#tiny clone troopers
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theunoffical501stblog · 3 months ago
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So, I found this on Pinterest, and decided to crop the best of the images..... and now, I'm giving you lot some silly reactions for all.
The original for context.
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I hope you all enjoy these stupid.... things.... and I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful Christmas season.
Art by @jejejijiju
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theartgremlin2 · 1 year ago
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I brought Crosshair along Christmas tree hunting last month. I learned a few new Mando’a words…
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blueberry-ry · 2 months ago
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This is what happens when two blond clones end up in the same Battalion I guess
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fangirlforeversthings · 9 months ago
Girlies will look at the most powerful, most feared by their enemys, most talented, strongest, bravest and basically unbeatable warriors known to mankind in full armor and will go like:
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My 🎀babygirl🎀 my cute little pooksie wooksie baby bear🎀💞🌸🎀
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handless-and-dangerous · 2 months ago
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A very nice lady kindly knitted us some stockings for the Christmas holiday! I... have no idea why hanging socks became a holiday tradition... But as they say, "When in Rome..."
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Luck said "Socks belong on feet" and now refuses to take them off, even when Sarge told him that they can't be filled with presents if his feet are in them.
~ Kit
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year ago
Hi! So happy to see Sister get the love she deserves. She also shows up in a different canonical Star Wars novel that i unfortunately cannot remember the name of. (It’s one post AOTC but pre clone wars movie, anakin and obi wan do something on Cato Nemoidia)
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all the sister love's made me wanna draw her soooo
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stormyblue90 · 1 year ago
The Tiny Troopers have Valentines to give! Do you accept?
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chimaeras501st · 1 year ago
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"Uhh.. oops? Sorry boss."
(We had some crazy hail this year)
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raspberryspacecloud · 1 year ago
What?? Today is Cody day?? (2/2/24!!) hope I’m not too late!!
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I think he deserves some cake. It's basically his birthday.
I may have gone a bit overboard with a tiny clone photoshoot. But hey, he deserves some time in the limelight :)
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*Gasp!* A friend!
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More friends! And they're cuddly too!
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Oh, err...hello Wolffe. Care to join?
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Just don't tell the Jedi. They'll never let us live this down!
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Exploring the spiderplant forest!
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Huh... interesting fungus...
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Whaddya think Artoo, is it safe to eat?
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Baking time! I guess he made his own cake.
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Sabe's helping!
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ft. short clone propaganda
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And a couple older pictures of a relaxing day in the park.
Apologies for the repost, tumblr gave me a helluva time with image wrangling. I had a ton of fun with this, though--if people are interested in more tiny clone photos let me know! And happy Cody day!!!!
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mwolf0epsilon · 10 months ago
Forgot to show you guys the little tooka doll I made while testing out a different brand of airdry clay.
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Echo likes it, I think.
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whyamismall · 3 months ago
Im cackling, these little guys are hilariously perfect
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So, I found this on Pinterest, and decided to crop the best of the images..... and now, I'm giving you lot some silly reactions for all.
The original for context.
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I hope you all enjoy these stupid.... things.... and I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful Christmas season.
Art by @jejejijiju
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theartgremlin2 · 2 years ago
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Okay guys, I gotta put the driftwood away now XD
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totes-tubulardude · 1 year ago
I was having some post Padawan Lost and Wookie Hunt feels so I decided to give a lil snippet from the after math in my au :)
Ahsoka felt Fives’ bright and ecstatic presence before she saw him. By the time he shoved through the blast doors to the hangar he already had to duck to avoid the ceiling. Upon laying eyes on her he let out a cheer and charged towards her.
With each step he seemed to grow taller until he was right in front of her. He crashed down to his knees to hug her, lifting her off the ground completely. 
She let out a breathless laugh as he squeezed her, she was grateful for the pain medication the Jedi healers had given her for her bruised ribs and claw marks.
“You scared the osik out of us commander.” He told her. “If you ever do that again I swear to the Maker.” 
Ahsoka huffed a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I don’t plan on it any time soon.”
“Alright, Fives let her down so the rest of us can see her.” Jesse barked.
Fives lifted one hand to flip his brother off but gently set her back down onto the floor. She was quickly swept up into another embrace by the scout. Over Jesse’s shoulder she saw that Rex had taken up a place beside her master. He was standing formally but had a small smile on his face as he watched her. She also noted that he was currently a couple inches taller than Anakin. 
Fives hadn’t regained enough control to fully shrink back down to his regular size so he stayed seated on the floor as she recounted what had happened to her. 
Ahsoka followed Rex to his office and private bunk, occasionally stopping to greet a trooper as they went. The force rang with happiness and relief throughout the barracks, they really had missed her after she’d been taken. That knowledge made her warm inside. 
Rex palmed the door open, quickly shucking off his vambraces and chestplate as she leaned out to wave to Ridge. 
As soon as she stepped into the room and shut the door, she was swiftly swept up into another embrace. The sound of a desk sliding across the floor and the clang of something heavy hitting the durasteel wall filled the room as Rex’s oversized knees shoved furniture out of the way. One arm supported her while his other hand was wrapped around her middle as he clutched her to his chest. Only now did she see how tightly he’d been keeping his emotions under control seeing as he was large enough to completely fill the room now that they were alone. 
She flung her arms across his chest. 
“I’m alright Rex, I’m here.”
She felt his head shake next to her. 
“We looked for you for days vod’ika, but all we found were your kriffing lightsabers. We didn’t know where you were or what had happened or if you were even still…” his voice faltered and his hand around her clenched. 
She pushed back enough to see his face. 
“I survived. Thanks to Anakin and to you all, if you hadn’t trained with me as much as you all have, I don’t think I would have made it. But I did and I helped two other padawans make it home to.” Ahsoka attempted to keep her face straight as Kalifah’s face flashed to the front of her mind. “So thank you Rex, for all you’ve done for me.”
The captains force signature sang as he tucked her back against his shoulder.
Ahsoka let the the warmth around her seep into her mind and calm her, the part of her brain that had been on survival mode finally relaxed and a bone-deep tired took its place. 
“Are you going to let go anytime soon?” She asked around a yawn.
“No.” Rex answered. “Not after that karkshow.”
“Good because I think I’m too tired to stand.”
His chuckle rumbled through her whole body. 
Slowly the ache in her middle began to make itself present again. She winced when Rex’s thumb ran over her side, right over a couple of claw marks courtesy of the trandoshans. 
He must have felt her tense because his grip quickly loosened. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, pulling her back a little bit. 
“I’m fine, just a few parting gifts from the Trandoshians.” She told him with a sheepish smile. 
His Force signature flashed with rage as he carefully set her back down onto the floor. When she stumbled he was quick to fit his hand back around her middle to keep her upright. 
“What happened?” He asked.
Mando’a trans:
Vod’ika: little sibling
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handless-and-dangerous · 2 months ago
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Wing and Jet came over for the New Year's celebration. Played some games. Dice is winning, like usual. Wing is losing terribly, like usual.
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Then we worked on Wing's 1000 piece puzzle.
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st4r-t3ars · 2 years ago
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It’s not Friday, but here you go little guy
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stormyblue90 · 1 year ago
It’s Cody Day!!!! So how is our beloved Marshall Commander spending his day?
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Cuddle time with a Loth cat!
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Lightsaber training with General Kenobi. Since he IS always catching it, might as well learn how to wield it right? Of course Cody is a natural, and Obi Wan is happy to train someone FAR more patient than Anakin for a change.
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Aaaaand some delicious hot chocolate and a big cookie!
I like to add a touch of cinnamon to my hot chocolate.
Well it IS pretty tasty! Happy Cody Day everybody!
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