#timeline extended
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stars-obsession-pit · 4 months ago
The Flying Graysons generally stuck to simpler tricks in the smaller towns. Less people to impress, so they didn’t need to go as far. But for some reason, when they went to the town of Amity Park, Dick felt an urge to show off.
Well, not for just any reason. For one very specific reason; a certain cute boy in the crowd.
But then the troupe moved on, as it always did. Outside of his daydreams, he didn’t really dare to hope he’d get to see the boy again. Especially once his parents died, circumstances nearly pushed it from his mind.
But then, during his detective training, an idea struck him. Even if he couldn’t see the boy in person, he could still keep track of him remotely.
It turner out to be remarkably easy, especially once he learned Danny’s name. So he kept it up. Watching him, taking notes on everything about him, fantasizing about actually being together for real. He never told anyone else. They wouldn’t understand. Checking in on Danny was always a highlight of his days. His own little reward. He wouldn’t let anyone take his Danny away from him.
Though there were some stumbles along the way. Times he’d almost been caught. And when some sort of lab accident had hospitalized Danny, he’d nearly ran off to Amity on his own to comfort him (never mind that he’d have to explain who he even was and how he’d known about it). But he persisted. And as time passed, he only became more and more infatuated with the other boy. Oh how he wished they could be together.
And then Danny showed up in Gotham. Dick couldn’t find anything definitively explaining why, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Finally, he could put all his copious notes to use and sweep his love off his feet.
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autisticrosewilson · 9 months ago
Star Sapphire Jason is so real but also I'm imagining a scenario where he happens to run into one and they just stop dead in their tracks, stare at him in silence for a minute, and then start calling for reinforcements. Every new Sapphire that shows up does the exact same thing and they all huddle and whisper and after the sixth one Jason finally asks them what the fucking problem is.
And then Carol has to explain in the simplest possible terms that there's enough love in his heart to stitch the whole universe back together but he's so sad and so much of that love has rotted into grief. Luckily, it's possible to heal! They just have to mend Jason's previous relationships.
...all of his previous relationships are dead or bad for him.
Well they could always find more! Being Red Hood doesn't allow him to connect with civilians in a meaningful way and most of the hero community dislikes him.
The girls are really running out of hope, but they scavenge the archives and- ah ha! There's a handy third option. Jason just needs to mend his relationship to himself, the Sapphires can be all the support system he needs.
Doesn't look like that's gonna happen on earth though, so naturally their next course of action is to bring him back to Zamaron. Whether he likes it or not. It's NOT kidnapping if it's for his own good! And they'll maintain that no matter who comes knocking at their door to get him back.
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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towerofluin · 8 months ago
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C’mon Raph, don’t noogie the elderly
(Or: finally, communication)
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tojosuggestionbox · 9 months ago
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I have addressed this to some degree. I can only say this:
The Fourth Chairman does not wish to be associated with Tojo, yet it has become increasingly clear that despite his very brief tenure as Chairman, the mark he left on the Clan is lasting and permanent. It is a legacy he fails to take even the slightest responsibility for.
One would hope a "legend" would have been willing to do the bare minimum to make good on that reputation. Or at the very least, for the sake of those he supposedly cares about.
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I could not agree more.
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isasapphicmess · 3 months ago
Low-key like the idea that Charley was meant to have 3 kids and so she did with the doctor (sound creature , Edward grove, daqar keep). Like the web of time attempting to heal itself.
And maybe one kid was gonna be a musician (sound creature) , the other maybe continuing the life she was supposed to live - the aristocratic family in the fancy house (Edward Grove) and daqar keep kind of represents the child she would want/love but also represents the badness that like she fears she would pass to her kid.
Or like not even anything actually bad but more her rebellious nature cause she’s conditioned to think that’s bad/dangerous
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lightandfellowship · 1 year ago
Truly we need a comeback of the KH2-style prologue. I want to boot up KH4 and the first seven hours of gameplay are you playing as some guy named Akihito from Accounting who's just trying to get through his work week as giant monsters attack the city. (He is secretly a character important to the plot).
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catenary-chad · 13 days ago
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Post canon Electra who goes on to freight service with Conrail 2: Electric Boogaloo (in a better timeline where they hadn't de-electrified in the early 80s). In my mind you can turn some knobs and change Electra from passenger to freight gearing (like most real electric locos) and they get thicker and stronger (if somewhat slower) in that form.
It's a common direction with express electric engines after they get pushed out speed-wise. Usually they're powerful enough to be decent in faster freight services. See the PRR GG1s, Rc classes in Sweden, and a number of Nez Cassé classes (even the CC 40100s were intended to be usable for it)
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moongothic · 1 year ago
So normally we only get fullblown, extended and dedicated flashbacks for heroic characters in One Piece, the characters who we're meant to root for. The literal only TRUE exception we've had to this rule was Big Mom's flashback. Even fucking Doflamingo's flashback was tied to Law and Rosinante's
So the fact that we haven't gotten a single fucking GLIMPSE at Crocodile's backstory is?!?
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Like sure, we haven't gotten like a Moria flashback, but you know, he literally told us all we needed to know himself, AND we got to see glimpses of him in the Wano flashbacks. Arlong didn't get a flashback of his own, but he did get to cameo in Fisher Tiger's flashback. And Rob Fucking Lucci got a flashback that was 6 whooping panels long
BUT CROCODILE?? Not only do we know almost Fuck All about his story, but also have never gotten as much as a glimpse at it? But his backstory has been HINTED and TEASED at multiple times??
Like. I am SURE the "Full Backstories for Heroes Only" rule is going to get broken again, but with Imu and Blackbeard already there just BEGGING to have their beans spilled, can we even be sure Sir Fucking Crocodile is somehow going to become A Villain So Dangerous To The Narrative that he ALSO should also recieve a Full Fucking Backstory?? For his Nefarious Schemes?? AT THIS POINT??
I think it's more likely Oda's been saving up Croc's backstory because it might just completely recontextualize his entire character
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shannonsketches · 6 months ago
If Pan's only 3 in Super Hero it means that
Battle of the Gods
Resurrection F
Universe 6 Tournament
Tournament of Power
and Super Hero
all took place within ~4 years
no wonder Geets is done with everything all the time and Gohan had to lock himself in a room to finish a dissertation, good lord
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modkatisbacc · 5 months ago
Saw some folks point out that Lilly was most likely like the youngest in the Alliance, since her dad fought alongside Libby, Ray, and Maya in the War.
Consider, Even if this is more of me throwing a little bit of AU out there: Her father dies when she's twelve, and wanting to keep all the elemental masters together, Wu and Garmadon bring her into the Elemental Alliance, knowing that she already had the powers of Earth.
The other elemental masters freak out because,,, *points* that is a CHILD.
But they also understand that if she was left to her own devices (her mother passed when she was really little) then she could put herself or others in grave danger with her powers.
They absolutely deck little Lilly out in impressive weapons and battle armor.
Now here we go into heavy headcanons/au territory.
With Libby being the second youngest EM in the group, her and Lilly form a close bond.
Like her parents, Ed and Edna, Libby is great at creating things. She LOVES building- mechs, especially. With Libbys help, Lilly's first mech (the one donated to TOS I've decided) was created.
Yes they may have gone all out on safety features on the mech, but would you completely trust a twelve year old with a very large elemental mech?
One day she brings over a boy. Wu and Garmadon are WORRIED because the boy is NOT an elemental master, he doesn't even know anything about fighting. She is sixteen and could punch the head clean off someone's shoulders with her powers...
These two are worried the most because they personally made it their mission to make sure the EMs were ot being hunted or used for their powers. So, bringing in a non EM into the fold was deemed risky.
They of course warm up to Lou, who thinks Lilly is the coolest person in the world and he learns basic self defense from her.
The EM Alliance falls apart when she is only 20 . *I say that bc everyone looks like they may be in their 50's, mid-late 50's after the Merge With Lilly being a decade younger well .. she would've been a decade younger at least :/*
She gets sick after she defeats Grief-Bringer. It wasn't bad at first, she honestly just thought she may have caught a cold. Also yes, in my headcanons and AUs Cole has been born when she goes to Shintaro. I have another post going into an au-headcanon mashup (I say headcanons because it isn't necessarily disproved by canon) that I kinda want to write about some day.
Knowing she was going to get worse, she started working on making sure Cole was prepared to become the next Master of Earth. When she was feeling well enough she would leave the house (unfortunately she also didn't tell Lou where she was going most of the time fidjxjsjshd)
Refused to pass on afterwards and instead keeps an eye on her family. Is the reason SOMEONE survives stuff that he shouldn't have.
Fun Facts about Lilly!!! That are canon in my stories!!!
- She is a realm hopper. Yes this is based on the fact that she apparently spied on Garmadon while he was in the Underworld in that one comic. I haven't read it but you know. I want to do something with that knowledge.
- she isn't in the Departed Realm especially after the Merge. She's trying to keep an eye on Cole while trying to find her husband and her friends. She found Wu first, of course. And with Wu, she found Garmadon. Before the Merge she would switch between watching over Lou and Cole.
- She is the only Previous EM of Ninjago to participate in the TOS, which may or may not be canon. I say this bc of that outfit and you know... The mech....
-Cole is 9, she is 29 when she dies. Also it's freaking sad because ain't no way Ray and Maya knew this until almost a decade later. Wu keeps a close eye on him and Lou afterwards. You know since he was canonically there for his birth hello??? *According to the comic*
- fun fact about me it literally took me 6 hours to write all this in one setting bc I was at work. Lilly did this to me.
Also, if there are any timeline problems that aren't just me pushing it for the AU tell me about it so I can fix it please I don't want it to be too off the course!!!
I think that's it for now,,,
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Me and my brother are two different types of elden ring players
He’s more in it for game play with a side of story
Im more interested in lore and story with a side of game play
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dawnrider · 8 months ago
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I am very excited to share a small bite of what's to come for @inu-spiration Tanabata Bang on July 7th, 2024. My artist and I are excited to share what we've created together with you this weekend! Looking forward to all the other creations everyone has been putting their hard work into!❤️
The heat was bordering on unbearable. Kagome’s nose wrinkled. If she could smell the sweat coming off of them all, she couldn't imagine what Inuyasha could smell. She almost felt bad for him… Except neither the weather nor the smell seemed to be bothering him in the least. Her moment of sympathy turned to jealousy. He's in those heavy layers, how is he not boiling like the rest of us? she thought, scowling. And she was even wearing a lightweight kosode and hakama! She had her sleeves tied back which helped a little, yet she could feel that uncomfortable trickle of sweat down the middle of her spine and the sticky cling of her top to her chest. “Oi. There's a river ahead,” Inuyasha called from the front. “Maybe we can set up camp in the woods on the other side and take advantage of the river while we have it.” Given he was being uncharacteristically thoughtful, Kagome stared at Inuyasha in wonder. “What? We can get some fishing in and smoke them to keep. Stretch out the ninja food a bit more.” She supposed he had been more aware of those kinds of things lately. Concern that they all had enough to eat, that they were not without shelter in extreme weather, that the water bottles were clean and full… Like his job as Protector had taken on more facets recently. Kagome felt her jealous irritation with him fade a bit. He was a good guy, after all. She should give him more credit where it was due. “That is a good idea, Inuyasha. Thank you,” she murmured the last so that only he would hear. She watched his ears flick, the way his spine straightened telling her he'd heard her loud and clear. Of course, he wasn’t going to admit that he appreciated the acknowledgement, but she could see that he did. He’d been more aware of her too, lately. A fact that had initially set her on edge. Was he apologizing for something? Was he feeling bad for her because of what happened with the infant? She had been so caught up in her emotions, in trying to rid herself of the darkness it had tried to tease into her heart to fester and grow, she hadn’t sensed his presence at all. Yelling out that she loved him had been the ward she’d needed to finally break its hold on her. The look Inuyasha had given her was so stunned… so pained. She couldn’t handle his pity, so she tried to pretend nothing happened.
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months ago
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horizon forbidden west | sheerside mountains 15/?
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1650-1793-1941 · 8 months ago
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Well, we know what Crowley was doing in ancient Athens, I guess: tempting some poet into starting a blasphemous dining club
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maliciousalice · 5 months ago
Hear me out (or don't... it's fine I'm just venting and mean) yeah um I don't believe Chakotay was saved in Prod*gy s2.
#the 'time travel' makes no sense when you think on it. What happened to Prime Chakotay? He got killed they showed that.#At the end s1 Janeway finds an 'alternate chakotay in an alternate timeline' and that's the one they go and get#we saw the original get merc'd in the message. That ACTUALLY happened. Lmao.....#They didn't prevent THAT death because they didn't go to THAT Solum with the Infinity and stop it from happening#instead it was 'ALTERNATE#' implying other.#OG Chakotay wasn't taken over by the alternative one either nothing suggests that was the direction for him in s2#they didn't do anything like 'well you see chakotay because at the end of s2 when we converged timestreams you have merged with your other'#if they did want to recover the original from s1 then keep that clear instead of being convoluted dont use an alternate timeline wtf#instead the plot was focused on gywns stupid fucking paradox plot and her being fixed#chakotay was the one in a paradox too did that not matter nah dw about it he had to die for this outcome or someshit lmao why#In the extended message given to admiral janeway it shows him clearly getting left behind and surrounded. Sadly no one intervened.#I dont understand why they couldnt have just made s2 about his rescue alone IF they took their time it wouldnt be so difficult#to follow#above that the one they rescued was ruined by the 10 year gap so he wasn't 'saved' at all. God i hate s2 when you break it apart#I dunno the more i look at s2 Janeway and Chakotay the more upsetting it is. Janeway would NOT have settled for an imposter.#everyone going goo-goo gaa gaa over s2 but it's sloppy af imo and undermines a huge portion voyagers struggles#id really like them to flatly lay out their ideas because literally nothing ive heard explains the story or choices of s2 with conviction#instead it's oh clap for wesley or the new vulcan and other references yay#describe to me your timetravel clearly and i'll happily take a seat on it (there is still other crap stuff mind you)#this is the most repressed shit i my head i swear#im angry because s1 is so clearly mapped out to a brilliant degree and for whatever reason it's not in s2#i can see through it#insultingly people are eating it up and claiming it's better than ever nah dawg embarrassing#there are nice ideas inside s2 but they arent adequately rewarded#it doesnt compare to the timetravel in other trek because they kept it clear#i mean it could have been an interesting parallel to endgame but in the end janeway didnt even rescue him lmao they dropped her#why bother building up this mission only for her to give up and go 'i'll hand it over because im told to'. Janeway had fuck all this season#let alone settle for not fixing her own timeline and her own friends deadly circumstance dw just grab another one from the shelf i guess#the emotional fallout was absolutely missed because they didnt elaborate on anything. Plenty of show but no substance from the characters
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