simalienn · 7 years
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Landon grew up in a very... interesting home. His mother was a video game designer while his dad was a stay at home dad who sold baked goods out of his home. He and his older sisters loved testing the new games their mother created and eating all of their father's cookies and cakes. Seeing his parents following their dreams let him have a very open mind and confident in following his own dreams. Landon saw the ad for the bachelorette challenge and fell for the gorgeous Quinn from the photo and signed up immediately. He can't wait for the challenges begin and show how much he can do to win Quinn's heart forever  Created By @tinysimmies
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pollination-tech · 7 years
@pixelatedhedgehogs @simpyre @simbasims @tinysimmies Y'all are killing me, I don't remember the last time I got so many indignant comments about something, and I am so here for this 😂 #AidanSucks2017
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nerdiesimmer2 · 7 years
more replies~
maren-emilie replied to your photoset
That's a really cute painting
i have this mod installed that replaces the default paintings and some of the paintings are just so cute! ♥
simsums replied to your photoset
they're so adorable
right? i’m just completely in love with them. ♥
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset“Gardenia: “So how was work today?” Sweet Pea: “Exhausting. But I feel...”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
such a cutie!!!!
smillingsection replied to your photoset
awww! cuties!!!
smillingsection replied to your photoset“Look at this supportive berry giving her pregnant girlfriend a back...”
they're so cute together
they’re all just so cute and i don’t want to tear them apart but i have to. ;___;
cuteplumbbies replied to your photoset“Sweet Pea: “Thank you so much for doing this for us!” Allium: “Of...”
oh no, some purple is HAPPENING
allium wil have quite a few appearances but nothing will happen because they’re all just really good friends. well, until something will happen.
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset“Sweet Pea: “Thank you so much for doing this for us!” Allium: “Of...”
that's gonna sting
i think how sweet pea and gardenia will part is more going to sting than the fact that allium is gardenia’s future spouse.
tinysimmies replied to your photoset“Gardenia: “Well, good morning, Mr Sweetface!”
Jane the Virgin reference anyone?
haha, yes! you got it. i was rewatching jane the virign while playing & writing this and mr sweetface just slipped in there :’D
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morgibritt-blog · 7 years
Online Dating Replies
simmingwithmimi replied to your post “I've been trying some dating apps on my phone”
I've had no luck on any dating apps at all looking for another woman. What app are you using? Seems legit.
None of the apps are that great. I just apparently had luck yesterday *shrugs* But I’ve been using Tinder and Fem mostly, but I also started talking to someone on Her yesterday (that’s the first person I’ve talked to since I downloaded it weeks and weeks ago though).
simnights replied to your post “I've been trying some dating apps on my phone”
Met my boyfriend on Tinder. it sucked as a straight woman... I bet it's at least marginally better for people looking for women, though
Yeah its definitely been a way better experience this time around, now that I’ve changed my settings to only women. I haven’t had any creepy persistent guys that just want a hook up.
tinysimmies replied to your post “I've been trying some dating apps on my phone”
Dating apps are interesting~ I actually met my boyfriend on Tumblr so the internet is a very helpful tool! Good luck with the lovely ladies
Oh yes, I’m totally open to meeting someone on the internet/Tumblr. But I’m really only part of the simblr community so I don’t know if that would work out XD  Thank you!! <3 <3
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yourfireheartt · 7 years
tinysimmies replied to your photoset: My stable with automatic egg and manure collection...
You can collect manure, or is it just for show?
@tinysimmies Yeah :) I have a mod that makes the pigs poop (so they have some reason to actually raise them) which in turn can be used to fertilize my farms or make bricks if you pop it in the furnace. 
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simalienn · 7 years
tinysimmies replied to your post: Just curious, how/are you going to have Quinn and...
I think by using the walk in closets from get together you can go into cas
Oh really???  I will have to try this I thought I was going to have to move Quinn out every couple of days to change her outfits!!!  Being able to go straight into cas will be so much easier!!  Thank-you Thank-you!! 
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amberpuggle · 8 years
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Thank you for all of the congratulations! I’m still scared but feel much better knowing the heartbeat is so strong, I have my next ultrasound in 4 weeks and I wish the time would fly by so I can just know that everything will be okay.  I’m so excited because my cousin that I’m very close to is pregnant too, she’s about 3 weeks ahead of me so our babies will be close. I’m due on November 4th but maybe I will go over and have the baby on my grandma’s birthday (November 11th). I hated the doctors I saw last time, they were rude and pushy and I left every appointment upset but I saw someone new this time and I LOVE them. I felt so happy when I left the office because everyone was so nice and made me feel so relaxed, my blood pressure was even under control and that’s amazing for me. So far I’m feeling a lot more positive about this pregnancy, I just had a feeling that something was wrong last time, I’m having nausea every morning and sometimes during the day and other symptoms that I never had last time.  Everything in my life is getting better. Healthy baby (so far), my brother is doing great and better than ever and my dad is walking with help and climbing stairs. Life seems to be getting better and I hope it stays that way, it has been an emotional 7 months.
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indielectualll · 7 years
Blackhole & Pulsar
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
In the next ten years, I hope to be a primary school teacher with my own class of adorable kid-lings, teaching all the best.   
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
Depends what you mean. If it’s before I die then, my family because I’m ding silently and peacefully in my sleep. Any other way and it was murder and someone needs to avenge me. 
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pollination-tech · 7 years
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@tinysimmies @chatterboxsims586 @pixelatedhedgehogs of all the people y'all go off on in this mess it's fuckin bitch ass Aidan like Ava straight up MURDERED her granddaughter but that's cool as long as she's not Aidan goddamn Keene 😂 @bountifulberries let me give u a little history lesson on the vice family SO, between wrath and Ava, all the money went to wrath because Patriarchy and ava was pissed and killed her husband to get all of his money and decided fuck the patriarchy, girls can get money too (wrath did the same thing and willed his money to his three kids, including envy and patience, because he wanted to) SO nick was all set to inherit an assload of money from Ava but gave a giant middle finger to his mom, and none of this descendants have come forward as a new heir (except adi, who's dead), so Ava (in prison) gave all her money to envy just to make sure it stayed in the family HOWEVER if a direct korolyov descendent were to come forward to claim their inheritance, their claim would trump envy's. Since toccata's just a kid, her money would be in control of a parent, but since nobody else in the family wants anything to do with the korolyovs, Aidan would get control of it TL;DR -- I clearly know nothing about how Old Money(TM) inheritance works but I needed a reason for Aidan to come back into the story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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spellburst-archive · 8 years
Just had to say, I love your new icon
Thank you! You noticed pretty quickly xD
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Replies To People
Who commented a few times instead of 50 ;) those are coming later.
pxelface replied to your photoset
My sweet lil bab is growing up ;-;
yeah ;_; sad but also good cause STORY TIME AND COUPLES
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
robot voice] I'm FABULAS
elvensimming replied to your photoset
I love the new banner.
adhjavbsjfhnsdfg thank you!! I put so much work into it but I don’t think anyone really noticed xD so I’m glad you like it!
tinysimmies replied to your post  “(Destroyed) Reply Reaper”
Not university :P going to like a 16 month school to become a surgical technician~
:o damn Stell you go!
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
so full of wonder <3
She’s my little explorer child ♥ when she stops worrying about things she’s actually quite funny and happy and always in awe.
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
lmao look at like being a whole reply by itself twice xd
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
i can hear them say it
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
just a mission briefing like it really does Annie omg
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
fadepixels replied to your photoset “B: Capri Sun, what is in that strange building? CS: It is a crash...”
this sounds like a mass effect thing whyyy
AAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS IDEA IT MEANS I DID REAL GOOD now I want Capri Sun to do this more often...he’s just like the AI of the mission or smth?
Also...it might have inspired me, who knows, you know I can’t help letting the things I love influence my writing ;)
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “Bryony burned the pancakes, so they decided to have fried chocolate...”
don’t tell me you never eat fried chocolate bars for breakfast hOW DARE YOU
jk me neither
elvensimming replied to your post “(Destroyed) Reply Reaper”
It is gone now yay. I actually had to go check.
It is! And I don’t miss it one bit xD now nobody has to reblog my suddenly popular post any more xD
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bluupxels · 8 years
9, 16, & 20 :3
ahhhhhh more ppl asking me stuff !!!!! thank youuu
9. tattoos i want
girl i want so many lol. a sleeve of all the pets i’ve had in my life, a portrait of my old cat (rip toby) dressed in renaissance era clothing on my thigh, matching tats with friends/fam, kinda thinking about getting andraste from dragon age or somethin, mayb some pokemans. im one of those ppl that would get memes tattooed on me lmao
16. favorite movie
20. anything you want to ask
i think this meant u could ask me anything u wanted..
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simmeasurable · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and then send it to ten of your favourite followers!
I hope this wasn’t in my asks for too long? I never check my inbox I’m sorry. This was so hard haha
My hair, definitely
My eyes, too ;)
I mean it’s not myself but I own him, my lionhead rabbit, Buka
Oh and our cockatiel, Sterling
The fact that I’m the most upbeat person in the house
Thank you so much, sweetie
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simblroonies · 8 years
The “Sweet Jesus I need to keep up with replies” replies
justanothersimsblog said: And let me show you my butt in the process hahaha
Gotta show the butt off every chance you get ;)
tinysimmies said: Rosie, your sims are amazing <3 No matter what we will love them :3
D’aww thanks sweetie!
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berrysweetboutique said: Cutie
Only the cutest of patoots for you lovelys c:
morgibritt said: Your game is just so pretty <3
Thank you dear! I can’t take too much credit though, it’s mainly Hylewood that’s so pretty :)
morgibritt said: I have so much love for this ,3
Henry is an A+ doggo
amixofpixels said: VALENTINE!!! <3 <3 <3
YAY!! Really need to focus up on the Rudolphs at some point.. There’s just so much to doooooooooooooo D:
poisonivy2 said: look at that puppy.  Love it!
best pupper of them all.
dustofsims said: *squeezes the booty*
unsimscribe said: Cheeky
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morgibritt said: Woooo baby!!! <3 <3
Hooray for reproduction!!
morgibritt said: Oh my gosh!! That tower will be so cute when its finished!!!
Not going to lie, it’s looking pretty good in game atm!
justanothersimsblog said: Looking at you Bo!
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smillingsection said: they're so cute!
Glad we’re in agreement :3
blythelyre said: Percussion, strings, words...
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morgibritt said: So sweet!!
They are :3
justanothersimsblog said: Could be worst. Could be that darn plain base dress.
That ruddy dress!
lifefroot said: OH ADORABLE
amixofpixels said: She is a complete angel. ^-^
She’s a cutie alright!
justanothersimsblog said: Hi Tragic Clown
youngwildandpixelated said: have new child and a clown pops up at your house...that's not creepy at all (insert sarcasm)
Right? It was so unnerving.. All I could think about was IT and panic deleted him haha
justanothersimsblog said: Trick or treaters?
Yeah, I’m just a dummy and didn’t look at what day it was haha
justanothersimsblog said: I love them! Keep em coming ^.^
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dustofsims said: Me likes Elm!
I’m hoping to upload them after Thale is old enough to take over as heir. When that’ll be in real life, I have no idea! Might upload them sooner, but they have a lot of CC so I might need to make a more base game friendly version of them.
berrysweetboutique said:  :')
dustofsims said: ASDFGHJKL ;__;
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lifefroot said: your haaaaaair 😍
Eh hee~ I do enjoy my blonde streak, just diffrent enough to be, well diffrent but I can get away with it at work! Even though there’s a girl with pink hair now and they’ve said nothing to her but that’s fine.
dustofsims said: So beautiful!
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littlemicrocosims said: maybe just the circle line? :')
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richisimblr · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and then send it to ten of your favourite followers!
oh god uhm
1. i have two guinea pigs : creme brulee and marshmallow
2. i absolutely hate the smell of flowers, but visually peonies are my fav
3. my best friends live in the uk and s.korea
4. i will never get over the fact that lost is over ;~~;
5. current celeb crushes : seb stan and chris evans
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meowlr · 8 years
Hi there! I hope you don't mind, what poses do you use for your toddlers? They are very cute :3
I don’t mind at all! I love to help!
Some I have used thus farx | x | x | x
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