#tia rosita
dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Ernesto de la Cruz, as evident by his immediate and complete acceptance of Miguel as his great-great-grandson, had quite a few girlfriends when he was alive.
It did not start only once he gained fame and fortune on the body of his best friend, though. Even back in Santa Cecilia, he was quite the ladies' man.
As was only to be expected, one young woman - the only child of doting parents who had had her late in life - approached him soon after their affair had ended with the news that she was carrying his child, and that they had to marry to spare her honor.
Of course, Ernesto refused. He had big plans, and couldn't be tied down by a wife and child. (He could never understand why it didn't seem to bother Héctor.) Maybe he was nice about it and gave her some money. Maybe he just laughed at her. The end result was the same: the young woman - Victoria, her name was - left alone and with child.
So, what did she do? She dared not admit what she had done even to her parents, who, as their only child born when they had nearly given up hope, would have forgiven her anything. Instead, she told them she was going to visit a distant relative in Mexico City, and instead went to the orphanage the next town over.
It's not like this had never been done before. She would live there for the next few months, helping out with the children, the cleaning, the cooking, the sewing - all the work that came along with a few sisters raising three dozen children as well as they could - and, once she gave birth, she would leave her child there, and go home like nothing had happened.
In due time, she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
She named the boy Julio, because she'd always liked that name.
She named the girl Rosa, after her mother. Her mother was still alive, but she knew her children would never be able to meet her parents, that they would never even know her, and she wanted them to at least have this.
On their birth certificates, she wrote down their full names, giving them her own surname, and she wrote her name, as well as the name of their father. The name meant nothing to anyone outside Santa Cecilia then, but she wrote it anyway, because it was true. Just in case Ernesto changed his mind. (He wouldn't.)
Then she went back home and went on with her life, gently spurning all offers of courtship, unable to leave behind the images of the wailing babies she'd left in that orphanages.
About five years later, she grew ill - with influenza, pneumonia, it doesn't matter. She grew ill, and worsened, and died, and left her grieving parents to bury their daughter.
Before she died, she confessed to her parents and the priest administering the last rites that she had borne twin children out of wedlock, and had left them in an orphanage in a town close by.
She died, and her parents buried her, and grieved.
Then they traveled to the orphanage and told them that their grandchildren were here, and they had come to claim them.
Things were very lax back then. They didn't need proof, didn't need any documents. All they had to say was who they were, their daughter's name, and the names she had told them she had given her children, and the people running the orphanage said "That sounds right, nice to meet you, here they are."
Little Julio and Rosa were shy and uncertain at first, but their newfound grandparents were kind to them, and raised them just as if they had been their own children. They gave them both individualized attention, which had been hard to come by in the orphanage. They told them stories and taught them new things and comforted them when they had nightmares and told them about their mother.
To differentiate young Rosa from her namesake, they called her Rosita, and the name stuck, even after the first Rosa was long in the Land of the Dead.
As they grew older, Rosita helped her grandmother around the house, while Julio helped his grandfather - his name was Alberto - in the small upholstery shop he had that supported their little family.
Then one day, Julio met a young woman named Coco in the plaza, and his life changed.
Julio's grandparents were overjoyed to see him in love, to see him settle down and be happy. Elderly, they died only a short while after the wedding, and Coco helped Julio through his grief. None of the Riveras wanted Rosita to be alone, so she was invited to move in with them and join the workshop, and she happily accepted.
Neither of them ever knew the identity of their father. They had no reason to. They never had cause to look at their birth certificates. They'd never known him, and he hadn't wanted to know them. They had their grandparents, and that was all they'd ever needed. They felt like they were missing nothing.
The years passed, and Rosita and then Julio died. More years passed, and Miguel got cursed.
In the year following, Miguel suddenly developed an extensive interest in family history and would spend hours going through old papers. Héctor's letters proved that he had written the songs, but having more than just the letters, the importance of them unknown until now, would help. Maybe a journal, maybe more letters, something.
Miguel wanted to find out as much as he could about Héctor, too, to ensure that the true Héctor Rivera would never be forgotten.
Also, he was worried that maybe the family had somehow forgotten someone else, and wanted to make sure they knew of everybody.
The Riveras lived in the same house that Imelda and Héctor had scrambled to put together money for all those years ago, adding on rooms as the family grew. If not for that, many of the crucial papers - Héctor's letters first and foremost - may have been scattered in different households across Santa Cecilia, or even destroyed entirely, their importance unknown. Having only one house to search makes it much easier. Not easy, but easier.
Miguel finds Héctor and Imelda's marriage certificate, and Coco's baptism certificate, and her and Julio's wedding certificate (the one documenting the union of Elena López Rivera and Franco Rivera Rojas is in a drawer in their bedroom, and so is Luisa and Enrique's, and Carmen and Berto have theirs pinned to the wall), and birth and death and baptism and communion certificates for all the older, deceased generation of Riveras, the ones who have no need of any of them anymore.
And he finds a birth certificate for Papá Julio, and another for Tía Rosita, naming them as twins, born illegitimately to Victoria López Hernández and Ernesto de la Cruz.
To say Miguel has an identity crisis is an understatement.
He was devastated when he thought he was the descendant of a murderer, and overjoyed to find he was Héctor's descendant instead. All of his love and admiration for de la Cruz has curdled into hatred, the love passed on to his great-great-grandfather, the musical genius and, more importantly, the loving father.
Now he finds out that not only is he the great-great-grandson of Ernesto de la Cruz after all, but he's descended from both of them - one great-great-grandfather killed his other one.
He begins to worry that he's going to be like Ernesto. What if he, one day, lies and steals for music? He's already lied to his family and stolen a guitar for music. What if one day he kills for music? How can he be sure that his musical talent is inherited from Héctor and not Ernesto? Because he doesn't want anything of Ernesto's, not anymore.
Elena takes personal offense to finding out that she's the granddaughter of the good-for-nothing musician who probably (nothing has been proven, it's too long ago for that, but it's all very suspicious) murdered her other good-for-nothing grandfather (said in completely different tones of voice; Elena is the only one allowed to insult Héctor, you see).
The Riveras were abruptly plunged into national scrutiny after Héctor's letters were published; the media has a field day with the news that most of them are descended from Ernesto.
Miguel writes a long letter - multiple long letters - about his feelings about all this, and leave it on the ofrenda at the next Day of the Dead, along with the offending birth certificates. Actually, with all the papers belonging to the dead Riveras, in case they want them. But Julio's and Rosita's birth certificates are at the top.
So the dead Riveras get home after the holiday is over, and they go through all the things Miguel left them, and Héctor reads the letters Miguel wrote to him.
Now Julio (and Rosita, to a lesser extent, but she's not the one who married the child of the man her father murdered) has a bit of an identity crisis.
His father caused his wife (and her mother) so much pain. How is he supposed to live (well, not live, but you know what I mean) with that? His father killed her father.
He and Coco have a lot of long talks about this.
Coco doesn't blame him or his sister, of course; neither does the rest of the family. The only change comes in the way Julio thinks the rest of the family is now thinking about him. He was always more on the timid side; it takes literal years before he stops calling Héctor Señor Rivera. Now he's sure that Imelda and Héctor hold his father's crimes against him. It takes a surprisingly gentle talk from his in-laws to get him to surpass that.
"So, ah..." Héctor hesitates afterwards, not having felt this awkward since his first few weeks with the family. "You remember, the trial and everything, I testified, I'm the "principal victim" and all that...I could probably arrange for you to visit him, if you wanted...."
Julio and Rosita look at each other, and shake their heads in unison. "No," they say at once.
"No," Julio says again. "I don't. We don't." He squeezes his sister's hand of bones in one hand, his wife's in the other.
Oscar stirs. "Hey, so....Ernesto's blessing would've worked with Miguel after all."
Felipe, of all people, hushes him. "Not now, hermano."
Victoria takes up Héctor's offer to arrange a visit with de la Cruz, though.
"What?" she asks, daring anyone to question her. "He's my grandfather too."
Any suspicion of sentimentality is immediately discarded when Victoria walks into the visiting room, boot already at the ready, hits him once, and walks right back out again.
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Probably gonna get flack for this but I honestly don't care anymore I need to get this off my chest
I am so tired of people comparing Ming to Alma Madrigal and Miguel's abuelita
And I'm also tired of people defending Alma and Miguel's abuelita
Yes I know they both have generational trauma but that's not an excuse
Listen Ming was a good mom sure she was a bit overbearing a bit overprotective but hey some moms are like that bottom line is Ming was still a good mother to Mei
This is why I think you really can't compare her to Alma and Miguel's abuelita
Throughout Encanto and Coco Alma and Miguel's abuelita treat their respective grandchildren like shit and in Alma's case it's not just her grandkids she treats like shit but also her kids
I am being more merciful on Miguel's abuelita because we barely see her in the movie but she knows what she did
Alma on the other hand we see for most of the film and most of the time she's treating her family like shit
Forcing Isabela to be perfect, making Luisa feel she only has value cuz of her strength, making Mirabel feel like an outcast and makes her feel she has no worth because she doesn't have a gift, making Camilo lowkey have an identity crisis because she constantly makes him shapeshift to entertain the townsfolk, making Pepa a nervous wreck, making Bruno isolate himself and not even bothering to defend him from the townsfolk going as far as to forbade people from mentioning his name and much much more
And then when Mirabel actively tries to fix the miracle and save their home Alma blames Mirabel for the miracle dying because that's all Alma cares about
Not her family, no she only cares about the miracle and her reputation
Yes I'm aware she realized the error of her ways at the end of the film
No this doesn't automatically absolve her of any of her previous deeds throughout the film Alma is literally an abusive family member and almost everybody in the fandom seems to ignore that all because she apologized and said she would do better at the end of the film which we don't even know if she kept to her word because we never got a continuation of Encanto
And before y'all go "You wouldn't say that if Alma was a white man" yes actually I would cuz there's a white male character who is EXACTLY like Alma who I despise
Perry Babcock from Paranorman
Perry is an awful father to Norman because Norman can sees ghosts and everyone thinks he's crazy and literally within the first 10 minutes of the film Perry screams at Norman that he's a freak and he brings shame to his family and then blames his wife's side of the family for Norman's ability and at the end of the movie Perry sees the error of his ways and apologizes to Norman and says he'll try to be better
Sound familiar?
Perry Babcock and Alma Madrigal are very similar characters
Bottom line I wish people would stop comparing Ming to Alma and Miguel's abuelita because unlike the latter the former was actually a good mother
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aviradasa · 8 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Tokyo ghoul
Death note
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Lord of the rings (lotr)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt4
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter pt 1
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Pt 2
Teenage!leolas first partner is human! How do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
Once upon a time:
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit (lotr)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!Reader Hcs
Larry johnson
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry Johnson general hcs
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!reader hcs
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
No self harm. I've struggled with it in the past and still sometimes do so I won't write for it
No Pe*o*hili* (this includes age play)
No R@pe
No Necro
No poop or pee shit
If there is anything else I find out exists that I don't like I will add to this list.
Anything you want I will add
I don't write for Male readers anymore. Due to some uncomfortable and unnessasary comments and requests. I apologize for this. I will write for trans folks though
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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youledmehere · 1 month
There's also a scene in the same episode where Rosita went out in the storm to fight some walkers and comes back inside and Judith's staring at her and I didn't realize until I saw a comment about it that it's supposed to be like Judith is seeing Michonne in Rosita at that moment. And looking back that shot of Rosita does mirror the one of Michonne standing with her sword in 9x09
im gonna be honest with you, s10-11 are like a fever dream to me and i can barely tell you anything significant that happened…i vaguely remember that rosita fight scene but im glad she got a chance to shine she was underutilized too often. idk if it was supposed to parallel michonne but i wouldn’t be surprised twd always had a habit of doing that. also can we talk about how the grimes kids called her tia rosita tho 🥺🩷 im glad jude got to have some moments with her at least while michonne was gone
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natty1730 · 1 year
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🌼Daisy Oceanos Morozov 🌼 ( Metal Family OC)
Character Information
This fan fiction is a Dee x Reader, based off the Russian cartoon Metal Family. Throughout this book there will be heavy mentions of drug usage, drugs, depressive thoughts, SH, sexual references, and swearing.
Name : Margarita ( Daisy) Oceanos Morozov
Daisy’s pronouns are she/her
She is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and she has to move Moscow, Russia to live with her father, Ivan. Because her grandma is getting old and she can no longer to take care of her. In Moscow she live in really wealthy neighborhoods were is right next to the Moscow Conservatory of Arts where her father is a music decorator at the conservatory . She Meets Dee and Heavy at school and falls in love with Dee. Dee falls in love with Daisy. Daisy’s family is Brazilian and Russian but Daisy is was not born in Russia, but in Brazil. Daisy is fluent in Russian and Portuguese because of this and and she is also 15 years old. Daisy was apart of a semi successful band called Los Rompecorazones. She has short blue, black hair and Carmel skin and dark chocolate eyes. She wears grunge hippie she has a belly piercing , crisscross Lip ring piercing and a nipple piercing , and a regular ear piercings and a helix piercing there all gold.
Everything within the Metal Family universe is the same, except for one small change. Dee asked out Lif, who declined him gently because she is Lesbian Just go with it, it'll be purposeful for the story. This fandom is not the biggest, and I have noticed that fan fictions on here for Metal Family don't exactly do all that well and don’t have a lot of content for Latinx/ Latina and Brazilian.
I own no characters in this except for Daisy and Tia Rosita, and Ivan the father and the Band Members . All other characters belong to Alina Kovaleva.
Pictures of My Character
🌼Daisy Oceanos Morozov 🌼 : Inspired by Jane ( Blue) Sargent by Raven Cycle
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🤍Ivan Morozov (Daisy Dad)🤍 : Inspired by Aristotelis Bolovinos
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🥀Tia Rosita 🥀 : Inspired by Fran Fine by The Nanny
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Hi, my-mt! Are you ok with some speculation? Don't know if you can because of strike...Well, I've been thinking about the Caryl kids: Sophia, Lydia and Henry..and now, I believe, Laurent. And I have a little theory that I would like your opinion. I see Sophia and Lydia as a pair - both girls had witnessed and/or suffered severe abuse from one of their parents, both are sweet, shy and so afraid, one got forever lost, the other one was saved, nurtured and got to grow up into a happy young woman with a loving found family. Ok, this pair is an easy one to explain.
Could Henry and Laurent be a pair too? Both are naive kids, very loved and treated as special (a prince, a miracle) by their communities, very sheltered, and have to leave their homes so they can learn new things that will help them on their future adult lives and their missions (to become the leader of the Kingdom, to save human kind LOL). Daryl agrees to be their chaperon basically for the same reason. He never developed a full bond with Henry because that wasn't the story being told, but he cared for him and tried to protect him from harm. Carol loved Henry as her own, but, at the beginning, she tried as hell to not be involved with him, and, after, she wasn't fooled by the fact that he, as Sophia, didn't have a mean bone in his body. And we can speculate that Daryl'll become some sort of father figure for Laurent, and that Carol, after meeting him and understanding how important the kid is to Daryl, will care for him too.
So it's like..Sophia and Lydia are their daughters, to them both, while Henry and Laurent are adoptive sons to one of them and cared by the other. If Isabelle dies (and I hope she doesn't, I'm tired of TWD killing off their characters), Carol may or may not become an adoptive mother, and they can wait until Laurent is grown enough and safe to finally leave France. Sophia and Henry die, Lydia and Laurent live, the cycle is finally completed and Carol and Daryl are finally free and at peace to be happy together. *cheers* Okay, what do you think about my half-cooked theory, my-mt? Followers please join in, I would like to see what fellow carylers think too. (( Oh, I don't factor Judith and RJ on this reasoning because I believe Carol and Daryl relate and care for them on a different level, on the primary basis that they are substitute parent figures who stepped in when needed. Yes, those kids are so much loved by Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol but, in the end, that's what they are, uncle and aunt, niece and nephew. Yes, I'm completely ignoring that Judith called Daryl "daddy" on the main show finale because 45 minutes later he left and got himself stranded on fucking France so...also he wanted to run away to New Mexico with his boo and leave the kids to Tia Rosita and Uncle Aaron...so...yeah. ))
Hi there 🙂
I agree with you on the parallels between the two girls. I think Lydia was meant to represent the daughter Caryl saved together. Because they all share a similar background, coming from an abusive home, Daryl and Carol were able to teach her how to rise above that trauma. They showed her how to be part of a family, plus what it really meant to love and be loved. I really wish we got to see more of that dynamic, but imo that’s where the cycle ended. Daryl and Carol were meant to chase their freedom on the road together after that 😒
Henry mattered to Daryl because he mattered to Carol, so it stands to reason any kid Daryl cares about would earn Carol’s love too. But to be completely honest, I’m having a really hard time believing Laurent fits into that equation. Why does Daryl need to be a father figure to him? Because the nun said so? For one thing, that makes me super uneasy. Without even watching, I can tell you his bond with Isabelle is nothing like what he developed with Carol, so that can’t be what’s motivating him. Unless it’s revealed later that Laurent was also abused, Daryl isn’t naturally going to gravitate to him like he did to Carol, Sophia, and Lydia. He just feels like a means to an end to me, though I’m confident the show will try to force an emotional reason and it’ll piss me off 💀
I think after Daryl and Carol help him fulfill his destiny (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️), they can leave him in the safe hands of the family he already has. They don’t need to adopt him.
Thank you for sharing your theory. I hope you don’t feel like I’m invalidating you because that’s not the intention. I think what it really comes down to is not trusting Zabel’s writing. Especially not when there’s evidence to suggest he didn’t even bother to watch the flagship show 💀
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O ya me volví loca o mi tia si me manda esta clase de mensajes...
quiero creer que es lo segundo porque esque... como es que viendo un drama (que estuve viendo un rato en donde era su cuarto) me topo con esta linea:
"Whenever the snowy rosa blooms, that means I'm here to visit you"
Justo después de que hoy que salí al patio en casa de mi abue vi que al que era su rosal dos botones le estan floreciendo (y ya tenia como otras 3 rositas).
Siendo que ayer y hoy estuve pensando mucho en ella porque my usual life issues requieren demasiado de ella...
Oh my...
240723. I had to ask for a picture of it because I had to have the evidence.
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I want to take my heart out.. it's too painful not having her here anymore ㅠㅠ
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seriously-nobody · 3 months
who is your favorite character from coco?
Fuck again man?? I really can't just pick one so I'm listing then again so prepararse. Again not in any particular order.
- Hector (...obvious reasons...)
- Imelda
- Dante (funny naked dog)
- Mama coco (she makes me cry everytime because she reminds me of how my grandma used to be)
- Pepita (giant technicolor cat)
- Tia Rosita (the sweetest Tia ever I love her so much)
- Tio Óscar and tio Felipe (yet another package deal)
I really do love all of them... except for Ernesto, he can go bite the curb, I hate him
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jamilthofficialblog · 2 years
Tia Rosita, descanse en la paz del señor, el señor mismo re reciba en los cielos y celebre con sus ángeles tu llegada de regreso a casa…
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
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Imelda trying to convince everyone, including herself, that music is bad.
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kingreywrites · 3 years
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Miguel + hugs
Requested by anon
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whattimeisitintokyo · 4 years
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Coco Fandom Friendly Entry
Title: Namesake
Characters: Tia Rosita, Tio Berto, Rosa
Time: 30 minutes
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invisibleraven · 2 years
"Oh, this? It's... nothing!" for the Julie ship of your choice because we all know she can't lie to save her life lol
Julie shots her reflection a sly smile as she lifts her shirt, exposing the fresh ink on her hip. The redness had finally faded, the peeling had stopped, and now the image could be seen nice and clear.
"Sobrina, are you ready to go? Those bargains aren't going to hunt..."
Julie yanked down her shirt as her aunt burst into her room, but apparently not fast enough given the stern look on her face.
"Julianna Maria Rosita Molina! What was that I just saw?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about tia," Julie said, though she found she couldn't meet her aunt's eye.
Victoria crossed her arms, tapped her foot, but Julie stood firm. Then she stepped forward and yanked the shirt back up, exposing the tattoo to the air. "This Julie. What is this?"
"Oh this? It's... nothing!"
"Julie, I love you, but you are a terrible liar. Why do you have a tattoo?" Victoria asked, still looking entirely unimpressed.
"Because I wanted one?" The glare continued, and Julie sighed. "Tia, I'm over eighteen, and it's my body. It's somewhere tasteful. I got it at a reputable shop and am taking care of it to avoid infection."
"I still don't like it."
"But I do, and that's what matters." Julie touched the ink on her skin and a smile couldn't stop itself from bursting forth.
"So what does it mean?" Victoria asked.
Julie lifted her shirt up further, showing off the colourful butterfly, all purples, reds, and turquoises. It splashed across her hip. And hidden in the ink, so tiny that her aunt will never see it, are some letters. Letters spelling out the names of her loves who have matching ink on their skin, signifying their bond.
The artist had been really reluctant to do it initially, saying that 90% of the people who got a name on them that wasn't a blood relation always ended up breaking up within a year. Always insisting that they were different, they would be together forever.
"Maybe we will, maybe we won't," Julie had replied. "But I don't think I'll ever regret this. Even if it's only a fleeting moment in our lives, I want to remember it, and have this reminder to look back on."
The artist shrugged. "Okay, don't say I didn't warn you. Also removals or altering it is way more expensive and painful than getting it. So... keep me in mind in a year."
"I like butterflies," Julie finally told her aunt.
"I still don't approve, but I guess it's too late now," Victoria had said.
"Far too late," Julie replied. "Plus dad's seen it, showed me his, and I know mom had a matching one."
"Ugh, don't remind me, I held their hands while they got them," Victoria said. "Your mami almost passed out at the sight of the needle and your papi got sick afterwards. I had a solid month worth of I told you sos after that." She then gave a little sniffle. "But in the end... I guess your dad is happy to still have that part of Rose with him."
"Exactly why I got it, to keep something special to me close," Julie said, hugging her aunt. "I'm off now, don't wait up!"
Julie rushed off to the diner where her loves were waiting and slumped down on the table as they greeted her. "My aunt saw the tattoo."
"Oh shit," Reggie cursed.
"Are you grounded for life?" Flynn asked.
"I think I just barely avoided it?" Julie replied, smiling in thanks as Reggie slid over a glass of water and Flynn passed her a piece of the crusty table bread. "She's not happy, but she has to accept it."
"My mom saw mine too," Flynn confessed. "But she just wanted to know where I got it done because she wants to add to her sleeve and liked the artist's work."
"Good old Marisol," Reggie chuckled. "I showed mine off to the guys immediately after. Willie thought it was sick, Luke and Alex didn't get it, but they don't have two wonderful partners to share it with, so who cares what they think?"
"You do," his girlfriends chorused and then giggled. Reggie blushed and shrugged, because yeah, he did. The guys were also the only ones who knew he was dating Flynn and Julie, since they caught them on a date. They wanted to keep it quiet for now, just something for them.
Plus when they came out at Julie's graduation party? It would make the whole thing worth it.
And ten years later, the three of them went back to the same tattoo parlour, showing the artist they had beaten the odds. Pus they had another piece or two to add; smaller butterflies with the names of their kids on them to create a whole flock.
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natty1730 · 1 year
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Chapter 1 : Leaving Brazil
No One’s P.O.V
“Avó I don't understand; I know there have been getting along recently between us, but Rússia? Папа? Papai?”
Daisy was grabbing a bowl from the cabinet from the kitchen and serving herself muesli. “Margarita , I know your Papai isn't a great guy, but he is young and I am getting too old to take care of you.” Daisy’s grandma said with a sad sigh. “Avó this is a completely different place! My entire life is here in Brasile , everything that I have ever known is here!. I will be a stranger to Papai and I will be an outcast in Rússia” she said to her Avó with anger. “Is it because I haven’t been home and been in the city more than here? I know I haven’t been here, but my band has the biggest break of our lives Avó, if the band breaks up because I have moved away, our hard work will be for nothing!” Avó grabbed her cane from where she was sitting and stood up. From her chair and walk towards her Neta. Daisy tears were spilling from her dark chocolate eyes. Her grandma wiped her tears from Daisy’s cheek. “I know you work so hard for your dreams Florzinha, but you need to understand that I won’t be there for you always, and I know my time will be up soon, and I just want what is best for you, and what is best for you is to be in Rússia with your papai.” Her Avó’s hand was still on her cheek and she held Avó's hand. Still with tears. “Your papai misses you so much.” Daisy took Avó's hand and put it down and she said, “I can’t leave you, I promise Mamã, that I’ll take care of you,” Avó's tears slip down, she can no longer contain her tears. Avó said “And I promised your Mamã, that I will take care of you.” She tried to calm her granddaughter down. “Know no more crying for the both of us.I already bought your plane ticket, and you need to start packing for tomorrow.”
Daisy’s P.O.V
The following day was just a jumble of feelings. Before Daisy traveled to the airport. She could feel her sadness rising up. “You're still fluent in Russian right?" Said Tia Rosita“Yeah of course. It's hard to not be fluent in Russian when your father is from Russia." Daisy snapped back while leaning back in the old airport chair. "Margarita don’t be like that, I know you're upset with this and all, but please don't get attached to your Tia Rosita . “Sorry." Daisy halfheartedly mumbled while playing with the sleeves of her jacket. "Hm it looks like they're starting to board.” Said Tia Rosita
“Grab your suitcase c'mon" As Daisy was grabbing her suitcase she accidentally stepped on a man's foot behind her. She turned around to see a tall grown man with blonde styled hair and eyeliner. "Oh shit I'm sorry for stepping on your foot." The man stared at her with immense eye contact and smiled even brighter. "Oh no worries! Enjoy your flight!" She awkwardly smiled and walked with her suitcase
Meanwhile later on her trip “ No look I'm telling you when I stepped on his foot he literally just stared into my soul, like a " Daisy said while eating a complimentary bag of peanuts the flight staff gave her . “Yes yes, I believe you. Now but please be quiet, we still have 19 hours left on this plane, and I want to spend those hours asleep."said Tia Rosita, leaning her head into the neck pillow, next to the window. Daisy plugged in her headphones into the phone to listen to music. “I'm sorry for staring into your soul, I can assure you that those were not my intentions! But I thank you for the compliment!" Daisy froze and turned her head to see that the man was sitting right behind her. She choked up, not knowing what to say and just gave him a quick smile before sinking into her seat, deeply embarrassed. 'Just my luck. Shit I need to start paying attention to my surroundings more often.' Daisy thought as she played her music and munched on her peanuts.
“Margarita! Acordar, we're about to land!" Tia Rosita shook her awake, as Daisy sat up straighter and tightened her seatbelt. “Remember that weird guy I was talking about earlier? Well he's sitting behind us and heard everything I said." Tia gasped as she slowly peered over the seat to look at this mysterious guy Margarita had been talking about. "Seriously, that's him? He looks pretty normal to me, although it's pretty funny he heard you. Karma é um Puta." Tia said giggling close to her ear. Daisy just rolled her eyes and prepared for landing. The airport was packed with families and people trying to find their flight. “Ok Margarita so the plan is we take a taxi over to Do pai, I drop you off and make sure you are Com este cabrón and then I go back home ." Rosita told her as they both walked towards the airport exit. “Tia, how come you don’t like papai?” Daisy said as she stared at the woman as cars passed . Tia sighs and looks at her niece, “look, the reason I don’t like you dad is, the things he did to your Mamã was unforgivable.”Daisy turns her head and looks at her Tia and asks “What he did to her?” Rosita put out of her purse her box of cigarettes and took one out of the box and lit one, then she puffed the smoke out. “He cheated on my sister, with another woman, that’s what he did to her” said it with anguish.
Alright c'mon Margarita the taxi's here, grab that suitcase and I'll grab the other." Tia said while grabbing one of the suitcases. Daisy looked behind her and saw a familiar head of blonde hair, so she took her bag and quickly got in the car. They both stepped inside the car as the driver started to drive off. "The address is Rublevo-Uspenskoye Shosse, 17, Gorki-2, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143033" Tia Rosita said as Daisy looked out the moving window. Her Tia patting Daisy’s back. The car ride was quiet, but once the car pulled into a small white apartment in the richest neighborhood , both Tia Rosita and Daisy were shocked. "Um sir, is this the correct address?" asked the driver. "da." He responded, curtly. "Okay Margarita grab the bags so I can talk to papai." Tia left the car and headed to the front door, leaving the girl to grab both of their bags.
Before leaving the car Daisy muttered a quick thanks in Russian for the driver, as she headed to the front with her bags. As Daisy was walking to the door she could hear a little bit of the conversion Sam and her dad were having. “Look Ivan, she is your responsibility now, my mother is old and she no longer takes care of her.Margarita is a good girl and she won’t cause any problems and she has good manners, she is a respectable young lady as you always wanted. Daisy walked up the steps with the suitcases to see Tia Rosita
Her papai was a man with Black hair and was a bit wavy like her’s . He stroked his black mustache, while staring at Daisy . “Мой дорогой, welcome home. I will take your bags . I suspect you want to say goodbye to your Тетя?" He asked with a deep voice. "Uhm yes thank you." Daisy said, trying not to grimace at the vibes he was giving off. He took her t bags, and walked away. "Listen Margarita , if anything bad ever happens to you please don't be afraid to call me. We both know that dad isn't the best guy, so if he ever does anything to you, call me." Daisy hugged her sister as they both said their goodbyes. "I love you Tia." "I love you too Margarita ." Rosita pulled away and walked back to the taxi, leaving Daisy alone in front of the spacious apartment .
As she walked inside the apartment there was a hallway that led to the living room. The hallway had a white walls and a mirror and a table with a vase with white roses. She walked to the living room, it had white walls and a grand crystal chandelier in the ceiling. The room had a white choch and white curtains, with curbed full with books and a grand piano. Daisy looked at the whole room and was amazed by the room, it was so different from her home back in Brazil, her house was full of colors that missed match with everything. The whole apartment was white with no stains of color. "I have some rules to follow since you now live here." Daisy’s papai said as he sipped his tea. Daisy sat down. "When you address me it will always be father or sir. You will always show respect to me. Absolutely no boys will enter this door without my permission. Also no dye hair is allowed, Do you play any instruments?" The man asked, staring intently at his daughter. "Yes I-" Her father stopped her. "Address me as father or sir." He responded coldly. "Oh sorry sir. But yes father, me and my friends used to have a band, and we actually won a lot of contests." Her father laughed a cruel laugh and looked upon her face. "Oh my dear, that's not real music. But what instruments can you play?" The man asked, holding his tea.
“Well, father. I can play the guitar, piano, and violin." Daisy said, looking down at her teacup. "Hmm, violin... yes, I can work with that. Do you play well?" "Yes, sir, I haven't played in a while. But when I last played, I could play some Mozart pieces." The father smiled and nodded his head. "Good, good. We have a grand piano in the living room. I will find you a great teacher immediately, and you will start playing as soon as possible." Daisy nodded her head as she drank the rest of the tea. “Well, it’s late, and I think you must be exhausted from your trip here,” her father said, leaving his team on a small coffee table on the side of his chair and standing up. “Yes, I am exhausted. We should go to bed.” She said. He nodded, and he guided her to her room. They walked upstairs, and her father guided her to a small hallway with doors. “Your room is in the west hallway, and mine is in the north hallway. That’s your door. “ said her father. He left his bedroom, and she walked through her bedroom. She opened her door, her bedroom was plain and white it didn’t have any color or any posters. Daisy was disappointed with her room, though she thought she could decorate it and paint the walls later. For now, she was tired from her trip.
🌼Outfit reference 🌼
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dexter99 · 3 years
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