#tinkaan headcanons
Tinkaan in light of Runaan’s redemption arc
Following this post, @generalsamayas wondered about the fate of Tinkaan, should Runaan end up shifting into a whole new role in TDP during a possible redemption arc. And I have feels and ideas, so let me see if I can get any of them to settle out here.
If they’re not a couple
...then they clearly want to be, okay, this thing is basically canon. Runaan considers TInker to be precious to him, and Tinker was bawling his eyes out when he learned that something terrible had happened to Runaan.
maybe they’re not a couple yet because Tinker may love Runaan but has issues with Runaan’s stabby job (whether he’s a Moonshadow or not)
maybe there are harsher Moonshadow rules about spouses than there are for children, because children can be recruited but spouses are too old to train if they’re not already an assassin (ugh I’m fully prepared to mostly hate Moonshadow culture guys I’m sorry)
maybe Runaan has actively hidden his feelings for Tinker as a way to protect him, even though they both love each other, because the threat of his own death and breaking Tinker’s heart was too high and Runaan wouldn’t let him risk it, so it’s all just mutual pining
Runaan would go through any solitary soul-searching with more focus on himself and his needs, and less on what his situation or redemption would mean for Tinker--which is a good thing. You have to fix yourself for you, not for anyone else.
Tinker might never learn the true depth of what Runaan experienced to become his new self, and all his old dark ways may come back to haunt them both someday, leading Tinker to learn things he didn’t want to know about Runaan, which could threaten their happiness and connection
It they are currently a couple
I have a sad feeling that Runaan might not make it home for a while. Maybe not in all of S3. 
I think they might show this darkest part of Runaan’s journey, where he picks himself up and chooses to go forward, with him either literally alone or with other companions besides Tinker. They might not even be real, or they may be spirits of the dead. If Runaan has to pass through hell before he can find redemption, the first part will be the darkest, and you can’t usually mix that with soft fluff. 
So we may see the two of them in the show, but separate, joined only in flashbacks
with fluff, ideally
That would be the anchor point, though, something to move forward from as well as circle back to (how Moonshadow). If Tinker and Runaan are a couple, and they must travel separately for a while, story logic demands that they must inevitably come together again.
A separate journey will likely be packed with parallels so we can get to know them and their reactions and philosophies on issues and see where they match and where they differ, so we can judge for ourselves how well matched they are and how they’ll handle things together once they reunite
If they do reunite in S3 and get real face to face time, then everything depends on Tinker.
Whatever he advocates for, Runaan will probably do. 
Stay an assassin because that’s what you’re good at? Okay.
Join up to wage war as a regular soldier, maybe even a colonel or something, because now the humans really have it coming? Okay.
Let’s find another way, Runaan, I don’t want you seeing that dungeon in your mind on every mission you take from now on, it’s not good for the mission, and it’s not good for you? Okay.
This war is a disaster and we need to find a way to stop it ourselves, I’m taking you on a quest for peace? Okay.
We’re noping out of this show and moving to our own private island to live happily ever after, good luck with saving Xadia Rayla we love you? Okay.
If Tinker starts warmongering for personal payback, Runaan might talk him down, though. Unless Runaan suffers an alignment shift as a result of his imprisonment (and how scary would that be), he won’t be interested in personal vengeance--though Tinker might be.
the last thing I want to see is some bullshit about “change yourself so you’re worthy of your man”, a la Grease. That you’re not worthy of being loved while you’re imperfect. No one needs to see that, and yet *gestures to so, so much media mostly aimed at females*
At some point, Runaan and Tinker will connect, and Runaan will need to find his feet on his new path
what does redemption look like, and how does Tinker fit into it?
will they make amends together, or will they separate in order to accomplish more tasks faster?
Really not a fan of separating couples just so they can have their own drama with more characters, but I do appreciate when both members of a couple have mad skills and can in fact actively carry their own plot lines, so I’m of both minds there
Tinker would be Runaan’s steadying hand. Runaan knows where he needs to get to, probably, but he may wobble, and when he does, Tinker is there to make sure he doesn’t fall
it’s possible Runaan may hurt Tinker’s feelings as he heals and changes, and Tinker may do the same to Runaan, but they can get through that if they keep communicating, which is a good message to show
if Runaan ends up in another authority position, like an ambassador or head druid or moon mage or anything not martial, he may work with Tinker, but he may be brought into conflict with Tinker as well, on a political, social, or cultural level
If Runaan goes dark instead
going through hell may be all the further Runaan progresses. That would be disappointing not only because I enjoy his character, but because there is a happier and more complete arc to be used, and falling short would seem to clash with the message of the show as well as simply be poor storytelling
however, he could stay dark for most of the show and be redeemed much much later
or he could become one of the actually evil elves that the show creators said exist--and with his skill set, he’d be very good at being very evil
that thing Runaan does where he only shows his horns when he’s trying to be intimidating? He’ll do that a lot more. Maybe get some scary attachments to make it visually clear that he’s a Bad Boy now
he’ll just show up in the plot without warning and attack
you think one thing’s happening with the plot, but no, it’s an illusion concocted by Runaan through careful tactical planning
another face-off with Rayla where they’re actually trying to kill each other this time, to parallel their first face-off
Tinker never gives up hope that Runaan will soften up again, at the risk of his own life a time or two
Tinker would also choose Runaan’s side when he could justify it, confusing everyone who thought he was on their side
neither of them would ever be attracted to anyone else no matter what. they’re too well suited, no matter what gets in the way, what happens, or even what they do to each other
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so, what ships do you have for TDP? or, on the other hand, what ships to you like/dislike in the fandom?
Well, I have two ships in tdp already;
Tinkaan [Tinker x Runaan] and Janaya[Janai x Amaya]. And yes, I’m a sucker for good rep.
As for ships that I dislike;
There aren’t any ships that are major in the TDP fandom that I dislike yet. But experience from other fandoms has taught me that any show that has sibling/family relationships will somehow bring rise to some incest ships (yucks). So yeah, if they ever become reality, I will dislike any and all incest ships, or ships between characters that are in established familiar relationships (like characters that explicitly refer to each other as brothers for example).
But yeah, as of now I’m happy to say that I don’t have any ships that I really hate.
It’s a good fandom
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lesbian-janai · 5 years
runaan and tinker being really soft and cute
runaan sees tinker sitting at his work bench tinkering with some jewelry. he walks up behind tinker, wraps his arms around him, and quietly hums in his ear. tinker blushes and says "runaan I can't work with you leaning on me like this!" "what a shame" runaan says, and he tightens his arms around tinker and kisses his cheek
tinker wakes up at sunrise and sees runaan sleeping peacefully next to him. he brushes runaan's hair out of his face and kisses the tip of his nose, causing runaan's eyes to slowly flutter open. "good morning, sleepy head" tinker says, and runaan stretches with a tired groan and then brings his arms around tinker's neck, dragging him back down on the bed and snuggling him close. "runaan, it's time to get up!" tinker chuckles and tries to wiggle out of runaan's arms, but runaan tightens his grip with a stubborn "no, it's too early" and rolls over to trap tinker under his body weight. "runaan! your crushing me!" tinker says as he tries but fails to push runaan off of him (he definitely could push runaan off if he wanted to) runaan snuggles closer to tinker and says "it's what you deserve for walking me up so early" eventually runaan falls back asleep, which is just fine for tinker, who doesn't mind spending a few extra minutes with his husband
this post I made on twitter:
Tumblr media
runaan and tinker slow dancing in the living room. there's no music, but tinker hums a little tune as he sways in runaan's arms
they're napping together under a tree and tinker notices how beautiful the flowers around them are. he picks a flower and ever so gently places it in runaan's hair, trying his best not to wake him. when runaan does wake up, he notices the flower and asks "what's all this for?" tinker shrugs and says "I thought it would make you look pretty" "well, does it?" "oh, definitely. it brings out your eyes" runaan smiles and finds a yellow flower nearby and tucks it in behind tinker's ear. "there. now we're both pretty"
they're laying next to each other outside at night looking at the stars. runaan starts tracing out constellations when he looks at tinker and sees that he's fallen asleep. he smiles and kisses tinker's forehead, gathering him in his arms and carrying him back to their house
runaan is watching tinker work on a charcoal drawing when he notices tinker wiping his face and leaving a dark smudge behind. "darling, you have something on your face" he says as he comes forward and starts wiping the smudge away. his fingers linger a little too long, and when his work is done he pulls away and says, "there. now you're as beautiful as ever." tinker blushes, and then wipes his charcoal-covered hand over his face again. "oh no! it looks like I got more charcoal on my face! whatever will I do?" runaan chuckles and brings his hand back to tinker's face
tinker and runaan relaxing by the fire on a cold winter night, huddled together in a pile of blankets and sipping hot tea. tinker falls asleep on runaan's shoulder, and runaan holds him close as he lays down so that they can sleep comfortably together
runaan watching tinker work at the forge and he's completely mesmerized by how the fire seems to make him glow. "tinker, darling!" he calls and tinker looks at him. "do you need something?" he asks. "oh, nothing, I just wanted to see your beautiful face" runaan says. tinker blushes, and runaan notes how he seems to glow even more
runaan and tinker are sitting outside at night and tinker is rambling on about a project he's working on. tinker looks at runaan, who is staring at the moon but listening intently, and tinker tails off because he's just in awe of how beautiful runaan looks in the moonlight. runaan turns his head to look at tinker and asks "what's wrong?" and tinker smiles and says "you're beautiful, my love" causing runaan to blush and turn away sheepishly
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ask-runaan-anything · 5 years
Runaan’s Rules
This is an ask blog that shares Runaan art (tag me in your art and I will share!) and has the odd rp.
Ask anything you want. It’s right there in the blog name.
I love worldbuilding, weaponry, and combat questions!
Headcanon and AU asks are welcome.
I could talk all day about Rayla.
Riddles and puzzles are very Moonshadow.
So are dark subjects. Bring them on.
I’m here to help if I can.
Keep it SFW. I will if you won’t.
Harassment gets you reported and blocked. And possibly shot with poison arrows.
I’ll share any art with Runaan in it (unless I find it disturbing). Runaan and Rayla art is the bomb. Dramatic Runaan art pleases my soul. Sweet Tinkaan art is a blessing. Crackship Runaavos art makes the universe go ‘round.
If you make Runaan art, please consider tagging me. I’m thrilled to share more Runaan art with the world.
If you’re drawing solely for one of my art prompts, you can always submit it directly.
AUs and Headcanons used on this blog:
Please respect that I rp Runaan as a panromantic, demisexual gay elf in a committed relationship. Between that and being Moonshadow, he’s lucky anyone’s patient enough to give him the time of day. He literally does not know how to flirt. I’m not joking, it’s a disaster. Why do you think he blushes all the time? Adorkable.
Canon Runaan is trapped in the coin in Katolis Castle.
AU where Runaan is able to reach the realm beyond life and death and can manipulate its existence to create a cozy cabin with a garden, a porch with papasans, a weapons vault, and other rooms to pass the time.
Current AU that Runaan is literally Rayla’s uncle because his sister is her mom.
Current AU that Tinker and Runaan are already a couple, but not necessarily married.
AU where Runaan shares a meta world with other characters he never met in canon
AU where Runaan has Netflix in his coin and has watched the show.
There is currently no Tinker blog that I interact with, and that will remain the case until at least after S3 drops.
Roleplay: As I said, I’m selective with my rp partners. I’m only interested in rp’ing with other TDP characters and a few trusted followers I’ve come to know. No self-inserts or OCs.
If I’m interested, I expect to have a chat beforehand about the expectations we both have and to keep in touch during the rp. That’s how I roll, when I’m gonna roll.
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hoothalcyon · 5 years
Tag Game: “The Dragon Prince,” Edition
Tagged by: @bi-janai
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
I think earth bc I like animals and plants or ocean bc that’s what I got on the quiz
#2. Elves or Humans?
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
free runaan!! aaravos may be lonely but at least he can move and do his own thing, he has a whole library. poor runaan is confined and alone :(
#4. Best animal companion?
#5. Best humanoid companion?
rayla 💗 she’s smart and capable but also kind, witty, and all around lovable  💗
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
sarai! sorry king dad but my gay heart says sarai
#7. Otp?
janaya and tinkaan ☺️
#8. Unpopular opinion?
can’t think of one
#9. Favorite headcanon?
the first one that comes to mind is the one where aaravos used to be a king or the one where aaravos can do a supernova spell
#10. Best siblings pair?
broyals 💖
#11. Who’s your Queen?
sarai 💖
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
rayla 💖 I already kinda mentioned why above but she’s just so good 😔
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
coffee :3
#16. Best use for magic?
for fun and for productive reasons 
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
misguided and narrow minded
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
#20. Who’s your crush?
amaya 💖💖
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
#22. Choose a champion.
idk what this means but amaya bc she’s the best
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
any scene with amaya
particularly the one where the soldier signs “danger” and she quickly runs to protect him, it both represents the fact that ASL can be useful on the battlefield and how strong her protective instincts are 💖💖
#24. Should Soren be a poet?
YES!! follow your dreams 
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
I tag: @rrunaan @raylalas @wlwsheratdp @mikrokosmic-starlight @x-adia
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feral-anarchy · 5 years
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
A: Honestly im 50/50 between the sun and the moon. You see Fire is my zodiac element and one which I have bonded with the strongest, or at leats the most obvious but the moon has always enchanted me, strengthened me and I am truly more nocturnal due to my DCR (delayed circadian rhythm)
#2. Elves or Humans?
A:Elves, I dislike humans.
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
A: Aaravos because he no doubt would be able to free Runaan, so two birds, one stone.
#4. Best animal companion?
A: I prefer to be alone simply because the world is to dangerous for an animal companion, but if I must have one, I think id like a tiny Xadian lizard who would hang out on my shirt. SO I guess Bait?
#5. Best humanoid companion?
A: I adore Rayla, If I couldn’t have her, Ez or callum might be next. OH Wait no! Definitely Corvus. 
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
A: *shy smile* The one assassin we call call Skor, he has the long hair with one half shaved. He was part of Runaan’s group. 
#7. Otp?
A: Tinkaan! 
#8. Unpopular opinion?
A: Aarvos is hot I guess?
#9. Favorite headcanon?
A: OH gosh there are so many... umm... That Janai hates parties but suffers them for Amaya
#10. Best siblings pair?
A: Ez and Callum, they are just so pure and communicate like saints. 
#11. Who’s your Queen?
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
A: I dont care! I bet this worm illusion pie tastes amazing! But Ill totally stare her in the eyes as I eat it then mention that I know its worms. 
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
A: I would need to be pushed to great, tragic lengths. 
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
A: Why would you make me choose? Im going with Rayla- thats the safest choice
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
A: Why not both?
#16. Best use for magic?
A: Honestly? Levitation. Not having to get up for stuff? Gold. Not that I could do it or anything but could you imagine? XD
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
A: Runaan.
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
A: Misunderstood and lacking due credit. 
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
A: Am I flying ON phoe-phoe or with? Hmmm If Corvus is my humanoid companion, I gotta say hike. 
#20. Who’s your crush?
A: I dont really have a crush? AKA Youll have to torture it outta me. 
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
A: RUN MAN!!! RUUUNN!!!!! Or, turn and bite.
#22. Choose a champion.
A: Aaravos, then Rayla, then Callum. All in that order. If one fails ive got a backup. gotta have a backup for a backup for a backup! 
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
A: I giggled when Rayla did that little “HIYA” Thing when Callum lazily shoved past her in s2. 
#24. Should Soren be a poet?!
A: Why not? go live your dreams kid. 
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
A: .... Its a metaphor? 
@atreefullofstars @aaravos-the-archmage @krysanthii @wolfvalkyrie @the-heatkeeper
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a sad, star-crossed lovers Tinkaan headcanon
in S3, Tink spends all his time and energy preparing to rescue Runaan's spirit, thinking he’s dead
but Runaan’s body and spirit are both trapped in Viren’s coin
Tink's desperately well-meaning spell actually kills Runaan and sends his soul to the spirit realm
where Runaan ends up meeting Harrow, who’s reunited with Sarai
he also meets other victims, and other elves he’s known
slowly Runaan begins to understand life and death in a way he never had before, and his perspective changes, softening him
Rayla finds out what Tinker tried to do and how it went wrong, and they both realize they’ve lost Runaan
Tinker is devastated, but Rayla doesn’t give up, and eventually she learns that spirits and the living used to talk at the old Moonhenge
she throws herself into advocating for it to be rebuilt
and when it is, under the light of the full moon, Runaan and Tinker finally get to see each other again
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lesbian-janai · 6 years
so y'all know my headcanon that the metal things on elf horns are the elven equivalent of wedding rings? here's an update: what if they're enchanted to be as strong as your s/o's love for you? that's why runaan's horn was cut off right above his metal thing, because tinker's love for him is so strong that nothing could break through it
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I was tagged by the lovely @moonshadow-memes! (tyvm!!!) 
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
You know the meme about how you’re Slytherin if you hack Pottermore to make it say you’re not Slytherin? I took the TDP primal source quiz until I figured out all six of the primal answers. But somehow, I kept getting Stars in between them. My True Neutral side is showing!
#2. Elves or Humans?
Yes. And dragons. *is inclusive like that*
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
That’s not a choice for me. Runaan was forced into the coin, whereas I’m pretty convinced that Aaravos sauntered into the mirror on his own. You can’t free someone from a place they’re choosing to be. Set Runaan free, 100%.
#4. Best animal companion?
Oh geez. Uhhhhhh honestly, Bait. He seems to be the smartest. He’s a light source. He’s got offensive capabilities. Despite his tubby lump o’ grump shape, he can run as fast as the kids can. He doesn’t make annoying high-pitched noises. And he’s pillow shaped, and possibly very warm and squishy.
#5. Best humanoid companion?
Rayla! She’s fully grown (probably), and she’s super strong and flexible, and she’s trained enough that I’d feel really safe if she were the only person guarding me. She gets the importance of making hard calls because of her Moonshadow training, but she’s still got that soft heart that lets her smile and laugh. 10/10, best companion.
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
You know what? Thunder. Harrow and Pip, and Runaan’s other assassins, would all still be alive and in their bodies, and Runaan wouldn’t be trapped in a coin, if someone hadn’t killed Thunder. No one could have stolen Zym’s egg if Thunder were still alive, either. Suck it, Aaravos, find some other way to fulfill all your divinations.
#7. Otp?
Tinkaan! Dark stabby boy needs a light in his life. #8. Unpopular opinion?
Elarion isn’t a city, a human child, or a human woman. It’s Aaravos’s polar opposite, a vast powerful force that devours magic. A black hole to Aaravos’s blazing star. Aaravos could neither save it nor kill it because it’s as powerful as he is.
#9. Favorite headcanon?
Aaravos sassed his starry ass into the realm beyond life and death on purpose, and he’ll come out when he’s good and ready. He knows what he’s waiting for, and until then, he’ll be supremely patient.
#10. Best siblings pair?
Callum and Ezran AND Amaya and Sarai
#11. Who’s your Queen?
Sarai! Great mom, great wife, great sister, great queen, great warrior, great woman.
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
Oh, I’mma eat that up, yeah. I’m good with it.
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
It’s not a matter of guts so much as brains. I can absolutely logic my way into using dark magic under the right wrong circumstances. I mean, I’ll feel terrible. But I’ll still do it.
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
Runaan is best elf. He’s such a delight to dive into. So. Many. Layers.
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
Leaf flavored water.
#16. Best use for magic?
Healing sounds pretty good to me.
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
Runaan. So much long white elf hair. It’s longer than Aaravos’s hair, and it’s more kempt. Yeah, I said kempt.
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
Misguided. He thinks he’s doing good things, based on his own childhood feelings of inadequacy. But he pushes too hard. Manipulates his kids with love and promises into taking on horrible quests, thinks he’s being considerate by offering Runaan food but still keeping him kneeling, injured, and chained to the wall in a cold cell, and probably stuck his best friend’s soul into his pet bird’s body “for his own good.” So close, Viren, yet so far.
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
Everything but sail. I get seasick. If I had to pick just one... fly. I like the big picture.
#20. Who’s your crush?
The great stupid Blueberry, same as everyone else. But I’m here for his vast mind, because brainy is the new sexy. (It’s also the old sexy.)
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
Throw a bucket of water on it. Not very dramatic, I know. But I can’t sprint worth beans.
#22. Choose a champion.
Runaan. I feel like he wouldn’t take up a cause unless it was just. Or at least justifiable. Plus, I could watch him fight all day long. Stalk, stalk, slashin’ baby!
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
UGH. SO MANY. The parallels between Harrow, Callum, and Ezran telling someone about what it means to grow up. How Viren uses the images of the Moonshadow assassins he cremated to scare the Pentarchy (because foreshadowing). When the Moon Druids Lujanne summons have three illusions identical to three of Runaan’s assassins. How Runaan lets Rayla hit him when they’re fighting, but he won’t hit her back, and he’s the one who breaks off the attack when he sees she’s getting winded. How we get a glorious glimpse of Aaravos’s power and speed (and pretty pretty magic!) as he and Viren fight off the guards. 
Superbestfavorite though? Aaravos reaching toward the fire in his hearth without looking, summoning it into his hand, and quenching it in his fist. hngh
#24. Should Soren be a poet?
If he really wants to be, then yes. Let there be a warrior poet, and let him be Soren.
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
I think it’s some kind of metaphor for the show. Not sure if it’s just a reference to disaster, like Callum says, or if it’s more of a rite of passage, literally “getting your feet wet,” that everyone has to go through if they want to, uhh, level up. But Villads got himself waterproof socks to prevent it, and Callum literally had a mental disaster involving drowning. So it kinda seems like a bad thing. I’m still not sure why Soren and Claudia let Runaan keep his boots on in the dungeon, but I’m actually kinda comforted because that means Runaan can’t get wet socks and should hopefully turn out okay somehow. *crosses my fingers*
I tag: @tdp-sun-dragon, @skyfireflight, @seabloods, @kuno-chan, @kingbrickisinariver
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lesbian-janai · 5 years
Tagged by: @true-neutral-earth-elf
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
>earth b/c I love animals and plants and that's what the primal source quiz gave me
#2. Elves or Humans?
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
>runaan because he has a husband he needs to go back to and being in a coin seems worse than being in the mirror. sorry aaravos :(
#4. Best animal companion?
>phoe-phoe! I wanna ride a moon phoenix :(
#5. Best humanoid companion?
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
>harrow! bring back the good dad!
#7. Otp?
#8. Unpopular opinion?
>uhhhh idk? Does not liking Viren count as unpopular?
#9. Favorite headcanon?
>all the tinker/tinkaan headcanons
#10. Best siblings pair?
>Brodigies and broyals, I can't choose between them
#11. Who’s your Queen?
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
>I eat it and say thank you, i don't care if it's bugs
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
>aaravos because well, just look at him! and that voice...
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
>leaf flavored water
#16. Best use for magic?
>flying or healing
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
>tie between runaan janai and aaravos. long hair is just beautiful
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
>misguided. He's not evil but he's definitely not a good guy.
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
>fly with phoe-phoe!!!!
#20. Who’s your crush?
>hhhhh.... amaya and janai they're gorgeous
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
>eat it
#22. Choose a champion.
>not entirely sure what this means. A champion to root fire? aaravos cuz he's powerful. a champion to fight? amaya cuz she'd beat the shit out of me but it would be worth it
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
>aaravos speaking for the first time... it still runs shivers down my spine. I also really like the scene of sarai comforting callum in his dream
#24. Should Soren be a poet?
>yes!!!!!! I would read all of his poems!!!
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
>those are only for soren
I tag: @soft-tinker @generalsamayas @ask-runaan-anything @aaravos-startouch-elf @wlwsheratdp @rxnaan @claudias-goth-gf I know that's more than 5 but I don't care
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ladyandherbooks · 5 years
All your Tinkaan posts are so good so good ahhh
Thank you so much anon,
Tinkaan makes me so happy and it's really fun making posts about them and seeing all the posts that other Tinkaan shippers make brings a smile to my face.
I love that you get so much joy from my little headcanons and thoughts about them.
Hopefully we meet Tinker in season 3 because I believe he and his relationship with Runaan will be loved by many fans, not just Tinkaan shippers.
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