#times for the sake of the universe?
brainrotcharacters · 9 days
the next thing they'll be involved with, Logan will be drinking and gets told by a non-Wade "I'm here to save you from Deadpool" or some funny shit like that. Toss in a mention about incursions or Wade's 'higher purpose' having no place for Logan. Watch Logan laugh.
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averagelozenjoyer · 5 months
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And his three idiot sons!!!!!
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cinemaocd · 5 months
Every Protest Has
Outside provocateurs starting property damage, and violence.
Hardened activists/Professional protestors that are out to get strategically arrested. Usually <10 people.
The groups with almost no connection with the cause being protested who try to make it about themselves.
The cops starting shit. Escalating to militarized police response.
Street theater.
Privileged people starting shit with the cops putting marginalized folks in even more danger.
Private Security
FBI informants
Counter protestors not in a formal protest group but scattered around the margins, making themselves visible to the media but also on or near public transport so that they can intimidate people coming/going to the protest
"Non-lethal" crowd control methods.
People with bullhorns who should not have them. Ever.
and finally but probably most importantly:
Every protest has
been mischaracterized, often wildly so, by the media.
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gintrinsic-writing · 10 months
the hero of twiLIT
CW: drug use
The local hero stared at them like he wasn’t sure what he was seeing. 
“Sorry to disturb your fishing,” Time began, motioning to the simple wooden rod that was propped haphazardly between a rock and a very lumpy pumpkin. “But it’s important that we speak with you.”
The hero used his tongue to push a wheat stem from one corner of his mouth to the other, looking no less bewildered than before. A goat bleated in the distance. 
“You’re Link, right?” Sky asked when the silence became too much.
The hero nodded slowly. 
“Well,” Sky continued, smiling through the awkwardness, “we share the same name. All of us do, actually, though you can call me Sky. We’re heroes like you, but from different eras of Hyrule.”
“Timelines, too,” Legend pointed out, eyeing the little bag by the hero’s crossed legs. 
“Right,” Sky agreed. “We’re not exactly sure why, but something or someone is bringing us together through magic portals. You’re the fourth of us. I mean, obviously.” He laughed and gestured to their little group.  
The hero didn’t share Sky’s strained amusement. He rubbed his eyes, glanced up, then rubbed his eyes again. His gaze drifted back to Time with obvious bafflement. “Ordona almighty, I’m in fuckin’ space.”
Time blinked. “Pardon?”
“The hell’s this laced with, Jaggle?” the hero drawled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ain’t no way this is normal.”
“Looks like our newest clown is high,” Legend said with a grin. He pointed to the bag by the hero’s feet. “Those’re shrooms.” 
Sky’s ears twitched back and forth rapidly. “High?”
“Very,” the hero agreed, reaching forward to collect his things. He didn’t seem to care much about them anymore. 
“Wha—” Sky closed his mouth with a little click when the hero suddenly stood up and began walking away. “Wait, we still need to talk to you!”
“Nope,” the hero answered. “Y’ain’t real. And you,” he rounded on Time with an accusatory finger, “you just make me wanna cry.”
Time stared after the hero with a dumbfounded expression. “I’m sorry?”
“Mhm. Better be.” The hero didn’t spare them another glance as he walked through the pumpkin patch and over the bridge leading to the center of Ordon Village. He did, however, stop to admire a “real pretty” leaf for several seconds. Then he was out of sight altogether.
“Do we… go after him?” Sky asked the other two. 
Legend snickered. “Give it about six hours. He should be sober by then.”
Sky raised both brows. “And how would you know?”
There was a long and incriminating pause, during which Legend also started to walk away. “Saw ‘em in a book once,” he threw over his shoulder.
“You saw—” Sky huffed in disbelief, then looked to Time for support. “Can you believe them?”
Time shrugged and gestured for Sky to lead the way after Legend. “I grew up in a forest, and the Kokiri were very… attuned to nature?” He paused as he thought it over, then nodded in apparent satisfaction. “I also had a magical mask that specifically let me find mushrooms, among other things, so.”
“‘Other things’?” 
Time’s grin was disarmingly mischievous. “Other things.”
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minijenn · 1 month
Aight but look kids. I know you’re all excited about the potential UF reboot but I NEED you all to understand something very important. The way I wrote and engaged with UF… it can’t be like it was before. When I used to write UF, I strived way too hard to please everyone else to the point that I often found myself dissatisfied with what I was writing. It got to the point that I got burnt out with the fic because I wasn’t writing it for, well, myself, and because of that it became something of a chore.
With new UF, I plan on fixing that. I’m writing this fic solely for me this time around, making what I want it to be, which may not be what you want it to be. I’m going to take lengthy breaks when I feel like it, I’m not beholding myself to a stressful tight posting schedule, I’m going to be self indulgent and focus on the characters I want to focus on. I’m going to have fun this time around.
And if I end up writing something you don’t necessarily like, well, sorry about that, I can’t please everyone. I can only please myself. And hopefully this time, I will.
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chaotic-trav · 8 days
Merthur is what bakudeku wishes it could be . I said what I said
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moghedien · 1 year
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when I tell you I would commit federal crimes for Michiru's backstory from her pov....
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Fret Not (snippet from an upcoming post)
"There's nothing to worry about. Fret not!" Time says as he hands him a bass. "That's a F03-037-4531-500, my favourite."
"I can't believe you remember its serial number-" Wind said. "Wait, why does it look weird?"
Time is already cackling. A very booming laugh, versus a very confused Wind. 
Legend sighs. "That's a fretless bass."
Time starts laughing even louder. "Get it? Fret not! I have been waiting to say that since forever!"
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I think if any, and I mean any, bot bonds with Megatron, they're by law required to turn him into Milfatron.
Also, I totally get the feeling that Megarod would result in the most sparklings. Rodimus just has those vibes.
I too think megarod would have the most kids
After all, he knocked up the moon
Logically speaking that sort of vitality has to translate to the berth
Rodimus 100% has those vibes, especially if you believe my one crackpot connection between the IDW matrix and breeding kink.
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disturbnot · 2 months
i gotta know! because your character and your take on him are so unique! what ideas do you have about supernatural and where he'd fit in that world? care for a little headcanoning going on? cause i gotta see this. i'm intrigued!
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as it so happens, dear new friend, i do have an ancient spn verse that i can make an attempt at blowing the cobwebs off of. although i'm going to preface all of this with the fact i haven't watched spn in quite a long time; i had my old verse for ash back in 2014, so some of the details have gotten a little foggy (both for the verse itself and for canon spn lore—i am LONG overdue a rewatch!) but i'll do my best to recount what i can for you. :)
if i recall correctly, ash's spn verse story is prefaced by the death of his father—a hunter that lived somewhere near the southwest us/mexico border at the time and originally hailed from mexico. i believe he and his wife/son were settled in arizona, but i could be wrong (details schmetails). anyway, one night ash's pops is off out on a local hunt; a scheduled descent of tzitzimimeh from the stars—skeletal demons of aztec mythology that are said to compose the stars at night. this shouldn't have been too much of a trial on paper, and yet the man is bested by the swarm. UNFORTUNATELY, the man's ever curious and wayward son snuck out of the house to follow him that night and found his father's body, with tzitzimimeh still on the prowl in the dark. but those weren't the only otherworldly entities slinking around the badland steppe, something else was stalking. it wasn't stalking for humans, though—it was stalking for the tzitzimimeh. the benevolent yet formless essence of the god quetzalcoatl pursued the demons, and found the devastated child in dire need of care and protection. quetzalcoatl, unlike many other primordial/progenitor gods, is of utmost benevolence. seldom partaking in their flesh or their sacrifice, it regards and holds humanity, all life on earth, with a fondest love known only to great mothers. and it aches for the child, yearns to help. it also keens for a vessel. in its nebulous form of abstract light, its powers are minimal, but with material hands... maybe not so much. maybe there is something it could do for the boy. what if it gave the boy the chance to correct this mortal wrong someday? how could he say no? two or three decades later, the boy has gotten old, bones burning with a latent primordial power the god is only too gracious to temper; his body does not deform or decay before quetzalcoatl's brilliant grace, for it sleeps somewhere within, at peace until it is needed for its own agenda against fouler gods. with time, it has become inextricably entangled with ash's soul—he could no longer tell you where he ends and the blessed serpent begins. goes without saying that this precarious union afford ash some very unique and powerful gifts... well, in exchange for a great glowing target on his back. tale as old as time, yes? either way, he carries on his father's livelihood and has worked long and hard as a hunter himself, albeit a hunter with significant advantages (not that this has gotten him all that close to avenging his father) — he likely specialises in cryptids and supernatural animals/creatures. back in 2014, i think i had it down that his mother was also dead, but? idk i will probably change that. i might change the whole thing! who knows? but this is what i have for the moment. tysm for asking, dixon! :D it was fun getting to ponder this again after so long on the shelf. 🙇‍♀️
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cyclic-laughter · 10 months
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Arliss saves birds from falling. He also performs CPR on fish. Sometimes he'll take roadkill to the vet
Arliss was designed by @/sw-artss and Pisces was designed by @/wilted3sunflowers !!
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just-some-brainrot · 1 year
four , dramatically: they called me a fool.
wild, sick of four’s shit: they weren’t wrong
four: i swear to god if this is about the tomato again—
wild: it’s not a fruit!
four: YES IT IS!!
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mejomonster · 1 year
I got potential news (not happy, but I mean not sad). Latest justice in the dark (rumor) updates: was taken down due to legal issues (likely copyright) and they do plan to re air from the beginning at a later date once issue is taken care of and cdrama airing timing is right. Rumor is actors were requested to rake down their farewell letters. Meaning... the show is back in hiatus. Like the past several months. Except now the 8 episodes can only be watched on unofficial sites in the meantime.
Schrodingers cat isn't probably the right comparison but like. It's the potentially perpetual unknown status show. ToT
Anyway I saw 2 posts on weibo which were rumor only, mentioning airing later, and one post on weibo mentioning the reason for taking the show off was copyright issues.
On mydramalist comments someone mentioned a Twitter thread on why it was taken down, but I can't see shit on Twitter right now so im just going by what the comment said. The Twitter thing they quoted: Cao5903 (@cao5903) Staff Youku said: "Due to some unexpected reasons that could not be controlled in time, we had to take down #JusticeInTheDark to handle it. Wait for it to be okay and then replay it from the beginning."
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Anyway prohibitedwish dark medieval mystery drama au. The story is interjected every so often by prismo and scarab arguing over what should happen next
#random thoughts#adventure time#over time scarab learns to accept when things dont go his way (especially when prismo has a very good idea)#and prismo gets help working through his depression through the beauty of creating with another person (euphamism for gay sex lol)#hey prismo why do you want to collab with scarab hmm? to create life with another man? pretty gay it does seem#anyway in the beginning they argue because scarab wants stuff to go his way#and prismo keeps bringing up bad ideas and wanting to put jake-esque characters in everything#prismo is. not very creative#anyway their universe ends up following a sheriff and a self-declared wizard in the late-12th century (so around robin hood times)#as the sheriff hunts down a group of bandits#(prismo ends up really liking the bandits and thinking the sheriff sucks balls for hunting them down and scarab's like you just dont get it)#the self-declared wizard is very much a conman hawking snake oil (i do NOT sound like that is. very commonly interjected by prismo)#there is no magic. prismo keeps trying to put magic in there. scarab keeps shutting him down#scarab ends up trying to kill off the wizard for a dramatic moment and prismo gets upset about it#'it's a tragedy! it's supposed to be sad!' 'but WHAT IS THE POINT??? it's just tragedy for the sake of tragedy!'#'if your plan this whole time was to make me upset then congrats!!! you made everyone's friend prismo upset. im gonna do something else now'#prismo disappears and scarab feels. bad. it doesn't feel good.#eventually prismo comes back in to apologize for getting too into the story and leaving in a huff and shit and surprise!!!#the wizard is still alive! scarab LISTENED and he CONCEDED and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BABEY!!!#now the ending of the story they were trying to tell is more bittersweet instead of a full-on 'everyone's dead or sad' thing#btw the sheriff and the wizard end up kissing and prismo and scarab are both VERY awkward about it#scarab still likes dark edgy stuff but he recognizes the universe he created with prismo is a SHARED project and he's been kind of a pill
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thenerdofthegroup · 13 days
Of course they release a tiny fun AgathaRio teaser the day my fucking childhood dog passes away. I fucking hate the universe
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No no I think I'm resting my case here
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I read this and I thought "Okay, it kind of seems like Snively is running back to Regina because in addition to his confidence that he can take over, he also is seeking stuff from her (actual attention, displays of love, etc) that he doesn’t receive from Robotnik."
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But then I read this. And I'm...still reeling?
The wording, the framing!
"The minute it goes awry you'll go crawling back to him"
It just...takes me back to Eggman making Snively declare he no longer in his little love relationship with Regina. The framing here is so "Why would I take you back? You say you care about me, but time and time again... Every time it gets hard you run back to your ex!" to me
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And then this!
"I'm done with Eggman! I've come for you!"
"Tell me right now that you're done with Regina. Everything you had with her is over" vs "I'm sorry, but everything I had with him is over now! I'll prove it!"
I just...
There's a whole essay to be had analyzing Robotnik's relationship with Snively, and how Snively almost always seems to leave/betray Robotnik when Robotnik neglects him and/or his empire. And this is not to mention analyzing why Snively pursues Regina in the first place, what that relationship means, etc.
But I suppose my point is that...this entire framing to me frames Snively/Robotnik as toxic lovers with common goals who have had a sort of on and off relationship for forever now, and Regina/Snively as the slightly less toxic option, but at least an option framed as the better one, framed as a change from the norm, framed as Snively's gateway to getting what he really seems to want (not just power, but a partner to share it with, a family of his own making, people with whom he and they will delight in taking revenge on each other's enemies).
Do I daresay that Snively enjoys his game with Robotnik, but wants equal status, attention, and what feels like genuine care?
In other words, with the specific framing of these last issues of SU and Archie StH and the pitting of Snively's relationships with each other, it's hard not to see them both as well...examples of partnerships/lovers. I'll put it that way. I'm finding it hard to ignore possible romantic (or at least, not completely familial) subtext between Robotnik and Snively.
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