve even glanced at my blog, I’m obsessed with The Locked Tomb. I also happen to be obsessed with RPing, namely on Discord but anywhere works, really. If anyone at all (please I am dying) would like to do a TLT RP with me, please hit me up! Give this post a like or send me a DM :) 
Main ship is, of course, Griddlehark (Gideon/Harrow) but I’m a multishipper, so tbh anything generally works for me lol.
Please let me know if you’re interested, I’m desperate af T-T
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the-haunted-office · 10 days
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Authored by the Author 😜👍
Selective - Mutuals Only - Mun is 30+ - Prefer to rp with those 25+, but may make exceptions - Open to all crossovers, canons, OCs, and self-inserts - Multifandom, Multimuse, and Multiship!
A horror/comedy blog that is heavily inspired by The Stanley Parable and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as other works that have stricken my fancy over the years.
Most of what you'll find here is silliness and satire seasoned with elements of horror. But other themes seasoned throughout are death, found family, the paranormal & supernatural, the power of choice, breaking out of your narrative, and sometimes breaking THE narrative. No one is ever bound to the path set before them - you always have a choice, even though the choice might not be clear or obvious. Sometimes you have to carve out the path yourself, brutally, even violently, but as the great mathematician Ian Malcolm once said, “Life, uh, finds a way.”
Character art commissioned from @potato-lord-but-not Promo banner created by @cometcalloway Thank you both so much! 💞
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icarusplunged · 1 year
officially finished with the locked tomb trilogy and delved into the rp tags, only to find, devastated, that there is barely an rpc for this series??? HELLO???????
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wcterwithin · 5 months
Hello. I live.
I barely have brain to write but when I do want to write, it's Locked Tomb...
So guess who I'm adding! Yeah you bet it's
Jeanne-Mary Chatur
Palamedes Sextus
and Harrow maybe.
These are a test and I can't promise my activity but I'll try to be back....... I miss writing longer stuff .....
(also I made a sideblog for spoilery stuff @wholockedthistomb )
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hubplaceholder · 10 months
This blog is officially active! Ready to start causing some chaos.
Rules and stuff under the cut.
Don't be a dick.
Don't godmod. Like a dick.
I'm obligated to tell you I'm not Gideon.
I don't know what I'm gonna have on here, so no kids. If you're under 18, yeah, that means you. Get out.
Probably not gonna do smut. Don't pester me about it. (But still no kids.)
I'm not gonna go spilling a whole bunch of personal shit. Don't ask.
Basically just don't be a dick (or a minor) and we'll be fine.
I'll have this done soon...
Name: Gideon Nav
Aliases: Gideon the Ninth, Griddle
Twin Name: 
Gender: Cisfemale
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163lbs
Physical appearance: Gideon is taller than average and of a muscular build. She has been training as a swordswoman since she was a young child and has put considerable effort into her strength. She has red hair and gold eyes, which makes her stick out amongst her Ninth House peers. Not that there are many. She is of mixed Maori decent, though she has no knowledge of this, and has an olive complexion. She is strong-jawed and over all sturdily built. She keeps her red hair cropped short and is practical about clothing. She does typically wear all black, though this is normal for the Ninth House. She also often wears a pair of aviator sunglasses, which help with bright light, since she comes from a House that is always twilit.
Distinguishing marks: Red hair and gold eyes
Affiliations: The Ninth House, Harrowhark Nonagesimus
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Abilities: Swordsmanship
Positive traits: Determined, persistent
Likes: Fighting with a longsword, attractive women, dad jokes, being annoying on purpose, dirty magazines, comic books
Weaknesses: Attractive women
Negative traits: Annoying on purpose
Dislikes: Harrow, losing
Weapon of choice: Longsword
Orientation: Homoflexible
Relationship status: Single
Mental Health and Behavior: 
History: Gideon knows very little about her origins. She was supposedly dropped in a biocontainer from a shuttle above the Ninth House as an infant. She was raised by the nuns of the Locked Tomb and trained as a swordswoman starting when she was about five years old.
Hello! I'm Bard. I'm 21+ and new to RP, but I'm aware enough of it. Just had to find a character I liked enough. That's pretty much everything you need to know about me. I don't give a shit about pronouns. If you want to try to guess my gender, be my guest. It'll be hilarious when you fail.
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So, you finally got tumblr. Good.
How would you and Vera feel about dinner at my place, so Tuesday evening?
I did, and already blocked about fifty tags. I’m very glad.
I’d enjoy that, @moongirlwidow are you free too baby?
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pawtistics · 4 months
my special interest is tlt and my current hyperfix is roleplaying 👍 id be interested in potentially running something if there’s enough interest!!
if ur looking for 1x1s + someone to play harrow / nova / nona hmu RN please :3
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1flesh-a · 2 years
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nine for the tomb & all that was lost .
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haharuspex · 1 year
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tlt server rp shenanigans
everything is super canon tamsyn muir told me so
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iyla-difransisco · 3 months
You know what’s hilarious?
If you had to keep all your last names (I’m hyphenated also)
It would be
That’s a lotta names-
I was using Romanoff-Danvers since it’s what’s in your tag, I hope that’s okay-
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frstflwr · 2 years
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                             indie & selective Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb 
“The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee,” said Gideon.      -- “See you on the flip side, sugarlips.”
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