switch-writer · 10 months
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Portgas D. Ace Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: Ahhhh! Hi Rando 👹 I’m doing okay! And of course! I enjoyed seeing Ace in the Alabasta arc and honestly he’s such a ball of joy. Gotta love him. He has such a cute little smile and I love him so much 😭 But honestly, I can’t wait to see more of him! Thank you for requesting this because MAN I love writing One Piece requests. Especially for my boy Ace. I hope you enjoy!
• Right out of the gate, he’s fifty-fifty. He tickles people and gets tickled the same amount. He may tickles people more but he doesn’t mind either way.
• Very mischievous. Always has a big grin on his face like he’s plotting (which is he) when he’s about to tickle someone or is tickling someone.
• Playful. Constantly joking around and teasing people. Lots of nicknames and childish jokes.
• “You’re so loud! I Can’t hear what you’re saying! Guess I’ll continue tickling you, ‘giggles.’”
• He’d laugh along with whomever he’s tickling, he finds laughter super contagious and he enjoys making others laugh, especially since it’s so easy.
• He’ll chase you around if you try to dodge his tickling. He’s strong willed. So he’d chase someone for however many miles he has to run, then tackle them like he’s a pro wrestler once he catches them.
• Fire Fist makes it a point to match the energy. If he tickles someone more shy and bashful, it’s gentle, silly, and fun. If it’s someone more head strong and prideful, he’s much more fast and all over with it since it becomes a battle of pride. Bunches of pokes every way. And if you’re somewhere in the middle, a little bit of both worlds.
• Luffy + raspberries. That’s happened a lot, and he’ll always do raspberries due to the silliness.
• Ace however is also someone to never stop tickling someone until they surrender. Then he’d cheer and stand right up, probably do a little shimmy dance, stick his tongue out and then go “HAH! I win!” And playfully brag about it.
• At least he did that with Luffy. He’ll sometimes have a more gentle side where he’d ruffle the persons hair and compliment their laugh after they surrender. Maybe even put his hat on them.
• On the flip side, he’s someone to either take the challenge head on(which is the majority) or get slightly bashful and nervously try and back off.
• “Eh? You want to..? I… d-don’t know about that. Come on. Anything else you could do?” He’d ask while nervously scratching his neck or fiddling with his hair.
• Or on the other hand, he’d laugh and basically take on the challenge, and probably make it into a tickle fight. He’s usually physically strong enough to turn the tables and fight it off.
• Nonetheless, Ace’s laugh is loud and hearty. You won’t miss it, you’ll hear it and you’ll hear the joy in it. It’s quite infectious.
• If he happens to be losing during a tickle fight, he’ll often curl up in a ball and start yelling to abort the mission as if he’s some captain.
• Ace is a squirmer when tickling is a thing, so that being said, hair goes everywhere, his hat is across the room, he lost his necklace whenever he lost his pride to embarrassment, and he can’t find it. So he’ll usually spend a moment or two after tickling to try and find where his necklace flew off to since he probably accidentally flung it off.
• Luffy used to tickle him to win fights. He loses a lot of strength and focus when someone tickles him.
• Ace’s weak/worst spot is his tummy, along with his back and underarms. Although he’s quite ticklish everywhere.
• His laugh will randomly get very bubbly and he’ll start practically hiccuping because of how much he’s laughing, and that’s usually when he starts to smack the ground to tab out like how you tab out in wrestling.
• He’ll usually just lay there for a second, he’ll be recovering for the next ten minutes to find his necklace and fix his hair and hat, then just relax while giggling from the ghostly feeling of tingles still all over him.
• Nonetheless, tickling happens to always put Ace in a good mood, he’ll always be smiling after. He’s happy to laugh and happy to smile, while making others smile and laugh along with him.
Hope you enjoyed!
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anzynai · 18 days
Oh my gosh im so excited to see a twst writer in the community!! Can u please share some heartslabyul headcanons (no pressure if u dont want to) i just love them so much thank you!
Heartslabyul Hcs
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HELLOOO this has been sitting in my ask box for ages and i am so sorry for dying and not posting for a whole month.. erm. anyway, headcanons. unfortunately no new fic im sorry but uh soon!!! its heartslabyul tho soo enjoy!!
since riddle was never exposed to tickling when he was a child, he was always curious about what it felt like. like, he’s read about it, heard about it, etc, but just couldn’t imagine HOW it could make someone laugh. afterall, it sounds so absurd. which makes total sense.
it wasn’t until he started hanging out with chenya and trey that he finally learned what it was like. chenya had been the one to poke him in the side first. riddle had jumped, sputtered, giggled, and jsut reaxted like how any ticklish person would and riddle was like,, what was that?? chenya had simply told him he was curious and trey was like “oh, youre ticklish, huh?” and suddenly it made SO MUCH sense. THATS what tickling was like, and now that he had a taste of it, he was curious about more. being actually tickled and tickling someone. thankfully, being friends witb the two, he did in fact experience those
when he arrived at nrc, it didnt happen as much but trey seemed to notice that riddle didnt exactly hate tickling. as he got older he tried to hide it, but he didnt hate iy. maybe wasnt as interested as when he was younger, but it was more neutral. trey would like to poke him to get his attention and such.
trey is ticklish but maybe would prefer to be tbe ler, or at least let it be equal. he’s like, teh nonchalant tickler HELPP so like, usually won’t go very far, not more than a poke to tbe side or something small like that, but well, he still does it to like most of heartslabyul and his friends outside of heartslabyul, but is like totally casual abt it so sometimes ppl wonder if they should even bring it up
when they do, “i only wanted to get your attention.” hey trey! calling their name works just as well btw!! no but sometimes he does it just because he feels like it. always the same excuse too😭
cater is pretty ticklish. he has a love-hate relationship of it. i thjnk he enjoys tickling people, but doesnt do it much because HE doesnt particularly ENJOY getting tickled and he doesnt want them to like, retaliate. he doesnt hate it but his sisters loved tickling hjm when he was younger so it kinda left a bad taste in his mouth. basically, he usually will only have a good time if its someone he knows well and is comfortable with and he knows theh wont push him to the brink. he doesnt like to laugh uncontrollably i feel like. eitherway, he def tickles others the same exact way bc he doesnt want them to feel the same way he does about it.
he doesnt mind gentle tickles at all, but again, ws long as he’s with the right people. i feel like with a partner, he would actyally really love tickles while they r cuddling. super cute, yes.
deuce didnt get tickled a lot, at least not until he entered nrc. never really had any feelinfs towards it. he hated it when he was younger, became more neutral about it when he grew up. he would definitely defend someone if they thought it was embarrassing. “everyones ticklish! nothing to be ashamed of!”
this actually leads to him getting tickled about half the time😭😭 because everyone loves to tickle the first year students (i would too). super embarrassed? yes. super awkward? yes. hates it? nope!! prob would be blushing and all but never have any complaints
ace, on tbe other hand, did get tickled a lot when he was younger and that did not change upon his arrival to nrc. i dont know how to describe it, he just radiates those vibes. also i frel like he was more of the “popular” guys in middle school (he peaked in middle school just kidding) but he was prob the one his frienfs liked to gang up on and tickle
doesnt PARTICULARLY seek out being tickled but will ALWAYS join in if one of his friends is being tickled in front of him with the most sadistic smile on his face. he js evil, do not let urself be tickled by him (or do maybe).
yk that guy who will convince others to tickle the super scary boss?? no?? well whatever, that’s cater. tell me he doesnt whisper to the freshman to tickle riddle… everyone knows its him too except riddle because, well, the freshman never get too far in their endeavors. afterall, leaders are to set an example!
trey knows ofc, but does he stop it? ofc not!! riddle needs a laugh time to time after all.
tickle fights. between all five of them. most r started by the chaotic duo (ace and deuce) or cater. and well, the winner is USUALLY cater or riddle, trey too. ace and deuce never win. plus, cater has his clones to back him up, but if riddle uses his spell, he’s the first one gone
trey just kinda lets it happen, until he doesnt. yea hes ticklish but rarely does he lose unless he lets it happen on purpose. (until u get his back, then he’s done for) riddle and cater know this pretty well, ace and deuce have yet to find out. whenever they come close, trey quickly turns the tables LOL
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fluffomatic · 6 months
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The brawlers dogpile and tickle poor Dan silly >w< The dude wouldn’t get out of bed and the others just, looked at each other, smirked, and jumped on the sleepy brawler! Dan absolutely was having a depressive episode and, you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine~
(My art don’t repost but please reblog)
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guppygiggles · 5 days
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More ticklefish 💚
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kiri-mikua · 2 years
OMG OMG OMG, Imagine like- Phoenix Write is just absolutely oblivious that his tickling Edgeworth, like- his just rubbing his thigh to reassure him or something and Edgeworth is trying to look menacing, but his just a twitching, giggling mess
OMG THATS SO CUTE ANON WHAT okok how bout feenie does KNOW or rather he finds out on the spot (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
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and after that day he wouldn't stoppestering him ;u;
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cloudcountry · 1 year
ace + sun ?? 🫶🫶🫶
ofc!!! 🫶🫶🫶
ACE TRAPPOLA + SUN (1k event details)
“That one looks like Deuce.”
“Ace, that’s a blob.”
The boy beside you laughs so hard you think he’s going to cry, and you wonder if he really finds making fun of Deuce that funny. There’s a certain part of you that finds it so endearing though, so you say nothing and watch as Ace throws his head back and shines in the sunlight. His head comes down all too soon, and he fixes his gaze right on you.
“Hey.” Ace snickers, leaning in really close, “Take a picture, babe. It’ll last longer.”
Playfully, you shove him away, trying to ignore the heat climbing up your cheeks. Insufferable as always, Ace snuggles into your side and whines about how mean you are.
“Don’t call me babe then!” you protest, putting your whole body weight into pushing him back (like a couple of middle schoolers, you think. But it's so easy to let loose with him.)
“Then can I call you mine?” he winks, sticking his tongue out at you.
“Oh that is it.” you stop pushing and outstretch your hands, wiggling your fingers as his face contours in horror, “I’m going to get you back for that, Ace Trappola!”
“Not the full name—!” he gasps and you lunge, digging your fingers into his sides and tickling him mercilessly.
The sky must be able to hear your joy, you think, because you’ve never seen a more beautiful day.
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amazingmsme · 10 months
Just Like the Good Ol’ Days
AN: Finally getting around to the last couple of tickletober fics, but it’s gonna be slow cause I have the last few projects & finals coming up. But I promise more will be coming your way! Not to mention squealing santa right around the corner!
It was impossible to say no to Larry Butz. If the matter were serious enough, then sure, but it was a rare exception. Larry just had a way about him that guilted you into doing whatever he asked. Which was why Edgeworth found himself stuck in the middle of the couch, sandwiched between his friends as a cheap horror movie played on tv.
Larry had been nagging both himself and Wright about "getting the gang back together" and having a sleepover like they used to. At first he thought it was a joke. What were three grown men supposed to even do at a sleepover? Apparently watch movies he'd never bothered to see and eat more junk food than God intended. He couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun.
They ended up lost in conversation, reminiscing on days of old when things were more simple and life felt easy.
Or at least, that's how it all had started. Miles was currently trying his hardest to pay attention to the movie and ignore the tickle fight happening right next to him.
Larry was always a stubborn one. As soon as Phoenix stood to go to the bathroom, Larry stretched his legs out in his previous seat. When the lawyer returned, he'd refused to move, claiming there was "enough room" on the edge of the cushion. There decidedly was not enough room.
Phoenix sat down on his outstretched legs, immediately scribbling his fingers over the trapped soles. Larry thrashed about and screamed in laughter, all to no avail.
Edgeworth sat on the other end of the couch, stiff as a board as he tried his hardest to ignore the playful tussle happening next to him. He stared intently at the screen, silently wishing they made horse blinders for people.
"E-Edgehehehey! Hehehelp a guy out!" Larry cried, breaking him out of his trance. He flinched and glanced over. Phoenix had his legs in a headlock, scribbling relentlessly over his socked soles. He met Edgeworth's gaze and smiled brightly.
"Yeah, help me make him move!"
Edgeworth was frozen like a deer caught in headlights.
"If it's all the same to you, I'd like to watch the movie."
Phoenix stilled his hand, a small frown tugging his lips downward. Miles was back to staring at the screen as Phoenix and Larry shared a look. Maybe if he hadn't been so focused on tuning them out, he would've noticed the shift in targets.
As it was, he didn't notice until it was too late and his back met the couch cushions.
"What are-" he tried to speak but clamped his mouth shut before an embarrassingly high pitched giggle slipped out. His friends had wasted no time as their hands sought out his most sensitive spots. Their memories seemed to serve them well.
"Oh c'mon Edgey! I know you wanna laugh!"
Larry called out, scribbling against the backs of his knees. Miles snorted and kicked out futilely.
“You know we know all your worst spots!” Phoenix added, wrestling his arms above his head and digging in his exposed pit with his free hand. The damn was now cracked, and a flood of laughter poured out.
It was stupid and childish, and completely unbearable, but on the other hand, it felt good to laugh with them again. Just like old times.
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xolliwritez · 2 years
Bro... so yk the whole sqeak in court thing with the leaf we talked about?
What if that was.. before miles and nick got to realize they were ticklish?? But miles remembers from back when they were kids??
And he's all like
"Wright, are you okay? Are you sick? You seem quite red." Genuinely concerned, but then that turns into a ticklish discovery of sorts >:3
Lying Lawyer || Ace Attorney Tk Fic
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A/N: AAAAA ADRIEN!! yes yes it's the most amazing conversation we had ever in discord kajxjejd ace attorney will always be one of my biggest hyperfixations!! hope you enjoy!!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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Inside the court, it grew more and more intense as the trial went on, despite it just starting 30 minutes ago. As it went on, Maya couldn't help but notice a leaf was stuck at the edge of Phoenix's collar when he ducked down to grab something to testify against Edgeworth's accusation. She meerly went and took the leaf off, but whilst she did that, her and the court's eye's widdened as he let out a shriek.
"Wright? What is the matter?" The judge asked, Phoenix turned to see Miles try and piece together in his mind for what got him to make that noise, "No, no! I simply saw a spider and jumped was all!" He waved off, smiling nervously. His cheeks grew increasingly red, and his mind was racing so fast that it was blurred, Miles had still been working the gears in his head, before a sudden smirk placed onto his face. Phoenix attempted to continue the trial, only to mess up each try, so Edgeworth interrupted, "Judge, sorry to interrupt but I think we need to call in a break." He said formerly, the judge had nodded and clanked his gavel down, "A 15 minute break will be insued, I trust Wright will gather his thoughts back, no?" He asked, earning a quick nod as they all were dismissed.
As Phoenix reached the back of a private room, he took the moment to think, only to yelp when Miles had him against the wall, he had his hands pinned between his underarms so he couldn't slither away, his strength drastically higher than Phoenix's, "I know there wasn't any insects in that court, Wright, so, I thought back as to what would make you make a noise like that, just to have some.. childhood memories." The same smirk from earlier enlaced his facial features, his hand clawing at his side, whenever to went to squirm to the other side, his other hand would catch it and claw there too, only for the process to repeat until he was using Edgeworth's shoulder's to try and keep himself held up, his laughter piling up in the back of his throat.
The tickly memories of when they were kids, having turns in tickling eachother, but whenever Edgeworth did this move? It always meant he wasn't going to escape until he got his answers. "IhiHIhihit was n-noho-GAHAH!? WAIT! WAHAHAHAIT!" Guffawed the blue suited male, his entire body falling to the floor, unfortunately, Edgeworth had started to knead against his hip's while he was distracted, making him get in this position. "Wright, you know how much I feel about liars, I find it insulting that you'd dare to lie infront of my face." His face and voice was blunt, but they both knew it'd still fluster the other badly, making him snort, "IHI KNOHOW! JUHUST- BWAHAH! MEHERCY!"
"You know how to make this stop, Phoenix." Claimed the other, shaking his head tauntingly, only to barely hear the whine Phoenix's had emitted from it, "Oh? Does every little move I make fluster you?" He asked nonchalantly, his smirk widdening as he nodded helplessly, "OKAHAY, MAHAYA TIHICKLED ME, THAHATS IT! I SWEHEAR!" Edgeworth could hear the truth lace his voice, as he stopped, he couldn't help but scoff and chuckle at him, "How childish, see you back in trial." He waltzed off, listening to Phoenix scramble to get up and get back himself, fixing his slightly messy look.
As they entered the room, the judge looked over, "Is Wright feeling better, Edgeworth?" He asked, Phoenix physically quivering when he saw him grin, "Oh yes, he was just tickled pink, nothing serious." He winked at Phoenix, earning a scowl, "Great, let the trial continue." And with that, Phoenix had to suffer through this embarrassing moment for ages to come.
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Paul:Gahahahahahaha! St-Stahahahp! Nohohoho! Please!
Gene:Bwahahahahaha! Wahahahahaha! I Can’t Take It!! That Tickles!!!
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Ace:Nohohoho! I~I Can’t Take This Anymore! Help Mehehehe!
Peter:Wahahahahaha! Mahahahan! I Can’t Take It!!!!
Tickle a KISS Member!
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Gene:Ticklish On The Sides!
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Eric:Ticklish On The Neck!!!!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I just sent a user a tickle headcanon, and it made me think about your Blue Lock obsession.
Who on the team has ticklish shoulders and can't handle someone squeezing them if they're anxious, etc.
Muhahhahha, this is DIVINE! I can think of a few, friend >:3
Right off the bat? Bachira. His shoulders are so, so ticklish- if you try to squeeze one he's arching away in a fit of giggles before turning back around all: "You want a tickle fight huh? Okay!" Kunigami was the unfortunate victim to this- he was trying to be supportive after a particularly bad practice and immediately got wrecked lols. In a way- it did cheer up Bachira though!
Also: Rin hates them and will immediately scrunch up when they get squeezed. It's not even his shoulders- Aryu and Tokimitsu just have a bad habit of getting way too close to his neck so the ghost tickles are fairly bad. Sae used to do that to him too; pat his shoulders before sneaking a few tickles against the back of his neck from time to time.
Barou will turn to stone. Like Rin it's mainly cause his neck is fairly bad and a hand on his shoulders makes him wanna turtle up- but also like Bachira his shoulders are fairly ticklish. He gets all stone faced and serious cause he's trying desperately not to laugh akrakjerjkaejkrjka. Chigiri and Nagi find out about this and absolutely abuse it.
Finally, because we need to talk about him more; Raichi. He's not even that ticklish there; it's the fact Gagamaru has talons for hands and the uncanny knack of finding the exact spot that tickles like crazy. He mainly does it when Raichi's being particularly annoying and wants to shut him up. Spoiler alert- it works wonders lols.
Thanks for asking!
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nataliedrawz · 1 year
Can you do a lee!Godot and a ler!blackquill? Honestly I feel like Godot is very up tight and needs some tickles. It is okay if you can't though
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Hey anon!! My first time drawing these two, I hope you like it!!
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Plus Taka freaking out
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anzynai · 5 months
could i request adeuce for the 300 follower event? i think deuce should get some "revenge" for all the times ace has made fun of him, though maybe ace turns the tables at the end? or maybe not.
hii thank u for sending in a request, ngl i was worried the most on this one bc im not rlly sure how to write them so they might be ooc😭 but hope u enjoy anyway!!
“say that again and you’ll regret it!” deuce said, a crazed yet somewhat exhilarated expression on his face.
ace didn’t back down, however. “i said, are you stupid?! look at the mess the cauldron made! who do you think has to clean this all up!”
“you and grim shouldn’t have fought!”
“oh, i get it,” ace chuckled, a smug grin on his face. “you’re too dumb to understand, huh?”
deuce’s eyes widened at that, lip curling in anger as he cracked his knuckles.
“that is it!” he shouted, when he jumped on top of ace. ace braced himself, expecting pain, but instead…
“w-wahahahait! huhuh?!” ace cried, giggles pouring from his lips before he could help it.
“this is what you get for making fun of me all the time!” deuce began to tickle along ace’s ribs, lightly grazing over each of the bones.
“stahahap! i’ll g-gehehehet you bahahack!” ace declared, glaring at the other. his threats hardly looked menacing at all, though, when his face was bright red and he was laughing. but.. it was the thought that counted.
“i’d like to see you try.” and try he did. remembering the time he had once tickled deuce for shits and giggles, there was one spot that made him lose his mind.
if he remembered correctly… he pinched just above deuce’s right hip. amidst all the laughter, he smirked at deuce’s reaction as he faltered. that was what he needed. he grabbed deuce’s wrists, pinning him to the ground. part of him wished he could have taken a photo of deuce’s face at that moment.
“looks like i win~” ace teased, as he prodded at deuce’s hips.
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mikhaelchange · 10 months
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Rizzy (my OC) has stolen Ace's hat. Ace is not going to stop until he will confess the location of the object 🤭🤭🤭
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 8 - trapped
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Ace and Deuce
- Deuce! Remove your boiler immediately! - Ace was lying under the cauldron, which was conjured by his classmate.
- I'm trying, but it doesn't work.
- You are kidding me?! - redhead began to beat his hands on the floor and wiggle his legs to try to get out of the trap, but nothing came of it.
- You're trapped.
- Thank you, I can see it without you. - Ace rolled his eyes. - Help me!
- If you ask nicely. - dark haired folded his arms.
- What? Are you kidding?! - but still the redhead sighed. - Deuce, dear, please, can you help me get out of this cauldron that you have conjured and cannot remove. - he speaks in a mock voice.
Deuce rolled his eyes.
- Okay. It is better. - dark-haired squatted down and grabbed his leg.
- I don't think it will help. - redhaired said skeptically.
- Do you have other options?
- Hmph
Deuce began to pull him to the side.
- Ow ow ow, it hurts!
- Be patient.
- What does that's mean?
- That's what it means.
Dark haired's hand touched the side of the trapped one, and he heard giggles.
- Hm? Ace?
- N-no, shut up, don't say anything! - redhead covered his mouth with his hand.
Deuce chuckled.
- Are you ticklish?~
- I'm not! - he began to wriggle very strongly.
- Hmmm - Deuce began to quickly tickle Ace's sides.
- Nohohohooho! I'll kihihihihill yohohohohou
- First stop laughing and get out of the trap~
- Yohohohou ahahahare tehheheherrible.
- Hehe, no, you're just being very ticklish. - he began to tickle faster, from which the redhead did not scream. - Wow, that's the reaction.
- Stohohohohop stohohohohohop! Okahahahay, sohohohorry me for swehehearing at yohou. Juhahahast stohohohop, I cahahahahahahan't.
Riddle appeared in the hallway.
- Hmm, what are you two doing?
- Oh, dorm leader. - Deuce stopped and the cauldron instantly disappeared. - I tried to help Ace get out.
- You know this spell perfectly. - said Riddle and went on.
- Perfectly?! - redhead looked at him.
- Um, I'll explain everything.
- Better run!
And the chase began throughout the academy.
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mossyvil · 1 month
how they like to cuddle
includes all characters except ortho bc idk how to write for him. writing this on mobile so excuse any formatting issues
riddle- he isn’t a huge cuddler, so you guys usually are just next to each other. but sometimes if you’re lucky you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and he is clinging on to you for dear life. he isn’t aware he does this tho so don’t mention it or he’ll be embarrassed
trey- he likes to have your head on his chest, holding your hand and maybe your legs interlocked. he also plays with your hair and it feels HEAVENLY. he also subconsciously runs his hands down your back as he falls asleep.
cater- he is just all over you lmfao. on your chest, you on his, spooning, he doesn’t care. it changes like 5 times a night too bc he can’t pick a position and stay in it but all his limbs must be touching you or he is not happy >:(
ace- just a classic big spoon guy. he enjoys cuddling but not to a huge extent to being a big spoon is the right amount or contact for him. but he is a hypocrite and will not let you get up once you’re in bed lol
deuce- acts like a big spoon but it’s obvious he likes being held, he just wants to be your protector. once you coax him a little though he’s much more comfortable being the little spoon and feels very safe in your arms
more utc!
leona- uses you as his own personal body pillow. every part of him is wrapped around you, including his tail. he claims he can’t sleep well without you so he drags you to cuddle with him when he takes naps lol. only puts his head on you, not his pillow
ruggie- he has no preference. he can appreciate all of the cuddling positions and likes to switch it up each night. and yes, he does like having his head pet. so any position where you can give him head rubs is fine with him
jack- he likes having you fully on top of him. no matter your size he likes the feeling of you on him, it’s like a weighted blanket. he’s also a little afraid of hurting you with his strength so this is a win-win for him
azul- hes a little spoon. it takes a while for him to even be comfortable cuddling in the first place, and once that happens he’s actually very open with saying that he prefers to be held. it makes him feel safe, like his octopot.
jade- big spoon all the way. he doesn’t have a real reason why he likes it so much but he won’t cuddle unless he can be the big spoon. just be careful, once you’re in his arms his teasing mood kicks in
floyd- it changes every night lol. he isn’t a big fan of being the little spoon, but other than that he just goes with what you prefer. he does like to squeeze you when he can, but he tries to be gentle
kalim- little spoon! he feels very content in your arms and it helps him relax after a long day. he also likes to hold your hands in front of him. give him soft kisses behind his ear and youll get to hear his giggles bc he’s ticklish
jamil- he��s also not huge on cuddling but he can’t sleep without you in the bed. at most he wants to hold hands but even that depends on the day. he’s like a cat, he wants to be near you but not touch unless it’s on his terms.
vil- DOES like to cuddle but makes sure not to mess up his hair. usually lays on his back and pulls you into his side so he isn’t gonna ruin all his meticulous work on his skin and hair. he isn’t too upset if it does happen, but would like to avoid it
rook- has no preference, just likes to touch you lol. if he had to choose he would want you to have your head on his chest, but as long as he gets to have his affection he’s happy. he doesn’t move a lot in his sleep, but does subconsciously pull you closer to him
epel- big spoon most of the time but sometimes is the little spoon. he’s surprisingly willing to admit he likes both, but he usually goes to being the big spoon. he likes being able to hug you, you’re like a soft plushy to him
idia- likes to sleep facing you and holding hands with legs intertwined but not fully cuddling. it took him a while to even be this affectionate with cuddling, but he’s getting there. he also likes that he can look at you when your eyes are closed lol
malleus- you on top of him with your head tucked under his. he wants you as close as possible and wraps your legs around each others so you’re even closer. he runs kind of warm so it’s really nice in the winter when the dorms are cold
lilia- he likes to lay on top of you with his head in your chest lol. it doesn’t matter if you have boobs or not, he likes your chest. he says it makes a good pillow for an old fae to rest his head on
silver- very respectful of your space and likes to be the big spoon. he lets you initiate any cuddling because he wants to make sure you’re okay with it first. he’s just happy to be next to you
sebek- he sleeps like a starfish LMFAO. all limbs are in each direction. theoretically you could cuddle like that but it’s not very comfortable 😭 he does at least try to go to sleep cuddling you if you want, but he moves a lot in his sleep so it doesn’t last that long
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