#ticklish Gerald
veryblushyswitch · 4 months
Arnold S. and Gerald J. ~ (best friend tickle hcs) 🏈
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These best buds deserve some tickle content! 🏈
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🏈 ~ Arnold is such a sensitive little guy. Both emotionally and physically. Of course Gerald takes advantage of it.
🏈 ~ They've known each other since preschool, so tickle fights were a constant occurrence when they found the other was ticklish.
🏈 ~ Arnold is usually on the receiving end of it. Gerald has both an older brother and a younger sister, so he's got his fair share of knowledge on how to tickle someone.
🏈 ~ Arnold gets him from time to time, but it only happens if Arnold is able to get at Gerald's worst spots or get him by surprise.
🏈 ~ Gerald doesn't hate being tickled, but he gets it enough at home so he doesn't necessarily like it or seek it out.
🏈 ~ Gerald is all about his cool image, and if it got out that he got tickle attacked by his big bother, and sometimes his little sister, he would never leave his room again.
🏈 ~ Arnold, being an only child, never had that type of sibling relationship so he really appreciates the friendship he has with Gerald. Especially the brotherly things like tickle fights.
🏈 ~ Arnold never knew it was something he looked forward to until it became a regular occurrence at sleepovers.
🏈 ~ Gerald had a hunch that Arnold didn't mind being tickled when he noticed how little he would put up a fight against him. And how Arnold would playfully provoke him in a way to get Gerald to retaliate.
🏈 ~ When Gerald asked about him about it, he didn't even know how much he enjoyed being tickled at first until Gerald made him think about it.
🏈 ~ He realized it was a comforting and fun thing to him. Something that brings him closer to his friends and family.
🏈 ~ While he would never judge anyone else for feeling the same way he does, he can't help but feel a bit flustered about it since it's so silly.
🏈 ~ Gerald assures him it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And, in his teasy little voice, that he'd tickle him whenever he wants. Cue Arnold becoming a stammering mess- 💖
🏈 ~ Gerald tickles Arnold to get him to go to bed when Gerald's ready to sleep but Arnold is still up and has some energy. Gerald gets wake up tickles tho because Arnold gets up at fucking 7am even on the weekends.
🏈 ~ Gerald loves sneaking up behind Arnold in school and tasing his sides. Arnold always jumps and Gerald loves it.
🏈 ~ Arnold’s favorite way to receive tickles from Gerald are during tickle fights. Although the doesn’t really mind when he just full on tackles Arnold to the ground and wrecks him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has to keep up his cool tickle monster persona ✨
🏈 ~ Gerald is so sassy and teasy when he’s tickling Arnold. He’s also a sarcastic little guy.
🏈 ~ Saying stuff like, “Dang, Arnold. I think my ears are ringing because of how loud that squeal was.”
“I wonder if this spot will work~” (he knows it’s one of Arnold’s worst spots)
“Ya know, for someone who’s so chill all the time, you sure are making a heck of a lot of noise right now. I wonder what Helga would think if she knew~”
🏈 ~ Arnold is teasy too. Gerald snorts and Arnold can’t help but giggle everytime he does and says that he sounds like Abner. (Arnold’s pet pig) 🐽
🏈 ~ Arnold is the only person Gerald knows who actually doesn't mind being tickled. He playfully teases Arnold about it of course, never in a mean way though. Gerald thinks it matches his personality.
🏈 ~ Arnold never really gets flustered about things, so seeing him get all blushy and embarrassed about tickling is so hilarious to Gerald.
🏈 ~ And Gerald doesn't mind tickling him either. It's fun and he never really gets to be on the giving side of it thanks to his older brother. He tickles his younger sister sometimes, but it's more fun with Arnold.
🏈 ~ If Arnold is going on about something that involves his friends and he feels the need to help, Gerald will interrupt and tickle him to pieces.
🏈 ~ Of course Gerald will actually talk with him, but he needs to remind Arnold every now and then that he doesn’t need to get stressed and solve everyone’s problems.
🏈 ~ There have been days where Arnold was stressed about things, and he felt lee moods for the first time. He had now idea what they were or even how to deal with them.
🏈 ~ He talked to Gerald about how he felt this fluttery feeling, almost like butterflies, and how he can't stop smiling or blushing. Gerald had a feeling he knew what to do.
🏈 ~ Since then, Gerald always knew when Arnold was in a lee mood or in need of a little stress reliever.
🏈 ~ Arnold has trained Abner to help him tickle Gerald. However, that heavily backfired on him when Gerald used his tactic right back at him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has for sure teased Arnold about a scenario where Helga, or the girl he had a crush on at the time, learned he was ticklish. Arnold had never felt so flustered in his life-
🏈 ~ Poor little guy 💖
🏈 ~ When Arnold and Helga started dating, Gerald was the one who got Arnold to tell Helga about the tickling thing. As if Helga didn’t already know-
🏈 ~ Gerald and Helga for sure tickle Arnold together. Gerald spilled all of his ticklish secrets and weaknesses to her. Not to mention while they’re tickling him which makes it even more flustering.
🏈 ~ Helga and Gerald kinda form this frenemy type bond after Arnold and her started dating.
🏈 ~ Gerald claims he can tickle Arnold better since they’ve been friends for so long, but Helga being her competitive self and his girlfriend is of course always down to prove him wrong.
🏈 ~ Arnold would never admit it, but he’s so glad Gerald spilled the beans about everything he’s learned over the years to Helga.
🏈 ~ Overall, they are so besties and playfully roughhouse with each other a lot. And neither could ask for a better best friend.
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matchacowbee · 9 months
a teaching moment
Idk I got the idea and it has been executed 🫡 hope you enjoy!! 💗💗💗
this is a tickle fic!!!
All sfw!!
Lee! Kyle Lers! Ike and Gerald
Kyle teaches ike about the body leading to an unexpected turn for him
“And look there Ike, That’s your heart!”
Kyle and Ike sat together on the couch reading a children’s book about the human body. Ike looked at the book in awe, as he placed his hand to where his heart belonged in his chest.
“Do you feel it beating?” Kyle asked the toddler.
“Ooohh!” Ike said as he felt his heart beat against his small palm.
Kyle flipped the page. “Oh, and here are the lungs! They allow us to breathe.”
Ike took a deep breath and smiled up at his big brother. Kyle looked down at him with admiration. He always loved spending time with his little brother. He had his own responsibility to be a good influence for the kid, so teaching him was something Kyle was always excited to do.
“Next page Kyle!” Ike said gleefully. Kyle flipped the next page in the book. This time it was the ribcage.
“Ah, this is the ribcage Ike. It protects your organs like your heart and lungs!” Kyle exclaimed.
Ike cocked his head to the side. “Protect from what?”
Kyle thought for a moment. “Oh, well.. I don’t really know?”
Gerald, who had been watching from the kitchen entryway, decided to chime in with his own insight. “Well Ike it’s rather simple, anything that might pose as a possible threat or harm to your body in that area.” Gerald stated.
Kyle rolled his eyes. “Daaad, Ike isn’t gonna get it when you explain it like that!”
Gerald chuckled at his son. “Oh you’re absolutely right Kyle. Let me put it in a way that both of you will understand.” Gerald made his way over to the couch.
“Here look Ike.” Gerald said as he pointed to Kyles ribs. “They help protect you from anything that might attack from the outside”
Kyle smiled pridefully, as he was being used as an example.
Then suddenly, Gerald held Kyle in his grip.
“Like an attack of the tickle monster!”
“Huh? W-wait! Dad!” Kyle said in a panic as he attempted to squirm out of his fathers hold. Fingers began rapidly wiggling against his sides and ribs. Kyle was totally unprepared for the tickle onslaught. And immediately squealed at the sensations.
“See Ike, I’m “attacking” Kyle, but his ribs protect his organs from me! Unfortunately for him, he’s just very ticklish.” Gerald explained to the toddler as he continued to claw at the older boys rib cage, occasionally darting his hands down to his sides. Kyle let out plenty of laughter and a light pink dusted his freckled cheeks from his dad’s teasing.
“ahAha!! D-dahahad! quihihit ihihit!!” Kyle yelped out with a fit of helpless giggles. He had slunk over closer to Ike, trying to escape. Ike looked at his big brother, fascinated by how his demeanor completely changed. Ike no longer cared for learning about the ribs, but rather how ticklish his brother was now.
Ike hovered a finger above Kyle’s upper abdomen. “I’m tickle monster!!” The 5 year old said, and with that, he began to poke his older brothers ribs.
“Hahahaa!! Staha-stop! Nohohoo-No mohorehee tihickle monsteher!!” Kyle belted out, trying to shove his dads hands and now Ike’s away from him. Gerald then gently grabbed Kyle’s wrists and held them above his head.
“Go on, get him Ike!” The idea of teaching Ike was left in the past, and now it was completely about tickling Kyle. With his dad only holding him down now, the tickle sensations weren’t as intense. But Ike still was on the attack! His little hands squeezed all over Kyle, rather than his ribs alone.
“Hehe! Kyle tickles!!” Ike said, continuing to scribble along his belly and sides.
“Eheheeh!! I-ike th-thahaats nohohot eheven my rihihibs!!” Kyle belted out.
“Kyle’s right Ike, his ribs are here.” Gerald said, as he poked a finger along Kyle’s left ribcage. “Try counting them Ike! There’s 12 on each side. If you mess up you can try again. Don’t worry I’ll hold him down!” Gerald said as Kyle continued to thrash under him.
“N-no dahad!! AaAHA!!” Kyle said as he felt Ike prod him in his ribs.
“Oneee, twooo, thwee..” as Ike went on, Kyle continued to laugh. Even if it was only Ike tickling him, he was still just a sensitive ball of nerves.
Sheila then walked by witnessing the whole situation.
“MOM!! hehe- help meheEe!!” Kyle called out to his mother.
“Me and daddy are tickle monster!!” Ike said, as he squished his brothers tummy.
“Oh come on now Gerald, he’s had enough. Why, look at his face, he’s all red!” Sheila stopped and cooed at the sight for a few seconds. It was nice seeing her boys all get along. She quickly took out her phone and snapped a photo. “Alright boys that’s enough, let Kyle breathe.”
Gerald let go of Kyles hands and Ike haltered his motions. As Kyle was then released from the tickle cell, he quickly moved away from his dad and Ike; heading toward his mother. She motioned Kyle over to give her a hug, and squeezed him tight.
“Always been a mamas boy, that one.” Gerald said, while letting out a quick chuckle before making his way back in the kitchen.
Kyle glared at his dad as he walked away, still holding on to his mother. “I’m too old for the tickle monster now..” he grumbled. He could feel his cheeks burn up again. Sheila looked down at her son and rubbed his back.
“Hm you might feel too old for that, but you know what bubbie?”
Kyle looked up at his mom. “What?”
She pointed a finger back over to the couch. Kyle turned his head and saw Ike quietly reading the book they had previously been looking at. Ike flipped a page, “.. m-muscles!” he said excitedly. Kyle smiled at the sight. All that reading with him really paid off.
Sheila gave Kyle another tight squeeze and whispered,
“You’re never too old to be a good big brother. And you’re doing a great job.”
:3 💗
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ticklishthoughts1 · 1 year
Azure Headcanons fr
Y'all this is one of my favorite Ocs so you're getting shit abt him now
-He has loved the color blue in all variations his entire life, one of the main reasons being his name is a variation of Blue. It makes him calm.
-He has very ADHD (And PTSD but we don't talk abt that)
-Despite being the blue boi, he will almost always eat red things, says it 'balances him out'-loves apples
-Someone in the society called him azzy once, it annoyed the fuck out of him in a lighthearted way, so of course now half of the spiders he knows calls him that
-He subconsciously emits a big-brother like protective vibe to literally everyone he platonically interacts with, regardless of their age.
-In his Universe, People Blush purple, not red
-His best friend is a literal princess in his universe-due to this, instead of Spiderman being outlawed there, he's not only legal, but celebrated officially.
-He has no biological family, to the best of his knowledge
-He's actually a songwriter, but Ironically, this is more secret than him being Spiderman. Sometimes in his universe, people will do fan edits of Azure to the Music he created unknowingly
-Despite being probably the best ler of my ocs, he can get incredibly lee around certain people(Ahem-mona) and When being Tickled, he will use his own superstrength to try and keep himself still for the ler
-Soft tickles affect him a lot less than rough ones but fluster him so much more that he has to fight a smile when looking at things like Makeup Brushes
-He has ticklish ears, but they've only ever been gotten like ONCE, and never again
-He is very good with tech, and helped to create an AI named Gerald. Gerald is not an acronym-he just liked the Name Gerald.
-Gerald commands a little Army of Robotic Spiders, known as the Aqua Centurion
-Although he Hates when people touch his hair without his explicit permission, if he gives said permission he will become insanely relaxed while someone plays with his hair to the point of falling asleep
-He is quite good at fighting and enjoys sparring. One time, literally gave someone a pseudo-therapy session by talking to them while sparring them
-Azure is a tall Motherfucker (6'3)
-His first kiss was canonically him faking being gay with a friend until it wasn't fake anymore
-If he is called prettyboy, he is a puddle. that's it. it's a fuckin kryptonite
-He finds it hilarious to use his spider strength dispoportionately at random-like if he's arguing with someone about something unimportant, he will pick them up and hold them over his head with one hand while making a point, set them back down, dust them off, and continue as normal
-he can do a double backflip from a standstill, and his fighting style is very very fluid, which often suprises people due to his size.
-He LOVES the technically correct but wrong POV things-he once made a slideshow explaining by definition that while a hot dog isn't a sandwhich, It IS a taco.
-When he's in suit, he refuses. to. stay. fucking. still.
-One of his friends that's more like his brother now caused 'the chili incident'. He mentions this often, and refuses to tell another SOUL what the incident is.
-He actually has no secret Identity in his verse-no family to protect.
-When he gets really flustered,suprised, or angry, he has this southern drawl to his voice-he personally hates it, and tries to squash it in his normal voice
-calls absolutely everyone hun and darlin
-when he's super happy he does lil headbops as if listening to music, he calls these "bop-isms"
-he has trouble sleeping in front of people-if he sleeps in front of you it is the ultimate sign of trust
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Jeremy and the Unusual Reunion
Jeremy ends up being pulled into an animatronic reunion. Literally. But the reunion ends up full of laughs with old companions, laughs with new companions, and an unexpected meet up with an old coworker.
Sequel to 'Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots'.
I feel like I've been on roller coaster ride after roller coaster ride...and some of them have not been very pleasant. But, I'm making the best out of the situation. I hope you enjoy this fanfic! And if you offered up a fanfic, don't worry! I'm working on it!
Jeremy was going for a walk in the street. He was enjoying the sunny day with the nice little breeze that filled his face. Today was really the perfect day to go walking. Cars driving by, the sun shining on your face, the birds flying through the buildings, even younger and older kids biking up and down the street in groups of 4 or 8.
But all the happiness quickly changed when he felt his hand get grabbed. He was about to turn to see who it was, when Jeremy was yanked backwards into an alleyway. Jeremy yelped as he was pulled really quickly past the bricks, and grunted as his body hit a wall. Jeremy had the air knocked out of him as a result, making it extra hard to breathe for a few moments.
A being with what felt like electrical cords for hands, grabbed his upper arms and held them against the wall beside his middle. “Why hello, Michael~” Ennard greeted. “Still alive, I see?”
Jeremy looked up, and immediately started screaming! It was a huge animatronic abomination made primarily of cords and a clown head with a party hat and a big red nose. Oh no...Not the Pizzeria beings again!
Ennard slammed Jeremy’s body into the wall again. “SHUT UP.”
But Jeremy refused to shut up. “LET ME GO! I’M NOT MICHAEL! I DON’T KNOW WHO MICHAEL I-”
Suddenly, a white feminine-looking hand covered up Jeremy’s mouth. “There! Soooo much quieter!” The being talking was a version of Foxy that Jeremy had never seen before. It...looked very feminine and had girly attributes to it. An example: Pink long nails.
Jeremy didn’t know how to feel about this.
“Funny...He was right. This isn’t Michael…” Ennard reacted calmly. “Michael has darker hair...and a similar facial shape…”
Suddenly, a worn down version of Toy Chica walked up to the person and gasped. “Jeremy! Fancy seeing you here!” Chica squawked.
Jeremy widened his eyes. Oh no...Not the toys…
Hey boys! Jeremy’s still here!” Chica reacted.
Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Foxy walked themself to Jeremy and smiled. “
Did someone order an old friend?!" Toy Freddy asked enthusiastically.
"You won't get tired of my voice... will you?" Toy Chica asked.
To save his butt, Jeremy shook his head no.
“Okay! Good!” Chica replied.
"Is there someone here who needs some extra-special cheering up?" Toy Freddy asked.
Uh oh...That’s not good. Not good at all!
Toy Freddy smiled and turned to the other animatronics. “My friend here is very ticklish! I remember all his ticklish spots too!” Freddy told him.
Oh no...OH GOD NO!
“Oooooh! That tickles me just thinking about it! Do tell!” Funtime Foxy begged.
“Aaaalrighty!” Toy Freddy started pointing to different spots. “His belly is very ticklish! But his armpits are really bad! His hips are a good spot too! And don’t forget those toesies!” Toy Freddy explained.
Jeremy curled his toes, just thinking about it. This cannot be happening...What ever happened to his peaceful walk? Is that just thrown out the window now?
“Alright Jeremy! Time for the tickle tickle tickles!” Freddy decided as he started tickling and poking Jeremy’s belly.
Jeremy jumped and widened his eyes, and quickly covered his mouth. He wasn’t breaking. He wasn’t gonna give them the satisfaction. No way, no how-
Theeen someone went for the armpits…
Well...so much for ‘no breaking’...
“That was quick! Have you been getting more ticklish while I was gone?” Toy Freddy asked curiously.
Hell if he knew! Does anyone get more ticklish over time?! Or is it just him?!
Jeremy squeaked and laughed as his armpits were attacked and played with. This was NOT how he imagined his day to go. But, he had to admit: tickling is better than death.
“OOooooh! He really IS ticklish! Can I try?” Funtime Foxy asked.
“Of course you can! Your nails will work perfectly for what we’re doing!” Toy Freddy replied.
Funtime Foxy walked to Jeremy’s foot and picked it up. Jeremy immediately grew nervous as he stared at the pink nails. They looked sharp! But they looked SUPER ticklish too…
“Aaaalright! Time to work my magic!” Funtime Foxy started wiggling their fingers eagerly at the toes. Then, they touched down and started skittering all over. “A kitchy kitchy kitchy koo! A kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!”
Jeremy squealed out of surprise and clamped his teeth. His lips began to ripple into a smile as he struggled to handle the ticklish feeling that covered his feet. He soon started humming and giggling a little. “MMmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm! Hmhmhmhmhmhm-nohohohohohoho!” Jeremy whined. “Stahahap it that ticklhlhlhles!” Jeremy whined a little more.
“Oh really, giggly Jeremy?” Toy Freddy teased. “I couldn’t tell! I thought you found something funny to laugh at!” Toy Freddy teased.
BonBon looked up at Funtime Freddy. “Maybe he was giggling at you!” Bonbon teased to Funtime Freddy.
Funtime Freddy gasped and huffed. “How dare he!” Funtime Freddy looked down at Bonbon and smirked. “Hey Bon-Bon! GO GE-GET HIM!” Funtime Freddy threw Bonbon right at Jeremy. Bonbon smacked Jeremy in the face, but slid down to his belly. Quickly, Bonbon started giggling and wiggling into his shirt.
The little version of Bonnie wiggled and shook itself further under the fabric of his shirt, and started tickling with his nubs and blowing robotic raspberries into his belly button.
Jeremy SCREAMED and pretty much tripled his wiggling! He was wiggling so much at this point, that an average human adult would’ve lost grip of his ticklish spots! But NOPE! These were ROBOTS with EXTRA strength on their side. There was NO WAY he was getting out of THIS grip. No way for a long shot!
“HAHAHahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHA- HEHEHEHEHELP! HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHE!” Jeremy begged to Funtime Freddy’s general direction.
Funtime Freddy just chuckled. “Sorry buddy. But I only have one hand right now! You’re just gonna have to let Bonbon do his tickly thing.” Funtime Freddy replied casually.
If these robots were programmed with any sort of artificial ticklishness, then Jeremy would 100% go for all the spots at once. This was SO unfair! It was 1 against 10-12 animatronics! How was THAT ever fair?! This is like being licked and played with by 12 horses! Though, even horses would offer more empathy to Jeremy than these robots.
Bonbon was giggling along with him as he scurried up Jeremy’s armpit. Almost on cue, Ennard grabbed onto Jeremy’s arm and held it above his head. With the arm open and out of the way, Bonbon wiggled itself to the upper chest and started attacking Jeremy’s armpit with both little nubby hands, AND with the ears! Literally! Even the ears were bending up and down and tickling his armpit! And it felt like being tickled by four nubby hands!
“You’re so silly!” Bonbon declared rather happily.
“That’s enough…” a raspy voice told them. Bonbon jumped and stopped immediately. He refused to come out of the shirt though...Perhaps it was afraid of the voice.
“Come on Bonbon! It’s just-” Funtime Freddy widened his eyes as he realized who it actually was. Funtime Freddy moved out of the way for the creature and stood to the side. This allowed Jeremy a moment or two to see who was talking.
Jeremy stared at the creature in horror and surprise…
It was a green, completely ruined animatronic in the shape of a bunny!
Jeremy felt intense fear filling his thoughts as he gazed upon the green bunny. He felt the desperate need to get the hell out of there! But these freaking robots wouldn’t let him go without another evil tickle attack on the way!
The bunny hobbled closer and stared at the human. Jeremy grew uncomfortable super quickly. The bunny moved into the light, revealing its human, and animatronic mixed appearance. It was hideous to look at!
Jeremy SHRIEKED and wiggled more as he stared at the huge metal buck teeth. IT WAS GONNA EAT HIM! IT WAS GONNA CHOMP HIM LIKE THE OTHER ANIMATRONIC DID! AAAAAAH!
The green bunny scoffed. “Pathetic…” The green bunny muttered before looking a little closer at him. “Wait a minute...This isn’t him at all…” The green bunny turned to the animatronics with a blank animatronic expression. But his inner face could easily tell you he was pissed. “You useless machines! This is the wrong person!” The bunny yelled.
“We know, sir Afton. But the old ones remember him!” Funtime Freddy told him, pointing to the toy animatronics like a toddler.
“What?!” The bunny asked, turning to the toy animatronics.
“This was the security guard that worked at night!” Toy Freddy declared. “Gerald was his name!” he added.
Jeremy couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “It’s Fitzgerald, Fazbear.” Jeremy clarified.
‘Fitzgerald…’ The bunny thought...
“Wait…” The bunny grabbed onto Jeremy’s head and started looking for something on his head. Jeremy started to freak out at first, but slowly calmed down as the bunny moved his bangs out of the way in a surprisingly gentle manner. “It can’t be…”
The bunny soon took notice of the scar on his face and very softly felt it like a blind person would feel braille dots. Jeremy had calmed down rather quickly, and seemed to have grown more curious rather than concerned.
“It is…” The bunny muttered. “Jeremy Fitzgerald…What a pleasant surprise to see you again.” The bunny spoke.
Jeremy looked super nervous and yet, quite confused. Truth was, he was more focused on how boney and hard the bunny’s fingers were…
The bunny quickly noticed this strange reaction. “I see...I imagine you don’t recognize me at all…” the voice told him.
“I...don't, sadly. Do I know you?” Jeremy asked. “You seem to be the only...humane animatronic so far.”
“Humane is not far off, Fitzgerald…” The bunny showed Jeremy his hand and showed him the skull.
Jeremy widened his eyes. “The animatronics have hu-”
“I was in a workplace accident thirty years ago...I still don’t fully understand why I survived.”
Jeremy felt like all the air had evaporated from his lungs. “M-Mike…”
“Mike? Oh no no no…” The bunny opened its mouth as if to smile. “William...William Afton. Former co-owner of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza...And founder of Fazbear Entertainment.” The bunny cleared up.
Jeremy was 5 seconds away from shrieking. William Afton was also a murderer! And he’s alive after all this time!
Jeremy finally pulled his hands out of Ennard’s grip and pulled Bonbon out of his shirt. “Get away from me! You MONSTER!”
The bunny widened his eyes and narrowed his eyes in anger. “And I treated you quite kindly…”
“YOU MURDERER! HOW COULD YOU?!” Jeremy reached into the suit and grabbed the first thing he could. Whatever it was, it was hard and felt like a vertical puzzle piece. “I’ll- I’ll break whatever’s in my hand!”
The bunny chuckled in its very low voice. “There is a metal spine attached to the suit that holds me together. Even if you broke my spine...I will still be able to kill you.”
Jeremy widened his eyes and finally settled for kicking him in the groin to run. But Jeremy’s entire body froze to a halt as intense, mind-numbing pain filled his foot.
Jeremy SCREAMED and pulled his pulsing foot back. He grabbed his foot and hopped backwards to the wall. “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! What are you MADE OF?!” Jeremy shouted as he hissed and rubbed his paining foot.
The bunny bursted out laughing at him. “You thought you could immobilize me? I believe you have forgotten I’m partly made of metal.” The bunny reminded him calmly.
The bunny got closer to Jeremy, and stared into him with his icey eyes. “You should’ve went for spine…”
The bunny backed away from Jeremy and looked over at the animatronics for a moment. Then...he looked back at Jeremy with an evil glare on his face. “Seize him.”
Jeremy shrieked and struggled to get away as a crowd of 12 or 15 animatronics completely surrounded Jeremy.
The bunny opened his mouth more, showing his bucktooth smile. “Have some fun with him.” He told the animatronics.
It didn’t take long for squeaks and laughter to fill the backstreet again. Jeremy squirmed around like a worm, and laughed hysterically as multiple ticklish spots were attacked at once.
“You don’t want me to help you...I might just kill you.” The bunny joked in a dark manner.
Jeremy just about lost it when he said that. Okay! Screw that! Scratch him off the list of people to be saved by!
But there was no one else to save him! Only the murderer Afton could save him from the tickle attacks! And he was the one that caused them to continue!
“Oh! Hey Funtime Foxy! Go for his sides! They’re really bad too!” Toy Freddy suggested.
“Oooooh! Okay!” Funtime Foxy reached her hand out and started squeezing and skittering her pretty pink nails onto both of Jeremy’s sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koooooo!”
Freddy chuckled. “Hey, where’s the puppet? We should get him here too!”
Jeremy yelped and pulled on his bound arms. “NO! NOT THE PUPPET! NAHAHAT THE PUPPET! PLEASE NO!”
Suddenly, a music box sound went off in the background...and a black and white thin creature slowly rose from the box.
“Hey Puppet! Jeremy’s back! Wanna come help us?” Toy Freddy asked.
The puppet climbed out of the music box and tilted his head.
“Yeah! Look at Jeremy! Hasn’t he changed since we last saw him? He looks old now!” Toy Freddy told the puppet.
“HEY! Shut up, you dinosaur!” Jeremy shot back.
Toy Freddy gasped at the retort. “Excuse me?!”
“Yeah! You heard me! Or did you, old hag?” Jeremy teased.
I recognize you, but I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.” The puppet said with a giggle.
“Oh...Oh that’s wonderful.” Jeremy muttered.
Toy Freddy grabbed Jeremy’s sides. “CHEER UP TIME!” he shouted before squeezing his sides.
Jeremy bursted out laughing wildly and flopped around. It tickled so much! Oh my goodness! Jeremy was a mess of hysterics, and he was growing to love it! Maybe this wasn’t as bad as he thought...
The bunny sighed and rolled his eyes with a little smile as he thought:
‘What a child…’
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princessdreamss · 3 years
You asked for asks and are going to get asked asks!
1) Would you rather be tickled on your worst spot for 10 minutes straight or a spot that’s kinda ticklish for 30?
2) Blindfold while being tickled or no?
3) What’s your best pun nickname for a shark?
thank u !!!!
1) bc it'd be worse torture i think and we love torture in this household
2) yes babey sensory derivation all the way!!!!
3) finn is a cute name but also they HAVE FINS . realistically though, i'd name a shark something like gerald
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bardsingingasong · 5 years
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A few days ago I was talking to my friend about The Witcher, and this idea born!
Of course, I need to share these little bits with all of you. At this moment, this is only single ideas but, maybe in the future, it'll be a fanfiction.
[ Geraskier! Modern AU] 
Part 1. Part 2.  Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. 
Geralt and Jaskier are roommates.
When Jaskier started the University, he isn't interested in a stay at the student residence. So, he looks for an apartment. Geralt has an apartment but he does not want a roommate.
Don’t matter what they want, they end living together.
Jaskier studies History of Music at the University, but his dream is to be a professional musician. His parents aren’t happy with his decision, they think Jaskier need to study a good carrier, like economy or laws. But, young Jaskier took a sabbatic year to try luck in the world of music. Unfortunately, he hasn’t any luck and he needed to attend the desires of his parents and go to College. They think that his son never will be a profitable man, and are very disappointed with him.
Geralt works in plague control. This is the only job that let him to not be very sociable with his clients.
Geralt is 29 years old, Jaskier is 23 and Yennefer is 26.
After class, Jaskier works in a Coffee shop, and at the weekends acting in micro open nights.
Geralt is american, Jaskier is british and Yennefer is indian.
Geralt thinks Jaskier is like a puppy who wants attention all the time.
Yennefer is a Jaskier’s university partner. She’s also a friend, and ancient lover, from Geralt.
The first time that these three meets were very uncomfortable.
But later everything was all right. Yennefer is Geralt’s best friend and try that he hasn’t been a complete idiot. For other said, she thinks in Jaskier like a little and problematic brother who needs her to care him.
She knows these two are like a couple that lives together, even they don’t know yet.
Jaskier is messy. Except for the kitchen and the bathroom. Both of them are very clean, but the rest of the house is a disaster. Every time that he has an exam, the floor is cover with messy note class and books.
Geralt must clean his messy and he’s not happy with this.
Jaskier is very tactile. He’s ever looking for put his hands in the people that he loves, especially in Geralt’s.
Jaskier is a very ticklish person. Geralt usually use this to stop bothering him. If he wants to watch something on TV and Jaskier doesn’t stop talking, Geralt attacks its tickly points until
Jaskier stops talking and let him watch the TV in peace.
Yennefer and Geralt love the horror movies, Jaskier loves the musicals.
Don’t matter if it's cold or warm outside, Jaskier is cold every time. His hands and feet are constantly frozen. Conversely, Geralt is hot ever. For this reason, these two have many fights for the house temperature.
Two of them have many insecurities what affect his relationship.
Gerald has not had any relationship that works completely. His past relation with Yennefer was the best finish that he never had (and they need some time to try to be friends again). For him, is his fault that no one of these relationships works, and with Jaskier, he’s afraid to fuck up the things. Geralt is aware of the age difference. Jaskier comes from a pretty rich family and he’s studying in a good University, while Geralt is a street rat who barely finish high school.
On the contrary, Jaskier knows that he’s youngest and more childish than Geralt. He’s a spoiled boy who needs Geralt get him out of many troubles. Jaskier is sure that one day Geralt’ll be tired of him and break with him. His parents remember him all the bad decisions that he has taken. They say all the time how his son never will be a successful man. So Jaskier has a poor opinion of himself, and he thinks that never will be enough for Geralt.
Both of them are too dumb, but they love each other and, in the final, they’ll talk about these things and have a better relationship (In this Tumblr supports healthy relationships!)
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altonadventures · 6 years
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A little something to break up the christmas comics...and do some much needed Alton Adventures world building.....
With AA’s official comic run coming back soon(ish) (with a  bit of a fresh start as well) I want to introduce characters I’ve been meaning to make for awhile! 
We all know Mr. S as one of the more...wholesome smilers. His main roleas a guardian is to protect park goers from marmalization. However, who or what is doing this marmalization? 
Meet the Funny Five, harbingers of “joy”. Created by the Ministry of Joy from the essence of the Marmalizer, they were each made to serve a specific role in the marmilzation process. Why don’t we meet them all now? 
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The most lightweight and small of the Five, Tiffany’s role is that of a Tickler. Her hair is soft and can wrap itself around someone and tickle them. She sees in an infrared like vision that will show her the spots in which her target is most ticklish. She herself is incredibly ticklish. 
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A man with a soothing voice that puts fellows to sleep, Henry is the Hypnotizer. His curly hair always appears to be moving and swirling. He needs to wear special glasses to protect himself from his own hypnotising powers.
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Gerald is the Giggler of the group. He breathes out laughing gas that is collected into the tank in his back as well as expelled into the air around him. He however cannot breathe the gas back in, as then it becomes dangerous for him.because of this, there is a filter in his gas mask that prevents that from happening. 
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Fiora Flasher is a being made entirely of light. The intensity of her light varies, and flickers and flashes. At her brightest, she can make one go blind. She wears sunglasses when she is not working, and if she were to ever look at herself in the mirror, she would turn herself blind, at any level of brightness.  IGOR INOCULATOR 
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Igor is the inoculator of the squad. His fingers are replaced with syringe like devices that contain a small amount of joy serum. If his blood stream were to ever be injected with joy serum, he would suffer a severe allergic reaction.
As you can see, these individuals are powerful, so powerful they are their own weakness essentially. They are similar to mr. S in a sense that they physically cannot be “marmalized”, and as mentioned are specifically affected by the powers of their method of marmalization.(But a less in “YOU’RE CORRECTED kind of a way and more in a “owie zowie that hurtie”) They are crafty, cunning, and ruthless. They will stop at nothing to marmalize every person they see, and are the bane of Mr. S’s existence. They do everything they can to get under his skin.They...however worship “SW7″ as a god, despite Mr.S..being SW7. Hm...
Basically I wanted to establish more villians in the Alton Adventures world. Sir Nem fights Nemesis, Odin deals with the void, Nick eventually fights the crispy cult. Mr. S needed some baddie squad to square off with, being a main character he's got to be given the chance to shine. 
That’s most of what im gonna spill, I want the comics to speak for my story going forward~ I hope you like these guys! I already love them. 
i know that its nothing new, humanizing the elements of the marmalizer. HOWEVER. These interpretations of them belong to me and no one is permitted to create characters close to their likeness, descriptions, or otherwise. This goes for anything alton adventures related. I more than appreciate fan art and what not, but I will not tolerate having characters ripped off or story ideas taken. Please be respectful of my wishes and creative works. 
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
As a lover of fluff who is suffering from a withdrawal of that fluff, may I please request some painfully fluffy headcannons of Simmons/Rahas and Shiki/Gerald??? If you're not too busy of course :3
I’ve written about cute things about Simmons/Rahas, so do you mind if I focus on Shiki/Gerald for now? I haven’t done this pair yet~
Cute/Fluffy Things About Shiki/Gerald
• These two are indeed in a relationship. There was no declarations of love or anything of the sort. When Shiki returned, they just smoothly moved into a relationship because they knew that they love each other and need each other. Shiki, however, has promised to make Gerald happy for the rest of their lives~
• Shiki needs to touch Gerald in some way, anything from a grabbing of his shoulder or wrist, to a sudden and spontaneous hug. He does this to remind himself that he’s back and that Gerald is in fact real. Gerald had realised this quickly so he ensures that he’s never the one to break that contact
• Although Shiki is indeed the one that often grabs and hugs Gerald, Gerald does manage initiate a hug from time to time. But whoever initiates it, Gerald is never the one to pull away first because while he knows that Shiki needs this hug, he’s unsure of how much he does, so he waits until Shiki attempts to pull away first
• Shiki likes to introduce Gerald as his husband and while Gerald is always embarrassed by this, he secretly likes it~
• Shiki is always the first to wake up and the last to fall asleep, choosing to watch as Gerald awakes and falls asleep. Though he often has nightmares, when he watches Gerald sleep before he himself falls asleep, the dreams aren’t as terrible
• Gerald drinks only occasionally now, as opposed to every day and night. He went cold turkey when Shiki returned. The cravings and withdrawals were painful, but he reminded himself that Shiki had been through worse and for Shiki’s sake, he wants to face their future together sober
• Gerald is the only person to know what’s under the bandages encircling Shiki’s left arm and he knows how weak it is, so he ensures to cover Shiki’s left side whenever they have to fight
• Shiki doesn’t go anywhere without telling Gerald how long he’s estimated to be gone and always ends with a promise to return. He does this comically, giving Gerald a flamboyant hug as he promises to return soon. Though this action seems to be out of sheer amusement, Gerald knows that Shiki is just reassuring him in his own way
• Gerald finds Shiki’s beard ticklish, so of course Shiki often nuzzles his face or his neck with his beard, causing Gerald to try to hold back a laugh as he unsuccessfully tries to push him away
• Shiki likes Gerald’s long hair and enjoys twirling a strand of it around his fingers. His favourite way to pass the time is sitting on the couch with Gerald next to him, his head on his shoulder, letting Shiki idly play with his hair as he reads
• But sitting still any other time makes Shiki edgy, so he and Gerald often goes for walks around the city, reminiscing on occasions, but choosing to look forward rather than back
• They also often eat out together, so yes they often go on little dates~
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zolganif · 7 years
What did you eat for lunch today? A sandwich Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? Either is fine Have you watched any good horror / thriller movies lately? I watched Gerald's Game recently on Netflix. It was pretty good. And I didn't know it was based on a book by Stephen King either. How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I would be uncomfortable doing it alone. I would want someone with me What was the last thing you watched on TV? Raw right now :) Do you know your blood type? Nope. Yesterday, did you get up before 9am? Yes How many times does the number ‘7’ occur in your phone number? Once What was your favorite board game as a child? Candyland Are you a coffee drinker? Yes When are you going on vacation again? December Who did you last have an alcoholic drink with? No idea What are you going to do after this? Probably another survey, and watching Raw :) What is your fathers middle name? Allen It’s about midnight. Who are you texting? No one Who was the last person you were under the covers with? Nick <3 Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Mhm. Do you ever keep arguing when you know you’re wrong? Sometimes :P What did you do today? Not too much How is your hair? It's okay Do you like to cuddle? I love cuddling Name something great that happened today? Nothing How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over? A few. Who was the last person’s voice you heard? Eh When was the last time you saw your father? Yesterday Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? No. Do you like your life as of now? Most of it Who was the last person you hung out one-on-one with? Mom Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant? Probably Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah Whose car were you last in? Kyle's and dad's Last thing you drank? Coke Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? No Have your parents ever smoked pot? Yeah Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I don't think so Are you good at giving directions? Nope. Has anyone told you they missed you lately? Yeah If you could seek revenge on someone would you? No. Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? She wouldn't Did you speak to your father today? No What do you think about the weather? I love it Are you ticklish? Very Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen? Yeah Could you go a day without eating? No Ever kissed anyone whose name starts with an M? No Are your nails always painted? No. Where did your last kiss take place? At the jail, when I visited Nick Have you ever met any bands / band members before? I have met Lennon Murphy before.
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