#tloz head canons
scenicphoenix · 2 months
Honestly even though we never get to see it, I’m sure other Zelda’s go through a similar process of “why are my powers not working, why doesn’t the goddess speak, am I broken?”
The only other Zelda’s magical awakening we really get to see is Skyward Sword’s, and hers is a very immediate “oh fuck I’m the reincarnation of a goddess, I have the whole world’s safety on my shoulders, OH FUCK” and “if I am the goddess and the goddess chose a specific knight to reincarnate as her chosen doesn’t that mean I’m manipulating my best friend, my crush? I’m not a goddess I’m a MONSTER”
Bringing up Steven universe, but Hylia and Pink diamond/Rose quartz really fell in love with a mortal goober of a man and decided that they would kill themselves for him. For different reasons, but they are shaking hands. Put your burdens on someone else through the process of self death reincarnation or having a doomed pregnancy? Steven universe and skyward sword Zelda would understand each other greatly I think
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prisiidon · 1 year
Avatar!Sidon headcanon 👀 angst
May I present: Sidon can feel what the Avatar!Sidon companion feels. Avatar!Sidon also being a personification of Sidon’s soul and true feelings. The avatar cannot speak therefore simply shows what Sidon wishes to do through small gestures (and as protector in general). Meanwhile, King Sidon in the Domain feels a strange tingle in his hand as the avatar traces a hand over Link's cheek...
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akira-pink · 1 year
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I don’t know what comes before this or what comes after this I just threw it together. Takes place pretty early after botw(in my opinion)
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mariigoldzz · 2 months
As a fellow specimen of the human species who thinks Majora's mask is the best work of arr I gotta ask:
What was your favorite moment in MM? [Mine's the stone tower temple flip and Majora's Mask death]
Did you love the ost [especially Stone Tower and Deku palace]
What's your favorite dungeon [mine's Stone tower and Greatbay Temple]
What's your least favorite [mine's Snow Head but it's ost is very ominously great]
Did you get Surprised when Majora revealed that he's the one controlling skull kid? I almost got a heart attack.
Did you cry at the ending? I cried at Skull kid's drawing of him and Link. It's just that great.
What's your favorite side quest? Mine's the two Ingo's who you race. I always repeat their cries. WHOOA!
What's your criticism for it? Mine is not making a continuation. It feels like Nintendo just forgot about MM because it's singlehandedly the best Zelda game imo even better than Botw and Tokt. Like you have Majora who's singlehandedly the best non Ganon villain and one of my favorite pure evil characters.
What do you think?
What's up holy shit that's alot
My favorite moment in majoras mask is skull kid's backstory when he meets tattl and tael!
Fav dungeon gotta be stone tower temple I love the ikana area ‼️‼️
Least fav probably the woodfall temple, I love the snowhead boss 😭
I already had it coming that majoras turned skullkid evil. Not that it was possessed per se, I just thought it turned him evil..
nope I never cry over most media
My criticism is that you can only save when you rewind time, (og version) making it hard to complete dungeons if you're a busy person. I also kinda wish link stayed in termina‼️
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obsessed w the idea that pre calamity hylians had claws and that’s how link is able to climb like that
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greyennui · 2 years
I sometimes forget that people only consider Sheik to be Zelda in disguise bc I just love the idea of Sheik as a Man™ with that air of mystery and danger and it's just too good and how could anybody think of Sheik in any other way
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the0maski · 5 months
Little thoughts and feelings about Update Dawn part 9| part 3
You cannot tell me, that his eyes didn’t showed the windows blue screen of death at exactly that moment. He really can’t handle attention, Twi would feel probably very uncomfortable turning someone down, more so because he knows how it hurts. Yet I think he really is the type of guy who needs a deep friendship level first, before he falls in love with a person.
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Both of them are so happy to see each other! Epona immediately turning her head once she sees him, and Twilight moods going to maximum happiness! The first thing he dose is price her, so cute.
Warriors comment just solidifies that Twilight wasn’t comfortable when he asked who the lady was.
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Game reference my beloved!!! Not hard to explain, if you can jump down from somewhere you jump, easy!
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(Wind does a classic roll?
Legend and Hyrule just jump down)
Warriors…he’s trying way too hard.
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I think this is also a reference to Hyrule Warriors being a complete different type of Zelda-game.
From the creator of Wind gets push out of the way by Dink and Those who get lost together stay together Wild and Hyrule! We get now, a brand new running gag: Of course you’re rich Wars, and I am the King of Hyrule!
Legend has a point…but I wouldn’t say that Time keeps the ranch income…he isn’t the owner of Lon Lon, since he married Malon. All the money goes to his wife, and I even say Time takes just what he finds in dungeons, and or demands necessary. I doubt he has a lot of rupees with him.
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(Wanna know who is the poorest Link?
Warriors: 9.999,999 (≈10.000,000)
Wild: 999.999 (≈1000.000)
Twilight: 9.999 (≈10.000)
Sky: 9.999 (≈ 10.000)
Legend: 9.999 (≈ 10.000) from ALbW
If we take all his LU canon games:
ALttP: 999 (≈1.000)
OoA: 999 (≈1.000)
OoS: 999 (≈1.000)
LA: 999 (≈1.000)
Total: 13.995 (≈14.000)
Wind: 9.999 (≈ 10.000) from PH
If we take all his LU canon games:
WW: 5.000
Total: 14.999 (≈15.000)
Four: 999 (≈ 1.000) from MC
+ all his LU canon games:
FS: 99.999 (≈ 100.000)
Total: 100.998 (≈ 101.000)
Time: 500 from Oot
+ all his LU canon games:
MM: 500
Total: 1.000
Hyrule: 255 from TloZ
In conclusion Hyrule is the poorest! If there are some mistakes pls tell me, because I’m doing this in the middle of the night with half my brain working…)
Wild is so proud of his sword, look at that smile! He really there saying: »Four and the others made me this sword! Look! Isn’t it amazingly made?«
Four knows his craft!
Wind also getting acknowledged with Wild’s comment is so sweet.
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Really looking forward to this! How their will organize and team up to take The Shadow down!
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Ending this arc with Four.
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Till the next arc! Stay hydrated
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onewingedsparrow · 2 months
4, 6, and 7!
For this ask game @nocturnalfandomartist Hi Nocturne! Thank you for the ask! :D This is very long, hopefully you don't mind :) 4. Do you have beta? How important is it to the process? As a general rule: no. I have a naturally sharp eye for grammar, spelling, and cohesion. I prefer going through my writing myself with a fine-toothed comb, because beta reading my own fics helps me notice what I need to improve at a rate faster than someone else could point it out. Reading my writing aloud is something I also enjoy doing that helps me keep dialogue smooth, my syllables flowing, and my pacing watertight. In addition, because so many of my works are interconnected in an intricate spiral galaxy of depth and parallels and foreshadows and flashbacks and LORE, it's impossible for a beta reader to fully grasp all that I am intending to convey in any single story without reading...literally everything everywhere all at once which I am writing. No oneshot of mine is truly a oneshot. :) However, I don't discount the benefits of beta reading! Editor feedback is valuable for pointing out subconscious habits of mine and improvements to my flow that I can make. It also is valuable in reinforcing my writing voice; I have learned very quickly what sentence structures I am not willing to compromise on, lol. I use what I learn from other endeavors to enhance my fandom writing. I also make an effort to continue reading published books, articles, screenplays, etc. in addition to posted fanfiction. While fanfiction is in no way "inferior" to published work, there is much to learn from published work that has passed through gateways of editing that fanfiction slips by. In other words, just because my fics are deliberately not beta read doesn't mean that I aim to let my writing stay stagnant. I am still learning and will always be learning. Only a few of my fics will be jestingly tagged as "No beta we die like X"—typically older ones from my "Throwback Archive" that I don't care about cleaning up. They're the equivalent of rough sketches, so they don't need to be anywhere near my usual standards for posting. For my giant Fire Emblem fic*, however, I'm worldbuilding with someone in particular. Once I complete a few drafts of the entire massive story, I will have him alone beta read that, in order to get his feedback on keeping the giant cast all in-character, keeping the route-crossing satisfactory, etc. *This is not posted yet and will not be for a while. It's my fanfic magnum opus. It will be hundreds of thousands of words and multiple books long. And, since I am a plantser, I can't share portions of it because it is all written and drafted out-of-order. I can't wait to drop the entire story on AO3 someday. That will be a glorious day.
6. Post links to your 3 fav fics: Well, all my proper "favorites" are the giant ones that haven't been posted yet. (The Three Houses one, Under My Wings, and the secret sparkling project.) My posted "favorites" differ day by day, depending on what mood I'm in. "To Bee a Leader" is ever dear to my heart. But, at present, I am partial to "Where Sorrow Rings" (FE Engage, during-canon angst) "Reigniting" (TLoZ Ocarina of Time during-canon drabble) "もう少しだけ" (Death Note during-canon drabble)
7. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences? I am invested in what is called "third-person deep POV." I love getting into the head, heart and soul (or, as Transformers would call all three together, the spark) of characters and wresting out their deepest thoughts, feelings, and very being. Line by line, droplet by droplet, I fish it out out of their darkened depths. So, yes, I feel what the characters feel. If I don't feel what the characters feel as I write, then my readers won't either as they read. That is one of my goals in writing characters within third-person deep POV: to make the readers feel what the characters are. Obviously, I can't 1:1 relate to everything my characters go through. Moreover, I hope I don't, since some of them go through some pretty nasty messes I wouldn't wish on anyone. 😂 But, I will thoroughly analyze my characters' perspectives from their shoes and see if anything across my personal experiences can be either directly or distantly relatable to that, and begin composing from there.
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fruitysoupy · 5 months
For the ask game! I’m making everyone be a hater bc I’m so curious about these specific questions. Lol
😔 Least favorite Zelda character
👾 Least favorite Zelda game
😤 Any Zelda-related pet peeves?
👍 Favorite Zelda headcanons
love heros-shade-fanclub
HERO im so ready omg
Let's get into it
Honestly? Ravio orz I am so sorry, I tried so hard to like him but it's just not happening
Phantom Hourglass is the one I actively avoid replaying because I just can't deal with the controls (how hypocritical of a skyward sword fan), but I love the story so I don't wanna count it as my least favorite
I'll go with the four swords instead, both of them. Never really cared for them
I have to preface this by saying tloz is my special interest and has been for over a decade, but I only go "um ACTUALLY" in my head
ALSO!!!!!!!! ONLY SKYWARD SWORD ZELDA is the reincarnation of Hylia, every Zelda after her is only related to the goddess
It's pronounced HIGH-rule, emphasis on the first syllable!! And it's HIGH-lians and HIGH-lia, again emphasis on the first syllable. Hearing people pronounce it hill-ia and hill-ians makes me want to crawl out of my skin 😭😭
The manga are fun but they're NOT canon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am so tired /j
Zelda did not MAKE the champions leathers, she ordered them! I swear so many people get this wrong it drives me MAD
LINK IS SHORT!! HE IS MINISCULE! MICROSCOPIC! He's always been shorter than Zelda with only two exceptions. Love headcanons but I draw the line at inaccurate height relations /j
Hylia I am so tired of the "Link can only scream" joke orz please can we let it die already
Similarly, LOVE a feral botw/totk Link, but come on people he is not that stupid. Impulsive, yes. But stupid? I don't think so
NOT EVERY AU IS LU had to get that out of my system
Moving on! :]]
My favorite headcanon is probably the soundtrack being Link's thoughts!
It's either melodies that just come to his mind as he goes, or folk music he knows! Village themes would be folk songs in my hc for example :]
Hylians say "blessings" to someone who sneezed! It comes from different things depending on what time period we're in. Sometimes it references a fairy spring or a great fairy herself, sometimes it references Hylia. It's to wish someone a speedy recovery basically!
Skyloftians say something that roughly translates to just "feathers". It's more of a joke than anything because until after the events of the game skyloftians didn't get sick! Skyloft was protected by Hylia's blessing before, to make sure the hero actually makes it far enough.
I have a bunch of headcanons focusing just on hylian language and culture, I love that sort of world building stuff hhnnngggghhh
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chateaulonlon · 8 months
I've written a few tLoZ fanfics in the past that diverted a bit from canon. My new FF is a giant head-canon of what happened to Link after the events of Majora's Mask and how he became the heroes shade. Quotev is one of my favorite FF sites but I'll link my other accounts soon.
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justapixelthing · 11 months
So I didn't know canon character x OC was a common way of shipping, but I'm glad it is. I'm always team Zelink but I don't like loose ends so....
Meet Arod, a skilled archer of the Hylian Army, who ends up marrying Malon, the beautiful ranch girl from Ocarina of Time.
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Arod and Malon are especially prominent in the 4th timeline (where my Zelda story 'TLoZ: Remnants of the Past' is set on) but I see him with her in any timeline. In the 4th timeline however, their bloodline creates the ROTP side characters Maron and her son Aron who run the ranch as Ron Ron Ranch many generations later.
Have some 4th Timeline specific info on Arod and this relationship:
He originates from an ungoverned area outside of Hyrule
He doesn't know for sure, but it is rumored (or pretty clear) that his family is of the Sheikah, due to their white hair and red eyes. But they have lost the knowledge of their tribe.
Arod is a highly skilled archer, a skill he has practiced since childhood
He came to Hyrule during the period of reconstruction post-Oot, after news of what happend spread to neighboring places.
Eventually he joined the Hylian army, which was being reformed by Impa and the Hero of Time.
He butted heads a lot with Link and teased him a lot.... even though Link is his literal trainer.
Arod is VERY cocky. He thinks very highly of himself and brags a lot. Unfortunately for the people around him, his archery skills do kinda give him those bragging rights. He can be very sweet with the right people.
Because of his archery skills, he is also nicknamed 'Sniper' in the Hylian army.
He first saw Malon when she made a shipment of goods to the construction site and instantly fell for her.
But Malon was heartbroken because she had feelings for Link and Link, while caring for her, was clearly destined for Zelda. So Arod found it hard to approach her.
Once Link found out Arod was into Malon, he set them up to meet more often by causing random coincidences where they'd have to spend a bit of time together.
It worked! Arod and Malon became familiar and Arod eventually offered to work on the farm after trainings. Over all that, Malon eventually realized she didn't love Link, but she loved what he did for her. What she felt for Arod, that was true love.
Arod literally became the knight to sweep Malon of her feet, as Malon always wished for.
Link and Malon became better friends over this. Link and Zelda eventually became official too and both couples became super close.
Because Link and Arod still tease each other, Malon and Zelda joked that their men are gay for each other and anytime the guys would tease another, one of the girls would go "Go get a room!" Arod clearly didn't care enough about the fact that Link became King to stop messing with him.
The children of Malon and Arod would call Zelda and Link auntie and uncle. The children of Link and Zelda would do the same with the other couple.
Though despite that, one child of Zelink would actually eventually fall in love with one child of Marod. I headcanon that this also happens in the child timeline and there this new couple would lead to TP Link's bloodline (Like, the Zelink child leaves the throne to a sibling to stay on the farm with the Marod child, thus TP Link who is their descendant doesn't end up as a royal)
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scenicphoenix · 2 months
One of my FAVORITE parts of Phantom Hourglass is how Tetra absolutely hates being called your highness and Zelda. She refuses it. She despises it. The divine right thing, her families past as royalty, and just the fact that is just NOT HER NAME
She was named Tetra, has been called Tetra her entire life she is not changing it now for some stupid tradition that’s as good as dead. Honestly I can only see her very very reluctantly taking position of Queen once they find new Hyrule. She prefers the pirate life but her crew look up to her so much and see her as a the best option for leader. I can see her being a very good ruler!
And I think her relationship with Link is so great in these games (wind waker and Phantom hour glass) two sea fairing gremlins I love them dearly.
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🩵Hey, I’m Zel. Welcome to my blog! I’m older than 21 but won’t share my age on here for anonymity reasons. I’m genderqueer and use all pronouns except she/her. It’s fine if you know my main, but please don’t mention it here.
🩵All characters I post or reblog posts about are 18+.
🩵DNI: Minors (no offense)🔹TERFs (full offense)🔹Age players in regressed headspaces🔹Proana/eating disorder kink blogs🔹Misogyny and race play kink blogs🔹
🩵Please find a tagging guide for commonly posted about topics below the cut:
The Legend of Zelda related posts - tloz
Breath of the Wild & Tears of the Kingdom - botw
Skyward Sword - sksw
Zelink - [either sksw or botw] zelink
Oviposition - ovi
Somnophilia - somno
Anything related to having sex w/ friends - FWB
Consenting non-consent, including somno and drunk sex - CNC
Costumes, including costumes role play and lingerie - costume fun
Sexual overstimulation - overstim
Microphilia and macrophilia - micro/macro
Cute and wholesome stuff - soft
Not Zelda - anything not having to do with The Legend of Zelda
Other tags I frequently use that are self-explanatory: humiliation, spanking, eggpreg, piss, cum, exhibitionism, breeding, trans nsft, tentacles, pet play, art, reblogs, fic, head canons, reference, silly
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sleepyy-27 · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈🍀✨ (for the hyperfix ask game:))
(I’ll answer them in the order you sent them in)
Do I have head canons? For the utmv stuff I have one dreamtale one
And for tloz/Lu stuff I have no head canons for either of them (yet)
Do I have a comfort character? In the utmv.. it’s either passive nightmare or reaper.. and maybe papyrus
I have few in Lu and I’ll list them off twilight warriors and wild and maybe hyrule
What interests me about utmv/Undertale? at first I was only interested in the game cause of the ost then I discovered the utmv part and it’s honestly interesting how people are coming up with new ideas, aus, and art still!
I was going to getting into tloz stuff cause I was just gonna watch a play through of totk then I found a lot of other things that seriously caught my interest and then I found Lu which almost immediately got me into the whole thing and what interests me about it is the fact that it’s almost turned into it’s own fandom and the people in it are just so positive and kind
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bokoblincore · 2 years
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Link dump except for some reason the quality is terrible
yes link is trans argue with a wall
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
If you know The Legend of Zelda, a Zelink kid would be awesome
And if you don’t know TLoZ then I’d like to see a 3rd Gen Undetale fankid :)
So, figuring out a Zelink kid at first was harder than I thought. There's so many versions of Zelda and Link, as they're more of titles/reincarnations. Also, many Zeldas and Link look similar. However, I eventually got it. Using the BotW versions of Zelda and Link, I present, Lyra.
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I think that she's an adventurer like her father. Also I like the head canon that Link is mute, so Lyra knows sign language. I definitely think she's a daddy's girl.
Anyways, I also just wanted to draw some of the 3rd gen kids. So meet Sariel, Broadway, Giko, and Chicago's kids.
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Accalia the Were-Cabra
Full name: Accalia Acselina Cabrera
B-Day: March 24th, 2047
Age: 5 (In 2052)
-Very shy. Likes to read with her Mama
-Can transform into a human form like their dad, but only on full moons
-Has telekinesis and telepathy
Hollywood the Zombie Lizard
Full name: Hollywood Haruki Blook
B-Day: August 9th, 2046
Age: 6 (In 2052)
-Very passionate
-Frills pop up when happy. She likes it looks like a crown
-Has ghost and weapon magic
-Loves to dance
Cookie the Nutcracker Rabbit
Full name: Cookie CeCe Corbel Cottonheart
B-Day: July 7th, 2048
Age: 4 (In 2052)
-Biter. Loves to eat, or just chew stuff in general
-Other than biting, likes her Papa's inventions
-Puppet string magic
-Energetic and giggly
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