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1ittlesunlight · 2 months ago
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totally normal day in lobcorp
wanted to draw them all since I’ve had only smoll sketch of how they all look like. Started from Gebura, Chesed and Tipheret I’ve gone insane…….
next are just designs
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alessandroiiidimacedonia · 6 months ago
Coming out next month "Il volo di Alessandro" by Claudio Saporetti
Good day I’m Elena and thanks to be here on Alessandro III di Macedonia- your source about Alexander the Great and Hellenism! Today I’ve a new italian publication to announce you: Il volo di Alessandro by Claudio Saporetti Tipheret, 2024 Contemporaneamente alla morte di Alessandro il Macedone, nacquero leggende sulle sue avventure, che divennero mirabolanti e fantasiose, palesemente…
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stilouniverse · 6 months ago
Josina Fatuzzo "Nonostante i segreti del tempo", Tipheret
Prefazione di Salvatore ScaliaTipheret Nonostante i segreti del tempo nasce da un’eredità e dall’incontro di due donne. Uno scherzo del destino o una sorta di santa provvidenza fa incontrare Maria Francesca, studiosa di storia contemporanea, con Viola, la vecchia proprietaria della villa che Maria Francesca eredita.  Maria Francesca è distrutta per aver scoperto il tradimento del marito, appena…
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crashhole · 6 months ago
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Rereading Defenders Beyond for the millionth time and realizing the obvious. Al Ewing and Javier Rodríguez didn’t just map story telling (conceptual) to the Kabbalah but the physical construct of comic books themselves!
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Starting in reverse with issue 5 title “Kether” correlating to the sphere at the top of the tree. This is the house of ideas, essentially the artist’s studio. Metaphysically, this is the source of all creation, so fittingly it becomes the source of all of Marvel’s creations.
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Kether is the top of the tree but there are trees within trees. A fractal reality; as above, so below. Where the world of action ends and the world of creation begins. In this context, we, the readers, live in the world of creation that contains the world of action within- comics
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Below Kether is Daath. This is a mysterious realm where ideas are created, traveling down the tree to manifest, or forgotten, stagnating in the sphere. Daath is the secret 11th sphere of the tree that some say does not belong, yet still exists.
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Tipheret is the next tier down, and later X-Men comics fully actualize it as the page of creation. In Marvel, it’s illustrated as a vast desert with an unfinished building of scaffolding in the center. Think of this as ‘creation in action’
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Below Tipheret is Yesod, the scaffolding of consciousness. That building in Tipheret is actually Yesod itself. The Beyonders hang out in there, outside of the story (Malkuth) but within the page. If Tipheret is the paper to write and drawn upon, Yesod is the panel guttering.
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At the bottom of the tree is Malkuth. Normally this applies to our physical reality, but considering the fractal nature of the Kabbalah’s Four Worlds, this is the realm of Marvel’s fictional universe. Its continuity. Its story. Malkuth is the illustrations within the panels. Malkuth is the 10th sphere of the Kabbalah, and thus correlates to the 10th cards of tarot’s minor arcana. As the realm of physicality and material existence, it’s ruled by our five senses, our methods of perception and interaction.
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I love this comic so much. Ewing and Rodríguez not only created a fantastic story mapping out the metaphysical realms of the Marvel Universe, but also retroactively made every comic ever created, past and future, a physical model of the Kabbalah itself!
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frenchwitchdiary · 11 months ago
La marelle : un jeu initiatique ?
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L’autre jour en me baladant en ville, j’ai croisé un jeu de la marelle peint au sol. Je n’en avais pas vu depuis mon enfance, où j’y jouais �� la cour de récré.
Et puis ce jour là, des années après, une pensée m’a frappé : est-ce que le jeu de la marelle serait en fait une référence à l’arbre des Sephiroth de la Kabbale depuis le début ⁉️
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Sur ce modèle-ci, on peut diviser les différents Sephiroth en 4 parties, comme celles dans la pastille en bas sur l’image ci dessus.
L’arbre de la Kabbale peut être appréhendé sous 4 paliers : le monde de l’action (qui correspond au corps physique, malkuth/le royaume de la matière, c’est notre point de départ), le monde de la formation (qui correspond au cœur, iesod/hod/netsah), puis le monde de la création (correspondant à l’intellect, tipheret/geburah/hesed), et enfin le monde des émanations (l’âme, binah/hokmah/kether, l’ain soph aur, l’infini, l’absolu, enfin vous voyez le topo).
En cherchant d’autres « patterns » du jeu de la marelle, je suis retombé.e sur celui de mon enfance :
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Et l’association de chaque case à une séphira de la kabbale se révèle encore plus évidente sur ce schéma !
Même Daat, la séphira *cachée* dans laquelle toutes les autres sphères sont unies, y a sa place.
Cependant, une des curieuses différences entre l’arbre de la kabbale et notre jeu de la marelle est l’inversion des nombres :
Kether (la couronne) est sensée être la sphère 1, celle dont a émané toutes les autres, et Malkuth, la dernière, celle où nous sommes piégés dans la matière.
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La marelle nous offre au contraire Malkuth comme la case 1, car c’est notre point de départ. Il s’agit de remonter l’arbre des sephiroth en sens inverse, jusqu’à la source.
Mais au fait, d’où ça nous vient la marelle au juste ? 🤔
L’origine de ce jeu est ancienne et prends ses racines à divers endroits du globe : des traces furent retrouvées en Grande-Bretagne, en Égypte et Grèce antiques, sur le forum de Rome, jusqu’en Inde d’où elle semble prendre sa source. Elle est entre autre mentionnée dans les Dialogues de Bouddha, au Vème siècle avant J.C., et même en Chine vers 2357 avant notre ère, sous le nom de jeu du dragon.
Dans l’empire romain, on en fit un exercice militaire, afin d’entraîner les soldats au saut à cloche-pied en cas de blessure.
À l’origine, le dessin comprenait 7 cases (comme sur la première photo que j’ai partagé) et progressivement de nouvelles versions à 10 cases ont vu le jour. Je n’ai pas pu trouver d’explications ou de sources sur pourquoi le nombre de cases a évolué au fil du temps, mais les premiers écrits kabbalistiques remontent à l’an 1130, donc après l’invention de la marelle elle-même.
On pourrait alors questionner un potentiel syncrétisme entre les deux, qui expliquerait pourquoi son évolution colle si bien à la répartition des sephiroth de l’arbre de vie.
Le jeu apparaîtrait alors comme un moyen d’apprentissage hermétique, une première étape initiatique pour se familiariser avec les concepts plus profonds de la Kabbale. L’agilité physique et l’équilibre reflétant la discipline mentale nécessaire à cette remontée. La marelle nous montre aussi que le chemin ne peut se faire qu’en remontant les cases dans l’ordre : pas de raccourci possible pour réussir l’ascension, chaque case (ou sephiroth symbolique) marque une étape nécessaire.
Pour celleux qui font preuve d’attention, on peut identifier des restes d’un passé ésotérique très influent qui survivent un peu partout dans les petites choses de notre quotidien, dans ces couches subtiles qui forment le socle commun de notre culture.
Et vous, aviez-vous réalisé ce rapprochement entre les deux ? 😉
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infjtarot · 6 months ago
Knight of Swords. Pastoral Tarot
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Element: Air Sephirah: Tipheret (Beauty), sephirah six in Yetsirah (Formation) Golden Dawn Title: Prince of Swords, Prince of the Chariots of the Winds Elemental Combination: Air of Air Astrological Sign: Aquarius Rider Physical Quality: A young man with dark brown hair and hazel or gray eyes Rider Deck Theme: Courage In the approach of elemental combinations, each suit has a perfect, or unified, card. For Swords it’s the knight, whom we might think of as dwelling in the high places of the mind, moving swiftly as only air can, quick-thinking, lofty. If the knights indeed ride off and return, then this knight might bring back great ideas and challenges to conventional thinking. Though most cards show a courageous knight on a rushing steed, few give any sense of the intellect or the high, pure air of ideas. Most commonly, the Knight of Swords depicts not intellect but courage. Just as he is “perfect” air of air, he also is the very model of a knight, for what, in fact, does a knight-errant do but fight battles? In the Rider, he sends his horse directly into a storm—the trees bend towards him, and even the horse seems to look back a bit nervously, as if to say, “Are you sure we should do this?” The Knight of Swords fights fearlessly, but unless he serves higher causes, especially justice, his courage loses all meaning. Readings—Courage, swiftness, daring. Battle can be suggested, and whoever takes up this sword needs to make sure he or she fights for justice. The intellect at a pure level, ideas and principles. A swift mind, brilliant. Rachel Pollack
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yanzinator · 6 months ago
I know that in Lobotomy Corporation, there's a group of characters named after the Kaballah. Is there much more to naming them after it?
yayyyyy I get to talk about this!!
firstly I'd just like to say, kabbalah should not be used like this. It's cultural appropriation and desecration, but if you ignore the blatant disrespect, they obviously did some amount of surface level research, and it is kinda cool. I haven't actually learned kabbalah, because you need to be 40 to be allowed to, as well as whole bunch of other stuff, but I have learned chassidus, which is derivative, and it's allowed to be taught and learned. And also I have the wikipedia page open. Please keep in mind, this is all extremely surface level. There is so much more to all of this, but the only proper way to explain everything to someone who doesn't have any experience involves 3 different, extremely thick books.
so, Sfirot first, or as the game calls them, sephirot. Sfirah comes from the root word ס.פ.ר which means writing, sfirah usually means counting, in this case I'm not sure exactly what's the purpose of the word though. The sfirot are traits of god, through which he creates the world, we in turn also have them. I'm gonna go from top to bottom, (or bottom to top, because the game flipped them.) and go over each of their meanings
Angela is just a name, she's not based on a sfira.
Malkuth, based on Malkut, which is the noun form of the adjective from the root word מ.ל.ך meaning king or queen (root words are non gendered), this is just god's rule over the world, and the divine piece of him that is in us. There's nothing concrete about it. Malkuth leads the control team, which could be compared to being a queen.
Yesod, יסוד which is the noun form of the root י.ס.ד, meaning base, or foundation. This is why it's at the bottom of the sfirot, and it doesn't make sense flipped! Anyway, it is literally the foundation of the world, and the foundation of our emotions, and it's built with truth, which is why lying is so bad. I don't know why they chose to put it as the Information team leader.
netzach, נצח is it's own root word. It means eternity. it's what keeps the world going. It's our confidence. Basically
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^ opposite of that... Security is sorta fitting by a long stretch, cuz he keeps the facility going, but like... ehhhhhh.
Hod, root word, means greatness. It's literally god's extreme overwhelming reality, and in us, it should manifest in humility ironically enough, because we should always be humble in the face of god's greatness. Hod's personality is actually really fitting, but I have no idea how it correlates to training team.
Tiphereth, or tiferet, תפארת which is the noun form of פאר meaning beauty, the last of the traits forming Chagat chassidus, which is emotionally based chassidus. This is probably irrelevant. It is god's beauty, and uh, according to wikipedia, it's our mercy/compassion, but as far as I know, it's supposed to be our glorifying of god. It doesn't make sense for it to be the command center, and also Tiphereth A completely contradicts it in terms of personality, but Tipheret B at least is accurate
Geburah, or Gvura, גבורה which is the noun form of ג.ב.ר meaning power, second trait of chagat, it's god's power and might, and our self-discipline. Extremely accurate character actually, 10/10, no notes.
Chesed, חסד, root word, meaning kindness, it's god's love for us, which includes mercy, forgiveness, help, uplifting, etc. it's the first and most important trait of Chagat which is still irrelevant, it's our ability to help others also. In game, the old Chesed is extremely accurate, but also the one you see during gameplay, is what you get if you have chesed without gvura, this actually touches on some core principles of chagat, but I don't actually trust project moon to have done that on purpose.
Hokma, or Chochma, חוכמה noun form of root ח.כ.ם, meaning smart or knowledge. This is the first trait of Chabad Chassidus (that's what my denomination is named after!!!) which is intellectually based chassidus. This is also irrelevant. This isn't a collection of knowledge, the best way I think to describe it is the intelligence stat in dnd. It's god's intelligence stat, which is obv infinite, and also our intelligence stat, and it should awaken Humility also, because of the intelligent comparison of us to god. His personality is spot on, but his job would be better handled by da'at I think.
Binah בינה which is the noun form of the root ב.י.ן not to be confused with בן boy, or בין between, it means understanding. Second trait of Chabad. If chochma is int, this is wisdom stat. Also, god has his stat in the infinite, we have it in normal levels, understanding also awakens joy, and happiness, because when you understand something, you're happy about it. Basically the opposite of the character again, and her job is irrelevant to the sfirah as well.
Da'at doesn't have a character, Carmen correlates though. Da'at דעת noun form of י.ד.ע meaning knowledge, but not in the chochma way, this is literally stuff you know. Last trait of Chabad. for god, this is the world itself, or maybe, the world itself is god's da'at, I'm not really sure. Our da'at is strengthened by learning torah, which is god's da'at, which unifies us with him. Sorry, it's complicated. Her job is sorta by a stretch, this.
And then there's no character linked with Keter. Keter כתר means crown. God's rulership over the world. The meaning of it for us is way too complicated to simplify into a tumblr post. This actually does kinda correlate with Angela though, so... idk what to make of that.
besides the sfirot, theres's some other stuff
the layers, are based on the actual worlds of hishtalshelut. The devs didn't even bother to include all four though, let alone pay attention to any sort of significance to them, so no point in doing that here either. atzilut is the highest world which is completely divine and non-physical, and the worlds get decreasingly divine in the order of atzilut, briyah, yetzirah, asiyah. They have a huge amount of significance in many ways, it was all completely ignored, maybe that's for the best though, less cultural appropriation.
Qlipoth, or klipot, means peels, (the object, not the verb for removing it), it's basically all the bad stuff, anything that's completely forbidden is one of the klipot. They cover us when we sin and distance us from god basically. Sorta translates
I'm pretty sure my venting about this is what caused this question in the first place but I'll bring it up again
the risk levels are letter/numbers. they go zayin, tet, he, vav, aleph, which is the number sequence 7,9,5,6,1, which is fucking stupid.
feel free to look this up and research more, but don't speculate or think about other ways to use this unless you know it really really in depth, because misuse of kabbalah has a history of causing a lot of Jewish death. If you want to learn it in depth, the Tanya is a simplification of it made to be taught to people who aren't fit to learn actual kabbalah, and lessons in Tanya is one of the easiest to understand explanations of the Tanya. I might be biased with that recommendation though, because I'm chabad.
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alemicheli76 · 16 days ago
"Storie ispirate di Sicilia", il nuovo libro di Daniela Frisone
L’arte della narrazione si fonde con la storia e la letteratura nel nuovo libro di Daniela Frisone, “Storie ispirate di Sicilia”, appena pubblicato da Edizioni Tipheret nella collana Hod. Dopo il fortunato esordio narrativo de “La stagione dell’Isola” (Premio “Più a Sud di Tunisi” 2024), la scrittrice e studiosa siracusana torna in libreria con una raffinata raccolta antologica dei suoi più…
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cyberkn1fe · 19 days ago
"Beating a midnight ordeal is obligatory for suppressing Tipheret's core" maybe to YOU. My agents will simply duck in and out of containment units to reach meltdown level 10. While dodging billions of worms
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unabashedsongbouquet · 8 months ago
Zayin (2)
On the tree of life or Kabbalah, Zayin’s ז multidimensional [2] path leads between Binah[3] and Tipheret’s heart center.This path bears inklings to the heart as Binah is “dense” part of the the Supernals. Binah’s energy is formative – which means there is ~surface and non-surface, in and out, up and down, back and front- elements of form in time and gravity. Binah crystallizes from Dalet,…
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kabbalahdeanoji · 9 months ago
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nambros · 1 year ago
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alessandroiiidimacedonia · 6 months ago
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conjunction-tarot · 2 years ago
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XIV Art/Alchemy Conjunction Tarot
“coalition of opposites”
Inner transformation and conjunction
Transformation, advancement
Path of Samekh: Yesod – Tipheret
read more here:
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rabbiteclair · 2 years ago
it's been most of a day and I am still thinking about this
it's so fucking good. All of the realizations have a layer of symbolism, but this one wraps back around to 'sure but also this is just straight up a magical girl show plot.' the fact that it finally gets the four together and we get proper magical girl titles for them is a massive bonus.
plus the fact that this introduces, you know, magical girl Roland. (A little disappointed that they gave him QoH's dragon form instead of putting him in a frilly pink magical girl dress with a star wand, but I'll forgive that in light of the rest.) also in this case, I get the mental image of Nikolai-Tipheret still being there and providing combat advantages to them. 'the power of friendship and this gun I found' indeed
the very existence of these four also implies that magical girls are a known idea here, and I would kill to see in-setting magical girl anime
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infjtarot · 6 months ago
Knight of Cups. Pastoral Tarot
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Element: Water Sephirah: Tipheret (Beauty), sephirah six in Beriah (Creation) Golden Dawn Title: Prince of Cups, Prince of the Chariot of the Waters Elemental Combination: Air of Water Astrological Sign: Scorpio Rider Physical Quality: A young man with light brown hair and gray or blue eyes Rider Deck Theme: Dreams/introspection This card is an interesting one to show up in relationship readings. One of the hallmarks of the knight is romance. In the courtly love tradition, the knight dedicates his strength, selflessly, to the service and adoration of the lady. And Cups is a romantic suit. Yet even more, Cups represents a dreaminess and a desire to look inwards, a fascination with the self. Thus the card carries a conflict, drawn to love and service but desiring to pursue his own fascinations. Put it next to the Hermit, and the inward quality becomes stronger—next to the Lovers or the Two of Cups, and the romance takes over. The knights ride out and return. What does the Knight of Cups seek on his quest? Where does he go? What does he bring back, and will it be for others or for himself? He may pursue spiritual beauty or the wonders of fantasy but have trouble doing anything with his discoveries. Some of the old fortuneteller meanings for this card speak of treachery or fraud. In his book, Waite identifies the Knight of Swords as Sir Galahad, the knight who finds the Holy Grail. But if the Cup is in fact the Grail, then maybe the Knight of Water is the Grail Knight. There is another Grail Knight, Perceval, who disastrously does not speak when the Grail appears before him, and so prevents the healing of the Fisher King. The self-absorption of the Knight of Cups may identify him as Perceval. In the Shining Tribe Knower of Rivers, the figure emerges from his dark cave with renewed sense of purpose and power. Notice, by the way, the Rider Knight’s odd resemblance to Death, below. Is the Knight a harbinger of great change? Readings—Romantic, dreamy, caught up in fantasies, slow moving. Air of water could indicate the mind moving over the unconscious, stirring up deep feelings. He (or she) may be a devoted lover but also may become caught up in his own feelings. He can become in love with love. Rachel Pollack
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