minji ; overseers of the damned the big paradox - in other words: the killer that protects you
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“I feel for him, I can’t say I don’t. He’s all I’ve ever had, but I know better now.” It was much too late to learn her lesson, Minji had allowed Phoenix to burn every bridge and in the end, he had stranded her - alone with limited choices. “You shouldn’t feel any love for me, Theo. I’m not worthy of it, not before, not now.” Her voice didn’t hold its usual strength, it wavered instead, turning into a whisper by the time she’d finished speaking. Her eyes found his momentarily, a regretful decision when her heart thrummed with further intensity. ”My body has never been my own to make decisions with.” A tinge of sadness crept into her voice, her hardened exterior flaking away with every day she’d spent in her self-made solitude. “Only that doesn’t take from what happened because I could have tried to leave, but I was so angry.” She didn’t catch his eye, her gaze shifting over his shoulder and out the window instead, a view of a happy family that made her uneasy. “He said you’d never want me and he might have been wrong, but he did you a favour, he’s saved you from me instead.” A hand grazed her stomach, the miniscule bump that felt volatile and wrong, the perfect reason for no other man to want her. Yet, he had kissed her forehead and suddenly all the torment in the pit of her stomach stilled for a moment, replaced by a soft fluttering. More so that he had taken the doom that rested over her head and added a breath of life to it. “Make sure they know I lit up a room.” A smile threatened on the edges of her mouth, a brief flicker that fell away as fast as it made itself known. Her hands raised to cup his, and there was a brief moment of hesitation before her fingers grasped his and slowly lowered his hands away from her face, although she didn’t release him. Her eyes softened once she set her focus on his gaze, the gnawing at the pit of her stomach difficult to ignore; undeniable that she felt for him. But he had been an unachievable dream; happiness that she was never meant to know. “You’ll be sad to hear the only warmth in stories people will have about me is my penchant for setting people on fire.” She clutched his hands tighter for several seconds before she released him, her feet rooted in place while her eyes danced over a face that soothed her more than she cared to admit.
“Smartass.” Theo chuckled under his breath even though the situation was much more severe, but he couldn’t help but enjoy the sarcasm slipping her lips like nothing had changed. “I would love to have it. If you don’t mind? I think I would make a wonderful father.” He always dreamed of becoming a father, whether to a daughter or son, watching them grow old and taking after their parents. Hearing the words: ‘You raised them well’ was his life goal. Theo felt the anger she spewed towards the man he never met, the room channeling pure hatred for someone who put her in this position, but he had no reason to think of him during their time together. All he wanted to think about was her. “I wanted to see you. If you ever decide to come back, then I will be there. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, and I will always be right where you left me.” Theo clutched his wrist, forming a brave face, knowing he could never ask her to return with him. This was a choice she had to make on her own; besides, begging her wouldn’t be very charming of him. As his ears picked up on the words, his eyes stayed glued to the window as doves flocked by, and to his surprise, Custos had been blessed to always stay in a breezy season. It was always interesting to see how the lesser gods blessed their houses, and it was fitting for the house to be glimmering in warmth. “You still feel something for him.” Theo managed to turn on his heels, allowing himself to break the rules she had set for only a brief moment to address his feelings for that moment. “The only thing I feel for you is love. I blame only myself for what happened at the ball; I should’ve seized the moment when I had the chance. I am not angry about what you decided to do with your own body, Minji. Those are your decisions to make, but I am angry at myself for not returning fast enough to avoid it from happening.” His words were genuine; even the nurses surrounding the halls had stopped in their tracks to hear them. Theo never took his focus off those pretty eyes he adored, and with cautious movements, he raised his arms. Fingers coming into contact with her cheeks, lips slowly yet delicately pressing a kiss to her forehead. “How did you know my new profession? I suppose you’d want a bright-colored funeral? I will invite everyone you know, and they’d all have to give a speech about how such a warm woman you were. How does this sound?”
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240711 ♡ JUSTICE
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“No, it’s actually an immaculate conception and there’s a betting pool to see which god decided to place a squatter in my womb, do you want in on it?” The intensity of the moment didn’t affect the words that were tauntingly ready on the tip of her tongue. She could have feigned stoicism, to have crawled away from him in exhaustion yet something had sparked alive in her chest the moment he walked into the room. Silence slipped in, however, allowing several beats to pass where her knuckles whitened with the grasp of her robe until she released a deep sigh. “But yes, it’s his.” To speak Phoenix’s name felt like a calling card, that if she dared to even whisper it, he would creep out from the shadows to put an end to the pathetic existence she’d become. “And as far as staying away goes, it’s best for me if I don’t ever go back.” She had always been displaced; she never truly had a home or a family, and still, the idea of running away from the small reliefs she had built had broken the spirit that kept her fighting all those years. Theo exuded warmth in ways that Minji couldn’t grasp or find comfort in, not when she was a hindrance to an open heart instead of someone who could ease his burdens. “Nothing I feel for him right now is love.” Minji gritted her teeth while she spoke; struggling in response to the kindness and zoning in on the mention that she had loved Phoenix; a disastrous choice of feelings for a child of a god although they were spiralling towards hatred. “And you should feel the same for me, you shouldn’t want to be here with me after what happened at the ball and you shouldn’t want to deal with this.” She slipped from the edge of the bed, abandoning her robe once her feet were planted on the ground, white chemise grazing her knees and giving only a shred of concealment. Her hands came to rest on her stomach with a step towards the window, bringing her closer to him, an acceptance that hiding herself was futile. “I won’t kick you out or scream at you to leave, I can’t make you do anything apparently, but I can tell you that you’re stupid and if you’re staying, you’re here to plan my funeral because I’m good as dead when he finds out, pretty boy.”
“You surely know how to make someone feel welcomed.” Theo showed her a tender smile before taking the hint, standing up to make his way to the large windows, perfect when the sun was rising. Even now, the room lit up, and the sun was no match for how she glistened the second he saw her. “The baby is his, isn’t it?” His arms clasped his wrists from behind, and he glanced down at a small family walking around the facility with a brand-new baby. Theo maintained his charming composure, anger subsiding as he thought about how she was left without a word and the man she loved was out enjoying himself, unaware of what he did. “How long were you planning to stay away?” He had no right to hold a grudge after what he did months ago, leaving her without a single letter, and he believed it to be karma. “I didn’t think you’d ever come back, and I thought about you every day. I wondered if you were eating well, sleeping well, and if you finally found an inch of happiness.” Theo respected her wishes by not looking at her; instead, he focused on the fact that this house seemed light-filled. It was peaceful, and he was glad that her time spent there wasn’t all alone with the amount of laughter that filled the hall. “If you’ll allow me, I want to be your shoulder to cry on. I’ve come to terms with my position in your life, and you will never love me the way you love him. I can’t change that about you, but I can be by your side for every minute of it.” There was an emotion Theo couldn’t understand fully, unrequited love, but he couldn’t bear to leave her even if it hurt him. Minji became meaningful to him, and everyone knew his feelings for her. “I’m sorry for coming here announced. I was simply worried about you because you vanished from my life, and I couldn’t handle the thought of never being able to see you again.” His footsteps were careful as he made his way to the window seat, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he found relief. “I finally found you.” He didn’t mind staying in the same spot for weeks, waiting for her to call out to him, and Theo found peace in his place. “If you don’t mind, I’ll stay with you for a while.”
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Minji had chosen to seek sanctuary, or at least a temporary refuge from the judgement of those that mattered most; and Custos had accepted her without question. Bundled into a room that was solely her own to come and go - the latter she didn’t do much of unless she was required to. “You need to eat a little more, I’ll leave it here for you.” The plate of fresh Custos delicacies was set on her bedside while the midwife laid a gentle hand on the back of her head and while Minji’s eyes followed the initial movement, she stopped verbalising her distaste for their affections because it made little difference. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” Fingers trailed on the ends of her hair; the blue hair that she fled with was now a sandy brown, chopped just below the edge of her jaw. Inconspicuous amongst the other women and this way, there was less of her to grab onto. She didn’t register the midwife’s disappearance nor did she glance towards the door once it opened again, at least not until a voice she’d desperately missed filled the room. “Theo?” Suddenly, she doubted her mind as she straightened in order to view him, his questions skimming past her ears when her mind flared into a panic as she took him in. A face that had only ever been kind yet she couldn't look at him for more than a single breath. Movement hadn't come swiftly as it once did, yet she swung her legs free from blankets faster than she had shifted in a month all to set her back to him. “Why are you here?” She didn’t speak unkindly, instead, there was an edge of tiredness to her tone and a hint of curiosity; of all people to track her down she hadn’t expected it to be him. “Whatever the reason is, you shouldn’t have come.” Minji tugged at her robe, drawing the fabric to the front and tucking it around her stomach. She'd been thankful that despite the months that had passed, she couldn’t even cradle the bump that had formed, not as obvious as those that occupied the rooms surrounding her. It was only a matter of time; at least that was what the midwives told her with cheek-splitting grins and high-pitched voices, that someday soon her bump would pop. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”
Theo spoke at dinner, twirling his fork in the air until he no longer had an appetite. “Stewart, give him the envelope.” His mother was well aware of Theo and his neverending mission to locate a woman whom he claimed to love. “You’ll find here there. I have no idea why she’d be at Custos, but it could possibly mean she found employment.” Theo snatched the envelope from the man, politely excusing himself before placing a kiss on his mother’s forehead. Why would she be there? It’s common when someone goes to work for a house outside of royal lines to avoid contact for months. However, Theo knew Minji would never follow these rules, and this thought was what concerned him. “Saddle up one of my horses, please. I will be taking a trip to the House of Custos to visit a friend of mine.” A friend sounded more appropriate in case rumors spread. The trip there took roughly two hours, Theo approached the gates with a smile as the guards let him in without asking too many questions. The house was oddly calming, he had read plenty of books rehearsing this house and never retained any information besides the title. It was a house of new birth, and the staff were mostly women as they scattered around before lining up to guide him to the front desk. “Hello, my name is—“, “Theo Monarch.” His neck nearly snapped in the direction of the person who spoke, a woman with crossed arms and a name tag which read: ‘Ruby’ who was approaching quickly and it was slightly frightening. “Follow me, Monarch.” Theo matched her pace as they walked down spiral stairs, long hallways, and multiple baby rooms—the farther they were from the exit brought fear because the interior changed from delivery rooms to expecting with a snap of her finger. “Continue straight, then take a left, you’ll find who you’re looking for—don’t talk to me.” Theo held back the thank you, walking slowly until his knees began to buckle and his palms began to sweat. His nerves were screaming at him to run in the other direction, pretend he was never here, and wait for her to reach out until he read the name across the top clear as day, cautiously opening up the wooden door and then taking the lightest step inside. “Is this where you’re spending your days?” Theo wanted to rip his heart straight out. Looking at her after these months was going to kill him. It was important to stay calm, but his body twitched with unexplainable happiness as he sat down beside her. “How are you feeling? Are they taking good care of you here?”
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“He’ll never want me,” Minji spoke the words slowly back to him, committing them to memory while she grasped the edge of the bathtub with such vigour that she had splintered her fingernails. A moan that twisted into a cry echoed off the tiles in the moments before her head was submerged again, and she could do nothing but accept his brutality. She heaved the moment he gave her relief, blue strands stuck on her cheeks and blurring her vision; water forced up from the depths of her throat and barely giving her the time to acknowledge the jewels with a clear mind. “Don’t you fucking dare.” She made the move to reach behind her and she floundered back into the water in the scramble to stop him; much too slow as the unwelcome chill rose as he slipped the first inside of her. “Bastard.” A hiss from her lips at the second that was lost to a shout at the impact of his hand, and in moments she was lost to the deep thrusts that threatened to rip her apart. Her orgasm rose drastically, bent forward to hold the edge of the bath and began to shift her weight to meet his hips. Her knees bruising with endless battering against porcelain and she was unravelling into the high with heightened cries. A draft suddenly eased on her back, tickling away the warmth of his body on hers, a chill that stroked her arms and then her face. The breeze was not an open window or a door, but a spirit who crept in and squeezed into the remaining space. “Phoenix, stop.” A pleading cry not towards his actions but a warning that was soon lost underwater, where she was suffocated both by the water and the soul that flittered in their world, its eyes bouncing in the water's reflections and its arms darkening around her. It was unholy, locking a hold of her frame and she was fighting to push upwards, against Phoenix’s death grip and she was reaching for the hand at the back of her head; clawing to make him aware that there was more than the two of them. Her mind seized at the declaration of belonging to him, ever hopeful that he had been sincere even as he was hellbent on a watery demise. Aware of the warmth that filled her, that trickled further down her thighs with every devilish thrust; motions that would have taken her to a euphoric edge if it hadn’t been for the pressure that welled around her head. Death was never a fear, she knew that she would never die swiftly nor of old; she was always going to die at Phoenix’s hand, it was a fate she had accepted long ago but in those final moments, another possibility had taken over. Theo’s face encompassed her and forced out the cold embrace of the dark spirit and for a brief moment, she found a final jolt of strength to fight back at the flicker of a smile of a man that she could certainly love. Her awareness slipped at the attempt to push back against Phoenix’s hand, a darkness that was crushing down on her skull and in her frustration, she released a scream with what air remained. Water filled her mouth and lungs in a rush, and in a matter of seconds, she fluttered away. Unaware of his final movements or the words tossed in her direction, and luckily unable to feel that impact with the soaked tiles once he had given mercy to her limbs.
Phoenix planned his thrusts strategically, with every blow landing immaculately deep inside of her. Every splash of water on his clothing encouraged animalistic behavior as he drilled his length around her insides, leaving no area untouched. “He’ll never want you.” His hand filtered through her hair, crawling to reach her skull as he slammed her face back into the water. “You thought you could be happy? Filth like you?” Even if he felt as if he was crossing the lines by degrading her in such a manner, Phoenix had no self-control when it came to getting off. He merely wanted her to cry while he ripped her apart and violated her in ways no other man could dream—that was his goal. “I have a gift for you.” And as he finished his sentence, Phoenix raised her from the water before his murder charges became a longer list. “I know how much you love stealing jewels.” His thrusts were deep and slow as his fingers wrapped around the jewels that Orion had placed in his pocket. Phoenix gave her a couple minutes to understand the situation before those same jewels were making their way inside her ass. “One little jewel.” His tongue darted over his lips as he watched her body engulf the jewel, then another. “Two little jewels.” Finishing off with a wet slap to her left cheek, growling at the sight of his handprint forming and wasting no time to return to his dangerous thrusts. The twitch in his length made it clear to him that his climax was near; Phoenix bounced her against his length as he groaned into her skin. His legs began to shake as he leaned forward to attempt a better angle as he shot his hot liquid inside of her. “You’re all mine, all of you.” Any logical man would have pulled out of her and walked away like nothing happened, but Phoenix had a better idea as he continued his thrusts. This time, each thrust rapidly slammed inside of her, presenting himself as the son of Hades and declaring her body as his. There was no need for her to continue breathing, so Phoenix decided amongst himself to return her to the water until every last drop had fallen on the tiles. “Dammit—” His groan indicated another climax, dropping her hair to take hold of the edges of the tub as he began to fill her up more than the first. “You always feel so fucking good.” These words were dripped with honesty; no other woman was able to conjure up lust like Minji, and it grew addicting to devalue her existence. Phoenix inhaled sharply to catch his breath, exhausted from his demeanor, before he presumed the snapping of his hips. Soon, the porcelain bath filled with water would be emptied, and he couldn't comprehend why a lifeless body turned him on so much. His hands found placement elsewhere, one between her legs as he circled her clit in rhythm to his hips while the other caressed her breast. Pinching the sensitive skin, pulling her nipple, and slapping away any common sense. "I love you." In his final blow, Phoenix emptied every ounce of him inside of her, and it was confirmed when his ejaculation coated his length. "My condolences." Phoenix pulled out of her, wiping any residue along the dimples of her back until he was satisfied, and carefully tucked his length back into his trousers. He despised aftercare, especially with Minji, because he figured there was no point after what he did to her. “Laters, Min.” He brushed off any impurities on his clothing in the mirror, clearing his throat before turning his attention to her with a sinister smile. “Here’s to a good fuck.” That was his cue to leave the woman, pushing open the door, but not before leaving a crack for anyone to glance inside to view his masterpiece.
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There was a warning twinkling on the edge of Minji’s mind, the flash of conscious thought that she should have heeded and attempted to create distance. It didn’t take much for her to feign ignorance and indulge; all ideas of fighting his claws were brushed aside when a confession of love was spoken. “You do?” A hushed question, her body twisting under the relentless pulsing of his fingers while her mind rallied for clarity it couldn’t obtain. The realisation of the filling tub hit her the second that he placed her back on her feet and they touched down on soaked tiles, shuddering at the chill and it caused hesitation. There was never a way out when it came to Phoenix, yet she took a single step that put her back flush against his chest. “I don’t do well with water Phoenix.” The confession rose in a mix of fear and pleasure at the moment that his length slid between her legs and she buckled. He was a familiar warmth, biting at the edges of how tight she’d become in his absence and it was the friction that had derailed her from her fear of water. The force of his hand should have been expected but she had been lost in the very desire that earned her the title of ‘whore’ and she was plunged into icy water without an opportunity to catch a breath. She grappled with the porcelain edge, placing her strength in keeping herself above water the moment he showed mercy; although the seconds she was given for air weren’t merciful. Not when he reminded her that Theo didn’t want her, not when he dominated her with a brutal force that made it difficult to scrape oxygen into her lungs, and a cry erupted from deep in her chest. The second plunge had been too soon, she sucked in a breath as her face met the water and the taste of blood caught the back of her throat, biting down on her lip with an agonising crunch in the rush to close her mouth. The feeling of weightlessness surrounded her despite the hand latched to the back of her head and her own hands pressed down on the base of the tub, but no matter the effort she made, her fingers slipped against the sheer force of Phoenix’s strength. She heaved the moment he allowed her a breath and in the process of catching her breath, a laugh bubbled forth. Ever the masochistic, her mind could only linger on the pleasure that was influencing the surge of heat between her legs and throughout her abdomen. Her laughter died once he spoke and she fell to submissive silence, risking the tilt of her head to look at him. Her eyes flickered to the curve of his lips, lingering for several seconds until she rose to meet his eyes, and naturally, she smiled. “Yes.” Her voice drifted, catching an echo and bringing it back to her in a dreamlike haze. She cocked her head back and the icy drip of water on her back should have woken her from the trance, but it was inconceivable to return to reality when she brought her mouth to his. “I'd do anything for you, my love”
Phoenix showed no mercy as his fingers dug inside of her with a consistent speed. He developed an emotion called joy watching her unravel from his fingers, a partial smile made it clear that his plan to please her would declare him a sociopath. “I love you.” Phoenix breathed the words of love across her chest along with the swipe of his tongue, biting the rounds of her breast before slipping out each finger slowly. His fingers imprinted on either side of her neck, restricting the flow for a few minutes while his free hand scooped her up from the countertop. “Your begging turns me on, baby girl.” In one swift movement, Phoenix carried her toward the overflowing porcelain bathtub. His hand set her down gently, facing her body towards the window as his fingers tangled into her hair, and lips attaching to the back of her neck. “Remember, you asked for me to fuck you.” He dropped a hand to unbuckle his trousers, stroking his already hardened member with a rotten expression before guiding every inch inside of her. It was sexual relief as he tossed his head back, the feeling of her wrapped around him caused pre-ejaculation, and it acted as a lubrication for the first thrust forward. Phoenix lunged forward to collide his hips with hers, fingers returning to her hair as he twirled the locks around his palm. “Whore.” He couldn’t feel guilty for his next action would break the barrier between them, using an unspeakable force to immerse her head in the water while he snapped his hips. He held her underwater for a few seconds, left hand gliding down to take control of her hips as he buried himself deep inside of her. “He never wanted you. Who would want a pathetic cunt like you?” Phoenix yanked her hair, fistful to ensure his grasp before encasing her head back into the bitter bathwater. Water splashed around them as his thrusts picked up pace, drilling her mercilessly. The sensation flowing throughout his body failed to remind him that she wes not special enough to breathe underwater. “Oops.” His unconcerned tone sprinkled with playfulness, wouldn’t put it past him to fuck a dead body. His grip around her never loosened as he pulled her up from potentially drowning, leaning close enough to slither his tongue along the outlines of her ear, and with a venomous tone he asked. “Would you die for me?”
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The drinks held their effects, the magic within them failing to let her sober even after what would have straightened her on any other day, but as her hands slid up and down her calves for warmth, she found herself swaying. Her head rose at the sweetness that littered his voice, she knew that it was only a matter of time before he turned sour, yet she basked in his attention because, at this moment, she needed it. “I always look stunning.” It was a whisper, her confidence had dwindled yet acceptance of her beauty was ready to pounce on the tip of her tongue. Curiosity seeped in, tilting her head to watch him turn the faucet but all questions had died once she was once more the centre of attention. Minji knew the signs of his assault before his hands were on her, catching a breath in the brief seconds that came between him crossing the room and the chill of his hands caused the hair on her arms to rise. “The only man who never leaves me is you.” She brushed his cheek with her knuckles and the tears swelled in her eyes; gaze darting to the door expectantly. If Theo had been there, what would she have done? She wasn’t certain if she would have fled with him or if she’d have carried on the path Phoenix forged ahead with. Her legs spread without a fight, and surprised cries echoed and mixed with the run of the water. The wet ache that Theo had created between her legs was successfully dealt with, straightening her back and raising a foot to rest in the small of his back, opening herself up to him in every capacity. “Do you want me to be bad for you, daddy?” She brought her mouth to his ear while he made short work of Arthur’s masterful stitching, it should have been a sin to ruin something so beautiful but she failed to give it more than a moment’s notice once he was locked on her chest. Her head tossed back as she arched her back and practically raised from the countertop, dragging herself closer to the edge in search of the high his fingers never failed to give her. The attention to her nipples caused a curl in the pit of her stomach, leading her to clench around his fingers and release a series of moans that she couldn’t control. “Please fuck me.” A desperation that Minji spared for Phoenix, he could have drawn it out of her in a church pew if he looked at her the right way. “Please, Phoenix.” His name locked in a gasp and a moan all at once, the familiar warmth of his palm on her throat was paired with her hand circling his wrist, while the other sought out the button to his trousers. Her fingers trembled, this was the moment that she failed before, where she’d been rejected and she couldn’t help to hesitate.
“My pretty Minji rejected for a glass of water. Shame.” Phoenix adjusted his attire while his attention was glued to the mirror, making sure he was at the top of his game tonight for various reasons. However, a devilish thought crossed his mind as the woman he used to get off sat filled with sheer embarrassment. This idea was a special one, but it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of her in this state–He chuckled to himself when moments ago he had snapped the neck of a mourning mother. Phoenix had no morals. “You look stunning tonight, baby girl.” It was like clockwork between them, always starting sweet before destroying her completely. His words echoed in the large interior, walking over to the single porcelain tub, and turning the handle for the water to begin filling. “How could a man leave you?” Phoenix gradually shifted on his heel to sway back toward her, cold hands lifting the hem of her skirt until her thighs were exposed; Why wait for her to ask questions? It took him half a second to rip her undergarments, hand forcefully spreading her legs to grant him access without permission. “You’re such a good girl tonight. Behaving so well.” These words were a distraction to his fingers sliding between her folds, slowly slipping two fingers inside of her while his free hands ripped the expensive fabric to expose her chest. Phoenix attached his mouth to one breast, tongue darting over her nipple before his teeth began to tug at the bud. His fingers dug inside of her, pumping his wrist until he heard those bedraggled noises coming from between her legs–his hand used to rip the fabric wrapped around her neck, squeezing tightly enough for only sweet moans to escape. It was too late to refuse him when he made up his mind on how he’d planned to torture her tonight. Phoenix snapped his fingers inside of her, mouth moving from one breast to another but not before leaving marks of his presence. “My ravishing, undesirable girl.”
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Minji wanted to flee, she was itching for it and yet she was anchored to the bathroom that Theo had ushered her inside. Embarrassment and shock kept her from floundering to find an exit as if the whole ball would smell rejection off of her the moment she stepped outside. There were drinks on the countertop, some partially sipped while others were fully drained, and she toyed with their stems. The high of the drinks had got her into this situation, it could certainly help get her out. She should have been apprehensive, she should have known better but she lacked the care she usually observed and knocked back the fullest glass. If it was spiked, Minji couldn't tell nor did she care, sliding to sit on the countertop and wait. Eyes closed, she tipped her head back and rested on the cool tiles and once the door opened, she remained as she was. It wasn’t until the person acknowledged her, the voice of a man that she would have followed into the deepest depths of the underworld if so much as looked her way. “You ask that as if I'm abandoned often.” Minji’s eyes opened and her chest tightened, almost laughable that despite it all, her heart still was drawn to Phoenix like a moth to a flame. If anyone was to blame for her abandonment it was him, but this wasn’t the time to dwell on it. “Apparently, I'm too drunk to fuck.” Her laughter was hollow as she made her own conclusions on Theo's reasoning. Her drunken state was not a viable excuse to her, how many men had taken full advantage of her with alcohol in her system and he couldn't give in to her? “I touched his dick and poof…” She waved her hand, her fingers sprawled as she gave a dramatic flick of her wrist. Her attempt at humour was lacking when the situation was a devastating blow to her ego, reeling from what she had asked of him, only to be cast aside. “He abandoned me for some water, or so he said, I'm here, he's not, and neither is that damn water.”
Phoenix clutched his fake pearls as the situation began to unravel around him, but not a single spirit rose from the ground and the only thing on the ground was the mother of the deceased. He wasn’t sure if she was passed out or dead, it was another problem for a different day, but the jewels were desirable enough to seize. “Princess Aera, I suggest that you go ahead.” He’d rather get rid of her before she was caught in a whirlwind of trouble which would lead back to him and he didn’t have the time to deal with Wednesday’s interrogation tactics. Phoenix held back any cruel comments about the snake that grew inches over a second, stepping back to avoid being touched by the witch next. He was glad that Khaede occupied herself with Irelia, but the situation felt strange when he heard Irelia call out Orion’s name. “The damsel in distress calls out for the husband that she hates? I was waiting for you to call out my name. Your loss, I would’ve made a great hero in this story.” Phoenix laughed nonchalantly before the snake hissed loudly, almost instantly covering the laugh with a cough. “Let’s be rational about all of this.” His hand hovered over the space, noticing the time on his watch. He wasted too much time gathering everyone, hoping for the seance to start the night off with a bang and it showed disappointment on all counts. “I’m upset.” Phoenix’s annoyance with the crisis had him wrapping his hands around the mother’s neck, exhaling sharply as he gazed into her tortured soul. “You’re a liability to all that is unfolding here.” It was with the strength of his wrist that he snapped the woman’s neck with ease, dropping her back onto the grace before wiping his fingers. “She was going to jump from Devotion’s tower. The rumors would be an issue and I’ve been dying to kill her.” He giggled at the pun, tossing a skull-engraved coin over the body as it granted her access to wander in Damned to find her daughter. The least he could do after breaking her neck for his enjoyment. “I would love to stay and see what you plan to do with the witch, but I must attend the yearly ball.” Phoenix placed his hand on Orion’s shoulder, two pats to ensure the two would see each other later. The walk back to Strife was chilly, holding his elbows as he snuck past the guards into the dance hall–it was better than he expected as women came dressed to scratch an itch and the men dove right into the task. “Orion would be pleased with the turnout.” It was appropriate for him to clean up after committing a crime, Phoenix made haste toward the nearest restroom before someone delicious pulled him away. Upon entering the bathroom, Phoenix was worried about his appearance and focused solely on how he looked in the mirror until his head turned to catch a familiar scent. “Who abandoned you this time?”
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Gold dust speckled her vision as she tossed her head back to view him at the call of her name, Theo was layered in it, it trimmed the edges of his mouth and bundled on his eyelashes. Minji couldn’t differentiate between reality and the effects of the drink, but all she knew was that she was being wholly captured by him. She wanted to hear him moan, to call her name and reach the height of ecstasy, she wanted him to do the same to her, to indulge her, to slip into passion and destroy her world. She didn’t have much time to bask in him, fingers barely getting their opportunity when she was forcibly removed. The cold crept in all at once, touching her fingertips first then prickling over every inch of exposed skin once his mouth had laid out his excuses. He’s lying. “Right.” She had slurred the word, stopping the bite that she had intended it to have. There’s something wrong with me. “I’ve offered to sleep with you when I was sober and you didn't want me then either.” Her voice was softer, recalling previous conversations that he had strayed her from, she knew she would have been content to slip away with him in sound mind. The gentle kiss had her flinching away, barely aware of the secondary kiss to her forehead, placing a hand between them but making a point not to touch him. “You think so little of me.” She avoided his eye, stepping aside as he reached for the door behind her, focusing on the light that seeped out from within. “I never said I wanted a one-night fling, that’s not what this was.” She never wanted it to be over in one heated moment, she had been falling, hurtling down the rabbit hole that led her only to him, and it hurt her to acknowledge that it was expected of her. “And I’ll understand if you don’t come back.” She regurgitated his words, anger that she couldn’t soothe, she was embarrassed and there was nowhere to hide other than the room he’d opened. She stepped inside and slammed the door with a ferocity that threatened to splinter it away from its hinges. Not even her mask escaped her fury, ripping it from her face and tossing it aside, not acknowledging where it landed beyond the click of it against the tiles. She was reeling, fumbling to grasp the edge of the basin to steady herself, her thoughts dwelling on all the wrong words of his statement, the sweetness of his actions were subdued by her own bitterness.
The talking smirred down as their bodies collided, gasping for air between heated kisses, and hands searching for something other than fabric to be satisfied. Theo indulged in the taste of her, listening to the voices in his head that she was delicious yet dangerous in this position. His actions were provoked, filled with lust that he couldn’t understand himself, watching as the room turned a shade of unexplainable red. Theo kept silent as she guided him throughout the crowd, head rolling side to side as he watched others deep in their sexual trance for their partners. It wasn’t abnormal to witness all genders drowning in each other, removing their clothing as the air became humid from the amounts of endorphins released. “Hi, handsome.” At his five, Theo caught the woman who spoke, and fair enough because she was angelic, but his body managed to answer on its own. Shaking his head in response to her call, shrugging his shoulders before eyes darted to the back of Minji’s head. The further she guided him, the darker it became, and the blaring of the music became muffled. His eyes wandered downwards, watching as she handled him with ease, and it sent an unusual sensation throughout his body. Questioning his morals again and again, Theo found himself trying to decide while the woman who made his heart soar was unwrapping him effortlessly. “Minji..” Her name sounded sweet between his lips, almost honey dripping, but he knew that this was all due to the magical brewing of Strife liquor. “Fuck.” The coldness of her hand around his length caused his head to crane back, an ungodly sensation within the halls of Strife, and his lips parted to release a moan caused by her slow and smooth motions. As much as he yearned to show her the love he had grown for her in these months, Theo heard the opposite in his mind as it begged him to rip the fabric on her body and abuse her endlessly until she was crying out his name. It was wrong for him to think of ways to torture her sexually. This was not him, it would never be him, not now. “No.” His voice was hoarse, hand reaching down to remove her from his trousers, and quickly adjusted his garment. “You’re drunk, I’m drunk. I want you sober, I want you to remember what it feels like when I make love to you. I don’t want the effects of this drink to be the sole reason for sleeping with me.” Any man would dive into sexual desires, especially with a woman like Minji, there would be no reason for any man to deny her in this influenced state of mind. Theo happened to be the only man who refused to bed a woman while he was inebriated, even with the desperation of his throbbing bottom half. “I’m going to get you some water. Don’t move from here, okay?” His words were soft, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips then one against her forehead. “I want to make love to you, but under the right circumstances. I don’t consider you a one-night fling. If you’re not here when I return then I understand,” Theo wrapped a hand around the handle of the door which led to a bathroom, warm enough to keep her freezing due to the temperature drop, and lights dimmed for those who entered to be able to see. “Stay in here, it’s warm. I’ll be back soon.”
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Moan ragged as she cocked her lips towards his ear, they were drawing attention and her common sense attempted to warn her from continuing but her sense was floundering once his mouth edged her nipple. “I’ll let it be yours.” A sweetness tinged her voice, although he had previously assured her he hadn’t intended to own her, she wanted him to claim her. “I want… hm.” His lips a distraction from the unholy statement readied on the tip of her tongue, laying her passion into his mouth until he was speaking sweetness between shuddering breaths. The drink had lightened her mind, his heartfelt confessions littered with deep affection would have had her sprinting if she hadn’t been under the influence. Her hands searched him vigilantly, smoothing over his biceps one moment and following the lines of his abdomen through his shirt the next, and without hesitation, she was running a finger inside his waistband. “Want, want, want.” She echoed him with a sigh, easing her head back so that he could no longer catch her mouth, and she sighed at the image in front of her. A purity that she never had trapped in his eyes, a genuine desire to love her and she melded her torso with his, legs weakening beneath her. “I want you to start taking.” A smile lit up her features, unravelling herself from her to take hold of his hand, pushing off of him to exit the dance floor. “Come with me, pretty boy.” Usually, she would have taken great pleasure in settling into the motions with an audience, but something seized in the pit of her stomach at the idea of sharing this first with the world. She wanted him to herself, in all his entirety, she wanted to be the only one to lay eyes on him. She clung to his hand even as they escaped the dance formations, leading him away until the crowd thinned and they were slipping into a hallway with limited spectators. Barely a light touched the walls, growing colder the further that she led him until she gave into temptation outside a door that could have led to a bathroom or dungeon for all Minji cared as she leaned back against it, using his waistband to pull him to her. “Every single thing in that head of yours right now.” She tapped his temple, a gentle motion that prevented her from resisting the temptation to rest her palm on his cheek. Her lips were on the edge of his mouth, distracting herself from her words as her mind skipped several steps ahead, and she moaned at the thought of what she wanted to do to him, or more so, what she wanted him to do to her. “Do it to me, all of it, everything, anything..” The final word was a whisper on her tongue while her palm lifted from his cheek, trailing his neck and down his torso in seconds, thumb catching on his waistband. “Fuck me - no… make love to me.” She was certain there wasn’t a difference, but he had piqued her interest; she wanted to know if sex with him would ignite something new. Fingers sprawled out on his crotch, the shape of him against her fingertips was enough to tempt her, and she never did have the patience of a virtuous woman. She hadn’t waited for the invitation to pop the button of his trousers and slip her hand beneath the fabric, his skin warm under her touch and she revelled in it as she secured his length in her hand, rubbing in a slow and smooth motion.
“A different kind of payment?” Theo remembered the time that a woman spoke the same words, it wasn’t sexual which he had hoped, but involved him carrying multiple bags of potatoes to her home in the hottest summer the lands have ever seen. This caused him to shiver, his hatred for potatoes lasted for months; However, Theo wasn’t expecting her to order him to carry millions of potatoes. If anything Theo was thinking sexually, full of shame because her payment proposal could be pure. He was lost in his thoughts until the word ‘lucky’ caught his attention with an irresistible smile. “Altruist women are all the same.” Laughter filled the air, shaking his head at her witty personality. “My dance lessons were brutal, I hated my dance teacher more than I hated my mother for enrolling me in lessons.” Theo fixed his posture, shoulders back with a tight core to keep him well-balanced as he swayed their bodies. Using a thick Russian accent to mock his dance teacher. “Head straight, shoulders back, and feet faced forward never outer. No, no, wrong, wrong.” These words engraved in his brain every lesson, mistakes were not an option for that woman whom he respected yet dreaded. His movements were slow, almost anticipating her answer to the question he asked. Theo replayed the day he kissed her almost every day, heartwarming from the softness of her lips, and the way the outline fit flawlessly against his own. It was a day to remember and remember what he did. “Min–” His words were caught off by the familiar taste of her lips, no argument, but his hands began to wander her body. Captivated by her boldness, fixated on the way her gown adhered to her body, and these dangerous thoughts caused a low groan to escape his lips. She was a threat to his sanity, losing his morals the minute her fingers darted along his lower half–what was she doing to him? She was tempting him. The second his ears heard her whine, Theo lost all sense of reality which he internally blamed the drinks of Strife. A hand groped a handful of her bottom, his mouth detached from hers only to reattach to her neck as his lips delivered disgraceful kisses along the outline of her beautiful nape. “You’re body is beautiful.” Theo meant these words, resuming his kisses until he reached the outline of her nipple. It may have been inappropriate to soak the area with his tongue, but he wanted to taste every inch of her body. His tongue motion lingered, lasting longer than anticipated before his lips sought out her lips for another passionate session. Heavy breathing between words, tongue invading the inside of her mouth. “I want to do sweet things to you. Kiss you every day for the rest of my life, hold you in my arms until you get tired of them holding you. I want to love you like you’ve never been loved.” And as much as he wanted to make love to her in this moment, Theo found himself fighting his inner monologue screaming to bend her over in front of a crowd. Letting his mind clear before he pulled himself away from her lips, eyes stayed closed with parted lips as he spoke. “I desperately want you, but I desperately want to take you on cliche dates and show you that I want you for you.”
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“I could give you a discount or I might ask for a different kind of payment.” Laughter often felt foreign from her lips, but in that moment, it rolled out so naturally that Minji was barely aware that she had lit up with the sound. “So it’s all in the smile?” An edge to her tone, eyebrows raising despite the inner turmoil that she had been the one to prompt the conversation - she had mentioned falling for him, in fact falling in love with him. She was fixated on the word for a beat much too long especially once he smiled at her. She had only ever loved one person and Phoenix had caused a deep bitterness in her until love became associated with fear. With Theo, there was nothing but a sweetness that filled every fibre and her skin itched with the desire to plunge herself into him. You can’t love him. A thought that attempted to push through the haze that clouded her from the moment the drink touched her lips and it failed to make a dent in rose-coloured dreamings. His smile was charming, so charming that her defences were sinking even without the help of magical beverages; that only made what words poured from her lips sweeter. “The women of Altruist are lucky.” Her right hand came to rest on his cheek in the same breath that he had swept her off of her feet, an action that was so fluid that she may well have been a wisp of air in his hands, and rather than smooth over his skin, her hands slipped to knot at his nape. “Are you sure that it’s not the dancing?” Words wrapped in breathless laughter, she leaned forward to press her chest to his on the return to the floor. She struggled to match the rhythm that he, and those that surrounded them, fell into with ease; steps that they had learned from the moment they could walk while she marched her feet where he guided her. Only it didn’t matter what her feet were doing while her focus was locked on his face and wishing desperately that she could swipe the mask that partially obscured his features. She was moments away from reaching to do so when his question froze her, his mouth close enough that breath fanned across her face; surprised that he felt the need to even ask to kiss her. No one had ever asked her permission. “You may.” She'd answered but she didn't have the patience to wait, catching his lips in a kiss that deepened her emotions and she was suddenly pulling on him. Arm hooked around his shoulder with fingers losing themselves in his hair and toying with the ribbon that secured the mask. She wanted him, desperately and wholeheartedly, and at the rate her heart pounded, her brain no longer held the reigns to deal with the desire. Minji moved with instinct, her opposing hand sliding underneath his jacket, a slow trace over his hips then his waist, and inching along his back. Not once did her mouth lose its focus, the taste of him seeping over her tongue once her lips parted and she whined, a light sound of joy prickled with the knowledge that she would eventually need to rise for air.
“I wish I could tell you.” Theo gingerly took a sip of his drink, clear liquid shifting into a smooth ruby as he twirled it in his fingers, and the taste of freshly picked grapes with a pinch of cherry. He had no interest in the way the drinks were made until his mouth was decorated with a sizzling sensation. “My mother always begged for me to attend the Strife yearly ball, but I preferred the comfort of my workshop because I hated the idea of mingling with others. Last year, I remember attending before Thornes was appointed as the next heir to the throne. His father, the King, had planned a huge celebration with thousands invited.” Another sip as Theo attempted to piece together the ball in his mind. “The drinks were crafted by fairies which seemed surreal until you took a sip. I would assume Strife’s only spealicity was combat, war, and murder but their mixology knowledge is mythical.” He heard of these balls since a child, and even his parents had attended them until it was time for a new generation to emerge. His eyes fixated on the crimson shiny silk that hung around a dark bulbed chandelier, casting enough light for the guests to move around without running into one another. Theo found himself lost between a shimmer of lights, falling glitter for what seemed like an eternity until he heard her voice. Sarcasm filled his tone, eyes following the voice that spoke as he lifted the corner of his lips. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to afford you, you would be too expensive to be a paid escort.” Now distracted by a woman who looked as if she was bathed in the finest glitter, hand following her every move as he tightened the grip around her waist. “Dancing is one of my many talents, but the women from Altruist fall for my smile.” He managed to pull her a couple of inches closer, bodies merged as his fingers tapped alongside her curves with a winning smile. He wasted no time as he began to twirl her toward the far left center of the room, every step replacing her own as he guided them effortlessly around the room. Theo never took his gaze off her as he looped an arm around her waist, gently lifting her body off the ground without warning before carefully dipping her, and leisurely raising her back to their original position. Each lesson was imprinted in his mind at a young age, hand positioning always came first while the rest of the dance was muscle memory. Theo held her tightly between song changes, steading his breath to the rhythm each time until the tune faded into a slower pace. His breath was coarse while he spoke along her lips, taking small steps around numerous other couples who found the dancefloor, and the situation was too flawless for him not to ask the question that had been on his mind the minute he saw her. “May I have the honor of kissing you?”
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The gentle nature of the greeting was enough to stall her, body seizing at the press of a kiss and allowing him to draw her in without a fight. “I know.” Minji required no reminders of her beauty, not on an ordinary day and more importantly, tonight. She didn’t hesitate to take a second, and third, glance at herself in the mirror even in the rush to leave Devotion on time. Her lips formed into a pout at the realisation that the sharper nature of her personality needed to be dulled; requiring the aura of a humble princess rather than a stray. “You clean up well.” She raised a hand to tug at his lapel, crisp and fresh in comparison to the attire she had left him in, and slowly edged her hand upwards to stroke the underside of his chin. “I did think the grime was hot though.” Her voice taunting, despite the truth in her words, he would have been handsome regardless of whether he was pristine or covered in a layer of dirt. She nodded at the request for a dance, her lips had parted without a sound, and the lack of certainty of dancing made it difficult to agree with joy. Regardless she clutched his hand, heavily dependent on him the moment that they were plunged into a world that she didn’t dwell in; she lived outside the realm of exquisite balls and their exclusivity. “And what do these drinks do?” Servers moved rhythmically through the crowd, trays filled with coupe glasses swung around at chest height for the pickings of passersby. The drinks were variants of ultramarine and periwinkle with foam tops that glistened in the light and with a further inspection, as the tray swung inches from her face, were sprinkled with a glittering dust. Her question aired in the same moment that his smooth movements drew him to clasp her cheeks and he startled her into silence. She grasped a hold of his wrist and tugged his hand free of her face, but she made no move to remove the other pressed to her cheek, or even to release her hold on his wrist, choosing to anchor his hand down between them. “You don’t need to thank me, I’m not your paid escort.” She waved her free hand in an attempt of nonchalance, in the same movement, she seized a drink from a passing tray. Whether she trusted Strife’s drinks of choice or not, it was a temporary reprieve from dwelling on the battering her heart did to her rib cage. The chosen drink was lighter in shade from the others, and with any luck meant that its effects would be lesser, warmth flooded her mouth with the twinge of smooth honey and sweet lychee subduing the burn. The warmth began to eb into her chest instantaneously as she placed the glass to the tray haphazardly and her gaze returned to Theo. He was tinged in vibrant colours, the rest of the room left in shades of grey, and no matter how much she blinked or shook her head, he was alight. “You said you wanted to dance.” She kicked into motion, realisation that she no longer wanted her heart to rest and all too willing to force it to its limits, her mind reeling from the desire to sink into him. The hand that held his downward guided him to her waist, and freed the space between them, allowing her to fill it with a step forward. “Teach me, pretty boy. Show me what makes all the Altruist women fall in love with you.”
Theo was mesmerized by this woman since the beginning, convinced that she was a woman from his past life whom he loved with all his will. Explaining this to his mother would make him sound mad, she’d scold him speaking about how love, at first sight, is childsplay. If it wasn’t love at first sight then what else could it be? His heartbeat raced, nerves itched, and the expression on his face was pure. Is that not what love truly was? Theo had his fair share of ladies throughout his life, none of them amounting to the woman he held in his arms. She was light in his eyes, he was a moth drawn to her every second that she allowed him. His eyes followed her every move, waiting for the moment until she was right in front of him to delicately place a kiss on the side of her temple. “You look ravishing.” Theo lowered his tone along with his vision, placing one set of digits around her wrist while the other wrapped around her waist to pull her in closer. The mask was meant to hide the identities of those attending the ball, but it failed to hide the sparkle in his eyes whenever he met her own. It fantasized him how she was able to twist every particle inside of him, slightly terrified him how he shackled himself to her without a second thought. He sealed his fate even if she threw him away in the end. “If you don’t mind me asking,” His voice changed in a melodious way, a smile forming as he decoded his question before continuing. “Would you allow me the first dance?” The rumors would spread like wildfire of his companion at Strife, Theo felt the need to bask in the moment before his mother would ask billions of questions the next morning. He leaned in to whisper sweetness into her ear, gingerly taking her hand before guiding her through the crowds of people. “Strife is known for this ball, anything and everything takes place in these halls. Drinks are sprinkled with a unique powder that Strife conjures up and every year the theme is different.” Theo adjusted his body language as he walked through the doors, the amount of people already mingling had to be a new record for Strife. “Thank you.” The words were barely audible, Theo turned to face her with quick movements his hands raised to cup her cheeks. “Thank you for being my beautiful date tonight, Minji.”
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Arthur had weaved magic; that was a fact that Minji had decided on when she arrived to plead for his help at the final hour. Magic that flowed elegantly from the carriage that Haneul had thoughtfully spared for her, black lace fluttering down the steps and gathered at her feet as she took in the dark magnificence of Strife for the first time. If there hadn’t been a hurry to usher in the guests who scowled at her pause into the palace, Minji might have sunk to her knees to admire a building that reminded her of the gothic nature of the Damned. Her fingers tightened on the sides of her dress to stop those coming behind from trampling holes in the lace, where her legs were exposed with all but a slim skirt from behind it was reminiscent of a gown that princesses often preferred. Once forced into the movement of the crowd Minji’s mind shifted back to the male she was to meet and the rise of fluttering in the pit of her stomach had her doubting her choices. She had the potential to disappear, if she wanted to place an impassable wall between her and Theo it would have been the perfect opportunity, to leave him standing alone at a ball would allow her to run from the emotions that rose at the single thought of him. Even with those thoughts, Minji’s feet carried forward to where the people thinned, her fingers releasing their death grip and allowing her dress to flow freely behind her. Her fingers twisted on blue curls with the flitterings of conversation and the heads that turned in her direction while she passed, her focus remained set on finding Theo. It wasn’t until a multitude of eyes locked on her at once that hers had been drawn to the man in the midst of them. She couldn’t deny it was him, she knew in an instant that it was Theo and her movement stilled. A warmth blossomed from her chest rose to her cheeks and pinched the tops of her ears. He made her nervous and it made him dangerous. When she finally caught wind under her feet, the world around him stilled while he was going to the reason her world was sent into a flurry. She came to a halt only a single stride away to begin circling him, allowing her gaze to catch every inch of him in the twinkling light. She raised her hand to his chest to loop around him a second time, trailing her fingers until they were back where they started. “Twenty minutes, this is what you wanted, right?” Her fingers edged up the column of his neck, fingertips brushing the underside of his chin, and a smile pulling at the edges of her mouth.
The arrival at Strife was hectic due to every royal wanting special treatment, and stronger beverages, and for those who arrived with no date, this was the perfect time to scout the room for a potential steal. People from all lands attended this grand ball, it felt surreal how once a year the houses would set aside the tension to enjoy the magic that Strife had to offer. Theo stepped out of his carriage, adjusting his suit before the fabric wrinkled as he greeted those around him with a smile. “I figured you’d skip out on this ball, Kin.” His fingers patted the shoulder of a man, a friend who helped him through plenty of dark times. “I couldn’t miss you getting cleaned up, Monarch.” Theo retreated his arm as he held on to his heart, the shot gradually bringing him to his knees before he raised in laughter. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” As the two filled the air with laughter, Theo counted the time until she would arrive as promised and every waiting second made him nervous. “I’ll catch you guys inside.” Speaking was difficult as time suddenly moved at the speed of light, every minute had him readjusting his cufflinks then his hair. It had him questioning why everything had to be flawless for her, Theo realized that she saw him at his worst without showering for days which was another reason to clean up. “Breathe, you will be okay.” During his calming stage, Theo had been interrupted by another close companion letting the man distract from dangerous insecure thoughts. “Holy shit.” Theo raised his eyebrows, afraid that he wasn’t on the same track as the man before following his eyes to the woman he had been waiting for this entire time. “Holy shit,” His heart skipped a beat, ran away from him the minute his eyes focused, and every fiber in his being had shut down for a minute. Theo didn’t know the scale of his feelings for her until that moment, in that exact moment he knew this woman would cause him to emotionally breakdown. The feeling of his heart pumping blood throughout his body, warmth coursing through his veins–she was far too beautiful to be real. Everyone around them vanished, tunnel vision for a woman he wanted to risk everything for even if that meant his life. “I’m going to marry her.” Theo declared confidently, aloud for those around to hear that this woman was his date for tonight and the rest of his life.
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“I’m not a trophy?” Minji’s brows furrowed in an instant, his words taking on a hint of insult once she had processed them. Her worth had been calculated by her ownership all her life, Hades’ approval of her as the orphan that came into his possession to the moment that she had grasped Phoenix’s attention; to be told otherwise felt like a piece of her was being ripped from the seam. “So you want me to be like a pretty whore that men want to look at but never touch.” His words had confused her yet the moment that her mouth opened in further protest, his lips were on hers and the desire to fight him fluttered away. A hand rose into his hair, grasping at the strands as she rose onto the balls of her feet naturally. Mouth parting without question and gliding her tongue across his lips, she wanted him - all of him, and as she let all her defences fall with the movement of their mouth, she finally understood his words. He was giving her the option and that’s what brought a rise in the uncomfortable flutter in the pit of her stomach. The feeling of butterflies was foreign, Minji had believed herself incapable of a reaction, that the shadows that lurked in her mind had swept down and suffocated the innocence. She knew she could never be his, but what harm would there be in pretending for a few hours? The second that his lips were no longer prioritising hers, a whine rose from pouted lips even while his mouth was littering the rest of her face with attention. She wanted the heat, to find herself trapped in lustful thoughts and allow him to unravel her, yet he had surprised her again by choosing abstinence. “I’ve never had a man so willing to cockblock himself.” Her hands unwound from his neck and halted on his chest for the leverage to push off from him, creating a distance that chilled her skin and left her with a light head. Minji took a stride backwards, the chill of the hallway knocking her out of the clouds and back onto solid ground. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” An edge of a smile rose as she reached the threshold and she slowly rose her leg to straddle the wooden doorframe, fingers grazing along her bare thigh as her skirt edged upwards. “Don’t take too long to find my dangerous body.” Her laughter rose as she spun away, lacking the time to tease him further because she knew it would take a miracle to be ready on time, and to her surprise, she found herself running the moment that she was out of his sight.
Theo used every minute to capture this moment, refusing to forget the way she covered him in kisses or the way she spoke to him with sweetness rather than sourness. "You're not a trophy." He wanted to express his words correctly, giving her the wrong idea would paint him like any other man. His rough hands caressed her skin, taking his time to memorize all of her indentations before finding the courage to speak. "I don't want them jealous that I have you. I want them to admire you as a woman, I want them to double-check the minute that you walk by--it's something I can't explain." How could he explain to her that she wasn't a parade float? Theo cleared his throat once more, a second attempt to address the claim. "I like the idea of you teasing a man, but never giving them a reason to approach you. You don't have to be with me to do that. However, if you weren't then I would be one of the many men under the spell of you." Theo lowered his gaze, eyes examining her features with a soft smile. He didn't want to claim her, but he did want her to be his with consent. The drop-down to her lips was too natural, capturing her lips in a heated kiss as his hands dug into her waist. "I don't want to own you." He said between kisses, tongue skimming over her top lip as he reattached his lips with passion instead of lust. "You're not an object that I can claim." His body melted against her, kisses lingering without a chance to catch his breath until his self-control kicked in. "I want you to be my girl. My strong, beautiful girl." His lips painted the area along her cheeks, reaching the top of her head as he placed a soft kiss. As much as he wanted to continue their conversation, Theo knew time was precious and he needed as much as he could get to find the perfect tux for her. "You need to go and get ready. I'll see you soon, okay?"
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Laughter flowed freely at his bewilderment, for a man with so much charm and wit, she would have suspected that his ability to understand women would have made him more aware of the female mind. “A colour is very important to a lady, they must be distinct from another woman.” Minji raised a hand to her chest, a faux accent that mirrored the tone she’d encountered several times from Haneul’s mother. “In my eyes, both of them lost, it was a pathetic fight, not even a drop of blood, but it was the smaller one that secured the dress. I believe she’s Lady Wyn and all for the chance to wear midnight blue.” She couldn't help but let her mind sink to the depths with the way his hands were capable of encompassing her entire waist, forcing back a moan as he pulled her closer and the sound passed her lips as a light gasp instead. She missed the warmth of his hands once he released her but she happily settled taut against his frame, one hand resting on his shoulders while the other caught him by the nape. “I may have something that’ll make you lose your mind.” All her outfits were wildly inappropriate for a ball hosted in another house, but an idea had sprung that Strife may be more forgiving on the items that she had stored away since she set foot in Devotion. “Yours?” Minji’s eyebrows raised, her eyes pulled away from the lack of space between them and she searched his face instead. Belonging to someone was dangerous territory, especially when the only other person who laid claim to her was a man who loved to wrap his fingers around her neck. Yet, Theo didn’t reach for her throat, he didn’t raise his hand or even his voice, there was nothing sinister in his claim. “Do you want to parade me around while every man is breaking their neck to watch me? To see how jealous they all are that I belong to you?” She lowered her voice as his shirt became her focus again, popping open two buttons and bringing her mouth to the skin she'd revealed. A tang rose on her tongue that was undoubtedly caused by his work, it could have been remnants of weaponry or sweat but she didn't care, it was a taste that she'd easily become addicted to. She placed an array of kisses while easing downwards until she was halted by fabric and she tilted her head upwards, setting her chin on his chest. “Do you really want to own me?” An innocent twang to her question, a smile crossing her features as she raised on her tiptoes to graze her lips against his and whisper. "Claim me."
Theo recognized these feelings of abandonment, always wondering when a person would leave without a word. It was something he wanted to reassure except he didn’t want to provide false hope. “The only promise that I can make without breaking the rules of Altruist is informing you in person before assisting in any duties.” He was well informed about the negations that had to be done especially for a woman who has no royal name. It was the least he could do after what he did to her, disappearing for months without any contact, and it would ensure her safety despite him being away when called. “You have to be joking?” The subject change had him bewildered by her description of women brawling over hues for gowns. “Why couldn’t they have the same color? We don’t own any colors. Who won? What was the color?” Surely the color had to be something spectacular for such an outbreak to occur, but Theo was more interested in who won the battle of the colors. Now, his attention was directed toward her fingers dancing around his chest as his lips slowly formed a cheek smile. “You’re cute when you’re confused.” His hands dropped entirely to her sides, fingers flexing to obtain full coverage around her waist while he spoke low. “Your face might be covered,” Theo caressed her figure, smoothing out the fabric along his waist before snagging her closer to his frame. His head slightly leaned towards her ear, cheek pressed against her waiting until a few moments. “I can your curves from miles away. The way you walk is dangerous, it drives me insane which is why I think I’d love to see you wear something more adult-paid entertainment.” It was a split-second decision, Theo hooked his arms around her frame and effortlessly held her against his body. Leaning back far enough to glance over her features with sharp exhales, he couldn’t wait to see her in any attire. The glances he knew were inevitable when it came to a woman like her made him want to encourage her, everyone deserved a glimpse of the woman he found tremendous. “I like it when other men look at what’s mine, you’re mine for tonight because I know you missed me too.”
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Minji had gone through this before, another’s duty would always leave her alone, and while he hadn’t been intending to leave her to marry another woman, it still weaved fear into her. “I might not forgive you if you disappear.” She could afford honesty, she was not a woman who was often forgiving, and even with a viable excuse her mind would warp it into something sinister. “I won’t have a man abandon me again.” Too honest. She instinctively pushed back, although she remained in touching distance. “I don’t do well with people disappearing, even if it’s some fucked up duty to family or a throne.” She was on feeble ground, aware that if Hades snapped his fingers she would be expected to run her feet into the ground to reach him. His hold on her cheeks soothed her, an action so sweet that it drew her back into his warmth like a moth to a flame, barely conscious of what she was doing until she was flush against him. “Women have been preparing for this ball for months, Theo, not a few hours. I’ve seen girls arguing about colours, full-blown physical fights, I’ve never seen people so passionate for blue.” She couldn’t believe his clueless nature, both that and the memory of the blows between two females outside the modiste’s shop had elicited laughter. “They’ll both be powdering their bruises as we speak.” The kiss on her temple had caused her shoulders to seize, her eyes mirroring a deer in headlights, it was a simple action yet its gentle nature put her mind and her heart into overdrive. She had come here hopeful that she would instil fear in him and bury the part of her that couldn’t let the memory of him go, she hadn’t factored in the potential that she would fall harder. “Who said that I even agreed to go?” She tilted her head, the hint of a smile giving away what she didn’t want to admit; that he had won her over. Her hands found a home on his chest, his words registering and she hummed along to the request, although her focus was divided with the slide of her finger between the buttons of his shirt. “Twenty minutes, got it, but I’ve got one question.” She flicked her gaze upwards when the realisation of what she’d agreed to registered, away from where her finger was now brushing soft skin and toying with the idea of popping the button entirely. “Isn’t it supposed to be a masked ball, how will you know it’s me? Plus, I don’t even have a dress to describe to you.” She thought back to the stack of dresses that Snow had laid out, all the options that could have been hers but her irritation with him had forced her to reject tailoring. “Do you think Strife will allow me to wear something less ballroom, more paid adult entertainment?”
"You're right." One thing his mother always taught him was to agree with a woman even if she sounded ma, and never disagree with her unless he wanted to start a war. "I can't promise that I won't disappear again, it's not something that I can control because my family is one of the greatest blacksmiths." Theo was reminded daily of the grand works of his grandfather, who crafted swords for the gods above even Ares himself. It was simply to bring more light to Altruist thus giving power to the house, no other blacksmith could ever compare. "It sounds nonsensical to explain to you that I'm a very important part of this house, there are strict orders to follow when another kingdom demands a weapon. It doesn't mean that you're not important to me, but it does mean that I will be pulled away from you without giving you a chance to explain." His thumbs brushed the insides of her wrists, releasing his hold on her to carefully caress her cheeks in his palms. The beauty she held was remarkable, after months of not seeing her, Theo appreciated this moment more than he could ever express to her. "The ball doesn't start until midnight which leads into Hallow-Eves. You're telling me right now, that women from all the houses are getting ready hours in advance?" He was merely a man without any common sense when it came to women preparing themselves for a ball. All he really cared about was attending the ball with her, Theo hummed under his breath as she spoke of threats, and with a smile, he responded. "Promise me that you'll throw my body into the Seven Seas? I really hate thinking about my body becoming fertilizer in the future." Her answer left him questioning whether it was a positive answer, leaning in without warning to place the gentlest kiss against her temple. "Go to the ball with me, but I require one condition and it may sound odd. I would like you to arrive about 20 minutes after me," Theo was slightly embarrassed asking for this request, but his reasoning was guileless. He wanted to experience seeing her for the first time in a gown, turning around to watch her walk towards him was a childish idea yet he needed to relish in the moment. "Don't question me, I need this for myself, and I'll tell you why when we meet at the doors."
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Minji didn’t deserve it, any of it, no sweet words or gestures - she didn’t deserve to think of a life that was littered with happiness and love. Her world was much too twisted for his kindness. “Because if I feel more than this, I’m scared of what that will do to me, of what I’d do to you.” She settled on honesty, that hating him would allow her to retain her current misery because the idea of caring deeply came with too many what if’s. “You can’t promise those things, not when you’ve already proved that you can disappear.” There was an acceptance in her that it hadn’t been his fault, but it meant that blood was thicker to him, he would do what was asked of him by his family and she would fall by the wayside. “Don’t do that.” She dropped her gaze to his chest, avoiding the smile that would be capable of destroying her entire world. “Don’t smile at me.” A pained request as her fingers formed into fists even as he grasped her wrists, but it wasn’t an action of anger, it was frustration that no matter how much she wanted to fight him he was doing an incredible job at redirecting her. He charmed her into silence, chipping away at the walls she’d thrown up until she was still for the first time since she’d entered the workshop. “What?” The question ignited static, a screeching that lit up in her ears as her gaze snapped to hold his. “You’re unbelievable.” Panic made the words breathless and she tugged her arms free, although she didn’t step away. Months ago she had allowed herself to be excited by the idea of attending a ball, to finally be like every other girl that got the opportunity to dance with someone she truly liked, yet the months of waiting had made her bitter. “I’m so pissed off.” Her voice trembled, breaking as it rose, although without the sting that she wanted it to have. “You piss me off so much.” Hollow words, those that concealed her desire to cry in frustration. “I told you to make me hate you, but instead you make it harder, and you told me that you haven’t been allowed to leave this place and you still ask me to go with you, to a ball that’s so close that every woman with an invitation is already setting her hair.” She snapped the invitation from the desk, a scatter of rose petals cascading to her feet, the remnants of a gesture that would have made her feel on top of the world. “If I say yes and you disappear again, I promise I will run that sword through your heart."
"Why would a man ever toss away someone so strikingly breathtaking? I never understood this immoral concept." Theo refused to comprehend how a woman as strong as her would let a man dim her light. It angered him thinking about the hurt that she had to endure every day and he fought the urge to cradle her in his arms the minute her voice carried around his workshop. "Why?" Another question, Theo needed to know if he could gradually piece her back together. Show her that not every man is cruel, and not every man wants sex. "Will it make you feel better to hear those words? If they make you feel better then I will speak them. However, if those words make you cry alone at night then I will only speak these ones." He deserved every landing blow, fighting her would only cause an escalation between them. Every hit shattered his heart into millions of pieces, only to be put back together prepping for the next drum roll against his chest. "You never have to worry when you're with me. My voice will never be raised, lies will never be told, hands will never hurt you, and I will never leave the bedroom until we both have had breakfast in bed." If there was one category that Theo scored in flawlessly. It would be romance, waiting years to find a woman he could spoil, and she happened to walk into his life so effortlessly. This woman was one for the books. Comparing her to others would be useless because she was more than he could ever imagine. "What I'm hearing is that you thought of me for months?" It didn't matter the situation, Theo found a way to chuckle under his breath and the sensation of knowing Minji thought of him was unforgettable. Theo slowly, cautiously raised his hands just above her wrists without harming an inch as he wrapped his fingers around those beautiful wrists. "I can take everything you throw at me, Minji. You want to hit me? Go ahead. Scream at me? Be my guest. Although, I hate to ask this in a heated moment but.." He paused leaning back to catch a better glimpse of her features, a cheek smile appearing instantly. "Will you do me the honor of being my date to the ball?"
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