#tlou fanficton
wildlyfreemoon · 9 months
i just want to say, that there is no bad joel miller fanfiction. like all the writers for tlou and joel in particular are so good, the plots are good, the writing is good, the warnings are always good so i know what im in for, the summaries are always inticing so i always read it anyway or put it on my tbr list.
idk im in love with any joel miller writer xoxo
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liv-doesnt-care · 11 months
I lwk start wanna posting fanfiction...like smut/fluff imagines 🙈 @gogodancingtonight
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saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ
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WORD COUNT - 2,299.
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It wasn’t Ivy’s first day at school, yet her first week, she could say that her first day at school was awkward, being presented at the front of the class and having to introduce herself to other people her own age. It was staggering to a certain extent, to see so much individuals her own age but Ivy pushed the paralysing feeling away from her and used her “Rosalind charm” towards everyone and made herself comfortable to her new surroundings.
Robin and Venus were in separate classes not too far from Ivy’s. Robin in a class of people his age and Venus in a class of people her age, it did take easy for Robin and Ivy to acclimate and shape into new settings, but Venus, was uptight and quite anti-social, precisely because of her condition, as she was also forbidden to speak about it to anyone, even to herself, it did make her more kept to herself.
Ivy understood Isabella’s frustration to an extent, though Ivy wished for her mother to allow Venus to feel comfortable to express her feelings, no matter how afflictive and excruciating it got for Isabella. Venus had the right to speak about her emotions.
“It’s rude you haven’t spoken to me yet.”
Ivy turned to the owner of the comment and was met with pure dark eyes, that hid a short glint behind them, Ivy quickly examined the person and took in their appearance, black messy hair, tall and pale-skinned, Ivy couldn’t help but remark that the person was attractive, but something issued to Ivy that this was a very impish and frolicsome person but that impish and playful energy he gave off made the Rosalind girl intrigued.
“Rowan Sparke,” he introduced himself, pushing his hand towards Ivy to shake.
Out of amenities, Ivy shook the so-called Rowan Sparke’s hand and acquainted her name, “Ivy Rosalind.”
“I know,” he comically hummed, “everyone knows who you are,” he winked as he made his way towards his seat, Ivy shyly smiled, slightly surprised that anyone openly showed tender interest towards her, though the new girl didn’t want to jump into conclusions about any romantic feelings Rowan could have for her in the future, she wished she wasn’t so idealistic.
“Well, pleased to meet you Ro---”
“And that is not happening,” Isabella suddenly felt an avaricious grip wrap around her arm that then dragged her away from Rowan. It didn’t take Ivy long to notice that it was Dina who pulled her away from the man with Ellie and Jesse behind her who silently agreed with Dina who took Ivy away.
“Rowan is a big no, no,” Ellie mentioned to Ivy who then sat on her chair she has been sitting on ever since she entered Jackson Community School, she surrounded herself with Ellie, Dina and Jesse; they sat on single seats that had a desk connected to it, there were four rows of seats in class and there were five columns of desks and chairs; the group of four claiming the third row as Rowan sat at the back.
“And why is that?”
“He’s just a dick,” Ellie responded during the moment she sat herself down onto her unassigned, well assigned to her, seat. Ellie and Ivy sat in the middle of the of the row whilst Jesse sat at the end and Dina sat at the beginning of the row.
Well compared to Ellie and Dina, Jesse didn’t dislike Rowan as much as the girls, he did find Rowan funny but the characteristic that displeased Dina and Ellie is that he just had a very slick mouth. Ivy remained silent just as class began to start, and the conversation between Ivy and Isabella returned to her mind and she thought about the three teenagers that sat with her, and did wonder how future events would proceed.
Of course, Ivy liked having them as friends and if Ivy was being true to herself, she did want her bond between Ellie and her to grow stronger, romantically, but with Dina and Jesse also having a tender emotion towards Ellie, all Ivy could think that the outcome of this situation was prone to go dreadful.
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It was time for Isabella’s thirty-minute break from the diner she worked at, thankfully, it wasn’t as overwhelming like the time Seth and Isabella spoke for the first time. Yet, the woman wished she had at least a cigarette to smoke but she doubted they sold it, nevertheless, the widowed woman waited for travellers to entire their community so she could have the opportunity to hunt for a packet.
Only Ivy and Robin knew that Isabella smoked, the year Venus was born was the year Isabella stopped her smoking habit, only because she couldn’t find anymore. So, it’s not like she verily wanted to do it.
“I’m Kaylee."
Isabella jumped out of surprise and her response caused the two individuals who stood in front of her to chuckle. Isabella quietly cursed; citizens of Jackson surely liked to snap Isabella back into reality. Isabella looked at this so-called Kaylee and checked that she was a white woman, fully curly brown hair, a youthful face and doe eyes. She wore a light blue flannel, dark grey trousers and low brown boots.
There was a tall man who stood beside her, he looked look like Kaylee, very sweet looking, short curly hair that draped across his forehead, down turned eyes and a brown gaze, similar to Kaylee’s. His nose was slightly hooked and his jaw quite strong with a beauty mole at the bottom right of his jaw. He wore black shirt and black trousers and black boots; it seemed like they must’ve come back from patrol with the attire they were wearing.
“Adam,” the man introduced himself, his voice was deep and coarse, he took his hand out to reach for Isabella who quickly shook his hand, his grip around Isabella’s was quite strong and Isabella was surprised at the intensity he used on her.
“And I’m Isabel-“
“Isabella Rosalind,” Kaylee finished pleasantly jumpy and wired about the woman who stood opposite her.
Isabella slowly rose her head the thought of this conversation was strange to her, she quietly questioned what the two wanted from her, as the three of them stood there in awkward silence.
“Seth, right?” Kaylee softly joked, “he can be such a toad.”
Isabella faintly laughed at the horrible comparison. “Yeah, he’s one hell of a man.”
“Yeah, we saw the interaction the two of you had that day in the diner,” Adam pointed out, “he’s probably upset he’s losing his customers because of you.”
Isabella raised the both of her eyebrows amused. “I guess almost the entire town knows of his distaste towards me,” she blandly chuckled.
“He made it more obvious during the welcoming party, the bonfire night,” Adam once again figured.
Isabella shrugged her shoulders, not really in the state of mind and spirit to speak about the elder man. Kaylee must’ve realised Isabella’s discomfort and out of desperation for her brother’s sake, she brought up a new topic, “your children, you have very beautiful children.”
It seemed to have work due to the fact that Isabella’s distasteful frown was soon replaced by a genuine smile. “Thank you.”
“It must be difficult being a single mother and having to raise three kids,” Kaylee intentionally coughed as she gently swung her body towards Adam.
“I try my best,” Isabella plainly responded, inasmuch Isabella being the keen woman she was, it didn’t take her long to notice that the two of them had something up their sleeves. Isabella didn’t question what it was yet but wanted to be cautious about how she figured the two out.
“After noon Isabella,” Joel walked by and acknowledged his head towards the woman who was appreciative and content about him speaking to her.
Though, she wished that her expectations weren’t so low, withal, there was something about the Miller man that made Isabella want to go on her knees and take him---Isabella quickly snapped out of her thoughts and returned the acknowledgement, “after noon Joel.”
Isabella hoped that Kaylee and Adam didn’t see Isabella drooling for the man, “come to my house warming this Wednesday,” which was two days after this current daytime, she attempted to cover up her erotic thoughts by inviting the two people that Isabella thought were siblings to the house warming she was quietly setting up.
Their eyes seemed to brighten as they accepted her proposal. Isabella then thanked the two for accepting her appeal and conveyed to them that she had to return back to her job, she gestured with her hand a goodbye then turned away from them and hurried back to her work.
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“I like your tattoo,” Ivy soundlessly complimented, the tattoo on Ellie’s arm wasn’t completed, it was more like the base before the actual tattoo was permanently inked.
Ellie peered at Ivy with a shy smile, “well, thank you,” she kindly thanked, her apprehensive smile turning into a toothy grin whilst Ivy cautiously peeked at it, her laid-back observation causing her to note of the mark that was on her wrist. “Chemical burn,” Ellie quickly answered, Ellie recorded the sneaky examination Ivy gave to her wrist and swiftly, Ellie informed the lie Joel and her came up with.
“Oh,” Ivy lightly glanced, something in her mind wanted to touch the ‘chemical burn’ on Ellie’s skin, but she wanted to also keep boundaries and not make Ellie weird or uncomfortable. “I’d like to get a tattoo one day, who did yours?”
“My ex-girlfriend Cat,” Ellie replied, quite nostalgic about the girl. Ivy wondered if it would be awkward for her to go to Ellie’s ex-girlfriend for a design, though it wasn’t like Ellie and Ivy were together, so it shouldn’t be flaky if Ivy searched for Cat. Nevertheless, would Isabella even allow Ivy to get one?
Ivy has shown Isabella that she is responsible, and has helped her mother with Venus and Robin, it would be fair if Isabella allowed Ivy to get a tattoo.
“Where would you want a tattoo?”
Ivy gently bounced her shoulders, “probably on my back,” Ivy sluggishly answered.
Ellie knitted the both of her eyebrows upwards, impressed by Ivy’s bold choice. “Nice---”
Dina came forward with a smile that beamed that managed to uplift Ellie’s lethargic energy, Ivy bit her bottom lip, insecure and apprehensive about how easy Dina was able to brighten Ellie’s energy, though Ivy pushed the insecurity behind, Dina and Ellie knew each other longer; Dina quickly glanced at Ivy, “can I steal Ellie?” Dina brightly requested, yet, it wasn’t as if Ivy couldn’t say no, because Ellie would always be ready to follow Dina’s trails.
“Of course,” Ivy falsely smiled, and without indecision, Ellie and Dina walked away from the new citizen, left her alone to wait for her two siblings.
“Trust me this whole thing will go down badly,” Rowan paraded himself towards the oldest Rosalind sibling who crossed her arms, not bugged to respond. “I called out that trio’s bullshit time ago and suddenly I’m the villain.”
Ivy looked up at Rowan’s figure, her arms crossed, silently prompted for Rowan to continue, if she were to continue being in that friendship group, she would want to know further about what she would get herself into. “Both Dina and Ellie don’t know what they want, so they all play with each other’s feelings, well not necessarily play, Dina doesn’t know what she wants, or she does and wants both of them whenever she wants to. One moment she’s dating Jesse the next moment she’s kissing Ellie.”
Ivy cocked the both of her eyebrows, an envious gripe in her chest she couldn’t ignore, in spite of her jealousy, Robin’s and Venus’ figure slowly began to come into view, relieved, Ivy uncrossed her arms and gestured towards her siblings, “I’ve got to go now,” she murmured as she reached out for Venus’ hand to grasp; Rowan nodded his head, implicit and inferential to Ivy’s dismissive stance to what he has told her.
“Bye,” Ivy lightly commented, she didn’t pause to hear Rowan’s bid and already jaunted down to their route of their home area with her siblings; voices in her ear, questioning about the current man Ivy was just speaking to.
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Her coat’s hood covered her head as she waited for her partner, with both of their suitcases around her, Isabella was tense and disturbed about the terms of events that occurred currently. She thought any moment now a family member of hers would appear and drag her back home and it was the reverse and antithetical to what she wanted.
“Alexander,” Isabella breathed, eased when she saw her twenty-three-year old’s boyfriend’s shape come into her sight. He held the two tickets to Miami with an expression on his face that spoke of encouragement. He passed Isabella’s tickets towards her along with her passport.
Her permit was new, both Isabella and Alexander prepared and outlined their getaway a couple of months ago, it was the fifteen-year-old’s idea when she had enough of her insolent and abusive family’s behaviour and pleaded Alexander to take her somewhere else.
Though the older man did tell her, to do so she’d had to change her entire identity so that it would be harder for anyone to trail her, even though Isabella did come from a well-off family, Alexander mentioned he would pay for everything for the identity change.
 To the girl that was once Rose Silva was now Lilith Black.
Conducive to this escape, Lilith anticipated and recognised Alexander Black as her saviour, ignorant and unsophisticated to his shred and calculative ways and naïve to what the future held for her.
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liking, commenting and reblogging would be appreciated! you can ask questions in the comments or in my ask box!
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tlou-1 · 4 years
Joel x Reader (Home) - Chapter 13
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 TBA
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Chapter 13 - You have some news to share with Joel, but how do you tell him about the potential of a child in your lives? He has a big secret to share also, one that he has been keeping for a while. Will you be able to reconcile once you know these things about each other? 
‘How were you supposed to tell him this?’ You think to yourself as you walk back home. The Doctor had promised you had her complete confidentiality, so that you had time to think about what you wanted to do. What did you want to do? You remember the conversation you had with Joel over month ago and he never sounded sure if this was something he wanted but could you bring yourself to get rid of it? It was part of you and him, this little thing inside you. 
“How’d it go?” Joel asks looking up from his almost read book. You were so caught up in your thoughts you hadn’t realised you had made it all the way home and through the front door. 
“Like I said, foot was perfectly fine” you smile at him. Could he tell something about you was different? Could he tell you knew something he didn’t?
“I have dinner ready, if you’re hungry” Joel moves into the kitchen to ready the table, guess he couldn’t tell. 
“That sounds great” you reply as you remove your shoes and boots. 
Dinner is pretty quiet between you both, Ellie wasn’t joining you tonight and was off with her friends. 
“So there was something I wanted to talk to you about” he sits back in his chair putting his knife and fork down. Joel begins tapping his foot and rubbing his hands along the top of jeans, a sign you knew meant he was uncomfortable or nervous. You feel your heart in your mouth, 'he knows’ you think.
“I wanted to tell you this before we got married but there wasn’t much time” he sighs. Growing impatient with your own nerves you push him to spit it out “Joel, what’s going on?”.
As far you were told since you met him - he and Ellie had met after her friend Marlene died. He from then on looked after her and they set on a path to get here to Jackson, where he knew his brother Tommy had created a safer community, somewhere Ellie could grow up. 
Joel leaps into the story, the real story that he never told you about Ellie being bitten, her immunity, trying to get her to the fireflies, what happened when he did, what he did and how he lied to Ellie. Once he finishes you sit for a minute, maybe more trying to let everything sink in. 
You sit forward and put your finger on the table, emphasising each word that comes out your mouth 
“You’re telling me, she has no idea what happened?” You ask.
“No I told her immunity meant nothing. I couldn’t let them - I saved her.” Joel says in a pleading tone.
“I can understand what you did Joel, I cant say I wouldn’t have done the same.  I love that girl… but to lie to her and to me” you trail off. It was all too much, knowing you were pregnant and being burdened with the knowledge of this too. You get up from your seat to put some space between you and Joel, he tries to follow but you put your hand out signalling him to stay put. 
“I didn’t want us to have secrets between each other, christ Y/N you’re my wife!” His voice breaks slightly. You look at Joel, his body stiff, his eyes watery and his hands shifting uncomfortably as he wants to reach out to you. 
“Oh so we can’t have secrets between us but its okay for you to pull me into this huge lie with Ellie? No” Your voice breaks and you start for the door.
You begin putting on your jacket and boots, “Where are you going baby?” He asks standing sheepishly in the doorway. 
“My sister’s, I can’t stay here right now. I will only say something I regret” you gulp. He protests, offering to sleep on the sofa, to give you space but you are resigned that you won’t be spending the night here. 
The Next Morning ____________
You wake up lying across from your sister, tucked under a blanker. You had sat up with her all night, of course you couldn’t tell her about what Joel had told you but you did let your other secret slip, you were pregnant. 
“It’s not so bad Y/N, I always wanted to be an aunt and you’d make a great mother. If that’s what you want of course” Molly said rubbing your arm.
“I know - It’s just been a shock and well Joel…” you decide to stop there, explain you’re tired and would like to go to sleep.  
Before either of you could get up there was a knocking at Molly’s door. She offers to go get it whilst you get dressed, you had patrol today with Joel and as much as you didn’t want to go, you would have to, how could you explain why you didn't want to? Molly answers the door to find Joel standing, looking tired and slightly dishevelled. 
“Morning Molly, Is she here?” He asks quietly. 
“She is, she’s just getting ready for patrol” Molly sighs. Joel replies with a simple okay and it falls silent between them for a bit as you head downstairs.
“You’re her husband Joel, you have to support her with whatever decision she makes. You got to look after“ you sharply make your way to the door so Molly cant say anymore. You thank her for having you for the night and you Joel set off on patrol in complete silence. 
When you finally reach the post and are signing in Joel finally breaks the silence “What was she talking about back there?” He asks leaning over the paper not making eye contact. 
“Molly? Nothing” You say dismissively looking out the window, the hills were covered in white snow. 
“You’re a terrible liar, Y/N. Always have been” Joel exhales and crosses his arms. His eyes staring at you waiting for you to break.
“At least one of us is” you mutter under your breath at him.
“Why don’t I get to lie like you hmm?” You question.
“I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell your the truth” he says perching against the table. 
“Oh, pshh. You think you are going to get out of this on a fucking technicality?” You scold him and he has nothing to say again. You don’t know why but you just blurt it out “I am pregnant Joel”. Maybe it was out of anger or to get a reaction from him.
He uncrosses his arms slowly and puts his hands on the table to steady himself, he looks as shocked as you did last night. 
“And you didn’t think you should tell me? Now who’s been lying to who?” He blurts out.
“You Bastard! That’s different and you know it. I wanted to tell you - I was about to tell you before you dropped this bomb on me!” You shout waving you hands in exclamation. 
“I am sorry” Joel exhales placing the bridge of his nose between two fingers, shaking his head. 
“Do you want to keep it?” He asks quietly looking up from his hands, and for the first time you had to give an answer “I think so. Do you want this baby? Your opinion matters too”. You ask him. Were you mad at him? Furious. Could you forgive him? Eventually, in time. Did you love him? Completely, even when you were furious with him.
“I - It’s not exactly the ideal environment for a child…” he says almost as quiet as a whisper. 
‘Oh god’ you think, “You don’t want to do it, do you?” You sit yourself down on the seat at the table putting your head in between your legs… you feel you might be sick.
Joel sighs and crouches in front of you so as that he is looking up at you, “It’s not as simple as that Y/N, it’s not that I don’t want us to have it. I can’t think of anything better, its just in these circumstances… we really got to think this through”.
“I know that” you say finally lifting your head from your legs. 
“I love you” he smiles softly and all you can say is “I know”.  You head for home. 
A couple days later and you and Joel still hadn’t decided together what you were going to do. Yes you wanted to have the baby but not on your own and you didn’t want to force Joel into it either. He has left to meet with Tommy and Ellie outside of Jackson, something about Ellie needing new guitar strings. Things had been slightly off between Joel and Ellie but the last thing they would need is you getting involved. Looking at the clock you would have expected them back by now, it had been almost two hours longer than you would have expected.
“Where are they boy?” You ask Bruce who is sitting at your feet, tail wagging. You paced the house trying to find something to do for half an hour before you say “Fuck this” and head for the stables. You sneak in and take one of the horses, if Maria heard you were setting out on your own she would have stopped you. 
You find the usual path to the music store blocked off and Ellie and Joel’s horses tied up outside a hotel. ‘They must have tried to make their way through here’ you think. 
As you enter the hotel, you can hear gunfire from a far and make your way towards it just hoping you could make it to your family in time to help. You keep quiet to avoid any infected but move swiftly. You can hear Joel and Ellie now that the gunfire had stopped, their voices were slightly raised at each other. “Is there something else you’d like to rehash?” You hear Joel say in a stern voice. 
You are about to enter the room when an infected comes running at you in the hallway, you aim and put a bullet right through its head just as Joel and Ellie come busting out the room guns pointed in your direction. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” Joel yells at you, “We could have shot you!”. 
“You two had been gone for way too long, I was worried you had ran into trouble. Obviously you did” you sigh putting your pistol back in your holster. 
“You shouldn’t be coming out here in your condition, what if something had happened?” He exclaims, he seemed pretty frustrated. Ellie is looking between you both confused “Her condition?”, but you don’t respond to her question and Joel gives her a look.
“Joel, enough nothing happened. We are all still in one piece” 
“I will sort the bodies to take back to Jackson” Ellie leaves you both in the hallway to talk. She is still in earshot, as if Joel would let her leave his sight otherwise but you lower your voice.
“Bodies?” you ask and Joel explains that he and Ellie had found the young couple that left Jackson.
“Oh, their poor families.” You whisper.
“Yeah and we are still in one piece for now but we still have to get back. Were you even thinking about the baby when you rushed out here?” He huffs with arms crossed.
“I thought - we haven’t even decided what we are doing yet. I couldn’t not come after my family thinking something had happened to you” You say taking a step closer to Joel.
“Lets just get back home” He turns on his heels and goes to help Ellie. 
When you arrive back home after breaking the news to the family of the kids you had found, you feel heavy and tired. Joel is still taking his jacket off when you crash onto the sofa, leaning back into the soft cushion comforting your sore back.
“You scared the shit out of me Y/N” Joel says from the hallway. You close your eyes and exhale deeply. There isn’t much more you could say on the matter, you would always protect Ellie and Joel.
When you open your eyes Joel is standing right in front of you “I wasn’t just worried about you… I - I was worried about the baby”.
That afternoon had been the first time he used the word ‘baby’ when talking about the situation. You stand up and take his hands “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry, alright”. 
“Y/N I think I do want this child. Today when I thought something might have happened to either of you” but Joel can’t finish that sentence.
“Really, we are going to do this then?” You couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“We are doing this” he says pressing his lips to your forehead.   
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
Dating Joel Miller
  A/N- Guys, I do not want to talk about smut in this, but I may have sprinkled it a little. You’re welcome :) I won't go without mentioning, Joel has been my comfort character for almost 4 years and I don't remember a day without him. I see him always by my side and I miss him very much so I'm looking forward to The Last of Us part 1. I hope you enjoy this headcanon style thing. Your comments and feedback are very valuable to me. I hope you have a good day/night <3
  Warnings- mentions of blood, implied smut , mentions of violence, domestic stuff basically. ( is that supposed to be a warning? Idk )
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 - I can't think much about asking Joel out because it's obvious, the guy looks so annoying and grumpy from the outside.
 - But what matters to us is how Joel is inside. Remember: don't judge a book by its cover.
  - With this advice, I have a lot to say about joel and being with him.
  - At first , I see Joel as a man of his word. If Joel says he loves you, he really does. Don't even think otherwise.
  - I want to talk a little bit about Joel in the house. While at home, Joel obviously has the right to be a little messy because he is a single man, but after you enter his life, he starts doing housework more regularly and learning to cook.
  - Even if you mess up the house together from time to time, it would be great for you to tidy the house together and finally drink a coffee of tiredness.
  - We didn't see much of Joel carving wood, but we know his arts. I have to admit, it wouldn't hurt to disturb him even a little while he is doing his work . :)
 - I said Joel might be messy, but that doesn't mean he's dirty. Yes, he and Ellie were out for a long time and even long before that they lived in a not-so-clean area, and maybe there was no such thing as a washing machine. Guys, the man is a clean man at his core, and anyone who claims otherwise, well, you can do it If you wanna lmao.
  - Joel, of course, also smells of freshly carved wood and coffee, and I hope we all know that. At least that's how our dream Joel is.
  - Sitting on his porch with Joel, watching him play his guitar with those dexterous fingers, then sitting on his lap and kissing him deeply.
  - Although he is tired after he comes from the patrol, he will make time for you and let you massage him. At first he doesn't really want it because it's in his nature to be grumpy and he doesn't want you to get tired any more because you're tired too.
 - You hold him by the hand, after you put him on the couch, you rub his shoulders well and do not forget to put kisses once in a while. The man rewards you in different ways after this compassionate act. :)
-  I'm not going to talk about how Joel is in bed for now, because I want to provoke you with a little preview :)
 - But know that you will definitely be pleased with Joel in bed. His skilled fingers, his muscular body above you, and his care for you are enough for you. The man is experienced enough in these things and knows how to treat you or when he hurt you.
  - Although from the outside, Joel may seem very cold and uncaring to others, he started to change after meeting you. Instead of the man who walked in a dazed manner, he became an unyielding and lively man who was even more brave against life. Tommy and Maria are surprised by this change, but they also know that you are the reason. Tommy or Maria didn't actually introduce you. Classically, while you were on the road and he was on the road, his eyes touched yours and you were drawn to each other. Of course, Joel didn't think at first that you would be the person who would make his life so beautiful, but gradually he was more and more attracted to your smile, touch, speech, look.
 - The man was afraid to ask you at first. In this case, I can say that he got some support from Tommy, but he didn't do everything he got adviced.
  - On a typical Jackson evening, Joel came to your door and said he wanted to talk a little. Since winter was about to come, you put on a jacket and followed him outside. You were wondering what he was to say. Your eyes  looking at him with hope. He suddenly pressed his lips to yours under those gorgeous, bright, colorful Jackson lights. This romantic moment for both of you ended with a great night, but you still carry this moment in your hearts.
 - Going to the patrol together. I can't think of anything as great as going on patrol with him. Yes, maybe I'm thinking about it, but his sexy but angry looks towards runners and the others . Blood is not something any of us like, but sweat mixed with blood on him...I'm having a hard time telling friends because I have a bad temper when I imagine Joel like that.
  - While on the patrol, Joel tries his best to protect you and not go to far places, but he also realizes that you’re not a child. He knows you can take care of yourself. Knowing this, he doesn't think much of it, but if he senses danger around, he won't hesitate to pull you to his side, tuck you , and put your head on his chest. Joel is very possessive and protective and that's why I love Joel so much.
  - After you return, you clean yourself first, and after you get out of the dust, you go under the same blanket, he tucks you well, puts  little kisses on your forehead, and then you both fall asleep in front of the fireplace.
  - I don't think much of Joel dancing, but I have a few ideas of how he was convinced by the Jackson people to play the guitar at every Jackson family event. When you entered the crowded area you saw Tommy and Maria sitting in front of the bar chatting and Ellie and Dina laughing as well. Holding Joel's hand tightly and taking a look around, you went to Maria’s and sat on the empty chairs next to them. After some talking and laughing, a young man who understands music came up to Joel and asked if he could play the guitar.  
 - At first he refused, but  when you went to him and told him you had a surprise, he gave up and walked towards the stage with a sigh of relief.
 - When he got to the stage, no one spared their adoring applause. He looked around with a nervous look, and lastly he looked at you, smiled. You waved at him and  all watched in admiration as he played the guitar.
  - At the end of that evening, when you walked into the house with Joel and told you what your surprise was for him and that he wanted it now, you couldn't help running back. Before you could even climb the stairs, he grabbed you by the waist and turned you towards him. Taking you on his shoulder, he quickly climbed the stairs and entered the bedroom and threw you onto the bed.
 - That wonderful evening ended, once again, with your moans in bed, climbing to your peak together and snuggling into each other.
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
Pacifying The Blame
   A/N- Hey guys! I have a publishing schedule and I shared it with you yesterday. Of course there may be setbacks so I apologize in advance but now enjoy the story because in my opinion this fic turned out good. Send me some feedback If you liked it though <3 
Request from- Anonymous
   Summary- Ellie blames reader for hiding the fact that she saved her from getting studied by the fireflies and they breakup but later, Ellie realizes how much she fucked up when she sees Reader at a party with another girl.
   Warnings-  Smut, angst, Ellie is angry with Reader ( I’m a sucker for angry Ellie btw that girl can do everything to me :)  )
     You woke up with a loud banging on your door. You sighed deeply as you got up. When you shuffled to open the outer door of the house, you questioned why Joel was in your small house at this hour. But before you could even open your mouth, Joel pushed you inside and thoroughly searched the already small house. You closed the outer door and folded your arms across your chest, watching what he was doing. You couldn't see much because you were sleepy and your eyes were half closed, and it was a bit like you were dreaming.     Fortunately, Joel finished his inspection of the house and stood before you. “Where is she, Y/N?” he said in a single move without hesitation. It was obvious that he was running fast on the way here. He was obviously talking about Ellie, but Ellie was here. Your eyes suddenly opened and you looked at the side of the bed, but you still couldn't believe it and wanted to look at the place where the bathroom was, but she wasn't there either. Ellie was nowhere in the house.     Turning hastily towards Joel, you met his usual scowl. That's when you started to panic.
  “ I-I- I don't understand. She was with me last night. We drank and laughed and we-we. Holy shit! ” Actually, Ellie hadn't had anything to drink. She was sober all night. Ellie put you to sleep. No matter how much you wanted to avert your eyes from Joel, you couldn't succeed. He came up to you and held you by both shoulders and asked you to look at him in the eyes and tell the truth. “ Y/N, you're her girlfriend I'm pretty sure you know what happened. So please tell me and we can find her.” You asked Joel to speak more clearly. “ Guards saw her running of. Without saying anything. Do you know where she went? “ With no idea, you slipped out of Joel's arms and looked around. She should have left a note. She couldn't have just left in the middle of the night. She wouldn't do such a thing to Joel, and especially to you, whom she cares so much about.
  But there was something that Joel and you had not noticed before. There was a note hanging on the cork board right behind her bed, and it was a miracle you had even seen it, for it was a small torn and handwritten note so that it could not be found. What was Ellie supposed to do that was so important? You almost ran to the clipboard and quickly ripped the note out.
  ‘ Don't worry about me but now I want some answers. I know you will come to see me, you know where i will be Y/N ‘
 You wanted not to show Joel this note that you read with trembling hands. You thought it was all over. You thought that now a normal life, a decent life awaits you. Ellie wasn't going to stop because she knew you were lying. You really wished this was a dream. You wished that everything, everything she would do, would end. When you opened and closed your eyes, you were faced with the same view again. Tears streamed from your eyes. You walked slowly to Joel and  reluctantly handed Joel the note you were holding with trembling fingers.
  You knew he had read it when he began to scowl and raise his eyebrows.   There was dead silence in the room. Joel crumpled the note in his hand and threw it on the floor, turned and quickly left the house. You ran after him and grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you. “I'll come with you. “ He took his wrist from your hand and kept walking. He couldn't walk away without you. You two started it and you two were going to finish it. “Joel! Please wait up! “ He stopped but did not turn to you, his face still facing forward. You stepped in front of him and grabbed his chin with your fingers, making him look at you. "You can't just do this by yourself, Joel" was insisting on not looking at you, and you held his chin tighter so he was looking at you " let me help you. “He pulled his head out of your hands and shook his head no. He quickly walked away from there without looking back, and you couldn't just do anything and watched him disappear.
 You wanted to go after him and be by his side. You wanted to say you saved Ellie to her face but have no regrets, but your feet couldn't even move from where you were. Your tears were flowing like floods. Of course, your conscience was never clear because of the lie you told your girlfriend, but that's what you had to do.
  In order not to just stand there and do something silly, you went back to the house you shared with Ellie and after you went in and closed the door, you went to the side of her bed and laid there sniffing her pillow. You had no choice but to wait.
   “ Y/N, you there? “ You opened your eyes at the sound of the radio and quickly got up from your bed. You picked up the radio and answered the leader. “Yeah, what's up? Are they here? “ Yes,” the woman said, taking a deep breath. Before she could answer, you turned off the radio and rushed out. You didn't expect to see Ellie in front of you. You held your breath and looked into her eyes. You tried to tell something with your eyes so that she would shout at you. You wanted her to hit you, just wanted her to tell you at least something. You did not say anything. You couldn't. Ellie glanced at you for a moment, then slammed her shoulder into you and slammed the door behind her.” Here we go Y/N” you said to yourself. Your instincts were telling you this would be very difficult, but you didn't listen to any of them. You owed her an explanation.
 You walked into the house and saw her sitting there, on the corner of the bed, shaking her leg in anger. It was something you wanted so much at that moment to stop her and hug , but you did not dare and started to tell everything directly.
  “ I-I mean ‘we’ didn't want to lose you. I loved you since the day I met you, Ellie. I couldn't do it. Joel was in the same way with me so I didn't force him to but I swear I have nothing to do with Marl- " She looked up to you so fatally that you had to interrupt yourself. The girl stood up and stared nervously into your eyes, right in front of you. You didn't know where to put your hands at that moment, you wanted to go backwards, but she was staring at you so deathly that you seemed nailed in place. You couldn't move. “We. are. done. Y/N,” she said, emphasizing every word. You heard the sound of your heart cracking and breaking. You were dizzy. You moved towards her, but she backed off and made a stop sign with her hand. “ Don't you dare see me again. I said we are done. Now go! “ You left the house without even looking at her face because she was so angry and not to go too far, and only one person you knew, who would understand you at that moment, came to your mind. Maria. 
  It was normal for you to still feel very tired and unhappy even after a few days, because all the days without Ellie had made you exhausted. She was your everything and the last thing you wanted to suddenly lose her like that. You haven't seen his face since the day she kicked you out of her house, you only saw her back, and even if she saw you, she would walk away without even looking at you. It was obvious that you were bored with this situation, and she couldn't be said to be very happy either.
  You shared everything with each other. You always supported each other no matter what, but of course, she was very upset that she was lied to by her girlfriend and that a vaccine that could save all humanity could not be made because she was saved. She was right until the end, yelling and pushing and shoving you, but it was also meaningful that you loved her more than anyone else in the whole world, and it hurt so much to see her on that operating table at that moment, that you forcibly suppressed the urge to pull those cables attached to her and yell. You probably wouldn't have been able to deal with those doctors and soldiers if Joel wasn't around.
 Neither of you knew it would come to this. Ellie said she believed in you, but the thoughts she was holding inside were starting to choke her, and she found herself on her way to the hospital in the middle of the night.
   You could no longer cope with your thoughts, and your desire to tell your troubles to someone was increasing. Although you talked to Maria the same things over and over, she had a lot.. That's why you couldn't bother her very often. One day, after returning from patrol, while you were sprawling in Maria's seat, Tommy came over to you and told you to get out and wander for a bit. He heard from Maria that there were some newcomers to Jackson and he wanted to introduce you to them. Tommy told them about you, and one of their girl eagerly agreed and asked you to come to the party that was going to be at a bar in Jackson. Tommy said the girl's name was Enid, but you weren't too keen on the idea of ​​going out. All you wanted to do was lie down and shut yourself up in your thoughts, no matter how much they were suffocating now.
 “ No, Tommy I don't wanna go out right now. Actually I am not gonna go out for my whole life because I can't even look at girlfriend's- I mean my EX girlfriend's eyes and she doesn't even look at me because she hates me so no. I won't. ' you said with one breath.  Tommy laughed softly at your statement  and pulled you from your arms and sat next to you. “ I know this is hard for you girl but you can't give up on her, not yet. You love her and I bet she still loves you. So stop being like a stubborn little girl and go get your girlfriend. “ “ How though? Like I said she doesn't even- oh.Yeah. Okay now I've got an idea. “ You chuckled and before you stood up, thanked him for the chance to meet Enid, you leaned in and gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek. The man was surprised and looked at you as if he didn't understand anything. He squinted his eyes and watched you leave his side and leave the small but modern living room. “Damn. This girl really does love Ellie. “
  You wore a beautiful red dress that you've never worn before and that you got from the common attire the day before. You couldn't imagine how Ellie would look at you when she saw this on you. Maybe being the center of attention wouldn't be so good because you always dressed like yourself and today you're a player who wants to get your girlfriend back. You thought it would work, because both that outfit and talking to that girl Enid would drive her crazy. Of course, there was also the possibility that she might not come to the bar, but at that moment, you didn't care much about it, you put on your old jacket in case the weather gets cold and  smiling at the possibility of leaving this house and making peace with Ellie, and you went to the bar where you would meet with Enid.
   Along the way, you stumbled several times over what to talk to Enid and how Ellie would react if she saw you. There wasn’t a sign of her on the streets. Just before you walked into the bar, you took a deep breath and prayed that things would work out. Since you didn't know what kind of girl Enid is, you took a glance inside and looked from a distance before you checked all the girls who were close to your age, and when you turned your head to the left, you saw Tommy waving at you and making a come sign. You smiled and took your steps towards them. When you looked at the girl sitting next to Tommy and thought that she was a very beautiful girl but that she would never be able to take Ellie's place, it made you even more sad, but it was easier for you to shake it off because she held out her hand for you to shake her hand at that time and introduced herself. " Hi! “ she said affectionately. “ I'm Enid but you already know that and I'm guessing you're Y/N, right? “ Even though the girl had only just arrived here a few days ago, she seemed to have adjusted well. You nodded as you sat next to her and started talking.
   You got along with the girl better than you thought and you didn't even realize how time flew. Enid was such a witty girl and it was good for you since you had  been wandering around like a spirit and you were pretty sure everyone who saw you declared you the walking dead. But you didn't mind.
 While you continued your talk with Enid  and telling each other your funny moments, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and saw that it belonged to Enid. It was natural. Laughing people could be out of control and do things like that, but the prospect of Ellie seeing you made you shudder. You looked left and right to see if she was indeed here. And yes she was there. She was leaning against a table with a glass in her hand, trying not to look at you, but it was obvious that she was.
  Your gaze lingered on her for a moment, then ended when she turned her head the other way. As much as you wanted to go back to your conversation with Enid and laugh like you had for the last half hour, you couldn't. You never expected this to happen. Again.
 Enid realized there was something wrong, and again she put her hand on your arm and bent over you. “ Is something wrong? You look upset. “ You shook your head no and smiled for her to continue. Enid seemed very happy with her life at that moment and was trying to make you a partner in her happiness. You made a mental note to say thank you for her effort afterward and asked permission to go to get a drink.
   After asking the bartender for a drink, you sat in the bar chair until your drink was ready, put your head down and rested a bit. Of course, you didn't think that Ellie would come to you because since you knew her, she had been very stubborn but open to any apology. It made you very unhappy that you saw Ellie looking at you like that and didn't greet you or come and hug you. What did you expect? That you're going to do these things after all that's happened? But nothing was impossible. You lifted your head when you heard  noises coming from your side as your mouth formed an O shape. “Ellie…” She didn't even look at you. She just sat. You didn't even know when the drink was put in front of you.  You looked at her just like that. You were speechless again, although you had a lot to say to her, but you forgot all of them with the excitement of that moment.
  You didn't hesitate to look at her as if you were seeing her for the first time. It was the first time you had seen her this close in a long time. Her appearance had hardened, her childlike self almost gone. “ You're gonna keep lookin' or say something? “ Again, you just sat there without saying anything. This gravitational force between you was eating away at you. “ Well how about we go somewhere more private? Somewhere that your 'new' girlfriend can't finds us, " You wanted to tell her that Enid wasn't your new girlfriend, but at that moment you were scorched by the thought of being alone with her.
  She got off the chair and held out her hand. At that moment, you oscillated between holding it or not. What would you say to Enid? You'd have to tell her later why you left her. That didn't matter to you either. With trembling hands, you grabbed Ellie's hand with sweaty hands and let her tug at you. You didn't speak at all until you left the bar and went home.
 After opening the door of the house, she pushed you inside and quickly closed the door and then locked it. She walked towards you with the stature of a cheetah approaching its prey. You just waited because you deserved everything she'd do to you, everything she'd say to you. “ So this girlfriend of yours, she good? “ You shook your head no. Ellie was pleased, folded her hands behind her back and bent down, looking into your eyes. “ Your words, little one. Use 'em for me. “ “ No Ellie. She's not as good as you. “
 “Can she do that to you?” She suddenly put her hand on your lower side and pressed it. Because that was too much, you squirmed and pushed your hip against her hand. Against this, she pulled her hand away and threw you onto the bed. She climbed on top of you, pulled the dress from under you, and then your panties to the side and rubbed her middle finger into your hole.
 “ No one can satisfy you like me, babe. Seeing you with that girl made me so angry, I admit. But you know that you made me angry too, right? “ You shook your head and almost moaned for her to continue. She didn't withdraw his hand, but instead slowly inserted a finger into your hole and left it there until she painfully finished speaking. “ I didn't expect that to come from you, you know. I thought you're telling the truth because you were my girlfriend. “At once she withdrew her finger and put the second finger in the hole. She stuck them both in and did it slowly back and forth. “I'm sorry Ellie. “ Your throat was dry and you had to say something, and you finally did. She leaned down to your lips and finally pressed her lips to yours. “I know baby. I know. “ 
  Both getting offended and reconciling with Ellie were a separate problem, because your resentment had been an event, but your return was magnificent. That evening, Ellie took you to peaks you've never been before and took you on a journey through different dream worlds. You would have longed a lot for the honor of reuniting after a long time. She let you show her affection and apologized to her over and over again, and she accepted your apology, whispered words of love each time her lips was pressed against your lips.
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
  Guys guys guyss!! This gave me Modern Joel Miller and Reader vibes 🥺🥺 They're so cute, just look at them 🥵💫
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
The father-daughter relationship I want to have 😪
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
A/N: Joel Miller is our daddy. That's it.
Things Joel Miller would say when Reader's in stress:
" Everything will be okay babygirl, just focus on me."
  " Focus on my breathing okay? Just look at me "
  And If she starts crying:
  " Aww no baby don't. I'm here for you. "
  Just rubs her back and kisses her cheeks.
  " Daddy loves you so much babygirl. Do you love him back? "
     You nod.
   " Good girl. Come here now. Let daddy take care of you. "
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  Let me know If you liked this. I just wanted to write something before I begin writing requests you guys sent me 💜
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
Happily Ever After
 A/N- We love a supportive Joel, right? RIGHT! Everyone is happy in this one. I really love to see Ellie happy. I’m sorry If I have grammar mistakes, my main language isn’t English but trying to improve it.
 Summary- Ellie and Reader have been together for a while an done day Reader surprises her by proposing her with the help of Joel when they’re on patrol.
 Request from- Anonymous
 Warnings- Ellie swearing but it’s cute, I swear . Just some fluffy stuff.
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          gif from Pinterest!
 “ Joel, you sure this gonna work? “ You gasped and took a seat next to Joel. For a few months , you had been almost obsessed with thinking about how to propose to Ellie. Whenever you looked for an opportunity, either someone intervened or you didn't manage that time well. You had chosen Joel as a last resort, but it was obvious that choosing Joel was not so good.
   When you came to Joel a week ago and asked him if he could arrange a wonderful place with a beautiful view in Jackson, he said he needed to talk to Maria and Tommy and left you unanswered for a week. It turns out that there was no such place in Jackson.  “ Well, we found this place while I was patrolling that area with Tommy. It's not a secret place, that's for sure but nothing we can't handle kiddo. “ He said, giving you that gorgeous Miller smile. You weren't so sure about that. Getting out of Jackson was already dangerous. Yes, it had a long time since you went out to look around and you got out of it but how right was it to propose to Ellie in such a situation that danger still awaits you out there?
 “ Joel… I-I don't know. What If something goes wrong? “
 “ Don't worry, girl. i gotcha “ Seeing your face fall, he lifted your chin with his fingers, patted your head, stood up, picked up the walkie-talkie and went outside. He was obviously on his way to talk to Tommy. In order not to disturb him in his own house, you entered the house you shared with Ellie and hoped that Ellie would not come at that time you pack the gift you were going to prepare. You wanted everything to be perfect for her.
  Ellie was staring at you in surprise, her head agitated from following you with her eyes as you scurried to and fro. “ What are you doing? You okay? “ You nooded your head and sighed in relief, secretly putting the gift you prepared in your bag. You took everything with you. Everything was ready for this day to be perfect.  Joel and Tommy did what they said and prepared a really great place for you. It took a while, but it seemed worth it.
 "Yeah, I'm ready." You opened the outer door but had to pause for the last time. Ellie gently pushed you out before you're eating yourself up wondering if I really got it all. “ You're being weird you know. “  “Oh well. It's me being me, I guess. “ You chuckled and you made your way to the barn with Ellie. When Ellie was talking about Maria acting so weird at dinner last night and Dina throwing up all the time, you didn't even hear her , wondering if the day was going to be good or bad. Ellie nudged your arm with hers realizing this. “Hey babe, you're listening? “  “Yeah I am. “
 “  Really? What did I just say then? “ You just stood there at that moment. Even when you opened your eyes wide and looked at her, Ellie never broke that grin on her face. She looked like she was going to laugh for a moment, but took on a fake expression of anger. “ I-you-you were talking about the food last night. Yeah, you were-were saying how good it was and-  "  “ I might love the food more than you right now. “ You grinned and gave her an apologetic kiss on the cheek. “ Sorry baby. Just lots of things on my mind lately. " Ellie hummed and said quietly,  ' it's okay babe ‘  After getting on your horses and a short pep talk, you stepped out of Jackson's big door. Although Ellie thought you were going to do your usual patrol work, you had to take her on a different path on the way. Of course, this did not escape Ellie's notice. She complained to you a few times what was going on, why you took a different path, that that side wouldn't be clean, but you just wanted her to trust you.
 “ Ellie just trust me, okay? I know what I’m doing. “
 “ Well it’s not our route. “
 “ I know but- “ You exhaled with difficulty. “Just trust me. It will be worth it.” . At that moment you really hoped that when you got there, everything would be fine and you could make a wonderful proposal to the love of your life. Ellie gave up her objections after a while.  It didn't take you long to get there, as Joel had already said they found it on their way. The area had been cleaned, contrary to what Ellie had thought. There was no diseased. But there was still the possibility that other people would come. Even though you always thought of the bad until that moment, you couldn't describe the joy when you saw the building. Here, you were going to tell her that she is the meaning of your life, that you love her very much and that you want to spend a lifetime with her. Finally, officially you would be Ellie's and Ellie would be yours.
 “ What is this place? “
 “ You ask too much. “ You said and got off your horse. You held out your hand to get her to get off the Shimmer as well. Ellie couldn't hide her surprise at this behavior, but she took your hand and let  her put her down. “ Wow, you're such  a prince now huh. “ You laughed. After taking the horses to a safer place, you took her hand while Ellie was tending her horse, and you eagerly followed her up the stairs to the main area.
 Although the building you are in looks like it is really rundown from the outside, it was very different from the outside where you were. You were really surprised that Joel made this place so tidy, but you hid it. You were on the top floor of the building. It could have been a roof, but Joel had put a white umbrella with artificial ivy hanging from the sides where you were sitting. Starry fairy lights placed next to the cushions to avoid attracting too much attention seemed to make this place even more beautiful.  You let go of Ellie's hand and quickly set off to turn on the lights. “ What- I'm sorry but what the actual fuck? “ After you had done the work of turning on the lamps, you went to her. Her face naturally looked very strange but also funny.   “Come. Hold my hand, please. “ You said as quietly as you could. Ellie took your hand, but she seemed undecided whether or not to go.  You finally got her to sit on the mat, take your foods out of the bag and put them on the cover, and since you were going to give your gift lastly, you kind of hid it by taking your bag behind you and were careful for her not to see it.  When you looked at Ellie, you saw that she was admiring the view in front of you. It wasn't fair because you loved this look just as much as Ellie. “ I thought I'd surprise you with something like this. I know you like these kind of scenes. “   She turned her head to you and smiled  with those beautiful dimples. She grabbed one of your hands and squeezed it gently, as if in thanks. “ Thank you baby but you didn't have to. “  “Nah. Don't even dare to tell me that I didn't have to. If you say it again. I'm gonna tickle you 'till you die. “ In response, she threw her head back and laughed. “ I'd like to see you try baby. “
 “ As much as I want to do that right now, I'm very hungry and I can eat you any minute. “  “ Well, babe, although I really would like to see you eating me but I'm hungry too so maybe another time. “ You both laughed when she said that. After watching the magnificent view in front of you for a few more minutes, you started to eat.
  It was almost evening by the time you finished your meal, and it was time to go, as it wouldn't be nice to be in the dark. You caught Ellie's attention with a fake cough as she watched the sky with a smile on her face with her arm under her head. You took the bag behind you without hesitation, but your hands were shaking as you pulled out the box. Ellie was watching you with a frown, carefully following your every move. Or was it what she was thinking?  You coughed to let her focus on your face again, and you stood up, taking her hand and asking her to get up. “Stay. “ You said, looking at her like a kitten. It was a request rather than an order. It was a hope. It was excitement. Indeed, even though you had rehearsed this, your hands and feet were trembling in fear of screwing things up in front of her. You paused for a moment and knelt before her, breathing heavily. Ellie was standing in front of you with her hands at her sides. Even though that emptiness on your face startled you, you didn't back down. There was no turning back from this.
 “ You know I'm not very good at my choices with words, but I'm trying for you. We've been together for a while and not a day goes by without you, Ellie. You've always been by my side. In every sense. But I don't know if I'm being selfish by asking things to get serious but Ellie, I love you and- and will you marry me,babe? “ You finished quickly for fear of screwing up your words. With your head bowed, the ring box made by Joel and the wooden but elegant, painted ring also carved by Joel in your hand, you waited extended towards Ellie, hoping she would accept your proposal. Even though you were serious in your words, it made you proud that you didn't say what you said while rehearsing. Those words were an exaggeration. They didn't reflect you.
 When you least expect it, Ellie grabbed your arms and lifted you up, raising your still slanted head on both cheeks with both hands, planting a kiss on your nose. “ I don't know what you did to do these but you could've just asked me,baby. “ She said in a low voice and you said in the same tone,“ I know but I wanted to see you happy like this, you watching the scene in front of us while I watch you smile. S-so what-" She immediately closed your lips, interrupting you. The light of the fairy lights reflected so beautifully on Ellie's face that her baby-like face was clearly visible. You even forgot the box in your hand while she was kissing you. Pulling back, Ellie bent down, picked up the box and handed it to you. “ I want to get it from you baby. “ You nodded with an enthusiastic smile and handed the box again, but this time you didn't ask the question. She took the ring in her hand, smiled, and put it on. As she did that, you threw the box to be never found again, and you grabbed her waist and swirled her around with laughter and kisses in between. Now you were each other's and no one could separate you. As they say, until death do you part.
  You managed to pack up and make it to Jackson before the evening too fell. You were so happy that you could finally spend time with Ellie like this and surprise her , and even everyone could see it in your eyes. After passing through Jackson's great pass, you came to your house hand in hand, but the light  was on. Just as Ellie was about to open the door, you stopped her and said you had a plan. You both chuckled like witches at this insidious plan and entered the house to implement it.
 Your plan was to play a very bad prank on the Miller family and your friends. You told them that you couldn't propose to Ellie, that she was very grumpy and that you were fighting until you were there and you faked a fight in front of them.
  While Jesse mockingly watched this fake fight, the others were trying to separate and reconcile you. You both got a strong slap from Dina when Jesse, who could silence you all with his loud voice, said that he understood it was a joke, but in the end it ended with laughter and congratulations.  Before leaving the house, Joel said good night and left the house after looking at you both with sad, tearful but proud eyes and stroking both of your heads affectionately. After the door closed, you and Ellie turned to each other, and after turning off the lights, you kissed each other with love and longing. It was like a dream that day, but that dream didn't turn into a nightmare only depended on having Ellie by your side. Finally, the words that couldn't be said before were said and the happy ending was reached.
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
How can she be so hot 🥵🤤
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
Can you do a ellie x fem (please) about there relationship kinda being toxic and they fight but make up with a quick fuck. I'm a lil to horny rn 😭
Babyy not just youu. I'm so fckn horny for Ellie 🥺😍 Thank you for your request 💫💜 I got it into my drafts!
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
bro bartender!ellie au where reader is a regular and ellie thinks they’re attractive and eventually ends in smut? 😋
You guys have literally the best ideas ever and I'm loving every single of them 🤩 Thank you for your request!!!
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
College! Au with ellie? Smut, and ellie is a bit aggressive? Thank you!
UUUU! We like modern Ellie :) Thank you so much for your request !!
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
hiii i love love LOVE your writing so here's a smut request!!
female reader and ellie have been hooking up for a while and even though they're not anything exclusive or concrete, there's obviously more than just hook ups between them. one day f!reader introduces ellie to her group of friends (dina, jesse...) as her friend only. it pisses ellie the fuck off and later on, when they're finally in a room alone, ellie shows her how good of a "friend" she is.
THERE it might be a shitty idea idk but i had it in mind for a while. have a nice day/night <3
First of all, I really appreciate that you like my writing. Honestly, your idea is so amazing and I'm looking forward to write it :) Thank you for your request!
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multifandomgurl · 2 years
New imagine for Ellie x reader is coming today!!!! Stay tuned ya'll.
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