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The Moderator and Monster are One in the Same
AN: I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope y'all enjoy! Thanks to the lovely anon who prompted this, I hope I did your idea justice! Not nearly enough castlevania love, & I hope to write more in the future! I'm obsessed with the thought of Trevor & Alucard being turned into a blushing, giggly mess. I just need these men to be wrecked carnally. But without further ado, please enjoy Sypha playfully hunting down her boyfriends to bully them!
Sypha had only been gone for a few minutes, maybe an hour tops. When she had left, things were fine! They were all getting along well enough, and she had even caught a glimpse of Trevor's rare smile when Alucard made a crude joke. So sue her if she thought they could be left alone together.
Because apparently they can't.
"Hey guys I'm back- whoa. What happened to you two?" she asked, gesturing back and forth between them. Her chipper tone immediately dropped into something more serious when she saw the way both men sat on opposite sides of the room, glaring daggers at each other.
"Why don't you ask him," Alucard spat, disdain dripping from his voice. Trevor prickled at his words, entire body tensing up.
"Me? You're the one who started it!" he snapped back, pointing at him accusingly.
"Well excuse me for getting defensive after you showed off your vampire trophies," he said, calm as ever, though Sypha could sense the rage boiling beneath his skin.
"I wasn't fucking showing off! I was digging through some old junk, I didn't know what all was in there," Trevor growled.
"Oh so a necklace of fangs is just some old junk to you? A mere trinket to gift children as a birthday gift-"
"Shut up! And for your information, we never saw this kind of stuff as kids! ...Not until we got older," Trevor added quietly, adverting his gaze.
"Right, that's when you'd come of age as real monster hunters. Bet you already had a mount picked out for the first vamp you'd murder."
Sypha was so shocked at the rate the fight had escalated, just from her simple question. She tried to interject, but each time she opened her mouth, she was cut off.
"Well that's a hell of an accusation!"
Alucard scoffed. "I don't hear you denying it."
Trevor blinked, caught off guard by his words. "You really think I'd do that?" Only Sypha caught the tinge of hurt laced in his words.
"Oh I don't know, the Belmonts seem more like a cult to me at this point. Brainwashing a child to do their bidding doesn't seem all that far fetched."
Trevor's hands balled into a fist. "Well fuck you too!" he yelled, taking a few steps closer to Alucard. "I never wanted any of this! You think I liked having that responsibility hanging over my head all my life?"
Alucard smirked. "Very much so, yes."
"Guys, cut it out!" Sypha managed to cut in, but was immediately talked over.
"You know nothing about me, or my family," Trevor said through gritted teeth.
"Oh I know quite a lot, actually. Based on how you fight, I'm honestly a little surprised they managed to kill any vampires. Even if they were twice as skilled as you, it's no wonder they were wiped out."
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Sypha yelled over the heated argument, effectively shutting them up. "Seriously you guys, what the hell has gotten into you? I mean, you were fine when I left! Can we not have just one fucking day where you don't try and kill each other?" she scolded.
"Like I said, he started it," Trevor mumbled.
"That doesn't even matter at his point! You two were finally getting along, then I leave and you get into some stupid argument! You guys are honestly insufferable sometimes," she huffed, fingers running through her short hair. "I mean, would it kill you to be just a little bit nicer?"
"Oh absolutely."
"Oh no, none of that! What you said to each other was really fucked up, so I can only imagine what was said when I was gone." They both looked rather guilty, which told her all she needed to know. She crossed her arms, an unamused look firmly in place. "You're both gonna apologize," she demanded, to which they immediately protested. Sypha shushed them just as quickly.
"I mean it," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. They each mumbled a halfhearted apology, which was good enough for her.
"There, now was that so hard?" she asked, tone lighter. "Come on, I need help carrying a few things," she said, walking back out to their wagon where she'd bought a few supplies and food from the nearby market.
It seemed that even the small task of carrying in groceries turned into a pissing contest between the two where they tried to outdo the other by carrying the most bags in one go. As much as it annoyed her, she had to admit it was pretty funny to watch.
She expected things to simmer back down to normal after her return, but things still felt incredibly tense. The awkward silence stretched on for far to long and was only broken when she spoke up. They were in the kitchen preparing a stew for dinner, and the usual witty and playful banter between the three of them was nowhere to be found. Trevor and Alucard only addressed her specifically, intentionally going out of their way to ignore the other.
As she slid the last of the chopped vegetables into the pot, she came to a realization.
"Are you guys seriously giving each other the silent treatment? I mean, how old are you?"
"My mother taught me if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all," Alucard quipped.
"Oh that's rich coming from you," Trevor snarked back.
"Can you just stop bickering? The fate of the world is at stake and you two are fighting like an old married couple."
"Objection, that would imply that I actually like that pompous dick," Trevor teased. He hummed, looking him up and down. "Though now that you said it, he does look a bit like a house wife," he teased.
Alucard rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, and you look like a filthy slob of a husband," he shot back, falling back into their usual bickering instead of the mean spirited fight form a few hours ago.
Once the stew was ready and they filled their stomachs with warm hearty food, things had calmed down. Though Sypha could still sense Trevor's excessive moodiness and Alucard's quiet brooding. She breathed out a long sigh, grabbing their attention.
"What is it?" Trevor asked, arching a brow.
"I can't take this anymore! You two are supposed to have made up by now but you're still acting like pouting children!" she exclaimed, catching them off guard.
"I'm not pouting."
"Indeed, neither am I."
"Yes you are. But you have got to put aside your differences and contempt for each other if our plan is gonna work. So, I suggest some, team bonding, I guess you could call it."
Alucard let out an annoyed huff as Trevor leaned back in his chair with a loud groan.
"Not this shit again Sypha. Your icebreaker questions are dull and pointless, that we can agree on," he spoke up and Alucard nodded and hummed in agreement.
"No, this is a different kind of bonding. You see, if you spend all day acting like disgruntled children, I see no reason not to treat you as such," she spoke matter of factly and began pacing the floor in front of them. Trevor perked up in his chair, giving her a quizzical look.
"Eh? The hell's that supposed to mean?"
"You two are going to play a game where you're on the same team."
They both scoffed, but she continued. "Whether you like it or not, you're gonna have to start looking out for one another. Clearly you guys need some practice, so I thought I'd give you some incentive."
"What kind of incentive?" Trevor asked.
"Well, we'll be facing all kinds of monsters, so it's only fitting for you to help each other outrun one," she explained.
It was Alucard's turn to sigh. "What kind of monster got inside this time?" he questioned. It wouldn't be the first time a small demon managed to slip in through a broken window or cracked door.
"Oh no, there's no real monster," she was quick to assure.
"Then what "monster" will we be facing?" Trevor asked using air quotes. He took a sip of water, a bored expression on his face.
"Me! I-I mean, the most fearsome beast in all the land," she said, pitching her voice down an octave to try and appear intimidating. Trevor and Alucard locked eyes, a look confusion and amusement shared between them. "A common enemy to both of you I presume," she continued with the theatrics.
"Just get on with it," Trevor insisted.
"I am, sheesh! Keep that up and you'll really be in for it," she teased with a smirk. "Anyways, the rules are simple. You just have to stay out of the clutches of the ruthless tickle monster!" she growled, holding her hands up, fingers curled into claws and wiggling menacingly. Trevor stiffened while Alucard stifled a laugh.
"And that would be you?" he asked skeptically, fangs peaking out behind his smirk.
"Duh. Isn't it obvious?"
"I'm sorry, but you can't expect us to take this seriously," Trevor said, shifting in his seat. She flashed a smile and leaned in across the table he was seated at.
"Oh I'm hoping you don't. It's much more fun when you're already giggling in anticipation," she purred, relishing in the blush that spread beneath his stubble. "All you have to do is avoid getting captured. Should be easy," she said nonchalantly. She prided herself in being able to goad them into doing exactly what she wants.
"But remember! This is about teamwork, so you have to help each other!"
"Yeah, no. We're grown men, we're not playing along with your... silly little games. Right Alucard?" he asked, looking to his right for backup. But he was nowhere to be seen. "Alucard?"
Alucard was already running down the hall.
"Fucking coward," he mumbled, pushing his chair away from the table and stumbling to his feet, racing after him. "Wait for me you prick! We're supposed to stick together!"
Sypha cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted after them, "I'll give you a 15 second head start!" She let out an evil chuckle as she watched them round the corner. "This is gonna be fun." She counted aloud for them to hear before she began stalking slowly down the halls.
Trevor raced down the hall to catch up with Alucard. "Way to leave me behind back there!"
Alucard looked at him out of the corner of his eye and smirked. "Not my fault you wanted to stick around and chat. You really need to learn when it's best to just run. You do know what self preservation is, don't you?" he asked teasingly.
Trevor snorted and rolled his eyes. "Of course I do you ass," he said, softly shoving his shoulder. "I just. Thought she might be bluffing."
Alucard gave him a knowing look. "Oh really? You didn't just want to wait her out until she pounced?"
Their pace had slowed down to a brisk walk, but Trevor came to a halt, nearly tripping over his own feet. "I should offer you up as bait for that," he growled, looking away to hide his blush.
"Hm, can't say I'd mind all that much," he admitted. Trevor nearly gave himself whiplash with how fast he turned to look at him. "Oh don't look at me like that. I know you don't really hate it as much as you claim."
Trevor looked at him, mouth agape. "Wha- no I- I do not!" he stumbled over his words, making Alucard chuckle.
"Why so embarrassed?" he taunted, fangs glinting behind his smirk.
"I'm not embarrassed. A-and we need to get a move on, Sypha could creep up on us at any moment," he said, looking over his shoulders nervously.
"If she does, we can easily outrun her. Not that we want to," he boldly claimed.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," a new voice spoke up from behind.
"Sypha!" Trevor yelped, whipping around to face her. She was stalking down the hall with a downright evil grin on her face.
"Right, that's our cue to run." Alucard grabbed Trevor's hand and pulled him along as he flew down the hall. Trevor could barely keep up with his inhuman speed.
"What the hell happened to that cocky "I don't care if we get caught and tickled to death" attitude?" Trevor taunted from behind. It was Alucard's turn to blush.
"Hey I didn't say it like that!" he hissed. "But what fun is it without a chase?"
"Oh so you admit it's fun? In that case, might as well offer you up as bait." Alucard had no time to brace himself before Trevor pounced. They grappled for a few seconds as Sypha crept around the corner, ducking back behind it before they saw her. She quietly watched their playful scuffle, chuckling to herself. They needed this, especially after their fight.
Trevor grabbed him from behind, slipping his arms underneath Alucard's own and holding him still. Alucard squirmed around with a giddy smile on his face.
"Trevor you dick, lehehet me go!"
"Wow, laughing already? You really do make the perfect bait," he teased. He let a hand drift down to tease Alucard's waist, tweaking his hip. He yelped, a wobbly smile tugging at his lips.
"S-stohohop, we're supposed toho work together!" he playfully whined.
"We are! Can't remember the last time we got along so well!" Trevor taunted. "Now just laugh nice and loud to draw her out. Then, while she's busy with you, I can sneak up on her and we can turn the tables. How's that for teamwork?" he laid out his perfect plan all while digging his fingers into Alucard's armpits making him scream with laughter.
Sypha decided that was the perfect time to make herself known. "Oh that's a great idea. Except maybe next time, don't lay out your entire plan for the enemy to hear. And also, don't hang your partner out to dry," she said with a smirk. Trevor gasped and dropped Alucard like a sack of potatoes. Luckily he caught himself, standing to his feet and sporting a bright pink blush. Trevor's own cheeks matching the hue.
"Sypha! D-didn't know you were standing there," he said, a nervous smile plastered on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"That was your mistake."
They stood there for a moment, just staring at each other. Then, Trevor and Alucard turned on their heels and took off down the hall.
Sypha decided that she had let them run long enough, she didn't want them to be too out of breath, after all, so she muttered a spell and sent a blast of energy in their direction, knocking them off their feet.
"Not fair, magic's totally cheating!" Trevor cried out as he rolled onto his back. He let out a startled yelp when he saw her standing over him.
"I'd argue that using poor Alucard as bait is cheating too," she taunted, squaring down to be at their level and even going as far as to cup Alucard's chin.
He slammed his chin against his neck instinctively, biting his lip to keep his giggles at bay. She noticed and smirked to herself, fluttering her fingers along his jawline. He snorted, the blush on his cheeks growing darker.
"Ihihit's his idehehea! Get hihihim!" he whined. Sypha smirked, dragging Trevor back by his ankle to be even with Alucard.
"Oh don't worry, he has what's coming to him," she taunted in an evil purr. "Don't you Treffy?" she asked, tracing the shell of his ear. He snickered and shook his head frantically.
"Sypha c-cut ihihit out!"
She cocked her head to the side quizzically. "Hm? Who's this Sypha you speak of? I'm the tickle monster! RAAAAH!" she screamed as she lunged forth, scribbling up Alucard's ribs with one hand while squeezing Trevor's sides with the other. They both let out loud, giggly shrieks, curling in on themselves and weakly batting at her hands.
Alucard was trying to roll onto his stomach, but that gave her free access to his back, which she took full advantage of. She scribbled up his spine, eliciting a loud squeal that gave way to helpless laughter. Meanwhile her right hand was busy drilling circles over Trevor's hip. A stream of deep, rumbly giggles flowed freely, only broken up by the occasional snort. He was more focused on shoving his face into the carpet than anything else, only caring about hiding his quickly reddening cheeks.
Sypha threw her head back with a loud, maniacal cackle, fingers flying from spot to spot and sending her friends further into hysterics.
"Aaaw I had no idea you guys were so ticklish! Now I know the perfect way to make sure you two behave," she taunted.
"Ihihi do behehehave!" Alucard insisted the same time Trevor growled, "You better nohohot!"
"Why am I hearing talking when I should be hearing helpless laughter?" she questioned. Alucard giggled nervously, curling in on himself at the threat. Trevor was blushing redder than a cherry and failed miserably at hiding the embarrassed chuckles that poured freely from his mouth.
She slipped her hand under Alucard's shirt and scribbled her long nails against his toned abs. He snorted and tried to push himself away, but she had him sufficiently pinned. Meanwhile she was counting her way up Trevor's ribs, earning a string of creative insults through howling laughter.
"Wow, who knew the vampire and the monster hunter were such ticklish dorks!" she taunted, sporting a wide grin. They responded in unison.
"Ihihi ahaham nohohot!"
"Ohoho fuck ohohohoff!"
"Oh don't be like that! After all, you're so cute when you let yourself laugh," she cooed, reaching down to squeeze Trevor's knees, leaving him kicking and fighting back hysterical laughter. Needless to say, it was a losing battle.
She looked over at Alucard and smirked. "You too Alucard," she purred, skittering up his side, pinching his lower ribs. He shrieked and bubbly giggles followed after.
"Dohohon't patronize mehehe!" he whined, arms flailing around uselessly to try and shove away her prying hands. She tossed her head back with a laugh and walked her fingers up his ribs, drawing out shrill giggles and snorts. She was having fun taking them apart, and she didn't bother hiding it.
"Me? Patronize you? Never," she teased, reaching over to scratch up and down his other side, giving the same treatment to the right side of his ribs. "If anything, I'm complimenting you!" she chirped, crawling her hands up higher until she dove for his underarm. He shrieked and fell victim to shrill hysterics.
"Wehehell quit ihihit!" Alucard giggled, managing to squirm away a few inches.
"Oh no you don't!" she cried as she drug him back by his ankles, which gave Trevor the opportunity to roll away. She easily pulled him back into her clutches, wrapping her arms around both of their waists. Her fingers set to work, digging into pudgy sides and squeezing sensitive hips. Trever doubled in on himself while Alucard twisted side to side, each bursting into loud, carefree cackles.
"Oh you poor, poor things. Far too ticklish for your own good, you didn't possibly think you could actually escape, did you?" she asked tauntingly, scratching just below Alucard's ribcage with her left hand while the right was busy vibrating against Trevor's soft abs. Both men were blushing a rather dark shade of red as their laughter rose in pitch and harmonized. They even started begging in unison.
"Y-you cahahan't dohoho this to mehehe!"
"Syphahaha please! Have mehehercy!"
She smirked as they continued to writhe and shriek beneath her hands. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm afraid your friend has been possessed. She won't be showing you mercy anytime soon," she teased, snorting in amusement at her own silly antics. She really cracked herself up at times.
"Ohoho cohome ohohon!" Trevor half screamed, half whined through his laughter. She looked down at them, taking in their giddy, limp forms draped over her arms and decided they might deserve just a little mercy. She giggled out a sigh, hugging them tighter to her chest. She enjoyed the nervous chuckles that escaped from Trevor's throat as well as the bubbly titters that slipped past Alucard's lips.
She leaned in to plant a kiss on each of their cheeks. "I guess you learned your lesson," she caved, poking their tummies to draw out a few more giggles before letting them go. They were both panting and had to lean against one another for support.
"Remind me what the point was? Other than just giving yourself an excuse to torment us," Alucard deadpanned, but his shy, lopsided smirk remained in place.
"Oh, so you need a refresher already?" she teased, snickering to herself when he helped and clung onto Trevor for protection, not so subtly using him as a human shield.
"N-no, I'm good!"
"Yup! Teamwork makes the dream work, help each other out, yadda yadda yadda," Trevor added for "clarification." Sypha grinned proudly.
"See? My methods are foolproof!" she boasted, throwing her arms around her friends' shoulders. "And don't you guys feel so much better after playing and having a good laugh?"
"Ah, so you did have ulterior motives," Alucard noted.
"You say that like it's a bad thing! You two would've been at each other's throats if it weren't for me," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I would think a thank you would be in order."
Trevor scoffed, "Thank you? For that?" he asked incredulously.
"You're welcome Treffy!" she chirped, loving the way the blush returned to his stubbled cheeks.
"Not what I meant," he mumbled under his breath, letting out a disgruntled and embarrassed huff.
"Seriously though. I hope you guys realize how important you can be for each other, and how you need to rely on someone to have your back," she said, tone growing more serious.
"No, I get where you're coming from. Trevor and I can't let our petty squabbles interfere with a real fight," Alucard agreed. "Even if your methods are a little... odd."
She giggled softly and snuggled between them from where they all laid on the floor. "But the main lesson to learn from this, is that you guys aren't so different from each other. And you actually have fun together! At least when you let yourselves, and you aren't worried about centuries worth of family drama," she mildly chastised. They chuckled sheepishly, knowing she had a point.
"Noted. Play nice with each other, or else you'll tickle the shit out of us," Trevor taunted, still not taking the playful threat seriously despite the fact he had been screaming with laughter mere minutes ago.
"Shut up, I'm serious!" she whined, though she found herself giggling at his sassy remark.
"I am too," Trevor said, drawing the attention of both Sypha and Alucard. He cleared his throat, adverting his gaze to the ground. "Truth be told, I don't like fighting with you, Alucard."
Alucard perked up, shifting ever so closer. "No?" he questioned, voice soft.
"No, not really," he confirmed.
Alucard hummed, leaning on his arm for support. "Well that makes two of us." Now it was Trevor's turn to look at him.
"I don't like fighting with you either. But, it just felt... normal to do so. Like, I'd be disrespecting my heritage if I was nice to you," he said, opening up for what felt like the first time.
Trevor nodded as he spoke, "Yeah, I get what you mean. I uh, honestly felt the same, now that you mention it."
Sypha looked between them, a happy smile etched onto her features. She reached out to grasp both of their hands. "Aw, isn't this nice?" she cooed, startling them out of their heart to heart. "See how easy it is to just talk to each other instead of screaming-"
"We get it Sypha!" Trevor groaned before giving a reluctant sigh. "I'll hand it to you; you were right this time. But don't just think you can get away with this," he said, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
She shrugged and blew him off. "Oh I really don't think I have anything to worry about," she said, snorting in amusement. She was completely oblivious to the way Alucard's own expression matched Trevor's look of mischief.
"I wouldn't be so sure," Alucard spoke up from behind. A chill crawled up her spine at the warning. "After all, we just had a lesson on the importance of teamwork. Isn't that right?"
Sypha gulped and bolted down the hall.
As it would turn out, Trevor and Alucard make a great team.
#trevor belmont#alucard tepes#sypha belnades#castlevania#castlevania fic#castlevania tickle fic#ticklish!trevor#ticklish!alucard#prompts#now to start on tktober stuff#jk i already started (barely)
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description: when schlatt misses his two cats back home, he finds comfort in the little japanese pet shelter! what melts his heart even more? seeing all the animals take a special liking towards his partner.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀tags: gender neutral reader! establish relationship, pure fluff, jack & trevor mentions, reader being a cat whisperer, mentions of future children.
author’s note: did you guys miss me? ;p say yes or i’m LEAVING. i also noticed i finally have enough posts to make a masterlist, so i promise that’ll be up soon! if you guys have any ideas on what i should upload next, let me know, feedback is always welcome! reblogs & likes are always appreciated <3! do not steal or plagiarize any work belonging to kkentobox !
the group had taken a pause in filming, the calm atmosphere of the shelter almost feeling too intimate to push cameras into the faces of the animals. but within five minutes of being in there, jay had managed to attach himself to a tiny orange kitten; “he’s just like jambo when he was a baby” he said with a sparkling look in his eyes.
stuck to his hip, you watched with endearing eyes as he pet the small creature cradled in his arms, “do you think we can smuggle him back home?” he whispered into your ear, immediately smiling at how you cringed from how ticklish the air felt so close to your ear. “i can stuff him under my shirt and gaslight the worker i was already pregnant coming in.”
the kitten had been peacefully dozing off with the gentle strokes schlatt had placed on his head, with sleepy eyes it looked up at you upon hearing your voice, only to grow restless in jay’s arms.
frowning at the sudden change, schlatt safely released him onto the ground before watching the cat jump into your lap. furrowing his eyebrows in curiosity and sadness, “what the fuck man?” he groaned quietly.
jack, with a small dog in his arms, began laughing upon realizing schlatt was genuinely upset that the cat no longer liked him. with laughter coming out of your mouth as well, you couldn’t resist holding the kitten close to your chest. it wasted no time in feeling comfortable, purring against the fabric of your shirt and snuggling in deeper.
“poor baby, he didn’t deserve you..” you cooed down at the kitten, “damn right he didn’t.” “i wasn’t talking to you, jay.” “fuck you.”
though he didn’t understand why the cat suddenly didn’t like him, he wrapped an arm around your waist to bring the two of you in closer. “aw, look, he’s sleeping!” you excitedly whispered, looking up at jay with a wide smile. he couldn’t help but match your energy, “i see that, probably found his new home there, baby.”
trevor and jack normally like to give the two of you privacy by keeping to themselves, this time they couldn’t help but truly watch over how enamored their tough friend looked watching you admire the kitten in your arms. “i can’t tell if he looks stupid or sweet..” “he’s like.. both? i can’t decide if i like it or not.” trying to distract themselves with their own pets, every couple seconds they’d spare a glance at the two of you and snicker.
“jay.. look at the other cats real quick..” you had looked up and were taken off guard at the other cats in front of you guys, seemingly trying to scratch their way out of their cages while looking directly at you guys. “you’re a pussy whisperer, doll.” a deadpan look was thrown in his direction, one that didn’t wipe the smug smirk off his face.
the worker noticed the behavior of the other animals, coming over to see if they’d continue if she placed the sleeping kitten in your arms back into it’s cage. “they’re taking my baby away.” you jokingly sulked against schlatt, “you’re starting a revolt, you deserve it.” pressing a kiss to your hair after you gently slapped his chest.
only the cats hadn’t stopped. they continued. they all wanted to be held by you, which only made schlatt more jealous at the fact they didn’t want him too. taking this as a sign to leave so they can settle down, the group made their way back onto the quiet streets of japan.
“can cats imprint on people? what if i’m destined to take all of those cats?” looking at schlatt, his arm being held by your two arms as you walked behind jack and trevor.
shaking his head, “that’s not fair, doll. they’d have a favorite parent, at least jambo and soup love the two of us equally.” enjoying his response, you added “i honestly don’t see anything wrong with that, jay.” scoffing, he jokingly pushed you away, “you’re so greedy.”
quickly getting back into his embrace, “you’ll just have to accept that in every situation, i will be the favorite!” he peered down at you, a small smile growing on his lips the more he looked at you, “i suppose i can get used to it, just teach our actual kids to remember me once in a while, yeah?”
though the two of you had talked about your future together before, it always managed to make you swoon knowing how dedicated he was to make sure it happened. every mention he made of your future wedding, children, home left you wanting to kiss him stupid. he’s grown to make comments often the more you guys grew more serious and the longer you guys were together.
bringing your intertwined hands to your lips, leaving multiple kisses on the back of his hand, “our children are different.. i could never allow them to forget you.” humming in content at your response, feeling his chest warm up, “i’ll be marrying the right person then.” “that much was obvious, jay.”
#jschlatt; streamer.#jschlatt#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt x you#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt fluff#jschlatt blurb#jschlatt imagine#jschlatt hcs#jschlatt headcanons#schlatt#schlatt fluff#schlatt blurb#schlatt imagine#schlatt x reader#schlatt x you#schlatt x y/n#schlatt hcs#schlatt headcanons#schlatt & co#big guy#chuckle sandwich#sleep deprived
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Hi!!! First of all, congrats on hitting 10k!!! That is such a huge accomplishment and I can’t think of a more deserving blog!!!
For the cocktail celebration (which is such a cute idea omg!!!) could I possibly get 🩷 “The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me.” with poly!TrevorJack x reader!!! (Or just Trevor if you don’t write poly!TrevorJack anymore, I’m just lowkey obsessed with that smut blurb you did with them haha but no worries if not!!!!) Congrats again Cece!!!!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
23. “The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me.”
One of the perks of being best friends with the Hughes family was the access to the lakehouse during the summer.
And every summer, you could guarantee one thing for certain—where Jack and Trevor went, the other always followed.
It was the same every year without a shadow of a doubt. They were always attached to the hip, always pressed up against each other on the couch or sat next to each other on the boat. Jack was always Trevor’s partner in beer pong and Jack always chose Trevor first when they played a friendly tournament of volleyball.
Even despite the number of friends in the house, they always shared Jack’s room on the second floor at the end of the corridor. Every single year.
You never once thought anyone could come between them, let alone for them to want someone between them.
Let alone for that person to be you.
It was somewhere in the third week at the lakehouse when it all happened. The lot of you had decided to have a BBQ, Quinn putting himself in charge of the grill whilst everyone else helped out here and there before you all settled around the fireplace. There was a crate of beers shared amongst you all, someone playing music from a speaker that appeared out of nowhere and Cole and Alex arguing over whether the fire needed more wood or not.
Ultimately, Quinn told them both to sit down and stop poking the fire with a large stick.
One by one, everyone trinkled back into the house when the tipsiness began to wear off and the exhaustion started to hit. But you were still buzzed and happy and far too awake for your own good. You were content staying out a little longer, finishing the last dregs of your beer before heading back upstairs.
You hadn’t even realised you had been left alone with Trevor and Jack until they both shuffled closer to you, one on either side and both bright eyed and cheeks flushed.
“Has anyone ever told you that you look really pretty in the firelight?” Trevor asked, all smiley and giggly as he tilted his head towards you. “Because you do. Like, you really do.”
You snorted. “How drunk are you, Zegras?”
“Drunk enough to know I’m right,” he answered with a confident nod of his head.
Jack giggled. “He is right, though.”
You rolled your eyes, telling yourself that your face felt hot because of the fire and not the compliments they were throwing at you. “You’re both talking out of your asses right now,” you laughed off. “I should have known better than to think you two yappers wouldn’t be as talkative when you are drunk.”
“You know,” Trevor started, flashing you a mischievous smile. “The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me.”
Your mouth went dry at his words as you stared at him, a bit helplessly.
“It’s true,” Jack spoke up, the warmth of his body settling behind you as he hooked his chin on your shoulder. His breath was warm and ticklish against your cheek as he spoke, as he looked between you and Trevor. “And he’s a pretty damn good kisser if I do say so myself.”
Trevor grinned. “Thanks, babe.”
“I—” You started but words were difficult to find. “What?”
“Wow, don’t even need to kiss you to shut you up,” Trevor joked before jokingly pouting. “A shame. It’s kinda all we’ve been wanting to do all summer.”
“That’s also true,” Jack hummed, his nose lightly nudging your cheek. “We’ve just been waiting to get you alone.”
“You’re both drunk,” you breathed out, fighting the urge to tear your eyes away from Trevor’s heated gaze.
“We’re drunk, not liars,” Trevor retorted. “We know what we want. We want you.”
You blinked. “Both of you?”
Trevor’s smile widened. “Two for the price of one.”
“I…I think this is a very weird alcohol-induced dream,” you murmured out, feeling Jack shake with laughter behind you.
“Why don’t you kiss him and find out?” Jack mused and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
You gulped. “What about—”
“We don’t kiss and tell, baby,” Trevor assured you, seeming far too relaxed about the whole situation. “It’s just you and us here right now.”
“No one but us,” Jack hummed. “But we have one rule.”
“What’s that?”
“You kiss him then you kiss me,” Jack grinned. “Can’t be making me jealous, babe.”
#cece's cocktail celebration#trevorjack#trevor zegras#jack hughes#nhl#anaheim ducks#new jersey devils#trevor zegras x reader#trevor zegras x you#trevor zegras x y/n#trevor zegras fic#trevor zegras one shot#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x you#jack hughes x y/n#jack hughes fic#jack hughes one shot#nhl x reader#nhl x you#nhl x y/n#nhl fic#nhl one shot
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35. "you're ticklish?!" with trevor where yall making out and he accidentally tickles you
“far from sorry”
trevor zegras x reader
— ୨୧ —
you and trevor are sat on the couch watching a movie, when suddenly trevor starts kissing up your neck. when he reaches your face, you connect your lips to his and readjust yourself to be halfway on top of him. his hands move you fully onto his lap and they slowly trail up your legs and torso. when his fingers flutter past the sides of your stomach, you immediately squeal and pull back. trevor looks at you confused, and repeats the action with his fingers again. your stomach goes tight and you burst into a fit of laughter.
“you’re ticklish?!” trevor chuckles
“what? no! i don’t know what you’re talking about!” you sarcastically say, knowing exactly what’s coming next. his fingers then flutter all over your torso and you roll off of him. you’re laughing so hard that you feel like you’re doing an ab workout.
“trevor stop!” you say in between laughs. you’ve been squirming around so much and fighting back against trevor, that now he’s laying above you. eventually he stops tickling you, and you flick his forehead.
“what was that for?!”
“you can’t expect me to find out you’re ticklish and not tickle you.”
“say sorry,” you jokingly say
“oh y/n, i’m far from sorry. i’m using this against you forever,” he says before he suddenly starts tickling you again, starting the whole cycle of laughter over again.
#bordysbae’s 500 celly#trevor zegras fluff#trevor zegras imagine#trevor zegras x reader#trevor zegras#trevor zegras blurb#hockey blurb#hockey imagine
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Sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Hopefully with plenty of rest you will get well soon 🩶
Here’s an HC ask if you feel up to it:
Adrian x Bold/Flirty Reader
- The twins never happened and reader just stumbled upon Alucard in the forest some day, stunned by his beauty and grace.
- Reader has an occupation that requires them to go into the forest from time to time, as kind as Adrian, he started to help them out.
- Reader developed a crush on him as they gradually got to know each other. Bold as they are, they decided to take the first move by… you guessed it, flirting. The kind that ends with his face tinged with the loveliest pink.
- Adrian is still mourning over loss over family and friends, and only sees reader as a friend (a close friend? And a pretty friend. He doesn’t even know anymore.)
- Reader’s tactics slowly working. He starts to crave your company like he does with Sypha and Trevor.
- He stares at your lips, sometimes your behind. Averts his eyes as dhampirely as possible when he catches your returning gaze and thinks you haven’t notice. You do.
- “Accidental” touches on his thigh when passing something over; warm, ticklish breath near his sensitive ear while you stand behind him when he sits and reads. He swears you are driving him crazy.
- He may just snap one day. And you hope it comes soon.
Thank you, I'm getting there slowly but surely. Going off about fictional people helps the morale, y'know?
Oh a pining HC, and bold characters are so fun!
◈ It might be that your attitude in time could draw the other side of him to the surface... one he hasn't had the opportunity to explore much beyond nighttime ventures through the wilds, chasing the malevolent things lurking there: the thrill of the hunt. The side that goes "Let's find out..."
Remember that?
◈ His instincts are just as sharp in his humanoid form as in his wolf form, and he feels it: the scent of your attraction growing stronger, the way you can't control the impulse to try and get closer.
◈ He's wary, at first. But there is honesty about you, too, and that has a scent of its own, comforting and achingly sweet. He knows he's taking a gamble by trusting you but let's face it, if his friends have been gone for a while now in this context, he's certainly more in need of someone to share his time with than even he can admit to himself.
◈ Besides, since your encounters in the woods become more frequent, you seem unperturbed by his nature, even after he's told you more of himself and some (not all) of what he's done.
◈ He still feels immensely guilty about how it all came to pass, and misses his family. It's a very confusing time in his life and he doesn't want to burden you with that.
◈ He's also afraid you'd want nothing to do with him any longer if he did tell you everything, all the moments he can't forget, the scenes that play in his mind's eye over and over.
◈ You don't seem to be deterred by anything though, and with admiration he takes his metaphorical heart between his teeth one day and sits you down one afternoon, under an ancient oak tree where you sometimes share your lunch.
It all goes pleasantly enough. At one point you try to reach for a bottle, propping your hand on his leather-clad knee for support as you lift yourself to grab a hold of the glass container.
When you try to remove your hand, he stops you, his own hand over yours. "Why do you do these things?"
Nothing gets past Alucard when it comes to danger and battle but navigating interpersonal relationships? Not his forte. He knows it, you know it.
And so, you swallow before you answer. "I Iike it. Touching you."
"Why?" His eyes are earnest, and you appear out of your element for a moment before his bluntness. But he really, really looks like he wants, no, expects an answer.
"Does it bother you?"
He ignores your question completely. "I wonder if your hand will still be here, after I share with you what I have to say." All easy manner is gone from his attitude.
You watch him, bemused, but your hand stays right where it is, on his warm, tense thigh. He's just told you in no uncertain terms: I know what you're doing. I know you want me. You're still processing that, but the words that leave your mouth are: "Let's... find out?"
He takes a sharp intake of breath at that, watching you strangely. "I never told you how I ended up alone, did I?"
You shake your head, and wait. And listen.
By the time he's done, you're staring at the patterns of the blanket, and he's regretting having broken the image you'd probably concocted of him in your head.
"People make mistakes."
Alucard raises his head. The warm hand on his thigh is still there. "What?"
"I said, people make mistakes. And people sometimes must make difficult choices for reasons beyond them."
When you smile at him, when you tuck a strand of errant hair behind his ear and suddenly hug him, Alucard stays perfectly still: with shock, with... relief? But his response is so fierce you sigh in surprise, arms winding around you and holding you there. "You're not running away screaming," he whispers in your ear, feeling the little shudder running through you. He likes holding you, he likes being held. He craves it.
"No, but you would, if you knew the shape of my thoughts when it... comes to you."
He'd love to pull your head back, to stare into your eyes as you say it. And so: he does. "My dear, dear friend... I want to know everything."
That was a mix of HCs and a scene haha I take no responsibility *blames it on the meds*
#alucard x reader#alucard castlevania x reader#castlevania imagine#adrian tepes x you#castlevania x reader#adrian tepes x reader#ruiniel:fanfiction#alucard x you#x reader#canon x reader
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prompt 16 with jack hughes pleaseee
wakeboarding - jack hughes
jack hughes x fem! reader
100 followers celly!!
warnings: swearing, light kissing
notes: i don’t know if i like how this ends, but enjoy reading!
✨: “oh yeah? well then make me.” “my pleasure.”
gif is not mine
spending my weeks at the hughes’ lake house is always the highlight of my summer. i get to hang out with my best friends, luke and quinn, and my boyfriend, jack. this is my first year attending as jack’s official girlfriend, so the taunting and teasing from quinn and luke was at an all time high.
currently, i’m outside tanning, while the boys get ready to go wakeboarding. i’ve never been a fan of any type of surfing, especially wakeboarding. i tried it once and completely embarrassed myself. then, i tried it again, and even though i did good, no one let me forget what happened the time before.
“you coming with us, babe?” jack asks, jogging up towards me and sitting down on the chair next to me. i remove my sunglasses to get a good look at him.
god, he’s so cute.
“you’re adorable, but there’s no way i’m going on that boat with you.” i raise my eyebrows, pull a loud laugh out of him.
“c’mon! we won’t make fun of you this time!” he pleads, doing a fake pout. i giggle at his ‘very convincing’ argument, running my hand through his long hair.
“very convincing and i believe you,” i respond, giving him false hope, “but, no thanks.”
he throws his head back and whines ‘y/n��, really dragging out the syllables in my name. i mock him and do the same in return and a smile starts to tug on his lips.
“it’s not going to be fun without you. you have to come.” he mumbles as his big head falls into the crook of my neck. he lays soft kisses along my jaw and finally down to the ticklish spot on my neck. i bark out a laugh, pulling him away from my neck.
“oh yeah? well then make me?” i taunt. just as the words leave my mouth, i regret saying it. jack’s eyes light up like a child’s and i know exactly what he’s going to do next.
“my pleasure.” he grins, rising to his feet. before i can protest, i’m being thrown over jack’s shoulder.
“jack!” i scream, kicking, hitting, and wiggling, doing whatever i could to be released from his hold.
“what? you said make me.” he uses my own words against me and i can hear the cockiness in his voice. jack begins walking towards the dock, where the boat is tied up. i can’t see them, but i hear quinn, luke, and trevor all laughing as jack doesn’t even struggle to carry me.
accepting my fate, i go limp, allowing jack to carefully step onto the boat. once we are fully in, he sets me down. he stares at me with a big smile as i give him nothing, but dirty looks in response. the boat starts to take off and i sit down.
“you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” luke whispers to jack, causing a hardy laugh to come out of both of them. i send them a glare as i flip them the finger and mouth ‘fuck you’.
we’ve been out on the water for about an hour, before everyone convinces me to give wakeboarding another chance.
nervously, i step into the board and steady myself. trevor puts the boat in neutral and we begin to slowly move forward. for a moment, i lose my balance and wobble, but when trevor starts to speed up, i stay perfectly balanced on the board.
“oh my god,” i exclaim, “i’m doing it!” my eyes flick between everyone in the boat, making sure they see how good i’m doing.
quinn has his phone out, recording this for evidence- like i told him to do before. luke giggles, waiting for me to wipe out, and jack watches me proudly.
“you’re doing so well, baby!” jack encourages. he wears a proud and excited smile on his face as he watches me balance on the board.
just as i’m staying completely steady, jack steps onto the boat seat. my eyes go wide, “what are you doing?!”
i don’t hear his response before he jumps off the motorboat, knocking me off the board. my head submerges in the water for a moment as my life jacket brings me to the surface again. i blink the water out of my eyes, trying to get all my senses back. when my eyes fully open, i see jack laughing his ass off.
“you dick!” i yell at him, playfully hitting him in the arm. “i was doing so well.” i pout, trying to make him feel bad.
he giggles, reaching out to grab onto me. we stay in the cold water, wrapped around each other. his cold hands cup my face and he presses our lips together. he tastes like lake water and the mint gum he was just chewing. the kiss is short, but just as i pull back, jack connects our lips once again. we ignore the whistling and cheering from the guys on the boat and continue to enjoy kissing each other.
#hearts4hughes#jack hughes#jack hughes imagines#jack hughes x reader#nhl imagine#hockey blurb#nora's writings 💐
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deer in headlights
sooooo here's my first fic! it may be getting posted the day after halloween but i still wanted to share it hehehe so here it is :) i'll share the tiktok that inspired this fic at the bottom of the post as it deserves all the hype lol
since this is my first post i don't have a tag list or anything but if you'd like to be tagged when i post in the future, whether it's for trevor or any other nhlers i may write for, just let me know!
the ending for this one is a bit rushed but i hope you like it anyways! enjoy :)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: implied smut
It was Trevor’s idea. And according to him it took him exactly two months and 13 days to talk me into it.
“Absolutely not,”
“Come on, babe, it’ll be hilarious!”
“Are you forgetting how public your job is? Thousands of people are going to see it and thousands of your fangirls will be talking about it.” Was how the conversation went for the entirety of those two and a half months. From the end of August to almost the middle of October, Trevor begged and begged for us to use his couples costume idea for Halloween. And each time he got shot down. He even went as far as getting Jack, Cole and Jamie in on his scheming. Having them text me at the most random times asking what I thought of their costume ideas - all of them being the couples costume that Trevor continued to bug me about. He even went so far as to buy the materials needed to make the costume, using the argument of me not needing to buy anything for the costume.
I didn’t cave until I walked in the front door of the apartment one day to find him attempting to make the costume himself and making a bigger mess than necessary. Construction paper and pieces of fabric were strewn all over the living room and around the hockey player sitting cross legged in front of the TV.
“Look, you don’t even have to lift a finger to make the costumes! All you’ll have to do is put yours on!” He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face and fabric glue smeared all over his hands and somehow his cheek as well. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of my boyfriend looking like a little kid with their arts and crafts project.
“Alright fine, you win, Z,” I sighed, crouching down beside him as he let out a loud cheer. A laugh escaped my lips as he pressed a wet kiss to my cheek before turning back to the project in front of him. “I guess I can lend you some help,” I said, snatching up what appeared to be the costume intended for me to wear.
“Good because I actually have no clue what I’m doing,” Trevor said while managing to get even more glue and a piece of construction paper stuck to his face. I shook my head, laughing as I picked the yellow strip from his face.
“That was more than obvious, Z.” He exclaimed in protest as I laughed to myself, focusing on the project in my hands and trying to decipher what my boyfriend had been attempting to create. Out of nowhere I felt fingers attack my sides causing me to drop the supplies and cry out in surprise as Trevor practically tackled me to the ground.
“What was that? Huh, babe?” He asked as he continued to tickle up and down my sides. My breath came out in gasps and laughs as I made some attempt to answer him and push him off of me. His hands paused, being placed on either side of my head as I caught my breath. I looked up to see Trevor hovering over me, his shaggy hair falling into his face as his eyes examined mine, a prominent smirk on his face. “Wanna take it back?” I hesitantly nodded my head, staring up at his bright blue eyes. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Your arts and crafts skills could use some work but you’re not as hopeless as I would’ve thought, Zegras,” I huffed out. He seemed to consider my answer, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth tilting down slightly. I cringed slightly, mentally preparing for my ticklish sides to be attacked once again as he continued to hover over me and keep me pinned to the floor.
“Works for me,” he uttered moments later before he took me by surprise and crashed his lips into mine. My hands finding their way into his hair and one of his finding my hip.
Much to Trevor’s delight, we won the Ducks’ unofficial Halloween Costume Contest. My doubts on the costume followed me all the way to the Terry’s front door where Trevor asked if I was ready to head in. I nodded, mentally assuring myself that this wasn’t as stupid of an idea as I thought. Troy and Dani were the first to greet us as we entered their house and the costume automatically earned their approval.
“Y’know, Z, I didn’t believe you when you said you two would have the best costume this year but I think I stand corrected,” Terry exclaimed, clapping Trevor on the shoulder who smiled smugly at me causing me to roll my eyes.
“Let me guess- this was all his idea?” Dani asked me as our significant others continued to talk just off to the side.
“What gave it away?” I asked, smiling. After a minute or two more of talking to the party’s hosts we made our way further into the party. Compliments and chirps were sent our way from the other Ducks and their significant others until we eventually found our way to Jamie and Mason in the backyard.
“I still can’t believe he talked you into this one,” Jamie said, sipping from his plastic cup.
“His arts and crafts skills were a cry for help, I had no choice but to step in and help the poor guy.” I shrugged, smirking up at my boyfriend who simply shook his head.
“Alright, come on, we gotta show everyone the full effect,” Trevor exclaimed, setting his cup down on the table behind Jamie. I begrudgingly took his hand, allowing him to walk me into the middle of the yard, earning the attention of the others around. I shook my head before pressing my hands to the two lights set in very specific spots on my chest, causing them to turn on. I couldn’t help but laugh along with everyone else at the sight of Trevor, dressed as a deer, staring blankly at the two lights.
“A deer in headlights!” He’d exclaimed when he first told me the idea, explaining the entire costume concept.
“I think I deserve some sort of prize for thinking up our winning costume,” he declared smugly as we entered our apartment at the end of the night.
“Oh, do you now?” I asked to which he nodded his head solemnly, his hands behind his back and everything. I shook my head, giggling before rising up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a prize in our room,” I whispered in his ear before turning and walking away to the kitchen, a huge smile on my lips as I heard my boyfriend gasp as my words registered in his mind.
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman,” I heard him mutter, smirking to myself. “Maybe that’s what we’ll be next year then. Cruella de Vil and one of her puppies-” Before I could finish my sentence I was scooped up into Trevor’s arms, a gasp escaping my lips.
“Hold that thought, doll, I want my prize for this year’s costume first,” he declared, walking towards our bedroom door as I laughed in his hold.
hope y'all enjoyed that fic and want to read more from me in the future hehe :)
the tiktok that inspired this fic:
#nhl imagine#hockey#trevor zegras#trevor zegras imagine#trevor zegras fic#trevor zegras x y/n#anaheim ducks#halloween fic#halloween au#nhl halloween#nhl au#mrpldiddles#mrpldiddles fic
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Tickletober 2024 Reservation List
(Writing list)
Hide and Seek
Cuddles (Lee!Sapnap Ler!Dream Reserved by @snugglyfluffle)
Fidget (Lee!Charlie Ler!Nick Reserved be @awkwardtickleetoo)
Nuzzles (Lee!George Ler!Dream Reserved by @mushiewrites)
Wake Up
Hug (Lee!Dream Ler!Sapnap Reserved by @awkwardtickleetoo and @mushiewrites)
Mischief (Lee!Sapnap Ler!George Reserved by @mushiewrites and @awkwardtickleetoo)
Win (Lee!Trevor Ler!Shayne Ler!Damien Reserved by @irregularsandbeyond)
"Are You Ticklish?" (Lee!Nick Ler!Charlie Reserved by @mushiewrites)
Cackle (Lee!Henry Ler!Bea Reserved by @hyper23s-gh0st)
Raspberries (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by @sparrow-mask22)
Tickle Fight (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by Anon)
Secret (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by @prettylittleleesblog)
Tease (Lee!Nick Ler!Charlie Reserved by @prettylittleleesblog)
Costume (Lee!George Lee!Sapnap Ler!Dream Reserved by @wishitweresummer)
Role Reversal (Lee!Nick Ler!Charlie Reserved by anon)
Sweet (Lee!Charlie Ler!Nick Reserved by anon)
Joke (Lee!George Ler!Dream Reserved by Anon)
New Discovery (Lee!Alex Ler!Henry Reserved by Anon)
Ticklish Kiss (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by @sparrow-mask22)
Non-Human Parts (Lee!Angela Ler!Amanda Reserved by Anon)
Spooked (Lee!Dream Ler!Sapnap Ler!George Reserved by Inkling)
Magic (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by Anon)
Trick-or-Treat (Lee!Henry Ler!Alex Reserved by Anon)
Aftercare (Lee!George Ler!Dream Reserved by @awkwardtickleetoo and @mushiewrites)
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Omg omg omg ok I would like a smut- berry daquiri ♥️♥️ but i cant chose between these prompts they both had me gagged so you can chose 😂 with jack please!
“you should probably hold on to something.”
“if i have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽 as promised to @hischierhoney, this is the stoner!jack blurb i said i would write after i handed in my assignment because he has been festering in our dms for the best part of the last week🤠enjoy!
22. "If I have to pull over, you won't be able to walk for a week."
In his defence, you started it.
Well, Trevor started it when he pulled out a packet of gummies—some new strand and flavours that he had been adamant was way better than anything Jack had ever tried before. Which, in the name of being honest, is a pretty fucking bold statement to make considering Jack has had his fair share of edibles, gummies and baked treats alike, during his time.
But he bit the bait, taking one of the wrapped sweets from Trevor before the other boy turned to you. He wiggled his eyebrows, a shit-eating grin on his face as he offered a sweet to you.
“Whadda you say, doll? Wanna try something a little stronger than Rowdy’s shitty sweets?”
And you, far too proud and stubborn to back down from a challenge, took the bait too.
After the first thirty minutes or so, it was fine. It was nothing extraordinary, nothing that made Jack feel like he had just experienced something revolutionary. It was like a nice distant buzz, one that was calming and soothing and slowly grew stronger, but it wasn’t scary. It was comforting. It was completely fine.
You, on the other hand, were a different story.
Maybe it just hit you quicker or maybe it was because your tolerance was lower than him, but Jack didn’t really notice the way you curled into his side under the blanket. It was nothing unusual. You were sitting around a bonfire, the temperature was starting to drop and you had always leaned a little more into the touchier side when you had some weed in your system.
But it wasn’t until you had settled into the passenger seat of his jeep, an unwavering smile on your face as you turned to look at him as he pulled out of the parking spot, that he realised just what intentions you had in mind.
It was a choked out noise, one that got stuck in the back of his throat when you leaned over the console, your lips placing a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss on a ticklish spot on his neck. The one that always sent a shiver down his spine.
“Hi,” you giggled, your breath warm as it fanned across his still cold skin.
He swallowed harshly, expecting you to pull back and settle back down in your seat but you remained. “Can I help you with something?”
“Mhm,” you nodded with a hum as you nosed along his jaw.
He could barely fight the gasp that left his lips as you began to kiss along his neck again, this time your hand reaching down to rest on his upper thigh. You were shameless with it, the way your hand cupped the bulge of his cock in his sweatpants as you mouthed along his skin.
“Baby, you need to stop—”
“I don’t wanna.”
“We’ll be back in twenty—”
“But I wanna feel you now, Jack.”
“Shit,” he breathed out, his head falling back against the headrest. His hands clenched the steering wheel, every touch and kiss and caress feeling like it was setting his nerves to explode with euphoria. “If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”
He could feel your smile against his neck. “Is that a promise?”
It was a promise.
In fact, it was more than a fucking promise. It was a prophecy.
Your head was spinning with the need and desire to feel Jack, to have his hands on your skin and his lips on yours and to feel every fucking inch of him. That need had been there earlier in the night, long before you even ate the sweet Trevor gave you. It’s always there, bubbling under your skin.
But Jack was infuriatingly patient when he wanted to be. There had been a number of times he had proven as much, when he was hard and aching and rutting against the mattress but refused to fuck you as he licked and kissed and devoured your cunt, despite the way you begged to feel his cock inside you. He knew when to push his own desires and needs off to the side.
And you honestly assumed he would do the same in the car, that he would indulge in you for a bit before pushing you back into your seat and telling you to wait until you were back on campus, that your good behaviour would be rewarded.
You definitely didn’t expect him to actually pull over into some side road off the main country lane.
And you definitely didn’t expect him to tell you to get out of the car.
And you certainly did not expect him to bend you over the hood of his jeep, his hands slipping under the cute sundress you had worn for the bonfire, pulling the skirt over your ass and sliding your panties down your legs until you were left bare for him.
“Is this what you wanted?” Jack asked, soft pants escaping his lips as he watched the way his cock thrusted in and out of you, the way you took him so fucking well like you were made for him. “My needy girl, hm? Just couldn’t fucking wait twenty minutes.”
“Jack,” you whined, your cheek pressed against the cool metal of his car, your hands desperately trying to grasp onto something to hold but he was one step ahead. You could only let out a pathetic whimper when he reached for your hands, locking your wrists behind your back with one hand like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Can feel you fucking dripping all over me, babe,” Jack continued, the slapping of his skin against yours so loud and clear and it made your cheeks burn. “Bet you fucking love this, huh? Letting me fuck you where anyone can see. Maybe you want them to see what a good girl you are f’me.”
“I—” You choked on a moan, your eyes fluttering shut as his free hand squeezed your hip. “Please. Please.”
“Atta girl, baby,” he murmured, and you could hear the grin on his face even if you couldn’t see him. “Love when you beg for me, makes me wanna make my pretty girl come all over my cock.”
#cece's cocktail celebration#jack hughes#nhl#new jersey devils#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x you#jack hughes x y/n#jack hughes fic#jack hughes oneshot#jack hughes smut#nhl x reader#nhl x you#nhl x y/n#nhl fic#nhl oneshot#nhl smut
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Brain Curd #346
Brain Curds are lightly edited daily writing - usually flash fiction and sometimes terrible on purpose.
Part 28 of an experiment in progress. Refer to case logs.
As I sat, legs crossed, atop my bed, my phone buzzed and buzzed. I had to contort myself to get it out of my pocket, accidentally putting pressure on my broken toenail. I yelped and scowled at the screen of the evil device.
“Hey! Where u” Dad texted. “Need help packing!!”
“Sorry, can’t help,” I replied. “Broke my toenail and it’s all messed up.”
I hit send. In only a fraction of a second, there was a reply:
“Bs. You suck. FUck u.”
I sighed. Ocean came back from the bathroom and I threw the phone rightward onto my pillow, screen-down. It had a feature that was supposed to silence it when it was face down, though it never really worked. She jumped high in the air and folded her legs before she hit the mattress.
“Wow,” I said. “How’d you do that?”
Ocean smiled wide. “I used to be an acrobat!”
Somehow I found that hard to believe.
“Alright, well…” I pulled my script out from between the pages of my planner. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Wait…” She looked around, or perhaps listened. “Where are your grandparents?”
“Napping. They usually nap from three to four or so.”
“Interesting,” she smirked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothin’.” She looked directly into my eyes. Somehow I was certain she meant quite the opposite.
“Uh…” I blushed and quickly looked away to my script, flipping to the first scene I was in. “Ahem… you’ve got the first line… or do you want me to start where I come in?”
“I’ll start.” She fished around in her backpack, which on the inside looked more like a recycle bin of crumpled papers and dog-eared paperbacks. “Uh oh. I can’t find my copy. Can we share?”
Before I could answer, she scooched and spun across the bed to land to my left. Our thighs were touching.
I gulped. “Sure.”
“Oh, gee, Toto!” She said, raising her voice to an absurd pitch. “I wish I knew which way to go… the road forks off in two directions!”
“Maybe you should go this way!” I pointed to my right.
Ocean gasped. “Did that scarecrow just talk?”
“Or, wait,” I scratched my head. “Maybe you should go that way!” I pointed to my left.
“Oh my goodness! This scarecrow is alive, Toto!”
“Just because I ain’t got a brain don’t mean I’m not alive! Just look at jellyfishes!” I looked up from my script. “Why would a scarecrow know about jellyfish? He lives in a cornfield. He’s never even been to the beach.”
“That’s a joke, Trevor. It’s for the audience. Trust me, they’ll laugh.”
“You’re right, this script is terrible.” Celeste munched on some caramel popcorn. “Anyone who would laugh at that doesn’t have the marine biology knowledge to get the joke in the first place.”
I sighed and looked back down at the script. “Hey, little lady, why don’t you help me down from here?”
Ocean began patting at various parts of my torso.
“Wha - hey, knock it off!” I said, recoiling.
“I’m gonna have to untie you on stage, so you’d better get used to me touching you.”
“No way, quit it!” She grazed against my armpit. “Ha ha! Quit it!” I was ticklish, but it didn’t mean I liked it. “Seriously, stop!”
She pulled her hands away. I scooted my butt a few inches farther from her and frowned.
“Sorry,” she said. “I got carried away.”
“No kidding.”
“What are you doing here, kiddo?” Celeste asked. “Quit this stupid production and kick her out. You don’t need her.”
Ocean looked down at the bed like a dog who’s eaten a newspaper. “Tracey says you got tickle trauma from your dad. Sorry about tickling you.”
I looked closely at Ocean’s face. It didn’t seem like she was lying.
“How does she know that?” I asked.
“She doesn’t!” Celeste insisted. “It was an easy guess! You got tickled, you didn’t like it. Even I could figure that out.”
“Shut up, Celeste!” I exclaimed.
“Don’t talk to me in front of her!”
“She already knows anyway.” I looked back to Ocean. “How does Tracey know about me? Why is she looking for me?”
Ocean sat in silence for a moment, listening to a voice I couldn’t hear. Then, she spoke. “She says she wants to tell you herself, tomorrow, at my birthday party. And that she won’t say anything more right now.”
I huffed and crossed my arms. “You know, I feel like I’m trusting you an awful lot considering I barely know anything about you. Like, why were you running through town early in the morning, anyway?”
“Uh…” She put her finger to her lower lip. “Exercise?”
“In flannel and jeans?”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. I was sneaking home from a girl’s house. If I didn’t get back before my mom woke up, she would’ve killed me.”
“A girl’s house, huh?” I pondered. “What’s with all the lesbians lately?”
She let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not a lesbian, I’m… huh? Right now?”
“What?” I asked.
“Tracey says your Pops is going to come in here right about…”
Pops opened the door and stepped in. “Oh!” He said, glancing into my room. “A visitor?”
“Heh, yeah…” I said. “Uh, Pops, this is Ocean. My co-star. We’re practicing -”
“Rehearsing.” She interrupted.
“We’re rehearsing for the play.”
“Well,” he chuckled. “Just keep the door open, for your grandmother’s sake.”
“Will do,” I replied. “Is it okay if she stays for dinner?”
“Uh…” Pops thought about it. “Yeah, that should be fine. Might need to send you down to the grocery store to grab another head of cauliflower.”
“Bleh!” Ocean gagged. “No thanks, I’ll just eat whatever else you’re making.”
“Actually,” I added. “I stubbed my toe really bad this morning, so…”
“Alright, alright, I get it.” Pops held up his hands. “I’ll just make an extra box of pilaf.”
“Ooo-ooh!” Ocean clapped. “Yay, rice!”
“Talk about nominative determinism…” Celeste quipped. “She’s got as much brains as all the jellyfish in the sea put together. Are we sure she was born with that name?”
Jeez, Celeste, stop being such a jerk. She’s not stupid, she’s just… ditzy.
“What, are you starting to like her? You have a date to a dance in two days, kiddo! Focus on that!”
Why do you hate Ocean so much?
“I don’t… ugh.” Celeste tapped her foot. “You’re really getting on my nerves.”
Pops squinted my way. “Are you alright, Trevor? You look really intense but you aren’t saying anything.”
“Uh…” I gulped. “Just trying not to think about my toe.”He shook his head and tutted as he walked to the kitchen. “You can’t try not to think about something… no matter how hard you try, it won’t work.”
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#NSC Original#Brain Curd#Brain Curds#writing#creative writing#writeblr#flash fiction#author#writer things#writers#writers on tumblr#writers of tumblr#writerscommunity#women writers#female writers#queer writers#daily writing#Brain Curd 346#Quantum Fates#Cornfield Jellyfish#sci fi#science fiction#mystery#transgender#trans#queer#trans fiction
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For the alphabet, how about I, L and Q for Alucard?
Thank you, I absolutely love him & never really get to talk about him when he deserves so much love & laughter!
I. Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
He would handle it surprisingly well! He’d hold out for a pretty long time & playfully taunt his ler
L. Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
His laugh is so pretty, you have no idea! It’s all smooth & has a rich tenor to it, even when he’s in hysterics. Low key pisses Trevor off cause he still manages to sound cool & collected while he’s losing his shit
Q. Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
He’s internally panicking cause he hasn’t been tickled in literal decades (centuries? I forget how old he is) but he just smirks at whoever asked & says “wouldn’t you like to know” in the teasiest, smug voice ever
#asks#anon ask#tickle alphabet#alucard tepes#castlevania#castlevania headcanons#castlevania tickle headcanons#ticklish!alucard
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It’s a Twin Thing - Ch 1
A few weeks after Hetty’s almost banishment, Trevor’s in for a surprise when his twin brother comes by for a visit.
Trevor sighs, contentedly, as Hetty cuddles into him. Despite it being earlier than usual for the aftermath of the rendezvous, Hetty doesn’t immediately leave. After nearly being sent to the woods for a year, they’ve both been rather clingy … not that either of them would admit it.
Instead, they just cuddle together sometimes quietly ��� they’ve fallen asleep on more than one occasion – and sometimes they’ll chat quietly about random things. They usually take turns talking about what’s on their minds and sharing stories of their pasts.
Lately, he can’t stop thinking about his brother. Although everyone knows that he has a brother now, Hetty’s the only one that he had mentioned Jeremy being his twin brother to (although Flower had guessed ages ago). Their rendezvouses in the last month or so since the heir nonsense happened usually led to cuddling and Trevor talking about some story where he and Jeremy had attempted to pretend to be each other until they failed at it. It was always a competition between the brothers to see who could last longer pretending to be the other – Trevor always claimed the crown unless it involved someone asking him to draw something.
He loved those moments. He loved those stories. He wishes that he could relive those days, those times. He misses Jeremy something terrible and he wishes more than anything that he could see him, again. Talk to him, tell him that he feels like a part of his soul is missing and that he wishes that he’d come to the memorial, but he appreciated that he sent Tara Reid (even if that had been a disaster). It showed him that he knows what Trevor would want even decades later, even decades without him.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Hetty questions as she looks up at him, lifting her head from his chest. Their clothes hadn’t returned yet, so he knew that she hadn’t fallen asleep despite how quiet she was being.
Trevor hums. It’s his turn to tell a story. “Just thinking about Jeremy, again.”
“Are you going to tell me another story about the two of you switching places?” Hetty questions, somehow looking excited.
Trevor grins. “That depends. Would you like to hear one?”
Hetty hums in agreement. “I would as I am waiting on a particular story.”
Trevor laughs. “Oh yeah? What story would that be?”
Hetty grins. “I have decided that you two switched so often that you are secretly Jeremy.”
Trevor can’t help bursting out laughing. “You really think that Jeremy and I switched the day I died and I’m not Trevor, but I’ve been pretending to be him for over twenty years?”
“Well, no one would have any idea, correct?”
“That’s correct.”
“Thus, theoretically, you could have decided to be Trevor while actually being Jeremy for your entire afterlife.”
“I love J-dog and it’s undoubtedly fun fooling everyone, except our parents, but I can’t imagine doing that for twenty years – it’d feel wrong. I love him, but that was a game we played together – we never did it without permission from the other,” Trevor states. Not after the one-time that got them both in major trouble. “Besides, I like being T-money instead of J-dog.”
“It is hard to take you seriously with those ridiculous monikers,” Hetty states, somewhat teasingly.
Trevor laughs. “Oh, please. I know you love it.”
“I do no such thing,” Hetty states, but the smile on her lips says otherwise.
He gives her a quick kiss and says, “Uh-huh, I totally believe you.”
“You should as I am being sincere.”
“Sure, you are.”
“It is impolite to suggest a lady such as myself would lie.”
“It’s impolite for a lady such as yourself to lie to her lover about something as silly as liking my T-Money moniker,” Trevor teases. “And continuing to lie just means you’ll have to suffer the consequences.”
He shifts so that he can move his hand down Hetty’s side since she’s ticklish there.
Hetty clearly knows what he’s thinking of doing and tries to wiggle away. “Don’t you dare, Trevor!”
“I won’t if you admit you like it,” Trevor teases.
Laughing Trevor begins to tickle her, and it takes no time at all to get Hetty all giggly and begging for mercy, even as she shifts on top of him and pins him down.
“I win,” Hetty says, gleefully.
Trevor smiles. “I’m right where I want to be – so I think I win. Now, admit it. You like my T-Money thing.”
Hetty leans down as if she’s going to kiss him but stops just out of reach. “You are correct, Trevor, but do not let that go to your head.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Trevor teases, just before she closes the distance for the kiss.
He knows that it might not be a good idea to come here. Probably a terrible one, but he figured he had to – he had to know – had to see him – had to deal with these things he’s been avoiding. It was ridiculous that he couldn’t summon the courage to visit during the memorial, but he hadn’t been expecting his parents to throw one and he wasn’t – wasn’t ready to face the reality of losing his twin.
While it’s true that he had known – especially with his ability to suddenly see ghosts around the time that his brother had obviously died and those dreams of this very familiar mansion – but there had still been a part of him that ached for it not to be true. He had had such a hard time with the loss, with not knowing where he was, and worse knowing that he was likely a ghost somewhere. The dreams he had were not helpful as he wasn’t sure if they were real or not – and some, he certainly hoped not. His – their – parents had tried to reassure him. Tell him that Trevor was not stuck on as a ghost, but he knew – he could feel it.
They hadn’t really accepted the possibility until the weekend where they discovered exactly where Trevor had died – everything that had happened, the woman owner of the house acting so strange by encouraging the memorial for one, and the final moment where she said, ‘what if he was here – what would you tell him?’. They had believed then that not only was he there, but the woman could see him like Jeremy could see him (and other ghosts).
Despite this, they didn’t think it would be a good idea for Jeremy to visit until and unless he was ready, but how do you ever get ready for that? He had nearly made this trip a dozen times in the last few months, and every time he turned around.
Every time he found himself afraid and overwhelmed. He thought about what Trevor would say, if he’d be angry that he hadn’t come sooner, if he’d blame Jeremy for being the reason he’s stuck. If he resented Jeremy for being the cautious and careful twin, rather than Trevor as the reckless and risky twin.
It was illogical, he knew, but it was how he felt.
And he couldn’t stand the thought of Trevor hating him. Blaming him.
Because he blamed himself.
He should’ve been there – done something, somehow.
Stopped him from falling into the lake or whatever. They had no idea what actually happened, his bones – waterlogged as they were – told them nothing. And Trevor’s so-called bros had been less than helpful.
Jeremy was always sure they knew something – gut instinct and what not, but that didn’t mean squat to the authorities who had nothing to go on. And after twenty-two and a half years, there wasn’t any evidence of anything other than an accident.
Still, if he’d been a better brother – maybe he would have been there or helped him find better friends. What if he had somehow gotten in good with Trevor’s friends and been able to stop him from doing reckless and risky things all of the time? What if he had convinced him that he didn’t need to do risky and stupid things to be the life of the party? What if he had spent more time in the city with Trevor rather than hide out in the country where he’s more comfortable? What if he convinced him that he was better off leaving Lehman Brothers and branching out away from those douchey bros to be with his actual bro?
There were so many things he could have done, so many words left unsaid, so many what ifs.
Maybe he would finally get answers here.
He could feel Trevor’s presence as soon as he pulls up, but it takes a minute and several deep breaths before he gets out of the car before he can convince himself to drive back home and not face his brother.
The front door was open, probably due to the nice weather and to encourage random drop-ins for the business. Given that he hadn’t exactly planned a visit (if only because he had attempted and failed to make this trip a dozen times), this is probably a good thing.
Still, it’s as nice and homey as his parents told him (they had attempted to reassure him that if Trevor was there at least it was homey – the fact that his drawings and paintings matched a house that he had never set foot in helped assure him that Trevor was definitely there). He can’t help looking around, and hoping to just spot Trevor rather than have to talk to the owners and explain what exactly he was doing here, but despite noting two obvious ghosts – a captain and a Lieutenant colonel from opposite sides of the revolutionary war in the library kissing, interesting, he only sees two other ghosts in the living room – a hippie and a Native American, who have appeared to have noticed him.
No Trevor.
There’s plenty of land, obviously, so Trevor doesn’t necessarily have to be in the house at the moment, but he’d somehow been hoping that Trevor would be the first person that he would see. That he wouldn’t have to go searching.
Although, it was entirely possible that his brother had ascended, and he would never know it – would he lose this ability if his brother ascends? Did the fact that he has this ability even mean that his brother was ghost? How did it work?
He had no idea. Yet, due to the memorial and drawings, he was convinced that Trevor was here – at least, he has been for twenty years. He could be gone by now. What if the memorial got him to ascend? Maybe he’d been hyping himself up to do this all for naught?
What would he do, then?
“SAM! There’s someone here!” the Native American yells from the living room.
He doesn’t react. If his brother isn’t here, then he doesn’t want to give away his ability. The last thing he wants to do is talk to more ghosts who are less than helpful to his plight of seeing dead people and trying to play at normal.
He’s sure the other living that can clearly see ghosts – Sam – probably wishes the ghosts here would let her play being a bit more normal. Of course, neither of them were. Not with this ability most people don’t have.
He hears footsteps on the stairs, as the hippie woman says, “He looks awfully familiar.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” her companion offers.
Ignoring them, he looks up at the woman on the stairs, who stops on the landing with two other ghosts behind her – one that’s clearly a Viking and the other who is wearing a scout uniform and an arrow through the neck – ouch. He’s seen some brutal deaths – that’s a rough way to die for sure.
It’s at that point that it occurs him that maybe he should’ve gone by the lake, maybe if Trevor died drowning – he’d hang out there? Before he could leave the house awkwardly – like he’s prone to do, the blonde, clearly alive woman, says, “Trevor?”
“How did you know?” he asks, without thinking. It had been common practice for he and Trevor to just answer to the other’s name. They switched so often when they were younger that half the time, he forgot that his name wasn’t Trevor.
Of course, these days, the name causes an ache his chest.
He can see the ghosts all reacting confused and excited. They had clearly put together that he was Trevor’s brother and that he probably came seeking closure about his brother the way his parents had.
They chatter about seeing him and someone realizes that they should go get Trevor because he should be here for this – both the hippie and arrow man immediately mention that they hadn’t seen him all morning – midafternoon, but that they’d split up and look for him in his usual haunts.
Several minutes pass before Sam says, “Uh, lucky guess. You sort of remind me of someone.”
“I get that a lot – were you thinking about them just now?” he asks, giving her an out for awkward silence since he knows what it’s like to be overwhelmed by ghosts that don’t understand what it looks like for her to be silent and trying not to react (and failing) to their commentary.
A couple of the ghosts mention that it was interesting that he had offered her an out when Sam nods. “Oh, yes. He was – uh – a good friend that – uh – recently passed. My apologies, I’m probably seeming all sorts of weird to you.”
“Weird should be my middle name – I’m quite weird myself,” he offers. He’s waiting for her to mention anything about his brother or something, while the ghosts continue commenting.
But luckily as the arrow man and the hippy return with yet another ghost with news that they had not found Trevor, he hears, “Jeremy?” from his left.
He turns to see Trevor standing there in a half suit – interesting and unfortunate death outfit – with a Victorian woman with red-hair. Those dreams were definitely real.
He doesn’t hesitate (and neither does Trevor) to move forward to hug him. He could hear surprised voices behind him and the one beside them, but he doesn’t care as he envelopes his brother in a hug for the first time in over twenty-two years. He puts one arm around his back, while the other goes to his hair to ruffle it, like always. Trevor mimics him, and to be honest, he finally feels completed for the first time in years – like a piece of himself that had been missing was finally locking into place.
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Good morning!!! Which of the guys are big spoon vs. little spoon? (If you already did this sorry!)
Big Spoons
Andrei and Annabelle: she is so in love with how much bigger he is than her, so of course Annabelle is the smaller spoon. They also definitely have a bit of a size kink in their relationship, so Andrei loves being bigger than her.
Sidney and Alessandra: Sidney is such a big spoon when it comes to Alessandra, he just wants to constantly protect her. And late at night there’s nothing more that she wants than to be held and who is Sidney to deny her of that right?
Jack and Kennedy: he is nothing but a slut for Kennedy’s attention so he is a big spoon only because of that. Honestly his favourite time is when Sofia is down for a nap just because he then gets to have all of Kennedy’s attention.
Quinn and Rouge: because of everything that happened when they first started dating, Quinn always feels that he wants her to know just how much he adores her. He just wants to sit and hold her sometimes as he watches her do media you can just see his heart eyes in her direction. He is so clingy and that’s what makes him her big spoon because Quinn initiates all of it.
Luke and Allie: selfishly Luke enjoys the fact that she is shorter than him, even as a tall girl she’s still smaller than him and that boosts his ego all the time so Luke likes to be the big spoon.
Elias and Gracie: Elias is a big spoon purely because he loves being able to kiss Gracie as he holds her. Now that’s something he can’t do if Gracie is behind him. Gracie squeals when the boy kisses her neck as it’s very ticklish.
John and Maya: John just wants attention really but as Maya is the one who usually falls asleep first, John had accepted the fact that it they want to cuddle then he has to be the one to cuddle her which makes him accept being a big spoon.
Nico and Margo: Nico is such a big spoon. He loves to protect her and in the process of that he loves to just hold her really.
Little Spoons
Trevor and Blair: Trevor is such a small spoon. Like sure he likes to be in control but the tickles Blair gives him when she’s giving him cuddles makes him feel all content.
Phil and Victoria: even though Victoria definitely knows that it’s the case, Phil loves being against her boobs. They are especially his favourite when she isn’t wearing a bra under her shirt because then he gets the full feeling of them pressed against him.
Mat and Maddie: his guilty pleasure is when Maddie is a big spoon, purely because they started their relationship Mat often felt like he was the one who loved her more than she loved him. But now that Maddie is back she is so openly physical with him as she’s always got to be holding his hand or in the apartment Maddie always wants a hug. He will be playing video games when she holds him and it’s the funniest thing.
Jeremy and Adelia: Adelia hugs like a bear so Jeremy is forced to accept being a little spoon as sometimes he even has to give her piggyback rides around the apartment because she just doesn’t want to walk or leave him.
Will and Bailey: Will is such a small spoon it’s actually crazy, he is so obsessed with her and he just wants to constantly be held. Since Bailey moved to Cali he doesn’t want to have her go away ever again.
Alex and Spencer: they both sort of change between it, honestly all depending on who is feeling the whole clingy mood. Like if it’s Spencer that wants the love then she will literally cling to Alex like a koala but if it’s Alex he just gets whiney if she’s busy. Alex does definitely get much happier on those days when Spencer wants the attention because she is all lovey as she hugs him.
Nico and Bianca: Bianca loves being able to openly love Nico so she is constantly cuddling him as she has her head on his shoulder whilst he watches old games. He also won’t complain how she mumbles sweet nothings into his ear as they cook in the kitchen.
Jack and Mila: weirdly enough I don’t think either of these two have a distinctive big spoon or little spoon job really
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Emily Is Away Too - Note Thing
I've been playing the game Emily is away too and it's reminded me so much of my teen years {cringe} but I kinda wanted to still do the note thing from the facenook thingy lol. Here we go!
Are you prepared to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
uhhh yeah lol
Think of your last ten kisses, were they with the same person?
of course
Who was the last person you shared a blanket with?
my fiancé Trevor
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
probably lol
Who was the last person to call you?
How are you feeling?
pretty chill
How does your hair look?
wet lol I just showered
Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
I am one haha
What do you carry with you at all times?
hand sanitizer, phone, headphones and a pocket hairbrush
Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy?
of course
Any plans for summer?
far awayyyy lol, but idk, I'll be married by then! That's exciting!
Do you believe teenagers can fall in love?
Well yeah
Will you be in a relationship next month?
I hope I still am!
Does sex mean love?
What are you doing for your next birthday?
No idea lol
What are you wearing on your feet?
my feet are naked
What are your plans for tomorrow?
I have the day off work so I'll probably have a lazy day playing games or something. I have a catch up call with my friend in America in the evening tho, can't wait!
How old are your siblings, if you have any?
50, 40 odd, 34 and 21
Is your birthday in less than 6 months?
Would you rather get stuck on an island with your ex or a python?
I'll take the snake. Oh sorry, the python :p
Do you get upset over the opposite sex easily?
No I get along with guys more than girls lol
Are you ticklish?
Yes leave me alone
What/who woke you up this morning?
Nothing I woke up naturally at like 5am -_-
Honestly, do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
I mean it was my Mom lmao so no
Were you happier now or three months ago?
Hard to tell, I've been super happy for a long time
Are you a couple with the last person you kissed on the lips?
Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
Yes I love it!
Last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
On a plane lol
Do you think making out is slutty?
Nah not really
Do you think things will change in the next few months?
Is the person you last texted single?
No it was my fiancé lol
Who is it?
Favorite colour?
Probably pink
When will your next kiss be?
Prob when Trevor gets home from work
What song are you listening to?
Marry me by Jason Derulo!
How late do you normally stay up on weekdays?
I go to bed super early
When do you prefer to take a shower, in the morning or night?
Can you watch scary movies?
Yeah but I don't tend to lol
Do you want any piercings?
no but I have tattoos
Would you rather stay at home, or be out and about?
depends what the out and about activity is lol, adventuring and exploring places I love to do but can't do big parties lol
What color shirt are you wearing?
grey, with cats on wearing pyjamas!
Is there someone who knows everything or almost everything about you?
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[ giggle ] sender starts tickling and kissing the receiver all over in order to make them laugh
II @vxctorx
"Vic, c'mon, I'm bein' serious this time, stop messin' 'round. Ye' need to let me go. Ye' can't keep me in bed forever," tut Richard, his hands captured and pinned beside his head by the blonde's strong grasp. "Don't think yer' gonna win this round, Trevor," continued the Scotsman, narrowing his eyes and dramatically pouting at the other in mock rebellion. "I know all of yer' persuasive ways and they aren't gonna work on me this time. I have learned to be not so easily swayed by yer' charms."
With Richard's hands still pinned against the mattress, he watched as Vic drew his head low before feeling his familiar lips stamp soft and slow kisses upon his bare middle. Richard tilted his chin up, schooling the other a pursed and fiercely determined glance until eventually the corners of his lips began to curl into an inadvertent smile. Vic's lips began to pick up with fervor and speed. Soon Richard felt himself squirm below Vic's hips, biting his lower lip in a poor attempt to stifle back a giggle. Eventually, Vic's sensual kisses evolved into a storm of feathery smooches, nibbles, and quick raspberries. It was once the blonde's nimble fingers joined in the mix that the dam of laughter finally crumbled. "Noooo! Viiiic! Ye' meanie!" Richard whined through golden, boyish laughter, his pinned figure continuing to wriggle beneath the young gentleman's sturdy figure. At some point, Richard managed to catch hold of Vic's wrists only to learn the hard way that Victor Trevor didn't need curious fingers to grant him the privilege of Richard's laughter.-- A small breath was drawn out of the Scotsman's lungs when he felt Vic's body even more firmly press his against the bed. "Oof! Vic! Wha' are ye'-... Nooo! Don't ye' dare!" Suddenly, Richard let out a ticklish squeal as Vic's wandering lips began feast all over Richard's throat and the crook of his neck with quickened nips and kisses as if ebbing his own yearning appetite; all the while the tips of his index fingers traced against the Scotsman's bare sides. Only Victor Trevor had the ability to make the likes of Richard Mayhew crumble with just the work of two fingers. At that point Richard had completely given up with trying to squirm away and gave into his giggly fate. "A'righ'! A'righ'! I give! Ye' win! I giiiive!" he snorted. Finally, the ticklish kisses stopped. Richard felt Vic's cheeky, wandering lips capture his own, residual giggles pouring into them. "Yer' not only a brute, but a cheater too," smirked Richard. "And y'know tha' this just means I'm gonna get ye' back for this in the near future, righ'?"
#vxctorx#answered ask;#he's half my soul as the poets say;#//Richard! You should know better than to go against Vic and his wishes!//#//these 2 are children istg i love them sm 😌 u better watch out Vic! Richard is going to make sure u get ur comeuppance! >:>//#//also also i just remembered how much i missed these 2 and writing for them 🥺//
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Like I’m Gonna Lose You
Summary: Diana is fascinated with Steve’s laugh. Steve indulges her—and himself. Slightly suggestive content.
Anon: Could you write a Wonder Woman tickle fic where Diana realizes she can use her hair to tickle Steve, so she pins him and uses it to drive him crazy 😂
This is set during Wonder Woman II so be cautious about reading if you don’t want it spoiled!
Sunlight filters through the open window and carries with it a gentle breeze. The golden wonder of morning casts its glow across two lovers hidden away from prying eyes.
Diana catalogues Steve’s body with her lips, gentle and languid, just as she has for the past few mornings. She starts at the crown of his head, migrating to his forehead, then his nose. There’s a ridge in the bone there, a permanent bump after being broken and poorly healed so many times, and she graces it with some well-deserved attention. The apples of his cheeks next--she adorns each and every freckle with its own kiss.
She moves along his jaw, nosing at a spot by his ear that makes him sigh and melt into the mattress. Her hand slides up to thread in his hair as she travels along the column of his throat and down to his collarbones. Their ritual is a necessity now, for both of them. Steve, alienated from his world and time, delightfully fascinated by track pants but still haunted by the booming of shells in his subconscious, and Diana, who’s still waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under her and take Steve with it.
“Di. Diana,” Steve huffs a laugh out his nose, sliding his palms up to hide his face. She’s made it down to his chest now, kissing a gentle line between his pecs.
“Yes, my love?” She glances up. He can’t even look at her.
He gets shy, sometimes, when she does this. Like she’s gotten lost, somehow, and tripped and fell onto a random stranger. Like he isn’t deserving of her. She scribes her love with her lips—later, she’ll say it aloud. The reminder that he’s here—physically, really here—is healing for them both.
She takes firm grasp of either side of his ribcage as she continues downwards, murmuring Themysciran endearments as she travels. These words, only spoken aloud between Amazons and their lovers, now find a home in the hills and valleys of his body. A branding, of sorts.
Her lips catch on a divot on his stomach—an old bullet wound. She lingers there as a silent thank you. How cruel it would’ve been if he’d died before they’d ever met. Where would she be?
Steve mumbles something utterly unintelligible and twitches beneath her. She pulls back for a moment.
“Hi.” She smiles.
“You gonna do this, uh, every morning?” He swallows. His hand traces a gentle line up and down her spine, warm and calloused and soft.
“I’ll stop if you’d like.” They both know that’s not what he’d like.
“No, no…I just…nevermind.” He clears his throat.
“You’re certain?” Diana can’t help her slight smirk.
“Alright.” She nearly whispers it. One kiss to the nose and she’s back on her mission.
Another twitch. Steve gasps sharply this time, hands gripping the sheets.
“Steve.” She arches her brow at him.
“Keep going! I’m good.” He gives her a hearty thumbs up, a little out of breath despite doing nothing. There’s a dopey smile on his face, the kind that makes her heart melt a little inside her chest.
“Well this is cute. Confusing, but cute.” She leans back down, maintaining eye contact, and when he doesn’t stop her, she presses her lips to his stomach and resumes her reverence. He immediately squeaks and squishes her cheeks.
“I’m sorry.” It comes out high-pitched and strangled. He lets her face go, instead opting to duck behind his hands.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” She smiles fondly at him.
“You’re trying to be all romantic and I keep gettin’ in your way.” He peeks between his fingers. She pries his hands away and holds them.
“I am, yes.” Diana kisses him sweetly. “Talk me through it. What’s happening in that head of yours?”
“Promise you won’t laugh?” He’s turned the most delectable shade of pink. She restrains herself from commenting on it.
“Of course.” She squeezes his hands.
“Your hair, it--” His breath hitches-- “It tickles.”
Diana immediately bursts into titters. The betrayal on Steve’s face only makes her laugh more, collapsing into his chest to bury her smile. His fingers tangle in her hair on habit, but even the light scratches on her scalp seem flabbergasted.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” He cries, cheeks flushing deeper.
“I’m not!” She giggles.
“You are so clearly laughing at me.” Steve points an accusatory finger, eyes narrowing.
“I would never,” She grins, quickly twitching her fingers over his stomach.
“Diana!” Steve barks out a laugh, slapping a palm over his mouth. His eyes sparkle over the edge of his hands, crinkling in the softest way.
Oh. Oh.
“Okay, you’re making a really scary face, and it’s, like, super hot, but what are you--”
“Were you not trained to resist torture?” She scribbles her fingers feather-light over his stomach and he kicks, throwing his head back on the mattress.
“N-Not like this! Stop it!” He squeals, drumming his heels, and Diana can’t help but chuckle. He never reaches for her once.
“You like this.” She isn’t asking and he knows it--the deer-in-headlights look on his face is truly priceless. She drags her nails up and down his sides, relishing in the goosebumps she leaves behind. No sound escapes him for a few moments, but that’s alright. She can be patient.
“Wh--no. Okay, maybe sometimes, but you don’t have to--”
She smooshes her face into his stomach before he can finish. She hasn’t finished cataloguing, after all, and judging by the frantic pitch of his giggles, he’s more than happy to let her finish.
All of his flailing carries him away from her, up towards the headboard and to semi-safety, but she’d never let him escape so easily. She drags him back down by the hips, fingers curling as she goes.
Steve’s voice does a shimmy at its highest octave, ending in a shriek almost as earnest as his ‘I love yous’.
“Nonono, Diana, dohohon’t—“
“Don’t what? You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Fuck! Not that spot, not that spot--ohoho mahan!”
“Language,” She chides gently, nibbling just above his pantline. Steve arches his spine hard, just enough for her to worry, but that mischievous instinct bubbling in her chest asks her to kiss at his bared throat instead.
“Mean!” He does manage to shove her away—once. Diana easily resettles on top of his legs and relieves him of his squirming. Her competitive spirit flares at the look on his face when she doesn’t budge from her perch.
He comes to a halt, still chuckling a little under his breath. Errant sunlight from the window catches his eyes and skin so beautifully.
If she wasn’t busy, she’d kiss him.
“Oh? I’m mean?” She pulls the waistband of his pajama pants down just a bit, exposing more canvas for her to work with. She wiggles her fingers just above the skin there and he’s already laughing.
“Di. I can’t promise I won’t hit you.” He holds his hands up between them. He keeps huffing out nervous chuckles as his eyes dart to her hands.
“Are you threatening me, Steve?” She swoops her hands again just to hear him laugh. He folds upwards, trying to use that patented Trevor charm to distract her from killing him. She presses him back down to the bed with a forearm stronger than steel.
“Okay, one: as if I could ever. Two: I’m trying to warn you before I leave here looking like you used me for sparring practice.” He’s not even bothered in her grip, just giggly and rosy pink.
“You we’re doing fine earlier.” She’s only a little petulant. He gives her a look. She sighs.
“Hm. Fine.” She rolls off of him, but not before kissing him. Then again. And again. These indulgences feel so much less selfish when they have all the time in the world.
She stands and stretches, sighing at the pleasant crack-crack and melting of the prior day’s tension. Two strong forearms lock around her middle and pull her against a warm body. Steve’s jaw slots into the crook of her neck beautifully. His stubble brushes over the curve of her shoulder and pulls a smile onto her lips.
“Come. Let’s have breakfast while we still have daylight.” She cradles his head.
“Maybe next time we can try the lasso,” he murmurs, nibbling at her earlobe. He rushes out of the room and takes her breath with him.
“Pancakes?” He calls from the kitchen, as if he knows how to use a stove. Cheeky bastard. She can hear the smirk in his voice from here.
Diana chuckles to herself and makes her way after him.
#my fics#bug’s greatest hits#they're in love your honor#also sorry it took years to fill this prompt ive been unbearably busy#ill be trying to clear out prompts thru dec/jan tho!#hope y'all enjoy <3#Wonder Woman#steve trevor#Diana Prince#ticklish!steve trevor#diana x steve#(?) idk if they have a ship name#wondertrevor? idk
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