#timothy heller
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autistic-wolf-pack · 8 months ago
because the Melanie Martinez allegations are resurfacing…
Friendly reminder that:
-Mel’s first response was to say “Timothy never said no”, but then changed the story to “nothing happened”
-Timothy picked out the game, but didn’t consent to do anything farther
-Timothy only said it was that date because she was looking at the date of a photo which she saved in her camera roll multiple times
-Timothy has nothing to gain from making these allegations again, especially after they ruined her life the first time
-The crybabies hacked Timothy, doxxed her, sent hate, and Melanie thanked them
-Timothy never actually accused anyone else of doing anything, the posts were fabricated
-Timothy wasn’t the only one who made allegations against her
-By saying Timothy is lying because she messed up the date or didn’t give all of the details when she first made the accusations (left out the part about the games) you’re invalidating many, many other victims. -By siding with Melanie you’re telling every survivor in your life that you’re willing to side with the person who assaulted them if you know of the other person if they leave out any part of the story, don’t remember something correctly, etc.
If you support Melanie, get tf off of this blog. Our stance has never changed once since the allegations came out. As soon as Melanie said “she never said no” that should’ve been enough for you. (not to say Timothy is a good person, as she apparently has allegations against her, and is racist)
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vmpirevnom · 8 months ago
I’m so fucking mad.
“She should have taken it to court!” You know how many abuse victims don’t take their case to court because of emotional trauma? Besides, Melanie has money and that makes it difficult. Timothy was already harassed for speaking out. A court case would add to it.
Caring more about someone who doesn’t know you exist rather than the fucking victim is insane. “But I love Melanie so much! She’s my comfort person! ����” shut the hell up. If she wasn’t a celebrity you’d be defending the victim, I just know it.
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youremybluebanisters · 8 months ago
Reminder that Timothy is not Melanie’s only victim
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i-am-loco · 8 months ago
Just a reminder, "she didnt say no" does not, and will never, mean "she said yes". Just because someone doesnt outright use the word "No" does not mean that automatically means "Yes". Also, as a survivor of s/a, i will not fault any other survivor or victim of sexual abuse for not having the exact date and time of things 100% correct, because it can be hard to remember exact details depending on numerous different factors, like if you were under the influence of drugs, medication or alcohol, or your trauma blocking out details. I personally have an extremely hard time remembering exact dates of things, especially traumatic events. This does not mean it never happened. You personally not liking a victim as a person or not liking some of the things a victim has done does not mean that person is automatically lying about their experiences. You are fully allowed to criticize someone without treating them like theyre lying about experiencing a traumatic event.
You liking the perpetrator does not change the fact that that person committed a crime. You being a fan of the perpetrator does not make their victim a liar. Stop trying to justify abusers purely based on the fact that you personally like them or their content.
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lecoindecachou · 8 months ago
Breaking news, Melanie Martinez fans continue to be pure fucking evil.
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evilandcrazygirl · 8 months ago
Timothy Heller is speaking out again about Melanie Martinez assaulting her since people have spread soooo much false information about her it’s soooo disheartening seeing how devoid of empathy so many people are oh my god I really hope she knows that there are people who believe and support her I cannot imagine how awful all of this must be for her :(((
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melxfanaccount · 8 months ago
Now that some time has passed…
What do you think about Melanie Martinez?
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n0nesence · 8 months ago
@anglebabia on YouTube has posted this on her community post and I believe that it truly speaks the truth on what is going on
They point out lots of key facts from the latest accusations
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@neoxghoul @melaniemartinezmusic @crybabylipstick
Also: Everyone on twitter can stfu (they are saying shit like 'i hope Melanie dies etc etc')
Like honestly stfu, keep that shit to yourselves.
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mxjackparker · 8 months ago
When Timothy Heller came forward about being sexually assaulted by Melanie Martinez, in 2017, I was in the middle of my own police case against a man who raped me (which the police eventually dropped). I spent maybe 12 hours a day arguing with Melanie Martinez fans who were spreading rape apologetics and lies.
One thing I remember very prominently is that I had to give dates in my police interview, and I stood outside the station looking through my camera roll for a picture I knew I took on a day I was assaulted to get the date from it. Timothy spoke about having looked for a picture in the same way, and getting the date wrong because the date on the photo was related to storage/saving and not the date it was taken. I remember seeing hundreds of Melanie fans insist that she was lying because she got the date wrong, claiming any rape victim would remember it. I don't remember the dates I was raped almost any time it's happened.
Timothy Heller came forward with a credible accusation and Melanie admitted that the encounter happened (though denied that it was assault), so her fans dropped the claim that it never occurred and started insisting that it must have been consensual and trying to character assassinate Timothy.
Every time I hear a Melanie Martinez song in public, or skip past a song recommendation, or block another Youtube video featuring her, or hear a song in the background of a TikTok, I'm reminded of how horrifically Timothy was treated. I've made a lot of progress with my PTSD and have much better control of my reactions and less triggers, but I will always detest the Melanie Martinez fans who care more about some music than about the harm done to Timothy.
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miss-skinnybones · 7 months ago
These Melanie Martinez fans are genuinely getting on my fucking nerves. Respectfully SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU INSENSITIVE PIECES OF SHIT. "Oh she should have taken it to court" "Her story has holes in it!" "Personally I wouldn't do that if I was r@ped"
You are a sick and vile human being if you think your entitled enough to pick part someone's SA story in order to defend a woman that gives zero fucks about you. It's fucking sad and annoying
You've doxxed Timothy, leaked her only fans. Accused her of some things she's never even done. Timothy Heller isn't a good person because she's said racist shit in the past yes but that doesn't mean she cannot get r@ped. That doesn't mean her story isn't valid. THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE HER LIFE HELL.
The Crybaby fandom is all about empathy and shit. Bitch where's your empathy when it comes to Timothy? Where's your empathy when crybabies were being rude to Jazmine bean? So take that fake ass empathy and shove it up your hairy asses.
Your hurting other SA victims with your words. Think about that. Think about that well.
Remember. None was proven innocent or guilty.
★ But I'm on Timothy Heller's side. Cause as I always say I'd rather believe a liar than an alleged rapist.
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jellyarchived · 8 months ago
Hello everyone, I know that I should be on break but this is important, please watch this video.
Timothy Heller, a victim of SA returns to the internet after years and speaks about her experience with Melanie Martinez who is her rapist. I'm proud of Timothy for speaking up after years and I hope she gets the justice she deserves. I don't care if Melanie dickriders shit on me and try to prove me that Timothy is a liar. And even if she WAS one, would you really support a possible rapist instead of a possible liar?
I believe the victim, I always will. And even if you don't believe Timothy, keep in mind that Melanie has SA'ed other people and is a bad person in general.
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rowinablx · 8 months ago
How I feel seeing people realize M*lanie M*rtinez is a horrible person and that Timothy Heller never admitted she lied and is once again saying her story
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crybabylipstick · 7 months ago
In November of 2017, Timothy tweeted "what if I have my own story of a*use but I'm scared to ruin the persons life and I still love them in a f*cked up way and the public really loves them and most probably wouldn't believe me".
On December 4, 2017, Timothy publicly accused Melanie of s*xual as*ault on Twitter. She alleged two nights during which she "repeatedly said no" to advances from Melanie, claiming she kept secret for years and describing how Melanie had performed s*xual act*vities on her without her consent.
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Melanie replied to the accusation shortly after claiming Timothy's allegation was false:
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"I am horrified and saddened by the statements and story told tonight by Timothy Heller. What she and I shared was a close friendship for a period of time. We came into each other's lives as we were both starting our careers as artists, and tried to help each other. We both had pain in dealing with our individual d*mons and the new paths we were forging, but I truly felt we were trying to lift each other up. She never said no to what we chose to do together. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always." (In case the picture is blurry).
- Melanie Martinez
In an interview with Newsweek, Timothy claimed that Melanie tried to contact both her and her boyfriend around 20 minutes after publishing the accusations through text and phone calls. No evidence to back this up was ever shared. In the aforementioned interview, Timothy went on to say that Melanie's dismissal of her account "says it all":
First of all, I did say 'no,' multiple times, but even if I hadn't, that doesn't mean I wanted it. She dug her own grave saying, 'she didn't say no'. That's not consent."
- Timothy Heller
On December 10, Melanie thanked her fans who supported her after the accusations.
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"I understand how hard it could be to see my side of the story, considering no one with a heart would want to invalidate anyone speaking up about this topic. I want to thank my fans who took the time to research the timeline, analyze past Instagram photos, and question the story being told, which reveal her false statements. I trusted so many people in my life who took advantage of that trust for their own personal gain. Please know that my intentions with everything that I do in my life are always pure and I would never be i*timate with someone without their absolute consent." (In case the picture is blurry).
- Melanie Martinez
On July 19, 2024, 6 years after the controversy, Timothy posted a 6-minute video onto TikTok detailing how she had been h*rassed and bullied off the internet due to speaking up about the all*gations. She also said that she felt "quite validated" from Melanie's response due to Melanie admitting that the two had something take place between them.
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(screenshot of the video Timothy is talking about Melanie and the whole situation).
Now, before anyone says something like "Oh wow you're supporting a 🍇pist" "You support 🍇pe" "Can't believe you believe Melanie" etc. I don't believe anyone, I'm not picking sides neither I'm trying to start a fight or offend anyone. I've been getting a lot of hate about the whole situation from people who don't even know me, saying stuff like "You support 🍇pe" "I hope you get 🍇ped too" "Supporting a 🍇pist" and really mean and offensive stuff like that. I DO NOT support 🍇pe. I just wanted to clear some things out, just because I'm a fan of Melanie doesn't mean I support everything she does and believe in everything she says etc. I'm just a fan and nothing more, I DO NOT care about her personal LIFE or what she DOES. I just listen to her music and art. I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything. And I'm not saying you shouldn't express your thoughts or opinions on the whole situation or anything like that. Neither I'm saying you are in the wrong if you believe Timothy/Melanie. All I'm trying to say is we shouldn't judge or pick sides because only Melanie and Timothy know what truly happened. We might never know the truth, and that's totally okay. The only people who can judge each other are Melanie and Timothy. We don't even know what happened. Timothy could be lying, Melanie could be lying, who knows? Also, Melanie hasn't been proven GUILTY neither is Timothy's story INVESTIGATED or proven to be TRUE.
Another thing I want to point out is that even tho Timothy claims to be traumatised by Melanie and the whole situation etc. Timothy in 2015/2016 had dressed up as Melanie:
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( 1st photo edited by me (I mean how I compared the pictures) , please give credits if you use etc. Thank you 🌬️🤍).
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I'm sure you don't dress up as someone who has done something so serious and mean to you.
Not to mention when Timothy said the date that apparently the whole situation happened Melanie was in another state on the "CRYBABY TOUR". The last time I checked, you couldn't f*ck someone from that far away. (Not trying to offend anyone). And she also has claimed that she didn't remember the date that well yet she is still giving us a date.
Anyways, that's all I have to say, if you read all that, thank you, I really appreciate it. 🌬️🤍
( By the way, this is MY opinion about the whole situation. NOT trying to start a fight, be mean or offend anyone. Saying this so that there won't be any misunderstandings or false information 💕🩹).
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vmpirevnom · 8 months ago
It's always "Believe all victims" until it's your favorite music artist...
Caring more about someone who doesn't know you exist rather than the victim is insane. "But I love Melanie so much! She's my comfort person!” shut up. If she wasn't a celebrity you'd be defending the victim, I just know it.
"She should have taken it to court!" You know how many abuse victims don't take their case to court because of emotional trauma?
Besides, Melanie has money and that makes it difficult. Timothy was already harassed for speaking out. A court case would add to it.
The "proof" that Timothy admitted to lying is all edited by chronically online fans that can't handle the truth and want to make up lies.
"She's doing this because Melanie is popular right now." She said in her video that talking about it in 2017 ruined her life. If she was lying, she wouldn't have talked about it again.
And with Melanie getting popular, it’s easier for people to see.
Oh and also Melanie said “she didn’t say no” which is what rapists sometimes say to gaslight the victim. Just because she didn’t say “no” doesn’t mean there was consent or there wasn’t coercion involved.
I support Timothy 1000%
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bmajor9090 · 8 months ago
warning: mentions of sa, view at your discretion.
i think the most hurtful part about this melanie situation is that they are jumping on timothy say shit like “why didn’t you report it to the police “or “ proof” like all victims will get their justice or that timothy has fucking video evidence of being fucking raped.
not only are you invalidating their rape you’re also saying this dumb shit around other victims. THEY CAN HEAR YOU saying things like that to victims show that you are not a safe person to be around
to other victims: you are not the problem. it wasn’t your clothes or your body. they chose to hurt you and you are not to blame for their actions. what happened to you doesn’t define you. ♡︎
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holiday-7 · 8 months ago
Unpopular opinion:
Even if Melanie is innocent, Piggyback gotta be her worst song yet. She's just playing defense basically being like "if I did it, where's the evidence? that don't count" and the lyrics are SO BAD it puts every British rapper out there and Chance the Rapper to SHAME. And the production wasn't good either. The only thing I liked from this song was the cover art. She didn't even address anything in the damn song, all she really was like "oh yeah Madeleine and Timothy and all these other people are just lying for fame" 💀💀💀
it is actually fucking crazy to me how 3 to up to apparently 5 of Melanie’s old friends, people who worked with and for her, went on tours with her, and who were constantly with her came out against Melanie multiple times and stood with Timothy but ppl also called them liars and bitter.
but then Globelamp, who only met Timothy once and only had a quote-unquote “friendship” with her over text and twitter dms but comes out against Timothy bc she wants revenge & wants Melanie’s attention now all bc Timothy needed time to herself and didn't want to be jumped by Melanie fans, and ppl immediately believe her....... that is quite literally the definition of fans will believe anybody BUT Timothy.
this wasn't really even supposed to be a rant post lol I was talking abt how bad Piggyback is.
Another thing is that ppl are like "well Timothy and Madeleine are 30 and 31 how could Mel have possibly r#ped them??" even tho a 29 year old should have the exact same maturity as a 30 and 31 year old.
And just a lil bonus but I like watching interrogations from time to time and to be completely honestly with you, Melanie’s claim sounds and honestly is the least believable (well, at least to me). Melanie seems like she is in complete denial (at least back in 2017) about the whole situation and literally never really owned up to it or even discussed it at all. This is a very big red flag to me, even if some of the evidence Timothy has contradicts itself, at least it's more believable with how Melanie reacted to it all.
In my personal opinion, Melanie needs to address this like an actual 29 year old adult would instead of just playing the victim card.
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