#timekeeping software
coexsysofficial · 7 months
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xmangokun · 2 months
LoveBug!AU Employee 432/Timekeeper
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This is a lovebug! AU design of 432, has anyone asked me before if I can draw other characters? Actually, I can draw! This reminds me and reminds me to use the idea I came up with before! The words' I love you 'expressed in various languages were found by me through search engines. If there are any errors, I am very sorry. The reason why there are no other languages is that my CSP software cannot load the relevant language (such as Korean), and also because of the composition, some languages were not written. I am very sorry about this.
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sigmaleph · 1 year
it's just so fucked up that our timekeeping is irrevocably tied to astronomical phenomena that don't particularly care for things like being clean integer multiples of each other or staying constant over the long term
i have made several variations on this post and i will keep making them. it just bugs me. i'm getting preemptive embarrassment for all our space-faring descendants having to explain to the aliens that they had to keep leap days for backwards compatibility in calendar software.
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timetrek24 · 6 months
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🇺🇲 Explore the Fascinating Fusion of Timekeeping and Communication: Unveiling the Pioneering Motorola and Timex Wristwatch-Pagers that Revolutionized Wearable Technology in the 1990s.
🤝 In 1990, Motorola Inc. made its first attempt to enter the market of electronic wristwatches with a built-in pager (similar devices at the same time were already produced by the Japanese companies Seiko and Casio). The device was called "Motorola Wrist Wach Pager". Since 1991, further production of the devices has been carried out jointly with the Timex Group Corporation under the name "The Timex Tracer Wrist Watch Pager".
👉 Since 1998, further development of the line of electronic watches with the participation of Motorola Inc. and Timex Group was associated with the high-tech "Timex Beepwear Datalink" series. These devices also continued the concept of wristwatch-pagers, but with the integration of the well-known Datalink data transmission platform, which integrates with desktop computer software.
➡️ The Datalink line was introduced in 1994 and was developed in conjunction with Microsoft Corporation as an alternative to conventional PDAs with added attributes such as water resistance and ease of programming. Taken together, all this made it possible to use the “Beepwear Datalink” watch as a full-fledged electronic organizer.
📟 The Beepwear Pager Watch epitomized the convergence of traditional wristwatches with cutting-edge communication capabilities. Introduced in the late 1990s, this innovative device redefined the concept of wearable tech, offering users unparalleled convenience and connectivity on the go.
📞 Equipped with pager functionality, the Beepwear Pager Watch allowed users to receive important notifications and messages directly on their wrist, eliminating the need for separate communication devices. With its sleek and compact design, it seamlessly integrated into everyday life, providing instant access to critical information wherever you went.
⌚️ Beyond its communication features, the Beepwear Pager Watch retained the timeless appeal of a classic timepiece, boasting a stylish and durable design that stood the test of time. With its reliable quartz movement and rugged construction, it was built to withstand the rigors of daily wear, ensuring longevity and reliability for its users.
⚙️ The "Beepware" series, as a joint product of the efforts of Timex Group and Motorola Inc. was patented, and the production of the devices was carried out by the newly created joint company "Beepwear Paging Products". The clock operated in the 900 MHz band. FLEX time was also used, which, if supported by the operator, could synchronize the clock time with the network time, and also automatically adjust to the owner's time zone.
🚀 The launch of the Timex Motorola Beepwear Pager Watch marked a significant milestone in the evolution of wearable technology, showcasing the potential for seamless integration of communication and timekeeping functions in a single device. As one of the pioneering products in this category, it paved the way for future innovations in the wearable tech industry, inspiring a new generation of smartwatches and wearable devices.
💔 However, already in 2002, Motorola Inc. was forced to carry out internal restructuring, including ceasing production and support of its own pagers.
💫 Today, the legacy of the Timex Motorola Beepwear Pager Watch lives on, remembered as a trailblazer in the realm of wearable technology. While newer devices may offer more advanced features, the Beepwear Pager Watch remains a symbol of innovation and ingenuity, reminding us of the transformative power of technology in shaping our lives.
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returnsandreturns · 8 months
it's impossible for anybody to be late in my department because i just don't input the schedules into the timekeeping software until the end of the week and make the schedules based on what times they clocked in and out. because they're here when they need to be and they know how to make sure it's 40 hours and it doesn't matter.
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myriadeyed · 6 months
If anyone thinks they'd like to be friends with me you should first know every conversation you will ever have with me will act like a test so you better read up the study guides
History of the telephone History of computing History of radio History of photography History of sound recording History of rail transport History of film History of software History of video games Speech synthesis (history section) History of the roller coaster History of the automobile History of the battery History of timekeeping devices History of television History of animation History of literature History of music History of art History of computer animation History of the Internet History of the English language
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
The desire to move to permanent daylight savings time in many places is neat. It's admitting that most people don't give a shit about the sun as a timekeeping mechanism. It's also just cheating. We know it's easier to just fully unlink time from the sun than to ask businesses to change their hours by one. It's true though, if you just publish an update to TZ all modern software will take it. There's way fewer moving parts involved in a time change. Every few months someone on my team gets asked to backport timezone updates so that telecommunications keeps working on ancient versions of Linux running on cell towers in Iran or whatever and that's it.
You also don't have to print new signs. Which helps.
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nukenai · 2 months
If you're wondering how my job is going, we were switched to a new timekeeping/logging software that borderline randomizes our schedules every day and put my lunch 2 hours later. When I told my supervisor I cannot eat 2 hours later than I've had my lunch every day for the last 7 years, I was told to potentially put in a medical accommodation. To not have my schedule randomized. When it's been the same for 7 years.
I'm so happy I now know how to pull out language like "Unfortunately that's not going to work for me. How can we move forward so this works for us both?" and I said putting in an accommodation is a wild inconvenience to fix something that was unnecessarily broken.
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Chronic Interruptions
Prompt: Day 5 - Confessions / Pining
Continuity: IDW1
Rating: Teen
Relationship: Rodimus & Megatron
Characters: Rodimus & Megatron
Warnings: Suggestive themes
Summary: In which Rodimus makes the same mistake repeatedly.
Crossposting: AO3 | DreamWidth
Fic under cut
Clock out.
Rodimus’s favorite time of the day.
The time of the day when he was permitted to do absolutely nothing productive with complete impunity. The moment he was off the clock, not even the rules lawyers—even if Mags was a literal lawyer—could do nothing about it.
No reports, no responsibilities… unless it was an emergency like the ship catching fire or crashing into an asteroid or weird aliens from a weird subspace dimension trying to use them as weird living batteries for their weird machines like that one time, which Rodimus could only describe as “really weird.”
Hopefully no emergencies.
The timekeeping program sluggishly booted up on the console built into the arm of the captain’s chair, beeping coquettishly, promising Rodimus his freedom.
He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
He could hand the keys over to Megs and let him deal with all the petty problems of leadership for a shift. While Rodimus had grown to appreciate his responsibility as a leader, it was still nice to take the hat off every now and then.
What fun activities would he fill his free time with?
He could play video games. He could take a nap. He could go for a solo race in the lower decks where his odds of accidentally crashing into someone was negligible. Or he could invite Drift and the crashing would be intentional.
All sorts of entertainment could be had, but if he were to be honest with himself, Rodimus knew he would almost certainly just end up lying on his couch, watching holonet reruns and snacking on salty bismuth chips.
Still not a bad way to spend his time.
The software, finally done lagging like Magnus without a warm morning beverage, at last allowed Rodimus to finish signing in to clock out for the day.
Grinning, he tapped the long-memorized sequence of commands that released him from his bondage.
“Rodimus.” Megatron’s voice sounded from close behind him, a reminder that his replacement was punctual as always. “There’s something I need to discuss with you.”
That was never a good sign.
He had noticed Megatron looking at him kind of oddly lately, for the past few weeks. Staring, almost.
He was probably mad at Rodimus about something stupid… or not so stupid that Rodimus had overlooked.
Better put off the lecture as long as feasibly possible.
“Can it wait, Megs?” he asked, cheerfully vaulting up out of his chair to pass the baton of “the ship’s your problem now” to his co-captain. Rodimus stuck the landing a few paces away, hands triumphantly resting on his hips.
Standing at the side of the captain’s chair, Megatron, unfortunately, didn’t look particularly impressed, but he rarely did.
Resting glitch face. That was the poor guy’s curse. Oh well. It didn’t detract from how pleasant he was to look at now that he wasn’t prone to wanton violence and destruction. A shame Rodimus didn’t have time to admire the aesthetics.
“No, I don’t th—“
“I’m off the clock now, buddy.” Rodimus shot him a playful fingerguns gesture, double-barreled at that to better ward off the growing disappointment on his pal’s face. “Gotta go! Don’t do anything with the Lost Light that I wouldn’t do!”
With the whir of a warm transformation cog and a roaring engine, Rodimus zoomed off the bridge and down the hall with no particular goal in mind than getting as far away from work as possible.
Several days later, Rodimus was surprised to show up on the bridge after having a look at one of Perceptor’s latest projects and find Megatron waiting outside of their shared office, arms crossed and tapping his foot impatiently. Probably impatiently. “Nervously” didn’t seem to fit his image of perfect stoicism.
It wasn’t even Megatron’s shift for another several hours.
Rodimus hadn’t gotten any urgent messages, so he doubted his co-captain had showed up for an emergency meeting.
Probably not overtime either otherwise he would have just gone into the office and quietly minded his own business.
Red optics glowered at him, flashing bright as soon as Megatron noticed Rodimus’s presence on the bridge.
“There you are, Rodimus.”
He’d been caught. Doing what? No clue, but he didn’t want to stick around and find out.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Megatron was still mad at him about whatever it was the other day when Rodimus blew him off.
It must have really been something aggravating if Megatron was still letting it fester rather than “releasing it into the universe” or whatever it was that Drift said people should be doing with their unhappiness.
Or was it meditating?
Heck, Rodimus couldn’t remember. Not remembering something debatably important was probably what had gotten Megatron mad at him in the first place. The obvious failure point of “not remembering what he had forgotten” did him no favors either.
Rodimus’s mouth hung open, arms awkwardly out to his sides like a poorly timed freeze frame.
“Privately, please.” Megatron gestured to the closed office door at his side.
Even if Megatron wanted to spare Rodimus’s dignity by not giving him a dressing down in front of the crew, Rodimus still wasn’t exactly keen on getting that dressing down.
At all.
Well, not the verbal kind about bad behavior anyway.
It was a shame, Rodimus thought, that he was always getting on Megatron’s nerves.
“So, I’m actually—“ he started, only for one of the Pyrobots to burst onto the bridge, smelling strongly of burning oil and stumbling over himself.
After finally coming to a stop, Kindle panted, leaning forward with his hands on his knees.
“Captains!” he gasped. Wordless mumblings accompanied by vague gestures as he tried to catch his breath were all the story they got.
“Someone pushed Fervor into the oil reservoir and now it’s on fire?” Rodimus suggested. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Although, technically last time Kindle had been the one to end up in the greasy drink and Fervor had been the one to run for help.
Kindle nodded frantically, unaware that he was not just Fervor’s lifesaver right now.
“You should have called!”
Opening the comm panel on his wrist, presumably to summon Ultra Magnus and other backup, Megatron made for the door.
Rodimus swerved around him just as he reached the threshold into the hallway before flipping into his alt-mode to beat him to the reservoir.
He owed Kindle one for his well-timed intrusion. Megatron wouldn’t have time to complain at him during an emergency.
Lying on the couch of his habsuite, Rodimus watched as reruns of some goofy old cartoon about two opposing factions of organics that turned into weird fleshy monsters flashed on the holonet. It was cheesy and the animation was often awkward or outright bad. It was so earnestly silly despite the garbage quality, Rodimus couldn’t help but find a measure of glee from watching it on his downtime.
Also, he didn’t want to bother trying to find anything else to watch today. If he didn’t want to get up, he didn’t have to, and no one would stop him.
The tin of bismuth chips he had been shoveling into his face seemed oddly light.
Rodimus stuffed his palm into the tin, only to discover that the salty, crunchy goodness that had brought both tactile and gustatory joy to his bingewatching experience was no more. He’d eaten the entire thing.
Fine. He’d get up for more chips.
He chucked the tin into the pile of discarded snack packaging on the floor. The lid from the tin was already lost in the ether of the mess, but that was fine. The whole lot would end up in the recycler anyway. When he got around to it. He’d get around to it soon.
He’d get around to it.
Maybe he could get Drift to do it by trading bridge shifts with him or something.
Rodimus grumbled as he got up from the couch, joints protesting because he’d stayed in the same exact posture for the last three hours.
Just as he got to the cabinets where he typically stored his goodies, the comm in his wrist started buzzing, an alert popping up in his internal HUD.
Megatron was calling.
While Rodimus often let direct comm calls go to voicemail, since he was already up, he decided to answer this one.
“Hey, Megs, what’s happening?” he asked, pulling open the cabinet doors.
Time for a snack run to the cargo hold.
“Do you have a moment, Rodimus?”
A red flag began to wave frantically around in his processor. His spark sank in his chest, cold with the anxiety that he had royally screwed something up.
While on a normal day, when Megatron wasn’t being a know-it-all, his voice was actually pleasant to listen to. Rodimus had recently started tricking him into telling stories of the war and life before it by asking leading questions. This was both to waste time and to hear him talk more without being nagged at.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure he could make much headway with that tactic today. It rarely worked when Megatron had a discrete goal in mind.
An idea.
“No, Megs, I’m actually super busy right now. I was waiting for a phone call from….” Who to throw under the bus? Someone random, someone who didn’t get into trouble that wouldn’t be an immediate target for Megatron’s pacifist wrath. Sure, the mech wouldn’t resort to physical violence, but verbal violence was still very much on the table. “… Doubletap.”
Megatron was doubting his admittedly flimsy story.
Time to bail.
“Gotta go, Megs! I need to keep the line open. Talk to you later, okay? Bye!”
Rodimus hung up, breathing a sigh of relief at the sound of disconnected radio static mingling with the melodramatic noises of cartoon violence from his holonet screen.
The early morning was the best time to sleep, in Rodimus’s humble opinion.
An excellent time to be curled up under heavy quilted tarpaulins in a nice pocket of warm air, one foot and the opposite arm sticking out of the pile for carefully calculated temperature regulation. A time where all dreams were just short of real, blending with the material universe whenever his processor surfaced for a breath of consciousness to debate the costs and benefits of truly waking up.
The voice was familiar but distant, like it was behind a wall.
Megatron sometimes hung out in his dreams, he thought, rolling over in his comfy pile.
He used to be signifier that Rodimus was having a nightmare, a hulking purple and black menace intent on consuming his spark for some cruel purpose. Or sometimes he used to laugh at Rodimus, telling him he was too late to save his friends… or that he had forgotten to close his panels after a wash and how embarrassing that was. A real leader wouldn’t show up to save the day with their bait and tackle out like some sort of dumbaft.
But after getting to know Megatron, Rodimus mostly encountered him in dreamland as a boring, but good-looking reminder to do his work or fulfill some silly task or some stubborn, unhelpful companion on a quest. The time Dream Megatron had refused to the flip the “Save The Day Switch” that he had been standing right next to had been an exercise in imaginary frustration that had nearly driven Dream Rodimus to choke the life out of his phantom co-captain.
“Rodimus,” the voice repeated.
He rolled over again, flopping onto his back.
The tarpaulins slipped down slightly, revealing his optics to the ceiling he had painted matte black last month, the dark swathes flecked with “stars” where the unsealed paint had started to chip away.
If he squinted and let his focal rings go lax, Rodimus could imagine Megatron standing there amidst the infinite field of the cosmos as he sunk away from consciousness. Waking up wasn’t worth it right now.
He would never admit it, even on pain of torture or death, but sometimes Rodimus enjoyed ogling Dream Megs. Big, strong mechs had a special sort of appeal, even the ones that liked to paint themselves like dead metal. It was a style, even if it was one he personally wouldn’t want to wear.
Sometimes Rodimus even liked to think about grabbing onto the heavy plating and climbing up. Unfortunately, those sorts of dreams tended to be the sorts of dreams that gave intimate parts of his frame the warm fuzzies that he was glad to be in the privacy of his habsuite for.
Shame the real Megatron was a boring stick in the mud, who only struggled marginally less than Minimus to have genuine fun. Maybe one day. He’d already made a lot of progress on being less dull.
“Rodimus!” Dream Megatron’s voice was getting insistent. He was even knocking on the door now.
He wasn’t dreaming a door, was he?
No, he didn’t think so.
His focal rings spiraled close, sharpening his vision in an instant. The hazy image of Megatron against a field of stars vanished, replaced by Rodimus’s chipping ceiling.
He sat up, the knocking on his very real habsuite door continuing unabated.
“I’m coming!” he hollered, throwing the tarpaulins to the side, a slapdash attempt at disentangling himself. Maybe that would hold off Megatron from ripping his door off to get his attention—Megatron wouldn’t rip his door off.
Probably not anyway.
A shame. Might be fun with Dream Megatron.
The knocking, however, did stop by the time Rodimus smacked the access panel for the door.
The door slid back into the wall, revealing his large, very concrete visitor… who was scowling at him. Or… at least frowning. It was sometimes difficult to read the minute differences between the various frowns immediately after waking up.
He hoped it wasn’t a scowl.
He hadn’t even been awake long enough to mess something up. Unless he had been thinking vaguely naughty thoughts a little too loudly and by some curse, Megatron had telepathically caught him.
“Yeah, Megs?” Rodimus asked, blinking up at him and rubbing one drowsy optic with the back of his hand. “It’s kind of early, pal. What’s the emergency?”
Megatron opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. Instead, he hesitated, like he almost hadn’t expected Rodimus to open the door.
Maybe it wasn’t an emergency, but Megatron didn’t often look unsure. That was weird.
“No, I wouldn’t say so,” he finally said, nodding as though assuring himself that was the right thing to say. The low volume was at once unsettling and attractive. Rodimus didn’t know what to make of it… or this visit.
“Okay, then… what?”
Rodimus raised a curious optical ridge at his guest.
“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to discuss with you, but….” Megatron trailed off, bringing a hand to his chin in thought. “How do I put this delicately….”
“Megs, you’re as delicate as a blaster shot to the forehead, so, uh, don’t worry about that. Just, uh, give it a go.”
Rodimus wondered if he would regret the encouragement. He didn’t want to take a double-tap of criticism pointblank to the face right after waking up.
“You’ve been avoiding me lately and if… you would prefer, I’ll never mention it again.”
That didn’t sound like impending criticism.
It was something worse, wasn’t it? Rodimus didn’t know what was worse.
His jaw dropped open, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Maybe a complete disavowal. Maybe Megatron hated his gears now and couldn’t stand the sight of him. He’d been an annoying bastard one too many times and now Megatron was going to tell him to get lost and never come back—Wait, no.
They were the only Cybertronians in this universe and this was their ship. He didn’t really have a place to go. Megatron also didn’t have the authority to exile him.
“I, uh….” Rodimus found himself stammering.
“This is difficult to say; I must apologize.” Megatron wasn’t making any sense. “I’ve spent hours planning what words to use, the order and rhythm to their pronunciation, and… now that I’m here, I’m finding myself at a loss. The entire situation is rather unorthodox and not something I’ve ever been particularly familiar with.”
“Just, uh….” His tongue felt thick and heavy, completely taken aback by Megatron’s rare lack of confidence. Admitting a gap in knowledge was quite the show of vulnerability. “Uh, spit it out then? You got this.”
At least they both felt stupid. A solidarity Rodimus didn’t really want but appreciated all the same.
“So be it.”
Rodimus blinked expectantly, optics wide. Where the hell was this going?
“I think I’ve—No. I’m certain that I’ve fallen in love with you.”
That was not what Rodimus had been expecting at all.
“Uh, thanks?”
But that was also the wrong thing to say in response to someone confessing tender feelings and Rodimus knew it the moment the words reflexively came out of his mouth.
The light in Megatron’s optics dimmed a fraction, enough for Rodimus to feel the sick chill of failure in his own spark.
He had to salvage this.
“No, wait!” Rodimus jumped up, reaching out and grabbing Megatron by the collar plating to stop him from walking away. He hadn’t made a move to go yet, but Rodimus couldn’t risk it. “That’s not what I mean.”
What was he supposed to say now?
Megatron hadn’t been mad at him all those times lately. He’d been… he’d been trying to tell him how he felt. Each damn time.
Rodimus felt like a heel, brushing off all of those attempts at a genuine connection, even if Kindle’s interruption was a emergency outside of his control.
Megatron stared down at him, his own optics wide in bafflement as Rodimus babbled and hung off the front of his armor like an idiot.
“Look, I—“
It wasn’t as though he wasn’t interested. He’d just… never… thought to ask.
Primus, Rodimus was a moron, assuming Megatron just wasn’t into those sorts of relationships.
“You want to come in and, uh, stare at my ceiling?”
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infiniteholeending · 1 year
wait what
the stanley parable 8 should have taken you to the 8 button room
or am i finally losing my mind?
so. i thought about this ask. and i came to the conclusion that i fucked up somewhere. so i took it upon myself to delete my save file and see if i could get the 8 room.
and, like any good scientist (or, well, guy with a BA in psychology) i documented my quest:
credits under cut:
Montage Music: "Following Stanley"
Skip Button Soundbite: "Liver Cakes"
Skip Button Theme: "i just did a bad thing"
Timekeeper Theme: "Careless Whisper"
Kids: yeah
I cannot for the life of me find where I got that heart bokeh but it was...open source? no wait that's for software. it was fair use.
8: that just came straight from my footage babey
Various spoken soundbites: tumblr user infiniteholeending
Editing: tumblr user infiniteholeending
Starring: tumblr user infiniteholeending
Best Boy: tumblr user infiniteholeending
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clockpartsnearme · 1 year
Custom Clock Inserts
Quartz Clock Movements Open Your Vistas
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Quartz clock movements are the modern-day electronic matching of conventional, mechanical control centers for timekeeping. However quartz clock movements (likewise referred to as clock electric motors) have no springs, weights, wheels, or gears to track time; instead, the quartz crystal generates a stream of pulses that are extremely fast and extremely steady, meaning that checking and subdividing the pulses provides an exact step of elapsed time. Let us see how these marvelous tools can open up a brand-new globe to you.
Non-quartz clock movements run mechanically, utilizing rotational force to turn a flywheel and a collection of equipments to determine specific time units (i.e., secs). Without regulation, the flywheel would certainly spin also quick, which is where pendulums and escapement systems can be found in. The pendulum is limited to turn one extent in half a second, and the gear network converts the oscillation right into secs, minute, and hours.
Modern electronic motors work identically-- at the very least to the onlooker-- although a completely different method is utilized to obtain the exact same outcomes. The first thing one requires to comprehend is that quartz crystals normally vibrate at their resonating regularities when a voltage decrease is related to them. Next, one must realize that the entire point of clocks is to track elapsed time (resetting every 12 or 24 hr), which whether this is done mechanically or electronically is a non-issue.
Nonetheless, the electronic strategy has lots of advantages that exceed just removing the bulk of flywheels, weights, and gears. Electronic motors in essence digitize the entire process, transforming what made use of to be performed in hardware into software program. This gives them a lot better adaptability and adaptability than their mechanical equivalents, and actually they can carry out essentially whatever functionality can be thought up due to the fact that shows has no hardware restraints.
As an example, suppose we intend to extend the resetting time, or the duration at which whatever wraps around to where it began? Twelve hours and twenty-four hours are prominent alternatives, but there's absolutely nothing preventing one from going a full week, and even a month!
Naturally, there's no factor implementing such time expansions if you couldn't reveal them, implying particularly adjusted dials and potentially an additional hand. For the once a week period, the days are printed in the center of the dial and the (short) extra hand leaps to the next day every 24 hr. In a similar way, for once-a-month durations, dates of the month are published along the dial's circumference and a lengthy hand ticks to the following once a day.
A neat option "clock" movement that you can obtain monitors tide level. The only actual distinction is going from a solar cycle to the lunar cycle, which is 24 hr and 50 mins. The motion has to be initialized and calibrated for neighborhood problems, but once this is done the tide degree will certainly always be accurate.
The tide-level motion (which can be combined with common timekeeping to display time and trend on one face), is a kind of lead-in to movements that depart from periodicity. Right here, the thing revealed is a weather phenomenon, such as moisture or temperature, and the single hand revolves between two extremes of a scale. Sensors are made use of to discover present worths, and the electric motor converts the value into hand position.
The astute viewers will certainly understand that we are no longer in the world of quartz movements, as there is no reason to track elapsed time. But the digital quartz innovation has freed up the imagination to assume in regards to software instead of hardware. clock parts
A fascinating by-product of all this is that there is a market for clocks and attributes of the past, such as grandfather clocks with oscillating pendulums. The digital movements can suit such needs via simulation, even though pendulums are no more working components; this is particularly valuable for clockmakers that want to bring back an old, non-functioning heirloom. Obviously, quartz clock movements open your panoramas.
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zionlive · 1 year
welp my oc and timekeeper ladies and gentle didn’t know what I was expecting when I hit that generator
Error cookie : Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing.  Timekeeper cookie : Are you a software update? because not right now.
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chroniclesofrain · 1 year
"Gen-Z Diaries: Navigating Daily Life in the Digital Age"
Looking back at my daily routine, I can't help but admit how deeply technology has embedded itself into my daily existence. As an individual living in the digital age and a part of Generation Z, I was born with technology all around me. It's just the way life has always been for me.
How I start my day
I begin my day by waking up to the sound of my smartphone's alarm. When the loud alarm on my phone goes off, it signals my brain that I should start my day. I remember my mom once described how she would set an alarm on an actual clock. But now, traditional alarm clocks are a thing of the past since smartphones have these kinds of applications built-in to make life more convenient.
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Productivity and academic
After getting myself ready for the day, I dive into working on the stuff I need to get done––academic or chore. My phone, tablet, laptop, and several software programs have evolved into my go-to working tools. For instance, Canvas, Gmeet, Gmail, and Zoom are examples of collaborative technologies that have changed the way I communicate with friends, peers, and family. Despite remotely studying and not personally seeing my blockmates and friends, technology brought connectivity to my life. Fortunately, whenever we have onsite classes, navigating or GPS applications direct me through my commute. Generally, It shows me real-time updates on traffic as well as suggestions on faster routes to avoid heavy traffic.
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Primary health companion
Whenever I have extra time on my hands, I try my best to work out. Recently, I got a smartwatch with a fitness tracker app, and it has been nudging me to stand on my feet and move. Consequently, I found myself prioritizing my well-being and moving more often since it amazes me whenever it displays my progress.
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Aside from working out, streaming movies is what keeps me busy. Streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+ have given me endless options of content to explore and watch. Furthermore, online shopping has also become a part of my regular activity. Admittedly, the ease of browsing for the items I need, adding them to my cart, and having them delivered right in front of my door amazes me. Additionally, mobile banking and cash app wallets such as Gcsh made managing finances easier. Generally, it eases the way I pay for the items I buy online or whenever I forget to bring cash with me.
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As the day draws to a close, I get ready before retiring to my bed. I then turn on a decent film or television show that will help me relax and easily sleep. Last but not least, I always make sure my alarm is set so I won't be late for my day tomorrow. And that's how my day-to-day activities go.
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Technology has transformed how I manage my daily routines, but sometimes, I can't help but ponder and miss the days when technology was only a form of entertainment for me. Although it served as my timekeeper, guide, and connection to the outside world that brings convenience, efficiency, connectivity, and such, I always remind myself not to be overdependent on technology.
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clockhandskit · 1 year
Desire a Non-Ticking Second Hand?
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A non-ticking second hand is the by-product of using a continuous sweep clock movement, which not just does not jerk as well as time out, yet likewise does not make a noise. The non-ticking second hand is much less preferred than one might anticipate, perhaps as a result of the absence of particular desirable additional attributes, yet also possibly because of an easy lack of knowledge. Even so, the smooth and also peaceful change is liked by some and ideal for sure scenarios.
The non-ticking second hand is feasible only with the modern digital clock electric motor technology. When wrist watches were mechanical, pendulums and also escapements were frequently, if not constantly, integrated right into the timekeeping operation, and also their back-and-forth steps were equated right into the jerky movement of the second hand. The electronic motion, on the other hand, does all operations in software, providing it far more flexible and versatile.
This means that we can create a quiet second hand or a ticking one with equivalent simplicity; it's simply a matter of programs. The sounds of old clocks were made directly, or as adverse effects from an operation. The audios of brand-new clocks are synthetic, probably waveforms stored in memory, as well as they appear because the program instructs them to sound.
For the mechanical clock, points needed to be tweaked just right to make the timing exact. The factors most impacting timing were the size of the pendulum, the degree of its swing, as well as the torque related to the flywheel. The escapement as well as its parameters were coupled with the pendulum in the effort to have the pendulum switch instructions in exactly half a second.
The force behind the turning of the flywheel was hanging weights or curled springs, and these necessarily had to be periodically reset. Furthermore, any type of add-on attributes (cuckoos, chimes, expanded time display) were likewise mechanical, often ingeniously so. Digital electric motors eliminated all the stuff of weights, equipments, pendulums, etc, deriving their power source from quickly vibrating quartz crystals.
The resonating vibration takes place when a voltage decline is placed across the crystal, as well as the regularity of resonance is really precise (constant). What emanates from the crystal is a stream of pulses, which can be counted by software program as well as stored in digital signs up. The pulse train is a lot, much faster than a second, yet via neighborhood it is feasible to track elapsed secs, mins, as well as hours.
Since the operation is in software, it can be embedded on a silicon chip, consequently reducing its minimal dimension to less than an inch. Hardware for mounting the electric motor, cylindrical hand shafts, as well as the battery are the real variables identifying physical size. Moreover, there is virtually no limitation in regards to performance, since if it can be explained algorithmically it can be understood in software program.
Nevertheless, the opportunity of furnishing all kind of new features on a clock doesn't always suggest that individuals require them, specifically if they are set in their ways or oblivious that the brand-new features are readily available. A case in point is that people have grown familiar with the distinct step-motion used tick that goes back to the age of mechanical wrist watches, even though such movement is purely an artifact resulting from pendulum-escapement combinations and not essential for electronic motors. They evidently see no demand to visit a non-ticking second hand, although the sound may irritate them in the evening.
However, in time points may change as humans alter their minds. Clock components vendors give the alternative for a continuous sweep second hand on a lot of their motions, so the feature is always there.
While you are thinking about purchasing a quiet clock motion, it is worth your while to discover other features used by distributors. It is feasible to develop a timepiece that will blow people's minds. It all begins with wanting a non-ticking second hand.
shop now
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veryxany · 1 year
so im making refs for my tsp characters!! so far i got stanley, the narrator, and timekeeper, and mariella and the curator are on their way when i finish them!!!
going in order of when i introduced them, transcripts will be below each one incase my writing isn't that legible
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transcript: Narrator (aka Pathos) // N/A (late 40s mentally) // He/Him (doesn't care abt gender) // Kind of impulsive // Has a silhouette form // uses to snoop around other parables
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transcript: Stanley (aka Lee, 427) // 26 // He/They (demiboy :D) // mostly mute (can say basic words (yes, no, hi, etc.)) // Carries around a bag sometimes
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transcript: Timekeeper (aka Logos) // N/A (30s mentally) // Xe/Xem (agender) // Cannot speak, usually writes // Has a clock form :D
for some context and extra trivia; pathos and logos have n/a in their bios cuz they dont exactly age. they act a certain age range, but them (and the curator as well) are all pretty much just rogue pieces of computer software that achieved sentience, and hence cannot age.
each of the three have varying connections to how "human" they are in terms of both appearance and how they interact with the physical world, and some can do some things while others can't (ex: pathos can't sit at all while logos can sit on chairs and stuff but not the floor)
ill be further fleshing these lads out in the future (especially logos, i wanna see what i can do with xem frfr) and as i said mariella and the curator are coming soon!!
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delladilly · 11 days
Essential Tools and Software for Streamlining Law Firm Accounting Processes
In the realm of law firm accounting, leveraging specialized tools and software is pivotal for streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Essential tools include practice management software, accounting systems, and client billing platforms. Practice management software, such as Clio or PracticePanther, integrates case management with financial tracking, offering features like timekeeping, invoicing, and expense tracking. Accounting systems, like QuickBooks or Xero, are tailored for legal practices, ensuring accurate tracking of financial transactions and compliance with accounting standards. Client billing platforms, including Bill4Time or TimeSolv, facilitate detailed billing and invoicing, helping to manage client accounts and streamline revenue collection. Additionally, tools for electronic payments and trust account management play a critical role. Electronic payment solutions, such as LawPay, simplify transactions and improve cash flow.
Common Challenges in Law Firm Accounting and Effective Solutions
Law firm accounting presents unique challenges that require tailored solutions. One of the primary challenges is managing client trust accounts, which must be handled with strict adherence to legal regulations to prevent the commingling of funds and ensure proper accounting. Implementing robust trust account management software and conducting regular reconciliations are effective solutions to this issue. Another common challenge is handling billing and collections, which can be complex due to varying client payment schedules and billing arrangements. Solutions include adopting comprehensive billing software that supports detailed invoicing, integrates with case management systems, and provides automated reminders for overdue payments.
Best Practices for Managing Client Trust Accounts in Law Firm Accounting
Managing client trust accounts is a critical aspect of law firm accounting that demands precision and adherence to ethical standards. Best practices for managing these accounts include maintaining separate trust accounts for different clients to avoid commingling of funds, and ensuring that all transactions are documented and recorded accurately. Regular reconciliation of trust accounts is essential to verify that the balances match the recorded transactions and to detect any discrepancies early. Implementing strict controls and access restrictions helps safeguard client funds and prevents unauthorized access. Additionally, law firms should provide ongoing training for staff on trust account management and compliance with legal regulations.
The Role of Law Firm Accounting in Ensuring Compliance with Legal Regulations
Law firm accounting plays a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with legal regulations and maintaining ethical standards. Compliance involves adhering to regulations governing client trust accounts, financial reporting, and record-keeping. Accurate accounting practices are essential for maintaining proper separation of client funds from the firm's operational funds, as required by legal ethics rules. Law firms must also comply with regulations related to financial disclosures and reporting, ensuring that financial statements are accurate and transparent. Implementing internal controls and conducting regular audits help identify and rectify any potential compliance issues. Moreover, staying informed about changes in legal regulations and incorporating them into accounting practices is crucial for ongoing compliance.
How Law Firm Accounting Can Improve Budgeting and Financial Planning?
Effective law firm accounting is instrumental in improving budgeting and financial planning. By providing accurate and timely financial data, accounting systems enable law firms to create detailed budgets that align with their strategic goals. Tracking revenue and expenses allows for the identification of cost-saving opportunities and the optimization of resource allocation. Law firm accounting involves analyzing historical financial data, forecasting future financial performance, and adjusting budgets based on real-time insights. Implementing budgeting software that integrates with accounting systems can enhance the accuracy of financial forecasts and streamline the budgeting process. Additionally, regular financial reviews and variance analyses help law firms understand discrepancies between budgeted and actual performance, allowing for timely adjustments.
Exploring the Impact of Technology on Modern Law Firm Accounting
Technology has revolutionized law firm accounting, introducing innovations that enhance efficiency and accuracy. Modern accounting software offers features such as automated bookkeeping, real-time financial reporting, and integration with other practice management tools. Cloud-based accounting solutions provide accessibility and flexibility, allowing firms to manage their finances from anywhere and collaborate more effectively. Technology also facilitates the automation of routine tasks, such as invoicing and expense tracking, reducing manual errors and saving time. Advanced analytics and reporting tools offer deeper insights into financial performance, enabling law firms to make data-driven decisions.
Law Firm Accounting: Strategies for Reducing Costs and Increasing Profitability
Law firm accounting strategies for reducing costs and increasing profitability focus on optimizing financial management and operational efficiency. Implementing cost-control measures, such as reviewing and renegotiating vendor contracts, can help reduce overhead expenses. Streamlining billing and collections processes through automated invoicing and payment systems improves cash flow and minimizes the risk of delayed payments. Additionally, leveraging accounting data to analyze expense patterns and identify cost-saving opportunities allows law firms to make informed decisions about resource allocation. Investing in technology that enhances efficiency, such as cloud-based accounting solutions and practice management software, can further reduce costs by automating routine tasks and improving accuracy.
Navigating the Complexities of Law Firm Accounting: Expert Tips and Advice
Navigating the complexities of law firm accounting requires a thorough understanding of both accounting principles and legal regulations. Expert tips include implementing robust accounting systems that integrate with practice management tools to ensure accurate financial tracking. Regular training for staff on accounting best practices and regulatory requirements is essential for maintaining compliance and avoiding errors. Engaging with experienced accounting professionals or consultants who specialize in law firm accounting can provide valuable insights and support. Additionally, conducting regular audits and financial reviews helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate.
Law firm accounting is a critical aspect of managing a successful legal practice, encompassing various elements such as client trust account management, compliance with regulations, and financial planning. By utilizing specialized tools and software, law firms can streamline their accounting processes and improve efficiency. Addressing common challenges with effective solutions and adhering to best practices for managing client trust accounts are essential for maintaining financial integrity and compliance. The role of technology in modernizing law firm accounting cannot be overstated, offering innovations that enhance accuracy and operational efficiency. Implementing strategies for reducing costs and increasing profitability further supports the financial health of the firm.
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