#tiny pets
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happycrabitat · 1 year ago
Scuttles getting a drink
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tinylilemrys · 2 years ago
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Dexter gets little black freckles on his nose when he gets caught in the rain and I actually can't cope with how cute it is.
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coconutnutmilk · 1 year ago
Pet (introduction)
Pt 1/??
The normal day of Oko, was the tragic day for anyone else, Oko Meyer was a "normal" 24 gear old guy, if you ignored his cold, creepy eyes, and tone, and look...
Oko is half German and half Japanese, tho, he only knows little german and no Japan, since he was raised in the US, due to many complications in his family.
Since he was a kid, he never loved his father and mother, he was a complicated kid, and his parents never accepted him, at the point that it broke their marriage, and relationship.
But when it came to that fatiful day, everything changed for good.
It was night, and Oko was only eight and asleep, until a crash woke him, ever since he was a kid, he never got spooked, and only got curious about the sound, enough curious to get off bed ans go check, only to find a broken bottle of wine on the ground, her mother laying on the carpet with shattered glass on the wounds on her head, and the father, sweaty and red in the face.
At first, oko didnt understood, and simply sat beside his mother, shook her gently -mom...its not good for your back to sleep on the ground- he said, calmly...startling the father once more -Oko, go back to sleep- the voice of his dad was serious.
Oko looked at the father -are you gonna put mom asleep?- he asked, genuine, and the father nodded -ill take vare of her...- he said -now go- as he changed his tone, Oko recognized he was about to get angry, and stood, to then go to his room, wondering if his mom would have back pain the next day.
As he woke up because of the sirens, he looked from the window, and saw the police, his father...and a body bag.
He quietly got out of the house and went to the police, as a police men got to him and stopped him -hey kid, hey...uuh- the police guy looked at the others, and one reached for him -oh, he must be the son, hey little man- a friendly adult approached, Oko looked at him, with an empty look -mom has a really bad back pain, thats why the ambulance is here- Oko announced -yesterday she was sleeping on the carpet- concluded.
The police mens stared at each other -lets have a chat kid...- and said that, the social workers arrived, and sat in the kitchen with the kid.
In that day, Oko lost both his parents.
As the social worker, with a police men, talked over a hot chocolate for Oko to take it a bit easier, Oko slowly understood what was going on, -your dad hurt your mother, she is now in a very far away place and she's fine, but you won- the sir couldnt finish the sentence -shes dead, nothing else- Oko said, coldly, he looked down and chuckled -cool-
Many child psychiatrist didnt quite understood Oko, he seemed to elaborate things differently, and his reactions were never predictable.
And after hitting a police men with a knife in the leg, he was taken under the care of the Military camp, where he got raised, under the strict surveillance of the psychiatrist, his tutor, and others.
And at the age of 18, he was finally free from the surveillance, he still had to see the psychiatrist, but after showing he learned not to almost kill peaple, he could go out alone.
Oko now lives in one of the many rooms of the campus, a medium apartment with all he needs to live.
The guy never lost his cold look, but now, along with the scary, emotionless face, he has the built body of a military guy.
He never got along with others his age, he lives in the campus, he was raised in it, while others only got there at the age of 18.
But perhaps, he'd find a (small) friend to talk to.
Next cap will be longer, hopefully
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actionfiguresunite · 6 months ago
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Guys!!! I have a G.I.Joe! Hyrda Stinger!!!
And I have the cutest little friends!! Soon I will be selling Crested Geckos!!! :) <3 I'm so excited!
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poorlemons · 9 months ago
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His hands are great space fillers.
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cassiexjunex · 18 days ago
Do men who actually find A cups attractive exist? 🙈
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nopain2trainandgilbert · 4 months ago
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Gilbert is ready to spread some holiday cheer! #cutedog #chihuahua #smirk #spoiled
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i-eat-mold · 2 years ago
Girl dinner with two of my snails, La Poncia and Sheep
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I love them more than life and they love moisty carrots
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artistmarchalius · 1 year ago
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I wanted to try drawing them with tails to see what the hype was about. I get it now.
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happycrabitat · 8 months ago
Finn enjoying some corn! Pearl was into the pepper until I accidentally scared her away
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sealandpepper · 4 months ago
wow !! confetti sure is good at drawin !! :3
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tinylilemrys · 2 years ago
Mack is doing so good learning the Shrek Bird scene 😂
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
Prompt 339
So erm, Danny might’ve fallen through a portal. And might have no clue where he is right now. 
He fell into an alleyway! Right into a dumpster! Which isn’t the worst thing he’s fallen into but still. Ew. Well, Dad should be able to find him and bring him back home! …Right? 
He shakes out his itchy fur and scales, already impatient and bored in the single alley despite it only being a few minutes. What’s a realms hatchling to do but explore? Well, besides taking care of his shed, but it’s too dry where he is anyway. Maybe he’ll find a lake! 
Hm. He can’t understand what anyone is shouting or freaking out about. It’s like they’ve never seen a dragon or something, geeze! Oh well, he’s on his way to find water, he’s not built for the desert…
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tinyfantasminha · 4 months ago
Thoughts on Jack's dream(MASSIVE main story spoilers ahead)
JACKS DREAM got me by the thROAT bc the more I analyze it the more angsty it feels and I alreadfy sobbed n cried and I must SCREAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM He's dreaming of the magift tournament but basically if..... if Leona's plan never took place....... If Leona actually WERE the hero Jack has idolized...... 😭
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First I gotta take note dosodkgkfdgjdfkghfdjk hOW JACK YEARNS FOR HIS SENPAI'S PRAISE AND AFFECTION 🥺🥺truly the epitome of loyal, puppy-like behavior..... It doesn't take much for him to be happy… He yearns for the respect and acknowledgement of those he admires. He craves respect and recognition, but not only that—he genuinely wants to see those he admires thrive.
Seems to me that what Jack longs for most is a sense of belonging within a pack. He’s not just devoted to those he holds in high regard; he also desires to be cared for in return (This becomes even more apparent when he asks Ruggie to act as a mentor or older-brother figure in his dorm uniform vignette.) Jack's actions reflect his innate wolf nature—a being built for connection, loyalty, and mutual protection. No matter how much he tells himself or others how he prefers to handle things on his own… We can clearly see that Jack is happier when he’s part of a team, fighting alongside companions who’ve got his back. It’s the dynamic balance of trust: to protect and be protected, to rely on others and let them rely on him in return. It deeply resonates with the essence of wolves.
We often hear the phrase “lone wolf,” an expression of grudging admiration. A lone wolf is often viewed as a rugged individualist, uncompromising and independent, driven to forge his own path, unfettered by the sentimental need for companionship. In reality, few people would ever want to live this way—and, as it turns out, few wolves would either. Wolves, males and females alike, may go through periods alone, but they’re not interested in lives of solitude. A lone wolf is a wolf that is searching, and what it seeks is another wolf. Everything in a wolf’s nature tells it to belong to something greater than itself: a pack. Like us, wolves form friendships and maintain lifelong bonds. They succeed by cooperating, and they struggle when they’re alone. Like us, wolves need one another. (source)
Which is why the factual reality cuts so deeply.
After Ortho wakes Jack up (in oUTER SPACE DKJGDSDKFJGKJS that was so adventitious but so cool.....) and Jack falls down like a meteorite (ALSO SUPER COOL BUT WTF.....) Fake!Leona and Fake!Ruggie rush to his side, Leona softly reassures him, saying it’s a relief he’s uninjured and advising him not to be so reckless while Ruggie says ''You're a promising rookie. Our treasure.'' (I started crying here.)
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Jack breaks into a bitter, despairing laugh as the truth crashes down on him. The sincerity and warmth his “upperclassmen” showed in that moment? It wasn’t real. It never actually happened. Jack recounts his excitement when he first joined Savanaclaw, eager to fight alongside the dormmates he admired so much. He talks about how he had watched Leona’s play three years ago—over and over again, captivated by it. He reveals the painful truth of discovering their wicked plan, the frustration of being unable to snap them out of it, and the overwhelming helplessness that consumed him.
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I gotta say, I'm SO HAPPY that Jack's feelings on the events of book 2 were finally properly addressed now (cause let's be real, book 2 uhh... did kinda a shitty job at this 💀 Neither the narrative nor the fandom really took the time to explore the emotional impact it had on him, which is such a disservice to his character.)
Think about it from Jack’s perspective. He was obsessed with Leona's play 3 years ago, watching it over and over again. In his eyes, Leona was a hero, someone worth idolizing to the point of projecting an idealized image of him: an earnest, hardworking, honorable leader. When Jack finally had the chance to join Savanaclaw and be part of the dorm he had admired so deeply, what was his reality? Ostracization, bullying and even physical violence from some of his dorm mates (as shown in Leona's dorm uniform vignette) And worst of all? Jack was met with his idol’s true, treacherous side—dirty tactics, underhanded schemes, and a willingness to harm others to achieve his goals. When Jack tried to confront them about it, he wasn’t met with understanding or respect. Instead, he was called a “filthy traitor” and a “spoiled brat”—by the very person he admired most. It’s a complete dismantling of everything Jack believed in, everything he worked for.
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It's a shame the game and manga did not give enough weight to Jack’s feelings, (the novel seems to do a better job at it though) but now it’s clear just how much this hurt him. It wasn’t just a setback; it was a deep, personal betrayal that shook him to his core.
He’s only a first-year. Beneath his gruff demeanor and physical strength, Jack is still a boy—pure-hearted, earnest, and full of hope. All he wanted was to stand beside those he respected most but what he got instead was disappointment, betrayal, and rejection. To idolize someone so deeply, only to have that image crushed in the most personal, gut-wrenching way........ Savanaclaw doesn't deserve him 💔
,,,,okay forgive me to break the essay to talk about this but I'm going insane over the fact fake Ruggie ominously coos, ''Hey puppy-chan you're a good boy so come here.....'' UGHGHHHDSHNGDSHNDGSHHHnnnnhhHHHH HE IS BASICALLY SAVANACLAW'S UNOFFICIAL MASCOT,,,,,,, their loyal little puppy 🥺🥺🥺😭😭
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fake ruggie and fake leona try to lure him in to sleep again, but Jack says he has no intention of fighting alongside fakes and defeats them 😌
And we get this utterly precious moment where Jack praises Yuu and Grim for having guts and persevering through everything and he PETS GRIM'S HEAD............ HE DIDN'T NEED TO COMFORT THEM BUT AWWAAHBBBAYYAWYWYHAWWABYWAWAYAA
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I can't wait to see what role he'll play in Leona's dream 😌 Jack’s arc feels like it’s finally getting the weight it deserves… 🙏🙏🙏
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entomolog-t · 6 months ago
Thinkin' bout pets and G/t.
Tinys with springtails in tiny little enclosures like how human's keep spiders.
Tinys with spiders having the equivalent of cat people vs dog people discourse with web trapping spiders vs active hunting spiders like
A: "Web spiders are boring! All they do is sit in their web all day! You can't even teach them tricks!!"
B: "THATS THE POINT!! Why would I want a spider that jumps up on me when I get home?? Constantly begging for my food??? They're just so in your face!!"
Tinys taking care of a small mammal like a rat or mouse when its little and then it growing up to be bigger than them??? Seeing their giant friend interact with their rat it a way that just seems absolutely baffling? Like the equivalent of a hand held farm animal.
TINYS WHO BEFRIEND THE HUMAN HOUSEHOLD PET WHEN THEY'RE JUST A PUPPY/KITTEN??? Like doing it to be safe when the animal gets older but accidentally end up being the pets favorite person?? The human just confused why their pet keeps crying at the wall. Maybe they think their house is haunted.
Cats who treat tiny's like kittens??? GROOMING THEM??? Constantly trying to take them back to their bed because they're too little to be wandering around just yet.
Hunting dogs with 'soft mouths' carefully picking up a tiny instead of their ball, much to the horror of the tiny as well as the giant who just got handed something alive and squirming.
Dogs who hear the tinys getting food at night at sit there and beg until the tiny throws them something.
A borrower who realizes the dog listens to hand signals and is floored by this massive creature just being obedient to them
A parrot who keeps repeating stuff it can hear from borrowers in the walls, freaking out both the human and the tinys.
OR OR OR The human's pet guarding the tiny from another person (or them???) afraid someone's going to hurt the little person that gives them snacks??
Even more angsty?? A pet refusing to leave in a house fire, frantically scratching at the wall trying to get to the tiny ??? An absolutely insane first meeting idea...
Anyways. Sizey interactions with pets are super fun and I want more.
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aloneinthedark-eagle · 6 months ago
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