#Chucky did it [Andy Barclay]
kirsty--cotton · 2 years
something about Jennifer being inside the Tiffany Doll all this time makes so much sense but also never really occurred to me before last night's episode
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silvershewolf247 · 6 months
Somebody on reddit asked if Andy should see the spirit of Charles. And I'm just like. Should puppies be snuggled? Should ice cream cake be eaten? What kind of questions are we asking here? Yes, emphatically yes.
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spenglerposting · 2 years
I never noticed in my first watch that Andy hands Jake Chucky. I thought Jake just grabbed him lmao maybe the Andy adopts Jake believers are onto something.
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netrix-at-centric · 2 years
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nicascurls · 1 year
*Glenda having to do community service after they got arrested*
Junior: Things can get pretty rough out there. I couldn't get my hands on any cigarettes. But I did make you a shiv out of an old knife.
Nica: *taking the knife from Junior* You don't make a shiv out of a knife.
Andy: Yeah, you make a shiv out of a rusty spoon or a shard of glass.
Nica: Or a human femur.
Andy: Exactly! Be creative.
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chaosfindsaway · 11 months
@coinquinatvs liked for a starter from Andy
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Andy nearly jumped out of the chair he stood in at the sound of Henry's voice. He'd gotten up extra early so he could make breakfast while Henry was still asleep. What gave him away? Probably the fierce smell of burning toast. "Henry! I'm making you breakfast, you wasn't supposed to be up yet...."
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buttonsfleas · 11 months
Andy Barclay x reader "maria"
Scenario: Andy died and Maria had just come home from work and she saw his dead body.
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Another day...another work day having to stay at work for 4 more hours which means, less andy. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without him. I just miss him so much I had to sneak on my phone and text him.
M: baaabbeee, can we have a cuddle date? x
A: only if there can be kisses too. x
M: of course x
A: how long until you're out of work? x
M: just over half an hour ); x
A: awh, I miss you x
M: I miss you too x
A: can we also watch a movie? Maybe The Banana Splits Movie? You alllwaays talk about it and I've never seen it so, can we? x
M: yes x
A: good. I miss you so much. x
M: I miss you too. x
A: I love you. x
M: I love you too. See you soon, my boss is gonna kill me if he sees that I'm not working but I love you more then anything and anyone. Bye 🥺🥰🥺🥰 x
He didn't reply after that text. Why? He literally has mommy issues for me.
I had just gotten home from work and a uber was leaving the street when everybody around here has a car. Why?
The bedroom light was on so he must've been awake and waiting for me in bed. I just can't wait to be able to cuddle him again.
I grab my backpack from the back seats and lock my car and then go inside and drop my bag next to his in the porch and he'd usually be like "babe? Hello?" Or just come downstairs and hold me hostage with cuddles and kisses all night, but tonight felt different.
I walk up the stairs and the bedroom door was open and I couldn't hear his breathing or a movement or even a word from him except for my footsteps echoing throughout the house.
I walked inside and my heart shattered.
His wrists were tied up to the headboard and his throat has been gutted. His head was facing left and his legs were too. His fingers were still and the right side of his neck was stabbed.
"Andy?..." I ask, no response.
Then I remembered, it's that time of year again.
I can't belive this could happen to him.
I broke down on the floor and kneeled next to him with tears streaming down my face and I felt like this was it. He didn't deserve this.
I layed next to him and cried into his chest and mumbled all sorts of things and even this didn't make me feel better.
Not after he had just proposed to me last night.
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Andy made the mistake of teaching Caroline how to do a choke hold. XD
For a split second, Andy’s life flashed before his eyes 😂🤣
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Safe Adult - Andy Barclay x Reader
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Requested by Anon
" hey I was wondering if you can write one about Andy Barclay wanting to have kids with his SO please and thank you "
Quickly written on a rush of inspiration, but i hope you will enjoy the result :)
Warning: This fic implies Andy has rescued and deprogrammed Caroline.
Summary: Andy revisits his positive experiences dealing with children happening on the hunt for Chucky and realizes he wants to have kids with you.
Note: For some reason, in that pic he looks like he is having an epiphany and this is exactly what's happening on the fic.
Interactions with children were a vital part on the process of finding Chucky and despite Kyle was always the kindest, Andy noticed how many of them were spontaneously inclined towards him. Strange realization he would get in the most stressfull contexts, with a killer doll possibly after them.
Kids liked him for no damn reason, he just wanted to surveil the fighting ground and they would do anything to get his attention. At one given time, a little girl began to show him her toys before his sister could finish to introduce the excuse her parents needed for their presence. Still, it wasn't untill having Caroline arround that he began to take it seriously. That girl had enough time of being poisoned by Chucky to despise him and despite things weren't always easy, he got to win her trust. She was confortable with him and, according to Lexy, that was an accomplishment for anyone even before Chucky complicated things.
Then there was also Devon, whose blind faith in him remained a mistery that Andy couldn't solve. He never imagined he would be in the position of menthoring a teenage boy, incapable of guessing why anyone would want to emulate him. His affection and admiration were increíble, but also unexplainable. Unlike the little kids, Devon had the proper age to understand that he was a mess of a man and his life sucked.
For most part at least, since it got better with you on it. Against any of his initial predictions, you wanted to stay and your relationship had prospered regardless of the hardships. You had endured a dangerous meeting with Chucky and even after that you were patient regarding the work required on fixing the horrors he would leave behind with each appearance. Out of sudden a little girl was living with you after being rescued and you were on board with it from the start. He didn't ask if you wanted to be part of it, but he didn't have to for you to welcome the child. In fact, you were so involved that he started wondering if you weren't a little too happy with the whole thing.
Children were never a discussed milestone for the possible future of your relationship. He had never consider it before and, if you did, you had never brought it up. However, your reactions were an indication that something had changed. His weird little friend had awakened a side of you that he ignored completely and he wasn't severly alarmed by that.
More like curious, intrigued … Fascinated.
" Why are you acting like if we were her parents?" He questioned you once, ríght after observing in awe how you followed every bedtime ritual that the girl demmanded. " We don't know yet if it's going to be permanent, this is rehabilitation. Once Caroline will be clean from Chucky, she will be free to go for a normal home if she wants to. At least untill Lexy will reach the age to take over. "
You raised an eyebrow, then responded to his question with more questioning.
" Like if she could ever feel comfortable arround anyone else. Tell me this, Andy. Were you ever comfortable in any of those normal foster homes before Kyle had the age to take over?"
You had a point and he hated having to admit it, leading to complete honesty of what what happening inside his mind.
" You may be amazing at this, but I can't be a foster parent! I don't have control over my own damn life! Kids just follow me thinking that I know what i'm doing. "
" Most adults don't know what we are doing, we just pretend we do." You sweetly comforted him out of the self deprecating claim. " It's part of life, but I don't think all these children have been choosing you in vain. There must be something in you that they like: you listen to them, you make them feel understood and safe. "
Andy wasn't convinced of that, despite how flattering it sounded.
" Kyle does that a thowsand times better, so why me? "
" She didn't hear the lies, or saw her best friend in the world betray her. " You theorized out loud. " Your trauma is different and so is your way to connect with children. They relate to you, no matter how hard you try to put distance. "
Your words encouraged him in more than one aspect. Andy felt at the edge of a powerfull realization burried underneath all the layers of insecurity.
" Do you think I could ever be a good dad? "
His shy smile was a ray of hope.
" Of course I do! You would be an excellent one! And I don't say it just because I fall for you a little bit more deep with each of your safe adult stories. " You inmediately encouraged him. " You are a great man who cares so much, when you try your best you give all of you and I love you for that."
Proving your point with actions, you began to roam his face with little kisses.
" I love you, Andy. "
He enjoyed of your affections, but his mind was still focused on the topic.
" … But what if there could be someone else with us, apart from Caroline? Someone smaller and louder. "
" Did you got another Chucky head? " You teased him in return. " We have talked about that. Doll remains are only fine if the parts stay dead. "
He chuckled and pulled you even closer.
" I mean, to bring another Barclay into the world and continue the doll hunter bloodline. I have been thinking I won't live forever, but Chucky may."
Your eyes were open wide with surprise.
" Are you serious?? "
" Yes, I am. Hell, if Chucky dared to have children … Why can't I? " Andy insisted, with confident determination. " I can't do worse than him … Can I? "
You chuckled and kissed him on the lips, clinging to him with radiant happiness.
" There is nothing I would love more than starting a family with you. "
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Well I’m already exhausted and it’s only Monday, and there are NO WORDS to describe how TERRIFIED I am of what’s to come on Wednesday, so what better thing to distract myself with than some writing? So here’s Part 2 of my AU, where Chucky manipulates Nica into thinking she’s his daughter at the end of Cult!
One Side of the Knife! AU PART TWO!
The sound of a drill and cackling laughter pierced the air eerily as Nica rolled her chair through the empty asylum hallway. Not sure she wanted to know what she’d find, she hesitated before she rounded the corner, stopping at the bizarre scene before her.
The one-armed Good Guy was holding a drill that she noted was shiny with blood, laughing shrilly with the other doll she had followed. Malcolm lay on the ground beside them, blood pouring from the fresh hole through his head, his face frozen and blank with death.
Dizzy and queasy, Nica spotted yet another body, her heart sinking when she recognized that it was Nurse Ashley.
She’d had kids, Nica thought with a pang. Kids who wouldn’t ever know what happened to their mother.
Unable to stop her gasp of horror, the two dolls turned their attention on her.
“I knew you’d make the right choice!” The Chucky she’d followed crowed, his arms spreading robotically in victory.
But she leaned back, recoiling. “What did you do?” She demanded anxiously.
The doll holding the drill shrugged, lowering the weapon to his side. “The guy was certifiable! He killed the nurse pretending to be me and got himself killed for it! He was on borrowed time anyway.”
Nica recalled Malcolm claiming to be “Charles” the last time she’d spoken, but she couldn’t stop the pang of regret coursing through her as she remembered the relief she’d felt meeting him, the feeling that she finally had an ally again when she’d felt so alone and helpless in the cursed walls of Harrogate.
“It couldn’t be helped, kid!” Chucky tried to assure her. “Now we can get out of here no problem!”
Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Nica nodded, rolling the chair after him, doing her best to ignore the bodies and how they basically made a trail toward the office she’d been in as she passed. The two dolls split up, Nica immediately following the intact doll down the longer hallway toward what she knew was the exit. She only paused when he did, looking into an empty room.
A young man, his back toward her, stared down at what she guessed could only be the third Good Guy doll Nica had seen in Dr. Foley’s office, though it was so smashed under the person’s boot that she couldn’t be sure.
As if sensing he wasn’t alone, the figure turned, immediately pointing a gun in their direction.
It felt like a jolt of electricity ran through her as she faintly recognized that the man in front of her must be Andy Barclay, all grown up.
For a brief second he seemed just as surprised by Nica’s presence, his lips parting slightly and eyes widening a fraction. Then his eyes went to the doll and without hesitation, his handsome features determined, grim, he trained the gun forward the doll and pulled the trigger, and Nica tensed in her chair as an empty click indicated he was out of bullets.
“Tag you’re it, Pal!” Cackling, Chucky suddenly swung the door shut. “Lock it!” He barked at her as Andy ran to the door.
Only hesitating for a brief moment, Nica obeyed, her wrist flicking out quickly to shut the young man in.
“NO!” Fists pounded on the door, Andy howling and cursing Chucky behind the door.
Against her better judgement, Nica looked at Chucky, hoping to assuage the guilt she felt at leaving the attractive stranger locked in Harrogate. “Why is he here?”
Chucky awkwardly clambered up onto her lap, his eyes big blue and earnest. “The kid’s got issues! He’s stalked me for years- he heard I was coming here to free you and thought you were working with me. He wanted to keep us both locked in here, but the joke is on him! Let’s blow this popsicle stand!”
With one last glance to the locked door, still unsure she was doing the right thing, she continued toward the exit obediently.
The cold was the first thing she noticed, and she began shivering immediately as the air hit her.
Snow was falling gently, and despite the circumstances Nica couldn’t help but admire the beauty of it, couldn’t stop herself from taking a deep breath of fresh air, the feeling of freedom making her body sing.
Carefully wheeling around the steps, she made her way toward the gates, where a red car sat waiting for them.
The gorgeous blonde- Tiffany Valentine, she recalled- stood waiting beside the car patiently, her eyes fixed on the doll in Nica’s lap, a smile fixed on her expertly painted red lips.
She addressed Chucky, her voice as distinctive and unforgettable as it had been when she’d met with Nica to tell her about Alice and leave Chucky with her. “Hey, Sweetface. ‘S good to see you.” She said playfully.
Nica was surprised, however, when the doll replied, a fondness she’d never heard before evident in his voice. “You look great, Tiff.”
Tiffany smirked, her big eyes moving up to regard Nica curiously.
Chucky read the question in her eyes and quickly offered “I believe you’ve already met but, Tiff, may I properly introduce Nica Pierce? Nica, meet my wife; Tiffany.”
“Hi.” Nica shifted shyly, uncomfortably, trying for a smile.
It felt like there was fire in her gaze as Tiffany smiled back, offering a pleasant “Hello.” in return, and Nica got the impression Tiffany was not thrilled by her presence.
“Nica here decided she wanted to know more about where she came from, so she’ll be joining us, just like we hoped!” Charles said authoritatively, reaching up for Tiffany.
Seemingly more pleased when holding him in her arms, Tiffany grinned. “Let’s go, SweetFace!” She cooed, bringing him around and placing him in the passenger seat. Then she returned to the driver’s side, opening the door to the backseat and opening her arms. “Nica…” she politely waited for permission before lifting Nica out of the chair, carefully putting her in the backseat and helping her buckle.
Nica noticed the car wasn’t big enough to fit the wheelchair, and she paused, her body going tense.
“I…um, I’ll need my chair…” she told them apologetically, embarrassed, years of conditioning making her cheeks heat red.
But Chucky looked back at her from the front seat as Tiffany slid into the driver’s seat, his voice gravely but unbothered. “Not a problem! We have a chair at home for ya- I told ya, we planned on this! Well, hoped on it, at least!”
Despite herself, something small fluttered inside of her chest; the ease of her disability being accepted foreign to her, a tiny part of her preening, grateful for the kind treatment.
“Thanks.” She said softly.
In the driver’s seat, Tiffany sighed.
“What.” Chucky demanded.
Meeting Nica’s eyes in the rearview mirror, Tiffany said with a pout. “I was just thinking about Alice...”
Nica’s heart constricted, tears immediately burning behind her eyes as she looked away, pain lancing through her heart.
The blonde continued, “And how much I miss her and how sorry I am that she’s gone… but maybe having you here will help us all feel close to her.”
Sniffling, Nica nodded, wiping at her eyes as she attempted to swallow the grief. “Yeah…yeah, maybe it will.”
“Good point, Tiff. Now let’s get the hell out of here!” Chucky waved his arm.
Smiling, Tiffany turned the engine on, and settling back into the seat as the car started, Nica finally saw the blonde, female doll in the seat beside her, jumping in shock when it turned to return her curious look with one of it’s own.
Seeing her surprise and momentary fear, the doll laughed, the shrill sound unmistakably a duplicate of Tiffany’s. From the front of the car, the human Tiffany and Chucky joined in the laughter, as if sharing an inside joke.
In between bouts of uninhibited cackling Chucky apologized for the surprise. “Boy, do we have a lot to catch up on!” He told her as the car pulled away.
Feeling lighter as the car left the facility she’d been contained in for too long, a place of nightmares, Nica began chuckling at herself too, the car growing loud with the sound of their mirth.
She didn't even notice the body left discarded on the pavement, the red blood soaking into the white blanket of snow around it.
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Well, we’re on our way now! Thanks for reading!
When it comes to future installments, there are MANY ways this could go, and I’m curious what you all would like to see/read! How dark should Nica go/how deep into Chucky and Tiff’s claws should she get? I’ve got a few ideas for many scenarios, so I’d be happy to hear what you all want to read!
I’m slowly loving this AU more and more so I’d love to hear any input/thoughts you may have! :)
*Hope you all are having a great week already! 🥰*
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silvershewolf247 · 11 months
I do wonder if Chucky ever has thoughts of, "if I had met Barclay in a different circumstance, I could have made him into something great"
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willowisapillow · 11 months
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🍭🍬 Candy Collecting 🍬 🍭
🎃 Hope you guys had a great Halloween! 🎃
How did your Halloween go? For me, it was honestly a whole lotta fun. Yeah, it did get kinda boring after a while once 9 o’clock rolled around, because a lot of people either went home or to a different part of my neighborhood.
I had a blast, though, I was the one passing out candy, and if you didn’t see my previous post on here, I dressed up as Tiffany AKA, the Bride of Chucky, and I had my talking Chucky doll on my lap while I was passing out candy. A lot of people really loved my Chucky doll and costume, I even met someone who was also dressed up as Chucky, and we both just started fangirling 😭
Though there were some little kids who were absolutely terrified of my Chucky doll that they didn’t even want to get the candy, so I just passed it off to their parents instead, so they could give it to their kids. Honestly, I don’t blame those kids at all whatsoever, if I was their age, I would have been scared too 💀
Speaking of costumes, I saw a lot of really cool horror costumes, I saw some Wednesdays, Moritias, Chuckys, Jasons, and a lot of Freddy Kruegers and Michael Myers. Though funnily enough, I didn’t see any Ghostfaces or Megans. I also saw a lot of cool non-horror costumes, I saw some Disney Princesses, Marios, and Sonics, and I even saw a few dressed people dressed up as Glamrock Freddy, Huggy Wuggy, Patrick, and motherfreaking Barney, so uh yeah that was a thing lol
And there was this one family that was all dressed up as Demon Slayer characters, and it was pretty wholesome 💕
As for my art, this is a follow-up of my silly little AU that I posted a while ago, and if you haven’t seen it, here’s the TL;DR version of it; it’s an AU that takes place in the very first Child’s Play movie, Chucky is not a serial killer (but he’s still a major douchebag), and still lives with the Barclays (Andy and his mom, Karen).
This picture was also made as a (belated) birthday gift to one of my closest online friends, RobTheAlien on Amino, Deviantart, and Twitter. I made her a Chucky-related gift for her last year, so why not make another one for her, we both really love the series <3
For the context of the art, Halloween started rolling around, and both Andy and Chucky were super hyped to dress up and get some candy, mostly Chucky because he had a little plan up his sleeve. Basically, since Chucky is well, y’know… a doll, he looked to be around the average height of a toddler.
So, his plan was that while they were trick-or-treating, he could get Andy to tell the neighbors that he was bringing along his, “baby brother, Tommy”, and that it was his first time going trick-or-treating. The neighbors would give the both of them candy, thinking that Chucky was his, “brother”, and thus, they would get double the candy (and double the diabetes as well 😋).
At first, Andy was against the idea, since it didn’t feel right to trick the neighbors in a selfish way to get some sweets, but Chucky managed to convince him that they could have the biggest candy collection in the entire neighborhood, with all of the candy a kid his age could ever want and eventually gave in to the idea. He also decided to dress Chucky up as a ghost to make the whole thing look more convincing.
Oh Chuck, such a good role model and influence on little Andy/j
At first, I wanted to draw Andy alongside Chucky but didn’t feel like it because A. I wanted to make the art less time-consuming, and B. I ain’t very good at drawing little kid characters. But I will say that he did dress up as a vampire, complete with fake fangs and everything, and maybe I might make fanart with the both of them together in their costumes in the future.
As for the art itself, I really loved how it turned out. I was farting around with the filters on IbisPaint X, and I eventually chose the exclusion filter, and I felt like it was perfect for this art, ‘cause I wanted to go for an indie kidcore-type vibe for it. And as for the candies I chose for the picture, I basically just googled, “What types of candy were popular in the 80s?”, and I eventually went with the three candies you’re currently seeing in the picture.
Honestly, the only candy I really like out of the three are Skittles, I don’t think I’ve ever tried a Charleston Chew or Baby Ruth before. But what’s your guys' favorite candy? 👀
🍭 🍬 👻
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nicascurls · 1 year
One chaotic morning in the cabin.
Nica: *clearing up a broken dish* Andy! The frying pan's on fire!
Andy: *running into the kitchen* Son of Jor-El! Everybody stay calm!
*Junior and Glenda walking in*
Junior: Dad, we're gonna teach ourselves how to juggle.
Andy: Good for you, buddy.
Glenda: *Grabs the knife block*
Glen: *Takes it out of their hands and puts it back*
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Bonus: Birthday Sex.
Fandom: Chucky { Curse of chucky and on }
Character: Andy Barclay
Warnings: oral{ f receiving }, sex { against the table }
A/n: Making the reader know him since Military school but didn’t do anything since they thought he had a thing for that other girl.
This one is kinda long because my boy Andy needs love and self indulgent since today is my birthday or will be when I release it.
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Andy Barclay, possibly the sweetest man you’ve known always liked to go all out for your birthday. The man seeming to makes up for lost time ever since you parted ways as teenagers.
Your just ignoring the fact that he was wrongfully arrested though you were happy you kept in touch with his sister. Though you were in your twenties when you met him again and it did not take long for you two spark up a relationship that quickly formed into you becoming engaged to the man. His mother, step father and foster sister couldn’t have been happier for the man finally finding some happiness after the years of hell he went through and you fully intended on giving Andy the life he deserved.
A laugh escaped your lips seeing Andy’s face covered in flour and in his hands was a tray of pancakes. “Andy, you didn’t have to do this you know.”
Placing the tray next to the bedside table the man gave you a gentle kiss. “Nonsense….it’s your birthday…how can o not spoil you.” He stated sitting down though dipping your finger in the syrup you glanced over him, something else taking over your mind. “Hmm while I’d love to have these. Their is something else that I want.” You confessed pushing the blankets away.
Grinning you shifted onto the man’s lap pushing him down on the bed. “You.” Nuzzling your nose against his you then captured his lips for another kiss. His hands already gliding under the over shirt you wore, his shirt as you slowly rolled your hips into his lap, the man groaning against your lips.
Breaking the kiss, Andy then placed a kiss on the nape of your neck. “If you wanted sex you should at least let me take care of you first.”
Grabbing a hold of your hips, the man flipped your bodies so you were laying on the bed. Your fingers clutching the silk sheets as you felt Andy push your shirt up, his lips kissing the exposed skin. You felt his lips trail down your stomach to the hem of your pajama pants, you could feel the man smirking against your thigh as he tugged the bottoms and your panties down. “Already wet and I haven't even done anything yet.”
“Andy.” A whine escaped your lips as you quickly hid your face into your pillow, your hips arching off the bed once you felt his tongue suck your clit. You cried out his name when he finally pushed his fingers in your warmth. You begged him to pick up the pace, begged him to let you reach your peak but right now he was going to take his time. He was going to enjoy this, was doing to make you enjoy this. This day was all about you and Andy wanted you to remember it.
It was not long as you felt the tightness in your stomach, your walls clenching around your boyfriends tongue as he continued to eat you out, then soon you were screaming his names. Your voice raw as your hands clutched the sheets tightly in your finger tips. Andy pinning your hips down, his mouth not letting up until your body stopped shaking. Peaking up from your thighs the man gave you a pleased grin, his face covered with your juice's. “Happy birthday beautiful.”
Licking his lips he did not expect to get yanked, he did his best not to fall on top of you. “I want you to fuck me Andy…but not here…I want you to fuck me where you fuck up that prick. I want him to know.” You whispered against his ear, he shuddered feeling your lips against his skin.
“R-right I can do that.”
Grabbing your hand he tugged you towards a small room. Taking a deep breath, he was happy the pajama pants he wore weren’t tight. God he couldn’t not imagine if they were, he would probably bust in his boxers.
Leaning against the table you gave the man a innocent smile, your pussy was still slick with the juices from when he ate you out. “Well, are you going to fuck me or should I have to take care of it myself.”
Shuddering, Andy stepped close to you as he lowered his boxers. Grasping his dick the man gave it a few strokes then slowly pushed into your folds. A groan escaped your lips as he started to thrust though it did not take long for the man to pick up the pace. His hands gripping your hips tightly as he slammed into you.
Your hands clutching the table tightly a cry leaving your lips, you would have been embarrassed of the cry’s leaving your lips if it didn’t feel so good.. “god Andy! Harder.” Your nails digging into the wooden table. You cod feel your juices coating your thighs, his cock as the man above continues his relentless thrusting.
You knew your legs would have given out if he wasn’t holding you, your breasts pressed into the table as another cry tore from your throat, saliva escaping your lips as you felt Andy pinch your clit then soon you were seeing stars as he man clutched your hips to stop you from spasming. Your walls clenching around his cock as he finally released in you, he groaned deeply in your back as he felt you milk him for all he was worth.
Both panting, Andy placed a kiss to your head as she slowly removed his softened dick from your swollen pussy, his cum along with yours dripping onto the floor. Lifting you up, a laugh escaped you lips as you kissed him gently. Andy carrying you off to the bathroom so you could relax.
“Happy birthday y/n…I love you.”
“I love you too Andy.”
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chaosfindsaway · 2 years
@cfgcdsandmcnsters​ asked ❛don’t you believe me?❜ (from Nica, for Andy)
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“I’ve seen the same shit you have. You and I both know this isn’t about whether or not I believe you,” Andy said, tone as dry as his desire to be dealing with this situation - yet again. He’d seen Chucky killed many times in his life, he’d learned early on not to belief it permanent. 
The asshole always came back.
“It’s about whether or not I trust you. After all, he was living inside of you for god knows how long. I don’t imagine he just goes away.”
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buttonsfleas · 1 year
Save me.
Andy barclay x reader "Maria".
!chucky season 3 spoilers!
Scenario: Andy is trapped by coraline and chucky whilst you come home from work and the minute before Andy gets killed, you come and rescue him.
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Today was another day of being at work late and struggling with life. Andy still had nightmares from what happened last year and he kept thinking about what could happen if he came back whilst Kyle just went out to work too but she went out with her partner tonight so I guess Andy was in bed, alone, bored and scared.
Flash back to last night
Andy was having another nightmare, I could easily tell. He was stirring and his chest rapidly went up and down as he breathed. I don't know how he could get over it. He's too scared to go to therapy incase a therapist sends him to a mental hospital, and he did not like that experience the first and only time.
After another hour or 2 of him getting worked up in his sleep, he woke up and sat up quickly and he was panting.
I quickly sat up and looked over at him.
"Babe, you okay?" I ask worriedly
"...uhm...yeah, totally." He says as if he just got brought back from the dead.
"Andy." I say sternly.
"What?" He groaned.
"You've been having the nightmares again. You're not fine." I say sternly.
"No! I'm completely fine." He says but his tone gives away that he was lying.
"Andy. Don't lie to me." I say sternly.
"...alright, fine. I've been having the nightmares again. Happy?"
"No. Come here." I say as I pull him to me and I lay back and cuddle him.
He closes his eyes and yawns softly as he snuggles up on my chest, taking in the warmth of my breasts.
"Babe?..." He says sleepily.
"Yes?" I ask softly.
"C-...can I sleep like this with you tonight?" He asks.
"Of course." I say with a blush and smile.
"Good..." He chuckles and then starts to softly fall asleep in my embrace.
I twirl and play with his hair until he falls asleep and then I start to read a book whilst resting the book on his head but then I fall asleep and the book stays on his head throughout the night and he doesn't move an inch.
Back to present time
After nearly 6 hours of work, I come home to the sound of yelling and screaming.
"Oh fuck...what the fuck has he done..." I ask myself as I get out of my car and I carry my bag inside and then I drop it on the inside porch floor and I run up to our bedroom to the sounds of "Help!" And "No!" And I instantly thought that he was back.
I tried opening the door and I kept pushing myself into it to open it.
"Andy! Open the door!" I shout to Andy. All I get back is chucky's laughs and a little girl's laugh.
Why the fuck is there a little girl inside of there?
I run downstairs and I look through every cabinet and drawer in the house to find a key for the bedroom.
"Fuck, I swear there's a key in here somewhere, I knew I left it in here after the other night." I say to myself, remembering what I did with Andy and then blushing (cuddling and kissing 🤫) and after 20 minutes, I finally found a key.
"Help! Maria! Help me!" His voice then gets muffled and I get worried.
I turn around and then I see the little girl leaving the house into a car. I try to run back to her but Andy is definitely more important.
I ran up to the bedroom and I unlock the door and i open it and scream.
It was chucky with his knife up in the air and striking it at Andy's throat whilst andy was tied up to the bed.
I run over and leap and pin chucky on the ground but he bites my arm and flees away out of the house and into the car with the little girl.
I chase him but the car already went with him and I groaned. I slam the front door shut and start to walk to the couch but then I remeber about Andy.
I run up to the bedroom and he is breathing heavily and is on the verge of crying.
I kneel with his waist inbetween my knees and I untie the ropes and I stroke Andy's hair and hold him close to me and comfort him.
"Sshhh, ssshhh, ssshhhh, it's alright Andy, he's gone." I say softly.
"No! It's not alright! He's still out there with coraline and they're gonna go on a killing spree and kill everyone in the country! He's also at the White House and he's planning to take over the whole families life and kill them!" He says worriedly.
"And he's gonna die soon, I promise. I'll do everything to keep you safe from him too." I say softly.
"Don't worry about it. Just come here." I lay next to him and hold him close to me and he stays there and keeps breathing heavily but he soon calms down and starts to fall asleep my chest.
"Babe?..." He asks.
"Yes?" I ask softly.
"I love you." He said softly.
"I love you too." I start to fall asleep with him and we both fall sleep in eachother, staying close in eachother's embrace and he stays still and doesn't seem to have a nightmare.
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