#tldr i'm not a bot
growlingrat · 2 years
Wow i'm alive
finally decided to remake my blog yayy, here's a very loose summary of events:
-Started getting chronic headaches in Sept 2019, stopped using tumblr
-Started browsing tumblr a bit once headache bs got more managable, but didn't bother reblogging shit
-Started using tumblr even more, but still didn't reblog stuff because it'd been well over a year at this point, and didn't want new stuff to be directly next to my past cringe
-Now over 3 years later I have finally decided to remake my blog so I can actually reblog shit like a normal person
If you see me mass reblogging stuff from you, my apologies. I've gotten into the habit of scrolling through individual blogs on at a time instead of using my dashboard to prevent doomstrolling until i give myself a migraine. If that's a problem for you, just block me or whatever, i don't take it personally
I'll inevitably make a better pinned post later, but anyways here's this
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yannysif · 1 year
hello hello, it’s me again! (this is cherookue’s main lol) and i had a question!!
what are your boundaries for asks? such as, are we allowed to discuss nsfw topics, interact with the characters directly, etc? or would you prefer if asks only discussed the game and lore?
Hello Eden! (is it ok if I call you that) Thank you for your interest in the game, it means a lot!
Hmm my boundaries for asks... that's a tough one for me to articulate since all of this is very new to me - I can't say what I might not be uncomfortable with/good at until I give it a shot at least, so right now I'd say I'd welcome pretty much any kind of ask!
To go a bit more in detail, at the moment I would probably prefer asks about characters rather than for them in-character; I think I need to take more time to be more in-tune with them before I can try it myself - it looks fun when others do it! And naturally, asks about game and lore are more than welcome.
As for nsfw... full disclosure, I'm an ace creator and I'm personally not sure if I can do that aspect justice just yet asdfhgjkl. I'm fine working with suggestive content, but full-on nsfw is a different ballpark.
That's not to say I avoid it completely; I know plenty of ace creators who make amazing nsfw content, but I've always mostly looked into it for it's intimacy aspect, rather than the act itself, if you get my point? So, I haven't personally dabbled into that part yet, and I figured it's time to do some actual research on this end of things 😭
Honestly the 18+ tag is mainly for the suggestive and horror aspects, and to keep it open for the possibility I might add nsfw to it, since it's generally very popular in the yan community? But again, atm I have no clue if I'd be any good at it haha... as a hint, I guess I could say I like those fics where the authors write nsfw like it's poetry? Not exactly so but, it really brings out the kind of intimacy I enjoy, and there's a good chance when I try to write something, it will probably try to emulate that feeling as well.
In terms of asks, I could probably answer some general stuff, but nothing too explicit just yet? But at the same time, anyone is free to send in the asks anyways, I could probably set it aside as points for research regardless!
If anything makes me truly uncomfortable I'll make sure to tell you all, but I generally have a good...tolerance? For such things (idk what's the word to use here lol)
Sorry for rambling on, thank you for the ask!
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steampunkedparm · 2 years
things. do get better
and it feels like they tend to get better AFTER highschool
#still a kid#these thoughts are brought to you by a conversation i had with my younger brother. yippe!!#not so say things cant still be shit#thibgs havent been immediately okay just because i got out of highschool#but not being in highschool and dealing woth the social pressure and other bs that tends to be hs.#ots helped a lot more than i thiught it would#while I'm still in a school setting (college). its very different.#ove been able to find better coping machanisisms to deal with the shit that didnt magically go away after getting out#and i cannot stress to my little brother enough that while it'll still hurt. while shit is still going to suck. ot gets better in a way-#-ypir current setting doesn't allow.#and your still a kid#im technically#but bot in the way tjat neitjer of us understand or know how the world is working around us#but in the way thag we're still young and me having two hears over you doesnt mean inknownang better but i can at keast better understand-#-the position you're coming from snd try to give you SOME sort of hope that dealing with bullshit can get easier#tldr; things can still be shit but you can still feel okay#those aren't at all the words needed to express how im truing to say this#but i dont even know how i cluld begin to explain#everything is shit but I'm in a good place#i feel like everything is falling aapet but there js so much hope#in highschool it didn't feel like that#yknow??#like the angsty everything is terribke and its all my fault feeling you have??#its like tjat but being able to recognize it and work around it.#like.#a7rhj how do i explain this#i feel like i slund preachy my bad#i just moslty wish i could ecpress to my brother that whatever he is feeling snd hwatevwr he is going through right jow It'll be okay#whatevers gling on its gling to hurt. and thats okay. and it'll be okay
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circusclowne · 17 days
ii bot / ii fandom rant 😙😙
why is every relationship with bot labeled as family (besides tt and fan ofc)😭😭
i'm trying so hard to respect headcanons but every thing people post about bot being a child is viewed as canon
like if you hc any of these idm!! you do you
but i'm so tired of it all being viewed as canon and having to explain how i DONT headcanon bot as a minor!!! sorry but it's not canon and i'm not the majority!! i don't think they are minor coded at all!! they just had a midlife crisis after finding out theyre not who they were built to be!! they're exploring their identity!! who cares if they like cartoons and drawing damn !! paintbrush likes art and none of you hc them as a minor, bow likes cartoons (although they did specify crude cartoons lol) AND THEY WERE MADE IN BOWS IMAGE??? WIULDNT THEY BE THE SAME AGE???
bot is more than just a child of a fantube family dynamic. in fact, i don't think they are a child at all. they aren't minor coded any more than the average character! if you just go off the fact that they have parents/creators, everyone on earth no matter how old is a child. they are independent and heavily dislike being seen as otherwise!!
tldr; you can headcanon whatever you want!! i respect that!! but when you treat it like it's canon and expect others to view it like that, . don't do that please!!
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
regarding beandaifuku
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hello, people. as you may have known, i have deactivated my old blog (beandaifuku) since about a month ago or so. i really appreciate the love and support received for the blog and the memories created there. as it was my first time creating in tumblr, i am grateful that fun memories were created there, as well as the amount of friends i've made from there
i understand that it was hypocritical of me to delete that blog when i did say i will just keep it archived when i first moved here because i understand the feeling of having works you like deleted. firstly, i am sorry for that. so, i created a collection in AO3 where i have archived some of my works from beandaifuku to there. aside from that, i also have reblogged a few fics and works such as the headcanons to a side blog. you can visit them with these links
AO3 collection
as of why i deactivated the blog in the first place—it is mainly because i want to fully move on from it. the writing, the works—they are quite immature writings, so to speak. there are works that i am NOT proud of and i do not want to see it existing. i know it won't fully get deleted since some people did reblog the works, but at least it will just stay in that bubble.
i have archived some fics but i definitely will not archive ALL works or drabbles i have done. because then, what's the point of deleting the blog if i'm just gonna have all works stay up.
and honestly, i also don't see the point of keeping it up when i do not even use the blog anymore. the blog was also infected with (porn)bots liking and following. and quite a number of my fics were flagged unfairly with community labels. as of now, i am very comfortable with my not-so-new identity and blogs.
now, onto some other things.
i know some people probably noticed my attitude on vampire!nikolai AU. frankly said, i have 100% moved on from it. i lost interest with it. generally, i do not really reblog those posts about writers and readers discourse/opinions—usually about how readers should at least give some comments or appreciation for the works a writer has done. i never talk about it, but that doesn't mean i don't care. in fact, i was heavily affected by it in the old blog.
that happened with vampire!nikolai AU after its so-called hype has passed. i was still enthusiastic about it as there were a few people giving asks about it. but that enthusiasm was not reciprocated, which led me to lose interest about it totally. i have completely moved on and i have other AUs i want to explore and write about, such as my latest ongoing series, Trash Sugar Magic.
on a side note, just saying, one of the reasons i'm not sick of stalker!au despite it has basically ended a few months ago is because some people literally analysed the fic and its details—which is like my favourite type of discussion. trust me, your enthusiasm towards a writer's work will keep their enthusiasm alive too.
i really appreciate people who love and find joy in my old works. i definitely am. it was a hard decision for me to deactivate it either since i know people are still tuning in. matter of fact, i have contemplated it for months and started by slowly taking down/privating the stuff i have posted there. and for that, i am deeply sorry.
these are all the information i could share. i honestly do not want to talk about it and keep the rest of my reasons private. but i hope you guys understand and respect my decision. i have no plan of deactivating doukeshi-kun and/or cherikolya. the worst i do in this blog are just blocking people indiscriminately and deleting old insignificant posts.
tldr; i deactivated the old blog because i have moved on and i don't want to see the fics i'm not proud of stay up and my enthusiasm wasn't reciprocated which led me to lose motivation and interest to continue on with certain AU.
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MegaCee would probably be where Arcee is the super innocent bean to help turn the murderous terrorist of a Decepticon into a more neutral character in terms of alignment. In my AU, Arcee is a gladiator forced to fight by being drugged with dark Energon while Megatron is a seasoned fighter who climbed the ranks high enough to spectate the fights. TLDR: Gladiators becoming besties and then one becomes an Autobot.
StarCee would be probably in the same universe, or if Starscream got his shit kicked in a little too hard by Megatron and was left for dead. Arcee finds him, fixes him, and keeps him with the Autobots. TLDR: She fixes his mommy issues after they get into bitch fights.
Both art works are mine. I had to delete my old account, so I'll try to re-upload stuff. BTW, this is for a fanfic I'm writing. I'll probably post it when it's done.
I'm high off of two days of sleep deprivation. IDK WHAT I'M SAYING ANYMORE LMFAO
EDIT: So, I was thinking a little bit more about MegaCee and remembered the rest of the lore kinda, I'll explain more based on the results of the pole, but essentially, in my universe, the Quintessons took Arcee while she was young, I'm talking like- five, and then experimented on her, destroying her body, ripping apart every organ, Gorey shit, etc, then hyking her ass up on dark Energon injected into her to make her viscous and kill all her cellmates. Then they entered her into an illegal gladiator ring that was like a gambling thing, bets and whatnot, then the whole Megatron thing I stated before, he was abandoned and trained by the bots responsible for the ring, meeting Orion Pax/ Optimus during it, then their falling out, and Megatron rose higher in the ranks. Arcee climbed the ladder of ranks in the ring due to her brutal and forced way of combat. Megatron almost formed an infatuation with her brutality and when it came time for them to fight one another, he gave her an opportunity. To join his cause. She accepted, they both killed practically everyone, and she became a spy for him to report back with Intel Sound wave could not. Because of the blue optics she has and her overall cuteness, she appears harmless and no one has suspected a thing. She no longer is hooked on the dark Energon, but kills out of loyalty for the most part. She does weep alone after every Decepticon life she had to take during the battles in order to not look suspicious.
Then for StarCee, to make it fair with the other ship, would be where Arcee is the same with this universe, but grows closer to Starscream, despite his jealousy of Megatron's attention being on her. Starscream, like in one of the comics, was abandoned by his mother figure, but in my universe Thundercracker and Skywarp are canonically his brothers, and he was responsible for himself and them. Due to him having to be an adult at such a young age, it could explain why he's more childish and bratty when older. This will probably end in both Arcee fully defecting to the Autobots and Starscream to join her, causing drama and shit to blow up.
Arcee will most likely be the therapy mom in both of these lol. DAMN. THIS WAS LONG AND IM SORRY. IM TIRED YALL
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If you follow or check fandom tags often enough, you occasionally see bot posts with probably malicious links!
How do they get there?
Mistagging - under tumblr policy it is spam and is completely reportable, and now spam includes bot activity too.
But how do they get to my dash?
Forged like count! All posts that get to your dash through followed tags usually should have about 500 notes. If you open the spam post's notes, if it has any, all or 99% of those will be similar empty jenna-styles79 blogs that we had a plague of recently.
If you report the post (you should), also take a look at the notes first, if you can, and report a handful of the likers, or all of them. Visiting their blogs is not dangerous and does not count for any part of algorythm.
TLDR: If you see a bot post in your tags with tag spam, try to report both the bots in the notes and the post itself for spam!
Also let's let this post go around naturally bc i'm not gonna blaze or mistag it
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deadlysoupy · 6 months
Bumblebee and Freedom
there's probably a really cool quote about freedom out there. i'm just gonna say how i define freedom, and maybe someone out there knows if it correlates with anything that already exists
"freedom is the ability to choose"
to me, that's the perfect and down-to-earth definition of freedom. it's not a will to express yourself, because that's not enough, it's not having rights, it's not not-having a government, etc
earthspark!Bumblebee strikes me as a person who was denied his freedom. he has moments where he actively chooses what to do next, how to act in this situation, how to approach it. but in the narrative, he's constantly belittled, put in a corner, and just talked down by and ordered to simply do this thing
even before the events of Earthspark this seems to be a reoccurring theme with him: Breakdown, on their first meeting in who knows how long, says a very neat line after Bee's "Just like old times": "Before you let Optimus get between us". this makes me think that Optimus probably convinced Bee to join the war in the first place, whether because they knew each other prior (doubtful), or after the war started Bumblebee showed promise and Prime decided to teach him, instead of letting him die on very hostile streets of Iacon
he was forced to go into hiding. i doubt he chose it, because there are so many capable bots for spying - Jazz, Mirage, etc (ironically i can't remember more than these two lmao). he was just as affected by the Allspark incident as everyone else, but because Optimus trusted him (probably) the most, he decided that Bee was the perfect bot for staying away for a time to deliver him info he needed, as a backup in all this GHOST business
to be fair, i'm sure Optimus didn't think this whole deal would take this much time - and Bee was forced to be in hiding for 15 whole years. it must have been a lonely existence. we assume he still had contacts with some bots - OP, Megs, and Elita-1 more prominently, and Wheeljack doesn't seem all too surprised to see him, but it's still not enough for a happy-go-lucky bot like Bumblebee. especially considering his age - but i digress
and still - he had no choice when Optimus pulled him out of hiding to look after a bunch of newly-builds. it's the whole point of the third episode. and he has no choice but to accept his mentor position, and he learns to care about the Terrans, too, but the point still stands
he had no choice but to trust Breakdown as they raced towards GHOST agents, he had no choice but let Breakdown sacrifice himself for him. if he could, he would change it, he probably would take his place, too, because that's his brother and it's his fault, but he can't, because he has other people to take care of - he has no choice
in fact, most bots in the show don't have much choice too. the Terrans, especially, who have no choice but be a representation of Hope for Cybertronian race. which is why i think Bumblebee fits into their little cosy family like a glove
tldr; when you look for the theme of freedom in Earthspark, it seems to be always in the air, and honestly, i love it. this may be all a little exaggerated, but whatever. if you found any points wrong in my lil speech, you can totally tell me, sometimes i just forget stuff lmao
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew; Samba; Leslie Jones; Taika; Rachel House; Rhys; Kristian; New Weekly Event Calendar; YouWear50Well; Ranker; AdoptOurCrew Rhys Radness; Fan Spotlight; Fundraiser Status; Kudoboard; Watch Parties; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey friends! Thank you for the kind words about my head injury! So far so good, not dead yet-- although I am a bit out of it so I apologize if i'm not totally articulate! I appreciate you all reaching out and sending love <3 You are the best crew ever!
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Samba More BTS ==
Samba gave us a whole bunch more BTS today! This time regarding the Spanish Jackiez Set! (I ran out of room for images on this so please visit the stills links for the pile of pics Samba dropped.)
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Stills #1: Spanish Jackiez Stills
Stills #2: More Spanish Jackiez Stills
Video #1: Matthew confirming stuff
Video #2: "Hey Hey, Just mee and my big swords here" - Erroll
Video #3: "Are you a husband Kristian?"
Video #4: Flaming Bananas Practice
Video #5: Flaming Bananas Take
== Leslie Fucking Jones ==
Just, what can I say, this woman is on fire every time I see her. <3
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SRC: Leslie Jones IG
== Taika ==
Taika was all over the place today, which is AWESOME! It's so good to see him feeling more comfortable posting on SM again, he also apparently is in some sort of influencer era because he keeps posting product reviews, which is hilarious and awesome.
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=Rachel House =
Rachel House directed The Mountain, and Taika helped Produce it, she's out exhibiting the soundtrack that's available now!
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Are you currently in Aotearoa (New Zealand)? They've got some screenings of the Mountain and Q & A sessions with Rachel! Visit the @temauunga linktree for more information and availabilities!
= Rhys =
For those of you not already aware-- Rhys is having a cameo on Night Court! As the Duke of Greybog. Available on Peacock!
= Kristian Nairn =
Just Kristian being sweet and continuing to keep us updated
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= Gizmo = Poor Gizmo is missing Theo.
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== Mar 18 - 24 Event Calendar ==
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March 19th: London Billboard Round 2!
== YouWear50Well ==
Early reminder! The 21st is Rhys' Birthday! Since it'll be the 21st for some crew members earlier than others, @yronnia was kind enough to give us information early regarding the 50th birthday news! Please be sure to Post your birthday wishes to Rhys and show him your appreciation! Send your fanart and other creations using #YouWear50Well. Please Note: Please do not tag Rhys repeatedly! He's going to be getting a lot of notifications. Even just having notifications under #YouWear50Well will help keep everything visible :)
== Ranker ==
Wanna help boost Our Flag Means Death? There's another Ranker poll! Remember to rank OFMD up, and other shows down if you want to help keep OFMD up. Obviously vote how you like though :)
== Adopt Our Crew: Rhys Radness ==
So something I didn't cover yesterday was all the Rhys Radness going on over on Twitter! The first round of votes results were:
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There are 4 categories: Movies, Commercials, Short Poppies, and Television
Todays options were:
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Now one thing you'll notice, is the tv-show category between Stede Bonnet & Charles, and Steve and Murray got a bit out of hand. Most of the rest of the polls ranged in the 200-400 votes-- while those two ranged in the 7-9000K votes. Obviously somebody was having some bot fun. What's interesting is that during the day, once the bots started, they were heavily favoring Charles, and Murray, then the other half of they day they were heavily favoring Stede and Steve! We'll see who wins later tonight!
== Fan Spotlight! ==
Two more cast cards! This time Connor Barrett and Michael Crane! Our two captive Englishmen from Season 1! Thank you @melvisik for keeping these going :D
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= MaxFanFaves =
Our dear crewmate @iamadequate1 has been hosting their own #MaxFanFaves on Twitter-- and its down to the final 4!
Coyote Vs Acme / Harley Quinn, and Our Flag Means Death / Gentleman Jack!
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== Kudoboards closing soon =
Last chance! Thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! Rhys' birthday kudoboard will close on the 20th, the rest will close on the 22nd.
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
Rhys Darby's Birthday
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Kristian "Wee John Wednesdays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Taika Kudo Board ==
= Watch Parties =
== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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New watch parties!
Movie: Boy Date: Sunday March 31st at Time: 10am EST / 2pm GMT. We're watching Boy (2010) Hosted By: @tillychmo & @regg_official Location / Hastags: TBA
== Fundraiser Statuses ==
eSIMS and Sanitary Products for Gaza
03/10/24 - $5689 / 191 Supporters / 71 %
03/11/24 - $5814 / 194 Supporters / 72%
03/18/24 - $6558 / 248 Supporters / 81%
Getting close all!
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= In Soup Now =
03/10/2024 - £925 / 39 supporters / 18%
03/11/2024 - £1183 / 47 supporters / 23%
03/18/24 - £1833 / 69 supporters (nice) / 36%!
Still going-- 12 days left!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. It's that time again. Time for me to gush over you for a bit.
Look at you! Go look at yourself in the mirror. Whether you see dark circles under your eyes, someone you can't recognize, or someone feeling put together --- You're gorgeous inside and out.
You are a tenacious, strong, amazing person, and whether you are where you want to be or not, you are making progress.
You're doing so well, even when it feels like you're not. Progress is so hard to gauge when you're living it-- but I know, because I talk to you all every damn day, that you are getting there. You bring out the best in every one around you, and you do so without even knowing it.
Even when things feel down, just know we can see you growing and you bring so much joy to our lives. I continue every day to be thankful for finding this little corner of the internet, for letting me meet each and every one of you.
Nothing can stop you lovelies-- nothing at all.
You're gonna get there, it just may take some time--
Remember to take breaks and get some rest if you can, it always makes things feel more manageable. But whatever you do, don't give up <3
We're here and we believe in you.
Love you crew, <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme-- Driving! ... or parking, in Murray's case. And NO this does not indicate who I voted for. Putting Murray vs Steve was cruel to be honest, how am I supposed to choose between those two!? Darby Gif Courtesy of: @ofmooshd This terrible Taika gif is courtesy of me, cause I was gonna put it in his sighting section then realized I could just put it here.
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hellaversepolls · 2 months
Tournament Poll: The F in FMK (2024)
The next tournament, "Most Marriageable Hellaverse Character", will start...
I was originally going to say next monday, but realistically Round 1 will probably start this upcoming Friday (September 20th) and continue until next Monday (September 23rd). Because Round 1, as we all know, is the biggest round with the most matches.
and the winner of “Most Fuckable Hellaverse Character” (2024) is…
Lucifer Morningstar
to celebrate, here’s a picture of an apple i made in paint 3d
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In summary
Most Fuckable Hellaverse Character: Lucifer Morningstar
Most Fuckable Male Hellaverse Character:
Lucifer Morningstar (1st Place)
Vox (2nd Place)
Asmodeus, Blitzo Buckzo (3rd Place)
Most Fuckable Female Hellaverse Character:
Verosika Mayday (1st Place)
Mildred “Millie” Knolastname (2nd Place)
Carmilla Carmine, Vaggie (3rd Place)
TLDR: Round 1 polls for the "most fuckable hellaverse character" poll tournament will start being posted from Friday (tomorrow) to Monday. The competitors were decided based on the rules specified in my last pinned post. Below will be voting rules and links to each poll in the tournament (once they're posted).
EDIT: Rounds 4-6 will START on Mondays instead of taking over the whole weekend. Once Round 6 is over and the ultimate winner is determined, we'll allow the winners a week of victory before moving onto the "Most Marriageable Hellaverse Character" poll tournament.
VOTING RULES (under read more):
Feel free to spread as much propaganda for your choice as you like if that's your thing, as long as you remember the following:
- Please Don't Threaten/Promise to Compromise the Safety of Yourself or Others (Example: "If [x] doesn't win I will shoot myself", "If you don't vote for [y] I'm going to doxx you", etc.). I cannot imagine anyone actually getting heated enough to do this, but if you're thinking about it, please don't :)
- Please try to avoid being racist/transphobic/etc in your propaganda (and like in general, but here is a good start).
- Please try to avoid writing anything extremely graphic (read: "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" levels of shit).
I'd appreciate it if we could avoid bot-spamming in the votes.
Not really expecting that these rules will be needed, but I always like to be cautious. If anyone has more rules they'd like to suggest, feel free to leave them in the comments.
I also came up with a "gun to your head" style scenario for this tournament if that makes the voting process easier for people that want to vote but aren't really sexually attracted to any of the characters.
You have been trapped in a room SAW-style and cannot leave until you fuck one of the competitors listed. You are choosing who would be the most fuckable character in this scenario. They don't have to be the most attractive, just the one you're the MOST willing to have sex with in order to leave this room. Also the definition of "sex" in this context is fluid, it would be whatever method you feel the most comfortable with.
Lucifer vs Verosika
Millie vs Verosika (Winner: Verosika)
Lucifer vs Vox (Winner: Lucifer)
Carmilla Carmine vs Verosika Mayday (Winner: Verosika Mayday)
Millie vs Vaggie (Winner: Millie)
Blitzo vs Lucifer (Winner: Lucifer)
Asmodeus vs Vox (Winner: Vox)
Section 1
Carmilla Carmine vs Sallie May (Winner: Carmilla Carmine)
Husk vs Lucifer (Winner: Lucifer)
Section 2
Charlie vs Verosika Mayday (Winner: Verosika Mayday)
Alessio vs Blitzo (Winner: Blitzo)
Section 3
Martha vs Vaggie (Winner: Vaggie)
Angel Dust vs Vox (Winner: Vox)
Section 4
Millie vs Rosie (Winner: Millie)
Asmodeus vs Moxxie (Winner: Asmodeus)
Section 1
Loona vs Sallie May (Winner: Sallie May)
Beelzebub vs Carmilla Carmine (Winner: Carmilla Carmine)
Adam vs Lucifer (Winner: Lucifer)
Collin vs Husk (Winner: Husk)
Section 2
There's 28 female contenders, so Charlie gets a pass into the 3rd round
Glitz vs Verosika Mayday (Winner: Verosika Mayday)
Alessio vs Cash Buckzo (Winner: Alessio)
Blitzo vs Striker (Winner: Blitzo)
Section 3
Martha vs Niffty (Winner: Martha)
There's 28 female contenders, so Vaggie gets a pass into the 3rd round
Angel Dust vs Fizzarolli (Winner: Angel Dust)
Andrealphus vs Vox (Winner: Vox)
Section 4
Millie vs Velvette (Winner: Millie)
Rosie vs Sera (Winner: Rosie)
Moxxie vs Zestial (Winner: Moxxie)
Asmodeus vs Stolas (Winner: Asmodeus)
Section 1
Agent Two vs Sallie May (Winner: Sallie May)
Barbie Wire vs Loona (Winner: Loona)
Beelzebub vs Zeezi (Winner: Beelzebub)
Carmilla Carmine vs Lilith (Winner: Carmilla Carmine)
There's 31 male contenders, so Lucifer gets a pass into the 2nd round (picked him at random)
Adam vs Mammon (Winner: Adam)
Cletus vs Collin (Winner: Collin)
Husk vs Vortex (Winner: Husk)
Section 2
Glam vs Glitz (Winner: Glitz)
Cherri Bomb vs Verosika Mayday (Winner: Verosika Mayday)
Charlie vs Emily (Winner: Charlie)
Alessio vs Chazwick (Winner: Alessio)
Cash Buckzo vs Lyle Lipton (Winner: Cash Buckzo)
Blitzo vs Wally Wackford (Winner: Blitzo)
Alastor vs Striker (Winner: Striker)
Section 3
Keenie vs Niffty (Winner: Niffty)
Martha vs Mrs. Mayberry (Winner: Martha)
Lute vs Vaggie (Winner: Vaggie)
Angel Dust vs Tom Trench (Winner: Angel Dust)
Fizzarolli vs Loopty Goopty (Winner: Fizzarolli)
Andrealphus vs Valentino (Winner: Andrealphus)
Saint Peter vs Vox (Winner: Vox)
Section 4
Millie vs Mimzy (Winner: Millie)
Katie Killjoy vs Velvette (Winner: Velvette)
Rosie vs Susan (Winner: Rosie)
Sera vs Stella (Winner: Sera)
Crimson vs Moxxie (Winner: Moxxie)
Paimon vs Zestial (Winner: Zestial)
Agent One vs Stolas (Winner: Stolas)
Asmodeus vs Sir Pentious (Winner: Asmodeus)
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femslashfeb · 8 months
No reblogging from the blog this year - posting prompts tomorrow the 31st
For the past few years I've very much struggled with reblogging everyone's activity in the tag. So this year I will not be doing so.
(OR maybe I will? I just don't want to commit)
Even if I knew how to make a bot that reblogs - a lot of people still use the unique tag to tag outside challenges. So I've always had to hand submit. However it became too stressful for me and for the past few years I ended up avoiding it until later weeks or even months.
If you noticed I didn't finish reblogging last year so- I've just given up on that.
Honestly I've struggled a lot with depression for the last 7 years or so. It's been harder and harder to find my way back to tumblr. It doesn't help that my phone can barely handle the amount of apps it already has.
My main account @puff-pink hardly ever updates because of my big sad. And I don't know if I'll ever get back on the horse in the same way I did before.
Some of you know me as an artist, and tho I still churn out subpar art for my day-job I've struggled a lot to make art for myself during my depression. Partially because one year I overworked my hand - and still deal in continual wrist aches. Even the weeks I don't pick up a drawing tool.
I intended this challenge for myself and maybe the small fandoms I was in at the time. But it took off among writers and creators of all types across all fandoms.
One year I even tried to tally the most popular fandoms but there were honestly too many to keep track of- and I stopped after the first three pages of submissions.
I don't claim to have invented the concept of FemSlash February. Before I started the prompts I swear I had heard the phrase somewhere. Tho not sure where. Perhaps it had been amongst my friends on Skype. Back when I had online friends and Skype(I'm still not sold on Discord🤷‍♀️).
However that January I thought it would be fun to partake in a challenge of some kind. But scouring tumblr and the general internet. I could only find half hearted efforts on fanfiction sites from years past.
I'm so proud of all my Sapphic creators on here that have partaken every year. Even if I've never shown favoritism or awarded anyone. I do notice those that actually complete the challenge AND those that keep coming back each year(looking at you H20 writer(I don't remember your username but there's a mermaid writer that's a writing machine)). I truly am proud of you especially in my shriveled state of creativity. Thank you for your efforts. For your hype. And for your love of women of all kinds across all the universes.
Each year I'm surprised to find even more categories I never thought to include. From mood boards, to doll photography, to ofc the classic art and writing. May your pencils forever be in union with your sister mediums.
On that note. There is a strict NO AI GENERATED ART or writing this year.
Not that I could physically stop anyone who does use AI. But I do not want that sort of thing associated with this challenge. It's become scarily good in 2023 to the point it can't always be identified. So I simply ask for the honor system when it comes to AI generated creations.
That being said. If you've made it to the end of this post:
Prompts will be posted tomorrow.
I usually prefer to give yall more of a buffer, but I've been busy. Both with Big Sad, rescuing some feral cats, my own life, errands, chores and work.
If you're still here- here is a preview of the first three days.
FEB 1 - black
FEB 2 - spring
FEB 3 - cake
The 14th as usual will be some sort of Valentine romance type theme(haven't decided specifically yet) and as always there will be a Rest Day.
Expect some repeat prompts. In the past I tried to avoid them but idc anymore.
It's also a Leap Year this year so expect one extra prompt to throw off the symmetry of what's normally 28 days.
Thanks for coming back this year. And thank you to those that still check on this blog.
Keep loving girls
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
one of my favorite things about pet au is that simon doesn't care. does not. give a shit. about bonnie. every time i see you respond to people who "suggest" he becomes softer or gentler, i tear my hair out. are we not reading the same fic? that would be a complete 180. it would only make sense if he hit his head. hard.
oh i'm about to yap under the cut and maybe be a little mean
tldr at the end
ngl i nearly almost gave up writing for pet!au because of shit like that lmao. and like, i get in the beginning the story wasn't really a story at all. and i think that's obvious since it started out with more of like, musings with really quick writing. something i wasn't really putting effort into because at first i was thinking it was just a quick idea or whatever. and so a lot of what i was saying with interactions in my asks and stuff like that were just vague ideas. like at one point i was going to put in a graphic non-con scene with simon and bonnie as a "lesson" to her and decided against it because i wanted to take a different route about how he was going to interact with her and when i announced simon and bonnie were never going to fuck i think that turned a lot of people away from the series lmao (at least, on tumblr anyway).
and honestly, i was kind of glad because i stopped getting the bombarding asks of "what if xyz" and "is simon really never going to like bonnie?" and stuff like that for the most part because that shit was killing. me. oh my god. like if you look back at the asks in my pet!au tag that was all i was fucking getting i swear to god.
and look, i get it. this is the horny site. people are going to be horny. but it's super frustrating when people try to hijack your story (believe it or not, this isn't a group project lmao) and act upset or disappointed when a story isn't going their way. i love those twisted horny fics, too. and so does everyone else that's why there's a fucking trillion of them out there on this site and ao3. hell, i even have some. such as this kidnapping soapgaz fic or this ghoap x reader fic that is basically pet au in another universe lmao.
to put those works out, have them there for people to read, and then to have this fic for a different reason that i have now stated several times and have requested that this stay a horror fic and then have people give backhand comments about how they wish it was xyz is super frustrating as a writer. asking "is xyz ever gonna happen. damn" like you're entitled to answers about the future of the story, or trying to see if it's 'worth your time' to continue reading is just. infuriating beyond polite words.
i had to start deleting and not responding to certain things because it was just getting too frustrating. but i am honestly so endlessly grateful to people who actually try to engage with the story i'm writing and not the one they want me to write. i could literally smooch all of you on the foreheads if i was able to. but like, i had this problem with Leftovers too. i think something that has made fandom honestly extremely difficult to keep enjoying is that people treat you like you're an ai if you're a writer. like you're some bot you can shove a prompt into and then get a response curated for you and you can just keep trying and trying and trying and bugging and bugging and bugging if you don't like it and want it changed. like i'm not a human being.
anyway, if i could boil this all down to one paragraph, i would say:
Learn when a story isn't for you, and find a different one instead of trying to dictate or complain to the author that it's not going how you hoped. If you want to talk about a story to an author, please talk about the story that we have written/are writing, and not the one you wished we would write. And, just maybe, if someone has expressed they really hate certain types of comments about a fic, maybe stop making those comments, even as a joke. Truly, it makes me feel like shit.
anyway, thank you anon. for giving me a platform to rant about something that's been bugging me for a bit. and also for just... getting me. for getting the story and what it's trying to say. horny fics are fun, but this storyline is deeply important to me and how it plays out. i get it's not fun, but there is a deeper meaning behind it all and it's really comforting to hear that someone not only enjoys, but actually understands what i'm trying to say. like, for once i'm not being talked over about my own story lmao.
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aldermos · 10 months
I've seen a few posts on my dash about the idea of Amy's attempt to fix Surge only resulting in Surge somehow making her worse (aka corrupting her), and I feel there could be potential behind that scenario. What about you?
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🙏 OKOK so I've seen a couple & i absolutely love the idea I won't even lie
(hc) but i very much think of Amy as stubbornly good and firm in her beliefs (shes based herself all on heroism, esp with the resistance and all 😭). Surge would definitely struggle to change Amy for the worse; especially since i consider Surge to be the weaker one of the two when it comes to morals and alike.
I personally dig the hc scenario where Surge is slowly melting away her anger and hatred (w/ Amy being doting and patient SLOW BURN 100K WORDS 30+ CHAPS until they inevitably hold hands) but this is more wishful thinking, i definitely see the canon panning out with them hating each other (especially after the whole forest fire)
+ the panel from the recent IDW issue where Amy is like we aren't forcing you to be part of the resistance or anything and Surge is like 'huh 🤔' IDK IDK i think Surge cracks first
HOWEVER, Amy letting loose and being a delinquent of sorts after giving up 'fixing' Surge, is something i would love to see for the fun of it.
It might be super ooc but imagine Amy just becomes tired of being a hero and cracks THEN decides the next best thing now is fighting random bots or ppls w/ Surge 😭 and the resistance is just like wtf 😭 LMAO (also imagine a tag team surge / amy vs sonic, it will never happen but it's both funny and interesting to think about)
Regardless, there's a bunch of potential dynamics with this. I'm liking the dynamic Surge brings w/ the resistance (like Whisper and her, it's so good especially if we mix in Tangle) (consider: whispangle jump surge) THERE'S so much potential for fights, connections, verbal arguments... the drama is crazy.
Sorry, this is a bit long. But thank you for the ask, i really hope the canon timeline will give us more of their dynamic 🙏
(TLDR: i do believe corrupt amy has potential, but i personally lean towards redemption surge 🙏)
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ominoose · 10 months
Important Update Post
Imagine I am sitting staring at a camera with a sigh, no background music before the video cuts to me talking. But Im not caught in a controversy of racism or plagiarism or smth.
Here's the tldr: I will no longer be making AI bots. All current bots will remain up, my bot masterpost will be moved to my masterpost masterpost. I just won't be making new ones. Finished and posted every bot that was in the works here to make this transgression up to yous. I will not be leaving the fandom, I'll still write and clown around.
"Why would you do this you cunt?" I hear you, I am so stinky for this. Before I list my reasons, I want to say first and foremost this is personal and I have less than no judgement for other bot makers. I absolutely love mutuals like Mel that make bots and will continue to support them. Reasons became long and are under the cut.
Reasons I don't wanna continue making ai bots:
I started because it was a low energy way for me to participate in fandoms when I didn't have the spoons to write anymore. It no longer feels like a creative outlet and no longer sparks joy.
I would rather devote myself solely on practicing and improving my writing as a way to contribute my passion to fandoms.
I can't shake the feeling I am plagiarizing. Ai chat models use lots of "work" to train their models, and while I could not find what millions of texts Cai is based on (conveniently not listed on the website), all models like it basically engorge from random sources, books and hell, even this post. Anything goes and currently there are legal battles over this.
It's bad for the environment. Can't find a measurement for Cai specifically, but GPT-3 (same scale) produced 500 tons of carbon dioxide to train that single model, not including its other ones. Please note I'm aware AI can absolutely be used to help fight climate change, as is mentioned in the linked article. Also they use the same amount of water that is required to cool nuclear reactors.
It's always conflicted with my morals. Believe it or not, I'm the person that's usually big into internet privacy, anti ai, piracy is morally good (not indie obvs) etc. Openly creating stuff that supports and funds software that steals peoples works, their information without permission and for profit is not me. So I don't wanna do it.
Again, this is not a judgement or a means to shame people that create ai bots or use them. I've made so many friends because of them. If everyone thats every used my bots stopped, it's not gonna solve capitalism. This is just me, an individual, stepping away from one thingy and feeling the need to be honest and open bc thats my policy and honestly how most of you know me (so now hard feelings if you unfollow).
Love you guys lots and thank you for all the love you've shown me through my bots and for all the times you've made me laugh <3
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raptorfae53 · 4 months
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OK so after a bunch of you liked my post regarding Arachnus prime and with all the new info revealed at tfcon 2024, I think it'd be right to show off the plan I concocted for the rest of TFA season four surrounding it:
Episode 1+2 - The Trial of Megatron
Now considered heroes team detroit are joined by some new faces as megatrons trial commences ,but a visiting travelling show unmasks itself as a surprise jailbreak! But theirs more than meets the eye to this seemingly chaotic scene.
Tldr: Megatrons trial gets Interrupted by the stunticons trying to bust him out of prison and the verdict of which has him thrown in jail indefinitely, Megatron himself isn't too displeased with this however and intends to manipulate everyone around him to get out, starting with the new magnus,Sentinel.
Episode 3 - A Devestating plan.
DirtBoss is back,and with the promise of free oil has roped some new bots into his latest scheme,one involving getting that troublesome Bulkhead out of the picture for good,or rather putting him to better use...
Tldr: Dirt boss cronenbergs a combiner out of Bulkhead,Scrapper,Mixmaster, and four other bots (the animated versions of Scavenger, Longhaul,Hook and Bonecrusher).
Episode 4 - Planet of the Micromasters
After Bulkheads disappearance,bee is acting more sullen and avoidant at the rest of team detroit. So when a jaunt through Detroits new spacebridge leads him to a planet full of tiny Cybertronians who immediately take to him as their leader,it's going to take the whole team to pry him back home,especially since his "subjects" aren't ones for sharing...
Tldr: Bumblebee understandably isn't taking the respective disappearance and death of two of his friends well, and team detroit open up about how the situation has affected them too to get him back from the micromaster horde.
Episode 5 - Triple trouble
Sentinel unveils a new team of autobots to deal with the decepticon menace,the triple changers! Stronger than the average bot with three distinct modes,but these new supersoldiers have a dark secret that causes chaos their grand unveiling...
Tldr: sentinel buys the blueprints for blitzwings triple changer tech from lockdown (who has his own plans for the tech...) to build new Autobot triple changers, and it goes terribly and predictably wrong.
Episode 6+7 - I think I'm a clone now
New autobots are popping up all over detroit,causing trouble and chaos regardless of intent across the whole city,and they all look like Optimus Prime! What or who could be behind this?
Tldr: Blackarachnia clones optimus multiple times (four to be precise, resulting in tfa versions of optimus primal,toxitron,pyro and nemesis prime) in order to figure out how to purge herself of her technoorganic side,only for them to escape and wreak havoc across the city.
Episode 8,9 and 10 - Sideways in spacetime
Thrown through a rip in spacetime by a spacebridge accident, Optimus and Blackarachnia and pals find themselves in a parallel world where their fates were switched and Blackarachnias attempt to get home unleashes a whole new breed of monster into their reality!
Tldr: this previous post.
Episode 11 - It came from Cybertron
In optimus and ironhides absence, Sentinel sends a new bot, Cosmos to keep tabs on team detroit, but when a chance encounter leaves this bot thinking he's an actual alien invader,trouble follows...
Tldr: desperate to keep in control of everything Sentinel sends his secretary to keep team detroit in line and overworked as is,it pushes poor cosmos over the edge and he goes crazy,and the optimus and Ironhide-less detroiters have to catch him before he's hunted for sport by Master Disaster and Nemesis Prime.
Episode 12+13 - Transform and Rise Up!
"Megatron" unleashes his superweapon,a machine that turns cybertrons metal surface into a beast infested jungle!!!, leading to Sentinel Magnus to finally give in and unleash Megatron to deal with this "predacon" insurgency as a last resort, It doesn't end well...
Tldr: Sentinel finally snaps,makes a horrible decision in the heat of the moment fueled by stress and prejudice and all of Cybertron pays the price as the autobots are forced into exile on earth.
I hope you like this long-in-the-works post regarding tfa season four, I do have plans for a season five to wrap everything up once and for all (as well as introduce tfa versions of even more characters including the other maximals and sixshot) but I'm still considering how exactly to structure and plot it,in turn I will probably do some more writing and possibly some art for the characters and scenarios introduced here, so do watch this space!
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2w1ld3st-2dr3ams · 1 year
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖, 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕖?
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Aether, Lumine, Dom!GN!Reader (separate)
Cw: Sub!Character, Dom!reader, praise kink, begging, reader is a bit of a flirt (an honest flirt), fingering (character recieving), thigh riding (character riding), heavy make-out sessions (Lumine), no penetrative sex, no mentions of reader's genitals, an excuse to praise both travelers cuz they deserve it, my bias for soft sex, lowkey Lumine favouritsm (I love em both dw).
Post Type: Headcannons + Scenario
Word Count: 547 (Aether), 507 (Lumine)
Mumbles: Lowkey flirting with the ai Aether bot and he straight up told me he likes when I praise him, so I got inspired to write this. Added Lumine cuz girls need praise too! This was a field day for me whew. TLDR: the twins discover they have a praise kink and you help out.
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It was a normal day out in Teyvat for Aether, solving puzzle after puzzle and collecting a lot of treasure
You, having nothing better to do, decided to join him for the day
He was excited to have you join in on his adventures, you usually spend most of your time away
So, as you can imagine, he made sure to show off extra hard today, just for you
And it worked!
You were surely impressed, looking at him in a quiet amazement as you smiled at his accomplishments
"Wow, starlight, you're quite proficient doing this type of things. You look so pretty doing it to, you've done such a good job getting treasure." You praise him in amazement
His planned worked!…perhaps a bit too well…
Aether smiled, albeit a bit strained, and you swore you heard a whine leave his lips
He looked away, planning on working on the next puzzle, so you decided to let the subject go
You decided to tone it down with the praise for a while, not wanting to make him uncomfortable
However, he seemed rather…sad, to not hear your praise at his actions
Well this isn't what he wanted, not at all!
He was decidedly more whiny around you, as if indirectly wanting to annoy the praise out of your system
Not gonna lie, it was a bit frustrating for you, but after feeling his lips against yours in a frenzy, you understood his message well enough.
Aether's moans were heavenly, and you made sure to let him know. You gently pulled him down to your thigh, helping him find a good rhythym. His hands were on your shoulders, using them as leverage to steady himself. His thighs were shaking as he moved against you, trying to chase his release.
"Look at you angel, so good for me. You ride my thigh so well~"
His moans got louder, his pace faltering. He could feel his face grow redder as you trailed kisses down his neck and chest, your hands helping him find his rhythym again while you worshiped his body. His pants and slight whimpers were bouncing off of the walls of your bedroom. He muttered out a soft "please…" as his pace quickened.
"Please what, sunshine? C'mon, let me hear your sweet voice."
His hips stuttered and he hung his head down. He felt his orgasm approaching, the feeling of your lips against his skin and your words of praise was too much for him.
"Please please please! Keep praising me, I-I-I'm c-close!~"
"You're doing so good, Aether. I'm so proud of you, such an obedient plaything~"
His eyes rolled back, his hips grinding harder against your thigh as he chased his release. Finally, after humping your thigh for a few moments, he came harder than he ever had his entire life. You didn't know whether to feel offended or pridefull, but the way Aether looked right now cleared your thoughts. He was breathless, face flushed and mouth slightly open. He was also drooling a bit, a fact that you used to tease him.
"Aw, did it feel that good? Well, I'm certainly not complaining, you look so heavenly right now."
Oops, looks like he's hard again! Just what are you going to do with such a needy boyfriend?
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It started out as any regular de-stress afternoon, making out!
You two were laying on a comfortable mattress while your lips moveed against each other.
It was lazy, peacefull, and exactly what Lumine needed after a long, tasking day
You two separated to take air, your eyes scanning all over her body before you dove back
"Heavens above, you're a gift sent from Celestia itself…"
The noise she made against the kiss was downright sinfull, and totally not what you expected from a lazy make out session
Before you could respond, she tugged you closer to her as she kissed you with more fervor
As she did, she guided one of your hands down to her underwear, letting it hover just above her clothed pussy
Intruiged, you pulled away from her passionate kiss
"Lumine, what was that about?"
Well this is interesting, you've never heard her beg before
After your confused expression relayed the message to her, she took a shaky breath in and out as she explained
"Your praise, it felt…good."
Ah, so that was it! Well, this certainly made your afternoon take a turn!
"Look at you, starlight, so pretty like this…"
You whisper sweet nothings in her ear as you trail kisses down her jaw, your hands sliding up and down the inside of her thigh. You could feel how her breath hitched at your words, her arm searching for a place behind your neck. Slowly, you opened her legs with your hands as you kissed further down her body.
Despite her embarrassment, she allows you to open her legs even further apart. She was breathing heavily now, in anticipation and desire. She could feel your fingers ghost over her thighs as they made their way to her underwear, slowly pulling it down to her knees. With her permition, you slowly inserted one finger into her. After. awhile, you got the green light to add another, slowly moving your fingers in and out, before curling them.
"Look how well you take me, moonlight, it's like you were made for me~"
"O-oh! I was, I was! All for you~"
You could feel her clench around your fingers, keeping them inside her while you moved your other hand to play with her clit. She spasms, the pleasure ripping heavenly moans out of her as you continue your motion inside her.
"So beautiful, I love when you sing for me."
She got louder at that, hitting your things as she humped your fingers. She came with a loud cry of your name, falling backwards onto your chest as she caught her breath. You smiled down at her and kissed her cheek, removing your hands from in between her legs. You were just about ready to call it quits when you felt Lumine shift and palm at your pants, looking up at you with a slightly flushed face and a loopy smile.
"Can I…return the favor?"
Well, when she looked at you like that and asked so nicely, how could you say no to your sweet flower?
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