#ticklish loid
ragewerthers · 2 years
Mission: Yuletide
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Summary: While decorating the house for Christmas, Loid and Yor discuss some of their childhood holiday traditions. When Loid mentions trying to make the season extra special by dressing up as Santa for Anya, Yor decides Loid may need to practice on one very important laugh.
A/n: Merry Christmas @soft-tk-fluff!!! 😊 I'm your secret santa this year and I hope that you enjoy this Spy X Family fic! Hopefully it brings you some holiday laughs and you can enjoy their shenanigans and all the fluff they deserve! And I'd also like to thank @hypahticklish for hosting this wonderful event this year and for making things run smoothly and checking in on us! Merry Christmas to you too, my friend!
Word Count: 2414
The enticing scent of cinnamon, brown sugar and peppermint was already starting to permeate the apartment from the cookies and cocoa Loid had set out on the kitchen table.
Operation: Yuletide was finally commencing and Loid knew that he wanted… no… he needed everything to be perfect.  Creating Christmas magic for his family would definitely help keep everyone happy and thus would keep his other endeavor, Operation Strix, safely on track.
“Loid-san can you pass me some of the candy canes?” Yor asked, drawing Loid from his thoughts as he stood in front of the newly erected Christmas tree.
“Oh!  Of course.  Here.  I got both Spearmint and Peppermint ones,” he offered with a soft smile, passing the boxes over to her and watching her eyes light up at the sight of the candy.
“Miss Anya is going to love them!  She was just telling me yesterday how much she was looking forward to helping decorate the Christmas tree tonight!” Yor said gently, setting the boxes of candy canes next to the tote of baubles, tinsel and lights nearby.
While Anya was away at school finishing up before Christmas break, Loid had decided it wouldn’t hurt to get started decorating the apartment with Yor.  It would also allow him to gauge her own feelings on the holiday and ensure she too was feeling that merry Christmas spirit he was looking to bring out in everyone. “DId you and your brother enjoy decorating when you were younger?” Loid asked offhandedly as Yor moved away from the Christmas tree ornaments to start hanging garland on the mantle around their family pictures.
“Oh yes!  It was always one of the best times!  We would put Christmas music on the radio, decorate the house and when we were done I’d sit down with Yuri and we’d write our letters to Santa.  That was always the most amusing part.  He’d get so nervous trying to figure out what to ask for!” she chuckled, turning to face Loid.  “What about yourself?  Have you always been one full of Christmas spirit?”
Loid gave a small smile at the question, trying to figure out how best to answer.
“Christmas has always been special to me in some way.  When I was younger I was like your brother.  I was always excited to write my letter to Santa, but I never quite knew how to compose it.  I didn’t want to seem like I was asking for too much… or like I was demanding things from him lest I get nothing but coal in my stocking.”
Yor laughed at this and shook her head.  “Well what about Miss Anya?  What are her thoughts on Santa Claus?”
Loid looked over at the envelope on the kitchen table that contained a single piece of paper that Anya had furiously been scribbling on for the better part of two days to get ‘just right’ in her own words.
“Judging by the intensity with which she wrote out her Christmas wish list, I’d say that she is firmly in the same camp as your brother and I.  Trying to find just the right words to not upset Santa,” he said with a little chuckle before shaking his head.  “But hopefully, even if she doesn’t get everything on her list, I can still make sure that this is a good Christmas for her.”
Yor’s smile grew at that and she nodded.  “I’d love to make this Christmas especially lovely for her too!  What are you planning?”
“Well… you know how we were talking about our memories of writing to Santa?  What if we took it a step further and Santa came for a visit?” he asked, the idea bouncing around in his head as he tried to plan the most effective way to bring holiday cheer.
“Oh?  You hired a professional Santa?!” Yor asked, her excitement almost palpable.  The sheer joy she seemed to be feeling only bolstered Loid’s confidence in this idea.
“No, no!  I was thinking that I could definitely pull off being Santa,” he said with a little nod, his mind already making plans on how to craft this newest idea.  He wasn’t a master of disguise for nothing and surely this would be a pinnacle for him to pull off.
However, before he could finish trying to figure out whether Santa’s gloves should be red, leather or white, his mental gymnastics were paused when he heard a little snort followed by soft giggling.
Looking over, Loid saw Yor with her head turned away from him, shoulders shaking in mirth.
“What?  What’s so funny?” he asked, both curious and perhaps a little offended.
“I… I’m so sorry, Loid-san!” she continued to giggle, wiping away a few tears of laughter.  “It’s just… there is no way you could be Santa!”
Loid actually gasped at such an accusation, his pride taking a small hit considering he was truly a genius in this particular field.
And that wasn’t hubris, that was FACT with actual results to back him up!
To be fair she had no idea of his disguise genius, but still!  The audacity!  The unmitigated gall! “I could be a great Santa!” he retorted, trying his best to not let his hurt feelings show.
Yor smiled gently at that and moved closer, a playful look on her face.  “Is that right?  How are you planning on getting a believable white beard, hmm?  And have you worked on the Santa laugh?  What about getting a belly like a bowl full of jelly?” she asked, moving to give his stomach a playful little poke.
Loid had been so focused on trying to figure out how to rebut her questions that he hadn’t been prepared for the innocent touch and thus couldn’t stop the little jolt and small huff that left him as he took a step back from the contact.
Everything in the apartment seemed to go still at that moment.
Yor’s hand was still extended and Loid could only stand there with eyes wide as his hand covered his poor stomach.
“But I think…”
“It’s not what you think.” “It’s better than what I think,” Yor teased, the playfulness only growing in her smile as her tone turned mischievous.  “I think I know how to help you, Loid!  I’m gonna make sure that you’ve got that Santa laugh down to a T!”
Loid could feel his heart rate start to speed up as he heard that and took a step back, then another as Yor’s eyes followed him.  Let it never be said that Agent Twilight wasn’t a brave man.  But even he had his limits to standing his ground.  
“Yor!  Yor… listen to me!” he tried to barter, watching as she slowly began to move closer and closer, her eyes instantly becoming laser focused on him.  “Y-You know… maybe a… um… a professional Santa would be per-NO!  STAY BACK!”
In a flash Yor had sprang into action and began to give chase, giving Loid only a second to turn on his heel to flee.
Thank god for his increased reflexes or she would’ve nabbed him from the start!
“Loid!  I’m only trying to help!” Yor chastised playfully as he made it around the kitchen table to put some space between them.
“I don’t need any help!  And how would this be helping?!” he asked, his eyes glancing around the room to find the perfect exit or a way to distract the woman now intent on making him a target! “The one thing that stands out about Santa the most is his laugh, Loid-san!” Yor argued lightly.  “So to make sure Miss Anya is completely positive that you are the true blue Santa we have to make your laugh perfect!  Besides, you don’t get near enough practice.  I don’t think I’ve ever really heard you laugh.”
“That’s nonsense!  Of course I’ve laughed before!  And I don’t think anyone can practice a la-NO!”
Once more, Yor was giving chase and somehow, Loid felt slower than before!  How was she so fast?!
The only chance of survival he saw was to make a mad dash for his room, but sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.
Before he could process what was happening, he found himself almost instantly rugby tackled onto his stomach on the living room sofa.  The force wasn’t as harsh as the time they’d fought for Anya in the castle, but it was still enough to momentarily shock him.
“Now, let's see how we can help our dear Loid-san!” Yor chirped above him, settling herself easily on his back as Loid attempted to wriggle his way free.
“Yor!  You really don’t have to d-do thihihis!  Ah!” Loid choked out, feeling her fingers gently skittering along his sides and instantly making him draw his arms close against himself. “What?  What was that, Loid?  Did you say something?” Yor asked, her fingers slowly starting to spider upward toward his lower ribs and making the secret agent snort against the couch cushions where he was trying to hide his face.
“N-no!  Nothihihing!” he squeaked out, already starting to feel his composure crack as Yor’s fingers continued to wriggle and circle against his lowest ribs.  Little ticklish, electric currently zipping up his spine with each brush of her fingers.
How could he have gone through so much training in interrogation, but all it was taking was a few soft, tickly touches to completely break him?!
“Uh oh!  I think I heard a little giggle in there!” Yor teased and Loid could instantly hear the fiendish older sister she probably used to be to poor Yuri. He felt a bit more sympathy for the man now.
Loid opened his mouth to try and say something eloquent enough to get him free of this debacle, but that seemed to be the opening that Yor had been waiting for. In a flash her fingers shot back down to Loids sides, her hands wiggling just slightly between him and the sofa to allow instant access to the sides of his stomach.
And Loid couldn’t hold back any longer.
“NO!  Y-Yor plehehehehease!  Stahahahahap hehehelping!” he cackled brightly, the laughter easily breaking free of his chest as he felt her fingers vibrating quickly against his poor stomach.
“There it is!  Oh Loid your laughter is so sweet!” Yor cooed above him.
Loid could feel his cheeks starting to burn almost as brightly as his blushing ears and shook his head, shimmying back and forth to try and get her tickling fingers to cease their attack.
“No it’s nahahahat!” he tried to argue through his laughter, taking a deep breath and reaching out for the arm of the sofa to try and pull himself to safety.
A horrible mistake that his tickle addled brain didn’t quite recognize until it was too late.
In a flash, Yor had moved one of her hands up and quickly began fluttering her nails right in the center of Loids exposed underarm.
The rather uncharacteristic shriek that escaped him was something he would deny until the day he died.
Unbeknownst to Yor, and something Loid had himself forgotten, was that he was horribly ticklish there and now he was paying for his earlier escape attempt.
Quickly retracting his arm, he only managed to keep her hand snuggly caught there as she continued to flutter and spider her fingers quickly against his most ticklish spot, sending the poor agent into absolute hysterics.
“NOHOHO!  I CAHAHAHAHAlN’T!  YOAHAHAHAHAR!” Loid laughed loudly, his legs kicking out behind him as Yor stayed firmly seated on his back.
“Oh Loid you were so close!  It’s ‘ho ho ho’, not ‘no no no’,” Yor teased, moving the fingers of her untrapped hand down to squeeze along his hip and make Loid snort at the newest sensation.  
“I cahahahahan’t!  I cahahan’t do ihihihihit!  I y-yeieheheheheheld!  Unhuhuhuncle!” Loid squeaked out, voice pitched higher in his laughter.
And just as quickly as the attack had happened he felt Yor’s fingers stopping their tickle attack, his body still tingling from the sensations causing him to remain in a fit of hysterical giggling.
“Oh!  Loid-san!  I-I’m so sorry!  I hope I didn’t go too far!” he heard Yor’s soft voice stuttering slightly from above him.
Shaking his head slightly he gave a tired wave of his hand as a smile still remained upon his own lips because even if she had been ruthless… did he dare think that there had been something slightly fun about all of this?
“I-It’s fine.  I promise,” he panted softly, still feeling the blush on his cheeks as he rested his face against the cool part of the sofa cushion. “A-are you sure, Loid-san?  I could get you water!  Or a cookie?  Would a cookie help?!” Yor asked, quickly getting up and rushing over to the plate of cookies that still rested on the kitchen table from earlier. Loid gave another little snort and couldn’t help laughing again as he slowly sat up.
“I promise, it’s alright, Yor.  That was… fun,” he said gently as she returned with said cookie, a soft blush on her cheeks as she sat down next to him. Seeing that she was still feeling flustered, Loid felt his expression soften as he reached over and plucked the cookie carefully from her hands.  “And… I think you really did help me find my perfect Santa laugh.  Here, what do you think?” he asked, clearing his throat and holding the cookie aloft like Hamlet would in a great Shakespearean play.  “Ho ho ho!  Merry Christmas!” he said with as much vibrato and gusto as he could. Yor instantly brought her hands up to cover her mouth, giggling softly into them at Loids ridiculous display and instantly coming back into her more relaxed state.
“Oh yes, Loid-san,” Yor said brightly as she lowered her hands, smiling softly at the agent and making Loids heart feel like it was growing three sizes bigger.  “I think you will definitely bring Miss Anya all the extra holiday spirit with your impersonation of Santa!”
Loid smiled brightly at that and nodded his appreciation, taking a bite of his Christmas cookie.
Operation: Yuletide was definitely going to be a success… but perhaps the best part of the whole plan was now knowing that even though this was for a wider cause, he was still going to bring joy to two people he cared so deeply about.
Two people who definitely deserved to feel the joy, wonder and happiness of the Christmas spirit.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
tama bby !!! congratulations on your huuuuge milestone hehe i'm still on hiatus but i was lurking and saw your post and really really wanted to participate so shhhhh pretend i'm still offline aojf;aof could you please do our husband loid ???? i love him to death and think he deserves so many tickles hehe
ilysm xoxo dani
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"you're so cute- i could tickle you till twilight !!"
weheee i was very excited for this one, as you know i never tire of tormenting this handsome spy ♡(。- ω -) so i am so appreciative that you requested him, dani-chan !! i always tend to want to attack him with everything i have, since he is such a hardened warrior. surely he can handle a bit of tickling, right ?? (⌒ω⌒)
drawing drunk tama was fun o(≧▽≦)o she is drinking makgeolli, for those who are curious.
i hope you enjoy !! thank you so much for your continued support !!!
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xolliwritez · 2 years
hellooooooo i’m back with another request hehe could i request a lee loid fic where he’s in a tickle fight with anya and winning but yor comes home and anya’s like “mama save me !” and yor comes to save the day hehe thank you🖤
Boo Boo's & Laughter || Spy x Family Tk Fic
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A/N: dani, you never seize to make such amazingly cute ideas you sweet pea!! i do hope this fic is to your liking queen!! i'm so glad to have chatted with you slightly and sorry it took so much longer!! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)♡
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"Noho! Stay away papaha!" Screamed the pinkette.
The day had gone on as normal, Loid struggling to get Anya to study, per usual. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't the 'fun' type, his studying tactics bland for the little girls tastes, so it was obvious why she's complain about this type of work.
Well, that was until Loid had accidentally found out about the great Anya's weakness. He was fed up with her attitude and went to pick her up, only for her to move out the way and get her side squeezes just enough to make the young one shriek. With this newfound information, he decided it'd be the best way to tire her into studying.. that was until it became a complete game of cat and mouse. Embarrassingly enough, the spy found this.. fun? Is that the word? He didn't know, right now that didn't matter, what mattered was catching this troublesome child and getting her into her studies.
With a wrong turn, she had slipped and skid her knee slightly, making her well up with tears, seeing this, Loid's father side came into play as he pulled her into his lap, investigating the knee to see how bad it was (even though they both were overreacting now).
"P-Papa." Whined the smaller, a singular tear streaming down her face, followed suit with a few more, the sight of seeing her hurt physically and mentally hurting him just as much, if not, maybe even worse. "Hey, it's okay, how about I put a bandage on-"
"Can you kiss it better?"
What? What type of question is that? Is she stu- no, she's a child, she doesn't know any better. Loid refused to stoop down any lower, holding up what little pride he is by closing his eye's, "Anya, I can't do- that.." he peeked and eye open, and he instantly regretted it. She looked at him with puppy dog eye's, her bottom lip sticking out, along with sniffles here and there from her crying, ugh.. maybe it wouldn't hurt, he supposed.
"If I kiss it better, will you study?" He asked, not surprised when she shook her head. He sighed and smirked, mischief sparkling in him like never before, "Fine then, I guess the tickle monster will take his toll on you." He wiggled his finger's, his heart tugging at every angle seeing her squeal and squirm in place, her once crackling voice from crying now filled with playful excitement.
And with a new goal in mind, his finger's descended onto her tummy, the corners of his mouth tugging wider as he heard the excited laughter escape her lips, gosh how was she so adorable!?
"EEP! Pa-Pahahahapa! Nohoho! Bahad pahahapa! Bahad!" She playfully scolded, making him snicker slightly, "Oh, I'm the bad one now? Sorry agent Anya, but I've got to put you in your place." He then growled, acting like a 'monster' as he blew a raspberry against her tummy, "AHA! WAHAIT! MAHAHAMA! MAHAMA HEHELP!" She reached out, "Mama won't save you- WOAH-!" Loid squawked as he found himself pinned against the ground. He was so caught up in his game that he didn't even notice Yor came home early.
"Sorry, but.. I have to save agent Anya! It's my duty!" Yor played along. Loid had tried to get up but found himself completely stuck, how much strength did she have!? Yor couldn't helo but pay attention to Anya almost immediately, "Oh my, Anya, you're hurt!" Yor said, worried from the skidded knee. "Papa did it." Anya lied, that damn child! How dare she-
"Eh!? I did not- no!" Loid found himself squirming slightly as he felt Yor scribble against his side, "How rude of you! And while I wasn't around to protect her either?" She playfully scoffed offense, though Loid couldn't help but still be offended. "A punishment must be in order." Yor demanded, now sitting herself comfortable against his lower back, nails skittering against his clothed side's with relative ease, even though he had extra protection and immaculate endurance, he couldn't help himself but feel this get to him rather quickly. He puffed out random splurts of giggles here and there as Yor kept being persistent with the tickling.
What he didn't expect was for Anya to poke at his socked foot, the newly targeted spot making ot even more difficult to hold in, Anya and Yor exchanged glances before smirking down at Loid, making him buck as Yor massaged her palms against the back of his ribs, whilst Anya sat down and scribbled her tiny hands over his foot. If he weren't trained in endurance, he'd be at their mercy right now, yet here he was cackling boisterously into his sleeves, his body quivering from the tingly sensations, ghost tickles making their way up to his stomach and fluttering there like a heap of butterflies with feather like appendages.
"Kitchi-kitchi-koo, honey~" Yor's confidence came in, leaning down and whispering into his ear, making him snort and scrunch up his shoulder's to cover his ear's. "What's wrong? Does this not.. tickle your fancy?" She'd give him an obviously rhetorical question, yet with his state right now, he didn't realize, "Y-YohoHOu ahARE!" He squealed into his sleeves once again, ugh, if Anya weren't behind him right now, he'd be slamming his feet into the ground to try and reduce the ticklish sensations just the slightest bit.
"If it really doesn't tickle, how about you try and het up right now?" She challenged, keeping at her spot. Loid took this literally as he used his forearms to boost him up, only to snort and flop back down when she scribbled into his pits each time he attempted to get up. "KYAHAH! Y-Yo-YOHOR! NOHO! Wahahait, thiHIHIS IHI'sn't fahAhAIr!" His attempts became futile as he just gave in, curling inwards ever so slightly, snorting and squealing each time she'd come back up to scribble under his arm's, before returning to massaging at the back of his ribs.
As his laughter became wheezy and crackled, that's when Yor stopped, "Anya, his had eniugh sweetheart!" She smiled sweetly at the pinkette, the young girl stopping and walking up to pat Loid on the head, "Want to get him a cup of water? He deserves it." Yor said, Anya immediately going off to get that cup of water.
"Sorry if I took it too far!" Yor immediately changed back, her cheeks dusted a bright pink as she muttered apologies, "I'm super sorry, I was just in the moment an-mmph?" Her cheeks couldn't get any redder, her speech cut short when Loid gave her a gentle kiss, his cheeks flushed and his breathing still unsteady along with some random giggles here and there from the tickle attack before. "You're okay, if anything, I, eh.. en-enjoyed it?" He said, making Yor look as if she passed away, "HUH? YOR ARE YO-" "AAA YOU'RE SO CUTE!" She hugged him, smothering his face with kisses, making him chuckle, blush and smile widely, enjoying the affection.
"Mama and papa are flirting."
It seems Loid forgot what he was tickling Anya for anyways.
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Hii!! I love your fics! Would you consider writing lee loid with lers franky and yuri? hehehe Thank you~
Hey there, thank you!!! 🥰 Prepare for a fluffy drabble!
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"Why me? Why always me?"
"Because you're easy," Yor slurred with a distant smile. "You're so easy."
Dinner with the uncles lead to everyone drinking too much, and the conversation turned into yet another discussion about Loid's ticklishness. Yuri had drank as much as his sister and Franky was buzzed but still coherent. Loid wanted to drink but somebody needed to keep his wits about him or he'd suffer through yet another one-sided tickle fight.
"I found out when he lied about being ticklish!" Yuri was excitedly telling Frank.
Franky had really found out when fitting Loid for a gadget way back in the day, but couldn't say that part out loud. "I found out when we were rooming together for a bit," The informant lied. "He has these spots-"
"Below the belly button!" Yuri exclaimed. "Or, in it. Both seemed very ticklish."
Loid's face flushed, and he froze with his eyes on his lap.
"You get this one spot on his ribs and he's already begging it to stop, get his pits and he's yours!" Franky crossed his arms and appeared proud that he knew one of Loid's only weaknesses.
"His neck~!" Yor sing-songed. "Even his ears!"
"Hips!" Yuri added.
"Oh, his sides are a pretty bad spot too," Franky listed.
"Enough!" Loid was too flustered for a discussion about his tickle spots, and he was sitting between two men on the couch who were the worst. "Let's change the subject!"
A pause as the three adults all made eye contact. Then, Franky and Yuri started to poke Loid's sides from either side.
"No!" Loid jumped up and was pulled right back down. "Noho!" He snickered as pokes turned to swipes and his hands were grabbed.
"Aw, he's so cuuuuute~!" Yor cooed.
"That's one way of putting it," Franky smirked. When his fingers scribbled up Loid's ribs, the spy squawked like a bird and arched his back.
"Can't help being ticklish literally everywhere, Loidy-Loid?" When Yuri wiggled several fingers into Loid's armpit, he snapped each arm to his sides and fell forward off the couch giggling. They let him roll down to the floor, only to attack his ribs, back, and neck from behind and above. Their fingers would poke, pinch, swipe, and just tickle like hell as Loid short-circuited and sat there giggling. Back tickles were entirely new to him, and his spine was apparently another bad spot. While he ignored the fact that he could easy get up and run away, it did not go unnoticed by the others.
"He does like it!" Yuri exclaimed.
"Stohohohop! Okahahay! Yohohor hehehelp!"
Oh, she helped. Just not her husband. The trio pinned Loid to the floor for yet another tickle attack, and for the first time he felt like he had a real family finally. They only wanted him laughing, after all. Even Yuri. Except for that new spot on his spine, when everybody started swiping their fingers up and down it Loid was openly squealing and rolling from side to side.
But he could take the tickles if it meant everybody was happy.
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otomiyaa · 5 months
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Ticklish Loid Forger x Reader
Romantic + 34. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Requested by @fluffandgiggles for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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"Hehehe! Do it again - ahahaha! Agahahain!"
You smiled. Little Anya really loved tummy tickles more than anyone. She rolled on her back, her small hands holding yours, almost like a cat hugging its owner's hand tightly in order to keep it there, rather than remove it. 
"Tickle tickle tickle!" you sang playfully, wiggling your fingers like spider legs over her belly.
"Bond too, Bond too!" Anya giggled, which was followed by an approving "borf!" from the adorable dog, eager to get his tummy tickled too, and so you did. You managed to pull your hand free from Anya's soft grip and tickled Bond's furry tummy. Bond reacted in a similar way as Anya did, rolling on his back adorably and enjoying the affection.
"Anya too, Anya too, ahahaha!" Anya squealed. Back to Anya. It was a playful loop of tickles that rewarded you with the sweetest giggles and borfs.
In the middle of all the fun and chaos, you looked up at Loid who sat on the couch reading his newspaper. Except.. he was no longer reading. He was staring at you. Not at Anya, not at Bond, you, with the fondest smile on his face.
Just as the two of you locked eyes, Anya yelled something about world peace (?) and ran into her room, together with Bond, leaving you behind in sudden silence. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked, getting up to sit next to him.
Loid instantly blushed and looked back at his newspaper. "L-like what?" he asked nervously.
"Like... I don't know," you hummed, glancing down to find an opening. And oh, you found one. 
"You were looking at me like... you were longing for some tummy tickles too?" you said, and you reached for his tummy and started to tickle. Loid immediately tensed, the newspaper crumbling in his hands as he bent forward.
"Wha-What?! Hohohold on! Thahats not- ahhahha! That's not truehehe!" he laughed.
"It isn't? You weren't starting like that because you were jealous?" you teased him, not slowing down your tickle attack on him.
"Nohoho I wahahasn't!" was Loid's giggly response.
You smiled. You weren't supposed to know he was a spy, and you weren't supposed to know he was this ticklish. Yet the romantic relationship you shared with him brought you this valuable information that could endanger your life. Whether that made it less exciting to make use of? Of course not!
"Okahahay eeheh-enough nohohow!" Loid laughed, pulling up the newspaper to use as a shield and cover his cutest reactions. He yelped when you grabbed his shield and pulled it away from him.
Loid immediately curled up in defense, protecting his tummy from further harm, but you were not planning your attack on his tummy like he anticipated. Instead you grabbed both his sides and clawed, digging in and wiggling your fingers while you climbed on top of him for further control.
"HAahahah! Nohoho! N-not thahahat!
The result was so sweet and satisfying. The loudest belly laughter that could only be activated through tickling and nothing else. No joke or funny face could get Loid Forger to make such a sound with all of his voice, and you found yourself staring at him with love and fondness as he let out this uncontrollable laughter.
"You wihihin! You win ahahah!"
"Was this ever a game, then?" was your teasy reply. You caught his hand that tried to fend off yours and entwined your fingers while using your other five fingers to continuously scribble at his side and ribs, making him arch his back.
"Hahahave mehehercy!" You couldn't hold back the smile that was even hurting your cheeks at this point. He was just too cute.
Despite your romantic relationship, Loid Forger didn't actually know that you knew about his true identity. He didn't know that you were aware of how smart he really was. How strong he was. How much danger he outsmarted everyday and how many opponents he took down.
Not knowing that you knew, he seriously allowed you to overpower him like this, fighting back with little strength almost equal to Anya's. He basically lay there and accepted your playful tickle torture, paying the price with his most beautiful laughter. Oh you never wanted to stop.
But of course you should've known it was a temporary delight. It was when you noticed two pairs of eyes staring at you from the side when you stopped tickling him, and you gasped.
Bond was wagging his tail, and Anya was looking at you with huge sparkling eyes. "Anya too! Tickle Anya too!" she chirped. You sighed and shook your head fondly.
"Well, it seems I have a new tickly part time job, don't I? Will I get some assistance?" you asked Loid who was still looking so sweet and flustered. He coughed awkwardly and nodded.
"Definitely," he said before forming two claws with his hands. Anya immediately squealed and started running now that her father got involved. Loid shot you a playful glance before he got up, and he winked.
"Your turn will be after this, just you wait," he said, making you blush as you were sure that was a tiny bit of the hidden Twilight side he just showed, and you secretly couldn't wait to see more of him!
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xxtheophilusxx · 18 days
A Mission Full of Giggles
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Summary: Loid returns home from a mission to find that things are a bit too quiet. Suspicious of the silence, he discovers Anya and Yor plotting something mischievous. Warning: Tickles Word count: 1.3k
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the streets of Berlint. The bustling city was beginning to wind down for the evening, but for Loid Forger, the day was far from over. As Twilight, the renowned master spy, he had just wrapped up another successful mission. His mind, ever alert, was still replaying the details as he approached the door to his apartment.
But the moment he stepped inside, all thoughts of his mission vanished. The apartment was unnervingly silent. Normally, he would be greeted by the sound of Anya’s voice—either chattering away to Bond, their trusty dog, or excitedly sharing stories from her day at Eden Academy. And then there was Yor, his wife, who would often be in the kitchen, the comforting scent of dinner wafting through the air. But today, there was nothing. Just silence.
Loid’s instincts kicked in immediately. Years of espionage had taught him to be wary of such stillness. His muscles tensed as he scanned the room, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. The furniture was in place, and there were no signs of forced entry, but something didn’t feel right. He carefully set down his briefcase, every movement deliberate and measured.
"Anya? Yor?" he called out, his voice calm but edged with caution.
The silence persisted, heightening his sense of unease. Loid’s hand subtly moved toward the concealed weapon in his coat. He began to move through the apartment, his footsteps silent on the wooden floor. His mind raced with possibilities—could this be an ambush? Was someone holding them hostage?
Just as he reached the living room, he heard it—a faint, barely audible giggle. Loid’s keen hearing picked up on it instantly. It was coming from behind the couch. His heart rate slowed as he approached the source of the sound, his movements smooth and controlled. Whatever was waiting for him, he would be ready.
As he rounded the corner of the couch, he was greeted by the sight of a pink-haired head peeking out from behind it. Anya’s large, sparkling eyes met his, and the wide grin on her face told him everything he needed to know. Loid relaxed, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Papa!" Anya exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement.
Loid raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued but his tone still calm and composed. "Anya, what are you doing?" he asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
Before he could react, Anya leaped at him with all the energy of a six-year-old determined to cause mischief. Her small hands, surprisingly quick, went straight for his sides. Loid’s highly-trained reflexes kicked in, but even he was caught off guard by the precision of her attack. An involuntary laugh escaped him as her fingers found the sensitive spots on his sides.
"A-Anya!" Loid stammered, trying to maintain his composure even as the laughter bubbled up. "What—what are you doing?"
"Tickling Papa!" Anya declared proudly, her voice ringing with delight. "Papa works too hard! Anya needs to make Papa laugh!"
Loid’s usual calm demeanor was quickly unraveling as Anya’s fingers continued their relentless assault. Despite his best efforts to remain composed, the ticklish sensation was too much. He burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the once-quiet apartment. "Anya, stop—haha—this isn’t fair!" he managed to say between gasps of laughter, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability.
In the kitchen, Yor had been preparing dinner, her mind focused on the task at hand. But the sound of Loid’s laughter—a sound she had rarely heard—caught her attention. She set down her utensils and quietly stepped into the living room, her eyes widening at the sight before her.
There was Loid, the ever-composed and serious man she had come to know, doubled over in laughter as Anya tickled him mercilessly. Yor’s first instinct was to rush to his aid, but she hesitated. This was a side of Loid she had never seen—a side that was playful, even vulnerable. A small smile crept onto her lips as she watched them, a warmth spreading through her chest.
"Loid, are you okay?" Yor asked, her voice gentle but tinged with amusement.
Loid looked up at her, his breath coming in short bursts as he tried to regain control. "Y-Yor, help! Anya’s got me!" he said, his voice breaking into another fit of laughter as Anya found a particularly sensitive spot.
Anya looked up at Yor with wide, innocent eyes, still giggling. "Mama, help Anya tickle Papa! Papa’s too serious!"
Yor blinked, a hint of pink coloring her cheeks. She wasn’t used to seeing Loid like this, so out of control and… happy. Her heart swelled with affection as she nodded slowly, her smile growing. "Alright, but just a little," she agreed, her tone as gentle as ever.
Yor moved gracefully to Loid’s other side, her fingers brushing lightly against his ribs. She knew exactly where to tickle him—after all, she had accidentally discovered his weak spots during their time together. Her touch was delicate, almost hesitant, as if she didn’t want to overstep.
Loid, however, was already overwhelmed. The combined tickling from Anya and Yor was too much. He squirmed, his laughter turning uncontrollable as his composure completely broke down. "Y-Yor! Haha! N-not you too!" he pleaded, but there was no malice in his voice—only laughter and the genuine joy of being with his family.
Anya beamed with pride, clearly delighted to see her usually serious father laughing so freely. "Papa’s so ticklish! Mama, you’re really good at this!" she praised, her voice full of admiration.
Yor’s blush deepened, but she continued, her own smile widening as she saw how much fun Anya was having. "Thank you, Anya. But we shouldn’t be too hard on Papa," she said softly, though her fingers still gently tickled Loid’s sides.
Loid, breathless and red-faced from laughter, finally managed to gasp out, "I—I surrender! You win! Haha—please, no more!"
Anya stopped immediately, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Papa’s okay, right?" she asked, her voice suddenly filled with concern.
Loid nodded, still catching his breath, but there was a warm, genuine smile on his face. "I’m okay, Anya. Just… very ticklish," he admitted, a chuckle escaping him despite himself. He reached out and ruffled her pink hair, his expression full of affection. "You’re stronger than any enemy I’ve faced."
Yor also stopped, her hands moving to smooth out Loid’s rumpled clothes. "I’m sorry, Loid. We just wanted to make you laugh," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine warmth and a hint of shyness.
Loid looked at them both, his heart swelling with a rare emotion—contentment. "You succeeded," he said, his tone sincere. "You two are… amazing."
Anya grinned from ear to ear, throwing her arms around Loid’s neck in a tight hug. "Papa’s the best!" she declared, her voice full of pure, unfiltered joy.
Yor watched them, her heart full. The sight of Loid and Anya, both so happy, made her feel like she truly belonged in this family. "Dinner will be ready soon," she said gently. "Afterward, maybe we can all relax together."
Loid nodded, finally regaining his composure but still feeling the warmth of the moment. "That sounds perfect," he agreed, though he added with a playful glint in his eye, "But I think I’ll be keeping my guard up from now on."
As they settled back into their evening routine, the apartment was no longer silent. It was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the unmistakable warmth of a family that, despite the odds, had found a way to be together. For Loid, this was a different kind of mission—one where the stakes were high, but the rewards were beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
TickleTober 2023 Masterlist
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Happy Tickletober2023 everyone! :D I've made a masterlist for the event! :D
Full Masterlist
Day 1: Anticipation (SK8: Lee!Langa, Reki, Ler!Joe)
Day 2: Accidental (Collar x Malice: Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kei)
Day 3: Cuddles (Demon Slayer: Switches!Obamitsu)
Day 4: Weak Spot (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Chobe, Ler!Toma)
Day 5: "I'm Not Ticklish" (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Lee!Abbachio, Lers!Mista, Narancia)
Day 6: Chase (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Gojo, Ler!Utahime)
Day 7: Flustered (Tokyo Revengers: Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Baji)
Day 8: Truth (Moriarty The Patriot: Lee!Sherlock, Ler!William)
Day 9: Lie (Buddy Daddies: Lee!Miri, Lers!Kazuki, Rei)
Day 10: Ghost (Demon Slayer: Lers!TenRenMitsu)
Day 11: Squeal (Black Clover: Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Dazai, Ler!Chuuya)
Day 13: Sneak Attack (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Grusha, Lers!Rika, Iono)
Day 14: Soft (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yui, Ler!Gabimaru)
Day 15: Tickle Fight (My Hero Academia: Switches!Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki)
Day 16: Unusual Spot (Demon Slayer: Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Day 17: Interrogation (Spy x Family: Lee!Loid, Lers!Anya, Yor)
Day 18: Magic (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun: Lee!Hanako, Ler!Nene)
Day 19: Arms Up (Blue Lock: Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Nagi)
Day 20: Relentless (Chainsaw Man: Lee!Aki, Lers!Denji, Power)
Day 21: New Discovery (Code Realize: Lee!Lupin, Lers!Cardia, Impey)
Day 22: Ticklish Kiss (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Brassius, Ler!Hassel)
Day 23: Incoherent (Vinland Saga: Lee!Thorfinn, Ler!Einar)
Day 24: Pinned (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yuzuriha, Ler!Sagiri)
Day 25: Gang Tickles (Haikyuu!!: Lee!Semi, Lers!Tendou, Shirabu, Goshiki)
Day 26: Counting (Blue Lock: Lee!Isagi, Ler!Bachira)
Day 27: Hysterical (Dr Stone: Lee!Senku, Ler!Gen)
Day 28: Massage (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Akutagawa)
Day 29: Wake Up! (Blue Lock: Lee!Nagi, Lers!Barou, Chigiri)
Day 30: Caught (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Nobara, Ler!Maki)
Day 31: Aftercare (Fruits Basket: Lee!Tohru, Ler!Kyo)
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
After Bedtime... {Twiyor}
A/N: I LITERALLY LOST MY MARBLES WRITING THIS i love yor and loid so much its almost unhealthy at this point.... thank you so much for the prompt!!! I just think they should kiss so they might have kissed once or twice during this fic. they are married, people, they can kiss!!!! anyways i’ve rambled enough, hope you have a lovely day/night and enjoy! drink ur water! (the summary sounds suggestive i promise this fic is safe LMFAO)
Summary: After Anya goes to bed, Loid and Yor have a little bit of fun.
Word Count: 1.5k (under the cut)
“Anya’s finally asleep,” Loid said in exasperation, landing on the couch next to Yor, who giggled. She pulled Loid into her lap, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. 
“Did she want to stay up and watch television?”
Loid chuckled. “Of course she did, Yor. What else would she want to stay up for?”
Yor hummed in contemplation, grinning. “Maybe she’d want to stay up to watch her loving parents flirt,” Yor said, leaning down and kissing Loid softly. She pulled away, her cheeks warm. She noticed Loid’s cheeks grow in color as well, making her giggle.
“Oh, she doesn’t like when we flirt,” Loid said playfully, sitting up. He put a hand on Yor’s waist, pulling her a bit closer. “But you know what she does like?”
Yor’s heart skipped a beat as Loid leaned closer. “What does she like?”
“She really likes… family tickles!”
Yor gasped when Loid squeezed her waist, making her fall back on the couch as Loid followed.
“Loid, noho– don’t!” Yor squealed, curling up beneath Loid.
Loid only chuckled, prodding at Yor’s ribs as she tried to keep herself from laughing. “What’s wrong, Yor? This doesn’t tickle, does it?”
Yor shook her head, whining as Loid traveled down her sides. He smiled as he watched Yor’s pink cheeks and bright smile, though her smile was quickly covered by her hand as she noticed him staring.
“We-We’re going to wake up Anya!” Yor protested, a small giggle emerging.
“She sleeps like a rock, you know that, Yor. I think we’re fine,” Loid said reassuringly, pinching at Yor’s stomach. “Now, where did that beautiful smile go?”
He used one hand to gently move Yor’s, revealing a wobbly smile as she tried to keep herself from laughing, still sure that she would wake up Anya. Loid hummed, tracing his hands across her stomach as she squirmed, giggling softly.
Loid chuckled and leaned close to Yor, whispering in her ear. “Why are you holding back, Yor? Laugh for me.”
She shook her head, wheezing softly. “But Ahanya–!”
Loid rolled his eyes and shook his head. “She’s not going to wake up, trust me.”
Loid squeezed Yor’s hips, making her squeal again. He stayed there for a few moments, managing to draw out more squeaks from his wife before she finally began to giggle openly. “Lohohoid! Ehehe, not thehehere!”
“Not there? Hmm, alright. What about… here?”
Loid gave Yor’s thighs a squeeze and she yelped. Loid gasped in surprise when she suddenly flipped him over by grabbing him around the waist with her legs. He fell back on the couch with a short yelp as she loomed over him, pinning him down. “Ah! Sorry, Loid, I’m really ticklish there!”
Loid chuckled when his surprise subsided. Sometimes he forgot just how strong Yor could be. “It’s fine, Yor,” He said, going to sit up. He struggled a bit when Yor wouldn’t budge, looking up at her with a nervous smile. “Yor?”
“You’re sure Anya won’t wake up?”
Loid nodded, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, why?”
Yor grinned. “Well, I think I’ll take advantage of that.”
Loid’s eyes widened and he shook his head, squirming under Yor as he began to giggle nervously. “N-Now wait, Yohor! I thought we were just plahaying!”
“Oh, we still are Loid! But it’s your turn now! If you want, I’ll give you five seconds to escape!”
Loid gaped, gesturing to Yor, who was still straddling him. “I literally cannot escape!”
Yor began to count down slowly, wiggling her fingers at Loid as her hands got closer and closer to his stomach. He squeaked, shaking his head and trying to squirm away. “Yor!”
“Three… two… one!”
Loid squealed when Yor’s hands finally descended onto his stomach, sending ticklish sensations all throughout him as he kicked his legs uselessly. “Yohohor! Nohohoho, plehehease!”
Yor giggled sweetly, scribbling her fingers all over Loid’s lower stomach. “Took no time for you to laugh, hmm?”
“I cahahan’t help it! You knohohow that!”
She smiled, nodding. “Of course I do. What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t know just how ticklish you are? Especially riiight… here!”
Loid wailed as Yor tickled at his lower ribs, right by his stomach. He tried to curl up to defend himself, but with Yor straddling him, it was proving difficult. He opted instead to grab at her hands, attempting to pull them away. Again, he forgot just how strong Yor could be, and only ended up swatting at her hands as she explored his ticklish torso.
She slowly climbed up his ribs, his laughter escalating as Yor drummed her fingers slowly. She hummed, watching as Loid shook beneath her with bright pink cheeks and a wide smile. “Now, now, Loid, don’t laugh too much. I wouldn’t want you waking Anya up.”
“Buhuhut yohohou’re– NAhaha! You’re tickling mehehehe!” Loid whined, shrieking when Yor got closer to his underarms. She hummed, skittering her nails along his upper ribs. His shirt did nothing to protect him from the extra ticklish sensations, and he couldn’t help but snort.
Yor chuckled. “You were tickling me too, Loid. It’s only fair,” She said softly. He clamped his arms down before she could reach his underarms, making Yor click her tongue. “Loid, do you really think that’s going to protect you?”
Loid shuddered at the menacing yet playful look on Yor’s face, shaking his head as she took hold of his wrists with one hand. “Nonono, Yor, please! Plehehease, I’m sohorry!”
“Why are you sorry, silly? We’re just having fun, remember?” Yor chuckled, tracing circles on his stomach as she slowly raised his arms above his head. He hardly fought, partly because he was entranced by Yor and partly because he was a little tickled out. His smile wobbled as she held his wrists high above his head, slowly tracing her finger in swirls all the way up to his upper ribs.
“This might tickle a little,” Yor teased.
Loid shrieked as she started to claw at his ribs again, nearing his underarm as he shook. “Ahahaha! Juhust a little??” He gasped, knowing that she was just teasing him. Yor hummed, then shook her head.
“More like a lot.”
Loid hollered as she finally began to scribble her nails under his arm. He snorted and squirmed, tugging on his arms in hopes that she would eventually loosen her grip. She went back and forth between both of his underarms, sometimes raking down his inner bicep before tracing in the hollow.
“YOHohohor! Plehehease, not thehERE!” Loid wailed frantically, kicking his legs weakly as she chuckled along with him, cooing at him.
“Mama and Papa…”
Yor immediately halted her hands, looking over towards the bedroom wing, where Anya stood in her pajamas, holding her plushie in one hand as she rubbed her eyes with her other hand. She narrowed her eyes, sounding deliriously tired as she spoke.
“Mama and Papa are being loud.”
“Anya! Sorry, Papa was being a little silly! Here, let’s get you back to bed,” Yor quickly got off the couch, scooping up Anya as she yawned.
Loid laid on the couch, panting heavily with one hand on his stomach. There were still lingering giggles and tingles, his face warm. He looked over to where Yor had gone with Anya, silently thankful that he had woken her up. He didn’t know how much more of Yor’s tickling he would’ve been able to take.
He eventually got up, realizing how sore his stomach was from laughing. He walked over to Anya’s room, where he saw Anya tucked in as Yor pet her head, chatting with her.
“Why were Mama and Papa being loud?”
“Your Papa was being a bit naughty,” Yor chuckled, making Anya grin.
“Did you oo-bli… oo-bli-too-ray him?” Anya giggled.
Loid chuckled from the doorframe. She was learning way too many words from the spy show she loved to watch.
“Obliterate?” Yor said in surprise. She smiled, turning to glance at Loid. “I suppose.”
Loid flushed. “Okay, time for bed, Anya.”
Yor chuckled as Loid came over and sat on the bed as well, reaching over and ruffling Anya’s hair. “Tomorrow’s the weekend, right? How about I make pancakes for breakfast?”
“We won’t be loud anymore, but you need to go to bed, alright?”
Anya was quick to curl up under the blanket and close her eyes tightly. She peeked one open. “Anya will sleep. You make the pancakes!”
Loid hummed, nodding his head. “They’ll be ready when you wake up.”
Loid and Yor left the room, shutting off Anya’s light before exchanging a look with each other. They broke out into quiet giggles, walking off to bed.
“I told you she would wake up,” Yor said, nudging Loid.
“She only woke up after you tickled me,” Loid pointed out.
“It’s because you’re so ticklish!”
Loid flushed, about to protest, but Yor was already dragging him to bed, saying that she wanted pancakes in the morning as well. Loid rolled his eyes.
“Of course, Yor.”
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todoroklee · 1 month
Hi hi hi hi hi
I Hope You’re having a good day (if not ignore meh)
Uhm, can you write ler! Loid? Any lee will do :p
Alright, thank you!
Hiii!! Im having a great day, and thank you for the ask <3
Ler!loid and lee!ania (there adorable what can I say)
"Look, Ania you need to study," loid groaned as he locked eyes with the little one.
"No! I don't wanna study!" She shouted as she stood up, loid grabbed her 'round the middle and pulled her back to his chest.
"Ania, it's just fractions!" He said, accidentally clawing his hand into her side as he tried to put her down on the floor, but was greeted with an unexpected squeak?
She wiggled away and looked back at him with a wobbly smile, "I still don't wanna study," she said as she sat back on the pillow.
"Hm, mabye I have a better way," he said under his breathe as he reached out a claw shaped hand and vibrated it into her side.
"he-EEP!" She jolted away with a smile, locking eyes with her father.
"Ah, ticklish are we?" Loid said with a smirk, this should be fun, as he went to grab her again she bolted down the hall.
Loid shot up and chased after her, running down the hall and darting past the rooms.
She ran into her room, hiding under her bed, her shoulders shaking with anticipatory giggles. She shot a hand over her mouth as she waited.
"Ania~ where are you~" he said teasingly, completely out of character for loid, but it was for the mission. Right?
He walked into her room and smiled warmly as he saw her under the covers, but he decided to exite her further.
"Hm, where could she be? Mabye here!" He said wheeling her chair from under her desk and looking under it, "not there...mabye here?" He said, pulling back the curtain gently.
She giggled more as he got closer, butterflies in her tummy as she waited happily.
"Huh, not here either, mabye...under the bed?" He said, slowly walking towards the bed, sitting on the end as he scanned the duvet.
Suddenly, he reached over and scribbled on her sides, achieving a shriek.
"Aha! Found ya! Now...I think you should get some punishment for running away..." he said as he pulled the covers off, revealing a smiling ania.
"Noho!" She giggled out as she backed away from him. She was cornered, she couldn't run, but she didn't want to...
"Oh I think I have to~" he said, crawling towards her and grabbing her round the middle and throwing her over his shoulder. Standing up and walking towards the living room, squeezing her sides as she squirmed, giggling.
He planted her down gently on the sofa, facing up as loid knelt over her.
He positioned his hand as a claw over her tummy, "I think I deserve a prize for dealing with you and your hatred of studying, don't you think?" He teased as he dropped his hand down onto her stomach, spidering over her soft belly and using his spare hand to wiggle his fingers over her sides.
"EhEHEH PAHAPA!" She squealed and wriggled around, laughing and enjoying herself.
Loid looked down at her with a soft smile and moved his hands towards her neck, making her giggle and squeak.
"Mmmm, those giggles are delicious! But I think I'm hungry for some laughter..." he said, dropping his head down to her stomach and blowing raspberries all over.
"NoHOHO PAHAHPA IHIT TIHICKLES!" she shrieked as she pushed at his head, tears of mirth forming in her eyes as she laughed.
He lifted his head and changed to tracing over her sides with one hand and fluttering his fingers around her neck and shoulders.
"Hehey! Pahapa!"
"Yes? Does it...what's the word?...tickle? Tckltckltckl~" he whispered as he spidered his hand gently over her tummy, dipping a finger in her belly button every now and then.
"Eeek! IhIHit tihICKlehes!"
"We've already established that part sweetheart~" he teased softly, as her laughter became more wheezy and squeaky he slowed to a stop.
He picked her up under her arms and brought her into a cuddle, running his hands through her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Thahat was fuhun..." she giggled out softly as she recovered from the tickles.
Loid awwed internally as she spoke, "I'm glad," he said softly but didn't get a reply. He looked to ania, she's fallen asleep, he smiled warmly as he stood up and put her in her bed.
"Goodnight ania," he said softly as he pulled the covers over her and shut the door quietly.
Mabye this whole father thing wasn't so bad after all...
Hope this was okay!! Fic requests and/or drabbles are VERY welcome and enjoyed!!! Mha, spy x family and jjk <3
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Hiya sweetieeee can I request a spy x famiy fic please 😍😍😍 Some lee Loid with lers Yor and Anya if you want! Still not enough spy x family tickles around!!
Baaaabyyy ♥️♥️ thank you for sending this! I hope you enjoy it! It's my first time writing for this fandom! I loooove you ♥️ Nghh I hope they're not too ooc dkdkdk
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"I'm home- oh?"
Sweet, childish giggles welcomed him back home. Gentle hands moving for Anya's tummy to her sides and then to her neck and to her ribs, making the little girl shriek with sweet laughter as she squirmed around on the couch. Her face was slightly pink and Bond was looking over her closely, his tail wagging, but making sure his Anya was going alright.
"Ah, Loid-san! Welcome home!"
"Pa-Pahahahapahaha! S-Sahahahave Anyahaha!" The girl giggled, trying to hold onto Yor's hands as she tickled her to pieces.
"No one can save you, Anya-san," Yor said gently, a big smile on her face. "This assassin- ah, I mean, this villainess has caught you for all eternity, hehe," she giggled shyly, trying to keep up their little game for Anya's entertainment.
It was something uncommon to see Yor being so playful with Anya, but Loid knew that she had a sweet spot for the girl. Anya had probably convinced Yor to play with her and it had turned out like this.
Hmm, would they get a noise complain?
"L-Lohohohoidmahahan! Sahahahave mehehe!"
Loid gasped, feeling his cheeks burning bright red as he closed the door behind him. No! Was she gonna make him do this?!
"Loidman will not save you this time, Anya-san!" Yor said, going after Anya's tummy, making her giggle brightly. "I told you, you will not ever escape!"
Ugh, I can't simply ignore this. I could spoil the whole mission if I don't comply with Anya's wishes. A real father would actually do this, right?
"A reheheal pahahapa wohohould sahahave mehehe!" Anya giggled, taking a breath when Yor let her escape momentarily before catching her again. "I mehehean, Lohohoidmahahan!"
Loid stepped out of his shoes, left his suitcase aside and hung his hat and coat on the coat rack before making his way, cheeks still flushed, to Yor and Anya.
"D-Don't worry, Pri-Princess...," He said lowly, his voice stern and his every step stiff. "I'll s-save you..."
"Huhuhurry! The ahahassass- I mehehean, the vihihillainehehss wihihill kihihill me!"
Yor giggled, giving Anya another break as she looked up at Loid with a grin. Loid flinched.
"L-Loidman, don't think you'll be able to take Anya-san!"
He felt a little better noticing that Yor felt embarrassed too, however, at the same time it made him feel worse. At least now Yor wasn't drunk, so he didn't have to worry about her kicking him like that other time.
Loid saw that Anya had jumped off the couch in an attempted to run away from Yor, he reached for her, wanting to end this game as soon as possible, but he was surprised when Yor took his wrist, and with a swift move, he was thrown to the couch.
Loid widened his eyes, what had just happened?!
"Loidman!" Anya gasped, but she squeaked and took a step back when Yor moved to catch her again. "Loidman, escape! The villainess will get you!"
Loid gasped, "get... me...?"
"I'm sorry, Loid-san!" Yor whispered, but Loid could barely register it because he soon had her hands latched to his sides and embarrassing giggles threatened to pour out of his lips.
Nononono! This is bad! I am ticklish! Don't laugh, Twilight. Do not laugh!
"Y-Yor-s-san!" Loid gasped, trying to suppress any sound as he squirmed and tried to fight Yor's hands off. "S-Stop, I don't- eh? Ah! No, that's- ahahaha! N-Nohohoho!"
Don't tickle my ribs! I can't stop laughing!
"Hehe, you better come back here, Anya-san, or else I'll have to tickle Loidman until he admits defeat!" Yor said over Loid's laughter so Anya could hear from where she was hiding behind the couch with Bond. "I'm sorry, Loid-san, is it too bad? What about here?" Yor whispered with concern as her hands moved up to Loid's armpits.
Not there!
Loid's laughter grew louder, he arched his back and threw his head back with loud cackles.
"NOHOHO! It's wohohohorst!" He laughed, clamping his arms to his sides and trying not to kick Yor as he felt his body going a little weak.
This is so humiliating! Why did they have to play this stupid game?! Get a hold of yourself, Twilight! Get a hold- fuck!
"Yohohor-sahahan, plehehease not thehehere!"
Yor's cheeks flushed pink as her hands immediately stopped, "Aah! Loid-san, I'm sorry, I don't know-
"I'll save you, Loidman!" Anya said, running towards her parents.
Loid was thankful when Yor moved her attention back to Anya, he breathed heavily, trying to ignore the residual tingles under his arms as Anya's laughter ringed through the house once again.
"N-Nohohot so fahahahast!" She giggled and from God knows where, she pulled out a little toy pistol and shot at Yor.
Yor fell dramatically on the couch with a soft groan, her cheeks bright red as she faked to be dead. Loid looked at her as he was standing up again and barely caught Anya when she threw herself into his arms.
"You are welcome, Loidman," she said, smiling brightly at him. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes gleaming with happiness.
Loid chuckled, this whole situation was so embarrassing, but if Anya was happy... Well, it wasn't too bad after all.
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
i would love to see more lee!loid art if you’d like to! constantly thinking about him getting Wrecked
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jajaaaan, here he is !! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ he's totally cute, right ? so suave, so cool, such a lady killer.... i really wanted to take him down a peg ! so i took matters into my own hands this time (´꒳`)♡ the stone cold spy, reduced to a giggly mess under tama-chan's nails.... but i definitely think he's perfect this way !! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
hope you enjoy !!
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skribblz · 2 years
Hiii!!! Would you mind drawing lee loid with ler yuri briar/franky? please hehehe thank youu!!!
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stoic characters with ticklish back of knees >>>
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Even if Franky was playing villain too, Loid just can't escape tickles.
Thought of Franky after seeing the below gif, I mean look at him!
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"C'mon, being ticklish isn't that bad a weakness!" Franky teased.
"It's a pretty bad weakness." Anya stated. From her point of view, not even Franky could get Loid rolling in hysterics like Yor currently had him. 
Tickle fights happened more often now, and Loid's traitor of a wife was winning most of them. He had not expected himself to be as sensitive as he was, or for Yor to be a lot better than him at this one silly endeavor. She was sitting on his thighs (his hands were trapped underneath her knees) and digging into his belly in a terribly ticklish way, nails gliding over the light cloth of his shirt and inching their way down to his waistline to untuck it and get his skin. His legs were doing full pinwheels behind her. He was red in the face and Franky was at his head poking his red cheeks in amusement. He was definitely going to kill them later with sneak attacks. Franky was supposed to be on his side!
"No, because you're getting him to laugh!" Franky had to speak up over the squealing hysterics. "It's a win if you see him this red in the face."
"Get him Mama!" Anya cheered. "Get the evil bad guy!"
"Gyaaaahahahaha staahahaaaaap!" Loid snorted when Yor finally went underneath his shirt. Her finger was twirling in his belly button and he bucked his hips hard to try to dislodge her. 
It didn't work. 
He couldn't laugh hard enough.
She was giggling and cooing down at her husband, who definitely deserved this just for being cute. "Aw, you want it to stop? Anya, has the evil villain had enough yet?" She went for both hips, and Loid tossed his head back and left his neck vulnerable. 
Franky, ever the opportunist, smirked and tickled either side with light scratches. 
"ENOUGH! NAHAHA, AHA, ahe-hee-hee-heeeeee! WAHAHAHA!" Loid's voice had entered a new octave in his squealing scales. 
"Papa's had enough!" Anya agreed with a nod and a giggle. "One of the evil villains has been defeated! Victoryyyyy!" She ran around the trio with her arms in the air.
Loid was jealous she could do that without threat of imminent tickles. He couldn't anymore with Yor's constant tickle moods. She rolled off of him and he massaged the ghost tickles from his stomach, still giggling. 
"You're so cute," Yor gushed.
"You're so cute," Franky mimicked. "You're just the cutest wittle thang in da - HEY!" 
Loid had reached up to deliver a well-placed poke to the fun uncle's side. "Don't make fun, or you go down next," He warned...Then his expression changed. "Actually...You did throw me under the bus. And you're still an unpunished villain."
Anya kept running around cheering as Loid and Franky had a stare down. After a few moments the latter abruptly stood and started running for his life. "Head start!"
"Come back here!" Loid felt butterflies as he scrambled up to get that bastard before he escaped out the front door.
Yor sat back on her heels, having almost more fun watching Loid and Anya corner Franky for revenge. Better him than her. Especially when Loid was in a real revenge mood.
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otomiyaa · 5 months
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Requests Closed!
Thank you guys, for the support and requests! I'm glad to know you're interested in them*w* I put all requests I intend to write in a list. These will be written in random order, progress will be updated in this post, I'll add a link to my pinned post later :)
Note: If you didn't state platonic/romantic/erotic then I put them under platonic. If that's incorrect feel free to leave me a message!
Also if there were double requests with the same lee/ler/dynamic I combined them! Last but not least, these are a lot so I'll try my best to write them but cannot promise anything, and it'll probably take me ages hehe.
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Ler!Tsukishima & Reader: 50. “So why don’t we see who’s more ticklish?”
Lee!Xiao & Reader: 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.”
Lee!Akaashi & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + “I really can’t believe how ticklish you are.”
Lee!Boothill & Reader: 03. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
Lee!Luke Pearce & Reader: 43. “Don’t tell me you actually forgot how ticklish you are?”
Lee!Blade & Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Lee!Zayne x Reader: 22. “Don’t laugh, I’m trying to talk to you!”
Lee!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?”
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 09. "You and I remember this game very differently."
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Ler!Kuroo x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Ler!Scaramouche x Male!Reader: 16. “I was trying to sleep!”
Lee!Xiao x Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Ler!Sugawara x Reader: 06. "Could you… do that to me?"
Ler!Gojo x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Luigi x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Loid Forger x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Hawks x Reader: 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?”
Ler!Wriothesley x Reader: 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.”
Ler!Hatori Sohma x Reader: 01. “I promise I won’t tickle you.” + 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lers!Kate & Yelena x Reader: 05. “I didn’t steal anything!”
Ler!Loki x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Vyn Richter x Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Ler!Diluc x Male!Reader: 11. “So, what will be your next excuse to tickle me?” 
Lee!Caelus x Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.”
Ler!Chigiri x Reader: 17. “You have three seconds to run.” - this came like 1 minute after I closed requests so still accepted dear anon!
Lers!Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Lyney x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
Ler!Diavolo x Fem!Reader: 08. “I know other ways to make you laugh.”
Lee!Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae x Reader: 49. Please don't tell me you heard that.
Lee!Albedo x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
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xxtheophilusxx · 27 days
Some Tickle Hc's (Again)
Anya Forger
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Highly Ticklish: Anya is extremely ticklish, especially on her belly and underarms. Her small size and high energy make her a fun target for tickle attacks.
Giggly and Squirmy: When tickled, Anya breaks into uncontrollable giggles, kicking her legs and squirming to escape. Her laughter is infectious, often causing anyone nearby to laugh along with her.
Ticklish Weakness: Her ticklish weakness is often used by Loid and Yor to cheer her up when she’s feeling down. They’ve found that tickling her is a sure way to bring out her bright smile.
Tactical Tickling: Anya sometimes uses her mind-reading abilities to anticipate when someone might try to tickle her, though she doesn’t always succeed in avoiding it.
Loid Forger (Twilight)
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Moderately Ticklish: As a highly trained spy, Loid has a lot of self-control, but even he isn’t immune to tickling. He’s ticklish on his sides and feet, though he rarely shows it.
Laughs Rarely: Loid’s laugh is rare and controlled, but when he’s tickled, it’s one of the few times he lets his guard down. He tries to stay serious, but a well-placed tickle can break his composure.
Tickling as Bonding: Loid occasionally uses gentle tickling as a way to bond with Anya. It’s one of the few times he allows himself to act more like a regular dad and less like a spy.
Yor Forger (Thorn Princess)
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Sensitive but Stubborn: Yor is surprisingly ticklish, particularly around her neck and ribs. However, she’s incredibly stubborn and tries to hide it, even as she’s giggling uncontrollably.
Unintentional Tickler: Because of her strength and assassin training, Yor can unintentionally tickle people when she’s playfully roughhousing. She’s careful, though, to ensure she’s not too intense.
Laughter as a Release: Tickling is one of the few ways Yor can relax and let go of her usual tension. While she’s always on alert, a good tickle session can help her unwind and bring out her softer side.
Bond (the Dog)
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Ticklish Belly: Bond is ticklish on his belly, and Anya loves to tickle him there. He’ll roll over, wagging his tail while letting out a playful bark.
Gentle Tickling: Bond is careful when playing with Anya or anyone else. He’s aware of his size and strength, so his tickles are more like gentle nudges, but they still get everyone laughing.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Sweet pea with Lee Loid and Ler Yor? I'll never get enough of that couple!
Ahhh, my Twiyor heart is soaring! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
Sweet Pea: "Is this a bad spot?"
“Is this a bad spot?” Yor asked in a hushed voice as her hands rested carefully against Loid’s. “The center, I mean?”
“Hm? No, it’s fine.” He smiled, even if the expression was tinged with pain. One flop during his recent mission and he wrenched his wrist. Thankfully nothing was broken, nor did he need a cast or brace. Still- it hurt like absolute hell for the rest of the day.
That’s how he found himself sitting across from Yor, watching curiously as her gentle fingers rubbed soothing circles against his palm. She mentioned a few methods her parents taught her that helped with injured hands, offering to do them for him and teach him the ways. Originally he was gonna turn it down, but decided it couldn’t hurt.
If only he’d consider just how sensitive his skin was, though.
“Hm? Am I hurting you?” She looked up with wide eyes when he made a sound, trying to disguise it with a cough.
“N-No. Just a tickle in my ha-throat.” He stammered, flushing. Close call, Twilight.
She blinked owlishly at him before humming, turning her attention back to his hand. Another press, this time lighter. Loid couldn’t fight down the giggle this time.
“A tickle in your throat?” She asked, knowing eyes watching him squirm.
“Yes, a tickle in my throhoohhoohoho! Aehahhah, Yohoohoohohr!” He jumped with a giggle when her ‘massage’ carried on, tracing gentle circles into his skin rhythmically with the same dangerously light pressure. Ticklish waves shot up his arms, making him squirm and giggle against the couch. “Doohohoohohn’t, it tihihihihiickles!”
“What? It does?” She asked in mock shock, giggling sweetly at how red he looked. “Aw, Loid! You’re adorable when you blush like that!” With reflexes faster than he could anticipate, she caught his hand in a gentle but unyielding grip, fingers flying against his palm. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
“Ahehahhahahaha, Yohoohoohohohohohr!”
Funny enough- his wrist did feel better by the end of it.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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