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aromaceutical-blog · 6 years ago
Photoaging Basics
It’s not only UV rays that have the ability to damage important molecules and nutrients. One such example is ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, that can be damaged by visible light. Another important vitamin that is damaged by light and UV rays is vitamin E. The tragic irony of this damage is that the damage to these nutrients cause the formation of free radicals that then actively cause damage. Therefore, not only are the good components damaged, they are turned in to damaging chemicals as a result of their transformation. The consequences of aging on the skin are visible to the common eye, yet, there are events that are within our control that contribute to this process. A proactive approach to skin health can do wonders on the quality of skin at later stages of life. As a society, we’re increasingly experiencing longer lifespans, and with that there becomes an obvious demarcation between people who did make adjustments and efforts to delay the aging process from those who did not.
Common effects of aging include pigment blemishes, wrinkles, and skin that is more loose. These effects can also be caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, also known as UV rays. The damage caused by UV rays are known in the medical community as “photoaging”. It is a significant observation because photoaging may coincide with certain types of skin diseases, including skin cancer. A common denominator between photoaging and skin disease is that they result from a prolonged neglect to care for the skin proactively. Damaged skin worsens, and more serious diseases result from the damage. By proactively taking care of the skin, one may not only delay the effects of aging, they may also prevent more serious conditions from developing in the first place.
An important note here is that UV rays are blocked by specific chemicals, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. This article does not go in to the use of these chemicals that are commonly found in sunblock. Rather, we will be discussing the effects of nutrients to combat photoaging. These nutrients do not block UV rays, and this article should not be construed as a promotion for the use of nutrients to block UV rays. We discuss combating photoaging with nutrients, and it is up to the individuals themselves how to go about actively blocking UV rays by limiting their exposure to sunlight, UV rays from sources other than sunlight, and the application of UV blocking agents.
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UV rays have damaging effects at the molecular level to important nutrients found in the skin. Retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A, is an important molecule in the skin that is destroyed by UV rays. Vitamin A is a critical component of vital and healthy skin. Exposure to sunlight corresponds to a depletion of vitamin A in the skin that can take days to recover to normal levels from diet alone. However, the application of vitamin A to the skin has the ability to replenish their levels in a matter of hours.
It’s not only UV rays that have the ability to damage important molecules and nutrients. One such example is ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, that can be damaged by visible light. Another important vitamin that is damaged by light and UV rays is vitamin E. The tragic irony of this damage is that the damage to these nutrients cause the formation of free radicals that then actively cause damage. Therefore, not only are the good components damaged, they are turned in to damaging chemicals as a result of their transformation.
The silver lining is that the damage caused by the depletion of nutrients in the skin can be reversed. This is done by the application of nutrients directly to the skin. The application of vitamins and nutrients to the skin re-establishes the key signaling pathways that are lost by their damage. These pathways affect the growth, differentiation, and functionality of the cells of the skin. In short, they are essential for all the different types of cells in the skin including keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts, and the unique neuron-like cells of the skin such as the Langerhans cells. The gene expression profile of these cells are all affected by the damage to the key nutrients that should be available to them, and the absence of these nutrients causes detrimental effects to their well-being and functionality.
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The nutrients blend in Cologne.Dog products keep nutrients at their highest natural bioactive potential, and are scientifically purposed to feed the cells of the skin. Solvents, similar to UV rays and light, also have damaging effects to nutrients. Since our products are solvent-free, the nutrients are not damaged, and available in the form nature intended them to be when they’re applied to the skin.
You can use Cologne.Dog products to combat the effects of photoaging. More importantly, you can use them to be proactive in your skin care and health by making sure the key nutrients that your skin needs are always available.
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aromaceutical-blog · 6 years ago
The importance of “Solvent Free” in skin care and fragrance products.
According to the NIH, short-term exposure to solvents can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomitting, difficulty breathing, irritation of the eyes, irritation of the nose, irritation of the throat, light-headedness, memory loss, unconsciousness, seizures, skin burns, skin irritation, and skin rashes. It’s important to keep in mind that fragrance products almost always contain solvent concentrations of approximately 50%, and that similar concentrations are routinely used in skin care products. Together, these account for exposure to high levels of solvents that can lead to these symptoms.
Use solvent free products such as Cologne.Dog to avoid the dangers of solvents.
In the absence of solvents, the natural smell of the essential oils are preserved, and the damage to essential oils by solvents is also removed. This same principle is also true for added nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants and others. Therefore, when you avoid solvents in your skin care and fragrance products, there are a whole host of other benefits that come along with it for free. Since solvents damage the benefits of natural substances, their absence removes those damages, and keeps the benefits available for their effect on the skin, body, and elsewhere. Aromas become therapy, nutrients are more effective, and importantly, you avoid your exposure to cancerous agents that have been the status quo for far too long.
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aromaceutical-blog · 6 years ago
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Aromaceutical posts are written by independent specialists in the fields of skin care, fragrances, animal-free products, dog-care, cannabis, biomedical sciences, and others! We will be providing you content on a regular basis, and hope you will join us as we embark on this journey through the interwebs.
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