#till eventually it starts fucking with their work because they look at it and just think
Online matchup 11
Summery: Jason said he was going to be out of town, but that doesn’t stop Red Hood from checking in once in a while. But there are more pressing matters Y/n is dealing with, and Y/n has live with what they learned and they’re not sure how to handle it.
Warning: fluff I think, swearing, reader is having a crisis anyways. So is Jason.
A/N: I’m trying to get my rhythm back after everything went to shit, so I am starting with a new chapter of this. Hope you like it, it’s the only thing I finished before everything happened with my mother-in-law. And don’t worry, I still plan on posting the other ficus I promised, I’m just trying not to overwhelm myself. Also, this was 100% inspired the new arc of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures on webtoon
Master list
Taglist: @teapartydreams @adorabluesposts
March 14
How goes it with Jason?
Why do you have the need to keep my number?
Because one day we will meet, and we will have to be friends
Because of Jason?
Because of Jason
But this way, we can get ahead of the game
And I don’t have to pretend to like you for I will already like you when that day comes
You’re so weird
Yeah but aren’t we all a little weird in our own way?
I guess
Answer my question
So demanding
Just ask Jason
He is your friend
Yeah, but he doesn’t like talking about personal things while working
So you’re going to get information from me?
What makes you think I’ll answer?
I could always ask Conner
Why would he know about my relationship?
He’s dating your sister
And he is friends with with Tim
You’re right
Always am
Mm, I don’t think so
But things with Jason is good
We’ve aired out our worries and continue to see each other regularly
Why’d that feel threatening?
Your friend Roy is something else
When the fuck did you meet Roy?
Technically I haven’t physically met him
But Conner made a group chat the other week and he was in it?
And now he has taken to texting me
It’s wild
This was not how I wanted the two of you to meet
It is what it is
My mom always said I needed more friends
I doubt this is how she wanted that to happen
It is what it is
Don’t be too mad
I’m not
You guys were bound to meet eventually
Just not like this
Yeah but that’s okay
I kind of like Roy
Though sometimes it feels like he’s threatening me when he talks
But other then that he’s okay
Nice to know that you have other options in the dating world if this doesn’t work out
Okay I wouldn’t go that far
He’s nice and all
But I’m not the type of person to go after my ex’s best friend
I’m just saying
So am I
I mean, there’s always Red Hood you could go after
I have many regrets
And telling you my crush on him is the biggest one
I think it’s cute
I think it’s unattainable
Maybe, maybe not
What’s that suppose to mean?
Nothing you need to worry about
Okay, well now I’m worried
Mm, well that’s to bad
On an unrelated note,
I might be a little distant for a bit
Got stuff I need to work on
So our dinner date has to be on pause till I get back.
We had a dinner date?
I love how that’s your takeaway from that
Well I mean
I feel like that’s something I would remember
I didn’t ask you, did I?
That seems to be the case
Well, I guess I’ll have to ask you when I get back
There’s a thump outside your window that has you looking up from your book. You freeze, waiting for something to happen. When nothing happens, you go back to your book.
Before you can focus on the words, you hear something from beyond your window. Head snapping to it, you narrow your eyes as if you could see through it.
When the sounds kept coming, so did your curiosity. Sighing, you set the book down and pushed your blankets as you got off the bed to investigate.
Drawing the curtains open, you come face to face with someone you thought you'd never see again. You blinked a few times to see if you were seeing things. But you weren't and it was Red Hood that sat on your fire escape.
Opening your window, you leaned out to see what he was doing better. He wasn't injured but he was heaving. Like he was running from something.
"Come here often?" you asked once your assessment was done. You watched in amusement as he jumped slightly, hand hovering over his holster as he turned around
“Why are you awake so late at night?" he asked instead. You shrugged and rested your chin on your hand.
"Wasn't tired," you answered, eyes straying down to the streets below when you heard shouts. "So, I thought you usually fight thugs. You don't seem to be the hiding type."
Red Hood shrugged and relaxed, leaning back on the wall. "Don't really feel like fighting tonight. Figured Batman can have this one.”
"I thought you hated him," you said, surprised.
"Love hate relationship I guess."
Silence fell as you watched the Gotham night bustle with life, enjoying the sounds. "You hungry or something?" you asked, and could see the hesitation when he realized that he'd have to remove the helmet. "I can turn my back if you’re more comfortable with that," you suggested. At his nod, you stood and beelined to the kitchen. Once the food was plated and warmed, you grabbed a water bottle and walked back.
"It isn't much, but at least it's something,” you said as you handed the food over. He granted and you turned around. Sitting on the floor back leaning against the window. You heard the click and hiss coming from behind. Though you were curious to see what his face looked like, you promised not to peak.
"So, do you feed everyone who stops on your fire escape or am I just special?" he asked around a mouthful of food. Your checks warmed and was very glad that he couldn't see.
"Only the ones I like,” you teased.
"That implies you have visitors," he pointed out.
"And if I do?”
"Then you should be worried." You snorted, hugging your knees to your chest.
"I'm on the sixth floor. I don't know who would come to my window.”
“Didn't stop me.”
"Guess you’re just special."
"So, should I be worried once your boyfriend gets home?" Red Hood asked when there was a lull in the conversation. You hummed and rested your chin on your knees
"I don't think so,” you answered, "I live alone."
"So no boyfriend? Or girlfriend?"
"No girlfriend," you confirmed, "I'm not sure if he's my boyfriend.”
Jason's heart leapt in his chest, and he rubbed his chest with nerves. "Sounds complicated."
"Not complicated,” you hummed, "I mean, I would like to call him my boyfriend but we've been talking and we've been on a couple of dates. But we haven't talked about what we are. Which is fine, I don't need a label to tell me how I feel about him."
"How do you feel about him?" he asked when you trailed off.
"I really really like him. And I trust him a lot too, and I could see myself falling in love with him. I just need to trust myself, you know? I'm just afraid to fuck it up with him. Like, I have his heart in my hands and I'm afraid l'Il break it. His been through so much and I don't want to be added on to list of how I fucked it up."
Jason's heart went out to you, and could understand where you were coming from. He is on the same boat as you.
"Sounds like this is a conversation you need to have with him," he said, voice a little rough. He cleared his throat and you nodded. "Not with some vigilante." You let out a wet laugh, and wiped your eyes when you realized you were crying.
“Yeah, guess you're right," you said. "Sorry for putting that all on you. You might have some relationship problems of your own."
"I wouldn't say that," he muttered, and you could hear movement from behind you. Once you heard the familiar click, you moved to sit on your knees and turned around, leaning your forearms on the window sill. "Thanks for the food.”
"Wasn't much but thanks for listening to a random cizitians worries.”
“It's what we do," he said, getting a genuine laugh from you and Jason smiled.
One of his favourite sounds and he'll never get tired of it. He gave you a two finger salute and ran down the stairs.
You stood up and watched as he disappeared. You bit your lip to keep from smiling and leaned out the window to grab the dishes. He was an interesting person, you had to admit
And if you meet him again well you wouldn't be opposed to that.
And meet him you did.
Three days later, you're in your room finishing some homework when you hear a thud outside your window. Setting your books aside, you crawl off your bed and towards your window. You opened your window with a smile. “One would think you're here to- holy shit! Are you okay?" you exclaimed when you saw his bleeding arm.
Red Hood looked up and you could feel the scowl behind his helmet. "Are you ever sleeping?"
"Do you ever not get hurt while being a hero?" you shot back. He bristled and nodded in satisfaction when he didn’t respond. “Are you okay though? That looks like it hurts.”
“Fine,” he grunted, “just a graze.”
“Just a graze,’ he says while bleeding,” you mocked, giving him a look. "You've been shot at, forgive me if I don't believe you.”
"Believe what you like. I don't care."
"Well someone's grumpy," you said and opened the way. “Come, let’s get that fixed before you bleed to death.”
“Are you always this sarcastic?" he asked, but didn't move. You stepped back and put your hands on your hips and raised an eyebrow.
"I don't bite," you answered, and quirked your lip. "Unless asked."
"I'll take that as a yes," he said with a laugh. Shaking his head, he ducked through the window with a groan. "You don't strike me as someone who invites people over,” he said, looking around the room as he followed you.
“I'm not, this is just repaying you for saving my life a couple of months ago." You gestured towards the chair as you went to the bathroom. "Have a seat. I'll be back.” After rummaging through your bathroom, you found the first aid kit and came back to find Red Hood sitting with his jacket off.
You pulled a chair closer to him, and set the kit down before opening it. "It’s going to sting a bit," you warned, and he only grunted. "Okay then," you said and started cleaning the bullet wound. "Good news, you don't need stitches."
"Bad news?" he asked and you startled, not expecting him to say anything.
"It might scar but I doubt it."
“What’s one more scar?” he questioned and you eyed him after you taped the gauze. “What?”
“Nothing,” you said, averting your gaze back to his arm. You rolled down his sleeve, only to give your hands something to do. “Hurt anywhere else?”
“Nah, that was the best of it,” he said and crossed his arms. “Are you a nurse or something?”
“Or something,” you answered. You’re unsure how you know, but you know that he’s giving you a flat look. “Engineer student,” you said with a little wave. “I happen to get injuries a lot, and instead of going to the doctors, I learned to treat myself properly. It’s come in handy a few times.”
“So you know how to do stitches?”
You shook your head and leaned back into the chair. “In theory, sure. But I’ve never had to do them. I’ve always gone to the doctors if I need them.”
“Guess I could be your practice dummy,” he mused and you leaned over slightly to poke his side.
“Don’t even think about it,” you said, poking him again. To which he slapped your hand away. “I’m not going to be responsible for scaring Red Hood even more.”
“I think if it came from you, I think I wouldn’t mind.”
Flushing, you turned away from him and sniffed. “Well regardless, this is a one time thing. Don’t expect it to happen again.”
Except it did.
Over the course of the week, Red Hood would come by unexpectedly. Whether to hide out from his partners, or in need of a nurse that he felt safe coming to you or simply to talk to someone.
And each night you sat in your room, waiting. It was never the same time but always early enough that you wouldn’t be going to sleep late. Despite your messed up sleep schedule, Red Hood was determined to fix it.
And every night, your feelings grew a little more. But you never acted on them, your heart belonged to Jason, even if you hadn’t realized it yet.
March 22
Y/n (10:20 am)
So you know that crush I have on red hood?
The one that you squashed after falling for Jason?
Yes I remember
It came back full force
I think I’m in love
Y/n I swear
It’ll go away eventually
And how?
You’ve never met him
I’ve met him twice
The only time you’ll meet a hero or whatever is if one you’re a criminal or two you need help
And I doubt it’s the first one
I can be a criminal if I wanted too
Yeah but your too nice and in love to be one
Anyways, I’ve meet him and the second time we’ve talked
He’s nice
You can not fall for people who are nice y/n
That’s how you get hurt
What about Jason?
I think he’s different
The both of you have been hurt too many times and you both know that
So you’re taking the time to get to know each othere
When’d you get so wise?
Someone had to when you moved out
Listen here you little shit
I’m listening
You know what would be funny?
If Jason turned out to be Red Hood
Ha! You fell for the same dude twice
Why would you say that?
It’s a JOKE
Conner (1:30 pm)
It was a JOKE
It’s not like you actually are
Holy shit
It was suppose to be a joke
You don’t say
Why’d you even say it anyways?
She started it
Telling me that Jason could be red hood
And that I fell for him twice
Which is insane
Absolutely insane
Doesn’t have a reason to be him anyways
I mean RH is mean and not really a hero, you know?
Who shoots at people and almost kills them?
That's not Jason at all
Jason’s sweet and caring and the total opposite of RH
I’m telling Jason you think he’s sweet and caring
I can see why he likes you
You’re both the same
Sweet and caring?
Go away
Your dating my sister
Your stuck with me forever
Or until we break up
But then you'll die :)
somehow, that smiley face makes it worst
You hated your sister. Like sure, you love her and any given time you wouldn't mind talking to her. But at this moment while you were pacing your room. You really hated your sister.
You know what would be funny? . If Jason turned out to be Red Hood. Ha! You fell for the same dude twice.
You couldn't stop thinking about her words, and your curiosity ran too deep for you to leave it alone. You opened your laptop ready to go snooping on Batman's computer but you stopped yourself and started pacing.
"If Jason wanted me to know, he’d tell me, right?" you asked out loud. "But then again, he wouldn't tell me because he isn't Red Hood." Turning, you walked back, hands moving in front of you.
"But then again, if he was him then he had good reasons for not telling me." Turn, walk. "But if it is him, does that mean the whole family's a hero family?" you questioned and groaned. "Oh! That would make sense. All those nights helping his brothers with something.”
Turn, walk. “It would be so embarrassing if he was. All the things I said to Red Hood about Jason. And vide versa,” you said in realization. You stopped walking and covered your face with your hands. “The conversation I should have had with Jason instead of Red Hood. Plus I told him I had a crush on Red Hood! Oh no!
“And if he is actually Red Hood, it would be an invasion of privacy if I look into it.”
You stared at your laptop as you chewed your lip in thought. "Fuck it," you said, and dived onto the bed. Moving your laptop to your lap, you began typing away praying that Batman doesn't notice your presence.
Once entering the back door you created, you began your search. It didn't take long to find what you were looking for and you spent the next twenty minutes reading everything Batman had on Red Hood
You closed your computer and fell back onto your bed, covered your face with your hands in defeat. Why? Why couldn't you leave well enough alone? Why did you have to let your curiosity run wild? And why did you have to listen to your sister? Questions you didn't know the answers to, and none were important. There was only one that needed an answer.
What are you going to do now that you know the truth?
You couldn't talk to anyone about it, and the one person you could, doesn’t know that you know.
Sitting back down, you opened your laptop with the intention of getting rid of the backdoor to Batman's computer. Just as you were deleting it, something caught your attention.
Still not knowing better, you followed it and covered your mouth in shock.
The Joker was out, and he was on the hunt.
Y/n (2:23 am)
I hope your doing okay
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theshadowrealmitself · 6 months
Thoughts rn: a Vulcan sitting down at their desk after their Human spouse visited them at work and seeing a new picture frame containing one of the photos from their wedding/bonding ceremony and they decide to just keep it there
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corkinavoid · 25 days
DPxDC When You Are Suddenly Dating a Princess
This prompt is a variation of good!GIW AU (read here), but that's an excuse because I just wanted badass Jasmine Fenton and her good boy Jason Todd.
The voice catches him off-guard. Not because he doesn't know it, no, quite on the opposite - he knows that voice very well, he's just heard it this morning when his beautiful girlfriend kissed him on the cheek and left for work.
It's just that he didn't expect to hear it at a closed auction full of magic artifacts, two states away from Gotham, and in a room full of rich-ass people from all around the world.
He turns around.
Jazz is looking at him with an expression of pleasant surprise, black off-shoulder silk dress with teal accents draping her figure all the way down to the floor - it's kind of reminiscent of Greek togas, with high waist and lots of folds on the skirt. It also makes his girlfriend look even taller than she is, which, Jason is fairly certain, was intentional.
She is also wearing a necklace on her neck, and just by one look at it, Jason knows that it costs at least five times more than the apartment they live in.
"Jazz?" He breathes out, astonished, but then catches himself and puts on a smile, "You look stunning." This is not the time to argue or ask questions; he is on a mission. And it's a time sensitive one, so no matter how curious he is, it can wait till later. They do live together, after all.
"Thank you," the girl smiles, and then briefly turns her head to a tall man in a very expensive dark blue suit standing beside her, "If you excuse me," she nods with an apologetic smile in the corner of her lips, and the man smiles back and takes a step away. Meanwhile, Jazz approaches Jason and casually places a hand on his elbow.
"Mind telling me what are you doing here?" She questions, and, wait, that was supposed to be his line! Jason blinks and shakes his head, snapping out of his stupor.
He can't exactly say, 'Constantine asked Batman for a favor because he knows the man is rich as fuck, so now Jason has to either buy or steal an ancient dagger for some bullshit magic ritual because he was the only one free tonight and John really needs that dagger and that ritual and Bruce owes him a favor, unfortunately'. Jazz doesn't know he is a vigilante/crime lord in redemption. She might suspect he is - that girl is perceptive on par with mind readers - but Jason never straightforwardly told her, and she never brought it up herself.
So, instead, he goes, "Sightseeing."
Jazz raises one eyebrow and pointedly looks around the dimly lit room full of magic users, rich collectors, socialites, and other shady individuals. Jason keeps smiling. Eventually, the redhead sighs and looks away, taking a step forward and guiding him through the auction at a leisurely pace.
"Looking for anything in particular?" She tries again, and Jason debates if he should answer her. On one hand, his head is buzzing with thousands of questions, starting with 'how did you even make it here when your shift at Arkham ended two hours ago' and finishing with 'to which group of shady individuals do you belong'. On the other hand, she clearly does belong here if her confident posture and outfit are taken into account.
And she is his girlfriend. Has been one for two years now. Maybe it's time to share some secrets.
"An obsidian knife with an owl on the handle," he finally says, and Jazz hums.
"A Tecpatl?" She clarifies, and Jason doesn't even feel that surprised by her sudden knowledge of Aztec culture. He nods. Jazz gives him a thoughtful glance, "And how important is it for you to have it?"
"To the point where I'm prepared to steal it if I have to," he laughs, but judging by the look on Jazz's face, she gets that he is only half-joking. She narrows her eyes at him:
"Is it for you, or for your, um, friends on the orbit?" She asks, briefly glancing up to the ceiling, and Jason feels very confused for a second there.
But then it hits him: she is talking about the Watchtower. She is implying the League.
Jason doesn't hold back a quiet curse, "Damn it, I should have hidden the guns better, shouldn't I?"
Jazz laughs softly, but it's a warm, affectionate laugh, "Well, yes, but you also shouldn't leave bloody bandages in the bathroom. And your helmet on the kitchen counter," she tells him, amusement lacing her voice, and Jason rubs his face with his free hand.
"Fuck," he mutters. And then, "Sorry."
Jazz waves her hand it the air, brushing his apology off, "Don't worry. I'm not in a place to blame you for having secrets, am I?" She muses, and, okay, fair. But before Jason can try to make her elaborate on the topic, she returns to her previous question, "So is it for a friend?"
The knife, right. Jason makes an annoyed face, scrunching his nose.
"Yeah. Bruce owes someone a favor, but he couldn't make it. Other stuff came up," he huffs. 'Other stuff' in question includes some off-world mission, so he really couldn't make it, but that doesn't make Jason any less mad about it.
"Let me guess, that 'someone' smells of cigarettes and liquor, has a British accent, and wears a trench coat," Jazz deadpans, and Jason stares at her with wide eyes.
"How- Are you sure you're not secretly a mind reader?" He asks. He knows for sure that Jazz doesn't have a meta-gene, but maybe she is a magic user? That would explain why and how she is even at the auction. Yet, the redhead laughs.
"No, sorry. Just met him a few times," she winces like she can smell the phantom smell of tobacco even when the mage is not here, "Can't say I like him, but asking someone to fetch him a Tecpatl seems like his style."
That only makes Jason even more inclined to believe his girlfriend is actually a magic user. But he doesn't get to ask because Jazz suddenly looks him in the face.
"Consider yourself in luck, by the way," she grins, "You won't have to steal it."
[part 2 ->]
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batterygarden · 5 months
can you help me, sensei?
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contents: alpha! satoru gojo x omega! gn & afab reader. taboo dynamics (you used to be jujutsu tech student, he was/is a mentor figure), age gap, a/b/o, p in v sex with knotting and heat, manhandling (he’s strong), mult orgasms, gojo is bigger than u, barely there exhibitionism bc his house keepers are home, pet names, 1.8 k words
a/n: my contribution for @lorelune ‘s spring fever collab! ^_^ thanks for hosting <3 <3 <3
18+, minors dni please
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Satoru’s sitting in his home office answering emails when you knock on his door, flooding the room with a certain tell-tale sugary fragrance the moment you step inside. Satoru sighs. You’ve only been staying with him two short days. This is what he gets for helping an ex-student in need, ignoring Nanami’s warnings about ‘sharing a space with an omega’.
“Hey bunny,” Satoru speaks slowly, eventually halting his typing when he looks up at you. “Something wrong?” (He knows what’s wrong. He knows that you know he knows. He’s buying himself time to reckon with it.)
“Uhm yes actually—” he feels a prick of guilt for asking. You’ll struggle to say it. “---I, uh, made a mistake.”
You inch your way closer, skittish but needy. Like he’s a stranger with food in his palms. Maybe that’s a generous comparison—Gojo can’t possibly come off that inviting. Maybe it’s as if he’s some murderous beast sleeping in a field of berries, and you’re starving. He needs to work on his analogies.
He scoots his chair away from his desk when you make your way around it, turning to face you with spread legs, inviting you in because he can’t help but want to. Your smell is so strong his mouth is watering.
“You’re in heat,” he says matter-of-factly. You flinch from your halted distance of a yard away.
“I need help.”
“Thought you were on suppressants.”
“I am! I mean—I thought I was! I’m starting to—ngh,” He watches you rub your thighs together. “---think they were expired or something.”
“‘s that so…” Gojo thumbs at the edge of his blindfold, prolonging the inevitable. This is a bother.
You nod frantically, your expression pained. Desperate and pleading like maybe you really are starving.
Gojo is mad, somewhere. He should be, at least. Any logic is forgotten with the clean air he breathed before your dramatic entrance, though.
This is Satoru Gojo’s first time feeling the true pull of his instincts. They rid him of his renowned self control—a lifetime of careful barriers and walls and techniques, wiped away by his cock and your fucking pheromones. It should be laughable.
But the instincts rob him of humor, too.
“Does it hurt?” His voice is soft without trying—he’s genuinely concerned. You’re helpless, his insides are screaming—he needs to do something.
Your eyes turn glassy when you nod, and Satoru has to grapple with the way it feels like the world will end if they spill over. Or worse, maybe he’d get even hornier.
He shushes you, pulling you into his lap carefully, like your limbs are held together with school glue, gently tugging till you straddle him.
“You poor thing. So needy huh?”
Your answering pout makes his cock twitch.
“Need an alpha to fill you up?” He says it so soft, it’s like a lulluby.
He doesn’t expect your quiet temperament to reply, but you do. “Yes, please, alpha—sensei, I really need it.”
That’s all he can take before he’s rubbing his face into your neck, inhaling and licking at the sweetness there before he bites, leaving a permanent mark, relishing in your whines while a warm hand slots between your legs.
And just like that, you’re being mated with Satoru Gojo. A teacher from school that taught the other students in your grade while you were busy healing with shoko. The strongest man alive, your sponsor who agreed to house you briefly between moves, an enigma more than a man (and one you don’t even truly know, at that). Just sitting on his lap like this is far more intimate than the two of you have ever come infinitesimally close to being—exchanging small talk and a few mentor-related words of advice was the prior extent of the relationship. There were pet names, sure—but you’ve come to find those were on par for Gojo Sensei’s personality.
Now he’s got teeth in the skin of your throat while his fingers trace right through the center of you, only a thin layer of shorts in the way. You buck automatically, openly desperate, whining when that isn’t enough.
“you poor baby—“ sensei hums, his lips against your pulse. His tone is patronizing, but it soothes you regardless. “It’ll be okay. Gonna make you feel better.”
He speaks against your jaw now, dotting kisses wherever he moves while the sorry excuse for shorts you wear are pulled to the side, your panties with them, so he can really trace you.
Though they aren’t what you truly need, Gojo’s big fingers sate your ache in a way you couldn’t yourself—your body seems to mellow at the touch of an alpha, like it knows you’ll be taken care of now that he’s here.
Instincts less frantic, your sighed please alpha comes slow and heavy as he pushes two fingers inside of you, almost testingly. It’s slow—bordering agonizing—but you wouldn’t put it past gojo sensei to mess with you, even at a time like this.
Your slick floods his fingers at that small action, a whine and a buck of your hips accompanying, and satoru lets out an amused sigh.
You’re preparing to beg for him, plead to stop the teasing, but then… you’re on his cock before you can take another breath.
The relief is unparalleled. One minute he was dipping fingers into your entrance, slow and deceptively gentle before the next he was spreading your juices over his freed cock, pulling you onto him like he’d done it a million times. You suppose the familiarity is from those very instincts that brought you here—your chest practically sings now that they’re sated.
And so do you—you can’t control the cry you let out when he finally stretches you, feeling every ridge and vein of his heavy cock deep inside your tummy just where you’ve been needing him.
“That’s it, little lovie. You’re okay—hah!”
You’ve never heard sensei gasp the way he does when you roll your hips over his. It’s a strained, weak sound—the kind you’ve never known alphas to make.
He digs wide hands into the squish of your waist. “You’re tight.” His voice speaks directly into your ear as he tucks you into his chest then, scooting back into his trusty (thankfully armless) rolling chair so he can plant his feet and sink you down even closer. He makes light work of guiding your hips, the strength of the strongest shining through as he manhandles you up and down his length like you’re a doll.
And you feel like you’ve got the autonomy of one in his hands—his cock inside your tummy seems to hollow out your thoughts while your legs turn weak beneath you. Your arms remain to cling though, wrapping tight around sensei’s shoulders through your first release on his cock. The warm waves of it shock your system, and you cry out for your alpha when it hits you before he captures your lips in his.
Kissing satoru gojo is different from all your past experiences kissing. This one is so gooey and sweet it’s gross—the spearmint taste of his mouth reminding you just who it is you’re mating with. You flash back to Gojo dropping by to bug your sensei during your apprenticeship—dwelling on the way he’d talk to you like some silly kid. He’d always invade your personal space to tease you for no reason but to see you flustered, not that he needed to—you’d fluster easy just from his handsome alpha proximity, the minty smell of his breath.
It’s gross that such a mature mentor figure’s got you clamping hard on his cock now, tongue deep in your mouth to dull the sound of your whines.
But the disgusting nature of it all has you cumming in buckets—squelching on your sensei’s girth with every pump he guides you through.
You’re barely collecting your senses and drifting back to earth with Satoru pulls you off him, chuckling at the delayed clinging you react with. Of course you’re not strong enough to hold your body to his when he’s rearranging you—as much as you try—you have no choice but to get stripped and molded over Gojo’s fancy mahogany desk how he wants.
You’re still disoriented when he enters you again from behind, shoving himself deep deep deep till you’re so full you feel like choking from the stuffed feeling. It’s almost overstimulating when you just came so intensely, but the feel of your alpha splitting you still pleases your inner omega. More than that, you’re delighted.
“A-ahh! A-alpha—“
You can barely get out a word through his heavy thrusting, merciless and rhythmic.
“What is it, sweetheart? ‘S it feel good?”
Gojo digs thumbs beneath your shirt while he speaks, his anchoring grip around your sides surely leaving bruises. Not that you even notice how tight it’s become—all you have the sense for is his cock.
“Yes alpha! Th-thank you!,”
Gojo fucks you through orgasm after orgasm like that, till every pound against your flesh is wet and sticky.
It’s loud too, and, if you were in your right mind, you might worry about the fact that Gojo’s house keepers haven’t even left for the night yet.
You’ve lost track of your orgasms by the time sensei’s pace begins to show, his massive knot catching in your tight folds till he’s stuck deep inside you, while rope after rope of warm cum pumps you full. You finally feel that fever of yours beginning to fade once you’re flooded like that, coming out of your craze only to be met with exhaustion.
Of course you aren’t really done, sensei’s still connected to you with his knot, you can feel its delicious thickness where your body craved it most when you move your hips to go limp on sensei’s desk. You can feel the flood of his hot cum still streaming into you.
Satoru is panting for the first time in your memory, rubbing the soft skin of your hips while he recuperates before murmuring your name.
Then, “still breathin’, bunny?”
You make a little noise, nodding your head with immense effort, letting your eyes droop.
Only to open again when satoru lifts you with an arm beneath your chest, pulling you back till you’re both seated in his office chair. This way you’re still connected with you on his lap, cum still spurting into your womb.
He fishes your shorts from the ground, then, only to mop up your mess on his table, though truthfully most of it was still on each of your thighs.
At least with his table cleared he can move his desktop closer and finish those mission reports he had left—the solo ones he couldn’t pawn off.
You’re in a half conscious state around Gojo’s cock, breathing somewhat evened out with closed eyes, so gojo leans you carefully against his chest, with an arm on either side so he can type. Sure, the stuff on his computer was technically confidential, but you likely wouldn’t be alert for a while. And even if you were, did the whole classified document rule even apply to you anymore? It’s not like anyone could ask him to keep a secret from you, not now—not when you’re mated.
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mrskokushibo · 2 months
After Party
Part 2 of Dinner Party
Kyojuro x fem!reader x Sanemi
Warnings: Sex, Smut, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Threesome, Anal, Oral, The Works.
Summary: After the DInner Party orgy it is time to face the consequences because, let's face it, you have been naughty, and Kyojuro has to show you who is the boss.
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It was well past midday the following day when you eventually left Tengen’s place after a very long night. Out of exhaustion, everyone slept in till near lunchtime.
Well at home, as soon as you entered through the door, you found yourself on your knees, Kyoujuro stuffing his cock down your throat.
‘You disappointed me tonight, my love’
Kyo spoke in the softest of voices, while gently moving your hair away from your face, twisting it around his wrist to get a better grip. He lifted your chin up so that you could look him in the eyes. You wanted to answer, but your mouth was too full and all you could do is look at him pleadingly.
‘Just like that’ he started bucking his hips into you, with one thrust slightly too deep making you gag heavily. He let you pull away and find composure. When you did it was your turn to speak.
‘It’s not like you weren’t in on it. You seemed happy fucking away.’
He smirked holding your head up again.
‘But you see, this is not what I am aiming at. It’s your little interaction with Tengen that I have a problem with. That was more than just fucking, if you may ask me.’
‘You are mistaken’ you retaliated.
You were eyeing off his dick hungrily as both the situation you were in now and the memory of Tengen’s fond treatment of you was making you horny as fuck. You reached out for his cock, but Kyo blocked your movement.
‘Ah ah ah, not so fast my dear. If you want it you will need to ask nicely. See it as an apology, a part of it at least.’
‘Please Kyo, can I suck your cock’
you said in a slightly irritated voice. All you wanted was to feel his large shaft fill your mouth and here he was creating drama.
‘No, my love, not like this. You sound like a brat. Say it NICELY.’
He still had a hold on your hair and was holding your head up.
You resigned, looking him in the eye with the sweetest of expressions and batting your eyelids, you murmured in a sultry voice:
‘Please, my dearest husband, let me suck your cock and drink your cum. I dream of it…’
‘Definitely better.’
And with that, he guided you back to his groin and let your mouth and throat engulf him.
You could tell, he was not far from coming, the exchange must have aroused him quite a bit. It seemed as if he was discovering a more dominant side of himself and did not mind you being his submissive bitch.
You pushed him lightly toward the nearest wall, to grant him more support and he closed his eyes as he leaned his head back on the wall. You were now working frenetically on his cock, making him twitch and grow, the lewd wet little sucking and gagging sounds and muffled moans were driving him to the point of no return. He grabbed your head and bucked his hips into you, filling your tight throat with a huge load of his salty juices, as he rode out his orgasm and emptied himself completely, he slowly pulled out and squatted down in fatigue. You grabbed his head and kissed him passionately.
‘Mmmm, baby, you were so good’
he whispered, still catching his breath.
‘Give me a moment and I will reward you’
You continued to kiss him as his breath was slowly steadying. He now got up and pulled you up with him. He then picked you off the ground and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He carried you like this to the nearby bedroom, where you almost ripped each other’s clothes off.
You were now on the bed with Kyo’s head between your legs, kissing you softly on your wet folds. He snaked his tongue between them and licked your opening while rubbing your little hard bud. You were close to edging due to your long-standing arousal. The feeling of Kyoujuro working on you like that was making you dizzy, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
‘I am sorry, my love, but I need to be inside you.’
With this, he crawled on top of you and put you in a mating press. Squeezing you together like a ragdoll he positioned himself hovering above you. His cock entered you seamlessly and you could feel the tip press on your cervix. Your moans were loud and hoarse, this felt so bloody good.
‘I will breed you, my little wifey. Would you like me to fuck a baby into you?’
he asked through gritted teeth while pumping into you like a maniac, his balls slapping your ass. ‘Yes…please Kyo… breed me. Pump me full of your cum!’
You were nearly screaming out the last bit and after that, you dissolved into a powerful orgasm, taking away any last bit of sense and decency, you screamed like a savage. Kyo kept on pumping into your puffy cunt, while your clenching muscles were milking him relentlessly toward his imminent release.
He groaned through gritted teeth and with flexing and clenching abs, he produced a last powerful thrust into you, emptying his balls once again. A few last slow pumps and he collapsed on top of you panting heavily.
‘Fuck, I needed this. Thank you’
He placed a kiss on your forehead and soon sprung up on the way to the shower.
After you showered, and came out to the kitchen, he was waiting for you with a cup of coffee. He was leaning against the kitchen counter as he handed you the cup, looking at you with a devilish spark in his eyes.
‘You know, as much as I enjoyed myself in there, I am still not sure your apology was enough for me. So, I decided we should have part two of it tonight… You owe me that much for drooling over Tengen.’
He grinned and continued:
‘I would recommend that you prep yourself … back there. I have plans for you.’
He smirked with the most innocent of looks in his eyes.
‘You may want to doll yourself up too, wear something sexy, the less the better if you know what I mean.’
You lifted your eyebrows but felt too relaxed to protest or discuss.
‘Ok, Kyo. What time are we going, though? I have stuff to do?’
‘Seven o’clock. We can go out and eat beforehand and that will give you plenty of time for whatever you need to do and … for the prep’
He grinned.
The afternoon went by quickly and soon you were done with your dinner and in a cab on the way to the mysterious destination aka part two of your apology to your husband.
The taxi came to a halt and you noted that it arrived at a back alley in the middle of town. After paying the cab driver and watching the taxi slowly roll away through the alleyway, Kyo walked you up to a heavy metal gate and punched in a code. The gate opened surprisingly smoothly and inside was a modern and well-lit staircase. You walked up in silence and very soon you arrived at your destination. There was only one door at the top of the short stairway and you could hear loud heavy metal music blasting from inside whatever was behind the door. A club? Very well hidden in that case. Kyo rang the bell and a moment later Sanemi appeared at the opening door.
‘Hi bro. You made it’ he said with a nod.
‘Oh, hi there, y/n’
He looked you up and down hungrily.
‘I like your outfit’
His directness was always a bit much for you, but yes, your outfit would be to his liking since you obeyed your husband’s strict directions about less being more.
He let you both in and went over to turn down the aggressive music.
His apartment surprised you, as it was very neat and stylish. You honestly did not know what you expected out of Sanemi’s lair, but most likely not for it to be this tidy. It was a large, open-plan space with bare brick walls disclosing the industrial heritage of the building. At the very back you could make out an industrial-style kitchen with black and stainless-steel furnishings and expensive appliances. There was a gigantic sound system on one side of the room, along with a large TV and an array of gaming consoles. All walls were covered with band posters and guitars and in the middle of the room stood a huge, minimalistic, black leather sofa, with a few faux fur blankets casually thrown to soften the otherwise angular form of the furniture. It looked expensive, like something out of a high-end Scandi catalogue.
Sanemi left the music on a low volume and you had to admit that the heavy-sounding melodies played by low-tuned guitars, blasting drums, and pumping base with a deep, raspy singing on top, were putting you in a bit of a trans. It was very masculine and surprisingly arousing.
Kyo lounged himself on the sofa and you sat down next to him. Sanemi came back with the drinks, handed them over, and sat down next to you, a little too close for comfort. He was looking straight at you, running his gaze up and down your face and chest.
While eyeing you off, he addressed Kyojuro
‘So, does y/n know why you guys are here?’
‘No, not yet, but she is sure to find out soon.’
He fired off the sweetest of smiles and you felt wetness start to pool between your legs as you realised what they were up to.
‘You are, aren’t you, babe?’
He lowered his voice as he leaned down to kiss the side of your neck. Sanemi wasn’t keeping you waiting either, as he put his hand on your thigh, moving it slowly up your leg with a vicious smirk, all the while not taking his gaze from yours. He swallowed, thin nostrils flaring and eyes gleaming with lust
‘You see, I would like to try and do what we didn’t have a chance to enjoy last night. Kyo ensured me you would be well prepped this time.’
Now it was your turn to swallow. You and Kyo were no strangers to anything that had to do with sex, but having Sanemi fuck you back there felt a bit intimidating. He was, after all quite rough. Not that this behaviour was now not spreading onto your otherwise so gentle and overbearing husband… But still…
You were left with no time to ponder as Kyo moved his hands to your breasts, cupping them and massaging them with just the right amount of pressure to make you wet between your legs, where Sanemi’s hand was already working on your clothed pussy. Your juices were leaking uncontrollably, soon causing the fabric of your panties to be completely soaked.
‘These are useless now’
the silver-blond man chuckled yanking on your g-string and pulling them down off you and around your high-heeled boots.
‘Sexy shoes’
he smirked while stroking the supple leather of your tight, black knee-high boots. His hand and attention once again moving back to your pussy. With one swift push, he snaked his fingers between your folds, scissoring them open and starting rubbing vigorously between your labia, all the while your gorgeous blond husband was kissing you and massaging your tits, while bucking his clothed dick into the fat of your ass.
Sanemi pressed two fingers into your wet pussy and started pumping fast.
‘Common, babe, moan for me.’
You were already moaning, but the obedient girl that you were you increased your volume and intensity, an easy feat since your arousal was hitting new peaks. That is when Kyojuro started to remove your skimpy top and Sanemi was sliding your mini skirt off you. Kyo unclipped your bra and you were now completely naked, wearing only your sexy leather boots.
‘Now, this is a really good look for you, sweetheart’
Sanemi leaned back, admiring you, but talking in such a condescending tone that was slowly hitting all the submissive spots in your brain.
‘What do you want me to do?’
You asked in a sweet tone, first looking at Sanemi and then turning your head in question to your husband.
‘I think I will take her pussy first and you can give her your dick to suck on.’
‘With pleasure’ the silver-haired man chuckled.
They both started to remove their clothes and you could do nothing but get even hornier at the sight you were presented with. Effortlessly flexing muscles, perfect abs, and toned chests, and then the dicks. Both were huge, Sanemi slightly longer and completely straight as compared to Kyojuros shorter with a slight upward curve. The girths were about the same, but Sanemi’s cock was veinier and somehow looked rougher than Kyo’s.
Kyojuro pulled you to him, positioning you on all four so that your mouth was just above the now sitting-down Sanemi, whose legs were widespread and he was presenting you his manhood in a leisurely and shameless manner.
‘Common, sweetheart. Suck it for me, will ya?’
He whispered stroking your cheek. Immediately, you did as you were told, sinking your mouth onto his long cock. Your delicate tongue licking up his veiny underside and teasing his sensitive tip. Sanemi groaned in pleasure tilting his head back and holding you by the back of your neck. In the meantime, Kyoujuro lifted your ass up and positioned his hard tip at your entrance, sliding himself into you, stretching you out in a delicious manner. By now, you loved the feeling of more than one man fucking you. There was something so primal about it. A complete and utter submission, and yet it was empowering, knowing you were able to give pleasure to two or more men at the same time.
You were sucking Sanemi at the rhythm set by Kyoujuro, every thrust sending you forward to swallow his dick down your tight throat. Your moaning on his dick was sending vibrations through the sensitive organ making him grit his teeth and grab your neck tighter, choking you lightly. The pace of your husband’s dick slamming into your walls was getting faster now, with your walls clenching in desperation for a release, you realised he must be very close now. The same went for Sanemi since your mouth was working him faster and deeper due to Kyo’s increased pace.
In the meantime, your puffy cunt could not take anymore and you climaxed, shaking uncontrollably due to the overstimulation as Kyo simply kept on pumping into you, chasing his own release. They kept on going like this for a while until you noticed Sanemi look up toward Kyo and lift his eyebrows while making a jacking-off gesture and pointing to your mouth. You could feel Kyo pull out of you and at the same time Sanemi loosened the grip on your neck letting you pull away.
‘Sit down, precious doll’
Kyo commanded with a honey-dripping voice, while pumping his dick.
‘We want you to show us how hungry you are’
He gave you the sweetest smile and moved closer to you, Sanemi replicating the same motion on your other side. Both men were now kneeling on the sofa next to either side of you, pumping their large dicks next to your mouth.
‘Open up, kitten’
You opened your mouth and stretched out your greedy little tongue.
Kyo was the first one to come, spraying thick ropes of cum into your mouth and onto your tongue, some landing on your face, Sanemi followed suit a few seconds later and you swallowed just as eagerly, lapping up every drop you could reach from around your mouth and lips.
‘That’s a good girl. Taking us so nicely. You like the taste of cum, don’t ya?’
Sanemi took over the slightly demeaning praise, his voice cooing mockingly.
‘Such a pretty face, even prettier painted with cum. Clean us up now, will you?’
And you slowly went down to lick their cocks clean, the taste of your combined juices making you delirious. As you were working away, you could feel their cocks twitching, rebounding for another round.
‘I think I would like to have a go with that tight little ass of hers’
Sanemi said and Kyo nodded.
‘Get some lube and get going then’
Kyo instructed, leaving you in shock at how careless he was getting with you.
Sanemi got up and walked to the kitchen, coming back with a bottle of oil and three beers.
‘Hey, have a drink while I work her up to it.’
He was now kneeling behind you, spreading the fat of your ass with his large, rough hands. Kyo was drinking while giving your nipple a squeeze, making you moan into your drink. Sanemi poured some oil on your lower back, letting it run in between your ass cheeks, and with skilled fingers started caressing your puckering hole.
‘So fucking tight. So pretty. God, this makes me so damn horny.’
He kept on massaging you, while Kyo moved his hand down between your legs to rub your little hard bud getting a throaty moan from your swollen lips as a reaction. He kept on alternating between rubbing circles around it and giving it an occasional rub, while Sanemi was working you up finger by finger, until he was sure you could accommodate his large cock there back.
‘Ok Kyo, I am ready to go. This will be tight.’
Kyo understood the gist and kneeling in front of you, pushed himself into your pussy, staying there motionless to allow Sanemi to get into position. You could feel Sanemis’s cock at the entrance to your ass. You were breathing heavily.
’Try to relax for me, kitten. This will hurt a little, but then it is pure bliss from there. Trust me’
He started moving and the pressure of his cock was slowly prying your muscle open, inch by inch, painful at first, but then the sensation became something absolutely perfect, a visceral pleasure, a pressure screaming for release.
‘Fuck, you are so tight’ Sanemi was groaning through gritted teeth as he kept pushing in. ‘Fuuuck!’
When he bottomed out, you felt the fullest you ever felt in your life. You were slowly drifting off, drool pooling in your mouth and eyes rolling back in your head. This was almost too much.
’I can’t, this is… this is…I am ….so full...’ you were moaning almost incomprehensively.
‘It’s ok, doll’ Kyo whispered.
‘You can do it’
And with that, both men started moving, two large cocks slamming in and out of you, almost in rhythm with the bass pumping in the background. The squelching of your pussy and the skin-slapping noises were adding to the atmosphere. You were almost in a trance now, losing all control of yourself. Being filled with two dicks like this was making you feel more than you thought was possible. You were filled and stretched to the limit, making you almost dumb with arousal.
You didn’t even understand what spots their dicks were hitting, but the hardness inside your plush walls was making you give in to your extasy little by little. A few thrusts later and you were coming down in another orgasm. Completely fucked out and dumb from all the pleasure, you were now just barely holding up, supported by both men’s strong shoulders.
‘Fuck, you are tight y/n. I am not gonna last much longer’
Sanemi almost whimpered. His thrusts were now slower than Kyoujuro’s, in a futile attempt to delay his orgasm, but your tight muscle was too much for him and soon enough he filled your ass with his cum
‘Fuuuuuuuuck!’ He growled out while climaxing.
As he carefully pulled out, Kyoujuro did the same and pushed you down and crawled on top of you. His weight was almost crushing you as he was rutting into you like crazy, grabbing your breast with one hand and stroking your cheek with the other.
‘I will fill you up again, ok? Would you like that?’
You nodded in reply as he kept on going, crazy as he was with the desire to release himself. He was going like this for quite a while, pumping harder and faster, you both moaning and breathing heavily. Finally, you could feel his abs contract and he filled you up with his warm seed.
The three of you were now lying flat on the sofa, slowly steadying your breathing. You were all in a lull, being completely spent from nearly two hours of intense fucking. The heavy music was now soothing you and you gently tapped Sanemi on the shoulder.
‘Hey, can you raise the volume and get us some beer?’
‘Sure y/n. Glad you like the music. But holy fuck… this was good’ Sanemi chuckled as he picked up the remote to raise the volume.
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Banners by @adornedwithlight @cafekitsune
Tagging: @horror4themasses @muzansfangs
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kamii-2 · 5 months
maybe angst to smut 😳😳
love angst more then life sorry😩😩
HI ANON, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE !!! also sorry if it’s not how you wanted it and i will make a ice smut for you eventually 🫡 AND THANK YOUUUUU 💋💋
warning(s): cussing, smut, fingering, making out, eating out, all the outs (jk), strap (first time writing smut with a strap), edging, etc.
genre: jealousy (idk what to call it) & smut
pairing(s): jealous!kk arnold x fem!reader
not proofread 💦
kk dragged you out of your bed to come to the party just for her to leave you on the couch in the corner of the room by yourself, people would come over every so often and say hi but that was it.
you were bored so you decided next person to come over that wasn’t kk’s friend you would flirt with them or something to make her jealous. luckily the next person to walk up was your friend, she sat down next to you and started to talk about some funny stuff that just happened. you felt kk staring at you so you cut your friend off to say “im trying to make kk jealous fake flirt with me please.” you whisper in her ear. she nods then puts her hand on your thigh and starts playing with your hair continuing to talk to you.
kk was getting more and more jealous the longer she watched it happen. your friend had started to caress your arms and get really close to your neck and whisper things, kk was thinking the worst but in reality your friend was just talking about how mad kk is gonna be. kk’s last straw was when your friend put her hand on your chest, close to your neck and whispered in your ear, you giggled and put you hand on her thigh. when kk seen this she left her friends without saying anything and walked over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. you look back and your friend and mouthed ‘thank you’ and winked.
“i don’t know who you think you are doing all of that but you need to stop” she warned as she dragged you past her friends and to her car. “what did i do?” you acted confused and tried to hold back a smirk, she glanced over at you and tightened her grip on your hand, “you know what you did bro, stop playing.”
the way she was talking to you and holding your hand made you wet, you knew that she was gonna fuck the life out of you when you got home. when you reached the car she opened the door for you and closed it when you got in. she got in and started the car. you were admiring her as she started to drive, her dreads were in a half up half down type style, her eyebrows were furrowed, he hands were gripping the steering wheel, she looked so hot. her right hand left the steering wheel and moved to your thigh, moving up and down.
her hand was getting closer and closer to your wet pussy, the closer she got the wetter you got. her hand was now under your black skintight dress, she pushed it farther up your thighs and tapped your thigh for consent, even though she’s mad and wanted to fuck you till you were brain dead she still asked just in case you decided you didn’t wanna fuck anymore, you put your hand on hers signaling a yes. she moved your panties to the side and dipped her fingers in you, you threw your head back and moaned. you scooted forward on your seat so she could have better access. she pushed her fingers in and out fast, driving with her other hand. “holy fuck.” you moaned as you were about to finish already. just as you were about to release she removed her fingers, wiping them on your dress and continuing to drive as if nothing happened.
“why’d you do that?” you asked her as you turned your head to face her, “because i can.” she said as you guys pulled into your apartment parking lot. you got out of the car before she could go over and open the door. you grabbed your keys and phone from the cup holder and walked into the apartment building and straight to the elevator with kk following right behind you. you pressed your floor and waited for the elevator doors to close before kk pushed you against the wall and kissed you, one hand on your throat, the other grabbing your boob, she tried to shove her tongue in your mouth but you didn’t let her because the door was about to open. you pulled away and gave her one last kiss before you guys headed to your apartment, as you were unlocking the door kk was caressing your hips and ass, giving it a slap or squeeze.
when you opened the door kk took her shoes off before dragging you to your bedroom, you had one heel on and the other was off on the floor but kk didn’t care.
she pulled you in and pinned you by your hips against the door, she kissed you again and successfully shoved her tongue in your mouth this time. she lifted up your dress again and took off your panties, she dropped to her knees and put her hands under your things and lifted you up against the door and started to eat you out like you were her last meal. you were moaning so loudly and so much that you knew your voice was gonna be gone tomorrow.
she sucked on your clit harshly and kissed it. your legs had started to shake and she put one of your legs on her shoulder and held the other, using her free hand to finger fuck you. this sent you over the edge and cummed all over her fingers, she pulled them out and sucked them clean before she got up from under you and dragged you to the bed, you sat down trying to catch your breath. she grabbed the strap from on your closet floor and took off her shirt and pants, leaving her boxers and sports bra on. she slipped the strap on and walked over to you.
she pushed you back gently and grabbed your hips and lined herself up with your entrance. she purposely pushed in slowly and the further she pushed, the louder you got. “kk, oh, please go faster. i’ll do anything please.” you begged. she listened and went as fast as she could with no warning. you were a moaning mess, the wetness from earlier was spilling out of you onto the strap the more she thrusted. you were so close to cumming after such a short amount of time. “oh, fuck kk, i’m about to cum.” you said.
she somehow manages to go faster than she already was, “hold it.” she demanded. “i can’t.” you cried out, with tears on your face. she rubbed your clit and it sent you over the edge, you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
the overwhelming amount of pleasure made you squirt all on kk’s stomach. she was smiling as she helped you ride out your high. “well, just found out i can turn you into a water fountain off of a fake dick and my hand.” she taunted you as she pulled out. “shut up.” you said with a smirk as you sat up.
kk cleaned herself and you up and you guys went and cuddled and watched movies. kk was staring at you, “what?” you asked her. “you look so gorgeous.” she said while glancing down at your lips. you smiled, “thank you, you too.” you gave her a kiss on the lips then gave her multiple all over her face.
hey guysssssi hope you enjoyed!! anyway i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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hearts4chriss · 7 months
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bad boy! Chris x nerd! Poc reader
prompt: Chris notices you, just a regular girl, pretty nerd, focused on her studies and nothing else, Chris has this attraction to you, his goal is to get ur attention and absolutely destroy you and ur innocence all together, a school project just might be his trick
inspired by: @luv4kozume my mama and talented queen go read her shit now
Part 7
warnings: reader is on BC!! overstimulation, rough sex ( p in v ), degrading, hair pulling, use of pet names ( good girl, sweetheart, baby ), ass slapping, teasing, manipulation ??, aftercare tho!!
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“Fucking hell” I say to myself, I had a project with the nerd. Now ur probably like “Chris she’s just a nerd come on” She’s not ur regular nerd, she’s just innocent as shit, never had sex, never received head or pleasure from anyone focussed on her studies but I’ve heard her talk to her friends, she’s got a dirty mouth one i'd love to put to good use.
the second we got assigned partners for a chemistry project a smirk curved across my lips. I see her turn back to me and give me an innocent welcoming smile. fuck that was enough to make cum in my pants. the way her clear glasses sit on her cute little nose, her plump lips with a layer of gloss on them. and damn that uniform on her.
the way her skirt rides up when she sits down allowing me to get a good look at her ass, I see her light purple panties from here just a bit. Nobody else was looking at her, more focused on the basic ass bitches whose asses were purposely exposed. whores.
Fuck I couldn't take my eyes off her, the way she pulled her skirt down in the back, she could bare the fact the school's skirts were so short her ass was poking out. Her stockings climb up her thighs and her dress shoes dangle off her feet, the blazer fits perfectly around her skirt, and the white button-up shirt school rules top two buttons for all girls must be undone, Fuck- her tits sat so perfectly in it,
And then shit don't get me started on the tie. I've always pictured me putting mine around her pulling it as I fucked her. She was so damn innocent, the way she'd look back every now and then to see me because we were partners and give me that same smile innocent smile, as I was thinking about ruining her pussy. The only thing stopping me was the fact we were in class, but shit- I swear when I have her alone I was gonna fuck her so good, ruin her innocence entirely.
Eventually class was over and so was school, which meant It was about to just us.
Your Pov now
I got up from my seat and made my way out of class to wait for chris, I readjust my glasses and apply some more lip gloss.
The boy walks out and I give him a small smile and he gives me a smirk looking down at me and biting his lip, I just shrug it off and he opens his car door for me and we start driving back to his house
"Are you excited about our project Chris?" I asked him softly trying to kill the silence
Fuck her voice, it was so soft and sweet. just imaging her moaning was even better, I let out a soft groan feeling my dick press against my pants before I respond to her.
“Oh yeah for sure I cant wait.” to fuck ur brains out till you can't take it anymore.
We arrived at his house and we walked inside and his parents weren't home so he offered to work in his room and I nodded and we walked. upstairs into it and sat on his bed.
I smiled and took my computer out and laid on my stomach and began to start a slide show.
Fuck- does she know what she's doing? I felt my dick get even harder a small wet spot appearing on my pants.
I sat and watched this hot nerd on my bed and realized.
We were not gonna get anything done tonight.
I began to un do my belt and slip my pants and boxers down, I tossed my blazer on the floor and my shirt and tie approaching her.
I slowly lifted up her skirt and pull her light purple panties down staring at her bare ass, she had no idea. Fuck the surprise she was in for.
I press my dick against her sliding into her as she let out a moan fuck she was so tight.
“Chris- wh- o-oh god”- she moaned, it rang in my ears.
“is this okay?” I asked, I wanted to make sure she was okay with what I was about to do to her.
“mmph- y-yes- she stutters” I could hear her struggling it was pretty cute.
I took her skirt off and blazer allowing me to grip her hips and thrust in her quickly, her moans growing louder as I moved her computer to my nightstand.
“Ur pussy's so tight baby fuck-“ I groan as her wetness coated my dick allowing me to start pounding into her, her moans got louder as she moans my name and fuck did it turn me.
“Fuck c'mere-“I say impatiently arching her back and pushing her face into the pillow before pounding into her again.
“C-chris o-oh god-“ she cries out gripping my sheets as I saw her glasses fogging up from her heavy breathing, I knew this was probably a lot for her but I was dying to fuck her.
My hips snapping with hers sounded euphoric as she cried out my name, I did what she least expected.
I pulled her hair and thrusted into her harshly my hips snapped harshly on her ass and she squealed at the sudden roughness.
“Oh God- I-chris-“ She cries out and I decide to opt for slower and deep thrusts knocking the wind out of her lunges.
“Not so innocent now are you sweetheart.” I said with a smirk getting impatient at the pace so I shoved her face into the pillow starting to pound in her again the moans and heavy breathing of this innocent girl grew louder again.
“Shit shit shit-“ curses leave her mouth and I chuckle darkly
“hm, you've got a dirty mouth, don't you?” I whisper into her ear and she moans in response, she sounds so beautiful like this.
she fits so snug around me. I felt her squeeze tightly around my dick and I groan in response at how quickly I was about to make her cum and me as well as I twitch inside her.
“You on the pill baby?” I asked her and she nodded and I pull her hair roughly
“Use ur words princess.” I say still pounding into her.
“I-I-am- f-fuck-“ she stutters out and moans my lips curling into a playful smile.
“Good girl, you can cum now.l I say as I harshly snap my hips feeling her cum on my cock and I release inside of her.
I pulled out watching our cum drip out of her pussy thats when I realized, I was nowhere near finished with her.
“On ur stomach for me?” i asked her and she immediately complied.
I unbottoned her shirt leaving her tie on seeing her fully naked wearing just a tie makes my dick perk up again.
I slap my tip on her folds and she whimpered.
I spread her legs pushing them against her chest and slip inside her easily and she cries out at me pounding into her with force rocking her small body on the bed.
watched her stomach seeing my bulge and I chuckled seeing her eyes squeeze shut and her glasses start slipping from her face.
“Ugh F-fuck- my glasses-“ she cries out as they started falling off onto her body from how hard I was fucking her.
“fuck- push em up for me yeah?” I sighed deeply and she reached a shaken hand pushing the frames back on her face.
She looks so hot like this, all fucked out on my bed for me and she has no idea this was only the beginning
“C-Chris ngh- I-c-can’t-“ she stutters as I watch the tears form in her eyes from the overwhelming pleasure I was giving her, the way her tits were pressed up against her body as I held her legs up easily slipping in and out of her wet pussy.
“come on baby, your taking me so well- shit-“ I grunted angling my hips to come in contact with hers more quickly and harshly and hearing her whimpers was so fucking hot.
I attach my thumb to her clit rubbing it in circles and she squealed at the sudden contact from her sensitivity.
“Shit Chris- I-t-the project!” She screams out my name and I smirk at her innocence, I had never thought about the damn project.
“oh princess you really think that’s what I care about?” I say snapping my hips with hers once more pounding her pretty pussy and she curses my name.
“I’ve only been thinking about fucking that pretty ass of yours for days, shit you and that skirt-“ I chuckle drawing figure 8s on her swollen clit and her thighs tremble in my hands.
“Fuck- mphm oh g-god-“ she cries out, her body trembling in my hands her body covered in a thin layer of sweat, her cute classes now discarded.
“Hm? What was that sweetheart?” I smirk pulling her tie making her gulp and her eyes widen as I pull it and thrust into her roughly, the sounds of my hips and her thighs slapping fuck- I could’ve cum right there.
“CHRIS- p-please-“ she stutters gripping the sheets and my finger tips needing her plush thighs as she begs for an orgasm.
“You need to cum?” I say leaning over in her ear.
“Y-yes god-“ she whimpers arching her back.
I decided I would let her cum under one condition.
“princess I’m the only one who’s aloud to fuck you from now on got it?” I say placing my tongue around her nipple sucking softly and she groans.
“Y-yes I-i got it-“ she cries out and I rocked her body harder rubbing her clit and she tightens around me before beginning to squirt, she didn’t stop.
“Fuck you just squirted all over me-“ I chuckle slowing my thrusts.
“Mmph- I’m sorry- I-“ she stutters and I shake my head and chuckle.
“It’s okay honey I’ll take care of you”. I smile and pull out of her smirking seeing proudly at the mess I made of this girl, her thighs shake a bit, our cum dripping out of her and the wet patch on my sheets from her squirting just now. Her face a little teary and fuck she looked so hot all fucked out for me.
I picked up her body and ran her a bath and sat her on the counter for a second
“Spread ur legs for me mama.” I ask her calmly and she does so and I take a warm cloth and rub slowly between her legs and she winces.
“S-sensitive”- she whimpers and I stop and place her in the warm water
“Sorry.” I smile putting her braids in a bun and she sighs in the water.
“thank you for taking care me-“ she sighs smiling at me innocently.
the rest of the night consists of me making sure she was okay
Oh and the project? She, yes ms nerdy herself, asked for an extension
tag list !
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @alexoslurr @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo @luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @mattsnymphette @hoesformatt @luv4kozume @iiheartstef @kikisturnioloo @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly @junnniiieee07 @st7rnioioss
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buckgasms · 4 days
Hi! Big fan of your work and okay you asked for it but I imagine mean bully!Bucky where he has his eyes on this young agent who just joined the team and she’s just so sweet and shy and he already fell for her when his eyes landed on her. He always secretly steals her underwear and she’s so sweet that she cries when she saw a cat got hurt on the street and Bucky saw her running to Bruce so he can help the cat, BIG MISTAKE cause the way her tears runs down her face he thinks she’s so beautiful and hot and it makes him more horny and so that’s where he starts bullying her just to see her tears and he step it up one day that during training he pinned her down and he can smell her getting turned on so he call her name until she cries but he just continues and put his thigh between her legs and he’s just so mean about it that before she gets any released he stops and ever since he can’t keep his hands off okay sorry if it’s weird
Thanks beautiful nonnie 🩷
Hmm ok so this sounds like a dark!Bucky to me, what with the underwear stealing and loving to watch her cry right?
Which I am certainly happy to accommodate 😈
This went a bit off course but i hope it's ok! It is a bit dark so please proceed with caution! ☢️
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I imagine that first night after he sees you really crying, big tears sliding down your cheeks he's got your underwear wrapped around his cock as he fists himself over and over again, just imagining your pretty face and how much he would love to make to cry over and over.
It takes him so long to calm down from it because he just can't control the fire in his belly every time he thinks about you. So sweet and innocent, ready to submit and do whatever your told, take whatever he gives.
I bet he'd constantly tell you to stay late at the gym to work on your punches, belittling you and reminding you how weak you are and how you'd need someone to look after you all the time.
Maybe he sneaks into the showers to listen to your muffled sobs of frustration and tiredness just so he has something new to imagine later that night.
And maybe one night you are sparring with him and he lands a jab right to your stomach and you drop to the floor, winded and you burst out crying right then and there. He has to keep a straight face because he can't believe how fucking beautiful you look, sobbing and sweaty, laid out in front of him.
He drops to the floor pressing his knee right into your core and leans down, hands either side of your head as he comes in real close.
"How many times have I told you, you aren't up to this. You need protecting little girl..."
You huff and shake your head, pouting a little as you sob. 
"No I don't, you just keep treating me like shit and that last kick hurt..."
He grins before pressing his knee harder into your core and pinning your hands down to the mat. Before you can stop it a little moan escapes your lips, even as your eyes widen in shock.
"Doesn't sound like I'm treating you bad now, does it baby?" You curse as he grinds again, chuckling as you whimper and more tears spring from your eyes.
"Cut it out...let me go..."
He hesitates for a moment before relenting, sitting back on his haunches and watches you walk away in a hurry.
He wasn't sure if you'd come back again, but there you were bright and early, refusing to back down. 
This time he decided to ignore you. He left you till last each time there was an activity, and would just tut every time you didn't do something perfectly. 
So you tried harder. He could tell by the end you were desperate for some kind of reaction, but he gave you nothing.
When it came time for the hand to hand combat you were positivly fuming. So you kicked and punched and clawed at him with all you might. He had to put up a bit of a fight to keep you off but he did eventually manage to floor you.
He dismissed everyone but you didn't move. When the last person filtered out you were still stood on the mat, panting.
"I'm not done."
He smirked and dropped his kit bag. Squaring up to you on the mat. Before he could reply you lunged at him and scrabbled with each other for a good few minutes before he pinned you again.
"You gonna cry baby?" He mocked as you squirmed and groaned, tears leaking down your cheeks in your anger.
You managed to kick at his crotch, winding him slightly and escaping from his grasp, but he recovered quickly and as you rolled over he slammed his body down on top of you, his breath coming in pants by your ear.
"That wasn't very nice" he growled before manouvering to sit on your legs, gripping your hands behind your back. You continue to squirm and wail as he drags down your shorts and underwear.
"You wanna act like a brat, I'll treat you like one..." His first slap stops your movement and you gasp. He knows this is risky but he doesn't care, he lands spank after spank on your perfect ass, enjoying the little squeaks from you as he covers you in red hand marks.
Your body is shaking with sobs as he works, which only serves to make him hard as he keeps going, occasionally spreading you ass cheeks to look at your pretty holes, which he notes is glistening despite your protests.
Finally he climbs off you and presses his face into your ass, taking a deep sniff and pressing little kisses to your lips and ass cheeks before rolling you over to lie on your back.
Your face is blotchy and puffy from tears, and he drags you so your thighs are wrapped around his waist.
"There you are, much better, and so fucking pretty hmm?"
You whine as he paws at you, but you don't fight him, you just watch him rake his hands all over. 
"Why are you so mean to me?" 
Your little voice takes him by surprise and he leans over, pressing his hard body against your soft one.
"I'm not mean baby, I'm just worried about you. I want you to be safe, I wanna take care of you. Plus you look so pretty like this, I can't help it baby...."
You sob as he presses kisses to your tear stained face, but he relishes the way your soft lips respond to his, accepting his kisses as he dominates you.
"Do you understand now? You want me to make you feel better now sweetheart?" He keeps kissing you, grinding against your bare heat, waiting until you nod.
"Good girl, let me make you feel better now..."
He pulls back and smirks as he sees your eyes widen as his cock is pulled out and slapped against your heat.
You whine and protest a little as he drags the tip against your soaked folds but he hushes you with a finger in your mouth, sinking his cock in slowly but relentlessly until he is all the way inside you.
"S'too big Bucky... Can't...." You protest but he can feel your walls squeezing him tighter as he waits for you to settle.
"Yes you can baby. I can feel your cunt, doesn't wanna let me go does it? Tell me, tell me you want it..."
You squirm and moan as more tears slid down your cheeks. He growls and catches them with his thumb and sucking them, still waiting for you to respond.
"Fucking say it baby, tell me you want it..."
Your breath shudders but you nod and without waiting another moment he begins rutting into you. He can't believe how good you feel, how tight and soft you are. He loses himself in the pleasure, leaning down to lick and kiss at your tears as you wail in pleasure.
Your moans echo around the gym, and he feels you grip onto his shoulders as he pounds into you. 
"Bucky... Please..."
He pulls back, lifting your thigh to plant more smacks to your already sore cheeks, making you squeal and cry, your walls squeezing him tighter, fluttering as your peak builds.
"Come baby, show me what a good girl you are. My pretty little cry baby..."
More squeezes, more slaps and tears follow until you reach your peak. He follows quickly after, filling you up and claiming you as his own.
He collapses into the mat next to you, panting and sweating as you lay next to him shaking and whining. 
Eventually he gets up and pulls his shorts on, before pulling your underwear up tight and hauling you up and cupping your face in his hands. 
"Now, I wanna see you here tomorrow after class for another lesson alright? We're gonna work on things together and I can take good care of my little cry baby ok?"
You sniffle and nod at him, so he rewards you with a soft kiss before sending you off on your way.
He's definitely going to hell, but as he watches you scurry away he thinks, he doesn't really care.
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knapptapp · 7 months
Elevator- JamesPotter x GN!Reader
WC: 950
You are stuck in a muggle elevator with James Potter, Who wont stop flirting with you
Tags: Fluff, angst(?), Sarcastic reader, Slytherin reader, Flirty James Potter, Insecure reader
A/N: Wrote this from a prompt, trying to dip my toes into the Marauders fandom not a fully fleshed out fic or anything. A little experiment
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“This might be a bad time to mention it, but I really like your perfume.”
“Oh shut up,” You said with a scowl as you once again pushed the emergency button.
Professor Corbyn had thought it a wonderful idea to assign the seventh year class a lengthy list of ‘muggle activities’ to complete. She had also thought up the brillant of idea of assigning partners randomly. Though you had your doubts about the “randomness”.
Still, it was a project worth a good chunk of your grade. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't blow it off. Which is how you ended up stuck in an elevator with James fucking Potter. James who thought your perfume was of utmost importance at the moment.
“No seriously, it's quite lovely.”
You ignored him and pressed the call button. A moment passed…..Nothing. Great, not even the phone was working.
“Where did you get it? From Diagon alley or-”
“Can you be useful for once?” You interrupted.
James pushed himself away from the wall he had been leaning on, “Can you apparate?”
“No.” You admitted begrudgingly. Getting your license was on your to do list, there just hadn't been enough time. You were really starting to regret not putting it up higher on your list. You fanned yourself with your hand.
“Someone will come for us eventually.” James said with a shrug. He seemed completely care free and not at all worried about the situation at hand.
“Yeah. If we don't die from heatstroke before then.” You settled against the wall opposite of him and slid down till you were seated. It was just a tad bit cooler down on the floor.
“I know how you could cool off.” James said with a smirk. Just in case you hadn't understood his comment, he lifted just the hem of his shirt to reveal a sliver of tanned skin. You quickly looked away, but not before you caught a glimpse of a dark trail of hair disappearing beneath the waistband of his jeans.
“Oh fuck off.”
James copied you and slid down to the floor. Instead of sitting with his legs tucked up to his chest like yours, he instead stretched them all the way out. The elevator was tiny and James’ legs were long, the sides of his red converse knocked against your thighs. Cloth shopping had been another part of the project.
“Have I told you your shoes are ugly?”
“Many times,” James responded unphased, “You just don't like them because they're red.”
“Horrible color.”
“I think you'd look really nice in red. Got one shade specifically in mind actually.”
“Yeah, no” You fidgeted with the fraying sleeve of your dark green jumper. House pride was taken very seriously in Hogwarts. Wearing gryffindor red was an act of betrayal.
“You would,” He insisted, “I even have a jumper that would look perfect on you! Says ‘Potter’ right across the back.”
“Careful now James, I might think you're hitting on me.”
“Did it take you this long to notice?”
You knocked his foot away with your palm. James allowed it before he returned it back to tapping against your thigh. He was such a tease. He had been on this since you two got assigned partners.
“Ha Ha very funny,” You replied dryly.
He tapped his foot rhythmically against your leg, you tried your best to ignore it. The elevator was completely silent. The music had cut off when the elevator had come to a sudden stop with a metallic screech. There was nothing but the sounds of James and your breathing.
Your whole body was on edge. You couldn't help but keep anticipating the worst. Any movement made you feel like the elevator would go crashing to the ground below, You were stuck on the seventh floor and you had heard one to many horror stories.
“I'm bored,” James said, “We should do something.”
“Like what?”
“Why don't we play a game of truth or dare?” suggested James.
“Truth or dare? Seriously?”
“What else do you have in mind?” he replied smugly.
“Fine, let's play.” you agreed reluctantly.
“Okay, I'll start. Truth or dare?” James challenged.
You sat for a moment, mulling over your choices. There weren't many dare options while stuck in an elevator, but everyone and their mothers knew James Potter was a master prankster. He could probably come up with something within a second. Hell, he probably already had fifty dares planned out. Better to play it safe then.
“Okay..” James pretended to think for a moment, he stroked his chin and gazed up at the roof dramatically, “Why don't you like me?”
Oh. Straight into it. You looked away from him uncomfortably. The thing was, you didn't not like him. Honestly, it was the opposite. But you couldn't let him know that. You would never hear the end of it.
“I don't not like you…You're just loud…” You said carefully.
“I think i’m quite charming honestly,” James smirked.
“Yeah, you think that.” You said with an eye roll
“You don't think I am?” James tilted his head to the side, one loose curl fell in front of his eyes. God damn it. Yes, you wanted to say. I've thought that you are charming since fourth year. But of course, you don't say any of it.
“Not at all.”
“You're forgetting the rules of the game again.” He teased. He leaned forward, only a couple inches closer than before, but still all too close.
“I’m not lying.” You attempted to sound confident and self assured but you couldn't manage to bring your voice above a whisper.
The gods must have heard your prayers because the phone on the wall rang. James and you stared at each other for a moment. He finally pulled his eyes away from you and stood up to answer the phone. You and your feelings were safe for another day.
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orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞voicemails with chan after an argument
✰ genre : angst, romance and fluff in between
✰ pairings : bf!chan x fem!reader
✰ word count : 0.8k+ words
CHAN | minho | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one 𖨂
hey, my beautiful girl. how are you? it’s not the same without you by my side. the house looks wrecked and so am i. i am so so sorry baby for snapping at you last night. i. . . didn’t mean it. i swear. it all happened because of me and my work, and i do accept that. just come back please? i know you’re at your friend’s house but i won’t force you. ever. i just hope we can talk this out thoroughly. please? i love you very much. always know that, yeah? and i’m only a call away if you need me. good night.
two 𖨂
so i didn’t receive an answer back. does that mean you’re going to stay there for a while? alright, i respect your decisions. i always do. you know that right? anyway, today sucked. i kind of twisted my ankle while practising and i tripped over a charger and hurt my chin. it sounds painful but it was even more painful when you don’t reply to my messages, or to my calls and even my voicemails. i fucked up and i know that very well. i may sound selfish but i want you with me. i need you when i wake up and when i sleep. i want to see your face when you smile at me. how long has it been since i last saw you? over 2 weeks i suppose? if you’re listening to my voicemails, let’s meet tomorrow at our usual spot. at 3 i’ll be there. i’ll wait for you even if it takes forever.
three 𖨂
you eventually did show up. to be honest, i was surprised. i didn’t expect you to show up. but i’m glad you did. but i’m not very glad that you almost didn’t speak any other words except for ‘i need time’ and ‘alright’. it was pretty sad. then i realised how bad i must’ve hurt you for you to act this way. and i’ll say sorry a million times if you want me to. i regret ever letting you walk away like that. if only i had tried harder in our relationship we wouldn’t be at this stage where we’re unaware whether we’re together or not. i regret not understanding you earlier and spending my days at the company, rather than with you. i even started taking time out to come home early, at 8. just like you wanted. i even began sleeping on time, but i can’t help myself to fall asleep that easily without thinking how lonely you used to feel when i wasn’t here to hold you or to even talk to you. i regret everything, baby. i really do. i hope you’re happy, not skipping your meals and sleeping for good hours.
four 𖨂
i noticed something fall out of your wardrobe, and even though i respect your privacy, i couldn’t help myself. it was a letter. a letter presumably you wanted to give me, but you couldn’t. and it would be a lie if said i didn’t sit on the floor crying as i read the letter over and over till i had it memorised. you always wanted to write me letters didn’t you? what more do you have up your sleeve? how long are you going to keep impressing me and making my heart flutter like that? you might think i’m being a little too extra today, but it’s true! you can’t just go away after making me fall that deep for you. it’s been three weeks now. how long am i going to be punished? just answer me once. please.
five 𖨂
when i tell you i almost fell off the couch, you won’t believe me. but i almost didn’t believe my eyes when i saw your voicemail. why would you ever be sorry baby? you have all the right to be angry at me. i deserve it. but don’t think you did anything wrong. you just did what you thought was right. and sometimes, it’s better that way you know? like if you wouldn’t have gone away i would just return to my schedule again. i wouldn’t have realised where i was wrong. so don’t blame yourself, okay? as i said before, i’ll wait.
six 𖨂
so this is gonna be the end of all the angsty voicemails as you just called me saying you’ll be coming home tonight. i’ll prepare a welcome dinner for you along with some kisses if you would like. and hugs too perhaps? i am just on my way to clean the house and myself too. since i didn’t shower today, so i’ll see you in about 8 hours. i’m very happy that you’re coming back babe. i love you so much. and i, thank you, for giving me a second chance. i’ll be waiting for you, my love.
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9toji · 1 year
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MDNI / 18+ only
dilf! nanami who is very skeptical of you at first, worried about the large age gap between you. “aren't you too young to be looking for fun like that?” he asks with a sigh, leaning on the expensive seat he was sitting on, tugging his tie till it was loose.
dilf! nanami who starts of your situationship with a few simple gifts, as per the agreement you two had. a little smirk on his wine-like face, since he aged so so well, much more than you could even imagine.
dilf! nanami who grows attached to you, making you hold on to his arm wherever you two go, saying that it's for safety and that he doesn't want you getting lost, commenting on the huge acres of land that tokyo occupies but it was just so he could have you close.
dilf! nanami who was all for the sexual fun of the deal, suddenly having a moment of nirvana. saying that he could only be squeezed tight by you, like no cunt has ever done before. nanami is in love with it.
dilf! nanami who works on his paperwork while buried into you, tutting whenever you tried to get your own way. “maybe you're forgetting who's nice enough to let you sit on my cock baby, be patient.” the man exclaims, rubbing a shaking hand down your back.
dilf! nanami who swears his love language isn't physical touch, but gets handsy with you everywhere he takes you out, may it be both his hands on your waist, one smoothing hand up and down your thigh, or another hand that rubs against your stomach and up your chest.
dilf! nanami is actually a possessive man, even if he denies it. who wouldn't notice the thin yet expensive choker with the initials N.K engraved on to it or maybe the anklet that had the same markings engraved, or the hickies maybe, that he leaves everytime you two get intimate?
dilf! nanami loves having you twist and turn, his favorite position being mating press. to have your legs barely touching your ears, and your ass curved up so that when he pumps his load with a shivering sigh it dribbles down on to the skin of your hand-print ridden ass.
dilf! nanami who groans and heaves for even a little bit of fresh air because he buries himself into the crook of your neck, close to your mouth so he can look up at your expressions when he fucks you, the sounds was just a bonus that he absolutely loves.
dilf! nanami who rules in aftercare because he doesn't want to treat a pretty lady like dirt, showering you in kisses then eventually a real bubble bath in his home, cuddling you as warm water bathed both your sticky skin.
dilf! nanami who swore that he wasn't going to fall in love but is absolutely taken in by you, making you feel like a special girl wherever and whenever he's with you. kisses and compliments shower you to no end.
dilf! nanami who doesn't settle for a deal like having you for a sugar baby for too long, preferring to call you his girlfriend instead.
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weeknd-ogoc · 11 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando is nervous to see how carlos will react when he sees him with you. (inspired by landon barker's song, friends with your ex) FACE CLAIM: kylie jenner CONTAINS: flashbacks of reader dating carlos, jealous!lando, jealous!carlos, unprotected sex, a fight, emotional cheating! AUTHOR'S NOTE: i've been working on this all night so i hope you guys love it!
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it was three years ago when lando norris had met you during the start of your relationship with carlos sainz — he was at the time his teammate for mclaren. the both of you had gotten along really well and he often found himself hanging out with you whenever your boyfriend wasn't around.
carlos found nothing wrong with it since he knew the two of you were close in age and he trusted the both of you.
"i brought you some chicken nuggets and french fries." you had told him as you left the box of food on lando's lap. "what is that stench?"
"thank you, you really saved me." he smiled as he munched on a french fry. "your boyfriend brought over some sushi for the group and the smell was god awful."
"oh c'mon it wasn't even bad." carlos said before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "amor, i'm glad you're here!"
as you and carlos continued being painfully adorable, lando found himself looking away and quietly continued eating the food your brought him.
at the time he didn't even realize he had started catching feelings for you but as the two of you got closer he understood that that's what is was.
"i was busy y/n!" lando overheard carlos yelling at you. "so what? you're just going to invite him whenever i can't make it to one of our stupid dates?"
"it was our anniversary date and you decided to skip on it to play golf with your friends!"
he awkwardly sat on the couch listening to your conversation going on upstairs. you had called him upset the night before because carlos decided to cancel on your anniversary date last minute so being the nice friend he was, he brought you pizza and some flowers.
maybe it wasn't the greatest idea.
so that same night after having a mini pillow fight and throwing popcorn at each other around your apartment, the both of you sat down watching some scary movie that you had picked out.
he had let out a loud boo which made you jump right into his lap. "what the hell!" you yelled before smacking his arm.
he wrapped an arm around you as he was laughing and used his other arm to try to protect himself from your hits. "i'm sorry! i thought it would be funny..."
when the laughs dialed down, he wrapped his arm around your waist more comfortably and you rested your head onto his shoulder.
yeah he definitely had it bad for you.
"you ever think about leaving him?" he quietly asked.
"don't do this lan i ca-"
"just tell me that you feel this connection too and it's not just m-"
your phone began ringing and the both of you realized the position you guys were in, he cleared his throat as you got up from his lap and sat back down next to him.
missed call from carlos.
"i can't make you wait till i decide to leave him, it's not fair to you..."
he gently grabbed your hand and shook his head. "i know we're going to be together eventually and i'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes."
once the movie finished the both of you had fallen asleep in your living room, he slept on the floor while you slept on the couch and the next morning carlos saw you guys sleeping soundly.
"you've got to be fucking kidding me..." carlos mumbled as he took his shoes off.
if it had been a few days ago he would've been fine with it but since everyone on social media knew it was your anniversary and the both of you had been spending it with other people, there were many opinions on that.
most of them talking about how maybe you had been seeing lando behind carlos's back since you guys were always together, there were others who defended you and said maybe carlos was the reason behind it all.
carlos was starting to see your friendship differently now — lando was always around, the both of you always goofing off, making inside jokes he could never understand...
"i'm sorry lando but you should leave..." you gently told him as you walked down the steps.
he nodded as he grabbed his sweater from the couch and followed you to the door. "you'll be alright?"
"yeah i'll be fine."
as he faced you, he saw carlos looking down at the both of you from the top of the stairs. "just call me if anything alright?" which you nodded to.
he didn't hear from you for a few days after that but he knew you were alright since you had been posting on your story, carlos and you had gone on a trip to spain to visit his family.
after returning he heard the news that carlos was signing a deal to join ferrari the following year which led lando to go visit carlos's house and tell him his side of the story.
"i'm sorry i misinterpreted your friendship with y/n but me joining ferarri has nothing to do with you..." carlos told him. "i just would appreciate if the both of you had some space, we're in a shaky place right now and i'm hoping i could propose to her soon..."
this moment was the moment he realized that he needed to put some space between the two of you so you could make your mind up.
"she's one a of a kind and i don't want to let her go."
neither did he.
"she is..." lando mumbled out before sipping on his water.
a few days after that conversation you had called and texted him a few times but he never answered so you eventually gave up. it took everything in him to not show up to your house and declare his love for you but for carlos's wishes he began to distance himself from you.
the following year, carlos and you were finally back on track until there were rumors going around that carlos was seeing an ex girlfriend again.
"we just met for a coffee and that was it!"
you really didn't know if you should believe him since this was the girl he was with for years before you. before dating he had told you that he planned on proposing to her but it just didn't work out.
"i'm going to my place tonight, i'll see you tomorrow for your race..."
but you didn't really go back to your apartment, instead you went to a club with some of your friends and later found yourself hanging out with lando since he was there also.
"oh my god, i missed you!" you smiled at him as he threw a chip over at your way.
and god did he miss hanging around you too.
so for the next few weeks the two of you slowly began hanging out again and carlos was fine with it since he was currently busy with the ferrari group.
lando's feelings for you had slowly started creeping back in. he didn’t know what it was, but all the memories with you had been stuck in his head and he couldn't get you out.
you were like a dream in his head.
"oh carlos is so killing you when he finds out..." daniel joked as he put on his helmet.
lando's eyes were on you but then looked at daniel. "what are you talking about?"
"it's so obvious you're in love with her..."
months later, carlos went to lando asking him for space between the two because things were shaky in the relationship again. "i'm starting to think you're the root of the problem..." carlos joked but lando knew deep down he probably wasn't joking.
it was the truth.
"dude i think you should just tell her..." his best friend max began ranting on about it.
he groaned before sinking deeper into the couch. "then i'd just betray carlos's trust and i don't want to do that!"
before they could carry on with the conversation the pair heard a knock on the door and max opened the door since lando was too busy sulking. "oh dude it's for you..."
and there you were standing with tears on your face so unfortunately the whole distance thing didn’t last very long for the both of you. 
“woah, hey what happened?” lando asked you as he brought you inside and max made his way into his room.
“carlos asked me to move in with him but.."
"that's great right? shouldn't that be a good thing?" he helped wipe off a tear slipping out of your eye.
"i told him i didn't think we were ready for that yet and he got upset and asked for space but i just needed to know if you still had any type of..."
he knew it was coming, now he needed to figure out how to respond.
"feelings for me before i make a final decision."
you didn't know when it happened but your feelings for lando had returned again.
"of course i do b-"
he wasn’t sure what made you do what you did next but before he knew it, your lips were on his — the faint taste of your cherry chapstick gave him the urge to deepen the kiss but he snapped back into reality.
the both of you shouldn’t have been doing this. 
"i can't do this to carlos, you're the love of his life and he's one of my closest frie-"
as you began getting up from your seat, lando's eyes landed on max who was waving his hands around from the corner of the room. "this is your chance!" he whispered.
oh fuck it.
he pulled you in by the waist and kissed you, backing away slowly he grabbed your cheek. “leave him for good” he whispered “and be with me.”
you nodded before kissing him again and lando let himself fall into the couch with you straddling him, not breaking the kiss.
"my boy is so getting it on!" max mumbled as he took that kiss as a queue to run back into his room.
and little lando norris did indeed get it on.
the two of you panted, trying to recover from your orgasms and lando scanned the room as he saw the clothes the both of you had on thrown around the floor and looked right back at you.
it was a peaceful silence for a while until he finally spoke. “so whose dick is better, his or mine?”
the next year the both of you took it slow before officially getting into a relationship but lando had already found himself so fucking in love with you, like ridiculously so.
"c'mon love, just sleepover this week again." he complained before wrapping his arm around you and dragged you back into bed. "i'll die if you leave me."
you let out a giggle before kissing his cheek. "fine i will stay, can't have you dying on me."
you had officially broken up with carlos after the whole thing with lando.
"it's for the best..." carlos had agreed with you.
what you didn't know was that he actually had prepared a speech and bought a big, shiny ring because he knew you deserved a ring like that — so he had hoped he could change your mind about your decision in the future but you never did.
he confided in lando about the situation and it made him feel guiltier than ever. he also didn't know if he should have told you about the ring but at the end of his conversation with max, he decided against it.
since the both of you were busy and in different states most of the time, the both of you facetimed whenever you could and if you weren't busy he'd fly you out to wherever he was or he'd fly out to you.
"a club with the guys? are you sure?" you questioned him. "won't carlos be there?"
"i heard he wasn't going to be able to make it but i mean they know we're good friends so it shouldn't be weird or anything." lando helped you slip on your dress and observed it. "you don't think the dress is too short? i mean you look really hot bu-"
"nope i think it's perfect."
later on that night lando had a little too much to drink after seeing carlos practically on you the entire time — turns out he was able to make it only because charles had told him you were coming along so he wasn't able to hang around you much.
"i think they're going to get back together..." charles told the group as he took a sip out of his cup. "carlos said they've been texting or something like that."
"texting?" lando asked as he looked back at you laughing at whatever it was that carlos had told you.
daniel knew what was going on with the both of you — he had walked in on lando taking a rather intresting photo of his downstairs area in a public bathroom and after chasing him around he finally admitted to who it was going to.
"carlos is so go-"
"he's so going to kill me, i know!" he groaned as he snatched back his phone from him.
so as he continued watching lando taking yet another shot and go over to the booth where carlos and you were, he began to get nervous for him.
he plopped himself right next to you "hey lovebirds! what are you guys talking about?"
you gave him a look and noticed he reeked of alcohol.
"about this trip i took her on for our first anniversary...."
lando lightly elbowed you and smiled. "oh wow must've been nice, you know i took her to se-"
now it was your turn to elbow him and just in time daniel had made it to the table. "come get a drink with me carlos, max is paying!" he was able to drag him away and you stayed behind with lando.
"what is wrong with you?" you asked him "you know he would've ki-"
he rolled his eyes before standing up and dragging you into the men's restroom. "i thought it was me you wanted to be with, why is charles saying you and carlos are talking again?"
"i do la-"
"so why are you letting him practically eye fuck you...." he scanned over your dress and groaned again. "it's that damn dress."
your dress made you look too good.
aside from carlos being with you the entire time, it had the guys staring at you every now and then.
you just looked so pretty to him — in your pretty dress, your pretty face isn’t helping the very visible print that was going on in his dress pants.
you rolled your eyes knowing what it was going to take for him to stop sulking like a child. you saw how his lust filled eyes were on you so it didn't take long before he started kissing you roughly, hands roaming over your body before he flipped your dress up and pushed your thong to the side.
"fuck you look so pretty like this..." he mumbled before sinking two fingers into your wet folds. "you're mine, you know that right?"
you nodded to his question and let your head fall onto his shoulder. "l-lan i need you..."
"stop!" lando instantly pulled your dress back down and the both of you heard a bathroom stall open, it was charles looking white as a ghost. "before this could go any further i need to get out of here."
he cleared his throat as he quickly washed his hands.
"carlos can’t kno-"
he nodded "i know, i won’t say anything..." as he opened the door he looked back to lando. “you know he’s going to kill you right?”
lando rolled his eyes and helped charles close the door.
you slapped his arm after he tried kissing you again. “really lan?”
he rubbed his arm. “ow, how was i supposed to know he was in here…”
after a few more minutes of bickering back and fourth — lando locked the door and was finally able to do what he wanted with you since before you guys had left the hotel room.
as he was blowing your back out he kept whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“god i’d love to do this with you everyday…”
“i promise i‘m going to give you the world.”
“you would like that wouldn’t you?”
you gripped onto the tiled sink and the most you could respond was with uh huhs and mmhms.
it had been an amazing year with lando already but the both of you had still kept it a secret.
during the singapore race carlos had helped lando get podium and it made him feel a bit guilty for not telling carlos the truth yet. carlos still considered him to be one of his bestest friends but once he finds out about your relationship, he was for sure going to kill him when he sees him with you.
you guys hadn't gone public yet, you were finally ready to do so and after getting p2 in japan he had decided he was finally ready also.
"i just want you to come with me to texas..." lando told you over the phone. "i've gone on the podium three times already and i just would really like to see you there for me for the next one."
you smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. “just say that you miss me…”
the both of you hated being away from each other for too long. lando could say he definitely hated it more than you — if you didn’t have a modeling career, he definitely would’ve loved for you to travel with him.
“alright fine i miss you, now will you please come back here.”
besides missing you there was something else he missed also, something nobody else could give him but you. the whole phone sex, pictures and sexting was just not cutting it for him.
so finally after you had agreed and flew over to his place in monaco, he wasted no time in receiving what he missed.
“missed you so much…” he mumbled with his right hand around your throat giving it a slight squeeze and placed a very wet kiss onto your lips.
during media day, you had happily decided to go with lando. there were some people that gave you looks and others were happy about you guys being together.
"well looks like there's going to be a lot of drama today." pierre whispered to his girlfriend after they both smiled at you guys from a distance.
she playfully slapped his arm "oh hush, they look so cute together!"
lando held your hand the entire time and walked over to where oscar was sitting. "took you guys long enough..." he smiled looking at the both of you guys. "i was getting real sick of hearing him talk about you all the time."
lando rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around you. "yeah, yeah, shut it."
while oscar and lando were doing an interview, you sat on a nearby chair and scrolled through your phone when you saw someone sitting next to you.
"has he seen you yet?" you heard.
"not yet..." you answered and looked at charles who held up a bag of chips towards to you.
you took one out of the bag and the both of you sat quietly. you had hoped carlos would be supportive and it wouldn't be a big thing but you knew how your ex boyfriend was so it made you nervous.
charles knew it was most definitely going to be a big fight because carlos still loved you — you could see the hearts in his eyes when he talked about you, he had hoped that you would make your way back to him.
after the interview lando and you decided to just walk around before someone else wanted an interview, lando was hoping you guys wouldn't bump into carlos anywhere.
for awhile you guys didn't but the luck was bound to run out at some time.
"i need to use the restroom, i'll be back." you had told him before planting a small kiss on his lips.
he smiled as he saw you walking to the restroom but it was soon washed away when he turned and saw carlos walking towards him.
"oh boy..." charles mumbled seeing the both of them from faraway before tapping oscar and running towards them.
"look mate, hold o-" lando started but before even finishing his sentence carlos had already swung on him.
lando clenched his jaw and backed up from him.
in a way he believed he did deserve that.
"how long lando?"
"awhile bu-"
before carlos could swing again oscar and charles held him back. the shouting had drawn the attention of others, including the photographers.
"i considered you one of my closest friends!" carlos yelled as the pair had finally let him go. "how could you do this to me?"
they both continued yelling at each other and lando was starting to lose his patience with him.
you had came out of the bathroom and saw everyone looking at the same thing, carlos tackling lando onto the floor while throwing a punch.
as you walked over there lando had managed to flip carlos over and punched him. "are you both being serious right now!"
from a distance the rest of the drivers were watching you yelling at the both of them from a distance.
alex handed george his fifty dollars. "i told you it was going to happen at some point."
"well he started it first..."
the pair continued bickering and carlos shoved lando again before looking at you. "i'm assuming he did not tell you that i was planning to propose to you and tha-"
lando rolled his eyes. "shut up carlos."
carlos pointed over to lando. "you shut up..." he looked back at you again. "that's why you went through with whatever bullshit story he gave you just to be with him."
lando tried grabbing your hand but you pushed his hand away. "why didnt you tell me about?"
"would it have made a difference if i did?" he looked at you as you stayed silent. "you had already left him and you were already with me when he told me..."
carlos chuckled before nodding. "that long huh?"
charles tried stepping in once he saw carlos's hand make a fist but he pushed him back and swung at lando.
lando was able to dodge it again and just before he could throw a hit, andrea and frederic came over before pulling the boys to the side. "what's going on here?"
while they talked to the boys, you had decided to walk back to the car. after a minute lando noticed you walking away from the distance and decided to run after you.
he pulled you to the side and saw you had tear streaming down your face. "love where are you going? let me grab my stuff and we can go home."
you shook your head. "i'm going back to my home a-"
"you're flying back to cali?"
you nodded. "lando that was really embarrassing for me! we aren't little kids anymore, there was no need to be fighti-"
"well he hit me first an-"
you gave him a look and he quickly stopped talking. "i'll call you when i land alright?"
he shook his head before grabbing your hand. "but where does that leave us?"
you shrugged as you moved your hand away from him and wiped one of your tears. "i don't know lan..."
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f1 & f2 masterlist!
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thank you guys for reading, my requests are open!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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eepywriters · 9 months
.✦°. • A kiss goodbye (*゚∀゚*)
warnings: suggestive 👀
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If there was something you loved, it was lazing around in your big comfy bed, even more if there was a beautiful, sleep-deprived dark haired man next to you.
Unfortunately, today it wasn’t a lazy late morning.
“What time is it” Alex says with a hoarse voice, stretching his back lightly.
“Mhh I don’t care” you mumble sleepily, rutting your head onto his chest.
“Well I care” he mutters, gently running his fingers through your messed up bedhead hair. You feel him shuffle around before a whine of defeat leaves him “fuck its so late”.
You let out an annoyed sound, tightening your hold on him as to silently plead him to stay a little longer. You knew it wasn’t gonna change anything, the dedication to his work being way too strong for him to even consider wasting more time in bed, but it didn’t mean that you couldn’t try. He snorts at your weak attempt, leaving a sweet kiss on top of your head.
“Sorry baby, work calls” he sighs, sitting up with a groan whilst running his hands down his face, a deep exhausted moan leaving him as he tries to shove his sleepiness away.
You don’t find it in your heart to be mad at him, knowing how much he truly put his heart into his job, especially since the start of the Qsmp.
And really, being mad at him would be foolish, because throughout all the stress, the tight agenda and fucked up sleep schedule - you did scold him for that one, but that’s another story - he always made sure to find time for the both of you.
You smile fondly, head spinning as you also sit up on the bed.
“A goodbye kiss first?” you giggle, moving your head towards him.
He smiles, lowering down to meet your lips in a short, gentle, loving kiss.
But one wasn’t enough, not nearly enough.
“Another one” you whisper against his lips. He hums, chuckling softly whilst giving in into your wish.
And one turned into two, and two into three till you eventually lost count (not that you even care about it really, you just want to feel his lips on yours as much as possibile). You really, really couldn’t help it, warmth spreading in your chest every time you two connect again.
The kisses aren’t even special per se, they are mostly rushed and messy and mindless, yet God did it feel euphoric, almost like it was your first time kissing his pretty mouth, over and over again.
“(Name)” he breathes between the soft kisses “I really... need… to go”
“Last one” you whine softly when you separate, chasing after his chapped, but inviting puffy lips.
He really should’ve stopped you at the moment, seeing as he risked being late to an important online briefing, but he really couldn’t resist you. You were his weak spot, his kryptonite (plus he likes to see you desperate for him).
And how could he have ever say no to you, to your half-lidded, foggy, lovely eyes looking straight up at him, your hair still messy from your sleep.
“I’ll be sure to give you a good one then, no complaining after though” he murmurs, bringing one of his hands up to stroke your cheek. His thumb slowly makes it’s way to your lower lip, rubbing it gently, handling you like you’d break at any sudden movement.
Goosebumps travel up the back of your neck and down your spine as you watch him attentively, his enamored gaze enough to make your heart beat faster. How did you even pull him?
A faint cocky grin flashes on his face, eyes lowering to your mouth before he pulls you right back into him again, pinning his lips against yours.
It’s rough, hungry, yet passionate and full of love and devotion at the same time. You both can’t help but whimper when he deepens the kiss, firmly holding you against him by your nape.
His free hand sneaks around your middle, pushing you towards him to invite you to sit on his lap. You kick the blanket out of your way, shivering lightly at the loss of coverage but soon enough finding comfort in Alex’s body heat, enjoying the greater contact.
You can feel the blush creeping up your cheeks as you kiss him fervently, your chest constricting as time passes, begging you for air.
His hands carefully slip under your shirt, smoothing over the skin of your sides while yours go up his chest, arms hugging his neck.
You separate with a gasp, taking in as much oxygen as possible for your aching lungs. You expected Alex to run away, but he stays, pressing his forehead on yours and keeping you firmly against him. His own breath is ragged.
You slowly move back, just to have a good look at his state. God was he beautiful like this, panting for air with rosy cheek, his eyes still shut.
You let your impulsive thoughts win and leave a short peck on one of his moles. He smiles.
A mole after the other, a kiss after the other, you shower his face with kisses. You eventually forget your initial intention and leave them on every little inch of his face, mapping it out with short, affectionate pecks.
His temple, his forehead (you kiss his scar twice for good measure), his eyes, his nose, his cheeks.
Your eyes stop at his lips, eyeing them hungrily while a devious little thought makes it’s way into your fogged head. You leave one last tiny kiss on the corner of his mouth.
His mouth twitches in anticipation. Nothing comes.
He raises an eyebrow expectantly, but you don’t move.
Alex huffs.
His nails paint little half moons on your flesh as he impatiently captures your lips again, eliciting a small giggle from you. You felt drunk, or rather, you were drunk, on his lips, his reactions, his impatience, on him.
One of your hands slowly sneaks foward, now on his nape.
A little alarm sounds in Alex’s head, getting rid of the hazy, lustful smoke that was clouding his mind, as he realizes something; your hands are approaching dangerous territory: his hair.
Don’t get him wrong, Alex is having the time of his life with you on his lap, lips melded and moving together in tandem, but as much as he’d love to spend the rest of his life right here, tangled with you, he knows that the moment you’ll be playing with his hair he’ll be putty in your hands. He begrudgingly leaves your mouth with a shaky sigh, bringing his thumb on your lips again, this time to smear the tiny string of saliva between you across your red, swollen lips.
Your pants fill the quiet bedroom. Your chests heaving together.
“I’ll see you later” he says, swiftly getting up from the bed to prevent himself from getting too caught up with you.
“Yeah, yeah you definitely will” you snicker, biting your lips as you stare at his growing hard-on.
“Oh shut up”.
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queers-gambit · 6 months
Now and at the Hour of His Death
prompt: any who say, "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," were never loved by him.
pairing: Osferth x female!pregnant!wife!reader
fandom: The Last Kingdom
word count: 6.1k+
note: fuck you, Netflix.
warnings: you already know - author needs therapy, projects hard, pregnant wife, Lord’s name in vain, Christianity (obviously), and a fuck ton of fucking ANGST because fuck your feelings. hurt NO comfort, drama, oneshot, cursing, canon-typical violence, injury, and blood. character death and spoilers - yeah, i'm giving you THAT scene. requires maturity and caution. good luck.
also please note: NO, i do not age Osferth to be 16 - that's just a reference age for when he eventually runs away from the monastery.
again, you are missing nothing if this upsets or triggers you and you choose to skip. value your wellbeing, my angels. author is not responsible for the media YOU choose consume, but still, as usual, MDNI
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"You should not be doing this sort of work," Ingrith's voice scolded you, and when you turned, you saw the blonde woman standing with her hip cocked and a stern expression. "It's bad for your health to be in such filth, we've stable boys for this sort of chore."
"I do not mind," you sniffled in the brisk air, shoveling the horse shit of the stable into a muck bucket to be dumped into the fields later. "It keeps me busy," you grunted lightly, sure to bend your knees when lifting the pitchfork, "keeps me humble," you listed, dumping the waste to grin at your friend, "and keeps me young."
"In what way?"
"Reminds me of my childhood," you eased, continuing your work. "I slept in a stable from the ages of 4 to... Oh, shit, I guess I was about 16 before I left The Loft."
"What?" She breathed in confusion. "Never knew that."
"Yeah, yeah, true story," you beamed at her, still shoveling shit. "I slept in the stalls with the horses, sometimes in the grain rooms - basically anywhere I could since my work didn't include official room and board, so, I had to make do with what was available. Then, one day when I was about ten, Old Man Rivers said I could use the hay loft if I cleared it out, fixed the rotten planks. Stayed up there till I was about 16, and after that, I kinda ran away."
"Old Man Rivers?"
You nodded, "My mother lived on his homestead, but she was real sick, you see. So, he kinda took me in without assuming responsibility for me," you cleared your throat, shrugging, "let me stay in his barn if I worked with the horses and livestock for him."
"Why would you want to be reminded of that?"
"Seems simpler when I look back."
Ingrith sighed, "C'mon, put the pitchfork down. Come help me prepare the rabbits. The scouts say the men aren't too far off, they'll want a hot meal."
You chuckled with ease and set your pitchfork aside, giving a hearty pat to one of the horse's necks as you passed by to exit the stable. Ingrith made sure you washed up before you were both mounting rabbits on the rack to start skinning them.
"Could I ask something?" She wondered after a time.
"Anything you'd like."
"Why'd you run away? From Old Man Rivers?"
You laughed, "I was in love."
"Oh, you and Baby Monk go that far back, huh?"
"Try even farther," you teased. "Our mothers were friends, and when I worked in the stable, he was in the monastery, but when he came to me, saying he couldn't do it any longer, I couldn't let him go alone. Life was supposed to offer more than what we were given, so, we set out to find the legendary barbarian, The Dane Slayer," you teased, both giggling, "our Lord, the legendary, Uhtred of Bebbanburg."
"And all this time...?" She smiled, watching you shuck hide like you've done it your whole life. Ingrith inferred you probably did.
"Yeah," you eased, "all this time, he's been by my side. Kept me close, never left me behind. The others weren't too sure about me on account of being a woman, they told us to piss off a few times - but they came around after Osferth refused to send me away."
"He's a good lad, Osferth," she nodded.
"Arguably one of the best ones," you agreed, nudging her arm gently, "but look who I'm telling, right?"
"Oh!" She giggled, swatting at you loosely before going back to your work for a moment. Suddenly, the townspeople of Rumcofa stirred to life, and over the voices, you heard them announcing their Lord's return - which meant all of your men were home. You both grinned and breathlessly left your post, Ingrith pausing a young lad to ask, "How many return to us?"
"Does it matter? Come, c'mon, let us see ourselves!" You all but squealed, overwhelmed with excitment; eager for your own reunion with the man you've loved since you were a young lass.
"Warn the alehouse!" Finan was heard shouting. "Osferth's thirsty!"
"Jesus," you laughed, dodging around the procession of people waiting to greet their warriors on their return home so you could approach the white gelding your husband rode.
His face was absolutely priceless when he caught sight of you. As Osferth eagerly dismounted, your hands smoothed over the small swell of your belly - purposefully wearing a dress that accentuated your ever-changing figure. "Am I dreaming?" He laughed, a stablehand taking hold of his horse so his hands were free to caress your belly. "Oh, my God, I'm not, 's real, oh, God," he beamed, laughing with you. "You're pregnant? Truly? Yes? I-I am not - I am not being deceived?"
"No, my love, I guess our prayers were finally heard."
"OH-HOOOO!" You heard Finan holler as Osferth finally pulled you in for a sweet kiss; both ignoring the Irishman. "Lord! LORD! Uhtred! Hey! Did you hear!? Baby Monk's got some spunk in 'im afta all!"
"Oh, God," you laughed against Osferth's lips, but he was quick to shush you with another breath-stealing kiss.
"A baby Baby Monk! AHA!" Finan was still laughing, your husband's hands caressing both your cheeks when he pulled back just in time for Finan to descend. You grunted lightly when his heavy arms dropped over both yours and Osferth's shoulders, his laugh still booming as he gave a squeeze and cooed, "Oh, congratulations, yah two love birds! Wasn't sure you had it innyah, boy!"
"Don't be so rough with her, Finan, for God's sake," Osferth scolded, nudging his friend to get out from under his arm.
"What?" Finan looked at you gobsmacked. "Sayin' I gotta treat yah different now or somethin'?"
"I didn't say that," you told him prettily with fluttering lashes, fist quickly balling up to jab him in the weak spot of his armor - making him grunt and wheeze. "Aht-aht!" You warned with a pointed finger when he flinched as if to retaliate, "Can't hit a pregnant woman."
"Oh, yeh li'l shite," Finan laughed, Osferth pushing him towards his wife so he could stand in front of you and command all attention.
Osferth took a moment to simply look at you; thumbs gently tracing over your cheeks in sweeping motions, a slow grin breaking across his lips. "This almost doesn't feel real... But how I have to praise God for this blessing. A baby," he breathed.
"A little you and me," you agreed softly. "Sound okay to you?"
"More than okay," he chuckled, pecking your lips, "sounds like a lifetime together."
"Good by me." His nose nuzzled up yours, the sweet moment broken when he sighed sadly; eyes shut and smile dropping. "What is it? What's wrong, love?" You asked, stepping into his embrace so you were nuzzled into his neck and his arms were wrapped around your form in a vice.
"Uhtred means to move us again," he whispered in your ear. "Brida, she... She's got Father Pyrlig, and - "
"What!?" You snapped, rearing back slightly to pin him under your hardened glare. Pregnancy hormones would surely give Osferth whiplash.
"My love, I did not - "
"Brida's got Pyrlig? Fuck are we standin' here for, let's go!" You reached for his hand, ready to march off.
"Uh, no, no, no, no," he pulled you back to him; anchoring his hands on your hips so you could not escape. "You are not going anywhere. Not now - especially now," he glanced at your still-growing bump. "The men will go, you know we will return, but you have this new responsibility, and that's keeping this little one safe. For us," he smiled at you.
You huffed, "I'm not unfit to do what needs done, Osferth."
"I did not say you were unfit, but look at the timing of it," he frowned. "I should've been here when you learned, but I was not, and I am truly so sorry for it. Look, I do not know how long this venture will be, but you know I will return. We've waited for our family for far too long, I will not jeopardize this - so I will return. If you go with us, and something were to happen," he shook his head, "my angel, I would never forgive myself. So I need you to stay here, stay safe, if for nothing else but for me."
"But Pyrlig - "
"Will be saved," he assured.
"And Brida - "
"Will be dealt with," he eased, chuckling lightly. "My angel, you worry too much about everyone and yet never about yourself."
You pouted, "Well, why is it just me meant to stay back? This is your child, too, Osferth, and should have the right to meet them! You can't always control what happens, accidents are real, what if you don't return - "
"Don't think like that - "
"But it's a real threat to us - "
He agreed, "Of course, but - "
"Yeah, I know," you nodded, cutting him off, "we serve Lord Uhtred. This comes first, and I'm not - "
"I've made a vow to him."
"You made one to me, too, you know."
"Angel, please, don't do this. Do not ask me to choose," he begged with a frown, and you caved.
So, with a sigh, you nuzzled into his embrace and relented, "All right, yes, fine, go after Brida and Pyrlig. And when you find them, tell him I am waiting for his safe return, he is dearly missed. Ideally, I'd have him birth our child."
"Of course," he breathed, finding a small reprieve of relief that you did not fight him further about leaving - about choosing which vow to fulfill: the one to his Lord Uhtred or the one to his wife.
Both made to God.
Luckily, Osferth married his best friend and you were never one to pick fights with him. You liked the harmony you had; the peaceful environment you had both cultivated to preserve the trust and love you built through the years. He was genuinely one of a kind; a man who walked many lines between faith, humanity, right, wrong. He was the voice of reason, constantly striving to do better than he did before, learning all he could as if a rag soaking in water. For all he was, Osferth has always been enough for you, and for that reason alone, you never felt the need to argue.
To fight. To voice contempt.
"Question," you perked up, smirking at him as your pregnancy symptoms ran a little wild, "think we've time to, you know, really give our thanks?"
"Angel - "
"What?" You grinned. "You fucked me on the alter all those weeks ago and look - your seed stuck. We might as well go give thanks in the same manner, just to really show God how thankful we are for this blessing he's given us."
"Think the Devil's gotten into you," he laughed.
"Or your child is ruining my hormones," you countered, his lips meeting yours in another passionate display of his excitement.
"C'mon," he whispered, taking your hand, and leading you to the chapel - thinking you were being sneaky, but your matching giggles made Ingrith and Finan beam at each other.
"He does know she can't get more pregnant, right?" Finan teased, flinching when Ingrith smacked his upper arm.
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"My angel, please - "
"What the fuck is going on, Osferth!?"
"I'm trying to explain - "
"The Queen? The fucking Queen is dead in our village! How can that possibly be explained!?" When Osferth didn't answer, just sat in the wooden chair before the shared hearth of your humble home, you snapped, "Well!?"
"Are you finished? May I speak now?"
With a huff, you nodded and gestured for him to speak; arms crossing around your swollen tits. He explained to you the reason for Haesten's arrival, the wagon his men toted, and why he brought the Queen's dead body to the settlement of Rumcofa. He told you Haesten wanted to keep the peace when King Edward found out, claiming Uhtred's son-in-law, Stiorra's husband, Sigtryggr, had ordered this death - thinking war would surely roll over his lands.
You never knew Haesten to be a generous man, nor much of an honest one, but it seemed the severity of the situation made everyone eerily on-edge. Uhtred dispatched his men; leaving Finan and Osferth in the village with you, developing a plan that would save both Saxon and Danish life. And yet, it was all futile when evil forces worked against good.
You didn't feel safe in Rumcofa anymore, there was a stench in the air; tension that mounted to embrace all residents with discomfort. Something was about to happen, but nobody knew what. You didn't claim or pretend to know what was happening, but Haesten's abrupt appearance spelled danger for everyone involved. So, as a security measure, you kept a long sword buckled around your swelling waist and a dagger strapped under your skirts. With Lord Uhtred gone, there was no invisible fence protecting Rumcofa - leaving it up to you, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf to pose as guard.
Yet you'd never be enough.
Like the surf over sand, a group of angered men descended on Rumcofa. "Who's men are yah?" Finan asked, you lingering at Osferth's side to watch the interaction from a short distance.
"We come from the King," a burly Saxon replied, your head cocking in interest - swearing you've seen him before. "Dane murderers are hiding here and you must hand them over."
"You're mistaken, sir," you kindly offered, the man's eyes shifting over you, "because we live in peace. Any murderers have surely moved on from here. We do not host them."
The man growled, "Don't think that's true, love."
Finan held a hand back at you, meeting your eyes and nodding simply. He turned back for the man in fur, diverting, "Of course, my men will attend to it."
Finan turned from the group, his eyes connecting with yours as he passed by. There was urgency, a quickened pace he adopted; having no intention to hand anyone over, wanting to remove these men without bloodshed. However, that was a distant thought because Father Benedict tried to assure the Saxon leader that nobody in Rumcofa would murder Queen Aelflaed.
You wanted to step in when the Saxon evidently didn't know about the Queen's demise - getting in Benedict's face and demanding to see what he spoke of.
"No, no, no," you muttered nervously, "he can't see the body, love, no, no, no, this is bad. Very bad."
"We can't stop Father Benedict without altercation," Osferth whispered back, keeping a tight hold of your hand, just watching the group. "If something happens, you need to get yourself safe."
"How do we truly know they're from Edward? What credentials do they have?" When Osferth shook his head, you worried, "Got a bad feeling 'bout this, angel."
Then the violence began.
The strange men took charge when their leader walked away, starting to physically harass the citizens; making both you and Osferth step in to try and diffuse the tension. You pushed men off unarmed women, got in between them and the children, did what you could without drawing a weapon.
When a man shoved you away from him, Finan wrangled him away, sneering, "Get yer hands off of her!" He kept the violent men at bay for a moment, telling you, "You need to go, darling - "
"Not now, Fin, look around us! We need to contain the situation, you'll need all hands you can get," You snapped, the two of you forced to part way.
Osferth panted nervously and looked left and right, turning to meet the Saxon and demand, "Tell your men to stand down!" But then, his eyes squinted when you joined his side to pull him back a step or two, recognizing him just as you did.
"I don't think they're here for the Queen, love," you heaved for breath in warning, still backing him up. "They've planned this."
"Finan!" Osferth barked, "These men have been here before!"
The Saxon roared over the fray, "Danes of Rumcofa have murdered our Queen!" His men jeered in anger, making Finan brandish both swords and for Osferth to push you back further from the attention. "Do your duty and rid the cockles from the wheat!"
You were left no choice. Osferth and you both armed yourselves, starting to fight off the Saxons as their leader demanded Danes and Christians be separated. You were unable to help, engaged in battle, but Young Uhtred gathered the Danes and begged Father Benedict to declare the church a sanctuary - thinking it would save lives.
It was only leading the Danes to slaughter.
The Saxon, Bresal, punched Father Benedict when he tried to stand in the way; his men holding Young Uhtred in the doorway to let their men enter the church the Danes were gathered in. They forced Young Uhtred to watch the massacre - men, women, and Danish children all slaughtered with no escape. No hope. No answer to a single prayer. Nobody to stop this bloody situation.
You fought on, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf doing their best to protect you by keeping you in the middle of their wee group. But you still got plenty of action.
"This is madness!" You cried out, slicing a man's throat open. "We need aid! We need more men!"
"This way!" Finan encouraged, "We must cut a path for Ingrith! Check the docks! Check the docks!"
You and Osferth ran towards the water, Cynleaf not far away. You searched for Ingrith, but you had no time to linger; engaged one-on-one again, forced to protect yourself and unborn baby. Not a minute later, you saw Ingrith on horseback, being stalled by a Saxon and for your husband to rush to her aid. He punched the man away from the horse, you hacking at another enemy, in time to see Osferth engaging with two Saxons - one being the leader, Bresal.
It all happened so fast.
You were already racing towards them when the unexpected. Osferth was battling on two fronts, holding Bresal at bay, fending off the other Saxon, screaming for Ingrith, who only managed a few paces before the Saxon's dogs spooked her horse. The noise was deafening; people screaming, crying, dogs barking, horses whinnying, swords singing as they clashed.
You watched it happen in slow motion.
You sprinted faster than ever before.
"INGRITH!" Osferth bellowed in worry when her horse reared back and dropped her to the dirt. It left an opening for Bresal to stab his dagger into Osferth's lung - freezing time and wrecking your world.
"NO!" You screamed, Bresal smirking at you and yanking his dagger free. Osferth wobbled, eyes wide as he met yours, the Saxon walking away as Osferth dropped to his knees. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, God, no, no, you can't take him - not yet! Please, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," You repeated, sliding on your knees in the dirt to catch him. "No, no, oh, my God, no, Osferth, no, please! Not now, not now, please, no, God, no! Don't do this! Please, please, please," you rambled, readjusting to better hold him, hearing Cynleaf and Finan yell for Baby Monk, too. You raged at God, "You can't take him yet! You can't have him! He's mine!"
But you heard nothing except your husband's labored breathing.
"An-Angel, angel, my angel," Osferth choked, wheezing and crying as he couldn't hold himself up and completely slumped back into your body. He pawed at your arms in an attempt to get closer.
"No, no, no, you're all right, you're okay, you're okay, my sweet love, you're all right," you insisted, hands stained in his blood as it poured from his wound. You knew it was essential to add pressure to a wound, but also, that this was all futile. Yet you needed to try. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me, just look at me, sweetheart, please, only look at me, nothing else matters," you pleaded with him in a rush, the lads sprinting to where you held your husband to your lap.
Nobody interrupted you.
"Where's the wound?" Osferth sobbed, trembling, blood spurting from his mouth; going paler by the minute. "Angel, please, the wound? Where's the wound?"
"No, no, no, don't worry 'bout that, hey? Don't you worry, you just keep looking at me," you sobbed, holding his neck and cradling him to your swollen belly. "Just at me, my love, okay? Just look at me - don't look anywhere else, okay? Nothing else matters."
"H-How bad? How ba-ba-bad-bad is i-it?"
"You're going to be all right," you lied to Osferth for the first time.
"Oh, my God, oh, my God," Osferth repeated through his tears and fears, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
He held onto you desperately, sobbing, you slowly rocking. "No, you're all right, Osferth, it's okay, just look at me." You caressed his cheek, smearing blood, but locking eyes. "My love," you whispered, "listen to me - "
"I don't wanna die, please, please, angel, my love, please," he coughed, holding your arm tightly as if it would give him life. "Don't let me die," he wheezed, "don't let me die, my love, please, please. Don't let me die, I don't wanna die. I-I wanna meet our baby, please, I want to meet our baby, I want to be a father. Don't let me die, love, please, I-I wanna be your husband longer - "
"You'll never not be my husband and you'll never not be a father, hear me?" You sniffled, trying to smile at him. "Don't you worry, you're gonna be okay, you're okay, Osferth. You'll always be my husband, nothing will change that - I swear."
Blood pumped with each beat of his frantic heart, making it gush over your fingers. You didn't even feel it.
"Please," he choked, more blood bubbling from his lips, "don't let me die, I don't wanna die. Don't let me die, please, not now, not when our baby isn't here yet, please, I just wanna meet 'em, be a family, I wanna stay with you, don't let me go. Please, don't let me go, I don't want t'go! Don't let me - "
"Shh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here with you. I'm right here, Osferth, you're not alone, you're never alone. I'm here. I've got you. I'll always have you, I won't ever let you go. Never."
He sobbed harder. "I don't wanna leave you. Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be without you - " But the words choked him, a splatter spraying across your face when he coughed; you didn't even flinch.
"Listen to me," you begged, "I commend you, my dear, sweet husband, to Almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator."
Finan was heard behind you, retching jarring sobs as you read Osferth his death rite prayer. "Don't let me die," Osferth begged still, as if you held that power.
He had always looked at you as if you hung the sun and stars, and now, as if you were his very reason for living. You hated God in that moment for forcing you two through this.
"May you return to Him who formed you from the dust of the earth. May Holy Mary, the angels," now, you choked on your words, emotion clawing your throat, but still continued, "and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life. May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace." You sobbed, "May Christ who died for you admit you into His garden of paradise. May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of His flock. May He forgive all your sins, and set you among those He has chosen. Amen. Please, please, say amen, Osferth, say it, please!"
"A-Amen - Amen!" He coughed, trying to get closer to you, nestling into your warmth as he felt impossibly cold. "Don't leave me, don't leave me, please, please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be alone. I can't go without you, please, don't let me go - don't let me die, angel, please, I can't go without you. I-I’ve never been without you my whole life, I don’t wish to start now. I love you. I-I love you, please, don't let me go, I love you. I need you."
"You'll never be without me," you promised, face coated in blood, grime, dirt, and ash; all streaked with your tear tracks. "You will always be my husband, hey? Hear me? You're always gonna be with me, I will never be apart from you. I'll love you forever, Osferth, I won't ever stop." You felt your chest cave in as you sobbed, "Please, don't you leave me - "
But Osferth was wheezing and panting, only staring up at you. "I only need you," he whimpered, "I've only ever needed you, I can't do this without you. Please, I can't - I can't go without you. I don't want to leave you, I can't leave you, please!'
"So don't leave me," you sobbed, him still clawing at you in desperation. "I love you more than life, Osferth, please, don't leave me, okay? Don't go. I love you so much. Being loved by you was my greatest pleasure in this life, I want our child to know your love, too, Osferth, please, don't go."
"I-I wanna meet our baby, I wanna hold 'em, love 'em," he repeated. "Please, this can't be the end, don't let this be the end. W-We have so much more - we were supposed to have eternity together, my love, my angel, please! This isn't the end, I can't - I can't go without you!"
"You're okay," you soothed uselessly, rocking more prominently. "Just stay with me, my love, okay? Stay with me. Don't go. Only look at me, all right? You hear me?" You sniffled, caressing his cheek. "You're the best thing in my life, Osferth, yeah? Understand me? Where you're going, y-you'll be welcomed a hero, with open arms. You'll be my own angel. My real angel. The reason I keep going for our child. An-And you'll stay there just for a little while until I join you, okay? You'll watch over us, me and the baby, right? Our own angel? Hey? 'Cause you'll never be part from us - you'll never be apart from me. You and I are a forever sorta thing, we'll never be apart, we'll always be part of each other no matter what."
Osferth lost his words, eyes widening and pulling you closer.
You just soothed, "I'm here with you, my love. I'm here, I've got you. You're not alone, I'm right here, I have you. I've got you. I love you. I love you so fucking much, Osferth, okay? I love you more than anything, you're my everything. I love you," you sniffled, breaking down in worse sobs, repeating, "I love you, I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't faster, I love you, this shouldn't be happening. I'm so sorry, I should've come faster! I love you, I'm so sorry."
With his last breath, Osferth choked, "L-Love y-y-you."
"I love you," you hushed, bending at the waist to rest your forehead on his, "I love you so much. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be all right, you'll be safe - where you're going, you'll be safe. I'm so sorry, my love... I'm so sorry."
You felt him go still. You felt the last of his breath exhale, his body deflate. You felt his soul detach from his body.
You froze.
"Oh, my God," you breathed, pulling back to look down at his petrified features. "Oh, my God, no, no, no. God, please, please, give him back," you sobbed, "give him back to me! Do not take him! It's not his time, you selfish cunt! Give him back! It wasn't supposed to end like this! Give him back to me, please! Please! This isn't how this was supposed to happen! We promised eternity together, please! Let us have that! Let us be together, give him back to me! I need him!"
Your shrill hysterics were heard all over Rumcofa.
Finan sobbed into his wife's arms behind you, Cynleaf knelt to slowly extend his hand onto your shoulder. "I'm so sorry," he offered, but you pushed him away harshly; knocking him into the dirt.
"No! I don't want your fucking condolences!" You snapped, holding Osferth tighter, "I want my husband! I want my husband back! Can you give him to me? Can you, Cynleaf? Can you give him back to me!?"
"No - "
"Then you have nothing to offer me! I want nothing else, nothing from you! I only want him!" You looked away from the young lad, finding Osferth's wide open eyes staring up at you. You whimpered, "I only need him, so, please. Please, give him back to me. Please. I need him, I need him, I can't do this without him, please, God, don't do this. You take so many lives, why add him to the mix!? Give him back! C'mon," you begged the cooling body, "c'mon, love, get up. Get up for me, please, just wake up. Come back to me, get up... Get up, Osferth, get up! Please! WAKE UP!"
But Osferth never moved. Never blinked. Never drew breath. And God never answered your pleas. Your dress was saturated in your husband's blood; a pooling puddle seeping into your knees, bodice drenched, his baby moving in your belly. You wailed into the still air, holding your husband tight to your chest; mouth agape to release the terrible screams of anguish, tears never ending, rocking on your knees. You didn't know what to feel... But devastation was prominent.
You wept until your throat went raw, jaw tender from your open mouth. "I'm so sorry!" You repeated, "I should've been quicker! I should've been at your side! You shouldn't have been alone! This is my fault! This is all my fault, I shouldn't have been away from you. I should've been with you, you did not deserve this end. Please! Forgive me, wherever you are, forgive me, I did not intend for this, I shouldn't have left you, I should've been at your side, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."
"No," Ingrith whispered, "no, do not say this is your fault, you did nothing - "
"Exactly!" You snapped at her, eyes ablaze, her husband silent. "I did nothing, I wasn't with him! I wasn't where I was supposed to be! And he was stabbed because of you!"
Finan whispered your name in reprimand.
"No! How many times have you rode a fucking horse, Ingrith!? And now, today, the time it truly matters, you fall; you posed distraction," you sobbed, crumpling in on yourself. "He was distracted by your fall... This shouldn't've happened, this is all wrong!"
The trio just watched you, knowing your emotions were raw and unwavering, that your words did not have meaning because your husband had just died in your arms. Hours passed, you did not move. Hours passed, your husband did not return. Hours passed, and your heart shattered with each passing breath you selfishly drew.
Because living felt selfish now without Osferth.
"Sweet one," Finan whispered, the sun setting, "we should move him. Bring him to the church so Benedict can pray."
Your head shook, "No."
"Darlin', we have to - "
"No," you whimpered, "because if you take him to Benedict, it's real. If we move, he's truly gone... He can't be gone, Finan," you sobbed, meeting your friend's eyes. "If you move him, he's gone, I'm not ready to say goodbye, please. Please, don't take him from me."
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, "but he should be laid to rest."
"Don't take him from me," you begged, a new wave of tears starting. "I just - we were supposed to be a family. We were supposed to have this baby, and now, it's just me? This cannot be, so please, don't take him from me, I only need him back. Give him back to me, Finan, please, I can't be without him."
"I know," he nodded, gently encouraging you into his embrace. It meant you had to let go of Osferth, something you did slowly and gradually, leaning into the Irishman's chest. "All right, I got yah," he whispered, looking to his wife. "C'mon, stand with Ingrith. I'll carry him."
"Be gentle," you sobbed, feeling Ingrith grip your arms to help heave you to your feet; watching Finan scoop Osferth over his shoulder. The change of position made more blood splatter to the dirt, your heart stalling in your chest when you heard the mess.
You felt your soul shriveled and hidden somewhere deep in your chest, following as if in a trance. You watched Finan and Cynleaf slowly lower Osferth to the ground with the other dead Danes, feeling yourself drop to the ground in shock.
Seeing Osferth amongst the dead made it so much more real.
"It's all my fault," you sobbed, Finan moving to your side, "it's all my fault, I got him killed. I should've been quicker. This is my fault, my fault, I did this, 's my fault."
Finan knelt beside you, bringing your foreheads together to hold you tightly and let you sob into his embrace. "You didn't do this," he promised, "you did nothing wrong. You are not at fault. Do not carry this guilt."
You sobbed without reprieve.
Young Uhtred halted Father Benedict from praying over the Danes, telling the older man they had different customs, but looked back at you. He asked your name softly, wondering, "Do you wish for a prayer for... Him?"
Even Young Uhtred couldn't stomach the truth, avoiding using Osferth's name out of sheer disbelief.
"That'd be nice," Finan agreed, turning to sit beside you and hold you under his arm. You leaned into his embrace, head to his shoulder. "She read him his death rites when... It happened."
Young Uhtred nodded, bowing his head, leading, "Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Then, you joined from under Finan's heavy arm, sobbing through your words, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death."
Benedict finished, "Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end."
Together, you, Ingrith, Young Uhtred, Benedict, Finan, and even Cynleaf ended, "Amen."
Feeling the most level-headed, Ingrith stepped in and directed the men; informing that Young Uhtred should lead the remaining Danes to Daneland, Finan and Cynleaf would meet Uhtred on the road, and she would accompany you to Wessex - where Osferth could be laid to rest at the place of his birth. Then, the people mourned together for their fallen.
Finan disagreed initially, telling his wife you were his responsibility now that Osferth was passed. But there was no way you could continue with the company, not in your pregnant state. Finan didn't like the idea of you being without him, considering you close to a sister; something of a best mate, someone he couldn't turn his back on - no matter the situation. However, he understood the predicament and finally agreed to part ways, but not before he untied Osferth's crucifix and latched it around your neck. At the gates of Rumcofa, before separating, Finan gifted you his rosary; thinking it might bring comfort in his physical absence.
Years from then, you would bring up a single son named Gabriel (a name your husband favored, a name benefitting an Angel) under Lord Uhtred in his birthplace of Bebbanburg. You never remarried. You never even so much as looked after another man with lust. Gabriel would grow into a handsome warrior and a devoted man of God, satisfied on tales about his father; being painted as a man of honor, integrity, and bravery. Osferth, too, was a man of God, a man of the sword, and a man of his word... Until the very end. And when your time came, you were brought back to Wessex to be laid to rest with your husband; your son having a son, naming him Osferth, and knowing, both his parents shined down on him in pride.
It was a comfort for everyone to know, somewhere in the afterlife, in God's warmth, you and Osferth were reunited; looking just as you did the day you parted from one another.
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leeknow-thoughts · 2 months
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𝝑𝝔 cw : blasphemy kink???, churchboy!Jeongin, toys, smut
𝝑𝝔 a/n : the years of my life spent in the Catholic church came in clutch with this fic
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Growing up Catholic had its perks, but its drawbacks as well. The tradwife stereotypes for women along with the general theme of sexual repression.
You had grown up with Jeongin, going to church together and going to the same Catholic school with the boy. Over the years, you had lost your faith, Jeongin however only grew in his faith, it never bothered you, and your lack of faith never bothered him.
Eventually, you both went off to the same college, a few states away, and figured it would be easier to live together. It was easier then having to make new friends and less risky than having complete strangers be your roommates.
"My theology professor is trying to kill me, I think," you joke to Jeongin over dinner.
"How so?"
"Because I'm not religious, and I told him that, and he started like interrogating me, it was weird," you confess, taking a bite of cereal.
"Is he religious?"
"I suppose so, I mean I told him that I was raised Catholic, so he started assuming the worst," you explain.
"Isn't that religious discrimination?"
"I don't know what to call it, but it was weird," you shrug it off.
"Sounds weird, but any whom," Jeongin changes the subject, "tomorrow I'm leaving early to help with this fundraiser at church, so don't be surprised if I'm not here when you wake up tomorrow."
Jeongin's whole weekends revolved around church, whether it was because he was helping plan a youth trip or assisting the nuns or even helping run a fundraiser, he kept busy with the volunteer work. And of course he was also an avid participant in Sunday Mass, communion, and other traditions.
"m'kay," you figure, rubbing your tired eyes, "my mom and dad are coming over tomorrow," you inform him.
"Oh, fun," he retorts sarcastically.
"Yeah, fun," you say in that same sarcastic tone as him.
"D'you need help like hiding anything?" Jeongin asks timidly.
"Hiding anything?" you ask.
"Like," Jeongin blushes, hiding his face in his hands before he speaks, "s-sex stuff."
"Oh, I mean if you wouldn't mind?"
"I just don't want your parents to freak out on you, remember last time?"
How could you forget the last time your parents came over and they accidentally found a condom in your bathroom, immediately going into a five hour long lecture about how they expected better from you and that you needed to go to a confessional to be forgiven for your sins of sexual impurity.
"Yeah, trust me I remember," you chuckle, "that would be nice, I have all that shit in a box, so I'll just give you the box."
You rise up from your seat at the dining table and walk into your room, grabbing the medium sized box from the closet and walking into the living room with it when suddenly, you trip, and the contents of the box spill everywhere.
"Ow, fuck," you groan, clenching your knee, which you hit on the ground.
Jeongin is quick to stand up and rush to your side, helping you up. You watch as his face eventually turns to the spilled contents of the box. "What in the fuck is that?" he questions.
Jeongin never swore. He thought swearing was pointless and made someone sound trashy, but here he was, swearing.
"It's a dildo," you whisper an explaination.
"B-but wh-why does it l-look like that?"
"It's supposed to look like a dragon, like, uhm, dick," you explain with an embarrassed tone.
"That's really weird, I hope you know, also that thing is so like big how does it- how do y- how can it- how-"
"A lot of lube, and a lot more patience," you half-joke.
"And what is this?" Jeongin exclaims as he picks up the rose shaped toy.
"I-it's a clit sucker," you explain as you grab it from him and put the toy back in the box.
"And what are these?" he holds up a pair of nipple clamps.
"Nipple clamps," you inform him.
"Why in the hell would anyone ever use something like that," Jeongin speaks to himself.
"Don't knock em till you try em," you insist.
You take the nipple clamps from his grasp and put them back in the box before Jeongin is picking something else up, "and what is this?"
"It's a butt plug."
"But why does it have a tail? Ew wait this thing has been in your butt!?"
"It's clean!" you exclaim, "it has a tail because- well-well because I just like it I d'know?"
"Weird," Jeongin mumbles as he puts the toy in the box.
"And what is this?" he holds up a flogger.
"A flogger, you hit people with it," you explain as you take it from the boy.
"But wouldn't that hurt?"
"That's kind of the point, Jeongin," you hum, "hold out your arm, it's not as bad as you think it is, I promise."
After a moment of thinking it through, Jeongin holds out his arm, you lightly hit him with the flogger, "oh that isn't bad at all," Jeongin hums.
"Mhm," you nod, placing the flogger back in the box.
"Oh, what's this?" Jeongin holds up a tentacle grinder.
"It's a grinder," you tell him.
"What does it do?" he asks sheepishly.
"Well," you pause, embarrassment creeping onto your face, "you like grind on it, like you grind your clit on it."
"Oh," Jeongin's face falls before putting the grinder back in the box.
"I hope you don't think I'm weird or gross or anything now," you confess to him.
"I-I d'think y-your weird," he promises, "I promise, y-you're not weird for having s-sex. It's n-natural."
"But you don't have sex, so I j-"
"Who said I've never had sex?"
You stare at him blankly, "you-you've..."
"Well like it's not sex but like I've masturbated before," he confesses.
Your lips make an o shape as you nod your head, "oh, th-that's good?"
"That's good!?"
"I d'know what to say! I was just surprised!"
"Well I mean I'm human y-you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"No! Of course not!" you insist.
The silence that passes between the two of you is almost deafening. You glance down and that's when you notice it, the bulge in Jeongin's pants. "Je-Jeongin," you mumble.
"I-I-I should go to my room!"
Just as he's about to get up you grab his wrist, the way he looks at you tells you a thousand words. "Stay," you practically plead with him.
"I-I haven't, I don't know how-" he whimpers under your intense gaze.
"I'll teach you," you reassure him, "anything you want, I'll teach you."
No words are exchanged between the two of you as he leans forward and slams your lips onto his own. He's messy and sloppy and inexperienced. "Calm down," you muse to him, "enjoy this, we have all the time in the world," you reassure him.
You gently cup his jaw with your left hand, your right hand running through his hair, "darling, calm down," you mumble against his eager lips.
"Can't get enough of you, d'you know how many nights I've had to listen to you whining and whimpering and falling apart on these things? Hm?" he groans into a kiss, "how I've beat my cock to the thought of you? D'you know about that?"
"Jeongin," you murmur, melting further and further into the kiss, "thought of you too," you confess.
"Want to watch you," he states, breaking apart from the kiss, "I want to watch you fuck yourself, the way you do at night."
That is how you find yourself naked on your couch, Jeongin watching you intently as you ride one of your dildos. "Hmm, so all you do is ride that toy and think of me? That's pathetic," he scoffs, watching you like he's disinterested, but you can tell from the tent in his pants that he is anything but disinterested.
"And all you do is what? Hm? Stroke your cock?" you remark.
"You know, filthy whores like yourself shouldn't fucking talk," Jeongin stands up and kneels next to you, taking your nipple in his mouth, making you gush around the toy, "recite first Corithians 6:18," he demands.
"J-Jeongin," you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Jeongin is pulling you by your hair, making you look at him, "recite it."
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body," you quote.
"That's it honey, yet here you are, riding this fucking toy every night, thinking of me," Jeongin's words are venom, "don't worry though, I'll make a good girl out of you."
You can only whimper at his filthy words.
And that is what started your little taboo tradition, every Sunday night you'd be face down ass up on Jeongin's bed, getting pounded from behind, and you'd only get to cum if you could recite five Bible verses for him.
Jeongin was definitely no priest but he brought you closer to the pearly gates than any real priest ever could.
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burrcapts · 2 months
Furry Midnight Haul
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Nobody really knows how such places come to be, but it typically doesn't take very long before they are noticed by those who had the misfortune of living nearby. Most of the time it starts with people simply having a strange, uneasy feeling if they happen to get too close. But with time, the stories behind them begin to grow and fill with new, frightening details. The locals start whispering about those who went missing after going there on a dare, or just because they did not believe the rumors and had something to prove. Unfortunately for Quinn and Leo, they weren't locals at all and heard no such warnings.
After Leo's gps sent the two of them on a goose chase across the countryside, suggesting an apparently far more optimal and 12,7% faster route that eventually turned out to take them through a good handful of different dirt roads, they somehow ended up in the absolute middle of nowhere. Somehow even despite that the duo was still in a pretty upbeat mood, chatting merrily about the amazing concert they were at earlier that evening. Unfortunately it was already well past midnight and Leo was starting to feel really worn out after all the different excitements of the day so driving much further did not seem like such a great idea.
The closest town on the map was almost an hour away and even then, it was so small that Quinn and Leo doubted they would have found an open motel there anyway. Instead they decided to spend the night in the parking lot of this old truck stop they happened to be passing at the time. It looked abandoned, but most of the lamplights around the property seemed to still be working so they hoped that at least no animals would be disturbing them till morning.
Quinn needed to take a quick leak before bedtime but Leo was so wiped that he wasted next to no time reclining his driver seat all the way back and rolling up some old sweatshirt he found on the backseat for a makeshift pillow. Of course he agreed when Quinn asked him to try and stay awake until he was back in case something were to happen. But it wasn't even a full minute after his friend closed the car door behind himself that he began dozing off.
Quinn was only planning to run behind the building and have a piss there, but as he got closer, he realized that he could see a faint light flickering behind one of the windows. Maybe this place wasn't really as abandoned as they originally thought… Upon closer inspection, he found the door to the public toilet at the side of the building, that's where the light was coming from! 
Much to Quinn's surprise, while not spotlessly clean by any means the bathroom wasn't a complete sty like he would have expected and after taking a small peek, he decided to try going inside, not knowing that nobody had been there in ages. He noticed a bit of a funky, musky aroma in the air, but honestly, that wasn’t a total dealbreaker. He walked up to the stalls and found them in a more than acceptable state as well. Those were going to be useful in case that double sized chili hot dog he got at the last gas station came knocking…
But one thing that caught Quinn's eye in particular had to be graffiti that covered the walls inside the stall. He giggled, wondering if he accidentally stumbled upon some secret gay cruising spot. The drawings were pretty simple and rather crude, depicting numerous beefy, burly men, with big cocks and even bigger beards! Quinn giggled when he noticed just how much care and attention was put into drawing their junk and their body hair, but how little anything else. 
Upon a closer look, it was almost like a comic book of sorts, showing the lives of a pair of particularly hairy, bearded truckers (but really, mostly just the two of them fucking each other and the men they met on the road.) One was drawn almost like a round ball with how huge his gut was and while the other had a pretty hefty potbelly too, someone definitely put the most effort into making his arms look as big and muscular as possible. 
Back in the car, Leo could see those same two arms in a much greater detail. As soon as he'd fallen asleep, he found himself having a very strange dream... In it, he was also reclining in front of the steering wheel in the middle of this same parking lot, only he was inside of a huge semi truck, rather than the old sedan he got from his dad. When he tried to move, Leo realized that he was occupying the body of someone else.
Someone big… really big. Those furry arms he saw waving in front of him were just enormous! He also had a beard, and it must have been really long and bushy because Leo could see its end brushing all across his meaty, ridiculously hairy chest whenever he looked down! He immediately blushed when he realized that wasn't the only thing he could see… This guy's fly was popped wide open with a fully hard, beercan of a cock sticking straight out of it!
And the freakiest thing was that as soon as he saw it, Leo began feeling so damn horny, as if he'd just been beating it off himself… suddenly it was almost getting hard to keep himself from wrapping this furry paw that he now had for a hand around the engorged, leaking piece of meat. Why not give it a few strokes? It wasn't like he was planning on cumming before the huz was back… that thought came so naturally to Leo that it didn't really occur to him to ask who was this ‘huz’ that he was talking about.
The burly trucker whose body Leo was now inhabiting did not like to think too hard about things, especially not when he was this hard and horny himself! If Quinn had still been around, he would have seen Leo squirming in the car seat, moaning pleasurably as the coating of stubble around his mouth began sprouting darker and thicker. But what was going on inside Leo's dream in that same moment was far less tame…
After giving his swollen meat a few timid strokes, he quickly discovered just how good it could feel to jerk off in the body of such a hulking, furry beast of a man. By now he was completely consumed by lust, grunting loud and beating it so hard that his huge, hairy balls were swinging in the air. Leo could actively feel himself growing dumber, but it was impossible to resist all that pleasure. As if this mind, limited to only the horny, brutish thoughts was experiencing them with that much more intensity.
Some of this horniness must have been rubbing off on Quinn because as he continued to study the lewd graffiti, his cock started to tent up in his pants without him noticing. His eyes were so tightly glued to the drawings that he also failed to realize that little by little, the space around him was changing. Paint was losing its vibrant color and peeling off the walls, the white tiles on the floor turning to shades of grey and freely overgrowing with grime. The unwashed smell of sweaty, wild sex was allowed to fill the air, opening the door to numerous, dirty and perverse thoughts that were just waiting for an opportunity to sneak into Quinn's head.
He found himself picturing what those two bearded truckers might have looked like in real life. Somehow not finding it strange at all that his interest was gravitating particularly towards the drawings depicting the most explicit sex scenes. They both had such massive cocks… the one belonging to the beefier trucker was hella thick, but so was the meat of the guy with a huge gut, and it might have been even longer! Quinn let out a moan as his cock started to grow even bigger, pressing uncomfortably against his jeans. 
Ugh, why the fuck was he wearing something so damn tight while on the road? It always felt best to ride in nothing but his jock so he could always whip out his cock whenever he got horny and give hubby a hot show… and since the jockstrap was right there, he would always have something around to wipe up all that cum off his belly too! Suddenly Quinn had the perfect image of a blonde, big bellied trucker with an enormous, matted beard pressing a nasty, yellowed jockstrap straight into his face. He grinned and gave it a snort, then, a moment later, Quinn found himself making that exact same sound, his hand tightly squeezing the bulge sprouting from his crotch. 
Fuck yeah, horny manstink always got him so damn hard! Quinn started to lift his other hand towards his face, he felt something between his fingers… its crusty fabric was soaked with so many  old loads that he could already smell it… his ripe, old jockstrap… suddenly Quinn was pushing his face right into it, taking a deep snort as his faint, weekend's worth of stubble started to grow longer and denser. Already making him look like he hadn't shaved in well over a month, and probably hadn't bothered to comb his shaggy mess of beard in about as long too. 
Oh damn, this manly stink was really getting him going! Quinn was in the process of trying to clumsily undo his belt and get ahold of his cock. But fuck, he needed more! His mouth was opening, the tongue sticking out further and further, something was telling him that he just had to give this rank jock a good lick… he could already almost taste those salty, countless loads spilled into it… but then suddenly Quinn opened his eyes, asking himself just what the fuck he was doing?! He tossed the jockstrap against the wall, pushing the stall door open and bolted outside.
Unfortunately for Leo trying to resist the influence of this place was proving to be far more difficult while asleep. Even despite his dwindling intellect, he could tell that this was no ordinary dream. Everything was too real… the inside of this cab, this hulking, beefy body covered in coarse fur, the way it felt when he squeezed this beer can thick cock that constantly dribbled with pre. He had this sudden urge to give it a taste and once he did, he simply couldn't stop! He was such a horny pig! Constantly beating off and huffing his ripe pits.
Leo was still able to tell that the deeper he sank into this lustful frenzy, the harder it was getting to recall ever doing anything else, ever being anything else than this massive, furry trucker! But who cared? He was so fucking hot now! Leo wasn't able to resist tilting the rear view window towards the cabin so he could see more of himself in the reflection. Getting so damn turned on admiring his broad, meaty chest and caressing the enormous beard that was hanging down from his tough, brutish face. 
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Back in the real world, Leo's body was moving in that exact, same fashion. Fingers combing through what was now a full beard, densely covering his cheeks while his other hand tugged on his swelling cock. Somehow Leo knew what was happening to him, that his real self was changing to resemble this burly, constantly horny, hirsute beast of a man but he was powerless to do anything about it. Completely trapped inside this horny wet dream and unable to wake up. 
Even his best efforts amounted to little more than making himself shift from side to side in his seat. Except by now, it was a tall and wide driver's seat of a massive semi truck and with every stroke of his cock, Leo was getting closer to filling it completely with his furry bulk. He knew that the only hope he had left was for Quinn to quickly get back and wake him up before it was too late!
Unfortunately for Leo, his friend was going through a major crisis of his own at that same moment when he ran out of the bathroom stall and saw himself in the mirror. He was so unrecognizable that at first Quinn screamed, thinking that someone else was in here with him, but when it finally sank in that he was looking at himself, he was far too freaked out to make even a peep. His puffy face was completely covered in shaggy, matted hair! The only thing that Quinn could think of was that he must have been having some kind of an allergic reaction because the rest of his body was suddenly so swollen that his normally loosely fitting hoodie was ready to burst at the seams.
Quinn was panicking so much that despite having felt the messy hairs against his fingers, he still refused to accept that such a huge beard could have sprouted all around his mouth just like that. He rushed towards the sink, convinced that it was something he could simply wash off. Turning on the rusty tap and splashing his face in such a hurry that it was only when his beard was completely soaked wet, that Quinn got a good whiff of just how badly this water reeked. 
It was so unbelievably ripe and musky, as if someone made a whole bunch of brawny construction workers wipe themselves with only a single towel after their shift, and then wrung it right above his face. Quinn let out a strained groan as he tried to hold his breath, but it was too late, his chest started to swell so rapidly that it felt like he might suffocate if he didn't pull off his hoodie. Only to find a massive, round gut flopping down onto the sink alongside a pair of fat moobs when he did.
It was just immense and it was still swelling larger and covering in thick, sweaty hair right before his eyes. Quinn’s gaze constantly darting back and forth between it and this massive, unkempt mess of a beard that was now cascading down his chest. Quinn had no idea what to do now, he only knew that somehow, watching it all happen was getting him so unbelievably horned up that he was only moments away from tearing his pants open to whip out his rock hard cock and start beating off.
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But then it turned out that he won't even have to wait that long. Suddenly a big, muscled arm covered in thick, dark fur appeared on top of his belly, with another one undoing his belt and grabbing his cock from behind.
“Fuck huz, should have told me ya wanted to stick around cruisin’ for some cocksuckers round here, would have joined ya earlier! Or maybe even taken care of that gigantic schlong myself!”
Quinn moaned when he felt the grip tightening around his meat as the visitor's broad, rough fingers began massaging its entire length. He looked up and saw the gruff face of a hulking trucker brute with a beard almost as massive as his own. After a moment and a closer look Quinn recognized him, and of course he fucking did! It was his husband Leo, the horny pig couldn't even wait till he was done having a piss and had already stomped here with his cock out, wanting to fuck! But that was why Quinn loved that bastard so much, the only man he'd ever met who was as much of a horndog as himself! He grinned and pulled down his pants all the way, opening his hairy ass wide and sliding it onto Leo’s thick, throbbing cock.
“Yeah, give it to me you hot fucker! Yer gonna be tasting that load when ya rim my arse at the next stop!!!”
Wait… why was he saying that… Quinn wanted to tell Leo to stop but instead only kep spewing more dirty, perverted things and encouraging him to fuck him harder. God, that felt so damn good, seeing just how much his gut was turning this beefy trucker on! Leo was moaning even louder than he was when he caressed this furry, swelling beach ball with his meaty paws. Inside, Quinn was still desperately trying to tell his friend that he had to stop, but the only thing leaving his mouth was a horny litany of the dirtiest curse words ordering him to keep going until eventually even he was too turned on to talk at all.
Only grunting wildly as he tugged on his big nips and pushed his ass deeper and deeper onto Leo's beer can thick fuckstick. After all those years they've spent on the road together, fucking multiple times per day, they could both tell without fail just how close the other was to blowing his load. And with how loud and savage Leo's groans were getting, Quinn knew that the huz was already on the edge.
“Do it fucker! Blow that load in my… HNNGHHHHH!!!
He couldn't finish before he felt Leo squeezing his cock as hard as he could take it and jerking it rapidly until it began spewing thick globs of prime trucker spunk all over the floor in front of them. Then thrusting his cock as deep up Quinn's ass as he could before he started cumming as well, completely flooding the big bellied bear's insides. As always, the intensity of the orgasm leaving them heaving and panting loudly, completely dripping with sweat. After Leo slid his cock out, Quinn gathered some of the cum still oozing from its tip onto his tongue and pulled his man into a sloppy kiss, already looking forward to finding out just how much better this load was going to taste after marinating inside his hole until the next truck stop.
If you liked the story and would like to read more bear themed transformation fiction, or have something written for yourselves consider subscribing to my Patreon! This one in particular was a request from two of my subscribers!
I have also set up two extra accounts on twitter and bluesky for caption purposes! https://x.com/burrcapts https://burrcapts.bsky.social/
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