#thunderstorm ask
ask-the-pioneer · 3 months
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it's alright ♫
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Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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dipperscavern · 2 months
your comment abt ice being 6 FUCKING feet and cregan casually has it strapped to his back 😀 hi yes so unfortunately i need him in my soul!! all of him even though i know i can't take all of that. he's so big and burly and fucking divine masculine. is all of the ice in the north melting or am i just wet asf rn 🤨 cregan cregan cregannnn we need to unpack this fact and the size of this fucking man
okay but i’m so serious. when i had that ice thought last night… lord. it took me an extra hour to fall asleep because i kept FUCKING THINKING ARGH. walk with me, anon. and then the entire council is following us LMFAO OK ANYWYAS
ice is, in fact, six feet long. it’s “as wide across a man’s hand”, taller than (an adolescent) robb stark, and almost as tall as ser ilyn pane. ilyn panes exact height is unknown, but since ice is nearly as tall, and ice is 6ft, i’d say ilyn is around 6’2. ice is also valyrian steel, so it’s not heavy heavy, just awkward. but even if it’s not the heaviest thing ever seen, the fact that cregan has that mf strapped across his BACK. is INSANE.
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(i enhanced the pictures so they look a bit strange) it’s positioned to come above his head and looks like it ends at around calf level? i think? also, that’s just tom’s natural height.. not cregans. cregans exact height is (i think) unknown (everyone says over 6ft though), so what that means is we get to decide. SUMMON THE COUNCIL.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
To the fairy twins: are either of you afraid of thunder and or lightning? If so, how do you normally wait out the storms?
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Sun had already experienced a few storms before meeting Moon, so he know what to expect.
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ruegarding · 2 months
hi, quick question, how did you feel about Beryl Grace's character and how she was written?
hi! overall, beryl is another character that falls into the "interesting concept, not elaborated on in canon" category. in pjo, she's not particularly developed bc of her distance to the main character and narrative. in hoo, where she's directly related to a main character, she's flat, zeus is flat, hera is flat, thalia is barely relevant, and jason's entire character suffers from hoo being inconsistent and poorly written, which means anything that, arguably, should be done well doesn't hold up.
in pjo, beryl’s character isn’t very fleshed out, but she’s a side character to a side character, so it's understandable. she's also dead, but when she was introduced the majority of parents we knew abt were alive, so it wasn't too big a deal (this changes drastically w hoo, where there are more dead parents than living ones).
her existence answers a few questions: why doesn't every mortal parents know who their child's godly parent is? bc some of them cannot handle it. why did thalia run away? bc her mother coped w her mental instability by turning to alcoholism. why does thalia want to join the hunters? bc she wants stability. why can't thalia return home? bc her mother's dead. a lazy way out, maybe, but, again, beryl is a side character to a side character. the implied depth of beryl's character, that thalia cared enough to not only check on beryl's well-being after being revived but also feels enough guilt abt leaving that it's used against her soh, does a lot of the heavy lifting.
in hoo, we learn very little abt beryl's character, despite the fact that she is now connected to a main character. in fact, beryl's inclusion in hoo doesn't do much.
is beryl given depth now that she's closer to the narrative? not really. thalia had to raise jason bc beryl was always self-absorbed, so she and jason don't really have a relationship, therefore nothing to explore. and also the implied depth from pjo is removed bc actually thalia stayed bc of jason and doesn't care abt beryl. so, if zeus went back to beryl, had two children w beryl, that would imply that he loves her, right? no. bc why would we take this opportunity to imply that zeus cares abt other ppl and make him a multi-dimensional character. what does it mean that beryl unites two pantheons by having a greek child and a roman child? don't know. rick never explores it. why was jason sold to one direction? bc hera sucks and beryl's self-absorbed. how was jason able to recognize thalia's face despite last seeing her when he was two (or three??)? did hera tell jason abt thalia as he was growing up? was it all part of hera's big plan? don't know. probably. is jason and thalia's relationship an important focus of the series? no. do we explore the ramifications of beryl being a celebrity w children? no. where does jason's idea of what a mother should be ("caring, loving, selflessly protective") come from? not established. probably thalia...? was it necessary that jason's mother was beryl and not literally any other absent parent? no. was jason and hera's relationship explored in hoo, at least? if u settle for "kinda."
i can not overstate how little beryl shows up in hoo.
there's also a separate issue in how her disabilities are handled. like i say often, this is a series abt disability and therefore these things matter. she explicitly has an addiction and is coded w bpd and she and zeus are villainized for both of these things.
compare it w may. may can't give luke what he needs bc of her disability and it's approached w empathy and portrayed as a tragedy. similarly, hermes loves her and helps her how he thinks is best. and despite this, the audience can still empathize w luke's anger bc none of this changes the fact that he did not get what he needed as a child. that's how u write a complex relationship fitting for a main character of a series abt disability.
instead, beryl is written as incredibly shallow and repeatedly described as "unstable." she likes zeus bc he's powerful and he gives her attention. she caught his attention for shallow reasons and she wanted to keep it for shallow reasons. zeus is written like the villain for leaving, bc obviously he's also shallow and only there bc she gives him attention. this entire situation would be a tragedy if it were written w a modicum of care. it was a no-win scenario. he could have stayed forever, he could have made her immortal, and she would still be unstable, be unsatisfied. she put her entire well-being in his hands, and there is no way he can make her happy forever. it's sad! the love could've been there and it wouldn't've fixed anything!
boo sort of tries to add depth to her character and relationship w jason, but, again, it doesn't hold up bc jason doesn't have a relationship w her. for the two (or three??) years he lived w her, she doesn't even raise him. thalia does. jason doesn't see multiple sides of beryl. almost everything he (and the audience) knows abt beryl, he learned from thalia's crash course on why their mother sucked. the only exception is this promise beryl made, that she'd come back for him, except jason's already come to terms w the fact it's a broken promise, that beryl was never coming back for him, before the story begins. rick never establishes any redeeming quality of beryl's, or beryl's influence on jason, so jason's rejection of her doesn't pack any emotional punch bc...what exactly is there to reject? to let go of? why would the audience be attached to her? why would jason be afraid of becoming like her when there's nothing in the narrative to suggest they're similar?
it's not tragic. it's not triumphant. it's lackluster.
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the-mew-crew · 7 months
So now that THAT whole thing is over with, um, anybody wanna check up on girr and hound?
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nick-nelzzzzz · 17 days
Are you scared of storms?
well…yes they're really loud and big and scary so yeah
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tapuhauko · 3 months
@spikemuthtoothfairy asked: [TXT] Hey Hau! Just checking in on you, hope your heart is doing a bit better?
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Ah... The news hadn't reached there, then? Hau fidgets with his bangs briefly, before writing out a reply. [ TEXT > James ] Hey! It's doing better, but... I need to tell you something. Can we call for a bit?
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shimmershy · 13 days
Your art is already so Amasing and Then I Find Your Writing?!?!!
Oh my gods I love it soso much (I’d eat it it’s so good)
Ah wow thank you so much!! I saw you had reblogged those two Undertale fics I have on here and was really happy to see your comments; I'm glad people are still finding them and reading them because they still mean a lot to me. :)
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antlered-prince · 3 months
what’s the weather like in the Courts? Specifically the summer court for potential faesona lore reasons >:]
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Fae realm weather varies just as much as the human realm weather! The only difference is that the Winter Court leans towards colder variations and the Summer Court leans towards warmer.
Of course, you still can't get a sunny day in the Winter Court or a cool night in the Summer Court. But you can get really clear night skies full of auroras and warm thunderstorms in each respectively.
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What's the first thing that comes to mind? GO! >:3
I need a nap
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larz-barz · 3 months
HachiMilo thunderstorm cuddles :3
Not so scary with you around
Warning(s)/info: Thunderstorms, crying, Mikitama is scared, Hachikazu is @pinkwisteria’s oc :D (updated to have Milo’s new name:3)
Tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince101 @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph
Mikitama is eagerly and anxiously awaiting Hachikazu’s return from his mission.
He’s trying his best to hurry back because of the dark clouds that are covering the sky.
He frowns and speeds up his pace when he hears the low grumble of thunder off in the distance.
“Hang on, Mika, I’m almost there…” He mumbles to himself and takes a deep breath then runs as fast as he can (which is very fast due to him being a demon).
Hachikazu arrives at his and Mikitama’s house after a few more seconds then he carefully opens the door as it thunders loudly and starts raining heavily.
“Mika?” He calls out to let her know it’s him and to make sure that she’s okay as he looks around the room.
“I-I-I’m r-right here….” Her shaky and broken voice reaches his ears, from the right, and his gaze goes to her tiny, trembling form, curled up in the corner, crying.
Hachi’s eyes widen and he carefully moves towards her then he gently lifts her into his lap. “Shhh… It’s okay, angel… I’m here now…” He whispers gently in her ear and tightens his arms around her when she flinches from a loud crack of thunder.
He starts rocking her back and forth and pressing kisses to her forehead as he holds her tightly in his gentle embrace.
“Shh.. shh… I’ve got you, little angel… You’re always safe when I’m around…. I’ll always protect you no matter what… You mean the world to me, and I’ll do absolutely anything to protect you and keep you safe…” He whispers comfortingly as he rocks her back and forth.
Mikitama relaxes in his arms as he whispers comforting words to her, eventually falling asleep.
“Thank you, Hachi… I love you…” Mikitama mumbles in her sleep and Hachi smiles softly and presses a kiss on top of her head.
“I love you too, Mikita…” He whispers as he gently brushes Mikitama’s silky, white hair away from her face.
Mikitama feels so relaxed and comfortable as she sleeps in his arms.
The storm is not so scary with him around…
~the end~
i hope you like it🥺💕💕
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roxygen22 · 5 months
Timothee having a nightmare during a thunderstorm and wakes up in a panic needing all the cuddles. 🥺 plz?
Hope a Timmy character is ok - I've been wanting to try my hand at a Lee fic.
When I say "vocal panting," think of Paul's noises after he was stabbed in Dune 2.
C/W: Reference to past abuse
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The weather man on the radio said a severe storm was coming as you and Lee pulled into the state park that would be your home for the night. The wind was already picking up by the time you made your way to your campsite, so you both decided to sleep in the truck instead of the tent.
After a long day of traveling, the two of you were easily lulled to sleep by the gentle rain pattering on the windshield and the thunder that rumbled in the distance. Lee slept upright in the driver's seat, his curly red hair acting as a pillow against the window. Your position mirrored his on the passenger side, aside from your feet curled up in the seat.
A sudden clap of thunder shook the truck's windows and wrenched you from your slumber. You jerked upright as your heart raced and looked around to get your bearings. Beside you, you heard Lee's vocal panting. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, trembling and wide-eyed like a cornered animal. He turned his eyes toward you but remained unfocused as he tried to get away from some invisible phantom.
"Lee, love, look at me. Focus on me." You gripped his face between your hands and rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs.
"[Y/N]? Wha- where?" He blinked owlishly as he looked around.
"You are here with me in the truck. Where were you?" you replied softly, assuming the thunder pulled him from a nightmare.
"I was in the b-barn back home. M-my father w-was coming after me," Lee explained between rapid breaths.
You rested your forehead on his. "You're okay. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. Breathe with me, okay?" You took in a deep breath through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth, exaggerating to encourage him to emulate you. He copied you and slowly calmed down.
"Thank you," he said sheepishly.
You kissed the tip of his nose. "Come here." You leaned back against the passenger door and opened your arms to invite him over. He shuffled over and laid against you as your legs and arms cocooned him in a safe embrace. You rested your cheek on the top of his head and held him like that until morning.
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andrew reminds me of morticia addams. no, i will not elaborate.
goth, hot, fully invested in his family and made to be courted? yeah, i agree
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the-mew-crew · 7 months
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(I got some help for this update! Here's all the wonderful people who helped work on this!)
Panel 1 - @mewtales Panel 2 - @ask-lu-two-and-mew Panel 3 & 4 - @pokemon-ash-aus Panel 5 - @mewtwoevolution Panel 6 - Me! Panel 7 & 8 - @blues-sues
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24-guy · 5 months
Richie and Max cuddles... maybe Max is afraid of thunderstorms
You have. No idea how much I loved drawing this. Also. [Projects onto Max. Ill explain in the tags.]
If I could be bothered, I would make a flashing lightning version. But I don’t have that energy. :)
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Edit: oh god the crunch. Click it for better viewing...
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