#time lu x reader
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hxney-lemcn · 2 days ago
New Beginnings — OoT! Link x gn! reader
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summary: some people have first meetings that happen twice. At least yours ends with a happy ending.
a/n: this was meant to be a brainrot blurb and got out of hand so its more of a ficlet than anything. bad summary ik, but it has a cute ending!
wc: 1.1k
Master List
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The first time you met the hero of time you were standing guard in front of the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch. You had been hired by Ingo to make sure unsavory folks didn’t make their way in…which is hard when he catered to the most unsavory there was. With castle town taken over and the princess gone it seemed that Hyrule would never come back from being under Ganon’s thumb. Seeing the boy…man(?), who was around your age approach, you fixed your slouched posture, hand over the hilt of your sword. You eyed the young man in a green tunic wearily, asking him to state his business. With blue eyes filled with passion, looking a bit concerned even, you had decided to let him pass…perhaps he’ll help poor Malon who had been mistreated ever since you first started working. 
It was later that night when you had talked to Malon about the strange man when she explained that he had come seven years ago. How she had called him fairy boy due to the blue sprite that followed him about, and how she was glad to see him once more, even if the circumstances weren’t the best. You went to bed that night wondering why you couldn’t seem to get his determined expression out of your mind…it was too bad you had never seen him again.
The first time you met Link was when you were lugging two pails of milk, trying your hardest not to let a drop spill over. His bright blonde hair stood out against the rolling green of the hill that was Lon Lon Ranch. You had been hired as a stablehand by Talon, helping with any chore you could alongside his daughter Malon. You nodded towards the young man who watched you with curious eyes…odd. Ignoring him, you continued with your daily tasks, watching Malon greet him from the corner of your eye, curious as to who he was. 
Bonding was easy once he started to help out on the farm as well, finding yourself teasing him as he ran from the cuccos, when a horse tried to eat his hair, or when a cow just would not for the life of him let him clean her stall. You were quickly endeared by Link, feeling your heart drop every time he was called by the palace to help establish peace with one thing or another. You weren’t sure what the royal castle would want for a mere farmhand…it was odd. Link was odd…but you found that all the more charming.
You weren’t sure why the nickname slipped past your lips one day. Fairy boy. You hadn’t seen him with a fairy before, but for some reason it felt natural. The way Link whipped his head towards you, eyes wide and jaw slack, you felt as if you had made a mistake. You had tried to backtrack, explaining how it came out of nowhere, but he dropped it, merely shaking his head and muttering how he had an old fairy friend he was looking for. So it was only natural that the next time you went to Castle Town on a goods run, you had rushed to the library, searching all you could for fairies and anything related. Apparently they liked sweets and shiny objects, and would heal a person in great need. Interesting. 
You had asked Malon to help you place a small bowl of water with sugar cubes on the far side of the farm, lying through your teeth about how you always wanted to see a fairy in real life. Confused, but understanding she had helped. It had become a part of your routine from then on to check the bowl, asking any fairy that you caught if they had known Link or another fairy who knew him, and restocking it when necessary. You didn’t even know the name of the fairy you were searching for, but you were trying your best. As well as trying to keep your little mission under wraps, not wanting Malon to ask too many questions, and wishing to surprise Link if you ever do end up finding his old friend.
Too bad things didn’t seem to want to go your way. 
The sun had been setting, Malon was finishing up putting the animals away, Link had been called to Castle Town days ago, and you stood with two fairies, one sitting on your shoulder and the other flying around your face. You spoke in hushed whispers as the fairies returned in kind with bell-like jingles. You couldn’t understand a word they were saying, but they were trying their best with gestures and shapes…only for the one in front of you to join its friend on your shoulder, both huddling together. Confused, you turned around only to be face to face with Link, bandage covering his right eye. You felt your heart drop, hands instinctively rising to hold his face only to hesitate. 
Your worry clearly shined on your face as Link softly took your outstretched hand and placed it on his cheek, a warm blush littering his cheeks. Questions rolled off your tongue a mile a minute, asking your friend what had happened and if he was okay. A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, he had surely grown since you both were teens years ago, soothing your worries quietly with fond eyes. You were too panicked to notice. Timidly, one of the fairies flew off your shoulder, approaching the tall man. Link watched on warmly as it tried its best to heal any damage it could, letting Link take off the bandage. 
You had gasped at the sight, a fresh scar ran from the center of his forehead, over his eye, down to the center of his cheek. Your thumb gently caressed the raised skin, frustration bubbling under your skin. You had grown to love the man, romantically, platonically, you didn’t care, but you loved him one way or another, and it made you burn with rage every time he came back hurt. The other fairy who stayed on your shoulder tried to comfort you, jingling softly and hugging your cheek. They were lucky they were cute, as it tugged a small smile out of you. 
If you were to tell Link when he was the hero of time that he would end up not only courting, but marrying the attractive guard he met at Lon Lon Ranch all those years ago, he would have blushed and denied such claims. Yet fate is funny, as in this lifetime you had never really held a sword at all, more accustomed to carrying large crates and corralling animals. And you had decided that you wouldn’t mind being tied to such a man as him, merely stating that someone had to look after him. Even if he couldn’t provide you with all you were owed, you’d merely smile and tell him that all they wanted was him, and that was something he was more than willing to give you. His body, mind and soul were yours until the end of time.
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maple-the-awesome · 2 months ago
Another Link Crushes On You || Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Hyrule, Time, Sky x GN Reader
Overview: You've known Link for years - Well, a version of Link. Neither of you have seen yourselves as being anything more than friends, although it seems not all Link's think the same, in fact when you're introduced to the Chain, one of the boys happens to fall pretty hard for you. I spun a wheel to let fate decide upon random pairs this time. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with some of them😁
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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"Well, look what the cat dragged in. 'was beginning to think you might be dead in a ditch somewhere," You scoff, making your presence known as you lean against the door frame coolly while eyeing your long lost roommate and, more importantly, the company he’s brought home, "Hylia's sake, one of you is enough as it is. Now nine?"
Legend breathes your name in a sigh, not so much as glancing away from the chest he currently digs through, "I can always count on you for a warm welcome."
Despite the sarcasm and rolled eyes, you don't seem to actually hold any true disdain towards one another. Quite the opposite, an observant bystander would notice how the Vet's shoulders relax upon hearing your voice, and how there’s a slight curve to your lips following his snark reply. You’re someone who brings him comfort; someone the Chain can trust.
Pushing yourself from the doorframe, you give them a friendly smile and wave, “I take it you must be the other heroes Link’s told me about in his letters - Less I’m to believe he found yet another ragtag group of misfits to drag around with him…It’s nice to finally meet other people who can bear to put up with his nonsense. I’m his roommate, by the way. Sorry I wasn’t around last time you stopped by.”
"Oh, so he has two roommates then -?”
“- His actual roommate," You correct with an annoyed huff. Of course, it's only half hearted, "Ravio doesn't count since he doesn't pay rent."
"He should. He's around enough," Legend's voice is echoed by the chest.
There’s more conversation to be had as the two of you bicker, although much of it becomes muted ambience for Hyrule who takes to wandering the room in awe of his predecessor’s impressive collection. Boomerangs and gauntlets, hammers and feathers, even an entire little chest overflowing with enchanted clothing…Sure, it’s probably not practical to most, but an adventurer can dream, can’t he? Amongst all of this stuff, Hyrule can’t decide what seems more interesting. The magic rods? A library of maps? How about the unique magical instruments lining the walls?
“...You're the one who practically showed up on my doorstep just begging for a place to stay."
"Really? Because I remember finding and nursing you back to health out of the kindness of my heart after you got your ass kicked by a moblin.”
"I had everything under control -”
- Just then, while half distracted by the argument behind him, Hyrule accidentally bumps into a shelf which causes its contents to shake violently. His shoulders tense in preparation for the awful sound of shattering no doubt followed by Legend’s scolding, but before one of the potions can hit the floor, a hand skillfully dives to catch it.
“Careful there. You could really get hurt with some of the stuff in here,” You smirk, setting the potion back onto the shelf before turning around with your hands placed upon your hips, “I keep telling Bunny this place could be more spacious if he’d just sort through some of this junk, but he’s too emotionally attached to it all to ever take my advice.”
“It’s good to be prepared, I guess,” Hyrule stammers, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment - At least, that must be why he feels so nervous all of a sudden. What other reason would there be? 
“There’s already been a few times when the Vet’s items have saved our tails.”
You hum, cocking your head to the side as you look the brunette over. In all likelihood, it’s probably only a split second that your eyes glance his way, yet it’s enough to make him feel see-through. Are you judging him? Do you see how knotted his hair is or how desperately his face needs to be washed? 
Golly, you’re attractive yourself - which should be a perfectly normal thing to think because yes, conventionally speaking, you could be found very attractive and for good reason. How did Legend and you meet again? Did he say it was strictly platonic or are you already spoken for? Is that even something Hyrule should be thinking right now? Why would he be thinking such a thing when all you’ve done is look straight into his soul - …And you’re gone.
Regardless of whether you noticed Hyrule’s internal panic, you end up straying from his side to start sorting through a nearby chest yourself. If he hadn’t been stunned stupid, he would’ve heard the words you speak to the group while tossing aside items, “Here’s an idea: maybe some of you guys can take a few items off Link’s hands - Split them up amongst the group to get it out of our hair -”
“- Absolutely not!” Legend’s voice comes from somewhere over the heaps of junk, not that it does anything to stop you.
Finally finding whatever it was that you were looking for, you stand up and make your way back over to Hyrule. Before he can react beyond a jolt, you take his hand and place something in it before putting your own on top. Your touch is soft in contrast to his own rough skin. Oh, and that wink you give him - It’s enough to make his face explode in red. It could be deadly for his heart to race any faster!
“...Don’t let him catch you with it,” You whisper, and that smirk you give makes him certain you know what you’re doing.
“I - um - Oh, sure…I -”
You chuckle at the flustered boy, regrettably removing your hands from his before once again leaving his side. He thinks you say something about refreshments, maybe lunch, but honestly, he’s as good as gone to this world. It takes a bit of shaking from Four and shouting from Wind to properly snap him out of it, at least enough so to finally look down at his hand. 
There’s a small blue telescope in his grasp, and it’s with that that he finally decides: you are probably, by far, the most interesting thing to be found here in Legend’s collection.
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This is nice - peaceful, even, which tends to be a rare gift these days. Granted, the sun is a little too bright, and it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if someone walks away from this island with a nasty sunburn (most likely Twilight and Wild), but at least there’s somewhat of a gentle breeze to balance out the heat, and a quiet moment protected from any childish shenanigans is never something to turn down.
Most of the boys have been whisked off by Wind who had deemed it a crime that some of them have never seen the sea before. Those who managed to escape his attention have hopefully been keeping out of trouble on their own, basking in much needed time to themselves elsewhere on the island (after all, it does get tiresome traveling in such a large group for so long).
It matters not which deity has decided to smile down upon him today and grace him with this break. What matters is Time’s relaxed - as relaxed as a man with his background and mindset can ever be - while standing here in the sun, soaking in its glow and your perfectly tranquil company.
Ah yes, he hasn’t been left entirely alone. You’re here, too, but unlike his traveling companions, you’re closer to his age and thus seem to match his level of maturity and easygoing nature - a godsent in these trifling times, really. 
Currently, you sit upon the porch humming a pleasant little tune while combing Aryll’s hair. She sits between your legs, happily swinging her feet as you work small handfuls at a time, your movements as gentle and careful as the breeze - And that adoring look in your eyes…It could be enough to melt any heart.
Time finds himself being put at ease by the domestic sight, wordlessly admiring how effortlessly you balance caring for the young child while conversing with a stranger like himself, speaking to him softly as if a personal friend of yours:
“Link’ll probably want to stay with his grandma tonight, but the rest of you might do better staying with me. I’m sure she’ll offer, though I’d worry about the stress hosting so many traveler’s would put on her,” You explain, skillfully dividing Aryll’s hair into two blue ribbons, “I have space in my own hut, so there’d be no trouble.”
“It’s nice weather,” Time mentions, gazing up at the clear sky above, “None of us would mind sleeping under the stars -”
“- No trouble at all,” You emphasize with a breath, pretending not to hear his own point. He merely smiles, having no will to argue. They haven’t been here long, and yet this is the second argument he’s unlikely to win against you. The first was your insistence that they stay the night at all with promises to host them well. 
Once finished with her hair, Aryll thanks you in a hurry before scurrying off to find her big brother. You chuckle at her enthusiasm, but soon after, there’s a shift in your mood. Suddenly, you grow a bit sad and anxious. Time can’t help noticing the concern that briefly overtakes your expression, twisting your lips into a frown as you raise a nail to nibble on. Now that you’re truly alone, he can no longer mock ignorance to how exhausted you look, and it takes no genius to understand why that may be.
“...Rupee for your thoughts?” Really? That’s the best he can come up with in all his years of wisdom? It’s such a lame way to break the silence and an even lamer way to start a serious conversation with someone you’ve only just met.
Fortunately, you don’t seem to hold any judgment against him. Instead you sigh and look at him from over your shoulder with a sorrowful smile, “Is my stress that obvious?”
“I’ve been around long enough to know a mask when I see one,” Pushing him off the beam he’s been casually leaning against, Time invites himself to finally sit beside you on the steps. 
You don’t say anything all too quickly in response, rather you turn back to the sea with a deep inhale.
“...I worry about him,” You eventually confess through a whisper,“Every time he comes back from one of his adventures, he’s…different. Not enough so for anyone else to notice, but I do. He’s getting older - more mature, for better or for worse - and the things he’s had to witness - the battles and responsibilities that no child should ever have to bear - I can’t help seeing how it’s all starting to wear him down, slowly but surely.
“...And I know - I know this is his destiny and that he’s already saved the world once. I know he can handle himself, but he’s - he’s still just a boy! He shouldn’t have to bear the burden of the world upon his shoulders! He should be running around this island, digging for treasure in the sand and catching pigs. Instead he’s finding treasure in dangerous dungeons and fighting pigs!”
Time frowns. What can he say to comfort you? That it’s all going to get better? That maybe, one day, Wind will return home and stay for good? Even though you’re a stranger he has no obligation to, he can’t bring himself to provide an empty promise like that, because out of all the heroes here, he knows best that it would be a lie. This road they’re on - This road the Goddesses have sent each of them down - There is no end to it…Not one that he’s found, anyway…
Fortunately or unfortunately, Time doesn’t get the chance to collect his thoughts nor offer any words of encouragement (if he could’ve even decided on some). You sigh before he has a second to respond, suddenly looking back at him with an optimistic smile only half fitting of the current mood, “...You’ll keep an eye on him, won’t you? Make sure he doesn’t get too ahead of himself, at least during the time that you’re all traveling together?”
"You have my word."
At a minimum, he’s able to give you that promise. The road ahead is rugged and treacherous with fearsome monsters around every corner…but Time can promise that he’ll give his all to protect those in his party. No harm shall fall upon any of the boys so long as he’s able to take a blade within his own hand. He’ll see to it that Wind returns to your arms at the end of this journey, safe and sound with plenty more stories to tell.
Your sigh releases some of the tension kept within your mind and bones, “...I wish none of you had to go through any of this…”
“At times I wish the same…” His agreement is flat and not exactly what you had hoped to hear, even if it is expected, but at least his next words seem to touch your heart more tenderly, “...But it’s not ourselves who we fight for. It’s people like you; people who deserve to live to see times of peace. The world’s safety will always be payment enough.”
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As a captain in the Hylian Royal Army, Warrior’s experience doesn’t quite follow the same origin as most of his counterparts. His training had been professional and grueling, the weight upon his shoulders more direct than a mere whisper in the wind guiding him. He didn't have the luxury of stumbling upon his destiny or sneaking in to find Ganondorf when the time was right - No, he was publicly named then pushed by circumstances to meet Ganondorf on a battlefield, of all places.
It’s a life few in the Chain can exactly relate to, although some similar undertones aren’t missed upon Wild and Sky. While Wild isn’t one to draw any attention to it, perhaps not remembering enough about himself to know why any of this may or may not feel familiar, Sky’s a bit more acclimated to this systematized environment than his brothers, even if it is still rather different than home.
The army of this world clearly functions on a far larger scale than any of the knights back on Skyloft, and the air carries more tension than what could ever be found in a classroom, even on testing days. Nevertheless, Sky appreciates how much pride Warrior takes in showing off his world, not letting the stern expressions of anyone they pass dampen his excitement, after all, despite some previous experience fighting alongside inhabitants of other timelines, it’s rare that he’s given the chance to be the host himself, not a simple guest.
"There's someone I'd like you guys to meet!" The Captain announces at the same moment his eyes and smile lighten considerably. Clearly, he’s spotted a new target, one he makes a quick b-line for with the others close on his trail.
A call of your name is all it takes to capture your attention, although contrast to Warrior’s spark, you seem far less amused with your reunion.
“And where have you been?” You hiss, your narrowed eyes disapproving as they basically dare your friend - colleague, maybe? - to try excusing his sudden absence and casual reappearance. Now that’s an expression that really sends Sky back to his days at the Academy! Why, he’s only seen it about a hundred times on his instructors over the years!
"Working," Warrior must be accustomed to being on the receiving end of such a harsh glare, because he completely fails to even acknowledge it, instead swiftly changing subjects as he gestures to the heroes behind him with much fanfare, “I came here to introduce you to -”
"- Sailor!” It’s funny how quickly your expression switches, igniting like a fueled fire. Within seconds, you’re rushing right past Warrior to embrace the youngest hero of their group, “Now there’s a face I’ve missed! Long time no see. Oh, look at you! Have you gotten taller?”
Luckily, Wind seems just as happy to see you, giggling and practically hanging onto you as you rub your knuckles into his hair. With your arm still tossed over his shoulder, you raise an eyebrow towards the rest of the Chain who now feel suddenly out of place, not certain if they should also know you.
Warrior comes up to your side to explain, “Funny story, but everyone you see before you is a reincarnation of the hero’s spirit.”
“Ah! Heroes from different times?” You gasp, pressing a finger to your chin as you look them all over with serious consideration yet hardly any surprise. Maybe you’re just as used to this sort of thing as Warrior is, “...Now that you say that, some of them do seem a bit familiar…”
“You must be the Hero of Twilight Midna spoke of!” You conclude with a point towards their Rancher who jolts. Whether because of the sudden attention or the mention of a sore name, he won’t get the chance to say, “I’m guessing so anyway, based on her descriptions, although I must say, she made you sound more…-”
“- Brutish? Rugged?” Warrior’s smirk is smug yet sadly untouchable amongst the careful watch of the surrounding military.
“I was looking for a nicer word, but that is what she said, isn’t it?” You sigh with a defeated shrug before turning to the oldest of the group. You gasp once again, this time with more heart, “And you! You kinda look like -! But it couldn’t be…Is that you Sprout?
“Talk about someone getting taller! The last time I saw you, you were only yea high!” Time’s thankful that you don’t give him the same treatment as Wind, instead minding your distance while awing at the height difference between you both now, although your smile soon turns sorrowful the longer you look him over, “...Your adventures haven’t been kind to you, have they?”
“In case you haven’t already guessed, this is the historian friend I’ve mentioned before - The one who probably knows more about us than we’re to know about ourselves at this point,” Warrior finally explains to his confused friends, coming up to place his hands upon your shoulder, “Give us a favor and try not to overheat now.”
“Oh don’t be so jealous,” You shoot him an unamused glare and swat him away, however he’s saved from any more scolding when you at long last look to Sky. Based upon what little the Captain has mentioned about you up until this moment, you’re a simple Hylian with no powers beyond your strength with a sword and impressive knowledge of Hyrule’s history…So why is it that your eyes have suddenly managed to freeze him like stone?
"As for you, I recognize that shield from Skyloft's era which means...You must be the Hero of Sky!" Your expression once again lights up like a beacon as you swiftly take his hand and give it a firm shake, not seeming at all fazed by his stunned stance, "You're the Master Fi spoke of, I take it? It's an honor to meet you."
"I, uh - It's an honor to meet you, too," At least he gathers enough of his wits to stumble out some words.
"I must say, Skyloft was one of my favorite places we visited during the war. Such a peaceful island - Well, after getting past the life-or-death battles that brought us there in the first place," You say, nudging Warrior as the two of you snicker. Oddly enough, Sky feels a bit disappointed to lose your focus and even more so to see the bond Warrior and you clearly share. Why, though? Why feel so omitted from someone he’s just met?
Fortunately, the negative feelings don't sink too deep until your attention becomes solely trained on him, "There's so little that has survived in our history books about your time - a real shame, too. As the first hero, I'm sure you have some unique experience under your belt."
"I-I guess you could say that…" Sky mumbles awkwardly, shooting a hand up to rub the back of his neck. Then, suddenly feeling a bit bold, he decides to test his luck with an offer, "I could, um, tell you about them if you want?"
Your eyes widen while Warrior rolls his, "You shouldn't have suggested that -"
"- Really?! Well, I'd love to hear it!" Before he can react, you have Sky’s hands sandwiched between yours, your touch impressively soft despite your years of training and fighting or maybe he’s just imagining them that way, "Could you start with the Imprisoned? We fought it a couple of times during the war and man, was it a pain. Fi mentioned you thought it yourself several times. Tell me, how did you -"
"Aaand we lost them…" Warrior groans, face smacked against his hand as you practically drag Sky off without so much as a goodbye to the others, "We're not going to get a word in ourselves for a while now. Let’s just go see if we can’t get an audience with the Queen and come back for them later.”
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luimagines · 2 months ago
Link Has a Nightmare
Another commission!
They asked for Time, Twilight, and Warrior waking Reader up from a nightmare and Reader helping them go back to sleep. :)
Content under the cut!
Something kicked you.
You woke up in a start, gasping and sitting up at once. It was a harsh kick to the side that could have knocked the wind out of you if it was any harder.
You sat up and rubbed your abused side. Looking around, you tried to find the culprit that woke you up as suddenly and as brutally as they had.
Twilight was curled up beside you. His back was to you and he was shaking.
You hit his shoulder for good measure before thumping back down into your bed roll, putting more space between the two of you so he would be unable to kick you again. It was frustrating. By the looks of it, he was still sleeping. So you’re aware that it wasn’t something he did on purpose.
He kicked like a horse.
Not a fun way to wake up. It was going to bruise. You just knew it.
Grumbling, you tossed the blanket over your head and tried to go back to sleep.
Your eyes felt heavy and you blearily realized that your consciousness was beginning to fade as well. Darkness fell around you. A peaceful void-like cloud descended over you and covered you-
He kicks you again.
You sat up like a whip, turning to your side to face him head-on. You tossed the blanket off of you and moved back over, shaking Twilight in irritation.
He whimpers and it snaps you out of your rage.
You notice that he’s still asleep and that there’s a pained, almost horrified look on his expression. Nightmare, you think to yourself and sigh. You shake him again, gently this time, but it still doesn’t seem to do the trick.
You look around camp for Wolfie, but there doesn’t seem to be sight of the four-legged companion of the group. “The one time you’re not here,” You say under your breath. With a shake of your head, you take it upon yourself to be the help that Wolfie cannot give. “Move over Twilight.”
Turning him on his back, you grab your blanket and drape it over yourself. In turn, you drape yourself over Twilight, taking the place of his blanket for the night. At once his expression changes and you can see him compensate for the added weight by taking deeper breaths. His expression softens and his muscles relax. You shift as carefully as you can, making yourself comfortable on top of him.
With a deep breath, you tuck yourself under his chin and adjust the blanket as needed around both of you. Twilight’s arms come up and wrap around you. His grip is firm but comfortable.
He is very warm.
You put your ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and letting the warmth of your body and his combine into one. The heat, the steady drum, and the plushness of the fur and the blanket settle your mind and body. Your eyes get heavy at once.
You both sleep uninterrupted after that.
You awoke to something amiss.
You weren’t sure what it was. You were still covered in the blanket. There was no fire outside of the pit. There was no sound of battle or clashing steel. Everything was quiet. Calm.
You sit up. Rubbing your eyes, you decide to look around.
Something was nagging you in the back of your head. You weren’t sure what it was, but you didn’t like the implications. Unable to shake off the unpleasant feeling, you stand up and begin to look over the boys around the camp.
They were all sound asleep, curled up into their bed rolls. Some were curled up tighter than others but that was beside the point.
Someone gasped.
It was short. The sound spiked your heartrate, instilling a sense of urgency and panic into your already heightened anxiety.
Spinning on your heel, you tried to find the source of the sound.
Time was lying down on his back, arms over his face. Because of that, it was hard to see his expression. You thought he was awake. You knew he had trouble sleeping on most nights.
“Time?” You whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else up. “Link? You ok?”
He didn’t answer and instead shivered something fierce. His breath hitched again and he turned around and curled up into himself. He looked like he was in pain. You doubted he was awake at once and frowned.
“Link?” You bent down next to him and shook his shoulder. “Time? Old Man, wake up.”
He groaned and gasped again. You frown harder. You didn’t like the look of this. Whatever he was dreaming about was doing him no favors. You tried to shake him with a little more fuss whatever had plagued his mind was not letting him go.
“No-!” He groaned and tried to fight you off.
“Stop it,” You begged. You weren’t sure who you were asking but the words slipped past your mouth anyway. Time whined and your heart broke with him.
“It’s ok,” You say instead. You rub soothing circles onto his back. “You’re safe here. We won’t let them hurt you.”
He takes a breath, waking up somewhat. His eyes blink open. You would have thought that he would have been more distraught given whatever nightmare he was trapped in. But he doesn’t open them all the way. Instead, his eyes catch you and he reaches his hand out to you.
Something tight clenches around your heart as you let him take your hand. His grip is brutal and you think there’s a tear in the one eye he’s allowed you to see.
“I’ve got you,” You whispered and settled down next to him. “You’re ok. Everything’s ok.”
Time says your name. It’s faint. It’s a whisper.
“Shh…” You run your hands over his hair, brushing it gently over his scar and behind his ear. “Sleep. I’m here this time. I won’t let them hurt you.”
His eye gets heavy but he listens and falls asleep again.
Warrior shot up in a flash. His chest was heaving and his heart was pounding. He had woken up in a cold sweat, his blanket and layers pooling around his hips as he ran his hands through his hair. He pulled, relishing in the pain, in the distraction it provided from the images in his head.
You groaned and rolled over, blearily looking over at him. You sat up as well, looking around the group. Everyone else was still asleep. No one seemed to have heard him.
“Warrior?” You rubbed your eyes. “Captain? You ok?”
He was panting, hand over heart with his eyes shut tight. You struggled to wake up faster to help him. You still felt so tired. You’re entirely sure why you had woken up with him. You’re not the closest one to him. Wind and Sky were between you but they were still dead to the world around them.
Warrior didn’t answer you. You grunted and got up, keeping your blanket slung around your shoulders as you tried to not trip over the other two heroes. You might have kicked Sky in the foot, but he didn’t wake up so you elected to pretend nothing happened.
You dropped heavily next to Warrior and slung part of the blanket around his back.
“Link?” Your voice was groggy from disuse and your tongue was slow. You hoped that calling him by his name would get through to him better than any other thing he’s been called in his life. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” He says at once. His own voice isn’t as groggy as yours, but rather it’s haunted and strained. He sounds as if he’s in physical pain and biting the bullet to keep from screaming. “It’s… It’s nothing. It’s nothing. I’ll be alright. Go back to bed.”
You grunt again. You’ve never known him to be a horrible liar. Warrior must be shaken up worse than you thought. You huff and drop your body weight onto his side. The physical contact is enough to shock back into reality for a moment. He goes still and audible gulps. You say nothing and slowly can feel the pull of sleep dragging you under once more.
“...What are you doing?”
You jolt awake again and take a deep breath. “Helping. Shush. Bedtime.”
“That’s not-”
“Shush,” You lean over, putting a finger to his lips. You can feel the light trembling of his body. It’s annoying. How dare this happen?! At this hour?! To Warrior of all people! You scowl and it catches Warrior’s attention. “We’re going back to bed. This is over.”
“Shush,” You stress again and push him back down to his bed roll. You instinctively snuggle closer and flop your limbs on top of him. Warrior grunts but doesn’t attempt to push you off.
“Is this allowed-?”
“You’re going to wake up the others,” You lift your hand up and drop it onto his chest, smacking him using only the force of gravity. “No more words. Sleep only. Now hush, the monsters in your head can’t get you here.”
Warrior tenses for a moment and you think you might have overstepped your bounds. Your eyes grow heavy once more, locking you in place without the intention of letting you go anytime soon.
He’s cold from the sweat that had chilled him to the bone. His heartbeat is strong and still a tad panicked. You center yourself on it and take a deep breath. The Hero of Eras is actually quite comfortable if you had to admit it to yourself.
Slowly, his arms come up to wrap around you and keep you close. You can vaguely feel his nose in your hair as he curls around you. Limbs intertwine with one another, like puzzle pieces fitting into place. You shift to make yourself comfortable as well, tucking him into the crook of your neck as your arms come around him.
You struggle to lift the falling blanket back around your bodies as your limbs get heavier and heavier. You can hear Warrior sigh beneath you. His heart rate begins to calm down and you think you can feel his hand in your hair, carding his fingers through it gently.
You pass out in an instant.
You wake up less than three hours later. Someone else was shaking you. You look up as much as you can. Even in his sleep, Warrior continues to have a death grip over you and it makes it difficult to see the offender to your sleep schedule.
Wild hisses softly when he sees you and winces. “...Sorry. I was trying to wake up Warrior for his shift. I didn’t know you were there.”
You say nothing and glare at the champion until he gets the message to leave the two of you alone.
Wild, not getting the message, looks over to see if any of his efforts have woken the captain up. You reach up and bat at his hand. The action was cat-like in nature, but one solid swipe to the back of his hand had Wild backing up and stepping away from Warrior.
To his credit, Warrior continued to soundly sleep through the movement. Exhaustion weighed heavy on him even now and you were certain that he still needed as much as he could get until the sun came up.
“I’ll do it,” You mutter and try to wiggle your way away from Warrior.
No dice.
If anything, despite his unconsciousness, Warrior tightens his grip around you and snuggles close in his sleep.
You huff and look back up at Wild. He’s biting his lip and you’re not sure if it’s a nervous tick that he’s always had, or if he’s trying to keep from laughing at your predicament.
“Not one word,” You grumble and plop back over Warrior, accepting your fate for the remaining hours of the night.
“I’ll wake up the Rancher,” Wild snickers. “He’s usually up before the sunrise anyway.”
“You do that.”
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dia-oro · 8 months ago
Imagine linked universe but you just go yeeted by a portal when you just put that fancy outfit for the wedding/party of a friend and thank this the chain now think you’re a foreign princess/prince or worse if you’re also touched by hylia to make it more direct that you stay with the chain, you’re now their Zelda, good luck pal’s.
good luck x34 if they end being yanderes, you’re now for real their new Zelda.
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librarygarten · 7 months ago
Isekai!Reader Meets Dink
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It has been A Week and I needed to write something less serious. Reader meets Dink and roasts him. Part 1 (you are here) ✿ Part 2
It was a stupid idea, really, but it was all you had left. The entity in front of you was running circles around the group. One moment, it was a Lizalfos, jumping away from any attack. Then, it was Darknut, taking every hit as if it was nothing. It would blend into the darkness of the night before leaping out somewhere new.
Dodge. Parry. Dodge. Breathe in. Breathe out. It took everything in you to avoid the weapon the thing before you was wielding. Nobody wanted a repeat of what happened to Twilight. But the fight was going on for too long. Hyrule was running out of magic. You could hear Sky struggling to breathe behind you. It raised its weapon towards Time. He wasn’t going to be able to dodge in time.
So, you did the only thing you could think of. You grabbed your sword. You jumped up. And you smacked the thing on the head. You heard something crack, and the beast fell.
The shadows melted under you, reforming and reshaping. Whatever it was, you had dazed it. The chain surrounded the writing mass of darkness, swords and shields ready for whatever it would become next.
The form solidified. An arm. A head. Legs. It was kneeling, clutching its head with one hand. It turned its face to you, glaring. You recognized this new form.
“DINK???” You exclaimed. The shadow winced, it’s head still throbbing from when you had hit it. Time paled. He recognized this enemy, too.
“What did you just call me?” The shadow growled, but there was no threat. He was too weak from the fight.
“Uhh. Dink?” You shrugged, the grip on your sword loosening somewhat. “It’s what the fans have taken to calling you. Dark. Link. Dink.” Wind snickered at your explanation, and Dink turned to glare at the boy. Wind took a step back, raising his sword to defend against the shadow’s gaze.
“Do NOT call me that.” He stood, and you realized he wasn’t even an adult shadow. It was the same form he took in the Water Temple. Seventeen. Lanky. A threat, for sure, but also…
“What? Dink?” You smiled, making sure to stay out of his range. “Why not?”
“I am the shadows. I am darkness. I am everything the heroes of light are not.” He wobbled on his feet. Had you concussed him? “I am the dark reflect-”
“Uh huh.” You interrupted his speech, rolling your eyes. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. Time to stall. “Sure, Dinky. Shadows and darkness and all that emo stuff.” You nodded. Twilight pressed his lips together, trying not to burst out laughing as you mocked the entity. Warriors looked at you like you had grown a second head.
“I am not… Dinky.” Dink took a threatening step towards you. You calmly stepped away from him.
“I dunno, man.” You smiled. “You’re acting pretty annoying, with all the portals and what not. You gotta be compensating for something.” Behind you, Legend wheezed, trying to keep a straight face and failing. Dink stared at you for a moment before the shadows near his cheeks darkened. Was he… blushing?
“You…” He looked around. He was surrounded. There was no getting out of this. He turned to face you again, taking in your relaxed expression. “What is WRONG with you! You’re supposed to fear me!”
“Why?” You made a show of checking your nails, picking the dirt out from under them.
“I am everything the hero stands against!” Dink shouted. “I am the darkness within him!”
“Well, good thing I’m not the hero.” You wink. “The greatest darkness I need to face is working up the courage to call the pizza place for dinner.”
Dink blinked at you. Maybe it was the concussion. Maybe you were just insane. Whatever the case, he had no idea what to say. Usually, the person he was fighting would be shaking with fear at this point.
The sun rose slowly over the horizon, the light filtering through the leaves of the forest. Dink hissed as it hit him, his body disappearing where the sunlight hit him directly. He looked sort of like a very evil (or very moldy) slice of swiss cheese. He looked towards the sunrise, shielding his eyes and wincing.
“I’ll be back.” He glared at you. Then, he sunk down into the ground, disappearing into the shadows still left. The chain watched him disappear.
Time was the first to break the silence. His laughter echoed through the now quiet morning. The others followed suit, some even clutching their stomachs or falling over.
“Y/N, that was bloody brilliant.” Wild gasped in between fits of giggles.
“Well, we weren’t going to win fighting normally.” You blinked. You hadn’t expected this reaction.
“So you chose to use psychological warfare instead?” Hyrule wiped a tear away from his eye.
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gliphyartfan · 10 days ago
Scenario where we stray a little to close and die in battle. Everyone is grieving, only for Time to grab all his boys and play the Ocarina of Time, bringing them back in time to like that morning well before the battle. Everyone is gushing and relived out of their mind all while we’re super confused and panicking because “why does everyone look like they went through HELL?! You all looked fine a second ago why are half of you injured?!?!”
I tried to make this a hint funny but quite frankly, those boys wouldn’t make even the slightest effort to smile after such a tragedy.
Anywho~ let’s begin!
The battle had been dragging on too long.
They were too close to camp, too close to where (y/n) was supposed to be safe. The usual chaos of fighting monsters had turned into something coordinated, attacks coming in waves, blocking off paths, forcing them to keep moving rather than pushing back.
Something wasn’t right.
Then they heard it.
A scream.
(Y/n)’s scream.
Wild and Legend ran.
They didn’t hesitate, didn’t call out to the others, didn’t stop to think. Their feet moved before their minds could catch up, hearts slamming against their ribs like they were already too late.
(Y/n) should be safe. They should be fine. That scream shouldn’t have happened.
Please be safe.
Please be okay.
A monstrous roar cut through the air, deep and furious, shaking the ground beneath them.
The camp was in sight.
It was wrecked.
Torn fabric from their tents flapped uselessly in the wind, supplies were scattered and broken, blood smeared the dirt like something had been dragged—
And standing in the middle of it all was a Lynel.
(How. HOW did they not notice such a beast?! to think it got so CLOSE to camp!!)
Huge. Breathing heavy. Sword dripping red.
Wild and Legend didn’t need to search for (y/n).
They were there.
Collapsed. Motionless.
Blood pooling beneath them.
Their hair was covering most of their face, but from here—Wild could still see their eyes.
Wide. Unmoving.
No, no, no, NO—
Wild’s body reacted before his mind did, a sound ripping from his throat, something raw and enraged and desperate. He charged, drawing his weapons as he moved, his body running on instinct, on muscle memory, on rage.
Lynels. He knew how to kill them. He knew their movements, their patterns, their weaknesses.
And he was going to tear this one apart.
Legend barely noticed.
He was already on his knees beside (y/n), hands shaking as he scrambled for whatever potions he had left, pouring them onto their wounds, pressing down with trembling fingers.
Too much blood.
Too deep.
Too still.
“(Y/n)?” His voice cracked. “Hey, hey, come on. Stay with me.” His hands pressed harder, his magic flickering between his fingers as he tried, tried, tried to heal them. “You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine. You have to be fine.”
No response.
Their chest wasn’t moving.
He wasn’t losing them.
He wasn’t.
“Please, please, don’t do this.” he whispered, his fingers gripping too tight, as if he could physically keep them here.
As if he could stop them from slipping away.
Wild was still fighting, hacking, killing. The Lynel barely had time to react before he was tearing it apart, his strikes vocious, his movements fueled by something beyond anger.
But Legend didn’t look up.
His entire world had narrowed down to (y/n).
And those unseeing eyes.
The battlefield behind them was eerily quiet, the last of the monsters taken care of. But there was no relief. No victory. Just a sick feeling crawling up their spines, twisting their stomachs.
They quickly followed the path Wild and Legend had taken, weapons still drawn, bodies tense. They felt something was wrong before they even saw it.
Then they reached the camp.
And the world stopped.
Wild was still hunched over his blade, tbe Lynel collapsing from the final stroke through it’s head, Wild’s breath ragged, blood, his or its, no one knew, dripping from his blade.
His eyes were wild, teeth bared, the rage that had driven him still bubbling beneath the surface. But he wasn’t moving.
Legend was crouched beside (y/n, arms clutching them close, his expression twisted with desperation.
And then there was (y/n).
Still. Too still.
The blood around them was so much.
No one spoke. The air was thick with a suffocating silence, as if even breathing too loud would make this, this awful, sickening nightmare, more real.
Hyrule was the first to move.
A single step. Then another.
Then he was running.
He dropped to his knees beside them, his hands already glowing with the familiar light of his Life Spell, fingers trembling as he pressed his hands to their skin.
The magic flared.
Then sputtered.
Didn’t take.
His breath hitched.
“No-” His voice cracked as he pushed more, pleading with the magic, with them. ‘Nonononono…”
The others started moving, drawn in like gravity itself was pulling them toward the only one that mattered to them. Slowly, cautiously, terrified.
One by one, they gathered around, forming a tight circle, as if their presence alone could keep you here.
No one said anything at first. There was nothing to say.
Twilight hovered close, hands clenching and unclenching, like he was barely holding himself together. Sky was shaking, his entire body rigid, fists curled so tight they were white. Warriors swallowed thickly, his usual composure gone, replaced with something raw and unreadable.
Wind’s lips were pressed together, his expression tight, angry in the way one locke in denial and grief often is. Four’s fingers twitched at his sid, his eyes locked onto (y/n)’s like looking away would make this worse.
Time was silent, his face unreadable but his hands shaking at his sides.
Someone, maybe Sky, let out a quiet, broken sound.
Then Warriors knelt beside (y/n), one hand gripping their shoulder, his voice hoarse. “Hey. Hey, come on.”
Like he was expecting them to just open their eyes and tell everyone this was all some cruel joke.
Like they’d wake up if he just held on tight enough.
Legend had stopped speaking altogether, his shoulders shaking as he bit down on his lip so hard it nearly bled.
Hyrule’s magic flared again, fighting to work, his breathing harsh.
“Please…” he whispered.
The others stayed so still, the air around them too fragile, as if any wrong move would send it all shattering into something worse.
They couldn’t lose them.
They…they simply couldn’t.
Time stood frozen, staring down at their still body. The world around him felt distant, the sounds muffled, like he was underwater, like he was drowning.
His breath came fast, shallow, the rush of blood roaring in his ears, drowning out everything else. His heart slammed against his ribs, a relentless pounding that rattled through his chest.
It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long.
Like he was a child again.
Like he was powerless.
He had spent his entire life fighting against fate, defying it, clawing his way through trials no one should have to endure.
He had walked through time itself, lived two lifetimes, shouldered the burden of Hyrule’s expectations. He had worn a mask that turned him into something beyond mortal, something that should have made him strong enough to protect what mattered.
And then that Sorcerersss had dragged him and many others into that war, he had fought alongside other legends, both old and new, had witnessed firsthand what it meant to lead, to command, to win.
He had survived all of it.
And yet here he was, standing over their body, feeling helpless.
His hands clenched at his sides, trembling.
No, this wasn’t happening.
This couldn’t be happening.
They were supposed to be safe.
He had watched over them, he had promised.
His vision blurred, his breath coming in short, panicked bursts.
It wasn’t supposed to be them.
He should have been faster.
Should have been stronger.
Should have-
He took a step forward, his foot landing in the pool of blood. Their blood.
His stomach twisted violently, bile rising in his throat.
He couldn’t do this again.
Not another person. Not them.
The others had gathered around now, their grief tangible, suffocating. Hyrule was desperately pushing his magic into them, his hands glowing too bright, his breaths too fast.
Time felt himself sway slightly, like the weight of it all was pressing down on him, crushing him.
A quiet voice, from somewhere deep inside, from the child he had buried long ago, whispered, Not again. Not again. Not again.
And yet—
They weren’t moving.
The world felt too small, like it was closing in, like his ribs were collapsing in on themselves.
He could hear Sky muttering something under his breath, Warriors pressing down harder on their shoulder, like he could just shake them back awake.
Wild was still kneeling beside the Lynel’s corpse, his body hunched over, his entire frame shaking with something between rage and despair.
And Legend was curled over them, his head bowed, his shoulders trembling.
Time forced himself to breathe, forcing back the panic, the nausea.
He couldn’t afford to break down.
Not now.
Not here.
Because if he let himself slip, if he let himself grieve, it would be admitting that they were already gone.
Time barely noticed when his hands started to shake.
His breathing was uneven, shallow, like he couldn’t get enough air. His heart hammered in his chest, erratic and painful. His mind was slipping, too many thoughts at once, too many emotions clashing and screaming inside him.
His fingers curled, nails digging into his palms, his hands trembling so violently that he could barely control them. He needed to do something, needed to act, needed to fix this-
His hand brushed against something within one of his pouches.
Smooth. Familiar.
His breath hitched. His fingers twitched, hesitant, before reaching in and slowly pulling it free.
He held it with both hands, staring down at it like it was something foreign, something he didn’t recognize. But he did. Of course, he did. (Was this disassociation?)
This was his.
This was a power he desperately needed.
His vision blurred, he wasn’t sure if it was from grief, from desperation, from the pressure crushing down on him. But his mind… his mind was erratic, scattered, racing in a dozen different directions.
To undo.
To change.
His breath came faster, harsher.
What if he could undo this?
His grip tightened on the ocarina, knuckles going white, his entire body trembling.
He could fix this.
He could make it right.
He could bring them back.
His heartbeat pounded so loud it drowned out everything else.
He lifted the ocarina to his lips, fingers poised, ready to play.
Only for a hand to grab his arm and yank it away.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Twilight’s voice was raw, edged with something frantic and desperate. His grip on Time’s arm was bruising, fingers digging in as though physically stopping him would undo the sheer horror of the moment.
Time barely turned his head, the motion sluggish, his mind still caught in a haze of grief and erratic thoughts.
Twilight’s chest heaved, his breath ragged, eyes wild. “You-You can’t just-” He choked, his voice catching like the words physically fought him to leave his throat.
Warriors was there too, stepping in, his face tense, unreadablex but there was a sharpness in his gaze as he stared down at the instrument in Time’s hands.
Twilight’s grip on Time tightened. “You don’t—You don’t get to play that song! You don’t get to—” He cut himself off, his breath hitching as he visibly struggled to get his words under control. “That song—it means—”
He stopped again, shaking his head furiously, his grip still locked on Time like he was terrified of letting go.
Time exhaled, slow, measured. “This is the only way..”
His voice was steady, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t the leader of the Chain speaking, it was something worn. Something dangerously close to the child he had long since buried.
But Twilight barely heard him.
“You don’t get to just—You don’t get to—!”
His hands curled into fists, his breathing was shallow, his body was locked so tight he looked like he was on the verge of breaking into pieces.
He couldn’t say it.
Couldn’t say the word.
Because if he said it, it would be real.
And he didn’t want it to be real.
Twilight was unraveling. He felt himself unraveling, his body too tight, too tense, like if he let go for even a second, he’d completely fall apart. His breath was coming in short, panicked bursts, his throat tight with something raw and unbearable. His hands wouldn’t stop shaking, gripping Time’s tunic like it was the only thing keeping him standing.
“You—” Twilight’s voice cracked, his words slipping out, desperate and broken. “You can’t just—You don’t get to do this, Time!”
Time remained still. His expression unreadable. His hands, tight around the ocarina, steady in a way Twilight’s weren’t.
It was calm. Too calm. Like he was trying to soothe a cornered animal.
It only made Twilight’s breathing worse.
“No! Don’t—don’t say my name like that! Like you—like you know something I don’t! Like you’ve already decided—” His chest was heaving, his grip tightening before loosening again, his body betraying him, caught between fight and collapse. “You think you can just play that song and..and—” His voice broke, “They’re NOT gone, Time, you can’t just act like their soul needs peace! T…They’re just—” He shook his head, “they aren’t gone, they..they need help! ..w-we need to find a healer! A fairy! S-someone who can…can...”
A beat of silence.
Time exhaled and looked properly at Twilight.
And Twilight froze.
His whole body locked up, something primal inside of him screaming run but keeping him rooted in place at the same time.
He’d seen that gaze before. Seen it on him, when the moon was full and seemingly burning and the weight of something much older, much more terrifying, resting against his shoulders. White. Cold. Empty.
Not human.
Twilight’s breath hitched. His grip on Time’s arm vanished, hands falling away, shaking as he stumbled a step back.
Time’s voice didn’t waver.
“I will fix this.”
The words settled over them like a death sentence.
Final. Unwavering.
Twilight couldn’t move. He felt paralyzed, his whole body fighting between panic and something almost instinctual, something telling him that this wasn’t his mentor, this wasn’t the man he knew.
The air was thick with something they couldn’t name.
“How can you fix THIS?”
His voice was sharp but quiet, words slow, careful, as if afraid of the answer.
His bloodied hands were still on (y/n), fingers curled, knuckles white. His mouth was pressed into a thin line, his face pale, his body unmoving.
And he was staring at Time.
So were the others now. Minus Wild who remained on his knees where he was.
Time’s grip on the ocarina never wavered.
He was looking ahead, staring at something they couldn’t see.
“What are you about to do?” Legend asked.
“..The Song of Time.”
The words left Warrior’s lips before he could even think to stop them.
And then everyone was looking at him now, including Wild.
every single one of them turned to Time in a split second.
Because they knew what that meant.
Time’s fingers tightened around the ocarina.
“You—” Warriors took a step forward, “You were going to play the Song of Time?”
Time said nothing. He just looked at him.
And that was enough.
Hyrule’s breath hitched. “Wait—wait, could he—”
“Twilight jerked like he’d been hit, his mind finally catching up to the weight of what was happening.
“You—” his voice cracked, “You were going to undo this? You weren’t…?”
Time finally blinked. The weight in his gaze lessened just enough for Twilight to suck in a sharp, shuddering breath.
But Time still didn’t waver.
“I will fix this.” He said it again.
Warriors’ breath was uneven, his mind racing, hands twitching at his sides like he wanted to rip that damn ocarina from Time’s grasp.
But he didn’t.
Because deep down, some part of him wanted to believe.
He swallowed hard. “Will it work?”
Time’s fingers curled tighter around the ocarina. His jaw tensed, his throat bobbing as he exhaled slow. “It will.”
And that was it.
That was all he said.
That shouldn’t have been enough.
But the way he said it, steady, certain, absolute,’like the sky was blue, like fire was hot, like the sun would rise tomorrow-
It made the air heavy.
It made belief an inevitability.
Sky’s breath hitched. “But—”
“How do you know?!” Wind cut in, shaking, desperate.. “How do you know it’ll be far enough?!”
“What if it only sends us back before the battle?” Wild snapped, voice raw. “We’d be dragging the beasts right to them! What if it doesn’t change anything? What if we just—” He broke off, his whole body trembling, his fingers digging into his arms like he was holding himself together with sheer force of will.
Time’s gaze flicked to him.
Then to Wind.
Then to Warriors.
To Twilight.
To everyone.
“It will.”
Like this wasn’t a question.
Like it was already decided.
Legend exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “And if you’re wrong?”
Time didn’t answer.
Because he wasn’t.
Because the idea that he could be was never an option.
Not when it came to (y/n).
Never when it came to that one person.
“Time-“ Twilight’s voice cracked, his whole body tensed, barely keeping himself from shaking apart. “Do you even know how far it’ll—”
“I do.”
Twilight flinched.
It wasn’t loud. It wasn’t forceful.
But it was final.
It was a fact.
Like the way he breathed. Like the way he fought.
Like the way he had always been the Hero of Time.
This would work.
Because it had to.
“Now gather close, or you will be left behind.”
Time didn’t wait for another argument.
Didn’t give them another second to question him, to hesitate.
He just pressed the ocarina to his lips and played.
The first note rang out, trembling through the air, and the world shifted.
The melody poured from him like second nature, each note pulling at something unseen, unraveling the fabric of reality, tugging at the very threads of time itself.
The air around him hummed, thick with power, and he barely noticed when the others moved closer. Whether it was instinct or trust or sheer desperation, he didn’t know. Didn’t care.
All that mattered was the song.
All that mattered was fixing this.
The ground beneath him vanished. The sky unraveled like ink spilling across parchment. He was falling, weightless, the notes still lingering in the air as time itself bent.
And he knew this feeling.
Had lived this feeling.
He was used to it, the way time peeled away like layers of an old tapestry, the way the past reached up to swallow him whole.
But the others-
Some of them gasped, sharp and breathless, the weight of the shift hitting them like a punch to the gut. Some gritted their teeth, held onto each other, held onto him.
But Time didn’t focus on them.
Didn’t let himself get distracted.
Because there was only the song.
Only the pull of time wrenching them backward, dragging them through the currents of the past, demanding they return to where they were supposed to be.
He felt the moment it worked.
The moment the world clicked back into place.
And when his boots hit solid ground againc when the weight of his body settled into the morning light, into the world that had not yet seen blood,
He exhaled.
And opened his eyes.
For a long moment, no one spoke.
The morning sun filtered through the trees, golden and warm, birds chirping in the distance like nothing had changed—like everything hadn’t changed.
The smell of cooking drifted through the air, something light and familiar, the scent of simmering stew bubbling away in the pot that Wild—the past Wild—had left unattended just moments ago.
The camp was… whole.
No shattered remains of their tents, no bloodstains in the dirt, no lingering stench of burnt wood and monster corpses.
No… (y/n) lying broken on the ground.
Time let out a slow breath, calm and steady, as if this was exactly what he’d expected. And it was.
He knew it would work.
The others, though…
They were stiff, wary, shifting in place like the ground might give out beneath them at any second.
Legend was rubbing at his face, as if trying to wipe away the exhaustion that still clung to him. Wild was staring at the bubbling stew like it was some kind of hallucination.
Twilight stood a little ways off, staring at his hands, clenching and unclenching them like he didn’t know what to do with himself.
Warriors was the first to speak. His voice was hoarse, his throat raw from all the shouting and grief of before, of a future that no longer existed.
“…We actually did it…” he muttered, like he barely believed it.
Wind swallowed hard. He looked down at his boots, scuffed and dirty from the battle that technically hadn’t happened yet. “We’re still—” He hesitated, gesturing at himself. At all of them. “Like this.”
Blood. Dirt. Scrapes and bruises from a fight that hadn’t even started. Evidence of what they’d just lived through, proof that it had been real.
That (y/n) had been-
Time exhaled slowly.
“It doesn’t matter.” His voice was even, firm. Grounding. “We’re here.”
He didn’t need to say why.
Didn’t need to remind them of what they needed to do next.
Because their heads all turned, almost in unison, toward the only tent still closed up for the morning.
The one where (y/n) was still asleep.
Still safe.
Still alive.
For a long, long moment, no one moved.
They just stood there, frozen in place, staring at the closed tent.
The urge to rush forward was almost unbearable, like a rope yanking at their chests, but no one made the first move.
It was too much.
The blood was still fresh in their memories. The sight of (y/n) lying there, unmoving, unbreathing—
They couldn’t go through that again.
So they stood there, tense and waiting, barely breathing.
And then—
Soft murmurs. A sleepy sigh. Rustling blankets.
The sounds hit them, sharp and painful in a way they couldn’t describe, their hearts all slamming against their ribs as the tent flaps finally shifted—
And (y/n) crawled out, rubbing their eyes, hair a mess, voice groggy as they blinked up at the group.
“…Mornin’,” they mumbled, completely oblivious to the way everyone stared.
No blood. No pain. No lifeless eyes staring up at them.
Just… sleepy, alive (y/n), squinting at them like they were the weird ones.
They yawned. “You guys okay?”
No one answered.
Because no one could breathe.
It was Hyrule who moved first.
Slow, cautious, like he was afraid to startle them. His hands trembled as he reached out, fingers barely ghosting over (y/n)’s arms, their shoulders, their face—checking for wounds that weren’t there anymore.
It was like his body was working faster than his mind, the overwhelming need to confirm pushing him forward before he could even think about it.
And then, as if his movement snapped a thread holding everyone back, the others surged forward.
They were on (y/n) in seconds, surrounding them, crowding close, hands reaching and grasping, pulling them into checks and touches that were both frantic and careful.
(Y/n) barely had time to react before they were trapped in a wall of bodies, everyone brushing over their arms, their back, their face—looking for injuries that didn’t exist.
“What— guys, what the hell—?” (Y/n) yelped, blinking fast as they suddenly registered how dirty everyone was.
Blood. Scrapes. Dirt smeared over their clothes and skin, like they’d been through something.
Like they’d just come back from a war.
(Y/n)’s breath hitched, their drowsiness vanishing.
“What happened to you guys?” Their voice was cautious now, eyes darting between the wild, desperate looks on their faces.
No one answered right away.
They were too busy touching them, reassuring themselves, trying to make sure this wasn’t some cruel trick—
That (y/n) was here. Alive. Whole.
Time, standing back from the chaos, finally let out a breath.
It worked.
It took a while for things to settle down.
At first, (y/n) was just confused,rightfully so. One minute they were crawling out of the tent, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, and the next, they were practically being smothered by the Chain.
And not in the usual overprotective way.
This was different.
It was desperate.
It took a lot of reassurance,(y/n) reluctantly eating breakfast while Wild kept glancing up like they’d disappear if he looked away, Warriors and Legend hovering nearby, and Twilight sticking close as if physically shielding them from something,before the group finally got moving.
Time made the call.
They weren’t staying here.
(Y/n) didn’t get why,nothing seemed wrong, their camp was fine, their usual routine untouched,but there was no arguing with him. He wasn’t going to change his mind.
So they packed up and left.
They moved far,not stopping until the area around them was completely unfamiliar, setting up camp in a much safer place, where there were no signs of monster dens, no ruins where enemies could be lurking, nothing.
And still, the paranoia remained.
No one relaxed.
Even after the fire was lit, even after dinner was done, even after everyone was settled in for the night, there was an edge to the air. Like the whole group was waiting for something.
(Y/n) had questions. So many questions.
But the longer they stared at the exhausted, shaken faces around them, the more they decided they didn’t want the answers just yet.
Eventually, one by one, the others turned in for the night. Even if they wouldn’t truly rest, they at least tried to pretend to.
(Y/n) was in their tent, laying down, half-expecting Twilight or Wild to come and insist on sharing their bedroll like they sometimes did when they got particularly clingy—
But instead, it was Time.
They blinked as the tent flap shifted, his tall form stepping inside. He moved slow, deliberate, like he was testing the space between them.
(Y/n) sat up, eyebrows raising.
“Uh… hey?” They greeted cautiously. “Something wrong?”
Time didn’t answer right away.
He just looked at them.
Really looked at them.
Like he was memorizing them all over again.
(Y/n) shifted under the weight of it, that unsettled feeling creeping back into their gut.
“… Time?”
Time sat down next to them without a word.
Not across from them, not a small distance away—right next to them, close enough that (y/n) could feel the slight shift in the bedroll beneath them.
He was silent.
Not just the usual quiet, the comfortable, thoughtful kind of silence Time carried.
This was heavy.
(Y/n) shifted awkwardly, the unease crawling up their spine. The others had been acting strange all day, but Time’s presence right now felt even worse. Like the weight of a storm about to break, something pressing down on them, making their stomach churn.
They hesitated.
Then, quietly, “Time… what’s going on?”
Still, he didn’t speak.
Didn’t even move.
Just sat there, shoulders stiff, hands clasped loosely together.
(Y/n) swallowed, forcing a nervous chuckle.
“Okay, you’re really starting to freak me out, old man. Did something happen?”
Finally, Time exhaled, slow and steady.
“…Something happened.”
(Y/n) perked up a little. “Yeah?”
Time nodded.
“I fixed it.”
(Y/n) blinked.
Another pause.
(Y/n) narrowed their eyes, the hairs on the back of their neck standing on end.
“Fixed what? What—”
The firm edge in Time’s voice startled them into silence.
It wasn’t a command.
It wasn’t an order.
It was a plea.
Time turned his head slightly, his jaw clenched, his good eye dark in the dim light of the tent.
“If you keep asking me…” he said, voice low, slow, measured, “I will tell you.”
(Y/n) stared.
He swallowed, his hands tightening into fists against his knees.
“And I don’t want to tell you…” He admitted, not wanting to te them how they all failed in protecting them. How their blood pooled beneath their cold body.. “So please… don’t ask me.”
(Y/n) felt their pulse in their throat.
Something was wrong.
The others had been acting strange, paranoid. Wild had barely let them breathe all morning. The whole group had been on edge, even after they had moved camp.
And now Time was sitting beside them, heavy and tired and quietly begging them not to dig any further.
(Y/n) licked their lips, their voice small.
“…Was it that bad?”
Time inhaled sharply.
His fingers twitched.
His mind flickered back-
The torn camp.
The blood.
(Y/n), limp and still, their lifeless eyes staring at nothing.
Time closed his eye.
(Y/n) barely had time to process the answer before they found themselves moving.
Their body acted before their mind, before they even realized what they were doing, reaching out, wrapping their arms around Time, holding onto him firmly, as if trying to ground them both.
For a moment, there was nothing.
Time sat stiffly beneath their hold, unresponsive.
Then his shoulders shook.
A breath hitched.
A sharp inhale, one that he tried to keep quiet, but (y/n) felt it against their shoulder, the way his body trembled, the weight of his grief pushing against them, too much to fully contain but held back just enough.
(Y/n) held him tighter.
They didn’t understand what happened.
They didn’t know what Time had done.
But whatever it was…
It had hurt him. Hurt them all. badly.
(Y/n) pulled back slightly, hands still resting on Time’s shoulders as they looked up at him.
His head was bowed, breath uneven, his expression twisted with something too heavy to name. The dim light of the tent only made it worse, casting shadows over the worn lines of his face.
Without thinking, (y/n) reached up, cupping his face gently and tilting it so he’d look at them.
Time’s good eye met theirs, surprise flickering through the grief.
(Y/n) gave him a determined look before brushing their thumb over his cheek, wiping away a stray tear.
“I won’t ask again.” they murmured.
Time exhaled shakily, the tension in his shoulders softening ever so slightly.
(Y/n) let their expression ease, giving him a tired little smile.
“But,” they continued, tilting their head, “I at least hope you and the others got revenge before you fixed it.”
A weak chuckle left Time, his voice rough.
“I think…Wild handled that part.”
(Y/n) huffed a laugh.
“Figures.” They let their hands fall from his face, nodding in satisfaction. “That’s all I need to know.”
Silence settled between them, but it was more relaxed now. The weight in the air wasn’t as suffocating, no longer pressing down so hard it was unbearable.
(Y/n) shifted, glancing towards the tent entrance, then back to Time.
“…I kinda don’t wanna sleep alone tonight.”
Time turned to look at them fully, his eye scanning their face.
(Y/n) rubbed the back of their neck awkwardly.
“Would you… stay?”
Time blinked.
Then, slowly, he nodded.
A small smile grew on his lips, the kind that carried warmth despite the exhaustion in his gaze.
(Y/n) returned it, letting out a breath of relief.
Without another word, they shifted to make room, patting the spot beside them.
Time followed, moving to lay down beside them, a bit nervously but eagerly.
And as (y/n) settled next to him, still for a moment before arms wrapped around Time, he tensed before slowly wrapping his own arms around them.
Eventually, Time let out a deep sigh, his whole body relaxing as he feels their heart beat (alive, strong, such a wonderful rhythm) feeling their presence close, steady and real.
It was exactly what he needed. (He had a feeling the others will also get their own nights with their darling soon enough. (y/n) was just like that to be so considerate.)
It took no time at all for him to sleep.
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dreaming-of-lu · 1 year ago
A/N: Cause I'm in a soft, gooey mood. I'm thinkin of the Links being married.
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~~ Imagining Wild smiling so softly down at a letter, looking so love-strucked yet yearning at the same time. Of course, one of the boys called out to him in a teasing way, wanting to know what got him all head in the clouds like their fellow skyloftian knight. He huffs softly and replies with a voice filled with longing, "My spouse wrote me a letter, basically wishing me safety and sweet dreams of them to soothe me."
~~ First normally kept to himself about his s/o, wishing to keep them safe during his time in prison for 4 years. Pushing you away from Demise's grasp with one last kiss, as he headed off to fight hard and long til his last dying breath. Only to reawaken in a coffin, tumbling out and wondering where he was.
His first thought after was wonder of if you were alive and kicking. He rubbed his left ring finger in a panic, sighing in relief when the metal met his skin. The impression of your bright, sweet smile soothed him, made his heart beat fast until the sound of a screech reached his ears.
~~ The look on the chain's face when a body slammed into Legend was hysterical yet made him shy under their wide questioning gazes. He wanted to squirm out of your hold, only to halt when those eyes, filled with tears of relief and love made him melt on the spot. He softly sighed and rubbed their head while exchanging gentle words between them.
The ring on your hand made them choke in surprise; so those rings on his hands are for distractions, huh?
~~ Hyrule kept his ring on a necklace under his tunic, away from sight due to conflict. His head was always threaten to be on a pike, didn't help when he carried all three pieces of the triforce on the back of his hand. He was constantly hunted, he worried they would come to find you if they were to ever find out he was married to you. Yet alas, he would be found by Legend with him sitting there, idly messing with the ring around his neck, a far off look on his face and a gentle smile. Of course, the veteran was going to be curious of whom caught the dear traveler's heart.
~~ Four watched you idle around the living room, gesturing a flick of your wrist to who could lay where without the worry of stepping on somebody. He stares with his chin in his hand, smiling softly as you jabbered on about something to one of the Links. The colors laughed when you bickered and bantered with that Link before silencing at the sweet smile you quickly flashed over to him alongside a wink.
He covered his face with his hand, flushing red at the laugh that echoed in the home.
~~ Once again, he had his head in the clouds with a dreamy smile on his lips. Sky clutched the letter close to his chest and heaved a tranquil breath, his ears flapped wildly, almost imaginary hearts fluttered and popped around his head. Some of those groan, while the other laughed and shook their head at the lovesick expression on the skyloftian's face.
He raised the letter above his face, pressing a gentle kiss against the ink on the bottom of the page then one to the ring gracing his finger.
"I'll be home as soon as I can, my love."
~~ He was so giddy to be home. As one could be, he was always the composed and conscientiousness captain, but when given the opportunity to reunite with his love. Warriors is practically floating down the path to his shared home that the group is struggling to keep up with his rampant pace. He can't help himself! He needs to smooch his spouse! It's a crime to him to be away for this long from them.
The look on their face when he entered the house with a flourish yell of their name, made his heart soar.
~~ Time chuckled when you fussed over Twilight, tucking him in before glaring at the male when he tried to protest. His descendant looked at him with a silent plead for help, only to slump when the old man shook his head and made an 'x' symbol with his arms. He knew that butting in would not protect him from your glare too.
He rather walk straight into a pit of lava than face your glare head-on. Though he melts at the passing thought of you tucking your future child in, sternly telling them its bedtime and that rest is important. He makes his way over, pressing himself against your back, lacing his hand with yours and placed a kiss against your forehead.
~~ He was already suckered from the day you first played together when you were both children. From the shy glances to the shared giggles, to the sleepovers and to the shared secrets. Twilight knew he had to have you as his spouse when you jumped into his arms and kissed him without a thought after he saved Hyrule.
Even as he stared up at the night sky during his watch, he could still remember the sight of you walking down the aisle with a shy yet giddy smile on your lips. He rubbed the ring back and forth as the memories took over his mind, making the time go by fast til he was tapped out by the next watch. He falls asleep easily when his head hit his pillow, with a faint smile on his lips.
~~ He felt smug when the chain jaws dropped at the sight of him running towards his spouse yet ignores them as their squeals and giggles graced his ears. Fierce swung them around softly in the air before slowly lowering them in his embrace, holding them by their waist, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against theirs. He purrs at the hands that cupped his face, sweet yet butterfly like kisses gracing his skin that soothe the ache that grew in yearning for their touch.
He felt them move away the white strands away from his forehead, placing a kiss against the blue 'v' shaped mark there. He retaliates by placing one against the ring on their finger before opening his eyes to them. Feeling himself melting in their ever so loving and gentle gaze, "You still look radiant, my dear jewel."
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legendofmorons · 1 month ago
Please consider: one of the boys gets stranded from the group and promptly ambushed. As he was left alone, he wasn’t able to protect himself to the best of his abilities and the others are no where to be seen. Out of the blue, Reader, who he has never met before, begins beating the snot out of that poor offending monster. Turns out, they are a traveler of some variety who got roped into this adventure by one strange looking shadow.
How would the boys react to being protected by someone they have never met before, someone who seems altruistic in their intent?
I love your writing and I would be interested to see who you think would have the most interesting response to this. Please remember that you are appreciated and loved for all that you do. You create masterpieces with your words, and for that, we are grateful.
Chain is stranded, reader saves them
This is such a GOOD concept!! If anyone wanted a fic I'd be happy to do one.
Content under the cut, boys are in alphabetical order. (Slowly catching up, but I am tentatively back.)
He's probably just greatful for the assist.
Maybe a little curious about where you came from but he'll ask questions later.
If he can he tries to help ypu right back
He'll thank you after and offer to help you back to your home/town
Would probably check you for injuries he could see
Overall he's both a little confused and very grateful
He's thanking you the moment you start to help
His world is fairly sparse, so any aid is appreciated
If he can, after the fight is done he'll try to heal you
If he cannot, he'll offer a potion or something
He offers to walk you home or to let you stay with him until a time you can go home
He very grateful over all, would try to get you food as payment
Immediately torn between grateful and suspicious.
It's convenient you just showed up.
But if you were going to kill him you probably wouldn't be trying to save him. So he doesn't accuse you
When it's over he thanks you and tries to send you on your way.
Would help you if you injured yourself protecting him.
He would throw you to the wolves, so if you need him to travel with you for a bit he will, but he's still a little suspicious of your intent.
He's still glad you came and helped him through.
He's definitely surprised.
But he's very grateful and will tell you at least twice
More trusting than some of the others
Will offer you healing items afterwards
He's chattier than others too, he's likely to ask you about yourself while you guys find a way towards wherever you've chosen to go.
Probably in pretty bad shape if he needs saving, so if he's not talkative don't take ot to heart
He might be unconscious honestly. He's got too many tools to go down easy.
But after it's all said and done he thanks you and offers to get you home and fed.
He's not the most trusting, but he's friendly enough now.
He's grateful and says as much as soon as you step in.
He will patch you up afterwards too they all would honestly
Probably less surprised than others he grew up in a small town where people were friendly
Might compliment your fighting
Embarrassed and grateful. He's captain of the royal gaurd he shouldn't need help.
But he IS grateful. He's glad you were there because regardless of his emotions, he NEEDED help
Would subconsciously analyze your stance and movements because again... captain.
Will thank you.
Suspicious. Immediately. His Hyrule is sparsely populated and he's always worried about Yiga.
But he's still grateful.
He'd probably offer you a snack or potion as thanks. Maybe invite you to stay for dinner.
Oh, he's probably offering you a shiny trinket as thanks.
He's more trusting than some of the others.
Will demand to trade battle stories.
He's a sweetheart and will probably also offer for you to join them for lunch/dinner.
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misspelledwordswizard · 3 months ago
Can I request a Time content?
The Chaín except Time asking Reader his type or things she likes of a man. She mention some qualities but she specify "Older Man".
Time all blushing because he is in love with reader and Reader likes him too.
Time Content, yeay! I loved writing this asdfkqaj I hope you like it! <3
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I like older men
— Oh, come on, you have to have a type! – Warriors exclaimed, referring to me. He’s been pestering me for a few minutes to tell me what type of man I’m attracted to. 
— I don’t think I have an exact type. – I kept giving the same answer. My taste can be quite flexible, I’d say. 
We were all around the campfire, talking, sharing stories, after the meal. The conversation was going smoothly until they got to the subject of relationships, which Sky dominated, by the way. The Captain has some experience in short-term relationships, so to speak, some of the others seem to have traumas, while the rest simply have never had anything with anyone until now, totally fair.
But, apparently, my romantic life became the central point of the entire conversation after I said I was single, and had never been seriously involved with anyone before. From what I understand, this information is somewhat shocking to them. 
— But not even some things you find attractive in men? – Wild suggested, he wasn’t helping me either. 
Unconsciously, my thoughts took me to the leader of the group, who was the only one who wasn’t bothering me with the subject. I can’t tell if it was because he was not interested in the subject or simply out of respect for my dignity. 
He didn’t even seem to be paying attention, to tell the truth. Leaning so calmly against a tree, with both eyes closed, I couldn’t even tell if he was awake. Avoiding looking at him and ending up generating comments among the heroes, I sighed and accepted my fate. Okay, I just need to wind them up. 
— Hm, let me think. – I said, raising expectations in the boys around me. – I guess we can say I like tall men. – Out of the corner of my eye, I had the impression of seeing Four wilt in his place, did he feel offended? – And strong ones too, something more natural... – I could feel my cheeks blushing. I wouldn’t mind talking about it at a sleepover with my friends, but with the men I’ve been living with for the past few months? What a nightmare. 
They remained silent, indicating that they expected more. Damn, damn gossips. 
— Well, I find light eyes attractive, I would say. And tattoos... Oh, and men who wear black, especially those tight, high-necked shirts. – Okay, I think I’m going too far. My cheeks looked like bell peppers. Oh, right, there’s one last very important one. – And, mainly, older men. 
I concluded, unable to bear all this pressure of stares while I talk about something so personal. I closed my eyes, expecting their provocative comments or something like that, but I was surprised to notice the silence that followed. Was that really that shocking? 
I opened my eyes to see their reactions, and, to my surprise, they weren’t looking at me. All eight boys looked with shock, surprise or curiosity in Time’s direction. Confused, I turned to look at him too, and, after some time processing the information, I understood the reason for their exaggerated reactions, feeling my face even hotter than before.  Time kept his eyes closed. His face, so relaxed before, was now tense, his lips pressed together in a line and his good eye closed a little tighter. What was surprising, in fact, was how rosy his cheeks were. 
In all my life, or rather, since I met him, I never thought I would see the hero of time blush. Because of me. Damn, am I not going crazy?  Well, I am definitely to blame for this, without realizing it, I ended up almost describing him in this silly joke. 
Oh man, I want to bury my face in a hole, I couldn’t have made it more obvious! Great, now I will have to deal with the provocations of this bunch of idiots. I looked away, no longer having the courage to look at him, and just accepted my cruel fate. 
— Look... – Warriors began, and I was already mentally preparing myself for the humiliation that was to come. – ... it seems that we have finally discovered the Old Man’s type as well. 
I turned my head abruptly to look at him, in time to see his eye widen and his mouth open in surprise and indignation, but nothing came out of his mouth. With his face even redder, he sighed and stood up, leaving the group in search of a moment of peace. 
These brats are still going to kill Time with these provocations, and in addition, they are going to kill me too. 
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sleepingdayaway · 6 months ago
just read your majoras mask post and i wish i could hug young link so bad😭 I then thought of what would happen if its LU and reader stumbles upon Time, who hasn't seen them since Majoras Mask. The reunion would either be devastating or really cute since hes old and seeing a parental(ish) figure again😭🩷
making a big strong leader be sad and cry for his parental figure fuels me with so much joy
It's a quiet night for the Chain as they all chatted amongst each other while setting up camp for the night. Wild is preparing a a fire, so he could make plans for dinner with Warriors helping him by going through the recipes that he saved on his slate. Wind, Legend and Hyrule are sitting together and speaking about their homes; Wind mostly talking about how he misses his younger sister and his grandma.
Twilight has left to keep an survey the surrounding area. Separate from the group so he could transform into his wolf form without the others knowing. Sky and Four are besides the cook and captain as they had a soft conversation about Sky's sword during his time in the Knight Academy, and when he was forging the Goddess Blade/Master Sword.
Meanwhile Time is sitting a bit farther away; not too far that he couldn't hear them but he's able to have his own space. He’s been feeling heavy these days as it takes a mental toll on him. Attempting to be the voice of reason isn’t easy even though he is in a body that now matches his mind.
Time doesn’t understand the heaviness that he has been feeling as their journey continues; the years long exhaustion seeping into his bones as he watches the rest interact with each other. A small nagging in his skull refuses to allow him a moment of relief. Urging him to get up and not stay idle which causes the older man to let out a sigh.
Which turned out to be a good idea when two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the camp. Time turned to look at where the noise was approaching which in turned caused the rest of the hero’s to tense up slightly.
If old man Time notices something first, the others will follow suit. Instead of the noise of monsters which most of them can recognize; it was instead the voice of Twilight with a familiar one in tow. Everyone relaxed when they realized it was the Rancher, but were curious on who was he bringing. It was unusual for him to bring a civilian into their camp.
Except as soon as they were in view it made sense. The civilian was roughed up and had scratches and scrapes all over their body as if they had been running away from something. Although they acted as if they were fine, smiling and making exaggerated gestures for Twilight. A slight distraction one as would a parent would to distract a child from something
It seemed to work as Twilight was fully engaged in conversation and only broke out of it when Hyrule reacted first and approached them. They smile at Hyrule and began introducing themselves as the boy checks up on the civilian, upon seeing the injuries on them.
That voice. Time’s ear gave a slight twitch upon hearing them speak, as a sudden coldness enveloped his body. He knows that voice. Holy shit, Time fucking recognized who is speaking to Hyrule and Twilight.
Time needs to step away; as he felt his own body began to tremble at the memories of his past adventures with them. He can’t show weakness in front of the others. If he starts acting up then everyone will become suspicious of them even though they have done no wrong.
Quickly he gets up before approaching Warriors and muttered some excuse about him needing to take a walk. Warriors, who understands that Time had a lot on his plate recently, agreed and reassured that he and Twilight will keep watch over everyone.
In an instant, Time is walking away from the group as he felt someone’s gaze on his back.
The sun is gone by the time he returns to the camp.
Time curses himself for leaving for so long. He wasn’t supposed to be gone for a long time; he merely needed time to recollect his thoughts and get his act together before approaching them again.
The scarred man lets out as sigh once he catches sight of the campfire. His body slowly begins to relax once he spots the rolled out bedrolls that are occupied by the rest of the group.
As he nears closer he counts the ones who a sleeping, noticing that the only one that isn’t asleep is Wild. Said man is by the fire and already staring at the older hero and quietly goes up to him, “Time, you’re back.” He states softly, trying not the wake the others from their sleep.
Time nods and scans the younger man for anything that could be bothering him, “Yes, sorry for being gone until nightfall, it wasn’t my intention I just-“
“Needed to clear your head?” Wild interrupts with a small smile of understanding. In which Time lets out a small sigh before humming in agreement.
“Is everything alright? How was….the civilian that the Ranch hand brought?” He asked.
As if barely remembering about them Wild slightly shuffled on his feet, “They’re fine! It’s just that……”
The Hero of Time raises a brow at him, “Did something happened while I was gone?” He questioned as he placed his hands on his hips.
“No! Nothing bad happened it’s just, they were determined to repay us by keeping watch and letting us all rest,” Wild responds before turning away and looks behind him; Time follows his gaze. Sitting away from them on a log near the edge of camp is them; staring out into the woods and appears to be keeping watch as Wild says.
”Huh….. I would’ve assumed that one of you would be weary of letting a stranger be in charge of your safety.” Wild lets out a slight wince at his words, and a hand comes up behind his neck as he remembers what happened a few hours prior.
“You’re not wrong, in fact the Veteran was the first one to express his distaste at the idea who was then backed up by Wars.”
Wild explains how after the two voiced their opinions and how they’re greatful at the thought, but they didn’t trust them. The civilian nodded in understanding before they began interacting with the rest. Somehow as the sun was begun to set and everyone ate their meals; did they all began to grow tired as their journey from today hit them unusually hard.
Warriors pulled Wild to the side and explained how Time was still out there and how they might need to go search from him, but that was when the Civilian spoke up. Saying how they’re sure that he’ll arrive soon and to soothe their worries they’ll stay up to wait for his return.
Reluctantly, Warriors agreed as his exhaustion doubled before crawling into his bedroll and promptly passing out. Leaving Wild and them awake as Wild fights off sleep; keeping them company as they waited for Time to return.
“I know it’s ridiculous for a group of hero’s to lower their guard to someone unfamiliar, but for some reason…. I feel as if……”
“As if you know them from somewhere?” Said Time gently, now understanding where he was coming from. Wild nodded as he looked down, finally realizing how tired he was.
Time put his hands on Wild’s shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze, “I’m here now, go rest.” He says softly with a slight tone of appreciation, “Thank you, for waiting Wild.”
The young man nodded before walking limply to his own bedroll and collapsing as well.
He watched Wild fall asleep completely as an attempt to delay the inevitable, but Time knew it was futile and he knew that they would still be waiting. After a few moments passed did he begin to walk over to the edge of camp where they sat.
He sat down next to them without thinking twice, but didn’t look at their face. He had a feeling that string holding himself together would snap if he looked at them.
But it would be broken anyway since they made the first move.
“I’m sorry for leaving without goodbye.”
Time tenses before dropping his face into his hands, letting out a silent sob, in an attempt to hide himself from view.
A gentle hand lands in his hair as it begins to comb through it, and once more he’s pulled back into his memories during his journey through Termina. Of the same hand running through his hair in the aftermath of a battle that took a toll on him.
Losing all strength that is holding himself together; Time collapses on himself and curls up to them. Losing all rationality and just wants to be held by them again as he clings on their clothes.
“It’s okay, I’m here now Link.”
Their voice calls out to Time as their other arm wraps around his back to hold him closer. As he cries to himself as the memories of Termina returns full force, the amount of times he failed the people of the town. The moments where he messed up and had to start over again-
He failed to save that girl’s father.
He failed to reunite Kafei and Anju.
He failed to protect Romani from those monsters.
He failed-
Humming interrupts his train of thought as he opens his eyes in shock. The feeling of a hand rubbing his back and another in his hair brings him back to them, as he leans his head on their chest.
Relaxing into their hold as he listens to their heartbeat and to their humming of a familiar song.
Someone else sings for his sorrows to heal.
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celestiallystella · 8 days ago
Your Link Comes Home Clingy (Chain x GN!Reader)
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you arent in the chain, and it wont be described whether or not the links have met one another or yet! very open, just your preferred link coming home to you being clingy! there's some angst in some (cough wild cough) but nothing too bad!
all variations of the reader are around the same age as the link, excluding Wind!
general thing, all characters are minimum 18 yo and are all in established relationships (besides wind, who's like 14 and therefore has a platonic relationship w/reader)
hope you enjoy!
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for the sake of ease of this, no separations for red, vio, green, or blue sorry yall
four is exhausted when he finally gets home
hes been working all day, and then there were some errands he had to run, and..
ugh. hes exhausted
so, when he finds you all curled up in bed? oh he has NEVER been so tempted to just curl up in your arms and beg you to hold him
he knows by now he doesnt need to ask to be held but man
four manages to refrain, though, and drags himself to bathe first and throw on some loose nightclothes
as soon as he's clean though?
oh this guy is just collapsing on top of you and the bed
it disturbs you and your sleep, but thankfully by this point youre definitely used to him being this tired
he'd had an unusually busy day though, so unlike normal when hed roll over and the two of you would just loosely cuddle, four latches onto you, face buried against your neck
it wakes you up properly, and so you peak your eyes open
you aren't opposed to cuddling your boyfriend, obviously, so you wrap your arms around him and just hold him, content to go back to sleep
four is, also, very happy with this. he relaxes and melts against you slowly, a soft sigh escaping him before he slowly drifts off to sleep
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hyrule's had a wonderful day, surprisingly
hes managed to avoid SO many monster run ins, found some new plants, and is entirely unharmed!
and you know what makes it even better? coming back to his and your little makeshift home to see you cooking
he loves, loves, loves when you cook
are you good at it? bad at it? doesn't matter. hyrule LOVES your food because he loves you, and thats just how it is, he doesnt make the rules
he's smiley, and giggly, and he wraps his arms around you as best he can while tripping over himself
thankfully youre not in any danger of getting hurt as he knocks the two of you to the ground
you laugh and it's his second favorite thing in the world, second only to your kisses
he's thrilled as you guys shift so that he's straddling your waist, cupping your face, calling you petnames, and kissing your face
it makes you laugh more, which makes him kiss you more, and it just repeats the process
eventually you get him off of you and go back to cooking, but he hangs off of you in one way or another as you cook
if youre the type to get annoyed by things like that when youre cooking, he'll just shift forms and lay on your head until youre done
as you guys eat, he's pressed against your side and bouncing with energy
hes just in a GREAT mood and you get to see the full brunt of it
if whatever you made is sweet, bet on him getting even clingier
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he doesnt do clingy
except he hasnt seen you in a long while, and hes missed you so much
what else was he meant to do?? not tug you into a hug as soon as you got inside the door?
he'd gotten home earlier himself, and had been rather bummed to see you not home as well
what do you MEAN you had errands to run??? he doesn't believe it
still, he doesn't complain
he just hugs you and rocks back and forth.
he's sore, and tired, and he'd really like to lay down with you. maybe take a nice, warm bath, properly relax for the first time in who knows how long
but he feels like he's been a bit starved lately, and he doesn't want to part from you
especially once your own arms are around him and squeezing gently, a kiss pressed to the side of his head pairing well with a soft welcome home
he kind of wants to melt against you, but he knows that'll make his soreness worse, so he gives a vague noise of agreement and squeezes you back
for now, he's content with this. cuddling and getting cleaned up can come later
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unlike legend, i get the feeling hes normally clingy, so this doesnt really make too big a difference
he's just been working all day, and when he gets home he does his normal little routine with you
kisses, head to set a bath up, more kisses, getting undressed, more little kisses, bathing quickly, kisses, getting dressed... kisses
he's a bit smitten
its when you guys are in bed that his clinginess is apparent
normally he'd just loosely throw an arm over you, half asleep the second you two are laid down
when he's feeling needy and extra affectionate, though?
his arms are wrapped tightly around you, and it's kind of a gamble on if he lays on you or if he has you lay on him
either way, he doesn't fall asleep. he just lays there with you, and he'd probably ask you to play with his hair
idk he seems like the type to like his hair played with, so if he's laying on you, you do
if youre laying on him, he wont ask you to play with his hair.
instead he'll just kiss your head a lot
he will, eventually, fall asleep like that
when he's genuinely feeling clingy, it'll bleed into the next day in little ways.
you have things to do? well, suddenly he doesn't and he's trailing around after you all day like a lost puppy
He has things to do? ....nooooooo
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the two of you probably live relatively close to lon lon ranch
he helps out there, you're a baker for commission, and so at the end of the day your link tends to come home gross and exhausted
there has been many, many times you've come home to see him passed out on the couch without having bathed or anything
either way, today had been decidedly worse than usual. everything seemed to go wrong, and he really really just wanted to lay down and hide his face against you
so he gets inside your home, kicks his boots off, sheds his outer layers haphazardly (you'd get on him for that later, he knows, but he doesn't care right now, he needs to just have you in his arms, please)
the sun's low in the sky, and he knows damn well where you are
so he goes into the kitchen, wraps his arms around you, and buries his head in your neck.
your movements stutter, before you hum, melting back against him, and oh how wonderful that is.
he lets you work, arms around you and moving as needed, until you elbow him gently and tell him dinner's done
you end up turned around in his arms, pretty much spoon feeding him, and then (after you've eaten as well, Time's not going to let you go hungry) time takes you to bed
he lays on top of you, and this was something he'd taken a while to become okay with, and plants his face firmly in the crook of your neck
you wrap your arms around him, holding him, and everything feels okay
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he has been working ALL day
he gets home, grunts as he takes his shoes off, and then goes to clean up
it's not late in the day, admittedly. sun's hardly setting
the second he sees you, his arms are wrapped around you and he's half melted against you
you two sway from side to side for a while, quietly holding one another
while his sudden hug throws you off, you arent opposed and stay there with him
it takes you two a while to stumble towards the bed and get laid down
you can TRY to extract yourself, but he will pull out every trick in the book to prevent that from happening
if you manage to get away, suddenly there's a wolf tugging you back by your shirt, or curled around your legs as you work, whining pitifully
if you give in to the puppy eyes, you're his captive
if you don't he gives you the silent treatment (very ineffective when he's wrapped around you, and in your arms, and clinging to you, and-)
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training new recruits pisses him off sometimes
he cannot believe he was once like THAT
either way, within the span of five minutes of being home and stripped down to more comfortable clothing, his arms are under the hem of your shirt, wrapped around you
his head's buried in your neck, and it takes him a moment before he melts against your back
he definitely stands there as you do whatever it is you're doing yapping about how much he missed you
he's done for when you turn around and wrap your arms around him as well
if his day went even slightly worse, he tears up and his face is promptly hidden against you in some way
you two end up showering together, because he does NOT want to leave your side, and then you two curled up in bed together
when he gets like this he prefers to hold you. if you REALLY want to be the one holding him instead, though, well.. he's always been a bit weak to your wants
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its always after a nightmare about his memories, or when he gets a new one back
he's always kind of off a little bit when they happen, and he's learned over time that your presence helps
of course, it doesn't help that he's coming home late tonight, tired and worn out already
and you're playing with this blonde little girl - the daughter of a friend of yours. you're bbysitting, he assumes
but the sight of the girl makes his head hurt and vision foggy in a way he knows means there's a memory imminent
so he sits down, heels of his hands pressed to his eyes. he doesn't even process when you move around, the little girl put to bed in a guest room
suddenly he's back, leaning against you and hiccuping through his sobs
he tells you about his little sister, how wonderful she was, how much of a menace she was (theres so much he wants to know about her but he cant remember it yet, and he doesn't know if he ever will and-)
it takes you a while to get him to your guys' room, but you manage and get laid down with him laying on top of you
he falls asleep to your heartbeat and dreams of a little girl who loved the harmonica
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he's been away from outset with the chain for SO long, and he hasn't seen you in even longer
he misses you so much it isn't even funny anymore.
and it doesnt help that he keeps panicking when he thinks of you
he knows youre older than him, that you can take care of yourself (and aryll) just fine, but he's still worried something might happen to you and the rest of his family while he isn't there
it's silly, and it's stupid. even when he was in his own Hyrule, after his adventure, he was hardly home anymore, preferring to sail with tetra and the crew
still, the second he realizes that they're in his hyrule, and on outset island, he absolutely books it home
and there you are! sitting with aryll and playing a game with her, and you both look fine
and you both light up when you guys see him, and he can't help but tear up
it isn't long before the rest of the chain stumbles along after wind and finds wind attached to you, face pressed to your side, and aryll on your hip
he doesn't even let you out of his sight for the first day theyre all there
(he is like this EVERY time they all make it to his hyrule. he misses his little family, sue him!!)
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Yall tell me why this took me FOUR DAYS to write out??
If youve requested something i promise im getting around to it! Classes are keeping me busy man
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the-moon-files · 1 year ago
Man, I love the trope of aliens being terrified of humans, and I've seen some fics of human!reader reacting differently to stuff like posions/plants in hyrule, but this is in another level! We are indestructible! I mean, I could live on Death Mountain! With the Gorons! It's literally a dream come true!
Also, the urge this would give me to give them all the hugs and piggy back rides whenever it gets cold/windy/whatever extreme condition.
If Hylians would be surprisingly light, would they be light enough for me to pick up Time? Just get that big ass man with a bunch of armor on my back? Because new need unlocked.
NEW NEED UNLOCKED INDEEEEDDD. (touches my fingertips together like a villain up to no good)
CREDIT FOUND!! (Who did it first!):
IDK who it was but someone mentioned in a rlly old 2023-2022? LU x human reader post abt the hylians being lighter in comparison to humans!! If i find who it is, or if u recognize u wrote abt smth similar pls leave a comment so I can @ you!! /gen
@wayfayrr :D ive been in humans are space orcs fandom (is it a fandom? More like endless AU idea ppl wrote abt on tumblr) for Years, and ofc i never thought to put with Loz this past year or 2 getting into this fandom dammit - UR WORKS AMAZING THANK YOU SM FOR MERGING MY 2 FAVS AND LIKING/REBLOGGING THIS HOT MESS 😭😭
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GOD i NEED to play TP bc u can hold cats like this?? and u get to see LINK do it??? 😭😭
Sun: technically Masc! Reader but not explicit (you/he/him), coule be Gender Neutral, Human Reader
Orbit: headcanons-ish
Stars: The Classic Chain of Links
Comets & Meteors: Content: in Four’s desc. mentioned “diving into chest”, & Triggers: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
A kinda 2nd part/expansion to this post!
no bc the “i can live wherever tf i want” was secretly part of why i wrote that post (so sue me, i wanna be able to follow wild around his hyrule w/o getting nuked)
There’s only 2 types of Links in this hyrule(s):
Who’s already down with being cuddled at the slightest/not so slightest inconvenience??:
(unsurprisingly, also if anyone teases him he just teases right back that not only is it “for survival”, but also look he’s “getting Guide Cuddles™️ and You’re Not” lmao,
would sleep right up against ur bedroll every night if u let him, likes when you commit to the cuddle (even if he goes a little red), like wrapping arms + legs around him, adores fireside cuddles, has said on multiple occasions that nothing makes him feel safer than holding onto you, and how he can’t go back to doing things like this on his own anymore 😭😭😭
his favorite cuddle is whatever you give him LMAO u can always count on Wild if your ever feeling like u need to cuddle smth blonde and cute lol - he constantly offers or initiates it himself <33 )
another unsurprising one, his favorite time to cuddle is when it’s cold outside, or windy, and he can just get under a blanket and take a nap with you,
esp if it’s both and he can convince you to lay partially on him for heated + weighted human blanket purposes, he’s literally staring at you with sparkles in his eyes as soon as a breeze goes by lol
his Loftwing/Crimson wasn’t rlly able to fly u long distances u find out!! :( Hylians are just so light that ofc that explains why they can ride these pelican/ostrich creations for hours, whereas the bird can only rlly manage 20 minutes of low flying with you (+ Sky) on its back, but that’s fine, bc u figured out how to “shield surf” rlly fast down slopes to keep up with Sky flying low, and by “shield surfing” i mean, shocking Wild into jaw-dropped silence as he watches you fly by completely barefoot 👍
(after all, ur skin has to be pretty tough/thick to be able to handle the weather/environmental conditions, and finding out u can withstand lava? yeah this is nothing turns out)
secretly loves piggyback rides, but never asks, u just see him get this look in his eyes, and shuffling in place just behind you lol
touch starved, but what Link isnt lol
his favorite is piggyback rides, since he was raised by his grandma, and there weren’t a whole lot of close, young adults to pick him up as a kid
so now, he takes FULL advantage of u being able to easily pick him up lol
one time u guys were going uphill while a pleasant breeze was blowing-
actually it was gale force winds.
but ur you, so it took Wind flying backwards into you to realize. he also screeched at you for “ABANDONING ME- YOURE GONNA MAKE ME, A LITTLE GUY LIKE ME, CRAWL UP THIS?? HOW COULD YOU-” you give him piggy back rides whenever it’s windy.
will treat u like his own personal ship whenever ur both in the water, which consists of him yelling sailor terms like “turn starboard! raise the sails!” while sitting on ur shoulders while u get slammed (gently buffeted, really) by waves
shy, shy, shy, shy-
the quintessential:
“👉👈 🥺 is it okay, if we maybe hug rn?? I'm just rlly cold, and i know u said you didnt mind, and I saw Wild and Sky just laying on you, sorry if this is weird-”
Hyrule, sweets, you literally love him more than life itself, of course you’ll cuddle the fairy boy
the more excited he gets = the more likely to jump on ur back/wrap his arms around ur waist happily, esp since he’s an extra cutie patootie and will subconsciously seek u out if the environment gets a little rough
Sets an Amazing example for the other Links, not too clingy when ur busy, great at latching onto ur back when things get tough for him, asks politely and thanks you everytime he gets down <3
Hyrule is eternally fascinated by whatever u do, u just walk thru flood waters like it’s nothing and while the rest are used to it by now, he’s the only Link looking at you like your some kind of god 💗💘💖💕🙈
accidentally squeezed ur arm muscles one time when he saw u doing that thing where u curl ur arm and Wind/Wild were able to hang off of it,
you both just stared at each other for a solid minute before his ears turned down and he went completely red and apologized profusely for 5 minutes, before you just scooped him up too lmao (his face after tho)
depending on the cuddle he gets shy sometimes, even worse if more than 1 Link is looking at you two, in which he will attempt to escape ur arms.
keyword being attempt.
you just wrap ur legs around him and trap him instead lol
likes to cuddle you somehow where he’s not in the way but you can keep doing whatever it is you were busy with
if he splits, then u can fucking bet Red is the first to dive into ur chest- unless there is literally, actively, a threat right in front of him, he’s going for it lol, Green loves to wrap his arms around one of yours and just hang off u all day, Blue will wait until ur sitting somewhere and flop on ur legs to purposely trap u there, the little shit, and Vio just likes hugs. he’s such a sweetheart, he just loves being wrapped up and wrapping you up 🥺
And who must be Convinced. (most to least)
fully expected,
silly man thinks he’s above love and cuddles, and all the good things in life LMAO came for ur throat again
it'll be below-freezing temperatures, in a cave with a barely there campfire, a blizzard outside, the other heroes complaining at him to just get under the blanket so you’ll get under the blanket,
bc you two are just doing that thing where 2 characters have like a table between them and are fake-out dodging left and right to try and catch the other lmao
is most susceptible to cuddles when he’s tired/injured/sick/sleepy.
it’s a cold morning and u just scootch the Links into a pile and use him as a pillow lol, and as long as no one, not even gods, perceives you two, he’ll let you stay
ok but you definitely caught him from falling into lava one time while on Death Mountain, and had to bridal carry him across half a lava lake back to shore, hehe,
Legend swore everyone there to secrecy on their own graves and favorite items
also refuses to let Ravio know of ur human advantages lol
he just wants the attention on himself as much as he can in between the other Links, no need for more competition
silly man just doesn't think of his needs including affection/emotional comfort,
he only rlly initiates when the circumstances are dire, like gale force winds that he can barely walk thru/starting to slip, desert heat getting to him thru his armor and needs ur cooling touch, etc.
he keeps it as professional as he can, like wrapping an arm around ur shoulders, but you just snatch him by the waist and pick him up half the time, was surprised at first, chain giggled at him, then complained lightly, finally just accepted his fate anytime he touches you lol,
YES you have given him a piggyback ride, when a flood of water burst a dam during a battle/the other Links got out but Time didn't bc of his heavy armor,
so u yoink him up and just stood ur ground against the raging waves and climbed a rock until u weren't submerged anymore, poor guy was so worn out from the battle + the flood that he just let you carry him all the way until u camped for the night, and secretly took a nap 😭
like Legend he can be convinced to rely on u when he’s already vulnerable like sleepy/tired/injured/sick, but he does find himself secretly appreciative someone in the group can just lift his heavy ass in full armor/or someone else if it gets bad enough,
got converted and no longer has to be convinced usually, he just doesn't initiate much so u have to lol
whats with all these idiots neglecting themselves, both physically and emotionally??
like boy u cant stand the heat of a desert or blizzard, just let in the cuddles 👹
similar to Time, just more vocal abt how appreciative/advantageous it is to have someone to be able to carry comrades out of harsh conditions or battles easily.
Did Not think abt this applying to himself until you literally swept him off his feet like a classic damsel in distress- mans let out a shriek after taking a second to process everything LMAO-
Loudly and Dramatically complains abt u coming to cuddle him, both just to love on him, and to heat him up in a rainstorm, but hugs you back and holds onto you anyway hehe.
Became the 2nd person to find out you’re immune to lightning.
See, everyone heard Legend talk abt u getting struck in a storm in Wild’s hyrule, but no one really came to full terms with it bc they didn't see it. Warrior is now a full believer. He actually got the closest to pissing his armor he ever has in all of his battles bc he forgot abt the metal in the storm = bad idea, until it was too late and u guys were trying to retreat to regroup, bc there were too many black-bloods, only to get full body tackled by you to avoid getting hit by lightning.
You had to bridal carry him for a minute after bc u just got back up after being hit, (it just felt like you rubbed ur body on the carpet and touched a metal wall, like a full body small static shock) bc he was in such a state of literal horror/shock,
Wars saw your life flash before his eyes 💀
goofy wolf man has wolf instincts that help ur case as to Why You Need to Pet Twilight’s Hair and Hold His Hand at All Times if Possible.
main reason Twi’s here is bc he thinks his height + weight = him not needing u to hold onto/cuddle as much, and he would be proven wrong HA
actually gets all blushy/shy anytime u pick him up, freezes like a puppy who’s gotten scruffed too lol
likes a lot more casual touch/cuddles, like arm around ur shoulder or his, sitting with legs touching, leaning against u when he’s cold, etc.
omfg funniest thing abt Wars/Time/Twi is that they’re the tallest out of the Links, so they make for extra fun when picking them up, cuddling etc.
but the best thing ever happened one time when Twi was still recovering from the Shadow’s wound, it got reopened/ached so bad he couldn’t run, but u all were trying to retreat at the moment bc Big Boss,
and u just snatched him up into a piggyback ride, his legs comically sticking out, but the best part was that Hylians are light.
so you were able to run full tilt adrenaline powered run, to the point you surpassed the other Links ahead, and had everyone laughing and simultaneously trying to conserve their breath to keep running LMAO
Twi grew up tall/bigger than kids his age, and is another victim of “no adult figures to pick him up when he was younger”, so he gets this little giddy smile when u pick him up lol <3
the first time u put him in a bridal carry for smth like river rushing waters, mans blushed, stuttered abt smth the whole time, and then didnt let go after you tried to put him down, u didnt have the heart to insist, so u just carried him around half of the day 😭
sorry some have less than others, its nearly 2am I'm just riffing kicking my feet and shit, so I'm not being very thorough
i hope u liked my spiral into blonde twink insanity (well theyre kinda on a spectrum of twinkness)
anyway goodnight, and have a great weekend!!
to the 2 other ppl who sent asks, ill get to you soon and thank you sm for sending stuff :’)
Please feel free to send asks for requests or just to chat :)
Peace out,
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maple-the-awesome · 11 months ago
The Chain Meets Your Baby || 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairing: Hyrule, Time, Wild, Four x Reader
Requested by @kieradumpzz081927: I hope your request are open(or if ur free for requests), so i saw ur LU oneshots about the one that is called ' He becames a dad ' or smth. So, why not that he would introduce his kid(s) to the chain? That ones going to be interesting Interesting indeed 😈Now, I have my own set of headcannons for what order the Chain becomes dads in, but regardless of their own experience, I'm sure the Links would all subject the new dad to lots of support and teasing. Here you go 💜 Warning: Some mature jokes here and there. Nothing major, but gotta give the new dad a little hell, right? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Zelda Masterlist 🤍Fandom Masterlist
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The last thing Hyrule was expecting to encounter during his village visit was his old traveling companions, the other heroes of courage. Then again, life has been full of surprises lately and it wasn't like he didn't already know that the portals between their worlds are still active. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed again and honestly, it couldn't have aligned more perfectly.
Happy to see the rest of the Chain again, Hyrule takes the liberty of inviting them back to his home so that they can properly catch up and not be the subject of so many judgment stares from villagers. Throughout the short trip there, the group’s laughter is vibrant as they detail accounts from their recent adventures, soon turning it into a friendly competition of who has the craziest stories. 
This conversation stays well alive all the way from their first steps outside of the village gates to the second Hyrule opens the door to his house, at which point the spirited teasing immediately dies off into a stunned silence.
“Oh! Hello again!” You’re just as pleasantly surprised to see the boys as your boyfriend had been, your smile more than welcoming as you turn around to greet them, yet they’re less focused on you and more so on the small infant you cradle in your arms.
“...I think the Traveler wins,” Wild mumbles, his disbelief shared amongst the rest of the group who merely nod distractedly. 
“Right! I forgot to mention -” Hyrule excitedly hurries to your side before turning to his friends with a thrilled smile, “- This is our daughter, Hope.”
“You just casually forgot to mention you have a kid now…?” Legend narrows his eyes while pointing to the kid in question. He should probably be more annoyed with Hyrule’s tendency of always skipping over important details, but honestly he’s just too shocked to process it right this second.
“Well, she’s only about a month old. Being a dad now takes some getting used to,” Hyrule defends, rubbing the back of his neck timidly, but when you pass your daughter over to him, he shows practice in the way he gently holds her securely to himself before approaching the boys to properly show her off.
Despite their surprise, they’re eager to crowd around him, each wanting to get a good look to ensure this isn’t some clever joke you’re both pulling on them. Fluffy head of dark wavy hair…A little button nose…Sharp pointed ears…Yep, this baby must be yours. She looks exactly as one would imagine the product of Hyrule’s sex life to look like…
“...Geeze. She’s adorable,” Warrior awes, practically leaning over Legend who elbows him back with a glare.
“Isn’t she?” You preen.
“She’s strong, too,” The Vet acknowledges with an unamused pout. He had made the mistake of holding a finger out to the baby only for her to grasp it in an unwavering grip. His attempts at pulling away are fruitless, not that he’s actually trying that hard. Maybe he even likes the feeling of his heart melting just a bit.
“Congratulations. You two must be very proud,” Time praises kindly, having already felt the joy that comes with being a parent himself. He can recognize it in the way Hyrule and you affectionately watch your giggling baby with a pleasant glow surrounding you both.
“We very much are…”
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Muffled commotion outside alerts you to the fact that you have visitors long before they stumble into your home, not even bothering to knock as their excitement gets the better of them. Now, any other day, your husband would be quick to scold such ill-mannered behavior, but fortunately for your guests, he's in far too good of a mood to let it be soured.
So, instead of acknowledging the Chain’s less than graceful entrance, Time immediately rises to his feet with a proud hand left upon your shoulder, "Everyone, we'd like you to meet Saria and Mallory."
The young heroes are in awe as they crowd around the bed just to get a look at the small bundles held within your arms. Sure, they've seen babies before, but these are Time's babies. For many of them, the complicated concept of love alone had once seemed out of reach for any hero of courage, yet here the Old Man is, hitched to a lovely wife and now the lucky father of two adorable daughters. It's an amazing accomplishment, really; one that has the entire Chain feeling happy for him.
"They're so little," Hyrule whispers, scared to speak any louder out of fear he'll accidently wake them.
"They inherited their dad's nose, poor things," Warrior jests, throwing a smirk Time's way.
"They'll grow into them," Rather than take it personally, he chuckles while carefully taking one of the girls from you. Despite having only become a father a few hours ago, he's already a natural at handling them. Ever so gently - as if handling the thinnest of glass - he cradles his daughter to his chest and fixes the tiny hand-sewn blanket around her; a gift from her godmother, Malon, of course.
"You'll have your hands full with twins," Four remarks prudently.
You sigh at the thought, your head thrown back against your pillow, "Ugh, we know…”
Although you’re visibly tired after having undergone hours of stressful labor, you still look upon the baby in your arms with nothing short of pure admiration, clearly having no actual regrets towards having either of them. In your eyes, twins just mean all the more love to give.
"Nothing we can't handle," Time promises before getting a mischievous glimmer in his eye while casually extending his sleeping baby out to Twilight, "This one is Mallory, by the way -"
"- W-Wait -!" The Rancher is immediately caught off guard by it, yet his objections are ignored. Time drops the baby into his arms anyway, practically forcing Twilight to take her, not that he truly minds. A natural around children himself, it takes him only a few seconds to adjust the baby comfortably in his hold.
Blind to the other boys who hover around his shoulders, Twilight's eyes are locked in amazement upon the tiny bean who scrunches her nose and whimpers quietly before soon settling down…To think, this small infant no more than a few hours old is a relative of his. He can't help but wonder how closely related they are. How many generations between them? Three? Two? Maybe even just one? It's a strange thought to consider...but also a very comforting one, too.
"...She's a real beauty, isn't she?" Time asks softly with a strong pat to Twilight's back. The only reply he gets is a wordless nod and whimper as the teary eyed Rancher sniffles.
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What kind of horrors do they need to prepare themselves for? That's the question that rings through every hero's head as they approach Wild's home. They're concern only grows when - as if sensing them - the Champion suddenly appears in his open doorway with an ear-to-ear grin greeting them...Not the most comforting sight seeing as they've come all this way under his vague request.
A letter had been sent to each of them only giving the minor hint that there’s a certain 'surprise' he can't wait to show them, and with someone as chaotic as their accident prone centenarian, the Chain has every right to be anxious about it.
Even as they all crowd outside of his home, Wild refuses to add any context, instead maintaining his mysteriously upbeat aura before finally stepping aside to allow them in. It's only then that the heroes realize what his 'surprise' is, welcomed by the sight of you as you stand there matching Wild's grin while holding an unfamiliar baby in your arms. She can't be much older than a few weeks, judging on both her tiny features and the obvious bags under both of her parents’ eyes...
"You have a baby?!" Wind screeches with delight, not wasting a second to race to your side.
"Her name is Mikan," Chuckling, you kneel down to let him better see your pride and joy. It isn't long before you're surrounded by most of the heroes who are immediately taken by your daughter's cuteness.
"When did this happen?" Time inquires through a raised eyebrow, one of the few Links who had remained by the door with Wild.
"Uh, she'll be three weeks old tomorrow," Wild answers, his hand darting up to rub the side of his neck. He knows that isn’t exactly what Time meant, but it’s the easiest answer.
"I didn't think you -..." Begins Twilight quietly. Although he ultimately cuts himself short, the curious look he gives his successor wordless finishes what he might've said.
Nodding slowly with some hesitation, Wild bows his head while looking back over to you. There's a fondness in his eyes as he watches you carefully pass your daughter over for Wind to hold, "I know what I said before. I...I didn't think this was something I could have - something I could want this badly, but...Well…I probably don’t need to tell you how it is…”
Twilight pats Wild’s back with a knowing smirk, indeed understanding. He’s happy to see his friend finally accept the peaceful life he deserves instead of continuing to run away from it, after all, Twilight has never been blind to the curiosity and faint jealousy that would shine in Wild’s eyes whenever listening to the other heroes talk about their families. He’s been long overdue to have one of his own.
"Hey, just one question," While Wind is busy cooing and rocking your daughter, Four turns around to address Wild once they finally join everyone else, "Did you really name your daughter after a fruit?"
Wild's cheeks flare in embarrassment, "I - It can be a pretty name, too!"
"I'm actually the one who chose it," You confess sheepishly, taking the attention away from your partner, "I was really craving tangerines throughout the whole pregnancy."
"At least it's a somewhat normal name. I was half expecting you to name your future kids something like 'Biscuit' or 'Curry'," Legend snorts.
"...We did consider picking 'Sage'.”
Warrior laughs heartily before throwing a hand over Wild shoulder with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, "Can we expect that to be the second child's name then?"
"Woah, woah, woah - Let's settle down now, gentleman,” You immediately scold while also taking the chance to save your poor partner by pulling him away from the onslaught of teasing he was about to endure, “One baby at a time. It’s not easy carrying those things, just ask your wives!”
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Four has been off into his own little world - That is to say, he’s been both distracted and extremely tired; a terrible mix, but hey, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Despite his eyelids feeling like bricks, he remains awake and alert, arms folded across his chest as he sits in the bedside chair keeping watch over your sleeping form. 
You need the rest more than him anyway. Your husband has been through some pretty fearsome and ravenous beasts in his time, yet your work last night easily trumpeted every hell he’s undergone himself. Best to let you sleep unless he wants to change that statement.
A series of echoed knocks send Four bolting through the house, hissing a curse under his breath before tossing the front door open with plans to scold whoever’s on the other side, yet he’s stunned into silence when he realizes it’s no poorly timed mailman, rather the very friends he had invited over…although, they did come a lot sooner than he thought they would…
“- SHHH!!!” Four nearly smacks a hand over Wild’s face. 
“- …The baby…” Wild finishes with a whisper and a grimace.
Four quickly ushers the Chain inside, allowing them to make themselves comfortable with STRICT orders to keep the noise level down. Yes, their early visit may not have been exactly anticipated, but Four holds no ill feelings towards it, in fact, he’s rather smiley while leading them to the nursery.
“Here they are,” He practically sings, eagerly looking inside the large crib as if he, himself, still can’t get enough of its contents. He has every right to be infatuated, “These are my girls~”
Although Four is bubbling with joy as he admires his little creations, the rest of the Chain stands by with wide eyes. Some even take the time to count each baby just to confirm that they are, indeed, seeing triple. Inside lies three little newborns, each fast asleep after having about as stressful of a day as their parents.
“We’re thinking of naming them Marigold, Amber, and Camelia. You know, keep to the color theme and all…”
“Damn, three of them, huh? You didn’t hold back at all, did you, Smithy?” Warrior observes aloud, much to Four’s instant lack of amusement.
“They’re so cute~” Wind coos, Twilight having to pull him back before he accidentally falls into a crib again.
“I suppose it’s a good thing I brought some of the twins’ old stuff then,” Time hums, his smirk holding a hint of sympathy. Needless to say, he doesn’t miss those early days of juggling babies himself, as much as he loves them dearly.
Four preens at the attention his daughters get, however his smile falters when he notices Sky sticking to the very back of the group, awkwardly rubbing his arm and chewing down on his lip. Four frowns.
“...I’m sorry. We should’ve waited until we told -” He keeps his voice down as he joins the older hero who is quick to shake his head and muster his best smile.
“- No, no. We’re happy for you both. Really…” Despite the sorrow stuck in his voice, Four can tell Sky means every word of it, even the sighed: “...You’re a very lucky guy.”
“...I am,” While there could be more said, he realizes now might not be the time to discuss it. Not with so many new babies in the room.
“No wonder you wanted us to be quiet. I can barely handle one newborn at a time, let alone three at once?” Legend mumbles half to himself, his finger gently cresting one of the baby’s chubby cheeks.
“You know, if you ever find your house getting a little too quiet, you can always babysit -”
“- No way in hell. We already have our hands full as it is.”
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luimagines · 2 months ago
Link, shut up and kiss me.
Another Commission!
They asked for Time, Twilight, and Warrior with the phrase above.
Content under the cut!
It was nearing sunset when you were called to follow your husband on some stroll through the forest. The dwindling sunlight draped itself over the trees and sparkled downward to illuminate the bits of dust and leaf particles that would otherwise have been naked to the human eye. The sunset had turned the earth pink. It would have been lovely to see, had Link not steadily led you deeper and deeper into the forest. The shadows progressively got darker and darker. The animals got quieter and somehow more foreign to your senses.
A consistent stream of anxiety began to creep into your body. You didn’t want to look like a scaredy cat but you couldn’t ignore how you were scanning your surroundings more and more frequently.
Link for his part, didn’t look bothered at all. 
“Is there any reason we’re doing this?” You looked around the crooked trees and subconsciously took a step closer to Link. Nowadays he was going by the name Time, if only to avoid confusion with the other eight Links that have been his traveling companions in the past months.
You’re not entirely sure how they found each other. Link hadn’t told you the exact details but then again, you trusted his judgment. You knew that he went through a lot of trouble to keep you, and by extension, all of Hyrule safe. There was a lot of darkness that he unfortunately had been privy to. He had used himself as the filter of a lot of wicked visions and realities that he had guarded you from. 
It had taken its toll on him.
There were countless nights when you could hear him grunting and whimpering in his sleep. The demons refused to leave him alone even then. He’d woken up screaming more than once and each time you had taken it upon yourself to calm him down and soothe him back to sleep. It hurt, knowing that despite all his efforts and strength, Link wasn’t strong enough to defeat the monsters in his own head. To add salt to the wound, you knew there was nothing you could do about it except hum a lullaby and hold him just a little bit tighter.
Still, Link did his best to keep the evil away from you.
There was a moment of silence where Link held his hand up and you paused behind him. He waited, searching for some hidden clue before reaching for your hand. “We’re doing this just to take a moment to breathe,” He gives you a cheeky wink. “Is it so wrong to merely want a moment with my darling, away from prying eyes?”
“That’s not what I was asking and you know it.” You give him a playfully flat look. “We didn’t have to travel this far to get away from the boys. I’m sure if we asked nicely they would have found a way to entertain themselves without us.”
Link rolled his eyes, squeezing your hand in his. “I didn’t want to take any chances.”
“Alright, fine, but you still haven’t told me whatever it is you have planned.”
“It’s called a surprise, my love.”
You tried your hardest not to pout. It wasn’t often Link got this playful. While he wasn’t usually grumpy on a good day, (despite what the other Links may have tried to convince you of), he didn’t usually like to keep you in the dark if it involved get-away plans either. On one hand, part of you was glad that he seemed less stressed enough to play with you this way. It was cute and made him look ten years younger. On the other hand, you were annoyed and feeling nosey as hell. You wanted to know! Why is he keeping these sorts of secrets from you? Now? Of all times!
Link, for all his perception, obviously notices that you’re being a tad petulant. He laughs as quietly as he can under his breath before tugging you along again. “This way. We’re almost there.”
You bit your tongue, otherwise you would have stuck it out at him. You can feel Link’s smirk on his face, and frankly, you don’t care for it.
Within seconds, Link moves a branch out of the way, revealing a babbling brook with a picnic blanket on the ground. There’s a picnic basket filled to the brim with goodies and treats alike and a very expensive bottle of wine. You didn’t even drink! Where did he find the time to do all of this?
Your heart swelled, wiping off the minor irritation from his earlier teasing. “...Oh Link… How did you-? Where did-? Why-?”
“I’ve missed you.” He says softly, gently tugging you closer. “Getting your letters isn’t the same as actually talking to your face. I’ve missed your laugh and your smile. I’ve missed holding you in my arms. I’ve missed waking up next to your face every morning. I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten about you while I’m out traveling to protect our home-”
“Link, shut up and kiss me.” You blurt, cutting him off at once.
Smirking, Link pulls you flush against his chest, cupping your jaw with his free hand. Leaning down, he tilts your head just enough to close the distance easier. A breath passes and the air leaves your lungs. Link presses his lips to yours with retrained hunger. There’s a depth that warns you of the impending desperation behind his touch. His touch is firm but not painful. You reciprocate in kind, clutching onto the front of his shirt as your knees begin to buckle from underneath you.
Link pulls away first, letting go of your hand to wrap it around the small of your back. There’s a delight clean in his eyes. His eyes have gone stormy and borderline sultry. “Not to cut it short, my love, but if I don’t restrain myself, I fear we won’t be leaving this little slice of paradise any time soon.”
Wordlessly, you nod. How lovely. 
“Link?” You quietly call out to The Rancher.
The group decided to take a break for a day or two purely to regroup and regenerate their forces before continuing on the next leg of their journey. It would have been fine and dandy to get more supplies and rest your feet if Twilight hadn’t been acting… strange.
He’d been distant and distracted.
It was worrying, to say the least. Granted, it wasn’t as if he was a man of many words. Twilight, you’ve noticed, was a bigger man of action than you’ve ever had the privilege to meet in your life. On top of that, silence was commonplace among anyone in the group named Link, but lately, it was heavier when you stood next to him. Pensive. Lost in thought.
You didn’t want to pry. It wasn’t like it was any of your business.
But you were nosey as hell.
I mean- you care about him! Of course! Naturally, that was the bigger- the biggest reason you wanted to ask him what was up. If something was bothering him you wanted to know and you wanted to help him.
After everyone had checked into the inn and had settled for the night, you found that you couldn’t get your brain to shut up. Twilight had been the last to get one to go to bed and you weren’t entirely sure that he followed through with his promise to head to bed anytime soon.
You walked into the lobby of the inn and found The Rancher resting on one of the provided chairs. Lo and behold, he was still very much awake and staring off into the fireplace that the inn had kept lit just for him.
You don’t think he heard you call for him.
“Twilight.” You try again, moving to stand by his side. Bending your knees, you squat next to his chair so you’d be able to look up and meet his gaze better. “Hey. I think it’s past your bedtime, Rancher. What are you doing still up?”
He took a breath and looked over to you. His eyes widened and he leaned back as if noticing your presence for the first time. He said your name under his breath and it sent goosebumps down your spine. He didn’t have to say it like a prayer.
You gulped and nodded. Yes. That was your name. You asked him a question.
He responded in kind and shook his head free of the thoughts in his head. Twilight opened his mouth to question your intentions but you beat him to the punch.
“What’s going on, Link? Don’t lie to me.”
His eyes widened once more and he cleared his throat. “Do you… Do you ever think that maybe-... Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
“No, tell me.” You stressed, putting your hand on his knee. “You’ve been all out of sorts lately. It’s had me worried.”
“Really?” Twilight turned back to you. “Was I that obvious?”
“You lack subtlety Link.”
You wait for him to continue. He doesn’t. If anything, it looks at war with himself. He opens his mouth multiple times, looking back and forth between you and his lap. He’s silent. Multiple minutes passed as he tried to get his thoughts in order. You were willing to wait for him to make headway with his thoughts. There was no use pushing him before he was ready.
“I think I’m in love with you,” He blurts.
You fall backward onto your butt.
Twilight coughed, blushing a bright red that traveled all the way up to the tips of his ears.
“L-Look, I’m not going to pressure you or anything.” He stumbled into an unwarranted explanation. “I’ve been trying to think this through and I’m aware this isn’t exactly the most opportune moment to say this or admit this and we still have a job to do so this is arguably the last place for a relationship. But I don’t even know if you want a relationship or if you even think about me that way-”
Your jaw slowly dropped as he continued to verbally barf into the space. You couldn’t get a word out otherwise. He just kept talking.
“And then there’s Midna and everything that she was to me.” Twilight desperately runs his hands through his hair. “I almost feel like I’m betraying her and everything I stood for at the time but this is different. It feels different. You’re different. It’s stronger. All-encompassing. From the top of my head to my toes, this is a drowning sensation of ever-loving need and I don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know if I want to stop it.”
“And you’re so beautiful.” He shakes his head, ruffling his hair roughly. “And I’m a shotgun nobody from the deep ends of the country-”
“How do I even begin to start with how amazing you are? With how talented and great and absolutely breathtaking-”
“Link, shut up and kiss me.” You grab the front of his shirt and tug him closer to you. 
Twilight completely freezes on the spot, staring in your eyes like a fish out of water.
A beat passes.
Then a second.
And then he surges forward, scooping you up from the ground and placing you in his lap with very little issue. One hand stayed by your hip while the other caressed your jaw. His touch was soft, tentative, like handling fine china.
You, however, had no such reservations.
You weren’t about to let this hunk of a man slip through your grapes and allow his self-doubt to dictate what happened next. You wanted to eliminate any sort of inquiry about where you stood from his mind. You wanted him. You have been wanting him.
You undoubtedly returned his kiss with more passion than he had anticipated. After a second of scrambling to match your energy, Twilight finally got with the program.
You had absolutely zero regrets.
“Why would you do this?” You hissed, vibrating from the sheer force of will you exerted over your body to keep from throttling the man in front of you. “Didn’t you say that we had a plan? Weren’t you yelling at me earlier about sticking to the plan we came up with?”
“Things got… complicated…” Warrior sighed, rubbing his temple. He had taken a gnarly hit to the head and it wasn’t going to do anyone any good if he had a concussion. The sight made your heart ache, but it was also fully brought upon him by himself. “...The plan needed… last-minute reconfigurations.”
You growled and ruffled your hair violently. This was the farthest thing from ideal. You were both in the middle of nowhere and there was no sign of any villages or fairy fountains.
You had both set off to scout ahead before anyone arrived to survey the land. Your efforts were more or less fruitless. It was a mountain range with countless dips and swells that held more hidden threats than you were able to avoid.
The plan had been to stay out of as much as possible and to not engage in any fights or battles if you could help it. That being said, that didn’t account for any hidden threats or monsters that were laid in an ambush. You would have thought that would have been what had caused Warrior’s injury. Nope! It was far more simple, and frankly, far more stupid than that.
Frustrations aside, the land was beautiful. It struck you as odd that this mountain range would cease to exist by the time your Hyrule came into fruition. There were hundreds of maple trees scattered about that gave the earth an absolute darling shade of red as the sun traveled across the sky. A gentle, if bitterly cold breeze shook the leaves from their branches, sending them to flutter through the air in their dance to the ground.
You throw your pack onto the dirt and begin to rifle through it. You needed to find something, anything! You didn’t want to deal with Warrior while he dealt with his concussion. You weren’t entirely sure if it was bleeding, but given that his golden blond hair hadn’t been stained yet, you were willing to bet a pretty rupee that it wasn’t as bad as you had initially feared.
You cursed your luck. You had no potions, no painkillers, and no bandages at all. You could have hit yourself. Weren’t you warned by the Vet to pack extra of everything on the off chance something gets lost or stolen? Granted, neither of those things was stolen or lost, they were simply used up and not restocked. You had only yourself to blame.
“I blame you,” You tell Warrior, giving him a sideways glare. “Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to do a double backflip off a rock, then proceed to slip on the landing and hit your head on the very same rock.”
Warrior groaned loudly and rubbed the goose egg that was thankfully hidden under his hair. “Well, for starters, it’s not like I intended to slip. I had the full intention of landing that flip.”
“Ok… So, tell me again why you didn’t.”
“I may be in need of new boots.”
“Oh shut up! That wasn’t the problem I was trying to highlight! You shouldn’t have done it to begin with! We knew it had been raining earlier.” You shout, watching unapologetically as Warrior winces at the sound. You huff and helplessly turn in circles, trying to spot something in the distance where you could go. But you don’t see anything despite turning around multiple times. It feels demoralizing. 
Sighing, you walk over to Warrior and wrap your arms around his middle for safekeeping. You’re not entirely sure how steady he is on his feet and you don’t need to risk him slipping and hitting his head again. 
He tries to push you off but you’re not having it. After getting swiped at no less than three times, you poke his stomach eliciting a soft ‘oof’ from him as a result. “Stop squirming. I can’t trust you to not get hurt again and we’re not in the position to take any more chances.”
Warrior puffs up, offended and indignant. “I’m the captain and leader of the entire royal battalion-” 
“And you nearly tried to crack your skull open with no one around to impress,” You hiss and jostle him to prove a point. “Tell me you didn’t think that I would find that particularly impressive.”
Warrior stays silent.
“Oh for Nayru’s sake,” You grumble, shaking your head exasperatedly. You adored Link, truly you did, but your tolerance of shenanigans could only contain so much before you’ve reached your limit. Since then, Warrior decided, (or rather he gathered that he wasn’t going to win the upcoming argument any time soon), that it was better to not engage in a verbal sparring match about his stupid decisions and that his safety would depend on keeping his mouth shut for the time being.
Walking beside him, side to side, was actually quite nice, you admitted to yourself. He was warm, lean but not without the feeling of power he carried beneath his skin. You never had a reason to be this close to The Captain so this was a pleasant surprise. Warrior leaned against you, favoring a leg no doubt as you walked. You wanted to stop and yell at him again for hiding it, but there wasn’t much that would change if you decided to follow through with that thought.
There was still no hope of rescue or hiding civilization to get him treated. Feeling antagonized, you managed to maneuver the both of you into a cave and set him down. Without another word, you got to work on making a fire to warm you both against the chill of the stone. Warrior hissed softly as he rested his body and he was beginning to look a little worse for wear.
‘The pain must be finally settling into his body,’ you think to yourself as you watch him from the corner of your eyes. With a sigh, you try once again, in vain, to look through your pack for anything that could help him.
“...Oh wow…” Warrior says breathlessly. “You look really pretty like that.”
You freeze.
“...Excuse me?” You say gently and slowly crawl to his side. As subtly as you could, you look over the side of his head.
“Next to the firelight,” Warrior says, adjusting his position against the stone wall of the cave. “It made your hair glow and your eyes sparkled. There were flecks of gold that shimmered and shined. It was pretty. You looked pretty.”
“H-hush,” You ran a hand through his hair to check the damage. The swelling had begun to settle at long last. “It’s the concussion talking. You don’t mean it.”
“My filter is busted but my thoughts are valid,” He growls under his breath. “I’m not sure how I’m going to think of this when I gather my wits about me this time tomorrow. But I’m certain enough now to not regret my words.”
You flush against your will. You couldn’t stop it. You turn your face away from the fire to hide in the shadows. You pray it would be enough for him to not notice the way his words had affected you.
“The pink looks cute on you too.”
Too late.
“OH-! Shut up.” You huff and spin back to him. “You’re cheating. That’s not fair.”
“Cheating for being honest?” Warrior gets a boyish smirk on his face. It’s lethal damage. “For giving you a compliment?”
“Can you at least look at me?”
“Please?” He says sweetly.
“Shut up.” You say weakly, turning to face him anyway. “Shut up and kiss me before I do something stupid.”
Warrior laughs and tugs you closer by your sleeve. “You have to come closer. I can’t move much like this.”
With a small whine, you scoot even closer, letting him move you the way he wants before he gently presses his lips to yours. Something tells you that perhaps you shouldn’t take advantage of the situation like this. He still took a hit to the head. That hasn’t changed in the past hour.
Still, Warrior tugs you impossibly closer, snaking his hand from your arm and into your hair. The slight tug catapults the thoughts from your mind as you sink deeper into his arms. Your hands come up to cradle his face and pull him closer as well. Right as you feel the need to pick up speed, he pulls back, a pure, satisfied smile full of male pride dancing on his lips.
The look would have had you buckling at the knees if Warrior hadn’t decided it was a good moment to break the silence. 
“Enjoy yourself?”
You nearly smack him in the head again.
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portraitofalinkonfyre · 18 days ago
Oh my God I'm such a twilight girlie you write him so good!!! Like I'm a blushing mess here giggling kicking feet the whole nine yards. Also making him thic is such a accurate power move 🤭🤤 one of these days I'd love to hear all your thoughts on the different 🍆 sizes for the links I just know it'd be glorious until then I shall devour all your writing repeatedly while imagining hot blondes (your four rut one is my absolute favorite I must confess)
Anon you flatter me!!
Hyrule: 4.9 inches. Now, before you come at me in the comments for making our fairy prince smaller than Four, hear me out: like I've said before, and continue to say, penis size is heavily affected by both genes and external factors, and even a slight discrepancy in either one can had mixed outcomes. 'But Fyre, we came here for sin, not a biology lesson!!', some of you may gripe, but I promise there's method to this madness. Ever since starting his first adventure at the ripe age of 9 or 10, Hyrule has been on constant alert because of 1) the literal cult trying to steal his blood to reincarnate a giant pig man and 2) the fact that his world is quite literally a wasteland with minimal food/tainted water/and all sorts of other nasty things. I can't even imagine the stress he was under during those frankly crucial developmental years, so it's highly likely that his body just... didn't fully develop due to a combination of him not getting enough to eat/drink and being on the run for most of his life (i.e lots of stress + probably a horrific sleep schedule). Moreover, both of these factors are what's known as endocrine disruptors, which can heavily affect mental and physical growth.
But now onto the dick-cannons: while he may not be the largest or thickest, I like to think Hyrule has a pretty good handle on what he's doing regardless*. Definitely not circumcised, considering his background (someone please tell him how to wash).
*(I once saw a headcannon that Hyrule probably used sex as a form of payment when things got tough, which I think is very underrated and absolutely true.)
Four: 5.5 inches. So I DEFINITELY did too much research on Four's, but I think y'all need to hear this. While I love the headcannon about Four's dick being 4 inches because his name is quite literally 'Four', I'm not sure anyone has tried to tackle this conundrum with his heritage in mind. Typically, penis size is influenced by parental genes, the person's own unique genes, and a combination of other external factors. For Four, we know for certain that he has Hylian parents, BUT he's also part Minish because of the events of Minish Cap. The Minish are typically described as anthropomorphic mouse people, so we can comfortably use mice as the basis for this genetic addition. Now, mice typically have a penis size of 10% of their body length (tip of nose to base of tail), which would concurrently put Four at 0.458333333 in feet, or 5.5 inches.
Dick-canons: probably circumcised. He's got the vibe of being pretty unassuming, but then he whips it out and everything suddenly makes sense. Balls* are on the bigger side (BREED), but no one's complaining.
*(Have you seen mice balls?? They're fucking [tee hee] massive. View at your own risk, but I couldn't have stopped the idea of Four like this if I tried. Yes yes I know this is a rat, but close enough!)
Wild: 5.6 inches. This one was probably the most difficult, because Wild's just... an average guy*. He doesn't have any non-Hylian transformations or crazy evolution history under his belt (tee tee), so all that really leaves is his height–which isn't a truly reliable measure of penile length, BUT we take what we can get in this blog–and background. It's somewhat implied that his father was a knight/someone who worked for the kingdom, which means he and Warriors were likely raised in very similar situations, though Wild's likely was a bit more stressful. For one, he pulled the Master Sword from its pedestal at the ripe old age of 12, and was immediately shipped off to guard Princess Zelda while she attempted to awaken her powers. While not as extreme as Hyrule's backstory, this is still a great deal of pressure for a child who arguably had a very peaceful life before finding the Master Sword, but I don't think he suffered any developmental conditions; even with the stress of finding out you're the Hero of Hyrule before you even finish puberty, it's reasonable to assume that Wild was physically cared for by the royal family, if only for the fact that his destiny was to defeat Ganon. Not just that, but there's the whole other issue of being stuck in a shrine for 100 years after dying; I'm no doctor, but that doesn't sound like favorable conditions for anyone. Obviously, the shrine heals him, but is that all it does? It's a well-known fact that water isn't good for skin**, especially considering he laid in it without moving for a century, so it's hard to imagine how his dick looked after the bath to end all baths.
Dick-canons: it glows– assuming he actually does have a penis, it's fairly average looking. Probably circumcised for military/cleanliness reasons, but he does have a very lovely vein running up the side of the shaft that always looks like it's about to pulse out of his dick. He should probably get that check out. Average sized balls, maybe a bit on the small side due to 100 years of cold water exposure.
*(I'm just going to come out and say this: all the Links are, at their core, average guys. Twilight was a goat herder. Time may or may not have been birthed by a tree and raised by tree people. Hyrule is just a simple traveler. Wind wasn't even chosen, he just wanted to save his sister. That's why they're so likable... they're not born special, or heroic, or anything. They're just dudes. Regular, selfless, boring, amazing dudes. Anyways enjoy the rest of my insanity.)
**(Is it wrinkly? Dried up? Completely and totally detached?? Laying in water for even a few days can cause severe medical complications, such as open sores, loss of skin elasticity, bacterial and fungal infections, and tissue decomposition. Cold water can temporarily slow the effects of decomposition because of adipocere formation, which is a phenomenon in which a waxy substance forms over the skin as a byproduct of fat decomposition, but not for 100 years. By this logic, Wild shouldn't be on this list because he shouldn't have a dick.)
Legend: 6 inches. Y'all already know where this is going. Unlike his successor, Legend didn't begin his first adventure until the age of 12, and lived a fairly stable life before hand thanks to his Uncle. This means that there likely wouldn't be too many developmental factors to worry about in determining the dick-cannons, so now we must turn to his rabbit-ifying encounter from his first adventure. I'm going to use the eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) for this example because they're one of the most widely studied/available rabbit species. Now, cottontails typically reach 14-19 inches in length, but I'm going to go with 20 inches for Legend because he is CHONK, and also 20 is a lot easier to do math with. Keeping this in mind, WikiVet has informed me that rabbit penises can range from 20 to 45 mm in length. I'm going with 45 mm (4.5 inches) because he's a big boy and I also want him to have a big dick, so, when paired with the 20 inch body length, you'll find that approximately 8.86% of a rabbit's length is dick. Now that we know dick-to-body ratio, all that needs to be done is put that against Legend's height of 5'6", which leaves us with 5.8476 inches, but I added an extra 2 in to account for the fact that he is also hylian. It just feels right.
Dick-canons: Definitely a good choice if you're not sure what you want; bunny boy has many talents. Definitely has some breeder balls*, and I firmly believe he's curved just right for maximum pleasure. Probably circumcised because of his uncle, but he's secretly glad because it means he doesn't have to clean it like he would if he wasn't.
*(Yup, we're doing this again. Scientifically, rabbits have some of the highest sex drives of any animal, and are capable of breeding six hours after giving birth [WTF], which means this absolutely applies to Legend. He is never not down for a fuck.)
Sky: 6.3 inches. Prepare yourself because this one is very speculative. So, Sky was born on Skyloft, a set of islands in the sky. He was trained as a knight for most of his life and had a generally very peaceful life, so no endocrine disruptors or developmental discrepancies to worry about. Moreover, we know he started his journey at seventeen, which means he's at the tail-end of development. Now, instead of turning to some type of animal encounter, I'll turn to his Hylian heritage to answer this conundrum. I doubt there's anything out there with Skyloft's exact elevation, but it does appear to be a decent few thousand feet above the cloud barrier, which I've discovered are most likely altocumulus clouds, which typically form at an elevation between 6,000 to 20,000 feet. To calculate this, I watched a Skyward Sword gameplay video and determined that, in-game, it takes approximately 1:02.87 to reach the surface, and, assuming Sky/Link, is going at terminal velocity (the fastest an object can go while in motion, which happens to be 120 mph for belly-to-earth skydiving), this would put Skyloft at a roughly 7,544.4 foot elevation, which aligns with the altocumulus cloud prediction. There are only so many places on Earth that match such a high elevation, but I'm going to choose the Himalayas (which are inhabited by the Tibetan people, which are already known to have more capillaries and a more specialized hemoglobin function due to living in higher altitudes) as our comparer-region. Using this information, we can safely assume that Skyloftians, though fictional, who evolved in a very similar environment, may exhibit some similar traits to the modern-day Tibetan people.
While researching, I also discovered an incredibly interesting phenomenon called "airplane boners", which is a scientific occurrence where changes in pressure can cause erections (i.e. flying on a place), and decided that this would be perfect fuel for my scholarly degeneracy, which leads me to my next point: Sky has a big dick as an evolutionary response to what is colloquially known as the 'airplane boner'. Not convinced? Let me explain. When a penis is erect, arteries in the pelvic/penile region dilate to allow for greater blood flow, which thus increases the size of the penis itself. Now, imagine being at a high elevation for your whole life, surrounded by people whose ancestors have never lived anywhere else. I firmly believe that Skyloftians are well-endowed as an evolutionary response that allows the sustainment of larger blood vessels as a sort-of defense against high air pressure. Natural selection favors these traits because they ultimately lead to reproduction, which is the single-most important characteristic of evolution. 6.3 inches was a bit of an educated guess, but I believe that because the people of Skyloft evolved in a closed high-altitude ecosystem, it's entirely reasonable for Sky to be THICC because his body has a adapted to handle a greater hemoglobin factor and increased vascular capacity, likely in the penile region.
Dick-canons: due to the blood-vessel evolution, Sky's dick is likely thicker than average, with some very visible veins running up the sides; so many that it likely makes his dick appear incredibly flushed when erect. Contrary to what some of you may think, I don't think he has large balls, because it is likely more advantageous to have a smaller scrotum to combat the elements/conserve heat. So no breeder balls for him, but that doesn't mean he can't breed you just as good ;)
Twilight: 6.8 inches. I feel like this goes without saying, but he's a country boy. He's hung. Twilight grew up in Ordon, a close-knit community where everyone takes care of everyone, which means he most definitely had a very good childhood. Like some of the others, I see no reason to bring up developmental challenges due to being chased by a cult or some similar bullshit, so we're going to skip right to his transformation of a wolf at the beginning of his journey. Contrary to Legend and Four, I do not believe that this transformation affected him significantly in terms of penis appearance/size. Twilight was 17 when his adventure began, which means he already is at the end of physical development from a biological standpoint, and, in Linked Universe, his tattoos appear to be the only true physical mark on his hylian body, so it's safe to assume that we don't need to take this into consideration. Now, some of you may say: "Fyre, but your theories were so crazy for the other ones and now you're saying Twilight's hung because he's country??" Yes. Yes, I am saying that.
There's a pretty solid theory running around that Twilight is a very small part Gerudo, due to Talon (Malon's father) having married/banged a Gerudo woman in secret. In LOZ, it's fairly obvious that the Gerudo are supposed to emulate modern-day Middle Eastern culture, which a study by the National Institute of Health states have an average penis length of 14.34, or 5.6 inches. Obviously, this is nowhere near 6.8, but this is also a race of mythical female warriors, so everything's a little skewed. However, in every iteration we see of the Gerudo, they're always tall, somewhat aggressive, and visibly muscled, which are all indicators of above-average levels of testosterone. This is highly important because, in addition to being required to build muscle mass, testosterone is heavily responsible for penis growth during puberty, meaning that Twilight could very well be the way he is because of this naturally-increased testosterone production (i.e why he's so visibly muscled compared to the other Links), plus an assumed more efficient vascular system due to his heritage. Adding on to this, Twilight likely already has booming levels of testosterone due to his very physical, very labor-intensive occupation as a rancher, plus the fact that he's in the prime of his life. In short, he's doing everything right: he eats well, works out, and has fairly decent emotional and mental health, all of which can be correlated with optimal penile development.
Dick-canons: Breeder balls to the MAX. All that extra testosterone has got to go somewhere, and it ain't his head. Fairly girthy, so prep is a necessity. Has one big vein right under the head that honest-to-god throbs when he's turned-on. Probably not circumcised because Ordon is fairly closed-off and I can't see them as being sticklers for that.
Warriors: 7 inches. While height isn't directly correlated with dick size, it is reasonable to assume that Warriors would be a bit higher on the list because of this, as well as his overall health in comparison to Hyrule and/or Legend. It's hinted that Warriors was raised in a very military-esque lifestyle, so it's not a surprise that he wouldn't have any true developmental setbacks in terns of penile length. Now, that doesn't mean we can't analyze the reasons why he's like this. Being raised in a militant environment means he was fed appropriately, participated in training regularly, and was likely taught stress-regulation habits (does he use them? no, but at least he knew them during his developmental years). Like Twilight, increased muscle mass is typically linked to elevated testosterone levels, and since Warriors has been training his whole life, it's reasonable to assume that these factors had a positive impact on his penile development. He and Twilight are very similar in this regard, except Twilight's size comes a bit more from favorable, wack genetics, though they both make sure to take care of themselves. However, Warriors is shown to be somewhat vain in Linked Universe canon (to the point that the other heroes have a running joke on it), which means it shouldn't be put past him to try more... under-the-table methods to ensue his 'perfection' reaches all aspects of his body, dick absolutely included. I'll leave it up to y'all on whether it's actual herbal/medical enhancements or sheer force of arrogance, but it's still a fun thought!
Dick-canons: Definitely circumcised (if not, definitely obsessed over keeping that shit squeaky clean). He's not as girthy as Twilight or Sky, but it'll definitely feel like he is from the way he wields it* during the deed. Doesn't have the biggest balls, but they'll definitely smack against any ass he can get his hands on.
*(There's a lot of speculation on whether Warriors is a manwhore or not, but I believe he's got experience. Definitely not in relationships, but one-night stands? Tavern hook-ups? He's done more of those than he's [un]willing to admit, but when it's someone he honestly, truly cares about? Slap a blush on him and call him a virgin, because he sure acts like it!)
Time: 7.3 inches. I saved the best for last. I want to preface this by saying that Time is HUGE, so obvious he's got to have a bitchbreaker in those britches, right? Right? Not exactly, because the version of Time we see in Linked Universe is the 'second' version; the one who got sent back in time by Zelda for Majora's Mask. This is HUGELY relevant because, honestly? Time likely took terrible care of himself over the course of Ocarina of Time, or at least somewhat neglected his needs in favor of completing his quest. Then, when he was sent back to being 12 years old in a new timeline by Zelda (Majora's Mask), you cannot convince me that he didn't have a major epiphany on how to actually take care of himself now that he was literally given another chance to get it right. He still trains, hard, but also knows his limits and, for the first time in his new life, he actually makes a point to start eating vegetables and drinking milk*, which give him all the essential nutrients to bridge the gap between surviving and living, especially during these crucial developmental years. Time genuinely makes an attempt to try. For himself, this time. And it pays off in the form of that fat-ass cock ;)
Dick-canons: a true bitchbreaker that will rail you six ways to Sunday. Not circumcised (bro was basically birthed by a tree), and definitely has breeder balls; he basically acts like he's in rut, and Twilight's got to get that trait from somewhere. Probably pretty veiny, like his hands (HNNNN), with just the slightest curve that'll have him hitting all the right spots.
*(Lon Lon milk all the way, my good readers.)
And, of course, I had to consult google:
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librarygarten · 3 months ago
(I'm sorry if it looks aggressive 🥲)
Dink Kidnaps Isekai!Reader (And Regrets it Almost Immediately)
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Listen, there is nothing in this world I love more than finally snapping and getting to be mean to someone. Even if that someone is a fictional villain. I have shade to throw, and WILL use this loser as an outlet for that. Please enjoy :] Part 1 ✿ Part 2 (you are here)
“Sooooo….. I’m not saying I’m opposed, but usually I’d expect a guy to at least take me to dinner first.” You roll your eyes as you struggle against the rope currently binding your arms in front of you.
“What?” The shadowy figure turns to look at you. He had been monologuing. One of his arms was still raised, as if he was about to launch into stereotypical maniacal laughter at any second.
“I’m down to try anything at least once, but I’d prefer the gentlemanly approach.” You try to stand, wobbling as you rise. (Who knew barely using your arms made getting up so much more difficult?) “I guess chivalry really is dead.”
“What are you… OH EW.” The shadow recoils, as if burned by your innuendo. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
“Buddy, one of us kidnaped a person out of their bedroll and took them home, and it wasn’t me.”
“I didn’t kidnap you for anything like THAT, you sicko! Your knowledge of the universe is too valuable for the heroes to have!” he crossed his arms and stomped his foot to the ground.
“Like that would help them.” You scoff. “I know what happened on their adventures. Meaning all the stuff they ALREADY KNOW ABOUT. Not really useful when dealing with a time-hopping angsty teen made of darkness and daddy issues.” You use one of your hands to motion at him, which is difficult to do with the rope around your wrists.
“Daddy issues?” He pinches the bridge of his nose. You were giving him a migraine simply by existing. “What could you possibly be referring to?”
“I mean, you’re Dink.” You smile as he cringes at your name for him. “The first time you appear in the timeline is during Time’s adventure. Ganondorf made you and you’ve been giving off rancid vibes ever since.”
“That does not mean I have daddy issues.” Dink stares at you, red eyes bright against the shadows of the room. Is he trying to intimidate you? Poor guy. If you weren’t a fanfic-reading, depression-having twenty-something, it might have worked.
“Oh right. Some people headcanon Ganondorf is trans. Mommy issues, then. My mistake.” You smile, pretending to be embarrassed at making such a ‘mistake.’
“What? No! I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with-” Dink sputters, absolutely blind-sided by your statement. He tries to recover. “I don’t have parents! Ganondorf hasn’t been around for thousands of years at this point!”
“See, you say that, but an absence of parents is also mommy/daddy issues.” You put your hand against your hip, trying to prove your point with a pose that would make Regina George jealous. Your tied wrists make the pose less effective, but you do find something interesting: In the confusion of dealing with you after the kidnapping, Dink had apparently forgotten to take away your sword. Your quick tongue had saved you once again! 
“It doesn’t apply! I’m not a person, I’m a shadow of Link!”
“Oof.” You smirk, keeping his attention on your words as you begin to subtly drag the rope around your wrists against your blade. “I’ll add that to the list: daddy/mommy issues AND you have a complex about your existence.”
“Wait, that’s not-” Dink’s face is one of utter bewilderment.
“AND ANOTHER THING!” You interrupt him, “Don’t go calling yourself a ‘shadow of Link’ or whatever. Shadow Link is a different character from the Four Swords Adventure Manga, and he was only evil for a little bit. Not like you, Mr. I-Hate-Myself-So-Much-I’m-Going-To-Make-It-Everyone-Else’s-Problem.”
“I don’t hAte myself!” He practically shouts, trying to put you in your place. Trying to get you to shut up. Anything. But his voice cracks, and the darkness around his cheeks deepens.
“Ohhhh.” You pretend to come to a realization, all the while sawing at the rope around your wrists. “No wonder you’re so cranky! Ganondorf made you a seventeen-year-old or something! You’ve been going through puberty for the last few thousand years.”
“nO!” Dink crosses his arms, and you can’t help but notice how thin they are. He really is the splitting image of what you assume Time looked like as a teenager: built like a twig. You suppose being in a coma for seven or so years would do that to someone. He continues trying to regain his dignity. “I can turn into any form. Any Link. Wherever the Hero’s Spirit is, I am there too, as a reminder of everything inside him he is denying. Everything he is hiding from the world to be the knight in shining armor.”
Dink steps behind you for a moment before appearing at your other side with a new face: Hyrule’s. “Your poor friends certainly have a lot on their plate, don’t they?”
You glare at him as he continues his speech. You also subtly coil the now-cut rope around your hand instead of your wrist.
“Of course, there’s everyone to heal. Every scrape and scratch Link must ensure none of the others suffer.” Dink’s form blurs, and when he solidifies he looks like Four. “Every weapon needs to be made and maintained. None of the others are qualified.”
His form changes again, this time to look like Warriors. “And of course there’s managing the rag-tag army you’ve all formed. Supplies and spirits need to be kept high, even if it’s at the expense of the ever-self-sacrificing pretty boy.”
“But how can he defeat evil and save the day if he can’t even control his own head?” Dink smiles wickedly as he takes the form of Wild. He puts his hand up, and you realize he’s managed to back you against a wall. You gulp.
“How long do you figure it will take? Before they realize you don’t contribute anything.” His face changes again, to Time’s, but as he is now: an adult with a scar over his eye, not a gangly teen. “Maybe a few weeks, or even a whole month. But eventually they’ll realize you’re just a fan with nothing to give them but more problems to solve.”
“That’s not true.” You smirk before winding up and socking Dink right in the face. He goes flying backwards. Apparently, shadows don’t weigh all that much. He falls in a heap on the floor, reverting back into his teenage form. “I provide delightful commentary.”
“Sure you do. And what use is that in a fight?” Dink picks himself back up, clutching his nose. Darkness seems to flow down his hand and chin. Did you give him a bloody nose? Was that even possible?
“I mean, it worked on you last time.” You shrug and back away, never taking your eye off him.
“That was lucky timing.” He scoffs. “It won’t happen again.”
“Oh, really?” You smirk, noticing a figure creeping along the wall behind him. Backup has arrived. “Then what do you call this?”
Dink doesn’t have time to react as Four slams his sword down, slicing clean through the shadow. As he does, there is a loud BOOM from above, and the ceiling disappears. Sunlight bathes the room as Legend peers through the new opening, another bomb in his hand. Sky drops into the room, the Master Sword in hand and pointed directly at the puddle of darkness that used to be Dink. It seeps between the stones of the floor, vanishing.
“Y/N!” Twilight runs into the room with Time and Warriors close behind. “Are you okay?”
“Took you guys long enough. I almost had to tell him about the creepypasta fangirls that write smut about him.” You smile. You can see your words do psychic damage to your allies.
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