samreich · 3 months
time machine for sale ⏰
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pollyna · 18 days
me back on my bullshit of timetravel? yep.
I need 88!Iceman going around the Naval Base as if he owns the whole fucking place and he is still the best of the best even in '22 not because it's that arrogant but because he just discovered his present self is married to one Pete Maverick Mitchell and daaaaamn the man has aged like fine wine. And he can be totally open about it, with not only his best friend but with the whole world. Wow.
It translates in punching Hangman in his face the moment they are out of the Naval Base, and having Slider having to pick him up from the ground to avoid having him hit the Naval aviator once again, Ice having a very short and sarcastic talk with Rooster about stuff that leaves Rooster in tears for the first time in ages and - most importantly in Ice's mind - wining and dining Mav so hard the man actually blushes. Because motherfucking Tom Kazansky can be the most charming human ever and now he has to chace to be that version of himself in every way he wants. And Mav can't help but love him a little more and in every single version of his husband.
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bambooshuohuop · 3 months
One of the "Manhwa" versions I see of Zhongli is a butler that gets on your nerves but he does the job right so you can't really complain.
He prob still looks the same, but he also wears the iconic monocle glasses— white gloves, pristine suit, and alluring gaze that the MC can be immune to, but would still find themselves blushing sometimes.
if he were a love interest, prepare for the eerie knowledge he has. he loves MC too much for them to die. TimeTravel Manhwas will make him omniscient. period. Zhongli will do anything to protect his love one. he doesn't want them to be frightened though, so he won't tell-tale his knowledge in the second timeline until MC calms down.
politics are a mere fly to him.
the King is secretly a corrupted person? wow, who knew! I wonder who revealed that to the media.. MC felt dread at the fact that someone knows what happened too..
don't worry MC! Butler Zhongli will assure you that it's a mere gossip you shouldn't worry about. here, have some tea to calm you down.
Butler Zhongli will take it upon himself to help MC indirectly in every step of the way. he is as afraid as MC to die the 2nd time around. worse of it all? he didn't save them in the first timeline, and it was his fault..
so he has to make things right this time.
ps. zhongli's manhwa name will prob be the long, basically unreadable, almost unforgettable yet iconic name. it's still too difficult for the general audience to grasp though....
so he's best known as ❛that hot butler on *insert long manhwa title*❜
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nerdeartist · 2 years
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The Girl Who Overcame Time, Kagome. What a fun, challenging, and very creative process. ☺️ Video process will be uploaded on YouTube. Sorry there’s no audio on any of them! Haven’t figured out how to add them quite yet. 😖 Also, I’ll be away from drawing after this post for Thanksgiving and I should post the next character sometime next week (…or 2?). We’ll see. 😊🤷‍♀️ #digitalart #digitaldrawing #procreate #sketch #madeonipad7thgen #inuyasha #kagome #priestess #anime #cool #timetravel #isekai #magical #modernera #feudaljapan #nerdeartist https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPBvvkszU8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lambourngb · 11 months
Prompt : Past and Future Married Selves From Future Try to Matchmake Present Selves
Timetravel, established IceMav-
“What the hell are you doing?”
Mav froze where he was carefully hanging up his bomber jacket on a coat hook and turned to face his husband, clearly recognizing the look on his face. Annoyed but fond, so not truly an Admiral-level of annoyance. “Do I really need to explain it?” He glanced at his jacket on the rung and then toward the desk in the middle of the room with a shiny placard for Lt. Commander Tom Kazansky.
Ice raised his eyebrow, sporting four stars on his shoulders as he took in his past self’s desk. “Seriously? You stole your own jacket and put it in my office?”
“It’s called ‘providing a pretext',” Mav said primly. “I love this jacket. Trust me, I’ll search the whole base, and when I find it in your office, I’ll be relieved and thankful it’s safe.”
“You would be relieved now, but back then?” Ice looked skeptical, walking deeper into his past self’s office. Everything was neat, filed away, no sense of personality, but he knew if he opened up the bottom desk drawer, there would be a framed picture of the Enterprise and their famous handshake. It would take years, and of course finally having Mav as his partner before Ice would have the courage to display it openly.
Then once that happened, he couldn’t help but display it everywhere. Admirals had that type of power.
“Back then, I was definitely looking for a reason to linger in your office,” Mav replied confidently.
“You were still involved with Charlie; you were talking about moving to DC and taking a job at Pax River.”
“Only because I thought I needed to put a whole country between us to keep from getting discharged dishonorably.”
Ice rolled his eyes, not exactly remembering it that way. This time point was painful and sore for him, and when they had both found themselves suddenly back in 1987, he had wanted to hide out in a beach motel until the time-travel spell that hit them both had passed. And it would pass the night after the lunar eclipse; there was enough documentation to guarantee that. Still, in 1987, and since he had been following Mav for almost thirty years at this point, he had followed him again to their old offices at Top Gun reluctantly.
This was a bittersweet point in their history. They had built a friendship in Miramar, but Ice knew he had done it under false pretenses, believing he could only have a friendship with his hopelessly straight wingman. It took serving in a war together and a bail-out over the Gulf to change that.
Suddenly Mav’s eyes lit up, and Ice’s stomach sank in recognition. “Oh, you still shave with that coconut cream during this time! If we rub that on the collar, so I think you were wearing this, I promise you, I’ll be at your door the very next night-“
Sighing, Ice slipped behind his old desk and opened up the top drawer, knowing unerringly that he had stopped keeping that shaving cream in his locker after getting teased about it at Top Gun. “You mean this?”
“Yes!” Mav grabbed it, dispensing a small dab into his palms to rub together. He inhaled the tropical scent with a sigh and then rubbed the lingering scent into the collar of his past self’s jacket. Something about the scent seemed to ignite a fire in his eyes as he took in the old office and flickered to the beat-up couch against the office wall. “Say, Ice-“
“Oh come on, we never had a chance to defile this couch, and trust me, I wanted to do it back then-“
That was true enough; teaching at Top Gun provided the foundation for their friendship, and by the time it had turned sexual, they had faced different deployments and long distances. Miramar was in the hands of the Marines now. It was tempting.
1987 Ice wouldn’t have said no to Mav, even though he knew the other man was in a relationship. 2022 Ice, married to the menace, was not any stronger. “Fine- but don’t, and I mean this, don’t come on the cushions, my past self still has to work in here.”
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dearestcynthiaw · 6 months
Goodbye Stranger - House MD x Reader
Chapter one: World Weary
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A young, mild woman, of noble decent, comes face to face with an infamous doctor, not just from the other side of the world but seemingly a whole other time. Will he believe her ridiculous, and quite frankly, impossible story? In House's mind, everybody lies, but is that so for this new, mysterious woman.
This is my first fanfic in a long time, I'm quite new to Tumblr, so hello!
I'm absolutely infatuated with this series at the moment, so I thought I'd do a bit of writing and play with a concept that makes me ponder. This is very very loosely based on a original character that lives rent free in my mind. I've done a chunk of paintings of her so I'll post a few as headers on some of the chapters. The character in this will go nameless, and is intended to be a self-insert for those reading, therefore I've tagged it as a 'x reader'.
I'm not a doctor and I don't work in medicine so lots of this is research and a little help from a friend who is a nurse, so the knowledge in it will be hit or miss.
Anyway, enjoy!
It had been a long, hot, blissful summer in the year of 1928. Newly September, the days were starting to get shorter and the trees were turning crisp and orange.
It had been quite a bad week, though bad was quite the understatement. Her uncle was on his deathbed. He’d suffered through a long bout of influenza that was seemingly impossible to recover from. She visited as often as she could, hoping that each visit wouldn't be the last. Her heart was heavy from knowing his death would eventually become inevitable. He had always been a man of great prowess and genuine kindness, which was a rarity in her family, and losing him would shatter her.
Moreover, her fiancé was hurried to hospital after a nasty accident at a rugby match. He hadn't been concentrating when running the length of the pitch, he tripped and was ambushed by the collective. His ankle looked horribly out of shape, one could only imagine how many degrees it had rotated. It looked almost entirely backwards. 
Her Fiancé's hospitalisation and her uncle's sickness had caused the worst sleeping patterns. She'd barely had a few hours each night for the past week. As she laid in bed most nights, especially in the early hours of the morning, thoughts and worries flurried through her head. She lay there hoping to God everything would set itself straight.
The exhaustion had impacted every aspect of her day so far, and she had marched up to the central hospital, from her soon to be in-laws townhouse, she felt overwhelmingly drowsy and unsteady. Of course there was no transport to be seen for miles to cut down the walking distance and give her a couple seconds of peace. All servants were out of the house, and it had become increasingly  difficult to hail a taxi. 
She trudged through the bustling streets, avoiding streams of people surging towards her. She had arrived at roughly 13:11 pip-emma, give or take, hoping that her beloved was already awake and breakfasted, to spare the grumpiness.
Awkwardly she stood, though all else were seated, patiently waiting for the nurse to lead the way to her sweet fiance's room.
She had been called with the added 'Lady' positioned at the very beginning of her name. It had caused a slight shudder to run down her spine as the room of plenty turned to look in her direction, eyebrows quirking in curiosity.
She appeared quite out of place in the very centre of London in a hospital bustling with people who were much different to herself.
Although she never minded her title, she much preferred the simple 'miss'. 'Lady' carried too much sophistication and responsibility, the sort associated with cutting ribbons and giving out writing awards at local schools. It felt far beyond her, she’d always felt sort of, under prepared.
Standing there in her professionally ironed clothing and perfectly soft waved hair, being ogled at, made her feel uncomfortably separate from everyone else.
‘Just this way, You’ll find he’s in quite a pleasant mood today, we’ve been able to better control his pain since you’ve last seen him.’ The nurse turned to face the Lady, with a sweet smile as they walked the extensive, dismal hallways. 
The door was ajar, and from the threshold she could see a well lit room, far different to the rest of the hospital. There were bouquets of flowers scattered about, along with ‘Get Well Soon’ cards that were crammed upon the limited surfaces. There were excessive amounts of sweetmeats and sugary treats upon the bed and sideboard. This man had only been admitted the day before and he already received a hefty amount of goods. It wouldn't be long before he had to pack it all up and head home.
 She had been loudly interrupted from her thoughts with a cheerful ‘What-ho sweetheart!’. The nurse was quite right, he was much more sprightly today. 
‘I say, take a seat, this chair or that, you might even be allowed to perch on my bed a while!’ Snorting, he motioned towards a patch on his bed that wasn’t decorated with an array of sweets. 
‘You look quite at home here. Should I be assured that they’re looking after you well?’ Her eyes were glued to his bubbly expression. It was quite surprising for a man who had been writhing about in pain on a muddy pitch the day prior.
‘Quite, quite, very well indeed. Though, I can’t ever seem to get any service here. They’re always ignoring me. I don’t ask that much of them.’
It was almost certain that he did, it could only presume that he wanted to be pandered to and pampered as though he was on the coast of France in some lavish hotel. 
She could only look at him with a sense of pity, she only saw a man who was in a great deal of pain and was pushing through with a gleaming smile.
She found she was at quite a loss for words, sympathising with him wouldn't do as he'd only push himself to show he wasn't entirely helpless. This always put him in a worse state. ‘Do you know when you might be coming home?’ was all she could think of after the momentary silence.
‘Oh yes, yes, it was supposed to be today, but I’ve asked to be held on until tomorrow. Charlie from the club said he’d drive me home.’ 
‘You don’t want me to take you home? I can do it later today when Dobson gets back, he has the key to the shed where my car is-’ Again she applied a bright smile, hoping she could be of help. ‘You’ll only have to wait till 3. It’s really not that long darling.’ 
‘Gosh no, I don’t like it when you drive, makes me feel like a helpless sod.’
Lightly exhaling and nodding she looked down at her hands in her lap.
And again he spoke; ‘You’ll have to bring me a glass of water dearest, I can’t get the attention of anyone at this bloody hospital. And I'm bloody parched!' He seemed to let out a sort of huff; boyishly crossing his arms.
As she stood and started to walk, he shouted after her ‘Oh! And grab a doctor for me too, there’s something I need him to see.’ 
With a sweet smile and a light nod she turned on her heel, heading back for that ominous, dark hallway.
A short way down she found a small cupboard, one with a tap and a couple glasses and other bits and pieces to accommodate patients and guests.
Just before fetching a glass, she lent over and placed her head on the counter, with her arms cradling her head. She let out a long exhale to release some of the stress of the day. The exhaustion was starting to catch up, she could so easily have a quick nap with her head on the cold surface.
Finally gathering the energy to move, she lifted a glass and ran the tap, making sure she didn’t fill the vessel with lukewarm water.
Someone must have closed the door whilst she took her momentary rest, as when she turned she was confronted by the clinical white passageway that was firmly shut. 
With a heavy push she dislodged the door from its threshold and found herself to be completely disoriented. Nothing looked the same. She thought that maybe she had taken a long route to this small cupboard and had simply forgotten the way she came.
She was completely surrounded by shelves upon shelves of supplies. There was only one other door and it was straight ahead. She turned again, wandering back inside the smaller room with the sink, studying her surroundings to see if there was another entrance that she might have overseen. Yet there was nothing. 
She finally settled on advancing towards the opposite door, walking between the sets of shelves that carried an array of different peculiar items that resembled medical arsenal, none of which she had ever seen used before, but yet again, she didn’t spend much time hanging around hospitals to see what new advances were made in the field. 
Just as she reached for the door handle, it began to pull downwards as a force was applied to the opposite side.
Jumping back in surprise and slight panic, feeling as though she had wandered into the wrong part of the building, she had no time to think out a possible explanation before the door was fully open. 
The man that was stood there gave her a wide eyed look, appearing equally as perplexed as herself.
She quickly took in his figure, he was no doubt tall, taller then most of the men that she knew, and was scruffily dressed, she wondered if he might have taken a wrong turn too.
Taking in a quick breath she squeaked; ‘Are you lost too?’
‘No.’ He had a distinctive accent as he bluntly said the singular word. 
‘I’m in your way, sorry, I’ll just-’ She peered to his side noting the direction she was heading. 
‘How did you get in here?’ His eyebrow quirked.
‘Through that door.’ She pointed behind herself, his eyes quickly following her movement. There was nothing there. No door in sight, as though it had never been there to begin with. 
She looked back at him in surprise ‘I could have sworn-’ 
With that he let out a bark of laughter. She felt ever so small and grew red in the face. 
‘I must be tired, but I swear that's where I came from.’
‘No door there sweetheart, never was.’ 
Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape, yet no sound came out. ‘I better get back to my fiancé.’ 
‘You haven’t answered my question.’ He attempted to stop her proceeding. 
‘Well, I don’t really have much of an answer, because I certainly don’t remember entering through the door you’re standing in.’ 
‘This door was locked, did someone let you in? What you looking for, is it drugs? Could’ve just asked.’ Now she spotted his walking stick, he was leaning onto it, slightly blocking the way so he could continue interrogating her. 
‘How dare you, I wouldn’t do anything like that.’ 
‘They all say that.’ 
‘Can I just get through? I need to take this to my fiancé.’ She raised the glass in her hand.
‘What ward?’ 
‘Somerset Ward.’ Her answers were getting shorter as she became frazzled by the constant questions. 
‘Haven’t heard of that one before.’ 
‘It’s fine, I’ll find my own way.’ 
‘You still haven’t answered my question.’
‘Look, I really haven’t got a clue. Can I go now please?’ She gave a hapless sigh as she was getting to the end of her tether. 
He stepped aside, yet seemed to follow her as she stepped into an unfamiliar hall. It was bright white, almost blinding. It looked like an entry to the hospital, one that she’d never seen before. There were people scattered everywhere, wearing clothing very different from her own. She turned back to look at her interrogator with a look of shock and slight horror. ‘What is this?’
‘A hospital.’ He started to limp away, towards what looked like a reception desk. ‘You coming?’ She could see him leaning over the desk having a bit of a natter with a person sat there. She slowly got closer observing every detail in front of her. The gadgets and do-dads that adorned each desk and clinical colours that decorated the whole room. She'd never seen anything like this before. She must've ended up on the other side of the building, maybe a more experimentative wing compared to the others. 
She stepped closer to what looked like a reception desk, momentarily placing down her glass of water.
‘Name?’ Came a sudden voice that carried a very similar accent to the male that she had encountered in that odd cupboard. She couldn’t quite see, until a lady poked her head out behind a silver sort of implement about the width of a brief case or small luggage holder. 
There, she gave her full name in the presence of this strange man, middle name and all. A pattering sound began, like one you would hear from a typewriter, but without the obnoxious ‘ping’.
‘Dr House!’ This woman bellowed, only now realising that he’d started to wander away. 
‘Can’t find a name on the system.’ 
‘You’re trying to find my records? I’m not a patient here, I’m only visiting. Besides you won’t find it by typing, it’ll be in paper form, I thought that was the same for everyone?'
‘Sorry dear, Dr House told me you’d found your way off the psychiatric ward, your name isn't even on the database.’ This woman behind the desk looked directly into her eyes, showing vague sympathy.
‘You think I’m mad?!’ She cried at the ’doctor’. 
He continued to move away, towards what looked like a metal cladded elevator ‘Would explain the confusion.’ He shouted over the room of, what she could presume were patients waiting to be seen. 
She quickly jammed her arm into the door of the metal contraption before it fully closed. 
‘I am tired, but I’m certainly not out of my mind. I think you're having a joke with this whole thing. Who set you up to this? It’s really not funny. Can you just tell me what part of the hospital I've ended up in and I’ll be on my way.’
Again an amused smirk graced his face ‘You’re in the clinic.’
‘Well I’d gathered that from the sign above my head, but none of this is recognisable. I’ve been to the clinic before but it didn’t look anything like this.’
‘You sure you got the right hospital?’ He seemed so disinterested in giving any useful information.
‘Well yes, I’m in London-’
‘Well there we go, you’d better find your way back onto the crazy people ward, you’ve forgotten what country you're in. Next it’ll be what year from the look of you.’ He glanced down at her dress, to him it looked outdated. 
‘Can you stop that? Tell me seriously now.’ She appeared panicked, worse than she had been previously. She had hit the verge of begging.
With a sigh he gave up on the teasing ‘Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. You happy now?’
‘Princeton, New Jersey?’ Her hands were starting to shake, struggling to keep the elevator door open. She’d only ever seen this place in atlases that she used to flick through in her childhood home’s extensive library.
‘Where else?’
‘No no no no no, this isn't possible.’ She stepped inside quickly before the door slammed shut. Putting her face in her hands and taking shuddering breaths.‘You’re definitely not lying right? This isn’t a joke anymore. It's all very funny, but are you sure this isn’t just an American part of the hospital and you’re just pulling my leg?’ 
The doctor seemed to ignore her and continue to look straight ahead, both hands on his cane.
The door to, what she had now concluded was indeed an elevator, slid open and he stepped out. She hurried after him and as she began to walk beside him he halted, staring directly at the side of her head, fierce enough to burn holes into her skull.
‘You can leave me alone now. I’m not going to help you get a plane ticket or whatever you are pestering me for. Go back to the 1920s or whatever F.Scott Fitzgerald book you think you came out of. If this is some tasteful prostitution then give me a ring later. Goodbye.’ And with that he veered off into a room that was made up of mostly glass panels. 
The door flew shut and finally revealed this man's full name and title ‘GREGORY HOUSE M.D. DEPARTMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE’
Though he seemed to be warning her, she still pushed forth, entering the office space ‘Aren’t doctors supposed to help people?’ She had never been so forthright, if she were back at home she would’ve taken that as a forewarning and scampered off like a scared mouse. 
Dr House was now sitting hunched over at the desk, eyes glued to another one of those abnormal briefcase things that casted a blue tinged light over his face.
‘Are you not listening to me or are you just plain deaf? I said goodbye.’
‘I’m not taking that as the end of the conversation, Dr House.’ Her confidence was building, though it was most likely the adrenaline surging through her veins. She took steps closer to him, peering down at the jumbled items upon his desk. Odds and ends and many stacks of paper were littered about like a white blanket covering the entirety of the desk.
Her eye caught on one document reading today's date in the margain with a completely unrecognisable year. ‘2006’.
Her eyes bulged and her head seemed to be endlessly screaming. There was a fuzzy static sound that ringed in her ears and her breathing became short. Throughout the whizzing of her mind, she remained completely silent and still. 
‘Patient confidentiality, don’t you know.’ He said flipping over the paper she had been gawking at.
‘Two-thousand and six.’ was what she muttered beneath her breath.
‘So you really are that deranged. The whole get up is all part of the act. Are you living out a fantasy or something?’ 
‘It’s 2006? It’s 1928, your document is wrong. I mean this could be a very elaborate joke or is this a film set?’
‘You’ll have to pay me overtime if you keep asking me all these questions. $300 and you’ll get the full package, what d’you say Marty.’
'Are you still insinuating that I am a whore?’ She now began to grit her teeth. ‘And that is not my name-' She was cut off whilst she was reprimanding him.
'I’m the whore here, I’m the one offering my body, Marty. Now, what would that make me? Doc Brown? nah, maybe a generational relative from the future. Really spooky stuff. What have you come to tell me? About my impending death or bad life choices? Because you're a bit late.' Resting his head on his hands he looked up inquisitively. 
'I really don't understand-?' She spoke whilst shaking her head.
''Course you don't ' He pulled his lips thin, eyes widening and shrugging his shoulders. ’You think you're a time traveller and I’m here to tell you to head back down those stairs to where you belong, in the psychiatric ward.’
Her face twisted in disgust as he spoke such cruel, unadulterated words. She could feel the tears in the back of her eyes. No one was going to believe her, she barely even believed it herself.
‘What? Am I supposed to play along? Oops!’ His actions were so animated as he lifted a hand to his mouth.
He picked up what could've been a phone and brought it to his ear chatting with someone on the other end and began typing vigorously.
‘Looks like they'll have to book you in. No records here. Oh, tell you what, let's Google you, see what we can find.’ 
‘Google?’ She rubbed her forehead with worry.
‘What fun, you're still playing along.’ His words carried an underlying bite. ‘Here we go, nice, so you're daddy's an Earl and you live in a big mansion and have lots of money. I'm not surprised that you picked this woman to claim as your identity. It's full of all those fun parts. You've gone the extra mile too, editing a photo of yourself amongst your fictional family, how sweet.’ He turned the screen around and there was a photo of her and her brothers. 
Gasping in shock she spluttered ‘How did you get that?! That’s a private photograph!’ 
‘How did you do it then, Marty? Did you change the whole of this Wiki page to suit you?’ He tutted.
Standing silent in the emptiness of this office was like torture. She bit her tongue to stop the tears and prevent the endless wrath of words she was holding back. ‘How could you be so cruel, Dr House?’ She shook her head. ‘I thought you were going to help me.’ Her words were wavering as she spoke softly. 
He raised his shoulders once again lifting his hands up to display mock confusion ‘What is there to help?’.
And with those last few words she turned, flying out of the room.
‘World Weary’ - Noël Coward 1928
~ It was an early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn ~
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hlficlibrary · 8 months
* N o v e m b e r *
saw some things on the other side 
by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
When Louis moves into the mansion he’s inherited from his great grandfather, he has a plan that consists of three things. One, he’s going to finish writing the next novel in his series. Two, he’s finally going to get over his ex-fiancé. And three, while battling writer’s block and having to resist the urge to kill off the main character in his books – the hot detective based on his ex-fiancé – he’s going to restore the mansion to its former glory. Unfortunately, Louis’ plan doesn’t take into account the fact that instead of writing murder mysteries, he will find himself in one.
Mystery au | Mature | 61k
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was a time traveler, and sometimes I would be a fully blue chicken in the past that belonged to myself and some random prince guy, and then I found an iceberg in the future and when I thawed it out, my prince guy was there, then, like 10 minutes later, I took him to school with me and we got high as fuck with one of my best friends.
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violetlunette · 9 months
Horrortober Day 15: Blood “Is that… blood?” 
Tw: Mention of blood
Spoilers for Chapter 7
“Is that blood?” Silver winced at the angry, yet worried, tone from the General as his hand trembled, pressed to his side.
 Silver had just managed to bury an army beneath a literal mountain of snow, like the hero from his favorite story, but was badly wounded in the process. 
 “Shit.” General Lilia didn’t even wait for an answer from Silver, moving forward and peeling Silver’s hand away to look at the injury. “Shit!” he cursed again. He turned to the surrounding soldiers.
“Well don’t just stand there! Get me a healing potion, now!” Baul repeated the General’s orders in a bellow, and the others scurried about. As they did so, Silver’s vision became hazy as he fell forward. The General, the man who would one day become his father, hissed in his ear as he caught him.
“Dammit! You stupid, stupid brat!” Despite his words and the growl to them, his tone was fearful. Had the situation been different, Silver would have been touched.
 After a mistake threw him back in time, Silver found the younger version of his beloved father. Sadly, their relationship—wasn’t always the best. So, seeing this Lilia concerned for him reminded Silver of the father he grew up with. The one he may never see again.
Silver’s head fell against the smaller man’s chest as he fought to keep his eyes open, the rapid heartbeat of the fae hammering in his ears.
Many thoughts went through his mind, but only one came to the forefront of his mind.
‘I’m sorry, father.’ After discovering he had been tossed into the past, Silver swore he’d find a way home. But now…
Darkness filled his vision.
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adoringreg · 3 months
Please somebody make a time travel ff with main characters as Jegulus but with side Wolfstar and drarry.
A time travel fic where the golden trio plus draco somehow gets sent back in time to regulus’s fifth and James’s sixth year, i will literally pay for anyone to write it
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nmnomad · 3 months
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic #Railroad’s passenger service operates May 25th-October 19th, six days a week, Tuesday-Sunday.
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jameswebb-discoveries · 4 months
🎉 Happy Leap Year! 🎉
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Get ready to leap into the excitement because February 29th, 2024 marks a day that only graces our calendars once every four years!
From the ancient origins of leap years to quirky traditions around the globe, check out 100 Mind-Blowing Facts about Leap Year. Whether you're a history buff, a science geek, or just love a good trivia session, there's something here to pique your interest.
Read 100 Mind-Blowing Facts about Leap Year to dive into the fascinating world of timekeeping and celestial phenomena!
Let's make this Leap Year one to remember! 🚀🎈 #LeapYear2024 #Celebrate #TimeTravel #FunFacts
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siriusfan13 · 16 days
Update (finally)!
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justhellacesome · 9 months
I always fuckin wondered why Naruto a fox inclined jinchuriki never had yhe chance to learn genjutsu, and its not cuz he has too much chakra! He would have actually made a goddamn mini tsukuyomi if he could. ITS BECAUSE HE IS YANG DOMINANT!! Body instead of Soul or Yin which is needed in Genjutsu!!
it also made me realize the fact that Naruto has Yang Chakra of kurama who is a fox and foxes are know for illusions and tricks and yet naruto couldn't create a genjutsu for the life of him, and I realized that its not because of him having an overwhelming amount of chakra it's because he has an overwhelming amount of yang chakra, Body Chakra, Physical chakra. When Yin chakra is mind chakra or spirit which is what we need in genjutsu.
we would have a menace trickster that slit eyed 12 year old naruto would have grown into a version of himself that would rival orochimaru or danzo if he wanted to.
He wpuld have been majestic. He would have been more uzumaki than Namikaze. And we would have reveled in a story so like yet unlike of our own for just one single difference."
its 2am i got class in 5 hours.
I havent had a good headcannon lore soiral in awhile.
alot of my favourite quotes, philosophies, tropes, poems and stuff are here and I highly recommend to read, its also completed so You dont have to worry.
"come out of the ashes by SilverStudios5149 at Ao3"
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publishinggoblin · 5 months
There's just 24 hours left!
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There are just 24 hours left to back ZOETROPE: Death Didn't Take, and to get your hands on the time travel game of your dreams.
With incredible artwork and a revitalized look by Rickie Lee Benedetto, now is the time to claim your own copy, before it's too late! So join us on Kickstarter and for just $25, claim a copy of ZOETROPE, then consider adding in the expansion box, or the ghostly story telling game WHAT WE POSSESS!
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abominablecc · 1 year
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Old Bones
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