#tia egyptian coven imagine
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aquanova99 · 2 years ago
Even Gods can Bleed
Final part
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A/N: For anyone that still cares about this, thank you for being patient because I’m trying to finish any series I swear (Sweats because she has like 10 more ideas she wants to start).
A/N: Also if anyone cares the next hunger games part should be up today or tomorrow depending on whether I take a nap today
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Benjamin stared at the snow falling around them. Focusing on every individual one falling to the ground before him. Grounding himself by smelling the heavy pine in the trees surrounding him. Wishing he had never asked to travel here. From Kebi’s strange behavior to learning about the extent of how grief could consume people, no parents, who truly cared for their children. Benjamin had not once thought about whether his disappearance caused any one strain. In fact, he knew it hadn’t. Save for Tia maybe, but she wasn’t even aware he had died, she’d been so shielded from anything outside of pleasing her husband.
“Why were we not told about this? I would have never—”
“That is precisely why. It isn’t your burden to carry it was…or is ours. We knew what the outcome would be when our prior coven decided to fight. We came together for necessity, not realizing the volturi was willing to leave us be for the most part. We still see no need to fight senselessly. Our regret lies with the our lack of support and understanding of Sekhmet. We could have traveled further, not criticized her choices so harshly. I regret ending on the note that we did.” Amun paused as his memory flashed the look of anger and betrayal in his daughters eyes. Her pained look etched forever in his memories. Never quite letting him rest. “We should have known her heart, understood it more. I believe that she really thought she could take on the world and win, it was her downfall. If I could do it over I am not sure I would fight, but I would tell her how much she means to me. It’s a lesson that has taken me many years to learn.”
“You mean Demetri?”
“Yes. I may be strict with you but you need to know that I care about you and Tia greatly. I know I say I am strict because I care but in truth… I love both of you. You and Tia.”
“And now?”
“You said you don’t regret not fighting before. What about now? Would you regret it?”
“We will support whatever choice you make. But Benjamin, this time it is not because I fear death or fear your mother getting hurt. But I will not take sides against my children. I have many failures. With Sekhmet, I told her I cared for her but did not support her decisions, with Demetri I supported him in whatever he wanted to do but I failed to let him know how much he was cared for. Mut, perhaps, not as badly but we failed him. We will never know with Sekhmet but with Demetri, we know had we said anything he would be with us still. It is a different almost stronger grief to lose someone that is still around.”
“Do you think the Cullens stand a chance, I mean truly?”
No. Maybe. Not really. “Yes. I cannot contribute to you or Tia or Demetri dying at my hands. We will bear witness and nothing more. I am- so sorry.” Amun cleared his throat. He knew regardless at least one of his children would not make it back, the thought brought back the sense of unease and immense guilt. Another lifetime of questioning whether he made the right choice.
“You truly do not regret not fighting?”
“No.” Amun said simply, “Had we fought, we would have never found Demetri…or you. And you would not have brought Tia.”
Benjamin nodded and quickly ran up to Amun ad hugged him, “I need to see Ommi.”
Amun stood shocked for a second before following after him. He came up to the small clearing Mut had found and saw his mate and Benjamin hugging. Mut’s eyes coated with venomous tears threatening to fall. Amun knew she would hold together if only for the younger ones to not worry.
“You have nothing to apologize for Benjamin. You should be proud of your heart. I know we are.” Amun heard her whisper as Benjamin pulled away from her. She gently stroked his cheek and then standing up and wrapping Amuns hand in hers, “Come. I’m sure we have much to discuss. Kebi, could you take them to the campsite with the Cullens?”
“And keep away from the spawn, yes. Come kids. They’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The second they were out of eyesight, Amun pulled Mut into him. Exhausted, she all but melted into his touch. After centuries together there were no words needed for how they were both feeling.
“Oh Amun. What are we to do…”
“Hope my love. Hope no fight comes about.”
“I don’t know if Benjamin will stay behind now.”
“I know. I think Tia will be what decides it for him. If she doesn’t fight I think he will restrain as well.”
“I disagree. I think he will hesitate if she stands with him. He worries about us too much. He wouldn’t risk us going through it again.”
“You are likely right, as always.”
Mut chuckled, “If he doesn’t fight, and we get the chance. We owe it to Demetri to have a conversation. Let him know how we truly felt that day.”
“He doesn’t deserve to have reopened wounds Mut.”
“I was there, Amun. The wounds never closed.”
He sighed, knowing well enough that she was right. And it was useless disagreeing with her, “Very well. We shall wait for them.” Muts eyes gleamed with the faintest glimmer of hope, she offered a sad smile and the pair walked deep into the woods towards their old acquaintances.
At the campsite stories of war were thrown around. Benjamin noticed that besides the Irish coven, none of them spoke about loss. The Romanians were vengeful, but more so spoke about power not grief. Benjamin caught himself wondering if that was an effect of dealing with their grief. He couldn’t imagine neither of his “parents” without the other. They seemed to be made for each other. Never straying far from each other for very long.  He wondered what it was like losing everyone you had ever been close to. He thought about Amun, Mut, his sister. Could he live with himself if they died just to stand with him? He looked at Siobhan and Liam, both with one hand on Maggie. Somewhere inside he knew they would leave if they truly felt she was in danger of not making it out, he also knew she would burn the world down if her family was ripped from her. They had already had one of the nomads leave. Would their presence make that big of a difference? Would their statement gain unwanted attention from the volturi?
This was wrong. He knew if he was human any contents in his stomach would be expelled immediately, part of him still worried about it. He should have said nothing. Stayed in the housing that Mut had turned into a home for him and Tia.
“Benjamin?” Mut had come from behind and put her hands on his shoulders, her comfort drowning him in a wave of guilt. He tried to hide his anxiety and offered her what little of a grin he could offer, patting one of her hands to try and persuade her he was fine. He was not fine.
“I cant wait to go back home.” Is all he could muster out. It was the truth. There was no guarantee they would all make it back there if this came down to what the younger Cullen wanted. You felt his gaze from the tent, hearing all of your doubts. He had used your gift to rally everyone into fighting if it came down to it. What happens now? You could hear him whispering to his mate, head snapping to your direction. You avoided looking in their direction. Counting down the seconds until morning came. Finding anyone to talk to just to avoid the slightest possibility of a confrontation before realizing the safest place was with his coven.
The sun began to slowly creep and rise in the horizon. Everyone progressively speaking less and less. Anxiety rising in everyone about the upcoming and increasingly possible battle. The large group silent as they walked towards an empty field. Then somehow the silence seemed to get stronger…louder…deafening. Though they were all coming together for a singular purpose it was clear to everyone that every coven stood separated, apart from one another. It was clear they would protect their own first. Amun and Mut shared a glance, anxiously and nervously waiting to see some familiar face. Amun looked far into the forest behind them. He wondered if the wolves the Cullens had recruited would be smart enough to protect their own or if they truly were ready to die to protect the people on their land. Amun knew first hand how people would die both from arrogance, and need from control. He also knew people would run if they felt they had something more important to protect. The Romanians were convinced they were still being hunted even centuries later, always running. Now, he felt, it was them running. Again. Not able to face the threat of the volturi. The circumstances different, yet so eerily similar. Trying to keep what little semblance of family he had. Hoping he could keep everyone alive this time, praying the once so eager Benjamin would decide to hesitate.
Benjamin had stayed largely silent. Still unsure of how everything would happen. Amun and Mut had placed themselves in front of Benjamin and Tia. Kebi stood besides her sister, ready to do whatever it took to protect Mut. Mut ready to do anything to protect the younger ones and her mate. Tia desperately hoping they could go home, knowing she would stand with her brother. A carousel of worry. A sea of black and red surrounded them. They were hopelessly outnumbered. Benjamin remembered Kebis stories. How the volturi had fought the children of the moon, monsters who appeared similar to the allies the Cullens recruited but no rational fiber in them. They had plenty of gifted members among them, but that was what the volturi was known for. It wouldn’t be enough. Benjamin watched as they came into view. Mut clutching Amun’s arm as her eyes landed on Demetri. Amun stiffening when their eyes met. Centuries of unresolved conflict and hurt in both of their eyes. Benjamin scanned the crowd. It was clear who the other affected party was. Their resident tracker.
There was a hurt in the blond vampire that echoed the rejection of Benjamins own. He remembered that hurt of feeling unwanted, from what Amun had told him it had been a misunderstanding. The years it had taken to come to terms that this time truly was different. And it was suddenly very clear why Amun would not be able to fight. Why Mut couldn’t imagine hurting him again. Benjamin had felt an immediate and unconditional feeling love and understanding, it was a feeling he had never been offered before. It had been, at on epoint, too good to be true. And yet. the same people who offered him refuge, had somehow turned away another. Misunderstanding or not. His “parents” had failed the volturi member. They wouldn’t do so again, Benjamin also knew they wouldn’t hold him back if he wanted to fight. Aro had begun speaking, but a new fear had taken over him. Would they forgive him? If this group the Cullens had rallied together somehow won, would they look at him the same? If he had a hand in their other child’s undoing? If they did look past it, would Benjamin be able to live with it?
Amun interrupted his train of thought, ensuring Aro would have no hard feelings for simply stating that as witnesses they were sure that Bella and Edwards daughter was not an immortal child. Aro assured them that all was well, Benjamin snuck a glance to Maggie who tugged at Siobhan’s arm, wondering why he was speaking the truth. Amun and Mut turned back to look at back Benjamin and Tia, a silent but pleading expression. Tia tugged his arm begging for him to listen, just this once. Benjamin nodded to her, and then to Amun. A low growl left the youngest Cullen boys’ lips, while Bella began to look panicked. The Irish coven looked between themselves wondering if they should follow. Benjamin snuck a final look at Demetri, the once hurt expression was now replaced by a stony glare. His family didn’t stick around to see if anyone followed their example. That was no longer their concern.
Where was that concern all those years ago? A jealous rage brewed deep within Demetri. Was his gift not good enough to fight for? He was in the bloody elite guard, for Gods sake. He had never itched for a fight more. Something to take his mind off of the deep seated ache he thought he had long ago forgotten.
The Egyptian coven ran until they reached Montana. Mut stopped first. Halted as if she had forgotten something. The rest of them stopped at different intervals to go back. Amun barely had enough time to grab onto her shoulders before Mut collapsed into his arms. A broken, guttural sob escaping her. The thought of losing someone she cares about deeply breaking something buried and long hidden inside of her. In a way, this eased Benjamins conscious. The possibility of making it worse, well…it would have killed him.
They sat there for two hours. Amun sitting next to his mate. Tia resting her head against her shoulder. Mut only spoke to ask Kebi how she felt the further away from the child. Kebi laughed, “I am not the one you should be concerned over.”
Kebi realized her words the second they left her mouth. She had meant that Mut was clearly the one that needed the support, but there was no avoiding what else she meant. Amun hissed at her, already struggling to hold himself together for his mates sake, Kebi’s remark was not helping. Mut’s head dropped, she allowed herself to shrink back into Amuns embrace. They would have stayed frozen for hours longer but Kebi’s head shot up.
“Someone is coming.”
Everyone was on their feet in seconds. The familiar scent hit Amun first. “Wait.”
He tugged on Muts hand. She clutched his arm again. Benjamin saw the tracker and what he thought was the most intimidating vampire hed ever seen. The taller one nudged forward the tracker. And leaned against the tree. Demetri glared but took another step forward. “Its been a whi—”
Mut rushed forward, cutting him off with an embrace before he could say anything. “Thank the gods you’re safe.”
Demetri’s head buried into her shoulder. It had been too long since he had felt an embrace of any kind like this. Any physical connection he had encountered over the years had been just that, purely physical. There was warmth that radiated from his ‘mother.’ Demetri tried to hold on to the hurt and jealousy he felt at the mates pair clearly  fighting to keep the younger vampires with them. Why wasn’t he offered that courtesy? As prideful as he tried to be, he caved at their welcome. He was almost ashamed, still desperately clinging to whatever scraps of affection he was offered. No. Even he could tell this was different.
Amun came up next wrapping Demetri in an embrace that shocked almost everyone but Mut and Benjamin. He rested his forehead against Demetris, a warm hand on the back of his neck. Years of unspoken apologies coming out in a single sentence. He stepped back and put both hands on his shoulders looking into his eyes and hoping he could see how much he meant every word, “I am truly sorry for not fighting harder for you and your place in our coven.”
Demetri cleared his throat. He struggled to find any words. Mut joined her mate and the three stood like that until Mut started laughing, “Gods look at us. We’re such a mess. And we’re being rude. Demetri, we have some people we’d like you to meet. You too Felix. I’m glad we are meeting under better circumstances.” Mut dashed over to hug him as well, “Thank you. For keeping him safe. And out of trouble I’m sure.”
Felix chuckled and bowed slightly to one half of the leaders in the coven. “We cant stay for long. We have a new… mission that requires our attention?”
Muts face fell, “What happened?”
“The future teller came back. Brought another being like the child. Mature. But the same. After you left…the irish and nomads got nervous and smartly, I may add, said their statements and left. Aro offered the child and its mother sanctuary.” Demetri explained.
“Did they accept?” Amun asked
“Aro wants to check on other hybrids first. They would have had week but unfortunately, Bellas shield is a bit too strong and she could effectively hide her whole family as long as she would want. So, they are discussing who is going with to South America. We’ll be leaving tonight. But as he’s talking to Carlisle he thought it was best if I checked on my old coven.”
“So soon?” Muts voice was laced with a clear disappointment
Felix chimed in, sensing his friends own guilt rising. “It shouldn’t be too long. Caius and Marcus have concurred that Demetri would do good with some time away when we return.”
“It does appear I would need a place to stay a while, so if it isn’t too much trouble—”
“Of course. Your home will always be there.”
Mut and Amun hugged him once more before it was time for him to return. Kebi came forward as well,
“It will be nice to have you back again.”
Mut grabbed Tia's hand and urged Benjamin forward as well, "Well, before you go I would like you to meet your...siblings. This is Tia and Benjamin."
Demetri smiled at his old covenmate, and the two newer additions, nodding before he left once again “I look forward to getting to know you both. It seems we will have much to discuss upon my return.”
Tia and Benjamin smiled at him. Feeling happy to see a weight visibly seem lifted off of their parents’ shoulders. Excited to have more family to learn about. Curious to know what kind of life he had lived in the volturi. As the two caped vampires disappeared from view, Mut exhaled a sigh of relief and looked towards who nodded with watery eyes.
“Lets go home."
"You've gotten much better Benjamin. It shouldnt take long for you to not have the need for your hands."
"I hope because without them it feels draining."
"Well, Demetri is coming within the week. No practice until he leaves."
"Do you worry he will tell Aro?"
"No, I worry he will say nothing. Lets not put him in an even more difficult position. He doesn't need to feel as if he has to take sides."
"Very well, father." Amun smiled at the young vampire. The two walked into the main living area. Amun seeing his wife and her sister both sitting across from eachother, Amun slid in next to his mate. She leaned against him, her scent held him ransom as he placed a kiss against her temple.
"Wheres Tia?"
"Leave her be Benjamin, she says shes working on a project. Its supposed to be a surprise. No gifts anywhere near her room."
"I would never." Mut put her book down and stared down the young boy, "alright, I wont do anything. Swear."
Life was peacefully mundane until Demetris arrival, he brought along a curious Felix and the family was delighted to see them both. Benjamin and Felix seemed to distract themselves with play fighting and videogames while Demetri tried to not feel as if were forcing himself in a place that was welcoming him in.
"Demetri would you like to talk about it?" Tia finally asked
"I'm sorry?"
"Come on, you and our father have lots to discuss." Tia grabbed his hand and sat him on the couch. Mut tried her best to stifle her gasp but Tia was done with secrets.
"Please Demetri, ask away. We promise we will tell you anything that may have been left out." Mut may have answered but Amun knew it would be up to him to be honest about his past.
There were a million questions running through his head, he wasn't sure he was ready to learn about his own unfortunate circumstances. Why even save him? After everything? After..."I would like to start at the beginning, if that works for everyone. I would like to know about Sekhmet."
Somewhere Amun felt his wounds begin to slowly stitch themselves back together. A healing he never thought was possible in his lifetime, "The humans knew her as the Goddess of War.."
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braveclementine · 8 months ago
We Get Some Help
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, jealousy!fucking, pet names, personality sharing, harsh fucking, restraints/bondage, pet names, Lord kink, ragdoll treatment
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Carlisle, Esme, and I were now walking rather hurriedly after an Egyptian man- Amun- as we tried to convince him to come with us.
"Amun, please!" Carlisle begged as I tiptoed lightly after him.
"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun said, stopping long enough to turn and face us.
"We're not asking you to fight." I whispered. "Just to look. Our kids are in danger."
His mates face softened a little bit at my begging, but Amun was not so easily persuaded.
"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle said, putting a hand on Amun's arm.
At that moment, the water in the fountain started shifting upwards, creating a barrier between the exit and us. Carlisle and Esme looked at me.
I shrugged, "It wasn't me."
I looked across the water to see a younger man, quite handsome looking in fact, his hands raised, looking over at us, "I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden."
There was a young woman next to him as well. Must be his mate.
"I can't imagine why." Carlisle answered and I honestly couldn't pick up if it was sarcasm or not.
The young man let the water drop and as it went to splash all over us, I took control of the water, making it shape into two large balls, resting above the palms of my hands before I let it settle back down into the fountain gently.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's impolite to splash guests?" I asked with a smirk.
He smirked back and we all moved to meet each other at the other end of the fountain.
The boy reached his hand out to me first, "Davina." I said.
"Benjamin." He said, "Nice to meet another elemental."
"Only water." I said, withdrawing my hand.
"Carlisle." Carlisle said as his hand was shaken next.
We sent them on their way, moving to Japan next.
There was a nomad there named Toshiro. He told Carlisle that he would debate coming to Forks and would think about it.
As Carlisle and Esme turned to leave I said, "You might think that you would be safer staying here. But Aro will know whether or not you even decided to come for a split second. And that split second. . ."
And with that I disappeared into the shadows, letting him think my words over.
And finally, we returned with the very last witness. Alistair. A nomad. I honestly couldn't stand him as I sat in the front seat, pitying Esme who was sitting beside him.
Bella and Edward came to greet us out front.
"How many came?" Carlisle asked in greeting of Edward.
"Eighteen." Edward said. "You have some good friends."
I guess Toshiro hadn't shown up. Pity.
"And Alice?" Esme asked.
Bella just shook her head, making Esme pull her into a tight hug. Marcel was leaning against the door frame of the house, waiting for Esme to come in.
"Where's Caroline, Nik, and Sammy?" I asked Bella.
"Upstairs with Seth and Leah." Edward said. "They like staying away from the vampires. It makes Leah's skin crawl."
I smirked, disappearing into the house. I winked at Benjamin as I passed by, smiling at Tia- his mate, as well. I could see everyone else that had shown up.
Two from the Amazon coven, all of the Egyptian coven, three Irish, Garrett, Mary, Peter, Charlotte, Randall, Alistair, Charles, and Makenna. They were all nomads.
I greeted all of them with a breezy, "Hello," and then made my way up the stairs to join my kids.
I could hear Carlisle and Esme rejoining the others downstairs.
Not only were Seth and Leah upstairs with my kids, but so were Embry and Bree, binge watching the Marvel movies.
"Hey kiddos." I said, making my kids turn around and leap into my arms.
"Mom!" Caroline said happily, "Guess what Niklaus can do?"
"I thought I said no powers?" I questioned.
"Yeah, but we didn't know Nik had powers until a few days ago." Caroline said with a grin.
I turned to look at Nik with a small smile. "So, what can you do?"
"I can mimic other vampire's abilities." Nik said solemnly.
"Really?" I asked, astonished.
"Yes. All I have to do is touch them, and then I have gained their ability." Nik said, touching my hand.
That would make him one of the most powerful vampires on the planet if he lived for a long time.
"But I wouldn't do anything bad if I was the most powerful vampire." Nik said easily.
"So you touched Edward I'm assuming?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." Niklaus said, drifting back to the couch to pick up another book. "I think having several powers would make great use in the upcoming battle."
That made my blood turn cold. "Niklaus! You aren't even a year old! You aren't even six months old! You can't possibly think that you are going to be fighting in this battle! And even if you were a year old you wouldn't then!"
"But if I could just touch this Jane person everyone is so scared about I could turn her power on herself!" Niklaus protested.
"Absolutely not." I said coldly. "You are not fighting!"
There was a silence downstairs. I wondered if everyone had left or if they were just listening in.
"But mom!" Niklaus said.
"Yes!" Caroline said with her puppy dog eyes. "No one can catch me. And I'll teleport Niklaus around so that he can take people out!"
"No!" I said furiously. "This is not a game! CARLISLE!"
Carlisle was at my side in an instant, looking warily between me and the kids. "They think they are going to fight." I spat angrily, even though it wasn't him I was angry with. I wasn't angry at them either. I was frustrated. I hated Irina.
Carlisle sighed, trying to be diplomatic. "You three will not be participating in the battle. Do you understand? It is to dangerous. Not only for yourselves, but for others. Especially you two Care and Samuel. Leah and Seth might get hurt trying to protect you if you are reckless. And someone else might get hurt trying to protect you Nik. You will sit the battle out and if you don't, you'll be grounded for a whole year afterwards."
Pretending that we were going to still be here after the battle.
"Besides." Carlisle said, sounding optimistic. "It's not even going to come to a battle, so there is no reason for you to get involved."
I felt myself relaxing, believing his words too.
It wasn't the last of their conversations, but as I kept them down at La Push with Seth and Leah- mostly to get Leah out of the house so that she didn't kill and vampires when they intended to go hunting- the conversations were rarely disputed.
Bella was also trying to learn how to fight. Edward absolutely refused to teach her. Emmett didn't really teach her- more beat her up in a sense.
There were a few others that attempted teaching her. Garrett in particular was an incredible teacher. In fact, he was incredible altogether. I absolutely loved his attitude and charisma. We got into rather heated debates about the Beatles. He was from the Revolutionary war era and therefore, deemed anything British as terrible.
"But the music didn't enslave you." I argued heatedly. "It's good music!"
"It's British." He said firmly.
"I swear I will force you to listen to it. Besides, British accents are hot."
Carlisle coughed discretely behind me. I ignored him.
"Well then you have poor taste in men." Garrett said, red eyes narrowing.
"I have excellent taste in men, thank you very much." I smirked, jabbing a thumb over my shoulder at Carlisle who buried his head deeper into his book.
Garrett stared at me a moment longer before carefully saying, "You know, I've been to every battle in history."
"Ah?" I questioned, trying to figure out where this was going.
"And though I wasn't at the bombing of Fort Knox, I was there for the aftermath." Garrett continued, gauging my reaction.
I set my jaw in a harsh manner, "That's what you want to talk about?"
"I believe you're innocent." Garrett pointed out.
"What a relief." I muttered.
"Carlisle would never have married you if you had been guilty." Garrett said with a shrug.
"Alright, can we not talk about this." Carlisle muttered from behind us.
I giggled, "I didn't realize you were a part of this conversation."
Carlisle glared half-heartedly at me. I pressed a kiss to his lips and then turned to Garrett. "The others are gathering outside."
"Ah, let's take the debate to the fresh air and get some more intelligent opinions on British shit."
"For the record, The Beatles are one of the best bands out there." I said, firmly believing this to be true. "What? You don't like Harry Potter either?"
"Never watched it nor have I read the books." Garrett said stubbornly.
"And now you need to be forgiven for your sins." I quipped.
Kate had just grabbed Bella's arm, electricity rushing through her hands. Bella didn't even react and Kate said, "oh, yeah, she's a shield all right. Should put her on her ass."
I saw that Carlisle and Esme had joined us as well.
"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garrett claimed from behind her. I snickered.
Kate turned, undeterred, holding her hand out, "Maybe it only works on the weak." She wiggled her fingers dauntingly and I smirked.
"What's with the hesitation Garrett?" I teased. "A Beatles song would've been over by now."
He glared at me, moving his hand out to touch Kate's.
"Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle warned.
"Don't ruin my fun." I said with another smirk, this time aimed at Carlisle as Garrett touched Kate's hand. There was a zap of electricity and Garrett fell in pain on his knees.
'KNEEEEEEL' Loki's voice rang through my head and Edward rolled his eyes. I wrinkled my nose at him.
"You are an amazing woman." Garrett said slowly, staring up at Kate. I grinned.
Suddenly, we could hear fast, vampiric speed like footsteps, approaching from another direction. That didn't make sense. All of the vampires were already here. We weren't expecting anyone else- unless Toshiro was going to show up.
"There's two of them." I said quickly.
And then I was off, sprinting towards them.
I could hear laughing and barking- sounds from Jacob training the new werewolves.
Then I heard a voice cry "Whoopa" and there was the sound of two sets of footsteps landing on the ground.
I came to a stop, nodding a hello to Jacob and the others.
"Well hello beautiful." The one with white hair said.
I raised an eyebrow as the others- Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Kate, and Tanya- came to a stop behind me. I saw that Jacob had three other wolves with him, all very gangly and uncoordinated. I hadn't met these yet.
"Vladimir, Stefan." Carlisle greeted them with just the slightest hint of annoyance. "You're a long way from home."
"What are they doing here?" I heard Kate ask from behind me.
"We heard that the Volturi are moving against you." The white haired one said. Was that Vladimir? Or Stefan? Would've been better if Vladimir had been called Damon. That would've been incredibly satisfying.
I heard Edward sigh somewhere around me.
"But that you would not stand alone."
"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle said.
"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." The white haired one said in a bored tone. Oh my. . . his accent. . .
"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." the darker haired one said.
I was going to go out on a limb and guess that the white haired one was Vladimir. I was going to throw a fit if the hot one had a terrible name like 'Stefan'.
"Mom." Edward hissed under his breath.
"Sorry." I hissed back.
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle amended quickly.
"Shame." Hopefully Vladimir said and I smiled. I was really liking this Vampire. He tilted his head to probably Stefan. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."
"They enjoy a good fight." Maybe Stefan said with a bit of a chuckle.
"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar asked, stepping forward and Carlisle turned to look at him.
"Aww." Possibly Vladimir said with a slight click of his tongue. "Still hoping they'll listen?"
I exchanged a look with Carlisle, "What is he talking about?"
Carlisle just shook his head as we made our way back to the house. Once there, Eleazar gathered everyone to explain- first the two new vampires- and then this news about 'Aro's witnesses'.
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar started out saying.
"So he's done this before." Bella asked.
Everyone was there. Every coven member, ever nomad, even our kids and the few werewolves that hung around.
"It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar said.
"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle said from the couch.
"This person always has an ability." Eleazar says, his arms still crossed, still leaning against the windowsill. "And they're always given a place with the guard."
"This is all about Alice." Edward said.
"And that's why she ran." I whispered.
"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.
"To spread the word that justice has been served." Alistair spoke up from his corner. "After he slaughters an entire coven bigger than his own."
Amun and Kebi were the first to move, walking towards the door. "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." Amun announced.
"And where will you go?" Edward questioned. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next?"
Amun pointed a finger at me, "She can do the same!"
"Minus three elements." I retorted.
"Or Zafrina or Kate." Edward continued, ignoring the both of us. "Or anyone else with a gift, anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family, but also for yours. And for the way you want to live."
There was silence, everyone eyeing each other. Jacob was the first to stand to his feet, Seth and Leah joining him, "The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."
"We will fight." Tanya said, her, Carmen, and Kate rising to their feet from the other couch next.
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett said and I smiled at him.
"We'll join you." Benjamin spoke, drawing Amun's attention to him.
"I will do the right thing, Amun." Benjamin said, giving me a slight nod. "You may do as you please."
"We will stand with you." Zafrini said.
"So will we." The Irish Coven said, standing up as well.
All the other nomads did not speak, nodding instead.
"That didn't take much." Vladimir (who was the white haired guy) muttered to Stefan.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Edward said.
"We'll see." Alistair said to Carlisle. I glared at him. He left the room first, leaving everyone to look after him.
Everyone started to prepare even more. If not to talk, then to fight.
Meanwhile, I kept my sights on Japan, specifically Toshiro. With Marcel's help, we got the military cameras of Japan up and running, taking in his whereabouts. He was making plans to come to Forks.
I hoped he got here sooner rather than later.
And a few days later, he did.
None to soon, as when he arrived, only hours later did I catch sights of the Volturi in the city. I showed him the cameras, several vampires looking over my shoulders. "I did warn you they would come for you." I said to him.
"And I am here now." Toshiro said with wide red eyes.
I nodded and Marcel shut the cameras down, wiping out the fact that we had even used them.
A few days later, I was sitting in the living room on Carlisle's lap as Edward talking strategy with him and Emm bear. Several others stayed in the room as well.
"Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves." Edward said.
"To bad we don't all have your shield." Garrett said. Kate was standing next to him, rather close and I smiled.
"Doesn't help me fight though." Bella pointed out.
"No, but you could help the rest of us." Tanya said. "If you could project it."
"What do you mean?" Bella asked.
"I mean shield someone other than yourself." Tanya said and I wanted to add 'duh'.
"Is that possible?" Bella asked.
'Obviously if she's suggesting it' my brain thought and Edward glared at me. 'Sorry'.
"Gifts can be developed. Over time." Carlisle said softly, running his hand over my hair. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt. This was the first time that I had seen him wear something other than his doctor uniform or something formal. They were usually all so formal. But now it was like they had dropped the charade.
"At first, mine was just in my palms." Kate said. "Now I can radiate it all over my body."
"How do you do it?" Bella asked urgently. "Tell me." She grabbed Kate's hand.
"Ow." Kate said flatly.
They decided to move things outside. Carlisle and I stayed put for the time being. I snuggled into his chest. "Everything is going to be alright." I murmured. "Probably."
"Reassuring." Carlisle said. I knew he was trying to jest, but everything was to tense for that.
"You know what we need to do?" I asked quietly.
"No." Carlisle said.
I slid the hoodie off his shoulders. "First, we should go back to our house. Just some alone time for the two of us. You can take all of your anxiety and frustration out of me rather favorably. And then we'll have a nice long hot shower. And then, you're going to put on your fancy dress clothes, okay?"
"Sounds nice." Vladimir said from behind us rather suddenly, "Mind if I join?"
Carlisle glared at him over my shoulder.
I chuckled quietly, placing a kiss on Carlisle's forehead. "I might've let you if your name was Damon," I said with a smirk, "Shame."
Vladimir chuckled, disappearing again somewhere upstairs.
"So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Carlisle scooped me up into his arms, racing away from the main house until we reached our little cottage.
"Oh darling, I'm going to ruin you."
For the first time in a long time, I saw Lord flicker behind Carlisle's eyes.
The minute we entered the bedroom, I completely submitted under him. Our clothes were on the floor in scraps and we were on the bed, cottons sheets fluffing upwards at the sudden two-person landing.
Carlisle's hands were firm and heavy on my hips as he pressed a very slow, teasing kiss to my pussy before diving in with his tongue and teeth.
I let out a pleasured moan at the feeling of his cool tongue and my hot core mixing together. It was almost ultimate pleasure and it was only heightened as Carlisle groaned, shooting vibrations up my lips to my clit.
"C-C-Carlisle." I whimpered. There was a soft coil in my stomach, but I needed more. Carlisle, much to my demise, pulled away, kissing down my thighs instead. I whimpered again.
He chuckled lowly under his breath, the lowness shooting tingly feelings to the core of my stomach. "Patience darling."
"I- I'm not very patient." I muttered.
"I know." He grinned. He maneuvered himself over my body, one arm wrapping around the base of my neck to pull me into a kiss, the other unexpectedly plunging two digits into my wetness.
I moaned into his mouth, lips parting. His tongue entered my mouth, clashing with mine for a few seconds before I submitted again at the overwhelming feeling of his fingers plunging into me over and over again, his palm hitting my clit every time he thrusted in.
The coil started to build up again, but once again, not enough. "Carlisle, please." I begged, throwing my head back.
"Mmm, eyes on me darling." Carlisle said, his lips trailing down my jaw to my neck, biting and sucking, leaving large purple bruises that started healing very slowly. Once he reached my breasts, he started to lick and kiss them. He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and swirling before biting and then moving to the other one to repeat his actions. Meanwhile, his fingers seemed to move even faster and his thumb started swirling patterns on my clit.
My eyes started to tear up as I tried to keep my eyes on him to the best of my ability. "Carlisle I'm gonna-"
"No you're not." Carlisle said simply with almost no emotion, flicking his tongue out over my right nipple, making me writhe and moan again. "Hold it."
I whimpered, tears falling down my face, body shaking, pussy clenching around his fingers. His pace increased even more, the speed of his thumb almost mind-blowing. My toes clenched tightly, trying to relieved some of the tension.
"Words darling." Carlisle said.
"Please Carlisle, please." I begged. "Please, I wanna-"
"Beg better than that baby." Carlisle said, his eyes slowly becoming black as he moved lower, adding his tongue to the mix of fingers at the start of my core.
I attempted to buck my hips but his other hand kept my waist down firmly. "Please Carlisle. Please. I wanna cum. Please?"
"Mm." Was all he said, with a slight dip of his head and I let go, white fuzzy shock washing through my body. I could feel his tongue working me through my orgasm, this thumb not letting up though his fingers had pulled out of me.
He pulled away from my pulsating core, moving over me. His once blond, now more strawberry blond, hair hung in his eyes, his pink tongue darting out to catch every trace of my arousal and I found myself getting wet just at the sight.
"Delicious as always sweetheart." He growled.
I whimpered as he flipped my body over before slamming himself into me without warning. Though it was unexpected and unusual of Carlisle, I had told him to take his frustration out on me.
And Fuck if I wasn't enjoying it.
I had honestly never felt better.
My fingers clutched at the bedsheets as he pounded into me, every stroke bringing such immense pleasure I didn't think it could get better. But it did. Slowly with every other thrust it got better and better, the coil in my stomach started to tighten and contract and tighten again. And I was so sure I was going to burst.
"CARLISLE!" I whimpered.
"Absolutely not." He growled in my ear. "Don't you dare."
And it was most definitely Lord in control.
"My Lord, please." I begged, a few more tears slipping down my cheeks. "Please! I-"
He forced his fingers into my open mouth, choking me rather effectively as he pressed his body down against my back tightly, hitting me at a new angle that made my eyes roll into the back of my head.
"Fuck Davina." Lord growled. "You're fucking mine."
I would've mumbled 'All yours' except that I couldn't. So I just did the best to nod my head and whine pathetically.
My arms were trembling, trying to hold myself up in the position that he wanted me in. One of his arms wrapped around me, holding me up himself. "I fuck you so good you can't even hold yourself up."
His fingers retracted from my mouth. He pulled me up a little straighter, his cock ramming into me at a new angle once again, hitting my cervix over and over as I whimpered, moaned, and fucking mewled.
I was putty in his arms, melting. "Fuck, Lord. Feels so good. I'm so close. Please let me cum. Please Lord."
He chuckled darkly, his thrusts slow, and I nearly cried in frustration. "Fuck darling. Missed this fucking pussy. Missed you wrapped around me like this."
Even in his darkest moments, Carlisle was almost never like this.
And I knew what had made him snap.
I almost wanted to make a joke, tell him Vladimir would let me finish, but I held my tongue. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to get punished tonight.
Oh but teasing was so much fun. . .
And then my orgasm hit me like a truck, flowing down his hard cock which didn't stop its thrusts, wringing out my orgasm until it started feeling like overstimulation. His fingers reached down, finding my nub and I let out a scream of blinding pleasure as a second- third?- one crashed down on me.
Carlisle pulled out, flipped me over, and slammed back into me as my back was on the bed. "Gonna watch that pretty little face of yours as I make you cum over and over again. No one else can make you feel this good. You're mine, yeah?"
"All yours Lord. All yours." I whimpered, my hands finding themselves in his fluffy hair. I was so glad that I was a vampire werewolf hybrid thing because if I was human, I would've broken under his amount of pleasure. As it was, I was trying very hard to keep it together.
He attacked my neck and upper chest with kisses and bites, as though determined not to leave an inch of my skin unmarked. I gripped his shoulders, nails dragging down the marble like back of my husband.
I knew if I could sweat, I would be and I was glad that there were a few human things I could not do.
The pleasure was starting to become even more immense and I cried out his name again.
"You gonna cum for me baby?" Lord said, his eyes the blackest I had ever seen them. "Gonna fucking cum all over my cock and prove that you're mine?"
I whimpered and whined at his words.
"Yes! Carlisle! Lord! Yes! Please! Please don't stop! I'm gonna cum! Carlisle please."
Lord moaned above me, a deep sound that ended me, another orgasm rushing through my body, heating it up, sending white flashes through my head.
"You look ravishing like this." Carlisle growled lowly, staring into my face with hunger and passion. "Fuck you're squeezing me so good. M'gonna cum darling."
I had no answers as I felt him release into me, his release long and large. Slowly, very slowly, his eyes started to return back to gold, thrusting his hips just a few more times before he pulled out of me slowly.
Our mixed release dripped from both his cock and my pussy onto the bed sheets but neither of us cared. I was to busy gauging Carlisle's reaction as he came back from Lord's control.
Carlisle blinked a few times and then leaned over me, a cautious expression on his face, "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I? I wasn't to rough or anything?"
I giggled, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him on the lips. "If flirting with a few guys is all it takes to get you to do that, I'll be flirting with every guy in sight."
Carlisle growled into my neck, "Or you could ask nicely and spare me the jealousy."
I giggled again, pressing soft kisses to his own neck, "Deal. But really, Carlisle, it was wonderful. I had no idea your mind could be so dirty."
Carlisle buried his head into my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head. "Ready to go back?"
"No." Carlisle said, sliding his hands to my hips, flipping me over so I was above him, and settled me back down on his cock, both of us hissing as the sensitivity of everything before it was healed. "How about another eight rounds?"
I smirked, "Ten."
Carlisle pulled my face down to meet his in a crushing kiss before pulling away a little and said, "Well then, you better get to riding me."
"Yes sir." I quipped and settled down to my task.
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simpfordemetri · 8 months ago
Head cannons of the Egyptian coven dealing with a new slightly chaotic gifted significant other? I can just imagine Amun sighing and Benjamin getting hyped. Thanks and love your stuff!
Hi love,i didn’t know if you wanted the reader to be romantic or platonic, so i did platonic
⟳ & ♥︎
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
As i said in recent headcanons ,they aren’t looking for another member so it was pretty unexpected
But when they found you ,a newborn with telekinesis gift ,uncontrolled and causing much trouble around the area,they felt obligated to take you with them
However the plan was to train you for a few years and then 👋
But through the time a platonic bond grew between you all
However there was a small (big) problem ,and it was how chaotic you are
Somehow you manage to break everything, cause disaster everywhere and making everyone mind go crazy
Controlling your gift was the most difficult part, holes in the walls were made almost every week
With the time you hace 10/10 control at it
Benjamin was more than happy to be honest ,he is also hyperactive and now he has someone to have fun with dumb ideas
Tia is a peaceful person but enjoyed watching you going chaotic, she just have a small smile on her face
Kebi grew up a mom nurturing feeling on you ,she feels she has to take care of you and with that scolding you every time
And then there is Amun, you are making him go crazy ,sometimes you get too much in his nerves that he will end up screaming at you without wanting to
However you got every coven member loving you
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 2 years ago
Hi there? Your Dome!AU musings have made me super curious:
1) How is functionally-comatose Marcus useful to Aro, when there are no vampire threats to psychoanalyze? He’d probably sign up to be dismembered in the basement
2) How would Denali be reacting to a dome? I imagine they have some wildlife, but do they stick to being “vegetarian”? Is Eleazar seizing the moment to be a local god? (I’m not sure I want to know the answer, but it’s like a train wreck— I can’t look away 😅)
3) Amun and the Romanian covens: did they also seize the day and become local gods? Do they gorge themselves and run out of warm humans?
4) nomads like Garret? How are they doing…
5) Aftermath of domes dropping: how does the global human population fare? Did Volterra do the best out of all the cities/covens? Some rankings? Sorry if this is a pushy ask, I’m a nerd hoping for some statistics
Happy Freethinkers Day!! You and Vinelle deserve awards, truly 🏆🏆
The Dome over Forks. The Dome over Volterra.
Hey thanks! Look, @therealvinelle, praise for the blogs!
With that, your questions.
How is Marcus Useful?
The same way he was before, honestly. He can detect the relationship of the people to Aro. Do the humans trust the Volturi? If they don't trust them, will they tolerate them? Who are going to be the troublemakers? Is anyone planning murder or intending someone harm?
Marcus can see all these relations at a glance where Aro would have to keep tabs on over 10,000 people who do not wish to touch his hand. Marcus can do so unobtrusively without the humans ever realizing how closely they're being observed.
Marcus can also see how the guard is performing under current circumstances and if anyone is too bitter over the dismembered guards to work properly.
Once again, Marcus is shockingly vital to operations.
The Denali Under a Dome
The Denali are in Alaska, which in itself is a fairly less populated state, but particularly in the interior where they're located. They have the national park nearby, whatever cabins are there, but the biggest population center nearby is probably Anchorage.
Point being, unlike Forks even, there's not too many human neighbors at a time to be stuck under the dome with them. Probably just a handful.
Still, they have quite a bit of wildlife, but likely not nearly the hunting range they had before and not a population that's sustainable with their feeding habits.
I imagine they try to stick to the diet as long as possible and that they scour the local population for good looking men who will want protection and comfort in this trying time.
Eventually, though, with too small a population of wildlife and people to draw from, the Denali will starve.
The Egyptians and the Romanians
Amun's likely too cautious, this smells like Volturi nonsense, Aro's trying to smoke them out for reasons Amun can't fathom or else trick Amun into breaking the law.
Amun watches as the humans lose their goddamn minds, crunching the numbers and panicking as he realizes his coven may starve very quickly.
Likely he dismembers Tia and Kebi so that he and Benjamin will have more food.
The Romanians, too, are wary they're being observed and figure Aro's just tormenting them/slowly starving them. To spite him, they choose to be very careful with their resources and force the humans to give them "blood donations" and if they don't, they just eat them. The humans quickly learn to put their blood in the bucket.
With the dome over Volterra?
Not well.
When the world figures out that the Volturi are out to lunch competition for territory begins in earnest. Nomads have to very skillfully defend their territory and Garrett... is alone and has no gift.
Garrett's not surviving that one.
If he's under a dome, he'll slowly face starvation.
In terms of the wellbeing of the human population + starvation, Volterra probably ends up on top. They're draconian overlords, but their priority is keeping the human population as healthy and stable as possible.
Forks does about average, with the Cullens avoiding killing when possible, and Carlisle as an on the clock, able to be awake 24 hours, highly knoweldgeble and invulnerable surgeon at their services.
Those under the Romanians and the Egyptians do okay. They have no respect for human life, but they're wary of Volterra and don't want to lose their livestock. They're going to be careful with how many they kill and with the Romanians coming up with ways to make the blood last longer to spite Aro.
Denali wouldn't have enough humans to start with to even be in the running. The nomads would be in trouble but it depends how long they're under a dome for/how large the nearby population is for them to go through.
If you want actual numbers we'd have to get into writing the fic territory and we'd need to decide on where exactly the Romanians and Egyptians are and how long the domes are up for.
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panlight · 3 years ago
Another coven ask!
What about the Egyptian coven as a unit and each member individually? Do you imagine a specific persona for Keni and what does it look like? How do Kebi and Tia feel about each other? Do you think this coven is as nomadic as others or do you think it retains control over a territory but far from humans? And of course , what of their narrative role?
Ancient Egypt was my first obsession as a weird little girl (MUMMIES!) so I am more interested in Amun and Kebi (actual ancient Egyptians) than Benjamin and Tia (loved Benjamin in the movie because Rami Malek is great, but in the book I just got these "HEY LOOK ISN'T THIS CHARACTER COOL! LOOK HOW COOL HIS POWER IS! HE'S SO COOL!" vibes from SM's writing, like she LOVED this character and wanted everyone else to see how AWESOME she thought he was and it was a little off-putting to me. In the movie where it's more show and less tell it, IMO, worked better. Same vibes with Garrett).
It says they lived like gods and 'Amun' is the name of an actual god; originally a relatively minor one, but became basically the King of the Gods as the patron deity of the pharaohs in the Middle and New Kingdoms. His name means "The Hidden One" and the inner sanctum where his statue was housed in the great temple was constructed to be completely dark--no sunlight. 'Amun' is unusual as a stand-alone name; it's more typically combined with elements like the famous TutankhAMUN or his wife AnkhesenAMUN or the various AMENhoteps etc. So maybe Amun wasn't named after the god Amun, he WAS the god Amun.
In the mythology Amun's wife was usually with Amunet (basically just 'female Amun'), or Mut, a vulture goddess whose name means 'mother.' 'Kebi,' as a name, though, means 'honey' so it's possible that's a nickname and not her actual name which could be Amunet or Mut whatever! The idea that she was "chosen from Amun's slaves" is obviously gross on a lot of levels. Most slaves in Ancient Egypt were foreigners captured in war or indentured servants who had sold themselves or were sold by family to pay off a debt. But there's no need to bring slavery into this at all and it is weird that she did. It could work better if we interpret that to mean she was a maybe a low-level priestess in Amun's temple instead
I tend to think they are not very nomadic. I think there's a reference in the guide to Amun 'living' in an abandoned temple and keeping mostly secluded there other than to hunt, obviously. Kebi is written as very passive but we're really just getting Bella's impression of her so there's room from personal interpretation here. Tia is also quiet and passive, but Bella says when she does speak there's a lot of wisdom to her words, so she sounds like someone who waits and watches and then only chimes in when she has something important to say.
I don't think they REALLY have much of a narrative point; I think the point here was she thought up Benjamin's epic power and thought it was awesome and wanted to include it. I suppose the point of Amun is to have an 'ally' who isn't really committed to the cause, but it feels like the tension between Amun and Benjamin might be setting up for something in future books, although that may be giving SM too much credit. She has said thought that no one could die in BD because they have roles to play in future stories.
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therealvinelle · 3 years ago
Hi, this thought came to me a long time ago and does not go away. Bella is Demetri's sister. What kind of relationship will they have? Will they be as close as Jane and Alec?
I'm not sure Bella would become a vampire in the first place.
Amun turned Demetri for his gift. As Amun himself does not have a gift, it's possible he wouldn't have realized Demetri's sister was gifted as well. Frankly, I don't see how he could have. And, as he didn't turn any of Demetri's relatives in canon, nor waited for either Demetri or Benjamin to have kids first, I can only take it to mean this guy is... not strategic. So no, he's not pulling an Aro and turning Demetri's sister to gamble the gift genetics.
Demetri, will, uh, not realize Bella is gifted either.
If he wants to keep tabs on his sister, which with a gift like that it would be very easy, then... well, he reaches out for Bella, tries to find her, and finds nothing. Not a trace of her mind's essence exists in the world.
Demetri can only conclude that his sister has died, and mourn.
Goddamnit Vinelle
Alright alright.
Demetri, burdened by grief over his sister, decides to check on dear Ma once he deems it safe to be around humans. How's she holding up with the loss of two of her kids?
(This, of course, is assuming Demetri and Bella have surviving family. This is not a given)
Well, Demetri gets a shock, because he sees Bella walking around in the town square, healthy and very much alive.
Now, he might go back to Amun with this news, but... he might also not.
If he does, then his sister is turned into a vampire, to be another one of Amun's secreted away treasures. This is a headcanon of mine, but I don't believe Demetri cared for being in the Egyptian coven any more than Benjaimin and Tia do. They're very open about the fact that they would leave if Amun didn't have them scared of Aro. Amun's mate is his former slave, he doesn't appear to have any friends other than Carlisle, and even Carlisle isn't all that hip on the guy.
Demetri's life with Amun was, essentially, to be a miserly has-been's source of reassurance that Amun's still got things going for him.
Would he really want to tip this guy off to his sister being gifted as well?
If Bella's living a good life, then Demetri might just decide to leave her to it. A few years have probably passed since Demetri was turned, Bella is a human woman living her life in peace. Let's leave her to it.
(Of course, if Aro finds Demetri within Bella's lifetime, he's taking the first train to Bella town, because this human needs to be turned yesterday.)
If Bella is sick, in a bad marriage, or impoverished, then... well, I imagine Demetri likely tries to turn her himself. If he fails, then she dies, but her life is miserable anyway. If he succeeds, they can make their own luck far away from Amun.
Most likely he fails, because turning people is hard.
If he succeeds, though, then they have a merry time far away from Amun, and presumably join the Volturi at some point down the line, as Aro offers a more meaningful life and a unique opportunity for each of them to utilize their gifts.
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twilightfansofcolor · 5 years ago
Siren (Benjamin and Tia x black reader)
imagine for @cosmicmelaninflower
You had flown in for the holidays against your parents’ wishes; you were the princess of an underwater kingdom off the coast of Africa, near Madagascar, and they wanted you back in the ocean where you belonged. They thought the two years with your aunt and uncle in Arizona had satisfied your curiosity about the human world but they were dead wrong, it just made you want to stay more. You were visiting your best friend Bella just to catch up since the wedding; she had since had a daughter named Renesmee, who was the sweetest thing ever and had so many questions. You were staying with her in-laws and you were just talking shit about the kids you went to school with in Arizona. “Oh! Remember Matthew Collins? He and Candace Ryan had a baby together. The rumor was that the baby was conceived on the junior class trip.”
“You’re kidding! I know how you felt about him.” You had a thing for Matthew and vice versa, then Candace found out about it and she and her gang of urchins made out to make your high school life living hell, but nothing was ever enough to crack you. You were a princess, way too good for petty mortal behavior. “Eh, I’m over it.” You weren't the only houseguest, and when you offered to go to a hotel in Port Angeles, Carlisle and Esme wouldn’t hear of it. 
“Really Y/N, Carlisle and Esme don’t mind at all. It gives them an excuse to use the kitchen more since our other guests don’t eat human food,” Bella’s sister-in-law Rosalie told you; you were currently housed in their room and felt like you were putting them out, even if they didn’t need to sleep. Surprisingly you were getting along with the vampires and felt like you had made new friends. Not that you played favorites but if you did, your favorites would have to be the Egyptian coven, specifically Benjamin and Tia. Benjamin could control the elements and Tia was very sweet. Whenever you were talking to someone else, you could always feel them looking at you.
In fact, they never stopped looking you, you just had this aura about you that made everyone turn their head when you walked into a room, how could anyone help it? You were confident and surefooted, even regal for a young woman of your age. Benjamin and Tia had only been around you for two days and they were already whipped, much to the displeasure of Amun who tried his best to steer them away from you. “Do not fall for that innocent act. Her ancestors have caused many shipwrecks!” he hissed to them one night after they had caught sight of you in a form hugging dress you had borrowed from Bella. How were you so beautiful?
The three of you bonded easily with Benjamin bending water and throwing it on you and Tia, and Tia asking how you are able to stay hidden. “It’s not very hard, since the humans are on a mythological creature kick, and humans have tried and failed for centuries to find my kingdom to no avail which ended in death for them, and they wouldn’t know a real mermaid if I dragged them down underwater.” You even had pictures of you with your tail and crown which could easily have been mistaken as a Halloween costume or a modeling shoot. Even after the confrontation with the Volturi, the Egyptian coven were the last to leave and you decided to go with them since you were going the same way. It was about time you decided to go see your parents.
“Maybe I can visit you in Cairo,” you told them hopefully. It wouldn’t be too difficult, and you were a very fast swimmer. “We would like that very much Y/N.” They each gave you a kiss on the cheek. A romance never blossomed but you managed to have meaningful relationships with each of them which was more satisfying.
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lorethemerrier · 7 years ago
What do you think the Egyptian Coven will be doing now that Aro knows about Benjamin’s gift?
Tumblr media
That might as well be me anytime I try and figure this out. Honestly, the more I think about this the less sure of anything I become, so I apologize in advance for the rambling mess that I’m sure this is.
Like, Benjamin’s gift is just so OP. Up until he’s introduced Jane and Alec had been presented as having the most ‘offensive’ powers, and while they’re terrifying, because of Bella’s shield they were always in check. But then in walks Benjamin, who’s the avatar in vampire form and it just seemed like such a power imbalance. Now that the volturi know of him, however, it’s going to change some things in the vampire world.
Most is going under the cut because I just keep talking
Amun’s strategy of keeping Benjamin hidden isn’t do able anymore. The cats out of the bag. No matter what, Aro knows about Benjamin, and also knows that he’s part of Amun’s coven. I’m not quite sure on Demetri’s gift, like if Bella’s gift would protect the witnesses that hadn’t run in to the volturi before from demetri catching their scent and being tracked or what’s going on with the “he can find anyone he’s met, or who he’s met has met”. Regardless, since Aro touched Edward, he knows that Amun created Benjamin so Demetri’s going to be able to find him. Since Amun is Demetri’s creator, he understands the tracker’s power much better than I do, and knows how pressing it is that he do something.
Because of this, he’d probably set out to try to find a shield. It’s really either that them breaking up so Benjamin and Tia stay hidden, but for some reason I don’t see Amun being about that. Besides, I feel while that particular gift may be harder to find, it’s not necessarily because it’s super rare. All three examples of shields don’t seem to want a ton of attention. Bella’s mental shield is strong, and if it wasn’t for Edward in New Moon, the Volturi may have never learned about it. Outside of something like that, a powerful shield may easily avoid anyone knowing about them if they wanted. After some trial and error in finding the right gift, Amun certainly could find someone. It may take more work convincing them to join them, especially with the Volturi potentially  after them, but lets say they do.
I doubt they’d could stay in Egypt, even with a shield. The Volturi must know that’s been their territory, and could hunt them down if they stayed, without Demetri if needed. So I’d imagine they’d take up a nomadic lifestyle for a while, maybe staying one place or another for a couple years, but they probably don’t ever settle down as long as they have been. Vampire rarely seem to break habits, so it’d take a lot to change them at ton.
There are two ways I could imagine them actually going against the volturi.
One is if they run into a LOT of vampires questioning the Volturi after the whole Cullen thing while looking for a shield of some kind. I’ve always thought of Amun as being less emotionally invested in revenge and more wants to be in charge, making him more strategic. Possibly even to the point of explaining why he didn’t recruit or change anyone after Benjamin, to not draw attention. If that’s the case, seeing so many vampire willing to stand against the volturi, and that there are gifts that can combat the guard may get him to see the possibility of actually beating them. Then while they are out trying to find a shield and they’re running into a lot of vampire that are not feeling the Volturi, I could see Amun start scheming. He was leading a large coven back in the day, so he’s obviously not such a charisma black hole that he couldn’t get people to follow him again.
The other way is if through the events that happened in Breaking Dawn, Benjamin decided that the Volturi are, for lack of better words, evil. Based on what we see of him in the books, if this is the case he isn’t going to back down just because they’re formidable. He’s going to do what he thinks is right even if it means doing it without Amun and Kebi’s help Tia seems like a good supportive wife who’d be willing to blaze ahead with him on this.
tl;dr: They probably tried to find a vampire with some form of mental shield to join them, and now they are more nomadic, going around while Amun talks about how they should take on the volturi, but never do. But maybe revolution, maybe.
Like I said, I’m super uncertain about what would happens, so these are like options rather than actual headcanons sorry, so I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!
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velvctxlace · 5 years ago
(* x -- denied senses.)
Vocal cords like an Angel, touch soft like velvet, gaze as pure as ivory.
Those were words that typically described this Egyptian Goddess. That’s what she was. Ever since being turned, she’s held herself as nothing short of elegant, polite and filial to her mate and, because of him at least, the Egyptian Coven. Sometimes, however, she did wonder just how miserable her life would be had Benjamin not found and turned her all these years ago. Would Aro and the Volturi find her first? Would she had gone with them to escape the grasps of a truly cruel man that only wanted to possess and objectify her for her voice, despite the mask of kindness he wore and the sickeningly fake gentleness he showed in public to her? Tia wondered if perhaps she’d have gone with them and how she would survive as a vampire turned by the Volturi, living as their possession, only good to them because of her abilities to enchant anyone like a Siren with her voice. That would most likely be the only salvation she would have in that scenario--her voice, so pure, soft and harmonic, like a Siren of the Sea, enchanting anyone that listens to her sing. 
It isn’t doubtful that if that were how things played out, that she would perhaps be more nurturing, kind and motherly to Jane and Alec when meeting them. Perhaps she would become closest with the twins and most protective of them, besides Aro, or perhaps she wouldn’t survive. It pained her to even think of things turning out that way, but perhaps if they did, having them turn in a way where her voice would be her salvation, and her nurturing and kind nature would be put to good use towards twins she would find a maternal allure towards, wouldn’t really be so horrible. Just tragic and eternally excruciating that her life would go on without Benjamin and she would forever search for him to recruit him as a Volturi Coven member. She likes to imagine that should her life had turned out that way, eventually finding Benjamin would end with her recruiting him and their loyalty being pledged to each other as well as to Aro. 
What a truly different life it would have been. One with a lot of pain, torture and suffering. At least until she would find Benjamin because any scenario and any life without him, was a life not worth living for Tia. A life she just couldn’t bear to go through. So thoughts like that vanished as quickly as they came for the Egyptian Vampire. They were better off as just that. Pointless possibilities of how her life would have turned out another way. A way she is more than thankful to have successfully avoided.
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aquanova99 · 2 years ago
tia with a mate who struggles to give affection ?Thanks love
I have two of these and I’m assuming you meaning showing physical affection because if you don’t show affection at all why are you even in a relationship. The whole point is to love the other person and try to adapt to what they need.
He is okay with mostly both he is going to condition you to be more accepting towards it
Just starts with kisses to the temple when he sees you or enters a room, he will do that for a while and then suddenly stop
It will be so habitual that you’re going to feel something is off when he doesn’t do it
In turn you’ll probably get his attention and ask what the deal is and he’s going to play it off and you’re going to eventually ask for a kiss or give him one to be spiteful
And he will repeat this with other gestures as well, so he will wrap his arm around your waist and squeeze you close and eventually he will sit next to you, like hello????
If you don’t react he will continue until you do, so for the waist holding mentioned above he will wait until you scoot closer to hun or rest your head on his shoulder
He has the hottest most arrogant grin when he succeeds and you don’t even know
I think she’d be a little hurt by it ngl
But she isn’t one to hide her feelings so she would just ask if you have a problem with her
Though you’d have to be affectionate at least somewhat to even start dating because again if you don’t show love no one’s going to see a point in courting you
So I imagine you’re either good with your words and bad with touch or good with touch and bad with words
Either way she’s going to ask you compromise and she will too
He isn’t the one babes
He enjoys giving and receiving love
And he has too much trauma to be constantly second guessing whether you care or not
I imagine his stress will worry Kebi and Amun and they will also encourage him to leave, or you if they can get to you
Not that great with it either tbh
At most physically she will give you pecks in private or do something with your hair
I think she’d be okay as long as you’re both sharing the same space together
Or giving eachother tokens that remind you of the other
However this dynamic can tend to read as just friendly and after a while you both may find yourselves as just friends because neither of you are willing push boundaries
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simpfordemetri · 9 days ago
Might I ask for the Egyptian coven x vampire reader with the gift of shapeshifting? Have a lovely day 💕
• Amun is fascinated by your shapeshifting abilities, often asking you to transform into various creatures. He loves seeing the elegance of it and also the power that involves.
• Amun would be insanely protective of you,probably paranoid about The Volturi finding you,knowing your gift would make Aro want you in his coven.
• Kebi loves the playful aspect of your shapeshifting.She has a soft spot for playful shapes, like when you shift into small animals.
• Kebi finds it hilarious when you shapeshift into a creature that she would never expect,leading to rare but soft moments of laughter.
• Benjamin loves to watch you shift, captivated by the transformation and the beauty of your different forms. He finds it particularly enchanting when you shift into a mythical creature, which sparks his imagination.
• He enjoys practice his power over elements while you shift into some cute creature.
• Tia appreciates the versatility of your shapeshifting gift and loves when you take on forms that allow you to sneak around.
• Tia feels a special connection with you when you shift into forms that resonate with her emotions, and she often asks you to take on forms that reflect her mood, creating an unspoken bond.
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aquanova99 · 3 years ago
Headcanona about Tia with a female mate omg
Ahhhh finally getting to Tiaaaa
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I mean just look at her 🥵🥵🥵
She never expected to run into you a human no less
Had she not been quicker there was a good chance Benjamin would have had you as a meal
You’d never been more terrified in your life and yet this woman looked like an angel with red eyes and you felt safe with her
The feeling dread only to creep back in when lips brushed against your ears “I’m sorry…this will only hurt for a bit.”
I mean you’d seen them so it’s not like she had a choice
I guess a bit to a vampire is around 3 days
Tia feels soooo guilty about this, she hates that’s how you met and because of this is very cautious around you, will not push the mate bond or anything like that
It’s a big change honestly but she is really patient with you and teaches everything you need to know and is very honest about the mate bond
It honestly helps you fall for her even though you tried to not to
When the coven thinks you are ready to mot be supervised she gives you the option to leave (her eyes are mad glassy because she’s afraid of your answer)
You have to confess your feelings first and tell her you don’t want to leave and then she immediately grabs your face to kiss it
It is the only time her kiss is that feverish and hungry because honestly she’s a gentle soul
She is still very reserved when it comes to affection only really saving it for the bedroom, seriously even kebi and her mate will at least hold hands Tia is the shyest of the coven
But let me tell you it’s worth the wait because she may be a more gentle kisser but she is amazing with her hands she’s really good at loving on you
You both like to play with makeup I feel like, after all she is Egyptian and makeup has come so far since she was human so she likes to play
Your favorite thing to do in the morning is sit because Tias is amazing with hair and she does the most intricate updos, braids and anything you could dream of
“If you’re going to look like a goddess you may as well dress the part.”
Literally her nickname for you is my goddess 🥰🥰🥰
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aquanova99 · 2 years ago
what would the egyptians do to their mate being horny 24/7
God I didn’t even finish posting the actual update that said asks are open. You guys do not disappoint fr
Keep it in your pants pls
No because like actually he will like shove you away
He will suddenly become a Bella like shield because you will not find him
If this is during your newborn years I assume he wouldnt be too surprised and would probably entertain you but honestly he’s while he’s good at what he does he leans more on the demi ace spectrum almost?
He enjoys it believe me but he is very big on it not being sex just because but trust me he’s going to build it up and make it very…memorable
Honestly she probably loves it
She could do without all the innuendos
She probably tries to sneak away whenever possible and probably takes some detours during your hunting trips
She gets super flustered
You have to be careful when you talk to her because when she gets too pressured it’s clear she kinda shuts down
She moreso gets annoyed because is that all she is to you?
So with her honestly no matter how much you may want her, it’s best to let her lead or not ask too often
Because the more you make jokes or innuendos the higher chance of her being immediately turned off
Just as horny tbh
Will take any opportunity to absolutely have his way with you
Amun is currently soundproofing every room he can
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aquanova99 · 3 years ago
Coven w/ Shy Mate
An overly affectionate Mate
Coven w/ Hyper Mate
Coven w/ Mate that has High Sex Drive
Coven teaches you their Language
Coven with Deaf Mate
Coven and a very Sleepy Mate
Seeing you Cuddle anything besides them
Would they have a Wedding?
Movie Nights
How the Coven handles fights
Mate w/ bad Mental Health
How the Coven reacts to Crying Mate
Non-binary mate?
Making Out w/ Coven
How Coven members Act when Jealous
How Coven Deals with Jealous Mate
Saying I love you For the First Time
Dating Tia
How Tia and Kebi react to Female Mate
Kebi helping Mate sleep
Mate that Struggles to give Affection
Kissing Kebi
Dating Kebi
Kebi Forehead Kisses
Kebi Soft Alphabet
Kebi/Amun with a Mate into Social Media
Dating Benjamin
Benjamin w/ Mate Stressed ab School
Benjamin x Reader x Tia
Amun Soft Alphabet
Amun x Reader x Kebi
Kissing Amun
Forehead kisses Amun
An Amun Cuddle Session
Dating Amun
Long Version
Short Version
Would Amun have a Pregnant Mate? Meh
Amun w/ Mate on her Period
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aquanova99 · 2 years ago
Hii ! Could you do headcanons about Amun with a very affectionate mate please? Thank you and I love your work <3
Oh how I’ve missed these. Anon I hope you arent too mad at me for taking forever, I want you to know that you plunges me back deep into twilight when I was debating whether or not to stop with the fandom. Whoever my Egyptian coven anon or anons are ilysm
I am doing all of them, thank you ✋
He is going to be very uncomfortable at first, he adores you but he isnt one for affection
He will probably dodge you a lot because it’s just not what he’s used to and is going to ask for a compromise
He will probably relent to holding your hand or having his hand on your person when the two of you are around others but if you two are alone?
And kisses on the cheek when you see eachother but just one, what are you crazy?
All bets are off you can go crazy
He really finds it endearing but it is hard for him to accept love freely and without knowing what to give back in return
Is going to struggle
Outside of any lovemaking she is at most a hand holder
She just doesn’t like touch that way
More comfortable when the two of you are alone but it would be hard for both of you if that’s your love language because she can only handle so much before she starts to get overwhelmed
She might take a day every once in awhile to really let you go all out without saying anything but it’s not too hard to decipher because the next day she will want to be by herself the entire day
She gets overstimulated okay??
Equally as affectionate
Is extremely shy but loves the love you show her
Okay with cuddling next to you in front of others
Holds your hands always
Won’t kiss you in front of anyone but will kiss the back of your hand every once in awhile if you do it first
Pretty forgiving if you forget that she gets shy but would appreciate it if it was an overt gesture in front of the others
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aquanova99 · 3 years ago
How Would the Egyptian Coven React to You Asleep and Cuddling a pillow instead of Them?
I remember this one I swear but my dumb self accidentally deleted it after answering the wrong question 😓
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Anyways…. This was a cute ask I hope you like it!
This was your first night at your new home with the Egyptian coven and you were exhausted. You hadn’t even realized that you were falling asleep. Your body instinctively curling and wrapping around a body pillow you’ve had for awhile. Amun comes in to check in on you to see how your acclimating. When he sees you asleep like that his first instinct is to leave and let you sleep, but then he finds himself not being able move.
After a little while he gently, very gently begins to rub your arm and shoulder. He isn’t proud of what he’s doing but if you’re going to cuddle anything it’s going to be him. You rouse around still half asleep.
“Hmm.” Amun is not about to admit he needs affection so he quickly starts to backpedal.
“Oh sorry my dear. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You half moan and turn over towards him. Your tired smile lightens something in him and he begins to brush the hair out of your face. He doesn’t miss the opportunity to slide in next to you. You nuzzle you face into his neck quickly trading the pillow for him. He kisses your forehead and you lift your head up as much as you can and pout to get him to kiss you.
“I thought you were sleeping.” He tells you
“Hmm, I would say I have my whole life to do that but that’s not entirely true is it?”
Amun chuckles under his breath, “definitely not.”
“Well I can still stay up and keep kissing you though,”
Amun smiled that you would spend your time trying to be awake just to spend time with him. He kisses your forehead again and start holding you tighter. It doesn’t take long for sleep to start taking over though, which is fine Amun doesn’t move and he makes sure to cuddle you the rest of the night.
She’s wasn’t sure what she was expecting when you decided to come live with her until your transformation but seeing you snuggling a stuffed animal was not it. Kebi just has not been around humans for awhile, but as she walks in she is melting.
She is definitely very careful makes sure you don’t have any hair on your face. She realizes how long of a trip you’ve made, if you stir…well she’s going to turn into a statue until she knows you’re back asleep. Then, if you have any unpacking left to do she will tidy everything up for you, so you two can spend as much time together when you wake up as possible.
However, she’s done with that rather quickly. And for the first time in centuries she’s fidgety. She wants to wake you up so badly because she has no idea what’s going on with her. She resigns to carefully sitting on the side of the bed, still careful not to wake you. Eventually she gives in a little further and lays next to you.
It’s almost as if you know she’s there and your body subconsciously inches closer to her. Kebi smiles at this small action and positions herself above your head where she gently runs a finger along your temples. Her arms is propped up to hold her head up. She can’t sleep but she enjoys the warmth you exude, and she closes her eyes and stays there the rest of the night.
This one we shall keep nice and simple. No matter when you did this whether it was on the plane back to their home or car or you were just taking a nap, if Benjamin sees you cuddling something that isn’t him he WILL wake you up.
One night he came home late from a hunt and came into your shared room to see you asleep and with your arms around a
“My love, am I not enough for you?”
“Don’t be dramatic Benjamin, I just fell asleep like this.”
He proceeds to pout until you outstretch your arms and cuddle him instead. He’s just too in love with you to not spend every night your human by your side. You can always her him whisper that’s he’s so glad your his right before you fall asleep
Because you were human you and Tia had to take a plane ride back to her home. The others were making the place welcoming for you but you were nervous to be staying with them until you were turned. What if they didn’t like you.
Tia notices how nervous you are and has her hand on you at all times. On the flight home you wrap your arms around one of your comfort stuffed animals. Tia decides to hold you against her and hum you to sleep.
She loves that you cuddle something to sleep she thinks it’s adorable, and as she doesn’t want her body to chill you she likes to let you sleep in peace. For a little while she continues to hun you to sleep but the more comfortable she gets the more she begins to sing, which honestly makes you stay up because her voice is unmatched.
She smiled shyly when you turn over to her and ask her to keep singing and always promises to sing more the best day when the human should be getting some rest. You remind her you won’t always be human and she reassured you that when you’re changed she will sing to you as much as you want.
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