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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 4 years ago
Tickletober Day Nine
Ganged up on
(Warning: intense tickles)
Roman had forgotten. It made sense for him to have forgotten, that had been the whole point. Give lee mood sensors to the other sides and then forget, and get surprised with tickles when he wanted them most. But he hadn’t thought he really would forget.
And so he was surprised, coming down to the kitchen with his mood, he thought, well hidden, only to see Patton smirking at him with an almost evil grin.
And then Janus came into the kitchen, sliding right up behind him and wrapping his arms around Roman’s waist. Roman couldn’t help but gasp, though he tried not to do anything more than that.
“Good morning, Princey~” Virgil practically purred, leaning against the wall with a smirk.
“What’s— what’s going on here?” Roman asked, his lee mood flaring up massively, all his work to push it down wasted.
And then Logan walked in too, holding a glowing sensor, and Roman abruptly remembered. And then realized very quickly that he was about to get exactly what he wanted. He nearly burst into nervous giggles just from that.
The anticipation was awful, all those eyes staring at him hungrily, but not moving, and Roman felt ready to burst out of his own skin. He couldn’t stay still. It wasn’t possible. But even he didn’t expect his first impulse to be shoving Janus’s hands away and bolting.
Almost immediately he had four people chasing after him. His legs felt like jelly already, and he ran for all he was worth, but a hand snagged his wrist, and then another hand grabbed his arm, and then an arm snaked across his waist, and almost before he knew it he was wrestled to the ground.
Virgil was sitting over his waist, and Patton was sitting on his calves, Janus was down by his feet, and Logan was holding his arms up above his head. Roman was already giggling, and all they’d done was pin him.
“Though I doubt you’ll object,” Logan said smugly. “For fairness’s sake we’ll give you once chance to say that the sensors were mistaken.”
But Roman could barely comprehend anything with Virgil rolling his shirt up, and Patton’s hands over his knees, and his socks being removed. Not to mention Logan sitting on his arms and hovering fingers over his armpits.
He managed to shake his head breathlessly.
And then Virgil’s fingers skillfully scribbled over his bare stomach, sending him into laughter. Patton squeezed his kneecaps, making him squeak loudly. Janus was definitely using more than two hands, and several tools, all at once, which made it impossible to tell what was happening to his feet except that it tickled so bad he was screeching. And then Logan, evil Logan, poked his fingers into Roman’s armpits, scribbling in exactly the way that made him go absolutely crazy.
He laughed and shrieked, bucking and thrashing, unable to move under the three of them, and went insane. He could barely breathe he was laughing so hard, and tears slipped from his eyes. It was amazing. Everything he’d ever wanted, even though he could barely stand it.
He didn’t even know how long it went on, just that they seemed to slow down right exactly when he wanted them to. Had he been capable of thinking any clearer, he would’ve remembered that they could very easily see how much tickling he wanted.
He felt like he was only a puddle of lee on the floor, all his muscles weak and limp. They let him rest a little, rubbing gently which made him feel like he was floating.
“That was wonderful teamwork,” Logan said. “But no one of us could really claim to have made you laugh. Patton, you can have the first turn. And the rest of us will endeavor to not tickle him as much as possible.”
Despite Logan’s words, many fingers were still ghosting over Roman’s sensitive skin, keeping him trapped in giggles.
“Hmmm...” Patton said thoughtfully. “What if I tickle you right where you get me~?”
“Nohohoho!” Roman begged, not meaning a word of it. “Nohohot thehehehere, plehehease!”
“Not where?” Patton teased, squeezing around Roman’s thighs and making him laugh and try to squirm. And then he hit the spot that make Roman yell for mercy. “Not here, huh?” He squeezed that one spot mercilessly while Roman laughed and shrieked helplessly, jolts of ticklish sensation running through his body with every squeeze.
And it was worse with Logan’s fingers ever so slowly tracing up and down his armpits, and Virgil drawing circles on his sides, and Janus tweaking his toes.
Finally Patton stopped, peeking around Virgil to grin at him. “Much as I love tickling you so much, I do need to save some for the others.”
Roman was almost worried someone else would start right away, but they gave him another rest, rubbing gently and murmuring teases about how much each of the remaining three would tickle him.
“Ready?” Virgil asked gently.
Roman nodded, bracing for an attack of tickles on his belly, but instead there was a cold feeling of oil on his feet, and he squirmed, babbling pleas for gentleness and mercy. With Patton sitting on his calves, he couldn’t even pull his legs back, and when he felt string he hadn’t even noticed before pull tight, passed to Patton to hold his toes taught, his babbling pleas doubled.
“Is the poor, poor lee scared~?” Janus purred. “He ought to be~ I’m wonderful at my job~”
And Roman knew it was going to tickle. It was going to be so bad. He’d made the sensors so they not only showed his lee mood, but also showed how close he was to safewording. Janus would surely watch and keep him right below the point he truly couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t believe how very well his plan had worked.
And then he heard a buzzing, and adrenaline rushed through his body, giving him just enough strength to buck once, lifting Virgil a few inches in the air, before the electric toothbrushes touched down on his slick toes and he was thrown back into helpless laughter. Janus’s many hands let him torment Roman’s toes and also scrub hairbrushes on his soles, and he took full advantage of this, relishing in the shrieks and screams and crazed laughter.
Roman was sure he would pass out before Janus was done, but sure enough, whenever he was too close, there’d be just enough of a slowing down for him to continue.
But Janus stopped, more abruptly than Roman would’ve expected. “As much as I’d love to continue, you still have two more Lers who very much want to get a good shriek out of you.”
This time the soft rubbing break almost made him fall asleep. Even he didn’t know how he was still so lee as to want more tickles, but somehow he was. And so he didn’t fall asleep, waiting to see who would tickle him next.
A twitch of the fingers still tracing his armpits made him look up at Logan, his eyes wide.
“I know a lot about how to tickle these hollows,” Logan said. “About how you squirm like a madman if I were to scribble quickly, about the deep, crazed laughs if I dig my fingers in, about the shrieks if I were to use a toothbrush like Janus did~”
The anticipation was building and building, and Roman just knew he’d be getting more and more sensitive to whatever Logan did.
“And I also know what drives you the craziest~” Logan threatened, and suddenly there were claws on the ends of his fingers.
Roman’s mouth dropped open, begging never even escaping before Logan scribbled, very fast and very light, the claws absolutely driving Roman crazy.
It was so overwhelming, especially after so many other tickles, and he couldn’t even fight back against it, squirming doing nothing worthwhile. He still tried, thrashing back and forth and squealing and laughing his head off.
It didn’t last nearly as long, the tiny scrap of his mind that could still claim to be rational said. But it felt like fifteen years, trapped and tickled in the worst best evilest way.
Roman really did almost fall asleep during the break this time. He felt so worn out, and also like he was floating on clouds.
He almost didn’t notice when Virgil started, it was so light and gentle, soft rubbing and gentle little scribbles. And instead of teasing, Virgil was murmuring soft praises, about how well he did, and how good he was, and how much they all loved to tickle him, and how sweet his sleepy giggles were. Somewhere, between the soft rubbing from them all, and the gentlest tickles from Virgil, he slipped into blissed out sleep.
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years ago
Aftercare [Tickletober Day 14]
Or: Virgil has mean thoughts.
Warnings: Switch!Janus and Switch!Virgil; The aftercare after a tickle session and very light tickles. No proofreaded; 800 words. Take care, lollipop! Sleep, eat, drink water and watch the clouds a bit! They can tell really great stories. ^w^)
“RED!” He managed to shout between his hissy laughter, his upper limbs too much tired to push the fingers attacking his knees away, which quickly proved unnecessary, since the moment the safeword ran out of his lips the tickles immediately stopped.
“Oh my…” But he couldn’t complete the sentence, his frantic giggling taking over him and his fuzzy brain, for a moment Janus closed his eyes, just enjoying the moment. “gohohohohohod.” As Virgil undid his the slightly bond tying his ankles to the bed frame, he kicked lightly to expel the giddiness tingling on his nerves, the goosebumps flying on his spine and the explosion of a feeling he could only describe as safeness and happiness filling his senses, flying like butterflies across his body.
 After a minute or more he took his hands off of his face, only to find the purple lover sitting on the mattress, a pure amazed expression bloomed on his face together with the small smirk decorating his features and Janus couldn’t bring himself to stop smiling back at him.
 “You’re so fucking cute.” Virgil said and Janus snorted to ignore the hot flaming his cheeks.
 So, as response, he grabbed a pillow and threw at him, “Get the heck out of here and just come back with my tea and a good movie for us to watch.”
 “Does the majesty want something more?” The irony was generous dripped in the words, but with no real heat behind them, the other already in his way to the door.
 “Forget the honey in my tea and I’m locking you out.”
 “Try me and fucking watch as I make a hole in your ceiling to get back.” And he barked a laugh – they both always seemed much lighter and gigglier after their tickle sessions - when Janus’ retort was throwing all the pillows and blankets on him.
 “Idiot.” The one still a bit breathless fondly remarked as Virgil’s form disappeared in the hall, rolling on the bed and tittering when memories of the playful fingers scribbling, teasing and exploring his tickle spots flooded back, the teases whispered on his ears, accompanied by nibbles and kisses on his vulnerable skin. He sat and stretched, putting his arms up only to quickly put them back down when a cold wind hit his still high-sensitive armpits, a soft snort escaping from his nose when he remembered the game of Arms Up they played on the beginning of the tickling.
 When Virgil got into the room bringing the tea, honey, chocolate, salty crackers, fruits slices, water, more water and other snacks to help to bring his energy back that he very much likely asked Logan beforehand, Janus was already on his PJs, making a face to him that clearly said he couldn’t believe that Virgil called Janus the cute one.
 “Shut up.” He laid the things on the desk near to the bed, taking his time to turn on the TV and put the DVD inside, setting everything up as the other drank and ate, both doesn’t taking too much to cuddle.
 “I was only going to say ‘thank you’.” Virgil just rolled his eyes, clear disbelief. “For being such a lovely, wonderful, mean, good and an amazingly ler. I totally didn’t enjoy it at all as you could see by my complete lack of laughter during the whole order.”
 “Dork.” The ler tried to hide his smile and blush by kissing his temple, signing in pure calmness. “You were also, uh, cool or whatever.”
 “Oh, so flattering.”
 “You know I’m not good at this. But… Yeah, it was fun. I’m happy I got to know you,” Virgil ignored the ‘awww, so he has feelings!’ from the former “so I could tickle the shit out of you and that smug face.”
 Both smiled and ignored the other’s smile for their sakes of keeping a reputation. However, Janus just couldn’t ignore the way Virgil’s hands shake and fingers picked the fabric of his shirt, so he entangled their limbs even more, his fingers slipping and resting on the other’s side.
 “You know,” his nails started to drag up and down, in the slowest and lightest motion he could muster, adding pressure enough only to make the spider lover yelp, hiding his face on the crook of Janus’ neck, puffs of laughter hitting his skin, “I really think you made an incredible job and delivered rather delightful teases and tickles that I will be more than happy to give you back once the right time arrives.”
 With the free hand that wasn’t spidering tickles on his ribs, he grabbed the other’s hand, kissing his knuckles and intertwining their fingers. “I love you.”
 And Virgil didn’t say it back, but, for the way he peppered small, quick kisses on the tender spots on his neck, even if most of them were just a graze of lips and then a whole minute of half giggles, this was enough to make his message clear.
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trashyswitch · 4 years ago
Chaos in the Sanders House
The Sides are having fight after fight after fight. So much denial, so much truths being thrown at each other. How shall it end? Why, with tickles, of course!
I started taking the personalities of a few of my friends, and placing them as Sanders Sides characters. So...for those who I've basically written their personalities, I hope you enjoy the PURE CHAOS! This is: The server in a Nutshell!
WARNING: Some swearing, some cusses and a bit of dirty humor. 
Tickletober day 24: I’m Not Ticklish!
Janus and Virgil were yelling profanities at each other, and Poor Patton had to watch. Thankfully, Patton had a bowl of popcorn to keep him calm.
“FUCK YOU! I AM NOT A DABI SIMP!” Virgil shouted at him.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Just because I have a Dabi mask, doesn’t mean I simp him.” Virgil added.
“LIES!” Janus shouted back at him.
“HOW?!” Virgil asked in anger.
Virgil’s eyes widened. “I-...well...YOU’RE A SHIGGY SIMP!” Virgil yelled back.
“I- Excuse me?!” Janus asked.
“YOU SIMP SHIGGY SO MUCH!” Virgil yelled.
“HEY!” Janus leaned into Virgil’s face. “Don’t you DARE call him Shiggy. It’s Shigaraki to you.” Janus warned.
Virgil smirked as he pulled out his phone and pulled up a text conversation that was filled with thousands of fanart images of Shigaraki. “I’m surprised you haven’t maxed out your storage.” Virgil added.
“Shut up, Virgil! I’ve read the X Reader fanfictions you’ve uploaded to your Wattpad story.” Janus mentioned.
Virgil gasped. “You take that back!” He ordered. “At least I haven’t gone to Remus for SMUT IDEAS!” Virgil added.
Janus blushed almost immediately. “I...How did you-”
Remus popped up. “You called?”
“NOT NOW REMUS!” Janus shouted in his face.
Virgil snickered. “Geez, he just appeared! Why would you act so offended if you don’t ask him for smut suggestions?” Virgil asked.
“OH! Speaking of smut fanfic-writing, I HAVE A NEW IDEA FOR YOU!” Remus told Janus excitedly.
Janus squeaked in embarrassment. “REMUS, PLEEEEAAASE SHUT UP! NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS!” Janus begged.
Remus rolled his eyes and pulled out his pen and notebook with the words ‘Fanfictions Waiting to Happen’ in Newspaper Cutout Letters.
“Anyway: YOU’RE A DABI SIMP!” Janus shouted at Virgil.
“YOU’RE A SHIGGY SIMP!” Virgil shouted back at Janus.
“Well, FUCK YOU!” Janus yelled.
“FUCK YOU TOO!” Virgil shot back.
“I would fuck you two any day!” Remus declared proudly.
“REMUS STAY OUT OF THIS!” Both Janus and Virgil shouted at him. Remus just bursted out laughing and continued to write in his notebook.
Patton’s face winced in disgust as he shoved more popcorn into his mouth to stop himself from throwing up.
Roman came walking through the front door with 2 big balloons in his hand. Then, Roman removed the strings from both balloons, untied them, plugged the ends with his fingertips and handed one balloon each to Virgil and Janus. “Hi guys! Sorry for interrupting. Please continue this debate while sucking up helium. Let’s see how long you last before you die of laughter.” Roman suggested.
Virgil raised an eyebrow in confusion while Janus was already trying not to laugh. Roman waved the sides on. “Okay. Keep going.” Roman encouraged.
Virgil sighed and looked over to Janus. “Can I just mention that Janus has, like, 3 separate stories filled with Shiggy x Reader fanfictions?” Virgil mentioned.
Janus sucked in some helium. “How else am I going to organize my- Oh my GOD! HAHA!” Janus reacted, before laughing at his own voice.
Virgil tittered and sucked in some helium of his own. “Your voice sounds like a CHIPMUNK!” Virgil reacted.
“And yours doesn’t?!” Janus asked.
“I know MINE does, but your voice sounds like Theodore from the Chipmunks!” Virgil reacted.
“Excuse me, that’s offensive! I am NOT Theodore!” Janus warned.
“I didn’t say you were!” Virgil mentioned.
“True, but you said I sound like him!” Janus told him.
“You DO!” Virgil reacted.
Patton was giggling and laughing at the voices. “Hey Janus! I bet if you dressed in a green sweater, you’d be adorable like him too!” Patton mentioned.
“I...Excuse me?” Janus reacted.
“You are excused.” Patton teased.
“I- NO! I am NOT cute!” Janus argued.
“Yes you are!” Patton replied, before waddling up to him and squishing his cheeks. “You are the most adorable snek to ever snek.” Patton teased.
Janus’s face blushed even more than before. Unable to handle it, Janus squeaked in embarrassment and pushed his hands off his cheeks. “Stop it! I’m not cute!” Janus told him as he struggled to keep his composure.
Patton gasped and crossed his arms. “Are you denying the all-knowing Father of the Sanders Sides?” Patton reacted in an offended tone.
“Yes, I am.” Janus said back with a smirk.
Patton narrowed his eyes at him in slight annoyance before walking a few steps closer and closer to Janus. Surprisingly, Janus felt unphased by this action. He just continued to stare at Patton with a smug smile on his face. But the moment Patton poked his ribs, Janus’s smile fell and was replaced by another squeak. “NO! Don’t you even dare!” Janus warned.
“Oooohohohoho! You should’ve thought about what you were denying before you tried denying it.” Patton mentioned. “Because I can easily prove your adorableness...Through a few tickles, of course!” Patton told him with a big smile before he squeezed Janus’s side.
“What are you even talking about? I’m not denying anything! And I’m not even ticklish! Like, at all!” Janus tried to tell them.
Remus guffawed at the last statement. “He’s VERY ticklish! Go for his ribs! Those are a killer.” Remus said with no filter whatsoever.
“REMUS!” Janus shouted at him.
“Oooooh, this is gonna be good!” Virgil reacted with a smirk.
Janus jumped back and tried to run away from the situation he got himself into. But right as he tried to escape, Roman wrapped his arms under Janus’s underarms and held him there. “WAIT! NO! LET ME GO ROMAN!” Janus ordered.
Roman just laughed. “You’re not gonna scare me into letting you go, Jan. Just accept your fate, and SUFFER.” Roman replied smugly.
“I’ll get you back. I know all of your ticklish spots. Don’t underestimate my abilities to tickle you.” Janus warned.
“Aww, come on Janus! Can’t handle being the lee for once?” Roman asked.
Janus attempted to reach back and tickle Roman’s sides and hips if he could. But Roman just tickled him right under the armpits for even trying! “NAHAHA- ROMAN!” Janus yelled.
“Yes?” Roman replied calmly as he observed Patton getting closer and closer.
“Let. Me. GO- AAAH! PAHAHAT! WAHA- WAHAIT!” Janus shrieked.
“Wow! You’re right! I AM waiting! Wanna know what I’m waiting for?” Patton teased calmly as he poked and drummed his fingers on his ribs.
Janus gulped and whimpered nervously as Patton leaned into his ear, and whispered a breath-filled answer: “Your bubbly, manic laughter...”
Janus held his breath and tried to fight Roman off. And he almost succeeded! But Roman had chosen to wait till the last minute, to blow a raspberry onto his neck and catch him off guard. Janus squealed and smiled widely and wobbly as he struggled to get away from them both.
“Oh! Can I help?” Virgil asked, his voice still slightly high from the helium.
“Of course!” Patton replied.
“Cool!” Virgil reacted as he ran up and started going for Janus’s belly. But Janus didn’t react at all to the new touches. He just continued to struggle with the tickling on the ribs. Virgil was taken back in shock.
“Go...for...his feet!” Roman ordered, struggling with Janus in his arms. Virgil immediately ran towards Janus’s backside, grabbed one of his feet, and bent his knee and calf back so he could tickle his feet without an issue.
Janus’s eyes grew to the size of donuts as soon as Virgil so much as touched his foot. “DON’T- YOU- Ohohoho gohohod NOOOOHOHOHO!” Janus begged, slowly falling into short fits of laughter.
“Yes!! We’re close!” Patton declared happily. With the position Janus was stuck in, Janus couldn’t kick Virgil without risking falling over. He also couldn’t move his arms around much without being tickled further by Roman. Every struggle was met with a consequence, and Janus was somewhat conflicted about it! What a cruel way to handle him! But...It was definitely working in their favor.
“Aaa tickletickletickletickletickle!” Patton teased.
“Awww, poor Janny is all ticklish on his footsie. It would be a shame if I were to go for your toes next…” Virgil teased.
Janus squeaked in slight panic and tried to look behind him. “Now hohohold ohon a minute-” Janus yelped and threw his head back as hysterical laughter left his mouth. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLEHEHES! STAHAP IHIHIHIT!” Janus bursted out.
“Wait, really? I had no idea! It wouldn’t have occurred to me that moving my fingers baaaack and foooorrrth…” Virgil moved his nail back and forth under the toes very slowly to his voice, “...Would tickle so much! What a funny observation!” Virgil teased.
“YOHOHOU’RE HAHAHANGIHIHING AHAROUND LOHOHOGAHAHAN TOOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” Janus yelled at him somehow through all the dominating laughter.
“Oh? I am?” Virgil asked. He turned his face to Logan. “Have I been hanging out with you too much, Logan?” Virgil asked with a wink.
“For a romantic couple, I would say we need to hang out a little more...just for the sole purpose to spite the snake.” Logan suggested.
“Hmm...Well thought out. Okay!” Virgil replied.
“Why of course...I am the logical one, after all.” Logan said with a smug smile as he fixed his glasses.
Virgil chuckled and paused his tickling. Up back onto his feet, Virgil walked up to Logan and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “The most logical…” he added.
Logan blushed and looked away with a wobbly smile on his face.
“And the cutest!” Virgil added, poking his cheek. Logan blinked in surprise and looked at Virgil with a frown. “Actually, you’d be the cuter one in the relationship.” Logan explained.
Virgil guffawed. “Yeah right...Nerdy is the new cutie.” Virgil told him, booping the middle of his glasses.
“Am not. Emo is more adorable.” Logan argued, poking Virgil’s nose to make a blush appear on his vampire-like face. Virgil went cross-eyed for a moment before frowning. “Not true, but okay.” Virgil argued quickly.
Logan’s smug smile dropped. “Very true, actually.” Logan argued.
“Nope. Not true at all.” Virgil argued back.
“100% true, Virge. So true in fact, that simply tickling you would show the sides just how adorable you are.” Logan told him.
Virgil blushed slightly and narrowed his eyes. “...you wouldn’t…” Virgil dared.
Logan poked his belly and made a little ‘beep’ sound. “Oh look. I did it.” Logan said in a monotone voice. Virgil crossed his arms and soon smirked as he started to plan a tickle attack on him. “Hmm...It would appear my cute little emo might be planning something. Considering I just poked you in that belly of yours, I can theorize that you’re planning some sort of ticklihihi- HIHIHIHING AHAHAHATTAHAHACK- HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan hypothesized before falling into hysterics under Virgil’s fingers alone.
“Oh wow! The rainbow nerd is ticklish! Who woulda thunk?” Virgil reacted in a slightly monotone voice of his own.
Logan struggled to cover up his ticklish spots with his arms and quickly started to crumble to the evil, quick pokes and squeezes against his tummy. Virgil was very quick with his movements (unsurprisingly...he’s anxiety) and managed to even sneak around and squeeze his hip! Logan was almost losing his balance, so Virgil decided to squeeze both ticklish hips and drill into them at the same time. “zzZZZZZZZZzzzZzzzzzZZZ!” Virgil teased, imitating the sound of a drill gun.
Logan wheezed and doubled over in laughter. “NODRILLS- NOHOHOHO DRIHIHIHILLS!! NAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan laughed before falling onto his side. With Logan now onto the ground, Virgil set to work. Virgil wrapped one arm under Logan’s left armpit and started squeezing and skittering his fingers all over Logan’s back. “OHOHOHO GEHEHEHEHEHEEEZ! COHOHOME OHOHOHON! HAHAHAHA NOHOHOT MY BAHAHAHACK! IHIHIHIT FEEHEHEHEELS WEIHIHIHIRD! AHAND TIHIHICKLYHYHYHY!” Logan told him.
“Weird, you say? Are you sure that isn’t just the ticklish sensation effecting you?” Virgil asked, lessing his tickles a little so he could talk.
“Ihihit ihihihis, buhuhut Ihihihi’m nohohot uhuhuhused tohohohoho ihihit.” Logan told him.
“Oooh...Okay.” Virgil replied understandingly. “Perhaps I should take it slower?” Virgil suggested.
Logan couldn’t help but blush and giggle from embarrassment. But, he nodded his head. “Okay.” Logan replied.
Virgil took a few minutes to tickle his back very gently and slowly, so he wasn’t overwhelmed. Remus, who was just enjoying the cute view, rested his cheek on the palm of his hand as he enjoyed the cute moment in front of him.
Patton, who was still tickling Janus, gave him a break and turned around. “Hey Remus! If you’d like some popcorn, have mine if you’d like!” Patton offered.
Remus gasped and placed his free hand on his chest in appreciation. “Awww! Thanks Patton!” Remus said happily before grabbing the bowl and shovelling popcorn into his mouth.
Patton turned his focus back onto Janus and giggled. “You okay?” Patton asked.
Janus’s breathing was slowly getting calm as he recovered. “You...are so...getting it...Pat…” Janus warned. Without a second thought, Patton took off running. Patton turned his head around and squealed when he saw a tall, revenge-hungry Janus sprinting after him. It didn’t take long for Patton’s laughter to echo through the hallways towards the sides.
In the living room, Virgil was starting to pick up the pace on Logan’s ticklish back. Logan’s giggles turned to squeals and laughter as he wiggled his back around from the ticklish sensations. It felt weird the quicker that Virgil tickled, but it was a lot less unbearable thanks to Virgil’s slow start. Logan didn’t really get a chance to tickle Virgil back, but he did get a few moments to cuddle his loving boyfriend. The couple happily cuddled on the couch in the comfort of each other’s arms and enjoyed the sound of Patton’s distant laughs and hiccups.
...Meanwhile, Remus was STILL writing in his notebook. “Have you two made love yet?”
...Let’s just say it didn’t take long for a more manic fit of laughter to join Patton’s...
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years ago
I’m not ticklish! {Shin Soukoku}
A/N: this.... was meant to be a lot shorter oh my goodness. it takes place a bit before they actually form their relationship, hence why they’re constantly at each others throats haha. boy i got really carried away with this one, hope you guys still enjoy though! it’s my longest fic on here to date
Summary: After a long and treacherous battle, Atsushi takes Akutagawa to his home to help treat his wounds. 
Word Count: 2.3k (under the cut)
It was just after a difficult mission, and both Atsushi and Akutagawa were pretty beaten up from the gifted they had fought. Thanks to Atsushi’s regenerative powers he didn’t need to worry too much about first aid, but Akutagawa on the other hand lacked such a thing, and needed to be treated immediately.
Akutagawa had argued that he was fine, that he didn’t need any help and he would heal up eventually, but Atsushi was having none of it.
“Let go of me, Jinko, I don’t need your help!” He hissed, venom seeping from his words.
Atsushi sighed. He was currently carrying Akutagawa to his apartment, one of Akutagawa’s arms draped over his shoulder to help him walk, and all Akutagawa had been doing the whole time was struggling to get out of Atsushi’s hold.
“Listen, I’m just gonna bandage you up and then you can get as far away from me as you want, but look at yourself! You can’t even walk without my help right now!” Atsushi retorted, tugging on Akutagawa’s arm to readjust him, Akutagawa hissing in pain.
They walked up the steps of the agency dormitories, Atsushi opening the door to his own and walking Akutagawa in. He set him down at the small table he had set up in the center of the dormitory, Akutagawa immediately going to get up.
Atsushi pushed down on his shoulders, Akutagawa wincing again in pain, something that Atsushi quickly noticed as he pulled his hands back, pointing a finger at Akutagawa.
“Stay,” he commanded. Akutagawa scoffed.
“Don’t talk to me like I’m your dog, Jinko.”
“Then don’t act like one,” Atsushi shot back. He felt a sudden sting in his cheek, and looked down to see Rashomon had just barely grazed him. He glared at Akutagawa, whose steely eyes glared back. Atsushi sighed again, reaching down below the sink for the first aid kit as Akutagawa retracted Rashomon.
Atsushi pulled out the first aid kit, setting it on the table and looking at Akutagawa.
“Where are you hurt?”
“I’m not hurt,” Akutagawa protested, crossing his arms, though the small wince of pain from that action did not escape Atsushi’s vision.
“Take off your coat,” Atsushi demanded, opening the first aid kit. “I need to see where you’re hurt so I can fix you up.”
Akutagawa huffed out a mirthless laugh. “You think I’d take my coat off for you?”
Atsushi looked at Akutagawa, frowning in annoyance. Akutagawa frowned back, narrowing his thin eyebrows at Atsushi. Atsushi sighed for what must be the hundredth time that night.
“Dazai paired us up so we could cooperate, but clearly he was wrong.”
“Dazai’s never wrong!” Akutagawa exclaimed, anger surging through him. Atsushi turned, facing Akutagawa again.
“Then take off your coat.”
Akutagawa clicked his tongue in annoyance, but obeyed, removing his coat and setting it off to the side, although very close to him. 
Atsushi forced a weak smile, sitting down next to Akutagawa and pulling out some hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball, dipping the small ball into the liquid. 
“Turn around,” Atsushi said, softly this time. Akutagawa hesitated, but did as he was told. Atsushi lifted up his shirt, inspecting his back. It was covered in cuts and bruises, but it was nothing that he wouldn’t be able to patch up.
“Can you take your shirt off too? It’ll be easier for me that way,” Atsushi asked gently. He knew how hard it was for Akutagawa to part with his coat, so he didn’t want to push it too far.
Akutagawa bit his lip, but did as Atsushi asked, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall from his shoulders onto the floor. Atsushi felt his cheeks warm slightly at seeing Akutagawa’s bare back, though it was decorated with bruises and cuts, it was pale over the whole expanse, and his skin looked smooth to the touch.
“Are you just going to stare or are you actually going to do something Jinko?” Akutagawa snapped, craning his neck to glare at Atsushi. Atsushi flushed faintly, shaking his head.
“I’m not staring!”
Akutagawa scoffed, turning his head away from Atsushi. This had to be one of the most humiliating things for him. Here he was, injured enough that he needed to receive help from Atsushi, his sworn enemy, and he was without Rashomon no less. He was completely helpless, and he didn’t like that feeling.
He especially didn’t like the next feeling that came, the feeling of Atsushi’s warm hand between his shoulder blades, steadying himself as he dabbed a small amount of the hydrogen peroxide on one of his cuts. Akutagawa hissed in pain as the cut stung, and Atsushi rubbed his hand gently between his shoulder blades.
“It should only sting for a second, then you should be alright,” He said gently, tapping the cotton ball against another cut.
Akutagawa winced, but he didn’t make any noise. Atsushi’s hand was comforting, it helped him relax a bit more. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt a similar security to Rashomon in Atsushi when they were like this, it frustrated him slightly. 
Atsushi tapped the cotton ball against the rest of Akutagawa’s cuts, Akutagawa flinching in pain at some of the deeper ones, Atsushi rubbing his back whenever he jolted.
“I’m going to bandage them up now, then you’re free to go.”
Akutagawa nodded, Atsushi lifting his hand from in between Akutagawa’s shoulder blades to reach for the bandages, and Akutagawa missed his touch for a moment. He flinched again when Atsushi suddenly touched his side, placing a bandage on one of his cuts, but not because of the pain.
“Sorry, did that hurt?”
Akutagawa shook his head, and he felt his cheeks warm. He tried to remember where the rest of his cuts were so he could expect the feeling, but when Atsushi’s hands were suddenly on his ribs he couldn’t hold back a huff of laughter.
It came out softly, so much so that Atsushi thought it was a sigh. But there was no way it could be a sigh, right? It had to be something else.
“Are your cuts still hurting, even with the peroxide?” Atsushi asked gently, and Akutagawa only shook his head again, biting his lip.
Puzzled, Atsushi continued on, placing a bandaid near Akutagawa’s hip. Akutagawa managed to stifle another laugh, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to keep up.
“Are you done yet, Jinko?” He asked, his tone sounding almost desperate as Atsushi prepared another bandage.
Atsushi shook his head. “No, you still have a lot of cuts. I should be done in a few minutes though, can you really not stand me that much?”
“It’s not that…”
“Then what is it?” Atsushi demanded, crossing his arms. Akutagawa glanced back at him, biting his lip before turning back.
“It’s nothing just… continue, get it over with.”
Atsushi looked at Akutagawa with a confused face, but continued. He placed a bandage on Akutagawa’s shoulder blade, sliding his fingers opposite it to make sure it stuck. He heard Akutagawa huff again, though it sounded strangely similar to a chuckle…
It finally clicked in Atsushi's head, exactly why Akutagawa was acting so strangely now that he was placing the bandages one. Atsushi grinned, trying to hide it as he turned to grab another bandage.
“Akutagawa… are you ticklish?”
Akutagawa spun around, his face dusted a light pink as he shook his head, eyes wide.
“I’m not… t-ticklish! That’s a ridiculous assumption!”
Atsushi had never expected Akutagawa to stutter, and it took all his willpower not to laugh at him for that. He nodded, biting back his grin as he grabbed another bandage, motioning for Akutagawa to turn around, who very hesitantly did.
“Sorry, sorry, I was just curious.”
He placed another bandage on one of Akutagawa’s cuts, noticing that his shoulders were flushed pink as well. It was almost… cute.
Atsushi shook his head at the thought of Akutagawa being cute, and promptly went back to bandaging up his cuts.
He finished quickly, and Akutagawa looked back once more.
“Are you done now, Jinko?”
“Ye- No, I have a few more,” Atsushi changed mid-sentence. He needed to test something, and if it involved using an extra bandage he didn’t mind.
Akutagawa let out a low groan of annoyance, turning back around. “Make up your mind, Jinko.”
Atsushi placed the bandage on Akutagawa’s side, and his breath hitched again. Atsushi stuck the bandage on, slowly drawing his fingers along the sticky part as Akutagawa huffed out a soft chuckle. Atsushi grinned.
He scribbled his fingers quickly on Akutagawa’s side before retracting his hand, right before Akutagawa could grab it and likely snap it in half. Akutagawa let out a loud, surprised laugh, spinning around and glaring at Atsushi, who couldn’t fight back the grin that currently rested on his face.
“You are ticklish!”
“I am not!”
“Oh yeah? Why don’t we test that then, hmm?”
“Don’t you dare, Jinko, don’t touch me,” Akutagawa warned, raising his hands in front of him, his only defense now that he didn’t have Rashomon. Atsushi licked his lips, raising his own hands and wiggling his fingers at Akutagawa.
They stood there for a moment, completely frozen before Akutagawa made a break for it, running towards the door. Atsushi easily wrapped his arms around him, pulling him back and laying him down on the floor where he flopped around like a fish out of water. It was oddly ungraceful for the normally menacing mafia member.
“Let go of me, Jinko!” He screamed, hitting Atsushi before he felt two hands on his sides, scribbling around on his skin. He yelled again, shrilly this time before deep laughter poured from his mouth, shaking his head around as he hit around randomly, occasionally hitting Atsushi.
This was… a painful task, Atsushi lamented as he continued to tickle Akutagawa, who struggled a lot beneath him as he dug his thumbs into his hip bone, earning a shriek from him. It was painful, but how rewarding it was to see Akutagawa’s face, to hear his laugh.
His face was dusted a light pink as he laughed, and his laugh was deep like his voice, but melodious as it echoed through Atsushi’s small apartment. His eyes were squeezed shut, and he was smiling so widely that his dimples were showing. Atsushi caught himself staring, and blushed slightly, turning his head away as Akutagawa continued to buck and cackle beneath him.
“Jinkoohohohohoho! I’ll-I’ll kill yohohohohohou!” Akutagawa threatened through his hysterical laughter, kicking his legs out as the corners of his eyes started to burn. His lungs hurt too, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep up with this laughter. 
He was never really tickled that often in childhood, only a few times by Gin which he was often teased for. He grew up in the slums, then in the mafia, where tickling was scarce. He wasn’t used to it, and therefore, was unable to grow an immunity for it, which is why it was so difficult to tune out the sensations that currently lit his whole body aflame.
Atsushi giggled along with Akutagawa, teasing him gently. “You’re really ticklish, Akutagawa, how did I never know this?”
“Y-Yohohohou take thihihihihis to the grave!” Akutagawa screamed through his laughter, throwing his head back when Atsushi’s hands found his ribs, drumming along them with ease as Akutagawa could do nothing but cackle helplessly. 
Atsushi laughed. “I won’t tell a soul.”
Atsushi was honest with that. He was sure this was embarrassing for Akutagawa, and Atsushi would be lucky if he could get away alive after tickling the living daylights out of one of the mafia’s best men. 
Atsushi raised his hands a bit further, digging them under Akutagawa’s arms. He couldn’t even comprehend the noise Akutagawa made when he did so. It was something between a shriek, a laugh, and a snort, all mixed together as Akutagawa’s laughter rose a few octaves, absolutely hysterical.
“Y-You’re really ticklish here, huh?” Atsushi said, slightly concerned as he lightly tickled under Akutagawa’s arms, Akutagawa squeezing his arms down as he arched his back, screaming with laughter as tears began to stream down his now very red face.
“STOHOHOHOHOhohop! JinkhohOHOHO!” 
Atsushi took that as his cue to leave Akutagawa the fuck alone, and give him a chance to breath. Akutagawa panted beneath Atsushi, clutching his chest as it heaved up and down.
“Sorry…” Atsushi muttered, and Akutagawa didn’t respond. 
They sat there for a few minutes, the only sound was Akutagawa’s heavy breathing before it slowly evened out. Atsushi looked over at Akutagawa one more time as he shuffled around, reaching for his shirt. He put it on quickly, followed by his coat. Atsushi gulped. Was he going to kill him?
Akutagawa stood, coughing into his hand before looking down at Atsushi, who yelped in fear. Akutagawa narrowed his eyes, glaring down at him as his face was still slightly pink, which was the only thing that made it less menacing.
“You tell no one of this, and I won’t kill you.”
Atsushi nodded quickly, watching as Akutagawa walked out the door, standing in the doorway a moment.
“...thank you for treating my wounds,” was all he said before he shut the door behind him, leaving into the night.
Atsushi sighed in relief as soon as he left, all the tension leaving his body. He wasn’t going to die that night, and for that he was grateful. Still…
The image of Akutagawa laughing was burned in his mind, and Atsushi touched his hand to his cheek to feel how warm it was. He quickly looked in a mirror, realizing he was blushing. He slapped his cheeks with his hands, shaking his head. It was just a stressful night, he told himself…
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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 4 years ago
Tickletober Day Eight
(Intense tickles, bondage, safeword use)
A very excited seeming Patton dragged Janus and Roman into a back room. They were both confused as to what they’d done to earn a ‘special surprise’, but were more than curious enough to happily follow.
“So what is this?” Janus asked, looking around curiously at the room, where there were several boxes and a bed.
Patton flushed a bright pink. “Um... so... I um... you two are both in Ler moods, right?”
Roman and Janus glanced at each other, wondering how Patton had realized so quickly. They both nodded.
“Well I’m... I’m in a lee mood. And I would really like for you two to tickle me!” Patton bounced up on his toes and both of the Lers got mischievous grins. “But! I’m not telling you!”
Janus frowned slightly. “You— just did, didn’t you?”
Patton nodded. “Yes, but also no! See, I wrote down the way I really want to be tickled, and I hid it somewhere in the room.”
“Okaaay?” Roman said. “So hide and seek?”
Patton blushed a bit more and shook his head. “You only get it if I tell you where it is.”
“And you ‘won’t tell us’.” Janus said, a slow smirk growing on his face.
“I don’t think I get it,” Roman said, a little lost.
Patton curled up on himself a little, blushing even more, and his voice came out all squeaky. “You’ll have to tickle it out of me...”
Janus grinned wide, and started looking in boxes, ooh-ing and ah-ing over whatever he was seeing.
Roman scooped up Patton and carried him to the bed. “Any rules? Anything you don’t want or would make you uncomfortable?”
Patton just shook his head, “I’ve never really been in a really really big Lee mood like this, and I want all the tickles, and all the teasing, and everything!”
Then Janus climbed onto the bed, holding something behind his back, and with an evil grin on his face. “Then why don’t you just tell where the paper is?” He asked, his voice silky smooth.
Patton got an excited little smile. “Never!”
Janus captured Patton from Roman, and very quickly wrapped something around his wrists, pulling them up over his head and pulling Patton close, with his back against Janus’s chest. He leaned in very close to Patton’s ear. “You’ll regret that~”
Patton burst into tiny, tittering giggles, squirming in Janus’s hold.
“Roman, sit over his knees. I’ll entrust those ticklish thighs to you~”
Roman was quickly warming up to the game, and sat on Patton’s legs, getting his hands into position, ready to squeeze just over Patton’s kneecaps.
“Oh, dear, dear, Patton...” Janus purred, his fingers starting to wiggle up and down Patton’s ribs. “You’ve made quite the mistake~”
Patton was already very giggly, but a squeeze from Roman made him snort and squirm.
“We’re going to tickle, tickle, tickle you~ and who says we have to let you go? We’re in quite strong Ler moods, and you’re such a delightful little toy~ I think I’d rather keep you here for hours and hours~”
“Good!” Patton burst out between giggles.
Janus grinned evilly and dug his fingers into Patton’s belly, getting loud, happy laughs. He nodded at Roman, who started moving up, and then the laughter was filled with delightful squeaks and squeals.
“Are you going to tell us now?” Roman asked.
“Nahahaha—- Roho-hahahahah! Jahaahaahahaha!” Patton was squirming as much as he could manage, held between the two of them, laughing and squealing.
Janus responded to that by pulling out another set of arms and swirling makeup brushes he’d gotten from somewhere in Patton’s armpits.
Patton squealed, and snorted, and laughed, thrashing all around, going insane from the tickles.
Roman sent a warning glance to Janus, but he shook his head, still tickling until Patton’s laughter got a bit wheezy.
“How about now?” Janus purred into Patton’s ear, his breath clearly tickly by the way Patton started giggling through his gasps for air. “Do you want to tell us where you’ve hidden it?”
“Ne-never!” Patton said defiantly.
“Ohhh, are you very certain~?” Janus asked, motioning for Roman to move.
As soon as Roman got off, straps snaked up onto the bed, snagging Patton’s ankles and holding his legs tightly, and apart.
“You know your weak spot is right there in those ticklish thighs~ and now Roman can reach it~ squeeze that horribly ticklish tendon while you squeal and shriek~”
Patton shivered, his defiant smile getting all wobbly.
“Gonna tell us?” Roman asked teasily, settling in and holding his hands just over where he knew well was Patton’s very worst spot.
Patton hesitated a long second, and then shook his head.
“How wonderful~” Janus murmured, hands scribbling slowly at Patton’s sides. “All the more wonderful squeaks and screams and crazed, desperate laughter for us~”
Patton was trying not to laugh, and very nearly failing, but Janus poked a finger into each hollow at once, making Patton squeak and break into laughter.
Janus held a finger up in warning for Roman, where Patton couldn’t see, and kept tickling until Patton was squirming and laughing wildly again, tears of mirth starting to form in the corners of his eyes. And then the finger went down, and Roman squeezed.
Patton jolted, seemingly stunned into a temporary silence. But then Roman squeezed a second time, and a wild squealing laugh tore out of him, as he tried to kick and squirm and get away.
Roman grinned evilly, squeezing away at that one tendon while Janus tickled Patton’s torso and Patton fell to pieces. Poor Patton really, truly couldn’t handle the tickles, shrieking in laughter and flinging himself around crazily. Tears tracked down his cheeks, and Roman watched carefully for a sign to stop.
It didn’t come nearly as soon as he would have thought, but finally there was that hissing sound followed by a shriek which was probably the best attempt at ‘Sanders’ Patton could give.
Both Lers stopped tickling, holding Patton in a loose hug while he caught his breath.
“Ihihi’ll tehell!” Patton said breathlessly.
“Shhh, I know you will,” Janus said softly. “Rest first. Catch your breath.”
So Patton slumped against Janus, breathing heavily.
Roman summoned some water for him, and rubbed soft, gentle circles on his shoulders and upper arms.
“Thank you,” Patton said after a while, handing the half empty bottle back. “It’s written on the bottom of the box.”
Roman, as the one not quite as actively cuddling Patton, went to look.
Whatever you did to make me tell you, do that but even more.
“You really were in a deep lee mood,” Janus purred. “Is that still what you want?”
Patton’s face was already so red he couldn’t blush much more, but he certainly look like he would be. “Mhmm. But maybe build up slower this time?”
“Anything for such a good lee as you, Patton,” Roman said, sitting in front of him again.
Patton grinned, lifting his arms for Janus to trap behind his head again.
And Janus’s earlier threat of keeping Patton for hours turned out to be something they all enjoyed very, very much.
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rosileeduckie · 4 years ago
Eyes Only For You
Cecil’s extra eyes have a habit of staring at Carlos even if—especially if—he’s not paying attention.
Gay and domestic; I’m obligated to say nothing else. Still going strong for Tickletober with Day 27: favorite spot!
My first Welcome to Night Vale fic! I listened to the podcast every day during work last summer, getting up to about episode 110. Love it to bits; my favorite mix of weird, sweet, funny, hopeful, and horrific. Definitely recommend! I should also say, since we are given little as to what Cecil looks like, I ran with one of my favorite headcanons.
SFW. Potential warnings: Night Vale brand horror/weirdness. Welcome to Night Vale/Cecilos tickle fic.
Word count: 908
Much as he enjoyed his own tattoos, Cecil didn’t find them as fascinating as Carlos did. But, then, Carlos was fascinated by everything. No, Cecil saw the swirls and eye outlines that spanned his arms as beautiful but not particularly remarkable. They were tattoos as standard as every other citizen’s of Night Vale: marking his skin for so long that Cecil couldn’t remember when he’d gotten them, shifting in color and brightness with his mood, and generally moving about his body as they pleased. Usually, they congregated on his arms or up his back, but they could be adventurous, blinking and watching from his rib cage or knee or the center of his forehead. Carlos’ tattoos did not move at all. They stayed politely in place on his hip and upper arm, tucked safely beneath the waistband of his trousers and the roll of his long sleeves and reliably ready for Cecil to find any time Carlos let him go searching. Perhaps that was the reason Carlos was so fascinated by Cecil’s tattoos; where the artistry of and on Carlos’ body was like a treasure that could be discovered anew and familiar, Cecil’s was more like herding cats. So, Carlos was fascinated with Cecil’s tattoos, happy to spend an evening examine them and their movements (if the two men weren’t so easily distracted by other activities). He was less delighted about Cecil’s tattoos watching him back.
“Cecil, you’re staring.”
“I’m not,” Cecil replied, scouring for the last few edge pieces for his puzzle. With the long sleeves he wore, his tattoos had to crowd on the back of his hands or his neck to even get a peak at his partner.
Across the table, Carlos let out a sigh of a chuckle, insisting, “Yes, you are.” He warm eyes observed Cecil over his laptop, which definitely didn’t count as staring itself if it was in retaliation.
Meeting Carlos’ gaze with a smile, Cecil covered his eyes and raised his eyebrows. “I’m not,” he said as his tattoos blinked at Carlos. “See?”
“No.” Carlos closed his laptop and crossed to stand behind Cecil, hands resting on his shoulders. “Do you?” He guided Cecil’s hand away from his eyes, smiling himself when he saw his partner’s eyes still closed.
“Maybe,” Cecil answered, leaning his head back against Carlos’ chest and humming happily when kisses were planted on his forehead. “You can’t exactly blame me,” said Cecil, grin growing as his tattoos beheld the flush of Carlos’ cheeks at the comment.
Clearing his throat to cover his smile, Carlos asked, “Did you need something?”
Opening his eyes and reaching up to brush his thumb against Carlos’ knuckles, Cecil shrugged. “Take a break with me?”
Carlos was dedicated, hard-working often past what was good for his health. A few years ago, nothing could have drawn him so easily from his work. Today, though, it was rainy and cozy, and his partner was as warm and inviting as ever. So he nodded, heat in his ears as, rolling his eyes when smilingly invited, he settled himself on Cecil’s lap. He could feel his partner sigh against his back, feel his arms wrapping around his waist and holding him close. Content, Carlos lay his head back against Cecil’s shoulder, kissing his cheek and folding forward when Cecil nuzzled his ear. The scientist tried to focus on helping sort pieces of the puzzle on the table before him—something blue and indecipherable at its current state, but supposedly a coral reef if its box wasn’t false-advertising—but he couldn’t quite convince his arm to reach out for any pieces when Cecil so insistently sought to whisper in his ear. “Cecil,” was all Carlos could say before his lips pressed together tightly, neck scrunching at the feeling of soft lips brushing his ticklish ear.
“Mm?” Cecil replied, grinning through tickly kisses at Carlos’ scrunching and squirming in his lap. “Am I staring again?”
Carlos tried to groan annoyedly, but the giggles that bubbled from his lips counteracted any irritation he tried to emulate by making his nose crinkle and dimples peek out adorably. “I would prefer staring,” he managed through titters.
“Would you?”
When Cecil shifted to give his other ear the same attention, Carlos bit his lip to poorly stifle a squeak. Cecil’s hands shifted on Carlos’ waist, rubbing slow circles into his sides to counter or compliment the ticklish whispers at his ears. All day while he worked, Carlos had Cecil’s voice in his ears, reporting the weather or commenting on current events or sharing local stories. Carlos had never considered himself a romantic, but, right now, Cecil’s lips at his ears and only for him—no, he would never have traded this for staring, even if that, too, left him flattered and flustered.
The shy shaking of Carlos’ head only encouraged Cecil’s efforts. “I wonder how long I could get you to stay here,” he teased his partner, gently nipping his earlobe with a low chuckle that made him shiver. “It would be a worthwhile experiment, don’t you think?”
“Only if we specified what your hypothesis was,” Carlos said after a few giggly minutes, rising to sit on Cecil’s thighs and face him. He kissed each of the tattoos peering over Cecil’s collar. “Science without direction isn’t science; it’s just you being silly and exceedingly sweet.”
Cecil hummed, carding his fingers through Carlos’ hair and closing his eyes. “I didn’t hear a ‘no.’”
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years ago
Unusual Spot {Shin Soukoku}
A/N: Woohoo, day one of tickletober! there’s no way ill be able to do all the days so i chose a few that I’m going to do, and this one just happened to jump out at me. i think most of my tickletober entries are going to be sskk themed, mostly because they’re such a big comfort ship for me and they just bring me a lot of joy to write! anyway i think thats wayyy too long of an authors note, onto my little drabble of the day!
Summary: A simple cuddle session goes south when Akutagawa discovers a new spot on Atsushi. 
Word Count: 764 (under the cut)
Akutagawa and Atsushi were cuddling after a long day at work on the couch, as usual, and in his comfort, Atsushi’s tail had begun to swish around, every now and then tapping Akutagawa’s shoulder. Akutagawa had been rubbing his back gently, his hand wandering the expanse of the weretiger’s muscles. Atsushi purred as Akutagawa did so, melting in his arms and almost falling asleep. 
Akutagawa continued rubbing his back, exploring more of his lower back, admiring the muscles that Atsushi had begun developing as he did so. His hand went back and forth, back and forth over the same spot, right near the base of Atsushi’s tail before he started squirming, and he let out a huff.
“Ryuu~ Stop that,” Atsushi whined, stretching himself slightly in Akutagawa’s lap. Akutagawa chuckled softly. 
“Don’t tell me you’re ticklish here too,” Akutagawa jokingly scratched near Atsushi’s tail, but when Atsushi arched his back and shrieked, Akutagawa was quite taken aback. Atsushi blushed deeply. He saw the look slowly forming on Akutagawa’s face and giddiness welled up inside Atsushi.
“Ryuu, please don’t,” Atsushi started, the smile tugging at his lips betraying him.
“Don’t what?”
“Tickle me - ah! Nohohohohoho!” Atsushi squealed as Akutagawa dragged one finger up Atsushi’s spine, the other gripping his side and squeezing.
Atsushi squirmed around, Akutagawa’s hands now pinching Atsushi’s waist, making him yelp.
“Nohohoho! Not theheHERE!” Atsushi spazzed when Akutagwa drilled his finger’s into Atsushi’s hips, Atsushi quickly rolling off of Akutagawa’s lap and bolting away.
He looked back, still giggling slightly, to see Akutagawa chasing after him, and he shrieked giddily, running wildly around the apartment. He ran into their shared bedroom, grabbing a pillow and hiding near the doorway, hitting Akutagawa with it as soon as he ran in, jumping over him and running out of the doorway, laughing loudly.
He yelped when he felt a hand grab his tail, knocking him flat on his face. Before he could crawl away, Akutagawa straddled his hips, wiggling his fingers quickly on Atsushi’s ribs, Atsushi immediately exploding with laughter. 
“Nahaha, Ryuu! Ryuu, nohohohoHOHO!”
Squirming helplessly under Akutagawa, Atsushi reached his arms back blindly in an attempt to push him off, failing. Akutagawa ran his fingers from Atsushi’s ribs down to his hips, kneading the bone as Atsushi jolted and squealed, trying desperately to get away from the horrible sensations.
“Eeheehee! Ryuu, stohohohohop!” Atsushi yelled. Akutagawa ignored Atsushi’s pleas, continuing to squeeze one of Atsushi’s worst spots as he banged his fist on the ground, cackling beneath Akutagawa.
Akutagawa then remembered what had spurred this in the first place, and he looked once more at Atsushi’s tail, waving back and forth as Atsushi practically screamed beneath Akutagawa. He lifted one hand from Atsushi’s hip, the other continuing its onslaught of torture as Akutagawa scratched once more near the base of Atsushi’s tail.
Atsushi arched his back, his tail wrapping around Akutagawa’s arm in panic as he let out a high pitched shriek, immediately dissolving into frantic laughter as he pounded his fists on the floor, kicking his legs behind him.
“NAHAHAHAhAhahaha, not there! Ryuhuhuhuhuhuu not thehere!” Atsushi whined, his frantic laughter growing in volume as Akutagawa continued to explore the base of Atsushi’s tail, gently scratching his short nails against it, the featherlike touches driving Atsushi up the wall.
Atsushi buried his face in the carpet, barely muffling his cries as Akutagawa continued to relentlessly tickle that horrible spot, skittering his fingers around as Atsushi wheezed, his warm cheeks growing hotter as he continued to laugh helplessly.
Akutagawa eventually moved on from that spot, deciding that Atsushi had had enough and moved back to his hips, rubbing his thumb against the back of him as Atsushi curled beneath him, laughter going silent.
Realizing that Atsushi had more than enough, Akutagawa quickly relented, setting himself off of Atsushi as he wheezed next to him, greedily drinking in as much oxygen as he could after that experience. 
“Ah… hah, that was mean Ryuu,” Atsushi panted when he finally caught his breath and recovered, his stomach slightly sore from laughing as Akutagawa merely shrugged, placing a soft kiss on Atsushi’s forehead before laying down next to Atsushi.
“I’m a mean person. And you’re cute when you laugh like that.”
Atsushi blushed, sitting up to glare down at Akutagawa.
“I was joking, Ryuu, you’re not mean.”
Akutagawa grinned. “Did you like it then?”
Atsushi’s flush grew, and he quickly stood up, walking away from Akutagawa.
“I did not.”
“...Did too,” Akutagawa called, sitting up, Atsushi throwing the stray pillow from before at him, knocking him right in the face.
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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 4 years ago
Tickletober Day 23
Asking for it
(I’m going out of order, but I’m a whole month late, so it doesn’t matter)
Virgil almost didn’t catch the code word. He’d never been asked before, usually he was the one asking. But this time it was Roman. And Virgil almost couldn’t believe it.
“You... cerulean?”
Roman blushed slightly, still trying to keep up his act in front of the others. “Yes! I just need a soft blue, and I was hoping you could help.”
“Well yeah, of course.”
Virgil went back to his room, and Roman grew more and more shy. On the other hand, Virgil was feeling more confident and teasy by the moment.
He shut the door. “So, Princey’s in a lee mood~”
Roman blushed again, but nodded slightly.
“And all soft too~”
Roman hid his head in his hands. “Oh, don’t tease!”
“Oh, I shouldn’t? I shouldn’t mention how adorable and red your face is, and how cute it is that you’re so excited for the tickles?” Virgil purred, pushing Roman to lay on the bed.
Roman got even more red. “Stooop!”
Virgil grinned down at him, and snapped to rid him of his tunic. “Why don’t you pick your arms waaay up~?”
Roman let out a flustered whine.
“Unless you don’t really want the tickles~”
Roman’s face was as red as his sash, but he picked his arms up above his head.
“Such a good lee~” Virgil said teasily, sitting on Roman’s arms and pinning them above his head. “You wanted soft tickles, right?”
Roman nodded, his face so cute and hopeful. Poor thing, Virgil was in a teasy mood.
“You just have to ask me~”
“I already did!” Roman whined.
“In pieces,” Virgil said teasily, ghosting his fingers close to Roman’s armpits. “But ask all at once~”
Roman squirmed, already smiling. “Tickle me please...”
Virgil slowly trailed his fingers up and down, and Roman easily fell into little tittering giggles, smiling wide.
“Awwww.... Princey loves the little tickles~”
Roman just giggled away as Virgil trailed his fingers around. Up to his biceps and down to his ribs, trailing slowly and teasily. And then Virgil started tracing circles in his hollows, and Roman squirmed and laughed.
“Nahahahaha, Vihihirgil!”
“Oh, does it tickle so much more here?” Virgil teased. “Poor little Princey, gonna get all tickled~” He scribbled gently in the little hollows, and Roman fell to pieces below him, laughing and squirming and kicking.
Virgil slowed to the gentler tracing, loving Roman’s helpless giggles.
And then there was a little poof, and two fluffy makeup brushes appeared right beside him.
Virgil grinned, ignoring the brushes for the moment, Roman still giggling away beneath him. Sure enough, the brushes moved closer after a minute, and then closer again. Virgil’s grin grew even bigger, and he paused in his tickling.
“Is there something you want, Roman?”
Roman turned red again. “Yohou’re mean!” He looked away. “Could... could you use the brushes?”
“Oh, I’d love to, sweet lee,” Virgil said, picking up the brushes and swirling them all over Roman’s skin, relishing in the many laughs and giggles.
He’d be happy to stay here for hours~
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rosileeduckie · 4 years ago
Hold Me Close, Sway Me More
Dancing is always best with the right partner. Except, of course, when that partner is feeling particularly mischievous during lessons.
Crowley and Aziraphale dust off their old dancing shoes in preparation for an upcoming wedding. Let’s swing it to Tickletober Day 18: holding it in!
SFW. Potential warnings: none. Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands tickle fic.
Word count: 1,662
Long into a night of drinking and attempting to romance—Crowley had very quickly gone from seducing to purring against Aziraphale’s shoulder when the angel guided the demon’s head to lie there in order to tickle behind his ears—Crowley was suddenly awoken when he fell over. The angel that he had been dozing against had been up and gone before Crowley could blink, let alone come to terms with gravity.
“I forgot to show you what came by post today!” Aziraphale said as he returned to the cottage living room, poorly stifling his giggles behind the letter he’d retrieved when he saw Crowley tipped over with his cheek squashed against the sofa seat.
“Something fun, I hope,” Crowley said, sitting mostly upright, lounging comfortably into the couch with his arms spanning the back and his legs spread. When the snake had limbs, he had a habit of throwing them all over the place.
“Mm-hm!” Aziraphale snuggled easily back in place beside Crowley and set the opened envelope on his knee. Leaning against Crowley, he had to smile; no matter how much the demon spread out, he always left the perfect place for Aziraphale to slot into.
A few stray hiccups interrupted Crowley from reading the contents of the letter aloud, but, eventually, he got there. “’Newton Pulsifer and Anathema Device cordially invite you to bear witness to their union on the date of—’” Crowley’s jaw dropped in a wide smile when he sorted through what the invitation was actually for. “Oh! Well, isn’t that sweet.”
“Yes!” Aziraphale agreed. “How they got our address, I’m a bit concerned about, but it is rather sweet of them to think to invite us to the wedding.” Just a wedding, thankfully, and not a holy matrimony, which Crowley wouldn’t have been able to attend by definition.
“You know what this means, angel.”
Aziraphale cocked his head curiously. “No? What?”
Crowley took an invigorating swig from the wine bottle and stood from the sofa, whirling around to grin at Aziraphale, glasses glinting like spinning gold atop his head before he came to a stop. “We’re going to have to buckle down and learn how to dance.”
“Oh, dear,” Aziraphale nodded, holding a hand to his rosy cheek.
“Oh, DEAR,” Crowley agreed, taking the angel’s hand to bring him to his feet as well. “Just imagine the jaws hitting the floor as we saunter out for that couple’s dance where they call out how long everyone’s been together for.”
“Crowley,” Aziraphale giggled, peeking through the fingers of his hand that now tried to cover his cheeks.
The demon took Aziraphale’s free hand in his own, kissing up his arm and sleeve between his words of declaration. “They say ��one year, sit down. Five years, sit down. Ten years, sit down.”” The kisses picked up speed past Aziraphale’s elbow. ““Fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty, sit down.”” Crowley grinned against Aziraphale’s throat, where the kisses had stopped to devote attention. “How long do you think we could get them to go before they gave up?”
“Considering I don’t think it would be wise to hint at our actual ages, not very long,” Aziraphale said, feeling a shiver through his invisible wings and bit his lip at the affection. “Not to mention dishonest, my dear. We haven’t been together more than seventy years; you make is sound as if we’ve been involved for all thousands.”
“May as well have been,” Crowley side, nuzzling the soft little spot beneath Aziraphale’s ear. Even when the angel let the wild tangle of his beard grow—which, recently, Crowley had been teasing him that it was time to before winter set in—that spot was soft. His angel was soft, in all the most beautiful ways. “Loved you all of them, after all,” Crowley slurred on. “Or most, as I slept through a few of them.”
Aziraphale gently took hold of Crowley’s shoulders, holding him at a cozy arm’s length. “You wanted to dance?” the angel asked, face bright with flustered warmth and an enamored smile.
“Yeah,” Crowley nodded, smiling goofily in return.
“Shall we sober up a bit?”
“Ngk, sure,” Crowley nodded again, brushing a haphazard thumb tenderly along Aziraphale’s cheek, delighting in the heat beneath the pad of his finger. “But not all the way, though, angel. This is fun.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes but leaned into the touch. “Of course, my darling.”
When the wine bottles sat nearly as full as the night began and the angel and demon were able to stand slightly straighter, Aziraphale beckoned the record player to sing with a flick of his wrist, and the dance lesson began.
The pair had no more rhythm tipsy than they would have had sloshed. And, to be fair, it would have been just as clumsy with both of them totally sober. But they were determined and having fun, so who could find fault with them?
“I daresay that was in rhythm,” Aziraphale chuckled, concluding so for the fact that neither he nor Crowley had stepped on the other’s toes in half a minute.
“Ah, yeah. A rhythm,” Crowley scoffed. “Not yours or the music’s, so not helpful, but sure.”
It probably didn’t help that they were attempting to waltz to a song in 4/4 time, but they were too stubborn or content to care.
“Shall I try leading for a bit?”
“You weren’t already?”
Laughter rumbling between their chests, the pair shuffled their arm positions, Aziraphale resting one hand on Crowley’s waist and Crowley resting his hand on Aziraphale’s shoulder, both their free hands clasped. They danced on.
It’s not as if they were oblivious; both were well-aware they were hopeless when it came to dancing. Yet, Crowley was adamant to get at least a few steps down. Aziraphale, the only angel to ever have done any dancing no matter how many centuries ago that was, was less resolute about their combined skills and chances of managing anything close to graceful, but he was certainly enjoying himself. And, his suddenly mischievous mind sang, there were plenty more ways to enjoy himself, his evening, and his company.
Crowley’s attention was squarely on his own feet—he was less practiced at having them than the average demon, so it was no wonder his dancing was so all over the place—when Aziraphale’s hand slid lower on his side. The demon raised his eyes with the intent of teasing Aziraphale about other kinds of dancing, but any words were stolen from his lips when he loosed a startled yelp at the angel holding him by the hip with squeezing, scribbling fingers. He crumpled against Aziraphale’s shoulder, focus now diverted between keeping his lips pressed together and keeping upright, both of which were threatened by the squawking laughter that longed to burst from his chest and sent him sprawling to the ground at the angel’s touch. Formerly drunk and in the vicinity of Aziraphale: that was two strikes in the favor of him being easier to make laugh. Perhaps, if he didn’t react, the angel would relent, and they could return to their lesson. Hm. Being of heavenly patience versus being of infernal sensitivity. Crowley didn’t like those odds even if he was hopeful and stubborn.
“Oh, have a heart, my love,” Aziraphale teased, earning a hiss from Crowley that was cut short by an escaped yelp. “I only thought your sweet laughter would compliment the music so nicely.”
“I beg to differ,” Crowley said, rearing back enough that the angel could see his gritted-teeth smile as he tried to retort. “I sound like a goose when I laugh, so if you wouldn’t mind—!” It definitely wasn’t a squeal that cut him off. “If you wouldn’t mind just keeping your hands where they’re supposed to go—!” It was not a giggle that interrupted him then, either.
Aziraphale smiled. “I’m not sure there’s anywhere I could put them that wouldn’t get this reaction from you, dear.” Obligingly, though, he moved his hands up, sliding past the traditional place on the waist to squeeze up to the demon’s ribs.
“Not when you’re doing that—!” Point: heavenly patience. Crowley threw his head forward and back in gay cackles, actually dancing quite impressively with how his feet kicked and stamped.He stayed stubbornly adhered to their dancing frame, even as Aziraphale abandoned it to tickle with both hands; Crowley just kept his one hand over the angel’s and weakly clung to it.
“Doing what?” his angel asked sympathetically, but, at the sight of his chortling demon, Aziraphale couldn’t hold back his own smile. “Oh, very well. How about here?”
Crowley left the ground, fluttering kicks propelling him up and letting him hang mid-air, when Aziraphale’s thumbs shimmied into his front pockets, wiggling deviously against the junction of his hip and thigh. “Get out of my pocket!” he screeched, laughing red face buried in Aziraphale’s shoulder.
“I’m afraid my fingers are stuck, darling,” Aziraphale giggled. “The price we must pay for how good you look in tight pants.”
The angel only tormented him for a few seconds more, moving his hands to hold Crowley’s lower back and support him as he gently returned to the ground and slumped like a sack of flour against Aziraphale’s chest.
“If you do that in any sort of public,” Crowley tittered threateningly, cheek burning pleasantly against the angel’s heartbeat; the cold-blooded demon did love this kind of warm, “I will—”
Aziraphale smoothed Crowley’s hair and pressed kiss after kiss to his forehead. “Discorporate on the spot, I’m sure. We wouldn’t want that.” He led Crowley in a little twirl that was almost the most graceful move of the evening until Aziraphale tripped on a small stack of books and fell back onto the couch with Crowley on top of him. They both laughed again. “Of course, love,” Aziraphale smiled, brushing the tips of their noses together. “I’m happy to keep my inebriated and giggly husband all to myself.”
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years ago
Massage {Shin Soukoku}
A/N: ok this one started out as a warm-up for prompts and got a bit out of hand, but y’know what that’s okay because i’m at least being productive now lol. I have another prompt done so that one should be up tomorrow and hopefully I’ll be able to get to some other ones later next week! hope you guys enjoy this one for now though~
Summary: Atsushi comes home from a stressful day of work, and Akutagawa attempts to relieve his stress.
Word Count: 1.3k
Atsushi let out a long sigh, tired and stressed from the day at work. He had to talk down a hostage situation with Kunikida, and even though he wasn’t doing the talking it was still extremely stressful knowing lives were on the line. 
He lazily kicked off his shoes and practically threw himself on the couch, burying his face into the arm of the couch. He laid there for a while, breathing softly as he began to fall asleep, arms splayed over the couch as he closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. 
His trance was broken when he heard the door open, but he was too tired to look up. He knew who it was anyway, it was the only other person with a key to his apartment. 
“I’m home, Atsushi,”
Atsushi didn’t have the energy to formulate a reply, so instead he called out a rather loud hum, burying his face back into the soft and plush couch.
He heard footsteps walk towards him and felt a hand gently rub the top of his head, fingers running through his hair as he purred, leaning into the touch.
“You’re such a cat.”
Atsushi merely nodded, opening his eyes to see Akutagawa standing over him, his typical frown plastered on his face, though his expression softened when Atsushi looked up at him. 
Akutagawa looked away from Atsushi, looking down his body that was sprawled messily over the couch, something that Atsushi had been doing more and more frequently as his stressful days piled on top of each other. Akutagawa had picked up on this, and even though Atsushi always denied how he was feeling and immediately asked about Akutagawa’s day, he was still able to tell whenever Atsushi had had a bad day.
“Bad day?”
Atsushi shook his head. “No, it was fine… tell me about your day, Ryuu, how was it?” Atsushi asked, beginning to sit up. Akutagawa pushed him back down, one hand on his shoulder as Atsushi stared up at Akutagawa in confusion.
“Don’t do that,” Akutagawa commanded, walking over to the opposite side of the couch and lifting Atsushi’s legs a bit so he could sit on the couch, Atsushi’s feet resting in his lap.
“D-Don’t do what?” Atsushi asked, flipping himself over so it was easier to look at Akutagawa.
“Don’t change the subject. Did you have a stressful day, Atsushi?”
Atsushi bit his lip, nodding as he fiddled with his thumbs. Akutagawa sighed. He knew it was hard for Atsushi to talk about himself with other people without feeling like a burden, so Akutagawa had been trying to be more patient with getting Atsushi to talk about his feelings a bit more and, although slowly, it was working.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Atsushi floundered, broken words sputtering out from his lips as he waved his hands around, sitting up more.
“N-No, I don’t need anything, really-”
Akutagawa sighed again. His patience needed improvement, he knew, and he already felt it wearing thin as Atsushi refused to let Akutagawa help. Akutagawa uncrossed his arms and went to set them in his lap, accidentally touching Atsushi’s ankles instead. An idea popped into Akutagawa’s mind, and he looked towards Atsushi who continued to speak mindless nonsense.
“Can I give you a massage?”
Akutagawa shrugged, rubbing his thumb over Atsushi’s bare ankle. “I’ve heard they’re relaxing, it might help with your stress,” His thumb stopped as he looked over towards Atsushi, whose face was currently a light scarlet hue as his mouth gaped. Akutagawa smirked at his reaction, he was so shy with affection.
Atsushi spoke softly, so softly that Akutagawa needed to strain his ears to hear him. “P-Please,” he said, his blush growing as the words left his lips. 
Akutagawa nodded, placing his hands gently on Atsushi’s feet, Atsushi flinching at the touch.
“Your hands are cold,” he muttered when Akutagawa sent him a glare, his face softening at Atsushi’s explanation. 
Akutagawa pressed his thumbs into the arch of Atsushi’s foot, rubbing it around as Atsushi leaned his head back, biting back a sigh. It felt really nice, and it helped calm him down from his earlier fluster and the stress of his day.
Akutagawa’s palms rubbed against Atsushi’s heel, thumbs still rubbing his arches. Atsushi let out a sigh this time, Akutagawa glanced over at him with a small smile on his face as he continued, now rubbing against the balls of Atsushi’s feet.
Atsushi let out a small squeak at the sudden touch, quickly making eye contact with Akutagawa who stared at him in confusion.
“And what was that?”
Akutagawa slowly connected the dots, biting back a smirk as he nodded.
“Alright, then I’ll continue.”
Akutagawa rubbed his thumbs against Atsushi’s soles once more, Atsushi tensed state slowly disappearing as Akutagawa’s hands continued to work wonders on his stress. Atsushi practically melted into the couch as Akutagawa continued, Atsushi leaning his head back just a bit more…
He felt a finger flick up his foot, and he jolted back, tensing up as he choked on a laugh.
“Ryuu!” He exclaimed, glaring softly as Akutagawa as his face reddened. Akutagawa only smirked at him.
“Is something wrong, Atsushi?”
Atsushi felt his cheeks warm, and he crossed his arms, going to pull his feet back, only for Akutagawa to grab them.
“I’m not done yet, Atsushi,” He said, his smirk disappearing as he tried his best to contort his face into something resembling innocence.
Atsushi scoffed. “Not done what, trying to tickle me?”
Akutagawa widened his eyes, tugging Atsushi’s ankles so they were more centered in his lap as Atsushi let out a small yelp, falling back a bit.
“Was I now? I didn’t know,” Akutagawa said, though it was easy to tell he was just acting. Atsushi crossed his arms.
“Yes, you did.”
“I would never,” Akutagawa said, his face faltering as a smirk climbed back up. Atsushi huffed, tugging his legs again, but not enough for them to leave Akutagawa’s lap.
Akutagawa settled his hands on Atsushi’s feet once more, rubbing his thumbs in as Atsushi flinched, pulling back slightly before relaxing a bit more, still keeping his guard up, ready to pull away when he needed to.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was for Akutagawa to suddenly put Atsushi’s ankles in an armlock, his free hand scribbling up and down Atsushi’s feet as Atsushi yelped, laughter spilling from his lips.
“WahahahaHAA! Wahahahait, nohohoho!”
Atsushi flung himself forward, pushing at Akutagawa as he danced his fingers up Atsushi’s sole, scratching his short nails against the hypersensitive flesh. He dragged his fingers up from the bottom of Atsushi’s heel to under his toes, Atsushi scrunching them up on reflex as he cackled loudly, pounding his fists against Akutagawa’s back as he threw his head back.
Atsushi kicked around as much as he could, squirming wildly like a fish out of water as he hiccuped between his laughter, tears already pricking the corners of his eyes. Akutagawa dug his fingers under Atsushi’s toes, eliciting a high shriek from Atsushi who threw himself back against the couch, grabbing at his hair in an attempt to distract from the ticklish sensations. 
“R-RyuhuHUHU! Nohoho more! EEyah! NAHAHAHAahaha, no mohohore!”
Akutagawa slowed his fingers, giving Atsushi a moment to breathe as he panted heavily, some giggle still escaping his lips.
“Are you still stressed?”
“Ah, hah… no, I’ve completely forgotten about it,” Atsushi commented when he could finally breathe again, pulling his feet out of Akutagawa’s lap and sitting up next to him. “Thank you, your methods are as arduous as always.”
Akutagawa rolled his eyes, brushing aside a strand of hair that had fallen in front of Atsushi’s face thanks to his persistent squirming. Atsushi leaned his cheek against Akutagawa’s palm, purring when Akutagawa rubbed his thumb along his cheekbone.
“I’m ecstatic to know my methods are effective,” Akutagawa said, deadpan. Atsushi snickered at Akutagawa’s lack of enthusiasm, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“What are you giggling about? What, do you want more?”
“No! No I was- Ah! Ryuhuhuhu!”
Atsushi descended into laughter once more when Akutagawa’s hands found his hips, squeezing them firmly as Atsushi threw his head back. Well, at least he won’t be stressed anymore.
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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 4 years ago
Tickletober Day Five
Drawn on
“Oh, come on, please?” Roman asked.
“No way. It’s gonna tickle, and I just know as soon as I move you’ll want to wash it off and fix it up again, and I’ll be trapped there till it’s done.” Virgil said, crossing his arms.
But Roman was patient. He waited till the next day.
- - -
“Could I do it now? Please?”
- - -
“Today maybe?”
- - -
“Look, I’ll tell you when.”
It turned out to be a while later, the plans rather dusty and pushed to the back of his workspace, when Virgil quietly knocked at his door.
He seemed rather shy, especially as he looked over his shoulder and quietly shut the door behind him, waving a hand to lock the room.
Roman raised an eyebrow at the strange behavior. “Yeah?”
Virgil’s face turned slightly pink. “Um... you know that drawing thing you wanted to do? I’m uh... inabitofaleemood.”
Realization struck suddenly, and Roman chuckled. “By the looks of it, you’re in more than a bit of a lee mood.”
Virgil blushed even more, his face twisting. “Look, if you don’t want to I’ll just leave-“
“Whoa, hey, absolutely I do. I’m just teasing a little.”
Virgil curled in on himself, almost pouting.
Roman meanwhile was summoning tools already, shaking the dust off the plans and hanging them on the headboard of his bed. “If you lay in the middle of the bed I just have to look up to see the blueprint, and I can lay a tarp down to keep the blankets clean, heck, the tarp can be heated in case you get cold, and I can line up the pens and markers here, and the paint will go on last, and—“
“I won’t be able to be still,” Virgil mumbled, chewing on his lip.
Roman grinned. “Oh, of course not. I’ll get get some water and a washcloth, and maybe even a toothbrush for difficult spots, since you’re in such a lee mood.”
Virgil blushed even more, fidgeting and squirming. “No, I really can’t. You’d just be cleaning the whole time.”
Roman frowned in thought for a second.
Virgil shrugged. “There’d have to be some way to keep me still.”
“Wait— wait, are you actually- you want to be tied up?”
Virgil was blushing darker than Roman had seen before. “I can just leave-“
Roman scrambled off the bed. “Hey, wait, it’s ok, I don’t mind.”
Virgil stopped, but looked like he was about to combust from embarrassment.
Roman gestured to the bed, and Virgil scrambled onto it, sitting in the middle and curling into an embarrassed little ball. Roman suspected that the more he tried to be soft and careful, the more embarrassed Virgil would get. So he just bounded onto the bed.
“So, am I drawing on your back, or do I get to drive this little tummy absolutely crazy?”
Virgil got a tiny shy grin, and laid back, belly up. His shirt and hoodie disappeared.
Roman grinned. He tapped each ankle, and they were stuck where they were. Virgil even put his arms up, still blushing. Roman tapped his wrists so they would also stay.
“If you ever call a safe word, they’ll come loose right away,” Roman promised.
Virgil nodded, chewing on his lip a bit.
Roman got a bit of an evil grin and also tapped Virgil’s stomach. Now his back was stuck, flush against the bed, and stopping all wiggles from messing up Roman’s art project.
He glanced up at Virgil’s face to see wide eyes and an attempted shimmy. The glimmer of excitement was clear.
Roman uncapped a nice black marker. “You ready, little Lee?”
Virgil blushed a bit more, but nodded.
The first sweeping line didn’t get a laugh, nor did the second, but Roman poked down in the little bellybutton, and that certainly did. After that, every line came with a little stream of giggles.
His original plan had been more art-oriented, but he couldn’t help getting addicted to the sweet giggles and squeaks, and gradually his plan morphed to specifically add more detail in Virgil’s more sensitive spots, especially along his pant line, and around the bellybutton, and between his ribs.
Finally he capped his marker, and Virgil gasped and giggled away even without further tickles. Roman had a truly evil idea. Wonderful, fantastic, beautiful... and evil.
“The lines are all here!” He clapped once. “And now it’s time for paint! I hope your lee mood is still pretty big.”
Virgil must have gotten over his embarrassment, cause he didn’t blush at all. “You’d better do it well, those little marker tickles just made it bigger.”
Roman’s grin just grew. He snapped, and the first color of paint he was using filled up Virgil’s bellybutton. He dipped a brush in, swirling it around and relishing in the squeaks and squeals.
He’d also picked a color he didn’t need much of on purpose, sliding the brush quickly to get the color where he wanted it. Cause the fun part was next.
“Oh dear~ I’ve made a mistake~ with only one little paint pot I’ll have to clean it out between each color~”
Virgil’s eyes went impossibly wide, and he practically squealed as Roman slowly took the paint out, bit by bit. But when Roman sighed, shaking his head, and summoning an electric brush, he started quickly babbling desperate pleas.
“It still has paint, and I need to have my colors pure. It has to be very clean between each and every color~”
Roman Loved the shriek when the brush touched down, and maybe he cleaned a bit longer than was necessary, but really, it was worth it to hear all the beautiful laughs and squeals.
He snapped, and the next color filled the little button. “With such a complicated painting, we’ll be here for quite a while~ I hope you’re comfortable, Virgil~”
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secretly-tword-obsessed · 4 years ago
Tickletober Day #4 - Shut Up
Hey gigglers! Day four already?! This is a tiny fic/drabble in honour of Big Mouth Season Three’s one year anniversary. Please enjoy (:
Fandom: Big Mouth
“Don’t do that Matt! It tihickles!”, Jay demanded as Matthew planted soft kisses on his neck.
Matthew lifted his head up and gave his typical smug smile, “And that is my problem...because?”
“Wait, Matthew!”
But it was to late, Matthew had already gone back to softly pecking Jay’s neck, though this time, putting extra focus on the spots near his ears and shoulders where he was most ticklish. In addition, he made the kisses faster and dryer, like how one would tickle with their fingers. 
“I said nohoho!”, Jay giggled, “Fuhuhuck you Matthew!”
Matthew just smirked and added his fingers into the mix, lightly scuttling them up and down Jay’s sides.
“No- damnit no hahaha!”
Jay wiggled and squirmed around, but Matthew was very strong, and kept him from wiggling too far.
“Stop it plehehehease!”, Jay begged. Although, to be honest, he didn’t really want it to stop.  His family had always had a no-touch policy, and he had always craved any form of physical affection. And Matthew was just too cute to be mad at.
Suddenly, Matthew stopped, lifting his head and fingers up. Jay panted slowly, catching his breath. “I hahate you”, he groaned, trying to look menacing. Matthew just laughed, “Oh look at you, you post-closeted gay noodle”.
“I’m not gay!”, Jay argued, “I’m bi!”. 
“And your also....ticklish”
“Thanks a lot Dr.Obvious!”
“Shut up and kiss me again”
So they leaned back together and kissed passionately. Those few moments of bliss didn’t last very long however, as Matthew used his left hand to lift Jay’s shirt up slightly.
“Uh, Matt”, Jay said,  departing from the kiss, “What are you doing?”
Matthew just smirked and leaned his head down toward Jay’s belly. Jay was confused for a second, before his eyes widened in realisation.
“No, Matt, don’t you fucking dARE”
One raspberry.
Two raspberries.
Three raspberies.
“Wow” Matthew said, departing with the biggest grin on his face, “So dramatic!”.
Jay groaned yet again, “Shut up and kiss me”.
Ok, that was short. I’ll be back tomorrow for some Hamiliza!
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