pollination-tech · 5 years
hey guys what’s up it’s almost 3am and i listened to my MV playlist earlier today and it got me feelin some type of way so i put together the monstrosity that is the dekresh family tree on familyecho
[it looks literally as horrendous as you’d expect]
the aesthetics of plumtreeapp are so much nicer than family echo but plumtreeapp cannot handle my bullshit
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pollination-tech · 5 years
Oh man seeing the old screenshots from MV has me Feeling. I think I need to do another reread of my favourite disaster sims ♥️♥️
It’s got me feelin some type of way, too -- now that the CAS glitch from this summer’s patch has been fixed, maybe I’ll get back on that reboot one of these days. ♥️♥️♥️
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pollination-tech · 6 years
wow this has been sitting in my drafts for like six months???? so uh, since i’m not posting actual sims content please enjoy these responses to an ask meme that i apparently never posted
under the cut because uh
Who is on top? Who is on the bottom?
Honestly, I think they change it up a lot. Especially given how long they’ve been together -- but I think Taz is probably on top more often than not.
Who has the strangest desires?
Taz, for sure. I don’t think it’s like, “weird kinks” so much as “hey, babe, I heard about this thing I think we should try--” and Gretta at this point is like, “you know what, don’t even try to explain whatever the fuck it is, let’s just go for it”
Any kinks?
Well, we all know Gretta is into Blue Domestic Settled Men, so. There’s that.
Who’s dominant in bed?
Gretta. For sure. (Again, they change it up a lot, but the “default” is definitely Gretta calling the shots.)
Is head ever in the equation?
Is head ever not in the equation?
If so, who is better at performing it?
Taz definitely thinks he’s better at going down. Gretta hasn’t had any complaints, but -- as to who’s better at it -- undetermined.
Ever had sex in public?
Referenced here.
Who moans the most?
Who leaves the most marks?
Taz probably leaves the most marks in visible places, but Gretta gives it back just as much when she wants to.
Who screams the loudest?
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Taz has probably had more partners (living that #BachelorLife for so long and having his fair share of one-night-stands that he picked up from bars) -- but Gretta definitely had a number of casual boyfriends after her husband passed and made her experience count.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Rough or soft?
Depends on the day and what they’re feeling -- but on a typical day, they both like it a little rough.
How long do they usually last?
Depending on how much time they have... ;)
They have some days where they spend all day in bed, and some days where they sneak off into the broom closet for a quickie during the dinner rush at the restaurant. After sixty years together, they know how to make the most of whatever time they have.
Is protection used?
Well. You know.
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pollination-tech · 6 years
if i ever get this mess out of forgotten hollow, gen6 is going back to petty relationship drama because all this heavy exposition-y lore nonsense is starting to cramp my style
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pollination-tech · 6 years
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Hey, folks!
As some of you may know, June 25 is the official TWO YEAR anniversary of Malignant Virtues! I absolutely cannot believe how wild of a ride this journey has been -- I hope you guys have been enjoying it as much as I have.
A couple of weeks ago, I put out a survey asking you guys what I should do to celebrate this milestone, and most of you asked for Behind the Scenes Facts/AMA -- so here you go! The floor is open and you can ask, well, anything! (Voted for another option? Don’t worry -- most of the other things will be happening, too!)
I’m taking a page out of @socialbunnies book -- this AMA isn’t just limited to me, you can ask any of the characters anything, too. (My character page is in the process of getting a major facelift, but you can have a sneak peek of the new one here!)
Ready? Ask Me Anything!
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pollination-tech · 6 years
me, 11 days ago during the ama:
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me, now: hey what if i wrote out a fuckton of lore instead of actual plot
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pollination-tech · 6 years
Nate was murdered?!?!?!
He was! It happened off-screen and was never stated – but after all the mess with Adi and Jacob, Avarice determined that Nate was a liability to the company and had him taken out.
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pollination-tech · 6 years
hi I just want to tell u that I literally dreamed abt Taz last night and the details are rly hazy but it turned out that the REAL reason he left the Hollow is that he did something stupid that accidentally directly led to the death of somebody (possibly his brother??) so he fled and never told anyone and now he’s back and his dad just told Gretta ALL the tea
I can’t express how much I love this, but this isn’t correct.
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pollination-tech · 6 years
Why are Ellie's posts tagged with Taz?
They actually aren’t!
All of my character tags have full first names (Tzuriel, Allegretta, Nicodemus, etc.), and I’ve given almost all of Taz’s heirs character tags with “Dekresh” even if their surname isn’t Dekresh in the story (#arietta-cadence is the exception; and Toccata, who isn’t technically an “heir” because she doesn’t have Taz’s ashen hair, is tagged as #toccata-dekresh even though she was born Toccata Maguire).
Ellie is named after Taz -- Sonata and Buck just added an -le at the end of Taz’s full name (Tzuriel) to make it a little more feminine-sounding (Tzurielle) -- so with the full first name and Dekresh surname, her character tag becomes #tzurielle-dekresh, compared to Taz’s #tzuriel-dekresh.
That said, as @theworstsimblr has pointed out -- I really need to quit giving my characters names that are 1 or 2 letters off from each other, and it’s quite possible that there are some Taz posts tagged as Ellie, and some Ellie posts tagged as Taz.
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pollination-tech · 6 years
lol didn’t taz cheat on gretta???
He did, yes, have a brief timeline recap:
Year 0 - Taz meets Gretta and Adia
Year 1 - Taz cheats on Gretta with Adia
Year 2 - Cadence is born, Taz and Gretta break up
Weird part of the Sims timeline when toddlers didn’t exist/Cadence’s childhood - Taz and Adia break up, Taz and Gretta reconcile, Adia marries Jason
Year 20 - Cadence goes to college, Taz and Gretta invest in a restaurant together
Year 23 - Gretta begins dating Dil
Year 24 - Cadence comes home from college, Taz convinces Adia to leave Jason
Fall, Year 28 - Gretta marries Dil
Year 54 - Dil dies of old age
Late summer, Year 56 - Adia dies of old age
Spring, Year 57 - Taz dates Charity
Fall, Year 57 - Taz breaks up with Charity, Taz and Gretta begin dating again
Summer, Year 61 - Nocturne is born
Early fall, Year 104 - present
He and Gretta have been a part of each other’s lives for over a century and have known each other in many different ways -- as lovers, as exes, as co-parents, as business partners, and as friends -- so even though a lot of their time together (especially between ~Year 57 and present) has been off-screen, I think it’s safe to assume that they’ve moved on from past mistakes.
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pollination-tech · 6 years
Headcanon Dira and Mel are raising their kids in lovely domestic bliss and married each other. -Joe
You’re not wrong.
I don’t know if “bliss” is the word I’d use, but I do imagine them living together and raising their children together and trying to make it work but goddamnit, Caramel, we are NOT having another kid, and if you drunk dial Prelude one more time this relationship is OVER, Yadira -- but they do love each other (and their kids) and make it work the best they can.
(That isn’t to say they’re always fighting -- I imagine them having some very happy moments as a family, particularly with their kids! I like to think that despite not seeing quite eye-to-eye when it comes to almost everything else, they are an intimidatingly unified force when it comes to their kids’ wellbeing.)
I also imagine the two of them terrifying all the other moms at PTA meetings and being aggressively invested in their kids’ hobbies and extracurriculars, so there’s that. (Yadira and Caramel are the intense parents on the sidelines of the soccer game yelling at the coaches and the other parents and making sure the kids are hydrated, Prelude is the Soccer Dad(TM) tailgating the kids’ soccer game with a cooler full of definitely-not-beer in the parking lot with an absurd amount of snacks in the back of his minivan hitting on all the single Soccer Moms(TM).)
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pollination-tech · 6 years
Toccata had a baby?
She did! Her baby hasn’t been seen on-screen yet, but somewhere in the four years Fugue was away at college, she and Lance had a baby girl named Nika (after Toccata’s #1 fan, @nikasimming).
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pollination-tech · 6 years
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(ps if you haven’t responded to the MV Anniversary Survey, click here!)
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pollination-tech · 6 years
This is probably an odd question, but have you ever thought of how things would have turned out in the story if certain events hadn't happened? Just any in general - big or small?
Hey! I don’t think it’s an odd question at all -- this is actually something I think about a lot! Just the other day I was having a conversation along these lines with @pixiegarden. :)
I’m getting to explore a few of those small changes you’re talking about in the rewrite I’m working on -- the basic structure and the Big Events(TM) are there, but some little details are changing along the way, and it’s interesting to see how dynamics are shifting just with a few minor tweaks.
There are so many things that could have changed and could have made big differences in the story, but a few of the “key points” for each generation and how I think they might have made things turn out a little differently are below the cut!
What if Taz hadn’t cheated on Gretta, or at least been honest about his affair with Adia and they’d been able to work things out?For one -- they would have raised Cadence together, and had Nocturne and Prelude a lot sooner. Taz and Gretta probably would have bought a house together, and Nick would have never been Taz’s next door neighbor -- potentially meaning Cadence would never have kissed him (she probably wouldn’t have been bold enough to do it during a lesson in her own house, especially with a younger brother and sister likely in the next room). And on the note of Cadence and Nick...
What if Cadence hadn’t kissed Nick in his apartment?It’s likely that Nick would never have known about Cadence’s crush. His reaction following the kiss suggests that he had feelings for Cadence before she kissed him -- but that he had never planned on acting on them. It’s possible that without the kiss, neither of them would have voiced their feelings, and their their mutual attraction would have eventually fizzled out, leading them to go their separate ways and both meet other people.
What if Sonata and Jacob hadn’t cheated on each other?Sonata sleeping with Buck, while a bad decision, was not necessarily a catalyst for anything other than the end of her relationship with Jacob (which, since he also cheated on her, still would likely have ended). Jacob and Adi’s relationship, however, was arguably the start of the events that led to Adi’s death -- Jacob’s involvement with the Vice-Korolyov case and investigation of Avarice led to his murder, which in turn led to Adi’s attempt to bring down her grandmother’s company and her death.Prior to Adi’s involvement with Jacob, she had a close (albeit manipulative) relationship with her grandmother. It’s likely that without her relationship with Jacob, Adi would have continued to be a leading figure in Korolyov Industries.
What if Ellie hadn’t gone to that party with Flan?Well, probably the most obvious change -- she would never have gotten pregnant with Toccata. She would have finished high school with her brothers and likely would have started dating Nat much sooner, as he had been working up the courage to ask her out at the party -- they would have settled down and started a family sooner; but since Ellie’s death wasn’t the result of anyone’s direct actions, she still would have left Nat a widower and single dad.The other side of Ellie going to the party is her involvement with Aidan. Since Toccata didn’t exist, he wouldn’t have attempted to pursue a relationship with his daughter. He may still have gotten a job with Korolyovs, and may still have had a relationship with Mina -- and that relationship is likely to have still been unhealthy -- but his aggressive insistence that Mina knew where Nat was hiding Toccata is what led to her killing him (and then fleeing to Jefferson’s).
What if Fugue had handed everything over to the Vices to begin with?Faspen wouldn’t exist. That’s it, that’s the most important thing that would have changed.
If there were any particular events (or anything else at all) you were wondering about, feel free to hit me up with more questions! :)
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pollination-tech · 6 years
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pollination-tech · 6 years
One time I was in this museum and my dad was talking to the woman working the front desk about genealogy which led to us finding out we were related to literally every single person in that museum both workers and visitors. Is that what it's like in MV?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
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