#tina (tac)
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gavinisqueer · 2 years ago
Tina: Your dick's probably the size of a tic tac.
Gavin: That's why your mom's breath smells so good.
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br1ghtestlight · 2 years ago
gene and louise headcanons bcuz why not
despite being a physically affectionate person gene doesn't really hug or touch louise unless he's specifically invited to bcuz he knows she doesn't like that (sensory issues and touch aversion) so he's always surprised when she randomly hugs him bcuz he isn't expecting it lol
louise is VERY defensive of gene despite being younger than him and gene isn't usually very big into arguments or conflict but if he hears someone being mean to louise or feels like she genuinely can't stand up for herself he goes into big brother mode and tells them to leave her alone (as seen in that one shrimp episode) but he has an anxiety attack about it for like 20 minutes after esp if its an older scarier kid. he never regrets standing up for her tho
gene and louise have sleepovers in each others bedrooms all the time, either bcuz they're bored or one of them had a bad day or they're just doing it for fun :) they used to have these in gene's bedroom but since louise got her loft bed they're usually in her room, they'll stay up late playing games together stealing snacks and talking until they eventually pass out and their parents find them sleeping on the floor together the next morning and they're like wtf
they frequently and regularly just leave class to hang out together in the hallways at school and they have a special signal they use when this happens, they enjoy sneaking into bathrooms together or messing around in the teachers lounge!!!! louise has fun causing trouble but gene just likes hanging out with his sister (and getting out of doing schoolwork) (they would invite tina along with them but she feels bad about skipping class and breaking the rules)
gene actually does feel protective of louise and feels responsible as her older brother. this rarely if ever comes up but he does view her as his little sister and thinks of himself as her big brother (but more often they're just tina's younger siblings and act more like twins. they have been mistaken as twins on several occasions when they were younger)
they have like a million random games they play together whenever they're bored and don't know what to do or just whenever. they're always starting random shit and it annoys everyone but when they're like waiting in line at the bank w/ parents or going grocery shopping working at the restaurant etc they have games they play. throw louise is definitely one of the stupider ones but it usually involves coming up with a pointless challenge or competition (we see on the show that they do this A LOT just bcuz they're bored and its fun like with the jawbreaker)
when they're in detention together without tina (which happens somewhat regularly with all the trouble they get into) they pass notes back and forth and play games like hangman and tic tac toe together until frond catches them and they get in trouble, at which point they still do it just secretly :) they also have a game where they try to draw or write the stupidest thing to make each other laugh without getting caught
louise obviously is not a huge fan of doing feminine or girly things but gene loves doing that stuff and vice versa!!! they have an unspoken understanding that if one of them gets like a present from extended family like gene getting a tool set or louise getting a princess costume or makeup that they trade with each other and get something they actually want, also applies to birthday parties and school projects etc
^^ neither of them judges each other for not liking things stereotypically associated with their gender and its actually comforting to have a sibling who doesn't really act like they're "supposed to" regarding gender. tina is obviously very supportive but she's more feminine than louise and sometimes its just nice to talk to someone who gets it. they frequently rant about how annoying gender roles and expectations are to each other
also related when louise is old enough to start receiving stuff like razors from relatives as a right of passage or hint that she should start shaving she just gives them all to gene, who is very happy to start shaving EVERYWHERE and honestly same goes for makeup. gene loves wearing makeup but louise not so much (tina is alright with makeup but doesn't wear it all the time and usually goes for natural looks vs gene who goes crazy with it)
louise DOES enjoy painting her nails black and gene helps her with doing that when she's old enough bcuz he's pretty much an expert and she is very impatient. transgender sibling solidarity
louise is not somebody who lets anyone win games bcuz she feels bad for them but after learning that gene feels like a failure bcuz he doesn't win games and everyone is so much better than him she does OCCASIONALLY let him beat her when they're playing board games or something similar. more often she goes out of her way to help him get second place even when they're on opposite teams (she will deny this if asked)
louise finds gene's music really comforting esp when he's playing his keyboard at night before they go to sleep. she loves listening to him play and thinks he's talented, when they're older gene will give her a mixtape of some of his music to listen to when he's away so that she doesn't miss him too much <3
they do always get each other something for their birthdays!!!! ever since they were babies, louise would find a small rock for gene's birthday and then gene would give louise an old stale cookie he found under the couch for her birthday. they're usually just silly little gifts that don't cost much (if anything) but they always keep them!!!!! louise often gets gene a flower bcuz she knows they make him feel pretty. when they're older they start giving each other cards too (that they stole from their family's unused holiday card drawer)
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jusnhdz · 1 month ago
Cuando era niño le temía a los grifos averiados, aquellos chirriantes demonios que, pese a estar cerrados, seguían pintando gota tras gota el fondo del lavamanos, corroído de la incesante repetición o, en el peor de los casos, el pronto a derramarse tope de una nerviosa tina, cada vez más cercana a derrocharse por completo.
No se trataba de un desconocimiento de la plomería, o del antiguo recelo hacia algún evento paranormal, era el tic-tac, tic-tac de la deshecha llave ocurriendo durante toda la noche, lo que quemaba mis pestañas.
Eventualmente aprendería que aquel miedo poco tenía que ver con sonidos o el espacio material; se trataba de un espanto innato, espanto por las cosas fuera de todo control. Del mundo escondido allá, caminando y riendo borracho, afuera de los cálidos televisores de tubo y los comerciales de la noche. El horrible chirrido del tiempo riendo, de aquellos grifos, grifos que nunca podremos cerrar
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yo-sostenible · 7 months ago
Un estudio, realizado por antropólogos y otorrinos de HM Hospitales y las universidades de Alcalá y Valencia, demuestra que este es el primer caso conocido de la existencia de homininos con síndrome de Down de una especie distinta a la nuestra. La pieza clave del trabajo reside en un pequeño fragmento craneal de la región del oído derecho procedente del yacimiento valenciano de Cova Negra. Los investigadores Mercedes Conde e Ignacio Martínez Mendizábal en el laboratorio. / UAH Investigadores españoles de la Cátedra de Otoacústica Evolutiva y Paleoantropología de HM Hospitales y la Universidad de Alcalá, formado por antropólogos y otorrinolaringólogos, junto a arqueólogos de la Universidad de Valencia han descubierto el primer caso de síndrome de Down entre los neandertales. Este individuo sobrevivió más de seis años gracias a los cuidados y la solidaridad del colectivo.  El trabajo, que acaba de ser publicado en la revista Science Advances, genera un nuevo paradigma respecto a las relaciones sociales y las características que definían a las comunidades neandertales como el sentido de pertenencia y el altruismo. Imagen original del fósil de Cova Negra. / HM Hospitales Una de las características más destacadas de los seres humanos es que nos ocupamos y cuidamos de las personas vulnerables. El altruismo de nuestra especie constituye un comportamiento insólito en el Reino Animal y representa un auténtico desafío a la Biología Evolutiva.  Desde hace décadas, se sabe que los neandertales también se ocupaban y cuidaban de sus compañeros vulnerables. Sin embargo, todos los casos conocidos de cuidados afectaban a individuos adultos, por lo que algunos científicos pensaban que no se trataba de un auténtico comportamiento altruista sino de un mero intercambio de ayuda entre iguales.  “Lo que no se conocía hasta ahora era ningún caso de un individuo que hubiera recibido ayuda, aunque no pudiera devolver el favor, lo que probaría la existencia de auténtico altruismo entre los neandertales. Eso es precisamente lo que significa el descubrimiento de Tina (así la ha llamado)”, confirma Mercedes Conde, codirectora junto con el profesor Ignacio Martínez.  Estos hallazgos resuelven uno de los enigmas más polémicos de la antropología, ya que queda probado tanto la existencia de personas con síndrome de Down en las comunidades de neandertales y que dichos colectivos cuidaban y protegían a estos individuos de forma altruista.  Primer caso conocido: Tina  Esta controversia ha quedado resuelta por el descubrimiento de este individuo neandertal con síndrome de Down (al que los investigadores han apodado Tina) que sobrevivió por lo menos seis años. Se trata del primer caso conocido de este síndrome en una especie de hominino distinta a la nuestra y ofrece una prueba más de que también los neandertales tenían este tipo de sentimientos de cuidados. El fósil procede del yacimiento de la Cova Negra (Xátiva, Valencia), que es uno de los lugares en los que primero se descubrieron fósiles humanos en España. El hallazgo lo ha realizado el equipo liderado por el catedrático emérito de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Valencia, Valentín Villaverde, que lleva excavando en este yacimiento desde la década de los años 80. Se trata de un pequeño fragmento de hueso temporal, el hueso del cráneo que alberga el oído. Imagen original del fósil de Cova Negra. / HM Hospitales Nieves Mata, una de las autoras del estudio destaca que “fue apasionante detectar en el TAC del hueso temporal, que alberga el órgano de la audición y del equilibrio, unas malformaciones presentes en el nacimiento, como la displasia del canal semicircular lateral, y signos de complicaciones de las otitis que pudo presentar este niño durante su infancia, como la presencia de una fístula laberíntica”.  “Todas estas alteraciones pudieron conducir a una pérdida de audición severa y a un vértigo incapacitante en un niño con una malformación de oído interno altamente sug...
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livornopress · 2 years ago
Al Grattacielo arriva "Tina Andrei - La signora del vernacolo"
Al Grattacielo arriva "Tina Andrei - La signora del vernacolo"
Livorno 14 aprile 2023 – Al Grattacielo arriva “Tina Andrei – La signora del vernacolo” Un omaggio a Tina Andrei a 100 anni dalla sua nascita. Un personaggio caro alla città, indimenticata e indimenticabile attrice e cantante del teatro popolare livornese. Tra scenette e canzoni del suo repertorio. Uno spettacolo nell’ambito di “Tac – Teatro al centro”, negli spazi del Centro Artistico il…
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tina-aumont · 2 years ago
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The Gentle Jungle
Tina Aumont. Imagination. Reality. Actress. Opalescent dream of adventures. Far. In the endless long grasses of a gentle jungle. Populated by innocent snakes. Of Olympic elks. Daini. Fawns with ancient eyes. Anxious. Shooting. Thunderstorm. Gash. Scenario. Point of View. Tac. Almost the end. The last safari. Fire. Beasts that claw their prey. Rumorous thunder on the path of the amazed elephants. Ambush. And still the quietness. She in the quietness. An earthly paradise at her feet. In adoration of her tender body without sin. Atmosphere. Sense. Then the passion. And the beasts flee caressed by the fire. And the innocent snake wakes up in the part of Cain. It is a rustle of dry leaves. Alt. Shot. The animal world has gone crazy. In her eyes. And her body is prey of madness. It’s a magical moment though. That lasts only a moment. Then it is silence. Pictures by Angelo Frontoni. Caption from November 1970 Playmen Italia. My scans.
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edgar-l-leonhart · 5 years ago
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Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to save Saga, right? Walked right into that Gluttony Foss ambush, same as us, and that Lustburg witch over there.
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sailoreuterpe · 2 years ago
“This is not my fault!” Louise says with her hands up as Logan stalks towards her, his briefcase dropping to the floor with an audible thud. “Look, you wanted a cat! Cats can climb things!”
The apartment is in shambles. Kuchi Kopi is zipping around, chasing Tic-Tac and barking wildly. Tic-Tac knocks over things on shelves and tables as she jumps around chaotically. Louise is positive that the large black cat is knocking some things over on purpose; a beast after her own ruinous heart.
Logan looks around in despair. Louise feels bad and looks guiltily at the open bag of green crumbles on the floor.
“I told you to get rid of the catnip Gene gave us!” Logan exclaims. The small yellow dog running about yips joyfully when Logan’s favorite Great-Board Figurine crashes to the ground. Tic-Tac purrs even as she continues her rampage. Luckily they don’t have anything particularly breakable out; Tina’s spawn precipitated that forethought.
Louise puts down her hands to clamp them to her hips. “Hey, I’m not a narc or a puritan. Let the kids have a little fun, right? As long as it’s at home!”
Logan puts his face in his hands and groans.
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bigboobyhalo · 3 years ago
bad (demon) and eryn (half-demon) played tic tac toe together the first time they met
hannah challenged tina (demon) to a game of tic tac toe and tina was REALLY good at it
I'm connecting the dots
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nparadox · 3 years ago
Ce am invatat despre mine in ultimul timp?
Astazi mi s-a propus sa fac un exercitiu util, un exercitiu de sinceritate si de realizare a unor lucruri. Printre lacrimile din ultimele zile, momente grele, durere, dar si un vid interior, am fost intrebat ce am invatat eu despre mine in ultimul timp. Ciudat e ca m-am tot intrebat singur asta, dar am evitat sa dau un raspuns.
Asadar, ce am invatat despre mine in ultimul timp?
Sunt atatea lucruri, incat mi-e frica ca o sa le pierd sirul si sigur o sa uit ceva.
Am invatat ca inima mea detine o sursa aproape interminabila de iubire, care, atunci cand este ingrijita, poate pompa si pentru doi, chiar daca nu e chiar intotdeauna sanatos. Am invatat ce inseamna o iubire asumata, sincera, dar si provocatoare. Port in inima o iubire de care nu stiam ca sunt capabil.
Am invatat ca intotdeauna este loc de mai bine, dar si ca totul are o limita. Am invatat sa descopar cand trebuie sa las spatiu si sa tac, dar si cand sa imbratisez si sa alung toate gandurile rele. Am invatat glume si replici noi, dar si o pasiune de care nu ma asteptam sa ma tina prea mult timp. Am invatat sa pretuiesc o prietenie, dar si sa lupt pana la abis pentru a o mentine.
De altfel, am invatat ca am o putere imbatabila atunci cand sunt motivat, cand iubesc. Oboseala isi pierde din efect, eforturile ce pareau altadata eforturi au devenit mici sarcini, iar ochii, ochii nu mint. Am observat ca viata nu este doar formata din provocari si obstacole, iar tinandu-ma de mana, le putem depasi fara probleme. Ochii mei au privit si privesc cu jind, cu dorinta, cu respect si onoare. Ochii mei deseori inocenti s-au dat de gol, iar toti mi-au vazut privirea.
  Am invatat ce inseamna DRS, rabdarea, fatalitatile, cum sa treci granita fraudulos, gustul calamarilor, dulceaga sangria, ca pot fi Printul din Dubai, dar si efectul razelor de luna asupra cizmelor de guma.
Ce m-a invatat iubirea in ultimul timp este ca deseori consistenta si constanta sunt niste lucruri care pot fi oferite atat de usor, atat de natural. Am invatat sa asigur, sa reasigur, prin metode diferite de prezenta mea, dorinta mea, aprecierea mea. Am invatat sa fiu si mai asumat, dar si matur. Am invatat sa rad, sa zambesc si sa cresc.
Am invatat sa fiu natural, sa ma adaptez si sa fiu comunicativ. Sa spun cand ma doare, sa spun cand imi doresc ceva, sa nu-mi fie rusine de sentimentele mele. Am invatat sa iubesc, sa construiesc si sa conduc cu o esarfa la ochi. Am invatat sa ies din zona mea de confort, sa descopar si sa fiu descoperit, centimentru cu centimetru.
Am invatat si observat ca ma tin de ce spun in cuvinte, de ce am promis. Sa muncesc, sa imping si sa lupt. Am invatat ca sunt un om intelegator, de cuvant si uneori pot simti starile celuilalt si sa incerc sa il ajut in acel sens. Am invatat ca deseori imi doresc prea mult si pun presiune care nu e neceara. Am invatat ca uneori dragostea nu este suficienta, iar acest lucru nu este un lucru atat de rau.
Am invatat, ca se poate munci impreuna, chiar daca sunteti firi diferite, temperamente diferite.
Am invatat ca viata e colorata, in culori frumoase de primavara, de vara. Am invatat sa ofer flori, sa caut zambetul, sa aud un raset. Am invatat ce inseamna victoria, dar si infrangerea. Am invatat sa accept un compliment fara sa cred ca e o minciuna. Am invatat ca uneori nu este o lupta in doi, in echipa, ci exista si lupte individuale.
Am invatat sa privesc in ochi, sa tin de mana, sa ma las sa fiu tinut de mana si sa merg inainte, umar la umar. Am invatat ca intotdeauna pot descoperi lucruri noi la mine, lucruri de care nici nu stiam ca sunt legat.
  Am invatat ca pot sa fiu si eu iubit de cineva, macar acum.
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talkingaboutabusearchive · 3 years ago
Anyway, you know the list I just posted of every single witness (minus the one whose testimony was stricken in the first week)? 
Below are the witnesses I find the least biased. What are my reasons for this?
Expert witnesses are ultimately paid by the side they’re representing. Each side can dismiss an expert whose findings don’t line up with what they want.
Friends, current or former, and family members are automatically biased, but I only erased them if they were testifying on the same side of their strongest relationship. That’s why Bruce Witkins remains on Heard’s list. 
Current or former employees are discounted with one exception:
Medical professionals who are not experts remain due to duty to report if they saw signs of DV. This includes private nurses and doctors. They could lose their license and jail time if they were found to be ignoring signs of abuse.
Anyone who worked with both parties remains 
WB, Disney, ACLU, and CHLA representatives remain. Their best interests for their respective organizations is to say as little as possible. 
Employees not employed directly by Depp or Heard remain because their paycheck doesn’t rest with either party.
LAPD remains simply because they too have a duty to report. This one still stings because ACAB and LAPD are especially notorious, but the bodycam footage doesn’t lie, so I feel confident in putting the officers on the list. This time. 
Tell me what you think of my reasons! 
Johnny Depp’s Witnesses 
Suit Witnesses  Brandon Patterson - ECB building manager Laurel Anderson - former couple’s counselor Dr. David Kipper - private doctor for Depp and Heard Debbie Lloyd - private nurse for Depp Melissa Saenz - LAPD police officer Tyler Hadden - LAPD police officer William Gatlin - LAPD police officer Alejandro Romero - ECB desk clerk Christine Carino - former talent agent for Depp and Heard Terrence Daugherty - ACLU COO and General Counsel Erin Boerum - Heard’s private nurse
Rebuttal Witnesses  Walter Hamada - Warner Bros president of DC films Dr. David Kulber - Depp’s orthopedic surgeon Candie Davidson-Goldbronn - CHLA representative Beverly Leonard - Sea-Tac employee
Amber Heard Witnesses
Countersuit Witnesses Bruce Witkin - Depp’s former friend Detective Marie Sadanaga - LAPD detective Tina Newman - Disney executive Dr. Alan Blaustein - Depp’s former psychiatrist
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sunnymenagerie · 3 years ago
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‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’: Oops…They Did It Again
While there were a few things that stood out during the second half of the season 14 premiere of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ so much was the same that it was kind of eerie how similar the two episodes ultimately were. Only the second batch was um…I just think there weren’t as many standouts for a final four placement as there was last week. However, this is only week one and nerves may have gotten the best of a queen that has so much more to show…
So entrance looks. Maddy Morphosis was our Willow Pill this week as she came through with a Guy Fieri-inspired outfit that was more camp than fashion, and had Tina Burner drooling in New York City. It may not have been something we lived for, but it’s one that we’re going to keep on talking about. Other than Maddy, the only one I’d write home about was Jorgeous because she just looked so damn beautiful. Again, nerves and maybe there is more to see?
With that, like the week before and the weeks that will follow - there is one queen who won’t be showing us anymore, and that’s Crystal Method’s lineage, Daya Betty. Goodbye to her Midwest rock and roll drag. I really thought from the Meet the Queens that she was going to be someone who went out more towards the middle but in a sea of dancing queens, an okay lip-sync was not going to cut it. So before Daya doesn’t fare well and the runway, we get another photoshoot, only this time the queens are in a giant bowl of Tic Tacs. Only before that, RuPaul delivers a rough around the edges performance pretending to be pissed about the size of an initial bowl.
Angeria Paris VanMicheals wins that but also takes home the big win thanks in part to nailing a performance to an original song, and a runway look that got more and more beautiful the longer you looked at it. I did think that because of their reaction to her look, Jasmine Kennedie was also a top contender for the win. I actually thought she was going to win…but then I got caught up in Angeria’s gown and she won me over. Jorgeous was another great performance but I agreed with the critiques from the judges overall about needing a bit more with the lip sync aspect of it all. Lady Camden did ballet in heels so..yeah, she impressed and I thought really showed a lot of personality in her runway.
Then there’s Maddy, the first straight guy to come through and when they first announced this I did not think that it’d get that much pushback, but it did. HOWEVER, I think Maddy won over a lot of the initial haters because bitch walked in as a dragified Guy Fieri, unlike Alyssa Hunter - actually played guitar, and had such a standout runway…shit. Maddy done did good. It’s clear how much Maddy loves the art form of it all, especially the camp realm but I am interested to see if Maddy can do other styles that require more polish and primer, and I know we’re going to be seeing her awhile.
If you’ve been following my rambling that go here, there, and everywhere you know that Angeria won by doing an original song. Kornbread did the same last week. The craftier queen, Daya Betty went home for falling flat both in the challenge and on the runway. This is what happened to the puppet master, Orion Story. As who sent these queens home? Two thick ass, beautiful ass queens. Yes, I saved this until the end because I wanted DeJa Skye to be the final queen I spoke about because while her talent wasn’t a touchdown, her runway…oh my fucking gawd. I had flashbacks to an outfit one of my Barbies had growing up and lived for every second she was in front of my eyes. Plus, she took what was possibly one of the most boring songs ever chosen for a lip sync and made it into something worth watching. I hated seeing her at the bottom, but I fully understood why because when it came down to it…All the dancers did great, Angeria killed it, and Maddy’s runway was as impressive as playing live - but thankfully she owned it and will be back next week. Also…doesn’t she make all her shit? That’s amazing. I’ll be thinking about that runway until next time when the two become one.
Season 14 Ranking from Top to Bottom now that we’ve seen all 14…based on their placements, talents, and looks far...
Angeria - Winning the mini and maxi put her over the edge
Kornbread - It would SHOCK me to not see her in the top four
Willow Pill - She came in underestimated but I think she could go as far as her kin, Yvie Oddly
Bosco - I clearly think we saw the top 4 the first week…
Kerri Colby - She has winner written on her face, but she'll need a bit more to wind up closer to the top
Maddy - Maddy did not come to play around
Jasmine - She has the drive but will her tank hit empty before the end?
Jorgeous - I think she’d come back on an All Stars and potentially win and even if she hits the bottom, her ass is dancing out of any predicament
Alyssa - Even when she was doing her air guitar…she still seemed too polished and it’s sometimes hard for queens like that to shake that off and get a little wild with it
Lady Camden - I hate to say it because I love her so but this is just based on all of the above
Deja - I do feel like she’s going to recover from a first episode bottom placement, and last a few more
June - The looks aren’t there…yet. This is a queen that will come back and we’ll be saying, “OH we thought she was serving before, think again…she’s baaaaack”
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disorder-rebel-store · 4 years ago
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These Girls
Ein Streifzug durch die feministische Musikgeschichte
Juliane Streich (Hg.)
Über prägende Role Models von den 1950ern bis heute Vor 50 Jahren forderte Aretha Franklin »Respect«, in den Neunzigern rebellierten die Riot Grrrls und heute vermarkten Superstars wie Beyoncé eine sexy Version des Feminismus. Die Charts sind voll mit weiblichen Stimmen, doch bleiben Festivalbühnen, Musikzeitschriften und Clubnächte männerdominiert. Dabei gibt es Role Models an jeder Ecke, in jedem Jahrzehnt, in dem Frauen zu Gitarre, Mikrofon oder DJ-Software griffen. Jede hat ihre eigenen Geschichten. Es geht um Selbstermächtigung, um Wut, um Gleichberechtigung, um Drugs and Rock’n’Roll, um Sex und Sexualität – und auch mal um Menstruation. Vor allem aber um Musik. Egal, ob Stimmen im Soul, Battles im Rap, Gitarrensoli im Rock, große Hits im Pop oder Tunes im Techno. Ganze Enzyklopädien könnten mit herausragenden Musikerinnen und weiblichen Bands vollgeschrieben werden. Dieses Buch ist eher vergnügliche Lektüre als Lexikon, doch gibt es einen vielseitigen Einblick in die feministische Musikgeschichte. In über 100 lehrreichen, kurzweiligen und persönlichen Texten schreiben Journalistinnen und Journalisten, Musikerinnen und Musiker, Fans und Freunde über Bands, die sie prägten, über Künstlerinnen, die den Feminismus eine neue Facette gaben, über Lieblingsplatten, Lebenswerke und Lieder, die sie mitgrölen – vom Klassiker bis zum Außenseitertipp. Françoise Cactus, Paula Irmschler, Franz Dobler, Jacinta Nandi, Klaus Walter, Christina Mohr, Bettina Wilpert, Linus Volkmann, Ebba Durstewitz, Andreas Spechtl, Jonas Engelmann, Diviam Hoffmann, Sven Kabelitz, Elke Wittich, Myriam Brüger und viele andere schreiben über Björk, Christina Aguilera, Bikini Kill, Billie Holiday, Alice Coltrane, ESG, Georgia Anne Muldrow, Kimya Dawson, Madonna, Patti Smith, Spice Girls, Terre Thaemlitz und viele weitere Künstlerinnen. +++ Der Titel ist ebenfalls als E-Book bei allen gängigen Online-Händlern erhältlich (u.a. bei www.Thalia.de / www.ebook.de / www.Amazon.de / www.Buecher.de / Apple iBooks). +++ Mit einem Spotify-Account könnt Ihr über folgenden Link in zahlreiche Songs von im Buch vorkommenden Künstlerinnen reinhören: https://open.spotify.com/user/9ah5nzktfzli5qpvcm2up0gym/playlist/4xj9rTFk4OJrP4hZ3DdjTA +++
Juliane Streich: Vorwort 1940/50er Jennifer Ressel: Édith Piaf Jasper Nicolaisen: Hildegard Knef Franz Dobler: LaVern Baker Sven Kabelitz: Nina Simone 1960er Eileen Reukauf: Joan Baez Klaus Walter: Aretha Franklin Anastasia Hartleib: Etta James Sven Kabelitz: Dusty Springfield Holger Adam: Delia Derbyshire Vera Kropf: Kathy Marshall und Chiyo Ishi Myriam Brüger: Shangri-Las Jan-Niklas Jäger: Lesley Gore Hannah Zipfel: Jackie Shane Elke Wittich: Marianne Faithful Frank Apunkt Schneider: Karen Carpenter Françoise Cactus: Nico Ebba Durstewitz: Laura Nyro Hans Plesch: Pauline Oliveros Tine Plesch: Janis Joplin Holger Adam: Joni Mitchell Holger Adam: Alice Coltrane Franz Dobler: Queen Esther Marrow Lutz Vössing: Karen Dalton 1970er Jonas Engelmann: Linda Perhacs Sabrina Marzell: Suzanne Ciani Stefan Glander: Yoko Ono Kuku Schrapnell: Marianne Rosenberg Wiebke Lohfeld: Limpe Fuchs Volker Barsch: Marcia Griffiths Shantala Hummler: Patti Smith Laura Schwinger: Flying Lesbians Christina Mohr: Debbie Harry Jana Sotzko: Poly Styrene Luise Vörkel: Tina Weymouth Laura Schwinger: Cosey Fanni Tutti Elke Wittich: Lydia Lunch Luise Vörkel: Kleenex/LiLiPUT Anna Seidel: Nina Hagen Franziska Reif: Siouxsie Sioux Philipp Theisohn: Wendy O. Williams Thomas Schröder: Kate Bush Viola Nordsieck: The Raincoats Kristof Maria Künssler-McIlwain: Mo-Dettes Jan Dieske: Hans-A-Plast Frank Apunkt Schneider: The Roches André Kalnassy: Eve Libertine Katharina Grabowski: The Slits Sven Kabelitz: Annie Lennox 1980er Christina Mohr: The Go-Go’s Franziska Reif: Tamara Danz Sandra und Kerstin Grether: Annette Humpe Jana Marie Sand: Girlschool Klaus Walter: Rainy Day Women Britta Tekotte: Laurie Anderson Sigrid Fahrer: Bangles Kerstin Petermann: Neneh Cherry Katharina Grabowski: ESG Frank Apunkt Schneider: Vital Disorders Jasper Nicolaisen: Björk Maurice Summen: Anne Dudley Juliane Streich: Kim Gordon Sarah Held: Cyndi Lauper Didi Neidhart: Madonna Jonas Engelmann: Phranc Anna Seidel: Françoise Cactus Julie Miess: Cristina Martinez Luise Vörkel: Kim Deal Linus Volkmann: Yeastie Girlz Klaus Walter: Dorothy Benjamin Moldenhauer: Carla Bozulich 1990er Sophie Rüesch: PJ Harvey Tobias Prüwer: Hole Christina Gehrlein: Lassie Singers Julia Lorenz: Thee Headcoatees Franziska Reif: Tori Amos Sophie Nikoleit: Bikini Kill Julian Weber: Christina Billotte Tijan Sila: Red Aunts Vina Yun: Nicolette Sarah Ulrich: Terre Thaemlitz Anastasia Hartleib: Lauryn Hill André Kalnassy: Marusha Benjamin Moldenhauer: Team Dresch Atlanta Ina Beyer: Bernadette La Hengst Christina Gehrlein: Sleater-Kinney Birte Fritsch: Skunk Anansie Jana Sotzko: Portishead Juliane Streich: Peaches Tina Manske: Róisín Murphy Aiko Kempen: Tic Tac Toe Claudia Euen: Cat Power Jan-Niklas Jäger: Sia Myriam Brüger: Hanayo Lea Matica: Brody Dalle Susann Brueckner: Kimya Dawson Jacinta Nandi: Spice Girls Lutz Vössing: Anne Rolfs Lea Espinoza Garrido: Beyoncé Didi Neidhart: Missy Elliott Lisa Rölle: Laura Jane Grace Bettina Wilpert: Tegan and Sara Tobias Prüwer: Kittie Paula Irmschler: Christina Aguilera Sophie Nikoleit: Le Tigre Andreas Spechtl: Britta Katja Röckel: Kevin Blechdom Hengameh Yaghoobifarah: Beth Ditto 2000er Safi: Karin Elisabeth Dreijer Steffen Greiner: Anohni Frédéric Valin: Gustav Steffen Greiner: Ellen Allien Gianni Düx: Joanna Newsom Yannik Gölz: Janelle Monáe Jeannine Baillieu: M.I.A. Caroline Kraft: Amanda Palmer Anastasia Hartleib: Georgia Anne Muldrow Dirk Dullmeier: Marisa Anderson Sebastian Ingenhoff: Rihanna Sarah Ulrich: Lady Bitch Ray Martha Röckel: Sookee Charlotte Theile: Taylor Swift Diviam Hoffmann: Ebony Bones Nhi Le: Nicki Minaj Didi Neidart: Lady Gaga 2010er Yannik Gölz: Grimes Patrycja Mas?owska: Austra Julia Lorenz: Die Heiterkeit Sandra Grether: FaulenzA Du Pham: Lana Del Rey Yannick Gölz: SOPHIE Kerstin Petermann: Doctorella Pablo Dominguez: Ebow Juliane Streich: Half Girl Felix Riedel: Princess Nokia Philipp Theisohn: Ashtar Sabrina Marzell: ShitKid Diviam Hoffmann: Jamila Woods Anna-Leena Lutz: Dream Wife Kristof Maria Künssler-McIlwain: Camp Cope
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cowboygrantaire · 5 years ago
@octopunkmedia 's Detroit Evolution characters as vines
Gavin: How do you know what's good for me?
Nines: Do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, Gavin?
Gavin: No
Chris: I do
Nines: I know, Chris
Chris: I'm sad
Nines: I know, Chris
Tina: *Sees Gavin and Nines together* Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay ;)
Nines: You ready to fucking die!?
Gavin: How much money do you have?
Chris: 69 cents
Gavin: Ah, you know what that means
Chris: I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets :((
Nines: *Approaches bully* GRRRRRR
Gavin: It don't bite
Nines: *glares*
*Reed900 kiss happening*
Chris: Oh my god they were roommates
Tina: Gav, look, it's the good kush
Gavin: This is the dollar store, how good can it be
Nines: Go put those android spare parts back
Lazzo: You can't make me do ANYTHING *lays down on the floor and slides away*
Tina: Who's the hottest Uber driver you ever had?
Chris: Um I never went to Oovoo Javer
Nines: Release all of the sounds that are trapped in your mind
Ada: *demonic screech*
Someone: Hey, how much you pay for that taco?
Lazzo: Ey, you know dis boi's got his free tac- *falls and drops taco*
161 notes · View notes
staticscreenwriting · 6 years ago
All you have to be is here - Part 3
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Synopsis: Billy has fucked up and has to do 60 days of community service at a home for troubled kids and youth. Working with the kids there makes him learn a lot about himself. Also there’s a girl there his age who’s smile is phenomenal and who is way too nice to him.
I guess I should mention there’s a lot of angst in this. Talk of substance abuse later on, physical abuse, emotional abuse. All that kind of gnarly real life stuff. It deals with kids and teens struggling with a a shitty family life so be aware of that.
Part 3 of ?
Part 1 // Part 2 //
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.  I’ll make a header image at some point.]
I never really ever felt so adored before Never really ever felt this type of vulnerable Don’t have to hide, don’t have to fear All you have to be is here Never really ever felt so adored before And I said I wanna feel like this forever Even if forever’s just for now We’re on fire, let us burn As the outside world, it turns We are here and alive In our corner of time Forevermore
The rain knocks heavily against the windows of (Y/N)’s flat as Billy slowly strolls around the living room. 
“ Feel free to put on some music, there should be a tape in the player “ (Y/N) hollers from the bathroom. The door is slightly ajar and Billy can just about catch a glimpse of her lathering her lips in a bright red color. 
There’s a cassette player on a side table, next to some books and some picture frames. It’s held together by entirely too many pieces of shiny grey duct tape. Billy wonders just how well this thing is still working. Then again, he of all people, should be the expert on broken things working just fine.
As he presses play the opening chords of Bennie and the Jets start filling the room, making Billy screw up his face in disapproval. 
“ Elton John ? “ he asks, raising his voice a little to make himself heard over the music.
“ Fuck yeah, he’s a musical genius. This song is so catchy. “ 
He’s about to skip the song, hoping the next one to be something more suitable to his taste, when he sees her through the crack of the open door. She’s dancing along to the song, mouthing the words and shaking her hips as her hands work on styling her hair.
He stops himself, keeps the song on, if only to see her move like that. She’s cute and who is he to deny himself the pleasure of seeing a cute girl dance. And to deny her the pure joy of listening to a song she likes.
His eyes drift towards one of the picture frames, it’s made of dark wood and it looks quite heavy. In the picture there’s a little girl with a bright smile and a gap between her front teeth. Those eyes staring back at him, he’s seen before. He looks at them every time he arrives at HHTCY. She looks happy in this picture, there’s a bunch of daisies in her hair and she’s holding onto a popsicle. Next to her is a woman who has the same hair color and the same smile and she looks at the little girl with an adoration he’s hardly ever seen in a person before. 
“ That’s my mom. I mean — it’s pretty obvious but yeah. That’s her, “ (Y/N) speaks up from beside him. She’s all done up, her lips a cherry red color and her hair styled to perfection. She looks great, he thinks. Then again, she is naturally that pretty so this shouldn’t be a surprise really. 
There’s a lot Billy wants to say then, most of all he wants to ask what happened. To the happy girl in the picture and the mother that looked at her with love that is almost palpable through a photograph. You don’t ask people that though. You don’t ask people why they used to be happy and why they aren’t anymore. The woman in the picture though, she doesn’t look like someone who’s kid would have themself emancipated at 15. It looks like another life all together. 
Billy wonders if his mom ever looked like someone who’d abandon her family. Who’d leave her son with a cruel cruel man. A man she knew was gonna turn her son into a monster. He wonders if other people saw that in her, a woman who’d run. He didn’t. Maybe he was just too young or maybe he just didn’t want to see it. Or maybe mom was just good at hiding the person she truly was. A quitter. Not a mother after all.
The unshakable truth is that she’s gone god knows where and he’s not going to find an answer to any of his questions so it’s best to lock those thoughts up in a chest and bury them deep inside himself where no one can find them and none of it can hurt him. Not anymore. 
“ You ready to go ? “ he asks, trying to steer the conversation into another direction. Any other direction.
- OOO -
Tina Warren lives at the end of a cul-de-sac. Her light blue house with the white columns and the big front lawn stands proudly in a sea of several other houses that look exactly the same. Like little doll houses mass produced for the perfect suburban family to spend their perfect life in these walls. Billy thinks it’s a bit ironic. He knows that Tina’s dad fucks his secretary and that her mother throws back diet pills and painkillers as if they’re tic-tac. 
But it’s alright, right ? As long as the lawn is exactly the height it’s supposed to be and the paint on the door doesn’t chip and everyone is smiling. God, all of this is so fucking fake. It all feels artificial and wrong. Plasticy. As if someone took the town and replaced all the residents with barbie copies of themselves.
“ Is this Tina’s house ? “ (Y/N) voice janks him from his thoughts.
“ Yeah. You know Tina ? “ 
“ I mean, I don’t know her personally “ (Y/N) replies and shrugs her shoulders making the slightly too big denim jacket slide down her arm a little, “ I’ve heard of her though. Her uh — skills are quite talked about. Also I’ve been to a party here before. Don’t think I ever talked to her though. “ 
Tina Warren thinks her pussy is magic. Thinks that once she sleeps with a guy it inevitably turns him into a lovesick fool for her. That, he knows, is bullshit. It’s not as magical as she thinks it is and everyone is either too nice or too desperate to tell her otherwise. And really, he respects her for her decisions in a way. People, Billy believes, should be able to fuck whoever they want if no one gets hurt in the process and both parties are willing participants. He just hates the fact that Tina makes a big deal out of nothing. Hell, she showed up at his fucking house when he didn’t call her back after — well afterwards.
The house is filled with people, most of them Billy recognizes from passing them in the hallways or staring at the back of their heads during class. None of them are his friends though. He had friends in California. Real ones. Ones that — that tried to see the good in him. That knew and wholeheartedly believed there was a person in him that wasn’t just the monstrous creation of his father’s rage. 
He had friends. Past tense. None of them called since he’s moved here so he assumes the don’t care so much anymore. 
As he walks through the house, (Y/N) on his heels, he can feel the crowd’s eyes on him. When he first arrived here, he thrived at the admiration. He liked when the girls threw themselves into his arms and how the guys seemed to look up to him. The novelty of it all has worn off a while ago though. Now it’s a nuisance. The guy they all seem to admire ? That guy is an absolute asshole and Billy hates him. Though that’s the role he’s played since a very young age, since he was left to face his nightmare all alone. That guy is tough, he’s cold and bulletproof. 
If that’s the guy he needs to be to survive, it’s who he will be. Doesn’t mean that’s who he wants to be though.
He maneuvers his way into the kitchen which is way less crowded. As he takes a beer from the counter he can tell why, they’re lukewarm. Disgusting. 
“ This is honestly the worst punch I ever had “ (Y/N) exclaims and Billy looks up at her, standing by the bowl of punch, red solo cup in her hand.
“ Beer is lukewarm “ 
“ Ok great so it’s either pisswarm beer or terribly mixed punch. So much to chose from “ (Y/N) chuckles before grabbing one of the beer cans. 
“ I’d rather drink this than whatever that concoction pretends to be. Whoever mixed that has no taste buds, I swear “ 
As if on cue, Tommy storms through the door, throwing his arms up above his head all the while sloshing his drink everywhere. “ Hargrove ! “ 
“ Tommy. “ 
“ Hey man, have you tried my punch yet ? It’s real fuel, my man. Real fuel. “ 
Tommy’s punch, huh ? That explains a lot. Where Tommy is loyal to those he thinks will benefit him, he is dense as a poundcake. 
“ Dude this punch sucks. “ 
Tommy turns towards (Y/N), who he hadn’t seemed to notice just a minute ago and now she was occupying his full attention.
“ Who are you ? “ 
“ (Y/N), who are you ? “ 
“ Tommy ?!” 
“ You say this as if I’m supposed to know. Either way, Tommy, your punch tastes disgusting. “ 
Tommy looks at Billy as if asking for help which only earns him an indifferent shrug from the boy. 
“ It’s not. I uh — I’ve only heard good things before. People like it. “ 
“ Or they just don’t wanna hurt your feelings. Taste it man, it’s shit. “ 
To Billy’s surprise, Tommy actually walks towards the bowl and pours himself a cup of punch only to screw up his face in disgust at the first taste of the sugary liquid.
“ You might have a point. “ 
“ What did you put in there ?” 
“ Uh — everything. “ 
“ Everything ? “ Billy asks, inserting himself into the conversation for the first time since it started.
“ Yeah. Just poured in whatever I could find in my dad’s liquor cabinet. Rum, Vodka, cointreau. “ 
“ Jesus christ “ Billy scoffs and takes another sip of the lukewarm bear.
“ Thomas my friend, maybe you should let other people handle the punch next time. Or at least stick to one kind of alcohol “ 
Tommy nods and reaches for a can of beer “ I guess. “ 
As he leaves the kitchen, Billy can’t suppress the chuckle leaving his lips. 
“ He’s not usually this reasonable when I tell him he’s being a dumbass. “ 
“ Probably because you tell him he’s a dumbass. Also you’re not nearly as cute as me. “ 
She has a point there. Not that he’s ever going to admit it. But she does have a point.
“ Ah shit “ (Y/N) cuts in before Billy can even reply to her comment.
He follows her eyes towards a group of people entering the house. Two of them he’s never seen and the other one is Keith Kinsella. Keith is rich, that’s all Billy knows. He’s rich and his mother drives a Porsche that he gets to borrow every once in a while. 
“ What are we looking at ? “ Billy asks, unable to figure out the shift in mood just then.
“ Keith “ 
“ Why are we looking at Keith ? “ 
“ He’s my ex boyfriend and I don’t wanna have to socialize with him. “ 
That is something Billy hasn’t expected. Keith is so — so Keith. He is one of Hawkins typical rich kids who seem to think a bad hair day is the end of all things. A kid who seems so fundamentally different to (Y/N).
“ Keith ? Keith Kinsella. “ 
“ Look I am not judging your taste in girls, alright. I — he was nice. Then he fucking cheated on me like the pig he is. That’s how I know people from Hawkins High. Keith introduced them to me when we were together. Even introduced me to his other girl, although I didn’t know at that point that that was what she was. I gotta get outta here. “ 
“ You wanna leave ? “ 
“ Nah. I just need to get some air. Just — just come find me when you’ve got enough of this. “ 
With that she finishes her beer and grabs another can before rushing towards the back patio doors leading outside where the rain had stopped a while ago.
Billy tries to mingle, tries to enjoy his night. It just all feels wrong. Like the shine has washed off and all that he’s left with is a dull hollow feeling. All these people don’t give a shit about him and he doesn’t care about them either. It’s nothing personal, really. If this was another life where time hadn’t made him numb and bitter, maybe he’d be friends with a bunch of them. It’s not a different life though. It is here and now. 
He moves around the party clouded in a haze. It’s like for the first time since he’s arrived he finally sees his situation for what it is. A desperate measure to cope with his emotional turmoil. He doesn’t like these people, the music sucks, the punch is toxic and the beer is lukewarm. And when before he could push all those thoughts to the side, he can’t do that any longer. Whatever has shifted in him makes him painfully aware that none of his coping mechanisms work anymore. There’s no desire in him to drink his pain away, to fuck a random girl and forget about life for a short moment. He just wants the world to stop for a single second. To be able to breathe. 
It’s about an hour later that he steps onto the back patio, the same beer still clutched in his hand. It’s a warm night and he should be able to see the stars though the backyard is illuminated by all kinds of fancy garden lights and he can hardly make out a single star. He wonders if rich people like the Warren’s just don’t give a shit about trivial stuff like looking at the stars. Maybe the artificial light means more to them. He wonders if they know what they’re missing out on. 
There have been countless night, back when things were — different. Nights that Billy has spent in his back garden sitting beside his mom and looking at the night sky. And she would tell him stories about all the different constellations. Looking back now, half of her stories were probably made up bullshit, but Billy liked them anyway. They always fascinated him. It felt like the world was so much bigger than he could even begin to grasp. He truly believed there was more out there than the tiny house he was stuck in, where anger lived and sadness and yelling. Always yelling.
Now the sky is just a sky and stars are just stars and made up stories don’t give him hope. Looking at the sky now makes him feel very small. Very insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
(Y/N) sits at the end of the patio, legs tucked beneath her, can of beer by her side.
“ You alright with some company ? “ 
“ The company you ? “ 
“ Mmh. “ 
“ Then sure. Sit down. “ 
They don’t talk for a moment, just take in what lies before them. A lawn that looks like a carpet it’s that neatly cut. It’s bordered by perfectly symmetrical hedges and at the far end of the garden there’s a wooden pedestal that proudly presents the family’s own hot tub. 
“ Do you think people live here ? “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
“ I mean — “ (Y/N) starts then takes a breath as if considering her words carefully “ — do you see people actually going about their lives here. Pigging out on chinese takeout on their white suede couch and having a water balloon fight on this lawn ? “ 
“ Not really no.” 
Because it’s a fucking doll’s house. A movie set. People put on a show. They always do. 
“ Me neither. I know I am always wishing for better things. A better job, a better apartment, a better car. But honestly, looking at this makes me cherish what I have. Maybe materialistic things really aren’t all that matters. “ 
“ I like your apartment. “ 
He really does. It’s so unapologetically her. She’s present in every corner and every crack. Her personality floods the halls and makes them — hers. And he is forever envious of that. 
“ Yeah ? Well the couch is yours whenever you feel like staying over. “ 
Being welcomed into someone’s life is a weird feeling that Billy has entirely forgotten about until just now. He’s so used to being a footnote in someone else’s life that it makes him feel strange when someone deliberately and consciously chooses to welcome him into theirs. 
“ Your cat needs to learn how to respect personal space first. “ he laughs but really he already looks forwards to sleeping on her tiny couch again.
“ Can’t believe you dated Keith Kinsella of all people. He’s — he’s Keith.” 
“ Yeah so ? “ 
“ You ever met a single guy called Keith who didn’t turn out to be a complete dumbass ? Like a massive fucking idiot ? Have you ever met a single Keith you could trust ? “ Billy asks, raising his eyebrows in question.
(Y/N) screws up her face in confusion for a moment then shrugs her shoulders “ I guess you have a point. “ 
“ I always do, babe. “ 
“ Do you huh ? Well I’ve never met a William I could trust before either. “ 
“ Good thing no one ever calls me that. It might as well not be my name, honestly. William is a little kid somewhere in California, chasing seagulls by a beach and listening to his parents argue. I’m Billy. Just Billy. “ 
“ Well, “ (Y/N) exclaims and pushes herself to her feet before reaching out his hand “ I think just Billy is a pretty decent guy. So does just Billy wanna get the fuck outta here ? “ 
When he takes her hand, the world for a small moment feels like it allows him to breathe. So he takes a breath wishing things could feel like this forever.
- OOO -
After assuring her multiple times that he’s only had half a lukewarm beer and is okay to drive, Billy and (Y/N) cruise around Hawkins for a while with no place to go, no direction, no destination. 
That’s until (Y/N) makes him stop by a gas station and wait in the car as she goes inside. She doesn’t answer any questions about why and what but honestly, Billy doesn’t care. He’s just glad to be spending time with someone that a) doesn’t hate his guts and b) isn’t so dull and boring it makes him want to bash his head against a wall repeatedly. 
A glance at the clock in his car tells him that it’s just a few minutes to midnight. How ironic. A gas station of all places huh ? It’s weirdly fitting.
(Y/N) hurries back into the car, a small plastic bag clutched in her hand.
“ What’d you get there ? Condoms ? “ 
“ No you asshole. I’ll show you in — a minute and 12 seconds. “ 
“ That’s weirdly specific. “ 
“ Uh-huh. Well can you do me a favor and close your eyes for a moment. ? “ 
“ Why ?” 
“ Billy, “ she says and looks at him in that specific “just do it” kinda way that girls have perfected over the course of time “ can you just do as I tell you, please. Trust me! “ 
Trust. It’s been a while since Billy trusted a person. And that turned out to be a complete shit-show. So for a second he hesitates. Though as he looks at (Y/N) and the honesty in her eyes he can’t help himself but close his. Can’t help himself but to trust her.
She fumbles around with the bag for a moment then the clicking sound of a lighter echoes through the car. “ If you burn my car you’re toast. “
“ I’m not an idiot. Okay turn around — now “ 
The car is illuminated by the shine of a single candle stuck onto a Twinkie. (Y/N) smiles the biggest smile he’s seen her smile in — well ever since they met. 
“ Happy Birthday, just Billy. “ 
Billy Hargrove turns 18 years old in the parking lot of a gas station while some shitty pop songs plays on the radio and a girl he hardly knows hands him a birthday cake substitute made out of a Twinkie and a pink birthday candle. 
Billy thinks this is probably the best birthday he’s had in a while. 
“ How do you know it’s my birthday ? “ 
“ Told you I read your file “ she laughs and nods towards the Twinkie “ make a wish. I have approximately 12 seconds until the wax starts dripping onto my hands so — please. “ 
Looking at the candle, Billy remembers the first Birthday wish he’s ever consciously made. He remembers it so vividly because it’s been the same one ever since. He was 5 and mom had gotten him a really cool race car themed cake from the grocery store. It was white and red and yellow and there were lighting bolts on it and a toy car. He loved that cake, thought it was so cool.
He remembers sitting by the kitchen table, cake stood before him, candles burning. He remembers looking up at his mom who smiled with a smile that rivaled the sun in its radiance. Then his eye drifted towards Neil. Neil and his ever present scowl. His inability to show even the smallest amount of compassion. Of love.
5 year old Billy closed his eyes and blew out the candles wishing one thing and one thing only. To never become his father. 
As he looks up at (Y/N) and her smile and her gorgeous eyes he thinks that maybe it’s time for a new wish. So instead of wishing to not become Neil, he wishes to be Billy. Just Billy. A better version of the person he is right now. One capable of great things. One worthy of being loved. 
A version of himself that deserves (Y/N). 
Billy looks back down at the Twinkie. It’s probably the best present he’s received since his mom has left. And that says a lot because he hates Twinkies.
But it’s a present given to him solely because (Y/N) thought it would make him happy. Because she wants to let him know she’s thought of him on his birthday. 
Whenever he gets presents from Neil, for his birthdays or Christmas, they come with scowls. They’re empty gestures that are meant to keep up the image of a perfectly normal, perfectly happy family. They’re usually accompanied by a talk about how disappointing Billy’s been lately. 
Presents are not fun in the Hargrove household. They’re reminders to keep the image up. Reminders that things could be so much worse. Only could they really ?
“ Do you not like it ? “ (Y/N) questions.
He doesn’t think there’s words to express just how much he likes it. Not the Twinkie but the gesture.
So he doesn’t say anything. He pulls her closer and kisses the top of her head. As if he’s known her all his life. 
Maybe that doesn’t matter though. Maybe all it needs is a few days for someone to become an important part of your life. Time is relative anyway, isn’t it ? Time doesn’t fucking matter. 
“ No I love it. Thank you, (Y/N)”.
For everything.
- OOO -
The skies open up again at exactly 1:34. Billy looks at the clock just when the rain starts pouring down on them. They’ve spent the last hour and a half munching on various snacks (Y/N) has purchased at the gas station and talking about various people from their High schools. 
“ What about Tina then ? “ 
“ What about her ? “ (Y/N) answers around a bite of an oreo cookie.
“ What’s your take on her ? “ 
She shrugs “ I guess she’s kinda unconventional compared to some other girls around, like — I don’t know, Nancy Wheeler ? But I mean, good for her. Right ? If that makes her happy who am I to judge her for that. She seems fine with how things are going and I think that’s respectable. “ 
“ Alright. I agree. “
“ Course you do, you fucked her. “ 
“ Maybe I didn’t “ 
(Y/N) only raises her eyebrow.
“ Ok, yeah I did. “ 
“ I’m jealous of Tina. “ (Y/N) confesses, looking at the raindrops racing each other down the windows. 
“ Because I had sex with her ? “ Billy questions, unable to keep the smirk of his lips.
“ No. No not because of that. I — I envy the way she gets to experience things. She just does things. She’s fearless. She doesn’t constantly have to question herself about every little thing she does. You know ? She gets to try things out and properly figure out who she is. “ 
“ And you don’t ? “ 
“ I’ve been living on my own since I was 15 and even before, things were — difficult. I don’t have the comfort, the stability to try stuff and figure things out as I go. I have to pay rent, I have to keep my job and make sure my grades are up so I get to keep living the way I do right now. I have to be a responsible adult. There’s no room for me to mess up and make mistakes and learn from them. I always have to have a plan and stick to it and make sure that I do things right the first time. I don’t have parents to fall back on when I fuck up. Sometimes I feel like this whole situation, the emancipation and all that is more restrictive than it is liberating. Sure, I’m good with how things are I just — envy people who get to be teens during their teen years. Who get to mess up and not fear that the consequences might ruin their life. “ 
He’s never thought of it like that. Ever since she has told him about her situation he’s been nothing but envious of her. But this is a whole new perspective and for the first time Billy realizes that maybe not everything in her life is as great as it seems. 
“ Olivia Newton-John “
“ What ? “ 
“ You asked me about my childhood crush the other day. It was Olivia Newton-John. Mom had me watch Grease one day and I — pow. Little Billy didn’t know what hit him but it hit him hard. “ 
“ She’s pretty. “ 
“ Yeah, but I’m more of a Michelle Pfeiffer kinda guy these days. “ 
“ You’re ridiculous is what you are “ she says with a smile. He decided then that her smile if probably one of the best smiles he’s seen in his 18 years on this earth.
“ Hey Billy ? “ 
“ Hmm ? “ 
“ Do you wanna stay on my couch tonight ? I just — it’s your birthday and I don’t want you to be sad or go home to a situation that doesn’t make you feel completely and utterly happy. Because that’s how you should feel on your birthday. I’ll even make you pancakes and bacon. “ 
He doesn’t need pancakes or bacon. All he needs is a place where he’s wanted. That’s all he needs to be happy and that is just what she’s willing to give. 
“ I’d love to. “ 
- OOO -
As Billy settles down on her couch, he can hear (Y/N) softly humming along to the radio while getting ready for bed. 
It’s that annoying “Only You” song playing, the Alison Moyet version. Though with (Y/N) singing along while wiping makeup from her face, it’s suddenly way less annoying.
“ Have you ever thought about doing that for a living ? “ Billy asks, hoping she can hear him over the music and into the other room.
“ Taking off my makeup ? “ 
“ Singing. “ 
“ Oh I — oh no. I have to pay rent remember. Can’t be going out there chasing dreams that don’t come true anyway. “ 
It breaks his heart a little, to hear her say that. It’s not like Billy has a bunch of big dreams he wants to accomplish but he also doesn’t have a talent that lends itself as the basis of big dreams. Back when he was really young he always wanted to be a professional surfer but that dream was squashed when mom left and he hasn’t been on a board since. Sometimes he wonders if he’s even still able to surf properly. 
“ I think you should. You sound good ! “ 
“ Even when singing cheesy pop songs you don’t like ? “ she teases. 
“ Don’t be annoying — but yes, even then “ 
Especially then, he thinks, because she makes them less cheesy and entirely more bearable. He keeps that to himself though.
“ Alright, whatever you say. “ she brushes him off with a smile and goes back to cleaning her face though he swears once she continues she sings just a bit louder.
- OOO - 
The racoon is staring at him. He’s 100% sure. It’s staring right into his soul. Dr. K is ramblingon about one thing or another but all Billy can focus on is the stupid taxidermy racoon and the fact that his little beady glass eyes seem to be able to swallow him whole and figure out his deepest darkest secrets.
“ Billy ? “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
“ I said I would like to talk to you about your community service. How do you like it ? Please talk me through a typical day of yours. “ 
Billy pulls his glance away from the critter and towards the doctor before him. It’s his second session and he really wants to be here just as little as he did the first time. It’s not like he’s gonna pour his heart out to this guy anytime soon. To Billy this is a waste of both their time.
“ I get there, we usually set up some things for either arts and crafts or some other group activity. We sit there during those and listen, sometimes I don’t listen I’ll be honest. Afterwards we clean up. Then we have lunch. Then we — “ 
“ Let me interrupt you there “ Dr. K says moving his too big glasses down the bridge of his too big nose. “ You keep saying we. Who is the other person involved ?  “
“ (Y/N) “ 
“ And (Y/N) is … ? “
He doesn’t want to talk about (Y/N). Not because she’s not important or because he’s ashamed or anything. But (Y/N) is the one good thing in his life right now his — his friend ? She gets him. She understands and most of all she doesn’t judge. He doesn’t want to share any of that with Dr. K or anyone else. This is his little piece of happiness and he’s not ready to show it to the world.
“ She’s just (Y/N) “. 
And that’s all she ever has to be.
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mcmansionhell · 6 years ago
2018 McGingerbread Hell Competition Winners
Happy New Year, Folks! I’m pleased to announce the winners of this (past) year’s McGingerbread Hell Gingerbread House Competition!!
First off, I cannot find the words to say how much joy each and every entry to this competition has brought me. Every single one of the participants put their 100% best McMansion Hell face on and the results were charming, hilarious, and, if we’re being punny here, downright sweet. This may be the best idea this blogger has ever had. 
Second, let me say that the when I say the competition was fierce, I mean, it was fierce. So much so that I drafted the fellow judgement of two of my favorite colleagues, my literary agent Caroline Eisenmann, and fellow architecture critic/Editor of Chicago Architect Magazine Anjulie Rao to help me narrow the 43 contestants down to 8. 
Just a note: Last names of the winners have been abbreviated for privacy reasons. If you would like your full name to be published instead, please email [email protected] with your preferred name. 
We’re going to start our line up with the 5 honorable mentions in alphabetical order, after which there will be a break to take those of you scrolling through this on the dashboard to the full article where the top 3 McMansions will be revealed. 
Without further ado... 
Honorable Mention #5 : Manoir de emporte-pièce by Anya D.
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The judges were impressed by the whimsy, creativity and finely detailed execution of Anya’s house. Caroline summed it up best: “what else is a McMansion if not a bunch of smaller houses wrapped into one package?” 
Anya writes: 
Hi I'm Anya and I'm 12. I made my Gingerbread house from Gingerbread I mixed and baked myself. The house shapes came from a cookie cutter. It's held together with royal icing frosting I made. The shingles are almonds and the house off to the side is the dog house and has candy dog bones on it. The "lights" on parts of it are candy balls. I hope you like it!
Honorable Mention #4: AMAZING Custom Home with Quality Features by Sydney E.
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The judges were impressed by the house’s fine craftsmanship, attention to detail (especially the peppermint columns, the gumdrop crenellations, and the chandelier in the back) and great sense of humor. Anjulie remarked: “Love the inclusion of the nuclear family.” What really had us in stitches was Sydney’s wonderfully rich description, especially this part:
 “...You'll know you're living in the lap of luxury when you see the ENORMOUS GOLD CHANDELIER in the dining room. But it's the ROOFTOP PATIO with no discernible purpose or point of entry that will really set you apart from your neighbors. "Hey, how did you get up there?" they'll ask, but you're not telling (mysterious!). The landscaping will make you feel like you're in the countryside, in a sea of royal icing TURF GRASS (shown here, lightly dusted with coconut snow). The FOUR TREES on the property are either too far from the house to provide any shade (stately!) or extremely close to the house and actively obscuring at least one window (posh!). The entire house, the front walk, and the driveway are all bordered in royal icing ENGLISH IVY, which is definitely never going to be a problem for native plants (colonial!).”
Honorable Mention #3: Suburban Hobbit House by Jennifer K. & Cara M.
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The judges were impressed by the difficulty of execution in Jennifer and Cara’s house, especially the dome, the cleverness of using almonds as cladding, and the hilariously barren “asphalt” lawn complete with soul patch. Kate remarked: “Pretty sure I saw this exact house in Bergen County, New Jersey.”
Jennifer and Cara wrote about their house: 
Made of solid gingerbread in shape of skulls (had the pans), graham crackers, lots of icing, nuts, chocolate, a candy cane, grape tic-tacs, decorator sprinkles, butter-rum Lifesavers, fondant, Tootsie Rolls, and a loaf of rosemary bread. Round center mass house with back porch nub, two wings, a charming turret. We totally meant for it to look this way.
Honorable Mention #2: European Charme by Núria O. 
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The judges were very impressed with the fine detailing (such as the columns, balustrades, and front door), the crisp, clean execution of the design, and total commitment to the McMansion Aesthetic™ from front to rear, including the completely barren lawn. 
Núria describes the house in finely practice Realtor-ese:
Beautiful gazillion-square-feet chalet featuring lots of personality and European flair. This cozy 4-bedroom, 10-bathroom cottage is made of sturdy construction-grade tan-beige gingerbread from top to bottom. Roof plates are structurally tinted, not painted, ensuring a durable color that will last until the last crumble is eaten. Windows glazing is made of gelatine sheets coated with black-coloured blueberry jam to ensure privacy as you lounge by the bay window or enjoy the views from the beautiful faux-balcony. 
All doors are solid gum paste, with royal icing on all window frames as well as the balustrade. This home is ideal for entertaining, with its luxurious two-story entrance featuring genuine Spanish _neula_ columns with doric capitals, ornated pediment and a quaint half-tindered wall that gives true European _charme_. Utilities are housed in a lovely turret next to the service door. The garage accomodates two SUVs or six European sedan cars. The magnificent brown-sugar-paved front yard features icing plants and a signature landscaped crushed-sprinkle turf patch on cookie soil. The same type of grass was used in the large, sunny backyard which also has a patio area.
Honorable Mention #1: Existential Crisis on 34th Street by Caitlin R. 
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The judges were very impressed by the house’s clever use of different baking materials and attention to detailing, especially in the icing work. Kate was especially excited by the rounded gingerbread turret, and Anjulie loved the “Existential Crisis” detail and monumental marshmallow columns. The description had Caroline especially in stitches.
Caitlin describes the house:
This nine-bedroom mansion is made from the most exquisite of gingerbreads. Lovingly handmade from scratch, and crafted by local artisans, it's ready for your own sweet family. Grecian inspired columns impose your might on the neighborhood, while a pebble-clad tower with bay windows adds a touch of country charm. Architectural details include a 'stonework' wall and chimney, sweet dormer windows, and a luxurious back porch. A myriad of windows let light into this expanded historic house - the original building dates all the way back to 1982! Come by today, and soon you'll be calling this three-and-a-half story, Greco-Chateauesque Italian Revival Americana, 18,600 square foot mansion - home!
It all comes down to this. It was stiff competition through and through, and the judges deliberated long and hard about who the top 3 spots should go to. Each house showed tremendous ability in craftsmanship, detailing, and McMansion Engineering. Without further ado: 
Third Prize: Saccharin Sanctuary by Christa H.
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The judges were wowed by the amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail present in Christa’s house. Caroline was impressed by the use of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as shingling, Anjulie loved the jellybean stone accents, and Kate found the use of sticks of gum as fake-stucco siding to be very clever. The execution of the lawyer foyer, turret, and appropriately nonsensical rear exterior put this house in to the third place slot. 
Christa’s description, in perfect Realtorese: 
This fabulous 1.5 story house features a gorgeous columned entry, double garage, show-stopping turret, and the picture perfect back patio. Built from the finest gingerbread and white chocolate... you can be sure that this house has a superior foundation that you can trust for years to come. Jelly Beans, spear mint Lifesavers, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Double Mint gum among other award winning materials make this house’s curb appeal unforgettable! List Price: 🍬574,900  Est Mortgage: 🍬2,240/mo Listed By: Sugar & Space Reality®️
Second Prize: The Hundred Thousand by Louisa G.
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The judges were blown away by, as they say, the sheer size of this lad. The monumentality of such a massive roof must have taken some serious gingerbread engineering, all while perfectly encapsulating McMansion Roof Culture. The engineering, clean execution, attention to detail (millions of nonpareils!!), and true, well, McMansion-ness of this house vaulted (ceiling) it into 2nd place. 
Louisa describes the house thusly: 
The Hundred Thousand has no equal. This 37-piece towering gingerbread edifice was baked and constructed over four days during the heat of an Australian summer, by an Australian and a Finn, using a Finnish gingerbread recipe. Inspired by Mt. Nub, The Hundred Thousand boasts a porcine screaming porch, eight ahoy-mateys windows, a royally-iced gable front that almost but not entirely obscures the front door, and palatial grounds landscaped with topiary sweets, all topped off with a soaring roof tiled with hundreds & thousands. 
So many hundreds & thousands were used that the builders ran out of material - causing the construction project to grind to a halt for almost ten minutes, until the Australian’s father arrived with more much-needed building supplies. The Hundred Thousand was fixed together using high-quality caramel, and is internally braced by two large gingerbread cross-panels. This fantastic abode required nearly 2kg of flour and eight eggs (provided by the Australian’s chickens) and was constructed as large as the oven would allow, measuring a whopping 40 cm across on the front facade, and nearly 30 cm high. 
And finally, (DRUMROLL PLEASE)
First Prize: Casa de McGingerHell by Beth and Tina C.
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From the moat, dome skylight, and lawyer foyer, to the rice crispy treat retaining wall, and chocolate rocks, this house, in the words of Caroline, was “truly next level.” The judges were blown away by the incredible attention to detail and clever use of different materials, specially the pretzel railing on the bridge, the marshmallow penguins, and we all freaked over those sugar glass and water elements. From the several different types of windows, bizarre massing, and three car garage, this house encapsulates the deranged opulence of McMansions in the sweetest way possible. 
Beth and Tina describe their house: 
Located centrally and literally dominating the entire living room, this McGingerMansion features over twenty handcrafted stained glass windows, a double sized garage, and three hand laid rock face walls! This gingermansion also has not one, but two incredible water features including a delightful frozen waterfall in the spacious backyard. Boasting several pre-decorated pine trees surrounding the property, this festive gingermansion showcases several dozen strands of lights and as well as a handful of charming wreaths. 
The one hundred percent genuine pretzel log deck overlooking the backyard is the perfect place to entertain friends and family alike, especially during the holiday season! Standing at just over a foot and a half tall, this truly massive gingermansion has a total composition of just over twenty pans worth of gingerbread. Call now to schedule a tour today; this gingermansion won't last long! *Disclaimer: As required of us by law, we must disclose the presence of a minor pest infestation in the form of roughly a dozen cute, but possibly rabid penguins on the property.
On behalf of the judges and McMansion Hell, we would like to thank everyone who entered the competition for their amazingly wonderful houses, and for the funding from McMansion Hell’s Patreon supporters whose generosity made running the competition and supplying the prizes possible. 
Stay tuned for this year’s new and exciting McMansion Hell features:
- The conclusion of the 50 states, starting with Virginia next week.  - A series of essays on kitsch - Looking at McMansions decade by decades - McMansions in film and media - Updates on the McMansion Hell Book
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