#time for some winter fun with your favorite duo
paper-lilypie · 11 months
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it’s a date!
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ramzawrites · 2 years
The cold is made for cuddles! - Reader x Rise!Leonardo
Pairings: Leonardo/Reader
Characters included: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April
Warnings: n/a
Series: No
Summary: Leo knew that Y/N hated being touched, what he didn’t realize was that this was only a thing during the summer since the heat and sweat was just gross to them. So when they admitted that they did enjoy cuddles during the winter season, the freezing Leo had to test that assumption.
Word count: 4913
Authors Note: It’s a bit shorter than I would have liked but honestly I had fun writing the banter between Y/N and Leo haha
Request: I just tread your Rise!Leo x reader birthday fic and OH MY GOD 😚👌 beautiful. Your writing so edible (that is a compliment)
I have a request!
Rise!Leo (cuz you write him so well) x gn!reader who has recently moved to New York from somewhere south, where it gets especially icky from heat, like Arizona. Reader is somewhat touch-starved because they often overheat, but their favorite season is autumn/winter because it's cooler out.
So at some point Leo complains about it being too cold in the lair or how winter's coming, and reader enthusiastically says, "yea, that's the best time of the year!" When Leo questions then about it, they say it's the best time for cuddles!
And then after that, whenever Leo complains that he's cold, reader drags him to the couch or his bedroom to cuddle 🤗. It ends up being a sort of codeword for "I want cuddles"
Hope that's not too specific for you, friend, and feel free to ignore if you're not interested ~🌺👸
Y/N threw their front door of their apartment building open with a happy hum. Their lips turned up into a big smile as they slowly made their way along the pavement. The first snow of the winter had fallen and while the snow along the road was either melted or in a dark grey color, they couldn’t help themself but be content anyhow. There were still white spots all around the city that looked quite magical.
Though the beauty of snow wasn’t the only thing that made Y/N quite so happy. In fact, it wasn’t even necessarily the winter season. No, they frankly loved the cold! Winter and autumn were their favorite months. It brought along a special coziness with it that they just enjoyed so much. These months were made to cuddle up with someone beneath a blanket, drink something warm and watch really bad seasonal movies.
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle to themself as they rounded yet another corner, a puff of warm air evaporating into a little cloud as they did so. If their friends knew what was going through their head right now, they would probably be mighty confused, seeing how they are usually so touch averse. To be fair that was mostly due to the weather! When everything is hot and sweaty you don’t really want to hug it out with others!
Ah, but yes. Their friends. A lovable and unique bunch. And with unique they meant the quite literal meaning. Their friend group mainly consisted of mutants and even one or two yokai, so yes, unique.
When Y/N moved to New York for college, they were so worried about finding new friends in this huge and new city. Moving across states was already a sobering thought but then there was the whole ordeal of knowing they would be all alone over there. Their family and old friends staying home or even moving further away themselves.
But luckily Y/N ended up having a few classes with the amazing and outgoing April O’Neil. For some reason April began chatting with Y/N whenever she got the chance. Talking about college, the city and the like. This soon turned into April inviting them to hang out at her apartment to study together which later evolved into them sitting in a park with some food and voicing the people who walked through. Y/N still remembers the improvisational argument they had with April when they saw a couple arguing on a park bench. Franklin, they named the couple, did not enjoy that David was constantly eating spinach with cheese and nothing else.
April and Y/N truly were the comedic duo.
It took only a month for the two to become inseparable college friends, which Y/N was thankful for every day. Sure, they might still get used to being in college and living in a new city but at least they had April at their side to work through all those hurdles and oh boy was April ever happy to help.
Now what the Y/N back then didn’t know was, that being friends with April meant that there was a chance that they would be standing face to face with mutants.
Not going to lie, the first meeting could have gone better. Y/N was hanging out with April and offered to walk to the nearest store to grab some snacks. When they came back, they were met with four mutant brothers that interrogated April as to why she was suddenly sending Mayhem, April’s teleporting yokai pet, so often to their place to be pet-sitted.
It took a while for Y/N to realize that they were in fact not dreaming and that this was real. They couldn’t help but poke and prod the brothers to make sure they were in fact standing in front of them.
Nowadays though, they were very good friends with the four turtle mutants. Most of the time after college classes they would immediately swing by the lair to relax and bring over some things for the turtles that they have problems getting on their own.
While they got along with everyone, even Splinter surprisingly, they got along with Leo the best. It wasn’t unusual for both to start talking in puns and sassing each other non-stop. Whenever this happened the others in the vicinity will groan in annoyance and make sure to get away from this.
As Y/N’s mind wandered back to these memories they finally reached their destination. A little coffee shop they found once when they were on a walk to clear their mind from all the college work. They loved this little place, it was comfy and it had the best drinks.
It’s the winter season so grabbing something warm was only natural and since they did announce to the Mad Dogs that they would swing by, they also grabbed some warm drinks for the family. They just hoped the drinks would still be warm enough when they arrived.
Once they received the drinks and paid, they got back out the shop and looked for the nearest sewer entrance. With their phone in hand, and an app that Donnie made for them so they could find their way around underground, they began their trek through the stinky sewers. Honestly, they were still not sure how the mutant family managed to keep the smell out of their home.
It didn’t take too long for them to reach the lair entrance. While Y/N was already in a happy mood and had a smile on their face, they couldn’t help themself as their grin grew even wider. They just felt at home here.
“Hello, guys! Delivery!”
The first to poke their head into the living space was Donnie. His eyes immediately landing on the tray with the cups in Y/N’s hands. His sour expression relaxed a tiny bit, but Y/N did notice the change.
He slinked his way towards them “Ah! Greetings, Y/N! You brought us drinks?”
Y/N nodded “Yep! It’s winter! Snow is out! Perfect weather for a nice warm cup of coffee, cocoa or tea.” They grabbed the coffee they specifically ordered for Donnie and placed it in his hands. As the warm cup made contact with his cold hand, he let out a satisfied sigh.
“Ugh, winter.” A voice spoke up next to the two. “Hate this season.”
It was Leo, Mikey and Raph stood next to him.
Y/N couldn’t help but roll their eyes at Leo’s statement, they knew Leo hated the cold, which made sense seeing how the guys were cold-blooded, but still. Not waiting for the others to ask about the drinks Y/N immediately moved to hand each their drinks.
Mikey immediately held the warm cup close to himself, taking a cautious sip while Raph was clearly just using the cup to warm up his fingers.
Leo moved the cup against his cheek, letting out a satisfied hum as he enjoyed the warmth.
“Don’t you guys have ways to heat up the lair? I figured Donnie would have already done something about it.”
Donnie took a big sip from his coffee “Well the lair is pretty open, so we opted mostly to heating up the closed rooms we got. So mainly the projector room, our rooms and of course my lab.”
Leo nodded “Yes, yes. Exactly.” He then used his free hand and placed it on top of Y/N’s shoulder, softly pushing them along “That’s why we chill in my room. I got some comics that I found and wanna show you and it’s way too cold here. Come on.”
As Leo continued to push them along, Y/N gave the other brothers an apologetic look, but they just shrugged their shoulders. That’s just how Leo was with Y/N. Loved hanging out with them and often kidnapping them to hang out alone. According to Leo it’s just because the two are just the bestest of friends. Something April loved to challenge seeing how the two spend a lot of time together in and outside of college.
Before Y/N and Leo could disappear, they could hear the rest yell out a quick “Thank you for the drinks!”
Once inside Leo’s room, he let the human go and immediately jumped into his bed, wrapping his blanket around his body with a sour expression. A floor heater was sitting in the middle of the room, but it was obvious it was only doing so much. It was alright for Y/N but they knew that Leo was more sensitive towards the cold than them.
“So, the comics?” they asked as they shrugged of their coat.
Leo just nodded towards his desk, refusing to move his arms out of the warm blankets.
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle silently as they walked towards the desk, grabbing one of the comics. It was about a superhero detective, something they haven’t seen yet and as they skipped through the comics they could see why. The art was definitely interesting to say the least. They would love to get a breakdown from Mikey to see what he was thinking of it.
When Y/N looked back towards Leo, it somehow looked like he cuddled himself even deeper into the blankets. They let out a humorous snort “You really are turning into a Leo-Burrito.”
As a response Leo just stared blanky at them. His fingers were poking out of the blankets to hold the warm cup and move it to his lips so he could take sips. Probably trying to pace it a bit so he had more of the warmth.
“I should take a picture of this.”
And when Leo’s eyes widened, protests leaving his mouth, Y/N immediately grabbed their phone, snapping a picture of the blushing and bundled up turtle.
He sighed “You are more annoying than usual. You are so happy today.”
Y/N let out a bit of an evil laugh as they looked at the picture of the pouting Leo-Burrito, sending it along to April immediately “Well, it snowed! I love the snow!”
“I really don’t understand how you can love this time of the year! It’s so cold and annoying and oh yeah, cold.” He made sure to scowl, his brow ridge pulled as low as possible.
“Are you kidding? This is the best time of the year! It’s the year to get warm drinks, cuddle with people under a nice warm blanket and watch horrible movies!”
This seemed to surprise Leo. His scowl turned to an expression of confusion mixed with surprise, there was a slight blush on his face that Y/N attributed to him feeling cold.
Leo’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Y/N, only for his eyes suddenly to dart to his drink “Uh, you? And cuddles? Since when? You don’t even like it when we put our arm around your shoulders.”
“Well, when we met it was summer and all and during the warmer days it’s just … icky. I’m sweating and hating it. Getting hugged and all means more warmth and more sweat. It’s annoying but that’s the great thing about the colder months, I guess. I’m not entirely like... touch-averse, it just has never been the right moment?”
Somehow this became awkward, and Y/N could feel how an embarrassed blush made their way towards their face. To hide this, they turned back to the comic in their hands, still watching Leo from the corner of their eyes.
Leo was nervously biting down on his lip as he seemed to mull something over. It was funny how easy of a time Y/N had when it came to reading Leo. The number of times they surprised him by telling him exactly what was going through his mind and offering him to listen to his worries was more than they could count on their hands by now. Unbeknownst to them Leo appreciated this detail about them immensely.
He had problems to voice his thoughts to the others, especially his worries, after all he was the confident one! So, to have someone just straight up almost read his mind and offer a listening ear was a big help.
“W-Well, I don’t believe you.” He suddenly spoke up. Leo must have realized how stupid this sounded, at least when Y/N looked at him with a raised eyebrow because he couldn’t look at their face as he stared at the wall next to him. His lip jutted out into a bit of a pout as he acted like he was deep in thought.
“What? You want me to prove it to you?” they laughed “Or do you just wanna get a hug and use me for my body warmth?”
Aghast Leo finally looked back at Y/N. Hit the nail on the head, huh? The blush on his face definitely darkened, he opened his mouth to most definitely say something witty and sassy in return, but Y/N stopped him by putting the comic back down on the desk and moving over to the blue turtle.
Leo was just staring at them with a slightly open mouth, curious to see what they were up to. When Y/N stood in front of his bed and looked at him expectantly he asked “What?”
“Move, idiot. Let me into your burrito!”
But Leo didn’t dare to move, so Y/N forcefully pulled on the blanket to open it enough to let themselves in. He shrieked as the colder air hit him which made Y/N laugh again. He was such a baby when it came to the cold.
Y/N made sure to sit down next to the taller terrapin and wrap the blue blanket around the two. They could tell that Leo was tense as they made themself comfortable next to him. He was usually very much okay with being all touchy-feely with his family, including April, so this surprised Y/N.
Slowly Y/N grabbed the almost finished drink from Leo’s hands and placed it to the side. Leo let out a sad whine as the warmth left him. Instead, Y/N grabbed the turtle’s arms and laid them around their body, pulling their own arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to themself. Surprisingly Leo didn’t object to it and just let himself be guided by them.
It took a second but as Y/N gave him a little squeeze to show that this was alright, he let out a soft sigh as he took the chance to bury himself deeper into the hug. He was now pressing his cold snout into the crook of their neck which sent a shiver along Y/N’s body at first contact.
Seeing how this was the proper first time Y/N hugged Leo, they were a bit surprised with how cold his body was. Of course, they knew that this was a thing and they have felt it every now and again when their hands brushed, or when he laid his hand on their shoulder and arms, but it was something different as he basically tried to bury himself inside their body.
His legs searched for contact with Y/N’s, which soon resulted in their legs being intertwined. Y/N slowly moved a hand on Leo’s shell, lazily tracing along the pattern while their other hand rested on the back of his head “See? All good, right?”
Leo nodded slowly, his face still pressed into their neck “Mhm, warm.” Was all he said.
“I knew it! You are just using me for my body heat! I can’t believe you!”
“ ‘m sure am.”
“The devious criminal even admits to it.”
“This devious criminal will keep you for himself. You can’t leave this place ever now. I officially ‘m kidnapping you.” His voice was still muffled by him pressing himself against Y/N. They could feel his mouth move against their collarbone which tickled them, but they managed to suppress a laugh that was threatening to leave their chest.
“I should yell for help then, I guess. I’m sure your brothers are nicer to me.”
In return Leo just nodded, letting out a very non-committal “Mhm” in affirmation.
Y/N could tell he was getting sleepy. They made sure to lay securely against the wall of the room and gave Leo another squeeze as a silent encouragement to fall asleep. If he understood that or not, it didn’t matter, since he was out cold a minute later.
With a smile on their face Y/N made sure to continue tracing his shell. It was a nice feeling with how his weight was laying on them, his arms securely wrapped around their body, their legs tangled together. It felt comfortable and safe. Almost intimate even.
Y/N definitely thought the plastron would probably be uncomfortable on their body but somehow it was fine. They knew it wasn’t as hard as the shell, since it bended and moved along as he did his acrobatics, but it was still way firmer than skin.
This was also the first time they got the chance to take a proper look at his shell and let their hands run along it. They had to admit that they were often curious about it and would have loved to take a closer look at it, but it wasn’t anything they just could ask him about. Not that he wouldn’t have let them, they were positive, but the teasing would have been horrible and frankly they didn’t want to give him this satisfaction.
They could only imagine him saying something stupid like “Oh? It only makes sense you wanna take a better look at my awesome bod!” Something that would have definitely ended up with them trying to punch Leo.
As Y/N slowly closed their eyes, sensing the drowsiness, they began humming a tune. It wasn’t any specific tune, just something that came up and felt calming to them. The tune died in their throat though as they finally succumbed to their sleepiness as well.
Y/N woke up first, Leo was still wrapped in their arms but he too woke up when Y/N had the horrific realization that it was actually pretty late and that there were still projects that had to be done. There were silent, incoherent protests from Leo as they untangled their limbs from his and moved out of his bed.
“The comics were great, Leo.” Y/N laughed.
Leo buried himself further into the blanket, probably enjoying the rest of the warmth that Y/N so graciously donated.
“They are. Gotta get over here again soon so you can take a better look at them.” He murmured still sleep drunk.
“Ah, yes, and not for another cuddle session so you can steal more of my precious body heat.”
“What can I say? ‘s cold.”
“I might as well ask for payment if that is how this will go.”
“Your hugs are great. The others will be jealous. After all I’m the first to get a proper hug from the Y/N.” A yawn ended Leo’s quip.
Y/N just gave him an affirmative hum as they moved to give him a little pat on his head. He moved his head up so their hand connected with his cheek. Leo’s smug expression didn’t go unnoticed.
“Alright, see ya bud. I’ll try to come over tomorrow.”
There was only a soft “Yay!” from Leo as Y/N finally tore themself away from him and made their way out of the lair. They would have said goodbye to the others but all of them were probably bunkered down in their rooms and Y/N really needed to get back to their apartment in order to do some work. These due dates won’t wait for no one. Well, they kind of do it’s just a thing of if you are prepared or not but this wasn’t the point right now.
Once home though Y/N spent a good amount of time to chat with April viaphone and joke about the Leo-Burrito picture before they finally sat down to study and work. Still, they couldn’t help but sometimes get the picture of Leo out. It was funny okay? Also he looked adorable. Let’s ignore the fact that this was also amazing blackmailing material.
If they could they would love to print and frame the picture. Just for teasing purposes of course.
The next day Y/N made sure to make their way to the lair again after doing some chores and work. This time April joined them since they met up for lunch. Both happily gossiping about some professors and supposed university mysteries that April was currently investigating.
“I don’t think they have the capabilities to create ‘new life’, April”
April just scowled “Well, I don’t mean anything like a full sentient six foot beings! Just something small. We both saw weirder hanging out with the turtles.”
Y/N rolled their eyes “Why would our university, that specializes particularly in creative writing and journalism and the like, create their own lifeform. It just doesn’t add up!”
“That’s why I’m investigating! The rumors must have come from somewhere and usually there is a kernel of truth in there!” she groaned as the two rounded the last corner before arriving at the lair.
“I’m gonna predict and say that people are trying to hatch some bird eggs.”
Before April could retort, the two students already stood in the lair hence why Y/N cupped their mouth and yelled out “Boys! Your superhero, super friends are here and we are dying for some entertainment!”
“Ya know, we can just walk in without announcing it every time.” But Y/N just shrugged at that, they started doing it when they got to know the family and at this point it was just the procedure they always did.
Raph was the first to appear but his brothers were close behind. Leo had one of his eyebrows up as he looked at his two friends “What? Are we your personal jesters now?”
Y/N nodded happily, stepping closer to Leo with their arms crossed in front of their chest “Yep! I thought that was clear ever since the start of our friendship? I mean you always act like a clown, so I just assumed…”
“Hardy-har-har. Keep talking, let’s see who will be the clown by the end of this.” Leo took a step closer as well.
Before the two could start their joke argument fully, April stepped in between the two “Okay, kids! No arguing! It’s movie time!”
“Yes, please! Let’s get into the warm projector room!” Mikey spoke up, pulling April along. Leo followed suit and laid his arm around Y/N. At first Y/N could tell he didn’t dare to put the weight of his arm fully on their shoulders but when they didn’t protest or shake him off, he finally did relax and forced them to move along to follow the others.
Leo really took advantage of the fact that Y/N told him that during the winter they didn’t mind body contact. They enjoyed the contact actually. It’s been a long while since they had a proper hug or even a cuddle session like yesterday. Okay, maybe they were also taking advantage of this whole situation. Yet, it surprised them that Leo didn’t tease them about it. Made some quips or any kind of witty remarks.
Then again if he did Y/N would definitely stop gracing him with their hugs and warmth so there might be that.
The projector room was definitely warmer than the open living space of the lair but the differently colored blankets did show that the turtles were still struggling. Being cold-blooded must be rough.
The turtles scrambled beneath their respectively colored blankets while April worked to get the projector running to get the movie started. Y/N on the other hand went into the kitchen to prepare some popcorn and maybe make just some simple hot cocoa for the freezing brothers. It might not reach Mikey’s level but it was mostly for warmth than anything. Also their own cocoa wasn’t that bad it just wasn’t Mikey good!
Y/N first brought the popcorn bowls into the room only to vanish again and bring everyone their warm cups.
“Lately you are spoiling us with warm drinks, Y/N.” Raph noted as he took a sip.
But Y/N just chuckled “I bought you some yesterday and made you guys some today. If that is spoiling you then I’m really sorry for you.”
“Still appreciated!” Surprisingly it was Donnie who said that. He might put on a bad boy persona but some warm drinks managed to break through his shell after all, huh?
“Okay, got it! Y/N is amazing! Now let’s put on the movie, I’ve been working my butt off the last few days I can really use this right now!” April said as she started the movie.
Y/N wanted to retort that her work was snooping around campus all day but they bit the comment back. Instead they took their coat and threw it on Leo as they made themself comfortable next to him. He just squawked in surprise as he shook the coat off his head.
“Since you are always so cold.” Y/N whispered, making sure to open their eyes wide and putting on a pout to show off some very sarcastic pity.
Leo just huffed but still moved their coat around his shoulders, his eyes now transfixed on the action movie that began.
Watching a movie with the family was always fun. Mikey loved gushing about the artistic choices, Donnie tended to explain some effects or why something didn’t make sense while Raph showed his appreciation for any kind of cool action sequences and Leo couldn’t help but throw in some possible one-liners for the hero of the movie that made everyone groan in the room.
April had a clear weakness for any journalist kind of characters that made sure to get themselves involved with the plot in order to find out more as to what was happening. Y/N on the other hand was in a similar boat like Leo. They couldn’t help themself as they made puns. They really felt smug and happy whenever they made a pun that resulted in the majority of the room to burst out into “boo!” and popcorn being thrown their way. At this point they could tell when it would happen and they always tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to catch some popcorn with their mouth. Sometimes this would result in Raph trying to throw popcorn into Y/N’s mouth as they darted across the room.
Right now though Y/N was leaning against a beanbag next to Leo with a few pieces of popcorn littering their body that they didn’t notice.
Leo placed his empty cup on the ground with a soft clink, his gaze tore off the movie to look at Y/N.
At first Y/N didn’t notice, to engrossed in the movie as the hero ran after some goons. Their own eyes following the action until they suddenly noticed that someone was very clearly staring at them from the corners of their eyes.
When Y/N turned their head to quizzically look at Leo, they noticed how close he really was. He looked shy, a question on his face but too scared to actually ask. There was an adorable blush on his face.
Not expecting this sudden closeness the human could feel their cheeks blush as well only for a thought to suddenly enter their mind which made them affectionately roll their eyes.
“What is it, Leonardo?”
“I’m cold.”
Y/N’s eyes wandered over his form to indeed notice the small shivers that wrecked through his body but the way he sheepishly looked at them they knew he also just wanted another cuddle session. Once again, Y/N was actually pretty good at reading what was going through his mind.
With a soft grin they scooted closer to him “Well, let me in your little burrito then.”
“Yes!” he cheered quietly, not wanting that the others heard him.
He happily opened up his blanket and waited for Y/N to scoot closer. Once they were close enough he threw the blanket around them and practically pulled them into his lap. Wrapping his arms around them while simultaneously nuzzling his face against their collarbone. In return Y/N threw their one arm around Leo and slowly traced along his shoulder, their other hand rested on one of Leo’s arms that was wrapped around their body.
“Happy?” Y/N chuckled.
Once again Leo nodded against their body “Yes. Very warm. Very comfy.”
“The thief strikes again.” They sighed somberly.
Leo’s chuckle vibrated though his chest “I did tell you that I was kidnapping you but you still managed to flee. Still dumb enough to fall right back into my trap.”
“Sure, Leo. Believe what you want but we both know I just took pity on you.”
“I love your pity handouts.”
Okay, that was enough. Y/N pinched the skin on his arm as their only answer. Leo hissed in surprise and as he wanted to argue back, Y/N made a point of staring right at the movie. Ignoring him completely. Leo leaned back against the beanbag with an annoyed grumble.
He hated it when Y/N did things like that, even if they didn’t say anything it still felt like they had the last word in their argument. Instead he moved their body flush against his so he could lay his head on their shoulder to watch the movie.
“I swear to god Leo if you use this chance to sniff me-“
“Oh my god, Y/N! That’s weird!”
Y/N couldn’t help themself to laugh as they saw Leo’s horrified expression that was laced with a deep blush.
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nctyena · 9 months
Fan's Favorite Moments of YenaxMembers #7
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🎶 Room Playlist 🎶 (feat. Warm Winter ❄ Snacks 🍞🌰)
Yena was seated next to Hendery. And towards the end the cutest moment between them happened.
"Can I?"
"Hm?" He looked at her and understood what she wanted. Because she was already leaning her head down on his shoulder and getting more comfy under the blanket. He didn't say anything but lowered himself a little more on the couch. She then shared her blanket with him ,tucking him under it with her.
"I like it here." Her sudden comment made him laugh and looked at the camera with a wide smile on his face , looking shy for the rest of the live.
NCT 2021 [UnCut] "Beautiful" MV Behind The Scenes
While some members were talking directly to the camera and chatting with each other at the back the duo could be seen. They were sitting on the ground, facing each other, looking at something on Hendery's phone. And at the same time they laughed at the content on the phone throwing their backs on the ground. And it was kinda loud that some members approached them to see what was so funny.
Since they don't have many moments on camera , fans enjoy the smallest moments as much as they can. And even though this one is not a big one they love it.
230602 WayV Instagram Live
A fan asked about awsaz and who would be on it the most. While they were discussing another comment got their attention.
"Hendery and Yena next episode"
Hendery looked offended immediatly.
"Hey! We are not awkward around each other."
Other members agreed saying that even though they are not the closest, they still spend time comfortably with each other. After the live Yena shared a picture with him on her bubble account. Calling him cute for getting sulky after the comment.
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Part Of Renjun Fan Club
"Renjun is the prettiest today. Why?"
"Look at him sleep. Everyone, you just saw an angel sleeping. How was it?"
"Renjun-ah! Please sing this part for me. I'm gonna record it."
She doesn't do it for fun though. She does it so nonchantly that Renjun always gets flustreted by her comments. And other members are kinda jeaolus because he always accepts her hypes and returns them.
221009 Yena Instagram Live
She invited Renjun and when he accepted it, she gasped.
"Oh my, are you here?"
"Open the door please, my hands are full."
He logged out and they kept the live on her account only.
"I was bored. Let's cook together."
"He always does that guys. I'm not the biggest fan of cooking but if that's what makes him happy."
"Don't act like you don't have fun cooking with me."
"I love the results and eating them."
"It's a win-win then."
NCT Dream Vlive [ 7x7=49 💚 ]
She was sitting next to Jisung on the ground and technically in front of Renjun. He kept playing with her hair the whole time and neither she or the fans didn't think much of it. But later he patted her shoulder.
"I braieded your hair."
He opened his phone and took a picture of her hair to show her.
"Woah, I like it. Let me show off to everyone."
Honestly it wasn't anything big but how she was so happy and proud about it made the moment more special.
NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show2 In Your Dream"
She performed the Smile for her solo stage. And on one of the fancams a moment went viral. At the end of her song and greeting the fans she ran towards the end of the stage. And members were waiting for her, watching her performance. Renjun waited her with his arms open. She realised him quickly and led herself fall between his arms. They hugged for seconds tightly. And the proud and love was all could be seen on Renjun's face the whole time.
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tdoong15 · 6 months
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Little!Winter. Cg!Karina
Warnings: none
Oompa Loompa
Winter was in her room playing with some of her toys with Karina watching her as well as playing with her. However, as playtime progressed Winter was wanting only one thing. “Oompa Loompa…” she mutters quietly under her breath. Karina heard Winter speak but she didn't know what was fully said as it sounded incoherent to her.
“Minjeong, sweetie, what did you say?” Karina questions whilst she gently runs her fingers through Winter's hair. “Watch Oompa Loompa, mama.” Winter repeated herself but she also added two more words, her mama knew what she meant when she said that; she wanted to watch the new ‘Wonka’ movie. “Of course we can watch it, sweetie! Let me just get it on.” Karina says with a wide smile on her face.
Winter jumped up in glee, she then quickly sat down on the sofa and started kicking her feet out of excitement as she waited for Karina to put the movie on for her. When the movie starts, Winter pulls Karina onto the bed because she wants to see the movie without anyone being in her way, even though she's watched it a dozen times it still makes her happy.
As the movie played, Winter had a constant smile on her face. “I love Oompa Loompa!” Winter comments and she giggles since she saw Hugh Grant as her favorite character. “Do you know the dance, Minjeong?” Karina was well aware of the fact that Winter knew the dance, based on the amount of times she had done it since posting her version of it on Tiktok. Winter quickly nods her head and coincidentally, the song started playing, so Winter did her own rendition of the dance whilst sitting down.
Karina left Winter's room a bit earlier so she could prepare lunch, she did ask Winter if she wanted to join her but she was met with an immediate no from her baby, so she respected Winter's wishes and she made lunch by herself. Whilst Karina was cooking, Winter's laughter could be heard throughout the house as she rewinds the movie to Hugh Grant's oompa loompa song.
“She's enjoying herself, I'll leave her to it until I finish all of the lunches.” Karina says to herself with a smile on her face whilst she makes the sandwiches for everyone. It doesn't take long for Karina to finish making the sandwiches and she goes to Winter's room to tell the little that her lunch was ready. “Hey Minjeong, it's time for your lunch. Come on, you can pause the movie.”
Winter looks up at Karina and she shakes her head. “Nu-uh, I wanna stay here, mama.” Winter pouts and she refuses to leave her spot on the bed. Karina listens and she thinks of an alternative. “How about I put Wonka on the TV in the living room so you can still watch it?” The suggestion made Winter think for a minute about what she wanted to do. “Hmm? ‘kay then mama.” Winter reaches her arms out to her mama, indicating that she wanted to be picked up by Karina.
The older girl picks up Winter with ease and she walks over to the living room first because she wanted Winter to know that she wouldn't lie to her about not putting on the movie, she even went to the part where Winter was. “Alright, it's time for lunch now, sweetie.” Karina's voice was soft which made Minjeong relax and willing to sit down at the table to eat.
Lunch went smoothly for everyone, mainly because Winter was too distracted with the film to get into an argument with any of the other girls plus the fact that Karina kept her calm through feeding her parts of the sandwich she made for her, there were some moments where Karina had to remind Winter to eat.
When they finished eating, Winter wanted to sit on the couch in the living room to finish off the movie. “Are you having fun, sweetie?” Karina questions the younger girl who nods her head and smiles widely. “Yea, I'm havin’ fun, mama!” Winter's smile only grows more. After a while, the movie finishes, but Karina decided to put on the original Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, so the duo can have a mini movie marathon together.
Hello!! I hope everyone has a positive day, night or evening. Sorry for the late upload, my mind went completely blank on occasions when I was typing this out.
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scottsummersevents · 1 year
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is a fan favorite pairing that still sparks passion in their fans :)
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
I Follow You Deep Sea, Baby by medievalkoala (Rated M) Scott can't sleep. Emma's solution? A late-night date.
What A Diamond Desires by IAmSimplyVibing (Rated E) Scott and Emma can't even remember the last time they saw each other in person, and they're determined to make the most of this date night.
Euphoria by medievalkoala (Rated G) "I don’t think I’ve even had proper pain. It was a very easy birth. You just came out. Like you were in a hurry. Your dad cut the cord and handed you to me. You didn’t even cry, it was like you didn’t have time for the ordeal and just wanted to get it over with."
Megan Summers is born after a very easy birth.
Correction: A physically easy birth.
Or, Emma thinks about motherhood in the delivery room.
Homeflight by flightinflame for onestory (Rated M) Scott is one of the blessed. He leads a team to rescue children who are blessed from danger. He doesn't think he needs rescuing himself.
The Hellfire Orgy by Ravel991 (Rated E) Emma Frost arranges a great orgy after the main Hellfire Gala ends.
but you make it look easy by tamagorou (Rated T) "In a few years, some rebellious little kid is going to turn up at your school with me on his T-shirt. 'Cyclops was right.'"
A take on the Decimation - AvX publication period where Cyclops has been depowered due to M-Day (alongside some other changes). More tags will be added with further chapters.
This Life by medievalkoala “Ruby Summers.” I couldn’t help but let out a giggle. What a name.
Megan remembers the first time she met her new siblings.
Would You Sit at My Grave if I Killed Myself by medievalkoala (Rated G) Emma can't sleep. Literally what the title says. Takes place during Utopia.
E is for Evolution by bananabrain (Rated E) Trapped with no telepathy, but armed with the power of her incredible looks, Emma Frost visits the leader of the X-Men in his room to lift up his downer spirits amid the X-Men's recent turmoils.
Who could have thought that while Scott Summers is fighting the world, Emma Frost is fighting her own mind?
Drops of Red in the Snow by IcyDeku13 (Rated T) It's Mid winter and Scott is trans and he can feel his body being crappy. Trauma has come to bite him in the back.
i'll be getting over you my whole life by moonboy_writes (Rated T) Emma Frost's life is perfect. She's married Scott Summers, and the two have six children, a beautiful house, and well-paying jobs. But everything is not as it seems as Emma begins to realize that maybe, her life isn't perfect after all. Maybe none of this is even real...
jubilee by metabaron (Rated G) "Who told you?"
Scott sat at the foot of the bed, stroking her bare ankle. "Sage."
Written for the Krakoa Discord 50-word fanfic challenge.
This was the winner for that week's challenge
luxuries we can't afford by just_another_classic (Rated T) Emma and Scott in Savage Land, a reflection by Emma Frost. [writer's month prompt: beach episode]
the benefits of dating a superhero by cherry_lips (takemesomewherenice) (Rated E) A little Emma/Scott fun from around the time of Joss Whedon's run of Astonishing X-Men.
Cyclops Gets an Eye Exam by NotQuiteHydePark (Rated G) It is what it says on the tin.
Red on White by celeste9 (Rated T) Emma watches the blood pool on the tile.
You Missed Me (Script for GWA) by Capspandex (Rated E) Emma and Scott get paired up and I think we know the rest
Her Flawed Gem by flightinflame for onestory (Rated T) Everyone thinks that Scott Summers is perfect. But Emma knows that he isn't, and that doesn't make her any less in love with him.
Prismatic by TriffidsandCuckoos (Rated G) Scott would like to discuss soulmates. Emma would really rather not.
Just Let Go - An Emma Frost, Sex Therapist Encounter by The_Uncanny_SeX_Man (Rated E) Set during the Morrison New X-Men run, Emma Frost holds a rendezvous with Scott Summers behind his wife's back in order to help him realize some deep seated psychological trauma.
Scemma Drabbles by Paxorsym (Rated G) A small handful of scemma drabbles
Be sure to check out more Scott ad Emma fics up at AO3 here.
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butchriptide · 6 months
6 and 12 for the ask game?
6.) Least favorite Arc?
I've only finished the first two all the way through, but as it stands it's most certainly Arc 2 for how much I talk about it, LOL! It's not that I particularly DISLIKE Arc 2, and in fact, as you can tell from how much I talk about it, I really, really love all of the characters. As it stands, however, I also find that is SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than Arc 1 in terms of narrative and coherency and pacing. It's not like Tui just... Forgot how to write. I still had fun. I still think her brilliance in character writing shone through. Winter Turning is one of my favorites of the entire series!! It's just... I think Peril's book makes the pacing weird once you hit halfway through the Arc due to her lacking any sort of... Strong relation for most of the first two books? And I think book 9 is solid but BOOK 10. BOOK 10. MY DARLING BOY QIBLI BUT HIS BOOK IS SO. There is so many issues with the pacing between trying to squeeze both the resolution of Darkstalker's whole deal AND the Scorpion's Den segments it just throws the whole thing off. I just... I love Arc 2 but it is so much wasted potential. Arc 1 is just, so much more solid to me.
12.) One thing you'd add to an arc/ book?
Well. I have an entire AU that's just a rework of Arc 2 in the works with my Partner that's going to have its own dedicated blog, so I'll keep my mouth shut on Arc 2 for the moment, LOL. Instead I'll retread some ground here; I'd add screen time for the love interests in Arc 1 with characters other than the main character they're a love interest for! I'm very passionate about it!! I think Deathbringer and Peril would be a compelling dynamic. I think Riptide is a really interesting character and would love to see him interact with people who aren't Tsunami. I LOVE FATESPEAKER FULL STOP!!!
Also, (with the context of, again, their main series age difference and not the mistake made in the winglet. I forever abide by "main series trumps spin-off works in terms of contradictions" as my canon rules) add more time between Deathbringer and Glory being a proper duo and allies. They don't even have to be romantic, take whatever interpretation of it you want, I just want them to be a slow burn dynamic. Let Glory warm up to him as his true intents becomes clear. Let Deathbringer have time to go from his usual "Well, I don't have to KILL them if they get out of the way" shtick to being specifically invested in the success of Glory and the other DoD. I want more of the fight-banter from them!! Pick your poison for the endgame of it, I just think their dynamic is rushed and deserves a little more build up on both of their end! Give it more time!
The take away from this is I just want more of the love interests as their own characters, basically.
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Warm-up prompt:
Steve and Robin, cornfields, winter
Thank you for playing! It's too much fun writing my favorite dynamic duo
I'm taking warm up prompts for anyone who wants to send them in
WC: 687 | Rating: G | Platonic Stobin and somehow aliens
“I’m telling you, this is where we were destined to be. The shared work experience, it was all for this!”
Her feet crunch in the frost covered fields as Robin spins with her arms out wide, and at this exact moment Steve is really more worried about them getting shot at for trespassing. “The only thing that led us here was springing for cable.”
“You, the beautiful and frequently wrong skeptic -- you’re no Gillian Anderson but like,” she gestures to all of him and if he weren’t freezing his dick off in the middle of an Indiana cornfield in December he might have the energy to be offended about it, “there’s clearly some generic appeal if your dating history is to be believed. I’m obviously the handsome, intelligent, correct voice of reason.”
“You’ve never been reasonable in the entire time I’ve known you.” Case in point, he’s let her drag him out here for crop circles. “And it’s not skeptical to say if there were aliens they wouldn’t come to Indiana.”
“We should have brought a ladder. Steve, why didn’t you bring a ladder?”
“Why do we need a ladder? Where would I have put a ladder?”
She’s jumping now and he knows -- the way he knows he’s going to have to call in tomorrow or the way he knows there’s a hole in his glove somewhere because Robin is a part of his mind, body, and spirit -- that he needs to brace his feet as much as he can in the semi-wet ground because she’s going to start climbing him next.
“So we can get higher, obviously! You can’t appreciate the patterns from the ground, you can’t see them all.”
“People from Indiana don’t even want to be in Indiana most of the time. Why wouldn’t aliens go somewhere cool like Australia or Antarctica.”
Wet shoes make wet jeans as Robin does start climbing up his back and shoulders. “Why do the cool places you can think of both start with A? No one lives in Antarctica and half of Australia is uninhabitable.”
“Wouldn’t that make it perfect for aliens then?”
“Stop being a skeptic and move, dingus, I want to stand in the center and see if I can feel anything.” He’s protected, at least, by his coat from the wet of her heels as she digs them into his side like he’s a poorly behaved birthday party pony.
Steve manages to move them both a couple yards, before his foot finds a stalk or a rock or something that sends his ankle and then the rest of his body in a direction he wasn’t planning on going. He was saved from another concussion, at least, by the soft cushion of Robin’s stomach.
They lay there, Steve in the vee of Robin’s legs, letting the frosted ground melt and soak into their clothes in a way that’s already uncomfortable but will be bordering on unbearable on the ten minute drive back to their apartment. He looks up at the winter sky, blue grey with clouds, he’d almost call it silver. Robin catches her breath, a wheeze that he can feel stabilize with each rise and fall beneath his head. When it’s quiet and even and he can almost pretend that this is what they’d meant to do the whole time they were out there, he says, “I’m pretty sure this is where the haunted corn maze was.”
His Mulder groans, the vibration of it buzzing pleasantly through his head, “I’m never listening to Dustin again, what a waste of our day off.”
They help each other up, Robin helping to support the weight his complaining ankle has no interest in. The good news: rolled, and not sprained or broken, it won’t stop him from driving them home. Heat cranked up high enough it makes the vents whine, he waits until they pull away to say the thing he’s been thinking all afternoon, “David Duchovny kinda looks like my dad, right?”
“That’s a stupid reason not to believe in aliens. He does though, like if Richard Harrington wore a bad suit and suddenly got super cool.”
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 9 months
so… ao3 year in review, huh! this was a good year for me for writing, mcyt content really sparked my brain and i wrote FAR more than i had in the last few years. this post is gonna be mostly mcyt fic, hence why it’s here, but there’s a bit of blaseball left too.
i found the photo of the friend that i was looking for-written for the boston flowers fic exchange commemorating the return of blaseball (heh….), fluff about the flowers being friends and sharing photographs
space’s blaseball poetry collection-exactly what it says on the tin! i joined my school’s poetry club last fall and wrote a lot of poetry about blaseball in that time. (i’ve written a bit of mcyt poetry too, maybe i’ll post that someday)
stop me if you’ve heard this all before-empires s2 cannon divergence where pix is the only survivor of the other universe blood sausage was in and he gets brought to season 2. i swear to god this will be done in the new year, i promise.
would you mind if i tried to take a pass at it?-my longest fic to date and the fic i made this account for in the first place so i could post shipping and people wouldn’t be weird. you all should thank wither husbands for my presence in your life (/j)
just put your sweet lips on my lips-really living up to my ao3 username on this one with a second fluffy wither husbands fic, this time with an established relationship!
i still taste you on my lips, lovely bitter water-i intended for this to be SLIGHTLY cannon divergent and then realized i’d made up an entire piece of empires lore in my head by accident. read this one it’s good.
but when it comes to the end, you’re just the same as them-clock duo are messy as hell and i love that for them. if you could bash someone’s head in with a clock in minecraft impulse would’ve made this fic cannon by now.
men are fools, oh, men are frail-one of my favorites this year about martyn, the end of liml, and misleading prizes. very excited to write more treebark for the title exchange.
she says i’m spread thin, but baby, i’m just restless-deceit had me by a chokehold for a month and i still really like this HOWEVER legundo follows me on tumblr and vaguely implied in his end of the year stream that he reads at least some fanfiction. terrifying.
never forget number 46-another one of my favorites this year, partially because it’s so deeply self indulgent and partially cause it’s GOOD. read my blaseball au even if you don’t know anything about blaseball come closer i promise.
how to rest-the first in the perpetuity/secret life crossover series inspired by @wooshofficial and @betweenlands ‘s ghost fics that wasn’t supposed to become a series. lmao. the third installment will be here shortly.
it’s not something that you put to bed-the second installment in this series and the last of my top 3 fics this year. something about jimmy and chrys’ personalities were so fun to write together and allowed me to play in a very interesting space with him.
so what’s in store for next year? probably a lot of stuff that i don’t know of yet! but definitely on the docket:
blaseball winter exchange fic (will be going on main ao3 and blaseball side blog if you’re interested)
whatever fic(s) i write for treebark title swap (hoping to write at least two!)
second chapter of “stop me” i SWEAR
more blaseball au! i’ve got so many ideas floating around :)
and a million other things i’ve got ideas for that may or may not see the light of day, who knows!
happy new year, everyone!
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Movies That *Feel* Like Winter
 (but aren't specifically Christmas Movies, in no particular order):
I am only counting movies that I have seen recently enough to remember well. As well as some of my personal favorites. There are still a lot of great movies that didn’t make my list. 
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A blizzard… A crashed car… and snowbound with a crazed super fan, what could go wrong? Misery has a very isolated, snowy atmosphere and is perfect for winter! 
The Shining
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The Overlook is draped in snow, as the Torrence family is snowed in for the winter. We see Jack chasing Danny through the giant snowy maze and the iconic ending shot of Jack frozen to death. Stephen King does wintery isolation so well. 
The H8tful Eight
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Another film where the characters see themselves snowbound in a remote cabin because of a blizzard. Though this one is vastly different from Misery. Tension rises, chaos ensues, and in true Tarantino fashion… a whole lot of bloodshed! 
Grumpy Old Men
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Comedy duo Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau play feuding neighbors (turned friends) in this wintery comedy. It’s a cute little movie with lots of laughs to be had. And part of it takes place on Christmas, so that’s a bonus. 
Edward Scissorhands
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Okay, so not all of this movie has that fun wintry feel. But the parts that do are magical. “Snow” falls as Edward carves an ice statue as Kim dances around in it. The scene is complete with beautiful music accompanying it. Once again, Edward brings snow to the town in the end, as Kim tells her granddaughter the story of Edward. (it’s two of the biggest scenes in the film, i’d say).
Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone
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(Though most of the films work here)
This one is kind of a dual holiday film. It works for both Halloween and Christmas! But as for the wintery vibes, there’s snowy backdrops, the exchanging of gifts between Ron and Harry, and Christmas in the great hall (Gosh how amazing that would be to experience). It’s truly magical. 
The Thing
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There’s surely something frightening about being isolated by snow with something/someone coming after you and nobody can help you. It seems to be the common theme in wintry themed horror/sci-fi movies.  The Thing is no different. Only this time, “The Thing” could be anyone, even your friend. 
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
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There’s not much winter in this one, but the icy Hoth scenes feel just right! Bonus, Luke’s run-in with the Wampa, which I guess you could call the Star Wars version of a Yeti. 
Batman Returns
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Christmas in Gotham, complete with a tree lighting ceremony that goes awry, and a snowy setting. 
Wrong Turn 4
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A group of friends spend their winter break snowmobiling at their friends cabin in the mountains…that just so happens to be near the now closed sanitarium. What could possibly go wrong there? A family of escaped cannibals now residing in the abandoned hospital, that’s what! The sequels to this series definitely get a bit wild, but idk, I always kinda liked this one for the wintery feels. 
Honorable Mentions: Snow Day, Fargo, The Conjuring 2,  Let The Right One In, Frozen (Horror film), Disney’s Frozen, The Mighty Ducks, Cool Runnings 
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purplesurveys · 2 years
satiating my craving for bts-related questions part 2/5
We start with the basics: Your bias(es)? Your bias wrecker? Bias would be Namjoon, bias wrecker has long been Yoongi.
The music that made you discover BTS? This is always a difficult question to answer because it wasn’t their music that got me into them, but their variety/reality shows that allowed me to know more about them in less rigid/polished situations...but I guess the song that decisively turned me into a fan is Life Goes On. I burst into tears when I heard the lyrics for the first time.
Favorite album? I am forever the biggest cheerleader there is for Map of the Soul: 7.
Top 5 favorite songs? I have a top 2 – Butterfly and Sea – but top 5 is kinda difficult because after those two songs I love all their other stuff equally hahaha. Keeping it to OT7 songs, I’d say other songs that can make the cut would be Autumn Leaves, Blood, Sweat & Tears, and Spring Day.
Favorite solo song from BTS albums? Namjoon: Reflection.  Jin: Epiphany Yoongi: First Love Hobi: Outro: Ego Jimin: Serendipity Taehyung: It’s a very difficult choice between Singularity and Stigma, but I think I’ll go with Stigma because of his amazing falsetto towards the end. Jungkook: My Time.
Favorite solo song out of BTS albums? Namjoon: everythingoes and Bicycle. Jin: ABYSSSSSSSS. Do covers also count? Because his rendition of Autumn Outside the Post Office is beautiful. Yoongi: The Last. Hobi: Blue Side for days. Jimin: With You. Taehyung: Winter Bear. Jungkook: Still With You.
Favorite mixtape? It was Hope World for a while, but mono has since crept up to be my favorite. I listen to the mixtape from start to finish every Sunday evening because it helps calm me down when I start thinking about work.
Favorite friendship? Taejin is my main ~ship because 1) I feel like their friendship is the least focused-on, and I love me some underrated duos lol, and 2) They’re the only ones who have actually fought on camera, and there’s just something about that that made me admire their dynamic more?
I love Yoonjin’s friendship for the Yoongi’s-only-hyung bond; Namkook because of the massive amount of respect that friendship contains; Yoonkook because I like the fact that Yoongi lets Jungkook get away with everything that the other boys can’t; and I love the closeness from the 94z and 95z.
Favorite BTS meme? Everytime the Run BTS editors portray the boys with their souls leaving their body after having done something scary or stressful.
Favorite MV? Pretty basic and expected answer but I’ll have to go with BST.
Which member personality is like yours? So I feel like I would jibe with Namjoon the most. He’s an extroverted dude who likes to meet new people; goes out every chance he gets regardless of how much he’s worked and socialized in the past few days; and visiting museums and other cultural spots is his pastime. He also loses everything he owns and breaks everything he touches...at this point, I am convinced I am pretty much just a girl version of him lol.
Jimin also! As a big extrovert himself I feel like we could easily hit it off. He strikes me as someone who’s super chill and can create lots of fun wherever he is and whoever he’s with.
Which member’s style you like the most? I mean I think all Armys are in agreement when we say that Hobi has the finest fashion sense of all the members.
Who's the funniest member? This title goes to both Jin and Jungkook.
Who's the most comforting for you? Namjoon, which I feel like comes out naturally due to his being the leader; and Yoongi, since he is also the most realistic of the boys. He’s the first person to tell you it’s okay to fuck up, be lost, have to give up on your passions for a while, etc because you will eventually find your way.
Who could be the scariest when he's pissed off? I feel like a lot of people would say Hobi, but have you seen Jimin when he gets less-than-happy? He was never the type to hide his annoyance on camera and I wouldn’t want to piss him off lmao. He’s thrown glares and pursed lips towards the members that would otherwise make me feel like want to shrink lol. 
Smile you like the most? Taehyung’s.
Laugh you like the most? There have to be multiple winners for this lmao because Hobi’s, Jimin’s, Jin’s, and Jungkook’s laughs all make me laugh myself.
Voice you like the most? Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s for reasons any other fan would know lol.
Eyes you love the most? Jungkook’s.
Which song can make you cry? (solo/group) Answer: Love Myself.
Which song make you happy? (solo/group) Dimple, because I have one lol
Which song to kick asses? UGH!, or Tear.
Which song to party? Home and Love Maze are perfect for my type of party.
Which song make you feel invincible? Idol and Run BTS.
Sexiest song? Singularity.
Lyrics that touched you the most? From 00:00 –
When the second hand and the minute hand overlap, The world holds its breath for a very brief moment Zero o’clock And you’re gonna be happy, and you gonna be happy Like that snow that just settled on the ground, Let’s breathe as if this is the beginning And you’re gonna be happy, and you gonna be happy Turn this all around A time when everything is new, zero o’clock
Best live performance at an award ceremony? Their 2016 MAMA performance was great overall but I’m particularly a sucker for the Boy Meets Evil/Lie mashup intro that Jihope did. 2019 MMA of course has since evolved to become one of their must-watches and is my absolute favorite.
Best choreography? Fire and Mic Drop.
One of your favorite moments on Vlive? When 95z took over Namjoon’s live and pretended to be expensive sculptures, and Namjoon played along with the gimmick hahaha. Taehyung forcing Yoongi to spit out “I love you” during the latter’s birthday was hilarious too.
The moment you laughed the most with them? Probably the photozone episode of Run BTS. I made SO MUCH noise when I watched that for the first time.
The moment you cried the most with them? I wasn’t there to cry with them then, but it was the moment they gave their speech at the 2018 MAMA especially when Jin mentioned the band had been thinking of breaking up. I know 2018 was mentally the toughest for the boys and the fans so I can’t even imagine what winning all those awards meant for them that night.
Your favourite BTS memory?  Deciding that I was going to be a fan right after I heard Life Goes On for the first time.
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theregularsbrand · 2 years
How to wear denim jackets in a stylish way
With durability and comfort on the scene, denim jackets are rated 10 on 10 when it comes to style and versatility. Believe it, denim jackets will never be out of style and will remain timeless forever, especially for men. It is a fashion statement and represents high spirits and youthfulness. Have you noticed rock stars jump around on the stage wearing a denim jackets, and they look way too stylish? And, if you style them in a heavenly way, everyone will once look at your clothes. Let’s see the style.
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 With Chinos 
Chinos and denim can be a killer shot. Effectively, if you are wearing this duo, undoubtedly, you are going to look way too smart than others. Smart, pleasant, and highly fashionable they are. Okay, they can be casual as well.
 Summertime Style
When you enter the summer zone, all you need is chilled drinks, and tempting to just throw on a pair of shorts. But, what if you put on a light-colored denim jacket from Levis, a men’s denim brand? Rest assured, it is quite breathable, and an ideal choice for the summer. Choose slim-fit denim to avoid looking oversized. 
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 With a Roll Neck
Come on, you can wear a rock and roll neck t-shirt and steal the show for the night. Why not steal a bit more by adding a denim jacket to the list? Well, pretty much consider pristine indigo or battered stonewash with the fine stitches that will complement each other. 
 The White factor 
Why does white feel so aesthetic? It is because it signifies peace. So, if you’re irenic, adjust yourself in a white shirt or t-shirt with your all-time favorite denim jacket from the men’s denim brand. Yes, that’s a heavenly look you will get. It is a foolproof way to attend any event or party. So, venture into the world of pieces of denim with this contrasting look. 
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 Add a pop of color
If you’re wearing something colorful, just take it along with a fine-clothed denim jacket. The pop of color will laminate your look. Be it patterned or bright denim jackets, they will look awesome. 
 Hat and Denim Jacket
Add an accessory with your denim jacket. A hat would be a great idea to complement your outfit. For winter sessions, wear a rolled beanie with a denim jacket layered over other warm clothes. Put on brimmed hats on the summer days to act as two in one offer, like protection from the sun rays and a one-of-a-kind style.
 Final Words
So, here you go. A denim jacket is an enhancer to glorify your plain and dull outfit, and that’s all that you need. These are just some tips for styling your denim jacket. So, boy, get out there and purchase your men’s denim jacket from the Regulars and experiment with a variety of looks till the point you find your best look. Feel confident and have fun because you should love your outfit. 
 Blog Sources: https://theregularsbrand.wordpress.com/2022/10/14/how-to-wear-denim-jackets-in-a-stylish-way/
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metalandmagi · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
Since 2020 basically sacrificed itself to give us the most stacked anime season of all time, I’m currently buried under the weight of almost 20 shows airing per week. So for anyone who’s looking for some anime to watch this winter, here’s some first impressions! I’m speed running my list this time by only talking about the new shows...because otherwise this would be my great American novel. 
If anyone’s interested, I have master lists for both 2020 anime and 2019 anime, because there’s no shortage of fun things to find. 
New Shows!
And before anyone asks, So I’m A Spider, So What? isn’t on here, because CG spiders freak me out.
Cells At Work Code Black: This...less comedic spin off of Cells At Work (made by a different studio) takes the wholesome concept of Osmosis Jones meets cute anime girls and turns it on its head. In this much more depressing version, we follow a rookie red blood cell who works in the body of an overly stressed, alcoholic smoker who puts every strain on the body imaginable. I love Red Blood Cell AA2153 and his co-workers, but man am I glad we get the regular Cells At Work airing this season too, because I need something fun and uplifting after seeing my sweet son go through hell every episode. 
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*Heaven’s Design Team: Have you ever wondered how God came up with some of the weird ass animals that live on this planet? Like, what’s the deal with giraffes? And why can’t we have dragons and flying horses? Well this is a comedy about the engineers and designers in heaven creating the new animals that are going to inhabit the Earth. That’s it, that’s the show. It’s kind of in the same vein as Cells At Work, having comedy blend with a surprising amount of educational information. If you want something light and funny, this is the show for you (though I don’t think it needs to have full length episodes). I’m just hoping there’s an episode about how the hell the platypus was created. Also it’s the only new one available on Crunchyroll.
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Horimiya: A romantic comedy about a girl named Hori who fits the image of a perfect queen bee and a quiet bespectacled boy named Miyamura who never makes an impression at school. When the two meet by chance outside of the classroom, we see that Hori is practically raising a younger brother by herself, and Miyamura is actually a sweet guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings. This show is an exercise in breaking down the images people have of others in their minds, and it’s a concept that really hits home in a fun and meaningful way. Honestly, this has become one of my immediate favorites. The characters have great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see more of them!
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Monster Incidents (Kemono Jihen): When big shot Tokyo detective Inugami is called to a rural town to investigate a series of strange animal deaths, he finds a mysterious boy with the nickname Dorotabo who has been shunned by the other children in town. As the detective gets closer to Dorotabo, he discovers that there may be more...inhuman secrets to the boy than he realizes...and Dorotabo discovers that Inugami has some secrets of his own. This is a hard show to sell without spoiling the first episode, but it had twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I’m really interested to see where the plot goes, because I thought this was going to be something totally different just from the PV and series summary. If it plays its cards right, this could be a great paranormal detective show!
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Wonder Egg Priority: A psychological drama about a girl named Ai who starts having dreams about a mysterious egg that promises to give her what she wants most in the world...a true friend. Before long, she begins to see how the dream world and reality are tied together, and trippy antics ensue. It’s hard to say more without spoiling anything, but I had to go back and add this one in because I made the mistake of thinking it was an OVA when it’s actually a full series. And what a series it’s starting out to be. This anime has all the psychological discomfort of a Satoshi Kon product with the beauty and style of something from Kyoani (even though it’s made by Clover Works). It’s really one of those anime you just have to see to understand.
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Sk8-∞ (Skate the infinity): An original skateboarding anime from Bones, featuring a typical sports anime protagonist who takes a new transfer student who has never skateboarded in his life under his wing. Together they compete in dangerous races and take the skating community by storm. The character designs rival Appare Ranman’s in outlandish creativity, and I can smell the main characters’ ship dynamic a mile away (considering they’re exactly the same as the protagonists from Robihachi). If you’re looking for some wild and crazy fun with top notch skateboarding animation, don’t skip this!
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2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu (Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club): Yes, it’s another volleyball anime. And no, it’s not just a clone of Haikyu. This story follows Yuni Kuroba, a physically built but emotionally weak teenager who finds out his childhood friend Hajime is moving back to their hometown for high school. Yuni discovers Hajime has become an exceptional volleyball player and they join their school’s volleyball club hoping to turn the unknown team into a rising star. If anything, this anime is much more like Stars Align or Free, where the sport is a backdrop for letting the characters explore their personal problems. Or at least it seems that way after the first episode. I went into this show ready to throw it in the trash because how could anything compete against my beloved Haikyu, but I found myself really enjoying the dynamics of the main duo and I’m curious to see what the rest of the team is like.
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And speaking of sports anime rip-offs…..I can’t believe I’m including this but…
Skate Leading Stars: The show where the animators clearly wanted to design another throw away idol anime but saw how popular Yuri On Ice was so they decided to make whatever the hell this show is instead. It revolves around a fictional team sport called skate leading, and we follow the world’s most insufferable main character, a former figure skater named Kensei who wants to return to the ice and join his school’s skate leading team after he finds out his childhood rival is going to compete in the sport. Look, this show is just trashy enough to get a certain type of audience hooked, and it mainly has to do with the best boy of the winter season, Hayato Sasugai, the aspiring team “coach” who pulled most of us into watching this show with his punk appearance, snide comments and smug personality. He’s basically the lovechild of Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima in a high school sports anime setting. The show treats itself with the perfect amount of sincerity to get away with being absolutely ridiculous most of the time without making you feel like you’re watching it from a dumpster...like Try Knights. You will know after one episode whether this show is for you. All I can say is, Hayato is worth the watch, and I haven’t seen any 3D animation used for the skating scenes (yet) so that’s a win for me. 
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Honorable mention:
Jobless Reincarnation ( Mushoku Tensei): Yet another isekai where the main character is hit by a car (big surprise) and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world...but he happens to remember his previous life and narrates himself growing up as a jaded adult. I’m only including this because it looked amazing animation wise, and I love the opening where getting hit by a car and dying is actually traumatic. And I love the protagonist’s parents (who are retired adventurers who just want to bang all the time). But honestly...the main character is the fucking worst, and I don’t know if I want to keep watching it because of how creepy and weird he is. Like...he’s the hit on your fantasy mom as a baby kind of creepy and weird. But for anyone who wants a cool looking isekai that had an amazing PV, it’s worth checking out. 
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Continuing Series!
Because the real gold of the season is in all the established anime getting their next seasons, I’m just going to list some of the things that are also amazing and definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already (because I’ve already talked about most of them at some point and don’t know what else to say).
Attack On Titan season 4
The Promised Neverland season 2
Beastars season 2
Log Horizon season 3
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2
Re: Zero season 2 (second cour)
Dr. Stone season 2
Cells at Work season 2
Osomatsu-san season 3 (second cour)
Higurashi New (second cour)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second cour) 
Not to mention all the shows I don’t watch that everyone else loves...like World Trigger (which I have seen quite a bit of, but long shounen shows are too much for me now) Quintessential Quintuplets, and Non Non Biyori. 
So there’s just some of all the anime airing this season. Hopefully, someone can find something they like. Here’s to a great year...well, of anime at least...
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missacidburn928 · 3 years
Let Me Take You On A Journey...
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UPDATED: 01/18/2024 (check out my library blog @missacidburn928s-heathenhideaway for a more up to date list of my stories)
Welcome to my little blog. I sometimes string a whole bunch of words together and create new worlds and stories for some of my favorite characters.
Here are a couple things to note before I send you on your way:
I write strictly 18+ content. SO MINORS DNI!
Due to minors and ease of use I post my stories strictly on Ao3. I will always link new stories posted here on my blog and update the Masterlist when able.
Help support my love of providing you stories by buying me a ko-fi!
AU's abound here. I rarely stick to canon. My world. My rules.
I have currently have asks turned on but for my sanity if things get to be too much I will turn it back off. Always feel free to message me, reblog or comment to your hearts content.
I am a poet as well, so don't be surprised if you see me post my original poetry here as well. This blog is a safe space for me and I will post what I wish.
Happy Reading Heathens!
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Snapshots and moments between Alpha Bucky and his sweet little Omega
Edit: This duo turned into a throuple thanks to a certain Captain. So there will be snapshots between Alpha Steve and their sweet little Omega both all together and separate mixed in.
There is no chronological order to this series so if you only want to read about one pairing you'll easily be able to do so.
Sandalwood, Leather, Mead & Honey
Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky.
Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky x Steve.
Snapshots and stories following four souls in love.
Dalliance of Sin
Nomad Steve and his best girl...
Sinner's Prayer
Mafia!Stucky x POC Escort!Reader “Sin”
Of all my sins, you're the one I love most…
Stories (Chaptered Fics):
Why Did Love Put A Gun In My Hand
Mafia AU Mafia!Avengers x POC Reader "Jinx"
Lucien “Luci” Greco, your piece of shit ex, has come to NY looking for you. He's the reason you had to leave everything behind in the first place. Didn't stop him from searching for you though. The long lost mafia princess. He needs you if he is ever to rightfully take over the family from your father Declan.
Little does he know you're doing mercenary work for the highest bidder. He still thinks you're some wilting damsel, a spoiled little princess. Your daddy didn't raise you that way though. You've been primed to take over since birth. Too bad he beat the shit out of you so badly you had to run for your safety.
Somehow, even trying to stay under the radar you've befriended the damn Avengers family. A misfit mafia if you’ve ever seen one. You’re all after the same enemy afterall. Maybe, it's time to finally let someone or several someones in, so you can live life without constantly looking over your shoulder.
Question is, do you even want the crown anymore?
Avengers x POC Reader "Nyx"
We could be covered in blood together if you stopped playing hard to get…
A Well Deserved Break
Stucky x Reader
Fatigued after months of back to back missions, Y/N decides it’s time for a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of being earth's mightiest defenders. Just a quick little trip to Vegas for some fun and debauchery.
Soothe My Soul
Thor x OFC x Steve
A relationship is tested. How will they all fair in the end?
I've got all these issues. Will you be my prescription?
Bucky x POC Reader
A fight about your safety ensues when pictures of the two of you together get leaked by a fellow agent and former one night stand. He's livid that your relationship is exposed to the world and now could be used against him. You could care less who knows about your relationship. You've been together over a year, you knew what dating the former Winter Soldier brought with it. No, you're pissed that some bitch, who doesn't even count as an ex, is trying to ruin the best thing to happen to you.
Don't care if it sounds cold. It is, what it is.
Bucky x POC!Reader Ex!Steve x POC!Reader
Steve returns 3 years after he left for the past. Wanting the life he had with you before back without consequence. Too bad you’ve moved on with someone he least expected.
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It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me...
Hunterverse AU
Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG"
Ex Dean x Reader
Platonic Sam x Reader
Numerous SPN Characters
It’s been quite some time since you last laid eyes on the Winchesters. So naturally they just so happen to stumble into your bar looking for some help on a case. Dean notices that as much as some things have stayed the same regarding you, others have certainly changed. Like your relationship status with not one but three men.
Moonlight & Fang
Fantasy/Little Red Riding Hood/ABO AU
Alpha!Jax Teller, Dean Winchester, Captain Syverson, Ari Levinson, Bucky Barnes x OC Omega!Selene/Red
Their sweet words fall like bittersweet honey. Lacing pain and menace under a sugary facade. Coating everything. Sticky, sweet and unthreatening. All earth and warmth. The best disguise for unsuspecting beings, with open hearts and damaged souls. A succulent entree for her sharp teeth to feast upon. For she is made of moonlight and fang. All charm and soulful eyes. While hiding an all encompassing darkness inside. Sinful lips with a deadly tongue. Patiently waiting for her prey to become safe and lucid. Drunk off of her words and lingering touch. When their red hoods fall, exposing the softness of their throats. Her eyes become bigger, as her hunger and lust for flesh grows. Just one bite and she'll change your life.
My, oh my.
What big fangs you have my dear.
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You're The Coffee That I Need In The Morning...
Captain Sy x POC Reader
Biker!Bucky x POC Reader
Just saying you love someone is not enough. As they always say…Actions speak louder than words. Inaction also has its consequences. The results may vary and not everyone gets a happy ending.
I've got to feel, how it feels, to be loved by you...
Alpha!Captain Syverson x Omega!POC!Reader "Sunny"
No matter the circumstances, love finds a way. It’s up to you to accept them.
Why you calling me tonight?
Ex!August Walker x POC!Reader
Walter Marshall x POC!Reader
The grass is never truly greener on the other side and all that jazz. It is never easy to walk away from something you love, but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do. Just remember, the better tended garden will always produce the brightest blooms.
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The Perks Of Being A Fiend
Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
There's no in-between, we only do extremes. He can get on my LAST nerve, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Let Me Spell It Out For You
Jax Teller x Rockstar!Reader "Firefly" ExBf!Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader
It’s Battle of the Bands Night at your local hole in the wall bar run by SAMCROW. You're currently dating their prez Jax Teller. Your lifelong best friend and first real love. Somehow your ex, Steve Rogers and his band The Howlies have shown up, vying for top spot and the cash prize. Such a shame they’ll have to go against you and your all girl group Serenity. It’s going to be a verbal bloodbath and you can’t wait to humiliate his arrogant ass.
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A collection of stories themed around a specific song or album.
Jeans by Jesse Reyes *Coming Soon*
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An imagine for adeuce please! They hang out someplace in their hometown during vacation but awkwardly run into crewel. I think treys family bakery would be a nice location but the setting is your choice in case you want to limit the dialogue and number of characters
Ps. I personally feel like the game needs more interactions between the students and teachers. Hopefully we can get more in the new event
Teacher-student interactions are so much fun! We definitely got more from Vargas Camp (which I’m really thankful for), and I hope we keep getting more!
So far, my favorite teacher-student dynamic has been Vargas and Azul. I’d feel bad for octoboi if I wasn’t laughing so hard at his flying fails--
I really liked this prompt, so I wrote more than my usual ~1000 word imagine; please enjoy!
***Mild spoilers for chapter 4!***
Imagine this...
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The Rose Kingdom was aptly named for the flowers that bloomed in nearly every corner of its land. In the summer time, they blossomed magnificently, perfuming the warm air with their heady aroma—but in the winter, those delicate rosebuds were banished by a spell of frost. Without fail, a great cold would wash over the region every year, casting their famous red flowers in a thick layer of white.
It was a pattern that the kingdom’s residents had long since grown accustomed to. This was, after all, their beloved home—amid the roses, frozen as they were.
“Oi, Deuce! Hurry it up, will you?!” Ace called, tossing an annoyed glance over his shoulder.
His friend—wearing so many layers that he resembled a moving blueberry more than a human—lagged several paces behind.
Deuce attempted to return the sass, but his words caught in the scarf bound tightly around his mouth, coming out muffled instead. The puffball on his winter hat furiously bobbed up and down, as though communicating his frustration for him.
“If we don’t pick up the pace, they’re gonna sell out of hot chocolate and fresh pastries!” Ace rushed back, grabbed Deuce by the arm, and tugged. “C’mon!! I thought you were in Track and Field Club or something—so let’s get moving!”
Deuce loosened his scarf with his free hand and, glaring at Ace, declared, “No way am I running with the roads this icy. That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hah? You serious? I already got wasted enough time waiting for you to dress in your 101 layers of coats,” Ace grumped, gesturing to Deuce’s ridiculous outfit. “It can’t hurt to be a little quicker about it.”
“Mom wanted me to stay warm,” Deuce countered stiffly. “I’m gonna respect that, no matter what.”
Ace rolled his eyes and waves dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, whatever—enough talk, we really gotta get going...!! I’ll be damned if I freeze out here.”
“The Clover Bakery isn’t that far from here, so we don’t need to rush.” Deuce indicated a warm building at the end of the block, which gave off delicious fumes—spun sugar, baked bread, and spices. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Ace groaned loudly. At this rate, it would take all day for them to waddle on over. He was about to bury his head in his hands when an idea dawned on him.
A mean, but clever, idea.
“Betcha I could make it there faster than you,” Ace chirped, his voice casual.
“It’s not a competition,” Deuce reminded him sternly.
“No one said it was, dummy! I’m just saying I could definitely beat you at your own game.”
“Tough words for someone shaking like a leaf in the cold.”
“Oh yeah?” Ace’s grin was wicked. “Prove me wrong, then.”
“I don’’t have to prove anything. It’d be dangerous to run in this weather, anyway.”
“I bet it’s way more snowy in Pyroxene—and Jack’s probably totally fine with running through it!”
“That’s Jack, and this is me. I said I wasn’t going to rush things, and I meant it.”
“Yeah? Too bad~” The redhead gave an exaggerated sigh and a shrug. “Backing out, huh...? Oh well. Guess if you snooze, you lose...!!”
“Hey, I never said...” Deuce’s voice trailed off, for Ace had shoved by him, darting off in the direction of the bakery. “H-Hey...!! Ace...!! ACE!! GET BACK HERE!!”
He tore after his friend, shouting at him all the while—and Ace, with his (cheating) head start, only laughed in return. Deuce soon caught up (no thanks to his club conditioning), and they were neck-and-neck for first place.
Windchill, knives upon their faces. The biting cold seeped into their lungs, making it hurt to breathe as they hurtled toward their destination. Yet they sailed on, determined to outdo the other.
Both boys launched themselves at the bakery entrance, grasping the handle at the same time.
“EXCUSE US!!” Ace and Deuce yelled in unison, yanking open the door (struggling to cram through the doorway at the same time) and stumbling in.
They were greeted by a blast of warmth and the smells of sweet cakes and toasted breads. The employee manning the counter glanced up, startled at the duo’s sudden appearance. When he saw who it was that had barged in, he sighed and calmly readjusted his glasses.
He looked a little different than usual, wearing a white shirt with green plaid that showed off his broad shoulders. The sleeves were rolled up to reveal thick forearms forged from years of lifting flour sacks and kneading dough. A brown apron was slung over his attire, four-leafed clovers sewn on the pockets.
“If it isn’t Ace and Deuce. How are the two troublemakers of Heartslabyul doing?” Trey asked, his smile lopsided as his underclassmen approached.
“A-Are we really troublemakers in your eyes, Clover-senpai?!”
“I’m just kidding,” he reassured Deuce. “Well, you are troublemakers, but more for Riddle than for me.”
“Geez... thanks for the vote of confidence...” Ace grumbled, casting the third year a cheeky look. “Some senpai you are, huh?”
“Now, now... I’m allowed to have some fun, aren’t I? We’re all ‘off-duty’, so to speak.” Trey said light heartedly. “Anyway, what brings you guys to the Clover Bakery? I’m assuming you’re not dropping by just to say hello.”
“Hehe. Obviously we’re hungry, so we came by for some grub!” Ace held up his index finger. “One large hot chocolate, and a plate of assorted butter cookies for me!”
“I’m okay with a small spiced apple cider,” Deuce chimed in, “please and thank you.”
“Gotcha. I’ll get you your drinks in a bit,” Trey nodded, “but as for the butter cookies, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sell those to you.”
“Huh?” Ace’s face collapsed. “Why not?”
“We’ve only got a few dozen left, and they’re reserved for a client that preordered them. Sorry.” Trey pointed to a neatly wrapped box already set upon the counter, done up in a bright green bow.
Through the plastic window in the box, Ace could see that the cookies had been converted into little sandwiches. Each pair housed a generous dollop of cream, caramelized raisins threaded throughout it.
“What? Who needs that many butter cookies? And why are there gross raisins in them--“
The door to the bakery flung open, summoning a gale of cold once more. A bell suspended above jingled, ringing in a new customer.
“Ah, speak of deville the devil,” Trey said—while his underclassmen balked in terror.
There, in the doorway, was a tall man in black faux leather gloves and a voluminous fur coat—striped, black and white. Beneath that, he boasted a crimson turtle neck and a blazer, half solid white, the other half a black , checkerboard pattern. This, paired with his slicked back hair, steely eyes, and regal face, made him appear as though he had just strutted off the runway, were it not for the leashes he gripped.
Two Dalmatians—one in a blue coat, the other in a red one—stood alert by his feet. They caught Ace and Deuce’s eyes and barked in greeting, but the two boys were far too fixated on the Dalmatians’ owner to gush over dogs.
“... Sensei?”
Ace and Deuce glanced to one another, then back at their Alchemy teacher.
“Wh-What’re you doing here?!” Ace demanded, pointing an accusatory finger. “School’s out for winter break...!! You... You didn’t hunt us down to make us do our homework, did you?!”
Crewel snorted. “Spare me your theatrics, Trappola. Your instructors are granted a vacation for the duration of winter break as well. Were you not aware?”
“I-I knew that! I just didn’t know you lived in the Rose Kingdom, too!”
“I thought teachers lived at school...”
“... Seriously, Deuce?!”
“The more you know.” Crewel narrowed his eyes at Ace. “But speaking of homework, I trust you pups are keeping on top of your assignments? Being on break is no excuse to slack on your studies.”
“D-Duh! Of course I haven’t been slacking!” A lie, Ace grimaced, thinking to the piles of homework he had abandoned in his bedroom in favor of hanging out with friends. Whatever, he could just pester his brother for help later. “Right, Deuce? Back me up here!”
“I’ve been diligently studying and working on my homework bit by bit every day, Crewel-sensei!”
“... But have you done it accurately?” Crewel asked, raising an eyebrow. “Simply writing down an answer does not guarantee full marks, Spade.”
“... Errrrrr, okay, maybe I need to work on it a little more.”
“You’ve got your notes and a reliable Science Club member to count on for assistance,” Crewel quipped, gesturing to Trey with a gloved hand. “There is no excuse for why you should not do well. That goes for you as well, Trappola.”
“Crewel-sensei, I think that’s enough interrogation,” Trey called, waving for him to come to the counter. Outwardly, he wore a smile, but inwardly, he sighed. For the love of the Great Seven, don’t offer my help for me. “Here, I have your order prepared--oh, but be sure to keep your dogs at the doorway. No pets allowed beyond a certain threshold for health and safety reasons.”
“I am aware, yes.” Crewel’s eyes passed over to the two scared stiff underclassmen. “... Trappola, Spade--come here. Do your professor a favor and tend to my Dalmatians for me.”
“What? You want us to watch your dogs?”
“I’ll do my best, Sensei!!”
“Don’t just blindly agree to it, Deuce!”
“It will only be for a moment,” Crewel insisted, shoving his leashes into Ace and Deuce’s hands. The boys fumbled, but held firm--the Dalmatians eagerly staring up at them.
“... Oi, don’t give me those looks,” Ace grumbled. “You’re... You’re too cute looking and innocent to be Crewel-sensei’s pets.”
The dog in the red coat gave a happy bark, as if pleased with the compliment. Its partner, in the blue coat, panted with delight as Deuce gave it a firm head pat.
Crewel received the box of raisin butter cookies--but allowed his eyes to quickly a scan the glass display case as he strode up. “Do you have dog treats in stock as well?”
“We do.”
“Then add two to my total, please--peanut butter flavor.”
“Alright, you’ve got it.” Trey ducked, retrieved a pair of tongs, and fished out two bone-shaped biscuits. He dropped them into a paper bag and handed them over to his teacher. “That’ll be--”
He was cut off by several bills being fanned out on the counter.
“I’ve ordered enough from your bakery to know the general prices,” Crewel smirked, tucking his wallet away into his massive fur coat. “If there is a discrepancy, you may keep the change.”
“Ah, thanks for that. Hope you and the dogs enjoy--” Trey paused, cut off this time by the sound of several small footsteps from the back room of the bakery. He groaned, already knowing what was coming. “Oh no...”
“Trey-nii!!” A chorus of high-pitched voices piped up, startling Ace and Deuce. “We heard bark-barks!! Did Mr. Fluffy Coat bring back his doggies?”
Three heads of green hair poked above the counter--just barely. One girl and two boys, probably elementary school age, all of them sharing Trey’s mustard yellow eyes.
“Guys, not now. Big bro’s busy with the customers,” Trey warned. He passed an apologetic look to his underclassmen and teacher. “Sorry, my siblings are excitable sometimes.”
“I wanna pet the doggies!”
“I wanna feed’m snackies!”
“I wanna dress them up!”
To the boys’ surprise, Crewel merely chuckled. “No worries. Fellow canine lovers are always welcome.”
“Mr. Fluffy Coat!! Can we feed your doggies?”
“Pretty please with candied violets on top!”
“Please, please, please!!”
Crewel barked with laughter. “Perhaps I can allow it, little ones--permitted that your brother grants his permission.”
All three Clover siblings looked expectantly at their eldest sibling.
Trey heaved a sigh. “... I guess I’ve got no choice. Go ahead.”
Excited squeals filled the interior of the bakery. The Clover siblings nearly tripped over themselves racing over to Crewel’s dogs (they nearly trampled Ace and Deuce’s feet, too).
“Hey, watch it! We’re the ones babysitting these dogs, not you!” Ace cried as the kids descended on the Dalmatians. I’ve only had these dogs for five minutes but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone here and then--
“We can share, Ace!”
“Spade is correct. There is plenty of the pups to go around,” Crewel interjected. He produced two dog treats and broke them into smaller pieces, offering them to Ace, Deuce, and the Clover siblings. “Go on, then. One for each of you to feed them.”
The Clovers cheered and eagerly claimed their pieces, holding them out and allowing each Dalmatian to sniff and lick the treats straight out of their palms. As soon as the food was slurped up, the Clovers proceeded to vigorously pet the pups. But the first years hesitated.
“You’re... being awfully nice,” Ace noted, eying him suspiciously. “Are you gonna spring a pop quiz on us as soon as I take the treat?”
“Keep biting the hand that feeds you, and I just might consider it,” Crewel warned with a dark smirk.
“W-We’ll take the treats!” Deuce snatched up two pieces, shoving one into Ace’s hands. “Come on, let’s not worry too much. We’re on winter break, after all. Let’s just relax while we still can.”
“You’re right, you’re right! Let’s not sweat it!”
They exchanged a brief laugh before kneeling and offering up their own dog treat pieces to the Dalmatians. Just as the dogs’ sloppy, wet tongues connected with the boys’ hands, their cell phones went off.
“... Huh? Did you just get a text, Deuce?”
“I think I did. I heard your phone ping too, though. Did you get a text too?”
“I can check. One sec...” With his free hand, Ace fished his phone out of his coat pocket and consulted it. He immediately paled. “Oh, shit.”
(“Hey, language!” Trey shouted--but his protest seemingly went ignored.)
“What’s wrong?” Deuce asked, frowning.
“Check your phone. Check it right now.”
“Is it something seri...” Deuce’s face dropped as soon as he looked at his messages. “Fuck.”
(“I said, language!” Trey tried again, only to be snubbed a second time.)
The distressing text they had received?
Ace and Deuce abruptly stood and bolted toward the exit, much to everyone’s surprise. They paid no mind to the concerned shouts of Trey, nor Crewel, or to the excited barks of Dalmatians no longer held by leashes.
All that remained of where the duo once stood were soggy, half-finished peanut butter dog treats.
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marinerainbow · 2 years
Can you tell us about Daphne? (You don't have too, since I see your thing about not sending requests, so I can understand that. But I also saw the end of your meme chart saying we could ask questions, so I was unsure. You can ignore this)
It's no problem! It's odd for me and I feel a bit bad, but for some reason I can answer asks about my OC's way easier than write stuff. I love being able to share my creations with people, but I get shy and feel rude if I don't wait for someone to ask.
Anyways no more rambling, onto Daphne! (And Lilith as a bonus because honestly they were made as a duo)
Daphne Winters
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(She looks more mean here then she really is, and she's supposed to wear a pink overshirt)
Daphne looks like your stereotypical mean girl, but in actuality she's not like that. She's an introvert, is a nice person, and has her own insecurities. She'll often try to hide her problems though by acting calm about them ("It ain't that bad"), or getting defensive over them, ("It's none of your business, ok?"). She'll open up with her close friends though.
Daphne likes the softer things in life, like plushies, cutesy stuff, sweet media, etc. She feels embarrassed by it though. She's more open about liking fashion and make up though. She even wants to open her own fashion line one day.
Despite her antisocial nature and want to avoid conflict, she won't hesitate to stand up for her friends. Daphne will cut deep (not literally of course) if she has to.
Daphne hosts a YouTube make up tutorial channel. It's not very big, but it's enough where she's known around her neighborhood. Occasionally she'll bring one of her friends on the show, but only if she's filming outside her house.
Daphne is bisexual. She thought she was straight until after she met Lilith
Lilith Green
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(The bow is supposed to be a skull imprinted in the sweater)
Lilith, despite being Gothic, is actually pretty cheerful and friendly. She's an extrovert through and through, and loves meeting new people. Even though she loves dark humor, horror films, and scary things, she'll be the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She does get made fun of on occasion, but for the most part she just does her best to ignore it all and continue to smile through.
Lilith and her family adopted a doberman they named hunter. His face was torn up, but despite his appearance he's a big softie. Lilith spoils him with belly rubs and treats and will not hesitate to show pictures and videos she's taken of him to anyone.
Lilith can and will be your hype buddy. You feel insecure? She is already showing you a list of all the reasons you're amazing. You feel cold feet when you're about to perform? She is right there cheering fir you and encouraging you. You need hype? She IS your hype.
Lilith has an interest in restoration/customization. Her black sweater used to be a plain old ragged sweater until she fixed it up and added her own design. She has collaborated with Daphne on her YouTube channel a few times.
Lilith is a lesbian. She kind of always suspected with how she would crush on women from her favorite media, but it never really set in until she befriended Daphne and started crushing on her.
When the two met, Daphne at first thought Lilith's high energy was irritating, and Lilith wasn't entirely sure if Daphne was trying to be passive aggressive or not. Though by the end of the day, they found out they liked each other's company and exchanged numbers, and became best friends (and eventually started dating).
I made them since I saw the stereotypes of 'pinky social and mean girl' and 'Gothic quiet girl' and wanted to see what would happen if they weren't as they seemed. Eventually, I thought of these two girls who's personalities seemed swapped and it evolved into Lilith and Daphne.
And that's Daphne (And Lilith)! Any more questions you have I would love to answer!
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hanafubukki · 2 years
I….absolutely hate the way book 4 ended. Not sure if I set my hopes too high or what but it just felt rushed? Like we’re just skimming over the important bits that Really should be talked about? Like for starters…Jamil as a servant, what’s gonna happen there? Like yay he’s gonna be more honest but what about your family and duty, like is he just done with the Asim’s now? What about the truth bomb that Kalim’s parents had bribed Crowley like?? What about the hypnotized students; Everyone is out there partying in the oasis while the students are…passed out somewhere? I feel like, learning that their vice leader was the cause of their hell, the students would freaking riot? And seriously, this is the second time NRC has broadcasted some drama crazy (first being Leona’s ob as it was during the live competition, right?), is nobody questioning where Crowley is? Even if it is break! I need more info before we just jump into Epel running away with Vil and Rook on the hunt for him 😭 Book 5 is Pomefiore, so while the Scarabian duo will be there to help and stuff, they and their story aren’t the focus anymore…
I will say, seeing the ADeuce duo rush to help made my heart skip lol. I just love these fools so much! And seeing Lilia was great tho I felt bad for Malleus. Plus Deuce thinking he made Epel cry was a fun sight. And Rook 🖤 From his vignettes to Beanfest 2, he’s so extravagantly mysterious and I can’t wait to know him more. Already think I love him most in that dorm ahhhh
Hello Anonie 🌺🌸💕,
Not going to lie, but I absolutely agree with you on that aspect. The ending while great felt rushed to me. And yes, the whole issue with Jamil and the others at the end was glossed over too quick.
Some of your questions will be answered in chapter 5, and while they might not be the main focus anymore. We will get some Scarabia resolution in it. Especially where it concerns the broadcast and a few other things.
When it comes to the other scarabia students and their reactions, there was a time skip during winter break. So, I’m assuming they healed up. 😅 well, I hope they did lol
You’ll learn more about Jamil and his position in chapter 5 and in a later event. Leona’s OB, the whole crowd stampede happened before his ob. So that wasn’t filmed I believe.
And for where is Crowley….do you know that game? The Where is Waldo? Yeah that’s Crowley, he’s the test version of that lolol
Ace and deuce is precious I love them. Chapter 4 and 5 really cemented my love for them and 6.
I know poor malleus 😭😭😭 I feel so bad for him. And lilia always has a way of making my heart skip a beat lolol
Rook is a great character 👏👏 One of my absolute favorites! I wonder if you will still like him by the end of chapter 5 👀👀 and chapter 6 rook is hilarious and epic.
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