#time to cry y’all
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glitchedcrows · 2 months ago
Making a podfic of my current hyperfixation just to bully my friends into consuming this story that’s taken over my life? No I would never 😅
I’m just gonna leave this here 👀
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chickenchirps27 · 5 months ago
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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oobbbear · 1 year ago
An “what if there’s a pizzaplex location in China” au
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They're an Eclipse, but you can just call them Wu Dan
They are a theater bot from the Shanghai pizzaplex, they play the Wu Dan role (female warrior/fighter role) in Traditional Chinese opera. They can sing they can dance, they perform with a spear, and they do Bian Lian mask trick.
Most time they stay as Eclipse but if needed they can switch between Sun and Moon on command. As the picture shows, the red mask is Sun, the Blue mask is moon, the split face is when both are up but not in sync, they can’t stay like that for long it burns their battery, and the white face is Eclipse
Sun is more hot headed and extroverted, Moon is more ‘hohoho I’m evil’ and introverted, when split face, they’re mostly having a fight and they use their traits against each other, when Eclipse, their traits are combined creating an neutralized version of themselves
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magicandmundane · 9 months ago
I have a headcanon. But first: story time!
I am the elder sister, and when my little sister was born I was about two and a half years old. So, not really cognizant lol. But! I do remember just one moment, an instant really, and that is sitting next to my dad and getting to hold the little twerp (affectionate) and kissing her on the forehead.
Now for the headcanon.
Omega was probably right around the same age (maybe a little older idk) when her little brothers, the OG Bad Batchers, were born. She was probably running around Nala Se’s lab all excited about there being more clones like her, about having brothers. So, the only way Nala Se could get her to settle down was by sitting her down and letting her hold one of them.
And she held Hunter first.
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stellar-collective · 27 days ago
if u still take requests, i would like to humbly ask for: handler and ollie walking in on phoenix crying, and both immediately scrambling to comfort them / figure out what happened ❤️ no pressure!!
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it’s rotten work
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ourfandomcrazyuniverse · 4 months ago
If Trump supporters lose they’re upset because they can’t be as openly hateful anymore. If anyone else loses they’re upset because their rights and their lives are being taken away
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estrellami-1 · 2 years ago
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
Steve gets home and enters into chaos.
The older teens are nowhere to be found—Steve hopes they’re still in the shed—but the boys are arguing, pointing first at sheets on the table, then each other.
“No, you dumbass-”
“Oh, I’m the dumbass? I’m the one who forgot oxygen?”
Steve sighs. “Always the damn babysitter,” he mumbles to himself, fighting a smile. “Alright, cut it out!” He says, loud enough to be heard over the arguing. Immediately, everyone turns to him. He crosses his arms and nods at them. “What’s going on?”
Immediately they’re all talking over each other, doing their best to give Steve a headache. He sighs and raises a hand, and slowly they all peter off. “One at a time. Lucas?”
Lucas sighs. “We’re still trying to figure out the best way to weaponize fire down there.”
“And you’re disagreeing on something?”
“Yeah, we all think it would be best to do it different ways.”
Steve nods. “Write down a list of all the pros and cons you can think of. Pass the lists around in case you’ve forgotten something. When they’ve all been passed around, compare them together. But please, if it’s at all possible for you, do it quietly. If for no other reason than El’s still resting.”
“Oh,” Mike says quietly, and they all get to work, scribbling out their lists.
Steve sighs and scans the rest of the room, smiling when he sees Eddie leaning on the doorway. “Hey. Wanna help me bring stuff in?”
“Sure,” Eddie shrugs, and follows him out. It’s silent for a few moments before he speaks. “Y’know, a part of me was hesitant to believe everything until just about three minutes ago.”
Steve chuckles. “It does sound crazy,” he agrees. “What changed your mind?”
“You,” Eddie says simply, like it doesn’t send Steve’s heart jackrabbiting in his chest. “The way you are with the kids.”
Steve chuckles. “Y’know that’s the very reason we started to get along, before?” He glances at Eddie as he shuts the trunk. “We saw how we were with them. We were both a little jealous of each other, mainly cause of Dustin. I swear, he was always going on about Eddie this, Eddie that, greatest Dungeon Master ever but don’t tell Will, and… I started to feel like I was being replaced.” He smirks. “Course, then you told me how he practically worshiped me, and I realized Dustin’s just being a shithead.”
Eddie snorts. “From what I’ve seen of them, that does seem pretty accurate.”
“I know this probably doesn’t mean much to you, but I’m glad you’re here.” He smiles at Eddie and walks inside, giving Eddie a second alone outside.
He almost runs into Robin as he turns the corner, steadying himself, the bag, and her. She looks up at his face, wide-eyed, then slowly morphs the look into a judgy one.
“Quit breaking his brain, Dingus, let him actually like you as a person first.”
“How the hell could you tell that from my face?”
She gives him another supremely judgy look. “Have you forgotten I’ve known you for years? Steve,” she sighs, taking the bag from him. He lets her. “Don’t forget this is four years ago for them. At this point, does he even know who Chrissy is?”
“Okay,” Steve admits, “you may have a point. But we had a breakthrough just now! We were talking and he said he believes me because of how I am with the boys!”
Robin sighs again. “And did you respond with something that happens in the future?”
Steve splutters. “How do you do that?”
“I’ve known you for years, Stevie-boy, don’t forget.” She ruffles his hair as she passes. “Leave the future out of it,” she advises. “Live in the now.”
“Kinda hard to do, considering we’re here to change the future,” he says, just to be contrary. She gives him a look like she knows what he’s doing.
“Talk to him like you’re getting to know him for the first time, Steve. Because that’s where he is. Everything about the Upside Down, and even the kids… that’s all secondary. You got along because your personalities match. Give them a chance to.” She smirks at him. “And maybe show off a little bit of that Harrington charm I know is in there somewhere.”
He shakes his head, grinning. “You’ll see one day, Robs, I’ve got game.”
She grins, ruffling his hair one last time before dancing out of reach as he squawks at her. “I’ll believe it when I see it, Dingus.” She leaves, bringing the bag into the other room, and he sighs and follows her, wondering—not for the first time—how he ended up with her as a best friend.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy @paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
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cupcakeinat0r · 1 year ago
I hope Miguel gets a gazillion trilllion billion zillion jillion bazillion minutes of screen time in BTSV🤭
If not, Sony, count ur days.
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babooshkart · 1 year ago
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we can wear the rings, and we’ll know
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flowercrowngods · 2 years ago
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 (these make one big story, you won't understand this part without the others)
day 05: together
If Steve was trembling before, he’s shaking like a leaf now — or it feels like he is, with his heart beating in his throat, his knees locked tight or they’d buckle and give out, and his hands clenched into the blanket, holding it around him like a shield.
But there is nothing in this world to shield him from Eddie. Maybe that’s why he’s shaking. Maybe that’s fifteen years of energy coursing through him, all coming down to this. 
He can hear the steps down the hall and he wants to close the door and hide forever. He wants to run out and meet Eddie halfway, he wants to stay right where he is and be found, wants to find for himself. 
And then there he is; the glorious vision that is Eddie Munson. Even in the dark, even when it’s only his silhouette visible to Steve, even when his hair looks flatter than he remembers. Steve’s breath hitches and his eyes fill with tears again, helpless against the onslaught of I missed you, I missed you, I missed you. 
It’s so strong, this tidal wave, replacing all the air in his lungs with lead and feathers alike — but either way, he cannot breathe. It hitches pathetically, and he knows he should move, knows he should say something, anything; but there are no words. None but those three. I missed you. I missed you. I miss you.  
They’re both just standing there, suspended in space and time and emotion together. 
But then Eddie moves, twitches his hand as if wanting to reach for Steve, but halts his motion, insecure if that’s allowed. Steve doesn’t know either. 
“Hi,” Eddie breathes after a while, and his voice is so gentle, so careful like he’s sure Steve is about to break. Or like he himself is about to break, and he doesn’t dare move, lest the universe catches up on it. 
“Hey,” Steve whispers, tugging the blanket tighter around his shoulders. 
They still don’t move, time has not yet kicked back into motion, allowing them a drawn out moment of trying, trying, trying not to fall apart. 
“I missed you,” Eddie says. And Steve whimpers. The moment is broken, his knees are no longer locked, but instead of falling to the ground like he half expected, he stumbles forward to pull Eddie into a hug. Strong, warm arms wrap around him instantly, holding him tighter than they ever have before. Eddie’s never held him like this. 
But Eddie has never lost him either. 
The thought of that, of what they’ve done, what they’ve gone through, makes Steve blink away more tears as he buries his face in Eddie’s neck. 
“I missed you, too.” He sniffles. “So much. I’m sorry.”
“Me too, Stevie. I’m sorry.” 
You have nothing to be sorry for, Steve wants to say. You’re just happy. You deserve to be happy. 
He doesn’t say anything, though, just stays right where he is, hugging Eddie. Holding him as if he would slip through his arms and out of his life if he let go. And he would. But Steve’s not ready for that, not yet, not ever. So he holds him. Holds him even as Eddie slowly walks them into the apartment, closing the door behind himself with one arm, the other still around Steve, and then leans back against it. 
So they don’t have to keep themselves and each other upright. So they can just be two boys hugging. And crying. Because Eddie’s breath is uneven against Steve’s hair, and they’re both crying softly, quietly, as Eddie’s hand strokes through Steve’s hair. 
“I missed you,” he says again, and Steve holds him tighter, nods into his neck, biting his lips so he doesn’t spill any more truths between them. 
Steve doesn’t know how long they stand there, doesn’t know if time is back at work around them, if the world is spinning again. All he knows is that he would fall if he let go. All he knows is that he’s already falling. 
But at some point there are no quiet tears left and he’s not shaking as much anymore, his head a little clearer, aware that Eddie is humming some nonsense melody in that same way he always used to when Steve just needed a good hug and a cry. 
I love you, he almost says. It’s on his tongue, and for a moment he wonders if he did say it, haze and reality too closely linked, leaving him floating and reeling and aching. 
When he eventually pulls away from Eddie’s embrace, he can feel those pretty, brown eyes on him even if it’s too dark to see them; and Steve looks back. They both sigh a little, unalterably in sync with one another, and Steve smiles a little. But now that reality is back, so are the past few months. So is the engagement. And so is the fact that there’s no way to solve this but to go their separate ways, at least for a while. 
A pit replaces his heart once more, sucking all the tenderness out of this moment and leaving him brittle and breaking once more, vulnerable to Eddie’s touch, his smiles, his everything. Vulnerable to the world with or without Eddie. 
“Can we talk?” Eddie says after a while, his voice sounding just as small and insecure as Steve feels, and it’s wrong, it’s so wrong, they don’t sound like that around each other. They don’t feel like that, they don’t talk like that, they don’t — God, when did it all go so wrong?  
“Yeah.” Steve nods, stepping away from Eddie and heading towards the couch. 
Eddie joins him, taking a seat on the other end of the couch, so far away yet somehow still too close, and all Steve wants to do is reach out and pull him closer. He squeezes his eyes shut and massages his temples, like it would get rid of the bone-deep, physical yearning that has taken over his body. 
“Why were you around?” he asks lamely after Eddie doesn’t make any move to talk first. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Eddie said. “I don’t know if… I mean, yeah, obviously you got my call. Uh. I couldn’t sleep so I just walked around. And then you called.” 
“And then I called.” 
Eddie nods. Steve figures that he should have gone and turned on the light, but maybe it’s good that they can’t read each other. Maybe it’s good that they don’t have to look at each other for this. 
Silence falls, and Steve wonders for a brief, panic-filled second if they’ve forgotten how to talk to each other. If silence is all there ever will be again. 
But then Eddie, glorious, wonderful, brave Eddie scoots closer on the couch. “Turn around?” 
And it’s muscle memory to listen to Eddie, to do as he requests, especially when he asks like that. With that hopeful little voice. 
I love you. 
Steve turns, gasping a little when there’s warmth against his back and Eddie’s head resting against his. 
“What are you doing?” he asks, his voice gone with how close and how warm Eddie is. 
He can feel Eddie shrug against his back. “Changing the world.” 
And then there they sit, their backs leaning against each other, their heads resting together. And Steve can breathe again. 
“I just have to tell you something. But… If I’m already losing you, it won’t make a difference. If you hate me or something, you—“
“No, Stevie. Uh, please listen? I just, I need you to know. To understand, at least this one thing. Think I’ll explode if I don’t tell you.” He laughs a little, but it’s more a sign of his nerves than anything else. 
Steve breathes a little, “Okay,” filling the silence with a permission, a promise, a question. A little word that could make him or break him. 
Eddie’s hand comes searching beside him, and with that same muscle memory, Steve reaches out and takes it, linking their fingers together and feeling one puzzle piece of a world that has fallen apart settling back into place. Eddie’s hand in his. Holding on. 
“Okay,” Eddie breathes right back, building a bubble for them in which they can just be themselves and whisper little okays like promises. A bubble in which they can hold hands and sit together and rest, just for a second. Even though they’re both still trembling, their hearts still racing, their voices still breaking. “Okay. Here goes nothing.” 
tagging: @sexymothmanincarnate @mcneen @livsters @eddiemunchondeeznuts @abstractnaturaldisaster @steddie-as-they-go @hyperfixationgoddess @goodolefashionedloverboi @stxrcrossed186 @eddiemunsonswife @bidisastersworld @ghost-ly-s @romanticdestruction @walkingaftermidnight07 @anaibis @rainydays35 @mightbeasleep @sunfloweringstories @korixae @tuesdaycats @totoroinatardis @ilovebookshowboutyou @musical-theatre-gay @theluckyalien @copingmechanizm @srra @changelingbaby @sassygoop @obsessivelyme @r0binscript@hardboiledleggs @estrellami-1 @bisexualdisastersworld @space-invading-pigeon @swimmingbirdrunningrock @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @oxidantdreamboat @spilled-jar
(sorry if i missed anyone just give me a shout if i did <3) and thanks to everyone who said nice things about this 🤍🌷
come back tomorrow/later for true & misunderstandings | read part 6 here
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Whumptober Day 20 - Emotional angst, Shoulder to Cry On, Giving Permission to Die, “It’s not your fault.”
I used all the prompts and it hurt so muchhhh but I finished this sooner, so that’s nice. Mind the prompts and warnings for this one.
Warnings: brief blood/injury, animal death.
ao3 link
Time wasn’t focused on the stables.
When monsters breached Lon Lon’s fences, Time’s attention was focused on the house, and Malon herself, who was ushered inside the moment they all realized they were under attack. His wife was currently shooting arrows from the upstairs window, but Time was still focused on keeping the monsters as far away from the house as possible.
It was a long fight, a hard fight, and Time’s attention was pulled in several directions. So many that he just couldn’t focus on everything at once.
And so when he heard the shrieking whinny of a horse in pain, his heart stopped, and he bolted.
He’d just started to feel relieved, only a few monsters left that the others were taking care of. He’d been focused on the house, everyone had been, but he’d thought the stable area was fine, thought the monsters would leave the horses alone in their pursuit of the heroes.
He should have known.
Time ran around the back of the stables to where one of the quieter pastures lay, and stopped dead in his tracks. Dead monsters were scattered all around the area, bodies trampled, heads kicked in, dark blood staining the grass. Time barely noticed them though, focused on where they were most thickly concentrated.
Epona lay on the ground, her flank heaving as blood oozed from her neck, eyes wide.
Time nearly fell over the monsters as he raced to her side, ice shooting through his veins. Epona let out a weak nicker when she saw him, and tried to nuzzle at him as he stumbled to his knees.
“Stay still old girl, stay still,” Time murmured frantically, running a hand along her muzzle. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
Twilight had heard the sound too, and was only a few steps behind him, a shocked gasp escaping his lips. He ran to Epona’s side as well, and quickly began looking over her worst injuries, his face alarmed. There were multiple scratches marring her coat, bloody lines from claws and teeth on her legs. But the worst was the gash in her neck, and Time’s hands shook as he kept petting her.
He’d never seen her injured so badly before.
At some point while Twilight looked over Epona, Malon appeared at Time’s side, her face white and hand shaking as she slipped it into his. He clutched back, and Twilight finally pulled away, not looking either of them in the eye.
“It’s too deep,” Twilight whispered, stroking Epona’s nose. “There’s... nothing we can do.”
He swallowed.
“I’m so sorry.”
Time felt his brief hope sputter and die, and Malon bowed her head, her hand shaking as it ran through Epona’s mane. The mare nickered weakly, and Time began to stroke her, gently rubbing her in all her favorite spots.
“Oh Epona,” Malon said thickly, tears slipping down her nose.
Twilight drew back a little, giving them space as Malon began to softly sing, Epona’s ears flicking at her song. She let out a weak huff of air and moved a little like she might try to get up, but Time stopped her, keeping her still.
“It’s okay Epona,” Time whispered, stroking her head with a shaking hand. “It’s okay. You helped protect the ranch. It’s safe. You can rest.”
Epona let out a soft whinny, her breathing labored, and Time and Malon stayed close as her heart continued to slow, breath getting more and more shallow. It wouldn’t be long now.
A tear fell on her muzzle, and Time kept rubbing her, Malon beside him shakily singing Epona’s song. Her voice began to crack, and she switched to humming, her hand shaking in Time’s as Epona’s chest slowed even more.
He looked into his horse’s eyes, bright even in her last moments, and thought of all the adventures they’d gone through over the years. Their meeting in the nearby field, her little nose nuzzling at him excitedly when he’d first learned her song, their race with Ingo and escape from the ranch, practicing archery at the Gerudo course... too many moments to count.
Epona was the only one for a long time who knew about everything he’d fought through, and Time often wondered if she remembered the other timeline just like he did. She never acted any differently, and she’d always had a mysteriousness to her.
She was his last true link to that life.
Epona quietly nickered again, and Time’s chest only grew tighter the longer he thought about his horse. Her excitement whenever Time steered her towards the ranch. Her first foal. The way no matter how long he’d been gone, she would always greet him with the same warm nicker, and he’d press his face against hers, two old friends together once more.
Even after she’d gotten too old to ride into battle, how he would take her for slow rides around the ranch, sometimes out into Hyrule field, and they would both enjoy a sunset together. How she’d fought to her last breath to protect her home.
His steed. His constant companion.
His friend.
Epona let out a labored whinny, soft with exhaustion, and Time pressed his head to her forehead like he always did.
Epona looked at him with her big dark eyes, the sun reflecting faintly inside of them, and an inexplicable ripple of peace seemed to cross over her face as the light in her eyes faded.
“Rest easy old girl,” Time whispered, his voice breaking. “I love you.”
And Epona slipped away, her last breath falling from her like a gentle sigh.
Time watched blankly as her flank stilled, his chest feeling empty as the light in her eyes fully faded away. Malon pressed her face to Time’s neck, her shoulders shaking, and Time held her, feeling it when Epona’s body started to cool, Malon’s tears slipping down his neck.
Twilight came up after a few moments, his eyes a little red, and asked if there was anything they wanted him to do. Time shook his head, and his descendant nodded.
“Okay,” he said quietly. Then he gave Time a hesitant look, overlaid with grief. “It... it’s not your fault, old man.“
“I know,” Time replied quietly, and Twilight looked away. He moved away from them then, though not before giving Epona’s still muzzle one last pat.
Time stared at his horse as Twilight disappeared behind the barn, feeling nothing but numb as Malon cried quietly beside him. He thought he would have been crying by now as well, but his eyes were dry, despite the weight of another loss hanging over him.
Epona was gone.
They buried Epona at the edge of the ranch, under a tree with bark a similar color to her coat.
It was near where they always put the sugar water out for the fairies, and Time could see a few in the distance, small pink lights hovering over the grass. A couple ventured closer to see what was going on, and chimed sadly when they saw Epona’s still body, her coat brushed and hair lovingly braided.
Time still hadn’t cried. He didn’t know why.
He moved mechanically as he dug, the others quietly helping him make a big enough grave for Epona. When it was done, they all had to help lower her in, and Time shook his head when Warriors asked him if he wanted to say anything.
What could he say?
Nothing he would come up with would ever encapsulate what Epona meant to him. He’d never been good with words. Never would be.
But... he was good on the ocarina.
He pulled the instrument out, the crystalline blue shining warm in the afternoon sunshine. A brief tickle of magic brushed his fingers, but Time had already considered that option, and discarded it. He wouldn’t be able to go far back enough to save her.
Time took a deep breath, and began to play Epona’s song, the notes clear as they drifted through the air. The others listened in silence, Malon’s arm around his waist, her head on his shoulder.
Twilight suddenly fished under his tunic, pulling out a small charm. He put his lips to it, and the song gained an extra whistle, one that somehow sharpened Time’s grief. The others listened for a moment, and then quietly, more instruments were brought out, adding to the melody.
Four and Warriors fished out ocarinas, and Hyrule brought his recorder to his lips, Wind pulling the air itself into their song. Wild hummed softly, and Legend pulled out an instrument Time didn’t recognize, weaving a harmony through the strains of everything as Sky’s harp joined in.
And suddenly Time faltered, his throat too tight to keep playing.
His vision blurred as he listened to the song, his boys all carrying on the tune without him. Malon looked at him, her own eyes red, and Time bowed his head as something trailed down his cheek, his shoulders shaking.
“Oh fairy boy,” she whispered, voice thick as she leaned against him. “I know.”
Time closed his eyes as more tears gathered in them, and he listened to the music drift around him, Epona running past in his mind’s eye. He could almost feel her nuzzling at his hair, her breath making his bangs fall in his face, and a sob hiccuped out of him.
Epona had lived a good life, a long life, especially for a horse that had gone into battle more times then he could count. She had had several foals, and she would live on through them, Time knew, the evidence plain in Twilight’s own horse.
But that didn’t make it any easier to accept that she was gone.
Malon’s arm stayed around him, and Twilight approached after a minute, setting a hand on his shoulder. Time let him, and they listened together as the song finished, the last few notes drifting up into the air to the sound of Time’s quiet tears.
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nopeleavemealoone · 2 months ago
hey guys so just a thought on alnst but. What if Till is alive for no other reason except that his solo song is literally called Till The End
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unicoo · 4 months ago
When people hate on asoiaf women for trying to SURVIVE….Alicent, Catelyn, Sansa, Daenerys, Rhaena, etc…….it let me know those people wouldn’t last a day in the asoiaf universe 💯
They’d either get walked all over, used as an expendable piece in the game, killed, or worse.
Me personally? If I was in the asoiaf universe…..worse than Cersei, they’d just have to see about me 😭😭
EDIT: some of these women aren’t just fighting for themselves or their survival, they’re fighting for their CHILDREN. Anyone who doesn’t understand or empathize with that is either not a parent, or shouldn’t be.
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automaticheartcrusade · 7 months ago
Mentally I’m still here:
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thiagodasilva · 10 months ago
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we’ve never had someone like him and we never will again. can’t put into words what his time here has meant 💙
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therubyreader · 10 months ago
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And after eight years I have found my way back home
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