ayylovley · 6 months
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Olden can practically feel this mysterious blonde’s disgust targeted at the other blonde, with dark hazel eyes gazing to the ebony ones that she found very enchanting.
And that voice… With such soothing sultry to pull in any further interest. This woman was just going to be a planned classic one night stand, and then a tasty meal needing to know how sweet her blood tastes. But maybe she has potential to be played with, with little to no knowledge between the conversation that they only see each other as prey.
What’s that saying? ‘Don’t play with your food.’ To hell with that. The more you play with your food, the tastier it becomes.
She doesn’t like to share? Well, it seems that they’re going to have more in common than the situation has led.
As soon as delicate hands drop the pack of cigarettes and a lighter, Olden plucks out a stick in between her fingers noticing the long polished nails that came with those delicate hands. “Like your nails.” She had to point out before the end of the cigarette was placed in her teeth. Her thumb pad pressed hard against the sparkwheel letting a tiny flame light up her needed nicotine she immediately inhaled.
Two fingers clasp the middle of the stick blow smoke, making it mix with the expensive fragrance all over Olden. Sliding the pack and lighter just enough to meet the other blonde’s side across the dark wooden table, there’s a visible grin written on the pretty face.
“Oh, I’m Olden. Hane.” The thick cloud swooshed around Tiffany’s head. “And you?”
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jackxdante · 1 year
❝ play with me some more. ❞  
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“You’re standing a little too close there, Tiff.”
A night out with her becomes more of a bloody mess, the red substance caught all across his jawline and nose all from a unlucky victim who happened to be walking in the dead of night at the wrong time.
It was nothing more than a couple of business partners having a thirst for murder… But Jack felt a thirst for something else now. “What would your boyfriend do?”
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rroaddkill · 6 months
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Trying to ignore the ghost of ur bf but he won't leave u alone.
Redraw of a pic edit by tiffanyxvalentine
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killachuckychuck · 6 months
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@tiffanyxvalentine you fine ass thang you
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marril96 · 2 years
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and i remember thinking are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet? good
Polaroid manips by @tiffanyxvalentine
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murdercouple · 8 months
Character Info Sheet
Name: Charles
Name meaning: Charles means "free man".
Alias(es)/nicknames: Chucky
Ethnicity: Native American
One picture you like best of your character:
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He never looked cuter! ❤️
Three h/cs you've never told anyone:
1) He's vain af. When he was human he would spend hours combing his long, luscious hair.
2) His first victim was a boy he got into a quarrel with (you know the TV series doesn't exist to me).
3) He likes Bloody Mary (the drink).
Three things your character likes doing in their free time:
1) Lying down and doing absolutely nothing.
2) Watching ghoul movies.
3) Having *** with Tiffany.
Eight people your characters likes/loves:
1) Himself
2) Tiffany
3) Glen
4) Glenda
5) His mother (yes, they were very close, ok?)
6) His younger brother (my OC)
7) Pinhead from Hellraiser
8) Rob Zombie
Two things your character regrets:
He regrets nothing
Two phobias your character has:
1) Death
2) Rats
""Stolen"" from @tiffanyxvalentine 🖤
I'm tagging: @askglenandglenda and @askchuckandtiff
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wrongarmofthelaw · 11 months
Character Info Sheet
name: Samantha Maria Arabello
name meaning:
Samantha: feminine version of Samuel, Antha might be based on the Greek antho which means flower
Maria: Variation of Mary, Biblical, meaning beloved or love
Arabello: I made it it up, but found out later Arabella is a real name coming possibly from the Latin orabilis, which means invokable, yielding to prayer
alias(es)/nicknames: Sammy
ethnicity: American with Polish roots on her father's side and Irish-Italian roots on her mother's side
one picture you like best of your chara:
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She looks a little thoughtful here, maybe a little sad as well.
three h/cs you've never told anyone:
Sammy inherited her dad's strength, meaning she can absolutely yeet people through walls or tear off car doors like he can if a situation forced her to do so.
I don't think there are any other headcanons I haven't mentioned before. XD
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Learning new animal facts
Listening to music
Hanging out with her family
eight people your character likes / loves:
Her mother Fiona Arabello -Mine
Her father Matt Cordell -Canon, Mine
Her brother Matt Jr. -Mine
Emily Brass, friend of her mother - @punchedharder
Liz, friend of her mother - @mxgicshxrd
Shelby O'Viere, family friend -@mehrere-musen
Ginger Fitzgerald, possible new friend? - @fcrcecfnature
two things your character regrets:
Not able to be more open with others due to being supernatural
Possibly putting friends and loved ones in danger due to being a potential slasher magnet
two phobias your character has:
Fear of others reacting badly to finding out she's the daughter of a supernatural slasher
Friends and loved ones being killed by slashers
tagged by: @fcrcecfnature (thanks!)
tagging: @tiffanyxvalentine, @darkvitas, @diamondvoicedprince, @eludin-muses (any muse), @mehrere-musen (for Shelby), @lettherebemonsters (any muse), @mxgicshxrd, @feralhippie anyone else who wants to do it. I'll probably do it on my other blogs too.
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elainewitchparks · 1 year
Muses likes & Preferences
Favorite fruit/fruits; Anything red
Favorite activity/activities; Witchcraft, walking, seducing
Favorite flower/flowers; Red roses
Favorite season/seasons; Summer and fall
Favorite insect/insects; hates insects
Favorite animal/animals; cats
Favorite gem/gems; all types but if she had to chose one it’d be diamonds
Favorite time of the day; Sunset
Writers likes & Preferences
Favorite fruit/fruits; strawberries
Favorite activity/activities; writing, listening to music, coloring, shopping, and eating
Favorite flower/ flowers; I hate flowers
Favorite season/seasons; winter
Favorite insect/insects; one spider specifically and it’s a tarantula
Favorite animal/animals; cats, dogs, and wolves
Favorite gem/gems; idk….
Favorite time of day; the whole night
Tagged by: @tiffanyxvalentine (she tagged everyone;) )
Tagging: anyone who’s interested
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t4tails · 3 years
Block tiffanyxvalentine.
I didn't think that this situation would escalate this far, but what has happened recently is inexcusable. If you've been in the chucky tag the past few days, chances are you've seen people talking about the transphobic roleplay blog, either for or against. I've decided to make a full post compiling these reciepts and the harassment I and my friends have faced. If anything new comes to light, I will edit this post. Please block the user above. Reciepts are below the cut.
Content warning for: transphobia, transmisogyny, use of the t-slur, antisemitism, and nazi mentions.
This post (archive) is the original one that started the whole thing. In the notes, many of us have been blocked by or blocked her, but some arguments are still left. I made a comment that due to I being blocked is now gone. I was not able to screenshot it, but I had made a joke about how Chucky is actually canonically trans and that we see his top surgery on screen. Obviously, I was joking. She responded in a separate post (also deleted) and I replied to that as well. The only remainder of the conversation is this screencap:
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It's worth mentioning I'm a minor.
After this, she made a post (archive) about how we are attacking her for being cis despite having no proof, and also calls us abusive in the tags. She however would later post an ask with these as the tags.
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Later, she would delete that post, and post a new one claiming to be genderfluid in the tags. I think that she is lying to get off scott free, but if anyone has proof otherwise, such as her mentioning this before, please show me.
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After the post about how we were assuming she was cis, she posted this (archive) anonymous ask agreeing with them calling me and my friends nazis. My friend moodorbs was one of the targets of this ask, as ey had been arguing with her, and ey are jewish. It's in eir bio, and eir pinned post is a mezuzah, so I doubt she missed it. She willingly agreed with calling a jewish person a nazi, as well as the rest of the trans people critiquing her.
This is where the timeline gets muddied due to her deleting most of the posts.
Here (archive) she is agreeing with a person saying there are fake trans and gay infiltrators.
During these, my aforementioned friend moodorbs was arguing with her, here are the remaining screenshots of those conversations: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, as it's where she says "lesbians don't like penises," as well as the t slur. This would be the first post she would later delete, though she still stands by her usage of the word. Here, here, and here is my friend continuing to argue. This ask has her reinforcing her previous transmisogynist statements.
My other friend, hall0weenjack, was also sending her asks and replies at this time. This post (archive), where she tried to back down from her previous transmisogynist statements (by now they were deleted) and doubled down on calling us nazis.
In this post (archive) she called us ageist for assuming her age. In June 2018, she called herself 31+, so we can assume she is at least 33 years old now. Edit: to make it clear how insane that is, that is twice my age. And it is at least. I go to high school. She, probably, has a job. And she is accusing me of emotional abuse online.
By this time, either we had blocked her or she had blocked us, and her final post in that timeframe is this one (archive) where she responds to the evidence we had been sending her telling her that Chucky is canonically queer, and she responds with one of the most bizarre misunderstandings of sexual fluidity I've ever seen. Did you forget this all started over Chucky the doll? Because I did.
A couple days passed. People got some weird anons, but nothing horrendous. Until this morning when I started recieving incredibly harsh anons that despite all their claiming to not be associated with the previous mess, I find that hard to believe so I'm including them anyway. There's this and this from yesterday, and today is when I received this, this, and this, all of which misgendered me and called me slurs to some degree. I also got these two, but didn't post them because I didn't want to upset my followers.
My friend moodorbs messaged her, telling her that I'm a minor and to stop if it's her, or tell her friends, or make a post telling her followers to stop harassing me. She never responded, but did make this post (archive) after the message was sent, so it was a conscious choice. In that post, she also referred to trans people as a cult.
Miscellaneous posts that I couldn't fit in other sections:
"my factual canon based post" (archive)
"transgender males are very close to my heart"
calling us nazis again
did i mention shes an antivaxxer?
Please block tiffanyxvalentine. Do not engage with her unless you want to report her for hate speech. She has been frequently supported by tumblr users chuckysdude, killachuckychuck, bitofthisandthat, ayylovley, usagitolee, jarethshouldseemeinacrown, cassadinefangh, shadesofleighh, and palavenn. Though that is a sizable majority, if you want to feel completely safe I recommend going through her notes section.
Edit: if you are on that list of users it is because you have liked multiple of the posts linked here. The list is a precaution for other trans people due to harassment. If your first thought seeing your name here isn't "How could I support someone who is so horrifically bigoted?" then you deserve it as well. If you are merciful to the cruel, you become cruel to the merciful.
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splinterdsoularc · 3 years
 @tiffanyxvalentine​ - continued from here
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Nica holds up her hands on defense and gives the other a small smile. "Sorry, I just noticed that your lipstick is always the same shade of blood." That's a bit of a lie. She noticed it before, but seeing blood on the other woman scrambled her brain a little. She puts her hands back in her lap and tilts her head to the side a little, studying the older woman.
“Do you make your own lipstick?”
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chaosfindsaway · 3 years
@tiffanyxvalentine​ liked for Andy Barclay!
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“You fucking knew him, didn’t you? Is that what this was all about?” A dry chuckle followed the questions. He looked up at her, jaw lined with tension. If it was true, Andy wasn’t sure who he’d be more disappointed in; her for even trying or himself for falling for it.
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ayylovley · 7 months
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There’s a slight visible grin pulling the plump red lips, “If you’re not alone, I would say that the person you came with shouldn’t leave their woman as beautiful as you out here. With all of the creeps and weirdos.”
There’s a tint of implication in her deep, feminine voice escaping her mouth, that she could be one of the creeps and weirdos. Olden is reminded of the thick clouds of smoke poisoning the air by this lovely stranger that she badly she wanted a cigarette. The blonde takes it upon herself to steal the stool beside the stranger. Her milky thighs squeeze together when her legs are crossed.
Olden’s delicate hand gestures to the cigarette in between those magenta lips. “May I have one? Or are you feeling generous to share the one you have in your mouth?”
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jackxdante · 1 year
❝ oh, keep growing! one day your head might actually fit your ego. ❞  
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Jack wasn’t really listening, as his attention has been glued to a new project and not even noticing that the woman he’s longed for is behind him.
Even so, it’d be nice if his “head” was in between those milky thighs…
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chuck-leska · 3 years
"Happy holidaaaays!" she exclaims, heels clicking as she struts towards you, carrying a large gift box in her arms before carefully placing it at your feet. "You look like you could use a friend. So I brought you one! Enjoy!"
AHHHHHHHHH HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT IT'S YOOOOU AH MA GAAAAWD jgfujhfhjbchjtf I'm freaking the fuck ouuuuuuut and screaming, I can't BELIEVE you actually asked me something! Your one my favorite Chucky thumbler blogs😱😭💞!!!!! Holy shit I absolutely adore your blog, portrayal of Tiffany, and you. This might sound werid but I feel like I'm meeting or interacting with a Chucky Tumblr celeb rn and it's an absolute honor 🤗. Bro your fuckin WRITING though, you should SERIOUSLY write Chucky fanfiction on fanfiction.net! Sorry I'm fanboying so much it's just that I've loved and looked at your Tumblr even way before I even got thumbler and always admired it. I still can't believe you even though of interacting with me and for the holidays... and having Tiffany interact😫❤️.
I don't know weather she's referring to mun or muse, me or rae.
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killachuckychuck · 2 years
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How I’m spending my Halloween night. Happy Halloween gorgeous @tiffanyxvalentine
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talesfromthemuses · 4 years
@tiffanyxvalentine​ gets vampire!Nancy
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Cigarette dangling from her lips, Nancy emerged from the SHADOWS of the alley. Fingers wrapped around the cigarette, she removed it from her mouth and flashed a grin at the stranger. “Got a light?” her curiosity slowly pulled her closer to the woman.
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