#tim stoker asks
ask-tim-stoker · 20 hours
he y please don’t ki ll my d ad:(
I'm not gonna kill him, exactly. Don't worry about that, Ellery. I'm just going to maime him a little
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Hey hey hey you’re the fire guy
Do you want to play with thermite with me
that I am!
what is that
(pretend this is on the other blog)
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aru-art · 10 months
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long time no tma, here's the archival gang in my friends' & i's outfits :]
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occudo · 7 months
So if Jon and Georgie are swapped in the au, then I assume what happens with Melanie in the og happens to Martin, right? Or does anything play out differently in the au with Martin?
Well, I don't plan to follow Melanie's plot (like- it would involve killing off the alternative archive staff, and that's just no) in my mind Martin's story would look more like this:
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reegis · 1 year
May we see what would happen if Jon archivist and Jonny switched places for a day?
what one more kidnapping, eh Jon?
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snekberry · 2 years
Okay, but the way you draw F!Jon makes him look like he’s got pointy little non-canonical vampire teeth
Past Tim finding out F!Jon has pointy teeth and immediately asking his Jon if that’s why he never smiles
Your comic gives much brain rot thank you
I gave Future!Jon fangs for purely self-indulgent reasons honestly. Maybe he needs them to munch on statements.
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so what is martins reaction of leitntners death like when he finds out abt the dead body hes like elis :/
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he's just so tired already.
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
For the sake of the t-boys, am I allowed to request a Timothy Stoker? Absolutely deVOURING your artstyle holy cow!!! /nf
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Design is subject to change but here 😭😭😭
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the-magnusinstitute · 2 months
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Guys, this is not the proper channel to go through, I am not equipped to be dealing with Tim Stoker enjoyers at 8 in the am. I’ll hand the phone to Tim and let him take this one.
Hi guys mwah mwah mwah love you !!!!!! :3333
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mossiistars · 10 months
hello. i am decimal anon (new here). perchance i see. a little bit. tim. and. sasha. perhaps kiessing?
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this has been sitting in my inbox for a while, sorry for only just getting to it! here's your (overdue) timsasha :)
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fox-guardian · 2 years
it will never not fuck me up that what happened to Danny stoker is never. NEVER. referred to as a death.
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[ID: A section of the MAG 104 transcript reading: "[Bitterly] Statement of Timothy Stoker, on the disappearance of… of my brother, Danny, four years ago. June 14th, 2017." end id]
Tim's statement was about his disappearance, not his death.
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[ID: Two sections of TMA transcripts. The first is from MAG 104 reading: "let me tell you what. If you want me to ignore everything that’s going on, forget my brother and everything that’s happened over" and the second is from MAG 119 reading: "NIKOLA: Once. A long time ago, before Orsinov made me. And sometimes, even now, for special occasions. Like your brother. [distorted] SHALL I?" end ID]
Tim asks Elias if he wants him to forget "his brother". Nikola says she still goes as Grimaldi for special occasions, "like your brother". Never once during his statement does Tim mention Danny dying. No one ever calls it a death. For Tim, you could say it was denial, or at least say that he couldn't bear to speak it out loud. For Nikola, you could just say that's just how she talks.
But then there's the fact that Nikola had said this to Jon in ep 101
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[ID: A section of the MAG 101 transcript reading: "ORSINOV: Oh, don’t worry, it’s not for you. You won’t even need a coffin – we’re going to use every piece of you." end ID]
she was going to skin him, but would still find a use for the rest of him. presumably, she treats most, if not all of her other victims this way. but what, praytell, could that use possibly be?
perhaps mr archive man has an answer for us
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[ID: A section of the MAG 118 transcript reading: "fill with waxworks. And I guess you don’t need skin to sing. (shaky breath) To join the choir." end ID]
ANYWAY with all this together it is going to Drive Me To The Brink Of Madness that it's implied that Danny, in some form or another, was still Alive at the unknowing. he didn't die that wednesday night in august when Tim had last seen him, oh no. he was still alive.
likely all the way up until the unknowing.
until Tim.... i shan't say
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ask-tim-stoker · 23 hours
Hey loser
Thought you died? the heck's up with that lmao
-melanie @ghosts-of-wars-past
oh hey Melanie
yeah apparently Im an avatar of the fuckin desolation
I have plans to cremate Elias alive
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HI! I've created a Tim Stoker askblog, @ask-tim-stoker (name may change. it's early and I'm tired.) SPAM that shit please!
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okay okay my thoughts on this is basically
when martin and tim find out sasha's been dead for months, they make a small memorial for her (i'm not sure where the location is- for some reason i'm imagining the tunnels?? idk)
it consisted of things they knew was given to them before prentiss's attack, and things they'd found in her desk that they knew they'd given to her. martin left what he was pretty sure was her favorite mug, and tim left most of the gifts she'd given to him over the years - including a pair of mittens she'd crocheted for him.
martin ends up telling melanie about it after she accuses them of not remembering to mourn her, and melanie leaves one of her books there - one that she remembers was a favorite between both her and sasha.
jon's told about the memorial by melanie after he removes the ghost bullet, and he goes to visit it. he leaves the gifts sasha gave him, like tim and martin did. he also leaves a polaroid he found in not!sasha's desk, a picture that contained the real version of sasha. he gets some flowers too, thinking of how it's practically tradition to leave flowers on someones...grave?
once, he even spotted martin visiting it again, talking to her. he left, if only out of respect for martins privacy.
and somehow, even after the apocalypse, melanie and basira still find it in the wreckage of the institute.
i imagine helen generally leaves it alone and doesn't mess with it - martin and melanie will find a way to fuck her up if she does.
elias finds it best to just leave it alone, not willing to bear the consequences of upsetting a grieving archival unit.
after the panopticon, the photos and withered flowers are the very few things left in the rubble of the institute.
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occudo · 2 months
not an ask, I just wanted to say that I've reread your Gertrude is still around AU and realised just how amazing it is to watch your art style progress and get more and more refined! it's fascinating and it makes me so happy and i had to tell you <3 (I am also not exaggerating when I say that your art gives me instant happy chemicals and that your AUs all live rent free in my head)
thanks for sharing this with us 💙
Thank you so much! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ngl, it's kind of jarring for me to look back the first few chapters... especially with Jon - and his horrible orange-y skin (curse of my old laptop bad color display TT-TT ) , same thing with Sasha
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transalfredpennyworth · 10 months
jon is dating martin romantically except martin has a weird aromantic thing going on i cant explain. jon is queerplatonic partners with gerry, gerry goes to jmarts apartment a lot that he basically lives there. gerry isnt qp with martin but ????? something ??????? dont know cant explain. they live together idk. care about each other a lot, not in the same way martin does for jon or gerry does for jon but something specific to them. martin and tim hook up sometimes for funises. tim and sasha are also queerplatonic partners with jmart. sasha is aromantic and tim is alloromantic this is very very important to me. martin and annabelle are queerantagonistic partners. annabelle, jude, mike and oliver are friends. gerry is bookburning-friends with agnes, jon is also part of the bookburning club
elias and peter have a weird aromantic thing going on and i cant explain it in words but its there. heart <3
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