#tidal invocation
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Legends of Runeterra August 2023 Variety Patch Airis - Proliferating Darkwraith - Crystalline Stormraptor - Balen the Benevolent - Valley of Imitation - Mister Thrift - Crimson Banquet Hall - Divine Draft - Tidal Invocation - Cosmic Call
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ufamsetobije · 2 months ago
OVAKO ZLO NAPADA - fra Stjepan Brčina   SÅ SANT AMEN ! · Nov 2 “Without God, man builds his hell on earth.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah https://pic.x.com/W4nqFRZlWt Replying to @Sachinettiyil and @Card_R_Sarah Former Scotland First Minister Humza Yousaf says his family will leave the UK due to the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia. https://pic.x.com/eSxyUDF3bB https://youtu.be/4EqA99K6NBo?si=HfcJDFDmMKUIWBai youtube.com Zašto Vam U Životu Ne Ide Dobro Fra Ivo Pavi�� — Žalosno Je Da naš Svijet Traži Sreću U Smeću https://www.facebook.com/NoveEvangelizacija Fr. Charbel Abernethy @philokalia_min The Jesus Prayer is an appeal addressed specifically to Jesus Christ. It speaks of his Godhead, calling him “Lord” and “Son of God”. At the same time we address him by his earthly name “Jesus”, the name given to him at his human birth in Bethlehem by his mother the Virgin Mary and his foster-father Joseph. Thus in the Jesus Prayer we confess our faith in the central truth of Christianity: that Jesus is fully and entirely God and at the same time fully and entirely human, one single person in two complete natures. The cross and resurrection are not explicitly mentioned in the Jesus Prayer, but they are, of course, implicit. We are calling upon the total Christ. At the same time the Jesus Prayer is not only Christological but Trinitarian. By invoking Jesus as “Son of God”, at once we think also of his Father. Furthermore, the Spirit is likewise present in the Prayer, although he is not named. One of the Scriptural texts quoted by almost every writer on the Jesus Prayer is 1 Corinthians 12:3, “No one can say ‘Lord Jesus’ except in the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit, while remaining anonymous, is the embracing ‘environment’ of the invocation of the Name. We can apply this to the Jesus Prayer: the Holy Spirit is the ‘atmosphere’ in which the Prayer is said. Reciting the Jesus Prayer, then, we are praying in the Spirit to Christ, and through Christ to the Father. All three persons in the Trinity are included. The Jesus Prayer draws us into the perichoresis of the Trinity, the interchange or unceasing movement of mutual love that passes between the Eternal Three. There is within this Trinitarian Jesus Prayer a tidal wave, a pattern of ascent and return. We mount up towards God in adoration as we say the first part of the Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God…”. Then we return to ourselves in grateful repentance, “…have mercy on me, a sinner.” Thus the Jesus Prayer, more particularly in its expanded form (“…a sinner”), embraces the two primary ‘moments’ of Christian devotion: doxology, the ‘moment’ of gazing upwards towards God’s glory; and compunction, the ‘moment’, both sorrowful and yet joyful, when we acknowledge that we are sinners who have been forgiven. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (d. 2022) · Nov 2 “Without God, man builds his hell on earth.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah https://pic.x.com/W4nqFRZlWt Replying to @Sachinettiyil and @Card_R_Sarah Former Scotland First Minister Humza Yousaf says his family will leave the UK due to the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia. https://pic.x.com/eSxyUDF3bB https://youtu.be/4EqA99K6NBo?si=HfcJDFDmMKUIWBai youtube.com Zašto Vam U Životu Ne Ide Dobro Fra Ivo Pavić — Žalosno Je Da naš Svijet Traži Sreću U Smeću https://www.facebook.com/NoveEvangelizacija Fr. Charbel Abernethy @philokalia_min The Jesus Prayer is an appeal addressed specifically to Jesus Christ. It speaks of his Godhead, calling him “Lord” and “Son of God”. At the same time we address him by his earthly name “Jesus”, the name given to him at his human birth in Bethlehem by his mother the Virgin Mary and his foster-father Joseph. Thus in the Jesus Prayer we confess our faith in the central truth of Christianity: that Jesus is fully and entirely God and at the same time fully and entirely human, one single person in two complete natures. The cross and resurrection are not explicitly mentioned in the Jesus Prayer, but they are, of course, implicit. We are calling upon the total Christ. At the same time the Jesus Prayer is not only Christological but Trinitarian. By invoking Jesus as “Son of God”, at once we think also of his Father. Furthermore, the Spirit is likewise present in the Prayer, although he is not named. One of the Scriptural texts quoted by almost every writer on the Jesus Prayer is 1 Corinthians 12:3, “No one can say ‘Lord Jesus’ except in the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit, while remaining anonymous, is the embracing ‘environment’ of the invocation of the Name. We can apply this to the Jesus Prayer: the Holy Spirit is the ‘atmosphere’ in which the Prayer is said. Reciting the Jesus Prayer, then, we are praying in the Spirit to Christ, and through Christ to the Father. All three persons in the Trinity are included. The Jesus Prayer draws us into the perichoresis of the Trinity, the interchange or unceasing movement of mutual love that passes between the Eternal Three. There is within this Trinitarian Jesus Prayer a tidal wave, a pattern of ascent and return. We mount up towards God in adoration as we say the first part of the Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God…”. Then we return to ourselves in grateful repentance, “…have mercy on me, a sinner.” Thus the Jesus Prayer, more particularly in its expanded form (“…a sinner”), embraces the two primary ‘moments’ of Christian devotion: doxology, the ‘moment’ of gazing upwards towards God’s glory; and compunction, the ‘moment’, both sorrowful and yet joyful, when we acknowledge that we are sinners who have been forgiven. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (d. 2022) · Nov 2 “Without God, man builds his hell on earth.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah https://pic.x.com/W4nqFRZlWt Replying to @Sachinettiyil and @Card_R_Sarah Former Scotland First Minister Humza Yousaf says his family will leave the UK due to the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia. https://pic.x.com/eSxyUDF3bB https://youtu.be/4EqA99K6NBo?si=HfcJDFDmMKUIWBai youtube.com Zašto Vam U Životu Ne Ide Dobro Fra Ivo Pavić — Žalosno Je Da naš Svijet Traži Sreću U Smeću https://www.facebook.com/NoveEvangelizacija Fr. Charbel Abernethy @philokalia_min The Jesus Prayer is an appeal addressed specifically to Jesus Christ. It speaks of his Godhead, calling him “Lord” and “Son of God”. At the same time we address him by his earthly name “Jesus”, the name given to him at his human birth in Bethlehem by his mother the Virgin Mary and his foster-father Joseph. Thus in the Jesus Prayer we confess our faith in the central truth of Christianity: that Jesus is fully and entirely God and at the same time fully and entirely human, one single person in two complete natures. The cross and resurrection are not explicitly mentioned in the Jesus Prayer, but they are, of course, implicit. We are calling upon the total Christ. At the same time the Jesus Prayer is not only Christological but Trinitarian. By invoking Jesus as “Son of God”, at once we think also of his Father. Furthermore, the Spirit is likewise present in the Prayer, although he is not named. One of the Scriptural texts quoted by almost every writer on the Jesus Prayer is 1 Corinthians 12:3, “No one can say ‘Lord Jesus’ except in the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit, while remaining anonymous, is the embracing ‘environment’ of the invocation of the Name. We can apply this to the Jesus Prayer: the Holy Spirit is the ‘atmosphere’ in which the Prayer is said. Reciting the Jesus Prayer, then, we are praying in the Spirit to Christ, and through Christ to the Father. All three persons in the Trinity are included. The Jesus Prayer draws us into the perichoresis of the Trinity, the interchange or unceasing movement of mutual love that passes between the Eternal Three. There is within this Trinitarian Jesus Prayer a tidal wave, a pattern of ascent and return. We mount up towards God in adoration as we say the first part of the Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God…”. Then we return to ourselves in grateful repentance, “…have mercy on me, a sinner.” Thus the Jesus Prayer, more particularly in its expanded form (“…a sinner”), embraces the two primary ‘moments’ of Christian devotion: doxology, the ‘moment’ of gazing upwards towards God’s glory; and compunction, the ‘moment’, both sorrowful and yet joyful, when we acknowledge that we are sinners who have been forgiven. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (d. 2022) Den söndag 3 november 2024 kl. 16:58:03 CET, Colette Jonsson <[email protected]> skrev: Dear Friends, Attached you will find my input for the Couple Prayer and/or the Newsletter piece for next Sunday – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time -  and for the week following it. I hope you will find it helpful for yourselves in your marriage and family life. Jesus is asked: “Which is the first of all the commandments?” And he gives us the answer that everyone is very familiar with – the commandments of love. We could rephrase that question: “What is the single most important thing for living a full human life?” His answer would be exactly the same – the way of love of God and of one another. You will be in my prayers every day of the week ahead as always. May God bless you in your love for one another. And may God also bless all of us in our commitment to love God with our whole hearts. Then we will find the impetus to love one another in extraordinary ways. God bless you. Please pray for me and for all who will use this reflection in the week ahead. Thank you. Johnny    November 3rd – 9th Christian faith   One of the scribes came up to Jesus and put a question to him: “Which is the first of all the commandments”? On the face of it, this looks like a very good question. And it is. However, a lot depends on how it is asked and on the kind of answer that is being looked for. In our minds we can consent easily to the answer that Jesus gives but in how we live our lives it is often different. Jesus teaches us that the only way to full human living is to love God with our whole hearts and to love one another as God’s family. It is difficult to hold with this even in the intimate relationships of marriage and family life because other things become more important to us than our love of God or one another. It is even more difficult when we move out to the areas of social and work life to really live a life of love. This week we are asked to commit ourselves again to this way of life of love and to make that our first priority. 3 – 9 november Kristen tro   En av de skriftlärda kom fram till Jesus och ställde en fråga till honom: "Vilket är det första av alla buden"?  Vid första anblicken ser detta ut som en mycket bra fråga.  Och det är det.  Mycket beror dock på hur den ställs och på vilken typ av svar man letar efter.  I våra sinnen kan vi lätt samtycka till det svar som Jesus ger, men i hur vi lever våra liv är det ofta annorlunda.  Jesus lär oss att den enda vägen till ett fullgott mänskligt liv är att älska Gud av hela vårt hjärta och att älska varandra som Guds familj.  Det är svårt att hålla fast vid detta även i de intima relationerna i äktenskapet och familjelivet, eftersom andra saker blir viktigare för oss än vår kärlek till Gud eller varandra.  Det är ännu svårare när vi flyttar ut till områdena socialt liv och arbetsliv att verkligen leva ett liv i kärlek.  Den här veckan har vi blivit ombedda att återigen förbinda oss till detta sätt att leva av kärlek och att göra det till vår första prioritet. Hej allihopa Den här veckan utmanar Fr. Johnny oss att leva av kärlek och göra det till vår första prioritet. Jesus draws on the strength of  the love  of God to be able to  inspire him to love his neighbour.  Jesus keeps alive the spirit of hope.  There is in Jesus a depth of love that is wider and larger in this world than anything we can imagine which comes from his love of God our Father. Jesus använder sig av kraften i Guds kärlek för att kunna inspirera honom att älska sin nästa.  Jesus håller hoppets ande vid liv.  Det finns i Jesus ett djup av kärlek som är större och vidare än något i denna värld som vi kan föreställa oss, som kommer från hans kärlek till Gud vår Fader. Fr. Sam Bianco. dailytvmass. Den här månaden vill Fr. Johnny att vi minns våra nära och kära som har dött. Det är ett av de många fina inslagen i vår katolska tradition. Det är en personlig hängivenhet. Men det är också en familje- och församlingsandakt, särskilt där kyrkogården ligger i anslutning till eller i närheten av församlingskyrkan.  Vi ägnar hela november månad åt denna praxis, säger Fr. Johnny.  Herre, vi tänker speciellt på alla dem som vi känner som har dött under året. Må det eviga ljuset vila över dem och må dem vila i frid.  Vi nämner dem. Påvens intentioner för November. Att alla föräldrar som sörjer förlusten av ett barn, får stöd av samhället och finner frid och tröst från den  Helige Ande.  Herre, det är en av de värsta saker som kan hända.   Herre, vi överlämnar dem till dig.  Det finns många som sörjer i Ukraina, Gaza, Libanon, Sudan och överallt.  Må där finnas människor som stödjer dem.  Må  de känna sig burna av våra böner.  Jesu Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig. Förbön behövs för en kvinna som har många bekymmer.  Själv får hon cellgifter just nu.  Hennes dotter som har 2 döttrar och väntar       en till vill inte längre leva med sin man utan har en ny kärlek i sitt liv.  Inte nog med detta är hennes Mamma dement med allt lidande för henne och Mamma som det betyder.  Herre, vi lägger kvinnan och hennes intentioner i Dina Heliga Händer.  Var med henne under cellgiftsbehandlingen. Må biverkningarna vara milda. Må hon bli helad till kropp och själ.  Vi ber dig Herre att gripa in i dotterns liv. Det verkar komplicerat. Hjälp henne och hennes man att förstå vad som håller på att hända.  Hjälp dem att kunna prata med varandra och förstå varandra, förlåta varandra och om möjligt återförenas. Låt inte barnen bli sårade. Vi överlämnar kvinnans Mamma till dig.  Du vet hur svår den här sjukdomen är för dotter och Mamma. Må hela familjen känna sig burna av våra böner.  Ge Kvinnan kraft och styrka för att kunna klara av allt som händer i sitt liv just nu.  Jesu Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig. Herre, var med alla som lider.  Låt inte ett storkrig bryta ut. Ge oss dialogens gåva.  Herre, ge oss fred i våra hjärtan, fred i familjen och fred i världen. Jesu Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig. Vi ber för alla våra personliga intentioner. Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth. Kom Helige Ande, fyll dina trognas hjärtan och tänd i dem Din kärleks eld. Sänd ut Din Ande och vi skall bli väckta och Du skall förnya jordens ansikte. Varma hälsningar, Colette
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autodaemonium · 1 year ago
Pronounced: luhivuhduhuhssayuoiuhuhthsaye.
Pantheon of: uncertainty, sufficiency, finiteness, sameness, fullness, inutility.
Pronounced: enilaithrstuhutwduhglilr Uncertainty: doubt. Inutility: impracticality. Sameness: equality. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: startup, counterpreparation fire, sexism, needlework. Prophecies: crouch, explosion, boom, exaction, redaction. Relations: vnðtaɪrniŋðrəməəðəltk (revenue tariff), ɒmɒɪnrəpsaɪkənnfnəfnaɪ (coin silver), əəənmtʃstttzɒdkbnuθtə (provision).
Pronounced: kuhiihayssthaybnikrrkouhay Uncertainty: fortuitousness. Inutility: impracticality. Sameness: similarity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: tidal wave, ravaging, seismography. Relations: əəənmtʃstttzɒdkbnuθtə (tonic), mnvinzrɛɒmlələlbpkɪæ (abrasive).
Pronounced: mnvinzrayoumluhluhlbpkia Uncertainty: doubt. Inutility: worthlessness. Sameness: identity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: penetration, ninjutsu, interpretive dance, block grant, alienation of affection. Prophecies: faro, scission, acquittal. Relations: vnðtaɪrniŋðrəməəðəltk (perfective), ðrbhɪitəfkmsukɪrprʌn (respiratory quotient), ɒmɒɪnrəpsaɪkənnfnəfnaɪ (security interest), unnəenwriotʒŋktivnlk (floccule).
Pronounced: nrksirkikdrayrrbwnndm Uncertainty: improbability. Inutility: worthlessness. Sameness: similarity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Prophecies: electronic countermeasures, osteopathy, squint.
Pronounced: nayfuhruhthzzllsushuhrurzo Uncertainty: unpredictability. Inutility: worthlessness. Sameness: similarity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: civil marriage, seclusion, circumscription. Prophecies: suturing, sweepstakes, material breach. Relations: znnɛeɪməɛkmklrənvlke (cider), rnəiitvgmdækmitæutʃŋə (streptokinase).
Pronounced: rnuhiitvgmdakmitautshnguh Uncertainty: doubt. Inutility: impracticability. Sameness: similarity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: parameter. Prophecies: walk. Relations: unnəenwriotʒŋktivnlk (arrowroot), kəiɪhɛssðɛbnɪkrrkoəɛ (medicare), znnɛeɪməɛkmklrənvlke (vanadinite), ðrbhɪitəfkmsukɪrprʌn (birch).
Pronounced: unnuhenwriotzngktivnlk Uncertainty: doubt. Inutility: impracticability. Sameness: identity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: kvetch, arthrodesis, invocation. Prophecies: finding of law.
Pronounced: vnthtairningthruhmuhuhthuhltk Uncertainty: indefiniteness. Inutility: futility. Sameness: equality. Sufficiency: ampleness. Prophecies: logistic assessment, retirement, intrusion. Relations: rnəiitvgmdækmitæutʃŋə (figure of merit), enɪlaɪðrstəʌtwdəglɪlr (soap), ðrbhɪitəfkmsukɪrprʌn (disjunctive conjunction), nrksirkikdrɛrrbwnndm (rental income).
Pronounced: znnayeimuhaykmklruhnvlke Uncertainty: unpredictability. Inutility: impracticality. Sameness: equality. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: battering, humiliation, scuff, feminist movement. Prophecies: waste, handout. Relations: rnəiitvgmdækmitæutʃŋə (liquid), ɒmɒɪnrəpsaɪkənnfnəfnaɪ (softwood), unnəenwriotʒŋktivnlk (foam rubber), kəiɪhɛssðɛbnɪkrrkoəɛ (carbon black).
Pronounced: thrbhiituhfkmsukirprun Uncertainty: indefiniteness. Inutility: impracticability. Sameness: similarity. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: electrical discharge, piping, gunrunning, conviction. Relations: mnvinzrɛɒmlələlbpkɪæ (oak), nɛfərəðzzllsuʃərʌrzo (mass noun), vnðtaɪrniŋðrəməəðəltk (talc), unnəenwriotʒŋktivnlk (erbium).
Pronounced: oumouinruhpsaikuhnnfnuhfnai Uncertainty: unpredictability. Inutility: futility. Sameness: equality. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: belly dance, score. Prophecies: stratified sampling, blockade. Relations: vnðtaɪrniŋðrəməəðəltk (hypernymy), kəiɪhɛssðɛbnɪkrrkoəɛ (personal income), rnəiitvgmdækmitæutʃŋə (watercolor).
Pronounced: uhuhuhnmtshstttzoudkbnuthtuh Uncertainty: indefiniteness. Inutility: worthlessness. Sameness: equality. Sufficiency: ampleness. Legends: field press censorship, abduction, world war, emulation. Prophecies: iridotomy, secretaryship, flying visit, singing, protrusion. Relations: rnəiitvgmdækmitæutʃŋə (capital), kəiɪhɛssðɛbnɪkrrkoəɛ (spray paint), nrksirkikdrɛrrbwnndm (dressed ore).
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verminfang · 2 years ago
Dnd character concept I want to play at some point (usually I have a million I just drone to friends about rather than post to tumblr but I feel like the concept is like, appealing to some of the mutuals), longish post because the concept behind it involves a lot of talking about what I feel the nature cleric class can be (as a fun opinion and deffo not prescriptive)
So often there’s a question about why play a Nature Cleric instead of a Druid (mechanics aside) and also about why the Nature Cleric gets features like Heavy Armor proficiency seemingly at odds with the whole nature vibe
My thoughts on this are to remember that rather than being representative and of channeling nature, a nature cleric is channeling the way in which humanoid civilizations (those that would be worshiping a god) interact with nature, as a resource or something to seek sanctuary from.
Mountains, Seas, Forests and Plains as seen by the miner, fisherman, woodsman, hunter or farmer who prays to their gods for safety and bounty.
If you look at the class features a Nature Cleric gets and see them as Civilization’s Taming of Nature as opposed to a Druids representation of the wild and natural it actually forms a pretty compelling argument:
As a class feature Nature Clerics have proficiency with and wear heavy armor, worked steel refined from the earth, unlike Druids who have a cultural taboo against it (there's potentially interesting stuff about fey fearing iron, there being fey themed druid subclasses and the idea of iron as a talisman as well here)
Their channel divinity is
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The ability to magically charm and control plants and animals, at level 17 this is further expanded to give you the ability to command charmed creatures and notably named ‘Master of Nature’
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The ability to charm and later command plants and animals through the invocation of your deity fits pretty well into the idea of domesticating and controlling nature, the humanoids dominion over it.
The other notable feature nature clerics get is
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It’s the ability to protect you and your allies from the elements. It’s shelter. It’s ‘dampening’, reducing the power nature has over you. It’s civilization holding strong against whatever weather or natural disaster the natural world wants to throw at you.
So.. the ‘anti-nature nature cleric’..are they evil, some fern gully Hexxus motherfucker? I don’t think so. I truly think there’s nothing wrong with a character who venerates civilizations successes over nature. What does this character celebrate? Agriculture, domestication of animals, shelter, rebuilding from disaster, medicine saving those who’d simply die if they were left unattended in the wild, curing diseases.
The druid class and the realities of nature have been in a bit of a conversation. Disney druid who touts the harmony of nature in a very Disney way has seen some reactions in the form of the druid who is aware that nature is red in tooth and claw, accepts and celebrates it, death is all part of a glorious cycle, your spore druids and wildfire druids.
A nature cleric that goes one step further in that conversation, nature isn’t all bunnies and butterflies its disease, tidal waves and death, lets not accept it as whats natural lets actually try and do something about it. Build walls, grow food to provide for others, heal the sick and wounded. Death is natural? Clerics get revival spells I’m bringing my friend back.
So character concept:
Water Genasi Nature Cleric with this as their ethos, a cleric of Chauntea
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Water Cleric as another add on to the theme of Civilization and Nature, connected to an element of the natural world that is also essential to humanoids, cities are built alongside it, the cradle of civilization etc. 
top of the head PC name is Nile for obvious reasons.
I think the place I’d most like to use this PC is Tomb of Annihilation, the survival campaign module where you deal with the jungle, disease, apex predators and a curse that hurts those risen from the dead unnaturally.
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years ago
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The Jesus Prayer is an appeal addressed specifically to Jesus Christ. It speaks of his Godhead, calling him “Lord” and “Son of God”. At the same time we address him by his earthly name “Jesus”, the name given to him at his human birth in Bethlehem by his mother the Virgin Mary and his foster-father Joseph. Thus in the Jesus Prayer we confess our faith in the central truth of Christianity: that Jesus is fully and entirely God and at the same time fully and entirely human, one single person in two complete natures. The cross and resurrection are not explicitly mentioned in the Jesus Prayer, but they are, of course, implicit. We are calling upon the total Christ.
At the same time the Jesus Prayer is not only Christological but Trinitarian. By invoking Jesus as “Son of God”, at once we think also of his Father. Furthermore, the Spirit is likewise present in the Prayer, although he is not named. One of the Scriptural texts quoted by almost every writer on the Jesus Prayer is 1 Corinthians 12:3, “No one can say ‘Lord Jesus’ except in the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit, while remaining anonymous, is the embracing ‘environment’ of the invocation of the Name.
We can apply this to the Jesus Prayer: the Holy Spirit is the ‘atmosphere’ in which the Prayer is said. Reciting the Jesus Prayer, then, we are praying in the Spirit to Christ, and through Christ to the Father. All three persons in the Trinity are included. The Jesus Prayer draws us into the perichoresis of the Trinity, the interchange or unceasing movement of mutual love that passes between the Eternal Three.
There is within this Trinitarian Jesus Prayer a tidal wave, a pattern of ascent and return. We mount up towards God in adoration as we say the first part of the Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God…”. Then we return to ourselves in grateful repentance, “…have mercy on me, a sinner.” Thus the Jesus Prayer, more particularly in its expanded form (“…a sinner”), embraces the two primary ‘moments’ of Christian devotion: doxology, the ‘moment’ of gazing upwards towards God’s glory; and compunction, the ‘moment’, both sorrowful and yet joyful, when we acknowledge that we are sinners who have been forgiven.
Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
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raeynbowboi · 4 years ago
How to Play as Ariel in DnD 5e
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Ariel is probably one of the easiest Disney Princesses to translate to DnD, since Mermaid lore is massive enough to allow for her to pull from numerous sources for powers beyond the ones she demonstrates in her film. So, let’s break down all the ways that we can play as Ariel.
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For her Race, Ariel has two main contenders: Triton or Variant Human. If you want to lean more on Ariel’s aquatic origins, the Triton will allow Ariel to breathe underwater and swim, though Tritons still have legs for walking on land. However, Ariel gave up her voice to walk on land with the specific request to become human, meaning she also works as a Variant Human. As a Variant Human, she gets one free skill, take either Persuasion or Deception to sway the minds of humans, or Performance to make use of your lovely voice. She also gets +1 to two different stats, and we’ll give her +1 CHA and +1 DEX. Lastly, Variant Humans get a free feat. For her feat, take Inspirational Leader to take advantage of her high Charisma score or Eldritch Adept, which gives her a Warlock Invocation which she can change every time she gains a level. When she reaches level 5, take Gift of the Deep for underwater breathing and a swimming speed, assuming she doesn’t get underwater breathing from her subclass.
For Ariel’s background, she is the Princess of Atlantica, which would make her a Noble for History and Persuasion. However, because of her nautical themes, a DnD translation of her character could also be a Sailor or Pirate for Athletics and Perception, or because she is the star of a musical recital at the beginning of her movie, she could be an Entertainer for Acrobatics and Performance.
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10th Call Lightning, Tidal Wave 14th Control Water, Chain Lightning 18th Tsunami, Storm of Vengeance
A lot of fairytale princesses would be stereotypically associated with the bard class, but Ariel is one of the few times I would actually agree with the consensus. While it’s true that many Disney Princesses sing, Ariel’s voice actually plays a central role to her story, as not only is she a talented singer who performs for her subjects, but she’s also robbed of her voice by Ursula, and we also see that this voice is a powerful tool when Ursula uses it to charm Eric. On top of this, old sailor tales told that mermaids could alter the direction of the wind, lure ships to their destruction, or whip up violent waves, whirlpools, or thunderstorms when angered. So a lot of Ariel’s magic would stem from her singing voice, making Bard an excellent choice for her.
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Bonus Skills: Investigation History/Performance Arcana/Persuasion
Additional Magical Secrets: Maelstrom, Whirlwind*
A lot of people give Ariel flack for becoming a human in pursuit of a man she doesn’t know, but fail to remember that in both the original fairytale AND the Disney film, Ariel’s fascination with the land and humans existed before her interest in Eric. As someone who wants to collect information and has a treasure trove full of sunken trinkets, a Lord Bard is a surprisingly good fit for Ariel. However, because she has multiple possible backgrounds as well as a possible added skill from her race as a Variant Human, I instead laid out substitutions and other possible options for her skills. When Ariel reaches 6th Level in Lore Bard, she’ll get 2 additional Bardic Magical Secrets. Use this to give her Call Lightning and Tidal Wave at 6th level, and pick up Maelstrom at 10th level, and Whirlwind at 14th level.
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This is one a lot more people are likely to assume for Ariel. Her voice literally has hypnotic powers which Ursula/Vanessa uses to charm Eric. So it’s safe to assume that Ariel could do the same with her voice. With this subclass, Ariel utilizes the alluring song of the sirens to accentuate her ability to charm, seduce, and persuade people with her hypnotic voice.
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Cantrips Friends Light Message Vicious Mockery
1st Level Charm Person Command Cure Wounds Identify Speak With Animals
2nd Level Enthrall Shatter Suggestion
3rd Level Call Lightning* Fast Friends Tidal Wave*
4th Level Compulsion Control Water
5th Level Dominate Person Geas Maelstrom** Mass Cure Wounds
6th Level Chain Lightning Mass Suggestion Otto’s Irresistable Dance
7th Level Whirlwind**
8th Level Glibness Tsunami
9th Level Storm of Vengeance
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Ariel makes a deal with a powerful entity to get what she wants. That is a textbook Warlock. This is a great option for how to handwave Ariel’s presence on land as a human, having her make a deal with Ursula for a human form. It can also give Ariel a more villainous side as the puppet of the evil witch of the sea.
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The warlock pact option is pretty obvious. You swear your fealty to a powerful entity that dwells below the sea. There’s also a heavy flavoring of tentacles and oceanic magic which fits signing a pact with Ursula.
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Cantrips Eldritch Blast Friends Frostbite Lightning Lure
1st Level Arms of Hadar Charm Person Create or Destroy Water
2nd Level Gust of Wind Enthrall Suggestion
3rd Level Lightning Bolt Hunger of Hadar Sleet Storm
4th Level Banishment Control Water Summon Elemental
5th Level Bigby’s Hand Cone of Cold Enervation
6th Level Mass Suggestion
7th Level Power Word: Pain
8th Level Glibness
9th Level Power Word: Kill
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Whether you lean more toward Ariel as a Bard, a Warlock, or a mix of the two, she still makes use of her charismatic magic. she has the power to conjure the wrath of the tides, summon bolts of lightning, whip up blustering winds, and lure gullible men into doing her bidding, all very thematically appropriate for a dangerous creature of the sea. And if you’d build her a different way, tell me where I went wrong in my build of the Princess of Atlantica.
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bakersstreetirregulars · 3 years ago
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🕯 *Ptooey!* -these things again?! I thought they sold out that concept out in month one! So… you want me to tell you a story about what happened after they did that oopsy???
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🕯 Here it is, the April Fools event of 2022: Invocate the Invocation Cards! These cards compared to treasures are nothing really special, just slips of paper with a pinch of magic and a self-portrait. THAT’S WHY WE’RE ADDING MORE FUEL TO HYONGOOK’S FURNACE!!! Here’s how we’re gonna do it:
You see Gingerbrave on the left, right? He’s gonna run and do his thing while enemies do their thing
He’s got 100 health and he’s powerless against them and will take 10 damage with each collision. He also can’t jump!
Enemies will approach at different speeds with more and more health the further you go
Run out of HP or collide with a boss and it’s GAME OVER YEEEEAAAEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!1!1!1!1!!!!111
To attack the enemies, you’ll have to play a memory-matching game with the Invocation Cards
Flip two cards over and burn them if they’re matching, scoring 50 points while launching an effect that usually damages enemies either for 50 or 100 damage each. Mismatches do nothing but waste time and flip them back over. Complete the entire slate of 14 and you’ll get another one!
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Several cards also create jellies worth varying points each, while defeating enemies makes regular jellies worth 10 points. Bosses drop a lot of regular jellies and an Energy Potion that restores 10 HP
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Feeling stumped?! Use the Super-Special Limited Edition Community Manage Invocation Invocation Card to temporarily stop movement and show what’s behind the remaining cards on the slate so you can make a move already!
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🕯 Once you get knocked out, your score will be tallied and you’ll get some actual rewards depending on your high score, although each one can only be collected once:
4401: 40,141 Coins 🪙
6401: 401 Magic Powder ✨
10401: 4 Spirit Potions 🧪
15401: 401 Crystals
22401: Super-Special Limited-Time Gingerbrave’s “Invo-Brave-tion Card” Costume
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25401: Limited Edition “Invocation Invoker” Title
Card Slate
🕯 This is the actual stuff you’ll see in the event and what they do:
No. 5 Protection Screen: Provides a shield that stops one collision (bosses are speceal and will still totally rek you if you get hit!)
No. 8 Color Explosion!: Shoots a laser at close to medium range that does 50 damage to anything it hits
No. 9 Muscle Power: Launches a dumbbell that rolls forward and deals 50 enemies to enemies it hits
No. 10 Ch-ch-cherry Bomb: Throws a cherry bomb that explodes towards the middle of the screen, dealing 50 damage to everything in the blast while creating several Cherry Jellies worth 20 points each
No. 16 The Devil’s Touch: Sends a Super Devil to deal 100 damage to everything it passes
No. 17 Leek Blademaster: Slashes three times up to halfway across the screen, dealing 50 damage with each slash
No. 18 Doughnut Ball Fairy Magic: A Doughnut Ball Fairy drops several Big Fairy Coins worth 100 points each
No. 20 Friendly Snow Cone: Summon a Snow Cone to deal 50 damage to everything it passes while creating Snowflake Jellies worth 20 points each
No. 23 Magic 101: Conjures a magic circle that deals 100 damage to everything in its reach
No. 24 Candy Glaive Strike: Sends a shockwave across the screen that deals 150 damage to everything it hits
No. 25 Wave Away: Sends a tidal wave that deals 100 damage to everything it passes
No. 26 Stellar Prophecy: A shooting star drops Starfruit Jellies worth 20 points each before crashing towards the right side of the screen, dealing 100 damage to everything caught in the blast
No. 28 Dark Thunderstorm: Strikes the nearest enemy from medium range onward with a dark thunderbolt that deals 150 damage
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No one actually told Will that Abigail was alive.
Will tasted blood for days.
He didn’t know if it was his blood or Abigail’s, or even if it was both. The taste lingered in his mouth like sea spray on a windy day.
He was slipping into the dark embrace of unconscious oblivion as he was loaded onto a stretcher from Hannibal’s kitchen floor, and barely aware of anything else outside of watching Abigail be loaded onto the opposite stretcher. Her eyes were open and glassy, like a dead fish waiting to be trimmed and gutted.
Will shut his eyes, and could not wade back into the stream. It was dry.
Coming to in the hospital, he could only gather bits from the conversations the nurses had over him. Jack was hurt, Alana was hurt. They didn’t discuss Abigail, like the sheer invocation of her voice would bring her back like the ghost in a fairy tale for children, meant to scare them into obedience.
Will dreamed about her.
He dreamed that she sat next to his bed, with her raspy voice and missing ear, angry defeat in her voice. He made a place for us. You were supposed to come with us. You lied to us.
She was never there when he opened his eyes again.
Kade Prunell came into his room, talked to him about the ongoing investigation. In light of recent events, perhaps Will could aid in the recapture. This wasn’t about vengeance, she stressed. This was about justice.
Will closed his eyes, and was standing in the dry stream that only held fishbones and sand. Behind him he could hear a roar, and when he turned he could see a tidal wave coming towards him. He let it wash over him.
He opened his eyes, and pressed the button for the nurse to get Prunell to leave.
He had the dream about Abigail again, where this time, she was standing beside his cot, staring down at him. She had a pillow in her hands, her knuckles white from gripping it so hard. She held it above his face, and he watched it come down, felt her small strong hands hold it over his nose and mouth.
He dreamed he was suffocating, like the water filling the dry stream bed (saltwater now, before it had been fresh) was filling his lungs and slowly shutting off his air supply. In the distance, he could hear a soft, frantic beating that matched his heart. The pillow suddenly vanished from his face, and he wheezed, eyes half open as he stared at the Abigail mirage hovering beside his head. Her eyes were dead. She looked dead. She was dead.
“Put her back in her room.”
It was a doctor’s voice, one of Will’s doctors whom he never bothered to learn the name of, resting a hand on the Abigail mirage’s shoulder. Will expected it to pass through her. It didn’t.
Abigail stared at him as two nurses gently led her away, until she disappeared from Will’s sight. His heart monitor beeped.
The day before his discharge, weeks later, a nurse with too kind of a heart and too gentle with her touch gave him a room number. “I thought you might like to give her a well wish. Lord knows that girl needs as many she can get.”
Will stared at the hospital room number on a letterhead with a kitten in the corner all night.
Abigail was alive, but she was dead.
Hannibal was alive, but he was dead.
Will was alive, and unfortunately, he didn’t feel dead.
Hannibal had forgiven Will. If Will searched his own feelings, his own thoughts, dug through the dry clay and sand at the bottom of the creek bed, he would find his own forgiveness for Hannibal.
Abigail didn’t have forgiveness in her bones. 
Abigail was Cassandra (Cassie, Marisa, those other girls, Georgia, Beverly) cursed to always know and to always remember, and never be able to save her own skin.
He pulled himself up, walking through the quiet hospital at midnight, until he found the correct room. There were so many flowers. Some from Jack, some from Alana, some from a kind nurse or doctor that noticed nobody came for her when she wandered the hallways alone. There was one bouquet of tiger lilies, and Will could taste ginger in his throat. He left to vomit in the bathroom.
He came back to look at the flowers, the empty gestures of sorrow and regret, and looked at Abigail asleep on her cot, posed as though she were ready to be put in the ground with her mother and father. Her chest rose and fall, a last ditch effort to avoid that fate as she had three times now. Three times denying death, and it wasn’t morning yet. Will considered pulling up a chair to watch her sleep, watch for nightmares, but he could see in his mind Hannibal in the other plastic chair across from him, stuck in their cycle.
Will didn’t have to leave.
He could stay. He should stay, stay beside her all night and in the morning ask for forgiveness, tell her everything he had never been able to say to her. He should stay, and she could come home with him to his guest bedroom, let the dogs sleep on her carpet, teach her how to fish instead of hunt. He should stay, and let Hannibal go and let Abigail in.
That’s what he should do. It wasn’t what he was going to do.
He had to find Hannibal. Maybe he’d kill him when he found him. Maybe he’d bring him back to the States and give him to Jack or Prunell. Maybe he’d bring him back to Alana and let her practice her aim on him in the woods outside of his home in Wolf Trap.
Maybe he could bring him back to Abigail. Maybe he could take Abigail with him to find him. Maybe they could all run away together after all.
Will was discharged in the morning, and walked out of the hospital without turning around once. Abigail watched from her window, fingers sticky from hospital grade pancakes and syrup, and scratched at him through the glass with her plastic knife.
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shanastoryteller · 6 years ago
I absolutely adore your Gods&Monsters series! I've recommended them to almost everyone I know and I've probably reread them more time than I can count. You take such painstaking care to hash out these beautiful characters
Aphrodite is not born motherless.
They all tell tales of her creation, they speak of how Zeus’s blood spilled into the sea and turned into sea foam, and from that sea foam she arose, a fully formed goddess. Somehow, they always miss her mother in that tale, even though she’s so intricate to it, so important to it.
Somehow, they always forget the sea.
Amphitrite gathers Zeus’s blood in her hands, pulls it close to her chest, and thinks, unbidden, that she could do something interesting with this.
She uses her claw-like nails to cut open the skin of her stomach, until she’s surrounded by a bright red cloud of warm blood. “I will not carry you,” she mutters, mixing her blood with Zeus’s and pressing it into the shape of a women, “but you are still of my belly, of my flesh.”
She was a primordial goddess once, she was Oceana and Oceanus, was man and then woman, and knows how to create a body, how to create such a simple thing after all these years.
But even so, she’s still impressed when the woman turns to her, dark copper skin and heavy, long black hair. “You’re beautiful,” she tells her daughter, because she is, full lips and soft brown eyes. “You are of me, and I am the sea. You are sea foam, and your name is Aphrodite.”
“Aphrodite,” she repeats, no childlike wonder or curiosity in gaze, just the heavy knowledge of an adult, of a woman. She has ancient blood in her, and it leaves no room childhood. “My name is Aphrodite, and I am beautiful.”
“Don’t tell anyone that you are mine,” Amphitrite warns, but doesn’t give any further explanation. The sea doesn’t explain itself, and neither does she.
Her daughter doesn’t question her. Amphitrite wonders if it’s because she already knows, or if maybe she just doesn’t care.
She doesn’t ask before leaving. The sea doesn’t care for others’ explanations either.
“Where were you today?” Poseidon asks crankily when she swims back into the palace.
She ignores him, moving past and away from him. His scowl at her back is less worthy of her notice than a fly buzzing in her ear.
Poseidon may command the sea while he holds her heart, but he is not of it, is not like it, and he never truly will be.
Her father welcomes her with open arms when she arrives, proud of her beauty, of her strength, of the power that rolls off of her in waves.
“She can not just be a goddess,” Hera remarks, looking at her narrowed, judgmental eyes. “She must be the goddess of something. What shall it be?”
It’s not jealousy in Hera’s gaze, not exactly, it’s not that abstract. But she still can’t place it, so she demurs, “I wish to be like you, Queen Hera.”
She raises an eyebrow, and Aphrodite wonders at her misstep, but doesn’t have the time to contemplate it before Hestia says, “A lofty goal for a young goddess. If you wish to be an object of worship in Hera’s honor, then you must be the goddess of beauty, for she is the most beautiful.”
Hera barely keeps from rolling her eyes. Zeus says, “Oh, if you are to be a mirror goddess of my wife, then you must be the goddess of love. Of course.”
It’s said with completely sincerity, but Hera smiling in a way that makes Zeus take a half step away from her. “Of course. Husband dear, you’re too kind.”
“I can be both,” she pipes up, desperate to end this strange, confusing tension. Maybe coming to the pantheon was a mistake. Maybe she should have just stayed at the bottom of the ocean and befriended a giant squid and many small starfish and never had to worry or wonder about these complicated politics that she doesn’t yet understand.
Hera turns to her, and again those piercing amber eyes bore into her soul. She must find what she’s looking for, because she takes a deep breath then intones, “So mote it be,” in the type of voice only a queen goddess could have, carrying Aphrodite’s name and domain across the sea and through the air, whispering it in the corners of homes, placing her in the stars with a single breath.
Zeus seems oddly put out, as if he wanted to be the one to do that, but says nothing.
The ground rumbles beneath her feet, and Aphrodite stumbles, nearly falling. When she looks up again, there’s another throne on the pantheon, one of the purest white marble and delicately rounded corners.
Hera takes a step back and gestures to the empty throne. “For you, Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.”
When Hephaestus hears what happened, he destroys an entire section of his workshop. His chest is heaving as he tosses another table of delicate silver instruments against is volcano wall, watching them bend and shatter with a dark, vicious sort of fascination.
He reaches for another, knowing he’ll regret this later even as he does it, but not being able to bring himself to care.
Firm hands curl around his wrists, and Hephaestus turns with a snarl, ready to push whoever dare interrupt him into the nearest vat of molten lava.
So, of course, it’s the one person that would have no effect on.
“Stop,” his little brother says, eyes hollows in his face, the skin beneath them bruised purple. “What are you doing? Just – no.”
“Let go of me,” Hephaestus snaps, trying to tug his arms free, but Ares won’t let him go. There was a time when he was physically stronger than Ares, when he could shove him and order him around. But that was a long time ago, and he can only pull uselessly on his arms, trying and failing to reclaim them.
Ares shakes his head. “Just – stop. I know you heard – I’m sure Mom had her reasons–”
“I don’t care about your mother,” he shouts, but his voice catches at the end. He hopes Ares doesn’t notice, but he’s never been that lucky. “Of course I heard. Everyone heard!”
His brother steps forward, hand outstretched, but he steps away, his back hitting the rough cave wall. Ares stops, standing there, his face wretched and twisted in pain. “Please, don’t - don’t do this to yourself. This wasn’t about you.”
“Of course it wasn’t,” he says, closing his eyes against the tidal wave of bitterness clawing its way up his throat. “Nothing is ever about me.”
A calloused hand cups his face, hesitant and delicate, and Hephaestus knows that if he pulls away, Ares will let him, that Ares is so careful to not push him too hard or too far.
He came here from the battlefield, he’s ignoring the invocations of his name to be here right now, ignoring the screams in his head so he could go running to him.
His brother loves him. It’s the only balm against this, against the jagged edges of wounds that are only there in his head. He takes a deep breath and leans into Ares’s hand, letting him take some of this weight. “She’s Zeus’s child. She hates Zeus’s children. Why would she-”
“It’s not the same,” Ares says quietly. “She hates evidence of Zeus’s transgressions. That’s not what Aphrodite is.”
“I don’t care,” he snarls, and it takes everything inside of him to not push past Ares and continue destroying everything around him. “She’s a goddess now, she has a throne on Olympus now, and all she had to do was walk in. She’s a goddess of the pantheon on Hera’s word. Who else can say that?”
No one. Hera’s never used her power as queen like this before.
Ares winces, and Hephaestus finally notices that he’s shaking. “You have to go.”
“No,” he says, “no, I can say, it’s not too bad-”
“Go,” he says, “I won’t - I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” At Ares’s unimpressed look, he amends, “It’s fine enough. Thank you for coming. But don’t hurt yourself to stay.”
“I want to stay,” Ares says earnestly, then leans forward to press his forehead Hephaestus’s. “Take care of yourself.”
“I’m older than you,” he says, lips pulled in a helpless smile.
“Clean your room,” Ares orders before disappearing, slipping back to whatever battle he’s in the middle of dealing with.
Hephaestus takes a look around his destroyed work room, his instruments and creations shattered and glittering in broken pieces across the ground, and sighs.
It doesn’t matter. So what if this new goddess was just given something he had to work and bleed and earn? So what if Hera cares more for some domainless goddess off the street than she cares for him, a child of her blood and womb? It doesn’t matter.
This goddess, this Aphrodite, doesn’t matter, and is no concern of his.
gods and monsters series, part xxx
read more of the gods and monsters series here
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ufamsetobije · 2 months ago
Zašto Vam U Životu Ne Ide Dobro  · Nov 2 "Without God, man builds his hell on earth." - Cardinal Robert Sarah https://pic.x.com/W4nqFRZlWt Replying to @Sachinettiyil and @Card_R_SarahFormer Scotland First Minister Humza Yousaf says his family will leave the UK due to the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia. https://pic.x.com/eSxyUDF3bBhttps://youtu.be/4EqA99K6NBo?si=HfcJDFDmMKUIWBai youtube.com Zašto Vam U Životu Ne Ide Dobro Fra Ivo Pavić - Žalosno Je Da naš Svijet Traži Sreću U Smeću https://www.facebook.com/NoveEvangelizacija Fr. Charbel Abernethy @philokalia_min The Jesus Prayer is an appeal addressed specifically to Jesus Christ. It speaks of his Godhead, calling him "Lord" and "Son of God". At the same time we address him by his earthly name "Jesus", the name given to him at his human birth in Bethlehem by his mother the Virgin Mary and his foster-father Joseph. Thus in the Jesus Prayer we confess our faith in the central truth of Christianity: that Jesus is fully and entirely God and at the same time fully and entirely human, one single person in two complete natures. The cross and resurrection are not explicitly mentioned in the Jesus Prayer, but they are, of course, implicit. We are calling upon the total Christ. At the same time the Jesus Prayer is not only Christological but Trinitarian. By invoking Jesus as "Son of God", at once we think also of his Father. Furthermore, the Spirit is likewise present in the Prayer, although he is not named. One of the Scriptural texts quoted by almost every writer on the Jesus Prayer is 1 Corinthians 12:3, "No one can say 'Lord Jesus' except in the Holy Spirit." The Spirit, while remaining anonymous, is the embracing 'environment' of the invocation of the Name. We can apply this to the Jesus Prayer: the Holy Spirit is the 'atmosphere' in which the Prayer is said. Reciting the Jesus Prayer, then, we are praying in the Spirit to Christ, and through Christ to the Father. All three persons in the Trinity are included. The Jesus Prayer draws us into the perichoresis of the Trinity, the interchange or unceasing movement of mutual love that passes between the Eternal Three. There is within this Trinitarian Jesus Prayer a tidal wave, a pattern of ascent and return. We mount up towards God in adoration as we say the first part of the Prayer, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God…". Then we return to ourselves in grateful repentance, "…have mercy on me, a sinner." Thus the Jesus Prayer, more particularly in its expanded form ("…a sinner"), embraces the two primary 'moments' of Christian devotion: doxology, the 'moment' of gazing upwards towards God's glory; and compunction, the 'moment', both sorrowful and yet joyful, when we acknowledge that we are sinners who have been forgiven. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (d. 2022)
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weirdletter · 5 years ago
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Houses Under the Sea, by Caitlin R. Kiernan, Subterranean Press, 2019. Cover art by Marcela Bolivar, info: subterraneanpress.com.
Since H.P. Lovecraft first invited colleagues such as Frank Belknap Long and Robert Bloch (among others) to join in his creation of what has come to be known as “The Cthulhu Mythos” (over Lovecraft’s less invocative name of “Yog-Sothery”), dozens of authors have tried their hand at adding to this vast tapestry with varying degrees of success. Some, like the then teen-aged Ramsey Campbell, used the Mythos as a starting point to his own career while still finding his own authorial voice (The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants, Arkham House 1964); others, like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman, did so at the height of their careers, paying homage to an author who had been such a tremendous inspiration to them. But no one, absolutely no one, has contributed such a body of brilliant and profoundly original work to the Mythos as has Caitlín R. Kiernan. In this remarkable collection the author has selected over two dozen of her best Lovecraftian tales ranging from 2000s “Valentia” to her more recent classic “A Mountain Walked” as well as including the complete Dandridge Cycle, as well as a new story, “M Is for Mars.” In short, this is a cornerstone volume for Kiernan fans and Mythos devotees alike.
Contents: Lovecraft and I by Caitlin R. Kiernan Valentia (1994) So Runs the World Away From Cabinet 34, Drawer 6 The Drowned Geologist (1898) The Dead and the Moonstruck Houses Under the Sea Pickman’s Other Model (1929) The Thousand-and-Third Tale of Scheherazade The Bone’s Prayer The Peril of Liberated Objects, or the Voyeur’s Seduction At the Gate of the Deeper Slumber Fish Bride The Alchemist’s Daughter (A Fragment) Hounwife Tidal Forces John Four On the Reef The Transition of Elizabeth Haskings A Mountain Walked Love is Forbidden, We Croak and Howl Pushing the Sky Away (Death of a Blasphemer) Black Ships Seen South of Heaven Pickman’s Madonna The Peddler’s Tale, or Isobel’s Revenge The Cats of River Street M is for Mars     The Dandridge Cycle A Redress for Andromeda (2001) Nor the Demon Down Under the Sea (1957) Study for The Witch House (2013) Andromeda Among the Stones Publication History and Acknowledgments
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acad3mia · 5 years ago
"Well, then, this meeting of the… Caris, what did we decide to call ourselves again? The… Power Throuple?" Levitas asked with a wave of his hand, in between bites of a warm fruit pastry. "Like a power couple, but there are three of us?" It was a beautiful day in the College District, the weather was peaceful and still, and everything seemed right in the Lathrym. Days like this were rare for the three of them, whose tumultuous friendship had suffered far more downs than ups over the time they'd known one another. 
“I never agreed to that,” Caris laughed. “I don’t think either of us agreed to that. What does Xanthe call us?”
Senêrouxe let out a bored sigh. “You mean when he’s not calling us ‘Taveril’domaine’s Finest?’ Because personally, I’d rather be stabbed repeatedly with a butter knife than go around using that as a self-identifier.”
“I don’t know,” Levitas mused. “I rather like it.”
“Well of course you do.”
“Anyway, this meeting of Taveril’domaine’s Finest has come to order. And I got these pastries for all of us, you don’t need to stare at them like begging pets.”
Senêrouxe and Caris had gotten used to these kind of subtly demeaning comments from Levitas, comments that made them wonder at first why they tolerated his presence at all. Because Xanthe thinks we can change the world together, Caris would answer. Senêrouxe would answer similarly, but with a great deal of conflicting feelings as to whether that answer was the honest one. 
"So, then, Levitas," Caris asked, playing along for now as she interlaced her fingers with Senêrouxe's. "What are we discussing at this meeting? I mean, besides whatever plans for world domination you're cooking up with Xanthe during your advisory sessions."
"We don't talk about world domination," Levitas laughed, "though I'll admit the idea has a certain appeal. But yes, this does have something to do with a thing that Professor Xanthe told me."
Senêrouxe reached for a fruit pastry, still rather unimpressed by the whole affair. "What is he telling you now?"
Levitas, calm and cool as ever, relayed the message with a playful smirk. "Well, first of all, he said that I'm like the son he never had, and in line to become heir to his legacy, so jot that down."
"You're kidding!" It was difficult for Levitas and Senêrouxe to tell how much of Caris's outrage was performative and how much was genuine. "Please, tell me you're kidding."
"Fine, I will if it helps you sleep at night. That's not what I wanted to tell you anyway." Taking another bite of pastry before pouring himself a glass of red wine, Levitas stretched out on the blanket. "He told me to relay the message that the three of us are supposed to be a united front." His eyes flickered from Caris, who had no idea what that could possibly mean, to Senêrouxe, who knew all too well and had begun to keep a tighter grip on Caris's hand. "Let me rephrase this. He knows the two of you are pairing off, and he finds it just as nauseating as I do."
For a long time, neither of the other two spoke. Finally, the silence was broken when Senêrouxe, contempt evident in his voice, disputed his claim. "Did he really tell you that, Levitas, or are you just disguising your own words as his to give yourself a veneer of authority?"
"Ah, ah, ah… behave yourself, Sen," Levitas chided. "You don't want me bringing up your unwillingness to follow orders in my next session with him, do you?"
But it didn't help. Trying to stop Senêrouxe As'phyxiar mid-rant was like trying to stop a tidal wave. "The suggestion that what Caris and I have could be dissolved with a few words from our academic advisor of all the people in the bloody Lathrym, especially when he feels the need to send you as an emissary rather than to speak for himself, is… why, had I less common sense, I'd give you a taste of the Fear Invocation right now! It's disgusting, it's absolutely repulsive, it's…"
"What he means is that he needs some time to think about it," Caris answered as she leaned against the currently still quite upset Senêrouxe, ever the mediator. "I'll see if I can't convince him to see reason. Now, with that settled, can we please enjoy the rest of our afternoon in relative peace?"
And so they did. But peace was not a state meant to last for the Triumvirate– not for Andras Senêrouxe As'phyxiar, not for Marchosias Levitas Aversen, and certainly not for Caris Euphrasia, who would turn up dead in her dorm under mysterious circumstances before the year's end. There would be battles to fight, battles over power and love and the fate of the realm. In this moment, though… in this moment, the three of them could pretend, for at least a while, that things were okay.
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beyondthecosmicvoid · 6 years ago
A ABA: loose robe worn by Fremen women; usually black. ACH: left turn: a worm steersman’s call. ADAB: the demanding memory that comes upon you of itself. AKARSO: a plant native to Sikun (of 70 Ophiuchi A) characterized by almost oblong leaves. Its green and white stripes indicate the constant multiple condition of parallel active and dormant chlorophyll regions. ALAM AL-MITHAL: the mystical world of similitudes where all physical limitations are removed. AL-LAT: mankind’s original sun; by usage: any planet’s primary. AMPOLIROS: the legendary “Flying Dutchman” of space. AMTAL or AMTAL RULE: a common rule on primitive worlds under which something is tested to determine its limits or defects. Commonly: testing to destruction. AQL: the test of reason. Originally, the “Seven Mystic Questions” beginning: “Who is it that thinks?” ARRAKEEN: first settlement on Arrakis; long-time seat of planetary government. ARRAKIS: the planet known as Dune; third planet of Canopus. ASSASSINS’ HANDBOOK: Third-century compilation of poisons commonly used in a War of Assassins. Later expanded to include those deadly devices permitted under the Guild Peace and Great Convention. AULIYA: In the Zensunni Wanderers’ religion, the female at the left hand of God; God’s handmaiden. AUMAS: poison administered in food. (Specifically: poison in solid food.) In some dialects: Chaumas. AYAT: the signs of life. (See Burhan.) B BAKKA: in Fremen legend, the weeper who mourns for all mankind. BAKLAWA: a heavy pastry made with date syrup. BALISET: a nine-stringed musical instrument, lineal descendant of the zithra, tuned to the Chusuk scale and played by strumming. Favorite instrument of Imperial troubadors. BARADYE PISTOL: a static-charge dust gun developed on Arrakis for laying down a large dye marker area on sand. BARAKA: a living holy man of magical powers. BASHAR (often Colonel Bashar): an officer of the Sardaukar a fractional point above Colonel in the standardized military classification. Rank created for military ruler of a planetary subdistrict. (Bashar of the Corps is a title reserved strictly for military use.) BATTLE LANGUAGE: any special language of restricted etymology developed for clear-speech communication in warfare. BEDWINE: see Ichwan Bedwine. BELA TEGEUSE: fifth planet of Kuentsing: third stopping place of the Zensunni (Fremen) forced migration. BENE GESSERIT: the ancient school of mental and physical training established primarily for female students after the Butlerian Jihad destroyed the so-called “thinking machines” and robots. B.G.: idiomatic for Bene Gesserit except when used with a date. With a date it signifies Before Guild and identifies the Imperial dating system based on the genesis of the Spacing Guild’s monopoly. BHOTANI JIB: see Chakobsa. BI-LA KAIFA: Amen. (Literally: “Nothing further need be explained.”) BINDU: relating to the human nervous system, especially to nerve training. Often expressed as Bindu-nervature. (See Prana.) BINDU SUSPENSION: a special form of catalepsis, self-induced. BLED: flat, open desert. BOURKA: insulated mantle worn by Fremen in the open desert. BURHAN: the proofs of life. (Commonly: the ayat and burhan of life. See Ayat.) BURSEG: a commanding general of the Sardaukar. BUTLERIAN JIHAD: see Jihad, Butlerian (also Great Revolt). C CAID: Sardaukar officer rank given to a military official whose duties call mostly for dealings with civilians; a military governorship over a full planetary district; above the rank of Bashar but not equal to a Burseg. CALADAN: third planet of Delta Pavonis; birthworld of Paul-Muad’Dib. CANTO and RESPONDU: an invocation rite, part of the panoplia propheticus of the Missionaria Protectiva. CARRYALL: a flying wing (commonly “wing”), the aerial workhorse of Arrakis, used to transport large spice mining, hunting, and refining equipment. CATCHPOCKET: any stillsuit pocket where filtered water is caught and stored. CHAKOBSA: the so-called “magnetic language” derived in part from the ancient Bhotani (Bhotani Jib—jib meaning dialect). A collection of ancient dialects modified by needs of secrecy, but chiefly the hunting language of the Bhotani, the hired assassins of the first Wars of Assassins. CHAUMAS: (Aumas in some dialects): poison in solid food as distinguished from poison administered in some other way. CHAUMURKY (Musky or Murky in some dialects): poison administered in a drink. CHEOPS: pyramid chess; nine-level chess with the double object of putting your queen at the apex and the opponent’s king in check. CHEREM: a brotherhood of hate (usually for revenge). CHOAM: acronym for Combine Honnete Ober Advancer y Mercantiles—the universal development corporation controlled by the Emperor and Great Houses with the Guild and Bene Gesserit as silent partners. CHUSUK: fourth planet of Theta y Shalish; the so-called “Music Planet” noted for the quality of its musical instruments. (See Varota.) CIELAGO: any modified Chiroptera of Arrakis adapted to carry distrans messages. CONE OF SILENCE: the field of a distorter that limits the carrying power of the voice or any other vibrator by damping the vibrations with an image-vibration 180 degrees out of phase. CORIOLIS STORM: any major sandstorm on Arrakis where winds across the open flatlands are amplified by the planet’s own revolutionary motion to reach speeds up to 700 kilometers per hour. CORRIN, BATTLE OF: the space battle from which the Imperial House Corrino took its name. The battle fought near Sigma Draconis in the year 88 B.G. settled the ascendancy of the ruling House from Salusa Secundus. COUSINES: blood relations beyond cousins. CRUSHERS: military space vessels composed of many smaller vessels locked together and designed to fall on an enemy position, crushing it. CRYSKNIFE: the sacred knife of the Fremen on Arrakis. It is manufactured in two forms from teeth taken from dead sandworms. The two forms are “fixed” and “unfixed.” An unfixed knife requires proximity to a human body’s electrical field to prevent disintegration. Fixed knives are treated for storage. All are about 20 centimeters long. CUTTERAY: short-range version of lasgun used mostly as a cutting tool and surgeon’s scalpel. D DAR AL-HIKMAN: school of religious translation or interpretation. DARK THINGS: idiomatic for the infectious superstitions taught by the Missionaria Protectiva to susceptible civilizations. DEATH TRIPOD: originally, the tripod upon which desert executioners hanged their victims. By usage: the three members of a Cherem sworn to the same revenge. DEMIBROTHERS: sons of concubines in the same household and certified as having the same father. DERCH: right turn; a worm steersman’s call. DEW COLLECTORS or DEW PRECIPITATORS: not to be confused with dew gatherers. Collectors or precipitators are egg-shaped devices about four centimeters on the long axis. They are made of chromoplastic that turns a reflecting white when subjected to light, and reverts to transparency in darkness. The collector forms a markedly cold surface upon which dawn dew will precipitate. They are used by Fremen to line concave planting depressions where they provide a small but reliable source of water. DEW GATHERERS: workers who reap dew from the plants of Arrakis, using a scythelike dew reaper. DICTUM FAMILIA: that rule of the Great Convention which prohibits the slaying of a royal person or member of a Great House by informal treachery. The rule sets up the formal outline and limits the means of assassination. DISTRANS: a device for producing a temporary neural imprint on the nervous system of Chiroptera or birds. The creature’s normal cry then carries the message imprint which can be sorted from that carrier wave by another distrans. DOORSEAL: a portable plastic hermetic seal used for moisture security in Fremen overday cave camps. DRUM SAND: impaction of sand in such a way that any sudden blow against its surface produces a distinct drum sound. DUMP BOXES: the general term for any cargo container of irregular shape and equipped with ablation surfaces and suspensor damping system. They are used to dump material from space onto a planet’s surface. DUNE MEN: idiomatic for open sand workers, spice hunters and the like on Arrakis. Sandworkers. Spiceworkers. DUST CHASM: any deep crevasse or depression on the desert of Arrakis that has been filled with dust not apparently different from the surrounding surface; a deadly trap because human or animal will sink in it and smother. (See Tidal Dust Basin.)
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raeynbowboi · 5 years ago
Building an Embodiment of the Fairytale Princess in Dnd 5e
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No matter who you are, when someone mentions fairytales, we all think of the stock characters. You’ve got your beloved princess, your charming prince, and your tempting witch, with maybe a malicious dragon thrown in for flavor. And that’s what we’re looking to build today. Not any specific princess, but rather an amalgomation of every fairytale princess and princess trope in one character.
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For race, we’ll go with a human, or to be more specific a variant human. We were blessed by fairies since birth, and they gave us the gift of magic. The fairies gave you magical beauty and grace for +1 CHA and +1 DEX, as well as the gift of song for Performance for your fey-blessed skill. Tasha’s introduced the new feature Fey-Touched which gives our princess +1 CHA, the spell Misty Step, and one other 1st level divination or enchantment spell from any spell list. Charm Person, Command, and Sleep are all fine options.
For alignment, we’re practically a saint, so we’re lawful good.
And for background we’re a pretty obvious Noble for Persuasion and History.
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To be a classic fairytale princess, we’re going to need to be able to sing, summon critters to do our chores, and have a fairy godmother who watches over us. The best way to do all three is to be a Bard and an Archfey Warlock. However, in order to use the Bard to their full extent, the Bard has to reach level 18 to get all of their bardic secrets. Luckily, everything we need from the Warlock can be gotten in the first two levels. All we need from Warlock are the spells Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Armor of Agathys, Charm Person, and Unseen Servant. Then we get two eldritch invocations, we’ll pick up Beast Speech so we can talk to animals permanently and agonizing blast to make our eldritch blast a more effective cantrip.
For this build, Charisma is our top priority. We’ll want a good Constitution to maintain concentration spells, a good Dexterity since all we’re wearing is a set of clothes (fine), and a good Wisdom score primarily for the use of Animal Handling. Strength and Intelligence will get dumped. We’ll be sure to take up expertise with Animal Handling, Persuasion, Performance, and Religion, because you’re a good medieval girl who eats all her vegetables and goes to bed on time.
Fairytale-Based Spells
Basic Fairies
Dancing Lights: they’re called fairy lights for a reason. Faerie Fire: faerie lights that help you keep track of foes. Healing Spirit: a nature spirit with a fey appearance that heals your party. Spirit Guardians: They can take on a fey appearance, dealing radiant damage Conjure Woodland Beings: You summon fey creatures to help you fight. Conjure Fey: you summon a greater fey to help you fight
Snow White
Armor of Agathys: Surround yourself in a barrier of ice when injured. Reflavor as Snow White’s glass coffin.
True Polymorph: the fairygodmother turned mice into horses and a pumpkin into a carriage. Wish: everything the fairygodmother did was to make Cinderella’s wish come true.
Sleeping Beauty
Dawn: a loose connection, but one of sleeping beauty’s names is Aurora or Dawn. Dream: useful for when you’re asleep and need to call someone to save you. Wall of Thorns: to keep the princess safe, the fairies raised a ticket of thorns around the castle, which only parted for the handsome prince.
The Little Mermaid
Suggestion: Mermaids have hypnotic voices that lure men to their deaths. Tidal Wave: Mermaids control the tides and waves Mass Suggestion: How to brainwash an entire ship crew. Control Weather: Mermaids were blamed for violent sea storms. Tsunami: Like tidal wave, just bigger and more destructive.
Beauty and the Beast
Unseen Servant: In the original story, the beast’s servants were invisible. Tiny Servant: to bring a tiny object to life, like the Disney version. Animate Objects: make the room attack someone, like the Disney version. Charm Monster: beauty soothes the savage beast.
Rope Trick: You create a safe pocket dimension that can only be reached by climbing. Galder’s Tower: create a two story tower. Reminiscent of Rapunzel’s Tower.
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Race: Variant Human Background: Noble Alignment: Lawful Good Class: Glamour Bard (18)             Archfey Warlock (2) Base Stats: Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 10 (0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 20 (+5) Saving Throws: Strength: -1 Dexterity: +8 Constitution: +3 Intelligence: 0 Wisdom: +2 Charisma: +11 Combat Stats: HP: 163 AC: 13 Speed: 30 Initiative: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +6 Passive Perception: 18 Dark Vision: 0 feet Proficiencies and Expertise:    Animal Handling (+14)    History (+6)    Perception (+8)    Performance (+17)    Persuasion (+17)    Religion (+12)
Spell Slots
1st (6) 2nd (3) 3rd (3) 4th (3) 5th (3) 6th (1) 7th (1) 8th (1) 9th (1)
Fairytale Spellbook
C Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast, Friends, Light, Mage Hand, Mending 1 Armor of Agathys, Charm Person, Command, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Sleep, Unseen Servant 2 Animal Messenger, Enlarge/Reduce, Enthrall, Healing Spirit, Misty Step, Suggestion 3 Conjure Animals, Mass Healing Word, Spirit Guardians, Tiny Servant 4 Charm Monster, Conjure Woodland Beings 5 Animate Objects, Dream 6 Mass Suggestion, Wall of Thorns 7 Mord’s Magnificent Mansion 8 Glibness 9 True Polymorph, Wish
Countercharm. Creatures within 30 feet get advantage against being charmed or frightened following a performance check.
Bonus Actions:
Bardic Inspiration. Add 1d12 to an ally’s d20 roll 5 times per long rest.
Eldritch Invocations.    Agonizing Blast. Add your Charisma mod to your Eldritch Blast damage rolls.    Beast Speech. Cast Speak with Animals without using a spell slot. Enthralling Performance. Up to 5 creatures must make a DC 19 WIS saving throw or become charmed by you. Fey Presence. Creatures within 10 feet make a DC 19 WIS saving throw or become charmed or frightened by you until the end of your next turn. Font of Inspiration. Regain all uses of Bardic Inspiration on a rest. Jack of All Trades. Add +3 to skill checks you’re not proficient in. Magic Initiate. Choose two cantrips and a 1st level spell from the cleric spell list. Mantle of Inspiration. As a bonus action, give up to 5 creatures within 60 feet 14 temp HP points, and they can move without provoking an opportunity attack. Position of Privilege. You are welcome in high society, common folk go out of their way to accommodate you, and you can get an audience with other nobles. Song of Rest. Regain 1d12 extra HP on a short rest after singing. Unbreakable Majesty. Take on a majestic appearance for 1 minute, the first creature to target you each turn must succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or choose another target. If it succeeds, it has disadvantage on saving throws against your spell DC next turn. Use once per long rest.
Fairytale-Based Items
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Pumpkin Carriage (Cinderella)
Common Wondrous Item - Vehicle
Weight: 600
This vehicle ignores difficult terrain.
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Glass Slippers (Cinderella)
Rare Wondrous Item - Attunement Required
Your movement speed isn’t slowed by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can’t reduce your speed. However, you cannot cross terrain that would harm you, such as lava. Because the shoes fit only one person in the entire kingdom, this item requires attunement.
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Golden Stair (Rapunzel)
Rare Wondrous Item - Attunement Required
Your long hair can be used as a Rope, Hempen and a Grappling Hook. It’s attached to your head, so it cannot be broken, stolen, lost, or used up. The hair can also be used like a lasso to bind and pull switches or objects weighing 10 lbs or less closer. It has a range of 60 feet. Because it is attached to your body, this item requires attunement.
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Sleeping Spindle (Sleeping Beauty)
Rare Weapon (Dagger)
This cursed spindle deals 1d4 piercing damage. When a creature is struck by this blade, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or fall into a magical sleep for 24 hours. The curse can be broken by the spell Remove Curse. Once the curse has been used, it cannot be used again until the dawn of the next day.
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Poison Apple (Snow White)
Common Weapon (light, thrown)
When this item is thrown, deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to any creature it hits. When this item hits a creature or a solid surface, it explodes, creating a poisonous cloud within 5 feet centered on where it landed. Creatures inside the area of the cloud take 1d4 poison damage and make a Constitution saving throw against DC 10 + your INT mod or become poisoned. Crafting: requires fresh fruit, a poisoner’s kit, and knowing at least one spell. Crafting takes 10 minutes.
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Ring of Teleportation (Beauty and the Beast)
Epic Ring - Attunement Required
Choose up to three locations you have been to before and know well. Once per day, turn the ring three times and you and any creature touching you will be teleported to whichever location you desired. You can change your three saved locations at any time, but you must be at the location to save it to the ring. The ring resets at dawn following its last use. Because the ring can only take you to places you’ve been before, the ring needs to be attuned to you.
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Magic Mirror (Beauty and the Beast/Snow White)
Legendary Wondrous Item
Once per day, choose one of the following:
Cast Scrying without using a spell slot. The mirror will show you what you ask to see.
Cast Legend Lore without using a spell slot. Ask the mirror a question and it will answer truthfully to the best of its ability.
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sirblackaxe · 6 years ago
Current state of the Leviathan warlock patron mechanics
Patron could be a Kraken, Dragon Turtle, or any other gigantic underwater creature. Or a deity associated with sea monsters, if your setting has one.
Expanded Spell List: Create zones similar to your patron’s underwater domain
Fog Cloud, one of (Bane, Earth Tremor, Entangle, Thunderwave)
Enlarge/Reduce, one of (Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Dragon’s Breath, Shatter, Silence)
Sleet Storm, Tidal Wave
Control Water, Evard’s Black Tentacles
Maelstrom, one of (Cone of Cold, Destructive Wave, Legend Lore)
Level 1: create zones around you and pull enemies into them
Eldritch Grasp* and Shape Water cantrips
*Eldritch Grasp defined below.
I intend to add Eldritch Grasp to the general warlock spell list, so maybe 
Durability boost
+1 HP per level?
Medium armor?
Apply con to AC?
13 + con mod unarmored AC?
10 + con mod + dex mod (max 2) unarmored AC? (basically medium armor with no stealth disadvantage and no )
10 + con mod + dex mod unarmored AC? (Barbarian’s Unarmored Defense, a level 2 feature)
Use con mod instead of dex mod with Mage Armor invocation?
Only while concentrating on a spell?
Immunity to your own area of effect conjuration and evocation spells
Could restrict this to warlock spells and/or spells you cast with a warlock spell slot, but that’s probably not necessary.
Level 6: more control over your zones
You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a conjuration, evocation, or transformation spell when you take damage.
It’s out of flavor to use this for summoning conjurations spells instead of area conjurations spells, but it probably isn’t worth the extra words to restrict it.
As a bonus action, you can move the area created by a conjuration or evocation spell you’re concentrating on your speed directly towards you.
I don’t think I can make converted them to auras when you cast them centered on yourself work in the rules.
Do creatures restrained by the zone get dragged with it?
Level 10: Body becomes more like your patron’s
Breath water
Swim speed = walking speed, or swim speed +10’ if you already have one
Resistance to cold damage
Adapted to harsh unwater environments
Level 14: Can become BIG like your patron
Starting at 14th level, when you start casting a warlock spell on your turn and expend a warlock spell slot, you can expend an additional warlock spell slot to increase your size by one category. This increase lasts for 1 minute, or if you die or are incapacitated. Until it ends, you get the following benefits:
Your hit points and hit point maximum increase by 1 per warlock level.
Your reach increase by 5 feet.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
Add con mod to the damage rolls of your melee weapon attacks and your Eldritch Grasp cantrip.
(stacks but limited by the warlock spell slot limit – can’t have two instances active until you get your 4th spell slot at level 17)
Eldritch Grasp
Evocation cantrip, melee spell attack, range 30’
Like Eldritch Blast but a tendril instead of a beam. Deals 1d6s for damage and pulls 5’ towards you on a hit.
Is two damage die sizes down and 1/4th the range too much of a nerf to make up for a 5’-20’ pull with no size restrictions or strength save?
Originally had grasp deal cold instead of force damage, but there’s a decent amount of stuff that resists cold. 
Eldritch Grasp Invocations
(Agonizing Blast) Add your Cha mod to damage with eldritch grasp
Maybe have a different damage type such as cold or acid?
(Eldritch Spear) Increase range of eldritch grasp (60’?)
(Grasp of Hadar) Once per turn, pull a creature you hit with eldritch grasp 10’
(Lance of Lethargy) Once per turn reduce the speed of a creature you hit with eldritch grasp by 10’ until the start of your next turn
Can use eldritch grasp to make opportunity attacks, and can slow 5’ for the rest of the turn instead of pulling (since they’re already adjacent to you)
Stuff I’d like to have that doesn’t fit: (?)
Both a HP boost AND an AC boost
proficiency with con saves? probably don’t need both this and advantage though.
Add Tsunami and Shapechange to the warlock spell list for Mystic Arcanum
more invocations (There are only 5 eldritch blast invocations, I don’t want to overload eldritch grasp)
(Chain Pact) Cast Eldritch Grasp from your familiar
(Blade Pact) When you use your action to cast eldritch grasp (or any spell?) you can make one weapon attack with your pact weapon as a bonus action
When you hit a creature within your reach with eldritch grasp, may move it in any direction instead of pulling it directly towards you
When you hit a creature with eldritch grasp on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target
(Chain Pact) Grant level 14 size increase to your familiar instead of yourself. (familiars are all tiny though, so this might not work as well as I’d like)
Thoughts and opinions are always welcome!
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the-local-siren · 7 years ago
Warlock Patron: Scylla the Horror
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Residing near a cliff under the ocean’s cold waters is Scylla. A horrific creature that feasts on any mortal vessels that would dare enter her domain. The few that survive whisper tales of hound headed tentacles devouring those on board. However what haunts the memories of survivors is the sound of childish glee as men and women alike are torn to pieces unable to escape her jaws. 
Few warlocks have entered a pact with her as her gifts consume them with an insatiable bloodlust. She is a fickle patron who one day may ask for the most outlandish of gifts while on another she demands the sacrifice of Fiends and Fey alike. Beware the warlock who possesses these hounds of Scylla as nothing will satisfy their hunger.
Expanded Spell List: Level 1: Wrathful Smite, Command Level 2: Branding Smite, Phantasmal Force Level 3: Vampiric Touch, Tidal Wave Level 4: Staggering Smite, Phantasmal Killer Level 5: Geas, Contagian
Hounds of the Deep: Starting at level one you may use a bonus action to transform attaining Scylla’s prized hounds on your mortal form. While in this form your AC is now 13 + DEX modifier and you gain a bite attack which you are proficient with and deals piercing damage. Also, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1/3 of your maximum hit points rounded down. You are able to use either Strength or Dexerity to modify the bite attack. The bite attacks have a reach of up to 15 feet. Both touch and weapon spells can apply to this bite but cannot stack. While in this form you are unable to use simple or martial weapons but may use any spell listed in the expanded spell list. You can also breathe underwater while in this form but your swimming speed does not increase and your walking speed is reduced to 20 feet.. This form ends when you are knocked unconscious or after 1+ CHA modifier hours. You regain use of this after either a short or a long rest.
Bite Damage:  1st to 4th- 4d4 Piercing 5th to 10th- 4d6 Piercing 11th to 16th- 4d8 Piercing 17th+ - 4d10 Piercing
Enchanted Fangs: Starting at level six your bite attacks are now considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities. 
Terrifying Glee: Starting at level ten you learn to embrace the childish glee of Scylla while tearing apart those around you. As a bonus action you can let out laughter which brings terror to those who hear you. Any hostile creature must succeed a WIS saving throw against your spell DC or become frightened for up to one minute. You gain an advantage when making an attack roll against a creature frightened by this feature. You may use this feature again after either a short or long rest.
Insatiable Bloodlust: Starting at level 14 you embody every feature of Scylla including her unending hunger. As an action when you touch a creature in your transformed state, you can set your hounds upon them dealing 8d12 necrotic damage as they ravage your chosen target. If the target is killed by this feature you gain temporary hit points equal to their half of their maximum hit points. These temporary hit points are lost after a long rest. You must complete a long rest before using this feature again.
Invocations- Fifth Beast (Prereqs: 15th Level and Scylla Patron): Your transformed state gains an additional hound increase the die of your bite attack by one.
Vampiric Blast (Prereqs: Eldritch Blast and Scylla Patron): The damage dealt by Eldritch Blast now heals you for half of your warlock level rounded up (minimum of 1 hit points).
Sentinel (Prereqs: 5th level and Scylla Patron): As a bonus action you can send out a hound to tunnel beneath the ground and appear at another location for a maximum of 60 feet. By doing this reduce the bite’s damage by one die and as a reaction when taking damage you can retreat to the hound’s location while gaining resistance to the damage taken. You regain this feature after either a short or long rest.
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