Your Killing Me Smalls
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Just the small things in fiction really (18+)WriterMy g/t sideblog to post my ramblings
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totes-tubulardude · 2 months ago
Hey yall I’ve been working on a lil Howzer and Hera fic in my au and just posted it!
Here is a lil snippet and the link 😁
How did you even get up here?” He asked as he turned back to the girl.
“I climbed, how else?”
He shook his head with a chuckle before holding out his hand under her for her to climb onto. Instead of climbing down a branch or two to step onto his palm, she just dropped down off of the branch she’d been in, stumbling slightly. Howzer’s other hand shot up to cradle under her in case she tipped off his hand, but she sank down to a seated position and shot him two thumbs up.
“You couldn’t have climbed down like a sane person?” He asked as he stepped away from the tree.
“What’s the fun in that?”
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totes-tubulardude · 3 months ago
Hello totes, your works are amazing and I can never seem to get enough of them. Your pieces actually helped me come out of my shell and start my own works. I've been meaning to ask something though. A while ago, I once read this fic that focused on the bad batch and Omega. It was based around Omega getting struck by a spell/curse by a witch/magic user?and waking up tiny. I have been frantically searching for it for days to no avail. Would you happen to have come across it before?
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Hello! Yes the author is gt-Abby and I reblogged the fic I think you talking about not too long ago! I’m so glad you’ve started writing too, the Star Wars g/t community is far too small 😪 I’ve really liked what you’ve written as well and I am hoping to get back into updating hopefully soonish!
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totes-tubulardude · 4 months ago
Hey my fellow US citizens!
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
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Echo and Omega
Omega was sitting on the dashboard of the marauder, watching the people of Pabu through the windshield. She wished she could be part of that life again and wondered when the effects of the shrinking would wear off so she could go out and play again- well, as if Hunter will let her.
She heard footsteps on the stairs leading to the hanger of the ship, and guessing by the metallic sound and heaviness, it was Echo, who came into view not long after. He seemed to be looking for something around the ship when he laid eyes on her and a smile grew on his face.
“There you are, I’ve got you something” he said softly as he approached and sat on the chair next to her, rubbing his finger on her hair lightly, though she still felt him slightly pressing her down as he did so.
“What is it?” her eyes shone with anticipation, looking up at his mischievous face as he pulled out something tiny and pink out of his pocket. Omega’s eyes grew as she realized what it was. Echo raised the item up to her, lifting it to her chest level to see if it would fit.
“A dress!” She took it from him and held it out,looking closer at it. It even had embroidery on it, as if made by people of her size.
“Well, will you try it on?” He asked her, pleased that she liked his present.
“Where did you get it?”
“Oh, nothing special, someone was selling doll clothes on the market by the port.” He heard her giggle as she went behind a monitor and changed quickly, walking out soon after with the biggest smile on her face.
“It’s perfect.” She hugged his pointer finger. Echo’s heart melted when he felt her hug. Part of him wished she could stay like this forever, but he knew that would be cruel to her. She’s her own person, after all, and she deserved er freedom, just like every clone should. “Thank you.”
“Aww, it’s nothing.” He chuckled at the sheer cuteness of it all. He wished in all of his heart that he could hug her back, but alas, his other hand wasn’t there anymore.
An idea came to his head and he told her to wait a moment. He got up and walked over to the wall port mainly he used, given he was the only one with a droid arm. Pushing it in, his brain was suddenly filled with all the data of the ship. This always felt weird to him, even if he thought he started getting over it, like he could see, hear and control everything. He chose to change the mood inside the hanger. Music started playing from all over, something calm yet playful. He came back to Omega and held out his hand to her, as if asking her to dance. Omega, full of excitement, graciously accepted and held out her tiny hand and placed it onto his. She began dancing, twirling in place As he held her for support. It was as if everything was normal, and she forgot all about her predicament.
They played like that for what seemed like hours, without getting tired. As if they were completely alone in the galaxy and all of their worries were gone. They almost didn’t feel Hunter walking in, and he watched that unforgettable moment between the two of them as he didn’t have the heart to disturb them.. finally, when Echo turned round, feeling Hunter’s presence, his big smile shrunk when he saw they weren’t alone. Hunter, though, had the biggest smile on his face.
“Please don’t stop on my account.” He said, leaning his body on the metal wall and crossing his arms.
“Hunter!” Omega’s tiny voice squeaked from the dashboard and Echo moved away so they could see each other. “Look, Echo got me a dress! Isn’t it pretty?” She spun in place too show him. Hunter laughed and got closer to see.
“Wow, that’s so nice of you, Echo,” Hunter turned around to look at his cyborg brother, who was blushing slightly. But of course, Hunter could see everything, so he noticed. “It even has tiny embroidery.” Hunter used his finger to brush across Omega’s small figure to feel the tiny stitches. “It’s like it was made just for you, Omega,” Hunter could sense Echo hiding something as he looked away from them. Omega didn’t notice, but Hunter could swear he saw Echo’s blush deepen. Almost like… he made that dress himself.
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
Tiny!Omega AU - The Bad Batch
Here it is! The first chapter of my shorter project.
If you’ll enjoy please don’t forget to reblog!
Hunter heard a shout. It was so small even he almost missed it. But it made him stop in his tracks.
“Omega?” he was spinning in place, looking for the source of the faint voice he heard. He’d recognize his little sister’s anywhere. Suddenly he saw a tiny figure standing on one of the rocks right by the sea. He got closer. Once he was close enough, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
His little- well, older- sister, was looking up at him from the rock she was on, at about 9 centimeters tall. She was as big as his hand. He was standing there looking down at her in disbelief for what seemed like forever. He didn’t even know where to begin asking questions. But it was broken when one of the bigger waves splashed on the rock she was standing on and his dad instinct kicked in; as soon as Omega turned around to look at what was rushing towards her, she was whisked away as Hunter grabbed her in his hands, so fast her breath was taken away from her. He held her close to his chest as the wave crashed on the rock. She could feel him breathing heavily. He was holding her quite tightly, but too tight she couldn’t breathe.
“Omega! What is this, what happened to you? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is going out without telling me?” He was holding her up to his face, all of her field of vision was just him. She began panicking. Before he could get an answer, he felt though his fingers that her breath increase in speed as tears started streaming down her face. Hunter was taken aback. This took him back to the time on Cut’s farm. He remembered what he told him. He felt a little guilty then.
“I don’t know!... I didn’t even know when I fell asleep, but I woke up like this. Hunter… please I… I don’t know what to do I-“ she began sobbing uncontrollably and Hunter was left there in shock, holding a tiny person I his hands.he just stared. What can he do? He turned to look at the sea, hearing the sea birds start circling them. He feared they might grab at her so he began sprinting up towards the Marauder at the top of the mountain.
Hunter passed by the people of Pabu without giving them a second glance, hugging Omega to his chest. He didn’t want to cause a scene by someone seeing a tiny person, so he held her tight and covered her with his whole hands.
Omega felt a drop in her stomach when Hunter took off without warning, and that was enough to break her out of the panic attack. She heard Hunter brushing against people as he ran up the mountain, and she felt him slowly beginning breathing heavier even through his armor. She could do nothing but wait and endure the bumps and uneven surface she was sitting on. She was surrounded by him, his fingers curling around her as his palm was used as a seat. Only sun beams came through, and she wasn’t able to see much but her brother’s giant digits. That thought made her heart drop to her stomach again. How was she so small he could actually hold her in his hands? She was the height of his waist just a few hours ago and she wasn’t even done growing. How could this have happened? So many questions and none were answerable.
Before long, Hunter arrived at the top of the mountain that contains the little town of Pabu and ran up the ship’s stairs. He placed Omega carefully on the dashboard before falling into the nearest chair he could find. Omega was frozen in place, watching every movement of his. Even though he was further away now, he was still so… huge. She could feel the subtle vibrations in the ship after every step he took, not to mention the earthquake that was him falling in the chair. But when his gaze fell on her again, that was something else. She gulped. She knew she didn’t need to fear him. He was Hunter, her big little brother. He always took care of her and saved her every time she was in danger. But now… just the absolute sheer size of him gave her pause. She felt helpless, thinking about just how easily he whisked her off of her feet back on the beach.
She saw his expression change. After he caught his breath, his eyes became softer yet held some concern in them. But he said nothing. He just observed her.
On his end, however, all he could see was his terrified little girl from the time they came to rescue her for the first time on Kamino. Nothing actually changed much in the way he saw her. He was merely confused as to how this could have happened. In all his time as a soldier he has never encountered such a peculiar situation. He didn’t know what to do, how to comfort her. It seemed like anything that he might do might scare her, and the last thing he wanted in the world was for her to be scared of him. And she was staring at him with those big eyes of hers, like a deer in headlights. It hurt him to see her like this. He just had to do something about it, but what?
“Omega…” He whispered, his voice giving way to no emotion. Her eyes bounced and fixated on his face. He leaned in, but she cowered away instinctively, and he froze. “Don’t be afraid.” He persisted and drew closer. Omega didn’t move. Her heart told her to run, but her head knew she didn’t need to. Hunter came close enough to touch her, and he slowly brushed his fingers around her face. She could see worry in his face; his eyebrows pressed together above his nose. He was examining her so carefully and touching her face so gently she barely even felt it. And when his fingers came into contact with her skin, she felt the need to just hold them right there. His touch was comforting. She leaned in closer and closed her eyes, using her entire arms to keep him from moving. He smiled and his face softened.
“I should contact the rest of the batch.” He exhaled. How they would give them the news was beyond him, but they should know, nevertheless. He slowly pulled away and walked over to his helmet and put it on. Clicking on the button near his ear, turning on the comms.
“99, anyone copy?”
“Copy,” Echo’s voice came on first, almost immediately after Hunter made the call.
“We have a situation.”
Soon, everyone else answered, and he urged them to come back to the ship for a meeting, something urgent. Wrecker groaned, as usual, having been in the middle of something, but he came, nonetheless. They all gathered in the hanger minutes later, looking at Hunter expectantly.
“Well, what is it?” Wrecker asked impatiently. None of the men in the batch seemed to have noticed their tiny sister on the dashboard.
“Something weird happened. I don’t know yet what caused it, but Omega’s… well,” he glanced over at her, and everyone followed his gaze.
“What the-“ as if right on queue they all just gasped. Even Tech showed surprise on his face. Omega felt like she wanted the earth to just swallow her whole. Wrecker stomped over, his face suddenly taking on the entirety of her field of vision.
“THAT’s Omega?” He exclaimed and made Omega cover her ears. That was too much for her.
“Wrecker, be gentle…” Hunter shoved him away as he mumbled an apology. He then scooped her up and held her to their eye level as she cowered. Being cornered like that in front of four giant men made her feel so exposed. A frightening thought popped into her head- they could literally do whatever they wanted with her, like a doll. Hunter held her up like. Trophy, and she had nowhere to hide. For the. First tie ever, she was scared of her brothers.
Echo, shaking off his shock, was the first to notice.
“Hunter, let her have some space, come on.” He gently took her from Hunter’s hands and placed her back on the dashboard. Hunter felt a pinch of guilt in his heart. He never meant to put her on the spot like that. “Are you okay? what happened?” Echo lowered himself to her eye level, so she won’t have to strain her neck looking up at him. Omega was still cowering. She raised her courage and told them about how she woke up on the beach alone, the size of a commlink, as Hunter was looking for her, and how he saved her from the giant wave that threatened to drown her, how he ran up the entire mountain to get her to the safety of their starship. At the end of her story, she’d left Echo pondering.
“And you don’t know what made you like this? You can’t recall anything, can you?”
“No, sorry…”
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” Echo turned around to the rest of his brothers. “So, what do we do now?”
“We’ve got to figure out what got Omega into this state. Echo, Tech, you two go don to the beach and search it for anything out of the ordinary. Wrecker, you go get something to eat. I’ll stay here with Omega.” Hunter took the lead as usual, and everyone nodded and went off to their tasks. Echo glanced back at Omega with a reassuring smile before leaving
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
Fear in Safety #4
Hello fellow Rats! Tutter here with the next chapter to this series. This one mostly focuses on Wrecker and Omega's first interaction. A bit angsty, but also a smidge of fluff. Hope ya'll like, enjoy! 🐀❤️
_Chapter 4_
As Omega succumbs to sleep, Crosshair watches her small form on his chest, shielded by his hand. He, firstly, was confused about this whole situation. Like, what could have caused this. Tech better have some sort of idea. Secondly, Cross felt a lingering pain in his chest, though he would never admit it aloud. The way Omega looked at him was nearly enough to make him almost start tearing up. Again, something he would never admit. And thirdly, He was scared for Omega. Was this permanent? What would her life be like? Would she be living in constant fear? The questions continued, but he pushed them to the back of his mind. Right now he needs to focus on Omega.
As he gazes down at her, he feels a sudden wave of wonder. She was small, very small, maybe roughly 4 inches? She looked physically ok, no bruises or cuts or mangled limbs. Every breath was miniscule, nearly impossible to spot, unless you had Crosshair's vision. And her small twitches and the rise and fall of her chest were barely felt. It was crazy to him that this was happening, but what would you expect with their family’s track record, and seamless bad luck? But, no matter what, he was going to ensure that she was safe and that she was not alone.
_Time skip_
Slowly, Omega’s mind stirs awake, taking in the telltale sounds of hushed whispers from who she can only assume are her brothers. Momentarily stretching her limbs out, she pushes her blanket off as she sits up, rubbing at her eyes to wake up. As she looks around, she stiffens. Breath caught in her throat as she looked upon the living room.
It's bigger than it should be, As the walls stretch out far, and the couch, which she realizes she is sitting on, spans out far across her vision. Yesterday’s events play in her head as she remembers, she is small, impossibly small. Cautiously, she backs up, trying to take in her surroundings as best as she can. Until her back meets a plush surface. She turns her head, spotting Lula, but she is huge, looming over Omega. Omega feels sick, this should NOT be happening, it’s just not possible. But it is, and she is possibly stuck like this. How is she gonna confront her brothers?! They are HUGE to her, just thinking about how they are able to take up her entire view sends a shiver down her spin.
Taking a minute, she stays seated, leaning against Lula. In all honesty, it’s kinda cool to see the world from this perspective, everything feels the same but also different altogether. And she notices things that otherwise would have been overlooked without a second thought. She rubs her hand against one of the many stitch works that decorate Lula. Everything is so much more detailed up close. It wouldn’t hurt to get up and try to explore a bit, just need to find a safe way down. Getting up, she walks towards the edge and cautiously looks over. It’s steep, a drop this high could be fatal. Stepping back, she walks to the pillows that rest on the middle cushion of the couch.
Just as her hand reaches out to feel the fringes of a pillow, a voice pipes up from the kitchen. “I’ma go check on ‘Mega.” she startles, facing the kitchen, she can pick up on the sounds of heavy footsteps coming her way. She needs to hide, but where!? Frantically looking around, she can only spot two options; make a run for Lula, or slip to the other side of the pile of pillows and hide in the makeshift corner. The latter seems like a better option, so pillows it is. Running to hide on the other side of the pillows, she tucks her body into the corner made by the pillows and the couch cushion.
The heavy footfalls reach the other end of the couch, presumably where she woke up at. “Wait… Where'd she…” Who she guesses is Wrecker, speaks aloud. Kark! Is he gonna start looking for her!? She shimmies further into the makeshift hiding spot. She doesn’t know what to do. She isn’t ready to face them. Not now. She knows that they would never even think of hurting her. But, just their difference in height makes her feel uneasy.
The silence is cut off when Wrecker's footsteps retreat , she can only guess, to the kitchen. Hearing distressed voices of her vod in the kitchen. Not a moment later, what she can only compare to an earthquake, enters the living room.
Hunter darts into the room, followed by the others. Wrecker's statement of Omega not being on the couch worried them greatly. What if she was stuck? Or what if she was hurt, or lost? They couldn’t risk anything happening, now more than ever. Walking in, they each scanned the room for any signs of her, she couldn’t have gone far. Hearing her brothers searching through the room sent a surge of panic up her body. She was DEFINITELY not ready to face them. The memories of being caught by Crosshair played in her mind, a shiver ran down her spine. The thought of being held again was nerve racking. Lost in thought, she didn’t hear the others stop their search.
The beeping of her comm going off brought her back to reality. “Osik!” she curses, forgetting that she still wore it on her wrist. But she quiets down at the realization of her ever growing predicament. Hunter has incredible hearing. Hunter is in the same room as her. Hunter can hear her. Hand covering her mouth, she prays that he didn’t pick up on her voice. She can’t do this, she can’t.
After what felt like forever, the pillows carefully shifted. Omega, startled by the movement, makes to dart to the end of the couch, but her leg is stuck. It’s wedged deep in between the cushions. Desperately she tugs and pulls her leg, putting all of her strength into it. Kark, she needs to run! She is a sitting duck!
“No no no no no no no!” She repeats, frantically trying to get her leg to budge. But nothing seems to work. In her haze of panic, she doesn’t notice that the pillows have been completely removed for a bit, revealing her frantic, small form to her brothers. Whom watch with mixed expressions, ranging from pity, to deep concern at her struggle. Hunter stands the closest, pillows in hand, followed by Wrecker. Wrecker takes a careful step towards the distressed girl, kneeling down slowly to see her better.
The feeling of HUGE fingers on her leg scares the Kark out of her, to put it simply. She yelps as they move her leg from between the cushions with ease. Showing off the obvious difference in power. As the leg is freed, Omega instinctively turns her body as much as she can and lands a kick to one of the oversized digits. Was she thinking? No. Was it probably a smart idea to kick at someone much larger than herself? Probably not.
The fingers let go and she falls backwards. Looking up, she catches Wreckers' hurt expression. Immediately, she feels great shame. Sure, nothing she can physically do could hurt him. But she just kicked him when he was only trying to help her. Fear and regret swirl in her mind as she looks upon the giant man. She can’t stop the tears from welling up in her eyes.
“Wr-Wrecker… I-I” She starts but fails to finish as tears trail down her cheek. She hates this, being afraid when she shouldn’t. These are her vod for crying out loud. Sure, they can be a bit rough and serious at times. But she loves them, and they love her. This primal fear of, not them specifically, but of their size was really starting to get on her nerves. If she can survive Tantiss TWICE, then she shouldn’t be having problems with being this small in the presence of her brothers! Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she takes a deep breath in.
The sight of Wreckers looming hand outstretched towards her nearly startles her, but she holds her ground. Instead of focusing on the obvious size difference, she tries to remind herself that this Wrecker. The Wrecker that would take her to get Mantell mix after a mission, the Wrecker that would lift her onto her shoulders and run around as she laughed, the Wrecker that showed his love for others with his bear hugs. He may be large, but he is anything but dangerous. Well, to her at least.
Tentatively, his hand reaches her, thumb resting the side of her face as the rest of his digits cup behind her, lightly touching. His thumb cautiously rubs her cheek, the movement miniscule to him. His hand radiates warmth, just being close to it helps to stave off some of the chill. She craves comfort more than anything right now. Oh, how she would kill for one of his bear hugs. But she will have to make do for now, so she does the closest thing. She latches onto his thumb in a makeshift hug. Her arms barely able to reach all the way around, but she doesn’t care.
His hand stiffens, surprised by her sudden hug. But he quickly relaxes and reciprocates, his hold snug. Her quiet sobs don’t go unnoticed. As her grasp on his thumb tightens, his brows knit together.
“Hey, hey, shhh… It’s a’ok ‘mega, yer safe.” he whispers as softly as can muster, not wanting to scare more than he already has. “... can… can I pick ya up?” He musters to ask as he gazes upon his shaken sister. Who looks back up at him with wide eyes.
Considering his offer, she takes a moment to steel herself before nodding. As Wrecker slowly cups her in a single hand, she holds on tightly to his thumb. Even with how slow Wrecker moves, she still gets a pit feeling in her stomach as he stands up to his full height. Now level with his shoulders she gets a better read of the room. Remembering that they aren't alone. Spotting her brothers scattered across the room, staring at her, slightly startles her. But she is quick to push it aside. Again, these are her brothers! No need to be scared of them. Hunter stands a few feet from Wrecker, face stern but soft. His eyes search her for what she can only guess is possible injuries. Leaning against a couch arm, behind Hunter, is Tech, who keeps looking at his datapad with the occasional typing and back up at her. And Cross is nowhere to be seen, which confuses her.
Hunter is the one to break the shared silence. “Omega? You ok?... How’d-” He steps forward, getting closer to the girls. The sudden movement makes her stiffen. But, Hunter stops mid step, not moving any closer. The look in his eyes screams heartbreak. Realizing her mistake, she wills herself to relax and bite down her fear.
“I’m.., I’m ok, Hunter, I'm fine.” She states, not missing the way his shoulders relax. “I… I don’t know what happened, how… THIS happened. I’m just…” Omega continues as she gestures to herself, latching onto her much needed confidence. “I’m just so- and, and everything is so-.... What’s gonna happen?” Her question wavers in the air, Keeping her eyes on her Hunter, hopeful for an answer. Her brothers share a look, a silent conversation.
“We will figure this out, Miss Omega. one way or another.”
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
Fear in Safety #3
Man, two chapters in one day, I'm on a roll! I hope you lovely people like this chapter, it has a good amount of angst, but ends in tooth rotting fluff. Cross is an absolute softy when it comes to making sure Omega is ok. Enjoy, Tutter out! 🐀❤️
_Chapter 3_
Omega yelps in distress as she feels large, strong digits wrap around her body, holding her in place. She can’t move, she’s trapped. Her breathing hitches as more tears work their way down her face. Throat seeming too small to properly breath. The giant fingers have her wrapped in a tight enough hold that she can’t wiggle her way out.
But that doesn’t stop her from attempting to escape, as she frantically pushes with her free arm, but her efforts are worthless, they don’t move. “No, No, No, No, No, No, No!” She cries as she struggles. The sudden nausea that overtakes her is nearly blinding as she can only guess that she is being lifted up from the ground. A loud, shaky gasp breaks her train of thought. Looming above her, impossibly huge, encompassing her entire field of vision, is Crosshair. The sight alone makes her flinch and her hyperventilation increases. Her mind feels clouded, she won’t be able to stay awake for long if she doesn’t figure out a way out fast.
“Omega?” A whisper, though loud to her, escapes Crosshair. He seems worried, very worried. His eyes are somewhat blown wide, brows creased down, and his mouth hangs slightly open. Open enough to see inside his mouth, toothpick limp in the corner.
“C-Cross?!” She can’t seem to break eye contact, it feels like he is staring directly into her soul.
The sudden shift of his hand causes her to jolt, breaking her eye contact. “Hey. Hey, it’s ok… It’s ok kid.” His voice impossibly soft, whispers above her as he moves his hands to gently hold her. Omega, now sitting in his cupped hands, can’t seem to keep her panic down. When she is given room, she instinctively backs up, only to meet his curled fingertips to her back. She flinches from the contact, trying her best to silence a yelp, but it still comes out. Crosshairs shoulders drop, his gaze is glazed over with sadness at her reaction.
“Omega-” The sound of Tech calling her name brings back her somewhat receding panic. As she quickly turns her head to look at Tech, who stands to the side behind Crosshair. Their collective stare on her figure makes her duck her head, the flow of panic getting stronger. Her arms wrap around her legs as she curls in on herself.
The sight of ONE of her Vod standing impossibly large scared her immensely, but TWO was an entirely different story. They are so much bigger than her, she is at their complete mercy, and that doesn’t sit right with her. They could do whatever they wanted, that thought made her feel small, useless. As her lungs continued to heave, a finger met her back in a rubbing motion, an attempt to calm her. But it did the opposite as she shied away violently from the touch. Crosshair released a sigh as he kept his gaze on her shaking form, wishing to provide her comfort, but he didn’t know how.
Tech's eyes darted towards the coach as he lifted his hand onto Cross’ shoulder and motioned towards it with his head. Cross nodded in understanding, making his way over, his strides impossibly long, each step shaking her form. He gave her an apologetic glance at the movement. As he knelt down beside the black family couch, Tech set a few pillows to act as a seat of sorts, elevating her from the couch. Crosshair, ever so gently, laid her shaken body on the pillows, and backed up a bit, taking a seat next to Tech in front of the couch, now meeting eye to eye with Omega. The silence was almost deafening as they continued to stare at each other, not knowing what to say.
Tech is the first to speak. “Omega… What… happened?” he silently questioned his hand gesturing to her small, curled up form.
His question broke her from her frightened trance, and she looked down at herself, unsure how to respond. “I-I... don’t kn-know…. I’m sorry.” she responds quietly, her face turned to the side avoiding their gaze. A quiet sob escapes her quivering lips, the backs of her hands reaching her eyes in a feeble attempt to brush off the tears.
“Omega, it is perfectly fine to feel scared in a situation such as this, we do not judge you for that. You are safe, we are here for you.” Tech’s statement brings her a bit of comfort that helps her bite the panic down a notch. She nods in understanding as she meets his gaze.
Her breath hitches in the back of her throat as a single digit, presumably Cross’ thumb, reaches towards her. It stops moving, she breathes in and steals herself as she looks at him and gives him a small nod. His thumb continues to move closer at a snail's pace till it gently rests on her arm, rubbing up and down. His touch is notably warm, her body instinctively leans into the comforting touch, though he momentarily freezes for a sec before continuing to comfort her.
Tech gets up and backs up, walking towards the door, he turns back. “I’m gonna com Hunter and Wrecker, update them on… this. I’ll be right back.” And with that, he steps out the door, leaving Omega and Crosshair in the living room.
They continue to enjoy the quiet and relax, or as much as Omega could. Her stomach was still set in what felt like a permanent drop. Looking up made her uneasy. “Quiet doesn’t suit you kid. What’s up?” He asks with a knowing smile.
Omega has to do a double take, unsure at first if it was intentional or not. “Did… Did you seriously just use a pun?” Omega deadpans as his smirk widens. Why that little-
“Well, you know what they say, being short has its ups and downs, but mostly downs.” he finishes, barely containing the small huff of laughter that threatens to make itself known.
“Why you little-” she jokingly retorts before Crosshair snorts and starts to double over, failing to cover a wheeze. Omega tilts her head, unsure what was so funny until it connects.
“No… I did not just make a pun… No.” She airs out her realization in a fit of giggles. Crosshair continues to muffle his cackling for Omega’s sake as she joins him with her own laughter. As their laughter died down, Omega notes how her eyes keep on dropping.
She doesn’t know how she feels about sleeping at the moment, but her decision is already made. “I’ll keep watch if you need kid, it’s ok.” Crosshair senses her drowsiness. His eyes scanning her exhausted form, her eyes red and puffy, and her hair all over the place.
“you .. you sure?” Omega asks quietly. Sure, she feels uneasy, but this Cross, her “little” brother.
“Deadly” he responds, getting a small giggle from the girl. She nods her head and looks around. Understanding her uneasiness of the situation, he takes it upon himself to gently pick her up and hold her as he sits back against the couch. She responds with a startled yelp, but he shushes her, cradling her small form to his chest as she lets sleep take over as she listens to the welcoming beat of his heart.
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
Fear in Safety #2
Hello fellow lovely rats, I, Tutter, have now finished my second chapter of this g/t series featuring the Bad Batch. Credits to gt-abby for the inspiration. I hope you enjoy this angsty chapter, It's a good one.
_Chapter 2_
Bright light greets Omega’s vision as she comes to consciousness, noting the aching that seems to be present all over her body. She sits up, her hands messaging her temple and eyes. Her last moments feel a bit muddled. Omega assesses herself, beside the aching, she is just cold. Too cold. She gets a proper look in front of her and stops in confusion, why is the floor stretched… so… Far… out? Her eyes glance further up and her breath hitches as it dawns on her what lays before her.
“What.. the. Kriff?! I- W-what in the-” Her voice barely above a whisper and shaky as she takes in the sight of her family's kitchen bigger, much, much bigger than it should be. Cabinets and shelves loom over her like the tallest buildings of Coruscant, the ceiling impossibly stretched far above her. A mix of awe and dread, mostly dread, left a deep, swirling pit in her stomach, as if a trap door had sprung open beneath her and dropped her flailing body into an endless void. Thoughts start to plague her, her breathing quickens, hands clench the sides of her head as she curls in on herself. Before her mind could continue its growing panic, her wrist comm goes off.
“Havoc 2? Do you copy?.... Omega?” Hunter’s voice sounds from her device, A tone of panic apparent. Not good, he is worried. Though it is enough to push a little bit of the panic at bay. For now that is.
“Hu-Havoc 1, I-I cop-copy. What’s the.. The situation?” she curses her stuttered response. He’ll definitely notice her stressed tone.
“Just wanted to check in on you, weren’t answering for a minute. Are you ok? You don’t sound alright. What’s… what’s the matter Omega? Are you in danger?!” concern rings through. He caught onto her panic. Kriff.
“You-you could s-say that? I guess?” She responds, she doesn't know how she should proceed without scaring him one way or another. But what else could she do!? She was impossibly small, smaller than one should ever find themselves!
“What do you mean by that Omega?” His question, laced with palpable confusion.
Omega took a second to think out her response, taking a breath she continues, “I’m not in d-danger, just, a bit… a bit out of sorts. I have NO idea what is going on, b-but… I don’t re-really think it’s something I can possibly explain over a-a comm, more or s-so… show in person. I am sorry, but I am just …just, really, really freaked out right now Hunter.” She finishes, her breathing less hectic, not completely, but it’s better than nothing. She at least feels a lil bit less lightheaded, something she just realized.
The comm is quiet for a few seconds, a small light beeping from the device on her wrist. She hears him take a breath from the other side, “So… You are not in any danger. But you are freaked out and don’t know how to explain it?” He parrots back to Omega.
“Basically. I-” she starts back when Hunter cuts in.
“I’ll com Cross and Tech to check on ya, You are still at the house, right?” His statement cuts into her, the thought of the others seeing her, or her seeing them, hadn’t crossed her mind, till now.
Her breathing quickens again, hands becoming clammy and sweaty. “Ye- Wa-wait! Hunter, I don- I don’t know if th-that’s a-” Her attempts at pleading were for not as the call went dead. It was too late. They were gonna see, they were gonna see her diminished size. And she… she was gonna see their looming forms. If the lower cabinets are enough to make her stomach drop with anxiety, what would happen if she were to face them!? The sound of the front door creaking open alerted Omega back into reality, her body going off of instinct as she darted, aiming to hide under the lower cabinet ledge. Her heartbeat drowned out her thoughts, her body stuck in a fight or flight mode. Her breathing was dangerously loud with her heaving for oxygen. Eyes wide as she heard their booming voices calling for her. Their footfalls like earthquakes that shook her very being to the core.
“Miss Omega?! Are you here?” Tech seemed to impossibly shout louder than she thought was possible. She brought up her hands to cover her ears, hoping for some solas that it will help with the noise. Their footsteps echoed throughout the house as they checked every room till they seemed to stop.
Even in another part of the house, she could hear their conversation, “Where could she be?! Hunter said that she was home!” Crosshairs unmistakable voice boomed with his usual raspiness.
“I haven't the slightest clue as to where she may possibly be at as we have searched the whole house.” Tech states in his usual fashion.
Omega could possibly hear Cross’ eyes rolling, “What do you propose we do? Got any bright idea’s Mr. Glasses?!” He snarked back, though she could pick up worry lacing his snarkiness.
“No need to worry Crosshair, as Hunter requested of me to set up a series of hidden cameras around for safety purposes.” Tech’s statement sent Omega’s panic into overdrive. Camera!? They’ll see her, They’ll find her, They’ll…. They’ll… She doesn’t know what will happen when they find her, but she doesn’t want to know. Her fear has taken over any and all rational thought. She can’t seem to think about anything good coming out of her brothers, her Vod, finding her in this state.
The house is deathly quiet as she presumes that Tech has pulled up the camera’s video feeds and is going over them for signs of her. After what felt like forever, she picks up on a quiet, yet surprised “oh” from Tech. Followed by a clear as day “What in actual Kriff did we just watch?” from Crosshair. Taking into account that they must have seen her diminished size on the feed, she bolts out of her hiding spot, racing as fast as her legs can go towards the wide open door. The moment she is running, she can feel their thunderous footfalls racing to her position. She can’t face them, not like this. She exerts more force into her steps as tears blur her view of the door. They are getting dangerously close, She reckons she is only about halfway to the door when they make it to the living room hallway.
“Omega!!” A shout, so loud that she violently flinches, nearly tripping, sounds from Tech, or was it Cross? That doesn’t matter as her only goal is to make it out the door. Right when she is about 4 feet from the door, it slams shut at an alarming speed, her ears ringing. Realization hits when a deafening step crashes to her side and the sight of long, outstretched fingers comes into view.
“NO!” she jolts from the path of the giant hand and darts to the side, now setting her sights on the couch. As tears smear her face, she doesn’t seem to catch onto the hand that reaches for her from behind. Until it's too late.
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totes-tubulardude · 5 months ago
Fear in Safety
Here y'all go ya lovely people, my first ever fic, this will count as the first chapter of this series that is based off of gt-abby's wonderful idea (tiny-Omega). I hope y'all enjoy! 🐀❤️
Here is the link to her Tumblr-
(setting/introduction) It had been about 2 months since the fall of Tantis. In this world, Tech survived the fall and was found during Omega and Crosshairs first escape, said fall had resulted in him losing a leg and needing spinal implants. Now, in their present time, they live on Pabu, their new home dubbed “Marauder #2”. Echo still helps Rex with finding their brothers and rebelling against the Empire, but he makes a point to visit when he can. Wrecker helps around at the docks, Tech has taken up on improving the education of the island, Hunter helps with the town's trades and shipments, and Cross has taken up tsunami/weather watching. During Omega’s time stuck on Tantis, Hemlock took an interest in conducting an experiment, one that Omega hardly even remembers and practically forgets altogether. But, it would have an ever-present effect on her life, she just won’t know till it is too late…. Or is it?
_Chapter 1_
Today was a normal average day on Pabu for their family, or as normal as you can get in a household full of ex-military men. They had decided to settle permanently on Pabu after Tantiss. They knew that they couldn’t take any more chances, too many close calls and near deaths had left a sour taste. Now they were safe and living peacefully. Echo still worked with Rex, but he made as much time as he could to be home. It was nearly mid-day, Hunter was running a few errands with Batcher in tow, and Tech and Cross were working outside on a speeder project. Leaving Wrecker as her current company.
“Ay ‘meg, wanna watch a holo ‘fore I leave?” Wrecker offered in his usual loud manner.
Omega had almost forgotten that Wrecker had an appointment for his back, something about a possible damage from overuse? “Oh, um, yea sure. What do you have in mind?” she responded timidly as she sat up straighter.
—Time Skip—
About halfway through the holo, Wrecker had to leave or else he’d be late. He pulled Omega in for a quick hug, figuratively squeezing the life out of her.
“Be good will ya? Don’t cause trouble while am gone.” He stated as he set her back on the ground, a joking smile creased his face. His hand came up and ruffled her hair.
“No promises Wreck, trouble is my middle name.” Omega giggled, a pointed finger raised as if to make her point.
Wrecker's eyes lit up with mock confusion, playing along with her joke “you have a middle name? Since when?!” He boomed, his face crinkled in amusement.
“I kid, I kid Wreck, I’ll try my best, but no promises. I’ll see you soon Vod.” Omega smiled as Wrecker turned to leave, waving bye as he exited. Omega sat back down on the family couch as she continued to watch the holo.
—Time Skip—
After a bit, Omega reasoned that she should get something to snack on, Hunter wouldn’t be all too happy if she skipped a meal, again. So, she picked herself up and waltzed over to the kitchen. She took stock of what was available and decided on her meal. As she reached into one of the cupboards, nausea bristled in her head, pulling her hand back to smooth out her creased forehead. All too soon, black spots dotted her vision till it took over completely.
More to come soon!❤️
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totes-tubulardude · 7 months ago
Not Star Wars but I mentioned a while ago a sibling g/t story and I finally wrote out a lil bit of it!
The sound of sirens had long since faded by the time Luke began to slow down. He didn’t stop moving until the lights from the city were pretty well and faded from the night sky, this far out into the sticks no one was moving around this time of night. 
Uphead was what looked like a shed structure, considering that he couldn’t see any lights or any cars near it he assumed that it was empty. The perfect place for right now. 
In his arms, Kira was still expect for the occasional shudder, he hoped it was from the cold outside. She was smaller than she was supposed to be, or he was larger than he should be, she didn’t weigh much to him right now which was good considering how far he’d run to get them away. 
Sure enough, the large shed was empty, save for a few boxes and tool cabinets. 
He let out a relieved sigh as he set his sister down. 
Kira stumbled a little as she got her feet underneath her. 
Normally she came up to mid chest in height, right now she barely cleared his stomach. He wasn’t even trying to be bigger than he should be, this was just happening. 
“Are you okay?” He asked her.
She stared up at him before nodding hesitantly. He let out a sigh of relief. There had been so much happening before, he’d just grabbed her and run the first chance he’d gotten. 
Everything was so messed up now. Those men had come for him, they’d wanted him for whatever this ability was. The thought of what had happened caused him to shoot up a few more inches.
Not good. 
Luke paced back and forth, dragging his hands through his hair roughly as he tried to gain some semblance of control over his emotions. It wasn’t going very well considering that his skin felt like it was growing tighter and tighter. 
Finally, he sank down onto the floor, putting his head between his knees to quell some of the nausea he was feeling. He was honestly still trying to wrap his head around this whole situation, which was not particularly helping calm him down. 
All he knew right now was he was on the run, he had his ten year old sister with him, and he had little to no control over these abilities. He should be working through his junior year of high school not dealing with this!
Oh god, he was on the run. From some weird government agency that probably wanted to experiment on him or something. 
He felt himself shoot up a little in height and suddenly his knee collided with something. There was a thunderous crash as he knocked over one of the tool cabinets, sending it careening into some of the boxes and causing Kira to scramble out of the way of falling items with a small shout. 
“Crap, Kira are you okay?”
He was large enough now that he could reach his hand over towards his sister without getting up. That certainly wasn’t bizarre. 
Kira flinched back slightly from his outstretched hand and pushed herself away from him a little, the loud sound of the crashing items still ringing in both of their ears. Luke froze. 
Even in the dim light of the LED lantern, he could see the fear in her eyes. Holy shit she was afraid of him. 
Any semblance of control he had shattered. 
Luke groaned as his body swelled in size and he brought his hands up to grip his head. 
This wasn’t good. He was supposed to protect his sister, not terrify her. 
His feet slid across the floor as he continued to grow. Shit this was probably scaring her more. That thought sent another wave of panic through him which only seemed to increase his height faster. 
Luke tried desperately to calm down, but nothing was working. All he could think about was how fucking scared he was and how scary he probably was to Kira.
His left hip hit something, causing it to topple in a much quieter cacophony. 
Shit, shit shit. 
His back pressed against the wall suddenly. Luke lifted his head out of his hands and turned to see that he was indeed now large enough to have reached the wall. The ceiling was nearing the top of his head as well. 
Before the thought of that could send a wave of panic through him, he forced himself to take deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth. Slowly but surely he felt himself start to calm himself down enough to slow his growing. 
He took up a large amount of the floor now and he tucked his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs as he continued to breathe. Kira was near the other wall watching him, she was both too far away and now too small for him to make out her expression in the dim light. That might be a good thing considering that he was just now getting himself back under control. 
Luke shut his eyes and focused back on his breathing. Finally he felt himself stop growing, just before his head would start brushing against the ceiling. 
He let out a long sigh of relief. 
Suddenly he felt a small pressure on his arm, making him jump slightly. Luke blinked his eyes open and looked down to see Kira resting her hand on his forearm. He froze once again. 
Holy shit she looked absolutely tiny next to him now. 
She reached up to place her other hand against his arm too, it felt like she was trying to tug him slightly. 
“I’m fine.” He said quietly, but his voice still rang out in the space. “Sorry for scaring you earlier. I’m um… trying to figure this out.”
She pushed at him imploringly. 
He furrowed his brows and carefully lowered his right arm down towards her, not entirely sure what she wanted from him. 
“Look,” He mumbled as she seemed to inspect him. “I don’t have, like any control over this ability. For now you probably should stay away from me.” 
She looked up at him with imploring confusion. 
“As you just saw, I can’t really control this.” He explained. “I don’t want to accidentally hurt you. I’d stay away from me until I have more control of this… not as dangerous.”
She continued to stare up at him with one of her looks that made him feel like she was staring right into his soul. He dropped her gaze and rested his chin on his knees.
Luke hoped she understood what he was trying to explain. 
The reason that agency was probably after him was because he was dangerous. Seeing what he’d done to that building and how easily Kira had almost been hurt moments ago, he found that he suddenly didn’t blame them. He’d want a freak like him locked up in some facility away from people he could hurt. 
Luke’s head jerked down when he felt a new pressure on his arm. His eyes widened even more when he saw that Kira was scrambling up onto his forearm. 
“Wait Kira-” She crawled up to the crook of his elbow with surprising ease. “W-what are you doing?”
She looked up at him before waving her arm, motioning towards his still bunched up legs. He continued to stare at her with no small amount of fear and did not move a single muscle. One small move and he feared that he send her tumbling off of him. 
Kira let out a long suffering huff before scrambling up his arm a little more and making as if to hop into his lap. 
“What the-”
Luke quickly unbunched his legs and brought his left hand up under her to support her as she landed on his stomach. 
Holy shit he could support her with one hand. That wasn’t terrifying at all. 
“Kira I don’t think this is a good idea.” He said, unease making his voice waver slightly. 
In response she sank down on his palm, letting her back lean against his stomach and her feet dangle over his hand. She settled back before patting his finger and looking up at him. 
“I trust you.” She spoke softly and simply. 
Luke melted almost instantly at that. 
He slowly brought his hand up by his chest and wrapped his right arm around his middle. 
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totes-tubulardude · 8 months ago
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During what was supposed to be a very simple cargo transport mission for the 501st, things go more than a little sideways when it turns out what the boys in blue are transporting, is a highly unstable Sith artifact that ends up causing untold amounts of chaos when it blows up the captain to colossal size...
Disoriented and unaware of what's happened to him due to just how quickly things have gotten out of hand, Rex unwittingly causes a ton of damage and a few injuries while trying to regain his bearings. All the while literally holding the lives of a few brothers in his hands...
Thankfully this mission required both Fives and Echo to be kitted out with jetpacks, and they're putting them to good use.
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totes-tubulardude · 8 months ago
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I've been getting into making little animations like these and I'm having so much fun with it
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totes-tubulardude · 8 months ago
Thanks for the tag! Will get on that once I have time! Am very curious about 'One Small Thing' and 'G and T' tho...
Eeeeh thank you! Ok so One Small Thing is actually the first G/T Star Wars thing I posted and it’s based on @dakt37 6 inch soldier au! Basically troopers start shrinking and shenanigans ensue!
G and T is my broad WIP for original G/T stories like one about a brother who just discovered he’s a size sister and his little sister. And another about more complicated concept I finally put down in writing but doesn’t make much sense yet 😅
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totes-tubulardude · 9 months ago
Taged by @saggitary!
WIP Game!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okie dokie here goes
1. Teh Ori Bal Teh Kih
2. One Small Thing
3. Cave
4. Big Boi AU
5. Sup Troop AU
6. G and T
@mwolf0epsilon @fedoraqueen and anyone that would like to join in (you can say I tagged you!)
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totes-tubulardude · 9 months ago
all with comfortable bedding & pillows and stuff ofc <3
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totes-tubulardude · 9 months ago
g/t ask game
This is an ask game for g/t people to reblog and have people ask about their ocs or themselves. Feel free to specify which you’d like people to ask.
            About OCs (A)
Do your characters have human height equivalents? (Ex. How tall would they all be if they were the same size?)
If your character could choose, would they be a different size?
Does your character enjoy their size difference with others? Or do they find it a hindrance to their relationships?
Are relationships between people of different sizes considered weird/taboo in your character’s world?
Your characters favorite way to be carried/carry someone?
What’s your characters relationship with animals like? (Are they scared of them?, like to see them from far away? Etc)
How common are size shifters in your character’s world?
How careful is your character around those of a different size? Does it make them nervous?
Do you think about the small details about how things work in your oc worlds? (Logistics wise or otherwise)
How would your character react to switching sizes?
What’s the worst experience your character has ever had with someone of a different size. (Or the best?) 
If your character was a magical being (or a different species if already a magical being), what would they be? How would this change who they are as a person?
Is there something thats too big/small for your character to use/do that they wish they could? 
An au you’d like to explore someday?
After meeting someone of a different size, how has your character's opinion on giants/tinies changed?
Something that your character’s different sized friends do that annoys them.
How common are interactions between the different sizes in your characters world?
What’s one big cultural difference between giants and tinies in your character’s world. 
How does your character feel about being reliant on others/relied on? 
Random fun fact about character please
            About You (B)
What’s your favorite size dynamic? (Tiny/human, human/giant, other)
Do you like to imagine yourself in g/t scenarios or just characters?
Do you prefer original character g/t content or fan g/t content?
What’s your favorite type of tiny? (Fairy, borrower, etc. Can also refer to personality tropes.)
What’s your favorite type of giant/tiny? 
A trope you’d like to see more of
Least favorite trope/aspect of g/t?
Favorite setting for g/t? 
Favorite size ranges for giants/tinies?
Guilty pleasure in g/t?
Favorite g/t media? (Show, book, comic, etc)
Favorite giant/tiny item you own?
Have you had a dream about g/t?
Do you prefer writing or drawings for g/t? (Either creating or consuming)
Do you prefer gentle giants or scary ones?
Do you like more animalistic or more human giants/tinies?
Favorite way to refer to giants/tinies? (Borrower, bean, etc.)
Do you have a character from your mind or from a show/comic/book/etc you’d want to see in g/t scenarios?
Do you have a favorite g/t writer/artist on tumblr? 
Hot take about g/t?
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totes-tubulardude · 10 months ago
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