#time for jun oooof
witchwhaat · 1 year
okay i'm back, men's fs part three 😳
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kwon-eunbi · 2 years
No, that sounds so interesting! How many languages do you speak then? I graduated a while back, but I also got a degree in language and social sciences, it’s so much harder than people think. Like yeah there’s the speaking part of it, but it was around my third weekend in the departmental library getting ready for an oral project in a language not spoken since 900 that I really wondered what I was doing there. How did you get into informational sciences? What’s your favorite class you’re taking (or have taken if this term’s dull)?
I don’t know if you know A.C.E at all, but Jun covered “12:45” about a year ago and I annoyed everyone with my insistence that this is IT this song has PEAKED no one else even BOTHER trying to cover it, but then Wooyoung dropped his and I was like OKAY they can SHARE IT. (The fact that they’re both short kings makes it even better) He’s really got the vocals and is so underappreciated for it.
“Inception” was so good! I know they were teasing “Guerilla” era at the end of the “Answer” video, but in the end I’m glad that was delayed (San’s vocal growth especially over those two years), and that we got something as good as “Inception” as their first derailed-by-covid-comeback. Hongjoong with his blue hair and little half skirts was truly exceptional. And “Say My Name” was also truly Such An Era omg Wooyoung in his little cropped fur jacket go baby go.
It sounds like you like their more melodic songs, what did you think of the tonal shift into “Guerilla”?
I started watching Lucifer, but fell off when I didn’t have time, if it’s good I’ll check it out again! Recently I’ve just been rereading books I loved when I was about fourteen and getting entirely different experiences out of them now. Mostly Discworld, but also quite a bit of Salinger and Rilke, and right now I’m rereading Water for Elephants on the bus every morning.
Sorry to write a whole essay, but I hope you have a wonderfully restful weekend~
i mean it is interesting, but i'm just tired of the constant assignments and studying lmaoo. well i do speak two fluently (croatian, my native language, and english), but i do know swedish and german well. i also do know some korean but i definitely need to work on it more haha.
ohhhh wait did you study latin? tbh i loved latin, i had it for two years in high school. but social sciences sounds really interesting, and i definitely agree, it really isn't as easy as people think, especially when you're majoring in certain language you also need to learn everything about the language and the country and culture, not just the language. and well information sciences... actually i thought i'd have some programming subjects but i was wrong about that lmaoo but i can go to become a librarian from it (which i really hope i'll get in) since that is one of the careers i did always want. honestly all subjects this term are boring af.... but i think the ones i liked the most were swedish in the first two semsters and web design basics (which was kinda easy for me since i learned the basics of coding on my own lmao). what about you tho? how many languages can you speak?
ohh yes i do know a.c.e but i didn't know he covered it omg, i'll have to check it out! and sooo true.
yes yes i couldn't agree more! and yes hongjoong in say my name era was def sth else. honestly that era is so iconic! and to think it was only a few months after their debut...KINGS!! and ikrr wooyoungs jacket and the hair and that specific line he has in the chorus oooof forever obsessed with it
yeahh i do like more melodic songs but i did love guerilla! honestly i'm a fan of everything they release. whatever they put out i will devour hahah. but i do like their songs that are more like answer and treasure and inception. wbu tho? what songs of theirs do you like?
ohhh i definitely recommend continuing lucifer. s5 fell off of a bit but it was still good nonetheless. ohhhh i hope you enjoyed rereading them! honestly i was thinking of rereading some of my favorites too (it's not like i don't have a huge tbr list lmaoo) that's not just heartstopper which i reread idek how many times already in the past 3 years lmao
and dw, i love when people talk to me <3 even tho idek who you are yet hahah but i do apologize for even a longer essay in response hahah and i hope you have a good and restful weekend too <333
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“Here,” Mingyu murmurs, sliding Vernon a chocolate bar from across the table. For the fleeting moment they make eye contact, Mingyu can see the aching fear and sadness that’s taken a hold of the younger’s eternally-smiling face. His heart sinks as Vernon just shakes his head and slides it back, curling his knees into his chest.
A warm hand rests on Mingyu’s shoulder, and instantly, the tension he’d been carrying in his neck and upper back dissipates. “It’ll be okay. Just give him some time,” Minghao says quietly, eyes flickering back and forth from Vernon’s slumped figure to Mingyu’s distraught face.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to sleep?” Jun says from a few tables away. “I mean,” he laughs bitterly, gesturing toward the mall’s main hallway, “We’ve already lost two people just from someone turning around for a split second. At this rate, if we all go to sleep, we’ll wake up with five people missing.”
Jeonghan rubs at his eyes frustratedly. “Yes, but how productive do you think we’re going to be if we’re running on no sleep? We’ll have zero energy to search for Seungkwan and Chan.”
“We could take turns,” Seokmin hums between bites of tortilla chips. “Those of us who are tired can sleep, and those of us who aren’t can keep looking around, and then we can switch.”
Jihoon purses his lips in thought, rolling the piece of paper he’d found earlier between his fingers. “I like that,” he shrugs. “But we’ll need someone to keep watch over the group who’s sleeping.”
“Jun, I’ll keep watch with you, if you want,” Wonwoo says softly.
Junhui takes a closer look at Wonwoo’s worn face, frowning at the obvious tear tracks staining his cheeks. If he knows anything about Jeon Wonwoo, it’s that he’s unnecessarily hard on himself, and behind the cold exterior and sarcastic remarks lies an extremely fragile interior. “Thanks,” he nods before studying the rest of the group. If they were tense before, they’re unnervingly blank now.
“All right, who’s staying here?” Minghao asks. Junhui, Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Vernon, Joshua, and Jeonghan raise their hands. “Okay, the rest of you,” he sighs, looking over at the other half of the group, “Don’t do anything stupid. Keep in touch with each other and don’t go anywhere alone.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Seokmin smiles halfheartedly. He turns to the others and nods vigorously in an attempt to not only give hope to his friends, but to himself. “Let’s go.”
Lips tightly pressed together and brows furrowed, Seungcheol watches the boys tepidly venture into the rest of the mall, huddling together in a small mass like fish in an ocean. Under different circumstances, he would chuckle and shake his head at the ragtag group of friends, but now he just feels numb. If Seungkwan wasn’t enough to break him, Chan was. “Wonwoo,” Seungcheol breathes, casting a dark glare in said man’s direction, “Can we talk for a minute?”
A few moments of silence pass between them, the stares of the people around intensifying the heat in Seungcheol’s eyes to the point where Wonwoo is sure he’s about to burn. “I guess,” comes the cold reply. He knows far too well what happens when you fight Seungcheol’s fire with fire. Luckily, Wonwoo’s specialty is ice.
Reluctantly, he stands up from his chair and follows Seungcheol to the opposite end of the food court for a little bit more privacy. When they arrive, the older points at the ground, silently commanding Wonwoo to take a seat against the wall.
“You know,” Seungcheol starts, sliding his back down against the wall and mimicking Wonwoo’s stiff sitting position, “Chan really looked up to you. To him, you were like,” he clicks his tongue and shakes his head ruefully, “The big brother he never had. He’d always come yapping to me about how cool you are, and how good you are at everything, and how you complimented his shoes… I wish I had been able to tell him to what you’d end up doing to him when I had the chance.“
Slowly and almost mechanically, Wonwoo turns his head to face the other, a deadly scowl etched on his face. “Are you seriously implying that I did it?” he asks, voice low and steady.
“Well you certainly had the most motive, to make me look bad.”
“You really think I would hurt Chan just to make you look bad,” Wonwoo repeats, hoping that if Seungcheol hears it aloud again, he’ll realize how ridiculous he sounds.
Seungcheol shrugs. “I wouldn’t put it past you, given what you’ve done to me.”
At that, Wonwoo’s hands curl into fists and anger courses through his veins. “How many times to I have to tell you that I had nothing to do with it.” Wonwoo hisses through gritted teeth. “I’m not my dad. Look, I’m sorry he fired your dad. I really am. But none of it was my decision at all.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to tell everyone!”
“For the last time, I didn’t tell anyone!”
The shorter man jabs a finger into Wonwoo’s chest, causing the other to stumble backwards. “Then how is it that everyone in our group found out, huh?! No one would have known but you!”
“I don’t know!” Wonwoo grunts, sitting back upright. “Maybe it was the fact that you dropped out of Pembroke Academy in the middle of the year? Or the fact that you ‘mysteriously’ lost your Rolex? And maybe whoever was curious checked my dad’s website and saw your dad’s name was removed? I don’t know! But I swear I had nothing to do with it, just like I had nothing to do with Seungkwan and Chan! I just don’t understand how can you blame me for their disappearance because of something so insignificant!”
Seungcheol opens his mouth to speak, but finds the words catch in his throat. “Insignificant,” he chokes. “Insignificant?!” He rises to his feet, towering above Wonwoo’s seated figure and leers down at him. “My entire life was shattered before my eyes! I went from driving a Porsche to taking the bus, living in a huge house on the lake to living in a tiny apartment, having a butler to scrubbing dishes to make ends meet! And you call that insignificant?!”
“I-“ Wonwoo stammers, standing up to meet Seungcheol’s height, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like-“
“Maybe it’s a difficult concept to grasp when you have billions in your bank account. But just know that this whole group’s downfall rests solely on your shoulders, Prince Wonwoo.” He spits out the younger’s name like it’s acid, making an effort to shove Wonwoo’s shoulder into the wall before storming away.
Wonwoo just stands there, stunned. He feels his fingers and toes go numb as Seungcheol’s words grate at his brain over and over, like a broken record. Maybe it is his fault, he wonders. Maybe Seungcheol’s right, and his position makes him unable to see the reality of things. Maybe he accidentally let something regarding Seungcheol’s dad’s unemployment slip to one of their friends and word caught on. He doesn’t want to consider that, but he’s one to completely absorb any and all blame, regardless of whether it’s rightfully his.
A quick glance to his right, and there’s Joshua, always a valued source of comfort. “Hey, Josh,” he sighs, eyes downcast.
“Look,” Joshua says, gently turning Wonwoo’s cheek to look him in the eye. “Don’t take what Cheol said too hard. People say things they don’t mean out of fear, anger, and stress, and I think right now, it’s safe to say he’s experiencing all three.”
All Wonwoo can do is nod weakly.
“For the record, I don’t think you did it. Any of it. It’s not right, but that’s just how he deals with his emotions. Just be kind and understanding to him, and eventually he’ll realize he’s in the wrong. He’s just,” Joshua swallows, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, “He’s so scared. We all are.”
“I know,” Wonwoo whispers.
Joshua blinks the burgeoning tears away and steps back, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder. “I think we should get some rest if there’s any hope of us finding those two. You look so tired.”
part 4 of the dead mall series <prev | next>
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(a/n) oooof im sorry this part was so long !! but now, hopefully, you have some more backstory as to the boys’ dynamic! i really love hearing all your theories, and i appreciate all of the kind words more than you know !! thank you for your support… although, the boys need it more than i do…
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gyujihan-moved · 5 years
it's alright! i honestly don't mind waiting and i'm glad to know that you've had a productive week (because i didn't lol) 😅 what do you mean "like this". do you have any guesses? 😁 im curious. "fake nostalgic" 😂😂😂 ok that made me laugh. i'll probably start using that term from now on. yes thank goodness everything's online so you were able to catch up. tbh if it were me, i would have given up because there's just too damn many things to catch up on 😩 - 💎 anon
yes omg 190628 was a spoiler for their current concept hahaha have you seen watched their mcountdown & mubank live performances? i hope you did so you can suffer with the rest of us. both their outfits and the choreo were 💯🔥👌 even until now i’m speechless. what about you? what do you think of their performance? yes yes eys ye sys i think everyone’s waiting for him to grow his hair long again. lets just hope that he doesn’t get it trimmed any time soon 😭 i miss his long locks too. - 💎 anon
ma’am i have no clue about your identity 😭😭 you talked about your bias like it was easy for me to find you, but let me tell you what, i’ve been on carat tumblr for a few weeks, that’d be like looking for a needle in a haystack lksldkjldfsjfkdfjdk
i don’t think the day i won’t have any svt to catch up will come, i’ll stumble upon many stages and interviews i’ve never seen to end of my days lmao. i watched the basic-iconic-content and now i just wake up feeling some dwc and watch random videos from al1 era that day lol slowly but surely we’re getting there
oooof i even watched mubank live yesterday, i was SO excited after the mcd stage! camera ppl were on point, the outfits………… all 13 members coming for me this comeback,,,,,, *gyu’s voice* i’m so tired i’m so tired i’m sO TIRED JOSHUA IS MAD BEAUTIFUL WONU LOOKS SO HYPED AND HAPPY CENTER JUN IS EVERYTHING TO ME i refuse to talk about mingyu and soonyoung and woozi is a genius
second verse caught me of guard omg jeonghao part is so gorgeusssss, boo was included so WELL, it’s like that was the og choreo (i don’t know if it was adapted, but considering it was, it didn’t feel like), it was so fluid and added variety to the whole performance T.T  for some reason, the second chorus felt reminiscent of their previous choreos?? can’t pinpoint yet why 🤔
i love they gave a few let me drop the eumak lines to dk so he could get nice close ups. will they ever let a detail slide, man, i guess not in this lifetime 🤧the way they put jihan in both dance breaks…. oh svt, we’re on the same wavelength, this is big brain energy
thank you for this opportunity to ramble, please feel free do to it as well even if it takes 564312 messages, if you’re in the mood ofc (ALSO let me know your fave joshuji, i’m still curious lol)
let’s finish with
trimming his hair a lil bit (to help its growing!!) is alright ig. i hate to admit it came to this point, but if jeonghan cuts his hair anytime soon….. i won’t be able to cope with that
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